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UAL 180 Credit Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology

Assignment Brief Template:

Assignment Title

Final Major Project: 500 Word Project Proposal

Unit No & Title

Unit 13 Extended Project in Creative Media Production



This unit requires you to produce a written project proposal of about 500 words. The proposal should
address the following:
Provide a brief review of your progress and achievement to date, prior to starting UNIT 13. Consider
skills acquired, working methods, achievements and general / specific progress in aspects of
theory and practical.
Prior to starting U13, I have taken on a number of skills. The UAL working method allows me to find
what works best for me- I have also been continuing to work on my research diary, which I will also
continue during the production of my film, in terms of how my research of certain practitioners is
helping me out when it come to the editing of my film, such as colour grading when the time comes,
taking inspiration from Bertie Gilbert and Wes Anderson, as well as keeping up to date with my
production diary, filling in what I have been doing each day. As far as researching is concerned, I have
also taken on a lot of primary research in terms of conducting surveys using surveymonkey, which has
allowed me to learn a lot more about my target audience, and the advice people would give to the
version of themselves from 5 years ago.
I have really worked on my script so far, and this was helped along by pitching to a panel, as it gave
me a boost that my idea was ok to go-ahead with, as well as helped me out with having a bit more
confidence to push my project as a whole. Script-wise I have written a number of drafts which will be
annotated on my blog showing changes,
As well as this, I have also made serious progress with initial ideas, as well as what influenced them,
not just the ideas themselves. This has also lead to a lot more research that I can take into my finalised
idea choice, such as researching Wes Andersons use of colour, the carefree teenage feeling that so
many songs bring, and the behind the scenes meanings that Skins holds.
What is your project concept and rationale?
My project, titled Many Many Mountains is a short coming of age piece, all about how growing up
is terrifying and horrible, but we cannot avoid it, so you may as well keep your head held high and go
in swinging. The main theme within this short is change-wanting to break out from where you are now,
and stepping into the light. This is told by a teenager who is clearly struggling to grow up, primarily
taking place within a fortress made out of cardboard boxes and fairy lights, sat in pyjamas and a crown.
This is to reflect the nostalgic element I want my film to carry, being heavily inspired by the likes of
Where The Wild Things Are and The Kings Of Summer. The story will follow a loose narrative, which
will begin with a teenager sat alone in pyjamas in a cardboard box fort, beginning a monologue about
how theyre done with where they currently are now. As the monologue continues, shots from various
locations kick in as its explained how everything may be a little scary and rubbish now, but its all
going to be a-ok, kid.
How will your project be evaluated and reviewed?

For this project, my main aim is to create a film which represents all I have learned in these past two
years, and how Ive added my own style to them. This is not only to prove to myself / the exam board,
but also future employers, as I hope this piece will be added to my showreel, as well as film festivals.
In terms of demographics, the audience who I believe will appreciate my project the most is set as
anybody aged between 17-22, who is currently experiencing changes that theyre just a little terrified
of, and dont quite know what to do. Also those who have keen interests in coming-of-age art, spoken
word such as that of Neil Hilborn, or artwork by the likes of Dallas Clayton, Rob Ryan, or Sophie
Barbasch. I also plan on promoting my work on the likes of Twitter and Tumblr, as from a survey I
conducted, these sites are where the majority of my target audience are based- the sites where you
choose who you follow. As well as this, I plan on screening the final cut of my film to a number of other
students in my class, as they fit into my target audience bracket, as well as will be the best people to
get immediate, concise reviews from.
In addition provide: A timetabled action plan
In terms of scheduling, I plan on continuing my research for unit 12 all the way through to the
deadline, as theres a certain amount of research that needs to be carried on to show progress, such as
colour grading and other editing techniques. The final project deadline is Monday 20th June at 9:00,
so I have up until this point to keep my research up to date. Alongside this, I will continue with my
production diary until the deadline, giving a detailed insight into what Im doing each day as far as
production, editing, and everything else which will bring my project together is concerned.
If all goes according to plan, I will be shooting my project on the 17th and 18th of June in the college
studio, as well as potentially filming a few clips when Im in London on the 30th/31st of April.
From here, I will then begin editing my film, I think with a trailer to begin with in order to gain initial
feedback by posting to social media, before beginning the real edit of my film, which I hope to have
completed about a week before the deadline, giving me enough time to promote and gain enough
feedback from social media, and screening within college, as well as make sure all written work is
completed to the highest standard it can be.
In addition provide: A bibliography detailing all research sources.
Research source wise, I plan on conducting my research from various sources, not just googling topics
and hoping for a good answer. For this project were fortunate enough to be able to use the University
of Cumbrias library facilities at Brampton Road, which I plan on making the most out of, and
furthering my knowledge when it comes to various artists, as well as historical journals which date
back to the 1960s.
As well as using books and journals as reference points, I also plan on using the internet for a portion
of my research, however not just plain ol Wikipedia sites, rather independent reviews and essays, as
well as furthering my historical research in terms of the history of coming-of-age as a genre, as this
information will date further back than the journals I have access to could. A portion of my research in
terms of primary target audience will come from a survey, which I will conduct using the site
surveymonkey, which will allow me to pose questions to my target audience via social media, primarily
Twitter and Tumblr. The responses will then be collected and analysed individually.
I plan on also contacting an influential practitioner, and asking them a few questions which will
hopefully help to further my knowledge and work. This will be done via email I imagine, and will allow
me to further my research into a particular artist, by hopefully being able to ask them what makes ___
great, and what has inspired them, as well as leaning a bit more about the art form they practice as a
whole too.

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