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All races and legitimate cultures should be respected and revered.

It has nothin
g to do with individuals if you are talking about the primary race and culture o
f any country. Any country that does not primarily protect its own natural race
and culture will in time lose its culture and become something it never was and
probably never will be again. Many citizens of the United States are trying to p
revent this from happening, while they now see it beginning to happen in many co
untries of Europe. At the same time there are many people who will say it has la
rgely been brought on by the foreign policy of both the US and Western European
governments for now over half a century. One of the impediments to the possibili
ty of a small but powerful group to gain rule over all of humanity is if most al
l of humanity is separately united and naturally identifiable, while at the same
time proud and defiant of having their race and culture altered or possibly des
troyed....most will valiantly defend their country and their culture if at all p
ossible preventing rule by strangers. They are being demonized as bigots, racist
s, fearful of change....or accused of being paranoid of some active conspiracy t
rying to force all countries into a one world government. The true bullies are g
overnment that insist and attempt to force 'political correctness' on everybody.
Exactly what is 'political correctness'?? A dictatorship

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