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Dialogo en ingles

A: Good morning
B: Hello
A: Yes, may I help you?
B: I want to register in the Volleyball Club
A: All right. What's your name?
B: My name is...
A: How old are you?
B: I am twenty years old
A: What's your address?
B: My address is Eighth Street and Third Avenue, house number two.
A: What's your telephone number?
B: My telephone number is Six Eight One Two Three One Five Six
A: Ok, the club starts on Monday
B: Thank you, see you on Monday.

A: Buenos das
B: Hola
A: Si, Puedo ayudarlo?
B: Quiero registrarme en el Club de Voleibol
A: Muy bien. Cul es tu nombre?
B: Mi nombre es...
A: Cuntos aos tienes?
B: Tengo 20 aos
A: Cul es tu direccin?
B: Mi direccin es octava calle y la tercera avenida, casa # 2
A: Cul es tu nmero telefnico?
B: Mi nmero de telfono es 63128156
A: Ok, el Club empieza el lunes
B: Gracias, nos vemos el lunes

A: Good morning
A: Yes, may I help you?
A: All right. What's your name?
A: How old are you?
A: What's your address?
A: What's your telephone number?
A: Ok, the club starts on Monday

B: Hello
B: I want to register in the Volleyball Club
B: My name is...
B: I am twenty years old
B: My address is Eighth Street and Third Avenue, house number two.
B: My telephone number is Six Eight One Two Three One Five Six
B: Thank you, see you on Monday.

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