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Morning Mobility

Roll-Over into V-Sit x10

Elbow to In-step+Hamstring x10/side
Quadruped Circles Fwd/Bwd x10e/side
Cossack Squats x10/side
Quad Stretch x10/side
Hip Flexor x10/side
Couch Stretch 3s Hold x10/side
Wall Ankle Mobz x10/side
In Workout
Banded SL Squat 3x10/side
Full Static Post Workout
Banded Hip Flexor 2min/side
Banded OLY Wall Squat 2min
Couch Stretch 2min/side
**Contract Relax**

Supernova Roll Hip External Rotators

Supernova Roll Hip Flexors
Quad Smash Roller
Lax Ball Behind Knee Kick-Outs
High Hammy Supernova Spin and Grind
Lax Ball Glute
Banded OLY Wall Squat x 2min
Banded SL Squats x10e
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 2min/side
Couch Stretch x 2min/side
Ankle Dorsiflexion x 2min/side


Hip Series
Hip Flexor w/ Banded Distraction Contract 10s/Relax 5s -1min
Kneeling Adductor w/ Side Distraction Contract Relax -1min
Kneeling One Leg Back w/ BWD Distraction Scouring-10 F/B, 10/Sdwy
Kneeling External Rotation BWD Distraction Scouring-10 F/B, 10 Sdwy
Kneeling Internal Rotation BWD Distraction Scouring-10F/B, 10 Sdwy
Kneeling Cossack w/ BWD Distraction Contract Relax -1min

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