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TjTs d+|T eTT

(sJ|&, |q yTq ~)
| q 2:18`29
1. ~ $T*q d+| \H |< s + : m|d T 7, dTs
4, |s eZ TT 6 e#H\T. TjTs 12 e#H\T HsTT.
2. #] H|< +: |D + q dj |&e Ts eTTdj ,
*&j d]V<T +~. ~ |s eZ TTq sT> +#T$T+#T
40yT <s++~. ~ | &T $T* |d~ q |wj ,
V| nH |sT |\e&~. .|P. 300 n>+&sY sE
B k|+ #&T. ~ ed<j >=| d+|< *q,
b]X$T |D +. ~ |\ e+yT q jT &
q+<Tq ybs nqTL\yTq d\+. & jT<T\T
nHe T+~ HsT. & |\T $>V |P\T, Cs eTT,
]+#Tysq +<Tq, ds<e jTTjTT, nb <e jTT
|]X<| se TH |sT b+~+~. |D |dT |sT nksY.
|dT + |D + dTesT 25,000eT+~ |> edTH sT.
TjTs es d++<yTq jTjTq |+>
|sT>+q~. |D |\T #|qT\ $T* |d~ H =+<sT
(\T|, n<+ yjT+, , q\T, H|, V|,
eT]|, ek\T j sT #jT &+, s=f\ T \&+). M]
jTjTqT Xe ++> +&$. jTjTH &T duT &T
b y <>+ <=s< T .
d e q deTd @$T+f.| jTjTH y] k+
s< <e, $+<T\T, dH d++~+q |+&T>\T n+<T
+ y&T\T #s&sTT. jTjTH MT{+>
k<sD+> $>V \ *sTTq y{ q&+qT, n$
L& +{sTT. s+&e Xu e#d] de\T
jTjTq #s L &< nH eT+~ d e HjT\T #| &+
bs+_+#sT. |q >+<+ yd deTj de\T
d+<+ |& de TeTTHsT. B de<qyT s + .
3. d + | T k | q : \~j | D | s d T s \T
(nb..16:13`40). b\T s+&e $Twq |jD+ (@&
50`51) d+ yTT yTT< dT q T n+^]+q d. yT
<s d+|T k|q ]+<H n_bjT+ +~.
4. TjTs d+|T\eTT <* d+|T b*:
.X.590`1517 d+ yTT<{ >>] b|> s>H se d+|T eTT
jTT |u eeTT, n~seTT $TMT]bsTT, <s $>V |P,
eT&qeT\T, nCq+ |*bsTT, d+|TeT+ b|
eXeTsTT+~. B N{ jTT>eTT n+{sT. nsTTH =+<sT
b|qT, se d+|T d<+\qT |<T .
AD 607 Boniface III made first Universal Pope
AD 709 Kissing the Popes foot
AD 786 Worshiping of images and relics
AD 850 Use of holy water begun

AD 995 Canonization of dead saints

AD 1079 Celibacy of the priesthood
AD 1090 Prayer beads
AD 1184 The Inquisition
AD 1190 Sale of Indulgences
AD 1215 Transubstantiation
AD 1220 Adoration of the wafer (Host)
AD 1229 Bible forbidden to laymen
AD 1414 Cup forbidden to laymen
AD 1439 Doctrine of purgatory decreed
AD 1439 Doctrine of seven sacraments affirmed
AD 1508 The Ave Maria approved
AD 1534 Jesuit order founded
AD 1545 Tradition granted equal authority with Bible
AD 1546 Apocryphal books put into Bible
AD 1854 Immaculate Conception of Mary
AD 1864 Syllabus of Errors proclaimed
AD 1870 Infallibility of Pope declared
AD 1930 Public schools condemned
AD 1950 Assumption of the Virgin Mary
AD 1965 - Mary proclaimed Mother of the Church

#]+ #*q | X \T:

1. TjTs d+|T+qT >] <e&T yT#Tq, |{q
$wj \T @$T{?
2. nC\ e+{ qT\TqT n|s+ b*q b<eTT\TqT>\
<e esT&T B ue+, ~ < ddT+ ~?
3. jTCu\ T mesT? < \D \T @$T{? jTCu\ T d+|
m |u $+ #d+ ~? e 20 ( 1 sE 16:28 ` 19:21
21:1`29 2 sE 9:22:37)
4. TjTs d+| ydq K <e>TD \D \T @$T{?
(sTT]j 17:9,10)
5. b|+ | <e |d+<q, V#], ||\ + @$T{? e
6. qeT+> q q |\\ <e&d T q ws T , y>q+ @$T{?
e 24`27
7. y e #T mesT? y e #T e&+ n+f @$T{?
8. eTq <e w+ $wj m sJ|&T THeTT?
n> d+|T +/jT|t L&....
9. HqT e#Tes MT *q < >{> |T=qT& ` ~
$Xd n |]d T k< yTH?
10.eTq+ |u $+ #dT H e? + # |u $+

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