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ARLEN SPECTER I wrote the Terrorist Prosecution Act, which provides for crim- inal trials in U.S. Courts for anyone who assaults, maims or murders a U.S. citizen anywhere in the world. I also wrote the Armed Career Criminal Act, which provides for mandatory sentences of 15 years to life for those convicted of three major crimes who are then caught in possession of a firearm, Former Attomey General William Barr called the Act “one of the most effective tools we have in combating violent crime in the country, Increasing medical research into Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other serious diseases is another way we can protect our citizens. Tam proud to have led the fight to more than double funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in my role as Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor- Health & Human Services. The critical medical research that NIH funds will prolong and save thousands of lives. It also REPUBLICAN Ceol t VX SENATOR The fundamental purpose of government is to protect its citizens — that's why | have focused on helping President Bush in his efforts to fight global terrorism. creates good paying jobs at many hospitals and medical research institutions in Pennsylvania, In my next term, my goals are to continue to give the country the tools it needs to combat global terrorism; continue to increase NIH funding; expand the nation’s infrastructure on major projects such as Hi-Speed Rail (MAGLEV), and secure for Pennsylvania an equitable distribution of appropriations, My campaign will also stress my long-time support for the line item veto, the Balanced Budget Amendment, the death penalty, a strong national defense including missile defense, abstinence-education programs, welfare reform and opposing eligious persecution. I look forward to earni as Thave in the past, CLOUT CONVICTION

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