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Most broad spectrum anti epileptic drug :- valproate

For partial seizure:1st DOC:- carbamazepine

2nd DOC:- valproate
For generalized seizure:1st DOC:- valproate
2nd DOC:- lamotrizine
For abscence seizure:1st DOC:- ethosuxinamide
2nd DOC:- valproate
For myoclonic seizure:1st DOC:- valproate
2nd DOC:- clonazepam
For alcoholic or malnourished:- first thiamin 100mg/150mg then 50ml 50% dextrose
. First thiamin to prevent wernickes korsakoff psychosis.
Lorazepam --fosphenytoin---phenobarbital ( barbiturates)----General anesthetic(
by thiopental or propofol).
Status epilepticus >20 minutes must go for general anesthesia to prevent death a
nd permanent brain damage.

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