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Topic: The differences between Madrid and Seoul.

I. Introduction (Paragraph1)
A. Hook:
Have you ever been to Madrid or Seoul for a visit or to live?
B. Connecting information:
If you have not visited these countries, there is no need to panic because in this essay we are
going to discuss and view the differences between these two metropolitan cities.
C. Thesis statement:
The main differences between the two cities include language and lifestyle. Furthermore, cost
of living between the two capitals is quite opposite.

II. Body
A. Paragraph 2 (first point of comparison) topic sentence: The first difference between the
two cities is language.
A. Spanish is the official language of the city.
B. Catalan or other regional languages are also spoken.
C. English could be understood.
2. Seoul.
A. Korean is the official language of the city.
B. Few minorities languages including Chinese, English, and Vietnamese are spoken in the
C. English could not be fairly understood

Kim 2

Paragraph 3 (second point of comparison) topic sentence: The second difference between the
two cities is lifestyle.

1. Madrid
A. Days usually start late and finish late in the morning
B. Life in Madrid is much more relaxed compared to Seoul.
C. Breaks during the days are longer
2. Seoul
A. Days normally begin early and finish in the night.
B. Life in Seoul is much busier compared to Madrid.
C. Breaks during the days are shorter.

Paragraph 4 (third point of comparison )topic sentence: The third difference between the two
cities is cost of living.

1. Madrid
A. Relatively cheap compared to Seoul.
B. Food is much cheaper but electronical devices are about the same as Seoul.
C. Apartments and houses are cheaper.
2. Seoul
A. Much more expensive compared to Madrid.
B. Food is more expensive.
C. Apartments and houses are more expensive.

Conclusion (Paragraph 5)

Kim 3

Restated thesis: The differences between the two cities are languages, different lifestyles, and
cost of living.

Suggestion, opinion, or prediction: If someone wants to work hard and earn a living I would
recommend Seoul. However, If one wishes to live a more relaxed life and enjoy touristic sites
then he or she should live in Madrid.

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