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Social theories on medical field

The different sociological thinkers analyses the medical field based on different
assumptions, gender, society and its strata and Govt. The different assumptions
limited themselves by describing the health sector from different angles and
enriching the new field medical sociology. Parsons sick role seen as functional and
non-problematic for society. Goffmans labelling theory contributes to medical
sociology and its significance over cultures. The interactionists also scrutinized
medical providers. The social constructionists argued that disease are political
accomplishments and all medical facts are socially created for social relations.
Materialism reviewed certain segments of the health labour force from Marxist angle
and opened new area for discussion. The feminist approach to medical sociology
took the cause of women both as a provider and recipients of care in a patriarchal
society to a new height. The post-colonialism propagandists revealed the colonial
influence on the natives health practices while the anti-racial theory reveals the
racial forms for new immigrants to practise their professions. Post Modernism
extends the views of Foucaults on medical sociology.
Medical sector is gender biased when it comes to the case for midwifery and nurses
and easily subject to exploitation compared to their male counterpart. The different
social theories help us to view the different social issues and bring to the forefront.

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