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Aron Cramer
Guerrero, Dan
Regarding Steve Alford: Time for a Change
Saturday, March 05, 2016 8:16:49 AM
Dan Guererro letter March 5 2016.pdf

Dear Mr. Guerrero: I have attached a letter stating my belief that it is high time to make a change
with the basketball program.

From a fan who has been dedicated to Bruin basketball since 1968-69.

Best regards, Aron Cramer

Aron Cramer
President and CEO

88 Kearny Street, 12th floor
San Francisco, CA 94108 USA
T: +1 415 984 3214
My Tweets:
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Mr. Dan Guerrero

Director of Athletics

Dear Mr. Guerrero: I have been a dedicated UCLA basketball and football (especially basketball) fan
since I was six years old (I am now 53). My father and grandfather attended UCLA; my grandfather
helped move the campus to Westwood, and my grandparents were season ticket holds in the 60s and
70s. I attended John Wooden Basketball Camp. I began going to games on my own before I was in high
school, and while I have not lived in LA since 1980, I have traveled to games up and down the west
coast, and in the Northeast when I lived in Boston and New York, one time driving overnight to South
Bend to see a Notre Dame game.
I remain utterly devoted to the Bruins. I am writing because it is utterly clear that Steve Alford is not the
coach for UCLA, and should be dismissed after this season.
There is little doubt that each of the past three teams have underperformed. Lets start with the
numbers. The team was extremely fortunate to get into the tournament last year. This year may end
with a losing record overall, and regardless, has an abysmal Pac-12 record, one that is frankly absurd
given the level of talent on the team. As you know, the teams record against Power 5 conference teams
the past two years is well under .500. Further, the teams record has gotten progressively worse during
Alfords tenure.
Whats more, these teams clearly fail the eye test. After three years of watching all the teams games
(I only miss games when I travel abroad for work), I have absolutely no idea what Alfords coaching
philosophy is, or what any of his teams personality has been. Frankly, without Kyle Anderson and
Norman Powell, each of the last two teams would have been significantly worse than they were, and as I
noted above, it seems obvious to me that they underperformed anyway. Attending the game in
Berkeley last week, it saddened me to no end to see how poor the Bruins effort was: Cal is probably a
better team anyway (and how disappointing is that!) but the Bruins were quite simply outhustled, and
that has been a consistent theme with Alfords teams, especially the last two years. He has clearly failed
to get consistent, high level effort from his players during his time at UCLA.
This is compounded by the free rein the coach has given his son. I actually feel sorry for Bryce. He should
have gone somewhere else where he could have been coached properly, and not subjected to the
nepotism claims that his father has unwisely subjected him to. But I feel worse for all of us, because
having to watch Bryce featured over more complete and dedicated players has totally sucked the air out
of these teams, and has caused a total loss of trust in the coach.
Finally, it also seems clear that Coach Alford is a very poor cultural fit for UCLA. I have no idea what he is
like in private, but he is an awful ambassador for the university (to which my son has applied for 201617). He is defensive and he has failed to convey any sense of excitement or appreciation for being the
steward of one of the most important and accomplished basketball programs at one of the finest public
universities in the world.

I know there are many reasons not to fire him now. But I have learned in business I run a global
business organization with offices in the US, Europe and Asia one tends to regret being too slow to
make necessary changes rather than being too quick.
The current staff has completely wrecked the passion many of us still have for the program. It has been
a very difficult seven years for my cherished team. At least Ben Howland had a record of
accomplishment that argued for patience. Nothing in Steve Alfords career (including the incoming
recruiting class, which will stay with UCLA regardless) gives any indication whatsoever that he will all of a
sudden be the coach that UCLA deserves.
I am writing before the last game of the season, which will determine whether or not the Bruins have a
losing record. I truly hope that your decision does not rest on this one game against a team with a
mediocre record (one that, despite seriously inferior talent, is still better than the Bruins record).
Frankly speaking, one game over or under .500 is meaningless: the season has been a disaster.
You have a great opportunity to make a change that will restore Bruin basketball to a positive trajectory,
and give students and fans reason to believe that something good is again being built at Pauley.
Thank you for your consideration. Go Bruins.

Aron Cramer


Guerrero, Dan
Personal and Confidental for the AD
Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:03:03 AM

Dan..I implore you to keep Coach Alford for at least two years so that the new recruiting class
can develop effectively. Bruin fans are inherently impatient and the whole program suffers in
many ways.

I've been a Bruin basketballfan since the old Pauley opened, through good times and not-sogood times.Don't listen to the chronic complainers who call for your job and Alfords. I
personally don't consider any of that ilk worthy fans..just troublemakers.

Stuart Tower
Ojai (I'm 87 now and rarely get to Westwood anymore since I can only drive much
shorterdaylight distances...but I remain an incurable Bruin fan and never miss a televised
game. Best wishes for a good future in all varsity sports!


Guerrero, Dan
BB Coach
Saturday, March 05, 2016 4:51:48 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
I was a 20 year basketball only season ticket holder and donor until SA was hired. I haven't
had tickets since then.
I know he has a $10mil buyout, but PLEASE it is time for a change. RP would be great.
Charles Willson CPA
(310) 444-2000
FAX (818) 990-2201
15021 Ventura Blvd., Ste 890
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

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may be imposed on the recipient or any other taxpayer, or (ii) in promoting, marketing, or
recommending to another party a partnership or other entity, investment plan, arrangement
or other transaction addressed herein.


Guerrero, Dan
Steve Alford
Saturday, March 05, 2016 5:04:46 PM

Hello Mr. Guerrero

I appreciate the great success you have had as athletic director at our Alma Mater. As a
faculty member, proud alumni and a sports fan I have always taken great pride in our athletic
program, and our record setting Men's Basketball program in particular. I am very trouble by
the current state of this program. This will be only the fourth losing conference season in
over 65 years. The last two coaches who achieved this dubious distinction were let go. The
team has regressed in its ability since the beginning of the season. I am also concerned about
the morale of the team. It appears as if the coach has given free reign to his son, and through
a blind spot has made him the featured player. I believe the caliber of his play does not merit
this position. In summary I strongly urge you to make a change, the head basketball coach
should be let go.
-Gaurav Singhvi MD
Health Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor-Step 2
Department of Medicine/Gastroenterology
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA


Josh Burnam
Alford, Steve; Guerrero, Dan
Please take the Alford and Son show
Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:37:32 PM

And just go.

You probably still don't remember telling me "whatever" when I congratulated you on a big
win your first year. You were an arrogant ass. Turns out you're also a fraud.
Sent from

Mobile Mail


Guerrero, Dan
You are awful
Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:38:44 PM

POS absentee disgrace, resign you filthy bastard

Sent from my iPhone


Gilberto Limon
Guerrero, Dan
fire the three Alfords, all three of them
Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:53:28 PM

Come on, Danny, get it done.


Raber, Steve
Rebholz, Joshua
Guerrero, Dan
Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:53:47 PM

Dear Josh,
I hope you're doing well. I'm writing about the basketball program. I started watching games in 1966, including the
late night replays called by Dick Enberg.
What is happening now is a disgrace to the program. We are at rock bottom. I understand that there may be
perceived obstacles to changing course, including a terrific incoming recruiting class. One thing I have learned in
my professional life, however, is the importance of cutting losses when things are headed in the wrong direction.
When Coach Alford was hired, I received a call from a prominent alum from Iowa, telling me that we would regret
the hire. I said I was willing to give him a chance. But Coach Alford has done nothing to convince me that he will
suddenly turn into a good coach. To the contrary, he comes across as an arrogant, mediocre coach who will never
be a good ambassador for the program.
The time for a change is now. I'm a Wooden Fund member, but not a big donor. Nevertheless, I plan to support
only Derek and the golf team, and not to renew my Wooden Fund membership, as long as Alford is the coach. I
just can't support this kind of mess. I would contribute toward a buy-out.
Most importantly, my love for UCLA basketball is slipping away. I'm falling toward indifference about the
program. The thought of that makes me sad.
Best regards,
Steve Raber
Bruin18 Founder
Varsity Club
Class of 1982

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Gilberto Limon
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan
Alford is ruining our program
Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:56:01 PM

Three years is enough. His sweet sixteens the last two years were done
with Howland's players. With the exception of Parker, these were his
players this year. He can't coach.


Gilberto Limon
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan
the Ball brothers from Chino Hills
Saturday, March 05, 2016 7:24:09 PM

Lonzo is legally committed to UCLA for next year, and his younger are
verbally committed. However, if Aford is still here, the younger
brothers may end up going to the dreaded trojans. Wake up and fire


Andrew Marroquin
Guerrero, Dan
Saturday, March 05, 2016 9:01:35 PM

Sent from

Mail on Android


Andrew Marroquin
Guerrero, Dan
Saturday, March 05, 2016 9:15:54 PM

Enough is enough Dan.

Sent from

Mail on Android


Andrew Marroquin
Guerrero, Dan
Dropped my season tix
Saturday, March 05, 2016 9:17:01 PM

Until Alford is gone.

Sent from

Mail on Android


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Our brand is dying. What do you gain by keeping Alford another year?
Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:50:01 PM

We look so pathetic to the rest of the country.

The most historic stadium in college basketball can't sell out for games. We haven't been
mentioned in the same breath as other blue bloods since 2008. Our brand is dead.
Who cares about the recruiting class if Coach Alford is just going to squander them for the
sake of showcasing his son? He ran off Zach Lavine, he's going to run off Aaron Holiday and
Prince Ali. He's ruining UCLA basketball and it's so painful to watch.
Please seriously consider the trade-off of keeping him an extra season. Don't tout all of
UCLA's national championships, if in reality you're happy with backing into Sweet Sixteens
and 10th place Pac12 finishes.


Todd Turner
Guerrero, Dan
Sunday, March 06, 2016 4:41:45 AM


It seems like there is a lot of unrest among the Crazies about the basketball program. I can't help but
read the ridiculous speculation. Sorry that you have to endure their rants. Just the same, if you end
up in a bad spot with Coach Alford and need some help, know that we are here and can help you. I
say we because I work with Coach Dave Odom on my basketball coaching searches. You will know
Dave as the former ACC and National Coach of the Year at Wake Forest, director of the Maui Classic,
and regular TV commentator. He's the very best...knows the coaching fraternity like a book. We
are a great team.

Hope this note can go in the round file and that you and your coach weather the storm. It, too, will
pass...a few season ending wins will certainly help. Best of luck.


President & Founder

3185 Seven Lakes West . West End, NC 27376

(c) 910-722-4222 (o)


Marvin Figueroa
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Fire Steve Alford
Sunday, March 06, 2016 9:28:01 AM

I have been a diehard supporter of UCLA Athletics for over 15 years. I have purchased event tickets for myself,
including friends and family, to Football, Basketball, Baseball and Volleyball--at home and away. That is why I
regret to inform you that I will no longer be attending any UCLA Athletic events until Steve Alford is removed as
Head Coach of the basketball program I once loved.
It doesn't take an expert analyst to recognize that the university with more National Championships than any other
university has spiraled downward since his arrival.
Being swept by our crosstown rival is embarrassing and unacceptable. Moving forward, I will not be supporting
UCLA basketball, even through television, until a change is made.
Go Bruins!
Marvin Figueroa '03
Sent from 01101001100100100111


Jaime Goldfarb
Rebholz, Joshua
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Re: Now is the Time for a Change for our Basketball Program
Sunday, March 06, 2016 1:16:05 PM

While I appreciate the response the reality is that if the direction continues as is you no longer have my support. In
my opinion the current performance, and the direction of the program cannot be viewed as anywhere close to
acceptable. And I find it unfathomable that the leaders of our institution could possibly hold that position.
It pains me to say this but if a change isn't made I can no longer support the program. Although I'm sure it makes
little difference in your view, but this means no more contributions, no season tickets (yes, this was in my future),
no purchase of UCLA merchandise and no longer subscribing to the PAC 12 Network. I can't get over that I seem
to care more about our basketball program than those in charge if it.
Jaime Goldfarb
Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D.
Goldfarb Educational Consulting

> On Mar 6, 2016, at 7:15 AM, Rebholz, Joshua <> wrote:

> Jamie,
> Thank you. We appreciate and respect your feedback and thank you for your support.
> JR
>> On Mar 3, 2016, at 2:34 PM, Jaime Goldfarb <jaimegoldfarb1@
> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Rebholz,
>> I'm reaching out to you to communicate my serious concerns about the current status, and potential future of our
basketball program. As an entrenched Bruin (I received each of my BA, MA and Ph.D from UCLA) my passion
for the program the program runs deep. Until recently I had never missed viewing a game, either in person or
electronically, and basically lived and died with our wins and losses. I also was a regular contributor to the
Wooden fund; but the recent direction of the program under coach Alford has destroyed that passion and I'm at the
point of not watching any games (nor contributing to the fund) as I find them too painful to watch. It isn't only the
quality of play, but the lack of focus, effort and skills fundamentals that makes watching intolerable. And if we
were in years 1 or 2 of the current coaching staff I perhaps might be more lenient in my appraisal, but I see no
positives in the foundation that has been laid, and the trajectory of the program has been precipitously downward.
>> I believe we are at a critical juncture, and the time is now to make a change and begin moving the program to
where it has historically resided. I implore you to make the change now as I believe a continuation of this trajectory
will only make the path to recovery more difficult.
>> Regards, Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D. (Class of 1989)
>> Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D.
>> CEO
>> Goldfarb Educational Consulting



Gilberto Limon
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan
UCLA basketball
Sunday, March 06, 2016 1:52:15 PM

UCLA's worst conference finish in



Steve Keefer
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Sunday, March 06, 2016 4:24:46 PM

Josh and Dan,

I have met both of you, but Im sure neither of you remembers. However, I am a longtime Bruin basketball and
football season ticket holder and donate to the WAF at the Bruins Legend level, in addition to donating as a
member of the Chancellors Associates, and other donations to the football and basketball program. I also attend
away games in both sports annually.
I know it is a difficult decision to deal with coaching changes, and that decision is clearly yours to make. I just
wanted to let you know that it has been a very difficult season and I, as well as many others, are struggling to make
the decision to renew for next year. Basketball season tickets, especially, are a very expensive proposition. The
product on the floor has not been worth the money, or the time it takes to attend the games when coming from
Orange County.
I wish you the best.
Go Bruins,
Steve Keefer


lee hough
Guerrero, Dan
This is not UCLA basketball
Sunday, March 06, 2016 10:05:48 PM

Sent from my iPhone dear Mr. Guerrero, I have been a faithful UCLA Bruin fan for 43 years and I've never seen the
team play like individuals and countless times out of position.another thing When A good playerk comes to UCLA
and coach Alford doesn't know how to coach him or know how to get the best out of that individual player such as
Zach Levine and Kavon looney. This team has a lot more talent than what being shown and that blame rest on the
head coach not having them ready to play. Maybe Luke Walton would do it he seems like a really good teacher.
Please, we deserve so much better


Keith Joe
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Mens Basketball
Sunday, March 06, 2016 10:11:53 PM

Dear Mr Guerrero
As a tremendously proud UCLA Alumni, Class of 1996 I am to put it lightly very alarmed
at the state of Mens Basketball. In particular, the ability of Coach Steve Alford to guide what
in many opinions is one of the most historically proud programs in the NCAA. A program
that as of the last 10 years has taken a continued nose dive in not only the rankings, but the
opinions of those within the UCLA community and those on the outside. How is it that one
of our greatest players, Bill Walton, has not only not pushed his own son to attend his alma
mater but instead the U of Arizona. And most recently, gave a pre-game pep talk to our
opponent prior to us playing. Additionally, another of the pillars of UCLA basketball Kareem
Abdul Jabar mentioned that our team completely lacks any sense of fundamentals. He
remarked how we demonstrate an inability to run a fast break.
I had the great pleasure of attending UCLA when we last won a National Championship in
Mens Basketball. To see what has become of that same program now is remarkably
troubling. You have a head coach with exceedingly dubious morale character. And
notwithstanding that issue which has been glossed over by the administration. There is
clearly some issue of nepotism as well with the way he plays his own son Bryce to the
detriment of the team.
There is a clear lack of motivation of this team. The same team that was able to go out and
beat the University of Kentucky and Gonzaga has since then been unable to beat numerous
less talented teams and now is undoubtedly going to miss the tournament. This is on the
coach without question. There is something seriously wrong with the program and bringing
in talented players next season will not solve it. I am not a fan of letting go of coaches with
guaranteed salaries but in this instance there is not doubt in my mind that he will not be able
to guide this program to the standards of John Wooden.
LTC Keith Joe, USAF, MD
Class of 1996


Cornelius Fong
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Men"s Basketball
Sunday, March 06, 2016 10:37:31 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero:

I am sure you have received many emails from unhappy season ticket holders regarding the
state of our men's basketball program. As a loyal donor for over 20 years (currently at
Coaches Roundtable level), I have seen the program go through good and bad times. The
current state of the program is an all-time low with the lack of coaching and leadership.
Friends who I share my season tickets have already indicated to me that they will not renew
next season if Coach Alford is still leading the team. Although I have submitted my renewal
request for the 2016-17 season, I am seriously considering cancelling the renewal.
Waiting another year will only push the program into a deeper hole that will be even more
difficult to recover from. Your prompt and decisive action is needed to save our program.
Cornelius Fong


Mike Teverbaugh
Guerrero, Dan
Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:15:45 PM

With so many of the best talents in college basketball opting for a very brief one-and-done career, a coach must
possess extraordinary recruiting skills and a fluid basketball mind able to quickly blend the abilities of young
athletes. It must be clear to you at this point that Steve Alford is lacking on both counts. As a UCLA alum (class of
'79) I beg you to ditch Alford and immediately begin the search for his replacement. UCLA basketball is special. It
should be the finest athletic program, not just at UCLA but in the nation.
Sent from my iPad


Dorie Iwata
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Please fire Steve Alford now!
Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:48:39 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

This is my second email to you in 2 weeks. I cant recall writing to the athletic department in my 45 years of being a
Bruin but watching the fine tradition of UCLA Basketball destroyed this season has made this imperative. I refuse
watching UCLA games on TV much less going to Pauley. The thought of either is tortuous. I experience palpable
pain just reading about the teams mounting losses. This must stop! Steve Alford in his three agonizing years has
made us the laughing stock of the NCAA. Only you can stop the pain, we..all UCLA fans feel. Please show Mr.
Alford and his son the door asap.
Dorie Iwata
Class of '71


Guerrero, Dan
Petitions, petitions, petitions...
Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:59:02 PM

Hello Dan Guerrero,

My name is Billy Bartlett, Bruin fan since Lew Alcindor days. I just wanted to let you know that I have never felt
such roiling hatred towards you and the Alford's in all my days. I care about you and all of our coaches and support
them win or lose. One terrible season does not a legacy make.
These spoiled fans seem to forget that in our "glory days," the players stayed for four years. It would have been
nice to retain Looney, Shabazz and Lavine; but one and done precluded that from happening. That effects all
We lose one senior (God bless him) and return a lot of players next year and with our excellent incoming class,
we'll be in good shape. Winning solves many things (not everything).
This is my opinion - it seems that BN has been taken over by pirates (or by a rival school...) "Who are those guys,
and why are they shooting at us?"
I'm on your side, the players, the coaches, the university and sanity. Ride out this dust-up, sir. I'm looking forward
to at least a Pac-12 Championship in 2017 (didn't really expect one this year). For every whiner there are a dozen or
more solid Bruin fans that don't get hot and bothered over a rough patch.
Just sending this to hold your arms up.
Former Spanish major at UCLA, Billy Bartlett, Ventura, CA. Go Bruins!!!

Sent from my iPhone


Taylor Ganz
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Monday, March 07, 2016 5:31:08 AM

A sorry state of affairs . The attendance says it all .

What bothers me most , as a former season ticket holder for 46 years , is
that they have become IRRELEVANT !!
No one cares.
I grew up going to see Wooden's teams with my dad . My kids grew up
going to see Harrick's , Lavin's and Howland's teams with me. Sadly , my
grandchildren won't enjoy a winning tradition.

J.Taylor Ganz
jt ganz@


Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford now!
Monday, March 07, 2016 7:29:27 AM

Hello sir. Steve Alford must go! We a need a coach who is worthy of the UCLA pedigree.
Alford has ruined the program. People aren't even going to games anymore because they're
unwatchable! Do it now! Thank you.
A lifelong UCLA fan,
Michael Tommasi
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, an AT&T 4G LTE smartpho


Carney Briggs
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Monday, March 07, 2016 8:01:14 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I have been a UCLA basketball fan since 1969 and have attended many games. I will NOT attend any further games
as long as Steve Alford roams the sidelines. He seems like a nice enough guy, but he's not a UCLA coach. The team
has dramatically andprogressivelygotten worse as the year has gone on (I never thought players and play could get
worse the longer the team was together, but it has). Some believe, because he has one of the top recruiting classes
coming in, that things will turn around next year. All that's going to happen is that he will ruin those players too.
He's awful.
I urge you to please remove Steve Alford as coach of the Bruins, effective immediately. A couple of replacement
suggestions: Chris Mack from Xavier University or Jerod Haase, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Please save the Bruins. This is a disgrace to the Blue and Gold.
Carney Briggs

-The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave
unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalms 73:26


Ross heman
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA basketball
Monday, March 07, 2016 8:40:56 AM

In all the years since my graduation ('59), I've not been so disappointed with our men's
basketball program. This year was the most embarrassing. Nepotism almost always results in
failure, and that factor has not been overlooked. Please recognize the fact that hiring the
current head coach has resulted in a horrible mess.
I'll not support the program as a result of the current state.
Ross Heman


Kim Luk
Guerrero, Dan
Monday, March 07, 2016 10:26:24 AM

We are season ticket holders for past 20 plus years and have 4 season tickets in Section 216. We have decided not
to renew our 4 seats if Steve Alford is retained.
Go Bruins!
Kim Luk
Sent from my iPad


Greg Coates
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Monday, March 07, 2016 11:23:37 AM

Mr. Guerrero:
I am a proud 1978 graduate of UCLA. I have always followed the athletic teams, particularly the
mens basketball team, throughout good and bad years. I acknowledge that it is no longer realistic
to recreate the success of the program that Coach Wooden had. I acknowledge that there will be
years that, despite expectations, goals will not always be met. Having said that, I must ask that you
consider the termination of Coach Alford. I did not agree with his hiring but I figured that there
were legitimate reasons for doing so. At this point I am mystified as to what those reasons may
have been. While he is an able recruiter, I question his ability to appropriately coach his players so
that they consistently improve. Players seem to sign on and then either stagnate in their abilities or
leave the program entirely. This year has been an extreme disappointment. The performance of
the team has been, at best erratic, at worst horrible. Given the performance against the two
Oregon teams last weekend, against Cal and Stanford the weekend before they appear to have
simply given up on the season. The two double digit losses to USC were especially painful. I have
preached patience with my fellows alums during Coach Alfords first two seasons. Everyone
deserves a fair chance. Coach Alford has had his. Now it I time for you to make a change. Thank

Greg A. Coates, Esq.

1005 Court Street, Suite 310, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone:(805) 540-5052|Fax:(805) 540-5053
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Guerrero, Dan
KEEP Alford
Monday, March 07, 2016 12:27:27 PM

Alford is a great coach! Just give him some time and he will be the toast of the town and make you look like a hero.


Nathaniel Dang
Rebholz, Joshua; AD; Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Athletics Development
Fwd: REMINDER: 2016-17 WAF Donation Renewal Information
Monday, March 07, 2016 1:39:39 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,

I am a proud UCLA Bruin (B.S. Computer Science & Engineering '08). I have been a lifelong
supporter of UCLA Athletics (my oldest brother graduated UCLA in the class of 1995). I am
a Wooden Athletic Fund Member, UCLA Football season ticket holder (which I enjoyed with
my good friend, Mr. James Ayden, UCLA School of Law '13), and former UCLA Basketball
season ticket holder (which I enjoyed with another good friend, Mr. Thomas Chan, UCLA
'07). I have also donated to the Wasserman practice facility and various other athletic
department initiatives throughout the years. I flew out to Indianapolis and attended the Final
Four when we played there a decade or so ago; I also try to support our teams at other away
games whenever possible (e.g., the football games vs. Texas, UNLV, etc.). In addition to
supporting the athletic department, I of course support the Samueli School of Engineering and
am a Boelter Society member.
I understand that I may not be a "whale" of a supporter of the athletic department from a
financial perspective. However, it is people like Mr. Ayden, Mr. Chan, and myself that form
the core of any long-term fundraising and development strategy; we are young, recent
graduates who love our alma mater and are eager and ready to support it in the right areas and
at the right time, and are likely to do so for the next 50 years.
In light of the above, it saddens me to write this email informing you that I will not be
renewing my membership to the WAF, nor will I be renewing my football season tickets or
otherwise financially supporting the Athletic Department until Coach Steve Alford is
dismissed from his position as the head basketball coach at UCLA. I am sure you have
received a litany of similar emails and I will not bother rehashing the many complaints that
you have likely received regarding Coach Alford, except to say that Coach Alford failed,
miserably, to meet the minimum expectations for a coach at UCLA -- not just from the
standpoint of wins and losses, but also from a moral and character standpoint. His teams do
not exhibit the effort, particularly on the defensive end of the court, that is expected at an
institution like UCLA. Accordingly, I cannot in good faith support an athletic department
that continues to allow Mr. Alford to embarrass our university.
I wish you the best and I look forward to once again financially supporting our Bruin athletics
programs, if and when Mr. Alford is dismissed and replaced with a head coach worthy of our
great institution.
Go Bruins,
Nathaniel T. Dang, Esq.
UCLA Engineering '08

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: UCLA Wooden Athletic Fund <>

Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:16 AM

Subject: REMINDER: 2016-17 WAF Donation Renewal Information
To: Nathaniel Dang <natdangspam@

Dear Nathaniel,


Thank you for your generous support of UCLA student-athletes through your annual donation
to the Wooden Athletic Fund.

As part of our ongoing effort to provide a first-class donor experience to all of our gracious
supporters, we wanted to remind you that the renewal of your 2016-17 Wooden
Athletic Fund donation is now available. The deadline for renewal remains June
30, 2016.

For the fastest and most efficient renewal method, you may CLICK HERE to renew
your WAF membership online right now through your own personalized WAF
giving webpage.

If you have ANY questions regarding your 2016-17 Wooden Athletic Fund membership and
tax-deductible donation, please do not hesitate to contact our office Monday-Friday, 8am5pm by phone at 310.206.3302, e-mail or you can visit anytime for more information.


Greenberg Brian
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA basketball
Monday, March 07, 2016 1:51:59 PM

Dear Mr Guerrero,
I am writing to express my concerns regarding the mens basketball team.
By way of background, my mother and father-in-law met at UCLA in the 1940s. My wife graduated in 1980. I
completed a Pediatric Residency in 1989 and a Fellowship in Allergy and Clinical Immunology in 1992. Weve
been season ticket holders for about twenty years, have contributed thought the Wooden Athletic Fund for the last
several years and donated $50,000 to the renovation of Pauley Pavilion which, by the way, looks great!
We drive to games from Thousand Oaks which, on week nights, can be a Herculean task. This is because we love
the game and we are happy to support UCLA because we love the institution. The program, under Coach Steve
Alford though, is in serious trouble and it needs to change.
We do not believe that UCLA should be winning national championships every year or even competing for them
every year but we do believe strongly that a Coachs primary obligation is to give his charges the best opportunity
possible to achieve their dream of playing in the NBA and should that not be possible then to prepare them well for
a life outside of basketball.
When Coach Alford was hired we were perplexed because he did not seem to be the caliber of Coach that UCLA
deserved but we always assume that the professionals know better than us and we were happy to give him a
chance. There were initial worries about whether or not the team was learning the fundamentals but, again, we
think a Coach deserves a few years opportunity.
At this point, it is clear that Coach Alford has lost the team. It has become impossible to ignore the fact that Coach
Alford plays favorites with his son, giving him more minutes than any other player and failing to correct obvious
flaws in the fundamentals of his game. In every game you can expect that, at some point, Bryce will make several
plays that would get normal players benched and have their time cut but there never seems to be any reaction from
the Coach.
They have been winning some because of talent but this year it has been pretty obvious that the team has greatly
Each of the last two years we have thought about giving up our tickets - it is hard to drive an hour each way to see
the team lose because of poor effort and lack of fundamentals. But this year doubt we will renew without a change
in the leadership of this team.
We appreciate all that you have done for UCLA sports and have no intention of telling you how to do your job. We
just cannot continue to support a program that is so basically flawed as is UCLA basketball.
Thank you for your attention to this.
Brian K. Greenberg, MD
Westlake Village, California.


Forman, Victoria
Guerrero, Dan
The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Monday, March 07, 2016 4:12:49 PM

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the email and copy of the online petition regarding UCLA mens basketball.

Its clear from what youve written that you, and those who participated in the petition, are
passionate about UCLA Athletics and care deeply about our past, present and future. Without this
passion and support, we wouldnt be able to sustain the athletic and academic excellence you and
others have come to expect from us; and make no mistake, we welcome these expectations. Its this
kind of passion that allows UCLA to compete for championships across all of our sports on a yearly
basis. The bars been set high around here. And believe me, our coaches and student-athletes know
thisits why they came here in the first place.

In regard to the petition, I do have a few thoughts Id like to share with you

Quite frankly, this has been a disappointing season, especially in conference play, for all involved.
There are no two ways around that. Nobody wants to win more than I do and I know Coach Alford
is the same way, as are the young men in that locker room. Remember, this coaching staff and many
of these young men know what its like to win a Pac-12 Tournament Championship. They know what
its like to advance to the Sweet 16 (some of them twice). We entered the year having only lost two
games at Pauley over the last two seasons, and we hoped to build upon all of these successes. And
now, looking back at our season, victories over #1 Kentucky and #7 Arizona in front of fantastic
capacity crowds at Pauley Pavilion not to mention a big win at #20 Gonzaga in a very hostile
environment make the frustration all the more palpable.

Progress, unfortunately, is not always a straight line.

Like I do with all our coaches, after every season, win or lose, Ill sit down with Coach Alford to
review the year that was. Together, well consider what we must do to improve. And make no
mistake, we must improve. We must get better. We all know that we need to be moving forward as
a program. And with an impressive recruiting class coming to Westwood next year, Coach Alford will
have both talent and experience on the floor we are moving forward.

What can be easy to lose sight of is the fact that I love UCLA as much as anyone. This isnt just a job.
Its my life. As a little kid down in Wilmington, I dreamed of following in Jackie Robinsons footsteps.
And because I love this place, I share your frustration and respect your concerns. I know how much
everyone on that petition loves this place too.

Rest assured, at the end of the day, I have, and always will, act in the best interests of UCLA.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for supporting UCLA Athletics.


From: Aaron1050 <aaron1050@

Date: March 3, 2016 at 5:16:50 PM PST
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Dear Mr. Guerrero:

My name is Aaron Michiel. I am a UCLA graduate (Class of 1995), and a former

UCLA basketball season-ticket holder and member of the Wooden Athletic Fund. I
am writing to you representing a petitionasking that you dismiss Steve Alford as
head coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team at the conclusion of this season. The
petitionis located at:

For your convenience, I have also attached a PDF file of the petition letter and the
first 1,246 responses, in case that is an easier way for you to review.

You will note that the petition has now been signed by 1,264 Bruins (and counting)
from a wide swath of current and former season-ticket holders, active and former
members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current students, former student-athletes,
and fans.

The signatures were allcollectedover the last several days, when my partners in this
project and I were moved to create the letter, petition, and website.Most of the
signers have not only taken the time to sign the petition, but have also added their
own comments on the state of the program, as well as their background as Bruins
and particularly as fans of the men's basketball team.

We hope you will take the time to not only read the petition, but the comments as
well, as they are sincere reflections of, and offer direct insight into,thestrong feelings
of the UCLA fan-base toward the men's basketball program and its current state.

If you wish to discuss this with me further, you may reach me via this e-mail address
or on my cell phone at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Aaron Michiel


Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
RE: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Monday, March 07, 2016 5:10:19 PM

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the email and copy of the online petition regarding UCLA mens basketball.

Its clear from what youve written that you, and those who participated in the petition, are
passionate about UCLA Athletics and care deeply about our past, present and future. Without this
passion and support, we wouldnt be able to sustain the athletic and academic excellence you and
others have come to expect from us; and make no mistake, we welcome these expectations. Its this
kind of passion that allows UCLA to compete for championships across all of our sports on a yearly
basis. The bars been set high around here. And believe me, our coaches and student-athletes know
thisits why they came here in the first place.

In regard to the petition, I do have a few thoughts Id like to share with you

Quite frankly, this has been a disappointing season, especially in conference play, for all involved.
There are no two ways around that. Nobody wants to win more than I do and I know Coach Alford
is the same way, as are the young men in that locker room. Remember, this coaching staff and many
of these young men know what its like to win a Pac-12 Tournament Championship. They know what
its like to advance to the Sweet 16 (some of them twice). We entered the year having only lost two
games at Pauley over the last two seasons, and we hoped to build upon all of these successes. And
now, looking back at our season, victories over #1 Kentucky and #7 Arizona in front of fantastic
capacity crowds at Pauley Pavilion not to mention a big win at #20 Gonzaga in a very hostile
environment make the frustration all the more palpable.

Progress, unfortunately, is not always a straight line.

Like I do with all our coaches, after every season, win or lose, Ill sit down with Coach Alford to
review the year that was. Together, well consider what we must do to improve. And make no
mistake, we must improve. We must get better. We all know that we need to be moving forward as
a program. And with an impressive recruiting class coming to Westwood next year, Coach Alford will
have both talent and experience on the floor we are moving forward.

What can be easy to lose sight of is the fact that I love UCLA as much as anyone. This isnt just a job.
Its my life. As a little kid down in Wilmington, I dreamed of following in Jackie Robinsons footsteps.
And because I love this place, I share your frustration and respect your concerns. I know how much
everyone on that petition loves this place too.

Rest assured, at the end of the day, I have, and always will, act in the best interests of UCLA.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for supporting UCLA Athletics.

Go Bruins!

From: Aaron1050 <aaron1050@

Date: March 3, 2016 at 5:16:50 PM PST
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Dear Mr. Guerrero:

My name is Aaron Michiel. I am a UCLA graduate (Class of 1995), and a former

UCLA basketball season-ticket holder and member of the Wooden Athletic Fund. I
am writing to you representing a petitionasking that you dismiss Steve Alford as
head coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team at the conclusion of this season. The
petitionis located at:

For your convenience, I have also attached a PDF file of the petition letter and the
first 1,246 responses, in case that is an easier way for you to review.

You will note that the petition has now been signed by 1,264 Bruins (and counting)
from a wide swath of current and former season-ticket holders, active and former
members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current students, former student-athletes,
and fans.

The signatures were allcollectedover the last several days, when my partners in this
project and I were moved to create the letter, petition, and website.Most of the
signers have not only taken the time to sign the petition, but have also added their
own comments on the state of the program, as well as their background as Bruins
and particularly as fans of the men's basketball team.

We hope you will take the time to not only read the petition, but the comments as
well, as they are sincere reflections of, and offer direct insight into,thestrong feelings
of the UCLA fan-base toward the men's basketball program and its current state.

If you wish to discuss this with me further, you may reach me via this e-mail address
or on my cell phone at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Aaron Michiel


Block, Gene
Guerrero, Dan
Re: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Monday, March 07, 2016 5:12:36 PM

Dan -- excellent letter.

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 7, 2016, at 5:10 PM, Guerrero, Dan <> wrote:
Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the email and copy of the online petition regarding UCLA mens basketball.

Its clear from what youve written that you, and those who participated in the petition,
are passionate about UCLA Athletics and care deeply about our past, present and
future. Without this passion and support, we wouldnt be able to sustain the athletic
and academic excellence you and others have come to expect from us; and make no
mistake, we welcome these expectations. Its this kind of passion that allows UCLA to
compete for championships across all of our sports on a yearly basis. The bars been
set high around here. And believe me, our coaches and student-athletes know thisits
why they came here in the first place.

In regard to the petition, I do have a few thoughts Id like to share with you

Quite frankly, this has been a disappointing season, especially in conference play, for all
involved. There are no two ways around that. Nobody wants to win more than I do
and I know Coach Alford is the same way, as are the young men in that locker room.
Remember, this coaching staff and many of these young men know what its like to
win a Pac-12 Tournament Championship. They know what its like to advance to the
Sweet 16 (some of them twice). We entered the year having only lost two games at
Pauley over the last two seasons, and we hoped to build upon all of these successes.
And now, looking back at our season, victories over #1 Kentucky and #7 Arizona in
front of fantastic capacity crowds at Pauley Pavilion not to mention a big win at #20
Gonzaga in a very hostile environment make the frustration all the more palpable.

Progress, unfortunately, is not always a straight line.

Like I do with all our coaches, after every season, win or lose, Ill sit down with Coach
Alford to review the year that was. Together, well consider what we must do to
improve. And make no mistake, we must improve. We must get better. We all know
that we need to be moving forward as a program. And with an impressive recruiting
class coming to Westwood next year, Coach Alford will have both talent and

experience on the floor we are moving forward.

What can be easy to lose sight of is the fact that I love UCLA as much as anyone. This
isnt just a job. Its my life. As a little kid down in Wilmington, I dreamed of following in
Jackie Robinsons footsteps. And because I love this place, I share your frustration and
respect your concerns. I know how much everyone on that petition loves this place

Rest assured, at the end of the day, I have, and always will, act in the best interests of

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for supporting UCLA Athletics.

Go Bruins!

From: Aaron1050 <aaron1050@

Date: March 3, 2016 at 5:16:50 PM PST
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Dear Mr. Guerrero:

My name is Aaron Michiel. I am a UCLA graduate (Class of 1995), and a

former UCLA basketball season-ticket holder and member of the Wooden
Athletic Fund. I am writing to you representing a petitionasking that you
dismiss Steve Alford as head coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team
at the conclusion of this season. The petitionis located at:

For your convenience, I have also attached a PDF file of the petition letter
and the first 1,246 responses, in case that is an easier way for you to

You will note that the petition has now been signed by 1,264 Bruins (and
counting) from a wide swath of current and former season-ticket holders,
active and former members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current
students, former student-athletes, and fans.

The signatures were allcollectedover the last several days, when my

partners in this project and I were moved to create the letter, petition, and
website.Most of the signers have not only taken the time to sign the
petition, but have also added their own comments on the state of the
program, as well as their background as Bruins and particularly as fans of
the men's basketball team.

We hope you will take the time to not only read the petition, but the
comments as well, as they are sincere reflections of, and offer direct
insight into,thestrong feelings of the UCLA fan-base toward the men's
basketball program and its current state.

If you wish to discuss this with me further, you may reach me via this email address or on my cell phone at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Aaron Michiel


Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene
RE: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Monday, March 07, 2016 5:24:00 PM

Thanks Gene.
Im afraid it may fall on deaf ears, but hopefully not.
I am sincere in what I say and perhaps that will resonate.

From: Block, Gene

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 5:13 PM
To: Guerrero, Dan
Subject: Re: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops

Dan -- excellent letter.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2016, at 5:10 PM, Guerrero, Dan <> wrote:

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the email and copy of the online petition regarding UCLA mens basketball.

Its clear from what youve written that you, and those who participated in the petition,
are passionate about UCLA Athletics and care deeply about our past, present and
future. Without this passion and support, we wouldnt be able to sustain the athletic
and academic excellence you and others have come to expect from us; and make no
mistake, we welcome these expectations. Its this kind of passion that allows UCLA to
compete for championships across all of our sports on a yearly basis. The bars been
set high around here. And believe me, our coaches and student-athletes know thisits
why they came here in the first place.

In regard to the petition, I do have a few thoughts Id like to share with you

Quite frankly, this has been a disappointing season, especially in conference play, for all
involved. There are no two ways around that. Nobody wants to win more than I do
and I know Coach Alford is the same way, as are the young men in that locker room.
Remember, this coaching staff and many of these young men know what its like to
win a Pac-12 Tournament Championship. They know what its like to advance to the
Sweet 16 (some of them twice). We entered the year having only lost two games at
Pauley over the last two seasons, and we hoped to build upon all of these successes.
And now, looking back at our season, victories over #1 Kentucky and #7 Arizona in
front of fantastic capacity crowds at Pauley Pavilion not to mention a big win at #20
Gonzaga in a very hostile environment make the frustration all the more palpable.

Progress, unfortunately, is not always a straight line.

Like I do with all our coaches, after every season, win or lose, Ill sit down with Coach
Alford to review the year that was. Together, well consider what we must do to
improve. And make no mistake, we must improve. We must get better. We all know
that we need to be moving forward as a program. And with an impressive recruiting
class coming to Westwood next year, Coach Alford will have both talent and
experience on the floor we are moving forward.

What can be easy to lose sight of is the fact that I love UCLA as much as anyone. This
isnt just a job. Its my life. As a little kid down in Wilmington, I dreamed of following in
Jackie Robinsons footsteps. And because I love this place, I share your frustration and
respect your concerns. I know how much everyone on that petition loves this place

Rest assured, at the end of the day, I have, and always will, act in the best interests of

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for supporting UCLA Athletics.

Go Bruins!


From: Aaron1050 <aaron1050@

Date: March 3, 2016 at 5:16:50 PM PST
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Dear Mr. Guerrero:

My name is Aaron Michiel. I am a UCLA graduate (Class of 1995), and a

former UCLA basketball season-ticket holder and member of the Wooden
Athletic Fund. I am writing to you representing a petitionasking that you
dismiss Steve Alford as head coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team
at the conclusion of this season. The petitionis located at:

For your convenience, I have also attached a PDF file of the petition letter
and the first 1,246 responses, in case that is an easier way for you to

You will note that the petition has now been signed by 1,264 Bruins (and
counting) from a wide swath of current and former season-ticket holders,

active and former members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current

students, former student-athletes, and fans.

The signatures were allcollectedover the last several days, when my

partners in this project and I were moved to create the letter, petition, and
website.Most of the signers have not only taken the time to sign the
petition, but have also added their own comments on the state of the
program, as well as their background as Bruins and particularly as fans of
the men's basketball team.

We hope you will take the time to not only read the petition, but the
comments as well, as they are sincere reflections of, and offer direct
insight into,thestrong feelings of the UCLA fan-base toward the men's
basketball program and its current state.

If you wish to discuss this with me further, you may reach me via this email address or on my cell phone at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Aaron Michiel


james snider
Guerrero, Dan; James Snider
UCLA Basketball
Monday, March 07, 2016 9:48:06 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
I know you are very busy, so I will not take up too much of your time. I am writing to urge you to at least think
about making a change at the head coach position. As a UCLA alum and die hard Bruin fan, I am very
discouraged by the state of our basketball program. It was my understanding that Coach Alford was brought in to
restore our great tradition and reestablish some excitement in the program. In year three of the Alford era, I
believe none of that has happened. The two Sweet Sixteen appearances were nice, but I see them as more a
product of some good fortune and a very questionable goaltending call. Even during these mini-runs, I don't
believe any Bruins fans really believed we were going much deeper in the tournament. Our hope rested with year
three and the addition of some young talent. Well, that hope was dashed this year andthat disappointment rests
completelywith Coach Alford. I am excitedfor Ball, Leaf and the others coming in next year, but I don't see Coach
Alford taking us to the next level. He has been coaching over 20 years and has not taken any of his programs to
the next level. I do understand the thought process for giving him a year four to turn things around, but I expect
more of the same next year. For the first time since Coach Lavin's last year, I've actuallymissed a few games
this year. As I don't reside in LA anymore, I do purchased the PAC-12 network just so I can watch all of the
games. I watched ever one during the Howland era and all the games during Alford's first years, but this year was
different. I actually feltapathetic for the team and I know I'm not alone. I've stayed in close contact with many of
my classmates andeven go to a couple football games each year and I haven't talked with onefellow Bruinthat
believes Coach Alford is the right man for the job. The longer he stays on the job, the further behind we get from
the other teams in the PAC-12. Outside of Arizona and possibly Oregon, there isn't another team in the
conference with as much talent and yet we are losing to these teams on a continual basis. It is time for a new
leader to restore our tradition and bring some electricity backto Pauley.
Thank you for your time and I wish you nothing but success. Go Bruins.
James Snider
Class of 1993


Brent Kunimoto
Guerrero, Dan
Response to Petition
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 10:57:36 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Thank you for the response to the petition to fire Coach Alford. Your comments clearly reflect your passion for
everything that is UCLA, and I commend you on your diplomacy and ability to get things done amidst all the red
tape and cultural processes abound at UCLA.
I too bleed Bruin Blue, with undergraduate degree in Economic Systems-Science and MBA in 87' and was head
UCLA recruiter for a Fortune 100 company for several years before leaving for a CEO position in a smaller
As such, I have followed UCLA academic and athletic progress over the decades with passion, and tried to find the
optimal balance between youthful exuberance (filled with emotions) and a pragmatic, more strategic, fact-based
point of view.
In looking at this current Bruin Basketball team, I see no core foundation being built over the past 3 years that has
and will likely lead to a sustainable, winning record. We already have 4 and 5 star recruits that place us in the top
2-3 Pac-12 teams in talent, yet we don't play defense but on occasion and our team reeks of nepotism and
divisiveness. Yes, talent is coming in next year. But talent is likely to flow out I the transfer/declaration of 1-2
Frosh guards and 1 power forward. Talent is key to winning at elite level. But if anything has been learned from this
year, talent poorly coached can put UCLA in the conference cellar. So talent is necessary but not sufficient to rise
above the unacceptable level of 2-14 conference record that "was not the problem" according to a recent Coach
Alford interview. How despicable and incredulous quote from our coach is that?
Coach Alford shifts accountability to: new comers, injuries to nominally productive players, the schedule, et al to
avoid taking the bull by the horns and admitting that by Year 3, he is 100% for all the results no matter the cause.
High achieving CEO's know this. The problem is, there will always be new comers, injuries, more penalty shots
taken by some team -- so he will continue to blame everyone but himself.
Do you see this behavior changing? If not, there should be no surprise if the root causes to these "problems" don't
change. These root causes appear to be a lack of passion and tenacity for defense and accountability for himself, his
son, then his other players -- in that order. Next year the team should win 20+ games, go to the dance, and even
sweet 16. BUT, we will still see inconsistent defense, lack of mental toughness that is a reflection of Coach Alford.
And sorry to say, he isn't the sharpest pencil in the can when it comes to game-time coaching. He substitutes
robotically and punishes the kids that need game time to develop rather than his own son's continual choice not to
play defense -- which father condones by not pulling his son when this is done.
And what will change after 1 more year? Bryce will graduate, the team foundation will likely be on loose footing,
and the buyout won't go away. Meanwhile there will have been millions in lost revenue from dwindling attendance,
donors will be upset and slow their donations, and the billion dollar UCLA brand will have been tarnished for
another year or two.
Kind Sir, please think real hard after this season about the right thing to do to support the strategic direction of
UCLA Champions are Made Here and whether or not Coach Alford can ever get us there. I say clearly no, but you
would know better.
Brent Kunimoto
Concerned and Caring Bruin for Life


Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Re: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:50:04 PM

Hi, Dan:

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the now over 1,300 Bruin current and former season-ticket
holders, active and former members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current students, former studentathletes, and fans, who took the time to sign the petition to restore the UCLA men's basketball program.

Ido want to take the opportunity to clarify one point from your reply however. As was clearly explained in
the petition as well as hundreds of the replies, the opinion that Steve Alford should be dismissed at the
conclusion of this season is not aknee-jerkventing of frustrationbased on a string of losses to
concludethis single season, but rather abroad, fair-minded and reasonable evaluation of Steve Alford's
entire three year career at UCLA on and off-the court, as well as an informed andreasonable
assessment of his prospects for success going forward.

It is perhaps because of this broad, reasonable and fair-minded assessment, that we are witnessing such
a significant number of Bruin fans favoring Steve Alford's dismissal. In my three decades of following the
men's basketball program, I have never seen Bruin fans so united in either support or opposition toward
a UCLA men's basketball head coach as we are seeing toward Steve Alford and the belief that he should
be dismissed.

That said, please know that the door is always open should you wish to engage with the UCLA fan-base
in terms of explaining your rationale for retaining Steve Alford, addressing a criteria for retaining Steve
Alford on a going forward basis, or gaining better insight as to why so many seats at Pauley Pavilion
remain empty. Weaknowledged you for the remodel of Pauley Pavilion, but the petition and its
responses also offered an explanation and pathway toward revitalizing the UCLA fan-base and
attendance at Pauley Pavilion. We hope that we can work together toward that common goal.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Michiel on behalf of

-----Original Message----From: Guerrero, Dan <>

To: aaron1050 <aaron1050@
Cc: Block, Gene <>; Rebholz, Joshua <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 7, 2016 5:10 pm
Subject: RE: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the email and copy of the online petition regarding UCLA mens basketball.

Its clear from what youve written that you, and those who participated in the petition, are
passionate about UCLA Athletics and care deeply about our past, present and future. Without this
passion and support, we wouldnt be able to sustain the athletic and academic excellence you and
others have come to expect from us; and make no mistake, we welcome these expectations. Its this
kind of passion that allows UCLA to compete for championships across all of our sports on a yearly

basis. The bars been set high around here. And believe me, our coaches and student-athletes know
thisits why they came here in the first place.

In regard to the petition, I do have a few thoughts Id like to share with you

Quite frankly, this has been a disappointing season, especially in conference play, for all involved.
There are no two ways around that. Nobody wants to win more than I do and I know Coach Alford
is the same way, as are the young men in that locker room. Remember, this coaching staff and many
of these young men know what its like to win a Pac-12 Tournament Championship. They know what
its like to advance to the Sweet 16 (some of them twice). We entered the year having only lost two
games at Pauley over the last two seasons, and we hoped to build upon all of these successes. And
now, looking back at our season, victories over #1 Kentucky and #7 Arizona in front of fantastic
capacity crowds at Pauley Pavilion not to mention a big win at #20 Gonzaga in a very hostile
environment make the frustration all the more palpable.

Progress, unfortunately, is not always a straight line.

Like I do with all our coaches, after every season, win or lose, Ill sit down with Coach Alford to
review the year that was. Together, well consider what we must do to improve. And make no
mistake, we must improve. We must get better. We all know that we need to be moving forward as
a program. And with an impressive recruiting class coming to Westwood next year, Coach Alford will
have both talent and experience on the floor we are moving forward.

What can be easy to lose sight of is the fact that I love UCLA as much as anyone. This isnt just a job.
Its my life. As a little kid down in Wilmington, I dreamed of following in Jackie Robinsons footsteps.
And because I love this place, I share your frustration and respect your concerns. I know how much
everyone on that petition loves this place too.

Rest assured, at the end of the day, I have, and always will, act in the best interests of UCLA.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for supporting UCLA Athletics.

Go Bruins!

From: Aaron1050 <aaron1050@

Date: March 3, 2016 at 5:16:50 PM PST
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Dear Mr. Guerrero:

My name is Aaron Michiel. I am a UCLA graduate (Class of 1995), and a former

UCLA basketball season-ticket holder and member of the Wooden Athletic Fund. I
am writing to you representing a petitionasking that you dismiss Steve Alford as

head coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team at the conclusion of this season. The
petitionis located at:

For your convenience, I have also attached a PDF file of the petition letter and the
first 1,246 responses, in case that is an easier way for you to review.

You will note that the petition has now been signed by 1,264 Bruins (and counting)
from a wide swath of current and former season-ticket holders, active and former
members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current students, former student-athletes,
and fans.

The signatures were allcollectedover the last several days, when my partners in this
project and I were moved to create the letter, petition, and website.Most of the
signers have not only taken the time to sign the petition, but have also added their
own comments on the state of the program, as well as their background as Bruins
and particularly as fans of the men's basketball team.

We hope you will take the time to not only read the petition, but the comments as
well, as they are sincere reflections of, and offer direct insight into,thestrong feelings
of the UCLA fan-base toward the men's basketball program and its current state.

If you wish to discuss this with me further, you may reach me via this e-mail address
or on my cell phone at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Aaron Michiel


Guerrero, Dan
Josh Rupprecht (; Rebholz, Joshua (; Carlson,
FW: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 2:27:00 PM


From: Aaron1050 [mailto:aaron1050@

Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:50 PM
To: Guerrero, Dan
Cc: Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Subject: Re: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Hi, Dan:

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the now over 1,300 Bruin current and former season-ticket
holders, active and former members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current students, former studentathletes, and fans, who took the time to sign the petition to restore the UCLA men's basketball program.

Ido want to take the opportunity to clarify one point from your reply however. As was clearly explained in
the petition as well as hundreds of the replies, the opinion that Steve Alford should be dismissed at the
conclusion of this season is not aknee-jerkventing of frustrationbased on a string of losses to
concludethis single season, but rather abroad, fair-minded and reasonable evaluation of Steve Alford's
entire three year career at UCLA on and off-the court, as well as an informed andreasonable
assessment of his prospects for success going forward.

It is perhaps because of this broad, reasonable and fair-minded assessment, that we are witnessing such
a significant number of Bruin fans favoring Steve Alford's dismissal. In my three decades of following the
men's basketball program, I have never seen Bruin fans so united in either support or opposition toward
a UCLA men's basketball head coach as we are seeing toward Steve Alford and the belief that he should
be dismissed.

That said, please know that the door is always open should you wish to engage with the UCLA fan-base
in terms of explaining your rationale for retaining Steve Alford, addressing a criteria for retaining Steve
Alford on a going forward basis, or gaining better insight as to why so many seats at Pauley Pavilion
remain empty. Weaknowledged you for the remodel of Pauley Pavilion, but the petition and its
responses also offered an explanation and pathway toward revitalizing the UCLA fan-base and
attendance at Pauley Pavilion. We hope that we can work together toward that common goal.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Michiel on behalf of

-----Original Message----From: Guerrero, Dan <>

To: aaron1050 <aaron1050@
Cc: Block, Gene <>; Rebholz, Joshua <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 7, 2016 5:10 pm
Subject: RE: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the email and copy of the online petition regarding UCLA mens basketball.

Its clear from what youve written that you, and those who participated in the petition, are
passionate about UCLA Athletics and care deeply about our past, present and future. Without this
passion and support, we wouldnt be able to sustain the athletic and academic excellence you and
others have come to expect from us; and make no mistake, we welcome these expectations. Its this
kind of passion that allows UCLA to compete for championships across all of our sports on a yearly
basis. The bars been set high around here. And believe me, our coaches and student-athletes know
thisits why they came here in the first place.

In regard to the petition, I do have a few thoughts Id like to share with you

Quite frankly, this has been a disappointing season, especially in conference play, for all involved.
There are no two ways around that. Nobody wants to win more than I do and I know Coach Alford
is the same way, as are the young men in that locker room. Remember, this coaching staff and many
of these young men know what its like to win a Pac-12 Tournament Championship. They know what
its like to advance to the Sweet 16 (some of them twice). We entered the year having only lost two
games at Pauley over the last two seasons, and we hoped to build upon all of these successes. And
now, looking back at our season, victories over #1 Kentucky and #7 Arizona in front of fantastic
capacity crowds at Pauley Pavilion not to mention a big win at #20 Gonzaga in a very hostile
environment make the frustration all the more palpable.

Progress, unfortunately, is not always a straight line.

Like I do with all our coaches, after every season, win or lose, Ill sit down with Coach Alford to
review the year that was. Together, well consider what we must do to improve. And make no
mistake, we must improve. We must get better. We all know that we need to be moving forward as
a program. And with an impressive recruiting class coming to Westwood next year, Coach Alford will
have both talent and experience on the floor we are moving forward.

What can be easy to lose sight of is the fact that I love UCLA as much as anyone. This isnt just a job.
Its my life. As a little kid down in Wilmington, I dreamed of following in Jackie Robinsons footsteps.
And because I love this place, I share your frustration and respect your concerns. I know how much
everyone on that petition loves this place too.

Rest assured, at the end of the day, I have, and always will, act in the best interests of UCLA.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and for supporting UCLA Athletics.

Go Bruins!


From: Aaron1050 <aaron1050@

Date: March 3, 2016 at 5:16:50 PM PST

To: <>
Cc: <>, <>
Subject: The Petition to Restore UCLA Hoops
Dear Mr. Guerrero:

My name is Aaron Michiel. I am a UCLA graduate (Class of 1995), and a former

UCLA basketball season-ticket holder and member of the Wooden Athletic Fund. I
am writing to you representing a petitionasking that you dismiss Steve Alford as
head coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team at the conclusion of this season. The
petitionis located at:

For your convenience, I have also attached a PDF file of the petition letter and the
first 1,246 responses, in case that is an easier way for you to review.

You will note that the petition has now been signed by 1,264 Bruins (and counting)
from a wide swath of current and former season-ticket holders, active and former
members of the Wooden Fund, alumni, current students, former student-athletes,
and fans.

The signatures were allcollectedover the last several days, when my partners in this
project and I were moved to create the letter, petition, and website.Most of the
signers have not only taken the time to sign the petition, but have also added their
own comments on the state of the program, as well as their background as Bruins
and particularly as fans of the men's basketball team.

We hope you will take the time to not only read the petition, but the comments as
well, as they are sincere reflections of, and offer direct insight into,thestrong feelings
of the UCLA fan-base toward the men's basketball program and its current state.

If you wish to discuss this with me further, you may reach me via this e-mail address
or on my cell phone at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Aaron Michiel


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan
Can keeping Coach Alford be contingent on Bryce coming off the bench?
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 4:34:31 PM


David Neuman
Guerrero, Dan
a note
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 4:53:11 PM

Hi DanI just read your statement about the Alford petition and I wanted you to know, I thought it was
gracious, very well expressed, and struck just the right tone. Youre listening but not capriciously or
defensively reacting."
Its difficult to manage the emotions and passions of alumni with high expectations. You are doing so very
professionally and I just wanted you to know that.
Thanks for all you do!
CheersDavid Neuman


Guerrero, Dan
Arthur Lombardi
Re: Bruins Basketball
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 9:30:52 PM

Thanks Art.
Tough position to be in to say the least, but everyone wants the same thing. We will bust our picks to make it better!
Really appreciate you taking the time to write.
Thanks again Art.
Go Bruins!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 8, 2016, at 10:58 AM, Arthur Lombardi <arthur.lombo@
> wrote:
> Hi Dan, I want to commend your response to the Bro petition. Obviously, none of us are happy about the results
of our basketball team this year, and I hope Alford and his staff do a lot of soul searching so that we can get better
next year. I don't think he should be fired, but something is not working and needs to be improved. I don't think this
team lacked talent, but they certainly did not play consistently well, especially in conference play.
> I also want to make one observation about Bro. I don't doubt that these guys love UCLA, but I often question how
many of them actually go to games or have contributed one dime to Athletics. It's easy to criticize, criticize,
criticize, and much harder to make a positive contribution to the success of UCLA Athletics.
> Regards, Art


Guerrero, Dan
Cutrow, Allan
Re: the bright side of things
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:46:05 AM

Thanks so much for your email.
One has to love the passion, but when it is directed in such a negative manner, it works
counter to the intended desire. You are right. It comes from the boards, pure and simple.
Other coaches see this stuff and want no part of it.
Obviously a disappointing year, but we are on it. Steve is on it. We know why and it will be
I have learned through the years, and you know this too. Sports is a microcosm of life. You
experience triumphs and successes, as well as disappointments, setbacks and adversity. We
have the opportunity to deal with either and make things better when they don't go out way.
In this case, embrace the challenge and wind up better for it.
Thanks again Alan. I don't get these type of emails often. It's usually the other kind. :)
Means a lot.
Go Bruins!
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 9, 2016, at 6:20 AM, Cutrow, Allan <> wrote:

First, I have no idea how you deal with all of the junk on
web sites and message boards. It simply does not jibe
with the overall excellence of the athletic department in
just about every area. Every time I look to see how the
teams are ranked(and academic performance for the
most part), I am always amazed. I am also going to bet
that most if not all of the vitriol comes from people who
do not contribute to the university, let alone the athletic

Second, I do not know enough to really comment on

Coach Alford, but I do think he has figured out how
important it is to recruit locally and he sure has begun to

do a good job on that. He also seems to really have good

game plans and whether it is his fault that there are
execution problems or not, I have seen players improve
and sure thinks we ought to get to see if with the players
coming in this year is the kind of blip that is just that, a

Good luck and sorry you have to put up with such grief.

Allan B. Cutrow | Partner, through his professional corporation
T: 310.312.3744 |
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP |
11377 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064



Guerrero, Dan
Cutrow, Allan
Re: the bright side of things
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 12:43:18 PM

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 9, 2016, at 11:50 AM, Cutrow, Allan <> wrote:

Thanks for getting back and I know have a new

motto(although similar to some other I follow)-embrace
the challenger and wind up better for it. Pass on to my

Allan B. Cutrow | Partner, through his professional corporation
T: 310.312.3744 |
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP |
11377 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064


From: Guerrero, Dan []

Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:46 AM
To: Cutrow, Allan
Subject: Re: the bright side of things


Thanks so much for your email.

One has to love the passion, but when it is directed in such a negative manner, it works
counter to the intended desire. You are right. It comes from the boards, pure and

Other coaches see this stuff and want no part of it.

Obviously a disappointing year, but we are on it. Steve is on it. We know why and it will
be addressed.

I have learned through the years, and you know this too. Sports is a microcosm of life.
You experience triumphs and successes, as well as disappointments, setbacks and

adversity. We have the opportunity to deal with either and make things better when
they don't go out way.

In this case, embrace the challenge and wind up better for it.

Thanks again Alan. I don't get these type of emails often. It's usually the other kind. :)
Means a lot.

Go Bruins!

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 9, 2016, at 6:20 AM, Cutrow, Allan <> wrote:

First, I have no idea how you deal with all of the

junk on web sites and message boards. It simply
does not jibe with the overall excellence of the
athletic department in just about every area.
Every time I look to see how the teams are
ranked(and academic performance for the most
part), I am always amazed. I am also going to bet
that most if not all of the vitriol comes from
people who do not contribute to the university,
let alone the athletic department.

Second, I do not know enough to really comment

on Coach Alford, but I do think he has figured
out how important it is to recruit locally and he
sure has begun to do a good job on that. He also
seems to really have good game plans and
whether it is his fault that there are execution
problems or not, I have seen players improve
and sure thinks we ought to get to see if with the
players coming in this year is the kind of blip
that is just that, a blip.

Good luck and sorry you have to put up with

such grief.

Allan B. Cutrow | Partner, through his professional corporation
T: 310.312.3744 |
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP |
11377 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064



Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Steve Alford is the worst coach in UCLA history
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 1:26:14 PM


Guerrero, Dan
David Neuman
Re: a note
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:21:47 PM


Thanks so much for your email.

One has to love the passion of our fans, but when it is directed in such a negative
manner, it works counter to the intended desire.
Obviously a disappointing year, but we are on it. Steve is on it. We know why and
it will be addressed.

I have learned through the years, and you know this too. Sports is a microcosm of
life. One experiences triumphs and successes, as well as disappointments,
setbacks and adversity. We have the opportunity to deal with either and make
things better when they don't go our way.

In this case, embrace the challenge and wind up better for it.
Thanks again David. Your email means a lot to me.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 8, 2016, at 4:53 PM, David Neuman <david@

> wrote:

Hi DanI just read your statement about the Alford petition and I wanted you to
know, I thought it was gracious, very well expressed, and struck just the right
tone. Youre listening but not capriciously or defensively reacting."
Its difficult to manage the emotions and passions of alumni with high
expectations. You are doing so very professionally and I just wanted you to
know that.
Thanks for all you do!
CheersDavid Neuman


Steven Chew
Guerrero, Dan
Regarding Coach Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 4:42:40 PM

Hello Mr. Guerrero,

Let me begin by saying that this email is intended to be thoughtful and respectful with regards to
your position as the Athletic Director of one of the most successful (both performance-wise and
financially) collegiate athletic departments in the country. I understand that you make many hard
decisions and are privy to information that I am not aware of, however I am writing to express my
extreme disappointment in your apparent commitment to retaining Steve Alford as the head coach
of UCLAs basketball program.

I was born into a family of two Bruin parents, had two older sisters that went to UCLA, and then
finally went to UCLA myself and graduated in 2010. I was a member of the UCLA Yell Crew, and
count my days leading 8 claps in the Rose Bowl and Pauley Pavilion as some of my fondest college
memories. My parents are long time season ticket holders, so my oldest memories involve going to
football and basketball games. As soon as I was financially capable, I purchased season tickets for
UCLA basketball for the first season back in the new Pauley Pavilion (with my good friend Rick
Server, who is also a member of the class of 2010). I try my best to support the WAF as well as other
academic departments on campus, and look forward to growing those contributions as my
professional career progresses.

Which brings me to today. I fully supported the decision to remove Ben Howland as head coach. He
certainly helped revitalize the program after Steve Lavin, but it was clear by the end of his time at
UCLA that the program was lost. I was cautiously optimistic when Coach Alford was hired, but
quickly realized he would not be the answer. Quite frankly, after Steve Alfords first season, I
immediately made the decision not to renew my tickets. The ending W-L column was respectable
enough, but as a lifelong student of basketball, I could tell that our teams fundamentals were
headed in the wrong direction. And whats more, I could not believe the amount of playing time the
coachs son was getting. Over the last few years, I have come to one of two conclusions. Either 1)
Coach Alford is sincerely so deluded that his own son deserves the playing time he receives that he
clearly isnt the caliber of coach UCLA deserves, or 2) He is fully aware of his sons deficiencies, and
is playing him anyway out of extreme selfishness and nepotism. Neither conclusion is not
acceptable, and the UCLA fan base is catching on.

UCLA basketball was my first love. I camped out for games. I joined Yell Crew. I travelled for the postseason. My childhood pets were all named after 95 Bruin players. Now? I went to only ONE game all
season and left early in disgust. I had free tickets for the last home game of the season (thanks to
the football renewal deal) and elected to skip rather than subject myself to the pain of seeing my
schools basketball team run by Coach Alford. I dont even bother turning the games on TV because
I know my time is better spent elsewhere. If you had told me 5-10 years ago that this would be my
attitude, I would never have believed you. Even during the worst years of Steve Lavins tenure, I
watched every game with undying passion.

The point is, Im practically begging you to do something so that I can start giving UCLA athletics
money again. I am young and I have less money to share at this stage in my life, but as a volunteer
for the UCLA Fund for the Young Alumni Development Council, I feel particularly resolute in
believing that my generation has massive potential for support, both in spirit and in dollars. You will
not tap that potential with this coaching staff. For that matter, my father Richard Chew, who is a
MUCH higher level donor, is also considering withdrawing his ticket renewals and financial support.
His name (and mine) are engraved on the inside of Pauleys donor wall.

I hate that this email feels and reads like a threat. I do not believe it is in the spirit of UCLA, of good
sportsmanship or of the values that John Wooden instilled in our university. But I have never felt so
low about UCLA basketball. And until I see material change, I cannot go on supporting the Athletic
Department financially.

Best regards,


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Kenji Kumara
Guerrero, Dan
A bad sign for basketball - loosing at halftime
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:03:13 PM

Steve Alford can do something tonight no UCLA coach has done in

74 years. No Bruin coach has gone winless in at least three games
against justSC since Wilbur Johns went 0-4 against them in 194142.
Tonight, Steve Alford has more chances at dubious records. To go with his worst ever
finish for UCLA since at least pre-1948 (10thplace), Alford can be the first coach in 62
years to lose to USC three times in a season. (Editor's note: John Wooden was 1-3
against Southern Cal in the 1953-54 season. It would be the first time UCLA has gone
winless in at least three games against Southern Cal since Wilbur Johns went 0-4
against them in 1941-1942.)


Andrew Marroquin
Guerrero, Dan
Fw: Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:35:38 PM

Sent from

Mail on Android

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 7:34 PM, Andrew Marroquin

> wrote:
Hello Dan,
As a die-hard UCLA fan and donor, I am pleading for you to relieve Alford of his duties
immediately following tonight's game. We are a big boy program so we need to make
appropriate moves. Lets stop the bleeding!!!
Sent from

Mail on Android


Josh Burnam
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Seriously ???!!!
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:40:45 PM

Just stop. This is an embarrassment. Stop calling me until you fix this. What the hell were you thinking giving this
guy that buyout?! Fix this travesty.
Don't ask me for a fine until you fix this.

Joshua Burnam


Jon Cohen
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
This is beyond embrassing
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:46:18 PM

Dan, I realize you will be retiring at some point, but Josh, you're going to attach your name to
Alford is bringing down the program. Lowest this program has ever been.
Dan, make a move. Your legacy depends on it.


Scott Levine
Rebholz, Joshua
Guerrero, Dan
Is UCLA Basketball an Elite Program?
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:53:28 PM

Hi Josh,
I am a 2013 honors graduate, football season ticket holder, and former Blue & Gold employee
for the athletics department. I have not missed a football or basketball game since enrolling at
While I try to avoid the pitchfork mob, I have perceive our basketball program as being a sad
shadow of what it once was (and I am not holding it up to the impenetrable legacy of
Wooden, but rather the tenure of Howland).
If UCLA continues to see itself as a Blue Blood program, rather than simply a top half Power
5 team, I can not see justifying not getting an top end coach. This is up to your expertise to
decide if Alford is a top coach or not, but the program no longer feels like an elite program,
and the coaching seems replacement level. Unsure if there's any D1 coach out there worth
their salt who couldn't go 15-17 with the talent we had this year, but there's plenty who could
have done more.
Tonight's game is further justification.
Thank you for your time,


Tony Rodriguez
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball fan since 1972. You must let Alford go
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:57:50 PM

Since the age of 9, I have been a diehard Bruin and graduated from the university in 1987. I wear
the Blue and Gold proudly through good and bad years. I was a season ticket holder through the
Harrick years and now that my business brings me back home, I was strongly considering renewing
my tickets. That is until the last two years. I have seen the total breakdown of team chemistry and
coaching to levels far beyond those of any dark years. The saddest part is that we have good
players (and very good kids in general), but a favoritism and nepotism that is pulling this team apart.
On top of this, there is no cohesive defensive philosophy. Coach Alford recruiting while excellent
this year is more due to the UCLA brand than himself. Also he bypassed several players on the USC
team that were desperate to be Bruins. I know one personally and I can tell you this player is a
difference maker and a great kid. This brand is losing its luster with each passing year.

Steve Alford is just not a fit here. Nothing to do with what kind of person he is. He just lacks the
coaching fundamentals, regardless of talent, to succeed in a high level league like the Pac 12. He
has and is alienating the fan base. Please do what is best for the UCLA community and make the
coaching change.


Tony Rodriguez

Black Wall International Companies

Managing Director-Global Financing
(310) 351-7221 Direct

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Scott J. Tepper
Guerrero, Dan
I"ve had enough
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:04:48 PM

Mr. Guerrero
Time to fire Steve Alford and to re-evaluate your own position at UCLA. Tonight's basketball
game was only the latest disgrace in a disgraceful 3 year run by Alford. He was able to win
with Howland's players, but not with his own.
I went to UCLA from 1963-1969 (college and law school). The last decade has been very
shameful and difficult. But nowhere worse than with basketball.
A 20 point blow out loss to U$C -- and the third loss to them of the year -- is enough.
Fire Alford.




Jaime Goldfarb
Rebholz, Joshua
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Re: Now is the Time for a Change for our Basketball Program
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:09:44 PM

Please tell me, that as stewards of this program, you would not contemplate letting this travesty continue.
Jaime Goldfarb
Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D.
Goldfarb Educational Consulting

> On Mar 6, 2016, at 1:15 PM, Jaime Goldfarb <jaimegoldfarb1@

> wrote:
> Josh
> While I appreciate the response the reality is that if the direction continues as is you no longer have my support.
In my opinion the current performance, and the direction of the program cannot be viewed as anywhere close to
acceptable. And I find it unfathomable that the leaders of our institution could possibly hold that position.
> It pains me to say this but if a change isn't made I can no longer support the program. Although I'm sure it makes
little difference in your view, but this means no more contributions, no season tickets (yes, this was in my future),
no purchase of UCLA merchandise and no longer subscribing to the PAC 12 Network. I can't get over that I seem
to care more about our basketball program than those in charge if it.
> Jaime Goldfarb
> Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D.
> Goldfarb Educational Consulting
>> On Mar 6, 2016, at 7:15 AM, Rebholz, Joshua <> wrote:
>> Jamie,
>> Thank you. We appreciate and respect your feedback and thank you for your support.
>> JR
>>> On Mar 3, 2016, at 2:34 PM, Jaime Goldfarb <jaimegoldfarb1@
> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Rebholz,
>>> I'm reaching out to you to communicate my serious concerns about the current status, and potential future of
our basketball program. As an entrenched Bruin (I received each of my BA, MA and Ph.D from UCLA) my
passion for the program the program runs deep. Until recently I had never missed viewing a game, either in person
or electronically, and basically lived and died with our wins and losses. I also was a regular contributor to the
Wooden fund; but the recent direction of the program under coach Alford has destroyed that passion and I'm at the
point of not watching any games (nor contributing to the fund) as I find them too painful to watch. It isn't only the
quality of play, but the lack of focus, effort and skills fundamentals that makes watching intolerable. And if we
were in years 1 or 2 of the current coaching staff I perhaps might be more lenient in my appraisal, but I see no

positives in the foundation that has been laid, and the trajectory of the program has been precipitously downward.
>>> I believe we are at a critical juncture, and the time is now to make a change and begin moving the program to
where it has historically resided. I implore you to make the change now as I believe a continuation of this trajectory
will only make the path to recovery more difficult.
>>> Regards, Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D. (Class of 1989)
>>> Jaime Goldfarb, Ph.D.
>>> CEO
>>> Goldfarb Educational Consulting


Dan Brisket
Guerrero, Dan
My father loved the Bruins
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:14:44 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
I graduated from Pacific but always followed the Bruins.
My late father was a incredible Bruin basketball fan. He idolized the team even after Coach Wooden retired. He was
always the optimist but also taught me the game.
Objectively I can tell you this team is talented but lacks the proper coaching. The team Coach Alford had his first
year had 6 NBA players on the roster and should have been much better. This was an initial warning sign to me and
it has progressively gotten worse (Btw I must say I'm currently a basketball coach in Texas). I have nothing at stake
here but the love my father had for his team. Tonight I saw a team with no leadership and strategy. You should be
looking to make a change.
Sent from my iPhone


David & Amy Madeo

Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
Alford is driving alumni away
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:16:54 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Please end this charade now. I was a season-ticket holder for six years until Alfords second season.
When I returned to California in early 2000s, I intended to steadily up my donation levels and enjoy
UCLA sports for years. I understood when it was time for Howland to go, but I still supported UCLA
basketball strongly through the transition. But honestly I am now disgusted with this program.
UCLA is embarrassing itself with this terrible coach and the stigma of nepotism, which now
everyone can see. A great incoming class wont change anything. I will cease all donations and
support to UCLA until Alford is gone. There are plenty of other worthy organizations.


David Madeo
BA, 1992


michael steren
Rebholz, Joshua
Guerrero, Dan; jay steren
Re: UCLA Men"s Basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:16:57 PM

Hi Josh,
This is not UCLA basketball.
Mike Steren
Vice President, Sales Operations
NMLS #267806 | Mortgage Capital Associates, Inc.
Phone: (800) 974-4434 x261 | Fax: (424) 276-4829 |
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 4:18 PM, michael steren <> wrote:
Hi Josh,

Thank you for your time and for your response. All we want is for our Bruins to do well and
have a chance at success again!

Mike Steren | NMLS #267806
Vice President, Sales Operations | Mortgage Capital Associates, Inc.
Phone: (800) 974-4434 x261 | Fax: (424) 276-4829 |

From: Rebholz, Joshua []

Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 3:57 PM
To: michael steren
Subject: Re: UCLA Men's Basketball


Of course I know you. Appreciate the email and hate to hear that Jay won't be with us
Saturday. We certainly appreciate and respect your position. Dan is most definitely
evaluating everything. Appreciate your tremendous support. Go Bruins!

On Mar 3, 2016, at 1:29 PM, michael steren <> wrote:
Hi Josh,

You dont know me well (we have only met a couple times), but you do know
my father - Jay Steren. This morning, he came into my office and expressed
how he would not attend the UCLA vs. Oregon State basketball game on
Saturday because there is no point. I have been attending UCLA basketball
games with my father since the 1980s, and this is the first time I have ever
heard him willingly decline to attend a UCLA home game with this sentiment.
He is disgusted.

But who can blame him? This program is relegated to tenth place in the Pac-12
Conference, we have a losing conference record, and we are nationally
irrelevant again. The decline of the state of the program over the past three
years since Steve Alford took the helm is highly unsettling. While the
trajectory for the program should be on the rise, exactly the opposite is

Steve Alford is not the right coach or fit to carry on the once proud UCLA
Mens Basketball tradition. Please make the necessary changes!

Mike Steren | NMLS #267806
UCLA MUP, 2003
Vice President, Sales Operations | Mortgage Capital Associates, Inc.
Phone: (800) 974-4434 x261 | Fax: (424) 276-4829 |


Jeremy Stein
Guerrero, Dan
Please fire Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:20:14 PM

Dear Dan,
As a proud 2001 alum, I am boycotting men's basketball as long as it shepherded by Steve Alford. You have the
power to fix this disastrous situation, if you truly love Ucla athletics you will act now. While next year will
inevitably be better, it is a dead cat bounce, Ucla will be in the gutter until real leadership is restored.
Proud Bruin,
Jeremy stein


Brad Gilbert
Guerrero, Dan
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:25:26 PM

Dear sir,
Asking you to fire Steve Alford seems petty and reactive, and yet what has transpired this season leads me to write
to you tonight.
I see stats like "Gonzaga reaches the NCAA tournament for the 18th straight year" and I simply shrug my shoulders
and start making excuses, but deep down I know they are simply that: excuses.
Certainly the landscape of college basketball is nothing like it was during our glory years, and yet, doesn't that
legacy deserve more?
How can such a disappointment lead to increased donations, season ticket sales, and merchandise sales?
I know that there is a significant buyout for Steve Alford. I know that he has recruited some great talent for next
season, and yet it seems like the players do not improve over the course of a season or even over several. Sure, we
went to the Sweet 16 twice, and yet there has been something missing.
Pauley Pavilion is beautiful and always will be a shrine of basketball, but the cheering echoes over empty seats, and
the booing seems louder every year.
We deserve better. You deserve better. The student-athletes deserve better.
I am a Bruin for life. A second generation alum. I bleed blue and gold. Tonight I cried blue and gold tears.
Please be a good leader and steward of a once elite and historic program. Do what is right.
PS- I am a simple elementary school teacher, but I will pledge $100 towards the buyout, and I will rally my old
classmates and friends to do the same. Don't make this about the money, rather, make it about the future.
Sent from my iPad


Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Coach Steve Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:27:40 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

It should be clear by now that Steve Alford is unfit to lead the UCLA men's basketball program.
A losing record, a historically bad 10th place conference finish, and not one, not two, but
THREElosses to USC (none of them competitive) demonstrate beyond any doubt that the
program is in terrible shape.
Aside and apart from the results on the court, the method of Coach Alford's regime is also
unsound. As this article demonstrates (not with opinion, but with statistics), he has featured
his son Bryce Alford far beyond what any unbiased coach would.
In fact,Bryce Alford is on pace to be the all-time leader in minutes played in UCLA history.
That is a remarkable statistic for a program that has featured so many amazing players
throughout the year. I offer these statements not to criticize Bryce Alford; he is not in charge
of how much he plays. Instead itcalls into severe question his father's judgment as a coach.
In other words, based on theindisputable facts relating to Bryce Alford's tenure as a UCLA
basketball player,is plainly mistaken to assert in response to the widely-circulated petition
calling for Coach Alford's dismissal that he wants to win as much as anyone. He demonstrably
does not, as he has put his son's basketball career ahead of the performance of the team as a
whole. (Nor does a desire to win qualify one to be a coach at any level, as wanting to win is a
given, not an extra, for such position.)
There is simply no rationale for retaining Coach Alford at this point.
HisSweet 16s do not justify remaining UCLA head coach. Otherwise, you would not have fired
Steve Lavin.
His great recruiting class does not justify remaining UCLA head coach. Otherwise, you would
not have fired Ben Howland.
I am a third generation Bruin and have made donations to a variety of sports programs at
UCLA. I will not continue to do so as long as Coach Alford remains at UCLA.
Frankly, the situation is embarrassing for UCLA, its student-athletes, its student body, and its
alumni. Progress may not always be linear, but it does show itself with time. Each year of
Coach Alford's tenure has been worse than the one before. There is simply no rational basis

to believe that he can lead UCLA to where it should be -- the best basketball program in the
west and one that consistently challenges for conference and national championships.
Change is not always easy, but there are times when it is clearly necessary. This is such a time.
Please show the initiative and leadership that UCLA fans so desperately want and terminate
Coach Alford's employment. Failing to act will only result in further damage to the onceproud program of the great John R. Wooden.
Matt Henderson JD '03


MyProsperityTV .
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford Now
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:27:50 PM

Fire Steve Alford Now!


Warner Anderson
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford and Adrian Klemm now.
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:30:11 PM

They are gross incompetents. They can't perform their jobs. They don't improve or develop
their player. They have no teaching skills demonstrated for 4 years. They never take
developmental classes in their respective sports. They don't attend college seminars on their
respective sports to improve their knowledge. Also, they don't attend professional training
camps to improve and develop their teaching skills.
Warner Anderson class of 1976
Sent from

Mail on Android


David Elliott
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford!
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:34:58 PM

Tonight's game was humiliating. If you have any balls, three losses in one season to our rivals will be the straw that
broke the camel's back and you will do what needs to be done. Fire Steve Alford.
David Elliott
UCLA Class of 1969

Sent from my iPad


Troy Carson
Guerrero, Dan
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:35:51 PM

Alford is arguably the worst coach in the history of UCLA and has a sketchy history.
He needs to be fired. He is a disgrace to one of the finest universities in the world.
Change needs to come immediately before one of the great programs in college
basketball history becomes irrelevant. Thanks for your time and I hope you take


Floyd Russ
Block, Gene
Guerrero, Dan
A reasonable request
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:40:14 PM

He's ruined the program due to the favoritism he gives his son. This is embarrassing to all
Ucla alumni and basketball fans in the entire world.
Please step up and do what is necessary!
Do it this week so we can get a great new coach and have a huge season next year with great

Sent on the go. Please excuse any iPhone typos.


Ryan Peak
; Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Fire Steve Alford Take action now
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:43:06 PM

Tonight's loss to USC, the third time this season, sealed the deal for me. I am not going to
support UCLA athletics anymore until STEVE ALFORD is fired. In fact I wish Dan Guerrero
can go with him as he was the one who hired Steve. It truly is sad and embarrasing to be a
UCLA basketball.
As a proud alumnus, I am going to tell my fellow UCLA friends and alumni the same thing.
Money always seems to talk so I have to see if there will be change.
Just utterly disgusting....


Dan Cooper
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:46:19 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I have been a UCLA fan for 45 years and I have never seen a more inconsistent team in my life.
That is a direct reflection of poor coaching. I keep hearing we have a top-five recruiting class coming in next year,
and that will supposedly solve all of our ills. We could have the number one recruiting class coming in next year
and it still won't matter as long as Steve Alford is the coach. We need a coach that will get the best out of this team
going forward and Steve Alford is not that man. Otherwise, we will see another pathetic excuse for a team next
year. Another year like this, and the program will be hard-pressed to attract
top-notch recruits to come to UCLA in the future. I have a feeling boosters will also see the lack of development
next year and decide to close their pocketbooks to future donations to your athletic program. I do not believe that is
what you want to see especially after spending millions of dollars on renovating Pauley Pavilion.
Dan Cooper


Lewis Guiss
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene
We need a new AD and BB coach
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:48:25 PM

I went to UCLA in 1967. If I had received less than a C average I would have been sent to Vietnam with a high
chance of becoming an addict or returning injured or dead.
In my first Chemistry 1 class they gave only 10 A's out of 350 students. I was number 11. Life is tough and you
have to deal with that.
I think that coaches for Football and Basketball who do not meet minimal expectations need to lose their jobs. Not
even close to having their lives ruined forever or passing away.
Lewis Guiss '71
Sent from my iPad


Raber, Steve
Guerrero, Dan
RE: Hoops
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:48:27 PM

Mr. Guerrero. Wow. Another year of Alford is the absolute worst thing we can do. Time to cut
our losses. Seriously.

Sent with Good (

-----Original Message----From: Raber, Steve
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2016 09:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: ''
Cc: ''
Subject: Hoops
Dear Josh,
I hope you're doing well. I'm writing about the basketball program. I started watching games in 1966, including the
late night replays called by Dick Enberg.
What is happening now is a disgrace to the program. We are at rock bottom. I understand that there may be
perceived obstacles to changing course, including a terrific incoming recruiting class. One thing I have learned in
my professional life, however, is the importance of cutting losses when things are headed in the wrong direction.
When Coach Alford was hired, I received a call from a prominent alum from Iowa, telling me that we would regret
the hire. I said I was willing to give him a chance. But Coach Alford has done nothing to convince me that he will
suddenly turn into a good coach. To the contrary, he comes across as an arrogant, mediocre coach who will never
be a good ambassador for the program.
The time for a change is now. I'm a Wooden Fund member, but not a big donor. Nevertheless, I plan to support
only Derek and the golf team, and not to renew my Wooden Fund membership, as long as Alford is the coach. I
just can't support this kind of mess. I would contribute toward a buy-out.
Most importantly, my love for UCLA basketball is slipping away. I'm falling toward indifference about the
program. The thought of that makes me sad.
Best regards,
Steve Raber
Bruin18 Founder
Varsity Club
Class of 1982

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Julian Mintz
Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
UCLA Basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:52:42 PM

Mr. Block, Mr Guerrero, and Mr Rebholz,

I'm writing to express my displeasure and concern with the state of our basketball program and
it's current leadership.
I won't belabor the various facts and opinions about our program that lead to this concern - I
know many other fellow fans will already be doing that.
But it's important that you know that I'm among the many that won't be participating in the
UCLA Basketball experience - an experience that has meant so much to me since I was a
young kid - until big changes are made that show that you guys care half as much as we fans
I started attending games when I was 7. Some of my fondest sports memories happened with
my family and friends in Pauley.
I remember in '95, I was 10 years old and had a basketball game of my own during the
Missouri game in the tournament. A large group of players, coaches, and parents had gathered
around a small TV in the corner of the gym in the games final minutes, and exploded with joy
when Tyus made his famous layup. I remember that for probably the only time in my
childhood playing days, I could have cared less about the game that I was in, and still to this
day am sad that I didn't get to experience that moment with the rest of the UCLA community.
I was a Senior at UCLA during Coach Howland's first Final Four run. I attended all 6
tournament games with friends that year; those 3 weekends make up some of my fondest
memories as a student in Westwood.
UCLA basketball was a big part of my life as a kid, and while it's importance in my life has
decreased as I've gotten older and real priorities have set in, it still holds a special place in my
heart. I have two young kids now, and I always dreamed that they'd get to experience the
glory of a rocking Pauley Pavilion with their dad. As it stands today, I wonder when that
moment will finally come, if it ever comes.
I get that sustained excellence in college hoops is hard. I don't expect UCLA to win at the
highest levels at all times. Us UCLA fans get a bad rap for our unrealistic expectations, but
that's a fallacy. All we want is a product on the floor that we can be proud of, one that reflects
the tenets of the University that it represents: smart, tough, resilient, and honest.
It's my and many other Bruin fans opinion that the current leadership of the program, and the
subsequent product put on the floor, does not reflect those tenets. Specifically, I'm concerned
that the leadership doesn't have the best interests of the program at heart. That alone is enough
to walk away from Bruin basketball until a change is made. But combined with the inarguably
mediocre basketball coaching skills (.500 record at the high major level), and you have a
recipe for disaster (see: overall season record; Pac12 record; results vs USC).

I'm in a great place in my life. I have two wonderful kids, a loving and supportive wife, and an
already successful career with a really promising future. I don't NEED basketball to make me
happy liked I did as a kid. But I've always dreamed of having season tickets; of sharing them
with friends; of taking my two kids and my dad to games to watch my Alma Mater; and of my
kids one day growing up to love Coach Wooden's program and the University that it
represents. I stayed at arms distance after the questionable head coaching hire 3 years ago,
and have only increased my distance after seeing the results. Until changes are made, we'll all
be staying away from Pauley and UCLA broadcasts.
Thanks for your time.
Julian Mintz
Class of 2006


Ira Swartz
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Smith, Brian; Junker, Alicia
Fire Steve Alford immediately!
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:52:46 PM


I am a 1966 UCLA alumnus. Furthermore, I am a Bruin Legends WAF member and hold both
football and basketball season tickets, which I have had for well over 25 years. My wife and I
have not attended the last half-dozen basketball games as we have lost all interest in UCLA
basketball. It is both embarrassing and disgraceful to see what has happened to the UCLA
basketball program!

There is NO argument left to keep Steve Alford! You need to do the right thing by recognizing
the mistake you made in his original hire, and terminate him immediately. If you fail to do so,
your legacy, in my opinion, will be the A.D. who destroyed UCLA basketball.

If you do not immediately terminate Steve Alford, I can promise you that I will NOT renew my
basketball season tickets and furthermore substantially cut back my contributions to the
WAF. This is not intended to be a threat but simply a promise.

Ira Swartz


rawley valverde
Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:55:55 PM

needs to go yesterday.
I'm sure you're all acutely aware of this.
The mens' bb program is dead right now.
Letting him coach next year's stud recruits is fools gold. Of course he's gonna win 25 games.
I could coach next year's squad to 25 wins.
You all are no doubt being inundated with similar messages so I'm gonna sign off and let you
pore through the rest of them.
Go Bruins!
Rawley Valverde
Class of '83


Warner Anderson
Guerrero, Dan
Hire Rick Pitino of Louisvelle Today
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:58:24 PM

Warner Anderson class of 1976

Sent from

Mail on Android


Keon Vafai
Guerrero, Dan
A UCLA alumnus begging you to...
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:00:49 PM

Sir, please. You know what this is about, I'm not even going to say it. Alford needs to go. No
not next year, tomorrow. UCLA has become the laughing stock of CBB, it's all over ESPN,
etc. Oh he has a $10 million buyout? Take whoever decided that was a good idea to put that
in a contract, and take it out of their salary. Contract lawyer, whoever. I don't care. But he has
to go, now.
A caring UCLA alumnus.


Alan Cox
Guerrero, Dan
Basketball"s version of 50-0
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:04:06 PM

Hello Dan,
As one of the undersigned of the fan petition sent to you last week, I was very interested to read your reply. I was
also curious to see if your respectful, thoughtful response to the petition and your public support for Coach Alford
would inspire the team to come out and compete hard against USC.
The answer was an emphatic NO.
Unfortunately, this was basketball's version of the 50-0 demolition we suffered from USC four years ago. I'm sorry
Dan, but it's crystal clear there is NO rescuing Alford's program no matter what you do. Any recruits coming in will
have their impact negated by those transferring out. There's really only one responsible choice here.
And that is to let Alford go, and put UCLA basketball in the hands of someone like Jamie Dixon or Tony Bennett,
someone of that caliber.
I know many, many UCLA fans would agree, and would thank you profusely for giving them hope and excitement
again for UCLA hoops.
That's what I implore you to do: give us hope and excitement again for UCLA hoops.
You've done it before. You can do it again!
Alan Cox
Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone


Ryan Peak
Block, Gene; Aaron1050@
; Guerrero, Dan
Re: Fire Steve Alford Take action now
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:10:12 PM


USC's largest win vs UCLA since 1945
USC: 1st 3+ game sweep of UCLA since 1941-42
UCLA hired John Wooden in 1948
Largest win since WWII. First 3 game sweep since 1941-1942!!!
On Mar 9, 2016 8:43 PM, "Ryan Peak" <ryanpeak618@

> wrote:

Tonight's loss to USC, the third time this season, sealed the deal for me. I am not going to
support UCLA athletics anymore until STEVE ALFORD is fired. In fact I wish Dan
Guerrero can go with him as he was the one who hired Steve. It truly is sad and
embarrasing to be a UCLA basketball.
As a proud alumnus, I am going to tell my fellow UCLA friends and alumni the same thing.
Money always seems to talk so I have to see if there will be change.
Just utterly disgusting....


Richard Russell
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA basketball a shambles....
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:10:28 PM

Worse every year under Alford.

If your job is to ensure UCLA'S honor and competitiveness, a change needs to be made.
A great recruiting class next year is only a potential bandaid for an ongoing toxicity... players
have checked out on coach, so he's no longer effective.


Guerrero, Dan
Alford & Donations
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:17:25 PM

I love ucla! But Alford is ruining that love! Ironically, got the annual call from the ucla fund tonight asking for a
donation. Told them I would not donate until Alford was no longer associated with ucla and the student stated a
common response of late. Losing season, empty pauley, no hope and less fund raising are all good reasons to move
forward. #FireAlford
Derrick Nueman


Steve Seretan
Guerrero, Dan
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:25:17 PM



Stephen Seretan
Author of Lester and Me, My Unforgettable Conversations With American
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KISS Releasing Now... To MasterYour World

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Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Hey Dan, what"d you think of the SC game?
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:26:14 PM


B Codd
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:29:10 PM

Fire Steve Alford, now

-Brian Codd
Class of '91
Lifetime Alumni member


J Waterman
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Please let Steve Alford go
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:29:53 PM

I am a UCLA grad and come from a family of UCLA grads/loyalists. We all desperately want to root for the
program, but Steve Alford has made it impossible to do so.
He is an embarrassment to the fine tradition of UCLA basketball.
We hope the institution will decide now to move in a different direction and protect the program from additional
damage, regardless of the incoming recruiting class.
In our view, a change should be made now.


Daniel Tang
Guerrero, Dan
ucla basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:31:54 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
I am a proud UCLA alumnus and UCLA Marching Band member, class of '07. I attended
nearly every home men's basketball game during my four years there. I was in San Antonio
for the Final Four in '08. Some of my best memories at UCLA revolve around attending those
game with Bruins who would become lifelong friends.
It is with great sadness that I now look at the state of our men's basketball team. Indeed, it is
hard to watch. The team does not lack talent, but they lose close games. They routinely lose to
teams that are less talented than they are. The team shows little improvement from the
beginning of the season to the end. They do not play with cohesion or passion. In fact, the
team often looks like they have little interest in winning the games and no idea what they're
doing on the court. I WANT to support this program and the players, but I'm embarrassed to
even wear my UCLA gear during basketball season now for the above reasons, and many
The fans have already voted with their feet - you know the attendance numbers. Seeing the
empty stands on TV is embarrassing. I can tell you that all the Bruins I speak with feel the
same way as I do about the program.
The point is this. These are all indictments against the head coach. Coach Steve Alford needs
to go.
If you care about UCLA basketball as much as you say you do, make a change at head coach.
I regret to say that I cannot attend another home game or contribute to UCLA athletics until I
can be proud of the men's basketball program once again.
Go Bruins!
Daniel Tang
Class of '07


Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Thoughts From an Alum That Bleeds Hard Work
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:35:25 PM

Dear Chancellor Block, Dan Guerrero and Josh Rebholz,

It is my hope that you have seen the writing on the wall and have already decided that it is time to let Alford go. If
that is the case, there is no reason to read further.
In the unfortunate circumstance that the decision has not been made, I urge you to reconsider and to please do so
as soon as possible.
I have followed UCLA basketball since I was in high school 25 years ago. UCLA was my dream school and I was
fortunate to attend. I worked my tail off in my life. Nothing was ever given to me. I am a first generation
Mexican-American, middle child, but first to go to college who learned he could beat any person at his school in
math regardless of race and could achieve anything he wanted with hard work. I became Viice-president of my
UCLA Medical School class, my name is on the wall at the David Geffen School of Medicine for the best medical
student entering pediatrics and have continued to succeed in my current field of cardiology. All of that was
earned with hard work.
Nothing that I see from Steve Alford is consistent with hard work or vision. His teams play pathetic defense and
this has been reflected by the trend in his winning percentage. In the three years he has been at UCLA, his
winning percentage has declined and the level of play has deteriorated. I realize progress does not always head
in a straight line, but Coach Alford's line has been pointing south and it would be a miracle if the line did a 180
degree turnaround.
It should be readily apparent that Coach Alford will never be able to maximize the potential of his players or win us
a Pac-12 title, let alone take us to a final four. He had more talent on the team this year, then 80% of the teams
in our conference, and yet we finished 10th in the conference, with a pathetic conference record and overall losing
record. Good coaches have results that exceed the level of talent on their teams, bad coaches underperform.
Coach Alford has underperformed.
I am not an unreasonable fan but I do expect a coach to get his players to play with heart and purpose. Coach
Alford, plain and simple, has embarrassed UCLA basketball. Enough is enough. It is time to let him go.
Thank you,
Fernando Mendoza, MD


Warner Anderson
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Tim Cates radio 570 AM
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:49:14 PM

He doesn't know the facts, truth, or face the reality.

Warner Anderson UCLA class 1976
Sent from

Mail on Android


Andrew Marroquin
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
Please restore UCLA Hoops
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:51:28 PM

Dan and Josh,

I'm not going to write a lengthy email to get my point across. You are both very intelligent
human beings. You see what is going on with our proud program. For the love of UCLA,
please make a change. I will pledge 25k next year if a change is made.


Greg Gutirrez
Guerrero, Dan
Men"s Basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:51:40 PM

It's time for a new Men's Basketball coach. Lets restore the pride and excellence that is synonymous with UCLA
Thank you,
Gregorio Gutierrez
UCLA '11


Isaac Matarasso
Guerrero, Dan
Please make a change - Men"s basketball head coach...
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:53:20 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I realize you are in a difficult position with regards to dealing with the coach of the UCLA
basketball program, but I had to take a moment this evening reach out and express my
frustration directly to you.
What concerns me most about Coach Alford is that I don't see him as a fit within our athletic
culture and program. Further, he has lost the support of the overall fan base and alumni. If
people do not have the desire and want to invest their energy in supporting the current coach,
winning or losing doesn't really matter much. UCLA basketball support is one of the greatest
marketing tools the university has at its disposal, yet we are losing precious years in regaining
proper support for the program.
Honestly, last year, the team was on the cusp on not making the tournament and played well
for two games to make the sweet-sixteen, but it was a frustrating season overall. This season
was that much worse, because we saw the talent play to its potential at times, but essentially
give up the 2nd half of the season. It does not speak highly to the coaching staff.
I found it intriguing that my 7-year old son said to me this evening, "don't worry dad, UCLA
will better in football, UCLA is always better in football than basketball".
We are losing generations of future fans also.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will make a decision to make a
change that will positively impact the school, our student athletes, the community and the
--Best regards, Isaac Matarasso (Class of 1989)


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
"progress is not a straight line" But our line is going straight down.
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:58:45 PM

You're an idiot if you can't see otherwise.

When's the last time UCLA lost this badly to SC? Or lost to them 3x in one season.
Wake the fuck up Dan.


James Zhou
Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan; James Zhou
The Death of UCLA Basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:01:23 PM

My name is James Zhou and I'm a 1995 graduate of UCLA. I write to you and many
have probably done recently to voice our displeasure at the direction of UCLA
basketball. UCLA basketball not only holds a special place at our fine institution, and
in the hearts of it's alumni, students and fans, but also among the basketball
community of our nation and dare I say in the world. To see it so sickly and
seemingly on its death bed is unimaginable and intolerable to me. As you are
custodians of this great tradition, I implore and indeed expect that you to do
something cure this condition.
I won't go into great details as to the reasons why UCLA basketball is where it is, but
suffice to say, that the present basketball coach is not the right man for the job. I do
not expect Alford to be John Wooden, but I also do not expect the head coach to put
his self interest above the interest of our great university in blatant show of nepotism
toward his son. What I do expect from our head coach is to be a teacher of first
order in instilling fundamentals, proper defensive play, and tenacity and camaraderie
among his players. This I do not see whatsoever with our team, if one can call it
that. Instead I see a bunch of individuals trying to selfish get their own points; the
only semblance of a team is the standard uniform worn by the players.
Steve Alford is not the right man for the job. He is not a good coach. He has proven
that. Do not prolong this process; do not prolong the agony of UCLA basketball.
Fans will continue to leave; donations will continue to dwindle until UCLA basketball
is cured! A healthy UCLA basketball program is an economically good not only for
the entire athletic department but for the university as whole. Do not be
shortsighted; take the long view.
Cure UCLA basketball!! Terminate Steven Alford.
Very truly yours,
James Zhou, Class of 1995


Kenji Kumara
Guerrero, Dan
Nepotism killed the team the past 3 yrs
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:07:40 PM

have to deal with that issue. Said that nepotism will always kill recruiting, as no one
wants to compete or deal with the issues with the coaches son.
Also a good point that no father is unbiased when it comes to their own son. So a
coach should be responsible and realize that and not put the school that they are
coaching in that position.
because of the nepotism. Ball would come anyway b/c his dad wants all his kids to
play at UCLA, and it's not like the other guys are elite guard recruits. The nepotism
obviously was a critical component to the failure of this team. I recall earlier in the
year there were posters (who haven't appeared lately) being outraged by the
accusations of nepotism. Really?
He's right it's not Bryce's fault but it sure looks like Steve is trying so hard to prove
everyone else is wrong he's lost sight of reality.
At this point I could almost see Steve resign, he has to realize he's put Bryce in the
middle. Bryce could volunteer to come off the bench next year to try and help his
dad but he shouldn't have to, his dad is the one who played him too much and gave
him too much freedom.
But he'll laugh all the way to the bank if he gets fired. The nepotism has been a
problem from day one. CSA played roughly the same minutes as Zach Levine, a
freaking lottery pick in the NBA draft (or close thereto). Really? I know Zach had a
crappy attitude toward the end of the season, but can you blame him? Competing
for minutes with a kid that wouldn't get a sniff at a big time program. Then last
year, Bryce hunted shots at the expense of the team. He did improve toward the end
of the year and had the big game against SMU. But that doesn't negate his
limitations and the fact that he wasn't anywhere close to what an elite guard at
UCLA has been. Then this year. . .
Let's see: Mike Warren, Greg Lee, Andre McCarter, Roy Hamilton, Pooh
Richardson, Darrick Martin, Tyus Edney, Jordan Farmar, Darren Collison, and . . .
Bryce Alford. Wow.


Jason Ames
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:08:42 PM

Hi Mr. Guerrero, Mr. Rebholz

I don't hold out much hope that this email will accomplish much but I feel like it is important
for me to say my piece. I'm not a current season ticket holder or a big time donor, hell I didn't
even go to UCLA but for as long as I can remember I've been a fan of UCLA athletics. In
years past my Thursday's and Saturday's rotated around UCLA basketball, if I wasn't able to
go to a game I'd always watch from home (and ensure no one bothered me during the game).
Sadly, since the hiring of Coach Alford I haven't set foot in Pauley and my passion for UCLA
basketball has never been lower. There have even been times this season when I didn't even
realize there was a game on!
I know making a coaching change isn't an easy decision but it is very clear to me that the only
way to fix UCLA basketball is with a new head coach, even if it means losing the current
recruiting class.
If you are able to make a coaching change this year I'd be very honored to count myself a
season ticket holder once again.
thank you,
Jason Ames


Sunil Pareenja
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:08:45 PM

Mr Guerrero
I love UCLA basketball! I have been a huge fan since 1989 when I came to UCLA as a
freshman. Tyus Edney, Ed O'Bannon, Arron Afflalo, Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, Jordan
Adams. Bruin heroes who brought glory to our school. I catch every game I can and take
pride in our team.
This is no longer true. Steve Alford has disgraced our school. He sacrificed our team to
showcase his son Bryce. Candidly, Bryce has 2 skills: shooting 3 pointers and shooting free
throws. At best he should be playing 10 minutes a game. Yet Steve Alford has made Bryce
the face of our team and we have suffered because Bryce is a mediocre, selfish player that his
father plays excessively. Every minute he plays, our team is worse, both at that moment and
in the future because of the image it creates of our team for future recruits. This is beyond
nepotism, this is a breach of Steve Alford's fiduciary responsibility to our school. This alone
should be grounds for termination.
Our team went 15-17 this year. We were 6-12 in conference. WE LOST TO USC THREE
TIMES! That alone is also grounds for termination. USC is a bad team with a bad coach. Any
team that loses to them 3 times is beyond bad.
Steve Alford has done the incredible. He had made me stop caring about UCLA basketball,
because he is not creating a product worthy of being called UCLA basketball. He is not
coaching effectively. He is not making his players better. He is not being accountable for the
failures of the team, and especially about the numerous failures of Bryce. He needs to be
Steve Alford was a bad hire and he was given an obscene contract. Those things are done and
we have been damaged. We need to live with that. But he cannot be our coach one minute
longer. He needs to be fired now. Fans are abandoning our team, not attending games, and
ashamed of the product that is now UCLA basketball. I do not fault our players other than
Bryce and Kory Alford. You can kick them out of school too when you fire their dad. No
doubt, 2 deserving students lost their chance to be Bruins so these sons of Alford could
attend. This is beyond shameful.
You know how much the UCLA community wants Steve Alford out of our school. He and his
son are thoroughly hated by your fellow Bruins. This season has been a disaster, but you can
still create the highlight of the season by ridding our school of Steve Alford. Please fire Steve
Sunil Pareenja, class of 1993


Chris Malloy
Guerrero, Dan
Please stop the madness
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:15:40 PM

This is unacceptable. You know better than this. Im too beat down to write a two page letter. This
program is irrelevant right now.

Chris Malloy


Kennedy Cosgrove
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:17:56 PM

Sent from my iPhone


Scott Tretsky
Guerrero, Dan
Please do something
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:22:27 PM

This is getting ugly. The fanbase just doesnt have faith in him. You dont need a big splash
name hire. You just need to get a smart hire than make UCLA elite. Randy Bennett at St
Mary's would be great....or Haase at UAB would be SOLID and fans would love it.
Please end this misery with Alford. Youre losing the fan base right now.


Vitor Casillas
Guerrero, Dan
Cancellation of basketball season tickets and further donations
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:24:55 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
I, like many of my fellow Bruin alumni, will not be renewing my basketball season
tickets and will be withholding any further contribution to the Wooden Athletic Fund
until Mr. Steve Alford is dismissed as head coach.
If you cannot see the dismal coaching (or lack thereof) apparent throughout the entire
Alford tenure, then you are part of the problem. Only look to Coaches Jim Mora and
John Savage and consider whether you believe Mr. Alford is of the same ilk.
Vitor Casillas


Drew Roddan
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:25:48 PM

Mr. Guerrero, please find the time in the next few days to discuss the next moves that must be made on behalf of the
UCLA men's basketball program.
We surely must agree that this season has been an all-time low for our signature program and therefore a disgrace to
our athletic department's historic reputation. While we may disagree on the specifics, its clear after 3 seasons the
Aldord is not the answer.
Look forward to speaking soon.
Drew Roddan, UCLA class of 2001
Lifelong Bruin


Peter H. Cruz
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball in Disrepair
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:28:07 PM

AD Guererro,
After this disastrous men's basketball season, the results are in; Coach Alford's tenure is a failure. Pauley Pavilion
consistently sits half empty and enthusiasm for the program is at an all-time low.
Not only did the team get worse as the season progressed, but Alford managed to lose THREE times to Southern
Cal. Such results are historically unprecedented.
Although I have strong concerns regarding your ability to make a sound hire given your checkered history hiring
coaches for major revenue sports, allowing Coach Alford to return for a fourth season could cause serious longterm
damage to the program.
It's a shame it's come to this, but I strongly urge you to admit your failure, and move on from Coach Alford.
Peter H. Cruz
Class of '99
Sent from my iPhone


Kenji Kumara
Guerrero, Dan
Embarrassed again
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:41:59 PM

UCLA Basketball: Bruins Get Embarrassed By USC In The

Pac-12 Tournament

by Mike Regalado 29m ago

The UCLA Basketball team ended their season on a

highly embarrassing note as they allowed the USC
Trojans to run them into the ground in the first
round of Pac-12 Tournament.
USC just destroyed the UCLA Basketball team 95-71 at the MGM Grand
Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada in the first round of the Pac-12
Tournament. Look at that score carefully. The Bruins gave up 95 points to
their crosstown rival. To add, it is the third time the Trojans have
defeated the Bruins this season.
RELATED:UCLA AD Dan Guerrero Responds To Fan Petition
The funny thing about that is in their first two meetings, USC won by a
combined 33 points. The Trojans were only seven points away from
matching that in this one game.
This is March Madness. UCLA, the most storied college basketball program
in history, was not prepared for this game. But that seems to be the
Once again, this team led by Head Coach Steve Alford, came out flat,
played no defense and were dunked on throughout the night by their
crosstown rival. You think it was bad with Ben Howland?
This is not how you represent the school with 11 National Championships,
the most in the NCAA. It is embarrassing.
That did not happen. UCLA has seen this USC team twice before and
played as if they had no clue who they were.I, of all people, should have
known that this game would be no different. I gave UCLA Basketball the
benefit of the doubt. I believed that they would take this game to heart. I
believed that they would raise the level of competition for the Pac-12

Tournament, especially going against USC, who they lost to twice this
You have to give it to the Trojans. They, like many other teams, knew
exactly what to do against UCLA. You run right past UCLA. You shoot from
the corner against UCLA because they did not defend out there. You box
out, because UCLA does not rebound. Essentially, you run right at UCLA
because they will not stand in your way.
Six Trojans scored in double-digits led by Bennie Boatwright (19)
and Jordan McLaughlin (18). USC, as a team, did one hell of a job
moving the ball around.
As for UCLA, expecting to outscore their opponent, once again, failed.
Though they scored 71 points, which is what you want from your team, it
does nothing when you cannot limit your opponent from putting up nearly
100 points.


Jackson Slater
Guerrero, Dan
Please. It"s too late for Alford.
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:44:52 PM

Dear mr Guerrero,
I have been a ucla fan since the day I was born my entire family's heritage is bruin. I have also played basketball all
my life and know what good basketball is. What I am watching with ucla under Steve Alford is not good basketball.
Steve Alford is not a good recruiter for he only only goes after big time players and does not recruit a foundation
for a solid basketball team. He showcases his son more than he does focus on winning and he loses to the vile
Trojans 3 times. This is a downward spiral under Alford, give lonzo and tj a real coach to play under and fire Steve
Alford PLEASE.
Thank you very much for reading this,
Long time fan - Jackson slater
Sent from my iPhone


Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
Please fire Steve Alford
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:54:45 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero:

I am writing this to you with a very heavy heart and a great deal of sadness.
My wife and I are long time, very loyal Bruins. We met at UCLA in the 60s, are active in many UCLA campus
activities, including being long time members of the Wooden Athletic Fund (WAF) and lifetime members of the
Chancellors Society. We are very proud of this magnificent university and love all things Bruin. UCLA basketball
is a major part of this university and has failed mightily in the past 3 years under the tutelage of Steve Alford. It is
embarrassing, frustrating and demeaning to UCLA.
I have been a season basketball ticket holder for 30 years, and used to love going to games and rooting for my
Bruins. This season I went to 3 games as I could no longer waste my time or energy on it. I have lost total interest
in UCLA basketball. I know you are familiar with the reasons, which are succinctly stated in the recent petition
you received and to which you responded, so there is no need to reiterate them here. And the petition didnt even
mention the 3 losses we suffered to USC this year. It is hard to find suitable words to describe how I, and I suspect
many other Bruins, feel.
My wife and I, in good conscience, can no longer support the basketball program nor WAF as long as Coach Alford
is employed by UCLA. I know that our annual contribution to the WAF and for season tickets is a drop in the
bucket, but we have really had enough of this woeful mediocrity. We love UCLA and always will. Unfortunately
our love of UCLA basketball has dissipated and vanished. We will be happy to renew our contribution to WAF and
renew our season basketball tickets if a new basketball coach is hired.
Frank Damon,
UCLA, Class of 1965


Michael Zapf
Guerrero, Dan
Steve Alfor
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:09:05 PM

Hi Dan, Horrible loss. Maybe you can ask Coach Alfor to have his players guard 3-point
Michael Zapf


Tony Rodriguez
Guerrero, Dan
Another quick note on why Alford needs to be let go
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:11:11 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
A person I respect very much and an alum has informed me that 2-3 players we leave the team if
Alford is retained. This would effectively nullify the recruiting class coming in. Please take action

Tony Rodriguez

Black Wall International Companies

Managing Director-Global Financing
(310) 351-7221 Direct

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Johnny DiLeva
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Special thanks from Trojan family
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:28:43 PM

The 2015-2016 season has been a year of growth for us Trojans. Enfield is helping us move in the right direction, as
well as Steve Alford. 3-0 against you guys for the first time since WW2, largest win against you guys since 1945,
AND we out scored you by a combined 57 points this year! So please, give Steve another 10+ years, hell even 20+
years, because you're really helping USC (YOUR RIVAL) become the top dog in LA.


Michael Macdonald
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball Coaching Change
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:29:52 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
As an alum, I have to voice my displeasure with the current state of our men's basketball program. Under the
leadership of Steve Alford, we have seen a steady decline in every objective metric of our basketball program
culminating in an embarrassing loss to USC in tonight's first round PAC-12 conference tournament.
One of the main factors in my decision to attend UCLA was it's tradition of academic and athletic excellence. Now
our most storied sports program is in crisis. Coach Alford has put the program in a precarious position and the elite
tradition of UCLA basketball is steadily eroding under his watch. It is apparent that he isn't the person to rebuild
and sustain our elite program.
I can no longer support our men's basketball team in its current state. We need an immediate coaching change to
bring UCLA basketball to a level that is in line with the expectations of our great university.
Michael Macdonald
UCLA, class of 2003


Scott Sakamoto
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:44:05 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am a UCLA alumni from the class of 2000, but my relationship with the school started way
before then. At 10 years-old I was diagnosed with a Ventricular Septal Defect in my heart and
I needed to have Open Heart Surgery that Christmas holiday. The surgery and recovery went
well thanks to the great work and care I received at UCLA Medical Center. Since then, I have
been a Bruin fan -- cheering on the academic accolades as well as rooting for the athletic
department. As a student I slept outside of Pauley for season tickets to football and basketball.
My stomach turned with Cade's my junior year as the offense pulled off miracle after miracle
performance. After graduating my brother and I went to two of the three Final Fours -Indianapolis and San Antonio.
Sadly, my relationship with UCLA Basketball has diminished in the last 3 years. Despite the
two trips to the Sweet Sixteen I have have had a hard time supporting Coach Alford's program
since he took the reigns. When Coach Mora was reported to be the next UCLA Football coach
I definitely had my reservations, but after hearing his Press Conference and seeing the quality
of his character, the type of program that he runs, and the amazing relationship he has created
with the football team and community, I fully support that program. When Coach Alford was
hired I approached his Press Conference with an open mind and hoped that he could follow in
Coach Mora's blueprint. Unfortunately he did not win me over then and the decisions he has
made and the program that he has run is hard to support. I always imagine a scenario where I
need to decide if I would feel comfortable having my son (who is all of 2 years old right now)
play for a coach if he were to ever be recruited. Unfortunately the answer is no when it comes
to Coach Alford. I do not feel confident my son would become a better player because of the
coaching, I don't feel like the culture of hero ball lends itself to the cooperative environment I
would want from team athletics, and yet I want badly for him to be a Bruin.
As long as Coach Alford is the Head Coach of the UCLA Basketball team I do not feel like I
can continue to support the Wooden Athletic Fund. Granted my annual contribution is
minimal and will not greatly impact the school's bottom line, but I can't in good conscience
continue to support a coach i would not feel comfortable sending my own son to. However,
upon the dismissal of Coach Alford, I will gladly donate once again to the Wooden Athletic
Fund and will continue to come to as many games at the Rose Bowl and Pauley Pavilion as I
can. After all, my son needs to grow up to be a Bruin. Please let us love UCLA Basketball
again as we should.
Thank you for your time.
Scott Sakamoto


Ginger Boykin
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:44:39 PM

This is an embarrassment! Steve Alford is not the coach for UCLA. Negotiate and fire him. I am a WAF member
and season ticket holder.
Ginger Boykin
Sent from my iPad


Guerrero, Dan
What a Job! (And that"s biblical!)
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:48:41 AM

Oh Danny boy!
I don't know how you do it? You're amazing. You have such keen insight regarding picking dynasty-creating
coaches. With most AD's it's a coin toss. But with you? Wow! You've got the magic touch.
Please extend Steve Alford's contract 10 years and raise the buyout to $20M. I know Alford's agent would hardbargain you and only want to give you 3 but I know you want to give him 10 and you're so darn good at the Mexican
Standoff stuff I'm sure you can get it.
Looking forward to another amazing Bruins basketball decade.
Keep up the great work.
P.S. Don't listen to all of that negative crap (I'm sure you probably don't). What do they know? You're the genius:
Dorrell, Neuheisel and the Ty-D-Bol king...Mora.


Guerrero, Dan
Message from a Friend of Rick Pitino
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:05:37 AM

Hi Dan,
I'm not here to bash Steve Alford. I don't know him. He seems like a good guy. But if you're interested in bringing UCLA
basketball back to where it belongs, returning to Final Fours, playing for the national championship, providing fans with an
exciting style of play, and generating revenue and ticket sales, you need one man on the sidelines in Westwood, and I'll do
my best to help you get him here: Rick Pitino. He would certainly be interested in hearing from you I say this knowing the
man like I do.
If you want to reach Final Fours and contend for titles, the foolproof move is to go out and get a guy who's been to Final
Fours and title games. Steve Alford's postseason record speaks for itself. He's never reached a Final Four, and he's been
coaching for many years. That isn't meant as a personal shot at Steve Alford by any means, just a pertinent fact in regard to
the future of Bruin basketball.
Rick Pitino is the only coach in the history of the game to win a national title at two different schools, and the only coach to
take three different schools (Providence, Kentucky, Louisville) to the Final Four (John Calipari took three schools to the
Final Four, though his Final Fours at UMass and Memphis were vacated). Louisville has also been tops (per Forbe Magazine)
as the richest basketball program in all of college basketball for the past few seasons, thanks in large part to Rick's tireless
work on and off the court. He's informed his inner circle he could coach until he's 83. That's another 20 years on the
I'm connected with Rick's people, family. He's certainly interested in hearing offers from other schools, but his list is very
short. Right now, it's UNLV and that's it (outside of remaining at Louisville), in part because UNLV has expressed interest in
him. His friend Steve Wynn will be making a big push for UNLV to go after Rick with all they can offer. I do believe he
would also be very interested in hearing from UCLA. He hasn't said as much, but those who know him best know there's only
a couple of programs he'd consider, outside of staying at Louisville. A program would have to offer a recruiting landscape,
and a basketball tradition. That's why he's interested in Vegas. And that's why I think he'd be interested in UCLA.
Of note: don't be misled by national media reports in regard to the Katina Powell stories, and drama occurring at U of L. For
over 40 years, Rick has run squeaky clean programs; he had absolutely zero knowledge of Powell's allegations, and was
heartbroken and disgusted when he heard of them; he wanted to make sure U of L took the punishment (whether it was fair or
not) on his watch, that's why he agreed to the postseason ban (this is off the record) with Tom Jurich for this season. If he
leaves Louisville, he'll be leaving a 13 to 14-player deep roster, a national title contender for next season. The cupboard will
be full, and they'll be eligible for postseason play next season as well.
He would be interested in hearing offers because he'd be up for a new challenge, and frankly, he's grown tired of the bitter
drama from Kentucky fans and John Calipari's antics in the Bluegrass State. His love is basketball, and he'd be interested in
hearing from a blue blood program like a UNLV (and I believe, UCLA).If he were in Westwood, the rivalry between USC
and UCLA would be cordial, as Andy Enfield got his start under Rick in Boston and they're friends. Rick would beat Andy
regularly, of course. ;O)
Back in the 1990s, when the Lakers were interested in Rick, he said he wasn't an "L.A." guy. Now that his kids are all grown,
things have changed, and he'd be interested in a market like Vegas or even Los Angeles. He already sold both of his Florida
homes earlier this year. He's been looking into expanding some of his restaurant businesses west (e.g., Dunkin' Donuts) and
Los Angeles is a currently a hot market for that franchise. His sonRichard might be interested in working as his assistant in
a potential move west (as Minnesota's athletic department is in flux, and they've rescinded on previous promises to build
practice facilities), and Richard has been longtime friends with Hollywood actress and Silver Lake residentKate Mara and
her family.
And as you know, Rick's already on staff with Adidas, and has been longtime friends with Sonny Vaccaro. It would be an
easy transition. You wouldn't have to deal with a Nike guy.
Like many individuals who've never lived in this greatest city on earth, Rick might misunderstand Los Angeles to some
degree, as it pertains to a place to reside. Myself and some other mutual friends could easily explain how L.A. is "a great
place to live, but I wouldn't want to visit" city. You need to live here, find your community, to understand its beauty. I'm sure
Rick could do that. He loves golf, and I'm sure LACC, Bel-Air CC or The Riv would be right in his wheelhouse.

I encourage you to reach out to Coach Pitino. He'll restore the legend, the legacy and the dynasty that John Wooden created
just like he did for Adolph Rupp at Kentucky and Denny Crum at Louisville and he'll do it the right way, like he did at
Kentucky and Louisville. UCLA would be the trifecta, the cherry on top, to his unparalleled and brilliant career. Kentucky,
Louisville, UCLA. It's like it was meant to be. The ghost of Johnny Wooden would be smiling in Westwood. The man who
practically invented the full-court press (Coach Wooden) with the coach (Rick Pitino) who's brought it to the modern game,
and won a national title with it just three years ago. Coach Wooden has long been Rick's coaching idol. He was very honored
to bring his then-Kentucky team to the first-ever John Wooden Classic back in the 1994-95 season.
I strongly recommend you reach out to Rick as soon as possible. Selling him on how this city is misunderstood (as it pertains
to living in) would be your only challenge. Feel free to contact me with any questions. I live in Los Angeles.
Best regards


Michael Zauner
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:57:14 AM

'76 graduate. Done with UCLA basketball until Alford is gone. His nepotism is beyond comprehensible. In the real
world, this performance by a "leader" would not be tolerable. Please for the sake of our program - do the right
thing Dan.
Sent from my iPhone


Richard Thornton
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:11:13 AM

Seemingly against all reason you have given
Steve Alford an incredible contract buyout.
Is that why you appear to want to retain his
Are you even a little embarrassed by the
basketball team's non-performance?

Dick Thornton
Bakersfield, California


Jon Huer
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:22:01 AM

Fire Alford, who is a mole sent by Bob Knight to destroy UCLA basketball, and HE SUCCEEDED!
Jon Huer
Two generation Bruin

Jon Huer, Ph.D.


Jeff Brown
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:07:54 AM

Mr: Guerrero:

This note is not a reaction to last night's game. This note is a reaction to three years of subpar
work culminating with a horrible season. I have been a fan since the mid-70s and UCLA
graduate. I follow UCLA passionately. I have never been more disillusioned with the
program. I desperately wanted Coach Alford to succeed, but he has shown from Day 1 that
he is not a fit. Perhaps that could be overcome, but I just do not see good basketball on the
court; and it is getting worse.
As a leader, you have one primary job; i.e., to lead. Coach Alford needs to be let go today. I
am a leader in my company, and letting people go is a horrible thing to have to do. But the
problem is, allowing a mediocre performer "one more chance" never works; because even if
that one person somehow improves (rarely happens, and never happens when the person is
not a cultural fit from the beginning) the rest of organization is tainted. They see that subpar
work is acceptable, and you will always get a final chance.
Go Bruins.
Jeff Brown '91


Tim Miller
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
A fitting end to a disgraceful season
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:15:24 AM

As an alumni and long time fanatic of UCLA basketball, I never thought I would see the day where I was glad to see
a season end. Unfortunately, this is the state of UCLA basketball. It isn't the losses that are disappointing so much
as the complete lack of heart in the team and indifference to defense. This falls to coaching. Normally I would
advocate giving a coach a few years to implement his plan and recruit his own athletes but it is abundantly clear that
Steve Alford is in way over his head and his faults are only amplified by his blind nepotism in playing his son over
more talented and complete players.
Supporters of Alford (if there are any left) will point to his 2 Sweet Sixteen appearances and strong incoming
recruiting class. I would point out that the Bruins generally underachieved in the regular season and benefited from
a favorable draw and upsets elsewhere in the bracket that gave them a relatively easy path. As far as recruiting, the
long term health of the program is more important than one incoming class and the lack of success to date with the
talent that has already been on the roster is an indictment of Alford's coaching to date.
I expect a thoughtful review of the basketball program in the coming weeks but as a disillusioned fan, I implore you
to make a change. I am tremendously proud to be a Bruin and want to pass that pride along to my kids but the
current state of UCLA basketball is driving me toward apathy. The team is simply not enjoyable to watch. I would
hate for inaction to drive away alumni like myself and more importantly fail to engage the next generation of Bruin
Tim Miller
Class of 1993


Michael McDiffett
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:18:55 AM

Dan and Gene,

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fire Alford today. I have been a fan for 42 years and have never
seen a situation like this. He was not only out coached, but he looked confused. He had no
idea who to put on the court. Based on the games this year I expected the defense to be poor,
but the offense was absolutely clueless. This is a
dumpster fire and I am convinced that this will continue next year if a change is not made. Do
the right thing.


Andrew Ansoorian
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Virginia Bruin
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:28:13 AM

I realize you are likely getting bombarded with lots of emails regarding the perilous state of UCLA hoops, I offer you a few
quotes that I hope bring clarity to your decision making:
"Trust is the most valuable currency." CEO of SAP
"The X-factor of great leadership is not personality, it's humility" Jim Collins
"This is only one thing worse than fighting with allies, it's fighting without them." Winston Churchill
"If you want something new you need to stop doing something old". Peter Drucker
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast." Peter Drucker
"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be" Coach

Good luck in making this critical decision.

45 years a fan...Andrew

"See the genius in every student and teach to set that genius free" Adapted from Michelangelo
Andrew Ansoorian, SPHR
Executive Director of Human Resources
Harrisonburg City Public Schools
Cell #
Check us out on LinkedIn....HCPSonLinkedIn


Chris Milano
Guerrero, Dan
Ucla future
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:53:53 AM

" <>
X-Mailer: iPhone Mail (12H143)
With Lonzo and Leaf
You can win a Nat championship- but you need a strong defense - pressing- How do you think coach K, pitino and
others won? Pressing D- Alford wouldn't know a press if it jumped in front of him
Sent from my iPhone


bernie ko
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Coach Alford,
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:58:41 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

As a long time supporter of UCLA basketball, I am utterly embarrassed at the way this basketball season has
progressed. What started out as a promising season, with wins over Kentucky, Arizona, and Gonzaga, ended
with UCLA losing to USC for the 3rd time this season along with it being UCLA's worst loss EVER in the PAC 12
tournament. I'm sure all of the coaches and student-athletes are working hard to get better, but the reality is that
the team has gotten worse over the course of the year. This is a direct reflection on the coaching staff and the
poor job they have done in coaching these players. Although there is a heralded recruiting class scheduled to
arrive on campus, Coach Alford and his staff have given me very little confidence that they will be able to succeed
with this next crop of student-athletes. It is time to fire Coach Alford.


David Alper
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Coach Alford must be replaced
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:04:18 AM

Just a brief email to let you know that I am yet another Bruin alum and lifelong Bruin basketball fan that has
completely lost interest in Bruin basketball. I no longer attend home games (I even travelled with the team in the
past), nor do I even watch on TV.
Coach Steve Alford has cratered our legendary program and seriously damaged our unique brand. Losing is the
least of it. The real damage is being done because he and the team demonstrate so little passion, so little effort and
so little basketball intelligence.
The most damaging factor is the outrageous nepotism CSA shows his son Bryce. It's demeaning in the extreme to
the memory of the great JRW to see our program subordinated to platforming the coach's son.
All my friends feel as I do.
I've been a passionate fan for decades - the first game I attended was against USC the year of JRW's first national
I signed the BRO petition sent to you, Mr Guerrero and read your reply, which I found disappointing and
Like so many others, I will pay no more attention to and spend no more time or money on UCLA basketball until
Coach Alford is replaced. This is no light thing, I have lost my single greatest sports passion.
David Alper
UCLA undergrad and law school


Ed Cotter
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:13:09 AM

It should be obvious that Steve Alford never should have been hired. Your mistake in signing
him, not vetting him for his despicable actions in Iowa, and then giving him an extension are
disgraceful. He does not deserve to coach the men's basketball team as his incompetence and
blatant nepotism run our program into the ground.
His "coaching" tenure has been an embarrassment and you should be ashamed of yourself for
enablinghis actions.
Steve Alford needs to go and you need to seriously consider your role in this affair.
Extremely disappointed,
Ed Cotter
--Ed Cotter


Devon Liden
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:23:16 AM

Mr Guerrerro -
I have never in my life felt compelled to contact someone asking for a change to a coach. I
would respectfully urge you to please, please, make a change at head coach for basketball.
Mr. Alford's track record is indefensible. From the discrepancy between the W/L record vs
the talent, to the clear nepotism towards his son, to the team's lack of effort on defense, to the
team's lack of fundamentals, a change needs to be made immediately.
Next year's recruiting class is impressive, but more talent does us no good if they are coached
in a manner consistent with Alford's regime. He had 5 NBA players in his first year and only
got to a sweet 16, so more talent will make little difference if they are not coached to play
hard on both ends of the court. The players who play the most minutes (shockingly, the
coaches son among them) lack accountability on the court, putting in little effort on defense,
just waiting to chuck up another shot on offense.
I live in Auburn, CA. I've been a UCLA fan since I was born. Despite my limited financial
resources, I scrimp and save to travel to away football games each year, and attend the spring
game as well. Even when the football team is struggling, I am proud of them because coach
Mora displays the many wonderful characteristics of a great UCLA leader, and the players
respect the game enough to play their hearts out. This is in distinct contrast to the basketball
team and coach.
It can not wait. He's had 3 years, and we are on a terrible downward trend. We are no longer a
nationally relevant as a contender for a national title. We have been called the most
disappointing team in the country by national pundits, and our fans agree. When was the last
time our team looked worse than it has this season? 15 years ago? Coach Wooden's program
is being tarnished and set back years due to Mr. Alford's work the last 3 years. Please fire
Thank you,
Devon Liden - Embarassed lifelong fan


Guerrero, Dan
Alford"s corrupt contract
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:28:38 AM

Has just been sent to every sports media person in LA, you want to keep him, you've got a war on your hands with
the fan base.
Sent from my iPhone


Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
From UCLA BB season ticket holder
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:34:42 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero:

Myname is Dale Kawashima, and my family has had UCLA basketball season tickets for the past 50
years, since Pauley Pavilion opened. I'm proud that my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kawashima, are
listed on the wall at Pauley as founding donors. My mother Tamiko is still an active fan.

I wanted to say, that this year was unbearable for UCLA fans to watch the basketball team. Although I'm a
huge UCLA BB fan, I didn't even show up for most of the Pac-12 games because I knew the team would
play poorly and lose. Plus, it's totally unacceptable that UCLA should be dominated by a USC team and
lose three times by an average of 20 points.

I believe the time has come to immediately fire Coach Steve Alford. Even thoughAlford has recruited
good new playersfor next season, I have no confidence that the team will ever have a chance to make
the Final Four with Alford as the coach.

Dale Kawashima
Studio City
UCLA Class of 1977


Mitchell Austin
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
Removal of Coach Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:51:03 AM

Messrs. Guerrero, Block and Rebholz,

I am writing to urge you to immediately remove Coach Steve Alford as the Mens Basketball
Head Coach. While, as Mr. Guerrero has noted, progress does not always proceed forward in
a straight line, it also does not proceed backward in a straight line. This would be regress
which is what has occurred in Coach Alfords second and third seasons at UCLA.
In his first year, Coach Alford finished with an overall record of 28-9, a Pac-12 season record
of 12-6 and a Sweet 16 loss. In his second year, Coach Alford finished with an overall record
of 22-14, a Pac-12 season record of 11-7 for a 4thplace finish and a Sweet 16 loss. In his
third year, Coach Alford currently has an overall record of 15-17, a Pac-12 season record of
6-12 for a 10thplace finish and no NCAA tournament bid. The facts are clear; Coach Alfords
program has regressed, not progressed.
This regression is the result of a number of Coach Alfords failures. He has failed to develop
players that have remained in his program. He was unable to recruit positions of need in his
first and second years. He has a blind spot for his son, Bryce. His teams lack an identity.
Most significantly to me as a Bruin fan is that Coach Alford appears to lack a passion for
UCLA Basketball. While he may be passionate about the game of basketball, he does not
appear to respect the history of the UCLA Basketball Program.
Please immediately remove Coach Alford.
Mitchell Austin (UCLA B.A. 2008, UCLA J.D. 2013)


Michael Hayes
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
The Last Two and a Half Months
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:08:56 AM

After last night and possibly before I am sure your inbox has been flooded with fans pleas to take action to correct
the path of UCLA basketball. Last night was a predictable embarrassment.
I was born at, raised on and ultimately graduated from UCLA, class of 97. I don't want to bore you with the details,
I'm sure my story is very similar to yours and the hundreds of stories you already have in your inbox.
I found this season to be very disappointing from a leadership perspective. As leaders our most important role is to
ensure we put our subordinates in roles that they will succeed in. It has been pretty obvious that Coach Alford is
unable or unwilling to objectively analyze his players strengths and weaknesses that will result in a consistent
winning formula. Yes we caught lightening in a bottle a couple times this year but make no mistake that's all it
appeared to be from a fans perspective. Does Coach Alford have a plan to correct this shortcoming? Does he
provide intellectual answers to these questions behind closed doors? Do you believe he will implement anything
different or are they empty statements that will lead to more of the same? It is important to get this right because
ultimately if nothing changes the student athletes carry the real burden. This year, this team clearly voted on Coach
Alford's future. The players (including his own son) quit on him several weeks ago which culminated last night
with a sweep by USC which as you know is a very rare and embarrassing feat.
I see and hear a man failing with his feet firmly underneath him. There isn't any corrective action, just more of the
same. Yes there are better players coming in next year. There always will be great players coming, we are UCLA.
However, the same culture will likely lead next years team to reach the same conclusion. Fire quickly, hire slowly.
I don't envy your position, but know that you will do what is best for UCLA whatever path that leads you down.
Best regards,
Michael Hayes
Vice President of Operations


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan
What makes you think Alford will turn it out around next season?
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:12:08 AM

UCLA put the icing on its crap cake of a season on Wednesday night, losing 95-71 to USC in a
pummelling that was eerily reminiscent of, if more extreme than, the two pummelings UCLA
received at the hands of the Trojans already this season. That it was in no way a surprise that
UCLA lost by 24 points to the Trojans (our Rob Carpentier almost predicted the margin exactly)
is perhaps the most dismal aspect of the season -- how low has UCLA basketball sunk when
USC wins the three matchups between the two teams by a combined 57 points?
The season is now over. The NIT has never accepted a team with below a .500 record, and UCLA
sits at 15-17. The CBI could attempt to take the Bruins, but UCLA accepting a CBI bid would
produce arguably a bigger PR hit than even the bad season UCLA just had. It would be the kind
of headline that writes itself -- storied basketball program accepts bid to irrelevant post-season
tournament. No, the season should be completely, firmly over, and the Bruins should not accept
any postseason tournament if offered.
The question really is: whatshould UCLA do now? UCLA finished disastrously over the last
month of the season, losing six of seven games in a run where the Bruins absolutely needed to
flip that result in order to make the NCAA Tournament. That UCLA didn't even come close, and
that, in fact, the Bruins gave some of their worst efforts of the season over the last four weeks,
speaks volumes about the state of the program. If, in his third year at the helm with many of his
own players, the head coach can't get the team to buy in during a stretch of must-win games like
that, and then the season gets punctuated by a third double-digit loss to USC in the Pac-12
Tournament where UCLA isn't even competitive, what is the rationale for maintaining the
course? This course has clearly led the Bruins astray.
And lest you think we are simply saying the players didn't play hard, it also was as if the coaches
disengaged from the season as well a few weeks ago. UCLA has trotted out some of its worst
game plans of the season over the last few weeks, and on Wednesday, the Bruins attempted to go
big-big against one of the most athletic teams in the Pac-12, and then also attempted to zone one
of the best three-point shooting teams in the country. Naturally -- of course -- UCLA started out
in an 11-0 hole. It didn't require a scouting genius to realize that zoning thisteam with Thomas
Welsh having to close out on three-point shooters on the baseline was probably not going to
work out too well. Perhaps UCLA decided to pick its poison and hope USC missed a bunch of
shots, but we're reluctant to give that kind of credit to this staff given some of the other tactical
mistakes we've seen in recent weeks (namely, manning up on Cal, a poor three-point shooting
team, when the game screamed for a zone).

But, yes, in addition to that, UCLA pretty clearly mailed in the game. When a team can
frequently get lobbed dunks over the top of the defense, and frequently dribbles right through the
defense for open-lane dunks and layups, that means the defenders aren't playing hard, or smart.
Yes, USC had an athletic advantage and was generally quicker than UCLA, but the Bruins gave
some of their poorest effort on the defensive end as well. That was also demonstrated in UCLA's
rebounding. The Bruins were outrebounded 52-30, and UCLA allowed a stunning 18 offensive
rebounds. UCLA's centers combined for 35 minutes and had just nine rebounds between the two
of them.
Think about this: UCLA lost by 24, but USC actually turned the ball over 17 times, which gave
UCLA 18 points off turnovers. Imagine if USC had been a little less careless with the ball?
Prince Ali apparently played three whole minutes, but he did not register a single stat in the box
score, and I don't actually remember seeing him on the court. In any case, it's hard to imagine a
scenario where he sticks around after this year, where he was relegated more and more to the
bench as the season wore on, and was seemingly scape-goated for many of UCLA's defensive
Isaac Hamilton and Bryce Alfordcombined to shoot 5 of 23 from the field and 3 of 13 from three
as they struggled to deal with the USC athleticism on both ends. Hamilton couldn't get many
open looks, and Alford had to content himself with launching deep threes late in the game, of
which he made a couple. Both played mostly non-existent defense.
Transition defense was early-season bad in this one. There were a handful of times where USC
was able to beat UCLA down court off of made baskets, which is just such a complete sign of
zero effort that it's hard to miss. It was actually pretty funny -- after each time UCLA gave up an
easy transition basket, whoever got beat down court (Alford, Hamilton, whoever) would
suddenly start pointing fingers at some other player as if it was their fault. To make the point
clearer: this doesn't seem like a team with a healthy culture that's conducive to winning.
Again, though, USC was pretty simply a better team than UCLA, in large part thanks to players
who wanted, at one time or another, to be Bruins. There was Bennie Boatwright, who UCLA
dropped before his senior season, raining threes over Welsh to start the game. There was
Chimezie Metu, who grew up a UCLA fan, once again dunking over the Bruins and looking like
such an athletic freak that when Bill Walton called him Hakeem Olajuwon I actually gave it a
few seconds of consideration before dismissing it. There was Jordan McLaughlin, who
ultimately looked elsewhere when it was pretty obvious Alford was going to be UCLA's point
guard, scoring 18 points and harassing every UCLA guard on the defensive end.
We weren't huge fans of Boatwright, who has become a tougher player in college, but Metu and
McLaughlin were players UCLA obviously should have prioritized much more, and this game,

along with being an indictment of the effort, the tactics, and the overall direction of the program,
is also an indictment of UCLA's recruiting over the last three years.
UCLA, from an administrative perspective, has a decision to make now. The Bruins finished with
a losing record, and the team really did seem to quit over the last few weeks. There's something
pretty clearly wrong with the direction of the program as well, as UCLA has gone from winning
28 games in 2013-14, to winning 22 games in 2014-15, to now winning 15 games in 2015-16.
Alford has also elected to play his son more minutes than just about anyone in the recent history
of UCLA, and his son Bryce is, charitably speaking, not deserving of those kinds of minutes
given his lack of interest in playing defense and his just OK offensive ability (fourth among
starters in eFG% and TS%). If he is the leader of this team, perhaps that speaks volumes about
why this team so rarely seems to care about defense. In any case, he should not have been
playing 36 minutes per game each of the last two seasons, not even on these not-so-great UCLA
teams. He's a volume shooter who has been far from UCLA's best offensive option each of the
last two years, and yet he has been featured as if he's college Steph Curry.
Bryce is here for another year, and this is the year that, supposedly, UCLA has been building
toward, with Lonzo Ball, T.J. Leaf, and company coming in. The thing is, though, we haven't
seen anything over the last few years to think that UCLA is building toward anything other than
another hugely disappointing season where the team will play poor defense, where UCLA will
feature the coach's son over more talented players, and UCLA will once again be in the position
of not realistically contending for the Final Four. UCLA had three first-round picks in Alford's
first year, and that team made the Sweet 16. And this coming year, instead of a team that features
Jordan Adams and Kyle Anderson, we have to assume that the Bruins will once again feature a
volume-shooting point guard who a) doesn't hit enough shots to justify the volume and b) doesn't
play any defense. That is not a recipe for winning anything of value.
So, UCLA has a decision to make. The administration can maintain the course, and hope that
UCLA catches everything just right next year, and the Bruins get past their defensive issues, and
the poor foundation that's been built the last three years, and somehow wins the conference and
makes a deep Tournament run. At this point, that seems highly unlikely, but hoping for that is
certainly one option. Of course, the flip side is that UCLA will be going into another season
where the coach, even if he isn't firmly on the administrative hot seat, is securely placed on the
fan hot seat, and as soon as there's a setback, or a bad loss, those fans will be calling for him to
be fired. It will be an ugly slog of a season, much like this one, except with the fans getting more
vocal much earlier, and it'll be the kind of season that could further diminish the UCLA
basketball brand.
The other option is to make a change. UCLA is three years into Steve Alford's tenure, and some
might say that's too early to fire a coach, so there's that to consider. By the other token, though, it

does seem as if Alford might not have the chops to actually lead UCLA back into the elite
echelon of the conference, let alone the country. Again, in year three, UCLA finished 10th in the
Pac-12 with a losing record. There's very little reason to think that next year the Bruins will
suddenly be elite by adding a few talented pieces -- as we pointed out above, there are clearly
some systemic issues that talent is unlikely to fix. If UCLA makes a change, there will be some
form of PR hit from the uninformed national media, but the administration will also likely earn
back a good deal of fan goodwill for making what will be perceived by the fanbase as a proactive
Let's speak plainly: this sucks. It sucks to have to write an article at the end of the season that
closes talking about whether or not a coach will be fired. But UCLA is heading into the middle
of March with no hope of the NCAA Tournament for the fifth time since 2003, and that sucks as
UCLA fans aren't that demanding. They don't need seven national championships in a row, or,
really, even one every few years like some of the crazy blue bloods out there. UCLA fans would
be content with the team contending for conference titles every year and making the Final Four
oh, say, once every four or five years or so. To be clear: those aren't crazy expectations. UCLA
has one of the best natural frameworks for success in the country, with a great, unparalleled
tradition, a great locale, proximity to tons of talent, and soon-to-be excellent facilities. With
those assets, those expectations are completely reasonable.
Missing the NCAA Tournament as much as UCLA has in the last 14 years is simply nuts. At
least 64 teams have been selected in each of those 14 seasons, and that means that a program
with some of the best natural advantages in the country hasn't been among the best 64 teams in
the nation five times in the last 14 years. That's insane. And if we're being completely
reasonable, UCLA probably should have missed the tournament last year as well. That means
that over the last 14 years, UCLA hasn't been deserving of an NCAA bid in almost half of those
So it's decision time for UCLA, and if we had to guess right now, the decision will be to maintain
the course and hope for a big change next year. That decision pushes the idea of making a
change to next offseason at the earliest, but it also risks further alienating a fanbase that has
already either been battered or has disappeared entirely.
But hope, even blind hope, seems to be the currency of the UCLA administration, and so UCLA
fans are left, as a group, clinging to that same hope: Next Year in the Final Four.


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan
fire the coach you fucking moron
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:15:17 AM


Ed DeLaCruz
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:21:20 AM

Have you seen enough yet?
Please don't allow the blue and gold to be dragged through the mud any longer. Do the right thing and let Alford go!
Been going to games for 40 years (51 years old now), and I can't remember the last time the program got this
bad...with mostly good talent! I'm sure you'll agree that this is a coaching issue.
Do the right thing Dan. Take care.
Ed DeLaCruz
Sent from my iPhone


Osmond Waheed
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:26:51 AM

This was a humiliating loss to a terrible season. Steve Alfraud's nepotism, lack of
accountability, and poor defense are ruining this program. As a UCLA alum (2010) I am
disgusted with how the program is being run right now. Fire Steve as soon as the buyout
drops below 10mil after April 30 2016.
Sent from

Mail for iPhone


LoDuca, Paul
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Rebholz, Joshua
Make UCLA Basketball Great Again
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:28:49 AM

Dear Sirs:

The UCLA basketball season ended on March 9th. Another year of irrelevancy. Steve
Alford is the wrong coach for our team. The fans know it, the media knows it and you
know that to be true as well. Nothing is gained by delaying the inevitable.

Alford equates to mediocrity, nepotism and endless excuses. If you want the UCLA
program to be great, and it should be great, then make the right move and let him go.

Thank you.

Paul LoDuca

Paul LoDuca
Financial Advisor

The Linzmeier Group

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

1901 Main Street | 7th Floor | Irvine, CA 92614

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communications. This message is subject to terms available at the following link: If you cannot access this link, please notify
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Robert Bastron
Guerrero, Dan
Steve Alford Must Go
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:35:14 AM

Mr. Guerrero,
Steve Alford is statistically the worst basketball coach at UCLA since the Wooden Era. In
three years, the wins have steadily decreased, the losses have steadily increased, and the last
fumes of defense have totally evaporated. This isn't surprising considering his track record.
Thinking that somehow next year a man who has been mediocre his entire life will suddenly
wake up one day and turn into Tom Izzo is absurd.
An elite program that takes itself seriously would be done with Steve Alford right now. Would
Kentucky hold onto a coach after going 15-17? Would Arizona keep Sean Miller if after his
third season he finished 10th in the conference? Would Kansas champion a new coach who in
his third season was trounced three times by arch rival Kansas State including a final defeat in
humiliating fashion in the conference tournament? Do you think the next Duke coach, after
Coach K retires, will be allowed to go on if his wins decrease from 28, to 22, to 15 each year?
Do you think the Cameron Crazies will stick around to see the wins fall to single digits?
Would North Carolina replace Roy Williams with a coach who had been to one Sweet Sixteen
in 18 years as a Division I head coach and was run out of Iowa?
UCLA should always be an elite program. We have an unparalleled history, a beautiful new
Pauley Pavilion, are located in recruiting rich Los Angeles, and have the most beautiful
campus in the country.
I moved to New York shortly after I graduated from UCLA in 2006. From the beginning, I've
been very involved in the NYC Bruins alumni chapter. In fact, I now captain the UCLA flag
football team in our yearly flag football game against the USC alumni. One of the great things
we have always done in the city is have regular game watchings at a host bar for both football
and basketball games. It's a great opportunity to connect with old friends from college, other
alumni, and to share the experience of watching our Bruins.
Sadly, no one goes to the basketball game watches anymore. They've actually discontinued
hosting them but for "big games," and still, only a handful of alumni show up to watch those.
It appears that at Pauley in Westwood the decline in interest is even greater. It's gotten
embarrassingly bad, and with one more year of Alford's mediocrity, interest may disappear
entirely. This does not befit an elite program. It is in your power and your power only to make
UCLA an elite basketball program once again.
I would urge you to make a change at the head coaching position and let Steve Alford go
Thank you for your time, and GO BRUINS!
Robert Bastron
Class of 2006

Robert Bastron


Warner Anderson
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Adrian Klemm sp we can beat Stanford and Oregon
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:35:52 AM

Now, he has a serious problems beating USC, Arizona State, and Utah. The time demands
that Klemm be fire immediately. Coach P. Kennedy needs to coach the Offensive Line if a
new coach is not hired. He coaced them in Spring Practice and the first 3 games of the
regular season with No Problems at all.
Warner Anderson UCLA class of 1976
Sent from

Mail on Android


Jeremy West
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:36:41 AM

My family is done with UCLA basketball till Steve Alford is gone. Thank you for your time.
Jeremy West
Sent from my iPhone


Brent Armitage
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:42:36 AM



Richard Shapiro
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
Our Basketball Coach
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:45:10 AM

Dear Sirs:
I was a member of Bruin Athletic Club for 25 years, ever since I graduated in 1984. I was
forced to give up my seats when you priced me out of them, despite my continuous support.
Now my support for the University is stopping as well. No longer is it just Athletics, ALL
support is stopping.
Our coach and his NEPOTISM are an embarrassment to the University. We are not just bad,
we are actually laughable. We are a National joke!!
I hereby demand the immediate firing of Steve Al-fraud post haste.
It is the only way to salvage the players that are about to bolt from the program and actually
save the recruiting class.
Unless this happens soon, I will never make another donation for any cause to UCLA.
Richard Shapiro,

UCLA, 1984


Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Fire Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:45:53 AM

Fire him. NOW. He has disgraced and embarassed these precious FOUR letters that we all are
proud to wear across our chest! This is worse than the 50-0 to $C!!! This is BASKETBALL!
Something we are wayyyyy better than those guys across town! Fire Alford now!
Enough is enough!


Kevin Colvin
Guerrero, Dan
Basketball U
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:49:17 AM

As a loyal Bruin it was extremely difficult to dawn my Bruin T-shirt this morning. Please help
our B-ball program by acquiring a coach that would attract quality athletes. Great. Job
acquiring Mora now help or B-ball team. This defeat is almost as bad as the one I witnessed
in 1967 with our football team against S.C. That one still haunts me today.


Deibert, Ian
Guerrero, Dan
Steve Alford Brings Shame to UCLA
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:52:30 AM

As a member of the UCLA community, I request that you fire Steve Alford. He has brought shame to our school's great
legacy. He also covered up rape during his time at Iowa. He does not deserve to represent our university.
Ian Lumiere
UCLA Law Class of 2016

-Ian M. Lumiere
Class of 2016


Michael Presser
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
RE: New basketball coach needed
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:06:06 AM

While the right decision is not always an easy one, I find it is usually better to deal with it sooner
rather than later. Better to move on from Steve Alford now rather than 12 months from now. The
culture of the basketball program will not improve next year and the infusion of talent will be
wasted if UCLA retains Steve Alford. The culture cant be changed if the coach and his son both
remain in their current positions. You saw yesterday the result of that dynamic.

Please do what is in the best interest of UCLA and fire Steve Alford!


George Elkins Mortgage Banking Company
949.752.1662 office
949.752.1667 fax
BRE #01391972

26180 Enterprise Way, No. 300

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Dave Gilmore
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball Needs A Change At The Top
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:26:42 AM

I'm not a big donor. My biggest contribution over the last

few years was $1,000 for the Wasserman Center. But I
have been a loyal fan of UCLA Basketball since Coach
Wooden first won the national championship and I
attended every game at Pauley when I was a student
from 1971-75.
I don't expect to go to the Final Four or win the Pac 12
conference every year. As you know, Coach Wooden
was not about wins and losses, but about preparation
and effort. And that's all I expect from a UCLA
basketball team. But this year's team was the worstprepared team I can remember and gave the worst effort
I can recall. Those two elements come from the head
coach and Coach Alford must be held accountable.
I normally think a coach needs at least four years to put
his stamp on the program. But the clear downward arc
of UCLA basketball over the last three years demands a
change now. I cannot accept that this is just a case of
progress sometimes not going in a straight line; there
has been an obviously greater under-performance each
season when one takes talent into account. I dearly
hope you can see that and make the tough decision to
fire Coach Alford now before more damage is done to
our storied program.
David J Gilmore

UCLA Class Of 1975


Michael Zank
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Please save Men"s Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:27:25 AM

Mr. Guerrero,
I'm only writing because I've heard from multiple credible sources that rather than put out the
fire that is the Men's Basketball program and begin restoring it to greatness, you may be
inclined to let it burn for another year (or two, or three).
If this is true, I would humbly caution you to consider what a grave and obvious mistake this
would be. Fires can cause irreparable damage and have a habit of spreading. Much of this
damage is already evident to members of the UCLA alumni and donor community (current
and future), and you can sadly see its effects in the attitudes and actions of people who love
this University and desperately want to support it but believe that to do so at this time would
only be prolonging a toxic and harmful situation.
It is unfathomable to me that in the face of unparalleled unity and support from so many
thousands of Bruins desperately needing their beloved Hoops program to be saved, and the
required course and urgency of action so obvious, that the leadership tasked with its
stewardship appears to be so unwilling to intervene.
Please save UCLA Men's Basketball. I promise that Bruins everywhere have your back. We're
counting on you.
Michael Zank
UCLA Anderson 07

on behalf of Jonathan Wang
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Block, Gene
UCLA and Excellence
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:32:09 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I know you are probably tired from all of the angry emails I'm sure you have been receiving,
so I will make this short. I am writing you because I can no longer stomach what has
happened to our once proud basketball program.
I had the great privilege of graduating from UCLA in 2009. As a young alum, I know that my
meager donations are but a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things, but I am letting
you know that I can no longer justify giving my money to this university as long as Coach
Alford is employed by UCLA. I could go into the many reasons why Mr. Alford is not
suitable to be the coach at UCLA, but I know you are familiar with them.
What more is required for you to make a change? You are at risk of further alienating a
passionate fanbase because of your inaction. Pauley Pavilion was already half empty this
year, if no moves are made, it will be even emptier next season.Steve Alford, and by
extension, the man that hired him has cratered a legendary program. It is far too obvious that
the team has quit on this coach. No recruiting class, not even one as talented as we have
coming in next year, will fix that. Please, if you "love UCLA" as you claimed in your
response to the recent petition, make a move now before UCLA's legacy and brand is
damaged even more.
Jonathan Wang
UCLA, Class of 2009


Kevin Deggelman
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
How do you justify keeping Steve Alford?
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:39:45 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Let me preface this email by recognizing that I don't have the money
or influence for my message to mean much to you (as evidenced by the
fact that I didn't receive a response to my previous email).
My intention is not to try to change your mind, but rather to better
understand your justification for bringing Steve Alford back as head
coach. I want to believe that things will suddenly be great moving
forward, I am an optimist, I honestly want Steve Alford to succeed at
UCLA... but the last three years of basketball makes that difficult
for me to believe.
So my question is simple. How do you justify bringing Steve Alford
back after watching him run this program for three full seasons? Do
you honestly believe he is the best coach possible for UCLA? Am I in
the minority? Do most UCLA fans want him back? I understand that money
can have a large influence in these decisions, so does Coach Alford's
contract make it unrealistic to fire him after this season?
I'd love to hear a response but, with all due respect, if you're just
going to tell me about how much you love UCLA, and how this last
season was just as disappointing for you as it was for me, please
don't bother. As a UCLA alum and Wooden Athletic Fund member, I'd hope
that you could give me an honest answer.
Thanks for your time,
Kevin Deggelman


Tony Rossi
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Regarding the UCLA Men"s Basketball Program
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:53:08 AM

Dear sirs,
As a UCLA alum and WAF member, I am writing to express my profound disappointment in the
state of the UCLA men's basketball program. It is abundantly clear that we have a failure of
leadership in the program. There is no greater indictment of a coach than having his players quit
on him, which is exactly what we have seen over the course of this season. Once a culture is
established within a program that it is OK for players to quit on their coach and stop playing hard,
there is no course for improvement other than the removal of the coach. New players may come
in, but players don't establish the culture - coaches do. And the culture that has been established
under Coach Alford is not conducive to playing winning basketball.
The longer that Coach Alford has been able to put his imprint on the program, the worse we have
done. UCLA should not tolerate such performance in any area of the university, particularly one
that is as highly visible and important to the overall brand as the men's basketball program.
I urge you to remove Coach Alford from his position as men's basketball coach.
Tony Rossi
UCLA Class of 1993


Robert W. Schmidt
Guerrero, Dan
the final straw.....
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:53:38 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero

Last nights humiliation of the UCLA mens basketball team at the hands of our cross-town
rival, the unprecedented third such beating this season, was the final straw for Mr. Alford. He
should be dismissed immediately. The players, much like the fans, have quit on the coach.
Most have known all along that Mr. Alford was a disastrous hire, for his demonstrated lack of
ethics alone, but it is no longer possible for anyone to pretend that he is a successful coach. I
am aware that the unprecedented and baffling buy-out contract clause is still in place, but
consider the cost of the damage to the UCLA brand, the loss of revenue from donors and
season ticketholders who abhor the hiring of this man, and the lack of ticket sales in sad, twothirds empty Pauley Pavilion this will only get worse as the program continues to crater and
the UCLA basketball brand continues to erode. Real growth comes from admitting one made
a mistake and then making remedies to fix it. I would encourage you to dismiss Mr. Alford
immediately, and employ a group of expert alumni to conduct the search for the next coach.
Leadership is shown by recognizing ones own weaknesses and lack of competence in certain
areas, and then by finding and heeding experts who may be better suited to certain tasks. If
you love UCLA like you have said, you must dismiss Mr. Alford immediately or those words
ring hollow. Own up to this error and take efforts to remedy it - I, and many others, would
view this as strong leadership. I, and many others, would love to have a mens basketball
coach and team to be proud of, and would welcome the opportunity to donate to the
university and to renew season tickets once again (both of which I felt that, ethically, I had to
cease once Mr. Alfords hiring was announced). Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Robert W. Schmidt (class of 1995)


Guerrero, Dan
New coach
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:55:01 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero.

I have been a UCLA fan for a long time now living in North Carolina I am still a UCLA fan I
am so disappointed with this season please try to find a top 10 assistant or coach who can
bring UCLA a championship it was said that Steve Alford had a tough job well he's done
enough and now it's your job to bring to UCLA basketball what we need a coach who is
going to stay for a long time at UCLA yes time to fire Alfred and bring back some pride
Mr. Endsley


Bill Yancey
Guerrero, Dan
Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:57:18 AM

Coach Wooden must be turning over in his grave. Fire Coach Alford NOW!!!
Thank you.

Bill Yancey


David Gompert
Guerrero, Dan
Please End the Madness
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:00:19 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Last night's performance is easily the worst I have ever witnessed by a UCLA
Basketball Team in over 34 years of being a faithful Bruin Fan. Our "coach"
apparently never watched any of the film from the previous two games, that or he is
completely clueless on how to game plan. It has to be one or the other and in either
case it should be grounds for dismissal from the prestigious position of Head Coach,
Men's Basketball at UCLA. I read your response to the petition regarding our
"coach" especially the part where you said "progress isn't a straight line". That may
be true, however failure seems to be. In the "coach's" 3 years the men's team has
won fewer games each successive season. While progress may not be a straight
line forward, it most certainly isn't a straight line backward, which is exactly what we
have here. Please do the right thing Mr. Guerrero before the damage is all but
irreversible... Fire Steve Alford Immediately!
David J. Gompert


Nikhil Ramnaney
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:04:46 AM

Mr. Guerrero:
I have been a UCLA Athletics supporter since I arrived on campus in 2003. I have supported
our athletic programs in numerous ways since then. Yesterday's tournament performance was
embarrassing. I have never been a fan of the Steve Alford hire, but I did not write you to
complain or voice my discontent until now. I wanted to give him a fair chance despite my
This season has been very disappointing. And that is not just reflected in the team's record.
Average UCLA basketball attendance from last year was significantly lower than our
conference peers. This year I have noticed the same trend continuing. I mentor young men
and women from the community who I hope to inspire to go to college and pursue UCLA as
an academic goal. When I bring them to UCLA basketball games, I am embarrassed by the
product that is on the floor. I mean absolutely no disrespect to the players who are trying very
hard, but you have failed at ensuring a quality team and experience at Pauley Pavilion. This
is the home of John Wooden, and his legacy is being tarnished.
I understand the challenges of the modern NCAA and do not have unrealistic expectations of
our program. But an average attendance of 47% capacity and a losing record are
unacceptable. Two people have to be held accountable for the team right now. Mr. Alford
and yourself. Please take the appropriate actions to correct the situation and pursue a high
quality coach. Please take the appropriate actions to reinvigorate UCLA basketball. I
welcome the opportunity to discuss my ideas about how to improve attendance and the
student experience.
If I don't hear back from you or see any changes in the near future, I will withhold financial
support for UCLA Athletics and direct my complaints to Mr. Block's office.
-Nikhil A. Ramnaney
Attorney at Law


Mark Cordova
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:08:24 AM

I am a lifer UCLA fan who grew up in Anaheim, and moved back to my original home, Albuquerque, 10 years ago.
I saw what a great job Coach Alford is capable of during his tenure here at New Mexico. Unfortunately, Coach
Alford was not ready for prime time in the Big 10, nor is he ready for prime time in the Pac 12. Director Guerrero,
it is time to cut bait with Alford and find someone ready for prime time. You did just that when you sacked
Neuheisel for Mora. It's now time to do the same on the hoops side.
Besides, the Lobos need to sack Craig Neal here. Maybe we can get Alford back here in Albuquerque, He never
should have left. He walked on water out here.


*Kevin Scott*
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
My UCLA is supposed to be THE #1 BRAND IN NCAA MEN"S BASKETBALL!!!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:08:53 AM

To Guerrero & Block:

MY UCLA BRUINS (B.A. History, 1984) are

supposed to be the #1 Brand in
NCAA Men's Basketball!! WE HAVE THE

(At minimum, we should be the clear best in the West).

March Madness is supposed to be "The UCLA Invitational".

Guerrero, you keep comparing UCLA BASKETBALL to YOUR SPORT: UCLA
We. Are. A. Basketball. School. (Football second. Mora is not the answer
either. But that's another topic.)
Heck man, when I was on campus (1978-84), several top "A" Division
Intramural Basketball Teams would massacre these current Bruins.

Only ONE SCHOOL had John Wooden... UCLA.

Dude: Find. A. Way. Find. The. Money. To. Get. Us. Outta. The.
Steve Lavin was never this bad, and he rightfully got the boot.
Kevin Scott, Class of 1984.


Kevin Scott, California Real Estate Agent & Investor

Desk: (562) 531-2001 ext. 217
Century 21 Realty Team, 14620 Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706
California BRE License Number: 01270451 (Since 1999)


Greg Merchant
Guerrero, Dan
Men"s Basketball Program
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:19:13 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I have been a Wooden Athletic Fund Member since 2005/2006 and am currently at the Bruin All
Conference level. When I originally decided to join the WAF, it was in order to buy mens basketball
season tickets. It was a great decision, as I witnessed many great games and great players over the
last decade. I loved going to games with friends and family and faithfully cheering on the Bruins.
However last year everything started to change. The games were not fun anymore, the team on the
floor often looked disinterested, they played little defense and it was just bad basketball. The team
was obviously poorly coached. I found myself going to fewer and fewer games. At the end of the
season I decided to give up my season tickets because I couldnt stand to see the program heading
in a downward direction with little hope of it turning around. And unfortunately I was right. This
year has been even worse than last year. It is obvious to me that Steve Alford is not the right coach
for UCLA and the longer he is head coach the more the long term prospects of the program are
being damaged.

It is with this in mind that I have come to the following conclusion. If Steve Alford is retained as head
basketball coach I will reduce my donation to the minimum amount to cover my football tickets
($200). On the other hand, if he is fired, I pledge to increase my donation to the Bruin All American
level and will again become a basketball season ticket holder.

I realize that this is a decision that you do not take lightly, but I hope that after consideration you are
able to do the right thing and help restore UCLA basketball to where it belongs.


Greg Merchant
Class of 1992


Mike Welch
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA men"s basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:22:20 AM

To those concerned about the fate of UCLA mens basketball,

I am writing you this morning to express my dismay with the sad state of our mens basketball team and implore
that you make the top-down changes necessary to bring this iconic program back to its properly earned place
amongst the college elite. As a three time alum and lifelong fan, it saddens me to accept the painfully obvious: this
program cannot succeed, and I simply cannot support it any longer, until Coach Alford is removed.
I can count on one hand the number of home games I did not attend during my 11 years on campus. I camped out
for floor seats for countless of those games. I even won the Super Shot in January 2001. I have traveled to Sweet
16s and VPN connected to international offices to bypass DirecTVs lack of Pac-12 networks and stream games
online. This is the first season, however, that I have consciously avoided watching UCLA basketball even when it
was readily available. The team lacks the bare minimum effort and enthusiasm that make a program worth
supporting if they dont care about competing or playing hard, why should I spend what little free time I may
have supporting them?
Seasons like these past few do permanent damage to the program, and it will continue to flounder under Steve
Alford. Enough is enough. Restore UCLA basketball and bring the fans (including myself) back to Pauley.
Mike Welch
BS 03, MS 05, Ph.D. 10.


*Kevin Scott*
Guerrero, Dan
Make UCLA Basketball Great Again
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:33:57 AM

I just read your lame email posted here:
Guerrero Blows Off Fans Who Want To Fire Alford

Guerrero Blows Off Fans Who

Want To Fire Alford
Guerrero acknowledges that he received th
e online petition which was signed by mor
e than 1,200 Bruin fans, but offered nothi
ng of substance to indicate th...
View on

Preview by Yahoo

Dude, if you REALLY loved UCLA the way WE DO, then

you would acknowledge your DUTY to Make UCLA Basketball Great
Great again means: In the conversation for a title year in year and year
Great again means, the best kids (especially in the West) come to UCLA.
Great again means we have one of the best basketball minds, and moral
character builders as a Head coach. Steve Alford is neither.
You don't LOVE Ucla Basketball like we do.
Otherwise, you'd only talk about MAKING UCLA GREAT AGAIN.
Make UCLA Basketball Great Again.
(Go see that dude at UConn Women's Basketball for a reference. Go talk
to Pat Summit why don't you. Go chat with at dude at Duke. Go see that
dude at UNC who's always in the conversation. HECK, go see that Wildcat
Calipari who seems to always find a way to start from scratch every year,
and competes for the top with freshmen. And don't give me some lame
excuse that he's NBA minded. We've got our share of NBA players too).


Nathaniel Dang
Rebholz, Joshua; AD; Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
UCLA Athletics Development
Re: REMINDER: 2016-17 WAF Donation Renewal Information
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:40:01 AM

Looping in Chancellor Block.

Dear Mr. Block, Mr. Guerrero, and Mr. Rebholz,
Further to my email below, last night's historic and unmitigated disaster against USC was
emblematic of the "foundation" (or lack thereof) that Coach Alford is laying for our
basketball program.
The word "legacy" is often thrown around lightly; however, it is appropriate in this situation.
Coach Wooden spent decades serving our university and shaping young men on and off the
court; that is his legacy. This is a watershed moment for the UCLA basketball program, and
what you choose to do in this moment shall be your legacy. As you know, UCLA has a
number of very talented signees coming in next year. With that talent, Coach Alford will
likely once again disappoint, but will also likely achieve enough success to make termination
more difficult from a public relations perspective. Thus, if you fail to act immediately to
replace Coach Alford, Coach Wooden's masterpiece will continue to sustain irreparable
damage -- and that will be your lasting legacy.
Please do what you know is right for the long-term health of our athletics department and our
basketball program, which is in many ways the heart and soul of our university.
Nathaniel T. Dang, Esq.
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science '08
On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Nathaniel Dang <natdangspam@
Dear Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,

> wrote:

I am a proud UCLA Bruin (B.S. Computer Science & Engineering '08). I have been a
lifelong supporter of UCLA Athletics (my oldest brother graduated UCLA in the class of
1995). I am a Wooden Athletic Fund Member, UCLA Football season ticket holder (which
I enjoyed with my good friend, Mr. James Ayden, UCLA School of Law '13), and former
UCLA Basketball season ticket holder (which I enjoyed with another good friend, Mr.
Thomas Chan, UCLA '07). I have also donated to the Wasserman practice facility and
various other athletic department initiatives throughout the years. I flew out to Indianapolis
and attended the Final Four when we played there a decade or so ago; I also try to support
our teams at other away games whenever possible (e.g., the football games vs. Texas,
UNLV, etc.). In addition to supporting the athletic department, I of course support the
Samueli School of Engineering and am a Boelter Society member.
I understand that I may not be a "whale" of a supporter of the athletic department from a
financial perspective. However, it is people like Mr. Ayden, Mr. Chan, and myself that
form the core of any long-term fundraising and development strategy; we are young, recent
graduates who love our alma mater and are eager and ready to support it in the right areas

and at the right time, and are likely to do so for the next 50 years.
In light of the above, it saddens me to write this email informing you that I will not be
renewing my membership to the WAF, nor will I be renewing my football season tickets or
otherwise financially supporting the Athletic Department until Coach Steve Alford is
dismissed from his position as the head basketball coach at UCLA. I am sure you have
received a litany of similar emails and I will not bother rehashing the many complaints that
you have likely received regarding Coach Alford, except to say that Coach Alford failed,
miserably, to meet the minimum expectations for a coach at UCLA -- not just from the
standpoint of wins and losses, but also from a moral and character standpoint. His teams do
not exhibit the effort, particularly on the defensive end of the court, that is expected at an
institution like UCLA. Accordingly, I cannot in good faith support an athletic department
that continues to allow Mr. Alford to embarrass our university.
I wish you the best and I look forward to once again financially supporting our Bruin
athletics programs, if and when Mr. Alford is dismissed and replaced with a head coach
worthy of our great institution.
Go Bruins,
Nathaniel T. Dang, Esq.
UCLA Engineering '08

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: UCLA Wooden Athletic Fund <>

Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:16 AM
Subject: REMINDER: 2016-17 WAF Donation Renewal Information
To: Nathaniel Dang <natdangspam@

Dear Nathaniel,


Thank you for your generous support of UCLA student-athletes through your annual
donation to the Wooden Athletic Fund.

As part of our ongoing effort to provide a first-class donor experience to all of our gracious
supporters, we wanted to remind you that the renewal of your 2016-17 Wooden
Athletic Fund donation is now available. The deadline for renewal remains June
30, 2016.

For the fastest and most efficient renewal method, you may CLICK HERE to
renew your WAF membership online right now through your own personalized
WAF giving webpage.

If you have ANY questions regarding your 2016-17 Wooden Athletic Fund membership and
tax-deductible donation, please do not hesitate to contact our office Monday-Friday, 8am5pm by phone at 310.206.3302, e-mail or you can visit anytime for more information.


Scott Bianchi
Guerrero, Dan
It is time for change!!
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:52:28 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

From the day I was born, I bled Blue and Gold. I am a Ucla graduate and WAF donor. Never in my life have I been
more embarrassed by our basketball program than I am right now. Over the past three seasons, it is easy to see how
our beloved program has continued a straight downward trend. Each year, post Howland, our team has had a worse
record, played with less discipline, less heart, less passion, less teamwork. This is a culture that cannot continue. It
is time for change! Please don't put off another year, what needs to be done today!! It is time to get a leader of our
basketball program that is worthy of our storied program and that can actually LEAD our student athletes and create
a winning environment. Enough is enough!
It is time for change!!!
Scott Bianchi, DDS
Sent from my iPhone


Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:58:47 AM

Mr. Guerrero
Steve Alford has consistently put UCLA teams on the court unprepared to play. This will not change. He should not
be returned next year.
George Armitage
Sent from my iPhone


Marc Bretter
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Reaching Out
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:08:18 AM

Mr. Guerrero:

Im from a UCLA family. My dad graduated in 1949 and my uncle in 1951. They were fraternity
brothers and good friends of Mo Ostin. The 2 of them and 3 other friends had 8 season tickets the
opening year of Pauley and had them until the 1990s when the group fell apart due to my uncle
passing away and other factors. I went to elementary school at Warner Avenue across the street
from UCLA where my best friends were Willie Naulls and Mike Warrens kids (both still close
friends). I was a ball boy in 6th grade. I played basketball at Harvard-Westlake when my
teammates/dear friends Jason and Jarron Collins were recruited to UCLA, so I spent a lot of time
hanging out in the basketball office with Coach Harrick and Lavin. Needless to say we were a diehard UCLA family and UCLA basketball has been a big part of my life.

Now that Im in my 30s and have my own children, I want nothing more than to start the ritual of
getting season tickets. However, about a year ago when I was deciding what to do, I chose to spend
$20k annually on Clipper Season Tickets and a partial Laker Season. I do use them for business, but
living in Beverly Hills and working in Brentwood, I would much rather spend that money attending
games at UCLA. However, I could not and will not contribute to a program led by Steve Alford. A
person bereft of morals, who grossly engages in nepotism and who has proven over a 20 year
career to be an average coach. My dislike for Steve Alford is so great, it prohibits me from donating
to Athletics in general, despite how fondly I think of Coach Mora and his team (Ive had the
opportunity to spend time with Coach Mora, Josh Rosen and Jordan Payton and they represent
everything I grew up loving about UCLA). You made a brilliant hire there with Jim Mora, but keeping
Steve Alford threatens to undo all the wonderful things that you have done for UCLA.

Despite perception, UCLA fans are reasonable. We dont expect Brad Stevens to walk through the
door. Take a chance on someone young or an out of the box idea like Randy Bennett with Kerry
Keating as lead assistant. I dont care what 1 year recruits are coming next year (and trust me they
will still come because of the 4 letters not because of our Coach).

My Dad is 88 and UCLA basketball is one of the few things he looks forward to. Believe it or not, this
program means so much to people, that his disdain for Alford is actually affecting his enjoyment of
his last few years of life. Please do what needs to be done and restore our sacred program.


Marc Bretter

Cresa Los Angeles

11726 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 500|Los Angeles CA 90049
310-207-1700 tel|310-943-5141 direct|


Scott Revlin
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Reflections on this season
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:08:30 AM

Good morning gentlemen,

I think we all woke up with a little less pep in our steps this morning. Watching our storied blueblood basketball team underperform in a massive way is emotionally draining. The goal now should
be to be solution focused; what gets the program back where it should be?

Unfortunately, the key variable the last three years has been the leadership of Steve Alford. Game
planning has been poor, execution has been poor, and talent utilization has been poor. You might
point to backing in to the tournament last year, or the big wins this season, as successes. I
disagree. Steve has shown us that his teams are fundamentally incapable of sustained, quality play.
Catching a hot streak and making the sweet 16 should not validate his abilities; it should make us
question his inability to sustain that quality of play across a 30 game season.

The Alford supporters also point to his recruiting acumen as a rationale for keeping him.
Unfortunately, they are overestimating his role. UCLA has always, and will continue to, recruit
itself. We have a beautiful campus in a beautiful city. We have banners hanging from the rafters.
We have a brand recognized world-wide, and provide one of the best educational environments
anywhere. Those are what brings in recruits, not Steve Alford. My fear is that with another year of
Steve Alford, our coaches WILL have to start recruiting because of the damage Steve Alford is doing
to our brand.

A few years back, I wrote you a similar letter about Rick Neuhesiel. We all know how hard it was to
let a fellow Bruin go, but could you have imagined just a few short years ago that Jim Mora could
have completely changed the culture of our football program and brought us back to the national
conversation? Its time to make that same tough choice.


Scott Revlin
Class of 1999

Scott Revlin, MA, BCBA

Clinical Manager
(805) 644-7827 Office

Connect with STAR of CA:


Harrison Wollman
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:18:25 AM

I will not attend a single UCLA basketball game next season if Alford is the coach. Daddyball
is disgusting and ruining this program. You're this close to losing a die hard bruin fan.
Fix it,
Harrison Wollman


Sena, Rhonda
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:20:59 AM

I'ma 25 year season ticket holder. I love Bruin basketball. Pauley is beautiful, Westbrook's donation is
amazing. We need a coach worthy of the UCLA basketball program.

Rhonda Sena, Ph.D.

UCLA Semel Institute

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Unauthorized redisclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality may subject you to federal and state
penalties. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify us by return email, and delete
this message from your computer.


Matthew Crytzer
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Men"s Basketball - Change Needed
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:29:08 AM

Hello Mr. Guerrero,

My wife and I graduated from UCLA in 1997. While students at UCLA, we attended
many men's basketball games. We have very fond memories of these times.

After graduating, we still attended a few games each year, and I watched every other
game on TV.

We were both disappointed when Steve Alford was hired as the coach to replace Ben
Howland. We decided to give him a chance, but unfortunately, our fears have been

UCLA records for the past three years have steadily declined:


This season, we were blown out three times by bitter rival USC (in basketball...).

We have stopped attending games and sadly, I don't even watch them on TV any
longer. We won't be attending games or watching them on TV until a new head
coach is hired.

Please don't look to the 2016 recruiting class as the savior. It is fool's gold. They
won't be able to overcome the eventual transfers, the bad chemistry (Coach Alford
featuring his son), and Coach Alford's lack of coaching acumen.

Please don't fear the national media backlash at replacing a coach after three
seasons. Regardless of when a coaching change is made in UCLA mens
basketball, the media will always say that it is due to UCLA's unreasonably high
expectations. No championships in 20 years and missing the tournament 5 out of
the last 14 seasons... Does that say "High Expectations" to you?

Please don't worry about the curiously high buyout clause for Steve Alford. UCLA
fans will return as soon as the coaching change is made, and the revenue from the
increased attendance will help offset the cost of the buyout.

Please don't wait.

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
The time is now.


Matthew Crytzer


James Mansour
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Needs Change
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:31:08 AM

Dear Mr. Block,

I am a UCLA fan who became a UCLA alumnus because of UCLA basketball. I watched
UCLA basketball as a kid and became in love with the university as I hoped to one day join
the student section and scream the names of players like Charles and Ed OBannon. UCLA
basketball means so much to many of us. It is more than just a basketball going through a
hoop. It is a tradition beyond just winning national titles and hanging banners in Pauley
Pavilion. UCLA basketball is the image of this university. It is the pulse of this university. It
is the soul of this university. This program is a source of pride to many of us. Unfortunately,
this tradition is dying. Our program is very ill and the empty seats inside the arena scream
how unhealthy the soul of this university is. Steve Alford is unfortunately not the right man to
lead this program. He never was the right person to lead this program. But we have seen in
three years a coach who has put his son before the needs of the basketball program. Would
John Wooden ever approve of what is happening to his program? Beyond Steve Alfords lack
of character, he is simply not the right person to lead a basketball program many consider to
be the greatest in the country. Now as students today will matriculate from this university
without experiencing the joys of UCLA basketball, this will lead to repercussions to future
donations not only to the basketball program but the school as a whole. I have degrees from
George Washington and Texas A&M and I feel much closer now to those universities as I see
leadership at those schools that do not fail to act. I have donated to all three schools this year,
but UCLA was the lowest donation I sent. If for some reason Steve Alford is retained, my
donations will fall to nothing which hurts me as this is the university I truly love.

The UCLA community needs you to act on Steve Alford. He is a coach who should have
never been hired. But we must move forward and take our losses now before the program
simply dies.


James Mansour


Dylan N. Dewey
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Restore Integrity to UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:38:49 AM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Especially as a Beta brother of yours, I urge you to restore integrity to UCLA
basketball by firing Steve Alford immediately. He should never been hired in the first
place as he is a rape apologist and has not achieved the record of excellence
necessary to bring national championship banners to Westwood. Within his three
years here, he has played his son at the expense of far superior talent such as Zach
Lavine. He took a team with three first rounders that he inherited from Coach
Howland to the worst season UCLA has suffered since Coach Wooden took the
helm, including three embarrassing losses to USC. It is unacceptable for you to
repeatedly accept mediocrity as UCLA is a unique institution around the world that
not only aims to athletic and academic excellence but more importantly superior
morals as inspired by Coach's legacy. Rich donors should not be the only voices you
listen to as UCLA is a beautiful place because of how inclusive it is of people from all
walks of life.
Dan, restore integrity of UCLA's most cherished program, Coach's basketball team,
and therefore place the greatest public institution in the world back onto the road of
integrity and excellence.
I would, at the minimum, appreciate a response that you have received this e-mail,
but really a sophisticated answer that addresses the heart of the matter: demanding
excellence in everything we do by representing the 4 letters proudly.
Best regards,
Class of 2011
Dylan N. Dewey


Alice Tsuyuki
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:42:31 AM

I am a UCLA alumna and a 40+ year diehard UCLA basketball fan. I was also a longtime
basketball season ticket holder until last season, when I finally could no longer stomach what I
was seeing on the court under the leadership of Steve Alford.
His nepotism and his inability to build a solid basketball program with tough defense, sound
fundamentals, and something as basic as playing with heart, have made it hard to even care
about UCLA basketball.
If Steve Alford is retained, I will not be renewing my WAF membership. When Alford is gone, I
will be more than happy to contribute and buy season tickets again.
Thank you,
Alice Tsuyuki


Scott Perry
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
coach steve alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:53:10 AM

mr. guerrero,
as long time fan and supporter of UCLA athletics i and compelled to express my disappointment with the direction
of the mens basketball program under steve alford.
please remove him from his position immediately. he has proved himself unfit for the job. UCLA basketball has
become a disaster under his watch. horrible game preparation, poor play, lack of effort, poor basketball i.q.,
unaccountability and nepotism.
along with this note, the only other action i can personally take is my financial support of the program. i will not be
renewing my season seats for basketball until UCLA has officially ended the alford era.
i know i am not alone. the interest and enthusiasm from the fan base is at an all time low.
do the right thing, relieve steve alford of his coaching duties today.
thank you.



Ryan Sakamoto
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Time for a change
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:58:45 AM

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."

-- Coach John R. Wooden
Half of my father's extended family attended UCLA, so I was more or less born into the Bruin
family. I've been a huge fan of the basketball program since childhood, with fond memories
of attending games with my father and grandfather and watching Reggie Miller and Pooh
Richardson work their magic on the court. During my senior year in college, I watched with
excitement as UCLA hoisted the championship trophy on the strength of the heroics of Ed
O'Bannon and Tyus Edney. During my time at the UCLA Anderson school, I was thrilled to
witness the fantastic run of success in the mid 00's, and traveled to Indianapolis and San
Antonio to support my team in the Final Four. Through good years and bad, I've always been
proud to be a Bruin fan and supporter of the Wooden Athletic Fund, keen to find cause for
optimism, and a believer that the program always deserved a place among college
basketball's elite.
I find myself today considerably less enthusiastic. The state of the program seems to me to be
at its lowest point during my lifetime, and I'm sure I am not alone in expressing my frustration
to you as a Bruin fan and supporter. My disappointment is not primarily about the results in
wins and losses this season, terrible though they are. It is about the lack ofeffort, of
discipline, and of team spirit evident on the squad. This program no longer exemplifies the
virtues I've always associated with UCLA and its basketball program.Where once there was
exacting attention to detail, now there is sloppiness; where once there was hustle, now there
is a lackadaisical approach; where once there was an expectation of competitive greatness,
now there are excuses; where once there was teamwork, now there is "hero ball"; and where
once there were discipline and accountability, now there is uneven treatment. Worse yet,
there are no signs that these issues will subside, regardless of whether the talent level (or
success on the scoreboard) improves. These are failures of spirit, of culture, and of
Coach Alford may be a fine human being and a good coach in the right situation, but he is not
the right choice to lead UCLA basketball going forward. It takes courage to make a change,
but change is what is required. Do not delay and waste the talents of the young men already
on the team or joining in the fall. Do not risk further demoralizing and disengaging the many
supporters of this program. The proud legacy of this program and institution deserve better.
Go Bruins!
Ryan Sakamoto


Abner Kwon
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:12:00 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

From the day I was born, I was a proud Bruin. I am a UCLA undergrad, future UCLA gradschool grad
(hopeful), and donor. Never in my life have I been this distraught by our basketball program. When I was
an undergrad, I was fortunate enough to experience 3 Final Four runs in 4 years. Over the past three
seasons in comparison, I cannot even recognize the program before me, as weve somehow lost our way.
We are nowhere near where we should be. This cannot continue any longer. The students, alumni, fans,
donors, and players deserve better. You deserve better. Perhaps not to the level that I was able to enjoy
in my 4 years, but at least something to be proud of, hopeful for, and excited for. The good thing about
UCLA is that we are UCLA. We can and should get to where we need to be in a hurry. Please make a
change starting with next season. Please give us back what we used to have. Thanks.


Abner Kwon

2000 Avenue of the Stars | 12th Floor | Los Angeles | California | 90067 |US
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Matt Rice
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
hi gentlemen
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:21:03 PM

Dan and Josh,

Let me start by saying I have the utmost respect for both of you as men and professionals. I feel like
my experience as a UCLA Alum, Booster and Parent of potential future Bruins has only been
enhanced by your hard work.

It is important that you remember that I am also an eternal optimist. I am a we will be so great next
year guy. A the wins arent there yet, but the process is correct and we will get there guy.

Dan and Josh, I feel worse over these last few weeks than when we lost to USC 50-0. It is not even
close. My blood is boiling I am so upset by what is happening.

Let me be clear though, is it upsetting to have the first losing record since our very worst coach,
Steve Lavin? Sure it is very upsetting, but that isnt the real problem. Having a losing year is a

UCLA Mens Basketball is diseased. We are being led by a man who is blinded by his love for his son.
We are the greatest program in the history of College Basketball, yet we have no current culture
whatsoever. Our identity is completely lost. We arent here nor there. And , being a student of the
game, I am constantly BAFFLED by the decisions being made by this coaching staff strategically. Our
players are completely lost. It is obvious. I know you can see it. Everyone I know, who actually still
cares, sees it. The fan base is definitely leaving. There is no spirit. Pauley has been dead, honestly, all
year save for two big games.

I am sure by now youve seen the statistical analysis comparing Bryce to every point guard since the
3-point line was introduced. If you havent, here it is I want you to know it made me even angrier. And the worst part ? The
VERY worst part? These are only offensive analytics as to why the Coachs son plays too many
minutes. Bryce doesnt play one single lick of defense. In fact, I feel very confident saying he is by far
our worst defensive player since Nikola Dragovic.

Simply put, Bryce plays too many minutes for his talent and effort level. Everyone knows this. You
guys also know this. It has eroded our team. We have gotten WORSE EACH YEAR since the Alfords
arrived. In record, sure, but more importantly, in EFFORT.

I know I am not a very big donator to the A.D. But, I am proud of my school beyond reason, and it is
my duty and privilege to try to help whenever I can. You guys know I am always willing to help a
Bruin. So it saddens me so much to write this to you. I have no enthusiasm or hope for this program
as it stands. None whatsoever. I am finished.

I will make sure that my donation to the WAF is the absolute minimum it can be to hold my seats
until you relieve Coach Alford of his duties. I think you will also find, that I wont be someone you
see at Pauley until he is gone. Maybe Ill give them to charity, or maybe ill just burn them. I have no
interest because there is no love in my heart for his program.

Ive lost all faith and enthusiasm guys. I hope you have as well. He doesnt belong here, he isnt good

Thanks for listening.


Cc: P.J. Shapiro

Matt Rice
9336 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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James Krug
Guerrero, Dan;
Sadness with UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:25:20 PM


I have never written an email to any UCLA administrator in the past and I am sure you are
being inundated at the moment. I do feel however I have excellent standing to understand
UCLA basketball and its current state.

I attended both UES and UCLA.. I was at the Sports Arena when we beat Houston 101-69. I
went to games in the Mens Gym. I was at the Gonzaga game. I was at the NC State semifinal
loss in Greensboro. As 13 year old I had season tickets that season that Pauley that I obtained
directly Bob Fisher. I have been a season ticket holder from that point forward (recently I
joined with another family and the tickets are in there name).

I was also Co-Sports Editor of the Daily Bruin in 1975 with your friend Marc Dellins.

I was supportive of the hiring of Steve Alford. I realize we may all have wanted Tom Izzo or Bill
Self but I am a realist as to our financial realities and peoples desire to coach at UCLA.

That said, the time has unfortunately come to end the Steve Alford era. Dan, I read your
response to Aarons petition and I understand that you public response, regardless of your
true feelings, needed to be supportive of Coach Alford. I do hope however that your
statement about 2 Sweet 16 trips was more for public support and is not really a benchmark
that we have at UCLA. We had 3 NBA first rounders in his first year and last year quite
honestly was a bit of a fluke (both getting in and the SMU game).

Clearly advancement is not always a straight line, but sadly we are trending so poorly that next
years great incoming class will really only mask what appears to be significant deficiencies in
our coaching staff. In my 55 years of intently following UCLA basketball I have never seen it at
such a low ebb. UCLA basketball is sadly not a problem that people talk about rather, it is
becoming irrelevant. And that is the worst thing that can happen.

I also recognize that we may have to take a gamble on our next coach, but unfortunately the
current situation is untenable.

If you listen to our coaches speak about becoming a better defensive team, etc., etc. that is
nothing more than a hope and a wish. They had all off season, all season long to see the
problem and work on it and we give up 55 points to Oregon State in the second half and now
the SC game. I understand coach speak but fundamentally when they do not hold their

players accountable it will never change. I am sure you know the Einstein quote Insanity is
doing the same thing over and over (the have been our coaches for 3 years now) and
expecting a different result.

Dan, I understand your love for UCLA I am sure it matches mine. Hiring Steve Alford was the
right choice at the time. Hindsight is always 20-20 but it is clear that it has not turned out as
planned. Today I cannot imagine that when you look deep in your heart you are confident
that Steve Alford will restore UCLA to its rightful place in basketball hierarchy.

And if you lack that confidence and given the current state of the program, please act now.
How quickly one rectifies problems is the mark of a great CEO.


James Krug


James Krug
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
RE: Sadness with UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:27:26 PM


I have never written an email to any UCLA administrator in the past and I am sure you are
being inundated at the moment. I do feel however I have excellent standing to understand
UCLA basketball and its current state.

I attended both UES and UCLA.. I was at the Sports Arena when we beat Houston 101-69. I
went to games in the Mens Gym. I was at the Gonzaga game. I was at the NC State semifinal
loss in Greensboro. As 13 year old I had season tickets that season that Pauley that I obtained
directly Bob Fisher. I have been a season ticket holder from that point forward (recently I
joined with another family and the tickets are in there name).

I was also Co-Sports Editor of the Daily Bruin in 1975 with your friend Marc Dellins.

I was supportive of the hiring of Steve Alford. I realize we may all have wanted Tom Izzo or Bill
Self but I am a realist as to our financial realities and peoples desire to coach at UCLA.

That said, the time has unfortunately come to end the Steve Alford era. Dan, I read your
response to Aarons petition and I understand that you public response, regardless of your
true feelings, needed to be supportive of Coach Alford. I do hope however that your
statement about 2 Sweet 16 trips was more for public support and is not really a benchmark
that we have at UCLA. We had 3 NBA first rounders in his first year and last year quite
honestly was a bit of a fluke (both getting in and the SMU game).

Clearly advancement is not always a straight line, but sadly we are trending so poorly that next
years great incoming class will really only mask what appears to be significant deficiencies in
our coaching staff. In my 55 years of intently following UCLA basketball I have never seen it at
such a low ebb. UCLA basketball is sadly not a problem that people talk about rather, it is
becoming irrelevant. And that is the worst thing that can happen.

I also recognize that we may have to take a gamble on our next coach, but unfortunately the
current situation is untenable.

If you listen to our coaches speak about becoming a better defensive team, etc., etc. that is
nothing more than a hope and a wish. They had all off season, all season long to see the
problem and work on it and we give up 55 points to Oregon State in the second half and now

the SC game. I understand coach speak but fundamentally when they do not hold their
players accountable it will never change. I am sure you know the Einstein quote Insanity is
doing the same thing over and over (the have been our coaches for 3 years now) and
expecting a different result.

Dan, I understand your love for UCLA I am sure it matches mine. Hiring Steve Alford was the
right choice at the time. Hindsight is always 20-20 but it is clear that it has not turned out as
planned. Today I cannot imagine that when you look deep in your heart you are confident
that Steve Alford will restore UCLA to its rightful place in basketball hierarchy.

And if you lack that confidence and given the current state of the program, please act now.
How quickly one rectifies problems is the mark of a great CEO.


James Krug


Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:38:36 PM

I am a long fan. I have been a fan since 1969. I have always loved UCLA basketball... But I
cannot endure what is happening to the program under Steve Alford. He simply is not good
enough to be the coach of this storied program. His nepotism combined with his inabilities as
a coach have resulted in the program reaching new depths. It will not be better next year. I
want to be a season ticket holder and I will once Steve Alford is fired. Please do what is best
for UCLA basketball and fire him.
Very truly,

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 6.


Jim Moreno
Guerrero, Dan
Ucla Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:41:04 PM

Mr. Guerrero,

I am a participant of the petition you received a few days ago in regards to Restoring Ucla Basketball.
I also recently read your response to the petition..I just wanted to express my disappointed not
only in the current state of the program but also your response.

I am a lifelong Ucla fan. I have had football season tickets for approximately 19 years now. I also
normally attend about 6-8 basketball games per season. The thing is I live in Hawaii. For football
games I generally take the red eye Friday night and return Sunday afternoons, basketball games I try
an plan around business I have in Los Angeles. This last season I decided to not attend any
basketball home games. My loan event was against UNLV in the Maui Invitational. The reason, the
state of the program and the current leadership. A change must be made now. The inability of this
staff to teach the basic fundamentals and to get maximum effort every night from this team is an
embarrassment to the great tradition of this once storied program. I realize me no longer attending
the few home games a year will not make much of a difference in your decision making to dismiss
this staff but I know I am not alone. Until a change is made I will no longer support this program nor
will I write another check to Ucla which next year will unfortunately include football.

Please Mr. Guerrero do the right thing #restoreuclabasketball now!

Jim Moreno

Regional Operations Manager

Direct: 808-489-9671
Coast Crane| Kapolei| 808-674-0036

91-505 Awakumoku St., Unit D KapoleiHI 96707

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message to the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and then delete and
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Bryan Hull
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Another sad, disappointed bball season ticket holder
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:07:08 PM

Dear Dan & Josh - I'm guessing that you are getting a lot of e-mails from people suggesting
that you terminate Steve Alford's contract and I want to add my name to the list.. I agree that
he should go, sooner rather than later, for the reasons expressed in the on-line petition (I didn't
bother signing it, but I agree with it). I waited until the end of the year to decide, but the way
the team played (or didn't play) down the stretch leads me to believe that Alford shouldn't be
the coach of the team and that he will have limited success even with the recruiting class that
he is bringing in. That will be particularly true if he continues to showcase his son, who
doesn't deserve all of the playing time (and shots) he gets. This is nepotism at its worst.
Dan, I remember when you became AD that you said you wanted to see the players on UCLA
teams "fire" every game, which I interpret to mean play with intensity and do their best. We
haven't seen this kind of consistent effort from Steve Alford's teams since he became the
coach and there is no reason to think we'll see it in the future.
I have been a fan for 50 years, going to the games with my Dad, who was a Professor at
UCLA. I got both a BA and JD at UCLA myself, and have been a season ticket holder for
over 30 years and a donor for probably about 20 years or so. It saddens me to see the current
state of the program with the trend line being down since 2008. Continuing with Alford
threatens to further diminish the UCLA basketball brand. I strongly recommend that you
make a coaching change. With best regards, Bryan Hull


Richard Moselle
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
new basketball coach
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:10:02 PM

I have never voiced my concern before, not even during the Lavin years. But now, its time for
a coaching change.
Do what is clearly needed for the good of the program.
rich moselle, class of 66



Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Men"s Basketball Sorely Needs a Change
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:10:41 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

While I didn't attend UCLA, I have been a huge fan of Bruin sports since Dad moved our family
from Ohio out to the L.A area in 1962. I was starting sixth grade and very quickly adopted
UCLA as my new team. I loved watching the John Wooden basketball teams and those "gutty
little bruins" who played inspired football against those physically larger teams. Despite
leaving L.A. at around 20 years of age to finish my college degree in the Rockies (where I
continue to live), I have been a faithful Bruin fan all these many years and follow them
My concern and the reason I'm writing involves the current state of the Bruin Basketball
Team. Steve Alford has completed three seasons now, and it's pretty well known that the
UCLA teams generally just don't play good defense under Steve. I was hopeful after this
season's early wins that maybe things were turning around, but the season soon turned into a
complete embarrassment. I could understand it if this was Steve Alford's first year and he
was rebuilding with inferior talent. But this team has plenty of talent - including several
McDonald's All-Americans - and they seem to have little desire or "want to" when it comes to
playing defense. In the last number of games, the team just doesn't seem to be engaged
much of the time. There really seems to be something systemically wrong with UCLA
basketball that some touted recruits coming in next year are not going to change.
Believe me, I have nothing against Steve Alford. In fact, I've stuck up for him over the last few
years while many have wanted him out as UCLA's coach. But now after three seasons, I'm
convinced Steve just doesn't have what it takes to bring this once-proud basketball program
back to an elite level where they can be a Top 10 team nearly every year. I really believe a
change needs to be made now rather than risking what I feel will be further degradation to
the program by waiting.
Thank you very much for "listening".
Yours truly,
Jeff Daugherty
Dillon, Montana


Sean Shoptaw
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:15:46 PM

I am a lifelong UCLA fan and I writing to express my frustration in the current state of the
men's basketball program. Having watched Coach Alford's teams since he became head coach
it's extremely clear that this program is rapidly moving in the wrong direction. I agree that
judging a coach too quickly is not always the prudent thing to do, but I believe in momentum
and trajectory and it's obvious that this program does not have great momentum or a positive
trajectory under Coach Alford's leadership. The recruiting class coming in next year is no
doubt a very strong one, but it's obvious that this class would be coming to UCLA with or
without Coach Alford, so I would hope this is not a factor in any evaluation of his tenure as
head coach.
The right coach at UCLA as we all have witnessed competes for Pac-12 Championship, Final
Fours and National Championships on a consistent basis, please consider an immediate
change and restore UCLA basketball back to what we all know it should be.
Thank you.
Sean Shoptaw


andrew koenig
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:16:34 PM

You are all distinguished and intelligent men. You must know in your heart of hearts that this
is going to happen -- you can do it now or in 2 years (next year will be a one-year uptick based
on the talent level -- but the principles will not change and if you do it now, next year will be
evenbetter and a launching point toward a great future rather than a one-year aberration
after which it will beeven more difficult to make the change). All of us in Bruin Nation are in
purgatory---PLEASE release us and give us hope. I and many of us love UCLA basketball more
than words can adequately express and it is painful to the core to see what has happened to
CoachWooden's precious program and legacy. I have NEVER been moved to write something
like his before as I know we are dealing with real people's and families' live. However, having
the rightprotector andsteward of this precious program is more important than any one
person or family's interest. It is inevitable, so please do the right thing NOW and releaseall of
us inBruin Nation from this purgatory and give us hope. Thank you, Andrew Koenig


Brent Armitage
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:17:52 PM

Im a 30 year season ticket holder. I love UCLA basketball. Pauley is beautiful, Westbrooks donation is amazing.
We need a coach worthy of the UCLA basketball program.
We need Steve Alford fired at once. We all deserve better.
Brent Armitage


Tim Quillin
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA basketball"s future
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:19:14 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero I am a lifelong UCLA fan who is 62 years old. Im a former season ticket holder for football. I used to live and
die with Bruin wins and losses. I survived the Dorrell/Neuheisel football years and Im very happy with the
direction under Jim Mora.
I have completely disengaged from UCLA basketball under Steve Alford. What was once a sport so
important to my happiness now has become a source of embarrassment and disappointment. I encourage
you to release Steve Alford and replace him with someone much more capable and deserving of holding
such a respected position in college sports.
Warm Regards.
Tim Quillin

Tim Quillin


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Steve Otera
Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Coach Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:19:16 PM

I wrote Dan and Josh separately last week.
The manner in which our Bruins lost to USC yesterday speaks to the state of the program and
the quality of its leadership. Our basketball program is rotting from the inside out, and from
the top down. The game plan formulated by Coach Alford and his staff was massively illconceived given USC's obvious strengths. Zoning the best shooting team in the Pac 12 and
forcing our bigs to close out to the corner 3? A folly that led to an immediate 0-11 hole.
From the perspectives of effort, energy and defense, our student athletes performed at
abysmal level consistent with the rest of the season -- AGAINST OUR CROSS TOWN
I do not blame our student athletes, though.
Other than perhaps Bryce, this is a team that has tuned out and lost respect for its coach.
And, this is a coach who has lost credibility with, and the ability to reach, his team.
Hope for a highly unlikely, nigh miraculous, 180 degree turnaround is the only reason to retain
Coach Alford next year, and hope is not a strategy. The much more likely scenario is a
season consistent with the downward trajectory on which Coach Alford has been piloting the
program for the previous three years. Toughness, accountability, meticulousness and
DEFENSE are bulwarks that either exist in a program's culture, or they do not. They do not
here. And, they will not magically materialize next year.
It is time for Coach Alford to be let go.
Thank you for all that each of you do for UCLA.
Steve Otera
BA, English Literature, 1987


Steve Weinberg
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:19:47 PM

This was just ridiculous of a season and ending! Im an alum and my daughter is a sophomore there
now. With good players, they were not even competent to compete as coached.


Steve Weinberg

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Vu Duong
Guerrero, Dan
State Of UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:29:38 PM

Dear Sir.
I plead with you to please return some pride and leadership to UCLA Basketball by replacing Coach Alford. He
seems like a nice individual but his leadership has led to a culture of apathy, lack of pride and lack of team play. If
we were losing, I could understand if the effort was there but that's not the case. We are losing from lack of effort,
pride and respect for what UCLA and Coach Wooden's legacy stands for.
I am alumnus from 1997, the first of 6 members of my family to be fortunate enough to attend and graduate from
UCLA. I have served on UCLA alumni scholarship groups to interview and screen candidates. Although I am very
busy and rarely can attend any sporting events, I try to represent the Optimist and Champion that every UCLA
alumnus should stand for.
I pledge to become a WAF member if we can return UCLA basketball on the right path by replacing Coach Alford.
The UCLA brand and culture attracts students, recruits and donors. Not the coach.
Thanks for your time.
Vu Duong


Greg Patterson
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
UCLA Men"s Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:35:14 PM

Mr. Guerrero,

I am a 3rd generation Bruin and recent WAF member, and I am writing to let you know how difficult
it has been to watch the past three years of basketball at UCLA.

My dad was a student, and in attendance, when Pauley Pavilion opened for the first time. He
worshipped John Wooden, and tried to instill in me the lasting wisdom that Coach provided. I was
all too happy to take him to Pauley Pavilions re-opening and John Wooden statue dedication
ceremony. In fact, as I type this, I am currently looking at a framed picture of us in front of that
statue with our ticket stub from that night against Indiana State that hangs proudly in my office
(right above my Pauley Pavilion chairs).

That said, I have become embarrassed by the current state of the UCLA basketball program. There
are many obvious details to point out (a significant downward trend year over year in wins, a 10th
place finish in the conference this year, 3 humiliating losses to USC, etc.) that make me more than
concerned. I do not believe that I can continue to support this program until and unless a change to
the head coach (and steward of John Woodens great program) is made.

I am not a fan that demands national championships and final fours. I am a fan that demands that
the greatest university in the world puts out a product that we as fans can be proud of at all times befitting of the greatest college basketball program of all time.

I believe that it is very clear, to even the most untrained observer, that this will never happen with
the current coach of this program.

Thank you for reading this.

Greg Patterson

Business Operations Manager


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan
Hey dumbass, Jim Rome is shitting on UCLA (Hr 2 12:30min mark)
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:36:18 PM

And here you're saying "progress isn't a straight line"



Ty Miller
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Alford Must Go Now
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:38:58 PM

Dear Dan,
It is clear that Coach Alford needs to be immediately relieved of his duties as head basketball coach. There are
many reasons supporting change, chief among them:
1. His inability to establish a culture of competitive spirit and excellence in keeping with the tradition of UCLA
2. His continuing inability to avoid nepotism in handling his son Bryce. The statistics are clear and unarguable
here. Bryce gets more minutes than any PG in modern UCLA basketball history despite having one of the lowest
FG percentages while playing matador, turnstile defense. His inability or unwillingness to acknowledge Bryce's
deficiencies have led to a toxic culture within the team and the loss of potentially superior players due to the
commonly accepted belief that Bryce will get the most minutes no matter what ability dictates.
3. The rapid decline and, indeed, cratering of our program over a three year period with declining number of
victories I each successive season. Inclusive in this is the complete reversal of competitiveness against USC, which
crushed us three times in a single year (for the first time since WWII).
This season is not an anomaly along the road to success. It is the culmination of his three years as leader of the
program. It is utterly embarrassing and unacceptable. It's not just the W-L record Dan. It is the terrible culture, the
nepotism, the lack of competitiveness, the lack of character that informs my conclusion that he must be fired now to
avoid even deeper, permanent destruction of our reputation at UCLA.
I am a lifelong fan. My father is an alumnus who is not renewing his season seats at Pauley, seats that he has
purchased faithfully since the opening of Pauley more than 50 years ago. I am a member of the Bruin Varsity Club
and a donor to the Wooden Athletic Fund. Though not a large donor yet, I am a high-earner with increasing gift
ability every year. I am a fortunate to proudly call myself a Bruin National Champion, and I am utterly disgusted
and heartbroken by the state of our program.
Coach Steve Alford is not worthy of the post as Men's Basketball Coach. You are the custodian of UCLA's
unmatched tradition of athletic excellence. You have the power to act, the ability to correct the disastrous course
upon which we are set, to make the hard choice to right the ship before it sinks.
I humbly implore you to fire Steve Alford - without delay. Until this happens, I will withhold future contributions
to UCLA and encourage everyone else in my network to do the same.
Ty Miller
UCLA 1994
UCLA Soccer - 1989-1992
San Anselmo, California

Ty Miller


Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan
UCLA basketball program
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:40:54 PM

Dear Sirs,

I have NEVER written administration regarding an athletic issue in my life. However, as a 1972
graduate of UCLA and supporter of UCLA sports since I was a pre-teen, the abysmal state of
the basketballprogram has forced me to express my disgust and dismay. While the final
scores have been disappointing, to say the least, the product on the floor has been more
disappointing. The lack of caring, discipline, responsibility, and fundamentals are an affront to
anyone who follows UCLA basketball. There can be only oneperson responsible for its
demise and his name is Steve Alford.

While I know it is politically incorrect to call out a player, and , indeed, I am not holding the
player responsible, but the coach's nepotism regarding his son is undeniable. There is no way
someone who does not play defense, shows little or no interest in the team's results, should
be the player with the most on the court minutes. I suspect this nepotism will result in the
imminent transfer of student athletes who deserve better, as it has obviously resulted in the
failure to recruit anyone who plays the same position.

I, along with fellow alumni, are embarrassed by the acceptance of this inferior product by
administration. I sincerely doubt that in any academic department such inferior production
would be tolerated. In what department would a steady decline in excellence to the present
state of inferiority be tolerated and/or acceptable?

While the Athletic Director responded to a petition by referring to an incoming class as a

reason for allowing the travesty to continue, it is clear to anyone that there is no reason why
the incoming class will play with any more heart or desire than the current team, given the
team's leadership. I am confident that if the department surveyed players from preceding
Alford teams, there would be similar comments as to the team's lack of cohesiveness,
nepotism, and resulting poor play.

Finally, if the powers that be dismiss this as a mere reaction to the current losing streak, loss
of three times in one season to USC, the tenth place finish in the Pac 12, I beg to differ. The
program has been steadily deteriorating since Mr. Alford stepped on campus. With five
future NBA players in his first year, he got to a Sweet Sixteen as a result of upsets to favorites
prior to the first round. Indeed, the only reason they had such a low seed was the rout by a
pathetic WSU team the week before the Pac 12 tourney. The following year, the school was
embarrassed by record breaking losses (the Kentucky game is seared in my memory), and

only the charitable NCAA tourney committeegiving a 13 loss team a low seeding and a
miracle (debatable call against SMU) prevented an earlier flameout. This year's trajectory was
just a continuation of the first two years to its logical finish.

Please in the name of UCLA excellence, athletically and academically, remove Mr. Alford.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter,

Gary Gleckman


Chris M
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
We Can Be So Much Better Than This
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:41:27 PM

Dear Dan,
I am not one of those fans/alumni that like to complain about things without also trying to do my part. I have made
"name-on-the-wall" donations for both the Pauley renovation and the Wasserman Center and maintain Bruin
Legends status in WAF. I have picked-up my financial support of UCLA Athletics ever since I felt bold and muchneeded steps were being taken to improve our facilities, and real efforts were being taken by the Athletic
Department to bring us into modern times to compete with the best. I urge others to do the same every chance I get,
and I will continue to do so because resources are critical for our school to be competitive and successful in this day
and age.
But, for the first time in nearly 20 years as a UCLA basketball season ticket holder, I find myself leaning toward
dropping my season tickets for next year. This has always been an automatic for me. But this past year, I found
myself selling my tickets and perhaps missing more games than I have for the past 15 years combined. I used to
rearrange my work and business travel schedules and even my boys' sporting and extra-curricular events just to
make sure I never missed a game. Heck, I even caught all the games in the sports arena. But I now find myself
looking for excuses not to attend and failing to even set the DVR to record games I miss. And, thankfully, I missed
last night's embarrassment too.
Our basketball team just lost to USC 3 times this year, with its worst record since John Wooden arrived in
Westwood. With a roster full of McDonalds' All-Americans, we beat teams like Kentucky, Arizona and Gonzaga,
but have to take solace in moral victories in close loses at home to teams like Monmouth and Oregon State. We've
had progressively worse records over the past three years and are going in the wrong direction right now. I know
we have a strong recruiting class coming in, but it's not like we don't already have enough talent to be amongst the
leaders in the conference.
We can be so much better than this, Dan.
Under your leadership - and the efforts of Josh and Sarah and the Development team - I think the Athletic
Department has accomplished some remarkable things. To run a balanced budget in these times, increase coaching
salaries to very competitive market levels, and still find ways to raise funds for the Pauley Renovation and
Wasserman & Ostin Centers, is beyond commendable. Especially while our brethren in Berkeley saddle the State
and Regents with the Memorial Stadium disaster, and many other athletic programs around the country rely on
heavy subsidies from their parent institutions.
But if there were ever a time to cash all the chits and institutional currency you've accumulated and go all-in for a
new basketball coach to replace Steve Alford, now is the time to do it. If it's too hard to keep going back to the
donor well for buyout funds, I hope you can consider squeezing the other sports' budgets, negotiating a front-loaded
new apparel contract...whatever it takes to bring in a coach that can instill a foundation of fundamentals, toughness,
pride, accountability and tactical/strategic acumen. Basically, a coach that can help make UCLA basketball great
again. Unfortunately, nothing he has done at UCLA suggests that Steve Alford is that guy.
I normally support the notion that it's the right thing to give a coach ample time to install his players and put his own
stamp on a program. I felt giving Coach Howland, Neuheisal and even Dorrell another year was the right thing to
do, despite all the naysayers. But those coaches were engaged with the UCLA community and fans. They cared
about UCLA. It doesn't seem like Steve Alford even wants to be here. Sympathy for Steve Alford should not play
a role in this decision. This is about UCLA, not Steve Alford.
We can do so much better.

Chris Mukai
UCLA '91


David & Amy Madeo

Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Please do the right thing and fire Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:44:31 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am emailing you yet again to express my deep frustration with Alford as coach. This goes far
beyond simply wins and losses. For reasons already stated many times, he has made the UCLA
basketball program a national embarrassment. Keeping Alford will damage everything that you and
so many other great Bruins have worked so hard to achieve.

This is the program of John Wooden and Jackie Robinson. But in the minds of many people, it is
becoming the program of Steve Alford - incompetence and nepotism.

Ive never before made donations conditioned on coaching choice. But I make this pledge: I will not
make ANY donations to UCLA for many years if Alford is retained.

I know you are busy at the moment. Hopefully, for the sake of our proud program, you are crafting a
negotiated settlement that allows us to move forward without Coach Alford.

Please do the right thing and protect your legacy.


David Madeo
WAF member (for now)
Former multiple-year Season Ticket Holder
Class of 1992


Justin Brownstone
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
Concerned Fan and Almunus
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:47:12 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I write to add to my name to the list of UCLA fans that want to see a change made at the top
of the UCLA Basketball program. I'm a third generation UCLA fan, regularly attend games,
and have donated and will donate more to the new football facility. Unfortunately, I plan on
doing neither of these things if a change is not made.
I know that no one loves UCLA more than you. In fact, my Spanish teacher in high school
(and friend), former UCLA soccer player, Mr. Lopez, has had nothing but the highest praise
for you over the last fifteen years. I hope that your commitment will lead you to the correct
decision: to find a basketball coach that will lead UCLA back to the path to success.
Justin Brownstone
UCLA School of Law 2009, 3rd Generation Fan


Daniel Adelseck
Guerrero, Dan
The coaching issues are substantive. We can live with losses, but not the lack of effort.
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:54:56 PM

Failure by underachievement is an opportunity to grow and implement a new course.

I believe in your leadership and know Alford is a good guy. But he is myopic in regards to the
statistically obvious nepotism and I can't bear to watch another year of it - great kid and father
or not.
-Daniel Adelseck
Google Voice
866-688-2713 Fax


Regi Pappachan
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:55:53 PM

Good afternoon, Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz. I would like to express my absolute disgust
with the state of the men's basketball program at UCLA, a school which I have followed as
far as back as I can remember. I am 49 years old, and recall seeing the last few years of
Coach Wooden's tenure. His teams embodied everything that the current iteration lacks:
Toughness, discipline, mental fortitude, teamwork, productive effort.
While Mr. Alford can state on his resume that his first two UCLA teams advanced to the
Round of 16 in the NCAA tournament, they did so last year courtesy of a horrible, gamedeciding referee's call. Even though this year's team beat Kentucky, none of us can forget
that farce that occurred in December, 2014, when one team showed that it was a blueblood
while the other was merely back-and-blue in the face. A program of UCLA's stature should
never endure a loss like that, just as it should never lose to USC three times in one season
by an aggregate 57 points. This team set historic marks for futility.
What is the most disconcerting, however, is Mr. Alford using his position at the Men's Head
Basketball Coach at UCLA to showcase his son who views defense as something to be
avoided at all costs. The fact that Mr. Alford has criticized the defensive play of others
while not holding his son accountable. This favoritism is causing the team to fracture
based on its play these last several games.
I know the prospect of having a top-5 recruiting class next year allegedly offers reason for
optimism. However, Mr. Alford's team have become progressively worse. Top-level talent
is meaningless if they are not developed through coaching. None of the players on the
roster has improved through Mr. Alford's coaching.
I was in Seattle for the incredible run in 1995, and I have followed this team religiously for
a great part of my life. However, I had no interest in watching this team this year. I
realize I am speaking only as a fan, but an ardent one at that.
When men's basketball is the topic, UCLA must be mentioned in the same breath as
Kentucky, Duke, Kansas, North Carolina, and the other great programs of our time. That is
not the case now. A coaching change must be made immediately in order to stop the
decline of the program. Furthermore, the time and effort must be taken to select a quality
coach who will make the UCLA Men's Basketball program one of the premier programs in
the country once again.
Thank you for allowing me this forum.

Regi Pappachan


Don Smith
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
A former Alford Supporter Who Finally Sees the Light
Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:59:18 PM
starting gate logo light.png

You do not know me though we have met many times over the years. My WAF number is
10898. As a long time season ticket holder but a moderate donor, my heart bleeds blue and
gold like yours. And I appreciate the difficult position that you are in. Next time you
negotiate a contract, you might want to try including minimal achievement thresholds like the
Rams did to get out of their lease in St. Louis.
Be that as it may, I finally realized why Bryce doesnt play defense and why Steve doesnt
force him too: Bryce would get into foul trouble and have to leave the game. The fact that
Steve and Bryce are in this together is so disheartening. As a former athlete, you cant be
blind to Bryces horrific defensive effort both on his man and in helping out other players. He
does get steals but never and I mean never does he initiate contact. I have been a head coach
30 time now and bias and favoritism is the one truly unforgivable act of a coach if it involves
his child.
Steve has put the welfare of his son above the team and that is why you MUST fire him.
As a professional real estate development consultant for cities who has struggled to retain his
football seats but who is now emerging from the Great Recession, I have one suggestion:
make the make the Adidas renewal contingent upon Adidas ponying up to help you buy out
Steves contract. Or have Under Armor or Nike do it. BTW, I was forced out of my
basketball seats by your seat fees and personally I think that has contributed even more that
Coach Alford towards the declining attendance at Pauley for the past several yearsUNTIL
Put your pride and the economic loss behind you. Retaining Steve for another year will put
UCLA basketball back years. Fire him now and step up and hire a qualified coach who does
not have a mid major son. With the talent coming in, instead of being put back for years, we
will be launched forward. None of us ever dreamed that Steve would favor his son the way he
has. He has to go.
Don Smith / President

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Derrick Skinner
Guerrero, Dan
Last Night
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:04:12 PM

I have never in my life been so embarrassed to be a Bruin as I was last night at the hoops game.
Its not even the three losses to USC (all though that should be enough), its the way our team and
coaches look, act, and carry themselves.
We clearly dont have a leader in Coach Alford that can win Championships. I simply cannot sit back
any longer and hope for next year.
We need a change in coaching staff ASAP Dan.
Please let me know where I can be of any assistance.
Thank You,
Derrick Skinner

Derrick Skinner
Operations Services Director
egis Living
17602 NE Union Hill Road
Redmond, WA 98052
O: 425.861.9993
D: 425.284.1632


ryan saiyasombat
Guerrero, Dan
I can no longer support UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:04:57 PM

Dear Sir:
I have been a Bruin basketball fan since I can remember. My father personally knew Coach Wooden, and I was
raised with frequent reminders of his wisdom and integrity both on and off the basketball court.
As an adult, I graduated from UCLA (in no small part choosing UCLA due to my longtime love of Bruin athletics)
and became a season ticket holder. I have countless fond memories of exciting times at Pauley Pavillion.
In recent years, I have cancelled by season tickets and ceased to watch my beloved Bruins on television. I feel that
Coach Alford has done immeasurable damage to the UCLA brand with his losing style of basketball along with his
lack of integrity and teaching on and off the court.
I will no longer support UCLA basketball either financially or emotionally until a new head coach is hired. I know
many fans and life-long Bruins that feel the same as I do.
Ryan Saiyasombat
Psychology '98


Peter Joyce
Guerrero, Dan;; Block, Gene
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:08:03 PM

Dear Sirs,
I've been a UCLA basketball fan since starting grad school at UCLA in 1968. I used to
consider myself a huge fan of the team. My passion for Bruin basketball started to wain with
the arrival of Coach Alford. Now my passion is dead.
Pauley is half full for most home games. UCLA basketball tradition has been humiliated,
especially in the last month or two. Regaining the enthusiasm, passion and support of fans
and alumni may be possible, but is by no means guaranteed, no matter what UCLA does.
To start the rebuilding of our decades long UCLA basketball tradition, I urge you in the
strongest terms to terminate Coach Alford right now, and then let's roll up our sleeves and
find a good new coach and begin rebuilding.
Thanks for listening,
Peter W. Joyce


Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:08:34 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am a proud alumnus and supporter of all things U.C.L.A.
You are the proud and accomplished head administrator of THE most accomplished Athletic Department in
Division 1 Intercollegiate Sports at one of the greatest Universities in the world.
You are a smart man and I will not waste your precious time with statistics from the past 3 years illustrating the
demise of the once elite UCLA basketball program.
The current state of the UCLA basketball program is a complete embarrassment and is a direct result of the
ineptitude and blind-sided nepotism of the head coach Steve Alford. The program is spirally helplessly downward.
The incoming elite recruiting class of 2016 will not remedy this situation. In his post-game news conferences
during the final 1-6 stretch culminating in the beat-down by USC for the third straight time this year, coach Alford
acknowledges not "getting through to his players" and not having a remedy to the situation. Not a great vote of
confidence in himself and the breath of someone going through the motions,, without passion, collecting a
paycheck, and at best a "crap-shoot" to improve next year.
I am sure you are aware that this situation reflects negatively on your legacy as the AD of UCLA.
Please make the RIGHT move, albeit a difficult one, and rid the proud UCLA basketball program of the CANCER
that is coach Steve Alford.
Thank you for your consideration.
G. Paul Nishida, D.C.
Class of '86


Jim Miller
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:13:59 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I write to express my deep concern for the direction of our basketball program. I am a lifelong UCLA fan and also an alumnus having graduated with a degree in History in 2001.
Being a die-hard UCLA fan, I regularly attend games, and have donated and will donate more
to the new football facility. I am currently a Wooden Athletic Fund member and I have
decided to discontinue all donations of any kind and I will not be attending any football or
basketball games until Steve Alford is removed as head basketball coach. I am sure you have
received many of these emails which have explained the rationale behind my feelings (which
is obvious) so I wont go into the numerous reasons why.

I know I am not a major donor yet but I plan to be and I felt it important to have my voice

Thanks for your time in reading this email.

Jim Miller, UCLA class of 2001, B.A. History

Jim Miller
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1000
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Direct: 310-552-5278
Main: 310-552-4400
Fax: 310-552-8400


David Balter
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:14:38 PM

We need a new basketball coach asap. I do appreciate all the good things you have done for U.C.L.A.
but the less than mediocre state of the basketball program has to change now.
Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you.
David G. Balter M.D.
U.C.L.A B.A. 1970
U.C.L.A. School of Medicine 1976
U.C.L.A. Post Graduate in Medicine 1980

Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Chai, Andrew U. MD, FACC

Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:23:36 PM

I have emailed you earlier with my feeling of the current state of UCLA BB so I wont bother you with the details
I am a long time fan and small time donor. Im sure my donations over time to the WAF, Here Now and Forever,
FB facilities and the general UCLA fund do not add up to much and may not impact the university greatly.
However, I can no longer donate to my beloved university knowing the mediocrity has become the standard. If and
when there is a change in the Mens BB program, I would be happy to reconsider. Also remember you are affecting
not only current donors but many future donors to the university with this product.
Progress is not always a straight line but you have to know when to pull the plug on a hopeless situation.
Andrew Chai
Class of 85
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Kenny Koolhaas
Guerrero, Dan
19-28 vs teams in power conferences
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:29:49 PM

The last two seasons. 36-37 in three years (first year with Howlands players). Steve Alford has to go
Sent from my iPhone


Stephen N Rosen
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:32:09 PM

Mr. Guerrero:
Please reconsider you stance on terminating Coach Steve Alford. UCLA Basketball deserves
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Stephen N. Rosen, Esq.

Founding Attorney

Rosen Law Offices, P.C.

Orange County: 30 Corporate Park, Suite 314, Irvine, CA 92606
Office Phone: 714.834.9000|Fax: 714.882.1195
Las Vegas: 6465 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 103, Las Vegas, NV 89146
Office Phone: 702.575.4211|Fax: 702.960.4035
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David & Amy Madeo

Guerrero Dan
Rebholz Joshua; Block Gene; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Regression under Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:37:24 PM


David Madeo
WAF member (for now)
Former multiple-year Season Ticket Holder
Class of 1992


Andrew Felder
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Future of Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:39:31 PM

Mr. Guerrero 7 Mr Rebholz,

I am a loyal Bruin fan (Anderson School, 1992) who lives in the Bay Area
but still manages to attend a few football and basketball games each year
in order to properly indoctrinate my children.
I write today out of my conviction that you need to take immediate action
to remove Steve Alford from his position of Men's basketball head coach.
The direction of the basketball program is clear and concerning. The
team has quit on Coach Alford. The nepotism involving Coach Alford's
son is discouraging his teammates and outraging Bruin fans. This is a
once-great program that in three short years has gone from national
contender to one of the worst season performances in UCLA history. I
don't believe Coach Alford has demonstrated the ability to guide this
program to the fulfillment of its vast potential.
I think the time is now to rally the donor base, the fan base, and the
players by removing Coach Alford. The job of Men's Head Basketball
Coach is one of the most prestigious positions in college athletics. The
Bruin faithful deserve more than what we're getting.
Andrew Felder
Kentfield, CA


David Chavez
Guerrero, Dan
david chavez
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:40:45 PM

I am sorry to clutter your email and I am sure you are inundated with these emails about Alford. Simply stated,
please fire him and restore our storied Bball program to one that works hard and is fun to watch. This team for the
last two years has been unwatchable. Die hard Bruins I know have become indifferent and uninterested. My best
friend who went to Ucla as well has not watched a game all year. His reason, "it hurts to watch that."
I am a bruin, always will a fault. I owned Ucla Bball tickets throughout the howland years.. now I can barely
watch and my son does not know what Ucla Bball can be.. he bleeds fball.
If you replace Alford I will renew my Ucla Bball and fball tickets; if not I am gone until Alford is gone. I can not
torture my son the way I have been watching this. For me it's not entirely about wins and losses, it's about how they
play and this team does not play hard or as a team. I have never cheered for USC, but last night I was at a fork in
the road and I was disappointed in myself. Please give us Ucla Bball back and replace Alford now before more fans
Thank you
David Chavez M.D.
Sent from my iPad


Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:46:26 PM

am a 1971 graduate of UCLA. I have been an avid UCLA basketball fan since 1967.
First of all, I want to thank you for the great work you have done as AD at UCLA. The
remodel of Pauley, the football and basketball practice facilities, the success of many
of our mens and womens athletic teams under your tenure, are all accomplishments
that you should take pride in. As an alum and fan, I sincerely appreciate all that you
have done to contribute to the UCLA athletic programs.
I have never publicly or privately voiced any concern about the UCLA basketball
program over the last 49 years. I do so now, because of my concern about the
implications of inaction with regard to Coach Alford. Other than a bit of a rocky start, I
believe Coach has handled his public persona admirably. I believe he has acted and
spoken in a manner that reflects well on him and the University. From what I see of
his public image, I like the guy.
Unfortunately, he has put himself in a position that does not auger well for the future
of the basketball program should he be permitted to continue as head coach. Coach
has shown an inability to remain objective when it comes to his son. While I like his
son and have enjoyed watching him play, it cannot be seriously argued that his son
deserves to get the playing time he has been given. Coach has an obvious blindspot
concerning his sons talent and abilities and it has done harm to his son, to Coach
and most importantly, the team. There are only two things I expect from my UCLA
Bruins, to play with great effort and to improve over the season. The current team has
failed on both accounts. As an outsider, I can only speculate, but it would be highly
unlikely that Coachs blind nepotism has not been a significant factor in the teams
failure in these areas.
If Coach is permitted to continue into next year, then a very good recruiting class will
be wasted. Other more talented guards will not get the fair treatment they deserve
and that our program owes to them. Bryce will be given playing time over others that
is unmerited and inevitably our team will not come close to reaching its true potential,
much like this years team.
I am aware of the buyout provisions of Coachs contract. While you are much more
conversant with the economics of the basketball program, I have to believe the long
term cost of inaction will be economically significant. I am sure the revenue from
media and apparel companies masks the impact of the poor attendance that has
become common at home games. In the long run, that would be a false economy to
sublimate attendance to other avenues of revenue.
If you were to terminate Coach Alford, replace him with an excellent successor, the
future of UCLA looks very bright. With a coach who will see that next years team
reaches its full potential, UCLA basketball can become something all fans and alums

can be proud of. Fans will return to Pauley, alums will be even more generous in their
support and the media will once again be able to emphasize UCLAs excellence.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my input. I know there are many factors that
will weigh in your decision, many of which I am not privy to. I trust you will make a
wise decision.
Steve Stemerman


Guerrero, Dan
Last night was the last straw!
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:48:56 PM

Dear DG
My wife and I have been long time season ticket holders for UCLA Hoops. We will not be
renewing our season tickets as long as Coach Alford is the head of our beloved basketball
program. It is pure agony for us to go to games and watch what you yourself saw last night.
Coach Alford and his inability to coach and his nepotistic way must go. Please put the honor
of Coach Wooden and UCLA basketball ahead of all else. Fire Coach Alford now so that all of
the loyal UCLA basketball fans can return to Wooden Court to watch a well coached
basketball team. A team that all Bruins can be proud of. GO Bruins!! Thank you.
Pat H.


Jonathan Lee
Guerrero, Dan
Re: Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:49:23 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I'm sure you must have received a number of emails in recent weeks, so I'll be brief...
Ultimately your legacy will be defined by your actions in coming days, in order to protect that
legacy, I strongly urge you to dismiss Coach Alford.
Kind Regards,
Jonathan Lee
c/o 2005

-Law Offices of Jonathan Lee

90 New Montgomery St., Suite 1250
San Francisco, CA 94105

t: (415) 685-0813
f: (415) 738-0492

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be advised you have received this message in error and that any use, dissemination,
forwarding, printing, or copying is strictly prohibited. Thank you.


Raj Patel
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford Now
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:03:08 PM


Raj Patel
Talent Scout, Global G&A Recruiting

DIRECT +1 415 580 3531


Autodesk, Inc.
111 McInnis Parkway
San Rafael, CA 94903


Steve Havas
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:03:45 PM

Dear Mr Guerrero,
I am a lifelong Bruin, a UCLA grad, and a lifetime alumni member. I am not much of a donor
to UCLA's athletic program. My major gift to UCLA will come as part of our estate which
hopefully will not occur for 40 more years, will not go to the athletic department, and is not
dependent upon what happens in basketball. So this is not about a booster leveraging our
money to put pressure on an Athletic Department that barely knows me. Instead, this simply
comes from a proud UCLA graduate.
Coach Alford is failing the student athletes in his care, the fans, and the school. Regardless of
your public protestations about Sweet Sixteen's and the like, I don't believe that you are
actually happy with ANY of the three years of his leadership of the program. Each year
worse than the prior. This decision should not be about money, optics, 'giving him a chance',
or anything other than: is Alford the right guy to return UCLA Basketball to the elite status
we are full capable of having.
Fire Alford, now. Seal your positive legacy as the caretaker of all things Bruin.
cc: Chancellor Block, and Mr Rebholz,
Steve Havas


Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Coaching Change Needed
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:04:40 PM

Gentlemen First, your service to UCLA is sincerely and greatly appreciated and I am sorry to bother you
with an email. I was born a Bruin - my father taught at UCLA for over 40 years before he
passed away in 2014. My mother is still deeply connected to UCLA, especially the Faculty
Center and the Faculty Women's Club. As a family, we care deeply about UCLA and bleed
blue and gold. I am sending this email because UCLA Men's Basketball is at a critical
juncture and it is important for all fans for care about the program to voice their
opinion. It's time to make a change in the leadership of the program. The program under
Coach Alford has declined in each year of his tenure both in performance and fan support.
This season was a clear bellwether that his trend is downward. A change needs to be made
now. Coach Alford has been given a fair opportunity and he did not perform. I won't get
into the details why, but it's clear to all knowledgeable basketball fans that coaching is the
root cause of the team's decline. Waiting another year to make the change due to his buyout is
like throwing good money after bad. Holding out hope the incoming class of freshman will
turn things around puts undo pressure on them to save the coach's job. The buyout is
unfortunate, but it should not tip the scales to retain Coach Alford for another year. The
men's basketball program can bounce back quickly with the right coach and assistant
coach. Getting a big name coach is not as important as getting someone recognized by other
basketball experts as having great coaching acumen. The university recruits itself and talent
will always come (assuming relationships with AAU programs don't become fractured like
under Coach Howland). John Wooden taught us that peace of mind and personal greatness
comes through maximizing one's own potential. The prospects for UCLA men's basketball
reaching its full potential under Coach Alford are slim at this point. Please make the tough
decision and replace Coach Alford.
Thank you,
Chuck Nefkens
son of Prof. Bernard M.K. Nefkens, Dept of Physics


glenda cook
Guerrero, Dan
It"s time to part ways, with coach Alfred
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:12:42 PM

Dear Dan Guerrero,

It's time to part ways with Coach Alfred... I am a firm believer that
at times, it's not always the coaches fault for losing, but, in this case, Alfred isn't what
UCLA basket-ball is all about... He might be a really nice guy, or even a good coach,
but, he is not a good fit for UCLA....
I would hope, when teams, can not get pass the average stage,
that in the future, you can part ways sooner, than later.... I love coach Mora, but, if
he can not get our foot-ball team to that next level, than it will be time to part ways
with him too... Look @ Stanford, they don't get 4 star players and look @ their
program, how it has become a power house team.. Than again, those players are
there for 4 years, because, education is important to them, but, look @ what coach
Shaw has done, with players that have talent, but, not great talent....... UCLA,
always has a great recruiting class, but, can not get over that hump, so, I would truly
hope that if coach Mora, does not get over that hump this coming season, it will be
time to part ways with him too.
The most important issue is building great teams, with extraordinary
coaches, unlike what the bruins have now.. Thanks.
From a True bruin fan.


John Galloway
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Restore the Basketball Program
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:14:24 PM

Dear UCLA leaders:

Ill make this short, as I know your inboxes are getting flooded.

UCLA is a world renown university for many admirable reasons not least of which is
because it offers a top-flight learning experience in the classroom. So why should our
mens basketball program be any different?

Please replace the coach Alford immediately, and replace him with a leader who will
produce results commensurate with our classrooms.

My wife (Ginger - class of 1989) and I are WAF members. Weve had season seats in the
Rosebowl since 1992.

John G. Galloway
Director Information Technology Services
Verbum Dei High School
11100 S. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 564-6651 ext. 6800


William Shipley
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua
New Basketball Coach for UCLA
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:14:29 PM

Dear AD Guerrero:
As a Bruin Alum, Class of 84, we have something in common. I was a undertalented,
overambitious UCLA baseball player for Gary Adams from 1979 to 1982. I was on the team
that played its home games at Pepperdine when Spaulding Field was demolished, and I played
(well, maybe not on the field much) at the brand new Jackie Robinson Stadium when it
I attended many UCLA basketball and football games in my five years as a student.
Unfortunately, my professional life following graduation has placed me far from Westwood,
and Ive had very few chances in the past 30 years to get back for games in person. I am a fan
from afar, and until recently I watched UCLA basketball with a near religious fervor. Each
Thursday evening and Saturday/Sunday was planned around the broadcast of UCLA
However, for most of the past two years Ive had no interest in watching a poorly coached
team that consistently plays far below its capabilities. Thats a coaching issue. While last
years team was somewhat shorthanded, in some respects that is a coaching issue too.
But this years team was not shorthanded. Im not going to provide a litany of all the
shortcomings that existed in this years team. You know them well.
What I am going to insist on, however, is that you acknowledge that your obligation as the
Athletic Director at UCLA is to the Institution, the Athletes, and the Fans. You owe no
obligation to Steve Alford as Head Coach. Hes an employee. Hes among the highest paid
employees in the State of California. And his job responsibilities are simple. No objective
reviewer of his job performance over the past 3 years can conclude that hes had success. In
fact, hes not even on a path toward success, as all the problems from his first two years have
been repeated and magnified in his third year.
Hes not earned another year to get things right. Hes had his chance, and hes failed. He was
hired and has been paid to succeed. He has not.
Its time for you to fire Steve Alford, and for you to give the Institution, the Athletes, and the
Fans another leader of the basketball program.
Thank you for your time.
Best Regards,
Bill Shipley


Erk Man
Guerrero, Dan
Basketball Coach Steve Alford should be retained
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:14:36 PM

I'm one that thinks a coaching change is above my pay grade.
This season has been difficult but to be honest it was relatively expected.
When you fire a coach you invite a process of moving the program into a new
That takes time and results will be bumpy.
With two nice recruiting classes already locked up early to play for UCLA/Alford I think
it makes sense to let it play out.
I consider it the price of having to let Coach Howland go.
I've been one of the lone voices on Scout/Bro and subject to the "mob rules" type
treatment and I consider them to have alternative agendas with respect to this staff.
My suggestion is to stay the course and see how the next year or two goes. That's
just me.
I always come back to the UCLA mantra that "Champions are MADE here" and part
of that equation includes missteps and learning from experience and getting up to
fight another day. That's where I think Steve Alford is at.
I only had a few minutes to relay some thoughts but I would be open to expanded
thoughts if need be.
Just wanted to give you my vote of confidence.


Jean-Paul Le Clercq
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Please fire Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:20:38 PM

And please see if overt nepotism is cause of not paying him the $10.4M buyout. He's
disrespected the entire school by using our beloved basketball team to promote his son.


Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
This was Ben Howland"s record when he was fired
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:23:51 PM

201213 record 2510 (135 Pac-12)

Fire Alfraud. It will definitely hurt future recruiting if he isn't.
Sent from my iPad


Gary Chambers
Guerrero, Dan
FW: Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:25:20 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am writing you to express my feelings pertaining to Coach Steve Alford and the demise of the
UCLA basketball team
I come from a UCLA family. My Uncle Bob graduated from Inglewood High School and played
freshman Quarterback with his best friend and best man in his wedding, Kenny Washington.
Among his closest friends were Jackie Robinson and Woody
Strode, who he wrestled with on the wrestling team.
My siblings and I have been fans of all things UCLA since we could spell. Although my brother
and I went to small private schools to play football, Redlands and Whittier, the only team
other than our alma maters we were ever rapid about is UCLA. Our sons are now massive
fans as well, having followed our footsteps going to small schools to play football, La Verne
and Greenville College. All four of us had UCLA as our dream school and would have come
there in a minute if they had displayed even a miniscule interest in us as athletes. Nothing
would have been better than to play for UCLA. But alas, I made up for my lack of speed by
being small.
After grad school, I was a long time season ticket holder in football and basketball. I finally
gave up my seats when I began coaching youth and then high school football. However, I still
attend as many games as I can.
Watching the collapse of the basketball program over the last three years has been
disheartening to say the least. I was not an Alford fan and did not think well of the hire
originally. But I never imagined it could turn out so badly. I can accept the
underachievement. I can accept not being the league champion every year. i understand
how competitive the game has become.
But the nepotism displayed by Coach Alford is flat out embarrassing. It is a display of coaching
not unlike the horrific problems existing in AYSO, Little League, NJB, Pow Warner, and Junior
All American. It is unbelievable that any major college program would allow a coach to play
his son more minutes than any other team member, in some cases where other players were
better. Further, to allow him to fail to even try in various phases of the game, defense. Allow

him to yell at other players when they fail to cover for him on defense. And finally to push him
towards media exposure every time there was an opportunity. He was the face for interviews
throughout the season at least 75% of the time.
Coach Alford and son have hijacked the program for their own personal agenda. Even if you
don't agree me, you have to acknowledge that that is exactly what it appears to be. A coach
is the face of the program, he must avoid at all costs even the appearance of impropriety. In
my profession we often remind those we come into contact with that "it is not often what it
is, but what it appears to be." You may think Alford is a nice guy and say "believe me Gary, he
does not have a personal agenda with his son." But if it walks like a duck, eats like a duck and
quacks like a's probably a duck.
It is time to make a change. I understand the buyout problem, but for the good of the
program, this needs to be done.
I will contribute to the cost of the change. I am sure that there are thousands of fans out
there who would as well.
Thank you for taking time to read my rant.
Go Bruins,


Martin Wan
Guerrero, Dan
Sad state of UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:29:26 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am a double bruin (BS '09, MBA '15) and bleed blue and gold. I was around for the three
final four runs with Coach Ben Howland and was actually at Oracle and HP Pavilion when
we won the Elite 8 games to reach the Final Four. I am writing to you about the frustration I
have currently with UCLA basketball and the need for a change. I think after three years, the
UCLA team has slowly become unwatchable and I feel there is need for change at the helm.
As you take in your assessment of the basketball program this year, please keep in mind how
everything has been trending down and seek to remove Coach Alford from his post as he
clearly has made UCLA irrelevant. I understand we have a great recruiting class coming in,
but I feel that class can be retained even if we have a new coach hired. I believe you have an
opportunity to turn the program around and bring UCLA back to its rightful place a college
basketball blue blood.
Martin Wan


Tony Mallord
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:29:48 PM

Dear Dan
UCLA Basketball is abysmal right now and has been since Steve
Alford's hire.
It is high time to restore UCLA to it's rightful place amongst
the Nation's top programs.
That high level will never be accomplished as long as we have a
coach who is un-inspirational, lacks leadership, cannot
strategize game plans, plays the wrong personnel, shows
nepotism by giving his son unprecedented minutes that he is
not worthy of, cannot instill a Defense that is so vital to
win games, and has lost to USC 3 times this year.
Please rescue this horrible team by hiring a competent Head
Thank you for reading my plea,
Tony Mallord

Guerrero, Dan
Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:39:54 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am a member of BRO, and at the urging of fellow posters, I am emailing you with my
input concerning Coach Alford.
Let me say first that I have been a UCLA fan since I was 11 years ols, some 57 years
ago. It has been hard to see the gradual decline of UCLA basketball over the years,
although with some resurgence briefly during the tenure of Ben Howland.
Concerning Coach Alford, I do have some mixed feelings. First, I think he is basically
a nice guy, and very articulate and knowledgeable concerning basketball. On paper,
he should be a good coach. Having said that, I have one major problem with him: his
playing his son. Even putting aside the fact that I don't think his son should be a
starter on this team, I think the problem goes even deeper than that. I believe it
shows a basic selfishness on the part of Coach Alford, that he would put his son's
wellbeing ahead of his team's. Furthermore, Although I cannot prove this, I have a
hunch Bryce presence on the team has had a negative effect on the team
psychologically. Although Bryce is a fairly good player offensively, he is not great,
and his lack of defense is obvious. Furthermore, his court demeanor is at times
cocky, and he has an attitude of "I can do nothing wrong because I'm the coach's
son". It is interesting to me that he has taken playing time away from other more
talented players with better attitudes than his son!
I could go on and on about how negative an influence playing his son has been, but
I'm not going to come out and directly say Coach should be fired. That is up to you!
However, I will ask you what do you think will change next year? Bryce will be a
senior. Coach has almost no choice but to start his son, despite having some very
talented players coming in. I believe that the same team sentiment that lead to this
team's demise will still be present next year. And that attitude that lead to Coach
Alford starting his son in the first place will still be part of Coach Alford's character.
Ron Howard


Charlie Carter
Guerrero, Dan
Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:42:31 PM

Bad hire, bad contract. But not taking action will only make it worse.
This program has zero interest or support from me going forward with Alford at the helm. I realize I am only a
small fish, but I am one of a very large school.
Charles Carter
Westwood Village Native
Lifelong Bruin and Fan
BA, UCLA '92


Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:45:41 PM

Come on Dan. Get it done.

Sent from my iPhone


Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:47:37 PM

Dear AD Guerrero,
I am a UCLA alum, class of 2012. I know I am just a recent graduate, but have been a lifelong Bruin fan. I
am emailing in regards to the state of the UCLA Basketball program, and more specifically in Head
Coach Steve Alford.
I was ambivalent in his hiring, and decided that I should wait and see before truly casting judgement on
him as a coach, but I believe that it has been made clear that the program under Coach Alford is
currently in, and headed even more into, a negative direction. I am a major Basketball fan, and even
though I don't currently live close enough to attend many basketball games in person, I would always
make sure that I would watch and cheer when our team was on Television or find it on the radio if I was
away from a TV. But starting with last season and even more so with this season, I have found myself
not caring or wanting to watch or root this team. They have been poorly coached and show no real effort
or consistency, and that is something I've had little interest in watching. That this current regime has
turned my lifelong passion into total apathy and disinterest is something that bothers and upsets me a lot.
I believe that this isn't something that can be salvaged and turned around with the current coach staff in
place, especially in regards to the Head Coach. My passion and fandom would immediately be back with
a new Head Coach and real leader heading the program.
Also, I have not been a donor, but am now at a point in my personal and financial life that I can and want
to do so and give back to the school that has meant so much to me during my life, but this is something
that I cannot do while Steve Alford remains the head coach at UCLA.
So I am asking and imploring you to make a change in Head Coach and fire Steve Alford and give the
UCLA Basketball program a new leader that can take us in the right direction.
Thank you for your time,
Jon Derderian
UCLA 2012


Ruston O"Risky
Guerrero, Dan
Stick with Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:49:17 PM

A.D. Guerrero,

Please stick with Coach Alford. Its rough at the moment, but many of us believe the trend
will be reversed starting next season if we stay patient.

Russ ORisky
Evansville, In.



Ricardo Perez
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:53:03 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am a UCLA graduate, Class of 2002. I've been an ardent follower of everything UCLA, since I
first stepped foot on campus, during a middle school, field trip in 1995. Coming from an
inner-city upbringing, I thought UCLA was the most beautiful place, I'd ever been. I hoped
that one day I would be fortunate enough to attend UCLA and I was fortunate enough to be a
student there from 1999 through 2002. I've had nothing but pride about being a part of the
Bruin family, but write to you today, since there is one part of UCLA, which is not keeping with
what our fine university should stand for. That is the basketball program. I want to make it
clear that it is not just about losses. It isn't about unreasonable expectations of fans
enamored with the era of John Wooden. Our current program is mired in mediocrity and run
by a coach who has no business being the coach of any UCLA program. If there was progress
or some kind of quality product over the last three years, it would be understandable to have
an off year. However, the only constant has been a steady decline within the program. The
quality of the product has been atrocious, for the most part. Sweet 16's can be thrown
around to try to justify the success of the program, but Steve Lavin did plenty of that, and he
was unfortunately a terrible coach and leader of men.

What we've seen the last three years, and especially this most recent year is not the product
of a lack of talent on our teams, it is a product of the lack of a proper steward of the
program. Steve Alford has given us a program besieged by nepotism. He has taken a
program with rich history and made a mockery of it. The teams play without discipline, hard,
teamwork, cohesion, and drive. I feel most terrible for the young men that have to be
subjected to being coached by Steve Alford. This isn't going to be changed by a recruiting
class filled with talent, since the problem isn't the talent or lack thereof, it is the Head Coach.

The terrible style of play and cratering of the culture surrounding the basketball program has
to be stopped. Is not an exaggeration to say that I have watched at least 95% of all of the
UCLA basketball games, since the mid-90s. I was one to schedule what I did around the UCLA
schedule. The product under Steve Alford has become so terrible and unwatchable that I was
only able to make it through parts of three games that I recorded. I am not alone, with regard
to this experience. The program is shedding long-term, rabid, diehard fans at an alarming
pace. The brand and reputation that is UCLA, is taking an immense shelling that cannot be
allowed to continue.

I will close by saying that I hope that you and others in power will take the steps necessary to
make a change at the Head Coach position, for UCLA basketball. Until recently, I was not in a
financial position to be a donor to UCLA, but as of the last couple of years have finally
cemented myself in a higher earning career with long-term stability. I would like nothing
more than to be able to financially support a UCLA basketball program, which espouses and
fully upholds the reputation and tradition of our fine university. Make a change and give the
UCLA family a Head Coach and basketball program to feel pride over, and I like many others
will do our best to support you and our fine university. Otherwise, I pledge to not give a
single dollar or attend a single game as long as Steve Alford remains the Head Coach. I
further pledged to make sure that I tell everyone I know to do the same, and to take all
actions within my power to continue to fight until the change is made. Thank you very much
for your time.

Ricardo Perez


Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
Rebholz, Joshua
"Coach" Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:53:54 PM

As a UCLA alumni I'm dismayed that excellence is expected from students and faculty but not from Coach Steve
Alford. If a student was allowed to mirror Alford's downward trajectory over the last 3 years they would be at least
put on probation but most likely expelled.
Please maintain the standard of excellence that UCLA is associated with and replace Steve Alford with a coach that
better represents our Bruin values.


Rick Bradley
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:55:55 PM

Dan, as a lifelong UCLA fan and a graduate of the great school that is UCLA, I feel like I must express
to you how miserable many of us Bruin fans feel about the state of our basketball program. Not to
elaborate too much because you are getting these same emails from tons of other Bruin faithful,
but to witness what our team did this season is a disaster, to say the least.

If you cant make a change with the head coach, then you need to seriously consider moving on. I
would never imagine watching my team lose to USC 3 times in one season, let alone the WAY in
which we lost. It was pathetic. Miserable. Painful. Choose your adjective. John Wooden, God rest
his soul, must be turning over in his grave. Its one thing to lose games, every team does. Its
another all together to not even compete. To not even try. To give up.

Can you hear the emotion coming out in these words? Well, get used to it because you are going to
be hearing it loud and clear from thousands of devoted Bruin fans in the near future.

Now is the time to do something. Make a change. Bring some life back into our historic program.
And do it before the wheels completely come off. By then it will be too late and we will be forced to
watch our program sink into oblivion. I cant bear to think about that. Change isnt always easy, but
sometimes its necessary. Now is that time.

Thank you.


Rick Bradley

Rick Bradley
Celebrity Consultants, LLC
3340 Ocean Park Blvd.
Suite 1030
Santa Monica, Ca. 90405
310 581-6383


dylan mcginty
Dylan McGinty; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
Regarding Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:03:58 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero and Dr. Block:

I am writing to express my profound distress over the fact that Steve Alford remains the coach
of UCLA Men's Basketball.
I grew up a Bruin. My mother (Ann Maddox) completed her PhD at UCLA in the mid-1970s.
A single mother, she would take my older sisters and I to the campus when she was in the
final stages of her doctorate, and the three of us would wander the campus, often with the
children of other graduate students. I treasure these memories.
My father, Dennis McGinty, currently teaches one or two courses per year in the Psychology
Department. When the State of California and UC system had serious budgetary problems a
few years ago, he taught the course for free.
I myself attended but did not graduate from UCLA. But I have been a Bruin my entire life. I
have lived in New York City for over fifteen years, and have lived and traveled all over the
world. I still follow UCLA: from Academics to Politics, from the Arts to Sports.
You both have undoubtedly received many emails about Steve Alford's status. I won't go into
the the many reasons why is is completely unfit for UCLA. You've both heard the myriad
arguments, are aware of Alford's sordid history, and, of course, are both very busy. I will
draw your attention to the following statistics, which clearly indicate he is putting his son
ahead of the program and ahead of the institution. It is unacceptable, embarrassing, and most
all, sad. When you look at these stats, it becomes obvious Alford must be terminated
Men's Basketball may seem frivolous when compared the the Medical School or Anderson,
but Sports are in fact the most public face of a university. Be honest with yourselves about
this matter and accept that mistakes were made during his contract negotiation. To be too
proud to accept that mistakes were made, to accept that Alford unfit for UCLA, is to tolerate
another year of fading fandom, receding enthusiasm. I will not watch or attend at all next
year if Alford is retained.
I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your time.

Dylan McGinty


Guerrero, Dan
time 4 a change
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:14:07 PM

Dear Dan Guerrero,

Life long Bruin fan, Class of '77; FB season ticket holder since '92; Buying Basketball tickets since '92;
Basketball Season ticket holder about 15 years; WAF; Track, Baseball, Gymnastics, Bruin Woods, I'm

Lived inNew York from'79 to '92 and was the very first person to secure a sports bar to commit to
showing all UCLA BB & FB games so New York's UCLAclub would always have a placeto gather and
support the Bruins. Viewershipstarted out with just a handful,I'm told it numbers in the hundreds for the
big games now.

If there is not change announced regarding the Basketball Head coaching position, before the renewal
deadline, March 15th, I will not be renewing. Glenn Hruska



Tom Sullivan
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Time to go...
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:24:22 PM

A mistake was made with the hire of Steve Alford. Not sure how much more you need to see.
He's a terrible fit and the program is obviously moving in the wrong direction.
Stop the madness. Remove Coach Alford from his post immediately. Call Xavier's Chris
Good luck.
Thomas F.X. Sullivan
UCLA '91


Steve Kawashima
Guerrero, Dan
Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:30:31 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
As an alum from the Walton era, I have always been proud to say I'm a Bruin not just for the stellar academic
tradition the university represents but for the equally high standards in the arts and the variety of sports programs
our school proudly supports. It goes without saying that the Men's basketball program since the Wooden era has
continually upheld and/or strived to achieve the highest standards of excellence.
Unfortunately the current state of Men's basketball falls far short of this proud tradition. Coach Alford has clearly
demonstrated that he does not have the skills required to maintain these standards. His record as coach over the past
three years has digressed. He shows little indication that he has the knowledge and/or willingness to teach
fundamental defensive basketball skills. He's lost three games by a large margin to our crosstown rivals (never
known for their basketball program) apparently a first in the last seventy four years. In fact, the game last night was
quite painful and embarrassing to watch. I felt sorry for our players as they looked defeated before they started.
Good coaching should inspire players. And it's apparent to many who follow the program that nepotism has clearly
had a negative impact. This should not happen with any program much less UCLA basketball.
I thus urge you Mr. Guerrero to take immediate and appropriate action to bring our program back to its proud
tradition. Terminate Coach Alford so that we may proudly enjoy UCLA basketball once again.
Steve K.
Sent from my iPhone


Guerrero, Dan
Vicious smear campaign by Bruin Fan Site
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:30:45 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

It has come to my attention that a vicious smear campaign against Coach Alford is being
waged by a Bruin Fan site Bruin Report Online. Link here:
Not only are wild and crazy accusations being hurled about damning Coach Alford, anyone
who supports Coach Alford is immediately banned from posting giving the impression that
there is no support for the Coach. The operator of the site, Tracy Pierson, has fanned the
flames by pinning negative posts to incite further anger.
For a so called Bruin fan site this kind of behavior in despicable and reprehensible. Other sites
like Bruin Gold (
present a more balanced view of Coach Alford and the basketball program.
I feel you should be aware outrageous behavior that's giving the Bruin and University and
brand a bad name.
Stan Williams


Mark Takesue
Guerrero, Dan
State of UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:37:03 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero

As a UCLA graduate (Class of 1998), former Student athletic trainer for the UCLA
Athletics Department and current Wooden Athletic Fund member, I am concerned
about the state of UCLA basketball. I am concerned about the future of UCLA
As a freshman in 1994, I witnessed UCLA basketball win it's last national
championship. In my opinion, we are so far away from getting to a state where UCLA
is competing for national championships on a yearly basis. From watching the team
play, I believe Coach Alford is not the man to lead the program in the future.
This team has currently shown minimal effort and the team has regressed as the
season has gone along. The team should be improving not regressing. The effort the
team shows, especially on the defense end is a direct reflection on the coaching
staff. This is the first year that I have had tickets to a UCLA game and decided not to
go. Although I love the new renovations to Pauley Pavillion, why should I have to
fight traffic and leave work early to witness a team that will not put forth a decent
effort on the court.
I believe until a change is made, UCLA basketball will not return to the top of the Pac12 where it belongs. A great incoming freshman class should not be the reason why a
coaching staff should be kept.
Thank you Mr. Guerrero for all that you have done for the UCLA athletics program.
You are a great Bruin and I hope you make the right decision for the program going
Mark Takesue


Shoulee Wang
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:39:43 PM

Mr. Guerrero: Please fire the coach now. He will never make the Bruin basketball program to its
elite standard as it should be. It is embarrassing. I heard you are considering to keep him for one
more year at least. I truly believe that would just prolong the inevitable for next year anyway. But in
the meantime the program will continue suffer to a point affect recruiting and fan support. Let
Alford go now. Hire someone that can bring Bruin basketball to its prominence again. I have all the
confidence in you because you have done that in finding the great coach in Coach Mora. I will
continue donate to Bruin athletics funds because of Football but could donate more but wont until
our basketball program makes a comeback.

Sincerely Yours,

Shou-Lee Wang
Graduate of 1974.


Dean Steinbeck
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
ucla basketball -- FIRE THE COACH
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:48:36 PM

If the coach is not fired this season, I'll be calling for you to be fired. Don't count on
fan apathy to save your careers. Relying on the stupidity of your donors is not a
longer term solution.


Travis Fuller
Guerrero, Dan
Fire Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:53:53 PM

This year, UCLA Basketball achieved several milestones, including:

1.) Losing to USC by an average margin of 19 points.
2.) Finishing in 10th place, the lowest in UCLA basketball's vaunted history.
3.) Losing 12 conference games, tied for the worst mark in UCLA basketball history.
4.) Winning only 15 games.
Over the course of Steve Alford's dismal tenure, several additional infamies have been scored,
1.) Blatant nepotism.
2.) Progressively worse records over the course of Alford's three seasons (28, 22, 15).
3.) Scoring only 7 points in the first half of the 2014 match against Kentucky.
4.) The lowest winning percentage of any coach post-Wooden.
Three years is enough time to exhibit one's value. Unfortunately, Steve Alford has only
managed to exhibit his poor coaching acumen. This isn't a situation that will be rectified by
the influx of two five-star talents next year -- it will only delay the inevitable and further the
perception of UCLA's demise.
Fire Steve Alford now. Restore UCLA Hoops.
Travis Fuller
Class of 2012


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Stop embarrassing our program. WHY are we keeping Alford?!
Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:56:11 PM


Richard Chew
AD; Chancellor Gene D. Block; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Please fire Coach Alford before next season
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:02:56 PM

Dear Gentlemen,
I am 30 year WAF donor and have season football and basketball tickets for for those years as well. I have followed
UCLA basketball since the early '60s. Our names are on the wall inside new Pauley Pavilion. We are in the 400's
for donor level seating priority. I am a 1976 grad and my wife is a 1975 grad. My 3 children graduated from UCLA
in 2002, 2006 and 2010. One went on to get her Master's in Education at UCLA. We have been involved in many
other capacities with UCLA and are so proud of being Bruins and supporting the school in as many ways as we can.
Our family would plan everything around going to games and watching on tv. However, it has become
progressively harder to support the basketball program the last 3 years.
Please gentlemen, I have NEVER in my life felt the need to write this type of letter calling for the dismissal of a
coach at our beloved school. I did not write when I felt Coach Toledo, Dorrell, Neuheisel, and Howland needed to
be dismissed. I felt the administration and athletics would handle it appropriately. However, I now feel the need to
write because I fear Alford will be retained for another year. This cannot happen. Retaining him will set the
basketball program back even further and create a longer road to recovery. He has lost his players on this years
team and I believe he will continue to do so with next years team. He has showcased his son here at UCLA long
enough. If Alford is retained, I will no longer support UCLA basketball. I NEVER thought I could write these
words and it breaks my heart to do so.
Richard Chew, '76


David Jurmain
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball (or the lack thereof)
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:04:19 PM

My father Richard Jurmain and I have been splitting football seats and donations for over 20
years and his giving goes back far further. We had even pondered buying basketball tickets
again. Of course now we do not plan on making that purchase as UCLA basketball has
become unwatchable.
The incompetence of Steve Alford is breathtaking. Combining a lack of development,
recruiting acumen, capacity to evaluate talent, inability to prod any effort from his team,
childlike tactics, and amazingly blatant nepotism.
Though I sincerely doubt you haven't seen the attached article. This article provides the
metrics that any individual who has watched UCLA in the last three years already
Perhaps an anecdote will help you understand the fan base's feelings. I was given some very
good tickets by a friend earlier this year. Realizing I couldn't use them I tried to return them to
him -- he said "just sell them." I tried and failed. I then tried to give them away... and failed.
Not a single UCLA fan I knew was willing to waste any part of their weekend much less their
life watching a Steve Alford coached team. As one put it, "after those two hours I'll be closer
to death, annoyed, and probably dumber via osmosis."
I, like a number of other friends, are also pondering switching back to Directv from Time
Warner. Directv is a far better product and if UCLA basketball isn't worth watching the value
of the P-12 network to me and them is nil.
It's safe to say another year of Steve Alford, no matter how good his recruiting class, will not
be watched by me or anyone I know.
David Jurmain


Chavez, Stephen A
Guerrero, Dan
Chavez, Stephen A
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:06:18 PM

Steve Alford is a nightmare at every level, as human being and a coach, you name it....

keep him around at your peril


Don Dilaura
Guerrero, Dan
Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:11:28 PM

Been a ucla fan for 40 years disappointed in the way ucla played this year I strongly believe
steve Alford has wore out his welcome at ucla.....


Steven Holtz
Guerrero, Dan
The current state of my beloved UCLA basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:25:06 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I write to you as a proud graduate of UCLA and former basketball season ticket holder of many
years. Im sure you do not have time to read long emails, so this will be short.

It is truly a travesty how Coach Steve Alford has overseen the demise of our basketball program.
Regardless of the size of his buyout, regardless of the fact he has only coached for three years,
regardless of the new recruits that will be here next year, he MUST NOT be retained as our head
coach. Now is the time to act.

I know you love UCLA athletics, as I do. I know you had high hopes for Coach Alford, as I did. Please,
cut your losses, and fire him now. He shouldnt be allowed to besmirch the memory of Coach
Wooden with what he has wrought in Westwood and the dissension he has caused among the
ranks. How do you feel when you see the empty seats in Pauley? How are season ticket sales
going? Need you look any further for the proof you need as to the tough decision that needs to be

Please do the right thing for the sake of the fans and the future of UCLA Basketball, Dan.

Thank you,


Steven L. Holtz, CLU, CFP

CA Insurance License No. 0533942

Holtz Insurance Services

11845 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 1040W Los Angeles, CA 90064
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Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Coach Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:34:59 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

At the risk of becoming tiresome, I wish to take another opportunity toaddress with youone
more issue with Coach Alford's tenure at UCLA. In his remarks after yesterday's humiliating
loss to USC he adverted to having only a two month bad spell over the course of the season,
suggesting that the season as a whole was not that bad. The implication is clear -- since only
two months of his three year career have been unsuccessful, overall he has done well and
should be retained.
This is a transparently false narrative.
The problems with Coach Alford's tenure are much deeper and longer than a mere two month
stretch. Consider the following, each of which falls outside or beyond the last two months:
His record in each of the three seasons has gotten progressively worse.
He has failed to adequately recruit for the first three seasons, with only next year's class
showing any promise. (And, as Coach Howland's final year at UCLA demonstrated, an
incoming recruiting class is not the savior of a basketball program.)
Last year's shockingloss to Kentucky was historically bad and an utter embarrassment
to the program.
Losing to Monmouth at Pauley, something that should never happen.
Using the program to showcase his son at the expense of the team.
Last year's appearance in the NCAA tournament was unexpected, and UCLA was one of
the last teams in as an 11 seed. (That the team got incredibly lucky and advanced to
the Sweet 16 cannot distract from the issues underlying the season as a whole. Again,
as Coach Lavin demonstrated, going toa Sweet 16 is not grounds for being retained.
This year's record is the worst since Coach Lavin's final season, for which he was
justifiably fired. UCLA has never finished as low in the conference as it did this year.
The complete lack of defensive effort in each of Coach Alford's three years.
In short, the issues with the basketball program are deep and enduring, not simply a two
month aberration. That the team failed utterly to compete against USC -- the object of what
we claim is the most intense rivalry in the country -- is as clear an indication as can be that
something is profoundly wrong.
I am not in the habit of casually lobbying for someone's job, and believe me I have better
things to do with my time than to write these letters to you. ButtheUCLA basketball

program that I and so many other Bruins love is on the edge of a precipice of apathy and
irrelevance, and only your swift and decisive action can save it.
Matt Henderson


Guerrero, Dan
Do Not Fire
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:41:09 PM

Coach Alford....Please!
I am a UCLA fan and it has been a family affair since the mid-fifties. I saw Gary Beban. I
stayed up late night (for a kid 10:00 PM is late) to see Coach Wooden and Dick Enberg put
UCLA Basketball in the forefront of every recruits mind and it stayed that way for many
many years.
I could go on for days but will not waste your time.
I have watched Coach Alford at New Mexico and prior. He has never had any of the problems
he has had this year. I blows my mind seeing it go this way.
Coach Alford is a winner, Coach Alford is a fighter. Coach Alford has a second to none class
coming in next year and based on his three seasons at UCLA DESERVES and has EARNED
at least another year or two as our coach!
So please do not set us back another five years while a new coach "rebuilds" what in my
opinion is a program that does NOT need rebuilding.
I know "wait til next year" is a common and overused phrase but please give Coach Alford
what he has earned, a chance to show the world what a great program is supposed to look
Thank you and GO BRUINS! Ted Bloom AKA Bruin74
P.S. You may not remember but you and I chatted in San Diego when I worked for the Rivals
Network with Rick Kimbrel.


Kirk Crawford
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
You Know What Needs to be Done
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:52:59 PM

Please replace the basketball coach. Coach Wooden is spinning in his grave. The
nepotism and lack of effort by the head basketball coach is embarrassing to the
school and its tradition.

Kirk Crawford


Stephen Rosen
Guerrero, Dan
Coach Alford"s Retention
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:54:46 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero:

Please do not allow this mediocrity in our basketball program to continue. I have been a Bruin
since birth. This is the most disappointed I have ever been in an athletic team at UCLA.
Please let Coach Alford go. He is not right for us.
Steve Rosen, Esq.

Personal Injury Department

1600 N. Broadway, Suite 650, Santa Ana, CA 92706
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Kenji Kumara
Guerrero, Dan
Reasons to fire the coach - very unhappy fans out there right now
Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:59:54 PM

Top 10 reasons to fire Steve Alford now. He has proven to be the worst coach in UCLA*(post 1948
and John Wooden) history.
10. Three blowout losses to a mediocre Just USC team by an AVERAGE margin of 19 points.
9. No UCLA Coach has finished lower than fourth in their third season as UCLA coach. Alford
finished tenth.
8. UCLA's tenth place finish is its lowest conference finish in ANY season.
7. 12 losses in conference ties the record for conference losses in a season. That does not begin to
tell how bad UCLA was. UCLA was the ONLY team to lose to a truly awful Washington State this
year. Yet, this was a team with enough talent to beat Kentucky this year. Coaching matters.
6. The problems are not just limited to this season. Last year against Kentucky UCLA scored an
all-time low of 7 points in a half.
5. Last year UCLA was held to under 40 points by Utah, a low total in the shot clock era.
4. DaddyBall. The last two seasonBryce Alfordhas led UCLA in minutes played. Last
nightBryce Alfordwas playing with a severely bruised jaw and still played 34 minutes. He was
-31 in the plus/minus. No one can rightly argue he is the team's best player. (Not a good measure
but PAC 12 voters would agree with this.)
3. DaddyBall#2. All "experts" and Steve Alford agree that UCLA's problems begin on defense.
Through the course of the season, Steve has blamed every starter but one for the defensive
problems. That one starter is Bryce Alford. All "experts" but not Steve Alford agree that Bryce is
a defensive liability.
2. 28-22-15 is not a good trend in wins. The last four UCLA coaches to be fired were all better in
their first three seasons and none but Ben Howland in his first had a losing season:
Walt Hazzard 21-12 (NIT Champs), 15-14 (NIT), 25-7 (PAC 10 Champs, NCAA)
Jim Harrick 21-10 (NCAA), 22-11 (NCAA), 23-9 (NCAA)
Steve Lavin 24-8 (Pac 12 champs, elite eight), 24-9, (NCAA), 22-9 (NCAA)
Ben Howland 11-17, 18-11 (NCAA), 32-7 (Pac 10 Champs, NCAA Runner Up)
1. Steve Alford has the worst win percentage of any UCLA coach since the Wooden era began in
1948. His 65-40 record is good for the lowest winning percentage.
e most athletic player to play for Steve Alford ever and the two-time reigning NBA dunk champion

Zach LaVine was unhappy at UCLA because of his treatment by Steve Alford. Depending on what
you believe, Zach was either pushed out by Steve Alford and staff or underused after he told them
he was going pro.
One thing is for sure. The ultra-talent Zach LaVine was unhappy and he bursts the bubble that
Steve Alford is a great player's coach.
And now another very athletic guard seems likely to leave early (in this case transfer) if Steve
Alford remains coach,Prince Ali. I opined after the loss to UC Berkeley and the unofficial end to
the season that Steve Alford should start playing for next year and give more minutes to Prince Ali
to start to give the very athletic Ali a chance to improve his game. The opposite happen.
After the UC Berkeley game in which he played 15 minutes, he never played double digit minutes
again. It was so bad last night thatBruin Report Online wrote(not behind a firewall):
Prince Ali apparently played three whole minutes, but he did not register a single
stat in the box score, and I don't actually remember seeing him on the court. In any
case, it's hard to imagine a scenario where he sticks around after this year, where he
was relegated more and more to the bench as the season wore on, andwas
seemingly scape-goated for many of UCLA's defensive issues.
Just like LaVine was scape-goated, Ali was scaped-goated. In this case it was for bad defense. This
is ironic because a combo ofAaron Holiday,Isaac Hamilton, and Prince Ali athletically
would be our best defensive guard/small forward combo. Oh wait, what guard is missing in that
lineup? The coach's son,Bryce Alford.
Bryce Alfordhas his pluses. But he is the worst defender on the team. Scape-goating a freshman
is inexcusable. Not taking full advantage of the sensational Zach LaVine was a mistake, doing it
again to the athletic Ali makes it a trend. Steve's priority is Bryce and he proved it again by
benching All to protect the nonathletic, no-defense Bryce Alford.
Yep, Daddyball is once again costing likely costing us a player. And, by coincidence, it is once
again the team's best dunker:

And the sad thing, especially for UCLA Basketball fans, is that it will continue.
For those that want to retain Alford because of a recruiting class, hoping that the four young
men coming in will save the program, need to understand that despite their talent, the
overall state of the program will not change and that is because Alford will not change.
Coaches to consider:
Luke Walton, Golden St Warriors (he will soon have a coaching job, ie, Lakers?)
Tony Bennett, Virgina
Larry K of Utah
Monmonth (sp) coach


Larry Lisenbee
Guerrero, Dan
Please Fire Alford now
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:06:18 PM

I graduated from UCLA in 1972, and was part of the end of the Wooden era. I have been up to now a
passionate and rabid UCLA basketball fan. I am sickened by what Alford and his lack of commitment to
the program, or anything Bruin, except to showcase his son. He is obviously a horrible choice to runthis
program, doesn't want to be here, and is despised by the great majority of the Bruin community. The
groundswell you are hearing is for real. Keeping him for another yearwould just be such a huge mistake
and a waste of a year. The ultimate outcome is clear. He is not going to be the coach here. Please act
now, and lets move on together, rather than suffer through another year of such conflict with the
supporters of this great program.

Larry D. Lisenbee
Class of 1972


Brent Armitage
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:11:40 PM

Im a 30 year season ticket holder. I love UCLA basketball. Pauley is beautiful, Westbrooks donation is amazing.
We need a coach worthy of the UCLA basketball program.
We need Steve Alford fired at once. We all deserve better.
Brent Armitage


Steve Kaufhold
Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:19:03 PM


Good Afternoon. Weve met briefly before but by way of introduction, (1) my daughter at UCLA is a
fourth-generation Bruin, (2) I volunteered in the Morgan Center for two years sending late night
faxes to papers (no internet) to get coverage for our teams when I was in school, (3) weve spent
Thanksgiving on Maui with the Bruins (including you, Dan) and (4) I volunteer now on the UCLA
Parents Counsel (fundraising, ironically), (5) we come down from the Bay Area for Football and
Basketball and (6) I just put my WAF license plate holder on my new car.

There are others who donate more but I thought you might appreciate the point of view of a person
and family that love UCLA and support it in every way.

UCLA stands for excellence in everything we do both academics and athletics and were falling
way, way short in basketball. Most disheartening is my impression that the team has quit down the
stretch and abandoned the hard work and strong fundamentals that are the trademark of great
Bruin teams. My sons CYO team plays with more passion and basketball awareness than our
current Bruin team.

Withholding support of UCLA is not an option for our family. Increasing support is and I really
encourage you and the others in the evaluation process to consider making a change and replacing
our head coach. There are so many outstanding coaches that excel as teachers and motivators and
develop their players and teams and put them in a position to be successful. Lets get one.

Keep up the great work that you do for UCLA. Go Bruins! Best Steve

P.S. This message is to you personally and not something you will see on a blog or message board or


Jeff Lutzky
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:23:24 PM

Dear Sirs:
I'm writing to you about the current state of UCLA basketball. I've been attending games
since the 70's with my parents (my mother graduated from UCLA in 1965), I am a graduate of
UCLA, I meet my wife in row 5 of Pauley Pavillion and continued attending games after
graduation and am now a Coaches Roundtable donor. UCLA basketball has been my passion
for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately that has changed in the last 3 years as the
program has spiraled down to depths not seen before. I feel sadness as I watch my beloved
Bruins play and compare them to other teams (Utah and Virginia come to mind) who run
fluid offenses and great defenses while our team is probably the worst defensive team I've
ever seen (led by the coaches son) plus has no creativity on offense.
My general apathy seems to be replicated all around Los Angeles, witness the empty seats not
only in the donors area but also in the student section who are your future donors. Because of
the direction of the program I've held off on any donation to the Basketball Center and have
cut my general donation to Coaches Roundtable to the minimum and dropped two basketball
tickets in the last year. I implore you to do the right thing and cut ties with Coach Alford now
as opposed to waiting until after next year when I fear we will be in the exact same situation
and will have wasted an additional year on the hope that magically things will turn around
which from past experiences at UCLA (Dorrell, Neuheisel, Howland at the end) simply does
not happen.
Thanks for your time.
Jeff Lutzky, class of 1990


Thomas Nash
Guerrero, Dan
fire alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:23:38 PM

Please fire Steve Alford. He is the worst UCLA basketball coach ever.


Rebholz, Joshua
Matt Rice
Re: hi gentlemen
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:25:15 PM

We appreciate your feedback and respect your position. Thank you for your passion and
support. You're a great Bruin. Talk soon my friend.
On Mar 10, 2016, at 12:21 PM, Matt Rice <> wrote:
Dan and Josh,

Let me start by saying I have the utmost respect for both of you as men and
professionals. I feel like my experience as a UCLA Alum, Booster and Parent of
potential future Bruins has only been enhanced by your hard work.

It is important that you remember that I am also an eternal optimist. I am a we will be

so great next year guy. A the wins arent there yet, but the process is correct and we
will get there guy.

Dan and Josh, I feel worse over these last few weeks than when we lost to USC 50-0. It
is not even close. My blood is boiling I am so upset by what is happening.

Let me be clear though, is it upsetting to have the first losing record since our very
worst coach, Steve Lavin? Sure it is very upsetting, but that isnt the real problem.
Having a losing year is a SYMPTOM of the DISEASE.

UCLA Mens Basketball is diseased. We are being led by a man who is blinded by his
love for his son. We are the greatest program in the history of College Basketball, yet
we have no current culture whatsoever. Our identity is completely lost. We arent here
nor there. And , being a student of the game, I am constantly BAFFLED by the decisions
being made by this coaching staff strategically. Our players are completely lost. It is
obvious. I know you can see it. Everyone I know, who actually still cares, sees it. The
fan base is definitely leaving. There is no spirit. Pauley has been dead, honestly, all year
save for two big games.

I am sure by now youve seen the statistical analysis comparing Bryce to every point
guard since the 3-point line was introduced. If you havent, here it is I want you
to know it made me even angrier. And the worst part ? The VERY worst part? These
are only offensive analytics as to why the Coachs son plays too many minutes. Bryce

doesnt play one single lick of defense. In fact, I feel very confident saying he is by far
our worst defensive player since Nikola Dragovic.

Simply put, Bryce plays too many minutes for his talent and effort level. Everyone
knows this. You guys also know this. It has eroded our team. We have gotten WORSE
EACH YEAR since the Alfords arrived. In record, sure, but more importantly, in EFFORT.

I know I am not a very big donator to the A.D. But, I am proud of my school beyond
reason, and it is my duty and privilege to try to help whenever I can. You guys know I
am always willing to help a Bruin. So it saddens me so much to write this to you. I have
no enthusiasm or hope for this program as it stands. None whatsoever. I am finished.

I will make sure that my donation to the WAF is the absolute minimum it can be to hold
my seats until you relieve Coach Alford of his duties. I think you will also find, that I
wont be someone you see at Pauley until he is gone. Maybe Ill give them to charity,
or maybe ill just burn them. I have no interest because there is no love in my heart for
his program.

Ive lost all faith and enthusiasm guys. I hope you have as well. He doesnt belong here,
he isnt good enough.

Thanks for listening.


Cc: P.J. Shapiro

Matt Rice
9336 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
T: 310.860.3785
F: 310.247.1111

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Jaime Dorado
Guerrero, Dan
Coach Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:36:29 PM

Mr. Guerrero Im emailing you to let you know of my extreme displeasure in the way my beloved UCLA basketball program
has been run. Im usually the type that shows the fullest support for my team regardless of showing or
shortcomings. This time around with coach Alford, things have felt different. We have opened a state of the art oncampus facility, yet we fail in being able to get students in the building to create any type of home court advantage. I
feel this will continue to be a trend as long as we have coach Alford as our coach. No one with top notch talent will
want to play for this man, and our recruiting will take a huge negative impact. We cant continue to have a coach
who prefers his mid major talent son start ahead of the young blue chip sitting on the bench that could actually have
a positive impact in the game. High school kids look at this and get turned off.

It is unfair that we as fans have to put up with the poor choice you made in his hire, and worst is the contract you
had him sign. The 10 million dollar buyout you included in his contract was an absolute joke, what did you ever see
in his resume that would warrant that? You should have to pony up that money for such a contract. I hope that you
end up doing what is right. Dont let the fact that you only have a few years before retirement stop you from getting
rid of coach Alford. At same time I dont know what is scarier, watching Coach Alford lead our players or knowing
that you could possibly once again be involved in the hiring process of who could be our next head coach Please
prove me wrong and actually convince me that youre a competent man, I will eat crow.
Please Mr. Guerrero bring back the fun and spunk that was UCLA basketball. We need a splash hire that will bring
out the talent in these kids and make them work together to complete the goal of once again being national
Sorry for coming off a little harsh at times, its just really frustrating being a UCLA basketball fan right now.
Ps. Any one but adidas for our next apparel deal.
Thank you for your time
Jaime Dorado


Frederik Arroyave
Guerrero, Dan
The Four Letters
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:38:10 PM

I love Bruin basketball and I will continue to attend games, watch on tv, and perhaps become a season ticket holder
in the future. As a first generation immigrant I became enamored with UCLA Athletics watching the highly
successful basketball and football programs in the mid-late 90s. As a current football season ticket holder and an
entry level WAF donor, I have had the opportunity to connect with the university in ways I never could as a
student. I look forward to all the other ways I can give back to UCLA (it's not hard because it's so rewarding). I
think it's imperative to take a strong look at the basketball program and the leadership to ask if this this program can
achieve more with a better leader. Thank you for your service to UCLA and GO Bruins.
Frederik Arroyave
UCLA Class '12
Sent from my iPhone


Greg Hutchins
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:41:37 PM

Mr. Guerrero,
We have not had the pleasure of meeting in the past but up until this season my wife Sandy
and I had been season ticket holders and Wooden Athletic Fund donors for a number of years.
UCLA basketball has held a special place in my heart as my dad played for Coach Wooden in
the '50s. I literally grew up learning to read by reading about the basketball team in the 60s
and then watching games on tv.
As soon as we could afford to, we became season ticket holders and it was so much fun to
watch our Bruins reach three straight final fours and generally be a competitive team during
the first decade of the 2000s.
To this day, my dad (now 80 years old) consistently discuss the games and this is probably the
one thing that keeps us as close as we are.
With that as background, I painfully decided to give up my season tickets this season as it was
clear to me that the program was going in the wrong direction and I'm sad to say I was clearly
correct in my assessment.
I respectfully request that you make a coaching change and if you do I will happily become a
season ticket holder and Wooden Athletic Fund donor again.
I would be pleased to discuss the matter with you and can be be reached at
Greg Hutchins

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Nathaniel T. Dang
Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:42:22 PM

Dear Mr. Block, Mr. Guerrero, and Mr. Rebholz:

Further to my email below, last night's historic and unmitigated disaster against USC was
emblematic of the "foundation" (or lack thereof) that Coach Alford is laying for our
basketball program.
The word "legacy" is often thrown around lightly; however, it is appropriate in this situation.
Coach Wooden spent decades serving our university and shaping young men on and off the
court; that is his legacy. This is a watershed moment for the UCLA basketball program, and
what you choose to do in this moment shall be your legacy. As you know, UCLA has a
number of very talented signees coming in next year. With that talent, Coach Alford will
likely once again disappoint, but will also likely achieve enough success to make termination
more difficult from a public relations perspective. Thus, if you fail to act immediately to
replace Coach Alford, Coach Wooden's masterpiece will continue to sustain irreparable
damage -- and that will be your lasting legacy.
Please do what you know is right for the long-term health of our athletics department and our
basketball program, which is in many ways the heart and soul of our university.
Nathaniel T. Dang, Esq.
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science '08

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Nathaniel Dang <natdangspam@

Dear Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,

> wrote:

I am a proud UCLA Bruin (B.S. Computer Science & Engineering '08). I have been a lifelong
supporter of UCLA Athletics (my oldest brother graduated UCLA in the class of 1995). I am
a Wooden Athletic Fund Member, UCLA Football season ticket holder (which I enjoyed with
my good friend, Mr. James Ayden, UCLA School of Law '13), and former UCLA Basketball
season ticket holder (which I enjoyed with another good friend, Mr. Thomas Chan, UCLA
'07). I have also donated to the Wasserman practice facility and various other athletic
department initiatives throughout the years. I flew out to Indianapolis and attended the Final
Four when we played there a decade or so ago; I also try to support our teams at other away
games whenever possible (e.g., the football games vs. Texas, UNLV, etc.). In addition to
supporting the athletic department, I of course support the Samueli School of Engineering and
am a Boelter Society member.
I understand that I may not be a "whale" of a supporter of the athletic department from a
financial perspective. However, it is people like Mr. Ayden, Mr. Chan, and myself that form
the core of any long-term fundraising and development strategy; we are young, recent
graduates who love our alma mater and are eager and ready to support it in the right areas and
at the right time, and are likely to do so for the next 50 years.

In light of the above, it saddens me to write this email informing you that I will not be
renewing my membership to the WAF, nor will I be renewing my football season tickets or
otherwise financially supporting the Athletic Department until Coach Steve Alford is
dismissed from his position as the head basketball coach at UCLA. I am sure you have
received a litany of similar emails and I will not bother rehashing the many complaints that
you have likely received regarding Coach Alford, except to say that Coach Alford failed,
miserably, to meet the minimum expectations for a coach at UCLA -- not just from the
standpoint of wins and losses, but also from a moral and character standpoint. His teams do
not exhibit the effort, particularly on the defensive end of the court, that is expected at an
institution like UCLA. Accordingly, I cannot in good faith support an athletic department
that continues to allow Mr. Alford to embarrass our university.
I wish you the best and I look forward to once again financially supporting our Bruin athletics
programs, if and when Mr. Alford is dismissed and replaced with a head coach worthy of our
great institution.
Go Bruins,
Nathaniel T. Dang, Esq.
UCLA Engineering '08


Trevor Fuller
Guerrero, Dan
Please Dismiss Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:44:14 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I'm emailing you today to request the dismissal of Steve Alford, the head coach of UCLA's
men's basketball team. I've been a fan of UCLA sports since I was in diapers: both of my
parents attended UCLA in the late 70's and early 80's and have been season ticket holders in
both football and basketball for as long as I can remember. They still are. I myself graduated
from UCLA in 2012, along with my twin brother. I've been witness to some fairly depressing
basketball over the course of my fanhood: Lavin; the last five years of Howland, when I was a
student; and now these three misbegotten years with Alford. If you don't mind me saying, I
find it honestly stunning I still care enough about the program to send you this email. In some
ways, I wish I didn't care, because then I wouldn't feel so horrified and depressed and angry
and ashamed at the prospect of you allowing Alford to coach another year here, at UCLA.
And I do feel all those things. It's difficult to remain civil as I sit here and type all of this to
you. Since Steve Alford set foot on UCLA, he has been engaged in the grossest instance of
nepotism I've ever been witness to in my (albeit short) twenty-seven years of life. In his first
year, which I know some in the Athletics Department consider a year of "success" for the
men's basketball team, his son, Bryce Alford, was allowed to play 855 minutes, nearly equal
the amount of minutes of a junior on that team, Norman Powell, who now plays in the NBA,
and a very talented freshman, Zach Lavine, who was that same year a lottery pick and is now
a starting guard in the NBA for the Minnesota Timberwolves. In other words, Steve Alford's
son, Bryce Alford, was gifted minutes by his father that should have been allotted to one or
both of these far superior players, and because of this, the ceiling for that 2013-2014 team
was drastically lowered. Not only did Norman Powell and Zach Lavine specifically suffer
from Steve's nepotism that year, but Kyle Anderson as well, our best player and only true
point guard on the team that year. Steve frequently played Bryce and Kyle at the same time
and, to justify his son's presence out on the court, moved Kyle to Power Forward and put his
son on the ball as Point Guard. To put it simply: he took the ball out of our best player's hands
and put it in his son's, an athletically limited freshman who didn't play defense and, of all the
players who saw minutes that year, had the worst field goal percentage, 38.4%. Steve insisted
on many occasions that year that his son was a great shooter when in fact he was the worst
shooter on the team according to basic statistics. To reiterate, Steve's favoring his son in
2013-2014 severely handicapped the team.Reaching the Sweet Sixteen should have been the
least of that team's goals, so to see it lifted up by some as cause for celebration is/was truly
sad and infuriating.
In 2014-2015, things worsened, and not just in terms of wins and losses. Bryce was inserted
into the starting lineup as Point Guard, which honestly made sense seeing as how that year we
had no one else who could play the position. Of course that was because Steve had decided
not to seriously recruit any Point Guards the previous year under the mistaken belief that his
son, Bryce, was good enough to handle the position. That year, in 2014-2015, Bryce, while
still being hailed as a great shooter, continued to have one of the worst field goal percentages
on the team, 39.6%. In addition, he continued to not play defense. We lost 14 games, five
more than we did the previous year, and if not for the late season heroics of Norman Powell
and Kevon Looney, probably would have missed the NCAA Tourney. Thankfully (or not,

actually, since some in the Athletic Department now consider that season somewhat of a
success due to our miraculous NCAA Tournament bid and run to the Sweet Sixteen, where
along the way we beat a mediocre and offensively challenged SMU team and a 14-seed we
had smashed earlier in the year by twenty points), we didn't. Regardless, the season was
beyond frustrating (and disappointing) and portended even worse things to come.
Which brings us to this season, to now. I won't go into details. If you want even more
statistical evidence for how grossly Bryce has been favored by his father, Steve, you can go
While it's true we have a nice recruiting class coming in this year, it would be foolish to think
the basketball programs would be solved by a couple of freshman. Steve will continue to
favor Bryce at the expense of the team and the school. Because Bryce does not play defense,
Steve has no way of holding anyone accountable on that side of the ball. This accounts for the
atrocious defense the team has been playing this year (and played last year, for that matter).
Steve did try to "teach" the team about the necessity of playing defense this season by sitting
Prince Ali as an example, but seeing as how Bryce was still out on the court receiving starter's
minutes and letting opposing players blow by him, I'm sure this lesson had little effect on the
other players. Prince was not, and has never been, the problem. In other words, next year's
team, despite the injection of talent, will continue to play undisciplined basketball, because of
Steve's nepotism, and will continue to have its potential retarded, because of Steve's nepotism.
Even if we win nine more games next year, progress will not have been made, and we will
likely find ourselves in this exact same position the year after next, when Lonzo Ball and T.J.
Leaf (the aforementioned injection of talent) depart for the NBA.
Because of the abhorrent nepotism Steve Alford has displayed during the course of his tenure
as UCLA's men's basketball coach, I plead with you to dismiss him. I don't care about wins
and losses at this point. My voice probably counts for very little to you: I have never donated
money (I can't; I'm a grad student and make only $8,000/year), nor have I been able to attend
games these last few years (I live in Wichita, KS, where I am a part of the English department
at Wichita State University); nevertheless, if you honestly love UCLA--which, under the
application of the transitive property, means you in part also love me, which I take to mean
you care about what I have to say and how I feel--you will dismiss Steve Alford from his
Trevor Fuller
Class of 2012


Ryan Wells
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Men"s Basketball Coach
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:49:10 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero;

I am sorry that I have to write this email. I have never written an email related to another
person's job. However, I am a lifelong Bruins fan and have been a very dedicated fan of
UCLA basketball since the mid 1980's and feel that I need to express my concerns. I have
watched nearly every UCLA men's basketball game (at Pauley, live, or recorded) for 30
years....up until this year. As a matter of fact I didn't even take the time to record the games
as I have lost interest in watching the 'product' that is on the floor under the guidance of the
current coach. Clearly the fans are losing interest (embarrassing amounts of empty seats in
Pauley) , as are the majority of the players (effort, lack of focus, lack of team), and I even
wonder about the coaches' level of interest over the past month. I believe this coach should
be fired. I know you are likely worried about the buyout package for his contract. However I
am certain you also realize that the cost to UCLA basketball will be much greater if he is
retained. Both financially and in terms of local and national respect. We may never dig out
of the hole coach Alford is digging for us.
If retained, this coach (or any coach) will likely have a better year next year simply because he
has very good players coming in (these recruits are coming to UCLA whether or not he is
coach) and the Pac-12 will be down talent-wise. Yet, this will be fool's gold. This coach has
shown that he does not have what it takes to have long term success. His first year at UCLA
he had 3 NBA first rounders on the team and he only made the sweet 16. Last year we
squeaked into the NCAAs (truly on the bubble) and then had an unbelievably lucky goal
tending call to win our 1st game and our 2nd game was against a 14 seed. Thus another sweet
16. We have gone from 28 wins to 22 wins to 15 wins and a losing record. We were beaten
by USC 3 times this year - and all 3 games were not even competitive. We finished 10th in
the Pac-12!
Steve Alford clearly has UCLA headed the wrong direction and I don't see any evidence that
he knows how to correct things. If he is not released this year, he will be here for 2 more
years (see paragraph above) and that is not good for UCLA. He is not the right coach for our
proud university. I feel it is in UCLA's best interest to find a better coach for our basketball
team now. I will not be purchasing any further tickets while he is the coach at UCLA. Nor
will I consider donating to the WAF.
Best of luck with the decision. I know you have UCLA's best interests at heart.
Ryan Wells


Trevor Fuller
Guerrero, Dan
Steve Alford"s Nepotism Link
Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:54:36 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Sorry, I forgot the link I promised you in my original email. Here it
Please dismiss Steve Alford from his post as head coach of UCLA's men's basketball.
Trevor Fuller
UCLA Class of 2012


David Gordon
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Plea From a Passionate Bruin
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:00:02 PM

I know many others have written so obviously do not expect a reply. My guess its questionable whether this gets
read at all. While I am not a donor, or a big name on campus, I feel obligated to write this. My father, James
Gordon, who died in 2014, was not a huge donor, but a lifelong contributor to the athletic department both
financially and with his time. I moved to Denver in 1996 but prior to that had been to nearly every single UCLA
football and basketball home game since about age 6, along with multiple olympic events each year.
I am simply writing to implore you to relieve Coach Alford of his duties immediately. I have read many opinions on
this matter and have heard from those that feel his firing is not warranted at this time. The letter Mr. Guerrero
wrote in response to the Restore UCLA Hoops petition echoed some of the arguments Ive heard from others. I
find these excuses completely unacceptable. In fact, I think if one critically looks at Coachs time at UCLA, its
blatantly obvious that our program is doomed for failure. Obviously our record this season was notably worse than
prior years. However, the on court performance this season really was not all that different than the prior 2 years.
There are themes that have existed since day 1, Many of us, upon seeing those themes play out, have know for 3
years this coach was doomed for failure. These themes include a complete lack of emphasis and expectation of any
sort of defensive effort, lack of emphasis (assumedly) and certainly lack of results for any strength and conditioning
program, and the blatant nepotism which has resulted in the complete mis-use and over estimation of Bryces
basketball skills. Again, these issues were obvious from season 1. That team, despite being eventual Pac-12
tourney champions, also gave little to no effort on the defensive side. Nepotism was blatant from day 1 where two
NBA-level performers were denied time at point guard so Bryce could get minutes there. From strength and
conditioning standpoint, there is almost no body change in the majority of our players. Furthermore, those players
that are most athletic and who give us the best chance of success, are more commonly relegated to the bench.
These are 3 major issues that stand out to me, that have been 100% consistent during Coachs entire tenure and are
clearly indicative of a program mentality that has no chance of real success. The other major argument Ive heard
made for keeping Coach is improvement in recruiting. However, when hearing from actual recruiting experts, our
successes in the past 12 months are simply tied to a single AAU program. In fact, I would argue complete
recruiting mismanagement is another major reason to terminate Coach Alford. It was most evident when USC is
destroying us with local players that would have loved to come to UCLA would they have been prioritized.
In my view there is absolutely zero justification to retain Coach Alford. His continued presence will simply further
destroy our beloved program and further alienate our passionate fan base. Since there is an influx of talent coming
next year, it would be near impossible to not some some improvement in our W-L record. However, I have no
doubt the glaring issues that I discussed above will remain quite prevalent and leave us with a simply mediocre
team that is frankly not at all pleasurable to watch and with a program that we can all clearly see has no chance for
long-term success.
You have a chance to make this right. Please do not fail us.
David Gordon
Class of 95 and lifelong Bruin


Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:01:05 PM

Dear Dan,
I have been a 10 year ticket holder. Our family lives and breathes Bruin Basketball. We gave up our tickets this year
and will not renew until Ucla has a new coach. I know there is a good recruiting class coming to Westwood next
year but that would just delay the inevitable. There is a problem with the current leadership in the program and that
won't change with a few good players. Please help the fans renew their enthusiasm for Bruin Hoops by making the
admittedly tough (but correct) choice to bring new leadership to the program. Thank you.
Brian McMahon
Sent from my iPhone


Daniel Noblitt
Guerrero, Dan
Alford Must Go
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:14:56 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I am a diehard basketball fan. My earliest memories of sports are the '95 Bruins championship team. Since then, my
dad, brother and I had season tickets to ucla for years and the 3 straight final fours under Coach Howland were
unforgettable and I was proud to root for those teams who played tough, hard-nosed basketball. Players like
Collison, Afflalo, Mata, Aboya, the list goes on.
Recently, I can barely bring myself to watch. I went from having season tickets and watching every game on tv to
now not having attended one game under Coach Alford and simply looking up scores on my phone instead of
watching or even recording the game. I fully support the Bruins in my heart, but will not devote my time or money
to UCLA basketball unless a change is made in the direction of the program. I know the reported buyout is large,
but it is a worthy price to pay to avoid the program falling farther and to start the process of restoring UCLA hoops
to its rightful place.
You are losing fans under Coach Alford. Young kids in LA watching basketball now need to grow up watching the
Bruins we all know and love: UCLA competing for Pac-12 championships and being a threat to go deep into the
NCAA tournament. I look forward to attending more games and supporting Bruin basketball, but that will not
happen unless a coaching change is made.
Daniel Noblitt


Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:19:36 PM

I just want to add my voice to that of the other Bruin fans regarding UCLA basketball. I've been a UCLA fan for
over 45 years and a graduate from the class of 1986. I've played basketball for over 50 years at organized levels
through high school, intramural at UCLA, and various rec leagues. Bruin basketball has been my passion for most
of my life. I've travelled to Maui to watch UCLA play in the tournament there under Coach Howland. My wife and
I went to the final 4 in Atlanta a few years back. I've seen "my" Bruins play in Alaska in the Great Alaska Shootout
in person.
But after 3 years of continually deteriorating play, my interest in UCLA basketball has dwindled to the point that I
rarely watch the games and have no hope for the future of the team if Steve Alford is retained as coach. The lack of
fundamentals, selfish play, and low effort aren't going to be fixed by a talent infusion without fixing the coaching
issue. It's clear to me Steve Alford is not the right coach to lead UCLA and I urge you to relieve him of his
coaching duties and help unite the UCLA sports community by selecting a new coach for the basketball program
that will demand excellence. A hard working coach with integrity that can motivate and teach would be someone all
Bruins could get behind.
Sincerely, Greg Scofield - class of 1986


Jason Baim
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Bruin basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:23:19 PM

Messrs. Guerrero and Rebholz,

I am a second generation alum who was born with a Bruin spoon in my mouth (mom and dad both
attended UCLA). Respectfully, I write to request the ouster of Coach Alford. My earliest memories
of watching sports was seeing Marques Johnson and Richard Washington on the 75 team with my
Dad and brother. My Dad attended when Alcindor was there. I am 47 now, with four children, and
raising my kids to hopefully be third generation Bruins. Bruin basketball always has been an
essential part of my life, which was often organized around games. I would be giddy for new
seasons and excited to see the new freshmen play and develop. I have been one of the most rabid
fans for as long as I can remember so much so, that some friends did not want to watch games
with me because I got so intense. Sadly, like many longtime fans that you have heard from lately,
the last three years have completely sapped me of passion for my Bruins. It has been astonishing
how quickly a 40+ year love affair has been reduced to nothing. My friends and family (and my late
Dad) would be shocked to learn that I dont watch or attend games anymore, dont record the
games, and generally dont even pay attention. I, too, never thought this would ever happen in my
wildest dreams its amazing what a few years of some of the most blatant nepotism ever seen in
sport will do.

The problem I see for you which needs immediate repair is that I am far from alone. As weve
seen recently, you have now lost or are losing hundreds, even thousands, of your most passionate
and loyal longtime fans because of this coach. This should be setting off alarms all over the Athletic
Department instead, if your response to the recent fire Alford petition is any indication, you
seem to be brushing it off as temporary. But this is not temporary, and I think you know it too.
Please take action to return this program to elite status. The company line that UCLA fans
expectations are too great is a myth. Every rational and longtime fan I know merely expect this
university, with the greatest legacy in the history of hoops and numerous natural advantages, to
ALWAYS be one of the top programs in the West, competing for conference titles, with a shot at a
deep run in March not 7 titles in a row. That is a media fabrication that the AD seems to cling to
when things get tough. And there is no question UCLA can easily meet this expectation with a true
coach, teacher, and leader of young men. There are many of them out there like Tony Bennett,
Jamie Dixon, etc. Please do the right thing and take the first step to restoring this program our
program, my program to where it belongs among the other bluebloods (all of whom wouldve
fired Alford by now without hesitation). You are losing a generation of fans, as Coach Alford hijacks
the program to showcase his son. And make no mistake thats what he has been doing. It is clear
from recent performance, that this blatant nepotism is really taking its toll on team chemistry, and
has been cancerous to the program as a whole. Ultimately, I believe it is a great disservice to Coach
Woodens legacy to allow this disciple of one of the biggest jerks in the history of hoops and critics
of Saint Wooden to lead the program Wooden built. Beyond nepotism, his teams play without
fundamentals, effort, or defense. There is no proper culture or identity. The program is circling the
drain, and there is no quick fix in a bunch of AAU kids next year. The core of the program is rotten
and needs fixing. Now is the time to act. Please do the right thing for the fans, alumni, and our



Jason Baim
Class of 92


Steve Westman
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:23:57 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,

I write to you as a proud UCLA alum ('92) and passionate Bruin fan (donor and basketball
season ticket holder before moving out of the country in 2012).
I've never been one to write "fire the coach" letters, but I believe that our treasured basketball
program is at a critical crossroads right now, and that a coaching change is urgently needed.
Speaking for myself and every other fan that I know, we do not expect a return to dynasty but
do believe that the standard of excellence that has been UCLA basketball must be upheld
before it erodes beyond recognition.
While I think most fans understand that every program has down years in this era of college
basketball, I am sad to say that this year's team was the most rudderless Bruin squad I've ever
seen. This would be distressing enough were it not for the blatant nepotism on display as the
coach's son is featured in the offense and leads the team in minutes played despite shooting
under 40% for three straight years and regularly turning in an effort on defense that any
educated fan can recognize as subpar; this alone should be viewed as a breach of duty, even
apart from the team's increasingly poor play and downward performance trend over three
years.None of this would be erased by a possible one-year uptick due to next year's
recruiting class, when in all likelihood the underlying coaching issues will continue to limit
the program's upside until a change is made.
UCLA basketball has meant so much to so many people, and it has been sad to see the enthusiasm and interest level
of so many of my fellow Bruins dissipate over time. There remains a reservoir of passion and good will out there
waiting to be tapped, and I respectfully urge you to take the action that will signal to Bruins everywhere that
excellence remains the standard for UCLA basketball.
Thank you for taking the time from your day to consider my thoughts.
Steve Westman


Evan Seder
Chancellor Gene D. Block; Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Coach Alford: Time to Let Go
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:41:54 PM

Hi all,
I am a loyal Bruin and a proud alum ('2012). I'm emailing because I can't stand to watch our
program suffer through another season of Steve Alford. I find myself completely disengaged
from the program, because I can't get on board with the way he coaches his team - and I'm no
fairweather fan; I've watched basically every game for the last 6 or 7 years.
With the level of talent we have this year, there is absolutely no excuse for us being sub-500.
Last year we were lucky to make the tournament (despite being an incredibly talented team),
and after we did, we were lucky to get past the first round.
You know the argument, and you care about our team - I don't need to rehash all the reasons
that Steve Alford is not qualified to lead our great program. My only request is that you act.
I don't want to watch Coach Alford waste the talent we have coming in next year.
Please. Act. Get rid of Steve Alford.
Thanks, and Go Bruins,


Andrew M
Block, Gene
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
A fan"s plea: Terminate Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:51:23 PM

Chancelor Block,
We are pleading that you restore a once proud UCLA basketball tradition. Alford is not the
answer and I cannot support the program with Alford at the helm. Our team has regressed
every year and he has failed to create excitement within and out of the program. Let's stop the
bleeding now. I am confident that you will do the right thing and move this program
forward. We are the mighty Bruins!


Greenberg, Jason E
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
It pains me to write this email..
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:55:29 PM

Mr. Guerrero & Mr. Rebholz

I am sure you a receiving many emails like this, and I never thought I would write one. I am not a
UCLA grad, but have been a lifelong Bruin fan. My father graduated from UCLA and was a fraternity
brother of Walt Hazard. I was raised going to UCLA football and basketball games. I met John
wooden at a McDonalds when I was 5 years old.

I live in Northern California now so being a season ticket holder isnt realistic but I watch every UCLA
game on TV and attend games when I travel to Los Angeles. I wear Bruin gear all of the time.

As I became an adult and contemplated having kids, I looked forward to sharing the UCLA experience
with my children as my father did with me. At age 5 I took my son to his first UCLA basketball
game. It was against UC Davis and we waited for over 2 hours for the unused student tickets to be
released. We got great seats and watched Kevin Love, Darren Collison and other great UCLA players
win. My son was hooked.

From that point on, each and every year we traveled to the away games at Haas Pavilion when UCLA
played Cal. I would buy tickets and we would sit in the middle of Cal alumni and fans wearing our
UCLA gear proudly. This was my annual father and son trip.

The last UCLA basketball game we attended was 2013-14 season in Coach Alfords first year. The
past two years have been on a steady decline and this year was unbearable. We didnt even
consider going to the game this year. My son didnt want to. He no longer enjoys watching UCLA
basketball. We used to record every game and watch together. Now he has no interest. A friend
actually offered me courtside tickets for the Cal game this year and I declined.

This is the reason I am writing this, because the joy I felt growing up watching UCLA basketball and
sharing with my son has been taken from me. I honestly feel this is a direct result of Coach Alford. I
am a very close follower of the program and have been aware of the warts within the program but
have never seen or felt anything like this. I know there is a great recruiting class coming and am
excited for Lonzo Ball, TJ Leaf and the other future Bruins. However, if Alford is still coaching I know
we will not reach our potential and I wont attend the game in Berkeley. I dont need to go into all
the reasons, those have been well documented in the recent petition and various articles being

Along with many other UCLA fans I am asking you to give our beloved program hope again and do
what is necessary to return the program to its former place atop the college basketball world. A
basketball program can be turned quickly with the right coach. I want to be excited about UCLA
basketball again. I want my son to be excited about UCLA basketball again. I only have a few years
left before he goes away to college and starts his own lifeI am hoping you make the necessary
change immediately and remove Coach Alford so we can begin having our father and son trips to

watch UCLA basketball again and he can someday share the love of UCLA basketball with his

I dont expect you to respond to this but I felt compelled to share my feelings in this most important
time for UCLA basketball. Thanks for your time.

Jason Greenberg

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Charles Amante
Guerrero, Dan
Rebholz, Joshua; Jerry Amante; Catherine Amante; ericaamante@
Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:57:31 PM

; Paul Amante; Anthony Nunez

Hello Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,

I know you are receiving tons of email from angry fans, calling for the firing of Steve Alford, so my email is going
to likely be ignored and thrown in the trash can. Thus, I'll keep this short and sweet.
I am not writing you to demand that you fire Steve Alford. His performance on the court these past three years
should be enough evidence that he is not fit for ucla basketball.
Instead, I'm writing you to point something out that should alarm you and the athletic department:
I have been watching ucla basketball RELIGIOUSLY since I was ten years old. I'm thirty years old now, meaning I
have been a fan for twenty years strong. The alarming fact is this: for the first time in my twenty years of following
UCLA basketball, this is the first year I literally, completely stopped watching games halfway through the season.
I didn't even bother checking scores after a while because I knew this team was a lost cause. And truthfully, if Steve
Alford is the coach next year, I know that it will not be worth even watching one game because there is no future
with him at the helm.
Again, I'm not writing you to demand that you fire Steve Alford, because that is futile. But I am pointing out that
there are many fans to share my sentiments and UCLA basketball deserves to be in a position of greatness again,
and you know in your heart of hearts that Steve Alford is not going to make that happen.
Charles Amante
Sent from my iPhone


Josh Yang
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Call for change -- UCLA basketball program & Coach Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:09:21 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero, Mr. Rebholz, and Chancellor Block,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing you from a place of frustration and sadness over
the state of UCLA basketball, a feeling even more intense than what we fans felt in Coach
Howland's tougher years and Coach Lavin's long tenure. I'm specifically requesting that we
take immediate action in hiring a new basketball coach to replace Steve Alford.
As an intro, I bleed Blue and Gold. When my father immigrated to the US from Taiwan in the
70s, he got into a PhD program at UCLA but didn't have the time/money to finish the degree
while also raising my older brother, so he dropped out. Growing up, though, he instilled in
my two brothers and I a deep respect and awe of UCLA, and in particular UCLA basketball.
Years later - all three of us hold degrees from UCLA and UCLA Medical School. We're a
Bruin family. The opportunities that UCLA has afforded us will never be forgotten -- since
graduating from the HSSEAS in 2007 w/ a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, I worked in
management consulting then was fortunate to get my MBA at Harvard Business School, and
now lead product management for the Twitter Moments product. I don't say all of this to
boast -- but rather say this out of a deep awe & respect for the opportunities that UCLA
started for me. When people ask me if I'm a "Harvard man", I say "No way, I'm a UCLA guy
through and through."
UCLA basketball has been the most important sports team in my life since I was 9, right after
the '95 Missouri game. My older brother explained to me who Ed O'Bannon was, and showed
me replays of Tyus Edney's shot. My favorite on the team was Toby Bailey, and the first full
UCLA basketball game I watched was the championship win over Arkansas & Corliss
Williamson. Toby Bailey and Ed O's heroics, Cameron Dollar stepping up in Tyus' absence
... I still get chills. When I matriculated at UCLA in 2003, it was a dark time for the program
(Howland's first year), but I was at every game and feel incredibly lucky to have gone to
school from 2003-2007, as we got a dose of real coaching, real passion, fundamental
basketball, a commitment to defense, etc. I was a member of the Den, I designed and
manufactured "Cameroon Crazies" t-shirts, and I saved up to fly to Atlanta and San Antonio
for the Final Fours (I sadly had finals during Indianapolis). It's been harder to stay strong as a
UCLA fan since, but I've done so and flown to LA several times while living in Boston and
San Francisco to attend games at Pauley.
I won't dive too deep into the issues that I and many other fans have with Steve Alford.
They're well documented in the media and in passionate posts like this. My overall concern
is that the results (W/L) are frustrating but the main concern is the "how" -- our issue is
with Coach Alford's leadership, apparent nepotism, lack of teaching, low expectations,
etc. Coach Howland, for all of his struggles, used to say that at UCLA we don't play for Final
Fours -- we play for banners. I don't believe Alford's public stance / expectations to be that,
or anywhere near it. And because the results aren't the main concern, I'm afraid that good
seasons here and there will mask the underlying issues. This seemed to happen in the Lavin
era, and for a few years in the Howland era, and I'm concerned that a great season next year
(with the talent coming in, it's inevitable) will prolong a broad misunderstanding of Alford's
underlying issues. In many ways, I felt this in Alford's first season where he had an ultra

talented team and went 28-9. The underlying issues, though, have reared their head in the
ensuing two years where the team has consistently underperformed despite a solid talent base.
I bleed Blue and Gold, and I'm part of a whole generation of young professional, die-hard
UCLA fans. We're working hard to build careers so that in the near future we can be lifelong
supporters of UCLA basketball and carry through the legacy of older generations of Wooden
Athletic Fund donors. Many of them were lucky enough to be UCLA fans in the John
Wooden days, and the vast majority of them relished in the 1995 champsionship (and
certainly Howland's Final Fours) -- they carry sweet memories and a reverent awe of the
legacy of UCLA basketball even through to today, which keeps them committed and loyal as
UCLA basketball supporters. I hope that you'll consider building those memories for my
generation; building trust and a bridge between us and UCLA athletic leadership.
So I know that you'll thoughtfully consider all of the pleas coming in about Steve Alford.
Some are unprofessional, and I hope you'll ignore those. But some pleas are reasonable,
rationale, and fair -- and I hope you'll digest them, empathize with the problem we're stating,
and turn it to action. You have the chance to usher in a revival and resurgence of UCLA
basketball that's long-lasting and not geared toward individual season results. You have the
chance to solidify and win over the entire generation after the 1995 championship team
(anyone age 17 to 45), and show an adept understanding of the core issues underlying UCLA
basketball and the ability to take swift action. You have the chance to preach that our
expectations are on banners, not conference titles. I hope you'll make the right decision and
start a process to find a replacement for Steve Alford.
I have the deepest respect for UCLA and our legacy, and want to thank you for reading this
Josh Yang
UCLA Class of 2007, B.S. Electrical Engineering


Scott Bisheff
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:28:51 PM

Mr. Guerrero:
Please consider finding another coach for our beloved basketball team.
I wont be supporting the team until Coach Alford (who, undoubtedly, is a nice man) is gone.
Thank you,
Scott Bisheff
UCLA BS 1992
UCLA MD 1997


Anthony Nunez
Charles Amante
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Jerry Amante; Catherine Amante; ericaamante@
Re: Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:28:57 PM

; Paul Amante

Solid and well written.

Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 10, 2016, at 7:57 PM, Charles Amante <charles.v.amante@
> wrote:
> Hello Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,
> I know you are receiving tons of email from angry fans, calling for the firing of Steve Alford, so my email is
going to likely be ignored and thrown in the trash can. Thus, I'll keep this short and sweet.
> I am not writing you to demand that you fire Steve Alford. His performance on the court these past three years
should be enough evidence that he is not fit for ucla basketball.
> Instead, I'm writing you to point something out that should alarm you and the athletic department:
> I have been watching ucla basketball RELIGIOUSLY since I was ten years old. I'm thirty years old now, meaning
I have been a fan for twenty years strong. The alarming fact is this: for the first time in my twenty years of
following UCLA basketball, this is the first year I literally, completely stopped watching games halfway through
the season. I didn't even bother checking scores after a while because I knew this team was a lost cause. And
truthfully, if Steve Alford is the coach next year, I know that it will not be worth even watching one game because
there is no future with him at the helm.
> Again, I'm not writing you to demand that you fire Steve Alford, because that is futile. But I am pointing out that
there are many fans to share my sentiments and UCLA basketball deserves to be in a position of greatness again,
and you know in your heart of hearts that Steve Alford is not going to make that happen.
> Respectfully,
> Charles Amante
> Sent from my iPhone


Jerry Amante
Charles Amante
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Catherine Amante; ericaamante@
Re: Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:55:06 PM

; Paul Amante; Anthony Nunez

Powerful in its brevity, its tone and its indisputable accuracy. Very well written VB !!!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 10, 2016, at 7:57 PM, Charles Amante <charles.v.amante@
> wrote:
> Hello Mr. Guerrero and Mr. Rebholz,
> I know you are receiving tons of email from angry fans, calling for the firing of Steve Alford, so my email is
going to likely be ignored and thrown in the trash can. Thus, I'll keep this short and sweet.
> I am not writing you to demand that you fire Steve Alford. His performance on the court these past three years
should be enough evidence that he is not fit for ucla basketball.
> Instead, I'm writing you to point something out that should alarm you and the athletic department:
> I have been watching ucla basketball RELIGIOUSLY since I was ten years old. I'm thirty years old now, meaning
I have been a fan for twenty years strong. The alarming fact is this: for the first time in my twenty years of
following UCLA basketball, this is the first year I literally, completely stopped watching games halfway through
the season. I didn't even bother checking scores after a while because I knew this team was a lost cause. And
truthfully, if Steve Alford is the coach next year, I know that it will not be worth even watching one game because
there is no future with him at the helm.
> Again, I'm not writing you to demand that you fire Steve Alford, because that is futile. But I am pointing out that
there are many fans to share my sentiments and UCLA basketball deserves to be in a position of greatness again,
and you know in your heart of hearts that Steve Alford is not going to make that happen.
> Respectfully,
> Charles Amante
> Sent from my iPhone


Kennedy Cosgrove
Guerrero, Dan
Alford must go
Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:57:23 PM

Could not feel this more strongly. I will not attend another UCLA basketball game until he is
Kennedy Cosgrove, MD
UCLA 1992
Sent from Outlook Mobile


bill vallejos
Guerrero, Dan
Support for Coach Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:40 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

Whew...what a tough basketball season. Although I thoroughly understand the frustration of fellow fans, I am not
joining the chorus of those calling for the firing of Coach Alford. The early defections of talented athletes makes
each season an unpredictable adventure.
Despite the numerous and troubling losses,I am proud of the program that is being re-built, and especially proud of
our student athletes. We have a terrific recruiting class coming in composed of quality young men. I do not want to
become a west coast version of Kentucky. Afterall, we are UCLA Bruins!
Bill Vallejos
UCLA Law '87


Salman Malad
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Block, Gene
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:46:00 PM

Dear Mr Guerrero and Mr Rebholz,

I write this letter realizing that over the last couple of days, you have received numerous
emails and letters regarding the state of the UCLA basketball program from very concerned
alumni and fans.
A bit about me-- I graduated UCLA in 1995. As a student, I attended every single home game
during my first 3 years, camping out for each and every one of them, and sitting in the 2nd
row from the court in my usual seat. I attended many practices as well during the Harrick
years and was a regular around the time during that time.
No single sports moment in my life was as great as being on campus during the 1995 national
title game. I came to UCLA the same year Ed O'Bannon did and got a chance to know him
personally and no single UCLA team is more special to me than that team.
In the years that followed, I continued to follow the program closely, even during the horrific
Lavin years. During medical school, I still took time to keep up with the goings on of the
program. When we had reached what seemed like an all time low for the program, Ben
Howland came to the program's rescue, and for that hire, I give you Mr Guerrero immense
I was beginning to wonder if I would ever feel the same pride as I had experienced as a
graduating senior. Coach Howland restored that for me and countless other Bruins, and for
that, I will always be thankful to him, and to you for bringing him home to California.
Unfortunately, Coach Howland eventually lost his way and the team, and you had no choice
but to make a change.
Many here were overjoyed at the prospect of bringing in Brad Stevens, and I for one had faith
this deal could actually get done. When it didn't happen, I expected there would a be a careful
vetting of several other candidates such as Greg Marshall or Tony Bennett. When that did not
happen, and I and many others discovered that Steve Alford would be our coach, we were left
in a state of utter disbelief.
I won't go into the reasons why many of us believed bringing in Steve Alford was a bad idea
for the program 3+ years ago, as it would serve no purpose now, and I would instead rather
focus on why he needs to be shown the door as soon as possible.
It's clear to most anyone watching that coach Alford isn't the right man to lead this program
and every day he stays on as coach is a day of wasted opportunity to bring in the right person.
To this day, I'm not clear what his vision for the program is or his team's identity.
With Coach Howland, it was clear from day 1 what the identity of his program was, and that
identity was evident through the 2008 season. It wasn't until 2009 that the program lost its
way, as mentioned above.
With Alford, however, all we've been privy to is a team that lacks focus or purpose, while he
has shown an incredibly flawed recruiting strategy ,where he has passed over talented local
recruits while going after national prospects he had no realistic chance at during his first 2
recruiting cycles.

I could go on and on about why he's a poor fit, but the most egregious thing he's done is to
showcase his mid-level talent son at the expense of the health and benefit of the
team/program, while other more talented kids sit. To me, this act of nepotism that Bruin fans
everywhere have had to endure for 3 season is beyond disgusting. It alone is reason why
Steve Alford shouldn't be coach here for one more day.
As Josh knows, I've now committed $50K to the Wasserman football center. I've paid $10K
last year in 2015, and am prepared to pay off the rest of that in 2016 or possibly over the next
2 years.
After that, I've told Josh I may very well consider joining the Wooden Athletic Fund as a
$25K per year donor, or donating more to football and basketball specifically, as long as my
current financial situation allows.
Unfortunately, I live out of state in Louisiana and have not been able to attend the football
banquet and other events, but have flown in for a couple of football games this past year and
will continue to do so for others moving forward.
Having said that, I cannot and will not give another dime moving forward if Steve Alford is
allowed to continue to remain coach of this program going into next season.
I know you love and care about UCLA, Mr Guerrero, and I write this impassioned letter not to
be disrespectful or demanding, as I know you have a difficult job, but please know there are
many of us out there who have finally had enough of the Steve Alford era at UCLA and hope
it comes to its merciful end as soon as possible.
Sal Malad, MD, MBA
Class of '95


Guerrero, Dan
Fire Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:47:24 PM

UCLA has a great recruiting class coming in is one of the big reasons to fire Alford.
Is Lonzo Ball going to play point guard or shooting guard. Bryce is going to play his big
minutes again. He is a good shooter but inconsistent and a poor defender. UCLA has a bench
but Bryce played a school record minutes Is Holiday who is the best defender of all the guards
going to sit on the bench next season?
Bryce is the most unfavorable player who ever started at UCLA and it is not his fault. Daddy
making it so obvious he is playing favoritism. Ali Prince is going to transfer if Alford stay.
More players going to transfer during the off season or during the course of next season.
I predict there would be a lot of internal problems cause by the Alford.
Darren Chu
Graduated in 1985
School Of Engineering

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone


Jeff Severa
Guerrero, Dan
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:49:02 PM

Dear Mr. Guerrero,

I have met you at several events, most recently at the Foster Farms Bowl. I know you love our sports
programs as do my wife and I. We previously supported the WAF at the Coaches Roundtable level for
about 8 years. I am a public school teacher and my wife is a Liver Transplant RN at the Ronald Reagan
Medical Center. We are both alumni of our beloved UCLA. We also donated $10,000 to the Pauley
Renovation Fund.
We stopped our WAF donation after last year's basketball season. We do not feel the Coach Steve
Alford is a good fit for our beloved basketball program. I have never seen our team so embarrassed as
at the Pac 12 tournament on Wednesday. It has confirmed our opinion that a change has to be made.
Many of my friends and colleagues are UCLA fans and the general feeling during the Alford tenure has
been apathy. There is zero interest in our basketball team. That is frightening.
Please make the change and even though it is definitely not easy, my wife and I will restart our WAF
donation. I think you will find many people doing this or reconsidering stopping their donation.
Thank You,
Jeff and Elaine Severa


Jamison Power
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
Message from an Alumnus/Donor- Steve Alford Must Be Fired
Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:49:42 PM

Chancellor Block, Director Guerrero, and Mr. Rebholz,

I write to strongly urge that you immediatelyterminate Steve Alford as UCLA basketball
coach.I am a long time fan of Bruins basketball and I have never been so disgusted. Quite
frankly, I am angry.The obvious nepotism and the lack of development have led to a
completely unwatchable brand of basketball. Simply put, this is unacceptable. We, the
Bruinsfan base,cannot endure another year of Steve Alford. I used to schedule my life
around UCLA basketball games.This season, I have completely stopped watching and, worse,
I have lost the passion I have had for so many years.In my eyes, this is nothing short of a
crisis. I can tell you now that if Alford continues as coach beyond this season, I intend to
cancel my WAF membership and cease all future contributions to UCLA. I say this with no
sense of joy because I love UCLA, but I cannot support the school if this man is allowed to
continue to be the "leader" of UCLA basketball. He is not a leader and he is not worthy of
being our coach.
I hope you will do the right thing.
Jamison E. Power
UCLA Law Class of 2008


Richard Mooney
Chancellor Gene D. Block
Block, Gene; Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
The tragic ruination of a once-proud program
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:25:20 PM

Dear Sir:
I urge you to take immediate action to rescue our beloved Bruin basketball program from its
absolute nadir under the current coaching staff, and restore some semblance of the legacy of
the great John R. Wooden. After watching the disheartening performance against our crosstown rival, the culmination of a three-year downward spiral under Coach Alford, it has
become manifestly clear that he is not the right coach, leader, and teacher for this program.
As an avid follower of UCLA basketball since the Alcindor Era, and someone who, while
attending our eminent university, was lucky enough to savor John Wooden's last three
national championships, I am beyond disappointed at the obvious foundering condition of our
team. Coach Alford's complete inability to create a culture of toughness, demand competitive
drive in his players, and teach basketball fundamentals, particularly on the defensive end, is
more obvious each time they take the court.
Most demoralizing is the total absence of team chemistry, due in no small part to the nepotism
shown by the coach toward his son, whom the former has designated the "leader" of the team
while allowing him to play with almost no defensive effort.
Please dismiss Coach Alford and replace him with someone who can restore our legendary
program back to its rightful elite status.
Richard Mooney
U.C.L.A. '76


Jeffrey Ropp
Guerrero, Dan
UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:26:09 PM

I arrived as a freshman at UCLA during Walt Hazzard's last year. Having grown up in a
family that enjoyed and respected the program during Wooden's years and beyond, I already
recognized the enormous disparity between those years and the state of UCLA Basketball in
1988. It was grim and the NIT banner (or rag as most preferred) was an inescapable symbol
of the fall from greatness. While Jim Harrick was far from perfect, his restoration of UCLA
basketball gave a battered nation hope. In my sophomore year, I got the bug and spent the
night before every home game during my undergrad years camped out at Pauley Pavlion. I
sat in the same seat (5th row on the center aisle) every single game. It was my spot and to
this day I cherish the honor and the memories it provided.
I tell you this because I love UCLA basketball. It is forever a part of me and with that comes a
special responsibility. My obligation is to support this program and when possible or
necessary, influence those who are charged with making the tough decisions that ensure its
success and preservation of its character. The situation is surely complicated - financially,
optically to the press, public and college basketball world - yet simple when we come back to
doing what's right for UCLA.
We've survived challenging times before and ensured a new generation of UCLA basketball
fans by making the difficult but appropriate choices before. Now is the time to do it again.
Its my sincere hope that you choose to terminate Steve Alford immediately to accelerate the
urgent healing that needs to happen and arm a future well chosen coach with everything he
needs to be successful.
We're the university of champions, Dan. Just as you've done before in the hiring of Ben
Howland, the time has come for you to be a champion for UCLA basketball.
Be well. Be bold.
Jeffrey Ropp


Ken Alimento
Guerrero, Dan
From a former Wooden Athletic Fund donor
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:29:46 PM

Mr. Guerrero:
I was a Wooden Athletic Fund donor and basketball season seat holder for about 20 years.
I gave up my season seats and WAF donations 2 years ago, as I did not care for the direction of the
basketball program under Coach Alford.
Mr. Guerrero, when you were first hired in 2002, you said something to the effect of wanting coaches and
teams that were competitive and fired out. The basketball team under Coach Alford is the antithesis of
that vision.
Does the basketball program fit your vision for UCLA Athletics?
I would love to come back to Pauley Pavilion as a season seat holder and WAF donor, but will not do so
as long as Steve Alford remains as basketball coach.
Ken Alimento
UCLA '87


Dorie Iwata
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua; Block, Gene
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:33:33 PM

Getting inundated with emails from UCLA fans must not be pleasant. But this is the only way most of us fans and
alumni have a voice. We are speaking out against retaining Steve Alford as basketball coach and if you refuse to
listen to the court of public opinion, what are our options? We are largely tied to the university through athletics and
in particular basketball and more recently football. If you lose us, you've lost your biggest commodity. Of course
creating and maintaining an institution that is in the forefront of education, innovation, research is by all means the
priority. But in large part, the image of a university's greatness is exemplified by college athletics and why the
majority of us alumni support team sports and donate money. But if the product put out there does not reflect
greatness and embarrasses the students, the community and fan base, the the leadership of UCLA must come into
question. How can it not? If teams lose, and the administration allows it, then you lose us. We are a public
university afterall. The leadership should and must reflect what the community is calling for.
Thank you,
Dorie Iwata
Class of '71
Remaining in good standing with the hundreds of thousands...millions out in the community, you must listen we're
Please fire Steve Alford immediately.
Thank you,
Dorie Iwata
Class of '71
Sent from my iPad


Tony Rodriguez
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
Alford is still our coach?
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:38:54 PM

Please let us know what you are waiting for. The program was lose its brand even further if he is not
removed. Please act now!

Tony Rodriguez

Black Wall International Companies

Managing Director-Global Financing
(310) 351-7221 Direct

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Chuck Bricker
Guerrero, Dan
Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
I support UCLA athletes and the athletic department
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:41:44 PM

Mr Guerrero,
You've actually stopped by and we've chatted at my alumni area tailgate several times over the years. We
go to every home game, and at least one away/bowl game per year since I stepped onto campus back in
1979. Similarly, with basketball, I remember camping out my freshman year to get tickets, and was
elated when we made it to the Final Four, and was gutted when we lost. Since then I've split seats with a
friend, and over the years we probably attended 95% of the home games. We didn't care if it was a
weeknight, if the game was on TV, the opponent was a pre-season patsy, or the traffic situation. We'd be
at the game. We'd leave work early and have dinner in Westwood. It was great just to be on campus. It's
really cool that sports can re-connect one to UCLA,and fellow Bruins and friends.
I even went to all the games at the Sports Arena during the Pauley remodel. By the end of that season,
there were only a handful of us attending.
This year do you know how many games I attended? TWO. My friend, ZERO. In fact, he hasn't attended
a game in two years. He sells the tickets online, when he can, to minimize the financial cost, but we have
lost all interest in watching. I can't even watch a complete game on television. I always ended up
switching channels. Why?
It's not about winning or losing. Coach Wooden didn't measure success by wins or losses, but by
"knowing you did the best of which you are capable."
Coach Alford's love for his son Bryce has blinded every aspect of his coaching to the point of destroying
the flagship sports program of UCLA.
Defensively, Bryce is the worst starting guard at UCLA in the history of the program. Not only he's not
physically equipped to play at this level, but he doesn't even try. I'll prove it to you now.
If I remember our tailgate conversation correctly, you were a second baseman at UCLA. Let me ask you
this: Is it physically possible to play second base standing straight legged? No, of course not, you'd never
get to a ground ball that wasn't hit directly at you. If playing correctly, you get into a defensive stance with
your knees deeply bent, body leaning forward, arms out, weight evenly distributed, ready to spring in any
Basketball is the same. Go back and look at old photos or tape of Arron Afflalo playing defense with the
same exact stance. Now, I challenge you. Go back and watch tape for any UCLA game this year. Watch
Bryce stand straight legged on defense and allow his man to run right past him. He doesn't even try. His
father doesn't even try to correct him. Coach Wooden said the bench was the best teacher and
motivator. Well, we know that Coach Alford gave Bryce as many minutes as possible. No attempt at
correcting Bryce's play, no criticism from the bench, nothing. Just a green light to keep shooting, even
though he has the worst shooting percentage of the starters, neglecting our post players with a lot higher
shooting percentage.
As an athlete perhaps you can recall being on a team where one player isn't held to the same standard
as the rest of the team. It becomes a problem, and it threatens the entire team. That's why this year's
Bruins have actually gotten worse as the year went on. The team has given up on the coach. That will
not turn around next year. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see Prince Ali or Aaron Holiday transfer.
We've already seen Zach Lavine leave when he saw the deck stacked against him.
Coach Alford has used our storied program to showcase his son for the NBA. This past summer he was
telling people that Bryce would be a lottery pick in the draft. Coach Alford is using his position to benefit

his family, and UCLA is an afterthought. He's neglected to recruit players who threatened to be better
than Bryce. Jordan McLaughlin destroyed Bryce and UCLA three times this year, but Coach Alford
wouldn't recruit him. I wonder why? If you were a post player, why would you want to join a team,
knowing that you'll never get the ball?
Clearly there is a huge problem. I'm not the type of guy who cavalierly calls for a guy's firing. It's a
decision that has huge implication for that person.
But Coach Alford has created a toxic environment in the basketball team. It will not change without his
removal. This situation is at the same point as Coach Howland. We like the guy, and wanted him to
succeed. But he lost the respect and control of the team, and unfortunately, for the good of the program
a change was needed.
Please, for the good of the program, make the difficult decision to remove Alford. If it goes on for another
year, I know we, along with other season ticket holders will not be back. Again, it's not about the wins
and losses, it's about being the best UCLA is capable. Steve Alford will never take us there.
Chuck Bricker


Hamed Jones
Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Rebholz, Joshua
UCLA Basketball and Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:44:01 PM

My name is Hamed Jones and I graduated from UCLA in 2004. I am a Wooden Athletic Donor and football season
ticket holder for several years.
My Dream of attending UCLA began in middle school after watching UCLA basketball win the 1995 NCAA
championship. It was that championship season and learning about the unparalleled success and tradition of the
John Wooden era that turned me into and groomed me in to the ultimate fan I am today.
Coming into this season, I never missed watching a basketball game. I would attend 3-4 games per year with the
hopes of one day becoming a basketball season ticket holder. However, this disastrous and pitiful season under
Steve Alford has reduced an extremely loyal, dedicated fan like me to an embarrassed, dejected fan who has lost
interest in the program.
The UCLA basketball program under Steve Alford is in turmoil. Attendance is low as most fans have reached the
same apathy as I have. The quality of play and coaching is awful. Steve Alford's engagement with the fans is awful.
15-17, losing to our rival in dominating fashion in all 3 games is awful, not making the NCAA tournament is awful,
and finishing 10th in the conference is awful. This, all in Steve Alford's third year, is truly awful. I love UCLA too
much to allow this to continue.
I recently increased my WAF donation level, mainly because I have been pleased with the marked improvement in
the football program since Coach Mora took over. There seems to be a commitment to football after several years
of being awful. Unfortunately, I do not see this commitment with basketball.
I am extremely disgusted with Steve Alford and the direction of the basketball program. I hereby pledge to cancel
my WAF donation and will not attend any more basketball games if Steve Alford is not fired before next season.
I sincerely hope you listen to all of the fans and alumni of this storied program and help get us back to greatness.
Otherwise, you risk the alienation of thousands of devoted UCLA fans, potential season ticket holders, and future
donors. Please take action and save UCLA basketball.
Thank You,
Hamed Jones
UCLA class of 04
Wooden Athletic Fund Donor

Asked about leadership and the lack of effort during the game, especially against your rival and for
a chance to keep playing (emphasis mine):
I was a little surprised about that [that it all felt flat]. This is a chance to get a little bit
of revenge ... and to make a little bit of a deep run. You wonder where the leadership
comes from ... you don't have anybody on the team that has that fire and brimstone...
It's kind of hard to hold other people accountable when you take nights off...Maybe
they can develop that leadership in the off-season, but I'm not sure.
Petros talks about all the Bruin fans who want Steve gone, and in his question about that, says
"obviously that won't happen". Darrick responds:
You know what?Discussions are being had, so I wouldn't totally dismiss
it.... because15 and 17 is just outright unacceptable, it's embarrassing, and
the Bruins can't continue to post records like this going forward...The discussions are
being had with boosters, Dan Guerrero, former players. We've had, oh man, so many
discussions through twitter, everybody was texting me last night Baron Davis, Rico
Hines, I 'm here with Mitchell Butler, Tyus Edney, Toby Baily, Charles
O'Bannon,we're all up in arms with how the Bruins played this year and
then how they played in thePac-12 tournament. That didn't represent
UCLA very well.
About the three possible obstacles to moving Alford out, the buyout, the incoming class, the Sweet
16s, which is the biggest reason for optimism about the future?:
I think you have to look at maybe the buyout a little and then also the recruiting class
coming in. I think those are the two things that are sort of in way of making a
move.If they truly want to make a move, I believe $10 million can be
raised.With the recruiting class coming in, everybody's going to be pretty good,
they're hanging their hat on that. I warn people, I caution people, because they are
freshmen...look atBen Simmonsprobably the number 1 pick over all and his team
struggled.So you can't bank everything on these freshmen coming in ...
yes they can play, but this is where you already have to have something
in place and then you add them to the mix. What the bruins have in place
right now is not very good.So them coming in is kind of like your putting all
your eggs in one basket and I'm not sure that's going to work
Joel Klack raises the issue of nepotism. He says he saw first hand how it destroyed the Colorado
football program, from which it has never recovered:
It's a valid question when your coaching your son. If I were coaching my son I would
hope he was really really good or that he was really really bad, because if he's
somewhere in between andit starts to hurt the teamin some fashion, now that kind
of puts everybody in harm's way so to speak. When I look atBryce Alfordand I
look at the other guards that in the Pac-12 that are either in his year or younger than
him, why didn't ucla get these guards start to wonder did they not
recruit those kids and did they not secure them so that Bryce could get
minutes. Those are the questions that I've raised since taking this job this
year and seeing how the program has been built a little bit.
In response to USC looking good against UCLA:
That's becauseeverybody looks good against UCLA... It's almost like people
circle the UCLA game and say "okay we are going to get well when we play the
Bruins. Lets just make it until we get to the Bruins". Andthat's just not right.
That is downright embarrassing to be sort of the laughing stock of the
Dan Guerrero and Gene Block may not get it, but others do, includingJim Rome(emphasis mine):
Millennials might not believe this but the Bruins used to be awesome. I know it
sounds crazy. Especially if you have seen any of Steve Alford and his crew this year.
Or even a couple of minutes from last night. Becausethey got embarrassed by
little brother USC last nighthammered by USC last night. And its third
time this season its happened.
Thats the first time thats happened in 74 years.Not only did they lose to the

JVfor the third time this season, they were curbstomped in all three games.
Im surprised UCLA AD Dan Guerrero didnt whack Alford before he made it off the
floor. Im surprised Alford didnt just quit before he made it off the floor. Really, its
that bad.
Ben Howland took this team to 3-straight Final Fours just 8 years ago!
And ALF just took them to a 17-loss season with a loss to Monmouth And
a hospital job by USC. Three hospital jobs by USC.
You ever see a team thats just OVER it, wants outta there, and is begging
for the season to end?We did last night.UCLA cared so much about a moral
victory over SC that they started the game down 11-0 and never lead.
Look, a bad stretch happens, Maybe you lose your players focus over a 3-game road
trip. Two and a half months!?.I dont remember the Wizard of Westwood
admitting the guys just tuned him out for months on end. Or Jim Harrick
or Steve Lavin for that matter.What a complete embarrassment at the
hallowed ground that used to be Pauley Pavilion. Youre supposed to be
one of the premier programs the country And youre not even close to
the best team in your own city.
Hey Alf might went to reach your players sometime in the next 6 months before the
season tips off Because USC already owns you and Northridge, Pepperdine and
Marymount are coming for you next.
Our friends in North Carolina cared enough, thatThe Charlotte Observerpublishish an article
about another conference's play-in conference game.

USC rolls over rival UCLA 95-71 in

Pac-12 tournament
While they may not have written the article (AP did), they did seem to want to read about it. I
wonder if the blue bloods in North Carolina are laughing or crying, or both.
It's important that people continue to voice their opposition to Steve Alford continuing to be in
charge of the UCLA Basketball program:


Guerrero, Dan
Save UCLA Basketball
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:03:37 PM

Dear Dan Guerrero,

I am sure you are being inundated with messages concerning the grave state of our beloved basketball
program, so I will keep this short. Being a fan since I was 10 years old, and a graduate of the Class of
1990, I have never been so embarrassed and ashamed of our team until this season. As you can see
the culture created by Steve Alford is fractured. The team has quit on him and it was never more evident
than last night against our crosstown rival of all schools. Being embarrassed without giving a fight or
care falls squarely on the head coach. You witnessed it, Mr. Guerrero, and you know in your heart this is
situation is untenable. We all love UCLA, but it is difficult, and now impossible, to support the program
under Steve Alford. If you were honestly looking at the situation, as you should as the head of the
athletic department, a coaching change is necessary for us to be challenging and elite again. I and all
Bruin fans everywhere hope you'll do the right thing and take the immediate steps to take back our
basketball program by firing Steve Alford and hiring a coach who will change the culture, bring back a
tough, never give up identity of UCLA basketball.
Eric de Quiroz
BA Economics, UCLA 1990


Jay Chung
Guerrero, Dan; Rebholz, Joshua
dan, you fucking coward. how"s life hiding in your bunker?
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:30:33 PM


James Zhou
Rebholz, Joshua; Guerrero, Dan; Block, Gene; Chancellor Gene D. Block
Terminate Steve Alford
Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:41:00 PM

Steve Alford needs to replaced as the head basketball of UCLA- the sooner the
better. History indicates he is clearly not the man for the job. Unlike how we are
portrayed in the media, UCLA fans actually do not expect national championships,
and final fours every year; what we do expect however is a team that plays hard,
that plays cohesively, that plays unselfishly for each other, that plays on the offensive
and defensive side of court,, that plays with great intelligentce, and that plays with
spirit and great competitiveness. We do not see that with Alford's teams irrespective
of how far or not far his teams have gotten in the tournament and this lies solely at
the feet of the head coach. (Of course, it is no surprise, the further we get from
players that have been tutored by Ben Howland, the further from fundamentals the
team gets) One could imagine the reasons therefor, but clearly, irrespective of the
reasons, it is the duty of the head coach the fix these issues.
I won't go into further details of why Alford isn't the man for the job, but suffice it to
say that he isn't. Hiring Alford was a mistake in the first place; the faster we cut our
losses the better. The issue now isn't about who made what mistake but how can we
rectify this problem. As the current custodians of our program, it is up to you to
rectify this situation. This isn't a time for hubris but one for humility. Revive our
program. UCLA basketball is a venerable institution! Treat it as such!!
I'm a small donor at this time and I would like to increase my contributions in the near
future. However, this will not happen with Steve Alford at the helm of our basketball
James Zhou, UCLA class off 1995.

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