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Dakota State Offensive Line Agility Circuit


Toe In/Toe Out: The player will start at one end

of the course and, acting like a receiver, make a
cut outside each cone.

= The player performing the drill

= Any other player involved in the drill

= Cone

= The player s movement pattern

Cone Rotation: The player
will start on one end of the
cones and, facing the same
direction, take short, choppy
steps around each cone,
counter-clockwise, then
clockwise going back.

Line Mirror: On a line, the
player will face parallel to the
line with his partner. The
partner will then alternate
between sprinting, jogging,
breaking down, turning and
shuffling. The player must
mirror his every move.

4 Cone Drill: The
player will start at the
1st cone, sprint to the
2nd , shuffle to the 3rd,
backpedal to the 4th ,
then turn and sprint
through the 1st cone.

Mirror Dodge: Facing each other, the

player s partner will shuffle while the
player mirrors him in the same shuffle,
keeping shoulders square to the line and
hand behind his back.

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