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To pass you must score 80 or higher.

1 In expansion bays, 4100U Option Cards are connected to the _____.

Master Controller Motherboard.
System Power Supply.
2 The System Power Supply gets AC power by way of the
Master Controller.
Master Controller Motherboard.
3 Slots are designated by
Numbers 1-8.
factory programming.
installer choice of letters or numbers.
Letters A-H.
4 AC Power from the electrical main is connected to the panel at the
System Power Supply.
Master Controller Motherboard.
5 Backup Batteries are connected to the
System Power Supply.

Electrical Main
6 By default, Bay 1 is configured as
the CPU Bay.
an Expansion Bay.
an Annuciator Panel.
7 Installing a 4100 Option (legacy) card in a 4100U system requires that you
plug it into the PDI and screw it to the backplane.
retrofit the panel.
install an Expansion Power Supply in the Expansion Bay to provide power to the legacy
mount a motherboard in the Expansion Bay first.
8 (CHOOSE 3) Essential modules in the CPU Bay are:
Master Controller
Master Controller Motherboard
System Power Supply
Legacy Card
4100 Option Card
9 _____ can accommodate modules installed in any combination of slots and blocks.
Both CPU Bay and Expansion Bays
CPU Bays
Expansion Bays
10 4100U Expansion Bays contain
the System Power Supply and Master Controller.
a variety of modules depending on the system requirements.
the CPU Bay.
the PDM.

11 If you are installing a new card in an Expansion Bay, you must first
verify that the Master Controller is communicating with the bay.
ensure that you have a spark at P4.
remove the harness that provides power to the bay door modules.
disable the power to the bay.
12 The purpose of the retention bar is to hold the _____ in place.
bay doors
power supplies
legacy cards
13 (CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS) To designate the position of a module in programming, the bay
space is divided into _____ and _____.
14 Blocks are designated by
installer choice of letters or numbers.
Numbers 1-8.
Letters A-H.
Factory programming.

After you have completed the test and are satisfied with your answers, please call the instructor

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