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Reflection file CKV 2015

Over the last years I have discovered that objects and shows carry a
hidden/deeper meaning than the thing
which seems so obvious.
For example during my first CA I went
introdans where they tried to teach us
some moves. We also watched some of
their professional dancers. Even though
do not like dance myself, with aid of this
CA I was once again shown that
everyone has something else they do with passion and you shouldnt judge over
them and should try to sympathise with them even though you disagree with
what they like.
After this one I planned to go to the show Tineke Schouten-Gewoon Doen. This
show was mainly meant to entertain the audience by imitating other famous
people. She also had a history with singing and playing guitar. This together is
often the fundamentals for her shows.
Though she makes fun of others the
jokes stay in a boundary in which the
joke remains funny and not insulting.
She set up a really nice one-man show
and kept the pace in the show
resulting in a rather interesting and
well-structured funny one man
During my third CA I went to an ice
sculpture festival in Zwolle where I
viewed dozens of sculptures from over
40 international artists in a 6500 square
meter compound. There were a lot of
sculptures which were both appealing to
young and old. For example, a classical
sculpture of the Titanic for the elderly
and a cars sculpture for young children. I
really liked the sculptures and it was
worth the freezing hours. Furthermore,
the sculptures also reminded me of the
matching story what ones again shows that a picture is worth a thousand
My fourth CA I went to a mandatory show performed by the gelders orkest.
During this show they played classical music which I usually did not like but when
I discovered that they played in my favourite film, LOTR. This influenced my
opinion on classical music. Whereas I used to hate it I realise that I do like its
application in movies. Furthermore, due to this mandatory performance I learned
more about classical music and its nowadays applications.

Our last CA was of theAustralian museum, located in Sydney, Australia. In

Australia we visited several informative places where we obtained knowledge
about Australian history. In the travel towards the Australian museum I spotted a
protest sign of aboriginals showing the everlasting struggle of equality in
Australia. So to add up, the travel and visit towards the Australian museum has
greatly contributed to my overall knowledge of Australia.

I used to think that ckv was somewhat useless but now that I look at what Ive
learned the past year through CAs it is a rather important subject which teaches
us to understand the world around us.
I hope that this will be enough words for this really long but clearly hard-worked
on reflection file of pression class 4 ckv.
Gibson Vredeveld E4A

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