Research 10

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Peeravit Max Punchanuwat

Mr. Abel Cadias
English 10 / 10 : 04
June 20, 2016

The Istudy Exchange Program

High school students can avail the Istudy exchange program by working and
traveling, studying abroad, or attending cultural program.The purpose of this research was
to describe how Istudy conducted exchange program. The importance of this research report
is to provide information on how high school students avail the Istudy exchange program.
There were five major resources used in this research report. The first was Istudy high
school year program by iStudy Education Co.,Ltd. which was all about the high school
students who are interested in exchange program or studying broad. The next was Benefit
of being an exchange students by World Education Program Australia Ltd which tells the
information of exchange students can have more benefit than the students who are not
studying abroad.The third was Various opinions opinion from exchange students by
Mr.Shang -Em(sam) Lu who said that this is the only one way to sees other part of the world.
This was The experiment in international liveing which tell the thing that exchange
studetns will get or will see. Finally, the biggest part of the Istudy was Istudy live in USA
by Chuenjit who prepared some information on how to live and learn in USA for a year.

The definiton of the exchange students

The meaning of the student studying abroaded or students exchanged program is
students from one country going to learn in another country. Foreign exchange program will
prepares the different country, enviroment, and history for students. The word exchange is the
foreign will be hosted for students. The exchange program is famous after the WW II because
of the culture and also the language skill is better than students who doesnt going to study

abroad. Some programs may include the college credit.

What is Istudy ?
The Istudy is the exchange students program in Thailand ,Bangkok that prepared a lot
of program for high school students and students can availed the Istudy exchange program
by working, traveling, studying abroad, or attending cultural program. Istudy or Educational
institution for international program is the program that prepared school , job , host for
students ,who interesting to studying oversea.The purpose was to make students see the world
,people ,society more than they just see in Thailand and its divided into three part.
First: Exchange high school year program for students age between 15 - 17 years old
next : Intercultural summer program age between 13 - 17 and finally : work and travel
program for people age 17 - 28 years old. While the students are their the staff of Istudy will take
care of
them as much as they can to make sure that students have fun and saved until they come back
to thailand.

Opinion and Famous Program

The exchange students who had been to studying abroad said that this is the one and
only opportunity in your life to go to learn , play , have fun for a hole year .You will have the
new friends ,new society ,new school and new of every thing. Youre going to get the best
memories and experiences that someone will never got the,no fear to scared if you are really
want to go .We have the best staffs to support and listen everything and gived you some
suggestion. So only one chance in your life ,just do it by the way the students just choosed
to go with 1 year program. 1 year program is the most famous of all 3 because ,students can
have fun and learn for a hole year. the second famous was working and traveling for leaners

who want to try to working for 4 months and have fun by take some time to go and they will
get all the money from their part time job. The last is summer program for students between
grade 7 - 12 to leaning oversea for a month. They will learning with the native americas and
have the new american friends. For some students who doesnt want to go to lean abroad
Istudy prepared some program that you can practice your english skill here in Thailand for
GAT-PAT-ONET for colleges.

The purpose of this research was to describe how Istudy, conduct exchange program.
Based on research article. This research report conclude that Istudy exchange program
have a lot of choices to choose for high school students. Students can availed this program
by many ways, apprentice, learn and prepared for college and improved their learning skill
also their living skill. All of these skills can not find anywhere else except this program.
This research discovered that if this program has more free causes, they wold be more
popular. This research recommends furthers studies on the factors affecting students
decision in choosing exchange program short time, long time or work and travel.

Nantanat, C.(2016). Istudy high school year program. Retrieved ( 3 June 2016 ) , from
William, E. & Ethan, P. ( 2009 june 19 ). World Education Program Australia Ltd i. Retrieved
( 9 June 2016) , from
Medison, T.( 2007 ). Benefit of being an exchange students .Retrieved 8 June 2016 , from
Mr. Shang-En (sam), Lu. (2001). A taiwanese outgoing exchange students to the University of
bremen,Germany .Retrieved 8 June 2016 ,from
Chuenjit P. ( 2014 december 12 ). Istudy live in USA. Bangkok, BW : Thailand. The
Istudy Educational Institution For International Study. Retrieved ( May 23, 2016 )

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