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Ukraine coach Mykhaylo Fomenko says he will quit after Tuesday s last group game a

gainst Poland at Euro 2016.

Ukraine have no chance of reaching the knockout stages after defeats to Germany
and Northern Ireland in Group C.
What sense does it make to continue after failing with the task that was set for
the tournament? , Fomenko told Ukraine s national TV channel Football .
Fomenko said on Monday that Ukraine s two-year-old war stopped the country getting
past the European Championship finals group stage.
Football in Ukraine is not an exceptional thing, in our lives we have a very hard
situation, a conflict situation, football is influenced by that, Fomenko told re
porters in Marseille ahead of their final match against Poland.
Our domestic league suffered too because of it, there is a chain reaction, the co
nsequences of it are that we could not fulfil our task here to get out of the gr
oup, he said.
With two defeats against Germany and Northern Ireland to start Group C, Ukraine
became the first team to be eliminated at Euro 2016, and have only pride to play
for in the Stade Velodrome.
We say sorry for that to our supporters,

Fomenko said.

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