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APPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE Chapter 16 (Page 549)

To review chapter content related to each question, refer to the indicated Learning

1. How can you distinguish yourself from other candidates in a screening

interview and still keep your responses short and to the point?
Be focused on whats happening and dont stray from the topic, being short and
to the point is good as long as you seem knowledgeable.
2. How can you prepare for a situational or behavioral interview if you
have no experience with the job for which you are interviewing?
More so then not, you can find a way to relate to the situation or experience
that youve been asked even if its outside of the job, be it leadership,
judgement, teamwork and other types of experiences.
3. If you lack one important qualification for a job but have made it past
the initial screening stage, how should you prepare to handle this
issue during the next round of interviews?
Once youre done with the initial screening, be sure to be prepared. Research
more about the job and the qualifications needed, answer the questions asked
without any doubt, dress according to the specific job, dont tense up; being
professional is not about always being serious.
4. What is an interviewer likely to conclude about you if you dont have
any questions to ask during the interview?
That you dont have any motivation for the job and youre not interested in it,
always job bits of curiosity towards the job your applying and to your employer;
it shows that you sincerely want the job.

5. Why is it important to distinguish unethical or illegal interview

questions from acceptable questions?
Its always important to distinguish between these questions, if we answer to
these questions without though we may end up saying something
discriminatory or racist even if the intention of the employer was something

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