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• Practice good nonverbal communication-

It's about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and
connecting with a firm handshake. That first nonverbal impression can be a great
beginning—or quick ending—to your interview.

• Dress for the job or company-

Today's casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as "they" do when you
interview. It is important to know what to wear to an interview and to be well-groomed.
Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and
the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code
before the interview.

• Listen-
From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information,
either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity.
Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard
what was said. Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace.

• Don't talk too much-

Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you
have not prepared ahead of time, you may ramble when answering interview questions,
sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading
through the job posting, matching your skills with the position's requirements and relating
only that information.

• Don't be too familiar-

The interview is a professional meeting to talk business. This is not about making a new
friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor. It is important
to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions, but do not
overstep your place as a candidate looking for a job.

• Use appropriate language-

It's a given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of
any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics, or sexual
orientation—these topics could send you out the door very quickly.
• Don't be cocky-
Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. There is a fine balance between
confidence, professionalism, and modesty. Even if you're putting on a performance to
demonstrate your ability, overconfidence is as bad, if not worse, as being too reserved.
be confident not arrogant.

• Take care to answer the questions-

When interviewers ask for an example of a time when you did something, they are
asking behavioral interview questions, which are designed to elicit a sample of your
past behavior. If you fail to relate a specific example, you not only don't answer the
question, but you also miss an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills.

• Ask questions-
When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, "No." Wrong answer.
Part of knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions that demonstrate an
interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity
to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what
you're asked during the interview and asking for additional information.

• Don't appear desperate-

When you interview with the "please, please hire me" approach One of the best ways
to fool a hiring manager into thinking you’re more confident than you feel is to keep
steady, natural eye contact throughout the interview, you appear desperate and less
confident. Reflect the three Cs during the interview: cool, calm, and confident.
1. Help reduce stress and anxiety:
Attending an interview is so stressful and makes you feel anxious. This happens because
you need a job badly and you are not aware if you stand a chance. That’s when all the
anxiety and pressure sets in. But when you perform a mock interview at home, may be by
yourself or with the help of your mentor, it makes you feel ready for the challenge and helps
you overcome anxiety.

2. Help boost your confidence:

Be Confident. This is interrelated to the previous point mentioned. So basically, when you
learn to overcome your anxiety, you tend to gain a little confidence. When you gain
confidence, you could stand a chance not to forget the skills and experience you have
obtained over the years.So that’s why you need confidence when you attend an interview.
These mock interviews provide all of us a wonderful opportunity to ‘test drive’ our answers.

3. You could get constructive feedback:

We all must agree that none of us are perfect for an interview. So mock interviews help us
clarify responses to certain questions and help us work on areas that we are prone to be
weak in. In a real interview it doesn’t always happen that you are given feedback on your
performance, or in the journey through the interview. To assess and find out more about
your interviewing abilities it is always best to conduct a mock interview for yourself and
make the coming interview a perfect opportunity to perform your best.

4. Preparing for behavioral based interview questions:

Many firms and corporations seem to use this behavioral based type of questions. So if
some of us are not familiar with this type of interviewing then this is where mock interviews
come handy.

5. Practice makes perfect:

Practice makes perfect. This expression may very well be true when it comes to interviewing
skills. One should master the art of taking advantage of a mock interview so as to make
you near perfect when it comes to holding yourself together in an interview. Even if you
think your skill sets are at a very high level still, you should think upon it as characteristics
that can all be improved when it comes to making a great impression on a prospective

6. Nervousness:
Many of us feel nervous and upset just before a scheduled interview. It is not surprise or
secret that these events can be nerve-wrecking. Even if you have had an experience of
attending many interviews, it’s still something that all of us feel. So with practice and mock
ups, many have expressed that there has been a slight increase in their confidence.

7. Body Language:
Mock Interviews help you prepare well in terms of body language and professional
etiquette. That is you will gain inputs on the way you greet in an interview and the way you
depart from an interview. All this adds to the positive points that you collect through the
journey of your interview.

8. General Knowledge:
When mock ups are performed, you automatically learn about general knowledge and
common interview questions.

9. Familiarizing with the situation:

Familiarize Mock ups aid in familiarizing yourself with the situation. That is, what is the
intensity of your interview going to be? Familiarity with the outside economy in terms of
understanding where you stand in the market that is based on your expertise.

10. Feedback implementation:

Once you have performed the mock up, next step is to implement the feedback you have
received. Make sure you learn to accept the feedback in a constructive manner so as to
nail your interviews in a better way.

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