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Disease virus Zika

Data and numbers

-This disease is caused by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes
mosquitoes virus.
-Patients with disease Zika virus may have symptoms such as: not very
high fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, discomfort or
headaches, which usually last between 2 and 7 days.
-At the moment there is no vaccine or specific treatment for this disease.
-The best way to prevent it is the protection against mosquito bites.
-It is known that the virus circulating in Africa, the Americas, Asia and
the Pacific.
Zika virus is an emerging mosquito-borne virus that was first identified in
Uganda in 1947, in rhesus monkeys, through a monitoring network of
jungle yellow fever. Later, in 1952, he was identified in humans in
Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. There have been outbreaks
of this virus disease in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific.
Genus: Flavivirus
Vector: Aedes mosquitoes (usually bite during the day, especially at
dawn and dusk / dawn)
Reservoir: unknown
Signs and symptoms
The incubation period of the disease Zika virus (time between exposure
and onset of symptoms time) is unclear , but probably a few days.
Symptoms are similar to those of other arboviral infections , including
dengue , and include fever , rash , conjunctivitis , muscle and joint aches
, malaise and headache ; usually mild and last between 2 and 7 days.

El virus de Zika se transmite a las personas a travs de la picadura de
mosquitos infectados del gnero Aedes, y sobre todo de Aedes
aegypti en las regiones tropicales. Este mosquito es el mismo que
transmite el dengue, la fiebre chikungunya y la fiebre amarilla.
Asimismo, es posible la transmisin sexual, y se estn investigando
otros modos de transmisin, como las transfusiones de sangre y la
transmisin perinatal.

Los primeros brotes de enfermedad por el virus de Zika se

describieron en el Pacfico en 2007 y 2013 (Yap y Polinesia francesa,
respectivamente), y en las Amricas (Brasil y Colombia) y frica (Cabo
Verde) en 2015. Desde el 1 de enero de 2007, se ha notificado la
transmisin del virus en 64 pases y territorios.

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