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VIOLENGE EXPLODES IN RACIST TOWN Moree hattles students From GERRY STONE MOREE, Saturday. — White women jeered and spat at girl freedom riders today as racial violence broke out for the | \ first time at Moree. The students were pushed and carried from the front door of the Moree baths while an angry crowd of 500 boved and catcalled A fist fight broke out betw local white woman and an Abor woman but was quickly stopped by police. A former aldern:an, Mr. Bob Brown, who 1s known for his support’of the Aboriginal cause, was picked up on the street by hoodiums and dumped in the gutter as he tried {9 approach the demonstrating students, ‘The trouble erupted when 27 young mea and women from Sydaey Uni escort six Aborigine! children ‘The children were barred by the mayor, Ald. William “Lloyd, and. the bats manager, Mz. Don Ferd, Mc. Ford placed himself in front of the doors to the oaths and would not tel other people pass. roo Tegitl, 8 hot tay-—with, temperatures near 00 degrees—and a crowd quickly gathered, de- manding admission, Povice Irving to clear the crowd pushed Mr. Page, 20, a medical student from Castle- Me Desch af Tan Coke leas sosifonts are barred from the town ne 00: deetecs eee town th temberstures eat: legrees and a crowd quickly” gacheved, de. manding admission, 2 ue Police trying to elezr the erowd pusiied Mr. Chris Faac, 20, 2 medical student trom Castle frag, to tie ground ‘Thien twe eounetl emplovees carried him bodily itor the bachs when he refused to move Ald. Lloyd then erabbed several students by their shiris and Pushed them ‘om the doorway while the erond cheered ‘Those ‘thrown out by the mayer included Beth Hansen, an aris sttdent oF strathtele, and'Mr. John Powles, 21, of Deniliquin, » medi? eat student. ‘A white woman in the erewd spat at a git student as she wus lel away by the eoutell attendant Arrest threat The girl, Miss Wendy Golding, 17, of Vax cluse, is a Jewish Arts student who joined the crusade (0 fight against prejudice of any navure, ‘The woman who spat at Miss Goldli reprimanded by her husband, who said Spit at those girls ‘As soon as the students were led away they retumed to their picket line in front of the baths, ‘The mayor warned that if they kept on returning they would be arrested for obstruc- ‘As more lownspeople hurried to the scene the mayor orcered the crowd removed from the baths (Oifclals claini thet the pump at the baths ‘would bave to be temporarily stopped for repalrs, But the students refused to move and claim: ed they coule hear. the ‘pamps- still opera:ing. ‘Today was the frst Ume fince the students began their arti-discrimination tour” of NSW that they have been ‘oreed to use thelr so- called passive resistance technique ‘They shad been told to fall to. the ground 44s soon as police attempted to arrest them, and several dic this with tite couneil employees. 1o- day. ‘Plain clothes police elreulated in the erowa to prevent major ‘violence. Word quickly spread throughout the town ot the students’ demonstretion and ‘tempers flared in the heat when hundreds of people found they could not swim because of the demonstra- tion. ‘Angry threats against the students were made ly ‘drinkers in the hotel and one Fesie said: “The. students will be in real trouble i they are siill here when the pubs elose tonight’ ‘A shack at Top Camp whose residents are barred from the town pool. ay a * pwr

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