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Music History Survey Spring 2016

Worksheet #2
Dr. Tanikawa
1. Describe Sturm und Drang. How did it manifest in music?
Storm and stress, 1760s to 1780s
Was about expression and emotional extremism as opposed to strictly rational thinking which was
pushed at the time
Fits perfectly into musical theater/opera where characters can usually express this
Also a literary term
2. How did opera seria emerge? What were some of its characteristics that were established by the end of
the first decade of the 18th century?
Opera seria is the dramatic and serious form of Opera in the 18th century
pioneered by Metastasio
Meant for Noble Class
Recitatives - Secco and Accompanied

No Tragic Endings
More History instead of fables
No underworld
Natural resolution

3. Who was Pietro Metastasio, and how did he standardize opera seria in the 1720s?
Roman poet who wrote many librettos
considered greatest writer of opera seria
characters sought greatness, not for personal gain but by helping others
created structure to follow
upper class citizens enjoyed very much

4. Describe the Metastasian format/musical structure, including the DaCapo aria.

Consisted of orchestral movements, along with recitatives to move plot
Arias to have dramatic, emotional effect
DaCapo Aria - A B A = State a theme, sing second complimentary theme, then repeat the first with
some variation

5. How did opera buffa emerge? For which audience was it intended?
French Revolution helped to inspire Opera Buffa
Used peasant characters and such, was comedic
Intended for other social classes than rich/noble

6. Define the following:

Intermezzo - Comedic interlude between acts in opera seria
dramma giocoso - Opera genre with comedic scenes (buffo) used to dramatically end acts
Recitative-- both secco and accompanied (accompagnato) - Secco = dry, accompanied only by
harpsichord / cello. Accompanied = full orchestra. Sung.spoken to help move plot forward
Aria - Opera song to dramatically reflect on previous scene, not so much about plot
Castrato - Male singers who are castrated at a young age to preserve a high voice. Successful
Castrati became superstars

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