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LSS 2003 Creating Your Future

Personal Goal Setting

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Watch the video clip and answer the questions below.

1. Who would benefit from setting goals?

- People who have lack direction or not achieving

2. Give two good reasons to set goals.

1) Something you want to achieve 2) Improve self confident

3. List three areas of your life where you might set goals.
1) Career 2) Education 3) Family 4) Personal finances

4. List five goal setting tips


Make sure that all your gaols are worded as positive statements.


Prioritising your gaols will make them seem more organise and write them
down to not forget them.


Dont scrimp on detail to avoid measuring your achievements.


Keep day to day gaols small and realistic otherwise you wont feel that you are
making progress.


Goals should be related to performance, not outcomes so you have much


5. First set _ Large - scale _ goals, then set _ Smaller targets __ goals.

6. Day to day goals should be ____ Small and realistic ____.

7. Goals should be related to ____ performance ____ not ____ outcomes ____

Maureen Szulczewski

LSS 2003/2015

LSS 2003 Creating Your Future

8. Goals should be
Time - bound

9. When youve achieved a goal you should

____ Give yourself a pat on the back ____ and ____ Review your existing gaol plan and adept
it as you see fit ____ .

10. Click on the Toolkit tab.

Choose an area that you would like to work on.

Take the quiz.

Read the information.

Make a SMART goal for your chosen area. Write your goal here:

1) I want to gain the experience in Corporate Communication to become head of Social

responsibility within international firm, so that I can build my skills and experiences.
2) I will take some communication skills, leadership skills and dealing with stress skills
training courses within six years to achieve my gaol.
3) These training sessions will be during my last studying year, these training are easily
and necessary to achieving my main long-scale goal.

Share your goal with your group.

Maureen Szulczewski

LSS 2003/2015

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