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Makabayan Part 1: The Day of Independence.

It is the day of election in the Republic of the Philippines. In the midst of the raging
election, weather and political strife are rampant and suddenly the politicians that are
housed in the senate and the congress suddenly got berserk and engaged themselves in
fist fights and verbal insults resulted harming and even killing each other. Eventually, the
heralds of extra worldly beings and genetically enforcers made their way into the
metropolis possibly in the key locations of the country and it marked the return of a
familiar figure.

1. St Luke's Medical Center Global Cafeteria: It is where the main characters are
socializing with each other prior the unfortunate events that plagued the nation.
2. Taguig City manhole: Where the main characters narrowly defeated and injected a
vaccine to a raging mutated Manny Villar.
3. Metropolis Outskirts: It is where the other worldly troops attacked the 4 main
characters and eventually met Eduardo Chong-Young Pizarras who disposed the
otherworldly beings.
4. Marikina City: It is where the four main characters grew up and lived their years to
the present. It is also the same place where the characters received a calling from their
deepest conscience to straighten up the country. This place has a tragic impact to the
main characters where their loved ones were annihilated by the so called troops of a
returning familiar figure. This is where all started in which they met vice presidential
aspirant Bayani Fernando to set for the quest that will change the history of the country.
5. Villamor Airbase: This is where the characters desperately went amidst the heavy
destruction and near Armageddon state of the metropolis. Since they knew they cannot
fight the other worldly warriors, BF led them to an abandoned airport in the midst of
dangerous warring politicians and destroyed infrastructures to set their quest to find the

weapons to defeat these new warriors. They found a plane and drove it to a secret base in
6. Cebu Ezarran base: It is where the characters obtained their new weapons after
solving many puzzles.
7. Cebu Beach Club: It is where the characters rested a bit to reenergize themselves for
tough tasks to come.
8. Taal Volcano: After the airplane they are using crashed in the midst of a chaotic city,
the characters went ziplining after temporarily stunning the maddened volcano.
Eventually they found an abandoned airship that they rode in back to Manila. Eventually
piercing the volcano and driving their way into Manila.
9. Meralco Facility: A tragic place where the allies met the leading girl Krisma
Marcelino's brother transformed into an engineering monstrosity eventually the latter
sacrificing his life for the allies especially Eduardo Pizarras. This is also the place where
they vowed to change the nation out of oligarch dominance.
10. Sky: Where Lucio Tan's plane attacked the plane where the characters are in.
11. San Miguel Bldg., Ortigas: Where Danding Cojuangco's created monstrosity
attacked the allies.
12. Camp Crame: Where the colossal self of Ver attacked the allies resulting to his final
13. Storage: Bayani Fernando wanted a stunning entrance into Malacanang so he used
his campaign vehicle modeled after Devastator to stun the authorities. The plane the allies
are riding is now piloted by Larry Gonzaga which BF believed the former could pilot a
plane and have his trust enlisted on the former.
14. Malacanang Palace: Where the allies challenged Bong Bong into a fight with the
latter retreating and vowing the allies to know the truth. It is where the allies faced
Macoy who became the new dictator after a chaotic failure of elections. Arroyo and her
husband combined with Macoy to form one heavy monstrosity.
15. Bedroom Command Center: The characters received taunts from the oligarchs.
16. Zambales Wastelands: The allies saw Noy Noy is beaten up and disowned by the
oligarchs yet the allies talked with Noy Noy about what happened and his real
responsibility as a commander in chief apparent. Eduardo Pizarras conversed with Noy

Noy what his parents have envisioned must be done to serve the people and sacrifice for
the betterment of the nation. No compromise and no intentional corruption.
17. Hacienda Cojuangco: The new palace in which the oligarch partied themselves as
the prologue of a reign of collaborated terror. This is where the allies met another
Aranetas most dangerous scion Manuel Araneta. The place also marked the end of the
oligarchs after they are annihilated by Manuel Araneta and a dark unknown figure.
18. Palace Passageway: This is where the allies tracked a dark figure in the hacienda to
the depths of the palace in which the final battle will begin.
19. Palace Dungeon: The place of the realization of truth that will be crucial to the future
of the nation. This place will serve as the venue of the final battle with the evil form of
the country and Manuel Araneta. It will be the place where Eduardo Pizarras bade
goodbye to his allies for the last time.

1. Eduardo Chong-Young Pizarras: The main character of the story. He started as a
spectator of the series of destructions that plagued the country. He observed the activities
of his soon to be allies eventually meeting them after they narrowly saved the life of
Villar. He eventually became the guess leader of the TFF which is the faction of his
allies. He is good in hand to hand combat and can stand against the likes of Bong bong
and Manuel Araneta. He most likely leads the character in case theres a huge battle
coming. His origins are open to speculations.
2. Maria Kristina Krisma Marcelino: KM is the leading lady of the story. She may
seemed a typical working girl who works as a pharmacist and loved enjoying herself with
friends but deep inside is a principled and brave woman who is not afraid of difficulties
and challenges. She is the one that really understands the main character of all his doings
and gave advices to him. She as a pharmacist is good at healing her allies also
disinfecting whatever is inside of a raging politician. Indeed, Eduardo Pizarras placed her
as his special friend and legendary ally.
3. Larry Gonzaga: Another member of the TFF. He is one of Krisma's best friends.
Brash and sometimes egoistic yet can be reliable in times of need. He sometimes has a
minor animosity with Eduardo Pizarras yet the two became close allies as the journey

progressed. One great factor bout Larry is that he can pilot a plane in which Bayani
Fernando entrusted his trust on a fellow Marikinian. One notable battle cry bout Larry he
says "basagan na" that means bring it on to boost his confidence against an opponent.
4. Pearl Caballeros: She is the nurse friend of Krisma of whom the latter met in her
years in the university yet occasionally worship fellowships. Though a reliable ally, She
sometimes doubt Eduardo Pizarras decisions especially pertaining into his over political
violent means and even giving a thumbs down on a possible Eduardo Pizarras and
Krisma Marcelino close relationship. Like Ovy of Ezarra, Pearl just felt uneasy about the
nature of the journey of Eduardo Pizarras to his friends.
5. Patricio Zalderiagga: Another member of TFF and one of Pearl, Krisma and Larry's
closest friend. He is good in close quarter combat that proved handy in delicate situations.
He is a type of a guy that seemed intimidating physically yet is gentle when befriended
to. He is also good in humors second to Noy Noy's jokes.
6. Bayani Fernando: Former mayor of Marikina city. He is a VP hopeful who just cast
his ballots moments before the chaos happened. Despite his being a stern disciplinarian to
the eyes of the rest of the metropolis, Bayani is a caring and a fatherlike person to
Marikinians, who believed in the potential of the Filipinos. He is also good as an engineer
and an able pilot who led the allies into temporary safety. BF also loves stunning entrance
notable his riding of devastator to crush the dictator who took advantage of the country.
He is a person that is willing to risk his life for the betterment of the country in which he
inspired Eduardo Pizarras to his road of changing the country. He is strict but worth it.
7. Bong Bong Marcos: The son of the former president of the Philippines. Bong Bong
set up a quest to destroy and illuminate all his father's detractors. He had a heated rivalry
with Eduardo Pizarras and nearly killed him in their first encounter with his allies barely
saving his life. He may seemed a villian yet he is a sacrificing son also not only for his
family but for the quest of truth behind the over slandering of the Marcos era. He wields a
broad sword and electric propellers in battle which incapacitated the allies. Eduardo
Pizarras, Marcos and Araneta are one of the heated rivalries in the story.
8. Manuel Araneta: One of TFF's beloved neighbors who lived a simple of life of being
an artist and a drummer of a band. Yet everything changed as the chaos have took its toll
in Marikina he was picked up by one of the aides of the Araneta clan and eventually

learned his true identity which made him insane with the factors of over chaotic trauma.
From a simple and beloved fellow Marikinian to a cold blooded murderer. He even
planned to be the undisputed leader in order, to fix the chaos. Manuel Araneta is not
alone, he has his scary Neo MMDA to do his bidding and help him in battles.
9. Ferdinand Marcos: Former President of the Philippines. He seemingly returned from
the grave to usher a new era to the country. He even proposed turning the country into
gold. The allies encountered him in the palace after disposing his trusted cronies and
enforcers. After being bested he absorbed his lackeys the Arroyos for one final
10. General Fabian Ver: Former General turned into a colossal war machine that resided
on Camp Crame and Aguinaldo.
11. Lucio Tan: Former crony who repledged his allegiance to his former lord. He used
his planes to attack and halt the allies on their road to Malakanyang.
12. Danding Cojuangco: Possibly the most evil of the Cojuangcos assigned by Marcos
to stay on his company building to destroy and halt the road of the allies to Malakanyang.
He became a large intimidating golden type demon who is ready to crush the TFF and its
leaders to dust.
13. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo: Outgoing president of the Philippines. Her role in the
story is to simply see her "idol" Ferdinand Marcos returned to the political scene and
pledged her allegiance to the former dictator. Unaware of the truth surrrounding Marcos'
seemingly resurrection, eventually she was absorbed by the former dictator along with
her husband to form one horrible monstrosity.
14. Mike Arroyo: The corrupt husband of president Arroyo in which also pledged his
allegiance to the former dictator Marcos. Eventually like his wife was absorbed by the
former dictator to form one tough monstrosity.
15. Gerardo Marcelino: A great engineer hired by the electrical giant Meralco. Because
of his immense engineering and electrical skills, he was exploited by the oligarch when
the chaos came. He was kidnapped by the oligarchs while resting at home in the middle
of the chaos and was brought into the complex to be transformed into a construction like
freak. The allies wanted to save him from the oligarch but because the oligarch removed
the traces of his conscience he fought the allies yet returned to the remnants of his former

self to save the allies and particularly the main character. His death strengthened the
commitment of the allies to put an end to the oligarch giants. He is the brother of Krisma
Marcelino. Eduardo Pizarras commented on his sacrifice an example of a selfless and a
noble person who will stand to what is right though his conscience and heart left him
almost completely.
16. Oligarchs: Composed of the business giants of the country which are believed to
have plotted the chaos during the elections. Composed of the Aranetas, Ceferino Ayala,
Lopezes and some tycoons, they engineered the eventual victory of Noy Noy Aquino and
plotted to brain wash him to do their biddings. They are destroyed by Manuel Araneta
and a dark figure after indulging themselves with extreme partying. Eduardo Pizarras also
killed some of the elites. He looked upon them as branches that must be eliminated to
destroy the roots. Of course, he was severely criticized by his friends of being over
17. Noy Noy Aquino: An almost winning president in which he was already a "partial"
acting president operated by the dangerous oligarchs. When Noy Noy simply shrugged
off one compromise from the oligarchs, he was beaten black and blue eventually ending
up beaten on the Hacienda road. Yet of good ethical background the allies nursed him
back to health and taught him how to govern selflessly and without compromise. Eduardo
explained to him being a president, one must not tolerate evil and stand to what is right.
He is told to fulfill the vision of his parents that the "Filipinos are worth dying for" by
good governance and selfless service to do what is right. He is also a humor character as
the allies is progressing their quest. In the end, he became the president for a while yet
mysteriously disappeared.
18. Kris Aquino: The sister of Noy Noy Aquino who made a small cameo role. Who
acted as his major domo of course, it is not an incest relationship. After Noy Noy
disappeared Kris was forced to run the presidency yet lost horribly. She became deranged
and was transferred to a far away psychiatric institution.
19 Daryl Tanghangco: A Filipino Chinese military official who made a close friendship
with Manuel Araneta. He has a lot of means but lost a lot due to bad strategy and unwise
management of the troops. He was eventually finished by Zalderiagga after he forced
himself to attack the latter despite mortally injured.

20. Jose Rizal: The man behind the so called dark shadowy figure. Rizal was shot in
Luneta yet his spirit is not contented until Filipinos knew how to govern themselves out
of corruption and positive development. He made a pact with the netherworld not to rest
till the goal was realized. He absorbed all the corruption of the Spanish government
eventually the evil surrounding the palace. Then, He resided himself deep into the palatial
complex only to welcome those who are willing to remove corruption and rule in a
righteous manner. Yet, the succeeding administrations eluded his pleas. Because of the
frustrations, he used corruptions to enligten the people that it is bad and harmful to the
country yet the people failed to realize it. His dark self eventually took its toll in
Hacienda Cojuangco by murdering most of the big fishes out there. Eduardo and his
allies followed him in the depth that resulted in one realization and final battle.


The context there is that the corruption in the country is taking its toll to the
maximum level as politicans and oligarchs are vying themselves into absolute

As the elections are commencing, massive cheating and political unrest

surrounded the nation which headed to its downfall.

One hot day changed the environment of a once promising nation in which
suddenly politicians of all factions are murdering each other. They also tried to
ruin each other's reputations. Then, unwanted beings from an unknown source are
wreaking havoc to the country which can be imagined as a near Armageddon state
in which infrastructures are destroyed which made transportation extremely
dangerous and almost inaccessible. That complicated the journey of the TFF

Political culture in the country literally headed to its downfall which heralded the
coming of a familiar figure in which oligarchs with VESTED INTERESTS and
ambitious politicians pledged their allegiance to a seemingly doomsday type
familiar figure.

Oligarchs and politicians are almost combining their forces even fighting each
other to get the supremacy which will possibly bondage the Filipino people once

It is the allies' duty to protect and salvage their country after these tragic events
took its toll to the country. Indeed the citizens after all are the ones playing major
roles to seek real and lasting progress to the country.

Weapons and Powers:

1. Eduardo Chong-Young Pizarras: Broad Sword and a "futuristic" rifle.
2. Krisma Marcelino: Chakra discs, an Eos camera to unleash inter dimensional energies
to slow down tough opponents. It is a fighter version of a rehab "camera" and various
medicines to heal infected politicians.
3. Pearl Caballeros: Military rifle with various melees and medications.
4. Larry Gonzaga: Nunchaku? With his proficiency of hand to hand combat. He
occasionally nails his opponents with beer bottles.
5. Patrick Zalderiagga: RPG and his set of wolverine like claws.
6. Bayani Fernando: Devastator and pilot skills.
7. Bong Bong Marcos: Electrical propellers and a medieval broad sword ala knight's
8. Manuel Araneta: Neo MMDA drooling creatures, powerful trident, gladius, giant
fists, psychic attacks, barrel explosives, eye blasts, ethereal energy blasts, dark energies
and his invincible armor.
9. Ferdinand Marcos: Futuristic rifle, broad sword, tentacles, psychic powers to stop
missiles and absorption.
10. Lucio Tan: Occasionally fighter planes and armed 747s and A300-340s.
11. Fabian Ver: Laser rifles and a futuristic military saber.
12. Danding Cojuangco: Golden body makes him nigh invincible with various tentacles
to try take down the allies' plane. Beer and Vodka Breath are one of his most lethal
projectiles. Sharp claws with flying glass shards from his building that can be very

13. Jose Rizal: Dark energies, fencing sword, Simoun's berserk loaded gloves, claws and
revolver. Eventually, his final companion will be the country's portrait being a terminally
ill nation with malignant tentacles which proved to be a major problem especially to the
TFF leader.
14. Noy Noy Aquino: cigar and hand gun that can sufficiently kill a croc army soldier
and a Cojuangco Los Haciendero.
15. Gerardo Marcelino: Construction materials implanted on his body, back hoe shovel,
bulldozer shovel, chest blasts and dangerous wrecking balls.
16. Manuel Villar: Road shards and Muddy body which can kill characters by flooding
them up.

Enemy Forms:
1. Marcelino: Constuction vehicle-human hybrid which has tank like legs, human chest
torso with a false heart blast, back hoe thigh and eventually devastating construction
vehicle arms.
2. Manny Villar: Slimy and sludge blob seen in the manhole. He uses his mud flood to
destroy his opponents additionally road shards that made him a formidable threat.
3. Ver: Robot like being who wields a rifle and a saber with pointed wings.
4. Lucio Tan: Simply a tycoon riding in his main plane. He commanded his own fleets to
help him send the allies crashing into the ground.
5. Danding Cojuangco: A meditating golden demon with pointed shoulders and pointed
demon like back support with a dangerous third eye blasts. The half body is his San
Miguel Building which unleashed devastating shards when Danding is to be nearly
6. Ferdinand Marcos: Simple!! Futuristic rifle and can morph into an alien insect type
of body with the dictators head. Next he formed a horrible monstrosity after combining
with the Arroyos and Nograles. He has Marcos head, FG's head serving his chest and
GMA's agility through his spiked limbs. He gained all of these through his bodys further
mutation and absorption.
7. Bong Bong Marcos: Simple warrior with a sword and electrical propellers. He sports
an otherworldly armor with tough shin and thigh guards.

8. Taal Volcano: Binintiang Malaki as its head with the real Taal crater Lake Volcano as
its obese torso. While moving the body of volcano has spitting and flowing lavas.
9. Manuel Araneta: First form is simply the man. Second form a buffed up Manny with
neo MMDAs assisting him. His final form will be him sporting a Megatron like helmet
with Roman feathers above his helmet. The sides of his helmet will be decorated with
pointed and feathery horns. He is clad with the toughest trench coat possible that made
him invincible. He has protruding spikes in his shoulders for him to summon Neo
MMDAS with less difficulty.
10. Jose Rizal: Fencing Master Rizal with dark energy as his first form. Second form will
be a raging self of him through Simoun with dangerous fists with claws watch out for the
11. Corrupted Motherland: A true portrait of the state of our nation. She is depicted as
an agonizing, near obese or bloated woman who has leprosy all over her body. She is clad
in dark energies and eyed boils. As the final form taking place the woman will melt in the
ceiling and will surround dark energies with eyed tentacles emerging from nowhere. The
final form can be safely said pure energy!!!!

Story Draft:
P1: Worship and Chaos.
The scene starts with the Cojuangcos and other oligarchs in which they are talking with
some spirit forms of other worldly cronies and a woman with a veil. The cronies said
things had already started and the woman said you should all believe because what is
willed will come to pass. It is day of election in the country with many already casted
their ballots already.

Suddenly, amidst the heat of the weather, politicians who already casted their ballots
went home some with a significant member went to the senate and congress with some
election officers to supervise the countings.

Things have become worst as one minor issue forced one faction or another to fight and
harm each other. It started from verbal taunts to physical violence. All chaos was left to a
supposedly "peaceful" election.

Back in the metropolis, in the middle of the scorching weather, other worldly armies
came down and violently attacked warring politicians and even civilians. These armies
even destroyed the cars of some politicians who came home to rest after a stressful
election may be they wanted the power to be transferred to their boss. Who knows? First
it was some oddly looking crocodile like armies then scalp headed enforcers with lashes
lashed their ways to the metropolis leaving everything waste on the place they are

As politicians are literally inflicting violence on all sides these armies infected and
suddenly annihilated large numbers of aspirants and incumbents alike. With the new
army tanks, they are crushing everything on their path that signaled the coming of a
vengeful familiar figure.

P2: Party Is Over.

Young people are sincere and so willing to cast most of their votes to make this county
start its genuine change and progress. They went to vote their candidates based on their
preferences and as usual, they meet each other to socialize.

Now it's all about the story of a group of friends called TFF. They went to their friend
Pearl's workplace at St Luke's global to invite her and have some decent conversations
and drink some cold coffee.

As they talked about elections, they enjoyed each other's experience of the new
automated elections. One of their experiences ranged from long hours of waiting, Senior
citizen advantages and faulty machines. Then their conversations switched to possible
places of future vacation sites and eventually daily issues like love lives and long term

As they enjoyed their conversations, they heard strange and violent sounds which one of
them saw a car being toppled by troops from unknown sources. One of them saw the
grounds are literally crushed by some of the enforcers with their dangerous vehicles.
They also saw politicians running around like a riot going on talking trash and killing
each other. Pearl was forced to say goodbye to her workmates and informed the hospital
officials about what happened.

The 4 friends got out of the building seeing everything came crashing down like the end
of the world is at hand. Suddenly, some of these odd looking military personnels cornered
the main characters in which Patrick, their large friend managed to go somewhere and
opened a manhole as he and his friends went down and tightly closed the manhole so the
odd looking troops wont chase them dead.

With the TFF going down to the manhole to hide and escape themselves from these alien
like creatures a young loner stared on their activities just at the top of a 5 story building.

The allies while tranversing the tight sewers. The girls complained with Patrick that he
did not find some ways to escape all he had done is to open a manhole which is not
healthy and not safe either. Patrick reasoned out that there is no way on the surface that
can ferry them safe to their homes. All has been horribly invaded and desecrated by these
new creatures. It is a matter of life and death on the surface at least in the sewers they can
be safe as for now.

P3: Villar's Claims Became Literally True.

As the allies navigated the sewers on the end of the road they saw a barely conscious and
aware presidentiable Manny Villar. They asked how he could get in the sewers since he is
rich he should be resting on his villas. Villar barely conscious told them he was
ambushed by the same strange creatures the allies saw while taking away his family back
home. He is going to be killed yet fought a little back but one enforcer injected him with
some virus that made him uncomfortable. So weak he fell into a manhole and wandered
there for the wish of getting back home.

For the first time the TFF saw strange things, the rich presidentiable is now undergoing
transformation and the virus is now adapting the surroundings. Villar is not aware of
himself he already transformed for what he claimed in the commercials "dagat ng basura
and gitna ng kalsada". In English it means, A sea of garbage in the middle of the road.

The TFF allies were really horribled and Villar as a mud like being with road shards
came attacking them. Since they have no weapons, the 2 boys Larry and Patrick vowed to
protect their women friends. They got some steel pipe and an abandoned golf club.

Villar aggressively trying to attack the TFF yet after the boys found an opening they
hacked Villar not to kill him but to make immobilize him. Pearl, as a nurse injected Villar
with some anti viral serums which supposedly she is going to bring them back home in
which the presidentiable returned in his normal state.

Pearl then called the Red Cross and her workplace numbers to fix Villar up. Then the
allies found out they have no choice but to go back to the surface in which now they are
going no choice but to brave the dangers instead being stucked into the murky sewers.

P4: Meet The Loner.

As the allies worked their way up to the surface, misfortunes stroke them once again.
Maybe it may be due to bad timing? They are caught by the same range of these repitilian
and bald headed slave masters so they have no choice other than to go back to the
manhole yet, now its harder to go down because one repitilian already blocked their way
down with a couple more guarding the manhole which render escape near impossible.

As the creatures taunted them that they cant escape all they should do is to submit to the
new savior. Pearl and Larry reasoned out with the creatures that they wont serve another
ugly overlord. They rather die than have their country brutally enslaved by whatever race
they are. Krisma one of their best friends argued with the monsters that she wont let the
creatures ruin the country anymore. It is already ruined and the creatures are too harsh to
ruin it again and that really suck.

The monsters told them that they will help rebuild the country in their former glory.
Patrick said let Filipinos fix their own problems you dont have a business here. Because
of your looks you will sunk the archipelago into the mud. The monsters were angered and
pointed out their guns at the main characters.

Suddenly, an unknown man of young stature blitzed his way and provoked the monsters
to fight him. As the monsters threw themselves up to the young man, they are blitzed and
sliced one by one.

While the loner is killing the creatures which are currently tormenting the TFF, the
friends were amazed of the fighting prowess of the young loner. After the fight the young
man asked the TFF are you ok? Larry told him we are all ok? It is just a bit of
complications out of misfortunes. Krisma told the loner I have seen you somewhere
sometime may I know who are you and what you are planning on us? The young man
said I have no bad intentions this place is getting even more dangerous and we should
help each other to get back to your homes. Patrick told the young man, how bout you?
Arent you afraid of the carnage that is going on? The young man said before this day I
have already prepared myself to the worst that may happened and yet it already happened
we must help each other. The young man introduced himself as Eduardo Chong-Young
Pizarras, a mixture of Filipino Chinese and Korean descent.

Pearl however, said he must lead the allies back home since he is more capable of
defending the allies. Eduardo said you too must learn how to defend yourself and I give
you credit of not being intimidated by these creatures. Larry told Eduardo what we now
ought to do everything is already a part of this huge wasteland. Eduardo said in God
willing, there must be a nearby station going to Marikina. I have seen the train stations
are horribly decimated by rioting politicians and their cohorts.

P5: Marikina Wreckage.

The allies are not convinced of the claims of the young man and occasionally accused
him as a stalker with vested interest. Larry asked Eduardo Pizarras to convince all his

friends that he is saying the truth to lead them to the nearby station from Taguig of course
it is Ayala station near Glorietta mall.

As they traveled through a taxi, they saw the once train station is nothing but flames and
debris of its former self. They are not the first to take notice of it. In fact, the taxi driver
told them to look at the former train station. He even said it is impossible for a train to
travel back home safe in a state like this. The train is literally crushed by the roof of the
once station now all in flames. The allies of course are depressed. They ordered the driver
to send them to a nearby bus station. Luckily, the driver knew theres a safe bus station
which is not yet invaded by the creatures.

Eduardo and his friends bade goodbye to the driver gave him the travel fee and tip wished
him to get back to his family safe at home as fast as he can. They now rode a bus for
Marikina City. Krisma in a concerned tone for the young man, she asked you are sending
us home, arent you missing your family additionally with them fearing your safety?

Eduardo told her its time for me to make a change. After I send you back home I'm gonna
find the root of this event and set everything straight. Pearl said the situations are too
dangerous I dont think you can handle it all by yourself. Eduardo said at least before
death strikes me I have already sent you to your respective homes for safety measures.
Patrick said this is our country we wont let these creatures rule us can I join you?
Eduardo said No!!!! I might be the cause of your downfall stay home and be safe Ok?

Krisma told Patrick; he is right thought you are strong and crafy it would not be sufficient
for you to make a change. Then she told Eduardo ahem may be you need our help what
we saw bout your fighting prowess is not yet ripe for big fishes. Eduardo told his friend
be safe at home ok? Dont let me use additional means to change the country or else i
might be horribly blamed just for the things you wished for.

After the bus arrived in their destination, the allies went to their respective homes and
Eduardo said we will meet at the plaza facing the river after all has been set then we shall
talk about issues that is very important this time being.

Moments later, a crying woman tries to approach Eduardo and told him what are you
doing here? Eduardo told her your hands.... are full of blood..... What happened? The
woman said dont you know this country is already nearing its extinction? Politicans and
their supporters are killing each other with strange creatures are preaching some
doomsday doctrine about eventual renewal. Eduardo Pizarras said follow me we shall
meet Bayani Fernando for further guidance. I will check my friends first.

Krisma went back to her home seeing her worried grandmother telling her your brother
has not gone home. Im very worried for him. She went to her brother's room and found a
letter at his desk which her grandmother did not notice due to her advanced age. Krisma
read the letter of her brother which said her brother is a great and skilled engineer in
which the company he was working for conspired to kidnap him on the day of the
national election for some devious means. The reason for this is to make him responsible
for the so called transfer of power to the oligarchs in days to come. His skills can be
proved handy for the rebuilding of the nation and in case he was abducted he can be seen
at a nearby powerplant complex in Quezon province.

Krisma hurriedly rushed telling her grandmother that her brother is possibly abducted as
written in the letter. She told her grandmother to calm down and take some rest. She took
a glass of water for her grandmother to finally calm her down. Krisma told her
grandmother that she will find her brother at all cost. Her grandmother told her i
understand the sister's love for her dear brother so I wished you all the best to find him
safe. The old woman told her granddaughter to be extremely careful especially the
current situation.

Krisma then met Eduardo Pizarras near her house and told her about the abduction of her
brother. Eduardo told Krisma her brother's case is not all alone even in the whole of

community, what we saw at Taguig happened the same. Krisma then led Eduardo to the
house of her respective friends.

Alongside the crying woman he met, Eduardo and Krisma saw the devastation inflicted to
the citizens of Marikina City. They saw lacerated dead bodies, mutilated ones with some
that are obviously killed through high powered armaments.

Moments later, the other friends of Krisma approached her and Eduardo. They told
Krisma and Eduardo the same thing that happened to the former's case all devastation and
violence devastated the city.

Larry along with the rest told Eduardo to go to the city hall where Bayani Fernando, the
vice presidential aspirant who is currently resting a bit amidst of the chaos. Eduardo told
Larry that he is also going to the city hall to meet BF to inform him what happened and to
cooperate how to defend the city and fix the mess.

Once they are in the city hall, Eduardo met Bayani who is not in good mood. Bayani
despite being strict, he told them to take a seat and have some brief urgent briefing.

Bayani told them that is how the nation turned into after obsession to power and political
unrest. People wont help themselves all they clinged into are simply the popularity and
charm of the politicians. With these symptoms, it is virtually impossible to rehabilitate
the country. Krisma asked Bayani what about the creatures that plagued the surroundings
and the neighboring cities? Bayani told her thats one thing I cannot give a clear
explanation. One thing the chairman is sure is that oligarchs are planning something nasty
that may proved to be fatal for the future of the country. Bayani then consoled the lonely
lady and told her that he will take responsibility of the burial fee of her children who
were killed by the creatures. He told the lady to stay here as for now to be safe from
harm. The chairman then talked with the TFF and Eduardo about what should be done to
eliminate the chaos that plagued their surroundings and more importantly their normalcy
of their lives. Bayani then led them to a private room to expound even more what really

happened. He told the allies that intelligent sources informed him of some extra
dimensional or extra terrestrial beings that tried to manipulate the country by reviving a
familiar figure through a series of catastrophic events. Eduardo then told Bayani indeed
they are all in grave danger. Krisma asked Eduardo once more, are you ok all alone trying
to eliminate all these creatures? You gotta think Eduardo the situations are even more
dangerous than you can possibly think. Get a life dont go alone! Im doing what must be
done to save your life. Eduardo replied Krisma: Thanks for the advices but my mind is all
set Im going to redeem this country. Larry, Pearl and Patrick told the young man: We are
going with you after all, if we are all left hiding in safety we have nothing to do except to
hide from our fears and to be helpless seeing our country got devastated in no time. If we
are going to stay in a safe manner all we will see is catastrophe in the front of our eyes.
So please Eduardo, we will join you. Let us help each other to rebuild the country out of
these nasty creatures. Krisma asked Bayani where are and how safe is his family. Bayani
told her he had already put them in a safe house that is untouchable by any forces that
may wreck the country. Krisma told Eduardo that she is afraid of what might fate have in
store for the rest of her friends. She then wanted to join and help all her friends for the
betterment of the country. Bayani then said, aha!! How can you destroy these creatures?
You have no weapons? Are you going to convince them war is wrong and invasion is
unethical? If you cannot convince them how can you deal with worst case scenarios?

The allies are somehow helpless in these complicated questions since they are humans,
they can be killed anytime without warning minding their foes are more powerful and
brutal enough beyond their imaginations.

Bayani then told the TFF, intelligent sources, which are my friends have told me there is
a vacant weapon base in Cebu. Larry said Cebu? Thats too far and we are in Manila
since there are a lot of weapons here. Bayani told him Larry, do you want to die early?
You nearly escaped the carnage that is in Taguig then now you wanted to come back.
Bayani said since you are all my foster sons and daughters as former mayor of this city, I
will lead you to a safe airport in Taguig that is, Villamor Airbase. There, I will pilot my
private plane and we will all head into Cebu. Pearl said Chairman then, who will assist

the devastated families? Bayani said, of course the current mayor and my Red Cross
friends. While its not that horrible lets go and come back with a vengeance.

Patrick asked Bayani, how can we be sure that the base in Cebu is a safe one? Bayani
replied I told you all vacant that means not used a lot few military officers and they are
not as violent compared to what we have here. Krisma said Chairman lets go? Bayani
told her not only for us, not only for your brother but we will save all our countrymen.
Larry told Bayani hope you might win the election. Bayani said win or lose we will save
the country. Eduardo told Krisma thats a kind of vice presidentiable we should have.
Krisma smiled at Eduardo. So confident the young woman about her candidate, she
believed Bayani will help them not only fight the monsters but to save the lost ones and
rebuild the country. Bayani led the allies to a city hall coaster and bade goodbye and
wished all care for his constituents. Now the allies are on their journey to a yet safe
Villamor airbase as for now.

P6: The Return of the Dictator.

As the chaos being intensified along the Metropolis and the whole of the archipelago, the
scene in Malacanang, from being a peaceful corrupt ridden palace to a place where the
crucial drama in which will even more ruin the Philippines came to play. The same troops
that haunted the main characters are all marching towards the palace. It is clear these
creatures are not here simply to inflict doomsday scenario. They are all here to herald the
coming of a messianic familiar figure in which Filipinos seemed to hate for decades.

The creatures marched themselves land and air towards the gate of the palace. The
moment they came crashing the gates and destroying presidential security forces, the
president and her cabinets just finished a brief lunch and an emergency conference on
what really happened during the election. They discussed issues like the possible causes
of the chaos with the choices ranging from over hot climate, political intensity and
anarchy. They proposed some valid solutions to the problem yet cannot find ways to
determine the cause and solutions about these chaotic creatures.

After the whole executive officers finished their lunch they have no choice but to
welcome whoever that familiar figure is. All the cabinets waited on the guestroom of the
palace upon waiting whoever leader might emerge.

In a while, strings of these otherworldly troops arrived to the guestroom paving way for
that supposed new leader. After moments, the leader arrived and he is so familiar to the
people and to the executive officers. He is not so farfetched and out-of-this world to the
people after all. It just so happened he got these new armies from the netherworld.

Arroyo gazed to that familiar figure and told them Marcos has arrived. The cabinet
members and important nobilities shocked because they knew Marcos died long ago. Yet
standing at their front is a moving, walking, talking preserved body of the former
dictator. Marcos told the president Im here to get what is mine! Arroyo argued with the
former dictator let my term ends first. Marcos frankly told the president, you did not win
the election. It is a waste putting you here up for another 6 years. Marcos further told
Arroyo that enough of complicating the lives of the people let me return to the
presidency. Arroyo told him yet Im the current president and it is not easy to vacate the
position. Marcos told her maybe aware of her activities people regarded me as a cruel
villain yet what you have done is even worse. First gentleman Arroyo cried to Marcos,
you have no right to tell that to my wife! At least, we do not have many ill gotten wealth
and cronies as you do. Ermita told Marcos, you are a great leader but your time is a thing
of the past. Norberto Gonzales told Marcos, being a president needs a delicadeza. It is not
good on a returning president to demand the position to be back to him. He has to earn it.
The creatures then pointed their guns momentarily stunning the executive officers.

Arroyo bragged that she was not scared of these creatures who pointed their guns on her.
She has been used to different mutinies. Yet, Marcos told her, it is totally different and
the mutinies the president experienced is full of compromise and childs play. Norberto
Gonzales tried to argue even more yet FG told him to stop. Arroyo a bit scared told
Marcos that he is her idol and wanted to instead be a part of the new administration than
stepping down in a near period of 2 months. Marcos grinned and told her she did the right

thing. Because of power, the whole cabinet served the former strongman. First gentleman
Arroyo told Marcos, you are once a strong president. A model of all aspiring presidents
without corruption, now, you are now being regarded as a demi-god. Marcos interrupted
the first gentleman and told him, you are not the first ones to pledge their allegiance to
the new leader. There have been returning allies who will all be helpful to make this
country recover from its near state of destruction.

The executive officers were shocked to see Lucio Tan, a resurrected Former General
Fabian Ver and Danding Cojuangco with some elites repledging their allegiance as a
union with their former lord. Marcos then arranged all persons with them pledging their
allegiance vowing to serve him and follow his wills even to the extreme cases with him
as the new president. Danding told the former dictator what about the almost winning
Noy Noy Aquino. Marcos grinned and said he is too funny and is not even a smallest
threat. Arroyo and her husband because of their thirst of retention to power, they now
cling to the more powerful former dictator assisting him on his quest to save the

P7: Villamor Exodus.

The allies rode a coaster on their way to a yet safe Villamor Airbase. Bayani talked to
them and told them you should be having a leader in order to make things go smoothly.
Larry told the chairman, you should be our leader. Bayani told him I understood that yet,
you among your friends should choose a leader in order to make things even smoother.
Krisma told Bayan, Larry should be our leader since he is the bigger man or Patrick,
because he knew how to handle delicate situations. Patrick told Krisma, No maam, I
cannot be a leader because I almost put your lives in a delicate situation. Pearl with her
grinning sinister smile may be a subtle attack to Krismas possible involvement to
Eduardo said, Larry is a bit lazy. What he had done when we are attacked? All he had
done is to follow us blindly even standing in a stunned mood. Krisma said Oh?? Bayani
said how about Eduardo? Eduardo said No! I dont want to be their leader. Im not a
member of their TFF friendship Im not good in leadership and socializing. Krisma told
the younger man, but you can fight right? At least, all we are going to do is to follow

what you believed is right? Eduardo told her a loner can be disastrous to a group of
friends. Pearl told him How come? You led us to safety. Eduardo said we are not yet in
the most delicate of the situations. Larry said but you can prove to us you can deliver us a
bit. Come on be our temporary leader. After all this mess has been fixed up, we are now
on our separate ways. Eduardo Pizarras said he is not a member of the TFF so trust from
all the TFF members must be needed. Krisma told him, dont be so pessimistic! You
know relationships grow in the long run. We are on the stage of knowing each other
right? Eduardo said, uh huh? Krisma told the younger man hmmm anyway you will not
be the sole leader right? We have parts to play in order to accomplish. It is a matter of
earning and proving your worth. Eduardo said I can do that but I may embarrass all of
you especially to the great chairman.

Bayani told the young man, in order for a nation to prosper you gotta trust on what you
are doing as long you are in the right path. Larry even convinced Eduardo said, I believe
you can do wonders we almost looked you upon as a god when we saw you destroy all
the creatures that kept track on us. Larry further said, TFF affiliation or not doesnt
matter all we see you are the more competent a bit among than us. Eduardo said, ok! I
can be a temporary guest leader but do not misunderstand me of being an authoritarian.
Anyway, Im not the leader who will do all. Im a leader that needed all your part to
make a change. Larry and Krisma simultaneously shouted, YESS SIR!!!! Then, they all
laughed. Bayani said, you should believe in your own power of making a significant
change in the country and told them they are approaching the airbase.

Eduardo inquired Bayani, you all seemed relaxed? Amidst the chaos, the destruction and
the catastrophies, how did you manage to find safe places? By the way chair, where are
your families? Bayani replied they are all safe and thank God, I have reliable friends to
help me in times of needs that kind of friends are the most deserving to have posts in
serving the government. Not aliens, not the oligarchy nor even authoritarian leaders.
Bayani told his friends that they have already arrived in a safe as convenient airbase.

P8: Discussions on the Plane.

As the allies stepped down from their coaster, Bayani introduced them to several friendly
military officers that guarded and handled the airbase complex. Krisma asked the
chairman, despite the mess we are in? How did you manage to get yourself away from
near destruction? Bayani told her he had already explained it to her younger friend.
Bayani further said, in order to get yourself out of trouble, you should befriend some men
in order when a time of chaos come, you can prepare yourself. He said though some are
Arroyo aligned men, not all are as greedy as the higher ranks officers. Most are just
following orders though some are horribly blinded of what the president has said. Bayani
told the officers that they are going to Cebu to find a vacant base in which the allies can
obtain weapons to protect themselves and challenge the new otherworldly authority. One
officer told him that all is ready. They are gladly happy to assist the chairman and his
allies on their road to find their weapons.

Bayani thought they will be all alone with one plane on their way to Cebu. He is stunned
to hear that some military officers are already preparing themselves to assist the allies.
Much more, on helping them on possible negotiate the military officers that resided on
that almost vacant base.

Bayani and the allies gave thanks to the generous officers as one told them, it is
desperately needed or our country will be no more in little time. Bayani asked are they so
sure in assisting them? Since he already experienced how the current government
dumped him on becoming Lakas standard bearer. The military officer told them all that
everything will be under control. One blood for the fight for independence is all they
desired. The TFF said another thank you then, they stepped on the plane and to prepare
for take off.

An officer named Teodoro Macalintal even told them even domestic airports are virtually
incapacitated due to the attacks of the creatures. They are wise and fortunate enough to
use this airport as their first choice for certain exodus. While on the plane, Eduardo asked
his friends again what are their basis of choosing them as their guest leader. Krisma told
Eduardo that she believed in the formers capabilities. He just needed some

developments. Larry told Eduardo that he can fight toe to toe which is sufficient to assure
their protection. Patrick said that Eduardo will not be the sole leader as said right? So he
will be simply leading the way with the others helping him. Pearl said a leader meant
nothing on our context. He just leads the way to what is right and majority the TFF will
do the plan as planned. Pearl added Eduardos fighting skills that made him a guest
leader. Krisma told Eduardo that it will be dramatic to see him grow in wisdom and
leadership. There is the potential yet, not yet fully expounded.
During the next 20 minutes 2nd half of their travel time, the allies again talked about lifes
issues before chaos strucked their hometown eventually, the events back home that
traumatized them especially the carnage in Marikina. Bayani told them all they are soon
to arrive at Cebu. He added they will land at the airbase near that said complex to make
things easier to go in or out.

After the plane landed, Bayani told them they should take a break in a coffee shop near
the military complex. Before proceeding, the plane that Bayani and the TFF rode to Cebu
is not alone. They are being assisted with 2 armed military transport and another charter
plane for the better ranked officers.

P9: Preparations for the Cebuano Base.

As Bayani said that the allies should take a break in the nearest coffee shop near the
military complex, the whole group went to eat in order to gain more energy in the times
to come.

During the break, they talked about how to negotiate the people guarding there. One
officer told Bayani about the danger that heavily plagued Manila and these children are
the ones to get the weapons and fight the evil creatures. Bayani told them that the base is
an abandoned one so it is also vacant how can still be guards out there. Teodoro told him
it is still a base and these times things are not that easy as imagined. He further said that
the officers guarding there are not really mean. They are willing to let you in just be sure
no bad motives like hacking their data. One officer told Bayani more that we can simply

negotiate as is and give permits to these young people and we just wait outside. Bayani
told the younger groups clarifying issues that why the military should not get weapons for
the younglings. He said officers there according to my close confidantes, the officers in
the complex wanted the specific person to get the specific weapon he desired no other
party must be involved. It is simply for the sake of privacy. One of the officers told them
not to worry because if they needed help, they are just outside ready to help.

After the payment of the food, the allies and their military friends proceeded to the
nearby base.

P10: Negotiations in the Complex.

The TFF and their military friends proceeded into the nearby military base. As they
approached the base, the guard asked them what they wanted to do inside and what
motives they have that made them approach the base. Bayani told the guards it is because
Manila and other neighboring provinces are plagued by some unknown creatures.

Marikina was devastated by unknown creatures. The children are traumatized and they
themselves vowed to end these misfortunes. Bayani added I have a friend that mentioned
this awesome base to me and told me that this base stored the most powerful of the
weapons in which humanity more or less never saw and used. The guard said we felt
sympathy to what happened to your surroundings. We will let these younglings to enter
the complex but please remind them do not steal information and data because it is top
secret. Bayani complied.

The TFF made their promise they are only after the weapons. The other guard brought
them to the officer in charge. The officer asked Bayani of his motives getting inside the
base. Bayani gave his reasons such as it is necessary for these futures of this country to
obtain tough weapons to defend themselves. The chairman and his officers are already
contented of their status. All should they do is to support the youngsters. The officer in
charge of the base told chairman just like your friend, he knew how to have a good public
relation with us. He is indeed a great man (Bayanis friend). Bayani and the in charge

officer had a good chat until the officer gave 5 permits for the youngsters have the right
to enter the complex for the weapons. Bayani and the officers thanked the complex
officers and they proceeded again to the entrance.

Bayani and his companions told the TFF to call them in times of need and told the
assisting complex officers to take care of them. The complex officers nodded and one
officer gave permits to each of the young persons.

As the youngsters being led into where the weapons are stored they bade goodbye to the
chairman and thanked him for assisting them. The officers of the complex then led each
of the respective youngsters to a place where their weapons in which they are suitable has
been stored. Eduardo Pizarras was led to a place where the weapon in which the officers
have in store for him has been stored as same as hi allies. They have all puzzles to solve
to get the weapons with the permits now on the hands of the complex officers.

P11: Military Puzzles.

Five of the youngsters are already alone in their respective puzzle room. They dont
know what the military in the complex has in store for them. Some of them trusted the
military because, of its status knew what weapon will suit the TFF. All the youngsters
have to do is to proceed to solve a puzzle and obtain a weapon out of its completion.

Before they entered the puzzle room, they were given a manual each in order for them to
know the hints to solve a puzzle. Of course, answers not included, they should find the
answers themselves. Hints are enough to solve a not so difficult puzzle.

The scene focused on Krisma, she entered a room in which a puzzle has been waiting her
to unveil a weapon which suited her. The puzzle is all about arranging her hospital shifts
in the form of a picture of god that corresponds a particular day in which one of the three
candles should be lighted corresponding AM, PM and Night shifts. Krisma analyzed
them a bit. Since she is not familiar on mythological characters, she knew some and
eventually solved the puzzle by first, knowing the god that represented the day like she

analyzed it through word play and semantics since the name of the god is inscribed under
the picture and lighting one of the three candles per picture of the god that symbolized
her work shift. After solving the puzzle, she proceeded to the secret door eventually she
got her weapon a flying disc with a blaster that fires little discs. Additionally she got a
camera in which she can capture events and put enemies on another dimension.

The scene now switched to Larry Gonzaga, the puzzle is all about military history on a
giant computer. All he should do is to manually arrange the pictures that corresponded a
particular picture of a military history in particular time order. The pictures composed of
the Sumerian battles, Battle of Gaugamela, Napoleonic War, World War 1 trench warfare
and Battle of Corregidor. Larry had a little difficult time solving these puzzles because he
already knew that Sumerians are one of the first cradles of civilizations. He knew that
Alexander is a bit ancient by watching the Alexander movie played by Colin Farell. He
guessed the Napoleonic War is the third because it seemed medieval. He possibly knew
the trench warfare through the movies eventually the Corregidor battle because it
happened during World War 2. Larry saw a secret entrance being unveiled and enters it.
He found a storage that stored a nunchaku and a rifle that comes in handy later on. The
scene goes to Larry on how he is going to solve his puzzle and obtain the weapon
reserved for him.

Larry as he entered the room gazed upon his manual on hints to solve the puzzle. The
military officers seemed to be observing him from beyond even prior to the events
because the puzzle he is going to solve is not as difficult as his friends. All he is going to
do is to observe each of the Pacquiao fights picture and arrange them in a chronological
manner. He done it in an easy way as a key dropped from the machine, he went further as
the clawed knuckles and an RPG launcher awaited him.

The scene focused about Pearl on how she is going to solve the puzzle in order to get the
weapon of her choice. The puzzle for Pearl is all about the Philippine map. All she has to
do is to carefully step on the switch nearing the fragments of a Philippine map on the
floor. She has to discover out the parts of the map from North to South pressing the

switch beside the map if she felt that it is the correct order. It composed of the Northern
Luzon region, Central Luzon region, Southern Luzon region, Northern Visayas, The rest
of the Visayan island, the first bulk of the Mindanao Island and the Southern part of the
Mindanao Island. Pearl carefully walked her way and analyzed the parts eventually
getting all right pressing the main switch with the storage storing the weapons suitable for
her wait for her. After opening the storage, she got the weapon for her that is a self
defense rifle and various medications that may disinfect raging politicians.

Finally, all is focused on the main character. Why he has to solve the puzzle? Though his
weapons are tougher than human weapons, they are not sufficient to defend him from
heavier threats. Eduardo Pizarras was given a manual and being seen by the military
officers as someone special. To the officers, Eduardo is not as so foreign to them
compared to the TFF even the likes of the chairman. He was given a manual prior on
entering the puzzle room. His puzzle is all about key Ezarran events on the life of the first
Raynzeor of Ezarra. He should walked through various rooms carrying wax figures of the
events of Ezarras first Raynzeor and to press a switch inside the room if he thinks the
room diorama is the right choice. After pressing the correct order of switch, Eduardo
must go toward the end of the room to press the main switch to see if the puzzle has been
correctly solved.

The puzzle room is a vertical corridor like room in which it is composed of a series of
rooms. The first room toward the vertical puzzle room is the diorama of Rayn Ezarra
against Anarchy. The second room depicted the Raynzeor against Emperor Hosin. The
third room depicted Rayn Ezarra against his assassin named Hummer, the guy with a
devastating war hammer. The fourth room depicted the Raynzeor against a brain like
being with tons of spiked scythes in its body. The next room depicted the Raynzeor
against against a noble samurai. The last room had him against a large creature with the
Raynzeors allies nearly beaten to death by the latter. Eduardo gazed upon his manual
and read the hints that to solve the puzzle is to enumerate the top 3 main
accomplishments of the Ezarran Raynzeor. Eduardo has no such solid ideas and clues
about the Raynzeor but relied on his deepest sub consciousness to solve the puzzle. After

a brief reflection, Eduardo had the second room on his mind since the Raynzeor beating
Emperor Hosin is a familiar event. The only problem he is not so clear about it. Then, he
went to the fourth room assuming the battle is intense so it must be one of the Ezarran
Raynzeors hard earned victories. Finally, Eduardo finds no significance about the
samurai and the assassin so he went into the last room and pressed the switch in a room
depicting the Raynzeor with a buffed up opponent.

After attempting to solve the puzzle, he pressed the main switch and a secret door opened
up for him. He went further into another set of stairs and opened the storage receiving an
improved version of the weapon he is using. The allies after solving the puzzles, they
went out of the puzzle rooms. They are once again assisted by their handlers and their
respective military officers to meet up with the chairman and his companions.

After they arrived at the exit, Bayani congratulated them while the allies are being
inquisitive and curious of the new weapons they are going to use when they come back to
Manila. Eduardo and Krisma thanked the military officers that helped them get through
the puzzles and the ones who placed and gave them the manuals for the hints of solving
the puzzle. Bayani then, thanked the officers with a warm smile. As the officers smiled
back, they told Eduardo that he is so familiar in their sight and Eduardo replied it just so
happened that many persons looked like him. The officers laughed a bit and bade them
goodbye. The officer in charge told them if they have problems just come back to the
complex and they will offer their help. One soldier told them that they are always on the
side of the allies. The allies simply do not know when these unexpected help might come.

Yet, from the hearts of the people they met at the complex, they are like watchful eyes
that will play major roles when the right time comes. Krisma stared at the waving officers
and observed them as too vague and sometimes she suspected them of hiding something.
She asked Bayani of it and the chairman replied it is just her imagination. Krisma said Oh
to the chairman. Bayani then, told them to take some break and spend the rest of the day
on a resort to revitalize their exhausted bodies. Since, tomorrow will be a day where the

history of the country will change and where freedom is at stake. The allies then happily
jumped because it is so long that they have not gone into a resort.

P12: Cebu Beach Club.

After enduring the puzzles and gaining new weapons from the military complex, some of
Bayanis companions told the chairman that they may not come because they should
guard the planes. Bayani told them let the military officers in the complex take care of the
planes. Bayanis companions said they should be the ones since they are the ones that
brought the planes here. Bayani then said, OK! Just dont tire yourselves and foolishly
guard the plane for all time. Have some quality rest or else you may lose your way back
to Manila. The companions of the chairman then laughed hard and promised the
chairman that they will take care of themselves and might visit the resort the allies are
going in when they have the time. Bayani said do not doubt the military officers in the
complex. They are too good to do evil things. The companions bade farewell to the vice
presidential aspirant.

Back on the coaster provided by the military complex, the allies enjoyed their new
weapons and talked about their schedules before they are leaving mid day of the next day.
Krisma upon examining her weapon, she said it is a bit strange but cool. Pearl told the
others; yeah she enjoyed cool and sometimes weird things. Larry told pearl, a rifle that he
owns. Pearl said we have seen a lot of it last February on a Hot Air Balloon event and
took a lot of pictures with us wielding the weapons. Patrick told the others that the only
difference between the weapons we have and the weapons we saw at the event is simple:
The weapons that we have are loaded. The weapons that we saw at the event have no
bullets in it. And the fact is, we just borrowed them all from a military exhibition for the
sake of picture taking. Patrick then asked Eduardo about his prior experience with
weapons. Patrick further said that Eduardo has ample experiences because he fought and
owned a lot of the creatures that nearly decimated the TFF. Eduardo replied, it just so
happened Im on a self defense mood. Krisma and Pearl exclaimed Really? Eduardo
said Im not a violent person I just defend myself from people who are unredeemable.
Larry said to Eduardo, how deep is your statement? You are comparable to a mystic. All

of the allies laughed hard. Eduardo also laughed hard because he thought his statement is
so cheesy. They discussed quite a lot of things in which grew their bonding moments.

When the bus was nearly approaching the said resort, Bayani announced they can enjoy
the beach until the end of the day but to wake up early for a warm up. Krisma told her
friends that she forgot her luggage. Her friends said, we will simply use a bit of our
money to buy things. Eduardo told Krisma maybe I can treat you poor girl? Krisma told
Eduardo, no it is ok Thanks but no thanks... Krisma said.

The allies upon disembarking followed Bayani checking in and asked the receptionists
whether they are aware of the violent chaos back in Manila. The female receptionist said,
Not all places in the country are on the verge of chaos or maybe Im just focused on too
much work. All I know is that the foreigners who used to populate our rooms are gone.
This hotel and its surroundings can be compared to a ghost house. One politically minded
receptionist told the allies, this is a talk of coercing transfer of power. We may not be
affected as for now but who knows in days to come they will come and get us all over our
dead bodies. Krisma told the receptionists, we will handle them. Eduardo told Krisma,
maybe, you are a tough girl. Krisma grinned to her friend Eduardo. After a few
conversations, Bayani and the allies completed their check in and they are on the road to
their suite rooms. Bayani again reminded them that they can enjoy the rest of the day but,
dont over enjoy because they are still going to wake up tomorrow on the road of coming
back to Manila.

After arranging themselves on their room, the allies in their swimwears wished to enjoy
the rest of the day for the big battle for tomorrow. Unfortunately, there are no boat tours
and scuba divings for the allies. All they are going to do is to take a dip on the beach and
warm themselves in a nearby group of Jacuzzis. Eduardo being alone in the beach
approached by Larry and Patrick, told him, Why are you alone? Have you assumed our
group does not welcome you? Larry told Eduardo that he is their guest leader so he
belongs to the group at all costs. Eduardo replied, he is gazing on the horizon of
tomorrows big battle and he felt it is not yet time to enjoy because of a dangerous day

coming tomorrow. Patrick told Eduardo that he should enjoy because tomorrow might
not be day to end with all of them being alive. Patrick said, you should enjoy yourself in
order to gain energy for tomorrow. Patrick further said, too much worry will cause you to
collapse even before the real battle has not started yet. Eduardo then said, yeah may be
and he joined the TFF for a night swimming and an 8 Oclock dinner with the chairman.

While the guys are eating, Krisma said, Chairman, what do you think about your standing
in the survey and the election? Bayani said I do not know. I hope the people are smarter
and voted for the most deserving candidates. Pearl inquired Bayani about his plans in
case he did not win the election. Bayani said, win or lose, we have done the best we can
to convince the people through our platforms and our accomplishments like we did to
Marikina which gave you promising futures. Whatever the circumstances being leveled
against me, I will continue to help a lot of people and try to make a change on our
community. Larry told Bayani there must be failure of elections because of what
happened back. Bayani replied, there might be partial counting yet for me may the best
man win. Win or lose like I said, will not affect my services and my plans to serve you
all. Eduardo happily commended the chairman of it hard stance and they enjoyed
conversations about life which made the dinner a memorable one. Krisma told Eduardo to
eat more. Eduardo said to Krisma, I dont eat a lot. I simply eat for the sustenance of the
body. Bayani told Eduardo to eat more in order to be stronger for tomorrow. Larry and
Patrick then bought some beer and drank some. Bayani told them not to get drunk or else
the chairman will leave them in case they overslept. Krisma sipped a can of root beer and
laughed as Larry and Patrick have been scolded by the chairman.

After the dinner, the allies went swimming even more from a swimming pool to the
beach. They forged the bond their friendship while having fun in the water until 11 in the
evening. They enjoyed the day despite the earlier part of the day gave them negative
trauma. This time they are enjoying it by bathing in sea water until all of them took a
shower and went back to sleep.

Before sleeping, Eduardo told the TFF tomorrow, their friendship will be put on a test.
Eduardo said, it is not about my leadership, it is all about our cooperation and friendship
that counts that is going to defeat the enemy. Krisma and Pearl simply shut themselves to
sleep. Larry and Patrick played some poker and slept moments later.

P13: Disturb Them All.

As Marcos became the new de facto president of the Philippines through force, the
Arroyos became his lackeys. Marcos went to the command room of the palace just near
the presidential office observed the activities of Bayani and the youngsters. He called
Bong Bong Marcos, his son and a hopeful senatoriable to go to the palace. Upon,
answering Bong Bongs phone, Bong spoke up and could not believe his father came
back from the dead. Marcos then told him to come to the palace in order to prove himself
to remove Jr.s skepticism.

Three hours later Bong Bong went to the palace yet, he is suspicious of the creatures out
there. Marcos then personally met his son with the Arroyos in the guest room of the
palace. Bong asked Mike what happened to his Nacionalista presidentiable Manny Villar.
Mike said, we do not know! It is bad to accuse someone who is not yet prove guilty.
Gloria told Bong Bong that she is not responsible of Villars disappearance. Bong Bong
asked his father if he is responsible. Marcos said; People who learned not to be careful
are always doomed. The ones who are good in making new enemies and heavy liars will
not last long. He should endure the scrutiny of the people. Marcos even sickly said, from
overpricing house projects, road controversies, black propaganda, lying about being poor
despite not a plebian in younger years, Machivellian electoral schemes and corruption.
He further exclaimed who wanted these kinds of persons to live long. I assume its almost
none my son. Marcos then told Arroyos to leave them as Father and son are on their way
to a hidden command center in which door was perfectly hidden just beside the
presidential library.

Marcos and Bong, as they arrive to the command room, the latter asking what made his
father breathe again. Marcos said, son, it is a long story. I even do not know who made

me live again. Maybe, I was resurrected by the spirit of mother country to let me lead the
country again out of corruption and poverty. Bong in a face of skepticism asked his father
about the ugly soldiers. Marcos told him they are here to cooperate with us all in
rehabilitating our country. They will help us restore the glory we once had even
surpassing our perfect standards long ago. Bong Bong then asked his father what he is
planning to show him. Marcos showed him the youngsters and a sore loser vice
presidentiable Bayani Fernando. He further told his son. His detractors increased and will
not stop until he is dead again in the grave.

Marcos used his reasoning ability to convince his son that without him the nation will be
plunged into chaos. There will be no progress without him as president. He tried to
convince saying that his detractors will not only be on a road to kill him but also to
destroy the whole Marcos family. Bong said; they are only youngsters that cannot lay a
hand on high profile persons. Father, your detractors are all high profile persons! Bayani
is not even a first or second tier high profile person. He is an average politician! Marcos
told Bong that if he is not convinced fully, he should use the presidential plane to track
these youngsters down and see it for himself. Marcos said to Bong; either death of your
family or to terminate the TFF youngsters for good. Bong said, for the sake of family
safety, he is going to check them out.

Marcos suggested Bong that he should get his armor first and the necessary weapons to
defend themselves in case, the allies became hostile and resistant. In which, the president
has already prepared what to bring for his son. Bong tried to text his mother and sisters
yet upon turning on his back, Bong felt streams of energy disturbing his nervous system
as the new president put a spell on him to blindly follow his orders. Marcos, upon his
sons departure said, with my detractors getting rampant, you will not see the light of this
country again. Remember that the detractors is simply all about killing me, that includes
you, your mother, sisters and even your closest friends. Bong with darker aura bade
goodbye to his father and will carry out the plan as planned. Danding saw Bong dressed
in his armor and wished him luck. Danding told him he is doing what is right for the

countrys future. After equipping himself, Bong and his group of new troops, rode a
presidential war plane to test how strong are these youngsters!

P14: Enter the Prince.

The allies had a nice sleep. Pearl and Krisma woke up earlier among the group. They
walked through the sands and swam a bit. Bayani greeted them to have a nice and
invigorating morning before putting themselves in a life changing situation to come. The
chairman told them to budget their time and dont forget to wake their allies up in case,
they overslept.

Back in the room, Eduardo woke up and warmed himself up. He took a shower and he is
all ready for the adventures to come. Some of the allies companion soldier knocked at
the allies room and wanted to talk with Eduardo or whoever allies who woke up.
Eduardo is open for a conversation and talked with the soldier. The soldier then, put
words of warning because intelligent sources told them that the same creatures that nearly
plagued the allies have been following them. The officer added that the creatures along
with its captain even managed to track them down. The creatures leaders perceived them
as threats. Eduardo was alarmed and took some effort waking up his other male allies.

Larry and Patrick had a hard time getting up yet they just took a hot shower to fend off
drowsiness. The soldier said he will wait for them outside. He just gave them time to
prepare and fix their mini luggages. Since their new weapons are not allowed in the hotel,
Bayani gave the weapons to the military officers he contacted while in the hotel and to
give it to the allies after departing themselves from the hotel. The soldier led the boys to
the hotel restaurant as Larry called on to his female friends to get ready because they are
departing soon.

While they are taking their breakfast, the soldier discussed them the extra terrestrial
soldiers have taken the allies track and will stop on nothing just to secure the security of
their leader. Eduardo said, just as I predicted, we are safe as we once assumed. They will
continue to follow us especially they saw me humiliate their intimidations. The soldier

said; the military base where the planes are being prepared is being heavily guarded to
protect the allies plane and their little convoy from intruders.

After a while, Krisma and Pearl are already prepared for departure went into the coffee
shop and asked why it is so urgent. The soldier told them it will not be a happy departure.
They must depart immediately because they are doomed just in case; they delayed and
encountered these reptilian soldiers. Krisma said, it is more dangerous than we have
expected. She said, I saw the chairman and he seemed to be a little frantic. The soldier
told her that the chairman is currently preparing the coaster and getting all the weapons
for the possible encounter just in case. Pearl said to Krisma, desperate reptilians! They
seemed to be many and the only thing they are so concerned is all about these ordinary
youngsters who, do not even knew how to fight proficiently. Krisma replied, maybe we
are special She then said, joke! Eduardo said to Krisma, it is serious! There is no joke
time especially this moment of crisis. Patrick told Eduardo to chill down and they will be
prepared after eating some hearty breakfast. After the breakfast, they checked out of the
hotel and awaited the coaster that will bring them to the plane for departure.

Upon their departure, they asked the driver of the whereabouts of the chairman. He is
supposedly joining them most of the time. He should be leading them especially this kind
of event. The driver said, chairman has become a bit frantic and the last time I saw him,
he is all focus and preparing something for the worse. Eduardo said that chairman
Fernando is one of the best kinds of father figure politician out there. Pearl and Larry
said, yeah he is, if he do not have these qualities, Marikina will not become into a city. It
will still be a swamp land. Krisma told Eduardo to tour him in Marikina after the smokes
have been cleared.

While they are traveling, they stopped a moment after meeting another military bus. The
military officers inside told them to get inside their bus. He gave them their weapons for
a possible skirmish. The girls seemed nervous as Eduardo told them they should not be
nervous. The boys are there to protect them at all costs. The other military bus then told
the other driver to get in to the base and they formed a little convoy.

All is set, after they stepped in to the plane, they are now on the road to clear things up
for the country. Eduardo warmed Krisma up. He told her that fear alone cannot solve
problems. The more you avert and escape it, the more it will pursue you. Eduardo told
Larry and Patrick, this country is not for the weak minded. It is for the strong that is
willing to take the risks to serve those who desperately needed help! Eduardo said to the
driver, it is a blessing you are our driver, you are serving those who will fight for
independence. I shall include you on the list that shaped the country. He further added
that heroes are not limited in history books. They can be found anywhere. They need not
limited to overseas workers. They can be even found even inside this small vehicle.
Heroes are simply those who are sincere in serving the country and fighting for the right
cause. He then announced all inside this bus are heroes. Patrick said; Eduardo, are you
juiced up? Eduardo replied no my friend, principles must be the first thing to remember
in dealing with situations. Krisma said, Eduardo did you dream an inspiring dream?
Eduardo replied, a bit but that has nothing to do what to say today. He said, valiant
conquerors unleashed their battle cries that led them to victory. Pearl then told Eduardo to
calm down yet, it did not negate the intensity inside the bus.

The allies and soldiers who assisted them then sprouted a battle cry that made the bus
frantic. The scene goes into the abandoned military base. Unfortunately, the reptilians
and the slave master soldiers arrived and had some skirmish with the vacant bases
officers. Some of the chairmans companions are also trying to fend off the intruders. The
reptilians then, overpowered the base officers and killing many of the chairmans
companions. The reptilians then hacked their way inside the complex and made the
complex a burning spire. As the buses nearing the arrival site, they saw the military base
they are in the previous day was reduced into a burning spire. Eduardo saw his allies
becoming a bit nervous and cheered them up. He told them that nervousness will not help
them. It will make things even worse. Krisma told Eduardo she has no fighting
experience. Eduardo exclaimed it is a matter of fighting or being enslaved by inhuman
races and oppressive means. Larry told Eduardo he may be a brawler but he is not yet
ready for other worldly creatures. Eduardo consoled Larry that the former too is
incapable of fighting. It is principles that counted for the fight for independence. Eduardo

then remembered what Gordon and Bayani told the Filipinos. He paraphrased it to the
allies to believe in themselves by not giving up on adversities.

As Gordon saw the hidden potential among the Filipinos, Eduardo expounded them to his
allies for a warm up. Eduardo said, Filipinos are like the x concept in mathematics, when
used wisely, they possessed unlimited potential. He further told them he had read one
blog that wrote Filipinos today have potentials yet, they bragged first even without
proving it. What Im showing to all my friends, is the notion that Filipinos have all the
potentials. They should only believe to make it happen. No, it is not arrogance it is a
matter of self confidence. Krisma said, I may be familiar with that phrase. I once had a
discussion with an online friend about the difference between arrogance and believing.
She said, so familiar, I just cannot remember. Eduardo said, I know you are a smart and
brave woman. What we are doing is not about ourselves. It is serving the nation, saving
her from evil influences. It is a matter of being a hero deep within your hearts. As the
allies stepped down from the bus, Pearl complained that the plane is not yet here. Krisma
suspected Bayani that he might betrayed them all. The soldier told Krisma and Pearl to
calm down. Eduardo told the driver to leave them and head safely back home after he had
returned the bus at the complex. The driver went home after he and some assistant
soldiers quickly parked the bus. The other bus was parked safety by a soldier driver.

Moments later, they noticed there are other worldly planes. They seemed clear that the
base has already been invaded and destroyed in order to lessen the threat to the new
dictatorship. Eduardo felt the soldiers are on their way out enjoying themselves in the
midst of their desecration. Eduardo ordered his friends to be ready for a skirmish. He told
his friends to focus and do not let fear let their guards down. Eduardo said that fear
cannot deliver you from a situation that already happened. Fear cannot get you out from a
situation you are already in. There is no turning back now. As the evil troops came
crashing their ways to the exit, they are already pointing their guns to the allies and their
friends. They told the allies to hand their weapons down to the ground. The allies
partially let their guards down. As they approached the allies, some creatures cornered
the allies on all four corners. Eduardo whispered them to focus, be on your guard at

anytime and surprise their opponents. Krisma and Patrick instead of fear dominating
them they felt they arent afraid anymore. Eduardo told them to act when the timing is

After calculated psychological warfare, the allies opened their weapons attacking the
reptilians. The soldiers managed to hold off few creatures with Eduardo slashing them
back and forth. Krisma used her dimensional camera to seal a significant portion of them
to the unknown. Pearl being protected by her two friends threw some melees that finished
few of the evil soldiers. Patrick used his RPG to blasts some of them. The companion
soldiers threw some grenades that kept the rushing soldiers at bay. Eduardo then helped
Krisma side by side to assist her killing the additional slave masters. After the bloody yet
epic encounter, the allies celebrated a bit yet, a presidential war plane cut off their
moment of victory.

P15: Unhappy Departure.

As the presidential war plane touched the ground for a landing, there are still creatures
that come rushing to the main characters. Krisma sneaked behind Eduardo and used her
flying discs cutting off the remaining creatures. Eduardo said, Krisma, be careful you
may also harm the person behind you are sneaking with. Eduardo said even more, Im not
a trench wall to be used as a means for warfare. Krisma replied; what a bad tempered
person he is! Pearl suspected her friends are having a potential relationship. Eduardo told
Pearl to stop it and there is no time for unnecessary moments.

With the plane door lowering its stairs, there is silence as the allies are awaiting for
judgment day. They were shocked to find out it is Bong Bong Marcos with a group of the
same creatures that attacked the allies. Krisma asked Bong, is that the senator we are
going to vote and put him in the higher house? Bong said, voting me for a seat in the
senate meant not much to me. After all, the elites are going to overpower me since Im all
alone and we are few challenging them. Krisma replied, hmmm, really? I thought you are
a man of your word. You told us in your ads that you will ensure our progress through
cooperation yet, you are cooperating with these ugly creatures. Bong replied her, little

girl; it is something before the uncertain election. There are things that you cannot get
even you tried your very best. Eduardo interrupted them said, what you are up into? I
thought you will carry on the legacy of your father in a nice way. What you have
become? You are now puppets of such ugly creatures. Bong replied, do you think my
father is not a nice man? I see you assume him as a corrupt politician. Eduardo said, I just
told you to follow what your father did especially he contributed a lot to the country.
Please remove the later part of his reign ok? Bong further exclaimed; your ego is too
much! You are one of my fathers detractors! He is right. This whole country is
influenced by evil forces. They exaggerated the evil done by my father in fact, the
succeeding administrations are proved to be incompetent more or less corrupt! Eduardo
told Jr. Yes! He is right about the succeeding administrations. Yet, he is wrong assuming
his father is perfect. Eduardo further told Bong Marcos that, facts cannot be erased. His
father is also corrupt at some point with many cronies. Bong Marcos almost got into a
boiling point. Krisma asked Marcos of what he is saying moments ago as if his father is
living. Bong answered the girl that Marcos is indeed the savior of the country.

The truth behind the misconception of referring the troops as creatures is totally wrong.
Indeed, they gave Ferdinand new life and new energy to rule. Larry said to Bong,
another, imaginative mumbo jumbo. Bong said to Larry, if it is pure imagination then,
you should be relaxing back home. Yet, all of you are caught in a crossroads. As I see in
your eyes and your body language. He laughed hard and concluded indeed, they cannot
accept the new president in town. Bong Bong provoked the TFF by telling them. Without
a verdict, you are a group of detractors that wanted to destroy my father. Krisma
provoked Bong even more said, we gave chance to the former president yet, he is too
sickly to rule. He let all the decisions making switched on to his wife and generals. If he
is going to rule like that, I do not know. Yes, he is a great leader. Possibly, the greatest
president we had yet, the later years of his reign are his terrible shortcomings. Bong said,
the elites escaped with his wealth. It is an insult to father who in his death bed told Laurel
to distribute the so called wealth to the people. It is the president of that time who
hesitated instead wanted to see Tom Cruise. Pearl said; yiheeeeee!! Tom Cruise, he must
be hot! Bong told her to keep her mouth shut. He said in a taunting mood that they will

soon see how his father was reborn and became stronger than ever imagined. Eduardo
said; Marcos you wanna fight? Krisma told Eduardo to behave and stop. Bong taunted
Eduardo and laughed, like my fathers detractors they must die or another 3 decades of
deceptions and holier than thou attitudes might prevail that can plunge the country once
more. Bong laughed and told the allies to prepare themselves because for every detractor,
their fate is sealed. Thats certain death!

Bong called another set of creatures to attack the allies. The allies stepped back a little
and blasted the creatures with Marcos assuming these are not ordinary critics of the
Marcos family. Another set of creatures are beginning to descend from the plane and
Bong told them to back off and he alone will handle his fathers detractors. The allies
then stepped back fired torrents of ammunition on Bong since Bong is ready to attack
them. Eduardo advised his allies to prepare for a close quarter combat. Bong is too fast to
be hit by a bullet possibly, some augmentation made for him by his fathers new
technological advances.

Bong simply rushed to the allies with the others confused not knowing what to do.
Eduardo then tried to block the sword striking skills of Bong Marcos giving ample time
for his allies to equip themselves. Eduardo said, quickly! Equip yourself and prepare
yourself in case, I cannot hold him off. The allies then tried to help their leader with
soldiers entering the complex to clear off malignant creatures. Bong was too strong
occasionally disarming Eduardo in a swordfight eventually, poking Eduardo on his right
leg and the edge of his waist. Eduardo then found an opening on Bong, striking him on
the shoulder which stunned Bong Bong. Bong then countered Eduardo disarming him

The TFF members also tried to challenge the Marcos scion yet they were overpowered
shortly after. Yet, they did not stop until Bong kept himself at a distance not intentionally
killing them but scaring them through throwing electrical propellers. As Krisma tried to
approach the scion, Marcos is ready for his propellers to cut the young woman off. As the
propeller approached Krisma, Eduardo got his sword and jumped off to save Krisma.

Eduardo reflected the propeller though he suffered minor lacerations. Bong advanced
himself to the TFF leader but Eduardo fought back a good fight. Eduardo found another
opening and stroked Bong straight into his armor yet Bong grinned and he shook his head
as if he did not suffer a clean hit. Eduardo was about to strike the scion once again but
Bong activated his barrier with his friends with horrible expressions. Bong managed to
toy with Eduardo punching the TFF leader rapidly until Bayani made the saving call.

Bayani unleashed firepower from his newly mounted plane directly to the scion. Bayani
said, Bong Bong is a waste of vote and is more evil than his father had ever been. Bong
told Bayani, they are almost out. Bayani fired even more with Bong grinning at the
MMDA chairman. Bong is about to unleash his propellers to make the TFFs return to
Manila impossible. Bayani madly unleashed heavy power to the scion. Krisma and Pearl
unleashed their weapons to Bong not on the intent of finishing him since he has a barrier
but to distract him enough from harming Bayani. Patrick fired 2 RPG rockets to make the
barrier gone. Yet, there is no effect! Eduardo even though exhausted bravely engaged
Bong in a sword fight until Bong got bored and admitted he did not intend to finish them
all because an easy destruction will simply spoil what they wanted know and witness
back home. The allies seemed pissed of his psychological intimidations planned to attack
him for him not to return whoever lord he is serving. Bong then unleashed his propellers
though not hitting the allies at least, stunning them with grounded electricity. Bong told
them all, after so much psychological traumatic effect physically and mentally back
home, thats the only time they will all be disposed. Bong then laughed hard. He told
them they posed a bit of a challenge but falling short. Eventually he sped his way back to

The soldiers after exploring the ruined complex along with the remaining officers saw the
TFF injured. They brought them to their clinic. At first, they put the dose of fire that is
consuming the patient bed. Eduardo was brought there with Pearl putting the medications
and ointments on Eduardos injured body parts. Bayani said to Eduardo; they are hell
bent on destroying us. They are now clear of the fact we do pose some threats on them.
All Im certain, we are not ordinary threats. Marcos should be a bit afraid and shocked as

for now. Krisma thanked Eduardo for saving her from being mutilated. Eduardo told her
she is welcome and he might fail to do it in the succeeding encounters. Yet, he will try his
best to avert them from trouble. Larry told Eduardo he fought valiantly and may improve
as the journey progressed. Pearl told Eduardo next time, it will be the younger Marcos
that will be put on a stretcher. All of them laughed. Eduardo told all his friends, it is so
early and yet so many things have happened. Krisma said, it is just a part of what may
happen the whole day. After Eduardo finished his medications, he was brought to the
plane and was advised by the medics to rest. Eduardo replied them, when threats come, I
will be forced to move to save my friends. Patrick told Eduardo, we will handle all of
them. Like you said, there is no turning back. We already accepted our duty to save our
country or to die in a dishonorable manner.

All the allies now healed went out of the hospital went back to their respective vehicle.
The extra soldiers drove the vacant planes left by the creatures. It can be a boosting factor
to help them fend of these high powered technological threats. Bayani before departure
for Manila, he called his friend for additional assistance. He told his friends to watch over
them and assist them if necessary. He further confidently said, they are already tested in
front of many dangerous situations. This crisis like all many things too shall come to
pass. Krisma and Pearl talked to Eduardo while on the plane about what they have done
while fighting the younger Marcos. Eduardo told them, they did well in the fight and in
the next encounter, it will be Marcos who will admit, he is serving the wrong
government. Eduardo said, he is such a waste as for now. Krisma replied to Eduardo, do
not be too pessimistic. We can get it all straight. Once we are experience on our weapons
he will be out. A waste of vote because from a promising Marcos scion to a papas boy if
he is resurrected. Eduardo said to her, let us spare some words. Lets talk on our next
encounter with the Marcos scion. Eduardo then chatted with the TFF as Pearl put another
set of medications for the wounds to heal faster since, it will not be the last time for
Eduardo to be in the middle of a bloody encounter.

P16: Plane Conversations.

While in the plane, Bayani observed Eduardo and asked if he is ok? He even told him to
postpone the fight for independence. Eduardo seemed not in a strong hood seemed
declining the eventual fight for independence but said it will push through. Krisma and
Pearl are worried about his injured status. Pearl asked him if he can move his arms.
Eduardo told Pearl he is alright and will have no other choice but to defend his friends in
case, they needed to. Krisma and Pearl left Eduardo for a while, while Bayani sat beside
him and talked with him about what motivated him to fight against the evil that plagued
the country. He asked Eduardo about how he thought to do these things. Is it for own
gains or for selfless means? Eduardo replied Bayani about the latters questions. Eduardo
replied; it is since 2007, I have been aware of our politics. Before the midterm elections, I
went with my family to China and Hong Kong. I once thought our country is an average
country after arriving to the other country, I saw how backward we are. After I went
home, I observed the election and observed how the bureaucrats are doing to pocket their
own interests. The poor are many yet the rich are neither sharing their wealth nor helping
the poor. It is all about this corrupt government. Sorry to criticize your former boss. Im
just telling you the truth sir. Bayani said, I understand. How blind am I aligning with the
president who used every means to deceive and steal from the people? Eduardo told
Bayani; Sir, maybe most of them yet, you are not included, your track records and
sincerity spoke for themselves. Maybe, it is just simply blind loyalty. Anyway, after you
are dumped from the LAKAS party list, I think it is a blessing in disguise for you. It is
the intelligence and will power of Senator Gordon that inspired me. You are not into
empty promises. You are so realistic providing a solution. Bayani told Eduardo, thank
you young man. Eduardo said; no problem. Im just being objective sir.

Krisma approached the two men and told them you all have a nice conversation may I
join a bit? Bayani said, young lady, you are welcome in this little forum. Krisma told
Eduardo, you are not really ordinary. You are different from your contemporaries. The
only thing I dont like in you is that you are a lone wolf. Eduardo replied; I dont have a
faction that does not mean Im a loner. I knew a lot of people. He further commented, Im
not alone you know I have the TFF to lead for the fight for the country. Bayani said, well,
did you vote Eduardo? Eduardo told Bayani that he did not vote since he did not have the

motivation that time to register. He told his listeners, the choices did suck until
Transformers Bagumbayan party list came in to the scene. Eduardo said, Worry not
Bayani, Transformer advocacy is the best in town. Bayani thanked Eduardo and told him
to rest in order for his injuries to recover.

P17: Volcanic Zip Lining.

Marcos back in Malacanang stared at the screen of his command room. He saw the allies
are on their way to the metropolis. He was convinced these youngsters are not ordinary
youngsters. They are dangerous once their capabilities are realized. Gloria asked Marcos,
whats the problem? Marcos told Gloria the youngsters are on their way to the Metropolis
to seize them from power. The former First Gentleman then approached the president
informing him. A powerful volcano in the Bicol region just stopped its activity months
ago. He asked Marcos if his new technological friends have a disaster activating
machines. Marcos replied; Why? Mike Arroyo then told him the powerful eruption will
halt the quest to seize us from power. Marcos analyzed about the idea and tracked the
main characters. He approved, as it is the right time to unleash barrages to their plane.

Gloria stared into the screen and told Marcos, BINGO!!!! Let us cripple the planes oh
lord. I rather end up as one of the slaves of the palace than go out face multiple charges.
Marcos told Gloria, my pleasure! He proclaimed, let us cripple these intruders. Gloria
told Marcos, Bayani is a sore loser. He pretends to fight for independence in reality; he
just wanted to be in a higher position. Marcos called his troops and officers to arrange the
eruption of Mount Mayon. While they are above the Bicol region possibly in the
Camarines areas, the plane monitor received information signals from nowhere and it
showed Gab Lopez and Manny Pangilinan with Danding on the background. Bayani went
to the cockpit to converse with these elites. Gabby Lopez told Bayani to call on the TFF.

After the TFF approached to the monitor, Gabby Lopez in a mocking tone asked if their
sacrificial victim has any relatives on board. He showed the current status of Gerry
Marcelino. Krisma told Lopez that she is Gerrys younger sister. Lopez then replied, your
brother is a great engineer and he can be crucial to the rebuilding of the country as we

envisioned. Krisma told Lopez to set him free he needs rest. He has no business dealing
with the oligarch in all of his dirty activities. Lopez replied, sorry dear, you should be the
one to come here and set him free. We are not dumb to have an asset removed from our

Danding told Bayani, Bayani abandon these useless conflicts! You and your allies are a
hindrance for this countrys future! Look at us, working day and night to rebuild this
fallen land! Bayani told Danding, over my dead body! Eduardo approached the monitor
and told Lopez to hand back an innocent skilled worker. Manny Pangilinan told Eduardo
that he is just another stupid boy out there. He added thatt it is ironic that greatness is a
curse at times. Lopez told the TFF, to make things clear, here is the address. After the
address has been taken note off. Lopez bade farewell and told them they are going to
receive a present in which they will not forget. The screen faded out with Krisma sporting
a worried look. Eduardo told her, we will save Gerry. Thats why we went to get
powerful weapons to defeat these elites. Krisma said, Eduardo, how can I repay you?
Eduardo replied, with your brother safe, we will all be happy ok? Pearl told Bayani, these
elites have gotten richer and never learned from their mistakes. Bayani told her that
ignorance is not an excuse. These elites are educated men from ethics to morals, yet they
do not care about ethics if they conflicted their vested interests. Patrick said; materialistic
elites must die as they do not deserve to live at all!!

While the characters are reflecting a bit, a violent rumbling and sound rocked the plane.
The pilots checked of where the sound originated. They found the plane is going to crash.
Bayani asked what hit the plane. The pilots answered sulfuric and magma pyroclastic
rocks seriously damaged the plane. Pearl told Bayani that they are all to be blamed by
that sick new administration. Bayani called his friend to offer assistance. His friend told
them to land in Tagaytay near a volcano while the plane can still fly. Bayani told his
friend, where to meet. His friend replied he is going to send some troops to assist them
and will await them in the volcano.

Bayani trusted his friend and ordered an emergency landing in Tagaytay. Upon reaching
Tagaytay the plane brutally gave up as the allies prepared themselves to jump out from
the plane in a parachute to reach the solid ground in Tagaytay ridge. The pilot sadly died
along with the plane crashing into the lake. Couple of planes which included the officers
and some creature war plane did not make it alive to Tagaytay. The chairman and the
TFF are all alone to find their way to find some means in order to safely land in the
metropolis. While they are on solid ground, Bayani saw Taal Volcano but not the Taal he
used to admire when he and his family were having an excursion. The Volcano the allies
are now witnessing is a sentient and a violent volcano that spits many lavas and volcanic
rocks. Eduardo analyzed the violent personage of the volcano and provoked it to attack
them all. All of the TFFs told him dumb but Eduardo told them to trust him and equip
their weapons. While taking care of the volcano, Eduardo told Bayani to go in the Zip
line station and use whatever engineering skills he has in order for them to enter the
volcano. Eduardo heard the chairmans friends plan of meeting inside the volcano. At
first, Bayani got angry and called his friend of putting all their lives in danger. His friend
told him to trust on himself and the TFFs abilities, they will do some wonders that will
be memorable to the TFFs. Eduardo saw Krismas dimensional camera and told her to
use it more frequently especially crucial moments. Bayani a bit angry went into the zip
line station and activated the switch that will quickly pull the zip line measures.

The TFF followed the chairman for a better vantage view to challenge the raging
mountain. The battle starts as the volcano unleashed barrages of lava blasts and
pyroclastic comet like rocks. Eduardo Pizarras told his allies to equip their weapons since
it will be handy especially, in this dangerous situation. The TFF risked their lives
analyzing the pattern of the volcano. After the volcano repeated the same attack all over
again, they managed to blast it with futuristic weapons. As some TFF members hid from
tougher buildings to surprise the volcano from nowhere. After dealing significant
damages to the volcano especially from Krismas discs, Eduardos unique energy
unleashing sword and high powered weapons, Eduardo said to Krisma, to blind the
volcano through her power fighter dimensional camera. She pressed the camera as if she
is taking pictures that blinded the volcano stunning it through efforts of dimensional

energies. The allies then told the chairman to press the switch and quickly equipped
themselves zip lining accessories. As they crossed from the ridge to the raging volcano,
the volcano somehow spew some violent rocks and lavas in which one of the TFF
member zip lining rope caught in a fire. Bayani told him to cross faster before the ropes
give up. Pearl just used a mini extinguisher to put out the fire. Eduardo told them all to
cross quickly while the volcano is not that violent. When they are almost arriving to the
summit of the volcanos head Binintiang Malaki a.k.a. fake Taal Volcano, the volcano
rose again and luckily the allies got their way out as their zip line ropes burned which
will kill them if they are slow. The allies with the chairman traversed the depth of the
volcano and eventually found a hangar inside the volcano. Krisma was surprised about
that. She asked how could that happened? A hangar made inside the volcano? Larry then
speculated may be the Korean controversy he guessed? Bayani said; dont waste your
time thinking about that. The most important thing to think of is to how to get out safely
from the volcano. The allies pushed themselves deeper as they found a better and bigger
plane which will carry them back to the metropolis.

They entered a plane in which officers are awaiting them. After all of them got inside, the
allies are shocked to find a more complete form of transportation. Inside, it looked like a
luxurious plane complete with medical assistance and tougher security. Bayani went to
the cockpit and asked the pilot how they got there. The pilot answered, sir, it is a long
story. We just ordered by your intelligent friend who has connections with some other
worldly technologies and they constructed a hangar here. Bayani replied, my friend is a
unique man. He is too smart for an average Filipino. His actions as if premonitioned, I
just do not know a rational explanation for it. Bayani then continued asking of how the
pilots got here so as the medics. The crew replied they used something similar to what the
allies used to stun the volcano and to penetrate to its deeper regions. The only difference
comparing to the allies, these soldiers made the volcano like a helpless wild boar. Bayani
lowered his jaw in amazement. The pilot told Bayani to go to his respective seat as they
prepare themselves to get out from the volcano in a stunning fashion. The pilot added, we
risked our lives ordered by your friend for the sake of excitement and paramilitary

As the plane prepared to take off, the nose of the plane made a drill like sound piercing
its way out from the torso the volcano like a jack hammer. The allies are amazed to see
this unique military technology.

P18: Project Marcelino.

As the allies rode their new and improved plane, they are amazed of what new
technology their plane really has done especially, piercing their way out of the maddened
volcano. Bayani then asked the pilots whether it is ok for them to go to the address the
chairman gave them to save the brother of one of their friends. The pilot crew told
Bayani, no problem; it is where we are really heading. As the plane turned itself, Larry
saw the volcano collapsed back into the lake as it suffered from a devastating injury made
by the plane. Eduardo said to Krisma, it seemed we are heading to that so called electrical
complex in Quezon. He further told Krisma that to relax and his greatness is not a curse.
Krisma was consoled and thanked her friend of calming her down. She loved her brother
so much and she will be so devastated if failure to rescue him happened. As the plane
headed for the power plant complex in Quezon, the crew noticed some resistant creature
planes and some airbus planes converted into war planes attacked them. The crew simply
kept some at bay and managed take down some smaller planes.
Pearl discussed with Larry about the motives of the elites in kidnapping their friends
brother. Pearl said, the elites knew no remorse and ethics just to get what they want.
Larry replied, they will soon learn their painful lessons. They will all realize money
cannot buy anything including principles. Patrick joined the conversation and reflected
that all the stakes are against them. The real state of the nation is revealing itself along
their journey. The nation itself is not democratic as it promised the people during the first
Peoples Power. The lives of the people are always revolved along the snares and
clutches of the elites as Patrick further added his ideas into the conversation. Eduardo
chatted with Krisma about taunting elites and told her they must pay dearly. Krisma told
Eduardo violence is not always the solution. To save her brother is her priority Krisma
said. She added, the elites should be put into rehabilitation. Eduardo courteously
disagreed that these elites have no hearts and will not think twice to realize their folly. He

added, if the elites attempted to sabotage Gerry, I will be forced to end their lives just to
save your elder brother. Krisma replied, it is too early to assume. All answers will be
realized as we started to disembark.

As the allies saw the silhouette of Mount Banahaw, they believed they are already in the
vicinity of Quezon Province. The allies then saw they are nearing of a large power plant
as their plane temporary landed on a broad land just outside of the huge complex. Bayani
announced they have arrived at the address given by the elites. He told them the crew
cannot be in error because it is only one of the few power plants in the province and the
place they landed is owned by Meralco and believed to be the biggest in the province. As
the allies disembarked the plane, Eduardo then said to Krisma, calm down my friend, we
will get things right. Your brother deserves to be safe and live in peace. He deserves not
to be a slave of the elites but to the service of his countrymen in better ways. Pearl told
the worried Krisma that everything will be fine and soon, they will be reunited after days
of busy work days. Larry and Patrick consoled their drinking buddy in case the elites
wanted to snatch him out, they will beat the elites and even risk their lives for Gerry to
live. Eduardo then said to his allies, either we retreat or face our destiny in strong ways.
The allies went to the entrance of the power plant along with Bayani with some of the
crews. Bayani negotiated with the guards that the allies came here to visit one of the
friends family member. The guards as ordered by the elites, allowed them to enter the
electrical complex. Eduardo asked himself, is that a trap? Yet, he felt confident that
everything will be settled before he continues to progress his journey to the palace. He
whispered to Krisma, we will get your brother out in no time and taunt the elites
themselves. Krisma laughed and told Eduardo he is too funny. She told Eduardo to
behave and be serious a bit. Eduardo nodded as they made their way to the power plant
maze until they found the girls brother held unto a string of wire robes just in the front of
a large billboard.

The billboard went on and the allies saw the taunting elites again. Lopez said; what a
great family reunion! He mocked the allies as he put a handkerchief pretended to be
touched by the family reunion. Gerry told Krisma to ignore these elites. They are all after

vested interests. They simply pretended to look at the peoples welfare but they are not he
added. Gerry said, they simply pretended to look at peoples welfare by one reason, to
work for them even more unquestionably. Lopez then told Gerry what a bad employee he
is. He does not know the word respect. Lopez added, it is a waste for him as a graduate of
engineering yet, knew not to serve his nationalistic masters wisely. Gerry told Lopez and
Pangilinan that their status being oppressive gods of the masses will soon end. Lopez
said, really? Lopez then ignored the ignorance of his employee. He said to the allies we
are after the skills. About the personality, that is the first step. Later, you should
compromise personality especially it does not goes with the flow of the nation. Eduardo
said to Lopez, all his statements are vague. Pangilinan said to Eduardo, this will be a
good show. Bayani said to Lopez, freedom in the country is just a myth. Cronies are
pretending to help the people in fact of the simple fact of supporting a presidentiable
candidate. Lopez told Bayani to shut up. He then told Krisma, you are going to see your
brother alive, one last time and I believed I have put a great show. He mocked the TFF;
you thought you will get an action movie scene of saving the hostage and beating up the
captives. The Lopez exclaimed, HELL NO!!! This is reality and I assumed you cannot
separate the gaps between reality and fiction. Danding told the TFF, the time has come to
have your own movie scenes. What is not certain is that you do not know if it will be a
happy ending or a tragic ending. Lopez before the screen turned off, told the allies that
this is what happened to people who knew not respect to the authorities and whose ego
has gotten over his duties. Eduardo shouted, it is a matter of objectivity thats why you
elites suffered an objective and piercing criticism!! Lopez said to the younger man,
instead of babbling in a foolish manner watch your back always. The allies then lost
contact of the elites as creatures with some presidential troops surrounded them. Eduardo
told Bayani to stay at their back to be safer. Eduardo then quickly dispatched half of the
number of the creatures eventually, with the TFF blasted these creatures out of their
miseries. As the smokes have been cleared, Krisma told her brother that they will bring
him down to safety. Gerry then told Krisma, it is too late. The damage has been done
unto me. Krisma questioned, what do you mean? Gerry told Krisma, they have put
something unto me like an implant to make me work for them even at the risk of losing
myself. Eduardo told Gerry, we will get you down just be patience. Gerry told his sister,

Krisma, I love you but things must go on. Eduardo said what do you mean? Patrick told
Gerry to wait and they will combine their efforts to make rescue easier.
Although Gerry seemed appreciated with the allies proposal, he lost himself and
transformed himself in a bizarre creature. A creature in which it composed of Gerrys
torso with some engineering implants on his body. He seemed to be a hybrid of a man
and a group of construction vehicles. Krisma then cried of what had become of her
mother. Pearl and Larry consoled her and told her to be strong. Gerry told the allies that
he had lost his humanity. The Gerry the allies conversed with is the last vestige of his
humanity. As Gerry sporting raging eyes with weapons sprouted all over his body, Larry
told Eduardo and Krisma that he will assist the chairman out for safety. Pearl said to
Krisma, Krisma Im a bit sorry, but I should assist our chairman in order for him to be
safe. Eduardo told Krisma not to worry that her battle is his battle. Patrick being the big
man told his friend that we will set him straight. Despite a battle provoking form Gerry is
sporting, Eduardo decided not to fight the brother of his friend.

Despite the devastating weapons and the threats Gerry has been projecting, Eduardo told
Krisma we too should run outside and not fight inside this dangerous complex. Patrick
agreed. As they try to make their way out, Gerry unleashed his best weapons yet because
of the immense danger he is posing, Eduardo told Krisma to run for the exit and he is
shooting Gerry on the purpose of slowing him down not killing him. The pattern is all
about Gerry attacking the TFF with Eduardo momentarily slowing him down only to
settle outside to be free from electrical damage in which will possibly kill most on the
inside. Eduardo told Krisma and Patrick to be careful with Gerrys wrecking balls
because it can be his most damaging mood. Patrick told he will protect Krisma as they
are aware of the dangerous weapons Gerry was attempting to damage them. Eduardo told
Gerry to go back to his senses and he is not like that prior to this scenario. Gerry attacked
the TFF with inhuman glare and aggressiveness. As they are nearing the exit, Krisma and
Patrick managed to reach the exit door with them moving a little farther to be safe.
Krisma told Eduardo to put some efforts and he is almost done. However, the wirings that

are affected by Gerrys massive body fell into the TFF leader. The allies watched in
horror as the entangled TFF leader will be a live meal for the engineering terror.

However, Gerry remembered the vestige of his last humanity. H reflected the services he
has done to his co workers and countrymen. He put some efforts to free the TFF leader in
which the latter made success reaching the outer limit. He tries to remove the wirings
which he and Eduardo are trapped. The crane part of his body accidentally hit the wirings
that connected the terminal or a reactor which in fact, stumbled to some of the electrical
connecter ports. It made his body caught in fire. As a result, he was electrocuted in a
violent manner. Krisma wailed on what has become of her brother as her friends consoled
her again telling her to be strong. Eduardo then touched the back of Krisma, in order to
calm her down. Eduardo reflected for a moment that the power plant incident is one of
the symbols of the negative effects of the elites mistakes. The power plant incident
according to the mind of the TFF leader is an incident in which the exploitation of the
elites to the masses reached its zenith.

P19: Sacrificial Lamb.

As Gerardo Marcelino lay dying, Eduardo approached him and said; the elites are
ultimately evil! They used the future leaders of this country by exploiting their potentials.
They should be punished! He continued, Gerry please, be strong! Live for your sister!
Gerry replied him, he did the right thing. Someone must die in order the people to be
motivated even more to fight what is right. Krisma approached her brother and told him,
Shut up Gerry! You will live and we are going to bring you to the best hospital. Gerry
replied to his sister, he is contented of what he is now. A lifetime of exploitation was
simply gone by one act of redemption. Eduardo said to the fallen engineer, Yes you are!
You are the man I salute you. There is still hope for you to recover from your injuries.
Gerry replied to Eduardo and Krisma, no it is ok. I already accepted my fate.
The great engineer thanked his sisters friend and his sister respectively. He said in his
last words; dont be sad, the most important thing you gave me is simply being present on
these times of difficulty. Im glad we reunited and you are all along at my side till the

last. Krisma told her brother that it is not yet over for him. He will live and recover. He
will live on and forget the pain he is at right now. Gerry as he almost losing
consciousness told Krismas friend, thank you, you made me realized though Im not a
fully human that time, you made me awaken the vestige of my fading humanity. Thanks
for everything Eduardo, Krisma and to the friends who assisted your way to save me.
Eduardo, you are a great man please take care of my sister. Please take back the time
when I did not make up for her. Im happy I sacrificed my life for the sake of a great man
like you. Now, I can rest from the difficulties of life, may my spirit watch you achieve
victory over the elites to see the future of our country, Goodbye! Gerardo Marcelino died
peacefully in the arms of the TFF leader and beside his beloved sister Krisma. Krisma
wailed and cried cradling his dead brother. As she wailed in sheer agony, Eduardo told
her that he instead should perish and not Krismas brother. Eduardo cursed the sky and
shouted, why this innocent man? Why should the persons who do not deserve to die, die
first? Why should our loved ones must perish first before good can win over evil? Bayani
approached the TFF leader and consoled him until the TFF leader calmed down. Eduardo
told Krisma that he instead must die and he ruined a great family. Krisma was
approached by her friends and they mourned the death of someone they too regarded as
their own sibling. Bayani and a calmed Eduardo gave time to his mourning friends. After
they gotten over the death of a beloved brother, Bayani approached the TFF and asked
who should be done to the body. Krisma told Bayani, she does not like to see his brother
die like this so as in the wake. He should be cremated and his ashes will be put on an altar
for the wake. Eduardo in a sad expression told the others to postpone the fight for

Krisma saw Eduardo walking out as a failed man. Eduardo reflected about what
happened in the power plant complex. He is nothing more than a man filled with
vengeance and anger dominated by guilt. Once again, he witnessed how the elites killed
their own employees with this is the most violent one he has ever seen. The allies brought
the body of Gerardo Marcelino and cremated him with honors. While the body is being
cremated, Krisma called her relatives to announce the death of her brother. Her family
was shocked and rushed into a nearby cemetery in Taguig for a possible venue of the

wake. Pearl asked Krisma if it is ok for her to let her friends know what had happened
and Krisma herself contacted her friends for the service.

During the wake, the family went to the front seat with some, gazing in the front of the
urn feeling deep sadness. Eduardo, a man filled with guilt admitted to the family he is the
reason why Gerry died. The father of Krisma punched the TFF leader straight to the face
with Bayani trying to stop a possible trouble. Eduardo stared blankly to Krismas other
brother and the other brother just felt sorry for him nodded his head. Krismas
grandmother was taken care of by Pearl by giving her cold water with Patrick and Larry
trying to calm her down. Eduardo walked out of the chapel with Bayani staying a little bit
to console Krisma.

The TFF leader went out and reflected in the midst of the night sky. He told himself. He
is always the bad guy. He is always who takes all the blames. He is always the one whom
everybody is always angry at him even with no reasonable causes. He then in a bit insane
mood asked himself. Is he the one who destroys relationships? Finally, he asked himself
again whether he is the one that always causes the troubles of others. Krisma went out a
little with Bayani looking at them at the background. Krisma told Eduardo, the questions
you are asking yourself do not apply in this time of bereavement. Krisma told Eduardo
the reason why he was punched by her father is because of the nature of his approach.
Krisma elaborated it pertaining to the state of her family in a state of shock the moment
Eduardo tried to reason out with her father. Krisma just told him, it is a matter of his way
of approaching people. Eduardo said to Krisma, I have caused the death of your beloved
brother who wanted to live to make up his time with you. He continued to Krisma, you
must be very angry with me. You can do everything as you please. Krisma told Eduardo
she is not angry with the TFF leader. She began to understand it is being noble that
caused the life of her brother. Eduardo replied, perhaps, I must send you all back home
safe. I was simply causing all the troubles you had. Im just harming your innocent lives.
Krisma replied, that is not true, remember what we said in Cebu to cooperate and work as
a group to end the strings of chaos. Eduardo replied to his friend, the decision is still up to
you. Krisma then walked away as Bayani received a phone call. Krisma as she walked

away told Eduardo to move on and reflect on the TFF friendship. On that reflection, he
will know the answers that he is not alone who is being tormented by the night sky.
Bayani received a call from his friend. Bayanis friend called the chairman and the TFF
leader for a midnight conference of the coming battle for independence. The chairman
courteously replied not to attend because of the mental anguish of the TFF leader.
Eduardo heard the conversation and agreed to attend the midnight conference for he
believed the conference would be crucial on the battles days to come. While Bayani and
the TFF leader pushed through the midnight conference, Krisma and the other TFF
members stayed behind to entertain friends and relatives who plan to come to the wake.
Later at the wake, Krismas friends from her pharmacy years visited her to express their
condolence to her family. Krismas friend Esther went home from Macau to reunite with
her friend and to console the sad young woman. Tarsier, one of her schoolmates during
her years in the University of Santo Tomas sat beside her and talked with her great
moments with her brother. Her officemates from St Lukes Medical Center visited the
wake of Gerry Marcelino to mourn a great man and to empower a grieving young
woman. Pearl and Larry are so happy to meet their friends despite, their heavy work
schedules. Esther told Krisma to go outing with her in order for bad things to come to
pass. Krisma replied to Esther, she agreed only after things have already been settled.
Krisma smiled to her friend and told her friend not to return to Macau so, they can be
with each other just like their years they spent at the university. Tarsier embraced Krisma
and told her to be strong as her brother will not be happy seeing her sad. Krisma thanked
all her friends of their efforts to be with her in times of bereavement. An unexpected
visitor visited the wake was none other than Senator Richard Gordon. Gordon sat beside
Krisma as her family approached the senator and they shook hands with the senator. The
senator offered strong and encouraging words to the family. He told the family to be
strong and be vigilant against the corrupt oligarchy. Gordon continued his consoling
words in which he told the family that he admired how strong Krisma is in dealing with
times of tragedy. Krisma told Gordon he is her presidentiable and she will be so happy if

the senator won the presidential seat after all electoral precincts are counted. Gordon
smiled and compared Krisma to a vigilant citizen who will do everything for the country.

Like people who never backed down fighting for what is right. Gordon then bade
goodbye with the family because he has an appointment with some important persons
discussing important issues. As Gordon went further out from the site of the wake, he
went inside the van being accompanied by convoys for the meeting. Surprisingly,
Eduardo and Bayani are inside the van with the senator. After some minor chats, they
departed for the conference that will be crucial as the journey for independence comes in
days to come.

P20: Funeral for a Friend.

The wake lasted for almost two days as the family prepared themselves to lay Gerry to
rest near the site of the wake. Bayani went back to the wake as it is the last day of the
memorial service to empower the family in order for them not to plunged themselves into
pessimism. The family told Bayani not to let that TFF leader to come into Gerrys burial
for they do not want to see the face of their brothers murderer. Bayani tried to negotiate
and explain to the family that it is Gerrys decision to redeem himself from his misery.
Bayani applauded Gerry for not giving into the demands of the evil elites. He told the
family that Gerry is a great man and is worthy to have gun salutes in his burial. The
family wanted a simple burial and politely declined Bayanis suggestions. The family
advanced their reasoning that Eduardo should not be allowed to pay his last respects as it
may provoke trouble in the time of extreme sorrow. However, they did not totally
rejected Bayanis suggestion of disproving Eduardo as Gerrys murderer. The family
just made it clear of their reasons. It is all about giving them peace to grieve for the last
time and to avert possible emotional troubles. Bayani humbly nodded and wished the best
for the mourning family. Krisma asked the chairman for she has not seen her friend
Eduardo. The chairman told her that Eduardo was not allowed to the burial ceremony.
Krisma, deep inside knew the reasons made by her family. The chairman asked her,
where is your mother? Krisma replied that she is working abroad. She cannot easily go in
and out due to the work contract. The country of her work is strict in immigration

matters. Bayani replied and inquired, cant she simply go here to mourn for her son?
Krisma replied, Oh. I just called her and we both cried as we talked to each other. Maybe
sometime, she will be back here to offer her prayers for Gerrys soul. Im afraid as for
now that it will be a tough time for her to go back here. Maybe she will not concentrate
on her work. It will inflict a devastating impact on her concentration that might cost her
job. Bayani said, but Im sure she is feeling deep sorrow right now. Krisma replied that
she is a strong woman who has gone through a lot of things. She will simply be
devastated seeing the remains of my beloved brother. One thing more, due to the
immigration matters and sorrow, we may simply be distracting her from doing what she
worked hard for. As Krisma cried, Bayani consoled her as Krismas pharmacy friends
approached her and grieved with her. Ehrick told his friend, this will come to pass. I
know you do not deserve what happened. Yet, God has a plan for everything. You may
not understand due to being emotionally down. Yet, there will be a time you will
understand why it happened. Krisma thanked Ehrick for comforting her in this time of
need. Ehrick told Krisma to be strong just like she is when she is working as a pharmacist
enduring bad tempered doctors and clients. Pearl said to Krisma, I know far away, your
family is too mourning. Immigration matters as you said made presence a hindrance but
what we are going to do will change their perceptions. Krisma told Pearl that Eduardo
told us to stay safe from trouble. Pearl in her sad expression, if that is the case all we
should do is to inspire him more and wish him the best.

Esther approached Krisma and Pearl told them she had talked with someone with a
similar dramatic tone as whoever their friend is. She said, that friend of yours may be
dramatic because he is misunderstood. Let it pass a bit and he will return into his happy
ways. Krisma replied, you cannot be so sure. Every person is different. Esther told
Krisma to consider her words as the former has been through these kinds of persons.
Larry approached them and told Ehrick that they are supposedly to fend off the corporate
criminals who exploited the fallen warrior. Ehrick told Larry to stay put. Instead of
planning on fighting the elites, be realistic be in a moment of peace. Let us pay our last
respects to the great brother of our dear friend. Larry replied, you are right may be we are
so self centered. Ehrick told Larry nothing wrong about your selfless desires to change

the country. It is all about respecting the departed. Ehrick then approached Krisma telling
her they will have an outing or a tour after all has been turning out well. Krisma replied,
it will take time to be ok and Im looking forward to it. Ehrick smiled. Esther suggested
Ehrick to tour them in his hometown. Ehrick smiled, approved and said to them,
whenever you are ready.

Back in Malacanang, Marcos is resting at his office thinking about his next plans for the
country. The cronies approached them and told him they had destroyed the allies
mentally. Marcos said to them, great work my honorable corporate allies. I see you are
now resorting yourself in a sophisticated way. Hmmm, I do not know you are good in
grilling them. Lopez told the dictator, you see what I have done to my employee. I took
advantage of his talents and used it against his loved ones who are now mourning him.
Marcos said, that is sufficient for bringing them down even to the threat of disbanding
themselves. Manny Pangilinan told Lopez, what you have done even crippled their so
called patriotic leader Bayani Fernando. I told you Lopez, no one posed significant
challenge that will bring our interests down. We are after rebuilding this cancerous state
so, whoever wanted to challenge us deserved to be punished and die a heartbreaking
death. Lopez replied, thats life, you cannot get anything you want. Loved ones come and
go and no doubt a painful moment in ones life. Mr. Arroyo approached them and told
them, the poor who wanted to make change are the ones who are stupid enough to
disregard the consequences. All the poor had done nothing but complaining. Marcos told
the First Gentleman, Mikey, they are middle class not poor. As for now, we may
celebrate their significant descent into the abyss yet, we must not totally underestimate
them. It is through over confidence that made villains defeated at the end. Mike told
Lopez, you know we nurture our employees as if, we are their own fathers at work yet,
their egos got beyond them and treated us someone to be deeply hated. It is a duty to
punish those who are unethical. They treated themselves as gods which in fact, they are
less than ordinary persons. Danding listened to Mikes statement and grinned told the
others that the farmers in his backyard did the same thing that is why they always pushed
themselves into deep trouble. He continued that if the farmers followed what he ordered
them to do, there will be no Hacienda Luisita massacres. Marcos a bit ethical at this time

told Danding that he should treat his farmers fair and they deserved to have some part of
the land. Danding told the dictator, I hope what you said may not put a form of animosity
towards us. There are no alternatives it is between starving and obeying orders. Im very
sorry to say that to you. Danding continued, those who think they are gods but they are
not something they think of themselves are horribly grim and deluded beyond
imaginations. The farmers do nothing but to work for the welfare of their country. Lopez
told Marcos, the farmers are the ones causing the troubles. After the damages have been
done all they do is to accuse their bosses who seeked the farmers own welfares.
Additionally, this world is ironic isnt it? The ones who helped are the ones who are
thought as villains. Marcos nooded telling them for decades he has been slandered by the
oppositions to advance their vested interests. Danding said to Marcos, what are your next
plans? Marcos replied, to console the fallen heroes I shall order some bouquet of
flowers to their fallen brother. It is to remind them it is not simply about family matters.
It also symbolized by the fact, the whole country is mourning losing a great talent. Lopez
said; let this be done to cover up the true story behind it. Let us portray it as if it is an
accident. An accident caused by foolish means.

Bong approached his father and confirmed the allies he clashed during his inspections at
the vacant military complex in Cebu. He validated that the allies who wanted to bring
down the new president are not ordinary youngsters as they seemed to be. They can fight
and they are believed to have been financed by his fathers detractors. Marcos seemed in
an alarming mood. He said to his son to bring these flowers at the funeral with the
younger Marcos preparing himself to ambush the allies in order, they would join the
fallens soul to the afterlife. Bong then accepted his fathers plan for him without
questions. He told the president and the cronies surrounding him to witness how good he
is in demolishing one of the presidents threatening conspirators. Manny Pangilinan told
the younger Marcos to be careful about his actions because he may not be doing
according to plan. As the younger Marcos heading to his quarters in the palace, on his
way to his place of rest, he met a young but unknown heir to another important clan. The
young scion told the younger Marcos, be careful of your every move. Marcos asked the

young man of what he meant. The young scion told him simply to be careful or else he
could not return alive.

The scion accompanied by a military officer who acted as his major domo told him not to
make mistake. The officer continued as the younger Marcos fading from the scene told
the young Marcos to make ample strategies before tackling a dangerous situation. Marcos
simply shrugged off the proud major domo and went far into his quarters in the palace.

Going back to the site of the wake, the TFF asked Bayani of the whereabouts of
Eduardo. Bayani told them he is not allowed to pay his last respects to the one who saved
his life. Pearl said to Bayani, Im sorry sir. Krismas family is solid on their decisions. All
we need to do is to let them mourn in peace. Patrick told the chairman that Eduardo
should be present to prove his sincerity to disprove the familys bad conception of him.
Bayani replied to them, I should respect the decision of the family. Bayani said to them it
is a tiring day and they all have not almost slept to regain their energy. As morning is
nearing, priests came into the wake and prayed for the eternal repose of Gerrys soul. 3
hours later, the urn was carried by the family assisted by funeral staffs to the site of the
burial. Eduardos friends have not seen their friend even at the last moments leading to
the funeral ceremony. All they do is to march themselves to the burial site. After a priest
recited verses pertaining to Christian funerals, a convoy came into the scene bringing
flowers to express their mourning. Krismas father approached the convoy and asked one
of them about their motives and from where they came. One of the men told Krismas
father that the flowers came from the president and his staffs to express their mourning to
a great countryman. Krisma angrily approached the men and told them they will not
accept flowers and condolences from murderers. Krismas other brother told her to calm
down and told her to accept the flowers but not necessarily disregarding their atrocities if
they have done it indirectly. Krisma wanted to argue but she restricted herself. Esther
said, Krisma, they may have done wrong to you yet, you should accept their expression
of grief even at this time only. Maybe, this time the staffs are sincere or we can say the
evil men behind might be hypocritical but the staffs are really saddened seeing the sights
of the dead. Krisma replied in a whispered manner, Eduardo might be accused as for now

but I have seen the whole scenario. It is the damning elites that made my brother die in a
painful manner in which he did not deserved. Esther shed tears hearing her story as
Krisma wiped the tear away from her friends eyes. She just said; do not tell this to
everybody, it is only for the two of us. I know that you can be trusted as my friend
through all these years. Esther assured her she will not tell the story to anybody she
encountered or befriended. Krisma thanked her as the convoy saluted the soon to be
grave of the fallen man.

The convoy eventually left with Eduardo on their sight, simply not a distance away. As
the urn has been stored to its burial niche, the family paid their last respects along with all
their friends with the funeral staffs put a finishing touch. The priests then ordered the
family to pray all together for the eternal repose of the mans soul. Senator Gordon with
some friends went into the burial site with him apologizing to the family that he is late.
The family then told him that it is ok for him to be late since he is too busy with his
works and conferences. Gordon just promised the family to hunt down those who are
responsible of exploiting and eventually engineering the death of their son. Gordon
whispered Bayani that Eduardo is present but not near the vicinity of the burial site.
Bayani smiled a bit and felt some relief as Eduardo continued to protect the sanctity of
the ceremony from the elites despite the TFF leader being shunned by the girls family.

P21: Round Two!!

As Eduardo turned into a nearby tree and reflected of what he had done that cost the life
of a great engineer whose services that will benefit the country in the days to come is cut
by a relentless force known as death. Eduardo saw the hypocritical new administrations
convoy left the funeral scene. Eduardo opted to stay a little bit more beside the tree. He
felt some forces wanted to blame him even more as one creature nearly cut him in half.
Thanks to his reflexes, he managed to cut the creature down. Another creature shoots him
with silenced high powered rifle for the TFF not to hear and intervene, it almost hit
Eduardo. The creature ran further because of Eduardos relentless desire to destroy that
creature. As the creature paced its way, two creatures attempted to hack Eduardo at the
back yet their efforts are futile. The creature then taunted Eduardo to chase it. The TFF

leader chased the creature until he was surrounded yet again. Eduardo destroyed the
creatures yet again, one by one in a swift effort. The creatures may have thought he is
tougher basing it to the TFF leaders emotional intensity adding his guilts, problems and
even dilemmas. A bunch of creatures then tried the hurl a gravestone to Eduardo but he
sliced the stone and cut that creature in half. He fought even more with intensified fury
until most of the alligator like soldiers with some slave masters are down in a lake of
blood. The peaceful environment of the cemetery turned into a place where fury and
blame reached its heightened intensity. Eduardo heard a familiar voice and saw Bong
Bong again. Bong said to the TFF leader, you are not ordinary type of youngsters. Do
you want again to be defeated like you and your allies suffered back just outside of the
remnants of the once military complex? Eduardo replied, I see the bully in you. You
think this will be an easier skirmish since Im all alone? Marcos replied, maybe! So far I
see this will be easier as I lay the finishing touch on your stupid rebellion. Eduardo told
Bong that he is all afraid to his fathers detractors. Bong bragged that his father is the
greatest ever leader of the country. It is a huge mistake to slander him into dust. He
continued by saying he only kills the ones who are unredeemable. Eduardo replied that
the facts are clear; your father cannot sleep well until all of us have been annihilated.

Eduardo taunted Bong to eliminate his leader like Bayani because the chairman is a much
more high profile politician than an ordinary youngster like him. Bong told Eduardo,
dont deceive me! I already knew you are special among your peers. Eduardo replied
seeing Bongs expression. He said to the younger Marcos, you once planned to humiliate
us in front of the cronies eventually finishing us off. Why your plans made a sudden
change? I assume both you are your father already realized that the only thing for us to
stop is simply moments after your downfall. Bong replied to the TFF leader, be careful of
your words! Being emotionally unstable can make you lose concentration of your plans.
Eduardo told Marcos that it is tragic to see you wasted a lot of efforts just to test us only
barely escaping with your life intact. What now if I became stronger huh? Bong told
Eduardo that the latter similar to his fathers detractors should receive punishment and be
illuminated in order to know the truth that they have always eluded. Bong Bong talked
about what they can do especially most allies who left his father suddenly acknowledged

his authority yet again. Eduardo told Bong that the cronies only seek after their own
interests. Bong then told exactly!!!! He then stroked Eduardo without a notice. Eduardo
however, defended himself from the power of the younger Marcos. Marcos told Eduardo
that punishing all detractors externally and internally is essential for the benefit of the
new administration.

Bong pressured Eduardo inside and out but the TFF leader showed his fury and
aggressiveness evading all the toughest strikes of the younger Marcos. Bong Bong now
made use of his advanced fencing skills trying to slice his way to all the openings made
by the TFF leader. The TFF leader countered all the toughest sword strikes made by the
Marcos. Eduardo made a leap to try finish off Bong but Bong countered him by slashing
Eduardos torso as he is opened after being stunned a little. Eduardo landed with a huge
gush on his torso. He even taunted Bong to be consistent or else he will be buried right in
this same cemetery. Eduardo then aggressively threw himself into the younger Marcos
and the two fought aggressively till Eduardo saw an opening cutting off Bongs armor.
Bong said to the TFF leader, it is simply my armor that is cut. Eduardo then stroked
Bongs thigh rapidly, lacerating his right thigh. Bong retreated a bit coughing up blood.
Eduardo saw this as a sign that he was severely injured. He rushed to Bong with the latter
countering him heavily slicing a chunk of the TFF leaders mid section. Despite being
bloodied, the TFF leader made his pattern of seeking holes in Bongs defenses.

After Bong made his first move, Eduardo quickly saw the opening and slashed like mad
stunning eventually destroying the armor of the younger Marcos. He exposed Bong too
who was heavily bloodied. It is just that his armor is covering up the injuries he endured.
Bong then stroked Eduardo again in the brows which made him a bloodied youngster.
When Eduardo was stunned, Bong started grinning as the propellers once used to disarm
and injure the TFF. Now it is the TFF leader who will be the lone target for Bong Bong to
almost assure his victory. Bong Bong taunted Eduardo, is that all you got? Rage and guilt
did not make you stronger. You even became worse just because of that. The Cebu
challenge was tougher as I admitted yet you lived. This time, you will die and join dear

Bong Bong enthusiastically hurled his propellers unto Eduardo, the latter managed to
deflect most of them but the succeeding ones lacerated the shoulder of the TFF leader.
Bong laughed as he feasted and toyed his opponent He now wanted to strike the TFF
leader one last time to finalize all their grievances towards each other.

The Marcos scion is warming himself for the final blow as he wore his barrier that would
protect him from all the threats his foe put on the table. Marcos equipped his barrier as he
is approaching the TFF leader and plan to use his destroyed body as a gift to his father.
He told himself that in the encounter in Cebu he let them lived. Now with him alone, as
their leader will die first! He smiled as his barrier will prevent him from damages that can
be made by the TFF leader. Marcos prepared to rush into Eduardo planning to leap over
him to cut him into halves. Eduardo nearly totally incapacitated due to the electrocuting
propellers, summoned his fighting will that at the end of this battle he will redeem
himself from his previous tribulations. With Bong Bong leaping into the air, Eduardo
pretended he cannot fight even more with Marcos assuring himself a tragic finish
delivered to his opponent! Eduardo then carried himself out despite incapacitated to go
along with the rage of the Marcos. The TFF leader empowered his sword as Marcos
stroked the aggressive TFF leaders torso diagonally reaching his right thigh while in mid
air. Eduardo reached the Marcoss head a little higher and stroked it swiftly as he landed
on the opposite ground collapsing. Even down, Marcos bragged that he finally destroyed
the rebels leader. He assured himself of victory after seeing Eduardo Pizarras crumpled
in the cemetery grounds. Marcos found out that it is the barrier that saved him from
certain death. The creatures assisted their prince to their vehicle heading back to the

While the creatures are healing Marcos, Marcos said, he brought another psychological
warfare that will finally cause the downfall of the ambitious youngsters along with their
ambitious elders. Moments later, cemetery staffs saw the bloodied TFF leader and went
for help. The staffs informed the chairman and the allies about what happened to the TFF
leader. The chairman told Gordon to call for an ambulance and some aids as the allies
made their way to the spot where Eduardo is lying in a mortally injured state. Krisma

while she rushed to see her friend, she also called St Lukes Global City to save the life
of her leader friend. As they approached the area where they saw Eduardo partially
unconscious, Larry approached the bloodied friend and asked him what happened,
Eduardo in a faint voice told Larry the creatures even followed them all even in the midst
of the funeral ceremony. Patrick asked Eduardo of the identity of the one who is behind
this violence. Eduardo replied him that Bong Marcos seemed to have stalked all of us
until of all us are dead. I just fought him with both of us in a near critical condition.
Krisma said to Eduardo, you are not in a near critical situation, you are dying. Eduardo
replied her, thats how someone despite all the blames and guilt had somehow redeemed
himself. Krisma told her friend, NONSENSE!! You are not thinking this time are you? I
used to believe that you are the most competent one yet, you made your own downfall by
being over emotional. Pearl said to Krisma, he just wanted you to heal him. You should
heal the wounds of his heart. Krisma told her friend, the ambulance is ready to bring him
to the hospital.

The father of Krisma just nooded his head and Eduardo shouted at him, without me you
will all die!!! I just saved you all from imminent destruction. The other brother of
Krisma just felt sorry of the TFF leaders emotional anguish. Gordon approached the
family and remarked about the actions of Eduardo. He told the family that youngsters are
sensitive human beings. They should be comforted instead of being shunned. The father
replied, I do not know senator. All I know he needs maturity. He is smart yet, he is too
one dimensional. He is powerful yet, he cannot be calm in times of difficulties so that is a
great waste on the part of the younger man. As Eduardo Pizarras being brought to St
Lukes GC, he talked in a faint mood telling all the people pushing him to the operation
room to fasten his healing so he can bring the dictator down. The doctor rolled his eyes
and told him he should relax and what he wanted to do is so unrealistic. One colleague of
Pearl told Eduardo to stay put as everything will be fine. She then told Pearl that the TFF
leader is not physically and mentally stable. One nurse injected the fallen TFF leader a
dose of tranquilizer to calm him down. As Eduardo has been brought into the operating
room, Krisma and Pearl talked about the horror they saw in the cemetery. Krisma nearly
concluded she is the real cause of the death of her brother adding Eduardos instability.

Pearl told her to stop all of this nonsense. She told Krisma it is the dictatorship with the
collaboration of the elites that spelt the end of her brother. Pearl continued talking to
Krisma telling her that being too sensitive and onion skinned feelings led Eduardo to flew
into a rage eventually throwing himself into many creatures without our help. Patrick
then approached the two girls and said, Eduardo is not the same as we used to know him.
He can be unpredictable during difficult times. The roads are all destroyed.
Transportations became even more difficult even from the cemetery to this hospital.
Travel is difficult not to mention it is so easier even though its a pain in the back during
the pre Marcos 2 era.

Larry approached the friends and told them let us go to the cafeteria and drink some
bottles so problems can be lessened. Krisma agreed but politely disagreed with Larry to
drink heavily as problems cannot go away by sheer drinking. Bayani with some Red
Cross friends asked the doctor about the status of Eduardo Pizarras. The doctor said to the
chairman that he is heavily lacerated in and out. Admission may be until nearly a week
for his safe recovery. Most of our friends told each other that he may not live long but we
are already seeing a miracle. The metabolism and his healing rates are uncanny. Bayani
and the doctor stared each other blankly for they believed the state of Eduardo at the time
of admission is already a near death on arrival state. Krisma after some drinking, she
returned to ask the doctor of the status of her friend. The doctor replied that he is safe
from life threatening situations. Thank God that his recovery was indeed a miracle even
with our technological proficiency left the situation unexplained. He said; we are going to
apply him some ointments and bandages. A short while, we will be going to transfer him
to the room you have checked in. The chairman thanked the doctor for saving the life of
their friend. Once again, the chairman is regarded as a model father like figure politicians
in which future politicians should simply not act as merely men in power but also human
beings par excellence. The incoming political scene will surely look upon him as an
The doctors companion told Bayani, we too should be learning so much of what you
have done to your friends. Bayani thanked the doctors for saving an anguished life. The

other doctor said, doctors too must be a father like figure to give confidence and
inspiration to patients who are battling dangerous diseases. The old doctor told the other
doctor that doctors too must act as a father like figure nurturing the future aspirants by
teaching their skills not only medical matters but to intrapersonal matters as well.

P22: Confinement and Conspiracy.

Bong Bong Marcos went back to the palace alive. Like his rival, the TFF leader, he is
also laden with serious injuries. Marcos asked him, what happened to you my son? Bong
replied, father, it is all nothing. Nothing happened to me as Im still alive in the prime of
my health. What I already know that I stroked my rival dead lying in a pool of blood. The
allies have lost their beacon of hope, none other than their powerful oversensitive leader.
All they can rely on are to weaklings like that loser Bayani! Marcos told his son, you are
a winner already in the senatorial race. You should not be looking like that to the hungry
public. Bong said to his father, I can fix everything all by myself. Marcos then
approached by Gloria telling him the pride of his son had gotten the better of him. Gloria
expanded her statement that overconfidence and bloodhust will spell the mistakes for the
younger lion for days to come. Mike told Marcos that his son acted differently more
resistant almost similar to the first time we encountered him after the chaos upon entering
the palatial complex. Marcos told the first couples that young Bong Bong knew how to
handle himself. He after all has all my genes. My genes are all about being great that can
stand the test of all trials of time. There is no Marcos who is dumb enough to be deceived
by the elites. A true Marcos is an epitome of a great leader. Lopez passed by the president
and told him that he who is weak in emotions, engineers his downfall not too soon. Lopez
continued; psychological intimidations made detractors fight each other eventually
distrusting themselves ruining their conspiracies to hinder our countrys progress. Marcos
told Lopez to dispatch his media men to check on the whereabouts of the allies. Lopez
obeyed the president as he prepared to check out the whereabouts of the people whose
lives he had ruined.

Manny Pangilinan suggested Marcos to gather all the cronies for one last conference that
will finally destroy the remnants of the allies in case their powerful almost inhuman

leader remains breathing. As Bong walks through the corridors and rooms of the palace
to relax himself from his wounds, the expressions on his faces suggested he is recovering
from deep wounds the TFF leader inflicted on him. Manuel Araneta, one of the youngest
Araneta elites and a former artist and drummer, approached the young Marcos and said,
what happened to you my friend? It is not good for a noble blooded person to have
wounds inflicted by low class individuals. Marcos a bit agitated ignored the Araneta
scion. As he went away, Aranetas major domo told Araneta that what happened to the
younger Marcos is not a sign of an easy victory. He continued that Marcos encountered a
life and death situation for whoever low class citizen he is facing with. Araneta told his
major domo that the show is almost ending and the most essential truth about Philippine
politics is going to have its pages unfold. The major domo thought a little about the
situation as Araneta is thinking that the whole political drama is just a show and whoever
got carried away by this political drama is less than a class E citizen.

While Marcos is drifting away from the scene involving Manuel Araneta, Araneta told
Marcos that his head is not that stable as it used to be. He continued that the head of
Marcos is sporting a remnant of a destroyed barrier by someones sword. Marcos while
taking a bath found some mangled chips in his head with some unseen energies to be felt
when he pulled the chips out and removed it especially, he was insulted like a weird
person in front of his potential rival Manuel Araneta. As Lopez chief news reporters
tracked down the allies in a hospital in Taguig, Lopez told the news reporters to storm in
the hospital and interview the allies to gain information and possibly black mail them to
be seen as villains in the front of the surviving citizens in case they ignore them.
The tracking was even made clear as Bayanis presence along with some Red Cross
members are with Eduardo Pizarras. Back in the hospital, strings of Krismas friends
visited Eduardo Pizarras. They asked what happened to Eduardo as he seemed like a
mutilated human being. Eduardo responded to them that the creatures and the new
administration are constantly chasing them down until they are all dead. Esthers face
expression assumed that Krismas friend is excellent in telling the more imaginative than
realistic. She also assumed Eduardo has high imaginations and is hallucinating due to the

medicines adding to his emotional instability. Eduardo told them that he is telling the
truth. Altair or Tarsier asked Krisma about her friend. Krisma told her that Eduardo is
intelligent and yet sometimes immature. Eduardo laughed what his friend is telling him
about to her friends. Eduardo responded to Tarsier, I need maturity. I admitted this. I tried
to look cool but Im still young and immature. Ehrick saw what became of Eduardo asked
him who made this to you? He first assumed, due to being a scapegoat and a person who
takes all blames will somehow become suicidal and paranoid. Eduardo said to Ehrick,
you are a graduate of a medical course yet, you should get your facts straight ok? Ehrick
replied, of course! It is a case study but I just wanted to ask you openly. What really
happened to you at the time of the funeral? Eduardo replied, contrary to popular beliefs I
was banned to pay my last respects to the man who saved my life, I was actually present
near the cemetery far enough not to be seen by Krismas family. Now, Eduardo is all
about to stretch the mind of Rick to let him know indeed, truth is stranger than fiction. He
told Ehrick, the convoy which brought flowers to Gerry are actually planning something
evil and darker. I met the creatures who plagued me and my allies. I chased them away
beating them. I met their boss once again and we both fought a bloody battle which I can
safely consider it as a draw. With his barriers not present he will be in a morgue just
below where we are. Ehrick then was puzzled about the extraordinary elements as he
simply knew chaos but not otherworldly beings. Krisma told Rick that Eduardos
encounter is a long story. A story too hard to tell and too hard to believe will apply to
Eduardos eye witness. Ehrick told Eduardo again that he is not aware there are
otherworldly creatures. He is not even aware of some fantastic elements, the unknown.
All he is aware there is a catastrophe shortly after the elections. Something science
cannot explain nor rationality can explain it in a rational manner. Shereena So, another
friend of Krisma thought Eduardo is due to being too emotionally unstable after being
punched hard by Krismas old man. She thought that Eduardo mutilated himself out of
anger and guilt especially contributing to Gerrys death. She then told Eduardo a story
about a Pagan god Attis who mutilated himself after being dumped by Cybele and was
allegedly resurrected by the goddess. Eduardo disregarded Sheilas story as sheer
nonsense! Krisma told Sheila he did not mutilate himself, he actually saved us all from
some unexpected genocides. Eduardo told Krisma, the genocide is just a speculation. I do

not know the real nature of their involvement in the funeral. I simply knew it will be a
psychological and a false sympathy to our grieving hearts.

After some conversations with the friends, newsmen stormed themselves into the room
where Eduardo is recuperating. Bayani and some Red Cross soldiers tried to stop these
news men but the newsmen forced themselves to have an interview with Eduardo
Pizarras. Krismas family, as they arrived asked the intentions of the news men
eventually, telling the newsman that the younger man is not interested to give his
comments. Accompanied with guards, the guards with a group of security personnels
combined their forces with Bayani and his Red Cross companions managed to force the
media men into retreat eventually, going out from the hospital. The media men failed
their attempt in interviewing Eduardo Pizarras. Eduardo then shouted at the outgoing
GENUINE LEADERSHIP OF THE COUNTRY! Eduardo shouted louder and continued
MORE! Eduardo thanked Krismas family as they paid a visit to the TFF leader. Eduardo
said to Krismas family I thought the world is hard on me. Krismas father said; whatever
I did to you is simply misunderstanding. You are a great man. You are not a man of
blames and guilt. We are all here for you. Ehrick, Tarsier and Esther simultaneously said
that whoever is Krismas friend will be our friends. The allies then said to Eduardo, just
like we bonded each other in the nightly paradise, we will all be with each others
company until the end. You may not be a member of our club but what we had in Cebu
bonded all of us beyond friendship. Krisma told Eduardo, if you are a man of blames and
guilt then, you have no companions in this suite. You will endure all the wounds all by
yourself. Eduardo told all his friends, what a tiring day! Krismas grandmother told
Eduardo that whatever the hypocritical government are planning in Gerrys burial, at
least, you somehow averted them. Eduardo asked Krishs grandmother, how did you
know it is something sinister? The respectable old woman replied the TFF leader,

someone saw you fighting with a well known politician accompanied by strange
creatures. Ehrick gulped. As for him what seemed to be in the realm of fiction now
seemed so real.

The allies asked the old lady of the identity of the politician Eduardo was fighting. The
old woman does not want to tell the identity of the politician fearing she might be
affected with the TFFs fight for independence. She said; it is a secret in which Eduardo,
the witnesses and me can only know in greater details. What is important is that Eduardo
did not wasted Gerrys sacrifice for him. He redeemed himself by trying to stop whoever
wanted to desecrate the sanctity of my grandsons noble death. Eduardo Pizarras again
thanked his visitors as he felt he is not alone anymore. Krismas friends bade goodbye to
their friends as the TFF and Krismas family remained to look after their conflicted
friend. After a short while, there are doctors and nurses who visited Eduardo to remove
and replace his ointments and bandages. The doctors and nurses are really curious of
Eduardos human nature as his recoveries are going fast than expected. The lacerations
and slashes are drying up with Eduardo again almost 70 percent recovered. As Eduardo is
resting to heal his wounds, the allies opened up their television and saw the news
covering the events of the new administration and the hospital incident where the media
men failed their attempt to interview Eduardo Pizarras.

The news began as it covered the new Marcos regime with the cronies at his side
planning to rehabilitate the country. Next, it depicted the president and the cronies are
trying to solve the electoral chaos with the strings of insurgencies. Lopez is wise enough
to cover up the reality behind the otherworldly beings. The next segment covered the
comments of Mr. Lopez to the allies. He told his own media men that the allies are not
helpful to the country. He tried to convince the whole population that the allies are more
of a nuisance than real patriots. The allies in the segment are blacklisted so as being
slandered vehemently by the elite crony. He further said that the allies knew not
cooperation. They are foolish victims of losing politicians. Danding joined Lopez as he
told the media that Filipinos however modern they can be, they do not think for the
countrys welfare. All they are thinking is to topple successive government to suit their

interests. Lopez was asked about the Meralco incident. He replied, the allies acted like
cats and dogs. They are thinking they are heroes in their own deluded video game. The
media continued to ask some follow up questions to Lopez. Benita, one of the Lopezs
relatives replied that all the detractors are always blaming devastating incidents on the
businessmen who did nothing but to seek their welfare. Lopez advanced his arguments
telling the allies to help them in a cooperative way so the country will be on real road to
her progress. Manny Pangilinan said, anarchy will not solve the problem of evil and
chaos. It is only joint hands that will do the work. We businessmen provided all of you
the blueprints and it is all up to us to execute them for the greater good. Manuel Araneta
told the media that the allies did nothing beneficial. They are just harming themselves for
nothing. They are just being fooled by politicians pretending themselves to be sincere yet
are ravaging wolves. Prospero Nograles told the allies to stop all their non sense
activities. He said that the so called group of youngsters is nothing more than self
proclaimed heroes of their own world. What the youngsters are doing is not noteworthy
and commendable.
Lopez sent a message to the allies through the media. He said; dont blame the innocent
ones who tried to help them. The allies should blame themselves. The death of my
engineer is not caused by our misdeeds. It is caused by some youngsters pretending to be
heroes financed by big time losing politicians running amok and crying if they did
something which they did not expect. The female reporter seemed to be convinced of
what the media elite has told her. Lopez and Benita Lopez left the scene with their
associates telling the female reporter, now you know who is right. It is up to you to do the
right thing. The news segments then proceeded to the segment involving the TFF leader
cursing the media and the new administration. The allies turned the television off as they
expected the depictions of the allies almost same what Lopez did to brainwash his own
media employees. Bayani told Eduardo, we can do nothing but to clear our name by
being sincere in exposing the tyranny of the new regime. Krisma told the chairman,
politicians killing themselves are not the losers activities. I believed there is something
darker beyond that. There is no one who wanted to find the truth independent of our
association. It is still our business to prove the nation we are innocent and worthy to be

heroes of this dying country. Pearl told her friend, Krish, we do not need to prove we are
innocent. We did not do anything evil that will tarnish our reputations. Their accusations
are all baseless and it is just the business of the elites hiding their true intentions by
brainwashing the media and the people. Larry told his friends, the ones who believed the
mind conditioning of the Lopezes are nothing more than extremely low IQ human beings.
Patrick said, we are going straight to the Marcoses after the recovery of our great friend.
Bayani told the allies that there is no choice for them to retreat but to finish off the evil
rulers. Bayani added his insights to the allies that to retreat means imminent destruction.
If the allies decided to go on their quest, win or lose, they will be the heroes of tomorrow.
Their valors and patriotism will shine beyond eternity.

Back in Malacanang, Marcos visited his son on his quarter telling him the leader of the
allies is still living. Bong was surprised and replied to his father, WHATT? How could
that happen? I sliced him cleanly. Whoever challenged me and ended up like this is
beyond death. Marcos told his son that the TFF leader is still shouting cursing words to
the elites and the new administration. Bong almost pissed off and told his father that he
will take a rest first back in his home province. Marcos told junior that he understood his

Marcos allowed Bong Bong to take a short vacation but to return shortly to battle their
opponents one last time. As Bong shut to sleep, Marcos went out from his quarter
sporting a sinister look. He met Manuel Araneta and Tanghangco and talked about what
to do with junior. Marcos told Araneta to follow Bong to Ilocos Norte to be sure there is
no back stabbing and disillusionment of the new regime. Manuel Araneta convinced the
president to do a greater thing to convince his son to return in a short time. Tanghangco
knew what must to be done and smiled to the president as if they already knew what must
to be done in order for Bong to bind his loyalty nothing more than extreme loyalty to the
president. Araneta told Marcos what is wrong on Bongs head. He continued that Bong
may have shown signs of disillusionment. Marcos reflected on that issue and told
Araneta, yes!!! He acted worse than the first time I met him. Marcos ordered Araneta and
Tanhangco to do all they can, to shut Bongs senses down from possible disillusionment

to no greater and other choice than being extremely loyal to the new administration.
Marcos with the duo went into the darker portion of the corridor as they lengthily
discussed the plan to everything to detain Bong as a slave of the new administration.
Marcos told Araneta that there is no family, relatives, bloodline and even conscience in
dealing with politics. He thought Araneta might feel a sense of being sorry after
executing the said plan. Araneta assured Marcos with his major domo that everything will
be done as planned. Marcos thanked the duo as he said to execute plans where traces of
the new administration cannot even find its footings. Araneta replied the dictator that
their Machiavellian conspiracy will be reflected onto another series of high degree
scapegoatism. Tanghangco told the president that Bong will never mind the real story.
All he has to do is to be obedient to the new dictator. Whosoever has done so bad for the
welfare of the country will be redeemed by his noble intentions for the countrys greater
good. Marcos and the duo as they approached by the cronies, they all smiled with
darkness enveloping them all in the cold night in the palace.

After a couple of days, that morning, Eduardo awoke and fully recovered. The doctor told
the allies that their friend can be discharged. The allies thanked God that Eduardo is all
alive again. Eduardo moved his head, he saw the smiling face of Krismas father.
Eduardo told him that he is so sorry about the tragedy they did not deserve to experience.
Krismas father told him that everything is under control. Eduardo asked the allies to stay
on their respective homes or else they might face another set of events that will be
harmful to them. The allies silenced themselves and spoke to their leader that after all is
set and all are safe back home, we will meet at Krismas backyard all tell you our
ultimate and last decision. Eduardo said, Im too concerned not only for your safety but
also to the lives close to you. Im not forcing you to go with me. Since it is a dangerous
mission, let me and the soldiers do what is right. I live and die alone all for the country.
Krismas father told Eduardo to keep it down. He said, you just recovered and you
wanted to be in the middle of life and death situation. Please rest first! You should not
rush tackling the tyrants. They are a lot more dangerous since they already knew their
opponents and detractors alike. Relax even more or else with a 50-50 health you may not
recover your reflexes and fighting prowess. You know in work after being ill for a day,

there is another day that you should rest home to be in full condition tomorrow. Krisma
said to Eduardo, papa is right! You should not think of Marcos immediately. Give
yourself a time to recover. It is not good pushing yourself through the fire if your body
cannot coordinate with you. I do not think you are fully conditioned again to fight as for
now like the day you met us. Larry, you should rest yourself in Krismas home. Eduardo
replied Larry, no! I would not allow myself to rest at her home. Im too embarrassed to
rest at someones home especially it is not my house. Krisma told Eduardo that it is ok
for her to rest at her home. Bayani said to Eduardo, where are your parents or your home?
Eduardo replied; I was already disowned by my parents. I have no family and house to
look back. Because of my new dedication and radical ideology, I was disowned in a bad
way. Just before I came here, I found out most of them died in the chaos in our area. I do
not feel Im loved. I live and die for myself and the country alone. Most of my relatives
never gave me their contact number, either they died in the chaos or fled to neighboring
countries. Pearl said to Eduardo, poor, young soul. You do not deserve to be treated like
that. Bayani said; we have nice time being with you. It is true what I and Gordon longed
for the country turned off many of our countrymen. Pearl said, like philosopher Tasio in
Noli Me Tangere? Bayani replied, Eduardo and all of you listen, we may all seemed
radical but it does not necessarily means we are wrong or bad. It is in fact, people now
defined the so called greater good or real progress in the terms of being radical or being
obscure. I disagree! We may have few voters out there as I have heard but, our vision is
clearer than candidates who are trendy and simply populist. Eduardo said to Bayani, I
shared my fate like your tandem. I longed for real progress yet, Im too obscure because
of what I believed. I think what is right for now is branded as evil and unnecessary.
Krismas grandmother said, Eduardo, young people, Im old already and may not see real
progress even beyond my grave. This is the kind of mentality that plunged our country
into so called stupid People Powers. Krisma told Eduardo! And all who wanted practical
progress are not radical as if, they are rebels. For me, who is more obscure is the one who
has the ability to bring the ultimate solution to the nation. We are branded as radicals as
not being evil. Instead of being radical, for us, it meant for the ones who wanted genuine
and long term progress. Krismas grandmother told Bayani she almost got a heart attack
amidst of the uncertainities. Eduardo laughed and wanted to call a doctor. Krisma

brought a glass of water to the respectable old lady. The allies talked things a little more
until they are all prepared to make their way back home safe.

After Eduardo being assisted by the hospital staffs to dress himself up, the allies with
some Red Cross soldiers are already prepared to go back home safe. They met Bayani
downstairs as the chairman already finished paying the hospital fees and arranged some
documents that clear the patient out from admission.

P23: The Ultimate Decision.

The allies headed home back to Marikina alongside with Krismas family and some of
the chairmans men for security purposes. Bayani bade the youngsters the best of wishes
as they headed home. Larry asked Bayani, can you also go with us back home? Bayani
replied, I have a lot of work to do. I hope I can catch up to all of you if all is done. Pearl
also bade Bayani farewell. Eduardo said to the allies that he is so concerned of their
safety. It is better for the former to go alone assisted by the chairmans military friends
instead of putting the innocent lives of the youngsters in danger. Larry and Patrick
listened to Eduardos suggestion telling them it is not yet final for them to back off from
their quest for independence. Eduardo attempted to convince that the allies should stay
back home and do something that is more productive instead of joining him in dangerous
missions. Pearl said to Eduardo, are you dumping us? Are you not confident on our
capabilities? Where is the saying that the citizens are the once acting in case the leaders
are doomed into incompetence and irresponsibility? Eduardo answered Pearl that it is not
the matter of belittling you. It is all about assuring you are all safe so, the series of
tragedies that plagued us all will not repeat again. It is a risk-risk situation my friend.
Actually, I trusted all your capabilities but we must consider your safety first. Im your
leader and Im responsible in case, you are harmed. Pearl, the citizens are the ones who
should fight and speak out in case, leaders cannot handle what is right or they cannot bear
the responsibility of a dying nation. But, a big but is that citizens are in real danger to
handle evil in few numbers with no such military friends who can help them at all times.
We are having limited men and friends. You have all great futures I do not want to try
risking your lives. All I can do is to have your support and encouragement. Im sorry, if

Im you then, safety is always the priority. Larry replied Eduardo, the decision is still up
to us. We will tell you if we wanted to join or quit this quest. Eduardo, the manner you
are talking to us, I assume you are underestimating our capabilities and trust. In Cebu, we
have done a lot and for me it is a no turning back quest for independence. Tsk tsk!
Eduardo! I see you are afraid that one of us will end up like Gerry. HELL NO!!! If you
tried to live and die alone fighting alone, then, I see you will end up as Gerry. You are
nearly killed by the creatures army right, my friend? You should think. You wanted to
fight and die alone. It is pessimism sir! It is partially accepting defeat. Eduardo! Im
going to contemplate more about the decision to go on or quit. I suggest you that Gerry is
a thing of the past. I assume you are more mature to deal with losses and fears. Eduardo
replied Larry, I hope so that I can do it. Pearl told Eduardo, by the way, it is not your
fault. It is a noble deed by Krismas brother to save you costing his life because he
believes in all of us. He believes this will motivate and inspire us to cut all branches
going to the root. Pearl continued, Eduardo! You recovered physically yet, you are not
stable mentally. It is foolish to go alone. Look at you! What happened to you after you
tried to go alone valiantly fighting the creatures? You are nearly dead. Eduardo tirely
replied Pearl; I just wanted all of you to be safe. Patrick joined the conversation and told
Eduardo, I do not think so you can handle this alone. You wanted us all safe back home
but this line of thinking is just one dimensional. You said you will live and die alone.
Eduardo said, for the country and you are right. Patrick replied; this is the first time you
are losing coolness. It seemed what we talked about in Cebu did not affect you. It is
friendship till the end. We will help each other whether in times of grief and happiness.
You cannot do things successfully by being all alone. In case, loners did something great,
I believed there are other agents responsible to his or her accomplishments. Eduardo!
You cannot go through the quest alone. You are afraid of our safety? We are also afraid
of your safety as you decided to dump us and go alone. Larry said to Patrick, nice job
dude! He cannot get it through Malacanang if his mentality is like that. Patrick replied
Larry, yes he cannot! The more he decided to go alone, the more he is certain of his
death. He planned to go alone right? Pearl continued what Patrick meant, does he know
in case he will go alone, he will literally go alone without Bayanis men? Pearl laughed
and said, Patrick! You are so funny. That is not getting alone to the bottom of things. He

has financiers and collaborators. His logic is confusing as for now. Krisma told her
friends, just let the beaten man to rest even more. I think he short circuited. By the way,
let us say in front of his face whether we will be joining us or we will return back to our
normal lives. Larry told Krisma, friend! If he is going alone, he should be responsible of
what he will be doing the casualties that can possibly happen to this whole damn country
if he died on the road. He said to Eduardo, I assume you absorbed what we had been
through during the journey. You promised us all that we will work together as friends and
trust each other. Eduardo, you are not alone, for your information you will realize its
your deluded state that made you think of that. Eduardo said to Larry, I did not discredit
our friendship and cooperation back in Cebu. The decision to push through or return to
your respective lives is still at your hands. I admitted with you as my allies, Im even
happier than I have imagined. I thanked you all that you included me as your own family.
Krisma said to Eduardo, you are just in a state of recovery. We do not misunderstand
you. Do not be angered of what we told you. We are just trying to help you just like we
pledged to each other back in Cebu.

Bong Bong went to his home province to have a vacation and to enjoy himself. He
contemplated about what happened in the palace. He doubted his father a bit saying
something is not right. He is also thinking he may not return to the palace because of his
animosity with Araneta and his major domo. Eventually he along with his guards arrived
in his hometown. Unfortunately, it will be a tragic vacation upon seeing his home
province went into flames. Everything is in ruins. Bong was angered and a bit almost
trembling in sorrow. Yet, he must go on and know what really happened. He saw Red
Cross military medics with some soldiers are killing everything at their sight. Bong then
asked the presidential guards to check on his family. As he arrived at his ancestral home,
he saw his mother, sister, brother-in-law and nephew in a dying state. He tried to boost
them out to stay alive until some Red Cross military men barged into the ancestral home
attempted open fire at the presidential son. Some of the palace guards wanted to save the
younger Marcos, yet, they are eliminated easily. Bong unleashed his weapons finishing
the intruders. He went out and fought more of them. Disposing them, he is convinced that
whoever is behind all of this are not freedom fighters. He cried, they are contributing to

the nations imminent doom. These shall not be tolerated. When he came back to the
house, he saw his mother, sister and brother-in-law lay dead. He wailed at their corpses.

Suddenly, his nephew, Borgie wanted to whisper him some words. Marcos listened
attentively to his dying nephew. Borgie said, uncle, the new administration is not your
fathers. Bong said; WHAT? Borgie replied; your father burned us all, our home as if we
are not part of him. Bong said, what do you mean? It is a long time since I have not
talked with my father and you are saying that to him? Borgie, uncle listen! Grandfather is
not as he used to be. He seemed to have taken both power and the presidency too
personal as if they were part of him. I think the elites have gotten him to destroy us. Bong
said to Borgie, I do not believe that! I even dont understand? Borgie replied; the elites
are planning something even more sinister. I do not know the extent of their plans. I
simply rest assured that this new dictatorship is easily replaceable. Bong told his nephew
to rest more. Borgie told Marcos, I told you the truth. The rest you should find it out
yourself. Goodbye Uncle! Marcos cried at the death of his nephew. He became
temporarily out of control seeing the death of his family. He said to himself, situations
are already difficult to control but these medics are interrupting this delicate situation. He
went out of the house and destroyed the remaining Red Cross gunners. With many more
are approaching the younger Marcos, Marcos cannot do anything to defend himself or
else risk dying.

Many of the soldiers and creatures of the palace barged in to eliminate the red soldiers.
Marcos thanked the soldiers who saved his life. He told them that the allies are
responsible for meddling with the situation back home in the province. One of the
soldiers or intruders as Marcos said, they wanted nothing but to extend the influence of
his fathers detractors even brainwashing his nephew to believe that the once harsh
rivalries of the Cojuangcos and the Marcoses reached its boiling point. Marcos cried; it is
all pure propaganda to slander his father. They all wanted to destroy my father. The
detractors wanted to strain the reconciling Cojuangcos and the Marcoses to halt in their
collaborative plans to revive the dying country. Marcos ordered the troops, go to
Marikina where the chairman is hiding and pulverize the remnants of the allies! The

creature said to Bong, propagandas, mind swiping, brainwashing, straining relationships

through conspiracies are the activities of the detractors. They will soon feel your wrath.
They are once in the hospital to see the recovery of their friend. Now, they will return to
the hospital to be in the morgue. Tanghangco approached the younger Marcos and told
him that he and his troops eliminated the advancing red troops. He told Bong that the
allies are being financed by Red Cross military troops to topple the existing government.
He expanded that the Red Cross military personnel with their leaders are telling lies to
harm the relationship of the Marcoses with other clans. Tanghangco told Bong that
whoever did the carnage are sore losers. Bong said to Tanghangco, this needed attention.
We must gather all my fathers friends with allies to finally shut the resistance off. They
are not good for the country after all. We did what we is needed to be done but they are
still plunged into darkness. Tanghangco replied; the president needed to be aware of this.
As soon as possible, the final battle to exterminate the allies with their collaborators is at
hand. As Bongs family with many civilians being taken to the cemetery for a mass
burial, Bong sat at the front of the burial site with him playing a tragic tune to warm
himself up of the battle that will change the history of the nation. Tanghangco whispered
him that it is insulting and heart breaking to see everything in the flames as you are
expecting yourself to enjoy the vacation. Marcos played a little longer and stood up
telling all the troops, the leader of the Red Cross in this country along with the allies
financiers will all bathe in blood. It is once Red Cross that saved life now they will bathe
at their own cross soaked in their blood. Marcos played his musical instrument from a sad
tune to an inspiring tune to inspire his soldiers to defend his father from his detractors. He
cried! The allies along with their associates must also experience the same tragic
situations we faced here!

Back home, Krisma called on her other friends as they will have a supper together in their
home. As her friends arrived, they saw a new and unfamiliar figure who, is in a state of
recovery in her house. Chris asked Krisma of the identity of their new friend. Krisma
introduced Eduardo to her other TFF friends. Chris greeted Eduardo and asked him what
happened to him. Eduardo replied; he is simply injured thats all. He added it is a long
story in which they may find it incomprehensible. Jesse also known as Pong for the TFF

seemed curious about their new and weird friend, Eduardo asked him, do I looked so
other worldly and weird? Pong said, no my friend! We are not used to having new
members as for now. Patrick reintroduced Eduardo to the incoming friends saying, hey
dude! He is our leader. We may have some good time social drinking later with him.
Eduardo replied Patrick, he rarely drinks. Patrick told Eduardo, nah! You just give us a
good chat and sit beside us with anything you wanted to drink. Krismas grandmother
welcomed the incoming friends and told them all to eat their early dinner. While in
dinner, Krismas grandmother inspecting Eduardo a bit because, she wanted to know
their new companion and soon to be housemate. She asked Eduardo of the whereabouts
of his family. Eduardo replied her, they left me. Like I said, some of them went abroad to
hide and most are killed by the chaotic politicians and their supporters alike. There may
be a bit of them searching for me but escape is their priority instead of devoting their
whole energy to see me again. Pong told Eduardo, what a tragic young man are you! The
world is so evil now. We need someone to fix the mess we had in our country. Pearl came
in and asked Pong hows the city doing despite the chaos. Pong replied, a lot of our
families are missing. I see many dead people. It is useless to be depressed about it. We
just get ourselves used to the chaos. Pearl, it is still the same. Politicians and their
supporters killing their rivals as the latter do the same to the former. Krisma said; it is not
a safe place as it once has been under the leadership of our dear former mayor.
Christopher said; Marikina is not safe in these days. For you who wanted to stay home,
lock the doors, as mobs and raging politicians are everywhere. Patrick asked Krishs
grandmother, grandmother! How did the chaos started here? The old lady replied, in the
midst of the election heat and political unrest, raging politicians with their supporters
pushed them selves all over the city and chaos all ensued. Not to mention the extreme
heat and cheating allegations. Larry told, it is not safe either to be in home especially, we
are doing nothing. Pong asked Pearl about the nature of their new friend. Pearl replied
Pong that he is here just to rest after that, he is going to fight the elites. Pong said; he is so
unrealistic. The elites have taken control of all our lifes aspects. Krisma replied, but not
our desire for freedom. Eduardo said, Krisma, you are not a simple woman as I assumed.
Krisma replied, whats the problem? Your ego again telling you that you are always right
and we are simply your subordinates? Eduardo replied, you are a great woman. I regard

you as a legendary ally. Krisma said, the TFF are all legends as she laughed. Christopher
asked Eduardo, are you on a supposed road to fight for independence? Eduardo replied,
yes! But the ultimate decision of the TFF participation remained on the hands of my
friends. If they do not want to join me, I will go alone. Krismas father exclaimed, hey,
young man, eat your dinner. We are in the middle of enjoying the meals. You should not
talk about political things. Christopher and Pong expressed their condolences to Gerardo
and the family thanked them because they are with them in this time of grief. After they
ate their dinner, Krismas brother just arrived with his family after fetching his family
after buying some goods at a nearby grocery. Krismas father told him to be careful even
more especially these chaotic times. Krismas brother apologized to his father and he told
him he just fetched his family. The kids embraced their aunt Krisma as the kids hugged
her friends. They approached a strange person and asked him of his identity and his
motives. Eduardo told them their aunt is so altruistic and so caring. She took me here to
recover from my injuries. He explained to the kids that he is leaving after this day.
Eduardo introduced himself to the kids and left to feel the night weather. Krisma assured
the kids and their mother that Eduardo is a bit weird but nonetheless a good man. Pong
told Krisma and the TFF to arrange some tables out there so they can have their social
gatherings. Krisma told them she will be taking a bath first before joining them. As she is
taking a bath, the thin slid of her window revealed something is not right heading toward
them. She is a bit convinced she should not stay home if she wanted a long term safe life.
Patrick asked Pong and Chris about their feelings about the chaos. They told him that loss
of loved ones and family are not worthy to be cried for so long. They think they are going
to be butchered in the days to come. They told Patrick that what can they do to the chaos?
They do not have the means. It is the government that will support them to trash the
invaders. They told Patrick that it is not simply raging politicians and their supporters but
bald and reptilian creatures alike plaguing the whole society. Patrick a bit depressed
sipping a glass of beer. Larry attempted to call his girlfriend Judith. Judith answered and
told her boyfriend that she is safe yet, her whereabouts should not be revealed as for now.
Larry then told her to be safe always and he is anxious to see her again. Before ending the
telephone conversation, Judith reassured that she is safe and nothing for her loved ones to
worry about her. Larry joined his friends in their social drinking session. As Pearl joined

the scene, she said, hey! I missed this drinking session. Larry said, basagan na naman.
Patrick told them to remember what chairman told them, that is, to drink moderately.
Pong told Patrick that Bayanis advocacies and disciplines are taking effect upon him.
Patrick told Pong to remember too what chairman is telling to the whole Marikinians. As
they enjoyed a bit, Christopher asked the others if they heard some violent sounds. Pearl
and Larry affirmed they have heard violent sounds.

As Krisma is coming out from the house to join the session, she too heard the violent
sound. As she took a bath, she already felt that something is not right going here. The
idea of staying home safe is not perfectly safe anymore pertaining to long term idea of
perfect peace and order. As Krisma approached her friends for the night session, a
propeller is heading toward her but Eduardo blocked the propeller saving his friend from
injury. There are 3 more approaching them and Eduardo used his sword to deflect them.
After that, he went outside to check about the presence of the creatures. He saw some
creatures killed some of the populations. He shouted the whole family to stay home and
have the kids tightly protected. Then, 4 creatures was about to kill him but he countered
them all killing all of them. The TFF saw their guest leader killing more creatures and
rampaging politicians. Krisma and the other 3 decided to help their ally in order to
prevent him from being critically injured again. Flying discs cut the creatures heads.
Rifles kept the creatures from approaching their houses. As Eduardo kept fighting the
creatures and other presidential enforcers, he called the Red Cross to assist them. Patrick
used his RPG to blow some of the creatures mini tanks and vehicles. He managed to find
a parked one and blew it to scraps. Pearl positioned herself to prepare to heal in case, one
of them got injured. As one of the Red Cross personnel came into the scene, they helped
the TFF to keep the creatures and the opposition at bay. Krisma threw flying discs that
decapitated critically 3 of the advancing creatures. Eduardo complimented on her

Bong approached them and told them they must pay what they did to his home province.
Eduardo replied Bong that he has nothing to do with the destruction of his home
province. Bong then prepared to strike Eduardo again. His allies surrounded him and

threatened him to throw him heavy firepower if he wont stop. Krismas father shouted
him that he wasted his vote on him. He thought Bong could be a promising senator but he
became merely a lapdog of the elites. Bong got pissed off after he heard Mr. Marcelino
slandered him. Krisma told him that to look into himself and he will know that there is
such thing as an objective criticism. Bong was not happy thinking all the tragedy that
ravaged his home province prepared to strike the allies. He fended off several of the Red
Cross personnels. He created a barrier to assure he can crush the remnants of the allies.
The allies then threw all they got and Bongs barrier was damaged. Bong got even more
aggressive and ready to prepare again the finishing blow that critically injured Eduardo.
The allies, persistent they are threw heavier fire power that damaged Bongs armor with
the remnants of his barrier but the younger Marcos threw some propellers that stunned
them with Patrick and Larry flying over the opposite backyard. Pong and Christopher
found some pointed wood and threw it to bong which damaged his eyesight. Eduardo
thanked his new found friends and uppercut Bong removing his invincibility. Marcos said
to the allies, you became stronger, tougher and more persistent. You are now legitimate
threats and I enjoyed fighting with you. You may have kept me at bay tonight but in the
succeeding days, you will see what Marcoses are made of. Tonight is a lack of
concentration due to hatred within me. Eduardo replied, it seems clear we are not your
toys like once upon a time in the abandoned military complex. Bong replied, you should
or else you will die along the road. He further continued, thanks for partially blurring my
eyesight. He then prepared to throw propellers on Pong as Christopher told Pong to
follow him inside. Eduardo attempted to stroke him yet Bong narrowly evaded it. He
called the creatures and ordered them all to retreat back to the palace. Bong told the allies
that their next battle will be the final one in which both sides will give all they got as the
state of the nation hangs in balance. After the creatures left, Eduardo asked if the allies
are ok and they affirmed they are. Larry and Patrick just suffered some minor fall as Pearl
healed them back. Eduardo went inside the house to check the family. The family
thanked Eduardo of saving their lives and averted them from certain massacre. The kids
told Eduardo he is like superman but Eduardo told them he is just a human who desired

nothing else but the greater good of the nation. He then expressed his gratitude what the
Marcelino family did to him despite being to mean to him at the wake of Gerry.

Back on outside, a Red Cross fighter thanked the allies for saving them. He told the allies
that they should be the one to end the elites reign of terror. He further commented they
have limitless potentials and legendary exploits are within their hands reach. Some
people went to the allies and thanked them of delivering them from the elites. They told
the allies are something and branded as for now are Marikinas finest. The allies
thanked them and told them to go back to their respective residences and be safe at all
cost. Marikinas police forces roamed around the city for the rest of the night. Patrick
whispered Pearl that even their own police cannot do anything to save them all from the
creatures. Pearl started to be convinced that they are someone destined for higher calling.
Krisma reflected on Pearls words and told her they will be deciding to join Eduardo for
the final battle. Patrick inspected his weapons in awe. He glanced at his claws and told
the allies, if these police cannot save the citizens, I believed that we are the only ones
along with Eduardo that can stop the dictator. Krisma told Patrick that it is well said.
They will be deciding soon. She continued talking with the allies saying for the first time,
from ordinary citizens to the heroic class, this time the world will be focused on an epic
city called Marikina. It is not only a city of shoes but also cradle of new generation heroic
freedom fighters. The allies now changed their TFF from Tambay Fellowship of
Friends to Transitional Freedom Fighters. Eduardo smiled as he heard his friends
received their higher callings. He told the other TFFs to go home safe and asked the
Red Cross personnel to assist them safely. Before that, Christopher and Pong bade
farewell to their friends and told them they are awesome. They thanked them from saving
them from danger. The allies bade their friends goodbye as they are being escorted into
the organizations vehicles to be back safe in their respective homes. Krisma, Larry and
Pearl shouted that they will avenge the loss of their love ones. They said that it is not only
for Marikina or the loved ones who died but also for the future of the country and her
people. Eduardo received a call from the Red Cross and some paramilitary personnel to
attend the midnight meeting for the final battles to come. Eduardo accepted their
invitations. He went out from the house and told his friends that he awaited their ultimate

decisions. The allies told Eduardo they are thinking it twice. They told Eduardo to come
back after the meeting. As he goes right to their door the allies will welcome him with
their decisions. The allies bade him goodbye as, they told their leader that they should
assure the safety of the household. Eduardo went through with some personnel into the
site of the conference.

The time Eduardo arrived to the conference room, he saw the midnight news. In which, it
depicted Marcos is going to gather all his allies and some remaining politicians to work
solidarity in order to remove the threats once and for all. The news, with the help of the
Lopezes depicted the allies and the losing politicians as dirt that must be cleaned. Their
delusion must be ended soon as one of the elites answered as she is being interviewed.
Manny Pangilinan said to the newsmen, the so called freedom fighters must stop. Of that
they are doing is not good for the country. Instead, they are not only ruining it. They are
also punishing themselves. He ended the interview by saying that in case they led the
nation, all will be lost. He told the media that the allies must be realistic and accept their
defeat to benefit the nation. Eduardo saw the news and nodded his head. He thinks that
the elites are unredeemable. He believed these persons lived and will die fooling people
until their interests and assets are emptied. The news ended as Kris Aquino almost
celebrating the certain victory of her apparent presidentiable brother Benigno Noy-Noy
Aquino. She said, the allies must stop all non sense in the country. The allies must
cooperate with the authorities to make everything run smoothly. She told the media that
her uncle is not a bad man. He has been simply portrayed in a wrong way by the Marcos

After the news, Marcos announced that the allies must finally stop their activities. He
used psychological means to try to humble the allies. He continued that the allies whom
his son faced are victimized by losing yet still ambitious politicians. He persuaded
everyone not to believe in the allies propagandas. They are all about to ruin the country.
He ended by simply saying like his former reign as the commander-in-chief, he will soon
be vindicated as he was been portrayed as crook in the books. He said that, truth will
alone push me into redemption. He is open for the allies cooperation with him to change

the nation. He exclaimed, it is ironic, those who wished the good of all is always the evil
guy. People just do not know how to give second chances. Until they know that principle,
they will not go into genuine progress. The media then released a special coverage about
the allies and the losing politicians. It is all about informing the people that the allies
are evil youngsters financed by the losing politicians like the chairman. The show
focused on the alleged misdeeds of the allies with the near savage cry of Eduardo back in
the hospital. Eduardo then said, poor country, they do not have anyone to save them. The
media are being corrupted so bad that they are after money than principles. Poor nation!!!
It should be the other way around. I shall unveil all their concealing. Bayani called
Eduardo to enter the conference rooms private meeting room. They discussed the nature
of their last stand against the elites. They showed the TFF leader with their companions
the activities being made in the palace. They analyzed documents that the government
attempted to bring them down for good. Eduardo saw the Marcos and Cojuangcos
strange alliance that he did not understand. He asked the personnel about the 2 clans,
what is the nature of combining forces? The high ranking general told him that Marcos
and Cojuangco are once rivals having an uneasy alliance but now they are combining
forces to loot the nation. He expounded that EDSA 1 after all is simply not about pure
freedom but Kamaganak Inc, pertaining to the Cojuangco-Aquino clan which until now
freely control the country to further their interests.

The secretary told Eduardo that it is something like who let the dogs out. Eduardo asked
Bayani, GMA is your former boss right? Are we going to finish her? Bayani gulped and
told him, NO! Let us smite her slavemaster. GMA may be corrupt but killing her can be
too much. She may be corrupt yet not as evil as the Marcoses and the Cojuangcos. One
colonel told Eduardo that Marcos and Cojuangco fights are simply vying for anxious
thirst for power. He suggested Eduardo to read some history to know that they are not as
black and white as they have been. The nurse told Eduardo that these clans are good in
putting a good show for the masses. Eduardo laughed and told all of them, political soap
operas! All of them laughed. Gordon told Eduardo that he will use some forces available
to assist them. He like in his previous interview is so vigilant exclaiming that to remove
the roots; you should cut all the branches protecting it!

Eduardo told Gordon after all is set, we shall have a snap election and rest be assured you
will be the new leader. Gordon told him that it is not all about doing all the means to win.
It is serving the people. The chief intelligent officers told Eduardo to tell this to the allies
so they can follow in case, they agreed to join him. They told him to traverse the whole
metropolis eliminating key crony sites before tackling the dictator himself. We should
paralyze their allies before we can render the big guy helpless. Cojuangcos and Marcoses
are grey areas. They are not black versus white as we may have assumed when we are
younger back in the days. Eduardo told the personnel that whether the allies joined me or
not, we will end this reign of terror! Gordon and Bayani told Eduardo that they will assist
him whatever the circumstances is. Eduardo said to them, since the day I saw your
advocacies and intelligence, I started to know the terminology of the last stand. Bayani
replied him, did you watch Tirad Pass: The Last Stand of General Gregorio Del Pilar
the movie? Eduardo replied him that he watched the movie long ago. Yet, this is the time
he is being introduced to the term the last stand. Gordon said to Eduardo, you can do it
my friend. Eduardo replied him; sir, you are the only one deserving to be the president.
Im amazed you are truly dedicated to the countrys right to be progressive in a realistic
way. Gordon finally said, I proposed a lot of way to reform this country yet, I realized
that this country will be not redeemable as these clans are pushing themselves to false
godhood. Many politicians and civilians perished. From Enrile, Miriam, various
congressmen, clans and several of the law makers with some local government succumb
to the chaos, we cannot do anything but to forcibly stop these chaos makers. For your
friends, to stay home is being cowardly, get up and face the troubles. Only then, you can
fight it with ample chances to stop it. It will be a tragedy to sit helplessly seeing the chaos
got its worst. Eduardo said to Gordon, yes I understood! I fear the safety of my allies.
They are young and they cannot fight like I do as if my life depends on it. Gordon said; to
be safe back home meant nothing but pessimism. To be hesitant to have them reunite
with you will make you in a delicate situation. I do not know the extent of the limitations
of the freedom fighters. I see your allies are also good and principled like they showed
you as the journey progresses. I may be a bit authoritarian but for me, authoritarian has
nothing evil in itself if we are talking for the greater good and what is right. Eduardo said

to Gordon, thank you for these words. I will now ask my allies if they will join me or not.
Gordon told the soldiers to assist him back to Krismas house.
As Eduardo stepped on the grounds of his friends house, he was greeted by the allies and
told him they decided to join him for the final battle. Eduardos face is full of happiness
as his allies stayed true to their loyalty to him. Pearl said, Eduardo like we said back in
the southern paradise that no abandoning till the end. Larry told Eduardo, teamwork
dude! You have all our help. Krisma said, however weird you can be, we will join in each
others company until the end. Eduardo thanked Krisma of her understanding. Patrick
told Eduardo that being at home safe is a partial sign of helplessness. He realized the
allies must do something if they wanted the country to live on. Krisma agreed with
Patrick, she paraphrased it by saying there is no one to save us except you but you are in
a delicate situation if we decided to be at home safe. She told Eduardo he is not alone.
The TFF is not all about the leaders orders but it is something that worked as one to
achieve a common goal.

The allies simultaneously agreed to join their leader in one last battle. Pearl prepared her
first aid medicines. She told Eduardo the resources are limited and he must not be
critically injured the best he can. Krisma went up and embraced her nephews and nieces
bade them all goodbye. She also embraced her father and grandmother telling them she
will make it back alive. She prayed to God and wished to him that she will come home
safe and be with her family to start anew. Krisma bade goodbye to the entire household
as she prepared her weapons to join Eduardos quest for independence. Eduardo asked his
friends of coming back to their respective houses to make farewell. Pearl and Larry
simply called their loved ones and calmed them down if necessary also bade them
goodbye and will back join them if all is set and over. Eduardo assured them they will
come back home alive and he gave them supreme confidence as they made their way to
the place of conference to receive heavier instructions from authorities. The allies told
Eduardo, there is no turning back. We will help each other and support each other if
necessary. Krisma told Eduardo, nice meeting a new and unique friend. The allies told
him as the journey progressed they put all their trust in their leaders hands.

P24: A Nation Hanging in Balance.

In the palace, Marcos gathered his allies and the elites to plan for the final battle that will
rehabilitate the nation out of chaos. Marcos said to Danding, these days will determine
the state of our nation for long term situations. Eduardo, you have been a great ally to me.
You are the one who made reconciliation of our clans even more effective. Danding
replied, thanks apo, I will do whatever you wanted me to do. After all, you helped me to
expand my influences to the people carrying your awesome and godly name. Marcos told
Danding that it is his pleasure to see him manage to convince the people. Marcos told
Danding to stay on his main building in Mandaluyong to surprise the allies. Since
Mandaluyong is near to Marikina, Marcos ordered Danding to attack in case their planes
are passing off the Ortigas center. Danding affirmed Marcos that his intelligent officers
and some presidential agents knew where the allies are heading through. He continued
after going to their ports, they are returning to Marikina to cheer their fellowmen then,
pass over the Ortigas business center eventually making their way to the palatial
complex. Marcos said to Eduardo, good!! As my great ally and crony, feel free to destroy
them. With your victory as I turned this nation into gold, you will share huge sums of
hidden wealth. Danding thanked Marcos and told him he will be preparing the traps to
finally shut the allies once and for all.

Lucio Tan with his multitude of Chinese allies including his mistresses went into the
palace to talk with the president. Tan gave Marcos some young maidens for him to enjoy.
Marcos told him to put them on hold and they shall enjoy them together after all is over.
Lucio volunteered his assets and energy to Marcos to destroy the allies. Lucio said to the
big man, apo! Let my planes be converted into war planes to destroy the unredeemable.
The allies cannot be convinced by substantial reason. They are all set for their last stand
to change the country in their images. Marcos replied, Lucio you are blessed to be my
ally. We will help each other to change this ruined country. Let the warplanes surprised
the allies as they take off from their base. Use your planes to shut them out. I believed
with your resources, you cannot be denied. You have the power to be the prince of the
air. Lucio obeyed his master diligently. He told his lord that everything is almost done.

The allies will soon realize with their financiers that they made their gravest mistakes by
blaspheming you and ruining you. Marcos commented on Lucio Tans desire to help him
bring down the allies promised him to have a share of this soon to be golden nation and
the ill gotten wealth. Lucio said to Danding, I will be the one to shut the allies down.
Danding replied, I will support you and all of you in case, things are not working well.
Good luck my friend! After all, it is not about rivalry. It is all about eliminating threats
that plagued this nation. May the friends of the Cojuangcos and Marcoses live to see the
golden era for this nation! Tan bade farewell to the president and his allies as he prepares
the trap that will incapacitate the allies. Tan told Danding that spit them alchoholic breath
in case, they eluded me. Danding replied that they are not going anywhere. Their fates are
sealed! Marcos then told Tan to remain a little because he has some important plans for
them. He is going to finalize the assignment for the final battle. He told Tan and
Cojuangco to remain a little as Ver is going to tell them what to do as the president
planned for them.

GMA and her husband asked the president of their roles in the final battle. The president
told them they should remain in the palace to continue serving them for their rewards are
great if they remained loyal to the president until the end. As Ver arrived his some of the
creatures aboard a luxury car being escorted by high armored tanks, the friends and allies
of the president are shocked that he has been too brought back to life like the president.
Ver told them unknown agency assisted them to complete their dreams in permanent
leadership to the country. These agents helped them to renew the country out of the
detractors and enemies alike. Ver told the cronies with the president to enter the
command room deep in the cloister of the palace. He said to them, before you leave to
prepare yourself, let us flesh out the plans out of the fragments you already proposed to
the great man. It will not take that long. Im just going to give a briefing so we cannot
execute massive mistakes when the actual things commenced.

Danding, Lucio, the Arroyo couple, Lopez, Manny Pangilinan, the president, Araneta,
Tanghangco and Ver all seated, Ver now proceeded discussing the geography of the
metropolis and the possible routes the allies are flying over to their journey attempting to

wrest the power from the legitimates ones. Ver pointed out Taguig and the Mandaluyong
area, for the he believed Mandaluyong connected itself to a part of Manila that can easily
lead into the palace. He said the troops and the creatures are going to rover around the
metropolis in case, the allies changed their routes. He told them all that the allies are
going nowhere but to face fates. Marcos revered his cousin for having a brilliant plan.
Ver proceeded to assign the allies of their roles in the final battle. He assigned Tan to
surprise the allies in the airbase just near the international airport. He told Tan to use
every converted PAL warplanes to try shut off the allies. If the allies escaped in a lucky
way, they will proceed to the business district, he ordered Cojuangco to use his fortress to
shut them out if given the chance in his own San Miguel Building. Ver jokingly told
Danding to shower them flammable alchoholic breaths to insult the allies of reminding
them of their favorite activity, social drinking! He told Danding to make them drunk.
Danding replied; they are not only getting drunk. Theyll be drunk in the favor of death in
no time. Ver told his allies that he will be guarding in a nearby military facility to destroy
the allies with weapons the whole nation has not ever seen before.

Danding and Tan are curious and asked the general. Ver replied, you will know my
choice of weapon after the battle has commenced. Marcos told Ver that supposed weapon
is an interesting weapon. He told Ver of giving him suspense. Ver reasoned with the awe
of the president; if it is a secret weapon, it will give us a hundred percent chance to shut
down the oppositions. Marcos laughed and told Ver to keep up the plans as it is
sophisticated planned. Ver told the president that the fate of the allies and the games they
are going to play is like pinball. Everywhere is full of traps and enemies. The only thing
they can redeem themselves is to be a martyr. This can be sinking into the abyss called
death or dying in flames sunk into the ground. Marcos assured Ver that this battle will be
like a New World Order for the country. Ver assigned Lopez to strengthen the defense of
his media station. He continued that Lopez should deliver news into everyones television
to see the death of the allies in which, will be a grim reminder for those who wanted to
topple the government. Ver then said, from business centers, entertainment city, escape
routes, palatial complex and many more are all heavily guarded. Tanghangco asked Ver
of his assignment in his supposed role in the war. Ver replied that Tanghangco and

Araneta should remain in Malacanang to protect Marcos and his allies residing there. You
are welcome to send troops to fight the allies. Still, you are remaining here to protect the
president and to surprise the allies in case, all failed. Just in case, they outsmarted us all.
Tanghangco said, this palatial complex will be filled with military armaments sufficient
enough to have their bodies in blazing glories. Araneta asked the president why Bong is
still not around. The president told him may be they already wrecked havoc in Marikina
so they can be crippled even more.
After repeating the groups assignments for the war, Ver ordered the cronies and the
presidential allies to prepare themselves back home. Ver bade goodbye to his cousin and
he promised he will do what must be done as planned to destroy the allies forever.
Marcos, Araneta and Tanghangco remained and talked about what they had done in
Ilocos Norte. Tanghangco revealed to the president that they had done everything as
planned. He ordered the presidential troops to disguise themselves dressing up as
opposition soldiers using the looted battle clothes from the previous battles strongly
sporting the color of the enemy. He then ordered the troops to seize the province of the
younger Marcos. Araneta told the president that the people will not know you are not the
same Marcos who ruled the Philippines 45 years ago. Araneta told the president of the
great things they have planned to prevent Bong Bong of a possible disillusionment and
rebellion. Marcos told Araneta, that is how we should impose our wills to our sons. To
the benefit and greater good of the country is all we should teach to our sons as Marcos
said to the duo. Araneta said to Marcos, after all of this, we are now reaching the
endgame. You are simply a puppet of your so called pretending to be subordinating allies.
I do think their egos might make their death premature but after all, many are already
waiting in their respective homes to emerge as self proclaiming heroes. Marcos told
Araneta whether win or lose, he (Marcos) will just be a vessel for the higher powers
manipulating behind. Whether my allies die or live in the final battle. They are not the
only elites. There are more even meaner than we can ever imagine. After all, it is the
game of the elites. Lucio Tan is confused of knowing of my true nature. He planned to
attack the allies for the sake of enjoyment and eliminating all hindrances to his personal
interests. Danding may have known who really am I but too, he is playing dumb as a

subordinate to play his game against the allies. In fact, the promises I gave them lies to
the extent of the powers behind such as the higher elites and the ones controlling them. It
is a matter of promised rewards coupled with ego and pride. Danding may be a friend just
for the time being as his interests and eventual rewards are at stake. He is a victim of
these higher powers. Araneta said; Im through with that kind of insanity. I once thought
Im just a simple man who enjoyed having a band and drooling as a hobby. Suddenly, my
abductors told me Im a scion of the prominent Araneta clan. They faked my death. They
told my band I was killed in a police frame up after that they are led to an unmarked
grave which even fooled my so called family back in Marikina. After the so called
burial of my fake self, my band got upset. Joey went to Japan for a new career in
animation and music. Sandy went to the US to seek a new life after she has been
devastated of my alleged death. The other two of my band are murdered in unknown
circumstances. I realized the sadness of being without them far from the family that
raised me. I then ventured myself to get used into my new clan. I learned every dirty
technique just for the sake of making money. Violence and lust for power became deeply
engrained to me. I have no conscience left to me. The harshest thing I have been through
is that Im back to whoever clan I was born into. I found out the reason why I was
dumped in no time because Im a black sheep not as corporate minded individuals as my
relatives do as predicted by my elders. There will be a time that I can avenge all the
loss I had and seize all their properties as they had created a monster. As a black sheep,
there is nothing anymore to prove but to prove them that the one they messed with will
cost them not only their properties, their legacies but with their lives. I have nothing more
left in this world but to fulfill what Im born to do to head the Araneta clans out of
irrational family members. Marcos was saddened of the history of the young man.
Araneta said to Marcos, thank you for listening to my story. I think you are better than all
of your allies including my new relatives. Marcos replied Araneta, my pleasure sir!
Thank you for desiring to protect me. Araneta tells Marcos that he is better than a real
human being including the elites. He added there will be a time for these elites to suffer
and pay the consequences of what they have done. Tanghangco said; we are all heading
what is right. No bloodlines, no relatives, no compromises and no friends are the
trademarks of an effective leadership. Araneta told Marcos after the political chaos they

had in store, they will finish off the unsuspecting elites. Marcos told the duo that the truth
behind his administrative nature will just be between him and the duo. Araneta assured
Marcos that the secret behind him will just be between him and a few confidantes.

As the scene goes into the corridors, the scene focused as Bong already knew the truth
behind the new government. He heard everything as he hid on the adjacent wall of the
room. Bong told himself that he will not kill his father as for now. He will finish his
grudge with the allies before he will use all of his resources to redeem the country out of
liars and corrupt elites. As the allies arrived in the headquarters where the freedom
fighters are preparing themselves to battle, they are called by Gordon to proceed to the
conference hall. They arrived at the conference hall and asked Gordon about his role in
the final war for independence. Gordon told them that the role he played in this war to
remove chaos is being an intelligence officer who is ready to assist those who are war
weary to remove the chaos in the land. He summarized his role is simply to serve the
country instead being served. He told the allies that days before the chaos in the election,
he was recruited by some sincere military officers including some politicians because of
his intelligence and sincerity for the nation to fight for what is right. The allies are awed
by the role of Gordon in the war. He is not only a public servant as they assumed. He is
also a real servant for the good of the nation. Gordon sat at one of the chairs as he waits
for the officers with the chairman himself. The chairman then arrived along with a couple
of the officers. He complimented about the decisions of the allies. Krisma said to Bayani,
we just do not want Eduardo to die in a cheap way. We wanted him to succeed that is
why we joined him. Patrick told the chairman that the burden of Eduardo Pizarras will be
the burden of the whole country. He expanded what he meant like he learned so much
after Gordon telling the whole nation to be vigilant at all cost. Larry told the chairman
and his men that the decisions they have is a part of a higher calling. He is convinced
there is no one who can defeat the tyrants except the youngsters from Marikina. Pearl
continued what Larry meant like she told the chairman that staying home will be termed
short term safety or false sense of safety. Eduardo thanked his allies again for joining
him to fight the dictators. Krisma said to him, in Cebu, you might be different from us, as
the journey progressed, we are like a family. We learned from each other so much as we

progressed. Eduardo thanked Krisma and replied her that he is thankful that they
understood him. It now seemed the allies shared each others burdens from uncertainty of
their goals, skirmish in the vacant military complex, death of a brother, moral dilemmas,
feelings of blame and guilt and finally, common goal to straighten the nation. Pearl talked
to Eduardo and told him he is a bit deeper right now. Eduardo replied her that being a bit
mature is the TFFs influence to him. He reminded the allies, we are equal there. There is
no leader in TFF. All of us will have specific jobs to do to make things straight.

One of the high ranking officers then ordered them to sit to listen attentively to the plans.
The officer explained where they are going before the final battle. He told the allies to
return to Villamor airbase to return to their planes. He told the allies not to worry since
the troops are almost everywhere to counter the creatures and especially, to assist them
against the elites. They are ordered to be back at Marikina flying over it to cheer the
people of imminent liberation. After that, some planes will assist them as they make their
way to the palace. Before marching and flying to the palace, the officer told the allies
about some cronies already preparing themselves for the allies based on intelligent
reports. He told the allies to try defeat Danding in his own heavily fortified building in
Mandaluyong. After defeating him go cripple the military stronghold of the Marcos to
render the president with no one to have him protected and defended. After all is set, they
can march their way back to the palace. The officer concluded the final mission is
relatively simple. It is making their way to the palace. While inside, they should kill the
president because Marcos seemed unredeemable. It would be dangerous to keep him

Gordon reminded the allies about the chaos and asked them that whether is it right to
preserve him if he is planning another set of chaos? The allies seemed a little worried.
Gordon cheered them up and believed in their capabilities. He told them if you are not to
believe in yourself, you will not succeed at any things in life. While in the palace, there
will be tanks and other escorts to fend off Marcos superior forces so the allies must fear
not facing the wrath of the new Marcos. Bayani told the officer and Eduardo that he may
not join the allies in the plane. He wanted a stunning entrance surprising the palace

forces. Eduardo said, Bayani, what you are thinking is amazing. You are a man of many
entertainments. This creativity is something that makes Philippine politics similar to an
action drama. The others laughed as Krisma asked about the concern of passing into the
near vicinity of the Cojuangco tyrant. The officer said to Krisma, do not worry. We have
ample forces to assist you to crush whoever oppositions wanted to bring you down. She
then replied and asked a follow up, is it important to return to our city and pass on to
Mandaluyong? Gordon frankly told her that simply pushing your way into Malacanang is
not easy and is not recommended. Larry asked the senator why? Gordon replied him that
it can be a trap if the allies imposed their way without passing into key Marcos
strongholds. Pearl asked Gordon, senator, is it too risky for us? Gordon replied her, Im
sorry. It could be a bit risky but worth the certainty of victory. Krisma said ahhhhh.
Gordon asked her, any questions my dear? Krisma asked; why you wont let the military
go to the strongholds? Since they have more superior fire arms they can handle them all
than we can. The female officer replied her that whatever route they can take, it is still the
same quality and quantity of tyrannical soldiers. Whether they passed on to Vers
territory or not, there is still a huge challenge waiting them every corner and every route.

Gordon told them all that to remove the roots you should pluck all the branches that
concealed and protect the root. The average ranking officer told the allies that if you did
not try to finish off the cronies, when you are in Marcos lair, failure and loss will be
certain for you. Gordon thought a bit and explained the reason why they should defeat
first the vigilant cronies. He said; I believed that all of you are blessed with unique skills.
I believed in your potentials especially we monitored your adventures in the south. Im
confident that only you can put an end to the cronies and the elites that protected Marcos.
To win my children, you should believe in yourself that you can do it. Either you
believed in yourself or risk dying on the road. You are all we have and our only last
chance. My military is not that strong. We are just capable as supporters not as main
event players like you. From Bong Bong and his multitude of troops, Villar and a hostile
Taal Volcano, who can beat you? I believed that you are the only ones who can set them
all straight. Eduardo told his allies to believe in their capabilities. He tried to convince
them and said; who expected you can beat a mud like Villar, rebound from a Marcos loss,

survived the rage of a volcano and stayed strong despite a tragedy made by the elites? My
allies, you are a bunch of great youngsters in which I owed my life into you. Like
Gordon, I believed you have unlimited potentials. You once cursed the elites, now is the
time to set all straight. For Gerry my also dear brother, for the people who were
oppressed and died by the elites, for the country and for real progress!!! We will make a
change starting tomorrow for the last time. My allies, this is your decision and I expect
you not to fear your decisions. We will help each other to back it out what we had said
back in the electrical complex for the elites to pay their evil deeds.
The allies somehow gained confidence of their leaders motivating speech yet, they are a
bit afraid. Eduardo told them again to believe in your capabilities. He said; you have
proven from time to time of what you can do. If you fear your fates our country will die
in a helpless manner. My members, we can do it and let us believe in each other. Only the
courageous will inherit a genuine progress of the country. Be like the Bagumbayan party
list of our dear presidentiable Gordon. He does not fear losing the election unlike his
opponents. He fights for what is right and that is the only simple solution for our nation.
Be brave my allies! If you will die, we will all die together. Our deaths will give our
country life because we laid our lives to the country. If we win, we saved our nation. If
we died, our blood will give life to a new generation of fighters that will be more
effective on setting this sick nation straight. Gordon said, my friends, there is no loss
regardless of the outcome. It is a matter of saving the country or giving it life if we shall
fail. At least we have done our part. Krisma said to Eduardo, you are once a pessimistic
boy. Now, you are changed. We are all inspired. You are amazing. Eduardo, you gave me

My friends, we will do it together for the final time. The officer wanted to conclude the
meeting by telling the allies to get their plane first, cheer the city of Marikina for more
inspiration, go to Dandings stronghold and do not let him escape, try to cripple the
military stronghold of the new administration and finally make their way to the palace for
one final encounter. The officer blessed the allies and told them this is for the Filipino
people and the world to see your valors. The allies went out after they thanked the officer

as they wished him to offer his prayers for them to be triumphant. As they are heading in
the quarters to take a decent rest, Bayani visited them and told them that they can make
the Philippines independent from the elites once more. He said; do not be afraid when
Im not with you. We may not be in the same vehicle but we are both fighting for the
countrys future. It is just a different kind of role to play. He greeted good night to the
allies. As he went into his quarters, he quickly made himself to sleep. He will be sleeping
for just a couple of hours for he will be early to get his war machine that will be a part of
his role liberating the country at the same time, a stunning entrance to Malacanang that
will surprise the administrations stronghold.

P25: Morning Reflections.

As dawn coming near, Bayani woke up 2 hours earlier than the allies. He went to his
campaign headquaters to fetch his war machine that will support the allies and stun the
palatial complex. One of his officers asked about what should he do in case, he reunited
with his former ally President Arroyo. Bayani responded, it will be very hurtful to me to
see my ally being enslaved by a new and reborn Marcos. We once are having good time
with her but she got ruined by excessive corruption and bad governance. The officer
replied him, how sad. Bayani being a principled man, he told the officers that though he
is friends with PGMA, he will not tolerate what she had done. Bayani explained to the
officers that Gloria Arroyo dumped him from being LAKAS party lists standard bearer
and ruined the lives of the Filipinos. He said that friends and relatives will not count in
the hour of mercy especially justice system and the greater good is being on the balance

Bayani concluded that Gloria Arroyo must be punished because it is the right thing to do.
Friendship will be ruined because we are in the side of good. The officer impressed of
Bayanis reasoning as they proceeded to the hangar where his war machine awaits him.
Bayani introduced the officers of his once campaign machine. He told the officers that
the machine has been improved for the sake of self defense. The officers asked the
chairman where they are going next after this. Bayani answered, back to the head quarters
in order to assist the allies into their airship. The allies woke up couple of hours after the

chairman. They roamed the headquarters a bit and they met Gordon along the way.
Eduardo asked Gordon whether he slept or not. Gordon answered him that he did some
rest yet, he was too excited for the war for freedom. Eduardo expressed the same feeling
too. Krisma asked Eduardo that they should take their breakfast. A couple of personnel
approached them for breakfast. As they ate their breakfast, Gordon was impressed. As he
chatted with the allies, he found deep patriotism in each of their hearts. Krisma told
Gordon that she did not regret her decision to join Eduardo to the final battle. Pearl told
Gordon that she is proud to lay her life for the ultimate service to the country. Gordon
replied her that she is too arcane and much of a martyr. Pearl replied, for the greater
good. Laying lives will worth the progress and change to the nation. Gordon exclaimed
that she is too patriotic. Larry asked Patrick if he is ready to kick some butt like the days
of his high school brawling days. Patrick affirmed him that he will be knocking people
out but this time, instead of high school bullies this time, they are high profile politicians.

Larry told Krisma and Pearl to finish their meal quickly because in case the chairman
arrives and find you are still eating, he will scold you two. Krisma shrugged her friends
annoying prank telling him that he too must finish his meal and warned him not to bring
some in the plane like he does during excursions. Eduardo observed his friends finished
their meals. He told them to eat properly because they must be in full condition to fight
for freedom. After they finished their meal, they met the chairman awaiting them. As
they went out from the complex, they are amazed to see the chairmans once campaign
machine. Krisma said to the chairman, I thought you are going to store it in a hangar
forever after the election. I now think that this machine has some role to play. It will
witness our fight for freedom. Bayani replied, campaign machines are machines that are
really present and designed to witness freedom and change. Larry said to Bayani, it has
some improvements with heavy firepower. Chairman, you are a showman by heart. You
never failed to amaze us all. Bayani replied him; let us make everything worthy for the
main event. Patrick talked to Eduardo and said to him, our former mayor is an awesome
bad ass individual. He made everything exciting. Even the boring ones, he never hesitated
to make it also exciting. Eduardo replied him; tomorrow that campaign machine will
grace the newspapers. Pearl said to Eduardo, Eduardo, he is our former mayor and

possibly the most exciting mayor of all time. Eduardo replied Pearl, he is a cool guy. I
heard he can sing too. Bayani, you should put some music to your war machine to make
everything in an epic manner. Krisma said to Eduardo, epic fail! Distraction harbored
destruction Ha Ha Ha. He dived himself into awesomeness not realizing his opponents
are surrounding him. Bayani replied Krisma, hey girl! You will see we will put a good
show right now. Ok! Lets go to the airport. The allies went into the coaster as they are
being escorted by military vehicles. Additionally, the chairmans war machine is being
held as the sentinel of the military convoy. Larry said to Eduardo, never I witness that
campaign props can be full fledged force to reckon with. Everything has a first time dude.
Eduardo replied, most campaign props are dumped or stored in their respective storages
forever after the elections. As the vehicles left the complex, the personnel bade farewell
to the convoy with them offering their most sincere prayers for the success of the

As the allies arrived at the airbase to ride their plane, Bayani disembarked from his war
machine. He asked the allies to be brave and think always of his guidance. He reminded
the allies that they are not alone. The only thing that separated them is simply not being
physically present. Yet, they are always together with their goal waiting at the horizon.
As the allies climbed the plane, Bayani told the allies that they are not alone. The
chairman too is there to support them whatever consequences and difficulties it might be.
Bayani went back to his vehicle as he waited for the plane where the allies are riding is
about to take off. The allies are greeted by the crew as they walked into to their respective
seats with their weapons near their presence in case danger is coming near. The crew
announced that they are blessed and lucky to pilot the plane that will change the history
of the nation. Eduardo reciprocated the crew telling them that the TFF too is fortunate to
have crew with smiling faces. Krisma said to the crew, they are having a great day with
them driving their plane in the road for freedom. The pilot announced to the TFF that
they will be seeking after their welfare. They will make the allies safe as best as they can
just to achieve their goals. The pilots will do all they can to lessen the harm the allies
might possibly sustain. As the plane took off with some additional war crafts for defense,
the allies saw Bayanis war machine leapt into the heat of the action. Bayanis signal

reached the plane and announced to the allies that he is always at their side. They will be
close to each other until the battles are over. He may be at the ground but he will be
always present when the allies needed assistance.

P26: Prince of the Air.

The allies became calm as Bayani advises them that he will be on their rescue when
things get worse. As the plane took off, they are cornered by fleets of enhanced
Philippine Airline planes in which, they are now converted into war planes for the sake of
shutting the allies down. Eduardo said to the crew, they have all the time to arrange our
ends yet, they do not have much time to cater the people for now to safety. The crew
replied, kid, you know that in this country, self interests come first before servitude to the
greater good. Krisma said to Eduardo, I may agree with you this time. They are wasting
precious aeronautic units. Eduardo replied, next time you go to the province, be careful
on choosing a plane or else there will be bombs hiding beneath it. I mean that they are
careful for our destruction yet, they are not meticulous to provide peoples safety. Pearl
said to Eduardo, yeah I may agree, they are a disgrace to the honor they once acquired.
Patrick said to the crew, with this crony Tan doing this for bringing us down, next time,
they will be forgetful to remove the bombs they are planting in their planes simply to get
tons of money. Eduardo replied Patrick; we should blast them all out to decrease slaves of
evil in our society. The crew apologizes to them and told them to be in a moment of
silence as they try to fend off the aggressive fleets upon them. As they flew higher, many
more PAL airlines are getting along their way. One plane shot a missile towards them but
because of the crews expertise of flying their craft, they managed to avert the destruction
going through them. They shot the larger plane in which it burst into flames crashing into
the ground. The allies congratulated the crew but unfortunately, the crew said it is just the

As they hovered over Taguig and the airport vicinity, the planes of Tan seemed to know
where they are going and conducted attempted ambush towards them. Krisma and Pearl
seemed to panic a bit but the boys calmed them down. They told the girls that everything
will not be over until they solved the puzzles in the palace. The crew managed to defeat

handful of Philippine Airline war planes as they make a round searching for war planes to
bring down. After they go a little further over the area of Global City, they are being
chased by warplanes from nowhere. The crew feared if they bring the planes down above
Global City, many will die. They moved themselves to a swampy place where
infrastructures are not yet planned to be constructed. As they went flying over the area,
not only warplanes of Tan are attacking them. The creatures have their own fighter planes
to gang up the allies craft.

The crew attempted to contact Bayani and some other Red Cross personnel forces.
Bayani leaped into action and used his missiles to bring a huge number of the creatures
warplanes. The allies plane again destroyed a handful of PAL planes, as they evaded
their heavy firepower and going into their weak point for the open. The crew did their
pattern to evade and go for the open. As the warplanes became a huge quantity in the
war, the allies seemed a little confused as for them, bringing planes seemed an endless
activity. Their military allies came into the rescue by handling the creatures planes and
some of the bigger planes of the fleet. As the crew roamed the air firing firepower to
bring opposing planes, they finally found multitudes of fleets guarding their boss. Pearl
saw the plane in which she believed Tan is on board. She said, I may have seen where I
believed it is the place where the planes are playing upon us. They seemed to heavily
protect their boss. Krisma saw the uniquely made aircraft. She assumed the crony of
Marcos feels like he is like a dragon in the sky. The allies felt the crew has found out one
of the stronghold of the fleets. They did not proceed immediately because if they do, they
mean certain downfall. They planned to assist their allies to bring down rushing war
planes towards them. They practiced firing at the enemies opening in order to assure
them mastery over their soon to be more difficult foes. One ally crew contacted them of
the sudden appearance of the planes from nowhere. The crew of the allies plane told
them to fend them all off. As the allies plane pilots promised to help them eliminate
irritating war planes. After a heated battle with many of the Tan planes falling into
flames, Tan back into his headship, said to the allies, they are supposedly to have ample
strength to bring majority of my fleets down. In case, they cannot, it is the end of the road
for them. One Tan aide asked the boss, Sir, it is undoubtedly dangerous on your plane as

for now, what made you participate on this dangerous mission? You know that air crash
is not very possibility even for us. Tan replied, you thought just because Im an ally of
Marcos as he commanded me to do it, Hell No! I came here not to follow orders but to
destroy them for the sake of my status and interests at stake. I knew that the allies cannot
touch us. They are just lowly worms who needed us. Killing all of us will make an end
for their favorite travel days. His mistress on board added what he said; it is pride and
enjoyment that made my love to join the battle against the allies. Talking of being a
Marcos slave, that is non sense. He does not simply befriend Marcos for nothing. It is
what the former can offer and vested interests to be added and enhanced.

Tan surveyed his planes slowly dwindling in numbers with most going into flames
alongside some of the allies ally planes. He confidently remarked that in the end, he will
be the one to get credit of the allies destructions. He witnessed the finesse of his trained
war pilots. He saw bigger planes coming from no where in which their ambush cost a
significant number of the allies ally planes downfall. One of his planes managed to
swiftly clear all the opposing TFF planes on the area but one of the allies Red Cross
designed plane found an opening and crushed the bigger plane on the flames to the
ground. After a heated close battle between TFF planes and Tan war planes, the allies
made their pattern and gained momentum successfully crushing the incoming ambush
larger planes of Tan. Tan seemed a bit furious of what had become of his flagship fleets.
He told his pilot that the allies will never ever get a plane for vacation of what they have
done. The pilot of Tan laughed as they unleashed heavy firepower which nearly
destroyed the main craft of the allies if not because of their pilots superior skills. The
pilot in the allies craft seemed a bit nervous and told the allies, a cancelled call from
death. Krisma with Pearl prayed for these things to be over sooner than later. The allies
ally planes with the main planes started to fight harder fending off larger planes which
made Tans acrobatic ambush technique almost obsolete.
One ally contacted the main crew that the enemies resources are not unlimited. Sooner,
they will be running out of planes to fight. The main plane along with their allies
combined their forces bringing down many larger fleets in which the surrounding fleets

of Tan will be the latters last stand for victory. Bayani defended the allies from the
creatures smaller planes by leaping into the said vehicles and punching them for
cleaning the mess in a stunning fashion. The main plane received various calls from the
neighboring fighter planes asking the main plane what to do. Since they are the leader
of a small and daring fleet, they should be the one planning for their first epic victory.
Bayani contacted them back on the ground telling them there are armored vehicles
designed to crush air forces. Bayani told the allies he has to hold off the tanks. Eduardo
told Bayani to be careful and not to be overconfident. The chairman assured him that he
can take things in an almost perfect manner. Eduardo told the chairman that he knew
what to do and he believed in his capabilities. The chairman thanked the TFF leader and
wished him a blessed day. He added the tanks are coming near so he has to stop them.

The main crew of the plane answered the calls of his allies telling them a part of them
should defend the group from unwanted ambush attacks. The other part should fend off
the ambushing plane in the other polar direction. The main group in the middle along
with some above them should concentrate moving closer by pushing their way into Tans
fleets. The main pilot of the allies plane told his ally planes not to panic in case Tan has
new tricks for them. They should stick to the plan. He pleaded his allies to be more
flexible as they make their way to the eye of the storm. The allies advanced their way to
the main fleet as the others successfully brought the Tan planes down. One fighter
assured of his conclusion that Tan is now demoralized and will regret his plan on
participating the war for independence. Tan contacted the main plane as his signal first
registered as unknown until the main pilot recognized his voice. He said to the pilot with
a message to the allies, how pathetic you are fighting a war which you cannot win. Your
fleets are smaller. Your resources too are limited. You think that my guerilla planes will
eventually stop attacking you? You are not yet winning yet you are too overconfident.
There is nothing wrong in being overconfident as long you can back it up and at the same
time, you knew how to estimate your enemies. I have lived a life fully fulfilled with this
last moment of enjoyment to finally shut down the remnants of disobedient citizens! You
cannot realize that your lives are always revolving around the influences of the oligarchs!
Then, you desired independence right then let my troops make your souls free away from

our influences. The pilot replied, thats why we are fighting in order to have our last stand
against the oligarchs like you. You are acting like you are the king of the clouds but Im
sorry, if I were you, I rather stay home instead actively participating in this battle. Tan
said, brave little men! In this country you will fight a series of battle in which despite you
are motivated to win, you will not win! Pride, glory, flair, riches and quality are not on
your side! The pilot replied, Tan, upon listening to all what you have been said, let us
now see who has the better fleet. Tan replied the allies pilot, my fleets are seemingly
endless. You cannot underestimate what my fleets can do!
Before Tan faded away from the signal, Eduardo made a last second rebuttal of Tans
words. He said; where are your resources after most have been taken down to the ground?
Resources do not assure victory. It is strategy and trust among allies. You think you are
like a dragon in the sky? I agree as for now but not too long. Tan replied as he faded
away, good luck on this flight to your freedom HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The
allies were again confused by ambushing planes. Thankfully, their allies managed to fend
off the remaining fleets in which, after their successive defense, the ambush assaults
stopped for now. The allies seeing many planes are bursting into flames contemplating
whoever is in the enemy planes paid for what they have done to blindly serve their master
instead of giving up the false administration. The evil pilots deserved their fates as they
do not redeem despite knowing their master is all after the resources that will feed his
own family alone especially, himself. Tans allies released spread missiles to confuse the
allies. The allies neighboring warplanes managed to hold on and control their tempo as
planned. They fired back and some bigger fleets guarding Tan crashed to the ground.
Some planes are similar to dragons as they breathed large fires to psychologically
intimidate the allies despite being a bit slow than the missiles. The ally planes advanced
themselves to the fleet. They found many openings and destroyed Tans much larger
planes. The creatures fighter plane again came out from nowhere but the opposing force
believed in what they are doing and managed to keep them away. Tans main plane
moved a bit further as his bigger planes are reduced into balls of flames. Some bigger
planes wanted to assist Tan of a possible escape yet, the allies warplanes showered them
with torrents of firepower that brought them down.

The prince of the air is all alone. He announced the allies that he is like a dragon ready to
devour them all. He even told the allies that he will convert all the casualties along with
the bodies of the TFF as golden decorations for his master and for the sake of recycling.
Tans plane is all alone after the allies brought down many of his defenders. Tans main
fleet fired large flames to intimidate the allies. In fact, it brought down a dozen of the
allies defenders. Tan planned to confuse his opponents by flexing the plane to move
from one direction to another in which, his plane succeeded bringing down a huge
number of the TFF planes. He mocked the allies telling them they are nothing but a pawn
of losing politicians. Eduardo heard what he said and wanted to reason out with him.
Patrick went into the cockpit and told Tan that he may have voted the so-called losing
candidate in case, he knew who they are. Tan lambasted him saying that he do not vote
for stubborn candidates. He voted for the ones who will take care of himself and his
interests. He added in case, he voted for candidates that will be found as sore losers. He
do not give a damn about them let his interests be his priority. He clearly expressed his
stances to the allies where power is comfortable at his favor, this is where he is. Pearl got
irritated and said to him in a violent manner, I may be sensitive to extreme violence but
seeing this man and his voice made me think fools and oppressors must at least be
punished in a harsh manner to serve as an example for future oppressors.

Tan faded away and moved his plane rapidly unleashing heavy firepower. The main
plane got confused as the others tries to catch the Marcos crony off guard. Tans plane
pushed the allies over the now ruined Epifanio De Los Santos Avenue. Tan does not
immediately plan to eliminate the allies. He will first toy them until the right time to
destroy them. He wanted to bully, intimidate and humiliate the allies finally finishing
them off. He believed he is the king of the sky and thinks the allies are fighting a ruthless
divine being in the sky. When the allies nearly found an opening on Tan, another set of
creature planes and Philippine Airline remaining fleets rushing toward the allies. The
main plane was safe again from harm as Bayani and a handful of allies managed to finish
the reinforcements once and for all. As Tan moved even more, he planned to overpower
the allies. The allies managed to dodge all the toughest firepower Tan has ordered along
with their remaining allies. Tan then ordered his pilot to confuse them even more to

incinerate them through the flames as they moved on. He ordered the pilot to maximize
the intensity but too late, the allies managed to find an opening narrowly escaping from
the much slower flames. They unleashed their best firepower destroying first the part of
the plane where Tan is playing through his ego killing him in the process along with his
acquaintances. Finally, the country is free from the influence of the prince of the air.

The allies landed a bit with their allies and thanked Bayani of his support when the
former needed him so badly. Bayani smiled back at them and congratulated them for their
epic victory. The allies with the chairman watched as Lucio Tans plane crashed into the
ground killing and incinerating him on board along with all his companions inside the

P27: Appointment with an Overlord.

The allies talked with the chairman as they watched the once powerful crony of
Ferdinand Marcos crashed into the billboards in a ball of flames. The allies commented
that Tan is not deserved to die but being a Marcos crony, it is him who advanced his
mortality. Bayani told them that they are just defending what is right. He added that
conscience do sometimes deceived those who wanted to do right yet are misled by their
heart. Krisma in an ironic mood reflected with the chairman and said, Im once a non
violent person. Non violence could not be always the case. Sometimes like my friend
Eduardo said that violence sometimes provided the long term solution instead of talking
into nowhere. Bayani replied her that she did not do any brutality. What she had done is
to assure there is no one to plague the country after all is done. The chairman added that
Cory did restored democracy. He did not doubt the sincerity of the former president.
There is one mistake she had in her leadership. Instead of leadership that will redeem the
country from her ills, she did allow the cronies of Marcos to take advantage into pursuing
their interests even hijacking democracy into their self centered interests. Eduardo said to
Krisma, me too, I do not want brutality and violence. It pained me seeing lives are wasted
for a useless cause. Unfortunately, you need to bring a hammer to exercise power and
authority. Seeing the state of our politicians, they are all stained into sins. How depraved
our current nation is! Krisma said to Eduardo, the end does not justify the means. There

must be ways but not this freedom fighting we are doing. Poor cronies, they died for their
lies and interests. Larry said to Krisma, there is always sacrifice being involved if you
wanted change. Many ways are already being proposed but they disappeared like air. All
are lost. They are made into milking politicians and the corrupted corporate alike.
Eduardo told the others even God gave chance to the pagans to repent in the Old
Testament. The pagans did not repent in which our holy God punished them with
righteous indignation. Bayani told them to return to their plane as he called some
reinforcements to assist them on the way. He added as the allies climbing back to their
planes that any routes you take, there will be risks. There is no safe route for your
information. If you plan to not tackle the Cojuangco tyrant please remember this is the
metropolis, you know that everything is not safe for us again, let us stick to the plan ok?
Patrick affirmed the chairman.

The chairman as they went inside told them everyone is against them. As the allies flew
over EDSA they saw various politicians are bathing in their pool of blood along with
many of their supporters. Some creatures are crushing the dead to prove themselves that
they are in control. Krisma and Pearl lamented on what they saw. Krisma is thinking and
seemed convinced that these kinds of creatures should not be given a chance to be
redeemed. Pearl agreed with her that this kind of mentality is something only purely
Jesus can change them. Eduardo said to them, we have expressed ourselves but many
would not listen. They experienced what they believed until their very last breath. Pearl
ordered the pilot to have some vaccines in one of the planes firepower to inject these
chaotic individuals. Krisma called Pearl to look as she saw Red Cross armies are
injecting the chaotic mob warring in the long stretch. They saw the creatures, politicians
and the supporters are calmed down as if they are sleeping. Patrick called Krisma because
he saw St. Lukes medical vehicles in the air and in the land. He called Krisma to look
because what they are about to see will redeem their temporary sadness. They saw St.
Lukes medical vehicles assisting the downtrodden while their aerial vehicles are firing
something to inject the unstable patients. Krisma and Pearl cheered as the company
where they are working became too noble compared how their medical company fared
well with the masses. Eduardo said to Krisma, St. Lukes should fulfill what its name

stands for. Luke is the physician that healed the sick and shared the gospel of Christ. I
once thought the medical center only caters to the rich and the corrupt bragging about
their new medical facilities. Now, they are doing what they should do in reality. I
congratulated the hospital that healed me. No elitism in altruistic activities involved. The
pilot announced the allies that more Red Cross planes firing rounds to inject vaccines to
the chaotic below.
St. Lukes medical vehicles formed a massive convoy in the air and land to do what they
should do. To do what they pledged to do to go out from their comfort zone to heal
people as much as they can. The joy of relieving someone successfully from sickness is
the real goal of any medical practitioners without expecting anything in return. This is
what they are born to do. Krisma and Pearl thanked the crew for telling them about basic
medical principles. Larry said to the girls, I once underestimated that hospital. I once
thought they are all about equipments that are for the rich. A hospital concentrated on the
elites but this hospital touched me down. They are going into the heat of the action
despite broken roads and violent mob just to heal them. I almost cried in happiness seeing
them do it. Krisma consoled Larry and said to him, they are medical facilities so they are
all about healing the sick. God gave them talents to heal the sick. The pilot said to the
allies, for every good news we had, there will be always a bad news. Krisma replied,
what is that? The pilot announced them told them to go into the cockpit. Danding
appeared in a monitor and he taunted the allies. He said to the allies, congratulations of
your efforts to dispose one of the countrys richest men. Larry answered Danding, sir! He
may be rich in assets but poor in principles. He is such a waste. Danding intimidated
them and told them to silence! He said, I see you are all about finding out on the safer
routes. Im afraid that there is such thing as safe route in the metropolis. Everyone is
against you. Only if you abandon your resistance for this futile fight for independence,
will the safer routes will be favoring you. Eduardo said to the crony, we already knew
even from the start that the stakes are all against us. Now, we are going to turn it all
against you. Danding replied the TFF leader; you are still living in the world of your own
fantasies. You thought Im Marcoss subordinate. The allies simultaneously responded
yes. Danding told them that he is not a subordinate of the dictator as if he is just a simple

follower. He is just following the president because he knew he can get something and
earn out of him. He told the allies that he has a mind of his own. He only joins alliances
where power is at his favor. He criticized the allies in a harsh way of their conception that
he is a slave of the dictator. Danding told them he can be flexible at any side as long there
is the power and assets awaiting for him. He said to the allies, you know Ninoy right?
Many people attributed his assassination to the Marcoses. I concluded it as a half truth.
People are too dumb to be in their own world of fantasy as you do. They thought me and
Ninoy are cousins-in-law so they do not include my part to his assassination. Dont you
know one of Marcos generals in the past thought me as a second in command? Krisma
replied the Cojuangco, is it Imelda right? Danding replied her that Imelda is just a spoiled
first lady. That time, I have a high degree of controlling Marcos troops. Now talking
about family matters, the thing I hate Ninoy because one of my acquaintances told me
that he is willing to give Hacienda Luisita to the farmers. I almost threw up hearing that. I
would not allow a communist cousin-in-law to ruin my assets and my beloved land so
you all know the story. Eduardo said to Danding, a bunch of childish ego players. You
are like children who fight each other just for the sake of a toy. Danding replied him, so
you are all like Ninoy! You think I will fight you because Marcos is ordering me to get
your heads for him? I think it is for enjoyment and finally shutting down those who
opposed my interests! It is not Marcos who will reward me but it is power, higher power
providing me beyond my imagination. Danding as his signal fades away, he told the allies
that he will be waiting for them and whoever does not come out from their hibernating
holes are real cowards.

Eduardo commanded the pilot to go in his main building nearby. Krisma cautioned his
ally for his excessive pride. Eduardo told her to stay put. He convinced her that if they
head straight into the palace and let Danding escapes, the nation again will be having
another tearful saga. Eduardo told his allies, the time is now to redeem our nation from
power hungry individuals. As the plane flew over the Ortigas commercial center, the
allies located the main San Miguel Building. They ordered the pilot to drop them and
assist them in case of dire trouble. As the allies rushed into the main San Miguel
Building, they wiped out the creatures throwing their way unto them. They heard

Dandings voice laughing and cursing on them. Larry saw another set of creatures
rushing towards them. He equipped his nunchaku which laid a painful waste on the
creatures. As they went up, they met many Cojuangco slave masters. Krisma used her
fighter camera to freeze them and used her flying disc to chop them off. As the elevator
moves into the upper floor where the San Miguel chairman emeritus awaits them, the
elevator stopped in the mid upper floors. The allies tried to fix the elevator but no avail.
They forced their way out walking into the dark corridors with ambushing allies. As they
searched for the door that leads to the upper levels, there are many more creatures and
slave masters attacked them. Krisma told her allies that she can handle the annoying
creatures. She threw her discs which chopped the creatures heads in a swiftly way. One
of the slave masters unleashed its whip on Krismas soldiers. Patrick uppercutted the
slave master and stabbed it multiple times. Pearl shot the incoming creatures. As the
creatures leaped from the ceiling to ambush the allies, Eduardo took care of them all.

A battalion of creatures, attempted to break the window glass from outside to intimidate
and feast upon the allies, Eduardo used his high powered armament to stop the incoming
enemies. The allies found the door that leads to the stairs that will lead them to the upper
floor. While going up into the chairmans room. The allies faced more creatures and slave
master. They effortlessly beat them for the battle beyond the chairmans room will
eventually demand them to use all their energies. Patrick tested his might by stabbing the
creatures. Larry used his brawling skills to fend off the slave masters and whipped them
using his nunchaku. Krisma cautiously used her discs to attack in all directions to
decapitate the rushing creatures. Eduardo assisted his allies as he slashed his way into the
upper floors. He managed to counter all the leaping ambushes of the creatures in an
attempt to crush the allies. They killed and finished more enemies, eventually they made
it into the chairmans room. As they rushed into the corridor leading into Dandings
room, the allies saw the chairmans secretary rushing into the elevator running for her
dear life.

Shortly after they approached the room, the building announcer announced all the
employees must evacuate immediately. It is now all about Danding Cojuangco against
the TFF.

P28: Golden Monstrosity.

The allies pushed themselves to the room where Cojuangco is waiting for them.
Cojuangco told them to look at the window where many Red Cross planes and the allies
of the main plane are being shut down by the creatures war planes. Patrick said to
Danding, sir! You may have ordered all your troops to bring our fleets down. Rest
assured, your defeat will be our turning off the tables. Danding replied him, it is bad to be
so sure especially your chances of defeating me. You should back it all out until you can
brag to the whole country that you are greater than the authorities you defied. Im
telling this to the whole country. You always thought that after Marcos has been driven
out from the palace. It is not only the end of a dictator but also his cronies. People do not
know the real nature of the first peoples power. What you meant in your history class
where the people obtained their democracy is just half truth. Logic will tell you that the
cronies too are free to roam. Cory Aquino is no doubt a sincere yet a nave president. I
cannot blame her because she is merely a housewife, a glorified one! Democracy might
be back but people do not know it is the cronies and the rich corporate that maximized
the democracy she gave us all. The people may felt so free but poverty enveloped them
with the shadow of colonization. The problem they had is simple, they do not know how
to develop freedom unlike we do.

We, the corporate overlords knew how to take advantage of anything within any
circumstances. Pearl said to the Cojuangco, at least, you admitted that you plundered our
nation via your self centered means. Danding replied Pearl, miss! Im not dumb enough
to admit this to the whole country. Let them alone fix their mess. They had their equal
share of accountability responding to this countrys downfall. Now, I will be the one to
make it in my own image. Lady, Im telling this to all of you for this simple reason. You
will not get out of here alive. Pearl said; you can try old man. It could be the other way
around. It could be something like this, the lengthier the years of corruption involved, the

more accumulation of conscience will disturb him until the end. Danding responded
Pearl, I, at least admire you of your frankness. Everything will have a cost. Eduardo
interrupted Danding, sir! Yes indeed! There will be always a cost after repeated
corruption. It does not exclude the ones perpetrating it. Danding replied Eduardo, boy!
Im so worried about what you have said. Since the system is contaminated with
corruption, I have no choice but to make my own assets grow even more in order, to
accumulate even more. Let alone the people starve to death. It is futile to find a solution
of this countrys progress out of my factions. This country since from colonization got
nothing but fall from grace. Look at the corporate magnates. They are all about the
market and the economy. Despite corruption, they did not complain because it is futile to
complain. They have already done what to do in times of need. It is using the mind my
goodness! Eduardo responded Cojuangco telling him that it is so tragic to have people
having this mindset. They should serve the people and not take advantage of this already
chaotic democracy. Danding replied him, oh boy! You are not even on a college level.
You are too idealistic. Your ideals blinded you. People always complain instead of
submission. The allies exclaimed WHATTT?? Danding explained to them that to submit
to his faction will gain enumerable benefits. He added, the farmers are poor because they
do not know the word submission and respect. Krisma told him that the farmers are
abused by their own slave masters. Danding replied Krisma, this is non sense!
Communist brats must be lectured to be more productive. The problem of this nation is so
simple. They do not know how to submit to higher powers. They are only all about
themselves. Larry said to Cojuangco, sir!! You once said you knew no alliance. As long it
is where power lies on, you will be a slave to it. Danding replied, you should put
everything on context my young inquirer! You see you are not great people. You are all
lowly worms who are suicidal in an attempt to wrest the power from us. You should think
wisely. You do not have the resume to challenge our authority. In the case of mine, Im a
great man who has tremendous amount of wealth CAPABLE OF CHALLENGING
the name of Cojuangco! All you always assume Cojuangcos are greedy businessmen and
someone who is incapable of ruling the country of what she stood for. Excuse me,
Cojuangcos are names written in the clouds. They are the harbingers of the countrys

future if all will submit to them. In fact, they are wise. They can feed themselves under
ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! Eduardo said to Danding, hmm, self centered individuals
who do not care for the greater good are lower than worms? In times of corruption, I
rather be poor helping the poor than enjoying my alleged riches especially, they are not
obtained through honest means. Danding responded to the allies, I cannot help you solve
your problem. You are already steeped in delusional thoughts. You are living in your own
fantasy world as I once said. Not submitting to authorities is what made this country
struggling to fix its mess. You slandered the name of Cojuangco which brought a colorful
history on this country. I do not think you came here to be humbled by those greater than

The allies saw the office crumbling with them being driven away by a huge force. They
landed on the ground full of debris and many of the buildings parts. Danding roared to
allies that this Cojuangco is the one living in his own world of fantasy. Krisma, Pearl,
Larry and Patrick affirmed their leader that in case, he needed them, they will be always
ready. Eduardo thanked his allies. He said to them, this time, there is no turning back, this
crony is beyond salvation. We tried to convince him what he is doing is bad. Now, he is
at the peak of his delusion. He cared more of his resources than the whole starving
population. Danding said to them, NOW YOU WILL SEE THAT YOU ARE AGAINST

The allies heard Kris Aquinos shrieking in a nearby monitor. She told the allies that the
time has come for the age of change. It is up to the allies to accept the deal or reject it.
Krisma said to Eduardo, you heard that? Eduardo responded yes! Pretend that she doesnt
exist. I guess she do not understand what she is saying. Krisma responded her leader
telling him that she sounds too cryptic and gibberish. Danding told the allies that their
allies cannot help them. They are too busy struggling with the superior forces of the new
administration. All they can do is watch the allies die. He then placed some heavy barrier
hindering possible rescue operations. Patrick shouted at Danding telling him he is too
worried about the war planes. He is the one should be called a coward. Eduardo tells the
TFF, they need to wreck the building that carries the monstrosity having Danding in it.
Danding is inside a golden idol mounted on a life size replica of his building with
pastures on the ground where the allies are standing. Patrick said to Eduardo, we cannot
reach the chairman all we need to do is to demolish what holds him. Eduardo made a
thumbs up on Patrick and told him he is absolutely correct.

The allies started thinking on how to dismantle the building replica that is holding the
golden idol. Danding taunted the allies as the buildings glass started to explode.
Dandings goal is to attempt to heavily injure the allies by glass explosion in which the
shards come crashing unto the TFF. Eduardo equipped his high powered rifle and started
shooting like crazy on the building replica. Krisma used her fighter camera to slow the
buildings anger down. She unleashed a multitude of exploding discs to destroy the
building. Pearl used her heavy artillery to demolish the building. The allies saw their
allies being brought down by Danding at the cost of desiring to help the TFF. Eduardo
gave the TFF tips on how to lessen possible harm in case, the building got angry and
started exploding glass shards. He told the allies to duck at the bigger blocks just in case,
the building got mad. The allies continued to unleashed barrage of heavy firepower to
make bring the overlords foundation down. The building suddenly seemed alarmed and
Danding commanded it to unleash violent shards. Eduardo told the allies to duck at the
nearby blocks. The allies seemed protected as the building unleashed violent shards. The
ground then tried to pull the allies to the ground. Eduardo told the allies to hold on to

their respective blocks. Holding on the blocks as if, hanging for dear life is Eduardos tip
for the allies survival in order, to avert themselves from becoming Dandings Fertilizers.
The allies continued to shoot madly at the building. Torrents of Krismas discs rained
upon the structure. Patrick unleashed most of his RPG rockets to the foundation of the
golden monstrosity. Eduardo strafed along the ground shooting Dandings building like
emptying all ammunition just to bring the foundation down. Patrick shoots the building
with his powerful rockets and threw some of his grenades into the monsters pedestal.
The building seemed to reach its moderate point. The building unexpectedly unleashed
glass shards that threw the allies a bit injured just close the blocks. Eduardo commented
his allies, death almost got us. Larry frantically shot the building and told Eduardo that
not this time! The allies ducked from their respective blocks as the glass shards being
spread across the arena. The allies knew the pattern again, they hold on to the blocks with
all their strength to avoid being pulled down. The glass explosion stopped for now as the
allies can shoot the creatures once more. The allies continued their pattern as Krisma
slowed the building down and threw her discs at the structure. Larry rushed into the
building and hacked it with his weapon. Eduardo told him to be careful. Larry saluted his
friend then. Patrick almost emptied his rockets to the building. Pearl used her high
powered rifle to weaken the building even more. Krisma said to Eduardo, if my brother is
still alive, he should make a short work of Cojuangco. Eduardo replied her, we are here
for you. So let your brother watch us happily via pay per view in heaven. By the way,
good friend, your brother wanted me to regard you as my sister and it is my duty to
protect you. Krisma thanked Eduardo and slowed the buildings rage once again. Eduardo
asked Krisma to give him some of her discs. Krisma gave him a couple ones. Eduardo
told her that they will throw their discs simultaneously. Krisma agreed with her friend.
They simultaneously threw their discs which cut the building significantly. Danding got
angry at them telling them that he will provide more challenge to them.

Pointed tentacles are things that the allies must avoid to go along their progress
undamaged. The building again reached its boiling point. Larry and Patrick managed to
evade the tentacles and continuously shooting the building. The allies hold on the blocks

to survive another round of hiding from the dangerous glass shards. Some tentacles
started to appear where Krisma and Patrick are hanging on dear life. Patrick sliced the
tentacles off and Krisma cut all of them with her discs. They both ran on solid ground
again to put a finish on the pedestal that holds Danding. The allies strafed their way
against any tentacles that might pop out peppered the infrastructure with heavy artilleries.

Suddenly, the ground elevated to confuse the allies. Each of the allies made their balance
on the elevated grounds in which they are standing on their own. They destroyed
tentacles that popped out to distract them. After the tentacles are cleared, they made their
daring balance and peppered the structure with the same artilleries they had. The structure
seemed heavily damaged. The ground returned to normal as the building attempted to
destroy the TFF in a final attempt to mortally destroy them. The allies started to go back
to the safety blocks. While getting there, they continued to damage the structure already
suffering from huge cracks. After it unleashed longer and rapid glass explosions, the
allies once again have to double time working them selves to get rid of the tentacles that
wanted to destroy them and pull them to the ground at the same time, they are hanging on
for dear life. After the building calmed down, the allies unleashed all they got in which,
they destroyed the building with the golden monstrosity holding Danding fell off and
ready for the next battle.

Danding congratulated the allies for bringing down what he worked hard for in a sarcastic
way. Larry responded him telling him that what he worked hard for is nothing but dirty
means pushing himself to his comfort zone power and money. Danding warned the allies
for mocking him. He told the allies that they will suffer the same fate as he did to his
disobedient workers. Danding unleashed his third eye beam trying to incapacitate the
allies. The allies shot back at the chairman but he taunted them he is invincible. He told
the allies that his invincibility will only fade after the allies are dead along with the
conspirators. Eduardo ordered the allies to shoot harder for the hope of damaging the
shell of the chairman. Dandings golden self breathed heavy alchoholic flames telling the
allies to savor it after all, they loved extreme drinking. Krisma responded him that not
from a bad breath dictator. Danding looked upon the TFF as mere lower forms of

mortals. He repeated his pattern on unleashing his forehead beam and repeatedly
attempted to shower the allies with his flammable vodka breath. The allies evaded it all
and peppered him with firepower but to no avail. They ran out of high powered guns.
Danding laughed as he said that he is wise enough to have a pedestal in which, it is the
one will be the one to receive all the ammunitions of my opponents. Once their
ammunitions are all emptied, it is time for the San Miguel dictator to finish off the TFF

Danding again made his pattern of unleashing barrages of beams and flammable breaths.
The allies unleashed their melee weapons as a last resort to finish off the chairman. They
cannot even scratch the chairman off. Danding said to the TFF, you are total waste! You
have a great future beyond but for now, you are all trash who cannot be redeemed. I
know the principle of recycling! I shall turn you into gold to accumulate my assets! Pearl
said to Patrick, he is weirder than I have ever imagined. Danding attempted to turn them
into gold but the allies evaded his attacks once again. The allies attacked like mad
disregarding what Danding has in store for them. The allies strengthened their reflexes by
evading beams, fires and Dandings instant death attack in which turn the opponent into
gold for his own benefits. The allies told themselves that they should only be hit by the
beams and fires in a minimal scale but not turning into helpless assets for the old man to
use them for his own evil deeds. Nunchaku, sword, fighter discs, claws and pointed
daggers are all they have to damage the chairman.
The allies pushed their efforts and resiliency angering the chairman. The chairmans shell
lost its gold coating. Danding became an angry flaming monster. Patrick said to the
others, he changed color. Maybe he is now vulnerable. Eduardo responded Patrick; let us
study him a little more. The allies again hacked their way to irritate the chairman but
luckily, they escaped instant deaths by barely dodging Dandings series of pillars. The
pillars turn his opponents into gold. As Dandings anger built up, Krisma equipped her
fighter camera to slow Danding for possible vulnerability. The allies rushed into Danding
and hacked him. Finally, Danding is vulnerable when angry. His anger began melting his
gold coating. He is not a gold tested unto the fire as Larry said to the TFF leader. Eduardo

and the others rejoiced as they damaged Danding for the first time. Danding flamed
himself and threw them torrents of fire. The allies strafed themselves though Larry and
Patrick got hit by the violent flames. The boys told their allies that it is nothing but
scratch. The allies pushed themselves again to irritate the chairman. They endured the
same beam, fire and pillars of gold pattern until they hacked the chairman which slightly
demobilized him.

Danding used brute force to drive the allies away. He connected his first attack by golden
pillars. The allies, thanks to their reflexes, managed to stay on the heat of the battle. After
the allies have been knocked down on the ground, Patrick saw Bayani is being distracted
by the building guardians. Bayani is too busy to fight the creatures forces guarding the
building. The TFFs ally planes are too busy fending off the war planes of the
government. Danding engulfed himself into flames and attempted to throw some heavy
firepower to the allies. Krisma in a brave fashion, she used her camera to slow Danding
down for 20 seconds. The allies ran themselves enduring golden pillars to get near
Danding. They hacked Danding mad with Danding showing signs of damage. Danding
returned to his golden self introduced new attacks in which he unleashes tentacles to whip
and stab the allies to death. One plane unleashed heavy firepower to Danding but he
easily destroyed it by his tentacles. The allies again are gambling themselves to this game
of endurance. They evaded eye beam, vodka breaths, torrents of fire, fought their way
against impregnable tentacles and eventually conversion into gold. They attacked
Cojuangco until it annoyed the chairman. Danding quickly rose into anger and quickly
unleashed torrents of fire with some golden pillars from one point to another. Eduardo
blocked the fire balls he unleashed which damaged him a bit. Krisma slowed Danding
down through her camera. They rushed into Danding and performed their attacks on him.
Larry whipped Dandings shell back and forth. Patrick clawed his way stabbing Danding.
Pearl threw some daggers into Dandings monstrous armor. Krisma used her remaining
discs to significantly damage him. Eduardo did some acrobatic sword techniques to
damage Danding on all directions. As the allies moved away a bit, Patrick threw five
grenades to Dandings face. Danding countered him with his eye beam that made him

unconscious. Pearl tried to awake him but Eduardo said, later! As the grenades
significantly deformed Dandings shells face, the ground rose again to confuse the allies.
Tentacles and Dandings patterns plagued the allies again. Larry tried to get on Patrick
and tried to carry him in order for him not to be turned into gold when Dandings chances
came. The allies faced a very angry version of Danding with his tentacles rushing
themselves toward the allies. Krisma used the remaining energy of her camera to slow the
dictator down. Danding was temporarily stunned and frozen.

The allies rushed into Cojuangco as golden pillars are filling the each land in they stood.
Eduardo empowered his sword for the finish. Larry carried Patrick on his back putting
him on a safe pedestal. He hacked Cojuangco carefully in order for Patrick not to fall.
Krisma threw herself into Danding and she used her fighters camera with all its energy
to assure them victory. Pearl just followed Krisma to go near Danding for the sake of
evading golden pillars. Larry became tired and told Eduardo that he must do the finishing
blow. Eduardo empowered his sword in full force performed unorthodox slashes into
Cojuangco in all directions. Eventually he pushed his way up literally slicing the shell
that protected Danding along with his pointed tentacles attempting to attack him. He
finally performed what he did to destroy Bongs barrier that nearly slashed the latters
brain. The slash removed the creatures brain revealing Dandings escaped pod.

Unfortunately, Danding fired a laser which made Eduardo stumbled into the ground.
Krisma and Pearl approached him and inspected him if he is ok. Eduardo responded, a
big yes! He added that the damages he took from Danding are nothing compared to the
damages Cojuangco took from them. Danding bade the TFF goodbye and he taunted the
TFF to chase him. He promised the allies that he will return one day to destroy them.
Eduardo asked Krisma to give him a couple of discs. Krisma sadly told Eduardo after this
battle, she needs to refill all of them. However, she gave Eduardo a couple of discs.
Eduardo responded her that all will worth it. He rose up fully recovered as Danding
taunted him that they wasted all their energies just killing a shell. He added they are
naturally born failures. Eduardo responded to Danding; your victims will soon torment
you, yourself in the afterlife. You will pay what you did in life by oppressing individuals

and by doing nothing but accumulating wealth through dishonest means. It is time for a
branch leading to the root to die!!! He flanged the discs Krisma gave him straight into the
escape pod killing Danding in it. The pod crashed into a nearby building and it marked
the death of one of Cojuangcos most tyrannical members.

Eduardo thanked Krisma that her skills are crucial in this battle. Larry responded
Eduardo; all of us in the group did their best. All got their credit due. Eduardo smiled at
his allies raising the arm of Krisma for her important part that led them to victory. Pearl
attended to the injured Patrick. Patrick woke up and told Pearl he is alright. He told Pearl
that there is nothing to be worried off. The allies went down out of the ruins of the
building and went out celebrating another epic victory for the day.

Once again, the TFF trusted each other and proved themselves that it is Danding that is
living in his own world of fantasy. It is Danding, who cannot handle the ones steeped in
strong principles. It is Danding who cannot back his words up on destroying the allies. It
is Danding who died as a failure. Lastly, it is Danding in which, all the stakes he gambled
with finally left him.

P29: Mechanical Commanders.

The allies celebrated their moment of their second victory of the day. As they went out of
the building, they are congratulated by the chairman. The chairman perceived them as
youngsters full of hope. The allies too greeted him well as he helped the allies remove
possible sources of distractions that may cost them their victory against a big man. The
allies went back to the plane full of hopes as they make their way to the palatial complex.
The pilot congratulated them a job well done. He apologized to the allies unable to
support them that cost them their ammunitions. Eduardo replied the pilot, its alright sir!
The most important thing we made it out alive. We advanced our progress for the day.
You know sir! I think you are sincere for your intentions to snap out the Cojuangco
unfortunately, a lot of distractions you needed to give your attention to. The pilot
responded the TFF; at least, we won our biggest victory. He told Krisma not to forget
roam the plane a bit. There are huge stocks of goodies stored beneath the plane only for

the allies. The TFF smiled back at the pilot. The crew lowered a screen for the allies to
watch the news flash.

The news covered the death of Lucio Tan in the long stretched avenue. Next, it covered
Marcos is preparing his troops for the final battle. The newsmen warned the allies of
getting careless. They said the stakes are too high for the allies for now. Everybody
wanted nothing but to bring them down for mother country. Larry said to Pearl, Im a
Filipino. It is disgracing to see Filipinos being fooled by the oligarchs. They are not only
stripped by their pride, their potentials but also their genuine freedom. Culture is the
tyranny. Eduardo responded Larry; we will handle them after Marcos. Believe in your
principles, we will get the job well done.

Back in Malacanang, Marcos said to his son, Bong, for the sake of not only redeeming
our beloved family but also for our country, please help Tanghangco to prepare the tanks
and the troops for a possible siege being laid out by our detractors. Bong responded to his
father telling him that it is a huge blow for him to hear Danding and Tans deaths. Marcos
said to his son, we do not care if they die or not. They did it for the sake of a false sense
of security and confidence. This is what happens to those who wanted to enjoy people
whom they cannot take advantage of. They meddled with power but power already fed up
on what they are doing. As you have said, it does not demoralize our troops. Danding and
Lucio wanted the higher rewards from the higher powers. Unfortunately, they did not
match up the standards they are obsessing for. Bong went outside of the palace to deploy
defenses and troops around the crucial points of the palace. Gloria said to Marcos, have
you contacted Ver? Marcos responded to the former leader, he knew what to do. He
already prepared himself to bar the allies in an attempt to bring them down. Mike said to
Marcos, sir! My Excellency! How about the millions of ill gotten wealth you have in
store for us after all is over? How about Danding and Lucios shares? Marcos replied the
former first husband; it is too early to distribute my victory rewards. We need to assure
that the allies will fall first eventually, hunting all their collaborators. Talking of reward,
you should need to wait even more to make your so called rewards more enjoyable.

Arroyo told Marcos that he will get the allies cleanly to his feet. Marcos told him that he
is thinking twice to possibly give the wealth shares to the already corrupt former first
gentleman. He advised the gentleman to assess the tanks and the troops in order to be
more productive than he has ever been. Arroyo said to Marcos; do not forget your
promise upon us. Ok, for you my president! I will see the troops as an assurance that the
resistance will have their mouth full of bullet holes. Marcos is observant of Glorias
uneasy postures. The president asked the former woman president of why she seemed
tense and wanted a fight immediately. Gloria replied Marcos; Im one of the worlds
most powerful women. Im on the top 40 spot. I see the allies women allies are strong
and relentless. I wanted to immediately take them down. Marcos said to her, be in full
condition because my wealth for you is just within a hands grasp. Araneta approached
the president and he told him all troops are all prepared to welcome the arrival of the
allies in case, they succeeded. Marcos told Araneta that he did a good job. Araneta asked
him what about Bong? Marcos told him he made his son do many things in order to
forget the tragedy. Araneta bade the president goodbye as he is on his way to help his
partner Tanghangco. Araneta cheered the president up. He told him that not to worry
about his administration after the death of his allies. He added that the cronies are merely
power players but unfortunately, they made a fatal mistake about the allies capabilities.

Marcos responded Araneta, we still have general Ver and you two. The deaths of my
allies meant no setback upon us. We are still very powerful. There is the presidential trio,
you, Tanghangco and finally General Ver. My son can fight the allies especially he
thought that my collaborators murdered Bongs family. Araneta grinned and finally told
the president he has a lot of work to do. Bong roamed the garden with his many troops
anticipating the arrivals of the allies.
The allies main plane made some skirmish with the creatures war planes. They brought
down many enemy planes as they approach the vicinity of the military stronghold. Bayani
tripled his efforts destroying enemy tanks with some missiles shutting down enemy
planes. He is then assisted by tanks from unknown sources and they laid waste to the
administration forces. The tanks made a formation and combined their artilleries

destroying the walls of a military outpost. Bayani easily dispatched the creatures many
tanks. The reinforcing tanks pushed their way destroying anything at their sight. The
allies with some Red Cross planes finished clearing the sky of warplanes. What is left of
Tans fleets attempted to attack the allies planes. The main plane quickly disposed the
remnants of Tans fleets.

In the military base, Ver ordered his troops to stop the allies at all cost. He accompanied
some of his hard edged troops to the bases deep secret hangar. The general and his
troops marched deep into the hangar and went into their respective mechanical vehicles.
Ver ordered his troops to prepare for war against Marcos conspirators. The allies saw the
war planes rushing towards them are being shut down by unknown military giants.
Bayani contacted the allies to be alarmed of what lies at their very sight. The mechanical
creatures blasted Bayanis vehicle and his vehicle demobilized with the chairman being
unconscious. The allies wanted to save Bayani but the pilot told them to focus on these
mechanical creatures. The main plane commanded their sky allies to combine forces and
destroy the Verian robots. One of the personnels that operated one of Bayanis ally tanks
went out of his vehicle and ordered his troops to get Bayani out from his vehicle. The
chairman was brought into one of the tanks and was taken away. One of the Verian
mechanical monsters unleashed heavy lasers which destroyed Bayanis improved
campaign vehicle. The allies saw what happened and found a moment of relief.
The planes are now concentrated on removing Vers defenses. The pilot ordered the tanks
to make a formation and destroy defenses that might remove the momentum of the aerial
forces. The planes separated their ways enduring some torrents of blasts with some totally
used speed as their advantage unleashed their heavy fire power to the core destroying
each of the Verian mechanicals. The planes fought a lot of Verian mechanical creatures
making their pattern of dodging the blasts, getting into the open and surprising the pilots
inside. The main plane made a feat of dodging many blasts with Eduardo and Krisma
complimenting the pilot which they all succeeded on toppling the mechanical giants.

After 30 minutes, the allies planes and the mechanical Verian robots both fought a brutal
aerial battle which resulted to the victory of the former. Some expert pilots did some
daring exploits in which, the robots managed to blast their vehicles with the pilots
escaping making their way to the cockpit of the Verian troops. Each of them challenged
and killed the Verian troops or whoever is piloting the said vehicles. They took control of
the vacant Verian mechanicals then enjoy the heat of the action.

The newly occupied Verian mechanical monsters turned against their commander but Ver
as he is alone, managed to bring down the allies infested Verian robots. The war is all
about the main allies plane against the Marcos commander. Vers signal reached the
main pilot of the main plane telling them they should prepare to die. He added that the
TFF will see what real Martial Law is. Ver said to the TFF, you are going into our
territory. We seemed to be Marcos last stand but I see the other way around. You
youngsters knew nothing but taking dangerous games as mere toys to meddle with! Now,
you will see and feel very sorry that what your collaborators are telling you to do will
cost you for eternity! Vers signal disappeared as the pilot advised the allies to fasten
their seatbelt because they will be experiencing turbulence. The main pilot assured them
they will see some acrobatic aerial wonders. The allies with a blank and nervous stare
approved the pilots plan of performing the unthinkable.

Ver taunted the allies that they will suffer like what they did to Lucio Tan. He called
upon his back up robots which made a short work of the main planes allies. The robots
ruthlessly destroyed the Red Cross back up planes with many of the allies ally planes.
The allies managed to keep away the additional creatures war planes. They are warming
themselves up for some acrobatic exercises. The robots started blasting as the main pilot
of the TFF put some barrier to lessen up the damages. They dodged and swooped down
to Vers remaining mechanicals. They blasted where the pilots cockpit is located. The
blasts from the plane pierced the cockpit eventually going through the back portion of the
mechanical Verians. One of the robots contacted the others saying they underestimated
the planes raw power. The plane made its pattern of dodge and blast technique killing 6
of the robots in a short time period. The plane unleashed its barrier to a nearby robot

incapacitating it and it fell to the ground with a spectacular explosion. Ver told the allies
that they are funded by terroristic collaborators. He mocked the allies that without their
terroristic collaborators, they are nothing but not more than ambitious and manipulated
youngsters. Krisma responded to him that his government is the real terrorist. The battle
now is between the Marcos commander and the TFF. The pilot again advised the allies
again to be in their respective seats at all times adding that they should fasten their
seatbelts. The pilot added that the thrill is yet to reach its pinnacle point.

P30: Commander Ver.

The allies stayed in their seats as the crew assured them that they will make it in
Malacanang immediately after ending the mechanical commander. Krisma asked the
pilot, I thought Ver died long time ago? The pilot responded Krisma, Ver died long ago
more than 10 years already. I saw his coffin in the news. Larry said to the pilot, that what
makes the journey truly exciting and fulfilling. We are kicking away the big dead guns
out. Eduardo, its so epic to have you as our leader. We are not simply fighting against
conventional politicians and elites. We are clashing ourselves with the dead ones.
Eduardo smiled to Larry. He told him to stay put as the pilots skills will determine our
future. Patrick said to Larry, it will be more exciting if we see Macoy in the near future.
Krisma said to her friends, good speculations. We have a vague idea about the nature of
the new administration. From Bongs crying foul of killing his fathers detractors to the
return of Ver, I now see that we are against scarier threats. Eduardo replied Krisma, you
know my friend, regardless of their nature, we are going to eliminate them to make our
country straight again. Pearl cheered with the allies, yipeee! We are against multitude of
lords. It is like a fantasy world. Eduardo responded her telling her to be serious and do
not talk too much to interrupt the pilot and the crew. Pearl said to Eduardo, I think you
seldom get excited. It makes you a bit boring. Eduardo shut himself up and does not want
to respond even more. He might agitate the others so the best thing for him is to be silent
and see how their pilots skill will turn the battle in their favor. Eduardo told the allies
clearly that a rejuvenated Marcos is a huge possibility that will be their final obstacle on
their quest for independence. Larry said to Pearl that he once thought Bong is like taking

drugs that made him delusional. He convinced Pearl that at this point, a Marcos
showdown is not a remote possibility. Krisma said to her friends to see the pattern all the
cronies and the commanders are Marcos era major players. Vers taunt was heard by the
crew as they try to get near Ver.
Ver unleashed his toughest armaments to fend off the allies planes. He managed to
destroy some of the allies planes. He moved quickly in order the allies not to reach him.
The pilot equipped the barrier for the planes safety. Ver taunted the allies as he used his
huge weapons in an attempt to kill the allies in the spot. The pilot dodged all attacks and
started to attack Ver. Ver told the pilot that he is too invincible and fast to be hit that
easy. The pilot unleashed the barrier which stunned Ver a bit. Ver said to the pilot, not
bad! He called some of his reinforcements to confuse the allies. The TFF pilot equipped
the barrier again in which he told the allies to hang on tight. The pilot pierced his plane to
the torsos of the mechanical robots that Ver summoned. Ver said to the pilot, good! Try
now getting me into your feet. The pilot replied him that he is too vague to speak out.
One female crew told him that Ver is too cryptic. Ver said to the allies, whoever the
enemy of this new administration must die similar to those we killed during the Martial
Law era. Krisma responded to the taunts as corny and too cheesy.

Ver continued unleashing multitude of blasts attempting to bring the plane down. He
taunted the TFF pilot that he will just waste precious time to figure him out. Vers robot
is not a sitting duck compared to the other robots. He moves in and out to confuse and
frustrate the allies. Ver planned to unleash his heavy armaments from the robots
shoulders to stop the allies. The allies in a barrier plane managed to dodge most of the
blasts with some bouncing off from the TFF plane. The main plane unleashed its missiles
which damaged the shoulder cannons. Ver told the allies that it is just a scratch. Ver
continued that he is just warming up the battle. He moved in great speed which made the
main TFF plane like a slow runner being outrun by an Olympic track and field champion.
Ver moved in and out as he unleashed barrage of blasts over the military complex. The
main plane tried to hit him with missile but Ver is too fast. The missiles hit the complex
below instead. The allies pilot planned to fly higher for the additional defenses cannot

hit them. Ver complied as he bullied his way through the allies plane like a man ready to
swat a mosquito. He unleashed barrages of lasers and bombs nearly at the front of the
TFF plane. After he had done what he wanted to do, he sped at greater speed wanting to
confuse the allies. Eduardo told the pilot not to be overconfident and not to let go of their
protective shield. Ver used his rifle to damage the barrier of the TFF plane. He followed
it with his shoulder cannons and missiles. The allies managed to keep the missiles at bay
as they rushed into the general. Ver made his pattern of unleashing barrages of energies
then speeding off like a humanoid fighter jet. The allies studied his pattern. After Ver
unleashed his barrage of fire power, he turned on his back and sped away instead the
allies, slowed their plane down and meticulously connected their firepower upon Vers
wings. It slowed his robot down. Yet, Ver is still too fast to be hit cleanly. Ver pitied the
allies and told them that they cannot totally damage his vehicle beyond repair. He stood
in the front of the allies and started charging his weapons for the final blasts that will
assure the end of the TFFs quest for independence. Ver unleashed everything his robot

The pilot of the plane unleashed his barrier towards Ver to assure the TFF plane to be
safe and lessen the impact in case they got hit. Vers vehicle was stunned and slowed
down. The pilot equipped another barrier and unleashed the barrier to Ver again. Vers
vehicle was not really receiving damage but it agitated Ver due to annoyance. Ver calmed
down and sped away to try to trap the allies in the right time. The allies followed the
speeding Ver until Ver stopped and unleashed a saber in an attempt to cut the allies
down. The allies barely survived the surprising strike. The plane unleashed its much
larger barrier that slowed Ver for a moment. The allies plane moved away in order that
they cannot be easily tricked by Ver. Ver stood literally in their front with him charging
all his weapons to fry the allies. The allies stood fast as they fired back at Ver and dodged
his patterns consistently. The allies unleashed their strongest weapons to hurt Ver. The
crew is frustrated that they cannot damage Ver convincingly though they hit Ver clean to
his different mechanical parts. The colossus laughed the already confused allies as crucial
parts of his body emitted light before he will unleash his strongest weapons. Larry peeked
on to the cockpit and saw Vers robots crucial parts are emitting light. He told the pilot

targeting the points may slow Ver down or damage him. The pilot thanked Larry and told
him to go back to his seat. He assured Larry that he will try to hit the curious spots.
As Ver is preparing himself to unleash what he got, the allies plane hit the points which
Larry mentioned to slow down Ver. Ver seemed a little uncomfortable. He cannot control
the part of his vehicle in which the TFF plane hit its point. The plane endured tough
firepower as they repeated the pattern until hitting all the curious points of Vers
colossus. Eduardo said to Larry, it seemed like a puzzle to me. Larry responded, without
my advice, Ver is invincible. The pilot is too concerned of hitting Ver as if he is a hittable
robot. Eduardo said to Larry, you are a genius! You gave us excitement. Larry replied
Eduardo, nah! It is ok! We just dont want to waste useless time. Krisma said to them,
there is no such thing as invincibility. The crew announced and thanked Larry of his idea.
They compared him to a mad scientist. Larry laughed at them and told them to keep
moving. The pilot said to the allies, just a few more, we are already at the palace. Patrick
said to Larry, curious spots, you seemed to watch too much porn. Larry told him to shut
up. Eduardo thanked his ally for the ideas. The TFF leader said that even the problem of
invulnerability can be solved. Vers control seemed cannot coordinate with the colossus
as it used to be. He then planned an emergency landing to the ground as his colossus
needed some time to be back on its track.
The allies plane unleashed three barriers successively to damage and stagger the
colossus. Ver told them that they are not yet over. He added that his colossus will recover
telling the allies that they have not found the secret to totally damage it. The pilot
responded to Ver that it is not needed to damage a colossus which will be crucial in
eliminating dictatorship. Eduardo asked the pilot of the plan. The pilot replied, he is will
tell them after they landed on the creatures large shoulders. Krisma said to Eduardo, I
get it my friend! Eduardo asked Krisma about the plan; please explain it to me my friend?
Krisma responded Eduardo; you are too young to understand things in which fully adults
can only understand. Eduardo replied, you mean are we getting inside? The pilot
answered him that after they fixed all the obstacles, they are getting Ver out of the
colossus. The crew concentrated themselves to totally damage the shoulder cannons

cleanly to have a landing spot. After they destroyed the cannons that attempted to dispose
of them, the pilot prepared the allies for a landing. As they landed, Krisma went down to
the lower part of the plane to get her goodies. Eduardo accompanied her while Pearl,
Larry and Patrick prepared to disembark. After they are all set, Eduardo reminded the
pilot to take care of the plane. He told the pilot never to let their own guards down. The
pilot saluted the TFF as they planned to get Ver out of the colossus. Eduardo told the
allies he got what the pilot meant landing here. The TFF responded him to simply kick
Ver out of the plane. Eduardo laughed in a sinister mood. Krisma observed him and
asked him, Eduardo, whats the matter? It is not so good to be confident as for now. She
heard Vers screams that his robot temporarily malfunctioned. Eduardo led the allies as
they descended on a short ladder possibly leading into the escape pod eventually, to the
cockpit. They caught a great view of the military complex with the surrounding
neighborhood. Pearl used a code generator into the door for an easy unlocking. The door

The TFF entered the said door and found what they cannot comprehend. They saw the
interior of the colossus similar to a hotel hall. Larry said to the allies, it allows Ver to
escape in a desperate way. Krisma replied to him, with violent Eduardo on our side, he
will not let Ver escape. Suddenly, the creatures cornered the allies but they made short
work of them. They advanced to a science fiction like door and found themselves inside a
large escape pod. They went out of the opposite door strolled through the corridors
eventually speculating the door beyond can possibly be the cockpit. The allies heard
beyond the door that Ver is thumping at the controls of his robot. Ver suddenly felt that
there is no presence of the allies. He thought he already blasted the allies into
smithereens. He is just too frustrated that he cannot move his vehicle for the time being.
As he started to call his mechanics, the allies just outside of the cockpit, the TFF leader
whispered the allies to stay outside for they will not like what they are doing to see. The
allies asked him what is something they should not be seeing inside. The TFF leader
replied it will be a very violent act. He told the allies to stay put outside and wait for him
as he gets Ver. As Ver is experimenting what to do in order to make his robot move.
Eduardo kicked the door leading to the cockpit. Ver said to him; what are you doing

here? You still live? Ah hah, you all fought your way like cowards! Eduardo replied,
your robots invincibility and power might be too much to our plane yet, we simply found
a way to neutralize all your advantages. Ver replied Eduardo; you seemed not to do your
homework. You needed research because whom you are having face to face with is the
commander of the divine and august army. Eduardo said to him, whatever!!!

Ver shouted at the TFF leader, you disrespected all the authorities you met! Is that a sign
of lack of education or simply a delusional ego tripping?? Eduardo said to Ver, Im just
doing what is right for the country. Eduardo locked the door of the cockpit. Ver unloaded
his gun attempting to shoot the TFF leader. While outside, Krisma and the others are
being attacked by the creatures inside the colossus. The allies managed to easily dispose
all the creatures without having their attentions the event behind the cockpit diversed.

After they dispatched the creatures, they returned just outside of the cockpit to hear
whats going on. Eduardo with his uncanny reflexes dodged Vers bullets. Ver continued
shooting but he cannot hit the TFF leader. Ver unsheathed his military saber and tried to
stab Eduardo. Eduardo does not need to use his weapon. He decided to use his own
strength. As Vers saber rushing towards Eduardo, he defended himself and tried to
overpower Ver. Ver is too resilient he slashed the hands of the TFF leader which
bloodied it. Ver attempted to strike Eduardo for the hope of killing him while he is off
guard. Eduardo countered Ver with an uppercut. He managed to snatch the saber from the
used Vers saber against the general. He stabbed the general multiple times until the
general is half dead. Eduardo told him that simply to die is not yet enough compared to
your stupid Martial Law! Ver in a half conscious state responded to the TFF leader, I
dont see you as a great leader in case you desired to be one. I see you worse than all
corrupt officials of the country! Eduardo replied to the general, I shall have your part on
the ill gotten wealth for the people. The general responded to the TFF leader, is violence
simply your math? A being too violent will never make his country effective. You are

worse than all corrupt officials combined! Eduardo replied the general, you are worse
than greedy rats. Even education shone no light upon you. All is pretty much garbage.

Eduardo made Ver on a partial standing postion with the general leaning on the controls
of the cockpit. He repeatedly mauled the general cold bloodedly to submission. He
literally disfigured the resurrected Vers features in a horrible mess. He dragged Ver and
crushed his head to the controls eventually, to the cockpit walls. The allies seemed
nervous of what their leader is doing. Pearl said to Krisma, our leader seemed a silent
man. Now, I see him more than he appears to us. He has a hidden demonic side. Krisma
replied Pearl, you should not be surprised. Eduardo is a total monster to the evil ones. For
him, using force is a righteous manner in eliminating evil. Larry said to Krisma, during
high school, I and Patrick are brutal in our brawling days but this Eduardo is an inhuman
demon in the guise of a silent youngster. Patrick said to Pearl, why judge? The politicians
are more brutal than Eduardo Pizarras. The politicians not only use force. They also use
subtle means to bring society down. Seeing the state of our nation clearly proves the
brutality of our elites. Eduardo is just a mild case. That is righteous indignation. Krisma
replied to Patrick, hey! Eduardo is not a god. Yes! He is violent but I sometimes just
dont like he is brutalizing anyone he does not like. Larry said to Krisma, the elites and
the evil politicians are given too many chances to repent and to redeem themselves.
Society got more garbage than expected. Eduardo wiped the whole cockpit with blood
using Vers head. He bashed Vers head in and out from the cockpit controls to the walls.
He then stopped what he is doing. He got a knife from one of Vers holsters. He used the
knife to slit the throat of a beaten and dying general. Ver murmured that the president
will handle the savage and uneducated allies and to give him a decent retribution even to
the beyond.

Eduardo opened the door for the allies to enter. The allies are shocked to find out what
their leader did to the general. Krisma said to Eduardo, you are right of disposing evil yet,
you should not do it! It will make you a power hungry demon. Eduardo replied her,
Krisma! It is failure to act which made evil grew stronger than we can think of them!
Pearl said to Eduardo, arent you satisfied of what you have done? What about his

family? Eduardo responded Pearl, he has a family. I knew that. I just did it to serve them
as an example of not totally meddling with the affairs of the country especially in evil
ways. Patrick told Eduardo that the end does not justify the means. Eduardo responded
him, my friend! Im also sad for his family. Im sorry. I just did the right thing that will
prevent the growth of evil persons. It is like killing mosquitoes for the sake of cleaning
your surroundings. Mosquitoes are not simply annoying like babbling politicians. They
are also good in contaminating disease to the country like dengue carriers. Look at our
country! Because of them many lives are wasted and lost. It seemed our heroes are not
happy beyond seeing the state of our nation. The TFF do not want to argue with their
leader for they believed their misunderstanding will cost of them of their quest to bring
the root of all evil in the nation. Eduardo called some Red Cross soldiers to bury Ver. He
then ordered the allies to cooperate with him to clean out the blood stained room.
As the Red Cross medics are carrying Vers corpse, one of them asked Eduardo of the
nature of his act. Eduardo responded them that it is not yet enough for a man to die like
that who plagued our nation and cooperated with the elites that caused our bankruptcy.
The allies cleaned the blood stained room and planned to return back on their main plane
after they finished wiping out the all of Vers blood clean.

P31: Palace Grounds.

The allies went down from the robot as they called some of their military allies to take
care of the robot for future use. They went back to their plane and reflected a bit for the
final battle. The pilot asked them, why are you all so sad? Shouldnt all of you be happy
that you already eliminated one of the administrations strongest men? Krisma said to the
pilot, Oh sir! We have seen something in which even you will throw up witnessing it. The
pilot asked Krisma of what they saw that made them in a swinging mood. Krisma told the
crew that the TFF leader, it is the first time they saw him in his savage mode. Pearl
continued what Krisma said telling the crew that Eduardo is not someone they knew like
the first time they met him. They saw a different Eduardo inside Vers mechanical
vehicle. The pilot told them that it is sometimes necessary to be violent simply for the

sake of keeping order and not letting bad persons to escape. Larry and Patrick responded
to the girls telling them that the politicians are more violent than Eduardo Pizarras.

Krisma closed her eyes as the plane prepared for take off. Krisma suddenly asked the
pilot about Bayanis whereabouts. The female crew replied her that the chairman is in
good shape. He is just resting for the harder battle we are now going into. The pilot
assured them that Bayani is safe as usual. Eduardo told the allies that there is nothing
wrong of killing Ver. He said, he wanted to kill me so I did the right thing to defend
myself. Sadly, he cannot endure against whom he is fighting. My allies, this will not be
the last act of violence you are all going to see. It will go worse as we progressed.
Violence and politics cannot be separated. I do not use violence to humiliate and kill. I do
it for the greater good my TFF. Krisma responded Eduardo, whatever you wanted to do
the fact is, we are not as savage as you. Eduardo replied Krisma, if you witnessed the
death of your loved ones at the hands of the elite. I doubt not that you will do all things to
avenge your loved ones. Krisma said to him, there is a justice system waiting for the
criminals. Larry said to Krisma, miss, our justice system is one of the worst in the world.
Krisma told the allies that she will be taking a nap to forget the incident in which she saw
the raw violence of the TFF leader. Pearl moved her head in a sign of disappointment for
her leader. She expected Eduardo will be a noble and gentle leader.

One male crew saw the expression of the nurse. He told her; even the heroes we assumed
that are daring and good hearted. For the sake of education, they have censored the brutal
parts. Maybe it will scare the children of not reading it. Krisma was awakened of an
unknown signal calling them. They saw Marcos himself psychologically demoralizing
them. Marcos said, TFF!!!! Or should I call you conspirators pawns? Im impressed of
what you all have done. You managed to kill Tan, Cojuangco and Ver for the whole
morning. The allies finally realized of the leader they are once speculating is clearly
Marcos himself. The allies did not respond anything for the president. Marcos continued,
you thought I will be demoralized by simply killing my allies. They do not mean
something crucial of my regimes very existence. They are simply my allies for the time
being. You do not know how massive and intimidating my resources just to bring you

down. Im not limited to my current allies. I have so many allies that are ready to help me
to make this country into gold. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You see, you all have no
choice but to submit or die trying. I shall convert you to broaden my collection of my ill
gotten wealth. TFF! You all seemed ready to go into my palatial complex. Well! Good
luck to all of you. Dont regret if you die along the way. As history books have said,
every greater good needs a sacrifice. I tell you that do not be surprised if you are all
outnumbered and finally become the remnants of this countrys martyrs.

The allies talked to the pilot a bit and asked him, do you know that Marcos was all behind
it? The pilot told them please take a sit my friends. There are no more family dictators
more evil than the Cojuangcos and the Marcoses. Though, Marcos is greater than the
Cojuangcos, he was made into a scapegoat. He did not get the credit he deserved.
Eduardo said to the pilot, Cojuangcos or Marcoses, they are all the same. Lets go my
allies, let us go straight into the palace to finally depose this series of tyranny plaguing
our country. Pearl said to the crew, before I shall fasten my seatbelts, for the sake of good
fortune, Ill try to mix up some vaccines to heal the raging politicians we might
encounter. The pilot responded her that time is short. Pearl told the crew that she will be
on her way. She will do her best to make the vaccines faster than expected. Krisma turned
her face into the TFF leader and told Pearl to provide all the allies vaccines to prevent
Eduardos wanton violence. Eduardo said to Krisma dont think Im dumb as you think. I
may be younger but possessed more intelligence than you. Eduardo went into his seat and
told the pilot to go straight into the palace. The allies stared at the crew for a moment.

The pilot told the allies to go back to their seats as the final battle is coming up. Back into
the palace, Marcos conditioned his troops for the final battle. It is not only composed of
reptilian creatures and slave masters. It also included many raging politicians who are
brainwashed by the dictator to act as baits to trick the allies into confusion. Bong,
Araneta and Tanghangco listened to what the president is saying to his troops as they
warmed themselves up for the allies are coming sooner than later. The plane of the allies
took off from Quezon City. Eduardo tried to fend off some boredom and mood swings
accessed a television near his seat. He saw the media publishing the allies photos in a

mugshot fashion. The news depicted the allies as pawns of brutal conspirators. The news
pleaded the president to punish all detractors. It also covered heavy military defenses are
all over the palace for the allies doom. The news mourned the death of the Marcos
triumvirate as Kris Aquino seen cursing the allies of murdering her uncle. She said to the
media that her brother will be Marcos top men to punish whoever tried to destroy the
dignity of the country. The news ended as the Arroyo couple attempted to convince the
masses to join the president and the elites to rebuild the country. Eduardo equipped his
sword and thrusted it to the ground.

With the plane almost reaching the vicinity of the palace, the main plane of the allies is
joined by many reinforcements from nowhere. They destroyed many creatures war
planes to advance into Marcos palace. Tanks favoring the allies also made their way by
destroying creatures tanks. The war between the allies allies and the creatures are more
intense than it had ever been. They killed each other to seek dominance whether Marcos
will be deposed or the TFF victory secured. The main plane advanced its way into the
palace and blasted the enemy warplanes if necessary. The TFF plane too, along with
many planes encountered Verian mechanical robots. They already knew what to do that is
why they made a short work of the Verian robots. Tanks too helped the allies destroying
the heavy colossus. They managed to brutally damage the feet of the robots eventually
toppling some of them. They indeed, dominated the administration tanks because of their
sheer experience. The palace tanks made be too many but the planes occasionally helped
the tanks to clear out all their targets.

The allies are nearly approaching the palace. They saw some non radiation powerful
missiles from unknown directions clearing the palace defenses. After waiting a bit longer
for the missiles to clear the palace, the main plane along its aerial convoy cleared the
palatial landing site eliminating all forces that threatened them. The allies successfully
landed in the palace where Marcos is residing. Pearl is being helped by some of the crew
to distribute vaccines and vaccine equipped rifles for the innocent politicians. The allies
became curious, before they will face the tyrant; they all wanted to know the whereabouts
of Bayani. They all wanted to assure that their father figure is safe.

The allies saw Bayanis devastator storming into the palatial grounds destroying many
forces that threatened to harm him and possibly the allies. Bayani announced that he
escaped from the custody of the caring military men to get another devastator in order for
him to make a stunning entrance as he promised to all his allies. The allies were
overjoyed as they remembered that the chairman never failed to put on a good show.
Bayani demonstrated to the allies by shooting tanks that attempted to attack them. He
unleashed torrents of missiles that destroyed the creatures dinosaur like tanks. Eduardo
used his high powered rifle to help Bayani clear out the dinosaur tanks. He thanked the
chairman for helping them and for not failing his promise to the TFF. The chairman told
them that it is too early to thank him. He told the allies to concentrate making their way
into the palace. As the allies bade goodbye to the crew and to their allies, the allies are all
prepared facing their destiny deep within the palatial complex where it housed 15
Philippine presidents. The allies proceeded to go forward into the palace. Heavy
quantities of administration troops were encountered along the way. Krisma used her
fighters camera to slow the administration troops and showered them with her discs.
Eduardo rushed to the massive administration guards and slashed them all
simultaneously. Patrick used his claws for a warm up for future battles. Larry just shot
the troops with his high powered rifle.

After the allies cleared their way, many raging politicians attempted to gang up the allies.
Pearl told them to use the vaccine powered rifles she gave them. They made all the
politicians succumb into deep sleep. Eduardo used some gestures to call upon
reinforcements with some St. Lukes volunteers with some Red Cross personnels coming
down and assisting the tranquilized politicians. As Eduardo advanced his way into the
palace courtyard, he was approached in which he recognized the politicians as Arroyos
allies. He felt no remorse and played upon the angry politicians. He mutilated most of his
targets. Krisma shook her head of what her friend has become. She thought her friend
became a violent and angry hero. Pearl shot the approaching politicians and called upon
the volunteers to assist her. Patrick and Larry met many ambushing creatures trying to
literally ambush the TFF. Patrick clawed many creatures with Larry sporting a Bruce Lee
like karate cry while beating the creatures. Patrick rushed himself towards the palace

snipers. He clawed them one by one mutilating most of them. Larry returned to Pearl to
find if she is ok. A slave master nearly whipped him on his back. Larry steeped a little
further and shot the slave master along with its reinforcement. Larry is searching for
Patrick but went back to the allies for they will be together in times of desperate

Patrick clawed creatures, snipers and palace guards alike. He faced some slave masters in
which he made a quick work of them. A sniper supposed to hit him in the heart but
Patrick luckily dodged the shot so his arm was hit. He rushed into the sniper as the sniper
fled. After some chasing around the courtyard of the palace, he went into a secluded area
of the palace. The sniper ran a little more until he used a grenade to destroy the sniper.
Patrick is then cornered by Tanghangco and palatial soldiers. Tanghangco ordered the
soldiers to finish Zalderiagga. Patrick easily destroyed the soldiers. He even managed to
wrestle one soldiers rifle and used it against the other soldiers. Tanghangco called more
soldiers to assure Patricks disposal. Patrick was cornered by the reinforcement with
some equipped with projectiles. Patrick clawed the ones with a gun to remove distraction.
He then clawed the others even punching a soldier in the guts. Creatures came in to
dispose Patrick. Patrick used his rockets to blow the creatures out. He threw some knives
to the slave masters straight to their skulls. As he almost annihilated all the reinforcing
troops, Tanghangco leap into action with his war saber. Patrick managed to dodge him at
the same time killing the remaining soldiers. He threw some knives that hit Tanghangco
in his left arm. Tanghangco got furious and comes rushing into Patrick. Patrick managed
to dodge his strikes and he clawed Tanghangco in the torso damaging his uniform.

Tanghangco punched Patrick cleanly on the face. He kicked Patrick to the guts and
knocked him down. With Patrick a little immobile because of the injury, Tanghangco
attempted to lunge his sword into his chest but Patrick rolled over to evade the fatality.
Patrick ran into the opposite of the room throwing knives at Tanghangco. Tanghangco
shocked Patrick that he can leap at great heights just to get to his opponent. Tanghangco
started to rush toward the struggling TFF member. Patrick, battling with life and death,
used his RPG to blast Tanghangco. Tanghangco seemed to be caught off in the blast

exploding into the opposite side of the room with Patrick barely escaping with his life. He
then returned to his friends once again.
A little later, Tanghangcos hand moved and removed the debris covering him with his
face wounded and burnt in a bloody mess. He vowed that he will get that TFF member
next time they meet. Patrick went a little further disposing all who came into his path.
Along the way, he was reunited with the other TFF members as they advance their path
into the depth of the palace. The TFF defeated more minions as they proceeded further
into the palatial complex. As the TFF entered the main palace house, they disposed more
creatures and slave masters. Pearl, the more compassionate member of the TFF, shot the
raging mob with vaccines with St Lukes volunteers along with the Red Cross personnel
assisting the fallen politicians. Krisma and Pearl thanked their co workers for dedicating
themselves to help their countrymen.

P32: Fatal Misunderstanding.

Patrick reunited with his friends. Eduardo asked him, where you have been my friend?
Patrick responded, someone took notice of my abilities and almost killed me. Pearl said
to Patrick, that guy seemed to be jealous of what you can do. Imagine an elite being
bested by an ordinary youngster. Eduardo asked Patrick, how did you fare well with that
official? Patrick responded Eduardo, I fought him life and death and thankfully, I
managed to get rid of him. By the way, he is a Chinese looking officer. He has the means
yet, he does not know strategic technicalities. The most important thing I narrowly
blasted him maybe permanently destroying him. Eduardo was impressed and told Patrick
it is an epic victory for the latter and he truly deserved it. The allies went further into the
palace. They have passed rooms that served as former staying places of various
dignitaries and world leaders. As they proceeded deeper, they found themselves in a wide
staircase with door on the edge leading them in a large room. Once they are inside, they
met an old opponent. That opponent is Bong Bong Marcos. It seemed the younger
Marcos is clamoring for a final fight to shut the TFF once and for fall. Marcos told the
allies that their collaborators have something to do to his province and family. Eduardo
said, sir, can you back it up? I have not heard something like that. I have not heard my

allies or my superiors are doing nasty things. Marcos replied him; you are such a nave
person. You are young and you needed to learn a lot! Krisma said to Bong, you need a
heavy basis to back your accusations. All I knew that my allies are all strong principled
men and women. It will contradict their advocacies if they are to do such terrible things.
Bong replied the allies, you are all moronic! What I have seen in my home province
pissed me off! It sunk me into deep sadness! Patrick asked Bong, What do you mean?
Bong replied, simple, your own people intentionally arranged my family and people to
die. Im a graduate of Oxford. Seeing these things is not something subjective. I have
seen it in an objective manner. You are all being controlled by power hungry ambitious
persons. Sore losers never win! Eduardo said to Bong, you should be careful of what you
are saying. The so called elder allies of ours are not that twisted set of persons compared
to your new administration personnel. They all wanted nothing but to turn us all into
treasures. Bong replied to the TFF, you are partially right. The administration is a corrupt
bunch of individuals and a worse version of the Martial Law. Pearl said to Bong, is that
what I heard? You are criticizing your own faction? Eduardo asked Bong; please tell us
what really happened? Bong replied, shortly, after our skirmish in the cemetery, I decided
to take a rest. I wanted to go back home to see my family and my hometown. I sunk into
deep sorrow seeing the state of my home. Some of the civilians said, the administration
wanted to subvert my province. They wanted to make my province as the new capital of
the new administration. They forcibly imposed their wills on my province for conquest.

Suddenly, I saw red personnells of course it corresponded to a sore loser presidentiable

who wanted nothing but to have a seat in the presidential office. They killed some of the
creatures and the troops. They revealed their true colors killing the people for they
believed the people are scourge of the nation. My family was killed just because they are
the children of an ancient dictator. Eduardo said, Im listening, please go on. The
creatures with some of the presidential troops annihilated the ambitious red army.
Eduardo asked Marcos, is it a frame up to demoralize us? The administration seemed
very clear on their part of the massacre. Conquest means everything. The end justifies the
means. Marcos replied Eduardo; you are insensitive and indifferent to a mourning person.

Truly, the elites are evil at some extent and their leader is a dictator. The fact remained
that your allies and superiors at least, interfered themselves which made things worst.

Krisma speculated and told Marcos that maybe it is a cover up by the elites. Bong replied
Krisma; I saw it in my very eyes. It is the Bagumbayan ambitious Red Cross personnel
that further plagued my province even unto the extent trying to murder me. Pearl told
Bong that she is so sorry and she assured Bong that those are pretenders. Bong told the
allies that they are stupid to be pawns of higher ambitious persons. They are full of
idealistic ideas but lacked realism. Patrick responded Bong, not even a graduate of
Oxford can be a superior person. He added, they are still human beings and they knew
not a lot. Larry said to Bong, we are not pawns of ambitious persons. We are supported
instead by principled individuals to deliver the country out of your hands. Ok! We are
young and idealistic but being idealistic does not necessarily put our views out of picture.
We are ready to learn and find the solutions if necessary. What we are doing is something
not even our great heroes have done. They are all idealistic but they cannot execute it.
Bong replied Larry, tsk tsk tsk! Once a pawn always a pawn and that applies to the TFF.
Youngsters are not aware of the danger they are in. Nor they are aware that what lies
behind their ideas. Eduardo said to Bong, possibly, the individuals may be wearing red
clothes killing your kin. Yet, it is not sufficient to conclude that our elders and superiors
have something to do with the carnage. In my firmest beliefs, they cannot do something
like that. Even the subtlest conspiracy they plan to do, I will have it known and I will deal
with them. Bong said to the allies, you are all nave even from the start. Eduardo told
Bong if he has nothing anymore to say than to mourn the past, he suggested that he
should let the allies proceed than waste their time. Bong said, are you denying me?
Krisma said to Eduardo, you see, he is just picking a fight. Larry said; if we wanna fight
then, we will all deal with him. Let us shut him up. Patrick said to Bong, dont you know
that I brought down your incompetent Chinese military officer? Bong responded Patrick,
Tanghangco? He is too stupid. He may have the means but he always lost. He is not even
a top tier palace warrior. He is a joke. Eduardo said to Bong, let us go! We do not want a
confused individual wasting our time. I just simply do not know where you are allied
with since I heard you criticizing the elites.

Bong felt insulted and told the allies, ARE YOU DENYING ME? YOU ARE DENYING
FIGHT FOR GENUINE CHANGE! Eduardo replied Bong, you wanted this fight badly?
I supposed you should be prepared emotionally and mentally or else, defeat will bring
you another heart break. Pearl and Larry said to Bong, this is what you want. We will
prove ourselves that we are different fighters than we have ever been. We will prove
ourselves we are the one to change this sick nation!

Krisma said to Bong and Eduardo, guys, please, get a life! Bong! I voted you for senator
but I think I wasted my vote on you. I do not vote for senators that are found out that they
cannot make up their mind. Both or all of you, please stop fighting. With you doing this,
the country will plunge into chaos once more. Bong replied Krisma; that is one of the
dumbest and most obsolete comments I have ever heard. You see evil right? You will not
take a risk to reform him or her. You wanted to exterminate him especially to this already
downtrodden nation. Eduardo and Larry told Bong if he wanted a fight they should end it
now. Bong said to the TFF, like what I had said, there will be no avail to enlighten you.
You are plunged into the depth of being a pawn and being delusional. Being nave along
my sight, wanted me to.. DESTROY ALL OF YOU!! IN CASE, YOU DID NOT



Bong secretly targeted his propellers from the middle of nowhere attempting to hit the
intelligent young woman. Eduardo quickly deflected the propeller Bong had thrown. The
allies equipped themselves to defend themselves against the younger Marcos. Marcos
exclaimed that they are the ones should be always blame. He added, we are always been
the family always to be blamed by the ignorant masses. Now, it is the time to determine
all who should be blamed. Marcos rushed into the allies trying to bully them into
intimidation. Eduardo clanged with Bongs sword. Larry and Patrick attempted to help
Eduardo hold off the younger Marcos. Marcos overpowered Eduardo by pointing out his
opening and he managed to disarm the TFF leader. Larry attempted to beat Marcos down
but Marcos evaded all his attacks. Krisma used her fighters camera but Bong countered
her with his propeller. Krisma was badly hit and was thrown near the beginning of the
room. Pearl went into her friends assistance. Krisma was partially unconscious telling
her friend to help the allies calm Bong down. Pearl started to unleash vaccine rounds to
the raging Marcos. Larry was countered by Bong. He was punched in the face and being
sneaked out only to be kicked in the guts. With his fighting spirit, he attempted to hit
Bongs face. Bong held into his nunchaku and used it against Larry. He beat Larry
critically until throwing the nunchaku into the latters gut. Patrick managed to snatch
some claw marks upon Bongs armor. He stepped back and fired some rockets to stun or
stagger Bong down. Bong rushed into him and countered him with multiple punches. He
empowered his sword only to trick Larry. He threw his propeller bringing Patrick into the
eastern side of the large room. Pearl fired some vaccine rounds to Bong but Bong simply
blocked all of them with his bare hands. He threw an electrical propeller into the already
shocked Pearl. Krisma, with all her energy attempted to slow Bong down by her fighter
camera. Bong told the lady that she cannot genuinely slow him down because the former
is impervious against cheap technologies.

Bong prepared to blast Krisma from his hands. Eduardo came in to her rescue to force
Bong into a retreat. Bong equipped his sword and clashed with Eduardo. Eduardo slashed
like mad as if there is no tomorrow. Eduardo uppercut Bong with his sword but Bong
again, countered him in his chest a little diagonal slash. Eduardo pressed forward and
clanged with Bong. Now, Bong is the one who is doing the offensive. Eduardo tried to
defend himself but Bong hit him in his right shin. As Eduardo being staggered, Bong
attempted to lunge his sword to his torso. Eduardo evaded it barely. Larry leapt into
action and threw his nunchaku at Bong. He hit Bong in the head countering him with a
powerful electrical nunchaku that sent him flying across the western side of the room.

Larry equipped his rifle in an attempt to confuse and eventually damage Bong. Bong
unleashed a blast from his hand to incapacitate Larry. Patrick, injured, fired an RPG into
Bong. Bong countered the rockets with one of his propellers. As the propellers returned
to Bongs command, Eduardo managed to lunge out a strike cutting of some of Bongs
armor. Bong continued to sword clash with Eduardo. Eduardo is careful to find an
opening eventually, hitting a part of Bongs armor in the chest. Bong got irritated and
countered Eduardo with a slash to his waist. Eduardos lower part of his shirt stained in
blood. Bong prepared to leap down and cut his opponent into half. Eduardo empowered
his sword and countered Bong destroying his armors upper part. He unleashed energies
from his sword to stagger Eduardo and to damage him in a bad way. Eduardo was hit by
the surge of energy as Bong continued to assault Eduardo telling him that the TFF will all
die once and for all. Eduardo engaged Bong fire with fire. He carefully dissected Bongs
style until he hit Bong in the right shin to his left leg. Bong kicked him in the face
knocking the TFF leader down. He rammed another kick to Eduardos head.

With Eduardo badly lying on the floor, Bong leapt into the action attempting to stab the
already injured Eduardo. Eduardo managed to focus and evade the stabbing strikes. He
countered Bong with a torrent of diagonal slashes bloodying his upper torso which are,
unprotected by his armor. Bong studied Eduardos next move. Thanks to his reflexes, he
rushed into Eduardo as if, nothing happened. Eduardo tried to defend himself against
Bongs violent slashing. Bong managed to disarm him with Eduardo going into the

retreat. With Eduardo on a retreat, Bong pursued Eduardo to finally kill him. Eduardo
was too resilient even for the younger Marcos. Krisma threw some discs that hit the
unsuspecting Bong Marcos. She used her camera to slow Bong down. Finally, it worked
a bit. This gave chance to the TFF leader to get his weapon. Bong looked upon Krisma
and wanted to unleash three propellers unto her. With Bong ready to unleash the
propellers, Eduardo pushed himself to the younger Marcos and again they violently
clashed their swords. Bong performed some advance sword fighting but it seemed not to
work against Eduardo Pizarras. Eduardo carefully slashed his way to see Bongs opening.

As Bong seemed to be performing the tougher and overpowering strikes, Eduardo slashed
more parts of the armor that is covering Bongs torso. He snatched the opportunity by
thrusting Bong into his right waist. Bong expressed agony from his face. Eduardo started
to throw his way to finish off Bong. Bong unleashed a surge of energy stunning Eduardo.
Discs from nowhere hurt Bong on his back. Eduardo leapt up and wanted to strike down
cutting Marcos into half. He wanted to prove Bong that whoever wins the fight will be
the innocent and blameless one who is steeped in good principles. Bong countered
Eduardo while leaping down into his leg then connected heavy slashes on his upper torso.
Eduardo was staggered badly. Bong connected three explosive propellers hitting Eduardo
in the shoulders and in the body. As Eduardo coughing out blood, Bong strengthened his
sword to deliver the final blow like always in their encounters. Eduardo, with his fighting
will concentrated to see Bongs next move. He used his rifle to keep Bong at bay giving
him time to recover.

Bong was relentless and was doing nothing but laughing what Eduardo is doing. He said,
you cannot defeat a Marcos. You are all ordinary youngsters. In fact, you are only a bit
overrated just because your elders and collaborators said so. Larry told Bong, we are not
overrated. In fact, we are not rated yet. Bong unleashed surge of energies from his sword
to incapacitate Larry and Eduardo. Eduardo got up while enduring the powerful energies.
Bong stepped back and tried to unleash propellers unto Eduardo. Pearl interfered by
throwing some vaccine darts upon Bong. Bong told Pearl that he is not confused as other
politicians. Pearl replied Marcos, Bong, I think, whoever is in power brainwashed your

mind. Bong shouted her, YOU ARE SO STUBBORN! I SAID I WAS NOT
DOWN AND DRINK UNTIL ALL ARE OVER! Pearl replied, Im sorry senator
apparent, I will not vote against confused politicians next time. Larry and Patrick helped
Eduardo they rushed into Bong. They evaded Bongs propellers. Bong suddenly stepped
a little further. With the trio approaching Bong, Bong played his tragic musical
instrument to stun the allies so bad. Pearl, Eduardo, Patrick and Larry lost all their
momentum. They are driven to various parts of the room because of the effects brought
by the tune. Eduardo enraged threw a disc destroying Bongs musical instrument.
Eduardo threw himself again with Bong damaging Eduardo with strong sword energies.
He threw a propeller damaging Eduardos left leg. He prepared to deliver another
deathblow hoping that it will destroy the TFF leader and finally to make it easier to beat

With Bong rushing towards Eduardo, Eduardo empowered his sword found out some of
Bongs openings. He managed to slash Bong diagonally in and out in the body. He
performed an uppercut and dashed forward with surge of energies sending Bong flying
off the room. Bong lost all his armor with his torso badly damaged. He activated his
barrier telling the allies that they cannot engineer his defeat nor push him into the brink of
death. Eduardo responded Bong; I have always known that there is a way to destroy your
barrier and damaging you heavily at the same time. I do not see complications about your
invincibility. The solution is very simple to engage fire with fire. Bong said to Eduardo,
really? I think this will all make the TFF sunk into confusion and resignation. Bong
taunted Eduardo to hit him cleanly and see whether he can continue damage him.
Eduardo empowered his sword than he has ever been. He lunged into Bong. Bong also
empowered his sword in an attempt to finally bring the TFF down and defeat the elites.

Bong in his battle cry said, TFF! The fact remains your elders have something to do in
my provinces destruction! You see that you are eluding blames. You do not know what

accountability is! Poor you! You may be educated but still you lacked genuine education.
Since you are all easier and exploitable, I will finish all of you then, set my sights to hunt
all my detractors eventually, toppling the elites! Eduardo replied, you should back your
words out and do not brag them until it is not over yet! Bong pressed forward to Eduardo
confident his barrier will save him from further damages. Eduardo clashed his sword with
bong eventually, overpowering him. Every tough slashes that Bong made, Eduardo
defended himself successfully until he used his remaining strength even unto the extent
combining his strength with Bong strength upon him to use it against the younger
Marcos. Marcos was staggered violently. He attempted to cut Eduardos head. Eduardo
countered him. He overpowered Bong and added his pattern of diagonal cross slashing,
slashing Bong from shoulder to the lower part of his torso, upper cutting him, slashing
him while in air and finally, attempting to deliver the deathblow. Eduardo seeing Bong is
anticipating his deathblow changed his final attack with barrages of surging energies.
Eduardo slashed Bong as if, his barrier is non existent. Both of the fighters are covered
with heavy energies possibly allowing the allies to track their TFF leader for assistance.

Eduardo emerged victorious fully recovered. On his back, the fallen self of Bong can be
seen. For the first time and finally, Eduardo defeated Bong in a violent swordfight. Too
late, Bong Marcos, before he can deliver the deathblow collapsed into the ground clueless
and out cold. Eduardo saw what has become of his toughest opponent decided not to kill
Bong. He assisted his allies and asked them if they are ok. Krisma saw that Eduardo
became stronger and saw him having a greater chance to fare well against the tougher
elites. She saw the concern on Eduardos face. She told Eduardo that she is fine only
suffering minor damages. Pearl asked if her friends are ok. Eduardo looked into Patrick
and Larry. The duo told Eduardo that the damages they took are nothing. Eduardos facial
expression turned into suspicion. The allies assured them they are all ok. Eduardo
complimented them that they became stronger along the journey. They assured each other
that they will reach the pinnacle of their goal. The allies congratulated each other as they
advance their path toward their final encounter with the evil president.

While they are proceeding beyond the room, Bong said to them, I congratulate you all.
You proved yourself to be great warriors. You are not ordinary youngsters. Im really
sorry what I have done. Eduardo said to him, nothing to be sorry about. We have the
same bad habit. We tend to be carried away at times being over emotional. Bong smiled
at the victors he responded them, even the toughest ones are like that. I accept defeat
without ill feelings. You truly got your credits due. Now, I was convinced, you are all
principled fighters. You are someone in which even in the midst of guilt and blame, you
never stopped fighting for what is right. Krisma said to Bong, what a class act! You are
my senator. You are tough. Just be calm at all times. It is just this misunderstanding that
made us like that. You can freely join us if you desire to end the elites. Bong said to the
TFF, so rare I find these kinds of youngsters. They will have promising role for the
countrys promising future. Eduardo said to Bong, please rest my greatest rival! Thank
you for giving me the toughest fight of my life.

The allies went away advancing themselves what lies inside the door beyond. Krisma and
Pearl saw St Lukes volunteers following them in an attempt to assist them. They smiled
as the volunteers are now assisting the damaged Marcos. They saluted the volunteers as
they are attending Bongs medical needs. The Red Cross medic saluted back to the TFF
and one of them told the TFF to advance further as, they will take care of the fallen guy.

Bong told the allies beyond this door, they must be prepared physically and mentally. He
said, indeed! Truth is stranger than fiction. I hope if you saw and heard the truth, you will
remain in your feet not be swayed easily. He finally told the allies that they solidified
their chances to bring change to country. The allies saluted Bong as Bong lost
consciousness for the time being. One nurse told Bong to stop talking and just rest. The
allies chatted with each other about all they have accomplished in this fateful day. They
advanced as they entered beyond the door.

P33: Destiny Road.

The allies reflected what they did to Marcos. They all have their confidence boosted.
Eduardo told the TFF that they all became stronger and more mature in battle. Larry

replied; I did not expect that we can beat Marcos more convincingly than we can
imagine. Pearl said to Larry, confused individuals are more beatable than they seemed.
Krisma told her friends to let Marcos rest. He is so sorry for what he had done. Krisma
does not think that Bong is as evil as Marcos allies. Marcos, Nograles, the Arroyo couple
and Araneta went into the soon to be completed Malacanang throne room. Marcos told
his allies that it is too dangerous to stay in the vicinity of the palace. They must move
somewhere safer to anticipate the allies in a more epic way. Nograles asked Marcos if he
can go home for now. Marcos replied that the situation outside are more dangerous than
they can comprehend. He told Nograles to stay a little more until the allies are owned so
bad. Mike Arroyo pressured Marcos a bit to take out the treasures as he almost smelt
victory. Marcos told him to stop and prove himself first. He ordered Arroyo to fight the
allies personally for the rewards to triple more. Marcos told Arroyo that if he is not the
one to beat the allies, he will not have reward.

Arroyo in a bit nervous mood agreed with the president. He told Marcos that he is ready
to fight the allies regardless of any circumstances. Gloria is worried of her husbands
health. Mike told her that he will be ok and he will prove the allies that he can beat the
TFF. Manuel Araneta said to Arroyo, are you sure you can destroy all of the TFF?
Gentleman! Let me help you fix the mess that plagued this country. I suggest you should
fight their leader because if you beat the leader, the members will be like ants ready for
the slaughter. Arroyo made a positive thumbs up gesture to Araneta. He made a deal
with Marcos that if he managed to kill or defeat Eduardo Pizarras, he will receive the
promised wealth. Marcos nodded his head and grinned to the first gentleman. He told
Arroyo that it is a deal done. If he beats Eduardo then, he will receive the treasures.
Marcos asked the first gentleman what to do if he lose. Arroyo thought a little longer and
told Marcos that he will receive no treasures. Marcos said to Arroyo, it is a part of the
deal but it is up to me to come up something exciting. The president and his allies
laughed a horrific laughter as they approached the soon to be throne of the new president.
Gloria asked the president if she could fight the female allies. Marcos smiled at her and
told her that let Manuel Araneta handle the situation. He can make a short work of the
allies compared to his son who lost big time. Araneta told Gloria that he will make the

allies pay on what they did to worsen the state of the nation. Gloria thanked Araneta of
his plans of wiping out the allies.

Marcos said to Nograles and GMA, do not interfere my friends! Let me and Mike handle
the allies. Marcos laughed and he seemed all prepare to punish the allies of defying his
vision for the country. Marcos promised his allies that he will demonstrate the real power
of soon to be absolute ruler of the Philippines. He vowed that the battle he will be going
against the allies will disprove the allies perception of they can beat anything who goes
against their path. He told his allies that defeating the likes of Tan, Cojuangco, Ver and
Bong Marcos are all childs play. Gloria told Marcos that the allies should be careful of
what they are wishing for. Arroyo kissed the hand of the president as a sign of her full
support and loyalty. The president started sitting on his newly made throne. He awaits the
coming of the TFF just in case the TFF succeeded their path leading to the de facto

The allies are exploring the corridors and rooms of the palace. They hope to find the
president to do some negotiations with him. While they are walking into the lair of the
president, they encountered the same creatures over and over again. Once upon a time,
they are reluctant to fight the creatures for the belief that the creatures are otherworldly
and they needed superior strength to destroy them. Now, the allies did not hesitate to
bring their weapons and dispose the creatures more than they can think of how to dispose
them in an easy way. The allies facing the creatures are no big deal compared it has been
before, while, they are just progressing their journey.

The likes of Larry and Patrick can dispose the creatures effortlessly. Eduardo slashed the
creatures that tried to bar his path. They explored the depths of the palace from corridors,
important meeting rooms, dining and guest rooms. They are just finding their way to the
presidents office. They encountered many politicians as they advanced their way into the
palace. Pearl shot them some vaccine rounds to calm down. She called the volunteers to
assist the politicians. Eduardo convinced Larry and Patrick to murder some of the raging
politicians by telling them that Arroyo officials are steeped into corruption. Krisma shook

her head until one politician threw her a knife in which she narrowly dodged. She used
her discs to chop the creatures guarding the said politicians even unto the extent
decapitating the politician. Pearl ran out of vaccine rounds. Politicians are rushing toward
the allies like political zombies. The allies equipped their weapons with no choice other
than to dispose them to live or to negotiate with them only to have their quest ended in
the palatial house. After some encounters and battles, the allies managed to reach the
presidential office. The saw the presidential seat is being turned on its back. Patrick tried
to find out who is sitting in the chair, they found out a politician is ready pointing out his
gun to the allies. Patrick clawed that said politician. The allies are trapped inside the
room. The mischievous creatures locked the door and activated a death gas for intruder.

The allies cannot see their surroundings clearly. Eduardo managed to find a control panel
etched beneath the presidential table. He pressed the controls. They heard some noise
behind the shelf. There a secret door has been revealed that may lead to where the
president is hiding from the allies. The allies closed the shelf door as they proceed behind
in order for the gas to lessen its impact upon the TFF. They went into the dark corridor.
They strolled in the dark corridor forward killing huge numbers of creatures and troops
attempting to halt their quest. They even encountered a mob of Arroyo officials. Krisma
started to conclude, the new president is more demonic than man. The new president is
good only in enslaving even the most corrupt officials. She added that the new
administration is nothing but pure enslavement. She said to the allies, you know, I hate
dictators. The problem of the dictators is that they go into the extreme. Im ok with
authoritarian rulers whose intent is for the greater good in an objective way. The only
thing I really hate these kinds of government is that they impose their will to the people.
Eduardo replied her, I agree you with that, for me! I just put the blueprint for progress
and let the people decide for the greater good. The only thing I do if Im a leader is that
the blueprint for success. It is still up for the people to do what is right. Governments
only support and help them nothing more. Krisma said to Eduardo, if you wanted to
become a dictator, I will be the first one to constructively criticize you. Eduardo laughed
at his friend. Pearl said to Krisma, he is not aspiring to be a leader and not yet a leader to
be elected. He is too young for that.

Eduardo told the ladies that he will not aspire to be a leader. There are countless ways to
make a difference for the nation. Larry said to Eduardo, like this, we may not be
government officials but we are doing something to save motherland. The allies
continued their quest to the corridor like maze killing enemies they encountered until
they reached a staircase leading to a convinient private room in a possibly different
building. After the allies reached the room, Eduardo said, the rooms seemed more sinister
than I can think of. I do not expect that we are going through the deepest secrets of the
palace. A president can easily escape when he sensed threats he cannot handle. Larry said
to Eduardo, we are like in an adventure game. Medieval games you may say. The
building seemed new and this has not been covered by the media. Krisma said to Larry,
media does not cover up all things. Some things are secretly known and never to be
revealed to the public. Media have a great storage of secret things to serve as references
alone. Pearl said to the allies, a convenient room I must concede connecting to the office.
Whoever president is using this kind of secret passage; he can be very lazy to make some
physical activity. Eduardo said to Pearl, dont you want that for a secret and safe escape.
You are safe from threats. Pearl replied him, I rather serve the public with my life on the
line rather than hide like Noy..Noy.? Krisma said to Pearl, you are so funny! It is not
Noy Noy era. It is Marcos era I think?

The allies made fun of the secret room and passed another lengthy corridor leading into
the main hall. The allies realized the hallway they were in is just a series of doors that
might confuse tourists if they come into this soon to be completed secret palace for
sightseeing. Eduardo warmed his allies up and told them that destiny is ahead! Be always
prepared my allies. He said to his allies; let us think of the TFF not as a leader governing
the members. It is something that members helped each other and worked together in
times of happiness and sorrow achieving a common goal. We already defeated four
Marcos minions. We are now nearing the big man himself. Let this friendship grow for
eternity regardless of success and failure. The future of our nation is in our hands. The
allies cheered and roared as they pressed themselves in the deeper stretch of the main

P34: Reunion.
The allies pressed themselves deeper beyond the main hall. They entered the room
beyond the large door. Eduardo told the allies that he is feeling like the structure is made
specifically to execute criminals and presidential enemies. Larry replied him, dont scare
us. We are all prepared for the worst. The allies encountered raging politicians used as
baits by the presidents. Eduardo has done most of the disposal of the politicians. Some
creatures attacked them but the TFF made short work of them. Patrick warmed himself
up by clawing the slave masters. Krisma said to the allies, it seems the Marcoses and the
Cojuangcos are not hard edged rivals. It is just a sensationalized media story. Pearl
agreed with Krisma telling her that she is right. It is simply whatever clans who wanted
power and money that is why they somehow showed animosity on each other but not
totally genocide. Eduardo responded Pearl; you have great IQ should I say extensive
critical thinking skills? Yes! They are not good versus evil rivalry. Actually, they are
amoral persons. Animosity and rivalry only surfaced when they have some interests in
which whatever clans wanted it in a one sided affair. Cojuangcos against the Marcoses, I
used to believe the media but I realized it is one of the dumbest lies I ever heard.
While Eduardo is speaking with the TFF while they are advancing to Marcos room,
someone interrupted Eduardo and sarcastically portrayed Eduardo as a potential
ambitious leader who used the allies for his own gain. The TFF are shocked to see their
old friend back home once again. Araneta said to the allies, long time and no see my
childhood friends. Krisma replied Araneta; where have you been? It seemed you
suddenly disappeared and only to be found that you have something to do with this
administration. Araneta responded Krisma; I do not know if I will be happy or become
agitated only to find out Im the heir to the Araneta clan. Pearl said to Araneta,
WHAT????? Araneta responded Pearl, seemed shocking right? I was your friend back
home doing many productive things until a twist of fortune struck me that made me
different from what I have been. Eduardo asked Araneta, who are you? What made you
serve Marcos? Araneta explained it to Eduardo; non Marikinians will not understand
what really happened to me. Eduardo assured Araneta that he will try to understand the
scion. Araneta told the TFF especially Eduardo, Im once Manny Marinas. I do not know

Im someones long lost relative. Back home, Im enjoying myself as a drummer of my

band. Im a former drooling artist. One day, unknown people abducted me and faked my
death. Krisma said to Araneta; shocks!!! Im so sorry that is why you disappeared for a
very long time. That time I missed an important friend. Araneta continued his story; it is
not a simple faking of death. Faking my death separated me from my loved ones and
wrecked my bands foundation. Since then, we lost contact on each other. My band is one
of the most important persons in my life. Those Aranetas for the sake of their long lost
relative are willing to destroy a persons already good life. In fact, they do not need me.
My so-called foster parents loved me more than the greedy clansmen. My life has turned
a 360 degree after my death has been faked. Life is not good to me compared to my
Marikina days. All I concentrated that time is their concept of me as a black sheep
instilled on my mind. They said Im a black sheep after I was born. One of my relatives
gave me to someone in order for their social standings to prosper without me. Now, they
wanted me to return for them because of emptiness then, place a notification upon me as
a black sheep returning. That is degrading. They did everything to ruin my life so bad.
Those Aranetas should die!! Only power and greed remained as my desires! It is the
reality of life isnt it?

Krisma said to Araneta; Manny, you are not a bad person. You are just forced to be in the
Aranetas side for their own gain and insults. Araneta replied her; my mind is all made
up. There is not other choice but simply to be powerful and rich. Im gonna prove it to
my kinsmen to see if Im a black sheep or not! Larry told Araneta that he should instead
join the TFF. He tried to convince Araneta that they are for the good of the nation.
Eduardo tried to talk to Araneta that power and riches are not the only things in life. He
promised Araneta that the whole TFF will help him transform his life for the good.
Araneta denied his former friends requests. He clearly stated that the only thing for him
to do is to be at Marcos side and to finally wait for the right time to avenge all his losses.
Eduardo gently pleaded Araneta to give him a chance to help him reform all the bad he
has done. Araneta said to Eduardo; did I say non Marikinians cannot understand what I
have gone through? Eduardo reasoned out with Araneta telling him it is a basic human
nature for anguish to emerge. Araneta lambasted him saying that Eduardo is not yet at the

situation to judge that quick. It needs time to recover. Araneta seemed not to like the
TFFs new leader. He ordered Eduardo to advance towards Marcos. The TFF leader
responded Araneta that he will not leave his allies.

The other members told Eduardo that frankly, he is making the misunderstanding worse.
They ordered their leader to advance to handle the president. Krisma said to Eduardo, Im
sorry to say this. You do not know Manny. Interrupting our conversations will make it
worse. Let us handle all the misunderstanding. Trust us! We knew him longer than you
think of us. Eduardo told the allies he will come to their rescue when things got worse.

The TFF nodded their heads assured Eduardo they will be fine. Patrick told Eduardo this
encounter is more personal than every personal encounters they ever had along their
entire quest. Araneta in a bullying tone said to Eduardo, go!!!! TFF leader!!! You are not
needed in this conversation! You just make matters worse. Krisma asked Araneta, is that
the life you desired simply power and riches? Araneta responded her; I once vied for a
simple life. People around me destroyed the life I once loved. The pain of losing all dear
to me is what they have done. They made my life a living hell. You know what? The
irony is that they tracked me down only to extend their insults to me. They wanted to let
me feel that the emptiness they felt without me is simply not because of a prodigal son
like context. It is an added insult and superiority complex. Since they took away all from
me, the only thing to do is to accumulate all their power and riches even unto destroying
those who wanted to stop me! Patrick told his friend, Manny, just trust us, we will try to
take back the life you longed for. Not this perversion! Araneta asked the TFF, are you
with me or against me? Krisma answered Araneta; no doubt you are my friend. You are
dear around our neighborhood. Araneta repeated with his question. Larry told Araneta he
loved him as a friend but what he is planning will not be tolerated. Krisma added what
Larry said told Araneta that being a friend does not mean tolerating what he is doing right

Pearl made her point and told Araneta that the TFF regarded him as a friend but do not
tolerate what he is doing. Araneta closed his eyes and began to perceive his former

friends as enemies. The TFF told Araneta that they are willing to help him but not the
things regarding power and greed. They wanted the old Manny back. Araneta replied
them that things do change. They cannot desire what has been already lost. The TFF
asked Manny of what he meant. Araneta concluded that the TFF are against his policies.
He warned the TFF once that even unto the extent those who wanted to halt his goals for
power and riches. The TFF made it clear is that their stand is for the greater good. They
said that their friend is simply for a lost name.

Araneta closed his eyes and moved his jaw. He said, Very well! Very well! You are all
against me. You lacked a trait of a real Filipino. Wheres your stand that a friend will
accept someone whoever he or she is? You are all hypocrites! Instead of my potential
reformers, you made me worse. You are all about removing evil rulers. It counts even
me. Before you reach Marcos, you will experience the anguish and sorrow of a friend
disowning you because of all your treachery. The TFF told Araneta that he is wrong. If
they are forced to fight, they will fight for what is right. Araneta told them not to try his
wrath. In case, they halted Aranetas plan. They will be his clans sacrificial offerings
before the ultimate vengeance! He told the TFF to show him if they can fight for their

Araneta equipped his trident to prepare for a possible melee combat. The TFF prepared
their weapon to defend themselves against an angry friend.

P35: Machiavellian Pessimism.

The TFF failed to negotiate with their former friend. Araneta told them that the only thing
left for him is to fill in the gaps of his life. He expounded it by saying that the Aranetas
should pay what they had done to him. He told the TFF that they are not favoring his
advocacies. The TFF told him that it is not the right thing to do. He swore and taunted the
allies. He called his own flavor of stranger creatures than the conventional creatures. The
allies observed these new enemy creatures. Krisma concluded that they resembled his
drooling monsters. Araneta told her that despite, he did not draw for a long time he can
still create his own class of monsters. He told the allies to call them as Neo MMDAs

(Manny Marinas Deviant Art). Araneta ordered his monsters to attack the allies. The
allies realized that these monsters are mere photogenic weird creatures in their Facebook
days. Now, they are all around to destroy the allies as their creator ordered them to do.

Larry said to Krisma; I think these creatures are tougher than the conventional creatures
we have ever faced. Krisma replied him that they still must be eliminated to correct their
friend. Difficulty is not an excuse she added. Pearl equipped her daggers and high
powered rifles. She shot the creatures. The creatures splattered into chunks of ink but
they recovered. Patrick told Araneta; what are these creatures? They are used to be
photogenic ones but now, they are so sick and despicable. Araneta replied him; you dare
defy me? You thought Im all alone. Look at it. They are real replacements of my
forgotten loved ones.

Krisma threw her discs and managed to splatter the MMDA creatures. The creatures
recovered and grinned at her. Patrick and Larry tried to beat the creatures splattering
them. The creatures again, recovered. The creatures licked the girls with the girls in an
expression of disgust, fired harder to the creatures. As the creatures attempting to hurt the
girls, Larry and Patrick always come to the rescue to fend the creatures off. The creatures
are toughed but they are repeatedly destroyed by the allies. The creatures got up and
reformed formed multiple tentacles to halt the allies. The allies stepped back united but
surrounded by the MMDA monsters. They fired all they can to the creatures with Larry
throwing his weapon to the creatures in which it created a minor explosion. Patrick used
some handful of grenades hoping the creatures would have their remainders destroyed.

While they are busy tackling with the creatures in a seemingly endless battle, Krisma got
an idea. She studied her camera and managed to harness its full potential. As the
creatures are rushing toward the allies, Krisma used her camera which unleashed some
dimensional portals sealing the creatures. As the creatures being sealed, she threw discs
with some rockets from Patrick for the assurance for the death of the creatures. Krisma
told her allies that her camera may have great wonders but it will cost too much energies

or batteries. She told the TFF to cover her by keeping the monsters at bay. Finally, she
pressed her camera unleashed dimensional portals distracting and sealing the creatures.

The allies threw some explosives that ended the Neo MMDAs. Araneta told them that he
is impressed of their fighting prowess. He did not expect the TFF will be hard edged
warriors. He asked the TFF of who trained them to be like that in battles. Larry told
Araneta to remember their brawling days in school. Araneta said to Larry; these kinds of
fighting prowess are not crude as we might have been. You are all fighting using your
brain. Did the younger guy teach you how to fight? Larry replied Araneta that the
younger guy did not teach them how to fight. It is the thirst for genuine change and the
battle for what is right made us more motivated. Patrick said to Araneta; we may be
friends but we learned not to compromise with deranged ones. Im sorry that you are not
on our side. You are not in the side of righteousness. Im afraid that we must defend
ourselves to be free from compromise and temptation of evil. Araneta told them to forget
their friendship. Araneta equipped his trident to prepare to battle with the TFF. The TFF
lunged themselves to their former friend telling him that they will have a battle not to kill
each other but to bring back to his senses. Araneta replied them that their efforts will be
futile activities. He is on his way to his real destiny. He told the allies he shed the
remnants of his ideal past. He told the allies that he cannot bring back the trust of his
relatives who used to love him but hated the elites which included him. Krisma said to
Araneta, he is not same as the evil elites. I know that there is some deep void deep inside
your heart.

Araneta started to lunge his trident over the TFF. Patrick and Larry rushed towards
Araneta. Patrick attempted to claw Araneta in order to bring him to his senses. Manny
lunge his trident which intimidated Patrick. Patrick tried to counter him by seeking into
the open. Araneta whipped him via his trident that staggered him. Patricks face started to
drip some blood. He became aggressive to try to hit Araneta. Araneta beat him with his
trident which again staggered Patrick. Larry used his nunchaku to confuse and damage
Araneta. He used the nunchakus capability in longer range battle to avoid the damage.
Patrick jumped off towards Araneta to try claw him to submission. Araneta unleashed

dark energies from his trident to send Patrick flying. Patrick was knocked down and
needed some recovery to pursue further. Larry used his nunchakus longer range
advantage. Araneta anticipated every round Larrys weapon made. He timed himself
correctly and halted Larrys weapon with the user. He hit Larry with his weapon stabbing
him on the leg. Araneta started to approach Larry and beat him senseless with Larry
coughing blood on the ground. Krisma stepped back along with Pearl to damage Araneta
from afar. They equipped their weapons like Krisma throwing discs to damage Araneta.
The discs missed their target with Araneta reflecting some of them back towards
Krismas direction.
Krisma and Pearl continued taking advantage of the rooms large size. They continued to
throw some weapons until Krisma ran out of discs for this battle to throw. Pearl shoots
Manny with her rifle but Manny keep dodging and deflected the lasers using his trident.
Krisma picked some of the discs that missed. Patrick and Larry composed themselves to
try damage Araneta but Araneta just beat them alternatively until he unleashed some dark
energy that hurt the boys so bad. He used limited psychokinesis sending their bodies to
the walls in order for them to be knocked out cold never to rise again for the rest of the
battle. Patricks durability made him survived the psychic attack. Manny attempted to
send another psychic attack to the already weakened TFF member, Patrick fought back
with the force and he rushed to Araneta as fast as he can scratching Araneta. Araneta
grinned as Pearl and Krisma kept shooting him. Larry in a half conscious mood equipped
his rifle shooting Araneta. Aranetas hardened battle experience made him in a
comfortable stand in the battle. He is dealing with the weakened Patrick Zalderiagga and
at the same time deflecting the high powered shots. Patrick clawed his way to the trident
making the allies ripe for shooting straight at Aranetas body part. Araneta used his
reflexes to recover from being off guard. He unleashed some devastating streams of
energy that sent the allies flying to the ceiling and to the ground.

Araneta wanted to torture Patrick but Patrick fought back as he can. The time he rushed
to Araneta, Araneta delivered him a knee kick to his skull. It staggered Patrick knocking
him down. He used his psychic energy to control the beaten foe to his journey around the

walls only to be knocked out cold like his allies. Larry seemed not to give up easily threw
his nunchaku to their former friend. Araneta deflected the nunchaku. Krisma used her
camera to slow Araneta down to throw some discs to damage him. Araneta told them that
they will regret their decision and their fight for independence. He told the TFF that they
are no different from his already evil relatives doing nothing but to engineer his failure
and destruction. Araneta is not affected by Krismas camera nor the discs managed to
damage their former friend. Araneta unleashed torrent of energies to assure the allies are
already beaten senseless.

After the allies cannot fight anymore in full condition, Araneta used his psychic skills to
control the allies psychically. He tried to distort the mind of the allies. It is clear that
Araneta is not concerned of reuniting and making peace with his former friends. He
regarded them as another set of his already obstacle filled existence. He planned to give
torturous deaths to all the allies. He summoned his MMDA creatures again. These time,
the set of creatures have greater number than the set he previously summon to test the

The creatures divided themselves into sets. Each set went into a particular TFF member
to feast upon them to be finally killed in a merciless way. There are 4 sets in all one for
each TFF member to be feasted upon. The allies are now helpless but an old enemy
barged in and confronted Araneta. Araneta saw an injured Bong Bong halting his ritual of
death to the TFF. Bong said; I have known the truth. The allies have nothing to do with
the ransacking of my province. It is all your conspiracy! You and my dad planned all of
this just to shut me out in the palace afraid of possible disillusionment and rational
betrayal! Araneta replied Marcos; so you have known the truth. It is a waste of your
intelligence if you cannot figure out the simple conspiracy. Oh! You are not that
intelligent. I bet someone whose conscience cannot match up the standard of the new
administration told you. Marcos responded Araneta, dont think Im that dumb as you
think or else it will trigger your administrations fall! Oh I see! I dont see this
administration last longer. It is ridden with many false alliances with many self serving
individuals that pretended they are united enough to the greater good. After all, this

whole administration is garbage. Araneta told the younger Marcos that there is no choice
but to see the allies and the detractors to even express disgust over your father. Marcos
told the allies that the Marcos they are facing is only a product of the elites real leaders
conspiracy. Araneta told Marcos whatever he wanted to say is too farfetched and cryptic.
The allies are not that aware to hear what you meant additionally, the nature of this

Marcos looking at the beaten state of the allies, he confronted the MMDA creatures
easily disposing them by a combination of swordsmanship and surge of energies that
used to damage the TFF. Marcos rushed towards the self centered and nihilistic Araneta.
His sword clashed with Aranetas trident as the latter is defending himself. Marcos used
more force to break off Aranetas guard with the latter struggling a bit of it. Araneta
countered Marcos with his trident but Marcos broke his trident damaging Aranetas body.
Araneta still held the beaten allies through his psychic powers as he picked his broken
trident quickly to unleash surge of energies against Bong. Bong leapt into Araneta with
Araneta ready to counter it with his devastating dark energies. Bong narrowly dodged the
dangerous attacks due to heavy injuries. He executed his Plan B to kick Araneta in the
head as strong as he can. Araneta let go of the fallen TFF members. Araneta seemed
groggy with Marcos ready to deliver his death blow. Araneta unleashed his dark psychic
energies which send Bong flying across the room stumbled to the ground. Araneta told
the allies and Bong that in politics, there is no blood, no compromise, no relatives and no
conscience. Araneta added that whoever wanted to ruin his goal will pay the price. He
again denounced the friendship he had with the TFF. He went out and promised that he
will finally destroy the allies in a no holds barred war the next time they meet.

Bong recovered into his tracks with the allies thanking him as he told the allies that
Araneta should be brought down. He is too dangerous to be kept alive. He told the allies
that it will be a huge possibility for him to replace the dictator in case he did not fare well
against the TFF leader. He went out expressing his farewell to the TFF to chase one of
the administrations most important men. The allies recovered a bit as they composed
themselves. Krisma picked all her discs to be ready for the next huge battle coming

beyond the door. The allies reflected about what happened and proceed to the huge door
which they believed is where Eduardo is fighting with the big man himself.

P36: Cardiac Arrest.

Eduardo went deeper into the palace complex after he was forced to leave by TFF due
personal complications. He strolled through the corridors until he passed a flight of stairs.
He opened the door that he assumed Marcos is waiting for him. He went forward even
more before he saw Marcos and his allies are already waiting for him. Marcos
complimented him because he managed to reach the big man himself. Eduardo responded
him that it is not about reaching the depth of the palace. It is about changing the country.

Marcos said to Eduardo; you know are almost similar to me when I was young. Young
and dashing am I not afraid of any threats on my life. Being brave and strong made me
reach the pinnacle of my life. I now see that everyone has failed just to eradicate a group
of pests known as the TFF. Even my valiant son failed after a few tries against you.
Eduardo replied Marcos; I knew that you are all behind this! You may be a great leader
but you made massive mistakes the first time you ruled. Marcos replied Eduardo; I may
have done some wrong but I can correct it anytime I want. You are similar to all my
detractors. They pretended to be my allies but only wanting something in return. Their
deaths will make you realize that no one messed up with me. Eduardo said to the dictator,
you are not through yet of your atrocities. I do give credit when credit is due. Your
presidency is just a mixture of good and bad. The causes of the deaths of your allies are
not because they messed up with you. It is because they thought that they can get rid of
us. Marcos responded Eduardo; you know young man! All my detractors are the same.
Without the TFF they can be enslaved easily. I see that your ego rose up to its hyper
stage. This is not good especially to someone uncertain of his future beyond. Tsk Tsk
Tsk! Danding, Lucio and Ver are not that tough as the battle you are soon facing.
Eduardo responded; it will be good because I will distort the already fallen reputation of
yours. You may have done some good but the last years of your first reign marked the
start of the fall. Marcos responded, what fall? Dont you know that I have done many
things during my first 20 years of my reign? Eduardo responded; it is not sufficient to

redeem the country from massive ill gotten corruption. Marcos responded Eduardo;
really? But you have not proven anything. Citizens always complain but it is till
ultimately up to them to obey or to disobey. Those like you will never inherit the progress
of the nation. You are a faint version of the elites. It is just a more stupid version. I may
be a friend of the elites. Im open to be befriended by businessmen. It is just it is not
genuine alliances. They just use me for the purpose of getting what they wanted. At least,
you are correct in a point. Yet, it is not sufficient to prove that you are a force to be
reckoned with.

Mike Arroyo told Eduardo to submit to the new leader or risk damnation. Nograles told
Eduardo to use his brain and do what is right that is, to submit to Marcos so all his
sorrows will be gone. Eduardo responded the president and his allies; all of you, there is
no remnant of being a great Filipino deep within you. You are all blind. You are all
damned by corruption and Machiavellian compromises! It is you that made the country
fall into bad place. Arroyo told Eduardo to watch his mouth or else they will exterminate
him. Nograles told Marcos that Eduardo is so unredeemable. He told Eduardo that being
disobedient will cause the latter change his roles on every circumstance to suit his needs.
Gloria told Eduardo that his accusations are all baseless. She continued that the boy has
not proven anything but destabilization soon to be thwarted. Eduardo told Gloria about
Bayani. Gloria told Eduardo that Bayani is once her friend and ally but he too, is
disobedient and also ambitious in power not different from those he accused. He is just
another sore loser. She asked Eduardo if Bayani has something to do with the chaos in
the palace. Eduardo affirmed her that Bayani is all for the greater good. He is unselfish
and always to fight what is right. He added that the chairman will be friends to those
politicians who have good proposals but is unforgiving to the evil ones. Marcos and his
allies laughed at him. The president said that he is the messiah of the country. The reason
why he was deposed is because of his detractors. Some elites are tired of his strong
attitudes. They just wanted to use him as a milk to accumulate more. The president told
Eduardo he is not to be fooled easily. Eduardo asked Marcos, how did you reign another
reign? Is that true you died as a lonely man in Hawaii? Marcos replied Eduardo that he is
like a phoenix. He will rise again to triumph over the evil elites and corruption. He will

make the Philippines a golden nation. Eduardo said to Marcos; you are delusional. You
said you hated the elites that took you as an advantage. You see your allies on every
corner. They just wanted to take advantage of their so-called Messiah President to
accumulate their self interests. Arroyo responded Eduardo that he knew nothing. He had
no proof but only hearsays. He is terribly brainwashed by his collaborators. He shouted at

Gloria responded her husband telling that the young man is too ignorant and horribly in
his own delusion. She sarcastically told Marcos that Eduardo is the only hope for a dying
country. He is someone where elites, arent thinking twice to execute their devious plans
in his front. Marcos told Arroyo; Summarizing all Eduardo has told you, I think he
depicted you as a fat money seeker official. He thinks that you are not into righteousness
but into your own delusion. He thinks that you do not deserve to be treated in an
exclusive hospital using the money you corrupted. Finally, he thinks that you are
someone who used me to protect his own interests hanging on to dear life in a cowardly

Arroyo fed up and wanted to challenge Eduardo. Eduardo told the first gentleman; what
the president told you will definitely put me in a strongly agree statement. The
president told Arroyo that it came right from Eduardos mouth. He made Arroyo think
that Marcos depiction of him is no different from what Eduardo is thinking right now.
Arroyo asked Marcos; are you against me? Marcos replied Arroyo; you know you once
told me that you are all after rewards right? No fight no rewards. Now, you see that TFF
leader right? You volunteered to fight him in case he reached us right? Arroyo replied a
Yes. Marcos continued talking to Arroyo; he lambasted you of being a corrupt and
helpless individual. Please teach him a lesson as a proof that you can redeem yourself

additionally, your incentive for the assurance of your future rewards. As Lao Tzu said,
every thousand miles starts with a single step right? Arroyo told Marcos that they will
have to talk after he punished Eduardo. Arroyo told Marcos that it is not good to insult
him by using Eduardo. Marcos replied him; you see how he slandered you. When Im
saying things about you moments ago are accurate depictions of you courtesy from the
TFF. He convinced Arroyo to push through as he told Arroyo that he is the savior of the
country. If he had done his duty well he will make his rewards fourfold. Arroyo equipped
himself with a saber and a gun. Gloria cheered him up telling him that he should be
careful against a youngster. She grinned facing Nograles. Nograles just shook his head
but Gloria quickly patted her hand on his leg to stop it. Arroyo said to Eduardo; you have
insulted me so bad. You have not known anything to make this country prosper. You said
Im corrupt.

Eduardo fueled him more telling him that it is true. He told Arroyo that he made
absolutely nothing to make this country competitive to the other countries. He told
Arroyo that what Marcos told him allegedly quoting the TFF leader is not different what
he (Eduardo) will say straight to Arroyos face. Arroyo attempted to punch Eduardo but
Eduardo quickly evaded the punch. He tried to bully himself using his size to crush the
TFF leader into submission. He told Eduardo that he will succumb to the powers of those
who legitimately lead the country. Eduardo replied him that there is no one who is in
power by legitimate means. He continued that the Arroyos cheated in their favor during
the 2004 elections. Arroyo told him to shut up as he started unleashing his saber to attack
Eduardo. Eduardo was not even flinched seeing the massive size of Arroyo. Arroyo
started slashing him with Eduardo restricting himself sensing his enemy is a total joke.
Arroyo sensed Eduardos perception about him started to violently slash the TFF leader
with a gun ready to shoot Eduardo. Eduardo eluded most of his slashes until he saw
Arroyo is starting to tire down. Eduardo seemed bored until a lunge almost hit him to the
neck had he not evaded it properly. He started to focus and equipped his sword. Arroyo
saw Eduardo stepped back and started to pull his guns trigger. Eduardo quickly disarmed
Arroyos gun. He sliced the gun into two. Arroyo enraged of possibly losing the duel. He

increased his aggressiveness until he started to attempt hacking Eduardo. Eduardo easily
evaded every slashes and told him that he is too slow. He is only fast on getting money.

Arroyo started to sweat profusely. He continued doing the offensive until he was
overpowered and disarmed by the TFF leader. Arroyo is clearly tired. Eduardo
unequipped his weapon. Arroyo though, a weaker one has a fighting will to fatten up his
assets. Eduardo approached him and punched him repeatedly left and right on his kidney
areas. Arroyo began to cough blood. Eduardo then grabbed him and punched him into the

Gloria started to become terribly worried also sorrowful. Nograles tried to calm her
down. Marcos told Gloria not to lose hope since Arroyo is all after the rewards so he
must be very willing to go through it all even unto enduring pains. Eduardo repeated
punching him to the heart. Until he went to Arroyos back breaking his spine. Gloria was
horrified of what she saw. She began to cry with Nograles staring an evil stare into the
TFF leader. Marcos told them that it is natural for people who got all the riches but failed
on some important test. Eduardo told Marcos that he is next to go down. Marcos told him
to shut up and he calmed the grieving former leader. Arroyo seemed to be barely alive
told his allies to help him. Marcos is remorseless he told Arroyo to continue since he
wanted all the rewards. But the first gentleman told Marcos that he cannot do it. He is
already beaten up. Eduardo approached Arroyo and stepped into his spine. Which made
him unconscious or possibly on the verge of death. Gloria said Eduardo; SAVAGE AND

Nograles told Arroyo to calm down and he told Eduardo he should go back to the
primitive age. He continued that if he and his collaborators possessed these behaviors,
they cannot be genuine statesman who possessed statesmanship. Marcos told his

remaining allies that he is not surprised that there are some people who are willing to die
just to get their milk from the vessel of hope. Eduardo replied Nograles and GMA that
they are the one who lacked statesmanship. He added that GMA and Nograles are rigged
in tyranny, human rights violation and corruption. They are educated from prominent
institutions and topped the bars yet, have few to contribute in a decades time. They have
not lived what these awesome institutions hoped for their students to become. Marcos
told his allies that he will avenge the defeat of their ally, Arroyo! Marcos told Gloria that
it is not his fault to be the milk and honey of the elites. They just failed obtaining what
they desired. Thats it.

Marcos taunted Eduardo to prepare for the toughest battle of his life. He assured his allies
that it will be a very different outcome compared to his fallen allies. Eduardo told Gloria
and Nograles that Marcos is all about himself. He is too powerful and does not care to the
less powerful. Marcos said to Arroyo; let me avenge all the insults and pains they have
caused to all of us. They wanted to destroy the administration, here is their only chance to
live for it or die in an insignificant manner! Marcos added, TFF!!! I have observed all of
you since the beginning of my reign! You are all impressive! You gave my son the
hardest battle in his whole insignificant career! You are great youngsters totally different
from the ordinary ones. HAHAHAHAHA!!! You have beaten the toughest elites. My
administration is on the line. But this time you will realize that this quest is not worth
pursuing for. Eduardo told Marcos; for the good of this country! This is the final battle!
My victor will give life to the country! My death will strengthen the future generation!
Marcos told him that he is already thinking of being a martyr. How uncertain life can be?
He added.

Marcos equipped his sword and assured Eduardo that he will fight a more powerful
version of Bong Marcos. He expounded it by telling Eduardo that he is the emperor
version of Bong. Eduardo responded the dictator that it was a cheap analogy. He told
Marcos that his plan will soon end into the dust!!

P37: Destiny on the Line.

Marcos conditioned himself as he prepared himself to face the TFF leader. He told the
TFF leader that his road will end right in the throne room. He said that after the deaths of
the allies, he will have all detractors and opponents executed in no time. Eduardo
responded him that Marcos should face him first before planning what to do next. Marcos
responded him that he alone holds the hope for the decaying nation. Whoever wanted to
oppose him will face certain destruction. He added that being a messiah of the nation will
not let anything bad go through him. Eduardo provoked Marcos and said to him. We will
see how your messianic complex will save you from the inevitable. He added that he is
no messiah but only one of the tools of the elites. Marcos told him to use definitions in
wiser context.

Marcos equipped his weapon telling him that he will prove the TFF that he is the one in
which the elites themselves depended their lives dearly unto him. Marcos will prove to
Eduardo that he can defeat him and turn him into one of his assets. Eduardo responded
him to hide his ill gotten wealth well or else, he will see that his wealth will be already at
the hands of the deserving masses. Eduardo started rushing to the dictator. He violently
used his offensive to stagger Marcos. Marcos was too calmed down to see what the TFF
leader is doing unto him. He countered a tough strike but Eduardo also evaded it. He
connected his failed strike with multiple slashes. Eduardo countered some of them using
his youth as his advantage. Marcos leapt and tried to mutilate Eduardo into half but
Eduardo blocked it with his sword. Eduardo planned to overpower Marcos but they had a
stalemate in their power struggle. Marcos found an opening to Eduardos body and
kicked him to stun him off guard. Marcos used his speed to confuse Eduardo to panic
him. Eduardo focused his way to evade and try to counter Marcos slashes. Eduardo
countered some of them and managed to slash Marcos into his torso. Marcos leapt for
heavy action but Eduardo saw and blocked it. He removed Marcos guard stance and
slashed him in the thigh. Marcos countered him with a kick and punches him to the face.

With Eduardo staggered, Marcos stabbed Eduardo in his waist. Marcos moved back and
attempted to stab him in the chest. Eduardo used his sword to block from the stabbings
but he saw Marcos nowhere in his front. He glanced on the upper direction eventually, he

saw Marcos using his uncanny speed. Eduardo barely blocked the second attempt and
went for the open. He slashes Marcos in the body and unleashed an uppercut which
staggered Marcos with blood in his clothes. Marcos grinned and told Eduardo that the
TFF leaders onslaught is nothing but water slashes. Eduardo empowered his sword to
promise Marcos a heavier barrage of damages. Marcos taunted him. Eduardo pressed
himself unto Marcos but he found himself being outsmarted by the president. Marcos let
himself open to be rushed by Eduardo. As Eduardo approached him, Marcos disappeared
like a ghost only to trick Eduardo slashing him from nowhere when the TFF leader is like
a charging ram without directions. Eduardo luckily blocked his trick slashes. Marcos
continued his pattern of allowing himself to be rushed. He disappeared and attempted to
surprise Eduardo while the TFF leader is all focus on the Marcos at his front.

Marcos suddenly has a hard time tricking and surprising the ever resilient TFF leader.
Eduardo changed his plan of rushing again to Marcos but not that fully concentrated to
the front. Marcos caught him and prepared to stab him straight to his body. Eduardo leapt
but Marcos disappeared at his sight. Marcos leapt into Eduardo him removing his guard
and slashed him diagonally in the torso. He managed to unleash energies to cripple the
TFF leader. Marcos landed onto the ground. He saw Eduardo is crawling for dear life
with his weapons. He planned to rush in to the TFF leader but before that he unleashed
heavy energies to Eduardos legs. Marcos is all out for the death blow he tried to deceive
Eduardo by rushing towards him with Eduardo trying to defend his life only to find out
Marcos is changing his routine unleashing sword energies. Eduardo flew literally from
the explosions.

Nograles is cheering Marcos he believed that Marcos can finish the arrogant TFF leader
at any second. Gloria told Nograles that Marcos deserved their respect and even worship.
Nograles told Gloria that Marcos may be a bit mean but he can provide us untold power
and riches as long we submit to him. That also applies to the toughest of the elites as
well. Marcos repeated his pattern of lunging towards Eduardo and tricking him. Marcos
saw Eduardo is now a confused opponent. He lunged towards Eduardo with the latter is
already fully defending himself from the rushing strike. Marcos can kill him at any time

but wanted a stunning victory. He leapt and attempted to slash Eduardo at the back of his
head. Eduardo felt it and rolled over but costing his legs to be lacerated even more.
Marcos saw Eduardo unbalanced and tries to rush towards him as he felt his opponent is
just a struggling mass of flesh and brain. Eduardo kept himself up and surprise Marcos
with torrent of connecting slashes. Marcos unleashed a barrage of sword energies and
silhouette slashes but Eduardo hanged on to endure the storm. He approached Marcos and
executed an uppercut cutting off to his neck. Gloria covered her eyes seeing the brutal
sight but Nograles told him that Marcos is not only leadership but power and intelligence.
He told Gloria that Marcos is not even a human at this stage. He is an undead like a god
to straighten up the evil and suffering of society.

Eduardo used the fury of his empowered sword but Marcos stepped back and retaliated
torrents of energies. He temporarily disappeared at his fight. Eduardo saw creatures and
presidential high ranked troops are descending from the ceiling. Eduardo quickly fought
and executed them. Nograles got a sniper rifle and attempted to shoot Eduardo at his
back. Eduardo managed to bring down some of the troops and used the dead troop to
shield himself from Nograles. Some creatures chased him but Eduardo was all focus on
Nograles which shielding himself from Nograles blasts. He went up and kicked Nograles
stumbling from his chair. He equipped one of the discs Krisma gave him and lacerated
Nograles upper torso. Eduardo stepped into the sniper rifle destroying it into pieces.

Gloria told Eduardo that he will not win against the elites and to those who loved their
country. Eduardo responded her that she is the one that she is referring to. He added that
a woman reigned for 10 years yet, achieve more than the minimum rate of achievement.
He grabbed Gloria and threw her to the wall. Eduardo continued to destroy the troops that
opposed him and shouted for Marcos to come out from his hiding. He told Marcos that
recovery would not save him until the battle is over. Marcos leapt toward him in a
deceptive way. Eduardo blocked the sword but Marcos connecteeven d the trick slash
slashing Eduardo multiple times ruining his upper body even more. He knee kicked
Eduardo to the skull. Marcos equipped himself with a high powered rifle to kill Eduardo
without the latter laying a hand on him.

Eduardo chased Marcos with Marcos moving in and out. He studied the pattern of the
rifle fire. He jumped in and out with his sword defense to avoid unwanted death. Marcos
told him that he is indeed different from the youngsters but he will not be exempted to the
consequences of meddling with the new administration of hope. He said to Eduardo
even more; you can jump anytime you want but sooner or later you will succumb into
your own death. Eduardo and Marcos continued chasing each other until Marcos ran out
of ammunition even failed of delivering Eduardos end in a longer rage. He reequipped
his sword disappearing from the sight to appear only in the right time. Marcos appeared
indiscriminately at the very front of the TFF leader. He attempted to deliver a dragon
strike. Eduardo slashed him in the waists that made Marcos stumbled a bit. Eduardo
continued to rush towards the dictator but the dictator unleashed all energies he got to
hinder Eduardo from slicing him cleanly.

Marcos continued to unleash serious silhouette slices that damages Eduardo a couple of
times with energies sending Eduardo flying over again. He rushed into nowhere with his
lunging attack. Eduardo overpowered him and cut off his sword and arm. Marcos used
his other hand to punch Eduardo straight into the face. He connected it with an uppercut
and leapt towards Eduardo slamming his fist downward that knocked the TFF leader
down. He stood in front of the TFF leader with his severed hand sprouting another hand.
Eduardo told him that he totally lost his humanity. Marcos responded that Eduardo too is
not an ordinary human either. Eduardo responded him and told him that it is all nonsense!

Marcos provoked Eduardo to examine himself that he is being financed by unknown

persons to order the rehabilitation of the country. Eduardo responded the dictator that it is
his own decision to give the country what it deserved. Marcos started to explain him with
their unknown origins. Eduardo pissed off and rushed towards Marcos but the dictator
dodged his angry strikes. Marcos switched his direction and assembled himself at the
front of his throne. He unleashed another set of energy but he said; I will fulfill my
promise to make you all as parts of my assets. The elites will be even happier to support
me in rebuilding this sick nation. Agreeing with their gods and further worshipping them
is all what we desired Eduardo replied while nodding his head in disagreement told

Marcos; you are sick beyond repair! You may be a good president but you have great
ethical problems. Marcos told him to endure the blasts or die without a cause. Eduardo
ran towards Marcos enduring the strongest surges of energies. He saw the same golden
pillars in the fight against Cojuangco. Eduardo told himself to trust in his abilities and
faith for the betterment of the nation. He jumped higher and landed surprising the still
energy blasting Marcos. He stroked Marcos multiple times even tripling the power of his
sword stabbing the president longer than he had ever stabbed his enemy. He performed
some whirlwind slashes until he finished the president with an uppercut. Marcos was now
a burning president full of blood.

Marcos said to the TFF leader; we are not finished yet! Dying once made me stronger.
The more detractors I had, the more resilient I have ever become! This country is a
burning hopeless nation where all diseases are all rampant. The elites wanted to rule the
country in their own ways but they are too self centered and lack unity. Behold, the only
savior of the country who can alone provide the elites their needs and the blueprint to
change the country also their lives. I will transform everyone from their futile lives to
productive lives. Just submit to me only that you will have fulfillment in life. Those who
oppressed me will never see the brightness of life. Eduardo replied Marcos; it is better for
me to die than to submit to your devious plans. You wanted to turn us into gold what
about you are already defeated. The people you wanted to be productive are nothing but
simply to be productive in your only interests. If I were these people I rather die in
battling for what is right than to submit like a mechanical machine.
Eduardo threw one of Krismas disc decapitating Marcos but Marcos despite headless,
sprouted another new and same head. Marcos replied; you will see the person who can
turn the county into gold and restore peace and order by forcibly eliminating those who
lacked productivity not according to my own plans. This country wanted to be free but
they lacked accountability. Now! Democracy gave you chance but it decided to leave you
for good! Witness the true power of the one whom elites and the oppressed one alike got
all they needed only, if they submit to the leader who has sufficient power to catapult the
country into a golden age!

Marcos stared at the mortally wounded Nograles, a dead former first gentleman Arroyo
and an unconscious Gloria Arroyo. He revealed his true inhuman nature by absorbing his
allies. He shed his humanity to reveal himself to Eduardo that he is not the same
Marcos that is being ousted by petty elites. Marcos revealed his alien self and prepared
himself to challenge Eduardo for the final time. Eduardo correctly assumed that the
current Marcos is not a human Marcos that ruled the country 45 years ago. Eduardo said
to Marcos; Marcos, whether you are an alien or a god, for the right thing Im adhering
myself unto. You cannot intimidate me. I will destroy you in any form you take! The
more inhuman the opponent is the more I will be standing firm on my convictions.
Everything will come into pass. This trial is just sequel of all the trials I took! I will
triumph in the end! Marcos replied; the fact cannot be changed that I alone has the means
to make this country into an instant golden age. You do not understand many things. Too
young to know what matured individuals are clamoring into. I assured you! You cannot
eliminate the only source of destiny of the country. You may change but YOU WILL
SURELY DIEEEE!!!!! Both men prepared themselves for the final duel. Marcos
continued; like Gloria said, she wanted me to avenge the death of her husband. Here, she
was already a part of me. Once I killed you she can get the credit of herself avenging
what you did on the greedy first gentleman. Eduardo replied Marcos; you are full of
talks! Let us get it on!!!!!!

Marcos used his same old sword as he approached Eduardo telling him corruption is only
applied when people are losing cash. The notion of submitting unto me removes
corruption because this will be the time that money is infinite. Eduardo replied Marcos
while rushing; ethics applied even unto universal extent! I see you cannot solve the nation
in practical means. I will just remove your power. You are helpless. Money and gold is
all in your mind. You may claim you are a messiah but you are no different from the
ordinary elites! He expounded that the elites will turn against the dictator if they found
out he has nothing left. Marcos told Eduardo that he will open a political science school
for aspiring leaders of how to deal with the elites. He said; Eduardo, I think you ran out
of ideas in your mind. There are many solutions in which you do not know or ever will
know. You see, Im the leader and I alone command superior instructions to the elites.

Eduardo as he planned to uppercut Marcos with his sword said to him; the elites sooner
or later will turn you down. Dont you know that the elites are only after their own
interests? Marcos unleashed a counter temporarily stunning Eduardo and he replied the
TFF leader; yes! They are self centered jackals! That is why my leadership is all after
greater good of the nation. They should submit to me at all will even unto exterminating
them when I found out they are disobedient. I do not mourn the deaths of Cojuangco and
Tan. It just so happened that surplus and vying for more power arranged their ultimate
fates. He connected a ground to upper slash slashing Eduardo flying off across the floor.
Marcos told Eduardo that he is full of assumptions and questions. He told him not to
worry because the new leader has sufficient means to deal the elites. It is a matter of
working together getting what they need or disobeying causing their deaths. Marcos told
Eduardo that the elites will soon know that obeying the leader is the better choice before
their interests. They simply lacked trust to someone who can give them their rewards
beyond their imaginations.

Marcos approached the knocked down Eduardo and unleashed barrage of explosions that
injured Eduardo even more. He said to Eduardo; the elites are ultimately self-centered but
if you know how to control their weakness and their desires. You are in total control of
their fates. It is either you do or die in their hands. He unleashed further energies to
eliminate Eduardo Pizarras telling him he is too young and needed to eat more rice of
knowledge and competence. He told Eduardo that the latter is always for democracy and
does not know how to balance good governance. Eduardo replied Marcos that he rather
eliminate them than let them say for the worst.

Marcos taunted Eduardo that he does not know how to preserve lives. He does not know
how to see the bright side of the subverted elites. Marcos prepared to jump towards
Eduardo but Eduardo with his blazing reflexes, slashed Marcos once again in his alien
body. Marcos countered Eduardo with an attempted stab but Eduardo further damages the
dictator which forced him into a retreat. Marcos realized that he is getting bested clanged
his sword on a blocking Eduardo until he unleashed heavy energies which he hoped to
incapacitate his enemy. He schooled Eduardo and told him that the elites can get

something they wanted but nevertheless their fate is sealed especially to higher stages of
getting what they ultimately desired. Eduardo used his high powered rifle to blast Marcos
but Marcos just either deflected or dodged the laser shots. Marcos quickly stood in front
of Eduardo and attempted to strike him even more. He held his sword high with Eduardo
blocking but quickly evaded and attempted to snatch a lunging strike on the TFF leaders
stomach. He stabbed Eduardo in his stomach but the TFF leader told him that it will not
result to his downfall. He will become more motivated to put an end to a modern and
inhuman tyranny. Eduardo started to guard himself from Marcos lethal attacks. Marcos
engaged a sword fight against the TFF leader.

Eduardo, like his previous battles with Bong, he planned to duplicate his victory over the
Marcoses once more. He guarded himself well and took advantage of Marcos desire for
a quick victory. Every Marcos powerful strikes, Eduardo believed that Marcos
momentarily slowed down his reflexes. He believed that he can hit him while being open
for a short moment. After Marcos stroked another toughed strike, Eduardo countered
Marcos with his own varieties of strong slashes. He empowered his sword hoping to
make a short work of the alien president. The president countered after recovering from
damages he received from the TFF leader. He planned to overpower the TFF leader but
the TFF leader retaliated and damaged him even more. The TFF leader slashed him a
little more but Marcos disappeared like a ghost. Eduardo searched for Marcos and
unleashed his rifle for a chance to damage him wherever he is. Marcos appeared hovering
over Eduardo and unleashed heavy smokescreens. He planned to confuse Eduardo before
striking him senseless.

The TFF leader went searching for the dictator in the midst of smoke as Marcos comes
swooping on him. He hit the TFF leaders arm while the latter defending himself. Marcos
taunted Eduardo that his death will soon come. He will realize that the opponents he
previously beat are not as beatable as the new president. Marcos swooped down again.
Appearing and disappearing until he bore some slashes to damage the TFF leader even
more. Eduardo managed to catch some of his powerful strikes until he almost disarmed
the president by cutting off his arms. Thankfully, the dictator has harder skin tone that is

resistant to powerful damages. Marcos said to Eduardo; like I assumed, you are a
powerful youngster! You are not afraid to face death. If you die, you are a total waste
since you cannot know the extent of my power. Eduardo replied the dictator that his
defeat is almost imminent. He told the dictator to stopped expecting himself to win since
he knew every mistake that Marcos can commit from time to time. Marcos responded to
Eduardo that he has many plans for him as he unleashes barrage blasts while he is
hovering. Some of the blasts damaged Eduardo cleanly until Marcos started to unleash
golden pillars similar to the Danding fight. Eduardo hanged on for his dear life. He
continued to run around the room hoping to dodge the blasts and to find Marcos. Marcos
rained Eduardo with golden blasts to turn his unredeemable opponent into one of his ill
gotten treasures. He told Eduardo that he has no fund to run the country. He contrasted
himself to have everything to make things straight once again. Eduardo replied Marcos;
your ill gotten wealth is what we will search for before, we will bring genuine progress to
the country.

Marcos reminded him that there are still many elites that put a bounty on his head.
Eduardo said to Marcos; for the good of the country I remorse not killing those who
cannot change their evil habits. If reasons cannot persuade them I should use force to
remove the branches before the deepest roots. They studied at prestigious universities but
the nature of human sin is rampant. It is evident that money and prestige are the only
things concerned them studying at the universities. Ethics and selflessness are horribly
left out just to finish a subject. Marcos replied Eduardo; worst that most are pretenders.
They too must be finished. He laughed in a maniacal manner and continued raining down
golden blasts to turn Eduardo into one of his wealth. Marcos said to Eduardo; you are
hopeless boy! You can damage me because Im not taking you seriously. You are just a
toy in my sight like the elites who soon have no choice but to choose submission or
damnation. Eduardo thought of braving the golden blasts to rush himself to the dictator
despite heavy smokes around the room. Eduardo emptied his gun hoping to kill Marcos
but Marcos is still in his usual mocking tone. Marcos stopped firing the gold because he
thought that it is too boring to have the battle one sided. Eduardo saw Marcoss faint

silhouette but Marcos countered him with a psychic attack. He started to equip his sword
while he controlled Eduardo through his psychokinesis.

Eduardo fought with his incredible fighting will until he zapped into Marcos,
empowering his sword again, slashing him repeatedly with variety of moves. He slashed
Marcos by variety of moves until he sliced Marcos into halves. While the dictators upper
body lifts off the air, Eduardo jumped off and decapitated the dictator. He proceeded to
advance himself for the finishing strike. On the way, an explosion again sent him flying
to the entrance of the throne room. Marcos regrouped himself and back to his alien form.
He now proceeded to control Eduardo again ripping and distorting his mind and even
numbing his body with electrical forces. His other hand is ready to turn him into gold.
Eduardo has no choice but to wait his final judgment in life.

Suddenly, his allies saved him by distracting Marcos. Krisma threw some discs that cut
off Marcos arm again which supposedly to deliver the golden blast to turn Eduardo into
another ill gotten wealth. Larry shot Marcos repeatedly to the body to remove his grip on
Eduardo. Pearl shot Marcos to the heads with remaining vaccine rounds to distract his
concentration. Patrick assisted the heavily damaged hero. Eduardo thanked the allies and
told them that he is happy to be reunited with them again. Marcos said to the allies; the
youngsters have come. Time is so fast indeed, from my start of reign, I observed you as
you advance your quest. You killed many of my allies. Now, you are all standing face to
face with me. Brave youngsters financed by sore losers and those who opposed me.
Sadly, their minds do not understand how great as a leader I am. Those who opposed me
will miss what I can do for the country. To salvage it from people like you. You all
ambitious people! Krisma said; yes! It is Marcos again! You came back from the dead. It
seemed you dying in your old age did not gave you peace and fulfillment. Like the evil
oligarchs, power is only your friend. Marcos replied Krisma; you are great and smart,
young lass. You are thinking somehow but in a perverted way. You can do nothing but
helplessly resign into your damnation. It is not fulfilling because there are stuffs that
needed so much work to be done. Pearl said to Marcos; president, illegitimate ruler
should I call you. Stop living in the past face the future. You must realize that you are not

the only one capable of running this country. Marcos replied her; little girl! Who told you
that? I think your ambitious collaborators keep drilling those same lies unto your mind.
As I told people from all walks of life, that various factions are all the same. They wanted
to have the power I wield. They all pretended to be good hearted politicians but deep
inside are power hungry slobbers. Larry said to Marcos; not all freedom fighters are like
that. Before we join them, we already knew who they are. We wont join them if we
suspect them as untrustworthy. Marcos replied Larry; you would not find out until they
are in their respective seat of power if they succeeded. Eduardo exclaimed; Marcos! You
wanted to criticize politicians. During your first reign in this fateful nation, you are no
different than the evil ones you are trying to slander. Yes! We give you the right credit
you deserve but you still failed as a president. You let your troops and your wife ran a
reign of terror. Not mentioning your business allies, man! Marcos responded; history will
vindicate me Im telling you all of this. Krisma said to Marcos; you are a once great
president but you lacked the trait to trust your potential successors. You cannot always be
the one to rule this nation. You get old and die. Shame on you! You returned to your past
and cannot let go the nations future to the competent ones. You are not different to those
whom you criticized and oppressed. Politics is evil! My goodness!!! Eduardo added what
Krisma meant; great Gordon told us that it is not all about winning. It is serving the
nation. It is not our fault if you interpreted it as a simply power and prestige. That kind of
interpretation is so narrow minded and too limited to the context contributing for the
nations progress.
Marcos responded the TFF; Again Im telling you that you cannot know your holier than
thou financiers until they are in the seat power. Eduardo told Marcos; no doubt you are
once a great president. You disgusted me engineering these set of chaos to further your
ascendance to the power that once left you. I once respected you as a great leader but
what you did made you worse than I can imagine. Marcos responded the allies; you know
you pretend to be experts in politics. You are all too idealistic. Anyway, you cannot reach
the point where you all are running the country. Tsk Tsk Tsk!! What all these children
have become. There is no perfect leader as you envisioned. My first reign is the greatest
presidency this country has ever seen. ONLY MY STUPID MILITARY SCREWED


MOTHERLAND! Krisma responded Marcos that this country is not in the context of
being ran by one president or another. It is not always about the stories of the elites and
overrated politicians. It is all about a leader leading the country. Ultimately, the leader
ran the country, gives the blueprint to progress and support the masses with government
projects. With the masses receiving ample support from the government, they cooperated
with all the good projects of the government ultimately determining the fate of the 90
million of the population.

Eduardo added Krisma; Gordon told us that running the country is not staying in power
but servanthood. In case he wins, he will ran the country and encourage the whole people
to work together for the nation. It is not like this new administration ridden with elitism
and violence. Gordon is not a dictator. He is all after strong governance. He cannot do
what he advocates if we are steeped in our depraved culture. Marcos responded the allies,
really? You seemed to given your whole being to that Gordon. That loser! By the way,
you did one large mistake. You opposed my policies. You destroyed what can be
beneficial to the country. Lastly, you dare to challenge the one who solely and can
infinitely give hope and true change to the nation. Unfortunately TFF, you will not live to
see the light of tomorrow. I will then execute all those who financed you to embark on
my rule, you destroyed what your mentors told you. You lacked trust the new
government. Eduardo replied Marcos; it is a violent and a sick government who is more
tyrannical than Hitler. Marcos replied Eduardo; SILENCE YOU FOOL!!! You delayed
real change. Patrick told Marcos it is he, who will see the light of the day. He told Marcos
that they are 5 compared to the president that he is all alone. He also told the president
that his son is having some war with his right hand Araneta man. Marcos told the allies
that Bong and Araneta have some personal and egoistic issues. Let them alone fight to

death. Do not focus too much on them because it is the president whom they are facing
against with. Larry told Marcos that he is so depraved and a slave to power. He told
Marcos he removed every traces of his humanity. Marcos replied the TFF; it is a matter
of second chance. It is a testament that even divine creatures agreed with each other to let
me rule this anarchic country. He added that it is not only the president the TFF is facing
against. Marcos told that he already absorbed all his allies including the Arroyo couples
to deal with them completely. He predicted that it will be maximum overkill in favor of
him. Marcos told the allies to stand still and watch to see the real power of the one who
will be their ultimate tormentor. He repeated his taunts to the allies telling them that they
will never see the light of the day. He told the allies that they will regret what they had
decided for the rest of their lives. Pearl whispered Krisma telling her that Marcos is no
different from any tyrants. She told Krisma that she has still respect for Apong after his
death going into the next set of decades. Pearl changed her perception seeing Marcos
shedding his humanity even morality all for his power hungry quest to turn the country
into his ideal golden country.

Marcos saw the allies making fun of him and he used his psychic powers to control and
knock the allies for a while. The allies are in the ground are weakened enough to see
Marcos unleash his real capabilities. The allies are helpless in the ground, composing
themselves only to see Marcos transform into his ultimate form. The upper torso of
Marcos buffed up forming a face resembling Mike Arroyo. His arms elongated and filled
with spikes resembling a spiked version of monkey arms. His legs too elongated and
filled with spikes. It is believed the limbs are for speed purposes. The shoulders of the
dictator too broadened and resembled like military shoulder straps. While Marcos is
building up his newfound powers, the allies cannot help but to watch the one who will
deliver their fate in an instant.

Eduardo told the allies that the only way they can cheat their dangling fate is to have their
last stands for believing what is right. Despite exhausted and severely weakened by
continuous battles, the allies have no choice but to fight a tougher enemy in order to save
themselves from becoming certified martyrs.

P38: Dictatorial Abomination.

Eduardo conditioned the TFF to prepare them for the final battle. Marcos completed his
transformation and is ready to finally put and end to the allies once and for all. Eduardo
said to the TFF; this is a no holds barred war for independence! If you feel weakened, just
think of the future of our country. That will sufficiently give you strength. Krisma replied
Eduardo; you have my word. Patrick said to Eduardo; sir! Lets proceed! Let us hand
Marcos his second removal from power. Let us make him realize that he needs to rest for
eternity. Marcos responded to the TFF; so confident are you! You are all young and
lacked the experience needed. I do not believe you are confident enough in case, you
succeeded. You will be similar to Cory who, as a housewife brought deeper failure to the
country. Pearl responded Marcos that the TFF is respectful to the late housewife president
but they are more than her. Marcos replied the allies that all detractors are one and most
likely the same. Krisma told Marcos for the last time that she respected what he had done
for the country. Unfortunately, Marcos time is over. His presidency without reasonable
doubt contributed to the Philippines fall from grace. Marcos told the allies that he will
prove that he can do it one more time by turning the allies into gold. Eduardo said to
Marcos; the outcome will be the same. Marcos will suffer the same fate along those who
preceded him in death. He taunted Marcos that if he attempted to turn him into gold, he
will lose another set of bodies.
Marcos persona switched with the former president. Gloria in Marcos body told the
allies that good will ultimately triumph. The allies did not understand what hardship she
endured for the country. She added that the country knew who is more deserving in
power. Krisma replied Gloria; the country knew that you are not deserved to be in power!
The quantity of scams is enough to prove that corruption is more rampant than your socalled hard work. Pearl said to Gloria; you are a leader in which compromise reached its
maximum level. I think you yourself know this. Gloria told Eduardo that she will help
Marcos avenge those who attempted to destroy the government. She told Eduardo that in
the end for goodness sake, she will ultimately ruling with Marcos for the progress of the

country. Eduardo told her that all she said is ultimately nonsense. Marcos again, restored
himself to be the sole controller engineering the death of TFF.

Eduardo told his allies to fight for the final time. He told him fighting Marcos is not for
own gains but to defend those who cannot fight for themselves. Marcos equipped his
sword as the allies rushed towards him. Eduardo told Patrick and Larry to help him
overpower the dictator. Marcos started to strike the allies with his toughest strikes. The
allies managed to block his powerful swings. Marco overpowered most of the TFF letting
the three off guard. Krisma equipped her camera to slow Marcos down. Marcos used his
psychic attacks to distort Krismas focus. He used his psychic powers to throwing her to
the other wall. She is lying on her back weakened than she had ever been. Marcos sported
a more sinister stare to the TFF member planning to torture her even more. Pearl went
into Krismas rescue only to be tormented psychically by the dictator. Marcos is thinking
off crumpling the female TFF members. Larry rushed himself to the dictator. Marcos
smiled at him. He stepped back to dodge Larrys nunchaku moves. Patrick threw himself
to the dictator and used all his strength to scratch the dictator with blood spurting out of
his body. Patrick continued to stab Marcos and punched Marcos to the face of his
unmanly deeds. Eduardo prepared himself to leap high in order to slash Marcos into
halves. Marcos countered Patrick with his set of physical attacks. He punched Patrick to
the face and irritated him with spikes from his limbs. He quickly saw Eduardo leaping for
a downward strike. Marcos clanged his sword into Eduardo slashing him again in the
torso. He performed an upper strike to have the TFF leader stumbling in the ground.

Larry managed to hit Marcos in the face and making him uncomfortable by hitting his
body. Marcos blocked after some onslaughts and elbowed Larry unsuspectingly. He used
his sword slashing Larry but thankfully, it was Larrys nunchaku that saved him from
certain death. Marcos unleashed barrage of energies sending Eduardo with the duo to the
ground. Marcos continued unleashing barrage of energies sending the TFF flying across
the room. Marcos controlled his throne planning to throw it to Eduardo. He used his
sword deflecting the advancing throne. He told Marcos that the destruction of his
precious stool is nothing because he can buy a thousand again using his ill gotten wealth.

Marcos prepared to devastate the allies but the allies rose up and challenged Marcos
again. While they are rushing to the dictator, Krisma supported them with flying discs.
Pearl too is shooting Marcos with her rifle. The allies are almost at the front of the
dictator. Eduardo pressed himself harder violently using the offensive hoping for Marcos
to lose his guard. Larry prayed that his broken nunchaku can still damage the dictator. He
threw his weapon into Marcos guts that made him scream in pain. Eduardo sensing
Marcos is not that focus as he used, he prepared to strike the dictator down. Marcos
countered him but it did not hit the TFF leader. Instead, it made the TFF leader lose his
concentration because of the force. Patrick rushed into the dictator but Marcos continued
to dodge him and is in a retreat mode. He bullied his way stabbing Marcos body. Marcos
used his psychic attacks distorting Patricks physique. He kicked Patrick into submission.
He sensed that Patrick is a one time brawler. He told the fallen ally that he cannot use his
brawling days in front of the president. Eduardo engaged Marcos in a sword fight. Larry
equipped his rifle to shoot Marcos in the torso for he believes it is the dictators weak
point. Larry quickly picked his broken weapon to damage Marcos as he can. Eduardo
clanged heavily with the dictator. Moments later, Marcos pressured Eduardo making him
temporarily off guard. Larry hit Marcos even more in the face. Marcos attempted to slash
him cleanly but Eduardo targeted Marcos waist. He slashed Marcos waist and extended
his slashes destroying the spikes of his limbs. Marcos leapt out and surprised Larry and
the TFF leader with tones of energies.

Eduardo was knocked down but resumed his beatings unto the dictator. Larry was
knocked down but the battle did not stop against his favor. He continued peppering
Marcos with all he got. Eduardo evaded Marcos tough offenses. He snatched his way
unto Marcos waist damaging his kidneys. He defended himself well against Marcos
attempts. He slashed the glowing eye of Marcos torso. Eduardo continued damaging
Marcos until Marcos retaliated using his psychic skills to incapacitate Eduardo down. He
knocked Eduardo down after torturing him with psychic skills. Marcos covered the whole
room with smokes again to confuse the TFF. Patrick got up and told Eduardo to assist
their female friends. They brought their weakened female allies near them to protect them
if necessary. The allies gathered their will and braced themselves against another set of

the dictators devastating attacks. Eduardo used his sword to block incoming blasts. He
gave Larry an extra broad sword to be as his temporary weapon. The allies used the size
of the room to move themselves from the dictators tricks. They stared at each other after
the blasts ended for now. Eduardo told the allies to heighten their instincts. He told the
allies to be more aware so they can know the moves of the enemy. Eduardo felt that
Marcos is doing his usual trick. That is to hover above the allies. Marcos launched many
blasts and mixed them with some instant death golden beams. Eduardo held on to
Krismas hand as he tries to protect her from certain death. Pearl is being protected by the
two guys defending her from Marcos blasts. They ran across the room using all their
reflexes to save themselves from being certified martyrs. Marcos told them that they
cannot win and they will soon succumb to the powers of those whom they opposed.

Marcos created torrents of hydro tornado whirlwinds to surprise and defeat the allies
more. Eduardo held on Krisma tight to be free from the wrath of the hydro tornados. The
rest of the allies were caught in the hydro tornados. Eduardo saw Marcos in a faint mood
beyond the smokes and stroked his kidneys once again. Krisma threw her discs damaging
Marcos torso even more. Marcos enraged surrounded Eduardo and Krisma with golden
pillars but Krisma slowed the pillars down as they safely maneuvered their ways. While
the two are struggling their ways to look out for the president, Marcos swooped down.

Eduardo let go of Krisma for a while and stroked the glowing eye in the chest once again.
Krisma slowed Marcos down only to be controlled by the dictator. The dictator tried to
distort Krismas status and even blow her mind. Eduardo distracted Marcos through a
sword fight. Marcos capitalized the TFF leaders mistake and kicked him in the guts. He
stepped back in a speedy way to blast both of them with golden blasts. He taunted the
allies that their days will soon turn into nothing. Eduardo bravely blocked the golden
blasts even he knew he will die if he is unsuccessful. Krisma threw another set of discs
flying lacerating Marcos head. Eduardo blocked the blasts and repeatedly sliced Marcos
to his kidneys and stabbed the eye in his left side of his chest. Marcos seemed too durable
and prepared to counter Eduardo. He missed his counter with Eduardo ready for the
onslaught yet again. The president barred the TFFs leaders way by launching barrage of

dark energies to distract and damage Eduardo. The TFF leader attempted to surprise
Marcos for the kill by jumping over him. Marcos blocked the TFFs leader strike and
overpowered him knocking him down. Krisma asked Eduardo if he is okay. The TFF
leader replied the affirmative. Marcos started to pepper them with golden blasts. He
mixed the series of blasts with his hydro tornados to make the life of the two a living hell.
Eduardo told Krisma to trust him. Krisma told him that she have no choice but to be alive
at the end. Eduardo made faces to his lady friend as they ran like hell just to endure the
maze of Marcos.

As they are nearing the dictator, Eduardo told Krisma that he trusted her to make a daring
move to stop the dictator. Krisma replied Eduardo; we have endured a lot of trials in our
journey. Perhaps, now, I should try to think the principles I believed. Once I visualize the
principles I believed, there is nothing stopping me from doing the right thing. Even it
means sacrificing my life for the country. Eduardo replied Krisma; Im with you. Please
bear this in mind. Marcos continued unleashing many blasts which the TFF members
endured. He crossed his blasts with hydro tornados to rip the allies apart then turn them
into gold. Eduardo and Krisma refused to resign themselves to their powerful enemy.
Eduardo endured the blasts while blocking his sword against it. He dodged if it is
necessary. Krisma trusted her camera and continued to unleash what her camera can do to
make Marcos a slow motion opponent. Krisma equipped her discs hitting Marcos in his
limbs. Marcos used his psychic skills to electrocute Krisma. Krisma was knocked out
cold. Eduardo crossed his way using the advantage of what Krisma did to Marcos rushed
into the dictator with great confidence. Marcos empowered his sword and prepared
himself to counter Eduardo.

Eduardo fell down into Marcos focusing himself to slice the dictator for good. Marcos
released dark energies hoping to keep Eduardo at bay then blast him for good. The TFF
leader endured what the dictator has in store for him. The dictator stunned of what he saw
that Eduardo is still forcing his way unto the dictators defenses. Marcos said to him; who
are you to battle me? You are not even in my caliber. I achieved a lot. All you know is to
slander and criticize. Always criticizing without doing something will not make you

productive! Eduardo replied; it is legitimate to criticize someone whose time is over! It is

legitimate to criticize in a constructive way of someone who sold his soul to the devil!
Marcos, you are not the great leader you are used to. You are just a confused shell of your
former self! Marcos prepared to strike to remove Eduardo defenses and strike him for
good. Eduardo did the opposite by gathering all his strength extending it by using
Marcos strength against him. He disarmed Marcos and repeatedly disfiguring his torso.
He unleashed the final set of strikes by stabbing the eye in the left side of his chest.
Eduardo empowered his sword to finish off Marcos but Marcos unleashed his eye beams
that heavily damaged the TFF leader.

The other members of the TFF rose up and approached the heavily damage Eduardo
Pizarras to check him. Marcos taunted the allies that they are all alone to deal with him.
The allies told him that they are not afraid of the dictators threats. They told Marcos that
all his plans will fail right now. Marcos responded them that the battle will not end until
he turned the allies into one of his molten treasures. Marcos released some heavy
energies accompanied by hydro tornados but the allies went away in the right time.

The allies decided to split their paths for Marcos to be confused. Krisma found out that
her camera is running out of energy again. She found an extra battery in her pocket. She
hoped she can make it right that will result the dictators downfall. Pearl continued
shooting Marcos with her vaccine rounds to straighten up what he had become. Marcos
unleashed hydro tornados around Pearl but Pearl quickly went away from the attacks.
Larry picked up Eduardos sword and rushed towards the dictator. Marcos is supposedly
to get his weapon through his psychic skills but Patrick and Larry are on their way to end
what Eduardo has begun. Patrick attempted to claw Marcos but Marcos got away from
the lunges by using his uncanny reflexes. Larry was about to strike the glowing eyes of
Marcos in his chest but the dictator sprouted pointed tentacles. He whipped the duo into
submission. Krisma tried to slow him down but Marcos quickly fired his eye beams
heavily injuring her. Pearl used the last of her rifles bullets hoping for Marcos to go
down. Marcos grinned and surprised her with hydro tornados sending her flying and
crashing her to the ground. Larry and Patrick are not yet done. They wanted to be the one

to kill the dictator. Marcos continued whipping them with his tentacles until missiles
landed into the room.

Marcos sent the duo crashing into the ground. He saw the incoming missiles and told the
allies that their allies believed in them. They will do anything even using the TFF to put
them into power. While he stared at the missiles, he used psychic techniques to
accumulate all of them to disappoint their collaborators. Marcos wanted to demonstrate to
the collaborators that it not the president that will ultimately cause the demise of the TFF.
It will be the collaborators own hands that will finish the TFF. Marcos assured the allies
that his only role for the time being will be turning them into molten gold for his
enjoyment. Marcos is staring at the missiles heading towards him. Krisma distracted
Marcos by firing the last of her camera energies. Eduardo got the dictators sword but
Marcos caught him and used psychokinesis to control the allies. Along with the missiles,
it seems clear that Marcos planned to destroy the allies using the collaborators missiles.
Marcos told the allies that their collaborators planned to destroy his new palace complex
but unfortunately, they are ignorant to realize that it includes their most cherished pawns.

Marcos tortured all the allies physically and mentally until he is ready to slam the
missiles to the allies for the final blow. Eduardo stared and made some gestures to his
weakened allies. Eduardo told the allies to give all they got as he told them that the
dictators downfall is within a reach. With Marcos sporting a grinning face. Eduardo is
ready with the dictators sword. He broke free of the dictators grasp by constant struggle.
The dictator attempted to rip him off psychically but Eduardo zapped into Marcos
stabbing his chest even deeper. He remarked at Marcos face telling him that he
destroyed the remnant of the former dictator. He told Marcos that he cannot hide his real
weakness. He bade Marcos goodbye by slashing the dictator diagonally into the neck
which disfigured a part of his head. Eduardo used the same energies the dictator used
against him to destroy the missiles.

A dying Marcos told Eduardo that their sorrows are not over yet. He added that the allies
will continue struggling until they die. He finally uttered his last words; there is no end to

all your sorrows. This is just a part of the great plan. Your tribulations will haunt you all
eluding your vision of a new Philippines. Marcos grinned staring the allies assuring them
that their sorrow will only end at death. Marcos disappeared into a series of explosions
with the explosions of the missiles making his disintegration even faster. Finally, it
marked the final death of one of the worlds toughest dictators once and for all. Did it?

Eduardo went back to comfort the allies as he stared at Marcos disappearing beyond the
energies that brightened up the throne room. The allies rose up feeling signs of vitality
and telling Eduardo that he made it. Eduardo congratulated the allies for a job well done.
He added that the victory did not waste the allies decision to join him. He told the allies
that he might be dead had not the allies decided to join him. Eduardo finally said; let us
go back to our allies. The chairman must be happy for us. This victory is not only for us
but for the whole countrymen. The motherland felt that she is seeing presence of renewed
vitality. The allies embraced each other with their leader telling them that they are not
ordinary youngsters. They are someone special who have great potentials to recover the
country from ill gotten leaderships. Krisma gave Eduardo a wink as a congratulatory
remark. Eduardo smiled back at his friend. Larry saw Gloria, Mike and Nograles are back
to normal but they are not conscious. They approached the unconscious trio and observed
them unitl the Red Cross troops including the St. Lukes medics team followed them into
the throne room.
Eduardo told the medics to check on to the former administrations personages. The TFF
are being congratulated by all the medics and the troops as they are on their way outside
to enjoy the atmosphere. While walking, the TFF stared at each other and solidified their
bonds. Krisma said to Eduardo; what are you going to do after this? Are you going
somewhere? Dont feel you are alone again. We will all be there for you. Eduardo
thanked his friend as they on their way outside of the doomed palace. They met many
troops who are assisting the infected politicians and personnels alike. The troops smiled
at them. They congratulated them that the battle is won and over. The TFF gave each
other time to explore the already peaceful palace.

P39: Congratulatory Remarks.

The TFF explored the bulk of the already peaceful palace. They reflected what they had
accomplished in the totality of the day. Krisma told the others days have come and gone
too fast. Pearl added her statement telling her that they have accomplished many things
already in the span of dusk. Eduardo led the TFF leader as they walked. He made them
reflect the tragic president they have defeated. Larry saw the expression of Eduardos
face assuming he once admired the president he defeated. Larry said to Eduardo; I think
you have not gotten things over yet. I know Marcos is a great president long time ago but
he has his mistakes. Eduardo agreed him and told him it should not end that way. Pearl
said to Eduardo; I have read posts in Facebook about presidential evaluation. Many posts
informed me that Marcos is one of the greatest presidents ever lived. Me too, I cannot
believe we bested the countrys finest. We do not regret it because he did horribly wrong
to us. He made the chaos and he made a pact to the devil. Patrick told Eduardo that
Marcos should have been done after his death in Hawaii. He just destroyed his legacy.

Eduardo replied to the allies that no doubt he pioneered and made a lot of things. It is
corruption and false vision of gold made him stumbled for the second time. I once
admired Marcos because he is smart and powerful. A small guy with a tough and strong
persona made me noticed him. Unfortunately, despite his accomplishments, he made a lot
of wrong things. He may be a lesser evil because the elites accumulated atrocities than
him even more. I just cannot believe that we ended the countrys former great. Krisma
said to Eduardo; maybe principles and firm beliefs made us stronger to endure his evil
deeds. Or right principles superseded his absolute power. Eduardo smiled at his allies.
He said; you are all right. Let us leave him as a thing of the past. He is great yet he made
mistakes. He is indeed greater than his successors. I saluted his accomplishments but not
this version of the president. Like Patrick said, Marcos life should have been finally over
after his death in Hawaii. His life should be put an exclamatory mark after his first death.
Dying for the first time at least does not make him worse than dictators of today.
The allies shared each others time as they walked along the corridors of the palace. They
talked to each other to solidify their bonds as they reflected more what they accomplished

in the totality of the day. Krisma admitted to Eduardo that she is a bit saddened what has
become of the dictator. Eduardo consoled her telling her that there is a point when
Marcos cooperated with the elites costing her brothers life. People suffered and died
because his thirst for power. He told Krisma to think the pre martial law Marcos that
made some good to their country. Patrick told Krisma that it is a matter of fighting what
is right. Krisma just wanted to clearly express her point that Marcos they battled is just a
total waste. Larry told the others that he just saw that is not right to the former president.
Eduardo replied to the allies that all who wanted power lost all their morality. It may be
sad but true. The whole people are all subject into sin. Eduardo added to the allies; if we
die fighting the remainder of the elites, let the father above showered his kingdoms
blessings to save the country from sin.

The allies walked along the corridors as they heard some elites laughing and murmuring
at them. The TFF leader told the allies to equip their weapon to check on the hiding
elites. They traced the elites voices and found out the sounds are near the presidential
office. They explored more along the corridors until they found out an open door where
the voices are getting louder. The voices are telling that the allies are stupid and narrow

The allies went through the open door and found out it is a small command room. They
saw the elites on the screens. Lopez said to the allies; congratulations! You have defeated
the dictator. Our country is free once again from plunderers and corruption. Eduardo
asked Lopez; what do you mean? Lopez replied; our country is sunk into massive
corruptions. With plunderers like Marcos, he wanted to get all our resources and
demanded us absolute submission to him. We have no choice but to do what we must
done in order not to die prematurely. Krisma replied Lopez, Aha! You never cared for the
country. All you care are your powers and riches. I felt so much disgust on you. Lopez!
You lacked principles! Marcos is dead. But you collaborated with him. You must suffer
the consequences. Lopez replied Krisma; you know, I have no choice but to obey
Marcos. It is not easy to get out from him alive. You need some compromise to make
things flow smoothly. Eduardo said to Krisma; chill down. I will handle him. Sir! You

claim that you are free from dictatorial rules. Im not surprised because even from the
start, you are experiencing butterfly alliance. You are not a hundred percent allied with
Marcos. You are all after benefits for your own family. Lopez, your claims are baseless!
Along our journey, it is clear that you are doing nasty things and it seemed you really
enjoyed it. You planned to run the country along with the shell of the former dictator.
Lopez replied the TFF; enough! Enough for the baseless and stupid accusations! You like
to brag because you are not in the actual situation. I enjoyed Marcos activities with me?
Maybe! He is all after the country. I just do not like your meddling activities and Marcos
obsession to absolute power. Now! He is dead. Im free to influence the people again for
the progress of the nation. Patrick told Lopez; you will not get away with this. As all
elites do, the death of a dictator is nothing for all of you but to revert to your oppressive
ways. Manny Pangilinan said to Eduardo; you say the shell of a dictator? Eduardo
replied; the Marcos we encountered does not seem right. He is like a drugged version of
the former dictator. He is inconsistent. From being intelligent to a more intense power
hungry despot is all what we saw of the former president. Manny Pangilinan responded to
Eduardo; at least you are thinking of the bigger picture. Pearl said to Pangilinan; what do
you mean? You mean it is not over yet? Pangilinan replied Pearl; young lady!
Unfortunately, you are yet in the end of your journey for genuine change. Things are
getting harder along the way. I see that you are now out of ammunitions and means. You
exhausted all your resources in this petty war. Eduardo asked Pangilinan; what do you
mean? We fought hard and you call this petty war? Marcos, your boss is dead! You are
just a cluster of self centered money grubbers.

Lopez replied Eduardo and Krisma; just like the first EDSA, we took the dictator as our
refuge of strength and benefactor but now he is dead. Thanks to your efforts for freeing
us from possible emptiness. Now, we can do whatever we want. Ultimately, it is not you
but the elites who will bring the greatest change to the country. Rejoice allies, your
journey bore bountiful of fruits. Larry replied to Lopez; we do not allow people like you
to ruin our country even more. Cory made her gravest mistakes. She allowed the likes of
you to rule in an oligarch manner. Democracy hearing this news absolutely pissed me off.
In case, you plan to rule the country in your autonomous interests, we will chase you like

we did to Marcos. For all of you freedom from the dictator is merely escaping with your
already conflicted interests intact. Do not worry! We will not allow you along with your
lackeys to dominate the country. Krisma said to Lopez; you will be punished! Despite
changing your alliance, actually, you have no real boss or alliance. You will be
accountable of what you did in the second Marcos era. You will answer all being leveled
up on you. Pearl said to the duo; I do not believe that Marcos is the only cause of the
chaos. The elites all have their respective role to play. Lopez assured the TFF that the
elites will now rule. They are ordinary youngsters that are not competent to define what
real leadership is.

Pangilinan told the allies that they may have some conflicting interests but will cooperate
on the things that will help the country benefiting not only themselves but the others as
well. Ceferino Ayala, another elite approached the duo and joined them of hearing the
term made by Eduardo shell of the former dictator. The allies saw Ayala smirking to
them. He told the allies to shut themselves up for a moment because they will be saying
something very very important to the allies. Ayala planned to narrate the allies of the
nature of Marcos and the chaos. He said to the TFF; there is no real Ferdinand Marcos in
this era. The Marcos you are referring to as smart and great leader is dead deep in the
grave 21 years ago.

The allies exclaimed to Ayala; WHATTTTTT??? Ayala continued his explanation. We,
the great elites saw the country is plunged into more corruption and political anarchy. We
gathered ourselves one night until we prayed together for hope. Not only for ourselves
but also for the whole country is what we hoped for the best of the country. Suddenly, we
saw really vague beings. They are made of some glorified forms of the elites. The grand
elites that shaped our nation appeared to us. The glorified elites told us that Armageddon
for the country is near. They predicted that our country will suffer many
incomprehensible chaos and sufferings until the age of gold is to come. We asked the
glorified elites what to do to make our country better. The glorified elites told us to give
us the blueprint of the gravest of the corruptions. One of our companions asked the
silhouettes of what is the gravest of the corruptions that plagued our country. One of our

companions told the silhouettes that the current administration. One of the glorified elites
told our companion that the gravest of the corruptions is embedded on the history books
and the consciousness of the people who supported a presidentiable. Danding smiled at
his companion and assured the glorified elites to provide them blueprints as soon as
possible. The other companions are puzzled of what Danding meant but Danding assured
them that it is the correct one. Days later, the beings appeared again as Danding and other
high profile elites provided the beings with history books and documents revealing that
Marcos is the most corrupt president of all time in the country. The other elites agreed
and gave the means to the beings. The beings told the elites that they will be surprised of
what they are going to experience. All they should do is to trust the beings and do what
must be done to assure prosperity even in the times of tribulation.

The beings told the elites that they will handle everything to usher the beginning of the
new saga for the country. The day before the election, the beings appeared to the elites
again now, with a Mother Mary like figure telling them that the chaos will soon usher to
bring the greatest era that the country has never experienced before. I asked the Mary
figure if she can avert the chaos instead, help them run the country. The woman replied
that it is Gods will for the end is near. All the elites should do is to stay safe and be
obedient for rewards are at their side if they strove till the end. Ayala expounded it to the
allies; we just found out the first plan of the being is to provide us a fake Marcos which is
not the real one to wreak chaos to the county. The beings only told us to obey them as
rewards will be given unto us if we trusted them. They repeatedly told the elites that they
will take care of the rest. All for the benefit of the country is what they meant for us. In
the end, they promised us to guide us to rebuild our country.

In a humble and soothing tone, one of them assured us that they will not stop until they
helped us all to rebuild the dying nation. So, Marcos you faced is just nothing but a
charlatan. Im so sorry that it is only known for a few of us. Not even to the
presidentiable we supported. Eduardo replied them; you are worshipping and dealing
with false gods. I will not tolerate your activities. You destroyed our day and belittled our
accomplishments. You used the name and persona of Marcos to drill us your twisted

desires to rule the country. Ayala replied; Im sorry little boy! The damage has been
done. It cannot be undone. We all felt there is no one fit to rule than our presidentiable
and our conglomerates. Krisma said to the trio; the most haunting deception I have ever
heard. Pearl told the elites; you must not be allowed to live and ring havoc to the country.
Eduardo said to Ayala; Damn! My spine chilled hearing these so called beings that
ordered you to do something for them for the country. Lopez told Eduardo he must be
very afraid because he is ignorant of the towering obstacles piled over his head. He added
that freedom from Marcos is nothing but the beginning of absolute change. He told the
allies that Marcos was eliminated because he is too obsessed with absolute power.
Perhaps, it is divine punishment that made him die. Larry told the elites that he cannot
understand their real plans. Pangilinan replied him that it is for the welfare of the country.
It is just simple because there is no one fit to rule. Marcos just made some chaos which
may be offended the divine beings. Ayala said to the allies; the way I understood the
chaos is that it happened in order to wipe out all the ambitious politicians and to cleanse
the country from bondage and cultural deprivation. Eduardo replied Ayala; that is a sick
analysis! I do not know what these beings are planning but I see them too obsessed on
taking the country for their own. We will destroy whoever is behind all of these. Krisma
said to the trio; the end does not justify the means. You are all similar! Please get a life!
Stop pretending you care for the country. Actually, you wanted it to gain the country as if
it is your own property. It is for the whole Filipino race. Patrick continued Krisma; this is
your country but you do not own it as a whole. You have a share less than a point 1

Lopez and Pangilinan told the allies to join them to make the country progressive once
again. They told the allies that they regretted their atrocities in the Marcos government.
Pearl shed a tear and nodded her head. The allies stayed near to each other with Larry
consoling Pearl. Ayala told them they have no choice but to trust the glorified elites.
Eduardo replied him that the beings should not imitate God. They are not perfect beings.
They cannot duplicate the end times which is exclusive to the almighty. Patrick told the
trio that they will hunt them if necessary. Ayala and Lopez laughed at the allies. Elizade
came in to the scene and told the allies that they will die as martyrs. They are more

powerful than Marcos himself. Krisma replied Elizalde; you are just great in
accumulating wealth but weak in principles. Elizalde lambasted Krisma telling her that
principles are useless when it encountered extremely difficult situations. Krisma replied
Elizalde; only for the weak minded ones!

Peping Cojuangco accompanied their presidentiable to congratulate the allies and invited
them for a victory celebration. Eduardo told the trio that they are not the ones who will
take the country into real progress. He shouted the trio that there are people more capable
than them ruling the country. Those people knew real principles and are not afraid of
compromises. The allies saw Noy Noy Aquino congratulating of them of eliminating
corruption. He said; greetings! My fellow Filipinos, I congratulated you that you ended
the reign of the evil one. Like religious scriptures foretold, evil will ultimately defeated in
the hands of those who wanted change and those who adhered to the universal ethics of
goodness. You will make my family proud of ending the wrath of the Marcoses. The
Philippines is now free again from the grip of tyranny. The elections might be sabotaged
in no time. It just halted for a while but shortly, it will be back to the usual counting of
the tallies. In the tally, I received the most number of votes. Thank you for supporting
me. With these elites I accompanied, let us all invite you for a dinner in Hacienda Luisita.
Let us all eat and drink with you along with all our workers. Please do not forget to bring
your loved ones. We will discuss with them our plan for the country. It will be held 2
days from now. I will be anticipating your presences. Lopez and Pangilinan told the allies
to attend the party along with their collaborators as they are surrounded by Araneta
family members. They will talk about cooperation for the good of the nation.
Ayala reminded the TFF that after two days, they will be seeing the TFFs attendance.
The screen went off with the allies thinking the new threats they are facing. Eduardo said
to the allies; you know Noy Noy is just pretending to be a humble guy. Deep inside, he
inherited the tyranny of the Cojuangcos. The race for the presidency is halted because of
the chaos. I do not know that there are ones who are counting secretly for Aquino. With
this, he is boasting his apparent victory. Pearl said; this country has a lot of twists to be
unraveled. Krisma said to Eduardo; why you complain? You did not vote right? You

embarrassed Bayani. Eduardo replied her that this journey will be the TFFs ultimate
contribution to the country. Krisma replied Eduardo; ok! Thats what you said. Eduardo
asked the allies; you all seemed tired. We thought that we had defeated the big man but
there are some leeches more to kill. Should I proceed alone to the cronies or you wanted
to join me until the end? Larry and Patrick said; sir! You knew the obvious, no backing
down man! It just happened that Marcos is not the big man to be finally defeated. We
have unfinished business with Araneta. We need to look after the nation until all leeches
are stepped upon. Please dont doubt our foundations anymore. We will be with you
under any circumstances.

Krisma and Pearl responded Eduardo that the vow they made to him in Cebu will only
end until the country is prosperous again. Of course, no doubt! We cannot be in our
normal lives again until everything is ok. It is simple! Its either to live in an oppressed
country by the elites or make a change and have a new beginning. Eduardo happily
responded his allies that he is glad to have them as his partners. The TFF members told
Eduardo not to worry of being alone. His battle will be their battles too. Krisma and Larry
wanted to accompany Eduardo hoping to join him to witness the end of the oligarch. As
they went out of the command room, the allies planned to return to their base outside the
palace. While on their way to the plane, they assured Eduardo that they will not stop until
every evil elite are hunted down or put into justice. Eduardo responded the allies that he
was very impressed of choosing a decision in which many will not do. He said to the
allies that he believed they have the capabilities of changing the country. Krisma told
Eduardo to remember what they talked about when they are in her house. Patrick urged
Eduardo to be optimistic remembering their teamwork to save Marikina from Marcos and
his creatures. Eduardo followed their suggestions as he smiled while on his way leading
the allies back to the plane.

P40: Aerial Reflections.

The allies are back to their plane. The pilot congratulated them but the allies just
proceeded into their respective seats. The pilot and his crew did not bother to interrupt the
allies. He is sure that the allies are thinking deeper than he had ever seen them. Eduardo

closed the curtains to make the conversations even more private. Krisma asked Eduardo;
is our journey really worth it? It seemed we are manipulated by higher powers. Eduardo
replied Krisma; our journey is all worth it. Even it is not the end. At least we had ended
one of their most devious plans. Larry asked Eduardo; how can you be so sure about that?
We even do not know the real nature of Marcos until one of the elites revealed it to us.
Eduardo replied Larry; there is no doubt that the elites are capable of devious things.
They manipulated all their surroundings. I do not have a great idea about what they are
referring as higher powers. These beings Im so sure that they are very evil and deception
is only their means. Patrick said to the allies; whoever are these elites and their higher
power mentors, they will all succumb to our thirst for genuine change. No force can put a
halt to our cherished principles. Larry said to Patrick; yeah very encouraging statement!
We had endured many evil men. You see, we are still very alive but a beat weakened.
The death of the evil Marcos gave us huge chunks of vitality of hope.

Krisma responded Larry; yes! I felt that great after Marcos was destroyed. Whoever is
manipulating behind the Cojuangcos or whoever what they called higher powers, they
will not stand against the truth of our principles. Sincerity and genuine change will topple
their evil plans. Eduardo responded Krisma; Marcos legacy is safe once again. It is not
the real one who we believed that is wrecking havoc and creatures to our nation. Pearl
said to Eduardo; haller! It is clearly told to us that the higher powers asked our aristocrats
to give them blueprints that will trigger an Armageddon here. You know that Eduardo.
You are too smart to ignore it. Eduardo responded Pearl; once again, Marcos is the lesser
evil. Those elites and their spirit guides do not know how to respect the dead. Poor Bong
Bong and the manipulated ones. Let us pray for the souls of the victims. It is not the
original Marcos fault. It is the doings of the elites and foolish ones who ascribed their
deeds to him.

Patrick is concerned about the connection of Noy Noy to the elites. Eduardo replied
Patrick; they claimed that Noy Noy is winning the elections. I think they are pushing
something sinister for the yellow man. Noy Noy may be winning the elections but rest
assured he will only be a puppet president. I do not have anything more to say about the

yellow man. He is simply a puppet of the elites. I think it is not his desire to be a
president until elites pressured him after the death of his mother. My best hope for him is
to do the right thing. Krisma responded Eduardo that she too, thought that Noy Noy is no
more than a puppet president if he wins. She said; poor happy man! Sleeping and being a
sitting duck in the senate is what he always does. I bet the senate can tapped on his
vitality when it needs energy to sustain itself. Unfortunately, the Luisita farmers are not
only the ones who are forced to do the Cojuangcos bidding but also the yellow man.
Poor nephew got enslaved by his uncles and relatives. Pearl said to the allies; are we
going to Hacienda Luisita two days from now? We should consult our superiors first
before we do. Larry responded Pearl that it is not the issue of going or not. It is the issue
of taking precautions to avoid petty traps being laid upon us. You know the elites in the
country think that they alone run the country. If we agreed to their standards, it is like
going into the battle without our equipments.

Eduardo told the allies if Gordon and Bayani will not win the election, they should hope
the best for Noy Noy to do the right thing. Krisma responded Eduardo that Noy Noy
should not end up like her mother being subject to many incorporated thieves. Patrick
suggested his allies that if the higher powers have many plans. They will dissect their
plans one by one. The TFF cheered inside the plane. Eduardo asked his allies important
questions about Manuel Araneta. He asked; what happened to your encounter with your
old friend? Patrick replied Eduardo; he is a tragic person. He is once our great friend. He
lived a simple life by drooling and enjoying with his band. Unfortunately, he revealed to
us that he is a black sheep of the Araneta clan. He is taken away at the time of his birth.
His life changed when the Aranetas are coming back to him. Pearl added Patricks story
of Araneta; the Aranetas went to search not because they wanted to reunite with their
long loss relatives. They wanted him back to make him realize he is the inferior one in
the clan. Eduardo replied Pearl; thats tragic and sad. Krisma continued Pearls narration;
the most heartbreaking part of his saga is that the Aranetas faked his death. Manny
searched for his foster family and friends but they are gone. Some members of his band
are murdured. The foster family of Manny disowned him because of their grudges with
the Aranetas. Manny went back to his clan and wanted no more than power and riches to

prove that a black sheep can destroy and dislocate his clan down. We tried to persuade
him to fight against the elites but he became self centered and nihilistic like his co-elites.
Eduardo told the allies that next time if they wanted to straighten up Manny, let him join
the battle. Larry agreed with Eduardo that the TFF leader is needed to battle Manny to
bring back to his old self. It is not a Marikinian issue after all. It is universal to all human
beings who lived in a fallen world with suffering and despair all over them.

Bayani went up to the plane and congratulated the allies for a job well done. The allies
greeted the chairman and responded him that they all missed the presence of the
chairman. Eduardo asked the chairman about the fates of Marcos allies. The chairman
replied him that Gloria and Nograles are still alive. Nograles received some heavy life
threatening injuries and was carried out to the hospital. Fortunately, he made it barely
alive. Bayani said to Eduardo about Glorias fate; we and the former president talked
while she is being assisted by the medics. I told her that despite being her former friend
and ally, she needed to be brought to justice. She must answer all she had done especially
helping Marcos do his devious things. She must too, answer all the accusations of scams
and corruptions. Unfortunately, the first gentleman died. Eduardo responded Bayani in a
sad face; thats what happened to people who placed power and greed over their fragile
lives. I expressed my condolence to the Arroyo family. Its a matter of fulfilling what
must be fulfilled. I felt so sorry to the bereaved. Bayani looked directly at Eduardos
eyes. He said; you are all hell bent of destroying those who hindered the progress of the
country. You are a machine. You have principles but you are always ready to bring brute
force if needed. Someday you can be a great leader like Gordon. You are someone that
this country needs. Eduardo told Bayani that he will never be an authoritarian ruler.
Bayani replied Eduardo; like you said strong government right? Krisma interrupted the
conversation telling Bayani that in case Eduardo became dictatorial, it is the TFFs job to
assure that everything will be put into their place. There is no such thing as friends being
placed over the rule of law. Larry asked Bayani; what happened inside the palace? There
are media coming to cover the so called war for independence. We temporarily halted the
media for we know that they are good in delivering bias news. They are doing what they
are told especially the nature of the report. Dont think too much of it. They are all good

delivering bias news. Bayani said to the allies; whats up? You should be enjoying now!
Everything is over. Let us wait the election results. In case, we lost, we will still help the
country in other way. Gordon told us all that winning elections is not about being in that
position. It is servitude to the nation. If we lost, thats ok for us; thats not the end for us.
We dont do some slander and black propaganda to win. We always fight the fair fight.
The Philippines is freed again for now. The door to progress opened a little bit.

Eduardo replied Bayani; Sir! I think it is not over yet. Bayani asked him; what do you
mean? Eduardo replied Bayani; I know you would not believe this. The Marcos we faced
is just a part of a larger elitist deception. Bayani exclaimed; WHATTTT??? I assume that
Marcos was brought alive by the creatures but persona confusion; I cannot bear it for
now. Eduardo replied Bayani again; let me explain! The Marcos we faced is a fake one.
The original Marcos is gone for good in 1989. The Marcos we faced is just an elite
created Marcos. Ceferino Ayala revealed us some of their doings. They are contacting
some alien elites that planned to help the elites run the country. Bayani said then???
Eduardo continued; one of the alien elites asked the local elites to give them some
blueprint of the most corrupt president we ever had. Cojuangco biases are evident. They
gathered all Cojuangco perception of Marcos, yellow army sensationalizing and Marcos
bias documents into the hands of the alien elites. The alien elites told them to believe
because the time where our country will prosper is almost at hand. Chairman, the elites
have very sinister plans for this country. We knew most of them but their contacts. They
are very well hidden and subtle. We must do something chairman.

Patrick told Bayani that the alien elites used the gathered documents and may be
abducted Marcos preserved body for making their own Marcos. The Marcos we
challenged seemed to resemble his preserved state. The female crew heard what they are
talking and came to join the conversation. She said to the chairman and his allies; those
knew no ethics. They do not respect the dead. This country will not grow. If
manipulations and deceptions are always rampant, this country will stay as one of the
worlds poorest. Gladly, Im happy that I heard the allies say that the Marcos they faced
is a charlatan. Marcos may be a bit corrupt because he is sick and does not know what to

do. He left his country to his men that plundered the nation. Add the cronies to it.
Regardless of the fact, he did corruption to the country. Nonetheless, he is a great leader.
The Marcos you faced as a charlatan seemed to resemble what is being said to him in
history books. A totally invented Marcos and that made me sick. This country lacked
objectivity. Krisma replied the female crew; pseudo Marcos I think as she giggled.

Bayani told the allies and the female crew to stop for a while. He wanted to know what
the allies are planning next. Eduardo told Bayani that in two days, the cronies and the
elites are inviting the TFF and the allies to join the victory party for the good of the
nation. It will be held in Hacienda Luisita. Noy Noy wanted to talk personally to all the
allies of the TFF. Bayani replied Eduardo; I see. They are more sinister than I had
thought of them. Lopez, that guy, I used to admire him for his charitable works. He killed
Gerardo Marcelino and delivering slanderous news against us. Bayani told the allies that
they will surprise the elites. It needs careful planning. He told the allies that they will stay
at their respective homes for the night and they will meet again the next day for the

The pilot approached the TFF and the allies hearing their conversations remarked; things
became obscure as for now. Our rich families are consulting unknown forces to play a
role in rebuilding the country. For what purpose are they consulting these unknown
personages? This is the prologue of a more sinister deception. The local elites knew
nothing more than riches and money. They are going into something in which they are
totally unaware of the true nature of these alien elites. They do not know how to fix
things on their own. That is why we need people like the chairman and Gordon to teach
us how to fix our own mess not to consult these unknown creatures.

Bayani told the allies that he will consult the other allies what to do on that said day in
Hacienda Luisita. They will have a conference tonight to plan what to do. He told the
plane to prepare to take off and send the TFF back to their homes in Marikina.

P41: Between the Lines.

Larry asked Bayani of his mechanical friend; where is your mechanical friend? Are you
not going to accompany it back to its base? Bayani replied him that his vehicle will be
brought back to base by one of his men. He will fetch it again for the larger battles to
come. Krisma thanked the chairman of being with them. She told the chairman that the
whole alliance missed him so dearly. There is no one who could provide us with strict
humor except none other than the chairman Krisma added. Bayani told her to say as she

The plane took off with Bayani asking Eduardo about Bong Bong Marcos. Eduardo
replied the chairman; he got defeated for the last time. Too late, he knew that we are
more than ordinary youngsters than he assumed. He should not grant us nor clamor a
rematch against us. That aspiring senators ego got better of him seriously. His greatest
mistake is to test us if we become stronger from time to time. He gave us more than a
flying color test result. Larry added what Eduardo told about Marcos telling the chairman
that Marcos emotions and misunderstanding got the better of him. I used to look down
on the senatoriable I voted. But chairman, against Manuel Araneta, that Manny Marinas
guy almost killed us point blank, Bong suddenly rescued us. I think indirectly learning
about the truth of the new administration, he is back with his old and noble self. Bayani
asked Larry; is it possible that he can be our ally? Larry replied the chairman; I do not
know. I think we still have some misunderstanding. A Marcos will not let his ego goes
into submission. Who knows? He might help us next time. We do not care if its for his
gain. At least, he saw the light somehow. Bayani told the allies that as this day going to
end, there are a lot of significant things already happened. There is so much
accomplishment for this day. The fact is that these accomplishments are not simple ones.
They can potentially change our country and history. The lesser result is that it will be the
first step of long term change.

The allies flew back to the airbase in Taguig until convoys awaited them to transport
them back home. As the allies disembarked, Bayani reminded the allies to meet him by
tomorrow. He will bring the allies to Subic where Tarlac is near for the important
conference. Bayani told the allies to rest well back home and he will meet them with their

rejuvenated selves. Eduardo asked Bayani about the initial plan to Luisita. Bayani replied
that he will be talking to the other allies for more clarification. The chairman advised the
allies to have a safe way back home and enjoy their accomplishments because they
deserved it. The allies bade the chairman goodbye and told him not to hesitate to call
them when something important is bothering the whole faction. The allies made their way
back home.
The convoy dropped Eduardo and Krisma to Krismas house. Pearl, Larry and Patrick
told the driver that they too can drop them off. The others told the driver that they can go
home alone. They are just having some time of reflection at Krismas house. Eduardo
proceeded to the gates into the main door along with the allies. Krismas brother received
them with open arms. He asked the allies of what did they do along the tough journey.
Patrick replied Krismas brother that it is a long story to tell. Krismas father gladly
accommodated them to stay for a while. He asked what the allies did along the journey.
He assumed that the allies may have made the country alive once again. The allies went
where grandmother is staying. They respectfully kissed her arms and led her to the guest
room so they can discuss a lot of things. After all are in the guest room, Krismas brother
asked the allies whether they ended the evil reign of the Marcoses. Eduardo replied him
that they did but there is still a great problem ahead.

The brother asked Eduardo about the next so-called big problem. Eduardo said; the
administration is over. The next problem Im mentioning is that the elites who wanted to
bring down our country are still at large. Their plan is to assure their puppet president to
be our next president. Grandmother replied Eduardo; this country is a total waste in the
hands of the elites. Our history is not all about the poor but all about the illustrados and
the elites. History books depicted them as heroes. Look at now, Cojuangcos and the
Lopezes dominated the scene. They may have done something good but majority it is just
a means to an end. Eduardo responded grandmother; your granddaughter is someone who
is brave enough to fight the injustices made in this country. She is not afraid of high
profile persons. In the journey, it is evident she can even reason out with the so-called
gods of the Philippines. As we defeated Marcos; we realized that deception is just

getting deeper. Our elites consulted some unknown beings that promised to help them
rebuild the country. The local elites gave blueprints of Marcos in the history books. Of
course, it is a bias series of sources. It depicted Marcos as a tyrant parallel to Hitler.
Grandmother replied Eduardo; no need to tell me son! Even from the start I see the facts
are being distorted. Eduardo responded grandmother; the Marcos we challenged is an
example of how depraved our world is. If we cannot do it, let Christ shine his kingdom of
hope unto us. Imagine a pseudo syncretistic Marcos. It is a version of Marcos that is
equipped with a vestige of his persona in life. Additionally last but not the least, the
beings received the yellow version of Marcos and maybe equipped the new body with it.
Eduardo added; my brothers and sisters! You see! A mythic Marcos brought into life.
Krismas father asked Eduardo; what the body? How did they get the body?

Eduardo responded him that the preserved body of Apong may be abducted by the beings
days before the election to usher their version of the New Age. Krismas father patiently
listened to what the TFF leader said; he replied Eduardo; you should know this. The
description you told me about Marcos IS NOT the Marcos that ruled our nation 45 years
ago. It is just a hocus pocus magic of the Cojuangcos. Yellow version you told me right.
Marcos may have been corrupt at the later part of his career but he is not that brutal as
history books depicted him. Add the description of our elites too that benefited from
EDSA1. Marcos is a great leader who made a lot of contributions. It is just he allowed his
wife, generals and cronies to plunder our country. Eduardo replied Krismas father; he is
a great leader but still a corrupt one. Krismas father told Eduardo that Marcos is a great
leader no doubt. He is undoubtedly the greatest leader this country has. End of fact! He
added. Eduardo replied him that Marcos is not a perfect leader as he thought of him.
Krisma remarked Eduardo that he and her father are building up good friendship.
Eduardo replied Krisma that it is a matter of public relations. Krisma closed her eyes and
pretended she did not hear what her friend told her. Krismas brother asked Krisma of the
Lopez whereabouts. Krisma replied her brother that Lopez and his other elites are still at
large. Patrick told Krismas brother that their superiors are planning something for them
to crash the elites merry making.

Krismas brothers wife told the allies to be careful of everything. From allies to enemies,
they should be aware every time. The allies took notice of their friends brothers advice.
Grandmother said to the allies; I hope all of you should be blessed in your next
adventures. Youngsters are too adventurous. They do not mind if their journeys ahead are
full of dangers. The important thing they do it for the fun of it. Krismas father asked the
allies; I knew you all have one good friend long time ago. He lived in Marikina but is
said to have been abducted by some unidentified men. I heard that Aranetas are behind
the abduction. Some sources told me he became one of the elites. Have you seen him?
You should be because Aranetas are high profile elites. They usually get near to whoever
is in power. Larry responded to Krismas father; uncle! Are you mentioning Manny the
artist? Krismas father replied the affirmative.

Larry continued his brief narration; Manny is once a simple man. He has many friends in
Marikina. After the elites found him, his life made a drastic change. He joined the elites
to prove himself. He did not do it because it is mandatory and he needed to. He has
nothing more to do than to prove he is something to his peers. Uncle, if anyone who is
being disowned and left by friends, there is no choice but to sunk into tragedy and be as
someone whom you are not used to be. Pearl clarified what Larry told Krismas father;
uncle, Manny does not do evil things because he likes to. His friends and foster family
left him after the Aranetas faked his death. The Aranetas revealed to his foster family that
Manny is an Araneta. Unfortunately, the foster family has a long standing grudge to the
Aranetas. Band members and his foster family went out from his life. The reunion is not
meant as a family reunion. The Aranetas are simply bored of no one to insult. They
searched the black sheep until he is groomed to be insulted over and over again. Uncle,
you know how it feels when you are into that situation. Grandmother told the allies that
she will prepare a dinner for them. She knew the allies are so tired thats why she wanted
to prepare the best dinner for the allies.
The allies ate with each others company. After the dinner, Pong, Christopher and some
other friends drank socially with the TFF. Eduardo is an exception because he does not
drink. He simply told them what happened along the journey until coming back home.

After some socializing, Patrick, Pearl and Larry accompanied their friends back home.
They went back to their respective homes for a good night rest. Eduardo and Krisma had
some discussion before calling it a day.

P42: Presidential Conference.

While Eduardo and Krismas family are taking their breakfast, Bayani knocked at the
door and visited the family to check if they are ok. Bayani joined the breakfast and
reminded the family that Noy Noy will have a pre-win presidential conference. Eduardo
asked Bayani; why pre- win? The election is not over yet. The battle is not over.
Everything can happen. Bayani replied him; I saw another set of bias news. Noy Noy is
way ahead over Gordon. Gordon seemed getting lower than a million votes. Eduardo told
Bayani that it is one of his darker days. Bayani replied Eduardo; Binay is on the lead of
the vice presidential race. I placed lower than Loren. Grandmother told Eduardo and
Bayani that the country will not give her a chance to see it fully bloomed. Eduardo
replied to grandmother; Mrs. Marcelino, I will do whatever we can to make you witness
the new era for this country. You may be old but as long we are alive, it is possible to see
things you do not expect. Krisma said to Eduardo; I guess it is your fault. You did not
vote for Bayani. Exercise your citizenship please Eduardo! Eduardo replied Krisma; you
seemed to be saying things over and over again. I may not have voted for Bagumbayan
but what we are doing is a testament of our love to our country. What we have done alone
enough to prove that we cared so deep for our country. Voting for the right person is a
good point. Gordon told us to back up our talk. Krisma, I may not have voted for them
but I use their advocacies to strengthen our dying nation! Your dying brother told me to
be patient and be caring for you. He believed in our capabilities. He looked upon us as
hopes to do something for the country. You see, let us not have some disagreement
removing the hope he has on us. Let us cooperate and change for the better. Krisma
replied Eduardo; uh huh! Ok thats your opinion. Im a very open minded person but I
just dont like you are forcing your ideas on me. Eduardo replied her; ok ok ok! Im not
using a silver spoon feeding you with my ideas.

Bayani told the two to stop arguing. Krismas father told Eduardo to stop arguing with
her daughter. Eduardo replied Krismas father; ok! So be it! I just wanted for all of you to
know that your son looked upon us as hope for the country. He saved my life by
sacrificing his life for our safety. I just wanted people sacrificing for me to have their
sacrifice worth it. Im going. Im changing my clothes to see what Aquino has to say.
Bayani told Eduardo that the talk will be after lunch. Eduardo replied him that he is just
preparing himself to save some time. Krisma said to his father; he is a unique young man
isnt he? He is a bit weird at times. Bayani said to Krisma; are you too forming a
potential relationship. Krisma responded a BIG NO to Bayani. Krisma asked Bayani if
she can see the talk of Noy Noy. Bayani replied her to do as she wished. Grandmother
asked Bayani about their schedules for the TFF. Bayani replied her; I have not talked
with my superiors yet. All I can assure you all is that Eduardo and Krisma would not be
sleeping with you tonight. We are bringing them to monitor the elites activities.
Krismas father asked Bayani to take care of the children. Bayani assured Krismas father
that his daughter and her friend will make it alive again.

Eduardo came down from the stairs and is ready for the next part of the journey. Krisma
followed shortly after she changed her clothes fixed all she would bring in the journey.
Bayani told the allies to rest a little more. The talk will be held after lunch. Eduardo told
Bayani; he wanted to go out early in order to warm himself up. Krisma followed Eduardo
as they are on their way to Bayanis van. Krismas father and grandmother bade the two
goodbyes as they wished the two for a safe journey. While traversing around Marikina,
Krisma asked the chairman if they will fetch the others. Bayani responded her that she
will meet them at the conference. It is a matter of security reasons. He added that it is
already 12:30 in the afternoon. Bayani asked the two if they wanted to eat for lunch.
Eduardo replied the affirmative in order, for them to be stronger to endure the supposedly
boring speeches of Noy Noy Aquino. Krisma, Bayani and Eduardo went to a nearby
Filipino restaurant. They ate their lunch while trading meaningful conversations
regarding the future of the Philippines, news biases, plans after the chaos and many more.

After eating their lunch, they proceeded to the site of the conference. Eduardo asked
Bayani; where are we supposed to meet Pearl and company? Bayani replied Eduardo;
you will meet them once we arrived at the place of the conference. My other men
escorted them in a small convoy for security purposes. Eduardo asked Bayani; why you
personally fetched us? Since you are the boss, supposedly, you should assist the others
since they cannot fight like I do. I can defend myself and I just need few men to assist
me. Bayani laughed and told Eduardo that it seemed the TFF leader does not want the
chairman to fetch him. Bayani added; you are someone special in the journey. I want to
learn more about you. Do not worry about your allies. They can make it safe. Our
defenses and securities might be limited but there is no way intimidation and threats can
harm us that easy. Eduardo responded Bayani that he is glad to know him more. Krisma
replied Eduardo, the future vice president of the country, Bayani Fernando. Im
anticipating a stare down in favor of the chairman against Binay in the party. Eduardo
responded Krisma that Bayani would own Binay in no time. Bayani told the allies that
they are almost arriving at the site of the Aquino conference.

The allies saw many yellow security forces as they approached the site. They saw
Cojuangcos descended from their vehicles and coaches while they are assisted by their
heavy security. ABS-CBN newsmen along with other stations compressed themselves to
have a peek and interview opportunity for the high profile attendants. Bayani told the
driver to park at the back so no one would recognize the TFF much.

Bayani and the allies disembarked at the back of the conference building. They are
approached by the guards. The guards asked them about where they are going to. Bayani
replied the guards that they will attend Aquinos pre-victory speech. The guards asked for
the tickets. Bayani flashed five tickets to the guards. The guards asked the crew; where
do you want to stay for the conference? Krisma replied the guards; sir! Can we go to the
place where we cannot be easily noticed by the securities of the elites? The guards
observed Bayani as they perceived him as a vice presidentiable so, clearly a VIP. The
guards escorted them upstairs until they reached their spots to listen the conference.
Eduardo thanked the guards for being open to them. One of the guards whispered

Eduardo that he voted for Bagumbayan. Bayanis ears seemed to clap hearing what the
guard said. Eduardo said to the guard; strong decision leads to genuine progression of the
nation. The guards left the allies and they are warmed up to hear what Noy Noy can say
about his presidential platforms.

After a while, another set of escorts being brought near the spot of the chairman and his
allies. Krisma saw Pearl and the rest of the TFF being escorted by Bayanis military
allies. Eduardo said to them; its good to see you all again. This talk will help us know
our potential adversaries. Im glad you are all safe. Safety seemed to favor us for now. By
the way, for what we all believed, it is clear that we are not living in a safe society. At
least today, since most of the creatures were killed, the Philippines is now little safer
place. It is comparable to its conventional safety standards. Principles kept us all alive
and safe. The allies from their vistas saw Cojuangcos, Elizaldes, Lopezes, Aranetas with
Manuel Araneta and the Makati Business Club businessmen walked along to their VIP
seats to hear their candidate introduced his plans and platforms for the next six years to
Krisma told Bayani that the young and tall man in the Araneta side is the TFFs former
friend. Bayani replied Krisma telling her that the young and tall guy is a tragic figure. It
looked like Manny cannot fully accept that he is the heir to the said clan. Pearl told
Bayani that Manny is doing what Aranetas are doing but deep inside is a sorrowful
individual. Bayani observed the former Marikinian as securities arrived to give way for
the Liberal Party Presidentiable Aquino along with Mar Roxas. Noy Noy Aquino and
Mar Roxas are escorted not only by heavy securities but by very important aristocrats.

Eduardo moved his head seeing Bong Bong as a speculator from afar. He knew that Bong
already knew the truth about the Marcos deception. He is only a conflicted individual
struggling after he knew the truth the time their final duel took place. Bong stared at
Eduardo but pretended that the TFF does not exist. Eduardo assumed that Bong is not
himself the time he defeated him. Mar Roxas in the front started the opening speech. He
said; Good afternoon to all those who supported this party. Im happy that we all meet

again. There are forces that wanted to destroy our democracy. Like always, those who are
against democracy are the ones that got toppled in the end. We credit our victory to
restore democracy by cooperation. People misunderstood that our nobilities wanted
nothing but money and power. You must understand that they suffered every humiliation
and hardship just to stay firm to fight for our freedom. Their steadfastness helped us
restore what is right for us. It is freedom. I thought the election is being sabotaged
robbing us of our freedom. I now see that light has come again shining high over our
dying country. The election symbolized as our freedom is again fully operational to finish
the saga of our democracy. Whoever supported this party I thanked all of you. Now, let
us hear my partys standard bearer Noy Noy Aquino speak about democracy and his
advocacies in case he wins the election. Eduardo said to Bayani; they are good in twisting
facts. Bayani replied Eduardo; they seemed to recognize our presence. I felt Roxas at
times, staring at us. The elites do not plan to kill us as for now. They are ignoring the fact
that it is we that brought down the evil government. They are good in delivering bias
Krisma joined Eduardo and Bayanis dialogue remarked; elites will do anything to have
their grips on the masses. Noy Noy Aquino was called upon by his partner Mar Roxas to
speak about the restoration of democracy and his plan for the country. Noy Noy started to
face the crowd and begins to speak to the masses. He said; Good afternoon my people. It
is a blessing that we meet again. It is good to be alive despite all the chaos. I almost
resigned because of the intensity of the chaos. I thought the country now is in the stage of
Armageddon. But all the people made me stronger. You, my countrymen are my strength.
You all gave me life to finish a good fight. Anyone who is present here, thank you for
supporting me for I heard that Im leading in the polls. Yet I do not want to be
overconfident but if it is true until the end, I credit it all to the strength of the Filipinos.

Back to what I intended to speak about; this time is the restoration of democracy again
since the evil Marcos administration was being challenged by my heroic father. After he
died fighting the evil regime, the people intensified their anger to the evil president. My
grieving mother asked the peoples help to oust the abusive dictator. She is not afraid to

fight against tyranny and oppression. She, with the help of those who saw the light
initiated EDSA Revolution. She made an epic non violent fight that made the dictator
forced to live in exile. Good will always win over any faces of evil. EDSA revolution is
her lasting legacy upon us. Every countryman should value this awesome heroic event.
When she is the president, she is not afraid of soldiers and tanks that tried to topple her.
She believed that democracy was at her side and being right is all she needs to defend the
nation against destabilization. The succeeding administration is not good. It is rigged in
corruption. Our nation needs hope it needs to restore it into former greatness. When my
mother died, the light of democracy flickered out. I originally did not desire to be a
president. In fact, it is the people who all wanted hope wanted me to run for president.
They all wanted light be cast upon the flickering candle of democracy. Since I love
democracy more than anything, I decided to run for the presidency. I wanted people to
feel again that the country is a very free nation. While the election is being held, there are
some forces that wanted to take democracy from us. They promised to rearrange the
country out of this mess. We knew it is not true. We knew some people are willing to
include deception and lying into their reign just to achieve what they want. Freedom
loving people will not tolerate these kinds of behavior. Filipinos are people never to be
fooled. They knew what is right and wrong. The quest for genuine democracy is not easy
as if it will be spoon fed unto you. You need to endure hardships and sacrifices to make it
happen. Commitment is a necessary quality that will advance our quest for genuine
democracy. These evil beings wanted to rule our country.

I did not decide to hide from them. I asked the people from my side to help me combat
them. Like my parents before me, we managed to oust these disturbing forces. People
accused my mother that she is easily manipulated by the elites. That is not true. Elites
may be money grubbers, but too they help rebuild the country. It is just bias sources
sensationalized my relatives and another rich families who made money not by deception
but from the sweat of their brows. I thank God and Mary that our saga of democracy is
fully operational once again. People fought for freedom. They are just going to wait the
results of their hard earned efforts. People accused me that Im all assured to win. These
are just people who wanted to destroy the Aquino legacy. Ironically, good people are the

ones who are branded evil. For me, win or lose, it is okay for me. Rest assured, in the
end, people will choose the straight way. In the end, people will vote those who valued
and struggled for democracy. All I know is that we cooperated to fight dictatorial
government from time to time. My parents fought the first evil government. We criticized
the tyranny and corruption of the Arroyo government. Now we found out, she is more
evil than we can ever imagine. She joined the likes of the new intruder government. She
made a pact with the devil. Like all epics and sagas, evil will not triumph. Light will
always win. We took every challenge to finally restore us to freedom. FREEDOM!!!
ONCE AGAIN!!! Filipinos! I shall tell you that freedom is so rare today. Please let the
succeeding generations feel that their ancestors fought what is right. Once they know that
they will too make changes for the country. Again, I thank you for having the time to
attend this conference. You know the country is not yet safe because of the chaos
wrecked upon us. Many are homeless and lost many loved ones because of the aftermath
of the chaos. In case, I win the election, Im after the restoration of our nation. First, I
will send some humanitarian efforts to help the homeless and those who are affected by
the chaos. I will give jobs to those who desperately needed to sustain themselves and
their family. Second, I will rebuild all that is destroyed during the chaos. We needed
infrastructures to be on our feet again. We should restore places of work for the Filipinos
to have decent place of work once again. By the way, we have limited resources, this new
administration in case, it came into fruition will adhere strictly to no corruption policies.

We may be advocating less tax but now it should be changed. You should COOPERATE
with us in case we win to make our tasks easier. As usual, we should give educations and
opportunities to the people to strengthen the light of democracy. We shall prove it to the
world that we are one of the forces to be reckoned with. As always, we will do everything
to enrich the lives of those we will be serving. Humanitarian, restructuring, jobs and
opportunities for the people is all the party advocated for the people. We have more plans
ahead but we do not wanted to be overconfident as if we are winning. But, you can ask
me for further clarifications. Thank you for your support and attendance. We will fight
the good fight until the end. IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY AND THE

The crowd applauded the aspirant and left a loud roaring sound. Bong Bong said to Noy
Noy Aquino; he is full of lies and excellent in twisting facts. He is nothing more than a
puppet of the elites. It is clear that Cojuangcos are more evil than the combined misdeeds
of my family. Am I hearing money grubbers as heroes huh? This is not something new
as the oligarchs are planning to rule our society.

The people now started to ask Noy Noy a couple of questions. One student asked Noy
Noy; since, our country is in terrible chaos and destruction, It seems that it needs tons of
money to rebuild the country. It covers not only the NCR region but also the totality of
the whole Republic of the Philippines. Where can you get the cash to rebuild the country?

Noy Noy answered the student; you know young man. I admit it would be hard to rebuild
the country. Saying it is hard does not mean we are not rebuilding it. We need to loan
some from other countries again since, we are in a state of total destruction. Talking
about what we can do is this. Our party once promised lesser tax. Now, we desperately
needed your tax. It will not last my whole term but only the first part for the
infrastructures. I believe you all know the right thing to do. We can do it. You are all my
strength and inspiration in hard times. Filipinos are always winners in battle. Please oust
me if you see that we are mismanaging the funds. It is for our own good.

The student asked a following question; this country is a poor country. It needs more than
we can give. How can you make up with the other funds? Noy Noy answered the student
telling him that it is the tax of the people that will be the big factor. He added; there are
generous business executives on bent of restoring our infrastructures. I think I will be
enforcing cooperation with them for the good of the country. In case, we cannot cover up
the whole cost, I will be loaning with the other countries just for your welfare. It needs
sacrifice to have our fruit of progress bore on us. What is important is that it will be a
sign that our country is sincere talking of genuine progress.

One female professor asked Noy Noy; how are you going to solve the crisis in
Mindanao? Noy Noy answered the professor; we are creating a committee concentrating

peace processes in Mindanao. We will have competent individuals to engage with the
rebels and seek their needs in order for the chaos to be solved. Since, ARMM is a cluster
of very poor provinces. We are providing them with education to enrich their lives.
Talking of peace processes, we will do everything we can to assure peace be restored in
these provinces. My stance is sure is that I wont allow Mindanao to be separated from
the Philippines. All we need is to enrich their lives in order for rebellion to cease.

An engineer asked Noy Noy; what can you say about Filipinos who went abroad? Noy
Noy answered the engineer; Filipinos who went abroad are our current heroes. They
worked very hard to sustain their families back home. Some even feel the pain of
separation and homesickness. It is sad to see that some of our countrymen are not treated
well abroad. It is because of the corruption of our government that failed to educate the
majority. Yes, they are giving us great foreign currency reserves through remittances that
greatly helping us to boost our economy. That is why Im advocating education for all in
order for people will have a decent job in the future. Additionally, our finance and
business officials will try to attact and negotiate many investors to invest in this country
for the future generations. We can say by providing decent education, working abroad
will simply be a personal choice than a necessity.

A priest asked; your mother is a devout Catholic. Christians should not smoke. Are you
willing to stop smoking just for your countrymen and upholding values you claim to
uphold? Noy Noy answered the reverend; sir! In case smoking will ruin my health, I will
stop it. But it is not easy. I will do the best I can to stop smoking. My countrymen surely
wanted to see me live long and see the progress of the country.

Bayani said to Eduardo; what he is saying is so scripted. In the previous debates, he

thought with his head down a little longer to express his ideas. The elites are planning to
put him in Malacanang for their evil purposes. Eduardo replied Bayani; he may be an
innocent man but what can he do? Elites are all over his life since he came to the world.
He cannot do something to not compromise them.

A group of a politicians supporters asked Noy Noy; what is the role of Kris Aquino in
politics? Noy Noy answered, in my firmest beliefs, Kris will not interfere in case I win.
Kris like my sisters will offer some advices but it is up to me to accept or politely decline
them. Im in politics and she is in showbiz. The two is clearly a polarity for me. The role
she might play is just cheering me up in times of difficulties. They asked a follow up
question; what if Kris is starting to control you like Imelda controlling Ferdinand Marcos
or doing something in your name? Noy Noy answered the group of supporters. If Kris
will do something bad and might not be beneficial to the country, I prefer her to go
abroad and be off from the scene. If the damage has been done, Im sorry for my sister!
Justice must be served for her.

A businessman asked Noy Noy; what if you did not win the election? How will you
fulfill the party platforms? Noy Noy answered the gentleman; in case I did not win, our
party will first investigate possible cases of fraud. If I clearly lost, what am I going to do
is fulfill some of my plans for the nation. Though it will not be a presidential framework
of plans, I and my party will do everything to alleviate the pain from our country. The
game is not over after a candidate lost the election. There are many ways to help our
country. There are a lot of modern heroes who made changes than our politicians can do.
Krisma said to Pearl; really huh? I smell some sore losing here. Noy Noy seemed not to
accept loses if he clearly loses.
Pearl replied Krisma; oh! That swearing that he will start a Peoples Power 3 if he lost to
Villar. I remember what he said in case he lose the election. He automatically replied that
it is massive cheating. Alleged cheating the masses is all he can say.

A mother asked Noy Noy; who will be your first lady if you win? Noy Noy answered the
respectable lady telling her that he has a girlfriend but is not prepared to get married. Noy
Noy told her; I will be concentrating reforming and reconstructing the country before the
time of my marriage if it will come.

A lawyer asked Noy Noy; what about the Hacienda Luisita? What are you going to do in
order to stop the series of abuses to the farmers? Noy Noy stared at his uncle Peping
Cojuangco. Peping stared him back with an intimidating stare along with the other
Cojuangcos. Peping silently said to Noy Noy; remember that it is your own relatives that
made you almost winning the election. If you would not compromise, you are absolutely
worthless. Please bear this in mind! It is us that will put you in the highest seat of the
country. You disobey you fall deeper than the abyss. Noy Noy faces the crowd telling
them let justice be done to the victims. What is right will always prevail. The crowd
roared and applauded Noy Noy. He returned to his seat as Lopez with an Elizalde went
into the front to say the last things before the conference will end.

Lopez said to the crowd; we are now ushering to an age where our country is recovering
from all the chaos it endured. We value the spirit of the Filipinos standing tall until the
end. We admire those who braved the chaos along the road just to see our potential new
president to discuss about his platforms. Once again, our country is at peace again. We
gave all of you the freedom we all deserved. We thought our freedom will end just
because of an evil administration and the tyrant it aligned with. The election we had or
every election that took place is a sacred aspect of our freedom. Tyrants and that evil
administration tried everything to remove the sacredness of our freedom. Thanks to be to
God and his saints that we cooperated with each other that we drove out the tyrants that
plagued our country to a near state of destruction. All the Filipinos are our strength and it
is through you that inspired us even more to salvage our country from oppressors. The
Filipino is a great class of race that is capable of enduring hardships and tribulations only
to see the fruit of what they have done to retain democracy at all costs. But, but, but, like
the incident in Malacanang, there are people who wanted to take advantage of our
struggle with democracy look at them. They sat in the higher decks in order to avoid their
guilt clashing with the masses. You know in this world, evil always exist. They pretended
to be good but they are ravaging wolves. What we worked so hard, what we toiled with
our valor. Some people just wanted to take advantage of all the credits we deserved into
their own gain. Elizalde continued; losers always wanted to wreck havoc into our

country. There are people who are obedient and there are some that are arrogant and
wanted nothing but to demoralize the Filipino race.

Tanghangco went to the front and said; you see the big fat guy seating beside the spiked
hair guy. You want these kinds of heroes? It is obvious his mother does nothing but to
sustain his appetite. The crowd faced and laughed at Patrick. Tanghangco continued; you
want these kinds of leaders? You want a fat and violent leader? I bet that the budget of
the country will simply go to the stomach of that fat guy! Your hard earned money will
go nowhere but to be spare cash for his future food trips abroad! The crowd laughed
harder to the TFF and their allies.

Manuel Araneta went to the front to join the elites. He said; these people wanted nothing
more than power and riches. They are not different from my sickening clan. Teodoro
Araneta scolded his relative said; stop saying these kinds of things! You are a shame to
the Araneta clan. Manuel Araneta told Teodoro Araneta that he is just an objective
person. He replied; isnt it true that you accumulated cash in unfair ways? Im just giving
information to the people so they would not be ignorant always treating you all as gods in
society. Araneta shouted the TFF; hypocritical friends! Admit that you wanted nothing
but to help your younger friend lead the country in terror! I do not feel that he is a sincere
man. A tyrant in the making just like my relatives! I will be seeing you in the party.

Lopez calmed the others as he prepared to say his final words. He said to the TFF;
crowds! You already knew the bad guys. We let them in, in order for you to know your
enemies closer. They did absolutely nothing but to steal the credits which is for the
Filipino people! SELF CENTERED HUMAN BEINGS! You know that a selfish trait is
one of the main foundations of a tyrant in the making. A breeding ground for corrupt
officials we fought all over the years. You are all smart persons. You can discern right
and wrong. Now, let us give them a chance. We will be inviting them in Hacienda Luisita
also known as Palacio Cojuangco to give them a second chance to obey and work with us
for the greater good of the country. I will be seeing all of you tomorrow evening. Peping
Cojuangco exclaimed to the TFF; you lacked shame! People, my beloved countrymen!

These men and women killed Danding Cojuangco. They killed the person that made
tremendous contributions to our country. Ceferino Ayala joined Peping and told the
people that they killed someone who can provide job opportunities. He added; these
persons are no different from communists. They do not want individuals who can give
jobs to the needy. Lopez concluded; now all of you my beloved Filipinos, you now see
the real colors of these individuals. News does not give false information. It gives us the
damn facts! TFF, Bayani the loser and all your collaborators, we will be waiting for you.
All of you should apologize to the Filipino people. You made a really big sin to this
nation. May God and Mary have mercy on your souls! Guards! Please take them away!
Remember TFF and Fernando, you cannot always pretend to be the heroes always.

Elizalde said to the people; they are all exposed for you see. We will do everything for
the love of you my people. Peping said to the crowd; we are generous beings to give them
a second chance, if they wouldnt, you will be the one to judge these persons. So that
beyond reasonable doubt! We would be remembered as fair individuals. This is
democracy right? So be it my people! The guards took Bayani and the TFF away.

Eduardo wanted to argue with them but Bayani and Larry told him that it is useless for a
brainwashed crowd. Patrick said to Eduardo; please wait until tomorrow, we will get our
hands full on them. Eduardo shouted; incompetence leads to damnation! People!
Remember that these leaders at your front are all pretenders! While they are taken away,
the allies heard the crowd chanted Noy Noys name roaring louder. The people did not
hear fully the succeeding words of the leader due to their mindless and loud chanting of
the Aquino name.

Araneta told the crowd; pretend that they do not exist. Politicians are all the same. Do not
expect a saint will rule this nation. Bear this in mind! Roxas said to the crowd; let the rest
punish them if they would not cooperate. The guards gave invitations to the party to the
allies again. They told the allies that they wanted to end them right now but it will spoil
the show. The allies disappointed and frustrated drove themselves away from the
conference building. The crowd cheered for Noy Noy and the leaders can also be heard

even outside the building. Kris Aquino was present in the crowd. As the allies drove
themselves away, she led and persuaded the crowd to chant her brothers name in the
loudest tone possible. The elites told the crowd that the sacrifice of Ninoy and Cory is
unparalleled in Philippine history. The crowd continued chanting the name of Noy Noy
Aquino as if the building will collapse bearing the name of incompetence!

P43: Calm before the Storm.

The crowd chanted the name of their candidate even louder. What the elites planned to
remind them was obscure due to the intensity of the peoples belief in Aquino. The elites
just smiled their way back to their seats until the crowd is silenced. The allies rode away
with Bayani to their destination before they are taking down the elites. Eduardo asked
Bayani; have you talked with the former president? Bayani replied him; yes I did! What
we talked is all about our friendship and her fate. All I told her is that I remained to be
her friend. If justice is needed to purge her sins, then I must align myself to
righteousness. Eduardo, you know if justice is being at stake, you should not be placing
friendship first before justice. Friendship in upholding justice is to let him or her to be
responsible in case, he or she did some wrong. Krisma told Bayani that Gordon answered
the same way while he is being interviewed by the television stations. Eduardo replied
Krisma; of course! He is the only competent and uncompromising leader out there.
Bayani said to Eduardo; there is nothing wrong of compromising when that thing will
benefit the nation. The only thing that is evil is that you placed your interests and
friendships over justice. You are forced to change your good principles just because of
that friend. You see young man? Eduardo responded a big yes to the chairman. Bayani
told Eduardo to remember all they talked about because it is not every time that the
chairman will be always with the allies.

While Larry, Patrick and Pearl are in the other set of convoys, Krisma asked Bayani on
where they are going. Bayani responded Krisma that they will be going to Gordons
place, Subic. The chairman told the allies that they will have a moment of relaxation until
an evening conference which Bayani promised will be the allies last. Eduardo asked
Bayani of the plan to come storming the allies. The chairman replied the TFF leader that

so far, the TFF will enter the party along with some officers. When something bad
happened to them, the allies armies with some reinforcements will storm inside and the
allies must prepare themselves to defend themselves. Bayani told the allies that the plan
is not yet the final one. They plan to revise it before tomorrow. He told Eduardo and
Krisma to join the conference so they will know what to do and finally eliminate the evil

The convoy in which Bayani was in, passed many sites until they saw the ABS-CBN
broadcasting complex mysteriously sunk into the ground in flames. Eduardo asked the
chairman; what happened to the station building? Bayani replied Eduardo; I do not know.
We are in the conference. Who made a pact with the devil to do nasty things like
demolishing the Lopez building? You know young people, we may be against the likes of
the bias Lopez but not even once we planned to destroy their major source of income.
Krisma replied Bayani; Im sure your conscience is clean Uncle Fernando. Eduardo told
the two that it is not only the TFF and the allies that hated the evil Lopez. Filipinos are
not easily fooled. Most already knew how to think critically. Bayani applauded Eduardo
for his careful and objective analysis that indeed not all Filipinos can be fooled. He
thanked Eduardo by too believing in the potentials of the Filipino people. Krisma gave a
wink to Bayani.

The convoy traveled for three hours until they reached the threshold of Subic. Eduardo
asked Bayani of his robots whereabouts. Bayani answered him; it will not be the last
time for all of you to see my vehicle. You will see her tomorrow. It is just my allies put
him in a safe place. They will be the ones to drive the awesome machine to Subic to join
us battle the elites if necessary. Eduardo and Krisma told the chairman that they will be
looking forward to see the robot with the chairman in it. After a short travel time, the
allies finally arrived at Subic. They traveled around the city as the driver is heading
towards a resort. As the convoy bearing the chairman and the allies arrived, they are
welcomed by a hospitable hotel personnel. The personnel congratulated them of restoring
democracy for a while. Eduardo asked them; how did you know that? The male personnel
replied him; one of our beloved citizens told us your accomplishments. It is a set of

achievements that may supersede the efforts of our all previous heroes combined.
Eduardo and Krisma together replied them; ah! Dick Gordon is an irreplaceable hero. The
personnel led the allies to the reception desks. They checked in valid until tomorrow
afternoon. Eduardo saw Bong Bong secretly coordinating with one of the allies military
allies possibly preparing for tomorrows party.

Shortly, the other convoy arrived. Krisma and Eduardo reunited with the rest of their
allies. Krisma is so happy to announce once again, like in Cebu, they will have some
solid bonding moments. Pearl replied her; double the bonding, double the reflection.
Eduardo asked Patrick; are you ok? Please feel so sorry about that Chinese officer. I
thought you killed him but he is still alive and angrier at you. He lacked logic. He told
that you are a large guy but all the elites are larger than you no kidding! Patrick replied
Eduardo; Im used on insults and slanders. Im not sad or upset because all of the
criticisms leveled to me are baseless and senseless. You see, they told me that Im a large
guy fit for a large appetite. Like you said, he lacked proper logic. Very double standard
Tanghangco is. It is just that a humiliating loss does not make a person who is strong in
power the same again. He is never the same again. Anyway, he is not strong in power. He
is just a person full of imaginative craps. Eduardo replied Patrick; Tangha ko noh (Im so
dumb)? Larry asked Eduardo; why are you saying that to yourself? Eduardo replied
Larry; Im referring to Patricks bitter rival during our siege in Malacanang.

Krisma and Pearl assisted Bayani in checking in for the allies. After a while, they are
done ready ro go to their suites. One hotel personnel with some security forces assisted
the allies of their luggage while they escorted the allies to their suites. Before they went
up to their suites, Bayani said to the boys; stop chatting! We are doing some important
works. You should be helping us instead chatting with each other in which, you all have
the time before the final conference. The old personnel told the chairman that the boys
are just so happy being reunited with each other. Bayani told the personnel that they are
grown up men so they must look or learn how to check in for themselves. He added;
these guys should learn how to interact with the receptionists. In times of personal
travels, where I might not be present, they are doing it in their own. By the way, it is for

the boys own good to be reprimanded harshly in no time. The guard told Bayani that he
is the hands on version of their hero. Bayani told the personnel that he would rather lose
because of principles and disciplines than win just to tickle the ears with empty promises.
The allies proceeded afterwards to their suites. Hotel personnel assisted them all to place
their luggage and arranged their room after that, they left and told the allies to enjoy their
stay. The allies cheered and thanked the hotel staffs. They affirmed the crew by a big
YES! The allies expressed themselves with tones of excitement to the outgoing staffs.
Larry gave Eduardo the sword he borrowed from him. Eduardo replied him to keep it
with him in case, of emergency. Larry said to Eduardo; my weapon is fully repaired. I
can give it back to you. Eduardo responded that Gonzaga should keep his sword for
emergency purposes. Eduardo is thinking that he is permanently giving his other sword to
his ally. Larry told Eduardo that he will give back his sword when everything is ok.
Eduardo replied Larry; maybe it can also serve as a remembrance for you. Krisma said to
the allies; its dusk in the afternoon. We are all tired can we have some swimming
outdoors? The allies affirmed that they are going to take their relaxations in the water.

Bayani advised them that they have five hours to compose themselves. He added that the
allies must be fully warmed up before they proceed to the conference with their superiors.
Eduardo replied Bayani; like we did in Cebu, we took a rest and warmed ourselves up for
a fateful mission. Bayani went out to do his thing and advised the allies to take their time
wisely. Discipline is a must to win every adversary. The allies prepared themselves to
relax outdoor. They dressed up to their swimwears and scrambled to the waters that
awaited them beyond the doors. While Pearl, Larry and Patrick already on their way to
the bulk of the resort, Krisma curiously observed Eduardo and seemed wanting to ask the
TFF leader a question. Krisma asked; Eduardo! Here you are! I observed that you have
not brought anything with you since we met right? Eduardo replied Krisma; I clean my
clothes so I dont need to bring extra ones. Krisma replied Eduardo; uh huh? Are you
sure? It seems you are not changing your under garment? Eduardo replied Krisma; I did
bring some yet, my resources are so limited. The clothes I wore can endure for a month
though it is few. Krisma replied Eduardo; HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are such a pitiful
boy. Since from the start, I can see through your cool guy image. I can see you more than

anyone can see you. I can sense your deeper aspect to life. Ok, when you are done
relaxing yourself? To make up of your battle damaged clothes, I brought some of my
dead brothers clothes for you to wear. Please use his undergarments if you wished to.

Eduardo thanked Krisma and told her that time is ticking so fast so, they should make
every second works before the last conference. Krisma stopped in her tracks and
observed Eduardo remarking; he introduced himself as a fighter but terms of hygiene, I
do not want to comment. Always, as always, he is thinking about advancing our quest.
He needs to get a life even more. I do not know what life awaits him after this journey
ends. Eduardo shouted Krisma; come on! It is just a five hour relaxation. Krisma! Let us
make most of it. Krisma replied Eduardo; Im coming! Please do not hesitate to use the
extra clothes I have given to you. Errr!! Ill place the clothes first in his supposed bed in
order for him not to be in a topsy-turvy situation. Eduardo peek Krisma arranging his
soon to be clothes. He thanked Krisma and told her to follow him leading to the rest of
the allies. Patrick, Larry and Pearl became anxious. Larry and Patrick became suspicious
about what is going on to their leader and Krisma. Patrick said to Pearl; the younger man
became more mature than expected. I smell some mutual understanding here. Pearl
replied Patrick; Krisma once again, is trying to woe male friends. She is used in doing
this in her social life. I hope there is nothing malicious about this. Larry said to the two;
oh! Love blooms again in the midst of tribulations. Pearl replied Larry; it is not the first
time we saw Krisma doing that. She is just a caring young lady. There is nothing wrong if
they managed to build a solid relationship. I heard Bayani too is teasing Krisma and
Eduardo of having a potential affair. Pearl replied her friends that Krisma is only for the
G named guy. Larry replied Pearl; ah ok! It is like a succession of guys in her life. Pearl
replied to her friends; you know that Krisma lost a brother right? Maybe she is making up
the lost time with Gerardo. Since, we saw Eduardo promised the dying Gerardo to be
Krismas acting brother. You see, may be the two are pretending to be siblings.

Patrick said to Pearl; I hope that does not go even further or else. The younger man got
his first baptism on the issues of love. Pearl speculated and told her opinion to the duo;
since Eduardo is the younger man, Krisma is also fond in taking care of immature guys

and she laughed. Regardless of the formation and outcome, they looked at each other as
solid friends and acting like siblings. Patrick told Pearl and Larry; he is swimming a little
to fend off distraction and boredom. Shortly later, Krisma and Eduardo came into the
scene. Krisma shouted her allies that she is already coming to relax with them. Larry
replied Krisma; we have a lot of work back before the chaos started. We do not have time
to go to decent resorts. Pearl and Krisma are the only ones to go to an exclusive resort. I
cannot believe it! We have already gone to two exclusive resorts in the heat of this short
summer seasons. Wow! The allies saw Eduardo accompanying Krisma. Larry asked
Eduardo; is there something between you two? Eduardo answered; I just assisted my
good friend. She is so meticulous in arranging our clothes in the room. It took us a little
longer to join you all. Pearl asked Krisma; admit it Krisma! Is there something between
you? Krisma answered her friends; you know Eduardo is a chaotic individual. He just
dressed himself to enjoy the blue waters. I acted as his mother preparing everything for
him to be in place.

The allies laughed Eduardo they said; you are so human after all. You are not a bad ass as
we knew you when you saved us from the reptilians. Eduardo blushed in the front of the
allies and jumped into the pool. He swam three laps eventually returning to chat with the
allies. Eduardo said to the allies; you know as Gerardo lay dying, he told me to take care
of his sister. He told me that I should make up the lost time they had with each other. I
know that you are speculating that we have something with Krisma. I just treated her to
the best I can to be her acting brother. Ironically, because Im the younger man, she
eventually became my older sister. It is not good for me seeing a noble individual
dying just because someone took advantage of his abilities and eventually engineered his
death. The only redeeming part of his death is that he awakened a more advance form of
patriotism that motivated me even more to bring this country into the verge of justice.

Krisma chatted with her friends telling them that it is just sibling love that is between her
and Eduardo. There is no such thing as loving more than friends between the two. As
the allies attempted to talk about useless things that will create a controversy between
Krisma and Eduardo, the TFF leader told his allies that there is not much time to enjoy

their relaxations. Pearl replied Eduardo; no! We have a decent five hours. You just do not
want us to assess your relationship with Krisma. She laughed hard and Eduardo felt so
sorry on their funny chit chats. Krisma said to Pearl; I loved the G guy more than
Eduardo. She told Pearl to shut up and just think Eduardo as her younger and
irresponsible brother. Eduardo is not someone unique. Perhaps, in fighting skills but not
as dynamic as the guys we met at St. Lukes. Pearl curiously asked Krisma; isnt that you
like tough and macho guys that are willing to sacrifice themselves just for you? You
mentioned me that Robin Padilla is one type of guy that can get your attention in no time.
Krisma replied Pearl; Robin is a great celebrity. He has good intrapersonal relationships
with others. He is a dynamic individual. Eduardo is a one dimensional person. He is full
of battle mentality, politics and unnecessary weirdness. Larry said to Krisma; Eduardo
will own Robin Padilla if they meet face to face. Krisma replied Larry; I dont mind that!
Eduardo is just a battle hardened person. Robin is a more versatile person. Patrick sunk
himself to the water and emerged from time to time to tease Krisma by asking her
questions. He asked Krisma; what do you mean versatile? Eduardo is not one
dimensional! He is a caring individual. If he cannot do some PR relations, Gordon and
Bayani would have dumped him as trash bag instead of relying heavily on his leadership.
He can learn that in no time missy. Krisma answered Patrick; it seemed you three are
pressuring me to admit I have some affair with my acting younger brother. We have
nothing between me and Eduardo. Robin and Eduardo have not met each other yet. Im
sure Robin will pepper Eduardo with his bravado and his experience in intrapersonal
relationships. End of story my friends HAHAHA!

The allies discussed more about their possible love angles. Eduardo stayed a bit further
and continuously laughed as he knew that there is nothing between him and Krisma.
After he got over laughing about baseless speculations about him and Krisma, he joined
the others to chat about their next mission. Eduardo told the allies clearly that there is
nothing between him and Krisma. His friendship to Krisma is same with the other TFF
members. He said to the allies; dont hype up speculative events. We are not here to be
courting with each other. We are here to join together against the elites. Instead of
wasting our time thinking unnecessary situations, let us use this vacant time to reflect our

relationship with each other and to prepare ourselves for days to come. Patrick replied
Eduardo; so Krisma is not alone right? She has a rival getting your love. It is between
Krisma and the country to get your attention. Patrick laughed. Eduardo told him to stop
being gibberish. Eduardo smiled back at him. He approached the rest of the allies. They
chatted with each other until they went into the beach which is only a short distance from
the pool.

The allies went into the beach. They walked the beach together. They walked a lap
observing the wonders of the coastline. The allies went swimming in the beach until they
returned to the sands to witness the setting sun. Eduardo gathered all his allies for their
possible final bonding session. As they gazed to the setting sun, Eduardo asked the allies;
how strong is our bond? Have we really trusted each other? The adversaries we are
against with are more difficult than we ever imagined. Will the TFF fall down because of
compromise? Is it because of possible ego misunderstanding? Are we really sure that we
are synchronized at every plan we took? The sun is almost down hiding deep into the
majestic mountains. Since, tomorrow will be another heavy battle we will be in. I just
wanted to be sure that the TFF will have their cooperation, friendship and principles
intact. The sun has left us. It told us that we are all alone to reflect what should be done to
genuinely generate real progress to our mother country.

Krisma said to Eduardo; you are the younger man. The first time we saw you. We
thought that you are a loner which we rated your intrapersonal relationship below
average. As the journey progressed upon us, we just realized that you have some decent
public relation skills. Is it because you matured or you are not what we assumed
according to our perspectives. You are still asking these questions? I just wanted to give
you a clear answer. The TFF members you lead will stay with you until the end. If we
will be planning for some splinter movement, based on our principles, we will be simply
staying home. There is no turning back my friend. Either we stopped fighting and die or
we fight to the finish. I once have a high disregard against your violent attitudes. You are
amazing! You justified killing people, who in our eyes too, cannot be redeemed except
after receiving their final judgment into the abyss. Dont worry my younger brother! We

will be joining you regardless of the outcome. Your battle is our battle too. I once told
you that you have bad intrapersonal relationships. Your concern to the country dispelled
my doubt. In friends, you may be choosy but simply choosing decent friends like us.
Eduardo replied Krisma, you are correct my friend! I will remember what we did in Cebu
Beach Club and also what we did here before I closed my eyes when failure comes to me.
Patrick said to Eduardo; dont be so pessimistic. Losing so bad is not our vocabulary.
Especially, it is not your vocabulary to lose to the ones who lacked principles. You are
asking us about the nature of our friendship. It is quite simple! We will be together and be
helping each other before and after the elites. We will be rebuilding our nation until we
are confident that this nation will be fully operational for progress. We wont be leaving
you. I admit we once fought as group of individuals. After we saw many traumas that
pushed us to be cooperative especially, atrocities and chaos done to our country, you are
free to reckon the force of the TFF. Like before, the elites will become the things of the
past like the evil Marcos. Larry answered Eduardo; I may not be answering your
questions in order. The important thing is that I will clarify all my points for the activities
to come. We will not be leaving you. You are our leader. We chose you as our leader. We
owe you our lives. We together saw our country being oppressed by evil individuals. The
TFF is not simply a name for social drinkers! We are Transitional Freedom Fighters.
Eduardo, we will do again what we did to the evil administration. If we will succeed, we
will celebrate it together, if we fail, we will die together. Where are we going to satisfy
our egos and interests? Its treason Eduardo! What we are to achieve tomorrow or make a
last stand for our country is for long term national interests. Trust us Eduardo! We will
not betray you until the end! We will work as a team to make this country strong again.

Krisma added Larry; just as Gordon and Bayani told us, positions and interests are not all
about power and ego. It is dedicating your lives to serve the country. Eduardo told the
TFF that they impressed him. He said; impressing! You are still on fire even beyond the
setting sun! Thats what I called real and principled fighters. We need someone like you.
Patrick said to Eduardo; as we cooperated with each other. If you are made into a
scapegoat, please let the rest of the TFF be the ones to be blamed as well. Your burden is
our burden. Together, we will be cutting the heads of the elites. Pearl answered

Eduardos questions; hmm, to betray you or to leave you is something we will not be
doing to you. It will be against our principles for the country. No lone adventures for the
TFF leader right Krisma? We will work as the nations representatives and one people to
battle all the ills that plagued the nation. We saw you as a great individual though weird
sometimes. Since the bonding in Cebu and this possible final bonding, again, we will not
leave you. We worked not as a leader-member team. We are one in principles and
directions. What we did in Cebu and now signifies the nation reborn. The sunset
symbolized that we are heading toward dark times that we should face to revive our
nation. Like always, in the end, light will triumph over darkness. Please be happy
Eduardo, we are all here to share each others burden and to enjoy our common victory.

The allies told Eduardo that their very first bonding with each other solidified their
relationships to a level they would not expect. Krisma said to Eduardo; since, we met you
in the outskirts of Taguig, we felt that the friendship we had is getting on a higher level in
which we too could not be aware of. Pearl said to Eduardo; it is destiny for us to meet
each other and be close to each other. Patrick said to Eduardo; I hate you doubting our
already solid friendship. Have you not trust us? We are the ones that helped you decimate
the second Marcos era duh! Larry said to Eduardo; we owe our lives to you. I admit you
made me more mature despite, Im the older guy. You just forgot the heat of the action.
You will feel that the TFF is one if the elites attempted to obliterate us. Mark my words
man! Eduardo thanked his allies for being with him in times of happiness and burden.
Krisma replied Eduardo; even cool guys have their being humanness that makes everyone
sad. Eduardo said to the allies; what you told me reassured me that you are one of my
epic friends. We will work together for the good of this dying nation. Thank God that Im
blessed with awesome and patriotic friends. God will bless the city of Marikina. It is
where genuine heroes are born. Marikinians are the most heroic people of the country. It
seems we have a good two hours left. It is six thirty in the evening. Come on! My allies!
Let us swim for an hour.

The allies swam along the shallow waters of the beach. They swam for an hour until they
are finished enjoying themselves in the water. After swimming, they went up and took a

shower in their suites. After taking their showers, the allies changed back to their usual
clothes. They went down to reunite with the chairman to take their evening meals.

The chairman was impressed for the first time; the allies arrived earlier than the chairman
himself. The allies with the chairman ate their dinner meals. After they finished their
meals, hotel personnel desired to have a picture with the chairman and the TFF. Krisma
set her camera with her tripod and a definite time for the flash to occur. The chairman,
TFF and the whole hotel personnel posed for the camera for a picture of a lifetime. The
hotel general manager borrowed the guard his camera to take his pictures along with the
staffs and the allies. The allies with the staffs posed for a couple of shots. The general
manager shook his hands with the chairman and each of the allies. Krisma gave her
memory card and her USB to the hotel personnel telling them that the pictures are totally
theirs. She added that the pictures will be serving as a remembrance for a lifetime.
Bayani asked Krisma; should you be the one uploading the pictures for them? It is your
own cameras accessories. Why give them to strangers? Krisma replied; Im not sure if
we will live tomorrow. Bayani replied Krisma; yes you will! Krisma replied Bayani; it is
what they wanted. I do not need those pictures. They will have beautiful remembrances
of the heroes they met in happier times. If all of us lived, let these personnel upload the
pictures in a photo sharing site. Eduardo said to Krisma; dont get too pessimistic my
friend. Krisma replied Eduardo; I can buy a new memory card and a USB easy. I just
wanted them to be the ones telling our story in case, fate is not favoring us. Eduardo
replied Krisma; you are the one who taught me to fight what is right. We will live! If not,
I assure you, the four of you will live! Please dont die on your brother. He must not be
happy right now of what you meant.

The general manager told Eduardo and Krisma that he will be praying over their safety.
Eduardo thanked the general manager of his concern. Eduardo said to Krisma; I will fight
for you until my very last breath. I will fulfill what your brother told me before he passed
away. We will win the war I assure you! We will live normal lives after that. Krisma
replied Eduardo; Thank You! I do not know how can I repay you? Eduardo replied
Krisma, no need! It is my decision to protect you till the end. I do not want to see my

allies die unnecessary deaths. Bayani approached Eduardo and told him that they will be
leaving after thirty minutes. The allies went back to their suites checked everything again
and locked the doors. Bayani awaited the allies outside the hotel. The allies joined the
chairman as they left for a very important conference that will commence the downfall of
the elites.

P44: Rivals Presentations.

The allies bade the hotel staffs goodbye. The chairman accompanied them to the convoy
that will lead them to one of their superiors headquarters. The allies chatted with Bayani
until they disembarked proceeding to their conference building. The allies entered the
facility along with the chairman. While, they strolled along the facilities, they saw strange
armaments not yet seen even by the powerful states. Krisma asked Bayani; have the
world seen these kinds of weapons? Bayani replied Krisma; I think not! If they had seen
and used these weapons, it will be a quite a story to the magazines and in the news. The
media will sensationalized that story just like they did during the UFO saga. Larry said to
Bayani; you sure chairman? We are not as advanced as the developed countries but we
possessed these kinds of war machines. Incredible! I can subtly conclude that someone is
guiding us to the light. Bayani replied Larry; Im not that sure. I can safely think these
weapons are handed to us by stronger nations. Sorry, if I cannot explain these. Eduardo
responded to Larry; maybe someone saw our sincerity and zeal in trying to fight for
independence for this country? I think they are awed by our dedication. They saw us
doing the right thing. They gave us some resources to assist us on our principles. Krisma
asked Eduardo; who is that someone? Eduardo replied her; someone like generous
foreigners who are impressed at what we are doing.

Pearl said to the allies, I cannot believe what we are doing. It seemed world class! The
allies explored the facilities glimpsing more of these strange war machines. They
eventually got in to the office area where the conference room is located. Before they
reached the meeting room, they rode an elevator going up and accessed the multi coded
conference room door. Bayani simply took care of the codes. Eduardo said to Bayani; I
cannot believe you are doing something more epic. From my perception of you as an

MMDA chairman evolved into a disciplinarian commander, eventually, one of the last
great fighters for independence. WOW!!! Bayani replied Eduardo; that is nothing! Im
just doing what must be done for the greater good.

The chairman and the allies proceeded into the conference room for the final briefing that
will usher the downfall of the elites. The chairman and the allies are the first one to
occupy the conference room. Like always, the higher ranked officers are testing the allies
if they can be genuine fighters for independence. It is clear that the officers are testing the
discipline and dedication of the allies. Moments later, Gordon arrived eventually, the
other officers with their aides to reveal the final plan. Gordon revealed the allies that he is
testing their dedication and disciplines like the previous meetings. He said; havent you
all noticed that we somehow arrived late? You are always the earlier ones? Eduardo
replied Gordon; yes! This is not something new. I know you all are purely dedicated to
strict work ethics for the good of the country. Gordon replied Eduardo; great TFF leader!
Your mind became sharper than before. Are you all ready for the final blueprint for
tomorrow evening? The allies responded a YES to the officers. The colonel asked
Eduardo; are you sure? Our plan for us can be too risky for the TFF. Eduardo replied the
colonel; why risky? Cant you make a safer plan? Anyway, safety is all against us. True
safety will only be acquired after the elites downfall. You gave us a dangerous plan. In
fact, every plan and every move we take, danger will be hovering over us. It is all about
beating that danger and proving it wrong that it can victimize us. Krisma said to Eduardo;
WHAT??? I dont get it. Eduardo exclaimed Krisma emulating one of the colonels; I
OURSELVES PROPERLY TO WIN THE WAR! It is to be away from danger as soon as
we can. It does not negate the dangerous nature of our mission. The colonels aides
advice to Eduardo; please be gentle and loving talking to women. Eduardo replied the
aide; oh! Krisma is so stubborn. She wanted to play with me. I just played her usual game
as a critic of mine. Im also emulating a classic strict colonel voice. It removes the stress
and anxiety of the situation. Gordon said to Eduardo; HAHAHAHA! You matched my
persona! I used to be quick tempered when things do not go according to plan. I scold

people because opportunities and time are way too precious to be ignored. Eduardo
replied Gordon; I love it! You are like me but a more loving one. Krisma added what
Eduardo said; but also a more brutal one especially violence. The colonels aide said to
Krisma; males are too egoistic! Nice work lady Krisma! Larry told the officers; now!
You are all owned. We are all earlier than all of you. The other military officer told Larry
that they are already in the conference room. They are just taking a little break to endure
all the obstacles in revealing the plans. The other colonel said to Larry; by the way! Have
you not heard that we are clearly testing your discipline just for sure! The other colonel
laughed at Larry.

Gordon said to the whole people who are present for the conference; let us start the
conference to end early! The allies seemed disturbed why the conference is promised to
start yet no one wanted to present the plan. Krisma asked; Mr. Gordon, you said that we
are going to start the conference. It seemed your one of your crews is reluctant to
volunteer themselves for the master plan. Gordon replied Krisma; we are waiting
someone! Eduardo replied Gordon; who? Who are all we waiting for? We are already
completed here like the previous meeting. Gordon replied the TFF; you know my
countrymen, the previous meeting is not the same to this nights meeting. Who in each of
you noticed someone familiar in the hotel? Pearl said to Gordon; we do not know. We
enjoyed taking relaxations and quality bonding moments. The chairman should start now
to end this early! Gordon replied Pearl; it is not hard to see that person even you are
doing a lot. Do you notice some of my men are patrolling the hotel? The door opened
revealing Bong Bong Marcos with some military attendants alongside with some

The allies dropped their jaws due to excitement seeing their rival entering the conference
room. Eduardo said to the military officers; who is he to be included on our plan? He is
one of the dictators henchmen. He is the son of the dictator. Regardless of the outcome,
he is with the dictator plaguing all of us. Gordon replied Eduardo; dont worry! He is not
going to destroy us all. He told us the long story. He will now be our reliable fellow.
Bayani asked Marcos; are you sure that you changed your heart? Marcos replied Bayani;

yes! Absolutely yes! I knew the real story. I once loosely involved on plaguing the
nation. I will now pay all my sins to tread the road to redemption. Krisma and Pearl asked
Bong; Marcos! Are you sure of your intentions? We do not want to later realize that a
traitor made our plans resulting to all our destructions! Bong replied the girls; have you
not trust me? If I have a loathing hatred on all of you, I will join the stronger elites to
engineer your deaths. Please be thankful, Im back to my senses to pay all what I have
done to the nation. Eduardo said to Bong; you should be sure or else you will be forced to
fight the TFF again. Though, you already knew the real story, I see that you still have an
ego breakdown against us. Bong replied the allies; TFF!! Im clear that I have a change
of heart. You stubborn youngsters! If you will continue arguing with me then, we shall
abort the plan that will change our country. Bayani told the allies to listen to Bong to start
the presentation. Eduardo told Bong that if he found Bong to be a double agent, he will
thrust his sword to the Marcos scions heart. Bayani told Eduardo to stop and listen!
Eduardo silenced as Bong started to prepare the outline of the plan. Bong said; good
evening honorable freedom fighters, now, we are already showing the nature of the plan.
The plan we are going to present is the final output of our plan. Bong told his aides to
show the map of the Hacienda Luisita. Bong started explaining; this is Hacienda Luisita!
It is composed of farms and a large house. The party will be like this, the hacienda like I
told you all is composed of a cluster of farms with a large house housing the elites. The
elites of course, will be inside the large house to indulge themselves along with their high
profile allies. The lesser privileged friends of the elites along with the farmers will
occupy the tables placed outside the house facing the fences of the farms. The plan is
this! Before you will embark to the journey that will end the elites, you will all be given
with some gadgets that will make us know and see what is happening inside the hacienda.
Our armored vehicles will have some satellites to see what is going inside. Your gadgets
will subtly contact us and let us know what is transpiring inside. This is crucial because
these will serve as a signal to call upon the troops for reinforcement. I once thought you
will bring your weapons inside the van to the hacienda eventually retrieving all of them. I
canceled that plan because of fear of security confiscating your weapons and even
disrupting the final part of the plan. It will also be hazy towards you TFF since, you are

not that very used without these powerful weapons. You will fight for your own without
these awesome weapons.

Now, the context is here again, the elites wanted to trap all of you. What you are going to
do is that you will be dropped off and proceed to meet the elites. The high ranking
officers who will accompany you will not Gordon and Bayani but simply our disguised
troops. The elites as usual will try to intimidate you. They will then, plan to persuade you
to join their messianic mission. Eventually, they will try to force you to be their slaves
offering you possibly congratulatory bounties. Of course, you are men and women of
principles. You will defy their persuasions. The elites will be angered and call their
troops to corner you. You will be forced to use your fighting skills to hold on. That time,
the troops will come crashing to the party. Some will assist the panicking crowd. Some
will kill the elites troops. Some will be giving you your weapons. Be quick TFF, I know
you can do it. What for you beat me yet, cannot own the weaker ones? After you got your
weapons, you can kill, capture, stun or destroy the elites if necessary. I prefer you kill the
stronger tiered elites since they are more dangerous when escaped alive. End of mission!
It is simple! It is playing with their egos and using their egos against them.

Krisma asked; you sucked in planning! I cannot believe a military planner will put his
constituents into real danger! Do you have a safer plan for us? You seemed wanting us to
die in a worthless manner. Please tell me, do you give us a dangerous order to have us all
killed in no time? Bong replied Krisma; little girl! You seemed you are alien to military
missions. The missions of the military may seemed sophisticatedly planned but danger is
always lurking around the corner. To capture important individuals and to fight what is
right, you cannot remove the presence of danger. It is up to all of you to take it or leave
it! Danger is always lurking behind the missions. Especially, what you are all doing! To
fight for independence, I suppose you all knew the danger lurking behind all of you.
Krisma, Im so sorry, if you wanted a safer mission, you have nothing to do tomorrow
but to be send back home. Whoever is afraid of danger will not see the light. Danger is
always there. It is up for all of you to fear it and die or walk through the storms to the
door to freedom. No danger! No genuine change for the country. Eduardo asked Bong;

what she meant is not all about whether the mission will be dangerous or not. We knew
we are in terrible danger to fight for our nation. What we wanted to ask you, here is it, is
that all you planned for this mission? No other safer plans? Bong replied Eduardo; rival!
First, if we are going to storm the palace in no time, we are killing not only the elites but
also the farmers and the already panicking people. Second, the elites will eventually
know what we are planning. You see, these persons are not fools. They knew what their
enemies are planning. The second Marcos era is simply the elites are overpowered by you
and your supporters. Third, it is a subtle way to end their careers. Once they saw you defy
them, they have fallen to their traps of too much obsession to greed and power. Bong
further said; dont worry TFF! We are here by your side. You are all not alone. And last,
it is also a matter of class. They gave you invitations. Please show some class and not
mere barbarism. Resistance will only be used if they planned themselves to kill you as
you are now forced to do battle with them. It is just you do not need to waste many ammo
just to go into the crazy elites. You brought yourself directly into their presence. Gordon
said to the allies; like what Bong said, do not be afraid. If righteousness and principles are
on your side, you will not fear any adversary. The military officer said to Bayani; all is
set! We will fry the elites. Pearl asked Bong; will you give us some whistle blower for all
of you to know that we are already attacked by the elites? Bong answered Pearl; first, we
will see all of you and the activities inside the Hacienda. Second, if we saw all you in dire
danger forced to fight against the elites, we will send our reinforcement. You just have
the right gadgets to let us know what is going on. The elites think that they can fool all of
you. They thought you are too few so that they can butcher you. We will go on our way if
all of you are threatened by the elites.

The colonel asked Bong; it seemed to be a suicide mission; how can you all be sure that
the allies will not get badly hurt before reinforcements distribute their weapons? Bong
answered the colonel; colonel! The TFF is not composed of a bunch of ordinary
youngsters. They are composed of once ordinary youngsters matured into great fighters.
They can handle everything on their own as they wait for their weapons to be distributed.
The old officer asked Bong; what about sending spies to serve as inside jobs to surprise
the elites in no time? Gordon replied the old officer; the end does not justify the means!

We do not send spies to do our biddings. That is called hitting below the belt. We fight
our oppressors in a clean and classy ways. We give dignity even to those whom we do
not like and those who are evil. We will be fighting a fair fight to have our principles and
advocacies intact. The elites too are human beings. They hated to be betrayed. So are we,
if someone pretended to be our allies but turned out to be a spy of our enemy, who will be
happy with that? Of course no one! Let us fight the fair but good fight. The elites wanted
to see some of us. Let us give them a chance. If they resist then we must act. You
underestimated the abilities of the TFF. You will just find out that they will be the leaders
of the future generations. Bong replied the old officer; it is not easy to penetrate their
guards. We will just be wasting decent spies. The elites may seem to be afraid of an
oppressive leader, too they are not so dumb to be aware of someone trying to screw them
up. The plan is set. This will happen tomorrow evening. People fail because they do not
have full confidence to their plan. TFF!!! Please trust all of your allies! We will always
be with you until the end! The only thing we wanted you to have on us is simply trust and
confidence. Eduardo said to Bong; if we found out that you, one of the initiators of the
plan betrayed all of us. You will succumb to my blade.

Bong replied Eduardo; I do not desire to argue more because I have nothing against all of
you as for now. We will be always working for the common interest of the country. You
will soon all learn to trust me. I will all prove it to you that I changed my heart knowing
the truth of my fathers name being misused. Krisma and Pearl told Bong that they will
be looking forward to his sincerity. The officers convinced the allies that Bong is now a
good man. He will be admired by the whole alliance because of his zeal and sincerity.
Bong said to the allies; you will soon realize that you did not waste my votes on me. Im
a gentleman more than the media said about my life. Larry tried to get Bongs final
stance about their weapons. He asked Bong; Sir Marcos! So we are not bringing our
weapons as we make our way to the hacienda vicinity? So you will entrust our weapons
to your trusted weapon retrieval specialists? Bong replied Larry; you will not bring
your weapons along with you. You are right boy! Our specialists will deliver your
weapons for you. We canceled the initial plans of dropping the weapons to the van
because of our fear of confiscation and the plan might not work out properly. The major

general asked Bong; the plan is all about the elites planning to trap the allies eventually
the latter turning the opposite against the elites? Bong replied; ego ruined by ego! Yes it
is, my major general! It is all about the elites wanting to trap the TFF eventually the TFF
will turn the tables against the elites. It is a matter of losing in your own game. Can I
proceed to the summary of the plan? The allies nodded him to go on with the final plan.

Bong summarized the plan to the allies; the context of this mission is all about the elites
wanted to impose their wills on all of you. They wanted to humiliate you seeing that your
battle is a futile one and not winnable. The elites not only wanted to humiliate you all,
they all wanted to persuade you to join their demonic fellowship. They wanted all of you
to be their slaves running the already dying country. Finally, they plan to trap all of you
in case, you defied them. Here is the plan! The plan is all about turning their traps against
those power hungry elites.

At first, the convoy will drop you off in the Hacienda. Of course, it will not be Gordon
and Bayani accompanying you. We will dress some soldiers into high ranking officers to
make the elites think that you are with your commanders. You will be conversing with
the elites of the plan. After defying them, of course, you will all be cornered. They will
call the slave masters to beat you up further trying to humiliate you. That is when the
soldiers will come crashing the party. Some of the soldiers will pacify the maddening
crowd. Others will destroy the slave masters trying to corner you more. Eventually, one
of the soldiers will hand you all your weapons. For convenience issues, I prefer your
weapons to be dropped into one of our weapon retrieval specialists. We will take note
those who will hand the weapons to you. Since, you knew how to fight, cowards are not
allowed! You should think ways of taking advantage of your enemies until you have
something nice to beat them up. Talking of the elites, it is as usual, soldiers will capture
some elites you already pacified. If they tried to escape especially, too dangerous to be
left alive, go kill them all. Like the conventional manners, stun, capture the elites or
destroy the elites. This is the end of the missions summary! Trust me that your weapons
will be handed to those whose abilities we trusted on weapon recovery missions. Sorry,
for saying you cannot bring your weapons. I fear the smart guards might confiscate your

weapons. To finally give my stand on why we are not using spies against the elites, it is
so simple! We wanted the elites to play their own games against us eventually losing in
their own games. What can you say about that? Humiliation and failed ego tripping is
much more brutal than boring chase and kill missions. Ok! Officers and my allies have
a good night!

The allies stared at Marcos a little longer as Bong stared back at them. The leaving
officers patted on each of the TFF members shoulders to boost their confidence and
wishing them good luck. Bayani called the allies to accompany him to his convoys to be
on their way back to their hotel. Gordon said to the allies; I know you all can do it! Trust
what your superiors told you to do. We are sincere for all your safety. Good luck on your
quest to change the country for good. Remember kids, you are not alone! We are all here
for you! Like always! Good night TFF! The allies greeted back the aspiring

The allies accompanied Bayani until they rode to their van on their way back to their
suites. Bong told Gordon that tomorrow is the day where the country will finally achieve
the change it needs. Gordon stared at Marcos as he left the room. Gordon sat again in his
seat and prayed for the safety of the allies.

P45: Presidential Disobedience.

The allies are now on their way back to their respective suites alongside the chairman.
Eduardo asked Bayani; what can you say about Bongs sudden change of heart? Do you
think that he is planning something sinister on us? Bayani replied the TFF leader;
Eduardo! Marcos is not that evil. I heard him in the hotel talking with some of the troops.
He told the troops that he will be helping the freedom fighters to terminate the elites. He
told them the real story and the troops welcomed him on our side. He is sincere as an
individual. He has nothing to fight against except the elites. Larry said to Eduardo; ok!
We may hate Bong because of his superiority complex. The guy is full of pride but he
actually intervened in our favor against our former friend. Pearl said to Eduardo; if not
because of his intervention, we will die for sure. We may not even be reunited having you

alone to fight the dictator. Bayani told Eduardo to trust the younger Marcos for he
genuinely had a sudden change of heart. He may be brash and arrogant. Full of pride but
in terms for the greater good he will fight until the end. Krisma asked Bayani; I have
some between the lines question. What made us take the riskier mission? Bayani
answered Krisma; lady Krisma! You have grown along the journey. You became more
mature and smart at the same time. Bong expressed his reasons. The elites wanted to play
with us. We will play their own games and turn it against them. Actually, there are more
missions that are riskier. Any missions will take too much risk. I think you wanted a lead
and kill mission. That too, presented risks. Many may die too and the troops of the elites
are not to be taken for granted. Krisma, if you wanted to be successful. Please, even for
the last time; you should do what your superiors tell you what to do. They do not intend
to subtly kill you. They are for the greater good of the country. We do not devalue your
services to our alliance. We regard you like our children.

Patrick said to Bayani; chairman! We can do it. Bong is right. Humiliation is a fate worse
than sudden death. It may sound absurd but its so true. A person get decapitated will
receive a nobler death than someone who got their ego played down so bad. Eduardo
replied Patrick; big guy! You are correct assessing that. Do you also refer that to your
rival? Patrick responded Eduardo; a bit of it. That military officer is living in his own
world of fantasy. He thought he can crush all those who stood in his way. He thought that
he is just facing another euphoric youngster. He got his perspectives all wrong.

Bayani told the allies to rest as they are on their way for an hour travel to the hotel. He
told the allies to review what Marcos told them. Eduardo said to the allies; it seemed you
lost a chunk of confidence and trust. Please let me cheer you all out. Like always, as long
we are in the side of good, there is no one who can badly touch us. They may but in the
end, we will be the victors. If we failed, we will be heroes. It is a lot better than living as
a coward for the rest of your lives.
Back in the Hacienda, Noy Noy is peeking through the Hacienda houses balcony. He
reflected what he is going to do in case he gets elected as the president. He thinks how he

can handle the corrupt oligarchs. He is reflecting whether he will be compromising the
likes of the oligarchs or stay tuned his parents principles for the country. He reflected the
sacrifice and legacy brought to him by his parents to be where he is at now. Finally, he
saw the suffering farmers working for the whole day for just ten pesos a day. He felt deep
compassion to their suffering laborers in contrast to his idle and luxurious relatives.
Peping and Lopez approached the leading presidentiable. Lopez said to Noy; you
seemed so different? I think you are preparing yourself to be the president we desired.
Peping said to Noy; good work my nephew! News said that you are leading further from
the first runner up. We can count the tallies with a limit of a week to know the results.
You will soon fulfill the plans your parents have for this country. You will help us make
the country richer. Lopez said to Noy; what to do my man? It feels so good to have the
country in your hands. You have two masters the masses and the oligarchs. I bet you
should be serving the oligarchs because in their hands only our country will get what it
wants. Elizalde greeted Noy a wonderful night. He said to Noy; be the president! Make
your uncle proud! Let us fool and topple the remnants of those who hated the Cojuangco
name. Hating the Cojuangcos means stripping the country of her freedom!

Peping stared deeply into his nephew. He told his nephew is never the same. He became
even more serious and not the jolly man he used to know. Peping said; for your parents
and the whole Filipino people, for those heroes who stood against tyranny in the 1986
Peoples Power Revolution, I will test your capability to solidify your stature to rule the
country. I have one question for you to answer. After you get elected, what you are going
to do to the oligarchs who made tremendous contribution to our country? What you are
going to do with our Hacienda? Noy gulped deeply and attempted to answer his uncles
questions. Noy answered Peping, uncle! No personal issues involved here. I will just
answer what my party aimed for this country. The oligarchs are welcome to further their
influence for the country. I know they have made a lot of contributions to our economy.
One thing I will not tolerate them is to abuse their powers. I will not give in to their
compromises. Some of them thought that I tolerate their activities similar to my mothers
time yet, I will not allow them to creep in to our system that will damage the peoples

trust in us. I do welcome all of you as investors but to dominate the country into
conglomerate dictatorship, like my father, I will stand to all evil in society. I will uphold
justice because people believed in us. Peping replied Noy; wonderful answer! You must
not forget those who put you into presidency. Without these people, you are worthless!
How about our Hacienda? Noy answered his uncle; uncle! Please dont be offended. Im
just trying to help our farmers. They too are our fellow Filipinos and some got convinced
on our partys platforms. The Hacienda is receiving series of already alarming criticisms.
Filipinos are not happy to see our farmers are forced to work with underpayment. Im
advising all of you to divide the Hacienda to the farmers who put their heart and soul to
the fields they ploughed with their sweats. Uncle, you will not lose the Hacienda itself. It
is only a matter of sharing. We all wanted to see our countrymen live decent lives right?
So let us divide our land for them. Let us give them their shares fairly! Change is not to
be relied solely to the leaders. All the citizens must have a change of heart to make
change works for a long term period.

Peping sported an angry look at his nephew. Lopez and Elizalde gave Noy a shocked
look. They called the guards to hear what their presidentiable is speaking. Peping told
Noy; you are a communist like your father! Isnt it? You disappointed your superiors!
Guards! Please beat this guy! NOW!!!!! Peping punched Noy into the face. Noy laid flat
on the ground. The slave masters remorselessly took orders from the Cojuangco. They
beat Noy senselessly into a bloody pulp. Peping stepped upon his nephews beaten self.
He said to Noy; you remembered who supported you to assure a high standing in the
survey? Noy answered Peping; the people wanted me because they believed in me. You
all have no roles in putting me in my place. Peping answered Noy; really huh? He
stepped upon his bloodied nephew. He said; people regarded you as a mentally ill
presidentiable. You should all thank us and the elite clans for we are the one that made
you where you are. Surveys you say are product of peoples conscience? We have many
connections to blind the people of who you really are. We assured you a high standing to
do our biddings you understand? Your mothers death seemed to be the chain reaction
that gave you guts to run? Lopez, please come here! Explain to this proto human brained
bastard the truth!

Lopez stepped upon Noys head while the slave masters are constantly beating Noy.
Lopez said; your mothers death is not sufficient to assure you a win to the president. In
fact, Nicanor Perlas and JC De Los Reyes are more competent that your pea sized brain.
Lopez stepped upon Noys hand. Noy cried in agony. Lopez continued; without ABSCBN, you will not have even a slim chance of winning the election. Thanks to my station
which keeps producing documentaries about your parents like a broken record! We all
handled all your endorsements and hypes to make you win. You disappointed us! You
hate the oligarchs? You deserved what you got. Guards please beat him even more. Noy!
Enumerate this! Kris, documentaries, life stories and news coverage alone are your
chances to win. Anything outside them doesnt make you an eligible candidate at the first

Peping told his nephew that not to keep his promise with the oligarchy meant treason. It
is disregarding them of their full potentials. He further said, NOY! ADMIT THAT YOU
WILL HAUNT YOU OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! Noy said to his uncle and the
elites; because of you, the Filipinos are forced to believe in saints that turned out to be
demons! Believing in these kinds of perspectives will force them into lifes resignations.
Truth will come out! The saints they once believed will be turned into demons! Noy
coughed blood.

Slave masters continued to brutalize him whipping him into shreds. Peping told his
nephew that his sister is nave. She is too idealistic only to see her vision crumbled into
the ground. He told Noy that Corazon should not have him born into the cruel world.
Peping grabbed Noy and gutted him. Lopez equipped his pistol pointing his gun at the
beaten presidentiable. He said; you literally disappointed all of us. Do not be idealistic!
Be realistic! You should realize that the country revolved among our influence. You
should not do something that will disappoint us. You do not know how we can get angry.

Truly, we are overpowering opponents when you pissed us off. Our affair WITH you is
over! It is time to rule the country through the conglomerates of the elites. It is the end of
our game! Democracy is just at the hands of the oligarchy! Benigno Simeon Aquino the
third, we thought you are our representative adding a reliable leader unto us. We are
badly mistaken! We hyped you to be a congressman, a senator and eventually a president
is virtually all over! You have nothing more to expect from us. Guards! Take that loser
out! Peping said to the guards! DUMP HIM IN NEARBY ZAMBALES SO PEOPLE

Those who wanted to divide Hacienda Luisita are people who knew no concept of
ownership. Pitiful Filipinos right my friends? Elizalde shook his head told Peping; yes
they are! They did not improve. They are too blind to see reality. Enough of the yellow
bandwagon! It is time for the oligarchy to work as one for the country. Tomorrow, the
allies will be invited and be butchered for our feasts. Noy Aquino is just a placebo effect.
In fact, his parents did less than Marcos himself. I just do not like Marcos for being over
tyranny. Lopez said to the duo; whoever will free the country, it will be the oligarchy.
Resources, power, influence and contributions all speaks for itself. Now, we should not
be relying to an overblown disobedient bum. Peping said to Elizalde; Marcos is the better
president. I agreed with you, I just do not like conflict of interests. For my nephew, it is
an innocent game turned nightmare for him. In the end, like you, Lopez said, we will be
the saviors.

The coffins of the TFF will all be prepared via reservation to our nearby funeral homes.
Lopez said to Peping; I like what you did to Noy Noy. He is a spoiled brat. Things will
not be always at your favor. It is good you woke him up to reality! People like him will
just make everyone waste their time and energy all for nothing. The guards continued to
beat Noy Noy until he was carried into a van going to be dumped into the wastelands of

P46: Loving Your Enemy.

Noy was beaten severely until the slave masters took him into their van to dump him
somewhere in the wastelands of Zambales. As the slave masters vehicles arrived into the
vicinity of Zambales, Peping called his men to kill Noy Noy once and for all. The men
grabbed the presidential aspirant as they proceed to throw him to the said site.

While the slave masters are carrying Noy to finally shoot him, the allies arrived into the
scene. Bayani asked the driver; why did we stop? Cant we proceed back to our hotel?
Eduardo said to Bayani; sir! It seemed those men are the same slave masters we
encountered. Bayani replied; I know! Krisma told Bayani that she saw a beaten up Noy.
Eduardo told the chairman that he will help the beaten aspirant. He said to Bayani; please
let your men help me assist the wounded presidentiable. Eduardo went out from the van
with some of the chairmans men to help the beaten presidentiable. He disposed the slave
masters that tried to dispose of Noy. As Eduardo and the chairmans men proceeded to
help Noy, they were in deep trouble. Slave masters all over their corner. Eduardo grinned
and assisted the chairmans men to dispose the slave masters that wanted to ambush the

After making a short work of the hacienderos, the TFF leader and the troops put Noy into
the other van as they proceeded back to their hotel. Eduardo after he went in to the van
told the allies that the number one contender got mauled black and blue big time. Krisma
replied Eduardo; who could have done this? I do not think our troops are responsible to
that. Eduardo replied Krisma; of course not! It is the elites that wanted to kill Noy Noy.
Larry said to Eduardo; arent the Cojuangcos are his own relatives? Why wanted to put
him down. Patrick replied Larry; Cojuangcos are Noys relatives but they do not care
bloodlines and relatives in case their powers and interests are at stake. Krisma said to
Bayani; poor Noy! I do not think being number one is all about the people liking him.
Lopez brainwashed the masses collaborating with the Cojuangcos. Bayani replied her;
dont add too much controversy. The man is beaten up in a bloody manner. Kids! Not all
Cojuangcos are evil. It is just the higher tiered ones. Pearl said to Eduardo; if we have not
arrived, the so called hope of the country is down for good. Eduardo responded Pearl; I

think there is something Noy wanted to do that made his superiors angry at him. Anyway,
I do not want to judge so fast. Let us talk to him if he is ok back to our hotel. Pearl asked
Bayani; should we instead go to a nearby hospital to heal Noy?

Bayani told the driver to go to a nearby hospital to treat the beaten presidentiable. Larry
said to Eduardo; it took many guts to brave the ambushing scene. Eduardo replied Larry;
for me, I believe Im doing the right thing. There is no way harm can get in my way. As
allies, we are prepared always even for the worst. Pearl said to Bayani; sir! Poor
presidentiable the Aquino guy, he is so innocent having high hopes in the country, now,
he is one of his clans disposables. Poor guy! If I were him, I will end my senate term and
have a decent business. Can I heal the presidentiable? Bayani replied Pearl; you are a
good hearted girl. You made your university and your mentors proud. Again, you will
contribute your professionalism by doing the harder thing to do. It is by healing our once
irritating enemy. I admit that it will take a higher level of maturity to love your enemy.
Pearl replied the chairman; yes sir! Nurses in times of healing should have no
discrimination between friend and enemy. All are equal. They all needed to have decent
medical services. Eduardo replied Pearl; you planned to do the harder thing to do. I salute
you! May God send more people like you! Pearl responded to Eduardo telling him that it
is a matter of ethics that should be followed.

The allies instead of proceeding into their hotel, they went to a nearby medical center in
order to have Noy treated as soon as possible. The allies arrived at the hospital calling the
doctors to treat the beaten presidential aspirant as soon as possible. The doctors and staffs
went out to assist Noy into the operating room. Pearl told the allies that she will volunteer
to look after Noys well being. Pearl along with the doctors and staffs carried Noy Noy
into the operating room. The allies followed their friend and the beaten presidentiable to
the operating room. The doctor told them to wait outside as he will be the one to inform
them about Noys medical status. Bayani advised Eduardo not to ask too many questions
if Noy recovered. He told Eduardo that the bloodied president needs more recovery
before he can be back to his normal health. The allies stayed outside the operating room
as they wait for the result of Noys surgery.

Shortly, the doctor went out to discuss Noys status to the allies. The doctor approached
the chairman and said to him; Aquino is badly beaten black and bruised. His head
suffered many bruises. His body suffered many lacerations. He lost significant amount of
blood. We applied many stitches into his bodys lacerated parts. We transfused him to
make up his lost blood count. Whoever did this to him is not a human anymore. Talking
of his status, he is already stable. Please wait, as we applied more medications into his
body. Please wait for a while so we can go together to bring him into his hospital room.

Eduardo said to Bayani; I see the worry in your eyes. I remembered being brought into
the hospital after my near fatal duel with Bong. Bayani replied Eduardo; of course! He is
a human being. We value lives. Although Noy may be our one time enemy, I just cannot
help but feel compassion to a sincere political opponent. He may be incompetent but it
does not mean we are going to destroy his human dignity. If he is incompetent, still, he
can do even a small part for his country. The country is not having a shortage of
competent individuals. Many people different ways yet one goal. Remember this young
man! Eduardo replied Bayani; I felt so much sorrow seeing a sincere candidate suffer just
because he goes against those who tried to exploit him. Yes! He is incompetent but his
aims and platforms are genuinely set up for the country. Being incompetent does not put
you below humanity. Im young but I have my own ways to help the country. I may not
be as smart as Marcos but this mission is for the country. Larry said to Eduardo; what a
humble effect? You are laughing at Noy! Dont fool me. You felt a bit arrogant since you
beat Marcos isnt it? Eduardo faced Larry telling him; Larry, Im not critical. Im just too
objective to assess things. You see, Noy has great plans for this country. The only things
I fear for this country is that Noy is chewing more than he can swallow. I just do not want
the Cory saga to repeat again. Krisma said to Eduardo; do not call him incompetent.
Eduardo replied Krisma; you hypocrite, you called him one too. Dont think I have not
remembered what we have talked about. Bayani told Eduardo to shut up and watch his

Pearl went out with the doctors along with Noy. They told the allies to follow them into
the room where Noy will be staying. Bayani approached the doctor and asked him; is he

ok? How grave are his injuries? How long before he can fully recover? The doctor
replied the chairman; Noys case is simple. He is brutally mauled with bruises all over his
head and some of his body parts. His torso and part of his legs are lacerated badly. We
infused him blood to make up the loss and have him continue living stably. We put many
anti tetanus to his wounds. He put medications to his injuries eventually bandaging him
to feel comfortable for now. Dont worry! He will live. It is far from having cancer or
cardiac arrest. Eduardo thanked the doctor who saved the oppressed presidentiables life.

Krisma approached Pearl and asked her; how was it? Pearl answered Krisma; as always,
Im used in handling victims of physical injury. We put medications added blood to make
up for the loss, anti tetanus and eventually bandaging him up. Krisma replied Pearl;
congratulations for your treatment of a high profile client. I hope this country will not run
out of nurses like you. Pearl thanked Krisma for the compliment she made. Krisma
replied Pearl; that is a feat! Being lacerated and severely beaten would have less chance
of living. Imagine Jesus. Pearl smiled back to Krisma as they are on their way to Noys
room. Krisma thanked Pearl of her daring effort to rescue the life of Noy. She admitted
that she cannot easily love those who insulted her and the TFF. Pearl reminded Krisma of
the Sermon of the Mount. Krisma said to Pearl; Im going to call this an epic day for the
TFF. Loving people who insulted us last afternoon is a feat. It takes much patience and
understanding to do it. May I pray I will do the same thing dealing with people around
me! Pearl told Krisma to stop being too emotional. She told Krisma that it is not Noy who
is bad rather the relentless elites.

The allies escorted Noy and the doctors to their assigned room. While they are strolling
along the hospital on their way to their assigned room, many people have mixed feelings.
Some felt pity to the fallen aspirant, some felt that the presidentiable reaped what he sow,
some of the people said that Noy while unaware, sustained cold dosages of reality.
Finally, some said that Noy is beginning to lose his confidence feeling the pressures of
those around him.

The allies along with the medical staffs assisting the fallen aspirant proceeded further
until they entered their assigned room. The hospital staffs went inside to Aquinos
assigned room to arrange the room for the aspirant to stay for recovery. The staffs
eventually put Noy Noy into his bed for him to recover. Eduardo and his TFF members
approached Noy and observed what happened to him. Pearl saw the face of Eduardo full
of sympathy. She said to the TFF leader that Noy is now in stable condition. The doctor
told the chairman that Noy will have a minimum of five days to more than week before
he can be discharged. The doctor asked his staffs; who wanted to take care of our high
profile patient? Pearl answered the doctor; doctor! I shall watch for the rest of the night.
The other male staff answered the doctor that he will help Pearl to take care of Noy. The
doctor told everyone that everything has been set properly.

The doctor along with his crew left the room for the TFF to watch over the fallen
aspirant. Noy uttered some words as he wanted to say something to the allies. Eduardo
told Noy to rest first. He told Noy that he can say anything he wanted after taking a
decent rest. Noy still wanted to have a conversation with the TFF. He is too weak to utter
solid words. All he could utter is simply gibberish words. Bayani told Noy to calm down
and rest. Bayani said to allies; it is already one in the morning tomorrow, we will have
some important encounters with the elites. We should now go back to our hotel. Since
Noy is here and needed some heavy security, who wanted to stay here with Noy Aquino?
Eduardo and Krisma raised their hands. Pearl is not included because she is assigned to
take care of Noy for night and morning shifts straight. Eduardo told Bayani; I will be
staying with him. He wanted to tell something important. I will be here in case, he plan to
say something important about the elites. Krisma said to Bayani; I wanted to know more
about the elites and the truth behind his campaign chairman.

Larry and Patrick told Krisma that she should not worry about her luggages because they
will bring them to her by tomorrow midday. Krisma thanked her male friends. Bayani
said to the two; now we are leaving. I will place some troops to guard you for the whole
night. I will be back by tomorrow late morning. Good night children! Bayani along with
Larry and Patrick left the medical center. Bayani told the duo that before they spend the

night in their suites. They should assist him to go to the receptionist to make some room
adjustments. After they arrived in the hotel, Bayani made some adjustments at the hotel.
He told the receptionist that they can cancel his suite. He paid the receptionist the cost of
his stay in order to lessen possible troubles. He checked out the suite where Eduardo and
Krisma supposed to stay. He also paid the cost of the partially used suite. Bayani told
Larry and Patrick that they will be using one room in order, to save more money. Larry
asked Bayani; why you paid the whole price? You have not yet stayed a full night in the
hotel. Bayani replied Larry; it is already dawn. It will disturb the moods of the hotel staffs
if we wanted to negotiate about the room issues. Just let it be young man! Whatever
argument there is, the bottom line is that we have not wasted anything. We all used our
rooms somehow. Whatever the story is, the price still is reasonable not far from the fixed
price. Ok! Let us sleep now! We are going to visit them by tomorrow to bring them some

While spending the night at the medical center, Eduardo called the hospital staffs to
arrange them some sofas in order for the occupants to rest comfortably. He called for four
sofas since the room is big, it can make the occupants watch over the presidentiable
aspirant without much difficulty. After the sofas have been set, Eduardo took a look at
the beaten presidentiable as he slowly fell asleep. Krisma blanketed herself as she prayed
for the quick recovery of Noy Aquino and closed herself to sleep. Pearl and the male
medical staff looked over the Aquino scion. They made some whispering remarks to their
friends while they are asleep.

P47: Forbidden Nightmare.

While Eduardo is deep asleep, he dreamt something he would not expect to dream. In the
dream, Eduardo found out he is talking with apparitions clad in corporate attires. One of
the apparitions said to Eduardo; you have done a good job for the country. What you all
are doing will ultimately seal your victory for the country. Eduardo asked the apparition;
who are you? Have we met before? The apparition answered; it is a long story for a
person who used to be with us but forgot who he really is. Eduardo replied the apparition;
sorry, I do not know all of you. My victory will be sealed for this countrys progress. One

of the apparitions joined the apparition that talked with Eduardo he said; think in a broad
manner. That is why we appeared in your deepest sub conscious to remind you your true
mission and who you really are. Eduardo replied the other apparition; do not put some
mysticism into our quest. No mystery except we are going to put genuine progress to the
country. The apparition replied; fool! You think you are good and the elites are evil?
Eduardo said to the apparitions; absolutely! They must all be eliminated and be tried in
the name of justice. The apparition replied Eduardo; if we are going to say who you
really are, you might go insane and even murder your friends. The apparitions laughed
menacingly. Eduardo replied the apparitions; I think you are the ones that wanted to
conquer the country. You are using the elites and Marcos to further your aims. I will not
tolerate you to conquer the country through power and deception! I will find who you
really are and put an end to you! The lady apparition responded to Eduardo; really? You
think this is a fight for good and evil? Eduardo responded the lady; yes it is! We will even
further go to knock all of you out. After the elites, I will go against their masters to stop
stripping the dignity of this country.

The lady apparition replied Eduardo; you are nave. What became of you after you came
here to the Philippines? I think you were absorbed into the vile culture of the Filipinos.
You are not used to be sentimental. Your heart is for the brown race. You are not making
us proud. The white skinned apparition said to Eduardo; dont you know your nave
mentality is totally wrong and delusional? Like Danding said, literally, you are living in
your own world of fantasy. Eduardo said in a loud manner; NO!! Im not! Im for the
good of this nation. I will help the Filipinos at all cost. Even I die a brutal death! The
white skinned apparition replied Eduardo; to tell you the truth, you are not someone you
claim for your allies. This chaos saga is just a drama! Eduardo replied the white skinned
apparition; WHAT??? The white skinned apparition replied Eduardo; dont talk after I
have completed my statements! You already heard the elites are revealing that we are the
true masterminds of the chaos. We enjoyed engineering Marcos for our ends. We are
about to destroy the elites ourselves! You believed in the battle of good and evil in this
chaotic saga right? Well to tell you the truth; Gordon and the TFF are never in the side of
good. They are just part of this drama. It is all up to you to find out whose behind. What

Im trying to reveal is that you all believed in mere sentiments full of half truths. We are
not totally in the sides of the elites. We are subtly controlling even within your alliances.
If we did not intervene along your journey, you will all die. Every chaos has a beginning
and eventually a cure. Yes, the elites are under us to have us total seizure of the country
for true and eternal progress. You should all not forget; the weapons you all use came
from us. It is pitiful to have someone being deluded and prone to believe in half-truths
though he can be more than that!

The apparition further added what the white skinned apparition said; it is a win-win
situation for all of us. The elites killed, it is still okay for us. The winner is also in our
side. That will be you and the TFF. You do not simply know what lies beyond all your
future. Gordon and Bayani too are ignorant of the totality of their allies.
HAHAHAHAHA!! For us, the future will be simple, total rebuilding of the country for
the name of the New Ezarran Empire. Eduardo replied the apparitions; you cannot fool
all of us. After we get done to the elites, we will cooperate with each other to expose who
you really are. I along with the TFF will stop at nothing until we gave the country total
progress. The old apparition laughed at Eduardos silly remarks he said to the TFF leader;
you all are nothing if not without our military supports. You will all die in no time with
Marcos making you all as slaves. Can I tell you your real aim?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Eduardo Pizarras, is it fun to lie to your allies as an oppressed

and concerned being? Like you always believed that you are full of half-truths but not the
truth! You introduced yourself as a concerned citizen and a loner to fight for the country?
You are worst than Bonifacio! Do you have amnesia or just pretending dumb? Eduardo
answered the old apparition; Im after for the good of the country. The old apparition
replied; half-truths! Let me tell you the disturbing truth. You are once an officer serving
us and our new emperor in Ezarra. We originally accompanied you to survey a dying
nation in Earth. You told us that we can make our first move. You even said it is up to us
to make the necessary move. You are full of lies. You are good in acting dumb. You
loathed Marcos and the elites also our aims to rebuild this country. You self centered
bastard! Good and evil in this saga are nothing but part of the bigger picture. No one in

this country win or lose, it is just pure destruction and purification. You now know who
you really are! Instead, of aligning with the TFF for a lifetime, I urged you to remember
who you really are. You cannot do anything but to end the drama. You all have no certain
future lurking beyond but submission. You disgusted with the elites NOW YOU KNOW
US JOIN US JOIN US JOIN US JOIN US JOIN US (10X). Eduardo told the apparitions;
WHAT IS RIGHT! The apparitions simultaneously replied to Eduardo; YOU ARE NOT
YOU TRIED TO AVERT. Eduardo replied; NEVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

Eduardo woke up and saw Pearl and Krisma trying to wake him up. Krisma asked
Eduardo; what is happening to you? You seemed disturbed and exhausted? Pearl asked
Eduardo; what is the content of your dream? I think you are having a violent nightmare.
Eduardo answered them; the elites masters wanted me to join them. They wanted me to
abandon all of you to fulfill their goal. I love the TFF and will not leave them no matter
what happened. Pearl told the male staff to give Eduardo a glass of water. Krisma said to
Eduardo; I see! Eduardo, we are all here for you. If you have problems please do not
hesitate to talk with us. Krisma rubbed Eduardos chest as he drank a glass of water.
Eduardo told Krisma and Pearl that they will all fight till the end to assure no oppressive
forces will take advantage of their country.

Pearl told Eduardo to pray and take a decent rest. Krisma told Eduardo not to think much
to relax his mind. Krisma accompanied Eduardo in the sofa to observe him more.
Eduardo said to Krisma; remember always! I will not join the elites and their mysterious
lords even it means promising me untold wealth. My friends are my greatest treasures
here and beyond.

Krisma jokingly told Eduardo that she will put some battle discs for Eduardo to retaliate
the super elites in case, he was tormented again. Eduardo and Krisma rested sharing a
sofa in a seated position. They awoke three hours later. As the two awoke, Pearl said to
the two that she is praying for them to deliver them from demonic spirits. Eduardo
thanked Pearl for her concerns for him. Eduardo saw Noy regaining consciousness
possibly due to hearing Eduardos cries moments after he awoke from his nightmare. The
male staff told Eduardo that Noys recovery seemed to be interrupted by Eduardos
nightmare. The staff told Noy to relax and go back to rest. Noy seemed wanted to talk
with Eduardo as he told the staffs that he felt a lot better since his stay in the hospital.
Eduardo credited Pearl of her sincerest prayers for his relief. Krisma told Noy to rest
more in order to make his recovery even faster.

P48: Reviving the Spirit of Democracy.

Noy told Krisma that he had a quite and decent rest. He told Krisma and the staffs that he
is a lot better for now. He told the staffs not to worry about him. He called Eduardo to
have a conversation with him. Eduardo said to Noy; you need much rest. Noy replied; I
feel much better. I just wanted to talk with you even for a while. Eduardo said to Noy; I
hope I can give you a decent conversation. Noy replied Eduardo; just short important
facts. Eduardo said to Noy; go on! Im listening. Pearl said to Noy; it seemed you are
having a private and confidential conversation. We will go outside for a while. The
guards are here for you. Page us if you are done. Noy replied Pearl; you all should know
this important fact. You are all welcome to stay. This is not between us but for the whole
country to know. Krisma said to the staffs; we must listen to them. What they talked
about may give us some clue to unravel the mysteries of the elites. Noy remarked Krisma
that she is welcome to stay to hear the conversation. He told Krisma not to interrupt until

he finished talking. Noy said to Eduardo; before we are going to delve what happened to
me, I will tell my story from my filing of candidacy to the day democracy born within
me. Since, my mother died, people from all walks of life felt that the candle of freedom
lost its light. They told me to run to be their next leader. I told them that I will take my
time to think before I file my candidacy. The people pressured me so bad and visualized
me as the next Ninoy. They believed in me. They believed in my limited capability that I
can bring genuine change to this nation. At the same time, elites heard me almost making
up my mind. They also pressed me to run. At first, I assumed they sincerely wanted me to
bring genuine change. Reviewing what the whole country wanted me to be, I filed my
candidacy. The elites prepared to use all their means to assure that I will win. They did all
they can from ads, propaganda, media, corporate endorsements and many more. They
have even gone to the extent of totally destroying Villars reputation in my favor. I ran
not because they almost assured my victory. I wanted to run because of the peoples
pleas. They believed in me like Obama for the Americans. I wanted the people to know
the Aquinos are there to serve not to be served. As the election period is coming, the
elites did their best to stain the reputations of my rival candidates. You seemed once
thought Villar is doing a Machiavellian deed. It is no different from my rich supporters.
If you knew what they did, Villars Machiavellian deed is just childs play. As the
election period is nearing, the elites did a lot of things which the people might get
shocked if they found out. They tried to use the Aquino name as a stepping stone so as a
shield to further their agendas. They tried to manipulate me to do their biddings
reminding me that it is not the people who will make me win. It is the same old elites that
will assure my presidency. They told me that like Cory, we will cooperate with each
other to run the country. Some of them even told me to set aside the people. To do
nothing but to expand the assets is what they meant. I once heard them said that Aquinos
are the exterior as guardians of democracy but behind the scenes are spirits that promoted
selfish interests. Eduardo said to Noy; thank God, you are also smart! I thought you are
already stupefied by these individuals. Krisma said to Noy; you know what is going on
yet, you cannot stop them? Noy replied Krisma; I will do what must be done to stop them
after I get elected. If I do it prior to my presidency, I will be helpless to protect the
people. As always good men fight for evil, they cannot stand the pain so they acted

prematurely. You see what became of me now after upholding the Aquino principles.
Eduardo replied to Noy; tough job! What a brave person! Your mother I heard braved the
post Marcos abuses to the people. Marcos is great but his spoiled wife with the ancient
chauffeur took advantage of the incapacitated strong man. Interesting! Keep it coming
brother! Noy continued his story; you thought Im a totally manipulated and helpless
individual in the conference. Im ready to explode but I do not know how. I fear that I
may disappoint the masses. The elites might be angry at me blackmailing me as someone
stupid and mentally challenged. Pearl said to Noy; I changed my perception of you from
a puppet figure to a person who has class. The male staff said to Noy; Im happy you
braved these dangerous men. Noy replied the staff; Im not brave enough to see people
turning against me making me helpless to protect them from these men. I planned that I
will not compromise with them after I became a president. Anyway, most of their
agendas will not benefit the masses but only for themselves. You know people, principles
and redemptive qualities chose no time. They always show themselves caring not for
some distant right time. Principles and change will have a huge price to pay but worth the
intensity of the victory in the end. Eduardo said to Noy; no doubt people will pay a heavy
price in the name of democracy and change. I salute you! Let the spirit of democracy be
upon us to win the great battle ahead. Krisma asked Noy; did you say you will not allow
compromise that will not benefit the people in the conference? Noy replied Krisma; I did
not mean it a hundred percent. I felt some fear as the cronies and the elites glared their
eyes upon me. Only to see what happened to my relatives own workers, the fire deep
within my heart razed brighter than the moon in the night sky. I may have been beaten so
bad but unbowed. Krisma replied Noy; ok! I accept that valid answer. Its just the elites
are good in one thing, to expand their riches only to benefit themselves. I can say they are
not realistic. They are proficient in projecting democratic illusions.

Eduardo replied Noy; I love your tale. This is total freedom. Is it ok for me to advice you
something? Noy told Eduardo that he is free to talk. He told Eduardo that he will take
more rest but he will be very interested to hear what he wanted to say. Eduardo told Noy
that he will start saying something to encourage him more. He said to the aspirant; you
have told me a redeeming story. My perspectives of you varied over time. Today is the

only day it changed permanently. From a man who seemed to rely on the Aquino name to
a man who used his name and proved what his name stood for. You have told me you are
being manipulated by those behind you. I salute what you have done. You have defied
those who must be defied. You stood against them to save the weak. You have my words.
My allies perspective of you will change. What Im telling you is that you have done the
right thing. What happened to you should not be thought of as a misfortune. Great people
suffered because they stood for the right thing. They have fought the good fight.
Principles like I said chose no time. It will react on its own for the benefit of the country.
I have read many sources telling me that your parents challenged the corruption of
tyranny that plagued our country. Your father challenged the already incapacitated
Marcos regime. Your father got killed yet the spirit of democracy did not die with him.
Your mother continued your fathers battle. Along with the Filipinos, they ousted one of
the darkest reigns of this country has seen. Now, we are against a group of people who
are far dangerous than Marcos. They themselves revealed that they are contacting other
beings to rule this country. Im glad you consistently upheld the ideas of your parents.
Your parents might be accused as someone part of the corrupted picture, but you should
not gullibly believe them. The elites are our real enemies. They made your parents along
with the Filipinos life burdened beyond imagination. You used to follow the elites but
now you defended the weak. The elites as always do not like people who will stand in
their ways. Noy Noy Aquino, you stood what you and the Filipinos believed in. It is
nothing more but genuine and long term change! You have been disowned and beaten up
like me because we believed something that is against the opposing forces ideals. The
people believed in you. Do not feel you are all alone. We, the TFF along with our
superiors will join you to fight against the elites. Noy, I thank you that you did not
succumb into the corruption made by your mothers elite supporters. You are always in
the side of good. You are so sincere to prove that the votes the people made unto you will
worth it. Tonight, we will be fighting our battle against your oppressors. I once thought it
is all about the TFF making change but it is not. Tonight will be OUR battle. This is the
battle that will change the history of the country out of oligarch oppressors! Benigno
Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III, you have shown us and proved us that you too knew how
to walk the talk. You shown us you can back what your parents believed in. Thank you

sir! Your relatives and once allies might have left you. You lost a home that is dear to
you but you found a better home in our presence. The TFF will be on your side to finish
the fight we all started. We will fight together the fight that will ultimately seal the faith
of our country. Noy, your presidential priorities might be derailed by the ones who
supported you but in our eyes, you are more than a president. Thank you sir! You have
demonstrated us how the Aquino name stands for.

Krisma said to Eduardo; yuck! You are full of drama Eduardo! Eduardo replied Krisma;
you too, you can say what you want to Noy Aquino. Let us have a speech contest. The
male staff said to Krisma and Eduardo; please let the aspirant rest. He needs to recover
more. Noy said to the staff; Im alright both of them are smart people. I can rest after
hearing them both utter inspiring words. Eduardo and Krisma; I thought you are
condemning me in the conference but I accepted that. Redemption can cover up all evil
deeds like the death of Christ. Now, I thanked the TFF and their allies for letting me live
again despite their enemy. Eduardo said to Noy; I know you are a sincere individual who
wanted nothing but to serve those who believed in you. As long someone who will do
anything to make the country progressive, we will be welcome to help them. By the way,
Im Eduardo Pizarras the leader of the TFF. TFF is used to be Krisma and her friends
social drinking friendship acronym. I and Bayani changed the TFF into Transitional
Freedom Fighters. This is Krisma Marcelino; she is my friend and one of the members of
the TFF. Sorry that we forgot to introduce ourselves. Noy replied the allies; no problem,
the elites introduced you to me but in a bad light. While you are all talking to each other,
I heard all your names because you are always mentioned by each other haha. Pearl said
to Noy; thats what a kind of leader I like, principled and willing to take risk for the better
cause. Noy replied to the TFF; I do not know how to repay all of you. I thought you are
very angry with me so you will finally end my life but you all saved me. Thank God that
I have found a better home where the consciousness of the people are closer than the self
centered oligarchs. Pearl said to Noy; come on! We are going to put some medications on
you. Please stay put after that, you can rest as sound as you can.

The door knocked as Bayani, Larry and Patrick entered the room. They brought some
food for Aquino and Krismas luggage. Krisma asked Bayani; sir, are the clothes for
Eduardo are in my luggage? Bayani answered Krisma; yes young lass! We do not want
Eduardo to wear his old clothes in the heat of the battle. We would not forget things fit
for our hero. Patrick said to Krisma; why should we forget the clothes of your younger
brother? I know you are too concerned of the younger man. Krisma replied Patrick; you
all are full of gossips. Please stop it and get a life. Bayani asked Noy; are you ok? Im
sorry of all we said in the conference. We do not know you are a man who is willing to
take the costs just for the ones who believes in you. Noy replied Bayani; Im a lot better.
It will take a couple of days for me to recover. Your boy Eduardo encouraged me even
more to fight harder for the country. He told me that I must remember the principles of
my parents as the Filipinos are worth dying for. Now I can rest a lot better on the way to
my recovery. Bayani removed his glasses and stared at Eduardo. He told Eduardo that
this room is not a recovery room but another conference room. He told Eduardo that its
too early to have a decent speech. The whole room is permeated with hard laughter.

The allies ate their breakfast in the room after Bayani handed a newspaper to each of
them. Eduardo asked Bayani; what is this all about? Bayani answered Eduardo to read it
first before asking. Eduardo responded to Bayani; you mean the elites are extending their
victory party? I find it ridiculous. Is it pure cowardness? Bayani replied Eduardo; you do
not read the whole thing. I think you are lazy to read. The elites are extending the party in
five days time. They wanted Noy Noy to ask an apology to the elites of double crossing
them. Krisma responded to what Bayani said; what kind of apology is that? Isnt the other
way around? Eduardo said to Noy; sir Noy, you hear that? Your relatives and former
supporters wanted you to face them and issue an apology! Pearl said to Eduardo; stop it,
he is taking a deep rest. Larry replied to Eduardo; thick faced idiots! The elites cannot
remove their obsession to Noy Noy Aquino. Too bad, Noy is not stupid as they think. I
think they are also afraid Noy will expose them one by one. What did to say to him?
Eduardo replied Larry; it is simple. He should fight with principles for the greater good of
the country. I told him to remember that his parents risked their lives to work for the good
of the country. No matter how few are their accomplishments are. Bayani said to

Eduardo; you arrogant naughty kid! Stop saying that he may hear you! Noy said to the
allies; few may be their accomplishments but they are monumental ones that changed our
history. Chairman and the TFF, they did not completed their mission but I entrust myself
to this alliance as we work together for the good of the country. I will accompany you to
the elites and expose them in front of their friends. Krisma said to Noy; you sure? What
you are doing is too dangerous. They may beat you again. That time, you just barely
recovered. Noy replied Krisma; the Filipino worth is dying for. Bayani replied Noy; we
do not want to see someone die again for the sake of freedom. We dont want to have
another EDSA revolution. Let us do the work. You just rest and we will report back to
you. I do not want a newly recovered person get damaged again. Love your health
because pink is health.

The allies advised Noy to stay in the hospital for his recovery rather than to risk his
health getting face to face with the elites. Noy gave them all a wink and proceeded on his
road to recovery. Eduardo told Noy that the TFF along with their allies will have the job
well done. Patrick glanced at the newspaper and told Bayani that the beatings on Noy
seemed to be blamed on Gordon and his friends. They blamed Gordon responsible
beating Noy by basing the disposal at the outskirts of Zambales. Bayani replied Patrick;
people, the presidential aspirant is there to tell us the whole truth. Dont believe in the
hypes made by the elites. Gordon is always the man whom evil people wanted to blame.
They tried to make him dictatorial in order for the elites to assure the chances of their
candidate to win than the conventional other way around. Elites are good in twisting the
objective truth. Thats all. Eduardo replied Bayani; Im sure it is a hype made by those
who beat Noy into a pulp. Noy said to the allies; what I told you is what really happened.
Do not believe on the media mogul known as Lopez. If you do not have something to
benefit him, he will go away like a smoke. Eduardo replied Noy; fire breathing monsters
disappearing like smokes. That is what defined an oligarchy who saw no benefit in the
candidate they are befriending. Monsters went away as mysterious as smokes.
The allies continued what they are doing before the day of the party. The allies superiors
called them again for a final conference in which left the final plan unchanged. The allies

entrusted their weapons to their superiors the night before the fated day. As the evening
of that day comes, the allies bade Noy goodbye. The chairman ordered the troops to
guard Noy tightly. The allies went into their convoys as they prepared to deal with the
elites. While the allies are inside their van, they warmed themselves up for the event that
will change the history of the nation in a 360 degree turn.

P49: Hometown Disadvantage.

While outside the hospital, Eduardo told the allies that they should dress black going to
the party. Bayani asked Eduardo; dont be too over conscious of your clothes. What you
are wearing is already fit for the party. Eduardo asked the allies; is it ok for all of you to
dress black in order for an epic attendance to the party? Krisma replied Eduardo; you are
wasting our time. Let it be! Let us go on with our usual clothes. They did not tell us to
wear formal clothes. They just told us to have all our attendance in the party. Pearl went
out with the medical staff. She told the male staff to call her substitute to monitor Noys
eventual recovery. The staff informed the reception that Pearl will rejoin her allies to the
Hacienda. He waited for the substitute to join him after that they went back locking the
door taking care of Noy. Pearl now proceeded along with the allies and asked Eduardo;
for what purpose? This is the first time that I noticed your fashionable side. Eduardo
replied Pearl; this is not literal like all of you think. This is symbolic. Our black clothes
will remind the elites that we ultimately mourned what happened to this country. Larry
and Patrick replied Eduardo; good idea! We have black clothes in our luggage. Eduardo
requested Bayani to take them back to the hotel to arrange what they are all going to
wear. Pearl and Krisma shook their head looking at the TFF leader. Eduardo said to the
two girls; dressing black is a matter of not conforming the rules of the elites. Believe me!
You will look as stunning as possible dressing black. The girls went inside getting black
clothes inside their luggage and changed to their party clothes. They went out with
Eduardo remarking that they looked epic in their black attires. Bayani said to Eduardo;
come on! Let us go back to the hotel before six so we have an allowance of a two hour
travel getting into the Hacienda. Eduardo replied Pearl; ok! Thats what you said, lets

The allies went back to their hotel with the boys changing their clothes. The hotel staffs
looked at them and wished them the best of luck as they proceeded to the van that will
lead them a two hour travel time to Palacio Cojuangco. The allies while inside the van,
they chatted with each other ultimately having Eduardo remarking the allies that they all
looked awesome and ready to deal with the elites. Larry replied Eduardo; it is like Luke
Skywalker dressed all back inside the second Death Star battling Darth Vader in the
Return of the Jedi. Eduardo replied Larry; Luke has a different intention dressing black. I
think it has something to say a symbolism of his near drop to the dark side. Our clothes
will insult the elites that we are all mourning for the country they tried to desecrate
converting it into their station of their wealth. Patrick asked Bayani if he will be
accompanying them to the elites party. Bayani told Patrick that he must go back with the
back up troops to drive his devastator. Larry remarked that Bayani is always cool as
usual. Bayani promised the allies that he will not leave the allies at all cost. He may leave
them for a while but will return to help them in a stunning way. Bayani wished the allies
luck and victory over the elites. Bayani told the TFF at least, he will have the idea what
the party may looked like.

The allies traveled for two hours until they reached the entrance of the Palacio
Cojuangco. As they reached the entrance, the guards examined their vehicles. The allies
showed him their invitations. The guards did not found any weapons in the convoys of
the allies. Everything is all according what has been planned back in the conference
building. The guards were all left puzzled because it is the first time that they have not
find any weapons to confiscate to assure that the allies are bringing nothing facing the
elites. The allies convoy continued to travel to the depths of the Hacienda roads. They
saw some farmers toiling almost to death just to receive their ten pesos salary a day.

For fifteen minutes, they saw various farms some are filled with toiling farmers. Some
are vacant for some farmers are invited to the elites victory party. The allies are
eventually dropped off their vehicles to proceed to the main house as the elites awaited
them. The troops disguised as high ranking officers also went out from their vehicles to
join the allies in their epic mission. Bayani told the allies that he will be coming back for

them. As they went out, they whispered their thanksgiving words to the chairman.
Eduardo told Bayani to shut the door off or else, he will force to go along with them. As
some of the slave masters are nearly approaching Bayani, Bayanis van left the allies
going to be reunited with the backup forces of Gordon and his military allies. The allies
along with their troops disguised as high ranking officers proceeded to the large house.

As they went to their supposed seats in the party, the elites such as Ceferino Ayala,
Gabby Lopez, Elizalde and Manny Pangilinan welcomed them with open arms. Manuel
Araneta and the allies gazed with each other from afar. Eduardo gazed back with Araneta
too. Araneta gazed with the TFF leader a little more eventually going to his seat sitting
beside the chief elites. The elites told the allies to seat where they supposed to be seating.
The elites grinned as they saw the allies brought their invitations with them. Manny
Pangilinan noticed that all the TFF youngsters are sporting black clothes. He asked
Eduardo; you all wore black. Is it going with the flow of fashion or there is some
meaning to what you are wearing today? Eduardo replied Manny Pangilinan; we wore
black because we knew that we are terribly in mourning especially for the state of the
nation and your own doings. Lopez replied Eduardo; a sign of resignation, failure and
futility of your own quest? Thats what I see in all of you just my two pesos sir. Peping
commented about what the allies wore. He said to the allies; I do not think they are going
with the flow of fashion. The meaning behind their wearing black made me think of
situations especially in funeral homes speak for its own. This situation is all about the
allies mourning themselves of their own failure and untimely ends. Ayala said to the
allies; it is good to see you all bringing your invitations with you. It proved that you are
all excited to attend the party. Elizalde said to the allies; we welcome you with open arms
knowing that only food, drinks and riches will quench your futile desires to fight for
freedom. Eduardo replied Elizalde; we are here to talk something isnt it? Lopez
welcomed the allies and asked them; you are with your high ranking military superiors.
Why Bayani, Gordon and Noy Aquino did not come with you? Patrick replied Lopez;
Bayani and Gordon feared death. They just wished us the best to attend this party. Pearl
replied Lopez; Noy Aquino cannot attend in full condition. He is too sick to have some
party with all of us. He needs to recover more from beatings endured from someone here.

Lopez replied Patrick; that is always the case. Superiors are too afraid to face reality.
They knew nothing but to put their representatives in their place. Elizalde said to the
allies; their egos hurt right? Just like some of the candidates, they rather let their
supporters fight for their name but they themselves cannot handle the extent of their egos.
Krisma replied Elizalde; probably you are right. Lopez said to Krisma; you see little girl,
your superiors are the ones who are real cowards. Kudos to all of you, you braved facing
the real freedom fighters. Never mind! You will realize that it is them who are actually
making a fool out of you. Always, as always, sore losers are the ones who did nothing but
to hide from someone who can shower them with cold doses of reality. Ayala said to the
allies; with or without your superiors presence, the party will not be spoiled nor it will
become boring with or without their presences. You all should realize that the ones you
wanted to take down or you are ordered to take down are too strong to handle. Taking
down all of us will remove the genuine answers this country needs. Lopez replied the
allies; you see. I sensed Bayani is all with you. Just like my colleagues told me. Sore
losers are only good barking in the news but when the time comes to meet their subject of
criticisms, they will hide as if they are on a hibernation period.

Eduardo and Krisma smiled back at the already intimidating elites. Peping sat on his seat
and asked the TFF; where is my dear nephew? Eduardo replied to Peping; have not you
heard what Pearl said? She said that Aquino is not yet fully recovered to attend this grand
celebration. Peping replied Eduardo; we gave him almost a week to recover to attend this
party. I do not know what conspiracy your superiors have gotten on their minds to do
something unthinkable to Noy. Kris saw the allies and said; what have you done to my
older brother? You followers of Gordon! I know what you are planning even from the
start! To make Gordon and Bayani the ultimate winner! You did everything to let my
brother too incapacitated to win the election eventually switching his victory to your
vested interests. I hate all of you! Pearl replied Kris; excuse me! Did your uncle
conditioned you to believe that Gordon is the one behind the beatings? Kris replied Pearl;
it is obvious! Gordon hated the soaring popularity of my brother in the surveys and in
ratings. Pearl replied Kris; Im sorry the whole retinue of your friends will be shocked if I
told you the truth. Peping said to Pearl; there is nothing you can change, your superiors

masterminded the beatings. They dumped Noy at the outskirts of Zambales. Eduardo
replied Peping; what if we confessed that we are the ones who nursed Noy back to health.
What about the slaves? Peping replied Eduardo; enough all of this! Let us start the party.
May Noy be in good health! We desperately needed leaders like him to run the country in
the image of democracy.

Lopez approached the allies. He sat on the vacant seats where Bayani and Gordon
supposed to stay for the rest of the party. He said to the allies; it seemed you are all
against us because of pure misunderstanding. You are all against us because you
underestimated our capabilities to rule. Your superiors just badly conditioned your minds
to input lies losing your rationalities. Like all people, you badly needed cash and means
of livelihood thats why you attempted to destroy us right? Sore losers and need for cash
are your primary reasons to revolt against us. Lopez got off from the allies presence and
went back to where the chief elites are sitting. Ayala got a microphone. Along the
presence of many friends and supporters, he said to the TFF; a lot of events happened.
We pressed ourselves in life and death situations to destroy tyranny and restore
democracy once more. The elections may be sabotaged but now it is working again.
Democracy again will prevail in the end just like the EDSA revolution of 1986. Arroyo is
going to be tried because of massive corruption. Marcos is dead once again. Bong Bong
has gone missing possibly going back to his cave once more. While we are rebuilding the
country in the name of democracy, there are minor problems to be fixed. Freedom is at
our hand but there are pests needed to be illuminated and to be absorbed to our dive and
august system. Ayala said to Lopez; can you be the one to lecture these promising
youngsters? Lopez grabbed the microphone and said to Ayala; these youngsters will not
be promising until they are wholly illuminated by the lights we emit. He said to the
audience especially, addressing the issues to the allies; it is good to know that democracy
is back to our dying country. I see the joyful face of the people. The Philippines may be
high in poverty rates but this party I assure you will awaken more our desires and
motivations for the country. The audience cheered Lopez. Lopez continued; our dear
countrymen are so eager to look forward what will become to our country. They craved
on us putting long term change to our country to have the next generations enjoying their

benefits. To Noy Noy Aquino, your dear president, Im sorry that he cannot attend the
party because there are some losers who wanted to wish him dead. My people, do you
want these people remove the remnants of hope this country only have? The audience
looked at the TFF with angry stares. Lopez continued; we invited those we loved and
hated at the same times to provide some solidarity for these dying country. We took a lot
of sacrifices. From these losers and people trying to destroy us, we let God and His
Mother give us the strength to use our rationality to forgive those who wronged us. We
promised all of you that we are on the road for maturity. We will forgive even those who
are not worthy of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only way to reconcile the polarities in
this country for unification. We all wished for the eventual recovery of our president. In
his rule, businesses and large companies will permeate the country eventually attracting
foreign investors to make this country more progressive than we can think of it. You see,
we are tired of those who wanted to bring us down. We are all to hear to negotiate with
all of their demands to set everything straight. NoNoNo! We are not going to
compromise to things which will not benefit our country. We will talk with them our
common yearnings all for the good of the country. We knew most of the things they
yearn can be easily answered in the most reasonable of the ways. To those who wanted to
shatter our hope and bring us down, to allies and their superiors, to enemies and their
financiers, you see this fortress, this fortress is impregnable. It reflected the solidarity of
the people. It shown us that unity cannot be shattered by any adversaries especially we
are thinking for the greater good of the country. You all see that everyone will be against
you! Everyone who dearly loved democracy and freedom will not listen to your
principles. They will do anything to make you realize that fighting against democracy
will not only conventionally kill you. It will make you realize that you wasted your lives
by only doing unnecessary things. It will waste your whole life and energy. Time is
precious, please do it all in solidarity for the good of this country. TFF and your
superiors, you will be seeing this awesome fortress with awesome retinue of nationalistic
countrymen. You see not because some are elites they are automatically evil. It is not bad
to be rich, it is neither their fault to be born in rich family. They may be rich but their
hands are compassionate hands extended to the poorest of the poor. You shall realize if

you are looking forward for your conspiracies, you will not only incur our wrath but more
importantly, the wrath of the nation! What are all your demands?

Lopez gave the microphone to Elizalde. Elizalde spoke to the allies; my people, we are
all here to reason out with the TFF in your behalf. We will be asking them of their
demands to finally be clear of our objective solutions to the country. Elizalde asked the
TFF; what made you all do this? What do you think your superiors think when they
dispatched you to destroy all of us? What are your needs so we can help you deal with
your problems? Dont you know that you can destroy a lot of lives doing these things?

Eduardo replied Elizalde; honorable sir! Like you all believed, we did not revolt against
you because we are ordered to. It is our own motivating desires that made us fight against
you. Can I state my reasons ok? First, time gave you ample time to straighten this country
but what happened? Nothing! The cycle repeats all over again. From traditional
politicians and dirty business always been the case. Next, we revolted you because we
have reasons to do it. With you as the leaders, the country is absolutely sunk into
hardcore oligarchy. There are a lot of things that will enlighten you why we rebelled
against the authorities of this country. First, not to embarrass all of you in front of your
constituents, you did nothing but to submit to the alien dictatorships. Second, you worked
with Marcos while he is ruling this dying country. I do not know if you have a grand
conspiracy to rule this country in conglomerate tyranny. Third, there are a lot of events
that made us more vigilant against the growing evil this country have. My countrymen
please listen in an open mind and heart, the things I will tell you will be very important.
My friends brother died because of Lopez exploitation. Before the election, they
abducted him to let him do some dirty works. Lopez asked Eduardo the evidence.
Eduardo gave the evidence to Lopez. He got pissed off and tore Gerrys dying letter.
Eduardo told the people that Lopez even planned to make Gerardo Marcelino, a
MERALCO engineer to be Marcos electrical henchman. Krisma added what Eduardo
said; people! It is not only because of tyranny and helplessness why we want to end the
placebo oligarchs. Like what Eduardo said; there are many reasons why we wanted to get

rid of people like them. Listen carefully my countrymen, the stories will be difficult to
believe but worth the realization of truth. The elites took advantage of my brother. They
planned him to do something nasty in the elections eventually converting him into
Marcos electrical henchman. What Im saying may jump you all from your seats. The
elites like them consulted unknown beings. These beings planned to rule the country
using the elites. The tyranny they claimed to end is none other than Marcos in their own
fabrications. Ayala and Lopez said to Krisma; these are all lies! Dont believe them my
countrymen! Like always, they are full of lies! Krisma continued what she said; let us
recall the election time. It is popularly known that the election is sabotaged by Marcos
and his associates right? I shall tell the truth at all cost. The election was sabotaged if my
logic to be followed is done by the same elites you adored. The beings brought Marcos
here for the second time to fulfill their plans to rule the country thus ascending the elites
into seats of power they never have gone before. During the reign of terror, the elites and
Marcos along with Arroyo made this country into a waste. They used some biological
weapons to turn all the politicians with their supporters into raging machines so they can
assure their posts in power. Not only that, most cities and provinces in the Philippines are
full of casualties all because of them. We did nothing but to think that no other competent
people here can change the situations but only through our futile resources. The chaos we
experienced from home and to the places we are in, damaged everything awakened the
fire of change in our hearts. The people started to wonder the truth. Some said so it is the
elites collaborating with Marcos to let us all live in fear.

Patrick continued what Krisma said. He said to the whole party participants; it is Marcos
the second collaborating with the elites! We have suffered a lot before making ourselves
here alive. The elites with Marcos attacked our hometown and rampaged their ways until
our concerned superiors helped us. They did not leave their passion for this country
despite dangerous times. The truth is that there is nothing to do good fro the country
because the ones you believed are the ones who are destroying it for their own interests.
Only the TFF and our superiors barely lived taking down the dictator despite many
obstacles we faced along our journey. My people! It is false to believe that the elites
destroyed tyranny and restoring this society to a so called democracy! Pearl said to the

party people; yes it is true! No one famous can restore the peace we longed because they
are the ones that are all out to destroy our country. The truth is the elites went hiding here
after the destruction of the evil administration. They are now pushing the vulnerable
Aquino into power in their own liking. Ayala said to Pearl; you stupid nurse! Just shut
up! All are baseless accusations! You underestimated Aquinos then you hated the
Filipino race. Eduardo replied to the elites; Im sorry but whom you called sore losers
are the ones that are steadfast for real progress. After all, it is us that destroyed the evil
administration. Our supporters guided us to the right way to make a change for this
country. The elites are nothing but money grubbing individuals. To answer your other
questions, we do not need cash and means of livelihood. We simply desired to see the
long term progress this country will experience. We fought against the elites because they
are the ones who consulted unknown beings hell bent conquering us in their self centered
ways. It is principles that count to make this country works! You know people like them
are not deserved to live. All are based in empty promises. It is so sad whom we thought
are fighters for democracy are the ones next in line for tyranny. Unlike the TFF who
endured all hardships to get what the country needs.

guilt is evident in you. It is clear as the moon light reflected on the placid waters, you lied
to the people. You are good in exploiting individuals for your own gains. We do not
destroy innocent lives along the journey because the time we all started it, peoples lives
are already destroyed through whom? The beings the oligarchs consulted for promise of
riches, the evil administration they sent resembling Marcos and eventually their evil
intentions to lie and fool people that all speak for itself. The saviors you relied on are
nothing but manipulators and dangerous liars. Larry said to the people; people! The elites
wanted to ask us questions wanting us to be seen as another group of money faced
youngsters. The truth is they are good in black propaganda like what they did to
demoralize their rivals candidates in the election. We do not want money and means of
living. We already have that. All we wanted is that the countrys foundations be founded

on good principles. Money and hunger cannot buy principles. The people subscribing in
good principles guided by a principled leader alone is the right way to make this country
soar once more in flying colors. Lastly, we hate the elites manipulating all your lives! We
hate elites talking to ghosts to help them clean the country for their own likings. Peping
said to the allies; you have lied horribly! You wanted to destroy the trust of the people in
us. What you have done is even worst than a murderer and a rapist. Treason in its worst
form, you not only distrust those who are in authorities but also persuading large number
of people to turn away from the authorities that had nothing but blueprints for progress.
You all deserved fate worse than death! Ayala said to the allies; like always, it is so
difficult to adjust your already depraved mindset. You knew nothing the people you are
facing against. We already predicted that you will defy all of us. We knew you are all
obsessed taking all of us down. You wanted to destroy the unity of those we served? Im
sorry, we knew forgiveness but we do not forgive those who wanted to sink our country
into extreme uselessness. Elizalde said to allies; is that all you wanted? Hah! You wanted
to destroy our countrys unity by spreading lies? You are all pitiful beings! I do not feel
anything but sadness to what you and your superiors have become! People! Please notice
them, why our country did not make any progress in the recent years? The answer is
simple! These people are sore losers. They are full of blame but if we are to blame them,
they will cry like mad cows. Lopez said to the allies; you do not know that the odds are
against you. Who are you to yell unnecessary remarks here in our own homes? You
wanted to destroy our solidarity for progress. What you have done is suicidal! You are
inside this impregnable fortress! You are against people who are greater than you! Please
realize that the elites have more means and power to turn the tables in this country.

Patrick replied Lopez; in our own image right? Lopez said to Patrick; silence! With an
impregnable fortress, great and famous people, rich clans and the hopeful countrymen,
you are all against forces that you never ever faced before. Facing against influential
ones, if I were all of you, I will submit to them. I will realize that my quest is futile. Im
fighting a useless battle that will harm my very well being. You see, you are cornered by
all our supporters and powerful allies alike! You cannot do anything but to submit to our
quest to make this country progressive once more. Ayala said to the TFF; join us TFF, if

you join us, you will reap untold benefits. It is not only for us, it is for the whole country.
We will set it all aside while in the road to progress. We are all after the well beings of
the 90 plus million Filipinos. Compared to a century influence, you achieved virtually
nothing. People! Who will you rely on those who have influenced for a long time or those
who are just trying hard to deceive the people that they have done great change? The
answers are yours my beloved people. Krisma replied to the elites; we do not care what
you all said. We are not changing our principles to see you ruin our country deeper. We
will fight until the end. Eduardo replied the elites; you cannot easily deceive the people.
To gain their trust, you should earn it and prove them you have done some good to their
lives. It is not about empty promises. Patrick replied the elites; you cannot intimidate us
from sealed fortresses and at the presence of intimidating clans, we will fight whoever
wanted to ruin this country!
Tanghangco, who is present in the party told Patrick to shut up and just follow the elites
plans for the country. Patrick replied Tanghangco; you are still alive? It is nice to see you
alive again. You want a duel so bad? Just tell me if you are ready. If you are, we shall
have our second and final rematch. Pearl replied the elites; not from a group of someone
who consulted aliens, orchestrating an evil administration even unto the extent of
pretending as saviors for hope. Dont you know international relations 101 that to ask for
a full intervention of an empire or a country belittled the country of its sovereignty? Larry
replied the elites; your time is up! You are not going anywhere! You played your own
game with your own rules but you badly lost. You cannot impose your wills on us and
our whole countrymen through money and empty promises. Eduardo told the elites if
they have something to offer for the TFF, just set it aside or simply benefit their farmers
than seducing the TFF for no reasons. Krisma told the allies; it is better to give the
farmers the land they deserved than abuse them, neglecting their salaries just to use them
to bribe the TFF. Peping replied to Eduardo; you should try silencing yourself or I will
call the guards! Larry said to Eduardo; I think this will soon somehow resembled our
version of Noys beatings. Eduardo replied Peping; are you scaring me? Do you want me
to tell the people what actually happened to their candidate of hope? Peping replied
Eduardo; dont try to scare us! Everyone is all against you. You should act in a civilized

manner. You are not using your head. All you knew is all bark but you cannot all back it
up. You see, you are just mere youngsters. Larry replied Peping; as always, Marcos and
his lackeys thought us the same way over and over again. Look what happened to them?
In a day period or so, all of the administration officers are obliterated. People! Please
listen to the truth, the elites did nothing but to hide as we stormed the palace with Marcos
or their version of Marcos as the primary casualty. Gordon believed in all of you. It is up
to you to make good use of your potentials or not. Eduardo said to Peping; the elites
themselves are the bringers of hope? I doubt it one thousand percent. In fact, these same
men destroyed your so called figure of hope. Its just they thought they can manipulate
Noy Noy but they absolutely failed especially, Noy in our custody recovering in the
hospital revealed to us that a simple principled uncompromising attitude made him bathe
in his own blood. If not because of us you lost your figure of hope. The allies
simultaneously told the elites that they will not cooperate with them accumulate their
interests. They finally told them that they declined the elites offer to help them
monopolize the country. Araneta said to the TFF; well done my friends! Are you all
going here to destroy the elites or to try to redeem me from my miseries? I think that
you are all here to solve an unsolved misunderstanding. Eduardo replied Araneta; you
once told me to go to the next room. My friends told me that you are once a great friend
but like the elites, power and riches are your ultimate purpose in life. Araneta replied
Eduardo; that is none of your business. Peping replied Eduardo; you insulted me and my
friends. You think you can escape what you have done? What you can do if we ordered to
have Noy beaten? He is a disobedient middle aged man. I can sense you equated beatings
with evil. In the bible, it is clear disciplining someone is essential for his own well being.
You defied those who can bring good to the countries. GUARDS!! PLEASE TAKE

The allies are cornered by the incoming slave masters. Guards too permeated the whole
party area. Most are having a watchful eye under all the party goers. Eduardo replied to
guards cornered the allies, Peping told the guards to kill the allies. The allies sat back to

their seats as the barrel of the rifles are pointed out in the back of each allies head.
Peping told the guards again to kill them for good in front of the people to serve as a
reminder to those who wanted to challenge the elites powers. Larry said to the elites;
nice job! Of all the parties you attended, it seemed this is the only time you noticed
people wearing black. Manny Pangilinan replied the TFF; is it an insult or just your mode
of disgusting fashion? I can say it means mourning all your failures and your soon to be
untimely ends. Lopez replied Larry; hahahaha! We are not dumb as you can think of us.
We knew that deep inside your hearts are signs of resignation and mourning. Wearing
black in group going to the party especially in your case means assurance of failure and
end. Your quest is ultimately futile please give it up hahahahahahahahaha!
As the guards started to pull the trigger that will ultimately end the TFFs existence,
Peping and the other elites happily watched as the allies are nearing their deaths. The
people have mixed reactions. Some of the supporters of the elites wanted to see the allies
deaths. Some of the participants are starting to get uneasy in their seats for they will see
an execution scene that will solidify the power and strength of the oligarchy. Lopez and
Peping together told the guards to quickly dispose the treacherous TFF. As the guards
prepared to put the finishing touch to the freedom fighters, they suddenly heard gunshot
sounds along with other noises that can be connected with war. The whole party goers
also heard the violent sounds of gunshots. Peping told some of the slave masters to
investigate outside the Hacienda where he believed it is where the sounds originated.
Eduardo told his allies to stay calm at all times. He told the allies further to strike when
necessary at the right place and the right time.

Larry and Patrick moved their hands on the table knives. Krisma and Pearl are doing
some alcoholic experiments to blind and stun the slave masters if they have the
opportunity to do so. As the slave masters resumed their attention to the allies, Eduardo
stood up and engaged them in physical combat. He overpowered the other slave master
getting his rifle. He shot the rest of the slave masters that wanted to harm the allies. He
told the people to evacuate the areas. More slave masters attempted to kill the allies.
Larry rushed into one and stabbed it with his table knife. Patrick did the same thing as he

managed to stab two of them into death. Larry and Patrick got the slave masters
whipping weapons. They lashed out to the incoming slave masters. Eduardo guarded his
allies and the TFF by constantly shooting those slave masters that wanted them dead.
Their companion troops in their high officer in disguise attires equipped their weapons
and helped Eduardo to shoot some slave masters. Larry and Patrick enjoyed lashing some
beatings to the opposing forces. Eduardo grabbed a whip beside the dead slave master
and dished the opposing forces some punishments. The troops helped them fend off
threats. Eduardo told the troops to assist the panicking crowd on the road to safety. He
told the troops that they can handle the elites and their slave masters. The troops followed
the TFF leaders advice then went out calming the crowd.

As four slave masters approached Pearl and Krisma, they spilled their experiments
toward to their faces. It left the slave masters stunned and blinded. They kicked the slave
masters in their groin and grabbed their weapons. Pearl and Krisma dished out some
decent punishments to the slave masters. Peping and Lopez called on some more slave
masters to overpower the allies. Ayala asked Araneta; why are you not doing something?
Go kill all our enemies Araneta responded Ayala; you see, these are my former friends!
They are good in dishing out punishment to our stronger and bigger slave masters. I have
waited for this moment. Ayala replied Araneta; What?? Please destroy our enemies!
Dont let them escape alive!

Larry saw on the horizon that Bayani is again ripping off Hacienda forces with his
improved Devastator. Larry grinned as he lashed out another heavy blow to an attacking
slave master. Eduardo toyed at the incoming slave masters by changing his pattern of
rushing towards them and sometimes sadistically punishing them. Krisma and Pearl for
safety, hid inside the cover of their table until the coming of their weapons. Bayani
literally devastated the Hacienda troops and vehicles alike. Many soldiers came into the
scene from nowhere. Some assisted the panicking crowd. Some advanced their way to
save the TFF from certain damnation. Peping told the allies; you may have fooled me but
we will all make it alive. Araneta said to Ayala; yes! I will destroy my former friends but
you forgot one thing. Ayala asked Araneta; WHATT??? Araneta equipped his gladius

and killed Ayala by stabbing him directly to the midsection eventually decapitating him.
Araneta said to the fallen Ayala; like all elites, so self centered as you cared nothing but
your own selves. I just unleashed my disgust to all your accumulated insults to me. You
forgot one thing, now its the time to repay all the insults and criticisms you made to me!

Araneta stared at the scared Manny Pangilinan. He leapt through him and stabbed him
eventually decapitated him too. Lopez stepped back and told Araneta that he was sorry
for all the insults made to him. Araneta remorselessly rushed towards Lopez and
destroyed him into two. The allies were shocked to see Araneta turning against his fellow
elites. Peping called the guards to destroy Araneta. Kris went upstairs to hide from the
wreck of the party. Slave masters came for the elites rescue but Araneta easily made
short work of all of them. The allies sat on their seats in a stunned mood watching a
former friend, fellow elite turning against his fellow elites. Tanghangco used projectiles
to destroy the incoming slave masters. He said to Patrick; this is what we are going to do
to those who cannot defend themselves. Elizalde ran for his life but Araneta easily outrun
him and eventually slashed him in the chest and cutting him into halves. Araneta went
back and looked at the elites petrified friends. He unleashed his explosive barrels to
decimate the petrified mobs. Peping grabbed a pistol to shoot Araneta but Araneta easily
went in towards right at his front. He simply slashed off his hands, chest and decapitated
him. Araneta thrust his gladius towards the area where Pepings head used to stand. The
scream of Kris can be heard upstairs. Araneta saw his relatives standing from their chairs
to escape from him. One Araneta said to Manuel Araneta; even in dangerous times, we
do not get tired of insulting you of being the most inferior of the elites. You are all
inferior. You knew nothing but nihilism and savagery! You did it for the sake of self
interest and pessimism! Araneta rushed towards them. He equipped his trident and
unleashed torrent of energies to his hated relatives. He summoned his drooling creatures
to obliterate the escaping Aranetas. The allies watched helplessly in their seats on the
fates of Aranetas relatives. They saw nothing but splattering of blood with bodies
burning in disarray. The summoned creatures are dissolved by Manuel Araneta. Araneta
said to the allies; what a spectacle! Revenge is now complete. It is now between me and
all of you! He called more slave masters to end the TFF for good. He said to the allies;

you thought you are doing nothing and safe? We are just helping you to make up your
defenseless state. I apologize but this is the time to end all of you. So long TFF! Friends
are nothing but hypocritical human beings.

Slave masters came in and cornered the allies. Araneta returned to his seat as he watched
slave masters brutalizing his former friends. Araneta said to the allies; once I knew the
reality of life, I cannot help but to get used seeing brutal events! The allies are clearly
cornered by the slave masters. Patrick leapt into Tanghangco and engaged him in a duel!
He used his whip to damage Tanghangco. Tanghangco countered Patrick by a series of
slashes. Patrick managed to evade all of Tanghangcos slashes until he used the slave
masters whip to hurt Tanghangco clearly in the face. He further damaged Tanghangco
until Tanghangco slashed him diagonally which damaged his shirt partially cutting his
upper torso. Tanghangco stepped back and equipped his bazooka to finish the confused
Patrick. As Tanghangco attempted to blast Patrick with his rockets, Patrick leapt and
landed into a nearby table. He ducked beneath the table and got a rifle. Tanghangco
planned to bully Patrick by surprising him to shock him to come out from his hiding. As
Tanghangco equipped his saber and bazooka going to where Patrick is hiding. As he
pointed his rocket launcher where Patrick is hiding, Patrick in a stunning fashion
equipped his rifle as he peeked at the left side of the table where he ducked. He shot
Tanghangcos rocket launcher with Tanghangcos face heavily damaged by the rocket
explosions as he flew to the northern wall of the room burning.

Araneta applauded his former friend as Patrick is now on his way to help his friends.
Eduardo and Larry are forced to fight the slave masters who cornered them. Eduardo and
Larry on both sides teamed up with each other and literally made a short work of the
slave masters. Patrick went to the desk where Pearl and Krisma is hiding to protect them.
The three guys saw more incoming slave masters hell bent to end their quest for

Eduardo, Patrick and Larry resumed to their usual battle stances to brace for the worst
until they saw their military allies peppering the slave masters with bullets. Eduardo

asked the soldiers; are you the ones who will hand us all our weapons? The soldier smiled
at Eduardo as he told his companions to unpack their bags for the allies to usher the end
of the elites. Krisma and Pearl went out from their hiding hearing that their weapons are
coming for them. Eduardo along with the rest of the TFF breathed heavily as a sign of
relief. They equipped themselves with their respective weapons to usher the end of the
oligarchys reign of oppression. Araneta drank some wine as he served as a spectator in
his own seat to watch his former friends doing wonders. After the allies prepared their
weapons, Krisma thanked the weapon retrieval specialists of handing them their
weapons. The soldiers bade goodbye to the allies because they have more missions to

The allies thanked the soldiers who handed them their weapons. Eduardo along with his
friends faced Araneta. He said to Araneta; are you going away from us? It is time to end
this ancient misunderstanding! Araneta replied Eduardo; Very well! Very well! Im not
going away from you. I pity you! Thats why I waited for you to get your weapons so we
can all get started. Eduardo replied Araneta; I should not be denied. If you are going to
deny me in this battle, you are nothing but a nihilistic coward! Araneta replied Eduardo;
you are all welcome! In fact, I encourage you to give all your efforts to have the TFF
stand a greater chance against me. Krisma said to Araneta; please Manny, get a life man!
I know you are not what you are now. You are a tortured soul. You can still be redeemed.
This is not the Manny I knew. Patrick said to Araneta; Manny! We do not need to fight to
get over this misunderstanding. We can sit and talk to each other. Larry said to Manny;
you are not alone old friend! You just need clarification and understanding. All will be ok
sir! Eduardo said to Araneta; Araneta, your issue is not limited to being a Marikinian or
not. It is part of living in a fallen world. Despite this world is corrupted and fallen, we can
talk and reconcile with each other. Pearl said to Manny; sir Manny! You still have
friends. They are here in your front. All you should do is to open your heart to be
understanding. Let us together solve our problems together. Araneta replied the TFF; we
have different goals in life. You wanted to get rid of evil in this country. I wanted to
accumulate more power and riches to feed this hopeless nation thus destroying it after
boredom comes! Krisma replied Araneta; what made you like that? You should not base

what you are doing to the past. Let us together move on and be friends again. I know
deep inside you that you do not want to do what Aranetas have always do. Deep inside
you, you are still our old friend. Araneta replied Krismal; sorry Krisma, it is all evident
that you wanted to destroy me to get rid this country of all evil people. Krisma replied
Araneta; I did not say that. Eduardo replied Araneta; you wanted friends right? Here we
are to offer our help to set you straight. Let us end all these mess for the sake of this
country. Larry said to Araneta; Come on man! You can do it! Araneta replied the TFF;
foolish scum! You cannot bring the old Manny Marinas back. People and situations
change. I shall give you a chance to redeem me. Fight me one last time
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Krisma replied Araneta; we will not be
doing that to a great and dear friend. Araneta replied the TFF; you cling to the past. Past
is gone, the new has come. Yes! I was once a simple person living in Marikina, but things
do change right? People who are dear to you turn against you. The things you like to do
will not last forever. Fragile life isnt it? You see in this world, I did nothing significant!
What Im doing is to accumulate power and riches to rule the country! Eduardo replied
Araneta; are you insane? Araneta replied Eduardo; you and your allies are nothing but a
bunch of sore losers. I hate all of you became pawns that you shouldnt be. For me, there
is nothing anymore to do but to redeem the country. Krisma and Pearl replied Araneta;
you wanted to rule the country? You are not different with the elites. Indeed, the old
Manny Marinas is dead. This version is just a product of the reign of oppression. Araneta
replied the allies; be realistic! Each of us has our own goals and priorities. Now it is clear
that you cannot convince me to go fighting at your side. I have my own goal of ruling the
country as you are all there to end anyone who crossed your path. Speaking of realism
here, we will be enemies until each of us lost his breath. The only thing that will make us
straight is one final battle. If you are not with me then, you are all against me! I
understand each of our situations. Polarity cannot join together. You are not just my only

Araneta summoned his drooling creatures and ordered them to destroy the TFF. Araneta
said in a loud tone to the allies; NOW IT IS THE TIME FOR ME TO RULE! AFTER


FRIENDS! Eduardo said to the allies; dont despair! Let us kill these creatures and set
him straight into justice. Araneta replied Eduardo; if you can but I doubt it! Im the black
sheep of the Araneta clan where ultimately I reign supreme! I see no blood, no relatives,
no friendship and no alliance when the time of fulfilling my priorities come! SEE YOU

Araneta demonstrated how dark he became by unleashing surges of dark energy. He said
to the allies; you seemed to take everything easy. It seemed you are searching for real
challenge. Here it is! These dark energies will make your opponents sneakier and harder
to predict. Eduardo replied Araneta; whatever you say, in the end, we will be the ultimate
victors. Araneta replied Eduardo; you sure? You can comment your progress after the
smoke has been cleared. Araneta smirked evilly to the already uncertain TFF. He
unleashed more dark energies to absorb all the corpses lying in the bulk of the party room
to expand his capacity and enhance his persona. He unleashed torrent of dark energies
that permeated the whole room. Krisma said to Eduardo; you see Eduardo, he planned to
permeate the whole compound with his dark energies. The allies are enveloped with
Aranetas real nature. They knew they are not alone in the room. They equipped
themselves as they awaited the unpredictable lethality of Aranetas drooling creatures to
strike them. Araneta said to allies; Im expecting all of you to get over this. He laughed as
he left the hazy building.

P50: Chasing the Last of the Elites.

Pearl said to Eduardo; poor Manny! He became something we do not know. Eduardo
replied Pearl; he seemed darkened by his nihilistic desires. Patrick told Eduardo and Pearl
to stay put and time the rushing creatures. Larry said to Patrick; we are enveloped by dark
hazes, we can do nothing but to analyze their movements and strike them before they
strike us. Krisma replied Eduardo; you are correct! We saw something darker beneath

Aranetas nihilistic persona. He seemed possessed by someone. Someone must have been
taking advantage of his pain and sorrow. Eduardo replied Krisma; yes he is! Not your
ordinary friend. Prepare your focus and concentration. Sharpen your hearing facilities. Be
more aware so we can counter his imaginary friends. The allies stayed with each other as
they wait the drooling creatures to strike them. They sharpened their concentration as
they felt the creatures are ready to strike them for good. The allies felt that they are going
to be killed by the drooling creatures. Following what Eduardo said, the allies enhanced
their hearing and concentration. Krisma equipped her camera to slow down these lethal
creatures. The allies felt some of the creatures slowed down and they proceeded to give
the creatures they got. They brutally countered the rushing creatures courtesy of Krismas
cameras special features. Eduardo slashed the creatures as he felt they are going towards
him. Krisma used her EOS camera to stun these creatures and continually threw her
flying discs. Pearl used her high powered weapon to keep them at bay. Larry used
Eduardos smaller sword to hack the creatures into bits. Krisma again used the special
features of her camera to slow the creatures eventually Patrick clawed the creatures into
nothingness. Eduardo told Larry to strengthen his sword as he did. They teamed with
each other hitting the creatures critically. They repeated the pattern of slowing them
down and slashing those who came to their ways until all the creatures are dead. They
went out to search for Araneta. Some troops came to the allies aid but the allies told
them to explore the mansion and search for some survivors.

A number of troops followed the allies as the allies are now on their way to search for
their former friend. The allies went out of the mansion and walking through the dark and
hazy surroundings. They saw the silhouette of Araneta. Araneta taunted them as they
chased Araneta. Araneta ran from the allies eventually getting inside a nearby cave. The
allies proceeded to chase their former friend. They endured rugged terrains to proceed
further to straighten up their former friend. The allies are distracted by Araneta by
summoning creatures. The allies made short work of these drooling creatures. Araneta
ran further into the depths of the cave until he started to jump on a series of vanishing
platforms. The allies told each other to pray for safety and not let their fighting will fail
them. Eduardo said to the allies; please be careful! We can do it. If you see a platform

formed jump. Dont be careless and we can do it. Araneta jumped from one vanishing
platforms to another. The allies chased him by doing the same thing. Each of the allies
jumped on every platform that appears routing to the solid ground at the edge of the pit.
As the allies are almost reaching the solid ground, Araneta sent some drooling creatures
to assure the fall of the allies. Eduardo told the allies to shoot the creatures but not forget
to jump at the same time. The TFF members seemed to be a bit worried but Eduardo
cheered them up telling them that they have endured many hardships, not enduring the pit
will belittle the totality of their achievements. Eduardo reminded that the allies are very
athletic to handle situations. He said to his allies to remember what Gordon said that is,
he believed in the potentials of the Filipinos.
The allies spirit rose as they navigated the dangerous vanishing platforms at the same
time managed to destroy Mannys creatures. The allies leapt into the solid ground as
Araneta pushed into the darker portion of the cave. They chased each other enduring
more rugged terrains and tricky portions of the cave until they reached the caves dead
end. Eduardo said to Araneta as Araneta nowhere to run; you have nowhere to go. Your
nihilism must end now! Araneta replied Eduardo; I remembered how you walked out
from our last major encounter in Malacanang. You looked like a bullied grade school
student. Eduardo replied Araneta; it is simple, you are ultimately a coward to face
tougher oppositions. I heard that even Bong Bong owned you so bad. You went retreating
from our damaged rival. What a coward are you? Araneta replied Eduardo; really? I just
wanted to save more energy. Plus, that is not my real strength. My strength is something
you cannot calculate by your own mundane perceptions. Im not afraid of all of you. If
you joined that encounter, you too will be owned so bad. You see, I decimated the TFF in
no time just add an overrated and arrogant young man. The reason why I let you out is
because we are trying to fix our personal issue, I just realized they are not enough to
handle my awesome power. Poor Marikinians, they are not simply to search for
reconciliation. They are all simply pawns for a greater plan. Krisma replied to Araneta;
greater plans? We are all here to make the nation straight and redeem it from the likes of
your perverted view. Pearl replied Araneta; we do not see the old Manny in you. You are
just a shell of your former self. Manny Marinas is dead! Eduardo replied Manny; you

shall suffer the same sin that all of our opponents did before. You wanted to be more than
the elites. It does not make you different from them. You are simply a darker version of
the powerless elites. Araneta replied the allies; like I have seen, you came here not to stop
the elites but also to put a halt to all my plans. This country is a dying county! It is where
elites rule in iron fists. You are not the only heroes who paraded yourself to be steeped in
principles and fight against evil. Im also a hero! From being insulted so bad by the elites,
I finally waited for the right time and the right place to avenge all the insults leveled
against me. These elites are nothing but money launderers! False class of saviors! You
will see that it is I who will be the real hero, the one who will ultimately usher the age of
prosperity in the Philippines. You came here to be friends with me once again right? We
can be friends by joining each other under my leadership so we can finally liberate and
rebuild the country. Let us abandon our polarity. Let us join forces to the good of the
country. Here, you will finally be reconciled to your long lost friend. You will see the
light in me. Principles to be abandoned is fine, to make this country wholesome again is
the most essential part. You see we both helped each other to destroy the elites, right? We
can join forces for the greatest vision this country will ever see. Not only you reconciled
with our lost friendship, we will finally make a difference to this dying nation. Eduardo
replied Araneta; what you are thinking now? You wanted us to abandon our principles
but we should join you and look forward to your principles? Hell NO! If we are going to
reconcile with the old Manny Marinas, we ought not to be Machiavellian. Like your
friend said, you are just a shell of your former self. You turned into someone which your
friends never thought you to be. They knew you so deep and they almost predicted your
every move. It looked like you are possessed by an evil spirit. Araneta replied Eduardo;
you arrogant scum! As always you have been conditioned by Gordon and Bayani, this
bunch of sore losers will keep jerking off your mindset until you think for yourself what
to do! Larry replied Araneta; No! They are not bunch of sore losers and mind controlling
individuals. They are after the good of our country. Though you are our friend and
wanted reconciliation, we would not let guards down to deal with nihilistic overlords like
you. You should be the one to help us and drop all your deluded dreams. Araneta replied
Larry; whos deluded? Isnt that all of you along with your superiors? You have limited
troops and you cannot stabilize this countrys dying culture. It should be the other way

around instead. There is nothing anymore for me noble to do in this country but to rule
over your ignorant souls. Krisma replied Araneta; no! You are the one who used pure
emotions. We are once like that but using the brain is needed for the sake of rationality
and principles. You are living in your own darker past which you justified to fit yourself
to the present times. You should be the one to redeem yourself in a nice way. You are not
different from your oligarch transgressors.

Araneta replied Krisma; you are the ones who never used your heart and mind! You keep
following on your superiors orders. I have heard what the elites are talking about. The
unknown beings not only dispatched their fake Marcos to this country for the elites to
rule with him. In the other side, there is someone dispatched to play their massive drama
eventually getting the country conquered by these beings. Eduardo replied Araneta; who
could this be? I have seen nor heard there is one bastard who is dispatched by the aliens
to play their drama. It is just your imagination. Araneta replied the allies; you see, being a
black sheep means absolute power and grandeur. I cannot trust with other people since
they are prone in hypocrisy and betrayal. Im tired playing with the elites. They do not
mean long term benefits. You came here to reconcile with me? I gave you option how to
but as I see in you, you are all unredeemable. You chose to follow the conditioning of
your superiors instead of doing the right thing. My past persona is gone! Welcome to my
present self! You have a bad strategy to settle a dispute! Like I said, if you are not with
my advocacies, you are against me! If you want the harder way, I have no choice but to
beat you senseless to know the right thing! BRING IT ON TFF! YOU WANTED
CAN JOIN YOUR ADVOCACIES! Eduardo replied Araneta; you wanted a fight so bad,
I already felt it even from the start. You wanted to fight the allies to the death. I will be so
sorry if they forced to kill their friend just because the latter lacked straight vision. It is
time to end the remnants of the elites and free a tormented soul! Bring it on! Prove us that
you are right or we will prove you that you are just similar to all enemies that have fallen
to our hands! Araneta replied the allies; I do not believe friendship is possible in your
state of mind today, too perverted and too unrealistic! Only fighting you will demonstrate
my altruism to your already depraved state. Ultimately, the black sheep will rule the

nation in greatness and eternity! Eduardo replied Araneta; stop talking! Let us fight and
end this misery once and for all!

Eduardo asked his friends if they are sure to fight his former friend. The allies seemed
dim facing Eduardo. Araneta told Eduardo that his friends resigned to what fate has in
store for them. Eduardo cheered the allies telling them that reconciliation will only be
possible after they exorcised Araneta from his dark deeds and nihilism. He convinced the
allies that only through the dissection of his clouded ego will only reconciliation be
possible. He reminded the allies that the Araneta that is talking to them is not the old and
good Manny Marinas. Araneta unleashed his multitude of his drooling creatures telling
the TFF members that he has many toys for them to play with if they are hesitant to fight
their friend.

Eduardo told his allies that he will handle Araneta himself. He said to the allies; if you
are hesitant to fight Manny, please help me dispose his troops ok? The allies equipped
their weapons as Manny unleashed a massive psychic attack that blown the allies to the
entrance of the room. Araneta replied the allies; that is real power! I was once the ignored
and rejected one, here you see, the true capacity to rule the country on its way to genuine
progress! TFF! Actually, you are the one who wanted reconciliation but I dont. I have
more reliable friends than all of you! Creatures! Kill them while they are down!

P51: Principles over Friendship.

Araneta ordered his troops to storm to the already injured allies. He said to the allies; I
once wanted to have genuine friends under the sun. Now I know, I have no one to rely to.
All are just a bunch of hypocritical people. Riches and power will change the tide in my
favor. Krisma replied Araneta; you just did not open your heart to understand each of our
situations. We are there for you. It is just you fail to realize it. Eduardo replied Araneta; I
do not want to destroy you just for my friends, what I see in you is utter unredeemable
and designed for future destruction! Araneta replied Eduardo; you pride yourself of

leading the TFF, you are nothing but arrogant and self centered bastard. I think you are
the one that the super elites referring to. Someone who is in the good side just to fulfill
the bigger picture matched your descriptions. Eduardo replied Araneta; by not caring and
understanding your friends stroked my heart. It is not them who failed to handle you the
friendship you deserved. It is you who is narrow minded indiscriminately ignoring those
who sincerely wanted reconciliation. I cannot do anything but try bringing you back to
your senses. Patrick replied Araneta; what you are right now makes greed and corruption
easy to penetrate your once good hearted nature. Araneta replied the allies; you are all
overdramatic. There is nothing for me to do anymore valuable in this life but to fulfill
what my nature told me to do. To be the best of the Araneta clan and ran the country!
Eduardo remarked Araneta; you are sure of that right? Araneta replied Eduardo; absolute
ruler of the elites! Im not like Ayala, Lopez, Pangilinan or the Cojuangcos who are
clusters of self serving ignorantes. I will be the new absolute ruler to bind all people
under my reign. I shall demonstrate you how!

Araneta used his psychic powers to control the allies and tried to distort their whole
being. He ordered his drooling creatures to destroy the remnants of the dog meats. The
allies told Eduardo they will handle the creatures. They told Eduardo that once they
finished the creatures, they will help him set Araneta straight to his old self. Eduardo
nodded as he proceeded to fight Araneta. Araneta unleashed several energies as he
attempted to damage Eduardo. Eduardo used his empowered sword to either deflect and
to block all the tougher attacks. On his way, he managed to destroy some drooling
creatures. Araneta equipped his trident to catch Eduardo off guard eventually attempting
to destroy him to the dark energies he might release. The allies led by Krisma for a while
started to fight the dangerous creatures. She equipped her fighter camera as she pushed
the button to slow down the creatures. The creatures got stunned as they unleashed all
they got to destroy the creatures. Patrick clawed the creatures relentlessly to quickly not
allow them a time to recover. Larry used Eduardos smaller sword and hacked the
creatures with his main weapon. Pearl equipped her high powered rifle to destroy the
drooling creatures. One creature attempted to hit Krisma cleanly with its tentacle. Krisma
caught the creature in good timing and sliced the tentacle with her discs. She threw her

disc decapitating the creature. Pearl assisted her to blast in coming creatures. Krisma
repeated her pattern to slow down the incoming creatures as Pearl, Larry and Patrick
hacked them into smithereens.

Back to the Araneta-Eduardo Pizarras duel, Araneta imposed his will by intimidating
Eduardo. He used various psychic techniques to halt Eduardo getting near him. Araneta
managed to control Eduardo through his psychokinesis but Eduardo brushed every
attempt aside. Araneta in some way got Eduardo and attempted to totally distort his
whole being and attempted to hurl him around the room. Eduardo, through his fighting
spirit shrugged all Aranetas attempt and proceeded to rush towards Araneta. Araneta
equipped his trident and unleashed surges of energies to confuse and eventually hit
Eduardo. Eduardo never stopped thinking. He used his advantage in reflexes and
aggressiveness. As he got nearer to Araneta, Araneta attempted to lunge his trident into
the TFF leader. Eduardo, with his reflexes barely dodged the death strike. He prepared to
devastate Araneta through his blade but Araneta simply did not stop his intimidation. He
repeatedly unleashed torrent of dark energies slightly damaging the TFF leader. He saw
Eduardo stunned and delivered a lunging strike again. Eduardo blocked it with his blade
as he leapt into Araneta. Araneta used his psychic powers to control Eduardo but he
zapped into Araneta. Araneta managed to dodge Eduardos counter rush of his psychic
powers. He composed himself and prepared to beat Eduardo through using his trident. He
stepped back to avoid getting caught by the overly aggressive TFF leader. He unleashed
explosive barrels to burn Eduardo into a crisp. He constantly stepped back like a bull
fighter to stop the aggressive TFF leader. While stepping back to time Eduardo for a
counter, he unleashed barrels to damage Eduardo before he can catch the Araneta black
sheep. Araneta told Eduardo that he fights with grace unlike his opponent fighting like a
stupid bull. Eduardo continued to get a piece of his nihistic rival. Araneta never stopped
trying hard not to let Eduardo get over him. He continued to unleash barrels to damage
Eduardo on his way to him. He studied Eduardos aggressive moves until he managed to
control him and unleashed barrels hitting him in an explosive manner.

The allies fighting Aranetas mob shocked to see Eduardo landed burning in the ground.
Eduardo told the allies to keep fighting and he is ok. Araneta said to Eduardo; you are
nothing against someone who has real skills. My opponent is just a person who used
aggressiveness to impose his will. Thats not how a real fighter should fight. Not using
your brain can lead you to death. Araneta started to control Eduardo in order to fling him
around the room. He equipped his trident to damage him more than all his enemies did to
him. The allies wanted to help Eduardo. Krisma pressed the button of her camera to
distract Araneta. She threw some discs to stun Araneta. Eduardo aggressively launched
his attacks towards Araneta. Araneta summoned another set of toys for the allies to play.

As Eduardo prepared to strike Araneta, Araneta blocked his sword with his trident. The
two clashed as they are both determined to overpower each other. Eduardo overpowered
Araneta and broke his trident. Araneta used his broken trident to damage Eduardo by
unleashing surges of power. Eduardo was hit by Aranetas dark energies. He threw his
trident resulting in an explosion to destroy Eduardo. Eduardo literally flew from the
explosion to resume his tempo against Araneta. Araneta unleashed barrage of barrels to
incinerate Eduardo when perfectly executed. The allies defeated many drooling creatures
as Eduardo pressed himself towards their former friend. Larry and Patrick practiced their
styles even more against the creatures. They are shocked to see how improved they have
been compared to the last encounter. Pearl perfectly destroyed a huge number of the
creatures. Krisma said to the allies; it seemed everything is so different, we once have
difficulties battling these creatures may be through intimidation and lack of confidence?
But look at what we are doing now! We are owning them so bad. Patrick replied Krisma;
so far I see the same here! I can now practice my improvement here. I admit I almost shit
in my pants the last encounter though. Krisma replied Patrick; is Eduardo a big factor
here? Larry replied Krisma; yes he may have played a big factor here but we all
dramatically improved. Krisma replied Patrick in a joking manner; ewwww, I never
thought you of experiencing that. Patrick replied Krisma; fear is also a part in our lives.
We are still human beings who sometimes are not confident of our capabilities. Krisma
replied Patrick; come one let us fight the creatures and talk when the smoke cleared. The
allies continued their pattern. Krisma slowed the creatures down and used her discs to

force them into explosions. Pearl threw some bombs that badly hurt the creatures and
sprayed the creatures into smithereens. Patrick and Larry continued to be busy killing the
creatures. They talked with their friends occasionally but they do not drop their guards.
They retained their guard and concentration dealing with the dangerous creatures.

Araneta studied how Eduardo moved. He unleashed another set of barrels to catch him
into flames. He summoned more mobs to keep the allies busy. Araneta constantly moved
back to resume his role as a matador to catch Eduardo when the opportunity comes. He
studied as Eduardo is relentlessly moving towards him. He tried psychic attacks as he
managed to control Eduardo but Eduardo simply shrugged off his psychic attacks. He
unleashed dark energies to block Eduardos path of reaching him. The TFF leader leapt
even higher for hopes he can finally catch Araneta. Eduardo equipped his high powered
rifle to shoot Araneta. Araneta countered him with another set of barrels. Eduardo was
barely hit by the explosion. He continued shooting Araneta as he is approaching him.
Araneta used his psychic skills to destroy Eduardos rifle. He stopped for a moment to
control Eduardo and distort his whole being to subject him all he can give to him.
Eduardo prepared his sword empowered to be ready for the right move.

As Araneta is attempting to destroy Eduardo, Eduardo just zapped his way slashing
Araneta. Araneta moved a little back despite damaged by the slash. Araneta equipped his
gladius to engage Eduardo in a sword fight. The two rivals crossed swords with other.
Araneta demonstrated that he can fight with Eduardo even in his own game. He wanted to
overpower the TFF leader so he can make short work of the other allies. Araneta sent
another set of mobs to keep the allies busier. The allies destroyed the previous battalions
doing the same pattern way before they conditioned themselves for the next batch of
drooling mobs. Araneta said to Eduardo; you saw, I have killed all the toughest of the
elites. I will have no hard time doing that to you. Remember, you are the more lesser
being than the elites. I have destroyed the finest of the elites. Eduardo replied Araneta;
you are just good killing unarmed individuals. Im clear enough to conclude that you are
having a struggling time against me. Araneta, like Bong Bong whom Eduardo challenged
a lot of times made the same slashing moves. Araneta tried to lunge his sword but

Eduardo blocked his lunges and countered it cleanly forcing him to work harder. Araneta
grinned to the TFF leader and tried to overpower Eduardo. Eduardo continued to resume
their crossing of swords until Araneta managed to overpower Eduardo. He prepared to
leap to slice Eduardo to halves. Eduardo distracted his move by slashing his leg. Araneta
slowed down because of he slashes. He tried to slash conventionally to overpower
Eduardo. Eduardo blocked his sword and released an uppercut sword move. Araneta was
stunned and started to permeate Eduardo with dark energies. Eduardo was damaged by
the surges of energy unleashed by Araneta. Despite clearly heavily damaged, he did not
stop fighting to win. He posed in his usual stance to anticipate what Araneta can give to
him. Araneta surprised him with psychic powers once again. He threw Eduardo all over
the room. He told the allies to continue fighting instead getting distracted by him. Araneta
increased the volume of his barrels to finish Eduardo in an explosive manner. Eduardo
used his reflexes and sword to weather the storm. He appeared and disappeared through
speed to confuse Araneta. Araneta used some mind blasts in hope of incapacitating the
TFF leader.

Araneta unleashed torrent of dark energies with his drooling creatures to destroy
Eduardo. Araneta at usual unleashed more barrels hopefully ending the TFF leaders
existence in a burning carcass. Eduardo saw impending dangers coming directly at him.
He answered Aranetas big guns by unleashing the true power of his sword. He unleashed
large quantities of energy to destroy whatever barred his path. He continued to unleashed
wavelike and pillar like energies to cleanse the creatures in front of him. He unleashed
large wave of energy to damage Araneta which he did. He rushed towards Araneta.
Araneta tried to defend himself but succumbed to Eduardos constant slashing of him.
Araneta managed to slash Eduardos chest and stab him near the heart. Eduardo held on
as he was stunned in a bloody manner. As Araneta saw Eduardo is stunned and barely
moving he prepared to leap and decapitate him. As Araneta leaped into Eduardo, with all
his energy and will, he countered Araneta by unleashing an upper to stun him. Araneta
coughed out blood. Eduardo did not stop attacking him to assure he cannot attack any
more. Araneta tried his best using his gladius to counter his rivals onslaught. Eduardo
simply slashed him repeatedly in the torso that cancelled the rivals final blow. Araneta

unleashed dark energy within to keep his rival at bay and composed himself. Eduardo
shrugged the dark energies. Despite being hurled a little distance further, he speedily
resumed to his opponents front and literally destroying him. He stabbed Araneta with his
final lunge eventually unleashed surges of energy from his sword to end the battle.

Araneta retailiated the TFF leader by punching him to the guts and upper cutting that
further damaged the TFF leader. Araneta used his last ounce of his darkest mental arts
that hurled Eduardo unconscious to the end of the room. The allies are almost cleaning up
from the creatures. Krisma constantly used her cameras feature to slow the dangerous
creatures down. She threw multiple discs to damage the creatures. Patrick and Larry told
her to watch as they practiced their styles decimating the creatures. Pearl made some
movements while she peppered the creatures into smithereens. Larry, to show off for the
girls, he uppercut and used his hand to hand combat skills to knock the creatures out for
good. He threw his weapons to help the creatures explode into nothing.
After they destroyed all the creatures, they saw Aranetas armor falling apart from him.
They saw their friends features soaked in blood. The allies approached their unconscious
leader to regroup with each other. Araneta said to the allies; we are not over yet! You
became stronger and did a job well done but this will not end in simple manners. Indeed,
you became stronger but it does not mean you already stopped my goal of domination.
Krisma replied Araneta; you are already defeated. Even in this moment of chaos and
violence, please resume to your old self. Pearl replied Araneta; you are hurting yourself
due to an unfulfilled past. Let us work together come on! Patrick replied Araneta; we
know you are not as evil as the elites. You have a heart of gold waiting to be
demonstrated. Larry replied Araneta; best friend! We are all here for you. You should
trust your friends to make friendship work. You are just too close minded thats why you
became someone which even you cannot agree upon. Krisma replied Araneta; close
mindedness is all you have, pen your mind and heart, you will feel the joy of friendship
once again. Araneta replied the allies; silence you fool! You cannot fool me like those
who preceded you with false promises! My mind is all made up! I will pursue my goals
to rule this country in my own image. That makes betrayal and oligarchy vanished into

dust! You doubted what I can do? Larry replied; Eduardo made a short work of you.
Look what happened to you! Araneta replied the allies; thats what you think!

Araneta used his psychic powers to immobilize the allies. He controlled all the TFF
physically and mentally including the incapacitated Eduardo Pizarras to have them
witness his transformation. While he is controlling the allies he coughed more blood on
the road of a darker transformation. Araneta tried his best to make up the damages he
took. He cried to the allies; YOU WILL SEE THE EXTENT OF MY REAL

Araneta transformed into a buff individual. His damaged shins became similar to massive
tank threads seen in Japanese mechanical cartoons. He distorted the allies even more
dropping them all into the ground to render them unable to fight his new form. He further
transformed himself as he prepared to give the allies their finishing touch. Larry
whispered to Araneta; you lacked understanding thats why you became colder and more
nihilistic. You failed to understand situations in an objective way. You based all through
pure experience and emotions, dont regret if it will spell your end. Araneta heard what
Larry said and further tortured him psychically. Araneta replied the beaten Larry; you all
wanted reconciliation but you all fail to abandon all your selfish interests. You are just a
non thinking group of hypocritical pawns! There is no one there fit to rule except the
experience hardened black sheep than power monger hypocrites! I will not allow
myself to be betrayed by selfish individuals nor be subject to unnecessary insults even

P52: Descent into Darkness.

Araneta further transformed into a large humanoid and he prepared himself to deliver the
final blow to the allies once and for all. The allies while down in the ground, they
reflected the totality of their journey. In their weakest state, they reflected their struggles
and accomplishments. They looked upon their current hulking opponent as they promised
themselves they will finish the good fight and set everything straight including their
already depraved friend. Araneta said to the allies; I see now, you are not genuine friends.
You wanted to fulfill what your superiors told you to do. You are willing to exchange
true friendship over hidden agendas. How depraved you all become! This world has
many people to be trusted but in reality, whoever seemed to be trusted are all hypocrites
and traitors. DIE TFF!!! So I can decrease the number of traitors and hypocrites this
country have.

Araneta commanded his mob to attack the allies. The allies stood up and tried to gather
all their will to shut the mob and Araneta. Eduardo replied to Araneta; you replaced your
friends with these creatures? How disgusting you are! Krisma replied Araneta; get a life!
Being rooted in your imaginations does not give you good talking of being long term. As
the mobs approached the allies, Krisma slowed the mobs down. The allies, with their new
found strength and will to end the battle for good, equipped their weapons and did the
same thing to the mobs. Eduardo unleashed surges of energy from his sword that
dramatically decreased their number and aggressiveness. Krisma used her flying discs to
destroy the creature but it accidentally landed in Aranetas face. Araneta, in a near angry
mood controlled the allies psychically. He attempted to distort the allies in and out.

Araneta while controlling the allies, he unleashed dark energies to weaken the allies.
Eduardo told the allies to hang on as they will make a dramatic move to shock Araneta.
Araneta is all about to destroy the allies once and for all but through their leader, the
allies managed to break free from Aranetas grip. Eduardo told the allies to rush towards
the shell of their former friend. Larry replied Eduardo; diplomacy has no solution until
we shatter his ego. Krisma replied Eduardo; yes sir! We did our best but nihilism and his
narcissism got better of him. Pearl replied Eduardo; oh! We need to put some
tranquilizers on him to make him sane again. Patrick replied Eduardo; the end does not

justify the means. Araneta replied the allies; so you wanted to fight me? I have been
waiting this for a long time to prove my point to those who wanted to betray me! Araneta
started to use mental blasts to stun and incapacitate the allies. Eduardo told the allies to
dodge them all cost by concentrating your objective unto him. As the allies rushed
towards him, Araneta unleashed his traditional explosive barrels to destroy the allies. The
allies moved faster as they can to avert these onslaughts. As the barrels became more
dangerous and its volume increased, the allies like Pearl and Larry used their rifle to
destroy the barrels before it reaches them. Araneta increased the volume of his barrels to
be unleashed to them. The allies while braving to get Araneta, shot the barrels before they
can reach them as Eduardo unleashed heavy sword energies to assist his allies.

As the TFF nearing Araneta, Araneta moved a little and permeated the room with dark
energies to catch them off guard eventually tricking them by his own barrages of attacks.
The TFF saw the room became hazy and dimmed. They stopped on their tracks. Araneta
taunted them said; you are too confident that you can cross your ways towards me to try
destroying my ego. What now TFF? Your arrogant leader himself knew no intelligence
dealing with the unknown. Eduardo said to his allies; dont lose confidence, we can end
this day straight. Let us increase our concentration and focus so we can know where your
former friend is heading at. Krisma replied Eduardo; right! We can be in a dangerous
situation but it is not the first time we are in. Pearl, Larry and Patrick, even from the start,
we thought we are going to die but we went all of these misfortunes through it all
unscathed. Patrick replied Krisma; nice reflection Krisma! We should not separate with
each other inside this room. We will wait Manny strike and we will give him doses what
he wanted! The allies explored themselves in the depth of the darkened room. They
compiled with each other hoping they can deter the tricks being leveled upon them.

Moments passed, a tentacle came from nowhere. Eduardo slashed the tentacle telling his
friends not to forget to dodge when necessary. Suddenly, a series of tentacles came from
the middle of nowhere. The allies dodged some of them. Pearl and Larry started shooting
the tentacles until they melted. Krisma cut the tentacles with her discs. Eduardo sliced the
tentacles coming towards them. Patrick used his claws to decimate the advancing

tentacles. They heard Araneta cursing them in a painful tone. Krisma replied Araneta;
thats what you deserved. Your ego and selfishness will eventually fail you. The room
became silent again. The TFF saw creatures are rushing towards them. The TFF did their
routine and annihilated the creatures. Like before, when a set of creatures are destroyed
another takes place. The allies did their homework by repelling the incoming battalions of
creatures. As the last of the creatures came rushing towards them, Eduardo sensed an
ominous trickery being played against them. Eduardo told the allies to split for a moment.
After they split, huge chunks of Araneta barrels intended to trick the allies to incinerate
them in a ruthless manner. Pearl said to Eduardo; what happened to our friend? He
became someone he should not become. Eduardo replied Pearl; we will teach him a
lesson. If he wanted to be taught that way, we will give it to him.

The allies experienced barrages of barrels being unleashed from nowhere but most of
them have been blocked and destroyed by the allies before it tries to annihilate them.
After the barrels, the allies noticed themselves that they are levitating which they
themselves they cannot control their bodies. As they reached in the middle of the rooms
elevation, the TFF leader unleashed surges of energy to lighten up the place. They saw
Araneta is just in front of them. Krisma used her camera stunning Araneta. She threw her
discs to distract Araneta for the most. After Araneta got distracted, the allies landed again
to the ground. Eduardo lightened up his sword even more to track down Aranetas
whereabouts. As the allies rushed, Araneta slammed his fists to the ground to create earth
shattering moves. The allies were not intimidated. They rushed on their way to Araneta to
damage him. Larry and Pearl while moving, they continued shooting Araneta to slow him
down and to distract him. Araneta stepped back countered them with psychic blasts. He
unleashed his dark energies to stun the allies. He proceeded to slam his fists to the ground
creating earth elevating moves. The allies stepped on the rising geology of the cave room
to proceed towards Araneta.

Eduardo assured his allies that Araneta has nowhere to run. While they are getting near
him, Araneta tried to lunge his left fist into one of the allies. Krisma told the TFF that she
will assist them slow down Araneta. As, Krisma slowed down Araneta, Araneta seemed

immobilized for a while. The allies reached where Araneta is standing and prepared to
damage him so bad that he learn his lessons in a hard way. As the allies reached the front
of Araneta, Araneta started to unleash heavy tentacles to damage the allies. Krisma
stepped on one of the tentacles and threw her discs for Aranetas baptism. As Araneta
planned to slam his right fist directly to Eduardo, the TFF leader stepped a bit into his
large fist and slashed Araneta in the torso to make him realize who he is facing against.
Eduardo continuously stabbed Araneta in the torso further damaging him. Krisma and
Pearl assisted the allies by destroying tentacles Araneta might use against them. Larry
and Patrick went into Aranetas feet and constantly damaged his feet through their
combined styles. They planned to topple Araneta so they can further damage him into

Araneta released some flames to destroy the duo but the duo leapt over the flames and
continued hacking Araneta. Araneta, though his feet have been damaged, he refused to go
down. Patrick used his rockets only to be countered by the impact Aranetas feet made.
Larry threw his weapon into Aranetas feet. Despite the explosion, it failed to topple their
former friend. Araneta noticed the duo is trying to damage his lower part. He unleashed
earth shattering moves which the duo barely hanged on to their dear lives. With Krisma
and Pearl assisting the allies destroying tentacles Araneta might use against them and the
duo working to damage Aranetas feet, Eduardo seemed to be in a comfortable situation
to damage Araneta more. Araneta assured Eduardo that he is not in his comfort zone. He
unleashed psychic attacks to halt what Eduardo is doing to him. Eduardo countered all
psychic attacks in full spirit. He unleashed barrage of energies to damage Araneta even
more. Araneta will not stop until the allies are dead. He used psychic attacks to hurl four
of the TFF members to engage Eduardo one on one in hope of overpowering him. The
TFF members are knocked down in the ground for a while. Araneta tried to impose his
will by controlling Eduardos physicality and distorting his mentality. The two heavily
struggled to overpower each other.

As Araneta about to convert his psychic energies into something lethal, Eduardo forced
his will and in full spirit lunged his sword into Aranetas chest letting him go. He

unleashed five uppercuts to further damage Araneta. As Eduardo stopped, Araneta

managed to grab him and punched him repeatedly throwing him into the ground. The
allies went to their fallen leader with their leader replying that he is alright. He told his
members that they will eventually put him where he should be in. Araneta said to the
allies; even you pushed yourself at your best trying to damage me, your best is not
enough! You cannot destroy someone who survived lifes toughest abys! What you have
done to me needed nothing more but ultimate death into oblivion!

Araneta formed drooling creatures surrounding him to help him dispose the allies.
Eduardo rose up and told his allies that a little more beating will put him into submission.
The allies have no choice but to obey their leader for they believed they grasped partial
victory over their former friend. Araneta is all ready on his next plan to decimate his
former friends. He surrounded himself with his drooling creations to make the lives of the
TFF in real pain.

Through his psychic powers, he created a longer version of his gladius to help him
destroy the TFF into death and submission. The allies saw that Araneta instead of getting
weakened and ripe for the end, he became stronger even more. Even more motivated to
assure that his goals and plans are intact from the TFFs hands. The allies thought to each
other that they must work harder to earn their victory over the toughest of the elites. As
the allies and Araneta faced each other for the final round, Araneta taunted the allies by
again unleashing dark energies to permeate the room in darkness and mystery. He
believed with that, he can put an end to the allies through his sheer unpredictability. The
allies again wandered the darkness of the whole room. As Eduardo prepared his sword to
lighten up the room, tentacles like before came out from nowhere. The allies have no
choice but to defend themselves in order for them not to get impaled. The allies
anticipated tentacles from all angles jutting in and out to catch them off guard. The allies
formed as a united group to quickly dispose the tentacles. As they are about to breath as a
sigh of relief, barrels came into their scene. The allies ran across the room in order not to
get hit by the explosives. Krisma used her discs to destroy the barrels into instant
explosions. As the allies navigated the room, barrels fell from above to damage them in a

confused mood. The allies with their improved reflexes and fighting heart weathered all
the storms. The room suddenly permeated by failed psychic attacks until Araneta fed up
and ordered the creatures surrounding him to unleash biological blasts to damage the
allies. Eduardo said to the allies; I cannot stand to the game he is playing with us. Please
prepare yourself for the worst!

Eduardo unleashed surges of energies that lit the room. He found Araneta is in the
Western side of the room laughing maniacally while tormenting them. The allies are all
prepared to rush where Araneta is. With sheer determination and heart to achieve what
they see best for the country, they proceeded to end the battle with them ultimately the
victors. Araneta said to the allies; I shall play any of your games ultimately be the
triumphant one. I will demonstrate that you are fighting against someone who is
tribulation incarnate. As the allies are rushing towards their opponent, Araneta
cooperated with his creatures as they attempt to unleash biological blasts to the allies.
The allies unfazed confidently prepared themselves for the next set of Aranetas
gimmick. While the Aranetas creatures are firing biological blasts, Krisma, while
moving towards the big man, slowed the creatures down. She commanded Pearl and
Larry to empty all they got just to destroy Aranetas creatures. She consistently pressed
the button on her camera to slow the creatures aggressiveness down. She threw
explosive discs to disarray Aranetas supporters. Pearl threw some chemical explosives
that destroyed significant number of Aranetas creatures. Larry emptied his rifle by
shooting large numbers of creatures supporting Araneta. The allies did their thing while
moving towards Araneta. Araneta unleashed dark energies to slow the allies down for
good. He threw barrels to the allies but the allies became too fast to be hit by a
combination of his instant explosive barrels. Araneta felt what Eduardo is about to do to
him. He prepared his gladius while he thumped the ground by his left fist to unleashed
earth shattering moves. The allies took advantage of the elevated terrains. Krisma
continued slowing Araneta down and almost emptied her discs by throwing most of them
into his many different body parts. The explosions left Araneta staggered. Pearl jumped
into various elevated terrains while shooting to reach the threshold of Araneta. She threw

some chemical explosives hitting Aranetas face cleanly. Patrick used his rockets to try
damaging the giant sword. Araneta swing his sword with Patrick gripping to a nearby
elevated earth and fell down unharmed. He continued to rush into the bigger man. Larry
blasted Araneta with all he got until he literally emptied the last clip of his rifle. He
equipped his nunchaku for the sake of an eventual close quarter combat. Larry saw
Patrick already clawing the legs of Araneta with various crazy moves. Larry jumped
towards Araneta by performing a helicopter attack hitting Aranetas face and torso
eventually rejoining his friend. Together they tried to damage Aranetas leg and topple
him for good. Krisma and Pearl landed safe on the ground and distanced themselves to
safety as they prepared to time themselves well against his tentacles.

To the TFF leader, he leapt from platform to platform tightly equipped his sword to
protect himself from Aranetas devastating attacks. He leapt into Araneta. He crossed
sword with Aranetas gladius. The two tried to outcross each other eventually Eduardo
gaining the upper hand. Araneta with his determination, tried to dissect the TFF leader
with his large sword. The TFF leader jumped into the larger sword and partially landed
there. He unleashed barrage of energies from his sword to incapacitate that part of
Araneta. He stepped again on the sword as he prepared to leap and damage Araneta
juggling the latter further into the air. He jumped towards Araneta temporarily suspended
in the air dishing significant damage. He slashed Araneta all over his upper torso. Araneta
attempted to use his psychic skill of injure Eduardo further more but the TFF leader
fought back and pressed his way into the bigger man. He executed five uppercuts that
disfigured Aranetas face and repeatedly damaged his brain by constantly slashing it.
Pearl shouted at Eduardo to stop it because he is still the TFFs friend. Eduardo
remorselessly continued what he is doing until he unleashed torrents of energy again for
the shock of Aranetas life. The TFF leader leapt back to where Krisma and Pearl are
safely standing. Eduardo called the duo to regroup and see how Araneta will react. As
Larry and Patrick running back towards their friends, Araneta almost dissected the duo
but the duo countered Araneta so bad. The duo taunted Araneta that his psychic gimmick
is becoming more harmless. Eduardo asked Krisma to borrow him some of her discs.

Krisma gave her two of her discs and he threw the discs into Aranetas face to further
incapacitate his psychic skills. Eduardo equipped his high powered rifle shooting
Aranetas leg which almost made the latter trip violently into the cave floor.

Araneta saw what happened to him. The damages his former friends did to him. He said
to the allies; I have always known, you claimed to be my friends but what did you do to
me? You wanted me dead so you can pursue your desires into the higher notes! You
lacked patience! Like other people I have encountered, all are full of hypocrisy, not fit for
genuine relationship. Eduardo replied Araneta; is that what you all wanted? To fight and
test us is that it? You are my allies former friend but I do not care to preserve you if you
wanted to bring this country into your nihilistic reign! The whole population almost
resigned themselves into pessimism and resignation. You will add all your pessimistic
ideas to the already resigning country? We will stop at nothing because for us, principles
are more than fixing relationships with someone who is still horribly deluded. Araneta
replied Eduardo; you will pay for this! My friends might be sincere but you are pushing
them to widen our rift. You should be destroyed before we can all reconcile like in the
past. Eduardo said to the allies; you see your former friend? Seeing him, it should not
serve as an example to people who wanted to redeem themselves experiencing a horrible
past. People like him should not be looked as an example. A real person, a real insane
person despite suffered a devastating past should learn to let go of the evil past and live
his or her present to the fullest. That is, not to become nihilistic and greedy for power.
Araneta replied Eduardo; you are brainwashing my friends! It is time to destroy all of
you! Eduardo continued talking to the TFF; you see, we should not allow this country to
be occupied and ruled by pessimistic and nihilistic individuals. This is something a leader
should not be, someone who used his unfulfilled and troubled past to get what he wants.
He should instead serve the people in righteousness and objective principles! Krisma
replied Eduardo; reconciliation seemed harder. Eduardo replied Krisma; Krisma and
friends listen! You have witnessed I lamented because Im always the one to be angered
at, scorned at and blamed at. As we progressed you all see that I have learned my
mistakes not to let my emotions take over my rationality. I hope all of you should be like
that. Objectivity is a lot better than using pure emotions. Now! Let us set everything

straight. We are in a dilemma. Reconciling him will force him to the goodness he
scorned. Reconciling him will lead us to his agendas. Patrick replied Eduardo; yeah a
double standard dude! Eduardo replied Patrick; TFF, it is up to us to set him straight for
the final time. Shattering his objectives and ego will make him humbly adhere to our
righteous principles! Lets go guys! Araneta said to Eduardo; one of the reasons I let you
proceed to the next room not to intervene our affairs is because you are an oppressive
young man. You are oppressive and too dictatorial! You lead them not to develop them.
You lead them in order to force your will into their lives! It became evident that your
leadership made our reconciliation harder! Im aware that you are not as good as you
have portrayed yourself such as acting as the savior of the country. I knew much about
you that even your superiors do not know about you. Eduardo replied Araneta; what you
have become! You are someone whom you yourself hated for life. If you wanted to end
your misery I will help you till the end! TFF! It seemed your friends head is not in the
right tuning. For the country, for the people and for the greater good, Araneta let us end
this right now! Araneta laughed and replied to the allies; you thought you can defeat me?
I see you wanted an overpowering game. I will play your own game in your own rules to
see that I can shut you any angle you want. PREPARE TO DIE TFF! I WILL DESTROY

The allies equipped themselves for the final stretch of the fight. Araneta asked them; you
want an overpowering game? I will give it to you! Araneta used his psychic power to
control the allies. He levitated them from the ground and crumpled them through his
psychic powers. The allies wrought in pain along with their leader. As Araneta prepared
to empower his giant gladius to hit them torrent of energy, Araneta decided to torture
them all first through the tentacles. As Araneta is delivering the tentacles to heavily
damage the allies, propellers hit the tentacles even damaging part of Araneta. Araneta got
staggered enduring electrical explosions. The allies again are knocked into the ground.
Eduardo in an angry mood saw Bong Bong Marcos. The rest of the TFF cannot fight for a
moment due to extreme excruciating pain. Eduardo advanced himself to Araneta while
the latter is still suffering from the effects of the electrical explosions. Bong tried to assist
the allies as he saw Eduardo hacking his way into Araneta. Araneta stared at Bong and

said to him; you again? You got lucky the last time we encountered but this time,
everyone of us will die! I will end all of our miseries so all our tribulations and struggles
will be no more! Bong replied Araneta; concentrate on your incoming rival, he may get
your ego and ripped you apart with you unnoticed.

Araneta wanted to unleash devastating attacks but too late, Eduardo is already hacking
his way into Araneta. He temporarily suspended in the air slashing Araneta in various
angles. He managed to cut Aranetas arms effectively having him disarmed. He stabbed
Araneta repeatedly in his torso for a sure victory. He executed seven uppercuts to stagger
Araneta. He leapt into Araneta and stabbed him into the cranium. He then performed a
diagonal slash which resulted large surges of energy cleanly damaging him. He
eventually unleashed all the energies his sword has to send Araneta either back to his
senses and end his miseries once and for all. Araneta with his final attack, unleashed
which seemed to be the last of his darkest energies to turn the table against the TFF
leader. Eduardo is clearly damaged by the dark energies Araneta unleashed.

Araneta approached Eduardo and nailed him of what remained of his arms. He eventually
kicked the TFF leader with his tank like legs. He blasted Eduardo with his eye blasts
sending him crashing into the ground forming a medium sized crater in the room. Araneta
retreated as he prepared to plan for his next move. The allies barely got up and Bong said
to Araneta; I have known even from the start, as we had some rivalry back in the reign of
my fake father. I have noticed that you have a hidden desire to rule the country to make
up your troubled past. You seemed silent but having me looked straight to your eyes, I
know that you are seeking for the right time for vengeance and eventual ascension into
power. Now your plan has failed, you are just someone who needed to be disposed to
finally straighten up the country.

The allies asked Marcos to help them bring back their former friend to his senses. Marcos
replied the allies; we can do it but we cannot assure each other the outcome we all want.

P53: Invincible Araneta.

Eduardo composed himself as he gathered all his will for the final battle. He asked
Marcos; what are your intentions? You seemed have a grudge match with your fathers
former henchman. Marcos replied Eduardo; no! The Marcos you fought is not the real
great leader who ruled 45 years ago. He is just a weak imitation of the original.
Answering your questions, we do have a grudge match with Araneta. He is full of
deceptions and hypocrisy. He is no different from all traitors. Im here to end it all! I will
redeem myself and this country for good. Araneta said to Marcos; dont you know that
your in law relatives are Araneta? You are fighting your own bloodline. Marcos replied
Araneta; bloodline does not mean much for the country. You are an Araneta right? You
once told the whole retinue of the administrations that in politics, there is no blood, no
relatives, no friendship and no debt to pay. Power and greed are all the main factors to
keep the ball rolling favoring who wanted power. I do not care if I destroyed a fellow
Araneta. It is legitimate to end a nihilistic psychopath once and for all. Araneta replied
Marcos; losers are aligning with fellow losers. All losers joined each other for they knew
that they cannot bring the big man down. You are all here in you die trying to attempt
destroy my plans. This is your last stand for this countrys progress!

Araneta coughed up more blood as his body prepared to crumbled through explosions, he
told the allies that the battle is not yet over. Araneta pushed himself beyond his limit
gathering huge amounts of his darkest energies for his anger and power to fuel even
more. He gathered his darkest energies and transformed into something more unnatural.
Instead of his conventional Araneta head, he generated himself into a Megatron like
helmet with Roman feathers on the tip of the helmet. On the side of his helmet, he
generated demon like horns. Covering his bulky body, he generated a long and dark
trenchcoat capturing the intimidation and his depravity to his opponents. He generated a
huge trident as he prepared for the final battle. He generated spiked claws to summon
drooling creatures easier than manually sacrificing his concentration against his
opponents to summon creatures. Now, he can concentrate fully to his opponents
surprising them with his own flavor of his reinforcements. Krisma said to Araneta; what
you are doing will bring untold harm to you. Dont waste your life. You will have a huge
role to play in the countrys development when straightened. Pearl said to Araneta; you

can relate your past to remind generations to do for the better always. This is not the way
that you should be making up your past and to express your love for the dying country!
There is a lot of way instead of wasting our time here. Larry said to Araneta; best friend!
Please stop this conflict. It is not too late for you to put directions into your life. There are
many ways to express all our concern for this country. Patrick said to Araneta; Manny!
Let us work together for the greater good. We do not want to lose another friend. We
already lost a lot! Please love yourself if you wanted to see this country go into long term
progress. Marcos said to Araneta; listen to these promising youths! You have potentials
and we knew that you can be a great contributor to our society. Abandon your nihilism
and let us work for the greater good. A troubled past is not everything to be contemplated
to work for the better. Araneta replied the allies; just as I predicted, you will just
reconcile if you let my priorities be abandoned. Eduardo asked Araneta; isnt
reconciliation your priority? Araneta replied Eduardo; Im open to reconciliation but I
already said it is only possible if they are going to join my vision. Im trying to free them
from their oppressive and treacherous superiors. Like all great men, I will not accept
reconciliation by forcing me into their advocacies. I wanted I will still be the one to rule.
They just cooperate. Hypocrites and power mongers! You will all die! You are nothing
but wanting reconciliation but deep inside, you wanted defeat to be accepted by those
who opposed you. With all you as leaders! Im preparing a coffin for our mother country.
Marcos; it is hard to reconcile with people who are too narrow minded. There is no one
straight here. Principles come first before fixing a deranged relationship. These kinds of
persons needed to have their ego shattered. Lets go and destroy him! Araneta replied
Eduardo; try me TFF! For I should destroy the remnants of weak minded individuals!
The allies looked at their leader and convinced themselves that reconciliation is futile by
sharing their common goals. How depraved their friend had become! There is no other
way for reconciliation but by proving their principles worked better than their friends
nihilistic tendencies. Reasons and convictions are futile. They need to use force to bring
Araneta back to his senses. Marcos replied Eduardo; I lamented for the tragic younger
man. Even in the days of my fake fathers administration, he already exhibited nihilistic
and pessimistic ideas. He will not change until his last breath. TFF! For the country, we

need to fight him until hes back to his senses. Eduardo said to the allies; there is no
reconciliation in the side of moderation. Either it will be in the side of our principles or
we will compromise with him destroying what we believed.

Araneta unleashed torrent of energy to the allies. The allies barely dodged them. Eduardo
replied the allies; you see, you need to defend yourself than use your heart. We have no
choice but to engage with him fire with fire. Araneta unleashed more dark energies to
hurt the allies for illumination in his perspective. The allies ran across the room to be safe
from the devastation Araneta has made. Araneta unleashed barrels in an attempt to
incinerate the allies. Larry said to Patrick; hes all out to destroy us. Im saddened what
his past impacted him. Araneta said to the allies; you all have improved! You all became
better pawns! You cannot stand against to one who is sincere on the road improving his
country. Araneta unleashed dark energies from his body to distract the allies
concentrations. He held his trident high to shower the allies with lightning attacks. The
allies pushed themselves beyond their limits as they danced their way out from the
dangerous lightning attacks. Krisma used her camera to slow Araneta down. Araneta
blasted her with psychic attacks and she knocked down into the ground. Eduardo tried to
assist her but Araneta blasted him with his eye blasts. The TFF leader pushed Krisma to
be out from trouble as he tried to endure the pain. Marcos used his propellers to damage
Araneta. Araneta was slightly damaged but he retailiated by using his psychic skills to
control Bong. He held his trident high and damaged Bong with his lightning attacks.
Krisma used her cameras feature repeatedly to slow Araneta. Araneta countered it by
throwing barrels which Krisma barely leapt for safety. Krisma threw some explosive
discs towards Araneta to damage him but Araneta seemed unfazed by the discs. He
continued to scare Krisma by hurling many explosive barrels. Eduardo rushed his way
towards Araneta only to be hurled into the edge of the room. Larry and Patrick almost
reached the threshold of Araneta. They tried to beat and claw him but no effect. It seemed
Araneta seemed too invincible. Marcos rose up and unleashed heavy energies to damage
Araneta from afar. Aranetas coat is filled with energy explosions but it does not mean
Araneta was damaged. Araneta used another set of psychic attacks temporarily

incapacitating Marcos. He saw Larry and Patrick trying their best to damage Araneta all
over his body. Patrick used his rockets to try blowing Araneta off. Araneta grinned to the
duo as he scared them with barrels to confuse them. He then unleashed energies from his
trident to heavily damage the duo combined. The duo never easily gave up. Patrick used
his rockets and claws alternatively hoping to expose Aranetas weak point for future
further damage. Araneta answered back by unleashing huge torrent of energies to damage
the duo and keep them at bay. Araneta levitated and unleashed huge energy blasts from
his hand. He held his trident longer for help the allies realize that they are not in the right
direction to make a progress for the country. He unleashed a combination of dark
energies and lightning attacks which heavily damaged the allies.

Krisma cannot fight anymore. She is heavily damaged. Pearl was deemed useless because
she too was overwhelmed by the blasts. Larry seemed tired and unable to fight courtesy
from the heavy damages he endured. Patrick, despite his large size, Aranetas blasts are
too strong for him. Marcos barely rose up and equipped his sword. Eduardo is clearly
damaged and his face expressed almost hopelessness while shooting the levitating elite.
Araneta raised his hand as he unleashed abstract domes of his darkest energy coming
from the ground to drown the allies. Eduardo and Marcos empowered their sword hoping
to catch Araneta for good. Eduardo unleashed the best energies his sword can have into
Araneta but in futile effect. Marcos threw propellers into various angles of Aranetas
body but Araneta is too strong and invincible for the whole allies. Eduardo tried even
harder as he tried to unleash more energy from his sword. Araneta laughed at him and
said; you are in dire desperation. I shall give you my mercy shots. Araneta sensed the
TFF leader is similar to a shot fighter. He unleashed blasts that easily toppled the TFF
leader into the ground. Marcos rushed himself toward Araneta with his sword. Araneta
clanged back with him with his trident and overpowered him. Araneta seemed enjoyed
torturing Marcos. He poked his trident at Bong Bongs legs which the latter screamed in
agony. Bong never gave up. He continued to look for Aranetas opening. He continued
crossing their weapons with the younger Araneta. Araneta on his other hand, unleashed
blasts to distract and damage Marcos but Marcos fought harder to avoid the blasts and
seek Aranetas opening. Marcos again was overpowered.

Araneta poked Marcos into his left torso with the latter screaming in pain. Araneta
prepared to unleash heavy energies to finally destroy Marcos. Marcos equipped his
propellers throwing it straight into Aranetas face. He rushed into Araneta and repeatedly
stabbing him hoping the battle will be over. Marcos was overwhelmed by dark energies
from the middle of nowhere. He was thrown into the ground. Araneta used his trident to
have Bong Bong flying in front of Araneta. Araneta said to Marcos; I did not forget our
petty rivalry in the palace. You thought Im just an ordinary Araneta, you are horribly
wrong! Im enjoying what Im doing to you now. So strong you pride, you did not
obviously noticed that Im far stronger than you. I can kill you anytime I want even in my
ordinary form. Im just fuelling the drama and your torments. It is a great mistake to mess
with me! You see, if I fought you back in the palace, I may have your fake father will his
elites in disarray. Resignation is your only option to realize that you are against someone
not even the whole country can stand against. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Aranetas learned a painful and life costing mistake. Do not ever underestimate a black
sheep. You are nothing but pure pride! Even against the TFF leader, you lost! Marcos
while being seriously injured in the ground replied Araneta; it is ok to lose against a
principled and noble one. I will not tolerate myself if I lose to people against you. I
definitely wanted to end nihilistic psychopaths! Araneta replied Marcos; sure! I just find
myself as the sole problem solver of the country! I have no one to trust but myself.
Prepare to feel the deepest pain I had!

Araneta generated dark pillars to suck Marcos inside and further distorting him. Marcos
gathered himself and weathered what Araneta has in store for him. He saw Eduardo
unleashing huge chunks of energy to try damage Aranetas face. He distracted Araneta by
clashing with each others weapons. Araneta overpowered Eduardo but Eduardo never
stopped and rushed to stab his sword where Aranetas heart is. Araneta lamented and
replied Eduardo that he is well protected from all the toughest damages the whole allies
can throw to him. Eduardo empowered his sword and attempted to dish Araneta decent
damages. Unfortunately, Araneta simply used his psychic powers. He controlled Eduardo
at the same time, peppering him with dark energies then he used his eye blasts to damage
him even more. Araneta attacked Marcos with many explosive barrels but Marcos threw

his propellers into the explosive barriers to keep them all at bay. He concentrated himself
towards Araneta. As he attempt to leap into Araneta, he was caught with his eye blasts.

Araneta unleashed domes of dark energies to remind the allies that they are on their way
to damnation. He planned to overkill the allies. He held his trident high as he unleashed
lightning attacks to hurt the unconscious allies even more. He intensified his domes to
torture the beaten allies inside the space the domes occupied. Araneta cleared the smoke
and saw the allies are barely conscious. He sensed that his vision of domination and
power will soon dominate the country. At the same time, he is anxious to finally destroy
his friends but he has a plan for them. He surrounded himself with drooling creatures to
play with the TFF. The allies are barely conscious. Eduardo asked the TFF; are you all
ok? Krisma replied Eduardo; yes Iam but Im too damaged to fight. Larry replied
Krisma; are you abandoning our principles? Are you underestimating the nature of our
journey? So hard we have endured everything. We have sacrificed everything just for the
greater good of this country. Despite injured, we will continue to fight. We will stop
fighting until all of us are dead. We are still alive. Let us gather all our will for countrys
sake. Patrick replied Larry; best friend! I may be too damaged to fight Araneta but I will
not stop until we completed our journey. We have gone so far saw everything crumpled
in front of us. This country has no hope except the changes we are going to make. We
will be united until the country is in great shape once again. Pearl replied Larry; you
became even more mature. Once I have thought that you are just a typical work and drink
buddy. Now I realized that you are more than that. We all thought ourselves that we are
ordinary youngsters. Through upholding our principles and fighting for what is right, that
made us all special. Until the end my friends! Krisma replied Pearl; if I gave up; I let evil
won the day. We lived and joined each other with principles. We are not abandoning the
righteousness we believed in. TFF, friends and for the whole allies, we will change this
country. No turning back! Eduardo replied the allies; we seemed knocked down so bad
but we will not be beaten until the battle is over. TFF and my allies, it is a heart warming
sight I have experienced tonight. I once thought you are ordinary youngsters but you are
all more than ordinary. Marcos, you now see that you did not waste your energy and time
to observe all of us. You made us reach beyond our limitations. TFF, Im very touched to

see all of you despite being heavily damaged will still continue fighting until the end. I do
not know what more to say. Let us all stand up, try our best and set everything straight.

The allies nodded as they gathered all their energies for the final stretch of the battle.
Before the allies stood up, they reflected back from the beginning of their journey to the
current one. They told Eduardo that there is no turning back. They will all finish their
journey and work for the better of the country. Eduardo saluted the allies of their
endurance, patience, bravery and perseverance. Marcos also saluted the youngsters. He
said to the TFF; Araneta seemed invincible but this is not an excuse to be defeated by the
side of evil. The allies told Eduardo that they will finish the good fight and will give
Araneta the harshest beating of his life. Eduardo asked the allies; how about
reconciliation? Pearl replied Eduardo; until he restored his sanity so reconciliation may
work. Larry replied Eduardo; we have no choice. He wanted that way to have our
reconciliation. We will give him what he like is to defeat him so bad. Krisma replied
Eduardo; we are all after diplomatic means but we instead see our lives being threatened
by him. Let us soften him up first. Of course! Diplomacy and easy words wont work. It
must be something to let him give up! Eduardo replied the allies; great! Patrick replied
Eduardo; if we cannot convince evil people in good words, we must use force to
demonstrate him whos the boss! Eduardo replied the allies; I salute all of you whom I
first thought are ordinary youngsters but you all can be counted in times of difficulties.
You have a mind of your own. You are not afraid to risk something just for the greater
good. Marcos said to Eduardo; it is good to see your allies are brave people. Instead
having my pride shattered, Im contented to challenge the best of this generation. Im at
peace to realize my former rivals are more formidable than I thought. What we should do
is not to have difference due to pride; it is through working with each other using each
one of our capabilities to play a role for this countrys future. Long Live for all of us! Let
us shatter his ego and halt his crazed nihilistic quest for domination. Let us not allow
another tyrant to rule this country into dust! Eduardo continued; there is no meeting
between the lines. Moderation is already out of the picture. The choice is simply we
compromise to him thus, we are all reconciled or simply we force him to be in our side.
Moderation is already not in the picture. Unfortunately, we are going to bring him back

adhering to what is right that is, our principles. The allies replied Eduardo an affirmative.
Marcos said to the allies; violence should not be feared when we are after what is right.
This is not a perfect world after all. Araneta replied Eduardo and Marcos; people are
always like that. You brainwashed my friends so bad. Now, what Im going to do is to
save them from your clutches of betrayal and hypocrisy. Marcos replied Araneta; you are
a shame to the Araneta clan. What you are now can be classified as another ignorant
person thinking. You totally lost your rationality. We will give you no choice. You have a
troubled past right? You think you are enjoying your present moment of pessimism? Rest
assured, my friend, we will assure you that you are in a big dilemma. We will force you
with no choice to select but to adhere to true principles. Araneta replied Marcos; after all,
the heroes themselves are the villains. My past is already distorted, you are distorting
my present? Well good luck! You will die trying! Creatures! Eliminate all those who
opposed all of us. I have a great plan for my own prospects.

Araneta laughed as he summoned the creatures rushing into the allies. He laughed
hysterically as he enveloped the room with his darkest haze for his unsuspecting
opponents. Larry said to the allies; let the old damage inflicting pattern be demonstrated
once again. The allies waited for the rampaging creatures in an uncertain environment
they were in. Eduardo reminded them what he said about dealing dark and uncertain
places. The allies replied him with a positive remembrance on how to deal with these
kinds of situations. Araneta whispered himself he said to himself; the trap has been set.
Krisma slowed the rampaging creatures emerging from the dark. She finished them with
her discs. She pressed her cameras most special feature that is to dissolve the rest of the
creatures. Suddenly, a huge pillar of dark energy trapped and immobilized her. She was
brought to an unknown place across the dark. Larry beat the creatures with his nunchaku.
He prided himself that he can easily beat those whom he once had a hard time with. He
used Eduardos smaller sword and unleashed energies which swept the rest of the
rampaging creatures. A pillar of dark energies trapped Larry and immobilized him. Like
Krisma, he is brought across the hazy room to an unknown place. Pearl threw explosives
to aggressive creatures. As two creature attempted to trap her with their tentacles, she
threw explosives to the creatures and connected it with her high powered weapon blasts.

Pearl blasted creatures that stood her way until a large pillar gave her a fate similar to her
friends. She was immobilized and trapped within the energy. She was dragged across the
hazy surrounding probably to an unknown location.

Eduardo is aware what happened to his friends. He planned to deal with it after he
disposed the creatures. Patrick enjoyed blasting Aranetas creatures. He clawed them
proving the creatures that they are not as dangerous as before. After blasting and clawing
the creatures, he met the same fate of his friends. He is immobilized and trapped by the
pillar that generated after all the creatures are destroyed. Patrick is also transported to an
unknown location just like the rest. Marcos asked the Eduardo; where are your allies?
Eduardo replied Marcos; let us focus destroying them all first before searching for them.
Araneta said to the duo; they are in a way safer place bound for radical transformation.

Eduardo did not bother to take his words seriously as more creatures needed to be
disposed. Marcos threw his propellers from all angles. He knew that a number of
creatures were destroyed by simply looking electrical explosions in a distance. As
creatures attempted to slice him into halves, Marcos destroyed them all by the sword. He
slashed more creatures rushing towards him. He coupled the incoming mobs by throwing
more propellers. He connected everything he had done by unleashing strong volumes of
energy. Eduardo did the same thing. He destroyed Aranetas creatures like before. He
slashed creatures that needed to be countered. He unleashed energy waves to dissolve the
rampaging mobs. Araneta congratulated them after they laid waste to his previous
friends. Araneta said to the two; you are searching for the rest of the TFF right? I stored
them in a safe place bound for radical transformation. I will be their new leader unlike the
hypocritical ones. I will shape their mindset until we are all ready for real progress. You
are on the way of searching for them? We shall play some games before the searching
begins. You need to destroy me if you can, in order to bring them back to your side.
Eduardo replied Araneta; how depraved are you? Is that what your past took a toll on
you? Your past totally devastated you. This should not be your justification in your quest
of madness. You forced them to be with you although it is against their will. I have no
choice but to end this madness! Marcos replied Araneta; you will not be handling them

for long! Araneta replied the two; if you can defeat me, only you can get them back! Im
afraid you are unable to do it. I shall give you a chance to make up for it.

Araneta darkened the room even more. Eduardo and Marcos moved across the darkened
room to search for Araneta. Eduardo told Marcos to sharpen his sight, hearing and mental
faculties to have the job well done. Marcos replied Eduardo that he knew how to play the
game. The duo moved around the room until they felt they are controlled by Araneta.
They successfully moved themselves way out. Araneta surrounded himself with drooling
creatures to assist him torment the duo. The duo sensed that danger is always at their
back. Araneta commanded his creatures to blast the duo with their biological blasts. The
duo successfully dodged Aranetas blasts. Araneta planned to hurl barrels like before to
incinerate the duo. Marcos planned to throw his homing propellers to know where
Araneta is. Eduardo told him to run first to safety by dodging the explosives. After the
barrel attacks, Marcos threw his propellers that determined the presence of Araneta.

Araneta consistently attempted to blasts the duo with his eye blasts. Eduardo leapt into
the air with his sword lightened up to locate the presence of Araneta. He could not locate
Araneta in a solid way but just his outline. Eduardo told Marcos to follow him where
Araneta is. As the allies are rushing towards Araneta, they felt heaviness in their bodies.
They felt they are being played upon by the mad elite. Eduardo and Marcos struggled
themselves to be out from Aranetas influence. As they are on their quest to reach
Araneta, Araneta repeated his barrel attacks which the duo successfully repelled
especially Marcos propellers. Marcos began to throw his propellers into Araneta.
Araneta laughed at the younger Marcos and said; you have a habit of repeating things
which bring no avail to any situation you desired!

Marcos came rushing into Araneta. Araneta psychically controlled him again. As he tried
to distort Marcos, Eduardo unleashed energies from his sword to see where Araneta is.
The outline is gone from where it is. Marcos managed to break free from Aranetas trap.
The two continued to explore the dark area hoping to get a piece of Araneta to hack at.
Eduardo lightened up his sword to determine Aranetas location. He found the site

negative of Araneta. Suddenly, the two felt danger coming to them. Eduardo and Marcos
dodged Aranetas biological blasts. They felt Araneta is hovering over them. Eduardo
unleashed surges of energy to damage Araneta but Araneta grinned and countered him
with aerial blasts. Eduardo and Marcos were caught in the blasts as they were damaged
even more by the aftermath.

The duo continued struggling to compose themselves. They felt dark energies rising from
the floor trying to pull them into the abyss. The duo has now a hard time detecting
Araneta. Eduardo asked Marcos to struggle even more in order not to die unnecessary
deaths. The duo survived the threat of the dark energies which came from the floor.

Araneta tried to surprise the allies with his mind blasts. Eduardo luckily defended one of
the mind blasts back to Araneta. The deflected blasts did not damage Araneta. The duo
asked themselves how to damage and eventually defeat Araneta for good. Araneta just
laughed at his opponents confusion. He told them he is just giving them chance to fight.
He revealed to the duo that they are in a battle that they cannot possibly win. Aranetas
voice faded away as he used his trident to unleashed energies to catch the duo into
destruction. Eduardo replied Araneta; this is a stalemate. We cannot damage you but of
all your multiple attacks and skills, none has ever posed us a genuine threat. Marcos
replied Araneta; none ever worked, the best of your attacks just tripped us but none has
made us close to death. Araneta replied the duo; endure even more! You will soon realize
that you are destined to succumb to an undisputed leader. Marcos replied Araneta; thanks
for your bragging rights! We are just reminding you none ever worked. The
environment where the duo is standing became menacingly silent. The duo continued to
weather Aranetas storms. They even jokingly bragged themselves that they mastered
the art of dodging Aranetas arsenals. The duo explored the room further hoping to find
their lost friends. As the duo explored the room further, they felt something heavy is
about to inflict untold destruction to them. As the large object is about to fall, the duo
successfully dodged the impact. They saw with their very eyes that the object is none
other than Araneta who too is desperate to destroy the allies.

Eduardo and Marcos prepared their sword and ready to clash with Araneta if necessary.
Araneta equipped his trident and blasted the duo. The duo never gave up. They endured
the heavy damages Araneta gave them. Araneta realized that the duo is more relentless
than before. He wanted to give the duo a decent competition. He equipped his giant
gladius to destroy the duo for good. Marcos started throwing more propellers to confuse
Araneta. As the duo came rushing into Aranetas presence, Araneta started swinging his
sword hoping to injure and splatter the duo. Eduardo and Marcos unleashed heavy
energies from their swords to distract Araneta though he is not subject to heavy damages
the swords supposedly give. The duo skillfully avoided Aranetas sword swinging. They
eventually leapt towards Araneta as they did what they best do. They slashed Araneta
aggressively. They did not mind if Araneta will unleash devastating attacks straight into
them. Eduardo and Marcos kept slashing Araneta and did not mind if harm comes in their
way. They executed uppercuts in an attempt to convincingly damage the bigger man until
they unleashed heavy energies that enveloped them three. Araneta equipped his trident in
his left hand and held it high. He unleashed lightning attacks which made Eduardo and
Marcos flying through the electrical explosions. Araneta went into the unknown once
again as the duo fell into the ground.

Araneta unleashed darker magic that added insult to injury to the duo. The dark magic
tried to distort the totality of the duo but not their fighting will. Araneta said to the duo;
good effort but your best is not enough. You did nothing to genuinely damage me!
Eduardo replied Araneta; you will soon realize that you are already battered like your
past. I told you this time either you are with our principles or you will suffer the cost of
challenging all of us. Araneta did not reply the duo. He repeated his pattern of his attacks.
The duo endured another series of storms. They endured and dodged biological blasts
from Aranetas drooling creatures. They ran like crazy to dodge even cancel some of the
explosive barrels. They fought themselves out from Aranetas psychic domination. They
deflected some of Aranetas blasts reflected to the owner despite heavy frustration.

Araneta replied the duo that they did not do any significant damages to him. He conceded
to the duo that the duo cannot actually damage him even a scratch. Araneta held his

favorite trident and unleashed more lightning attacks. The duo despite their best efforts to
dodge the lightning attacks, they fell victim to the final wave of electrical attacks. They
were caught up in the impact of the succeeding attacks. Araneta unleashed dark energies
within his body to weaken the duo. He controlled the duo once again and summoned his
drooling creatures to pick them apart. As the drooling creatures rushed towards the duo,
the duo with their strong fighting spirit, unleashed energies from their sword and made an
effort to be free from Aranetas mental domination. Marcos landed on the ground and
unleashed three of his electrical propellers that decimated most of the creatures. Some
creatures surfaced from the middle of nowhere, attempted to destroy the TFF leader but
the TFF leader ruthlessly countered them all. Eduardo slashed all the creatures as they
rushed towards him. He unleashed various energy blasts from his sword that eliminated
the battalions of creatures. Araneta used his eye blasts to catch the duo for permanent
damage. Eduardo managed to dodge the notorious incapacitating eye blasts but Marcos
paid the price of getting hit. The duo is again under Aranetas psychic control. The duo is
being tortured physically and mentally by Araneta. They are flung across the room until
they were put in a place ripe for Aranetas butchering of them.

As Araneta planned to descent to butcher the duo, the duo seemed good in shrugging off
dark psychic attacks. They prepared their swords with Marcos throwing his propellers
into Aranetas face. It created a good amount of electrical explosions but the explosions
are just sufficient to distract Araneta. Araneta lost his concentration but nonetheless
relentless in swinging his sword. The duo crossed swords with Araneta. Araneta
empowered his gladius and overpowered the duo. Marcos was hit by the gladius. Marcos
was off guard. Araneta plunged his gladius into Marcos. Marcos pretended to sustain the
injury despite he is clearly mortally wounded. Eduardo wanted to check Marcos
condition but Marcos told him to keep fighting until it is over.

Marcos despite his serious injury, rushed into Araneta with he all got. He slashed him
with the best he can deliver hoping to finally have Araneta succumbed to the damages
and pressure. He unleashed the best energy his sword can offer to damage Araneta even
more. Aranetas gladius caught up in Marcos barrage of energy. Eduardo seeing his

rivals status and wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, he rushed into Araneta and
continuously slashed him like all opponents before Araneta. Marcos executed an uppercut
trying to damage Aranetas helmet so they can expose his face and shatter his ego.

Eduardo alternatively went on slashing and unleashing energies hoping to genuinely

damage Aranetas invincible body. Eduardo and performed five uppercuts to unmask
Araneta. Araneta countered Eduardo with a point blank eye blasts which sent Eduardo
crumbling into the ground. The power and intensity of the eye blasts coupled with the
impact of the fall made Eduardo almost incapable to go on fighting the darkest of the
elites. Araneta unleashed dark pillars of energy that sent Eduardo flying horizontally
across the room eventually suffering a hard fall. Marcos empowered his sword,
performed three uppercuts that cracked Aranetas helmet even more. He unleashed the
best energies his sword can offer and thereby unmasking Araneta. Araneta secretly
equipped his trident and blasted Marcos with all of its electrical energy accurately. Back
on the ground, the TFF leader wanted to rush towards Araneta for another chance to
damage him into submission. Marcos endured all the damages he sustained to be the one
to redeem the country by shutting off the toughest of the elites. It is also a matter of pride
that he will be the one to settle the score with his old rival back in Malacanang.

Araneta cancelled his quest to be the one to finish him. He countered Marcos with dark
energies that plunged Marcos into the ground. Araneta faded away into obscurity once
again. Eduardo was too slow to go for the finish. He cannot move like he used to be
because of the accumulation of his injuries and exhaustion coupled by the impact of the
falls. He instead rushed to his heavily injured rival. He asked in a concerned tone to
Marcos; are you ok? Marcos replied Eduardo; it is nothing. Eduardo replied Marcos; I
think you are not ok. You are heavily injured. Let me fight for all of us. Let me be the
one to finish the fight on all of your behalf. You need to rest. I should take you
somewhere safe for you rest for now. Marcos replied Eduardo; I said Im fine. I can fight
until it is all finish. You see I can stand! Eduardo replied Marcos; of this kind of
condition, you cannot sustain the faster pace of the fight. Araneta is getting darker and
more sinister the longer we are fighting with him. It is not wise to resume fighting. I will

dedicate this fight for you and for the rest of the TFF. It will be the fight that will change
the country. Mark my words! Marcos replied Eduardo; you have not experienced what is
to be a Marcos! A Marcos is a natural born warrior. They will not stop fighting until they
have achieved victory for what is right. I have done many horrible things in the past. I
wanted to redeem myself. Pride and patriotism made me endure the harder fights. I will
be the one to finish all this mess! What I will do is not simply out of this petty rivalry. It
will be the countrys redemption. Eduardo replied Marcos; but... Marcos replied Eduardo;
enough said! I will be the one to redeem this country from all of our ills. Eduardo replied
Marcos; ok! Thats how your persona operates. I will assist you at all cost. You can count
on me. You are once a rival to me but now, this is for the country. Lets fight for the best
of our country. Marcos replied Eduardo; we will decapitate that nihilistic scum for good!

After a moment of silence, the duo assumed that Araneta has been convincingly damaged
and is already afraid to give an answer to the duos onslaughts. Marcos like always, when
he is gravely injured, he will put a barrier around himself to be invincible from
devastating attacks. Marcos equipped his sword for Aranetas destruction. After a couple
of minutes, Araneta swooped down attempting to end the duo with no warning. Marcos
found Araneta is with his sword again. He believed that he has the power to regenerate
broken weapons. Araneta replied Marcos; you both thought that Im utterly defenseless
the next encounter though. You are terribly arrogant and wrong! I have more arsenals
than you can imagine enough to destroy you two! Araneta and Marcos clashed their
weapons with each other. Eduardo joined Marcos to help him overpower Araneta.
Marcos with the best of his efforts, tried to overpower Araneta and connect some of his
devastating counters that will spell the end of the nihilistic madman. Eduardo and Marcos
almost overpowered Araneta but Araneta controlled Eduardo and sent him flying across
the room.
Araneta eventually banged repeatedly the TFF leaders head in the Eastern wall. He
unleashed dark pillars of energy to keep him accommodated to injury. Marcos continued
fighting with Araneta as they crossed swords with each other. Both Marcos and Araneta
crossed swords with each other more intensely than they have ever been. Marcos said to

Araneta; this rivalry will end now! In the end, I will be the one to shut the curtains of this
rivalry. Being big does not necessarily assure you victory. Being invincible does not
assure you that you are untouchable. I will prove it to you that you can be damaged just
like your troubled past. I will have you no choice favoring you to choose! Araneta replied
Marcos; you wanted to end this rivalry? So be it! What you are waiting for? If you are
tough enough then you should have already destroyed me. I was not even affected even
by a scratch. With Eduardo not at your side, Im free to destroy you anytime I want.
Marcos tried his best in an attempt to overpower Araneta and hit him cleanly to finally
shut him down. Marcos replied Araneta; with or without Eduardo, the outcome will still
favor me. Without Eduardos help, I can still win against you. Troubled black sheep!
Araneta replied Marcos; what you said will regret you until the last drop of your blood!
You called me black sheep? Oh, you consistently called me that name back in the palace.
I have accumulated all your slander. I will use them all against you! Marcos took
advantaged of Aranetas anger. He overpowered Araneta due to the latters pure
emotional intensity. Its clear that Araneta lost his concentration thinking all his past
involving Bong Bong Marcos. Marcos saw Araneta is ripe for connecting attacks. As he
prepared himself to damage Aranetas torso connecting to his unmasked head, Araneta
replied Marcos; like you said, this rivalry ends now! Time is so fast. Once upon a time,
you are slandering me back in the palace, now, Im using all my accumulated frustrations
and angers that will destroy even your soul!

Marcos rushed towards into the already off guard Araneta. Araneta quickly halted the
rushing Marcos with a powerful swing from his sword. Araneta told Marcos that he is
invincible and damaging him is just a fable. Marcos lost his left arm. Araneta replied
Marcos; thats how rivalry will end. All the allies and the TFF will end in resignation and
failure! The TFF will serve me as their leader. This is how I repay all my moments of
silence trying to hold myself off not to embarrass you in front of your father! Marcos
replied Araneta; thats a good hit but I will not accept defeat until I die. Marcos rushed
into Araneta and executed an uppercut into his unmasked face. He performed a
downward strike attempting to damage Aranetas invincible armor. Marcos as a last
resort, he unleashed all his swords energies that created huge explosions boosting his

chance that his rival will surely go down into defeat. Marcos realized that his barrier
cannot help him to weather Aranetas attacks. He landed on the ground as he waited the
explosions and smokes to clear out. Marcos saw the TFF leader unconscious. He told
himself that he will be the one to finish the fight. He will be the one to end the fight not
only repaying all the atrocities he made but to give his best contribution to the country by
getting rid of it of pessimistic individuals like Araneta.

As the smoke cleared, Marcos saw Araneta is still alive and undamaged. Marcos almost
flew into a rage seeing despite he gave all his efforts and had his arm cut off, Araneta is
still alive and untouchable. Eduardo saw that it is insanely impossible to defeat an
invincible opponent. Araneta taunted Marcos and reminded him that he is not the guy to
be meddled with. He told Marcos that he is so unfortunate to deal with an invincible
opponent. He added that Marcos chose the wrong rivalry. He boasted himself that he is
not only a threat to the elites but to all those who are against him. Araneta equipped his
trident to blast the shocked Marcos. Eduardo composed himself and got up from the
ground. As Araneta prepared to blast Marcos with his trident, Eduardo threw his sword
hitting Aranetas trident. Aranetas trident was destroyed for the second time.

Marcos saw Eduardo and said to him; I have done many atrocities. For me, redemption
will be only something that will get rid this country from nihilistic psychopaths. Eduardo
asked Marcos; what do you plan to do? You lost an arm. Are you sure you can proceed
further? Marcos replied Eduardo; you seemed doubting my capabilities. I can do this
alone! We fought a lot of too close to call matches. All my family and loved ones are
dead. I have no one to cherish anymore. I have no place to go after this chaos. Eduardo
replied Marcos; but we are your friends. You have a great roster of confidantes after this
chaos. You will have nowhere to go because your life belonged to this country. The
people of this country still needed you so bad. You are running for senator right? Im sure
you will win and give the people a share of your awesome abilities. Let me help you so
we can do better. Marcos replied Eduardo; I know! I see you are too weak to fight. It is
not good to your health. My barrier is almost destroyed. This is the first time I
experienced it in a serious condition. Talking about winning the election? That is pale

compared my ultimate sacrifice for this country. This sacrifice is a lot greater than sitting
in the senate which is full of corrupt individuals. I must go! Eduardo asked Marcos; what
you are going to do threw yourself into the invincible monolith? Marcos replied Eduardo;
you lacked confidence. I thought you are matured but you are still a child! Araneta is not
invincible ok? Im his rival and I will prove it to all of you. As my barrier is dwindling
away, I can maximize its full potential releasing very powerful energies. Eduardo replied
Marcos; it seemed it will take a huge chunk of your vitality. You are a human after all! A
human cannot endure powerful energies hands on. Marcos replied Eduardo; things must
end. I will redeem myself just for the sake of this dying country. Goodbye TFF leader!
Just wait and see! It is a pleasure to have you as a rival. I did not waste time and energy
challenging all of you. This fight will be dedicated to the victims of the chaos, for my
family and for the whole country! Eduardo cried MARCOSSS!!

Marcos rushed into Araneta maximizing the remnants of his barrier. He surrounded
himself with a huge barrier but at the cost of his vitality. Araneta too, seemed weakened
by the giant barrier. As Marcos reached the threshold of Araneta, he leapt and grabbed
Aranetas torso through his sword as his giant barrier enlarged and affected Araneta to
the state of weakening. Eduardo saw Marcos sacrificing himself to redeem himself from
all his undoing. He saw both men are weakened by the giant barrier. Araneta dropped his
sword due to the extreme power and energy the barrier is releasing. He is also not strong
enough to throw Marcos like an unwanted toy. Marcos told Eduardo to get Aranetas
gladius to kill them both if necessary. Eduardo hesitated to kill his former rival. Marcos
told him to do it for the sake of the countrys future. Eduardo grabbed Aranetas gladius.

Araneta unleashed spikes from his body to deliver the last laugh by fatally impaling
Marcos. Eduardo saw the barrier is almost at its terminus. He saw his rival being killed
by Araneta. He equipped Aranetas giant sword and rushed into Araneta. He empowered
the gladius and impaled both Marcos and Araneta. He left the sword impaling his rivals.
Before the barrier ended, Marcos smiled peacefully as the barrier is on its way to its

After delivering the final blow, Eduardo retreated on his way to safety. The barrier
exploded caught Eduardo sending him crashing into the ground once again. The allies fell
down into the ground unconscious. Moments later, the allies and their leader woke up,
composed themselves and ready to see the aftermath of the battle. The allies in a faint
mood saw Marcos dying in an extremely damaged state yet looked so serene. They also
saw Araneta gasping for air back in his normal form. They heard Araneta is uttering
something like freedom at last, freedom from betrayal, freedom from tyranny and
freedom from oppression called life. The allies prepared to check their rivals before they
call it a day.

P54: Shattered Destinies.

The TFF members approached into Araneta as their leader rushed into the injured
Marcos. As the TFF members reached Araneta, Araneta said to them; Sorry for what I
have done to all of you. I hope you forgive me for the evil I have perpetuated to all of
you. I felt extreme guilt. Im already free from the storm called life. I have nothing more
to do because I already experienced the best and the worst life can offer to me. Krisma
replied Araneta; shut up! You will live! Dont try to be pessimistic. As you are breathing,
you still have the chance to change for the better. Pearl replied Araneta; come on! I shall
nurse you back to health. I know being your friend you have great qualities that will be
helpful to this country when used wisely. Araneta replied Pearl; thank you but you are too
late. As Marcos came crashing into me, I know my end is near. What must be done is
already over. Larry replied Araneta; no, we will all start anew. Death is not the solution.
Your former friends may have abandoned you but the TFF will be with you. We will
cooperate for the better. You are just evil because you delved tormenting yourself
thinking of the past. The country will not be progressive resigning to the ghosts of its
past. We must be move on and do what is best. Patrick replied Araneta; I know that you
are just looking for a group of friends to accept who you are, Araneta or not. You can
count on us. Araneta replied Patrick; I cherished the days when you watched us perform
and drink happily after our performances. You are the only ones who showed concerns
on me. Araneta vomited blood. Pearl said to Araneta; thats what Im talking about. Let
me use my remaining vaccines to heal you.

Araneta told her that it will be no use. He replied the allies; I have lived an evil life but in
your presence, you showed me your sincerity and concerns even in my final moments
which I do not deserve. Krisma replied Araneta; well! You are one of your greatest
friends but please dont die. It is just within your mind. Araneta replied Krisma; a happy
ending. Despite what I have done to all of you, I saluted all of you that you did not
abandon your quest to reconcile with me. Larry and Patrick told Araneta that he can still
make it alive to prove what he can do for the country. Araneta replied the allies; my
injuries are already stopping my vitality. I cannot hold it any longer. Im glad that you are
at my side. Im now free from the clutches of power, greed, corruption and oppression.
Goodbye TFF! See you in the netherworld! Araneta happily closed his eyes and died
peacefully with his childhood friends at his side. Patrick replied Araneta; you are born as
an ordinary child. You became a villain because of pressured oppression by the past but
nonetheless, you learned how to escape the oppression of the past and died peacefully
with reconciliation. I salute you Manuel Marinas Araneta! Rest in peace my brother!
Pearl replied Larry; good eulogy my friend, he lived the best he can. His life was simply
destroyed because of his name but he proved us there is still something wonderful within
him. Krisma replied Pearl; he is not a villain. He is just a tormented person who just
redeemed himself from the past that tore him apart. Patrick replied Araneta; I admire you
as a friend, despite being evil, you took us into an obscure location to save us from your
evil intentions. Though, your principles and Eduardos differed, you proved us that you
have the remnants of your former self. Rest in peace Araneta! Krisma said to her allies;
the scene is so haunting and touching. Even in his last breath, we literally reconciled with
Araneta. Redemption will always overcome evil. Talking of Eduardo, he said we will
shatter his ego, violent it may be, unfortunately, that is the only way for real
reconciliation with our principles intact. Patrick replied Krisma; an epic end for the mans
life. This is where we mutually agreed with each other than forcing him to align with us
even against his will. Pearl replied Krisma; God moves in mysterious ways, I cannot
imagine this will happen to us. Maybe it is the end of the elites. Let us work together for
the betterment of the country by being good examples to those we interact.

The trio agreed what Pearl said as they prepared to call it a day and start anew tomorrow.
While the allies attended to their former friend, Eduardo attended the heavily injured
Marcos. Eduardo said to Marcos; Bong Im sorry, I cannot believe that I have done this. I
added insult to your injuries. Marcos replied Eduardo; you did the right thing. I promise
you that guilt will have no place haunting you regarding this event. What you can expect
someone who lost his arm, heavily injured and closing to death to serve in the senate?
Eduardo replied Marcos; the Philippines will not be the same without your presence. You
may be incapacitated but you have the brains to keep the ball rolling. Marcos replied
Eduardo; I have told you. I have fought the good fight. I have done too many atrocities
even wasting your time and energy hindering you from your quest. Eduardo replied
Marcos; you are not a waste of time and energy. You pushed us to our limits. You made
us braver and more persevering. You awakened our nationalism and unity. Marcos
replied Eduardo; I was once evil but I fought how a Marcos should always fight. I made
my greatest contribution to this country. My sacrifice hopefully will pave the way for the
reconstruction of the country. Living in the shadows of my father, making my own name
by rising on my own feet, proving myself to my constituents, brainwashed to serve a
great deception and eventually redeeming myself and the country. I lived a life well
spent. It is all about a prestigious start with an epic end. Eduardo replied Marcos; dont
die on us. You proved yourself to be a great rival and someone who can play a huge role
for developments to come. Live for the people that voted for you! Marcos replied
Eduardo; I have done my part, this will how things will come to an end. I have lived how
a Marcos should live. Im very sorry for what I did to all of you. Forgive me of all the
mistakes I did to you. Farewell, TFF leader, I will be watching all of you how you all fare
well reconstructing the country. I will assess all of you from above. The greatest rivalry
we ever had goodbye my beloved country. Now, I can finally die a fulfilled man. Marcos
peacefully passed away. Eduardo replied Marcos; NOOOO!!! DAMNNN!!!!
Eduardo saluted his fallen rival and planned to tell his superiors to have a heros burial
for Bong Bong Marcos. Eduardo remarked Marcos; Rest in peace my greatest rival. You
challenged the validity and nature of our quest. You instilled us with direction and
perseverance. You made us united and steadfast even in the heat of extremely dangerous

situations. You made us where we are now. Most importantly, you saved us from near
damnation multiple times and you showed us the truth about how a real Marcos should
live, to love the country in our own simple ways. We owed you our lives until we are
living. May God grant you eternal rest! Eduardo saluted his fallen rival as he proceeded
where his allies are attending Araneta.

Eduardo approached the allies and saw Araneta passing away. He said to the TFF; your
friend passed away peacefully. A smile on his face signified he is liberated from the
storm called life. I see he reverted to his simple self. Only shattering his ego and putting a
halt to his quest of madness can made reconciliation possible. Krisma replied Eduardo; he
is back to his former self. Even on the verge of dying, he reconciled with us. He is just a
tragic figure ruined by his past. Eduardo replied Krisma; yes he is a tragic figure. We
should learn something from him that is, living in the present, being tormented by your
own dark past is not good for objective decision making. Pearl replied Eduardo; God
gave us all a brief reunion. It is a lot better than no reunion at all. He saved us from being
slaughtered by Himself redeeming our friends in the end. Eduardo replied Pearl; thats a
love of a genuine friend. I saw when he destroyed the oligarchs; he meant helping us on
his road to redemption though that time thats still farfetched. I do not think he is
tyrannical. He is just a tormented soul living in his own dark past that lacked discerning
objectivity. Patrick replied Eduardo; at least, in the end, he showed us that he is still our
friend. He must be happy where he is now. Eduardo approached Aranetas corpse and
saluted him. He remarked that Araneta won over the storms of life. Once he is in the
hands of fate, now he is redemption hands, all that described the real Manuel Araneta.
Krisma replied Eduardo; sadly, he got carried away. Eduardo replied Krisma; it is better
to die in redemption than living your whole wasted life in compromise. Larry replied
Eduardo; since, everything came to an end, what are our next plans? Eduardo replied
Larry; maybe rest and look after the beaten aspirant? Larry replied; yes, we need to rest
for a week before starting our normal days again. Eduardo replied Larry; a week of
relaxation will give you a bright new start. Patrick replied Eduardo; where do you work?
Eduardo replied Patrick; a government official. Krisma replied Eduardo; cool!

Everything is back in normal. Suddenly, dark energies came out from Aranetas corpse.
Larry said to Eduardo; it seemed they are not over yet. They are trying to find a new host.
Krisma replied Larry; what do you mean? Larry replied Krisma; the dark energies, like
before permeating the room. Pearl remarked that the energies are engulfing all of them.
The energies said to the allies; its nice seeing the whole drama here. You all dont know
the bigger picture. Pearl asked the energies; what? What is the bigger picture? What do
you want? You are going nowhere! The energies replied Pearl; your friend, he became
strong not because he accumulated his frustrations to his troubled past. Eduardo replied
the energies; give respect to the dead man. The energies replied the allies; your friend
filled with anger, revenge and frustration, he let me easily possessed him. I granted him
near invincible powers but he failed so bad against ordinary humans like all of you.
Patrick replied the energies; Araneta is a great friend of us. Dont slander him or else you
will be forced to challenge us. The energies replied the allies; how narrow minded are all
of you? We are not here to simply fight like good and evil wizards. We are here to be
illuminate. I have waited for this long just for people to be awakened enough to see the
true problem of this nation. Eduardo replied the energies; you are the problem and must
be eliminated! The energies replied Eduardo; TFF! To have your quest end is not that
easy. You decided choosing this kind of destiny. You must be aware that it will be an
extremely difficult road in a dark tunnel in which, in the end of the tunnel will be equally
difficult to reach too. The destiny you chose is not all about good fairytale like ending. It
will be an ending after many sacrifices. Larry asked the energies; what do you want? The
energies replied Larry; I have waited for more than a hundred years just for Filipinos to
realize their folly. Past administrations thoroughly ignored their real problem. They are
all after short term means. Nonetheless, they eluded the problem which if they have
solved it. They will be assured of progress. Ironically, five youngsters heeded my call.
Let us end this in a dungeon inside Malacanang Palace. My wait of anxiety has ended.
Finally, there is someone brave enough to deal with this countrys real problem. Im
filled with excitement. I will be waiting you in that dungeon

The energies revealed the allies that they are the one who possessed Araneta that made
him more powerful into the brink of madness. The energies went up and disappeared into
another dimension beyond the darkness. The allies are puzzled about the identity of the
dark energies.

While they are thinking about the obscure phenomena, Red Cross medic troops barged
into the cave along with their military allies. The troops saluted Marcos and put him in
one of their body bags. One of the troops asked Eduardo what to do next. The TFF leader
told the troops that the TFF needed a moment of silence and reflection for now. The
soldier respected the wish of the TFF leader. They focused fixing Araneta up and putting
him into another body bag. The TFF reflected a little longer after their reflection, they
went out of the cave to plan for their next possible move.

P55: Midnight Retirement.

After the allies went out of the cave, they met the chairman asking them about the
outcome. Bayani asked the allies; are you all ok? Please tell me what happened deep
inside the cave? Eduardo answered the chairman; it is a long story. We ended the
toughest of the elites. Marcos and Araneta died inside the cave. The troops are almost on
their way out carrying Araneta and Marcos to the morgue. Bayani replied the allies;
times so fast. Last couple of weeks we are faced with uncertain future but now it is all
over. Thank God, everything is over. Let the country start a new again. Krisma replied to
Bayani; the last of the elites is none other than our former friend Manuel Araneta. Despite
he died, he died reconciling with us. Our reconciliation assured our principles intact.
Bayani replied Krisma; how matured you all become. I congratulated all of you for the
job well done. Thats life. If you wanted for the countrys greater good, there are tons of
sacrifice to make it happen. You all made it. Filipinos proved Gordon that they have
unlimited potentials for progress. Larry replied Bayani; chairman! We have one last
problem. Bayani replied Larry; let us call this a day. Let us tackle that problem tomorrow
morning. You deserved a decent rest so as accomplishment worth generations to come.
Eduardo replied Bayani; thank you chairman! You did not leave us all alone. We are
almost killed by the slave masters. Praise the Lord, Marcos went into our rescue so our

troops. Without your help, we failed our mission so bad. Bayani replied Eduardo; unlike
others, we stayed true to our principles so as consistency. Eduardo asked Bayani; who do
you fight as you are rescuing the panicking party goers? We fought against Araneta with
Marcos sacrificing himself. Please tell us your epic battle tale. Im sure you can tell us a
lot of daring exploits. Bayani answered Eduardo; we just shot incoming slave masters.
We rescued the elites relatives and the panicking crowd. Oh, I met Jejomar Binay. We
are once the bitterest of the rivals. He is a vice presidential aspirant so am I. The last you
saw our rivalry intensified I assume it is in a popular TV station debate. We met a while
ago but I just let him go. Krisma replied Bayani; how come you are so light hearted
today? He must be under surveillance. A vice president should not be corrupt, traditional
politician and a womanizer! I hate womanizers! Eduardo replied Krisma; you are just
bitter in love. I will call your Gibi. Krisma replied Eduardo; you are another one! I just
wanted guys to be loyal and monogamous until the end. Bayani replied the allies; if he
wins, it is ok for me. I will respect the peoples decision. The best thing we should do is
to support them if they have some good to do to us. In our professions, we simply serve
as good role models for people to be more motivated and inspired for the good of this
country. Back to Jojo Binay, I saw him escaping from the already chaotic hacienda with
his bodyguards. He stared back at me. We went almost to a fight. I wanted to use my
devastator to crush him and his companions. I just credit his good deeds and competence
in case he wins. I just let him go. I saw him as he almost disappeared into the darkness. A
helicopter fetched him and his bodyguards as he escaped into freedom. Binay shouted at
me saying our rivalry is not yet over. We are going to continue it sometime. I simply
laughed seeing him not taking the risks in the heat of the action. Larry replied Bayani; we
knew you are intolerant to corrupt individuals. You just seemed so light hearted today.
Bayani replied Larry; believe me, our rivalry does not end here. We have so much time to
resume it. We just do not want to end it in cheap killing. It is a battle of competence and
principles. Pearl replied Bayani; chairman, you are such a unique person. If I were you, I
will try to crush that brat for good. Bayani replied Pearl; in case of corruption, I will
assure him that he will be the one to fix his own mess. He will be the one to answer all
the accusations in the name of justice. Eduardo replied Bayani; it is a hard and risky thing
to do. I resort in violence. Bayani replied Eduardo; not really. Just do not let your guard

down. Its just a matter of effective governance. I think you are all tired. Let us go back
to our hotel or to the hospital? Eduardo replied Bayani; let us check Noy Noy first.
Bayani replied Eduardo; you have my word. Let us go back to the hospital to check his
condition. I think he is almost at full recovery.

The allies traveled back into the hospital where Noy Noy is confined. The allies asked the
receptionist that they wanted to visit Noy Noys room. The receptionist replied the allies;
Noy Noy has already been checked out of the medical center. His sisters checked him out
of the hospital. The troops accompanied them to this address. Here is the address, Balsy
and Pinky told me to give you this address. There, you can visit the aspirant to check his
condition. Good luck guys! Larry asked the receptionist; where are the belongings of our
friend? The receptionist replied Larry; oh! The troops took care of your belongings. Larry
replied and asked the receptionist; how do you know? The receptionist replied Larry; oh!
One of the chairmans troops told me to remind you in case, you found Noys suite is
vacated. They brought it back to your hotel suite. The allies thanked the receptionist.
They went out and went back to their vehicles. Bayani replied the allies; I told the troops
in case, Aquino will be checked out, our belongings will be put back to our hotel suite.
Dont worry, our troops are extremely reliable.

The allies thanked what the chairman did for them. Eduardo told the driver to go to the
address written in the paper. The allies proceeded back to Tarlac where Noy Noy is
currently resting. The allies arrived at the Aquinos ancestral home in Tarlac. They told
the guards that they wanted to visit Noy Noy Aquino. The guards told the allies that the
presidential aspirant is already resting. They said they can visit him and be back by
tomorrow morning. Suddenly, one of the Aquino sisters peeked out of the window. They
told the guard to let the allies in. The allies thanked Balsy and Pinky for letting them in.
The allies entered the ancestral home to check Noys situation. They are being welcomed
by Balsy and Pinky as the sisters led the allies to where the aspirant in resting. After they
arrived where Noy is resting, Viel asked the allies of her sisters whereabouts. Pearl
replied Viel that Kris is still inside the Hacienda. She hid herself after she saw Manuel
Araneta started killing the elites including her uncle. The sisters are shocked! They

remarked the allies that whoever did that is thoroughly out of his or her mind. Eduardo
replied the sisters that elites are willing to kill each other due to conflicted interests.

Pinky knelt down in a corner and prayed for the safety of Kris. Balsy noticed Krisma and
said to her; thank you for all of you. You took care of my brother. I knew you all and my
brother have some animosity but I admired what you did to him. Despite he is your rival,
you took care of him. Sorry for Kris misdeed to you. She just loved her older brother so
much. We have no parents to protect Noy Noy. We mutually protected each other just
like what our heroic parents did to us. Im a little confused. Though, Im a Cojuangco,
Im still confused to the truth of who beat Noy into a bloody pulp. At first, I cannot
believe his statements that he is accusing his uncle Peping. Eduardo replied Balsy;
principles are more than bloodline and compromise. Please hang on as I tell you the
simple truth. It is commonly thought Gordons men are the one who beat your brother
into a bloody pulp. Thats not true. We witnessed your uncles slave masters planning to
kill Noy simply because he disobeyed his uncle. We went in time and saved him. It is
your uncle with Lopez who wanted to kill Noy like an unwanted toy. Sorry, I may shatter
your confidence to your beloved uncle. Balsy replied Eduardo; no, thats ok. It can be one
of the causes why a disgruntled Araneta killed the rest of the elites. They have conflicted
interests. Uncle Peping is just so tough and will not let anyone stood his way. Krisma
replied Balsy; I understand Kris. Like you said, she is overprotective of her brother. If
Im the sister, I will protect my sibling too. I pardon that we gave you more burden
despite the hour for rest. Viel replied Krisma; Kris is smart but sometimes she is too over
emotional. Dont worry she is a good person. If you next encounter her, we will assure
you that you will be good friends with her. Krisma replied Viel; thank you very much of
the kindness you have shown me. For all the irritation and annoyance Kris made, I
forgive her. A sister seeing her brother bedridden will be very frustrated and quick
tempered. Instead of judging humans, I try to understand them. Viel and Balsy thanked
Krisma for being a good and humble woman. They told Krisma that she demonstrated the
traits which are commonly ascribed to their beloved mother. Gentleness, motherly loving
and sacrifice are believed to be the epitome of Cory Aquino. Pinky replied Krisma that
she will find a way for Krisma and Kris to be good friends. Krisma thanked Pinky of her

efforts for reconciliation. Larry replied Pinky; that is a simple misunderstanding. It can be
resolved not in a hard way. Hows your brother doing? Balsy replied Larry; he is ok
bound for full condition. Actually, when we checked him out, he wanted to face Peping
in the hacienda. Which that time, I find it hard to grasp and believe He is full of energy
like an athlete getting too excited for an event. We just put some tranquilizer into him and
went home for a good night rest. He mentioned your names and we assured them that
they will put everything straight. Thank God, it is a blessing in disguise that nothing bad
happens to him by canceling his appointment with Uncle Peping. Pinky replied Larry; he
wanted revenge to uncle Peping and the so called traitors. Like our father, the hero burns
within him. Eduardo said to the sisters; when Noy is fully recovered, I pray that he will
tell you all what really happened. All of you need to rest, thank you for your humble
accommodation. Its time for us to go.

The sisters thanked Pearl for nursing Noy back to health. Pearl welcomed them. She
hoped for Noy to be back to normal as the days come by. As the allies left the room, the
chairman downstairs lead them back to their vehicle. The chairman told the allies that
they have one night more in the hotel but they will all sleep together. Krisma and
Eduardo told the chairman whatever the arrangement is fine for them. Balsy back upstairs
said to Pinky; so Peping is the one who beat our brother? I find it hard to believe. Viel
replied Balsy; I can easily believe it if its Danding Cojuangco since he is the one
pressuring Noy even more. Pinky replied Viel; Peping, it is a bit of a conspiracy theory?
Noy is keeping telling us that uncle beaten him into near death, if that is true, I cannot
believe he is the brother of our beloved mother. A total opposite! Balsy replied her
sisters; if truth must be followed, we cannot do anything but to realize as it is. Im a bit
puzzled but what uncle and company are doing to the farmers, their tyranny can be
possibly extended to Noy. He values us as our nieces but when his interests stood in his
way, thats a different story. Let us wait Noy to wake up first in full condition and we
will listen to his story in an open minded way.

The allies left for the hotel, Kris drove her way into the Aquino ancestral home. She went
up to see Noys condition. She said to the sisters that they should watch that arrogant and

rude Krisma girl. Pinky replied Kris; Krisma and her friends just came here to express
their concerns for our brother. Kris replied Pinky; I dont care! I find my world full of
annoyance seeing Krisma! She shattered my ego! That arrogant, stubborn and authority
defying girl! An Aquino ego is one of the countrys finest! From a host, presidential
daughter to an Oprah like figure reigned supreme to a petty pharmacist! Viel politely
replied Kris; Aquinos are one of the most humble people in the country so please behave.
A hero must set an example to the masses. Kris replied Viel; ARGGHHHH! You are
aligning yourself with the one that almost broke our brother into bits? Do you have
concern for the countrys figure of hope? Balsy replied Kris; to answer your questions, let
Noy tell us everything that actually happened. I do not agree with baseless speculations.
Truth is objective. It defies anything that is speculative. Kris replied the sisters;
whatever!! I still do not like that rude Krisma girl. She has no right to try word war with
me. She may have graduated in college but she is still a marketplace trained bitch! The
sisters told Kris to dress up for a decent rest. Pinky asked Kris about she saw in the
hacienda. Kris told her sister that a big guy bludgeoned the oligarchs into bits including
Uncle Peping. The sisters are further in a state of shock. They simply prepared
themselves to rest before trying to investigate what happened. Kris peeked into the

While the allies are inside their vehicle they asked the chairman why he did not went with
them upstairs. The chairman replied them that first; he does not want to create more
complications to the already confused sisters. Second, the allies can handle all the
situations even without him. The allies are the ones that can tell them the whole story in
more clarity. Third, he does not want to add political unrest to the Aquinos. It is late and
it is the time for rest and a conversation will make them stay longer depriving them all
the usual time for rest. Bayani told the allies the next time they set foot in the ancestral

home if the sisters are willing, he will be happy to accompany the allies for a good
conversation. Eduardo asked Bayani to go to the headquarters to inform Gordon and
others about the new threat. Bayani disagreed with him and told him to be back to the
hotel for rest. He told the allies if they want to inform their superiors of the new threat,
they just simply visit them tomorrow midday. The allies went back to their hotel. As they
arrived on their way to the elevator, a hotel staff approached them; he asked what
happened to them along the journey. Eduardo replied the staff that it is a long story to
tell. He told the staff to fear not. The threat of the dangerous oligarchs and the chaos are
virtually over. The staff congratulated the allies but Krisma told him not so fast. One of
the supervisors approached the allies and congratulated them after she realized they made
it back alive. The allies thanked the supervisor of their support and their hospitability.
The supervisor told them that today is supposedly their stays expiration but they
extended their stay for two more days. The allies thanked the supervisor. Bayani said to
the supervisor; sorry, we are too busy to handle our hotel stay. We are not fully aware of
the duration of our stay especially; three of our friends chose to stay with the presidential
aspirant. The supervisor replied Bayani; all your belongings are already there in your
suite. Please enjoy your two day free stay. Thank you for your quest in saving our
country. Please feel free to organize a victory party here in case you already saved the
country for good. We will be happy to be the ones to prepare everything. The allies
thanked the supervisor as they made their way to their suite.

While in the suite, Krisma asked Eduardo of his sudden admiration of the Aquinos. She
asked Eduardo; I saw you somehow weird today. How come you changed your
perception of the Aquinos? You once told us they are a family of oligarchs, now, you are
telling right into their face they are saints? You seemed tickling Noys senseswatering
yourself down telling him his parents are real heroes. I dont really get it. Eduardo
answered Krismas question. He said; Krisma, there are things a little hard to have
clarified explanations. Yes, going to places need ethics to keep the ball rolling. Krisma
replied Eduardo; huh? You are now in the stage of compromise. That is not good we
pledged each other along with the chairman that we will never be swayed by oligarch

tendencies and compromises. Eduardo replied Krisma; hahahahaha! It is a matter of

public relations. Aquinos are indeed sincere fighting for the countrys cause but they are
not as successful as we are because we are too principled. Ninoy is a great hero but not as
great as Marcos and Gordon. Cory is sincere, faithful and approachable but she
succumbed being manipulated by the bureaucracy. The conversation I had with little Noy
is that Im just inspiring him to fight what is right. Though his parents accomplishments
are lacking, I just motivated him somehow to fight what is right. A subtle way of turning
him against Peping and the oligarch is what I have done. The sisters, they are not a even
threats! Bayani interrupted Eduardo and said to him; it is ok to be smart but dont be as
cunning as the Arroyos or else we will be the one to be forced to fight against you.
Eduardo replied Bayani; nah! I wont. It is like betraying yourself and what you fight for.
Larry suddenly told the allies that their luggages are all stored safely. Pearl replied Larry;
run and thank all the staffs that took care of our belongings. Eduardo told both Krisma
and Bayani that Noy Aquino is not even certain whether he will turn against the elites
despite being beaten down. He said that he did the early sermon to Aquino to finally
convince him to join the TFF. Bayani replied Eduardo; yeah yeah yeah! Cory is not
always sure of her decisions like we saw that she always ignored Laurel. She let the
murderers and the oligarchs ran the country. She aligned with Arroyo at first then turned
against her. Patrick replied Eduardo; yes! Correct! She is sincere to fight for freedom but
she used the wrong weapons and planned wrong strategies to win the battle. Cory is
sincere but lacking. Ninoy is great but he got a bit careless. He showed machismo in his
last moments.

Bayani ordered the allies to fix themselves and sleep. Eduardo told Krisma that she
should not accept what the sisters told to her, equated to Cory. He told Krisma that Cory
is lacking and Krisma is way greater than her. The only thing Cory has is mob support.
Pearl became suspicious what is going on between Eduardo and Krisma. Krisma told her
to cut it off. Eduardo greeted her good night sleep. Krisma replied Eduardo; thats their
opinions. Remember always Eduardo; dont force your ideas to other people. You are
downgrading their free will. The allies slept all together in one room with the chairman.
Pearl asked Bayani whether the troops are arranging Marcos and Araneta for their

funeral. Bayani replied her that he talked with one of the higher ranked troops. He said
they are the ones who are helping to arrange for their funerals. They are currently keeping
a watch while the bodies are being groomed for the funeral. Pearl suggested Bayani that
Marcos deserved a heros burial. Bayani replied her that the troops are considering it with
a huge possibility. Patrick asked Bayani a favor to have Bong Bong Marcos a heros
burial. The chairman told the allies to sleep because it is already dawn.

When Eduardo and his allies are soundly sleeping, Eduardo again had a dream involving
with the super elites, the same ones who asked him to join them and fulfill the mysterious
plan. The old elite said to Eduardo; congratulations, you have destroyed the ones who
wanted to run your dying country! Eduardo replied the old elite; are you sarcastic? By the
way, your plans have ended. You all have no one to command furthering your plan of
domination. The old elite replied Eduardo; hah! Thats what you think. We are not as
narrow minded as other decision makers, if we plan, we have many alternatives to keep
the fruit of our objectives intact. You forgot it is not only in the side of the elites which
you deemed as evil in this whole drama. You forgot something! Eduardo replied the old
elite; you are all going down. Whatever alternatives you have in hand, I and my friends
will crumple all of them in front of your faces! The old elite replied Eduardo; it seemed
everything is too easy for all of you but that is not the case. You struggled against
Marcos. You almost failed defeating Araneta if not for Bong Bong Marcos. Arrogance
has crept upon your veins. The white skinned elite replied Eduardo; you failed to do your
homework. You also have mental lapses! Fake Marcos and the oligarchs are just our
preliminary parts of our grand drama. There are things that are still beyond your control.
Think about it. You should do be aware that those who are at your side are not who you
think. Eduardo replied the white skinned elite; those troops do not adhere to your evil
plans. They have their own mind working for the greater good! I along with these noble
troops, we wont allow you ruin the Philippines even more. Just shut yourselves up! The
female elite replied Eduardo; you are in denial! Admit it! You are not someone whom
your allies believed you to be. You are also working for this grand drama to happen
which untold wealth and conquest will benefit us all. Eduardo replied the female elite; I
will not join your evil plans. Things are hard to be clear in your presence. Your objective

is over! You wanted to make this country strong again right? You all succeeded. I will be
the one to put the finishing touch! Your plan is to help this country right? I agree with all
of you but not to your conquest and oppression. The old elite replied Eduardo; there is
nothing you can do to halt our plan. Whatever noble and good you and your friends do,
the important thing to remember, you are all at the mercy of our intelligent designs for
the Philippines. If you deny us, Im sorry you will all be eliminated. The white skinned
elite replied Eduardo; you have no escape, the people will know who you are and turn
against you, you lying hypocrite! You are weak! You attached to a culture which is not
yours! The female elite replied Eduardo; ah! Seemed you all have a hard time eliminating
our preliminary plans, you disobedient bastard, you have one more challenge ahead. You
can brag after you eliminated the energy threat. Until all of you destroyed the energy
threat, we will talk. The old elite mocked Eduardo and replied; arrogance leads to
extreme deterioration. You cannot do anything to turn our plan against us! All is set for
the Philippines to be progressive once again in eyes of the Ezarran sovereignty. Like
what my female companion said, you forgot something. You let your arrogance bragged
achievements which is not yours. Try destroying the unstable threat and we will talk. The
pale skinned elite replied Eduardo; boy, you know that the local elites, Marcos, chaos,
Araneta and the good and evil fights are all part of the grand drama in which, in the
end, we ultimately won. In fact, we already won! The disobedient elites deserved what
fate befell them. They are all arrogant and disobedient with self interests. You see what
happened to persons like them. You do what is good for everything. The female
companion angrily remarked Eduardo; no matter how you fight and believe, you are all
subject unto our mercy. There is no alternative. Fate destined it for all of us! Destroy the
threat and we shall have our accountings! Dont you know, you are already on your way
not to deliverance but to oblivion! The super elites laughed at Eduardo in a mocking tone.
They are like demons harassing unsuspecting preys!

Eduardo woke up in extreme perspiration. Krisma noticed her friend woke up

uncomfortably. She asked what did Eduardo dreamt. Eduardo replied her that the super
elites wanted to conquer this country. They allegedly manipulated even Gordons troops
even from the start. The fake Marcos, oligarchs, Araneta possession and the chaos are

their own doings. The super elites allegedly have spies even in the allies side to assure
their plan is working properly. Krisma rose up and wiped Eduardos perspirations. She
told Eduardo to stay calm and it is just a dream. She told Eduardo that being united in
principles, threats far and wide, big and small will all have no place to harm them into
submission. Eduardo replied her that should be the case. He promised the allies that he
will not betray them and join the super elites at all cost. He will fight for the allies and the
country he loves even at the exchange of his life. He will even help the allies to thwart
the dangerous inter dimensional elites like the TFF did surpassing all the threats that
stood against them. He went back into bed to sleep again until morning comes.

Bayani secretly heard the conversation and texted some of his high ranking allies for a
very important special conference to clarify the issue. The allies woke up. Along with the
chairman, they took their morning breakfast. After they took their breakfast, they asked
Bayani to go to the headquarters for a special conference. Bayani complied with the
allies wish and they proceeded back into the conference room. While they entered, they
saw Marcos and Aranetas caskets ready to be transported back to Manila along with the
TFF, as they travel their way back home. The TFF and the chairman requested the
officers to call the high ranking officers for a special conference for the allies peace of
mind. As the available high ranking officers agreed the TFFs wish for a special
conference, along with the chairman, the TFF proceeded into the same conference room
where they planned for the Hacienda battle.

P56: Special Conference.

The allies along with the chairman entered the room. The available officers awaited them.
They are all ready for the special conference determining the mysterious forces that went
out from Araneta. The colonel congratulated the allies for a job well done. He told the
allies are more than heroes. The allies managed to exterminate threats which the more
competent officials deemed them as impossible to accomplish. The colonel promised
the allies that they are on their way to real progress. Eduardo stared to the colonel. The
colonel stared back at him with an assuring glare that the troops are all after for the
welfare of the country. Eduardo replied the colonel that they should keep their words.

The colonels aide whispered the other colonel that the TFF leader is starting to have
some suspicions of the troops real motives. Bayani silenced Eduardo and ordered him to
behave. The other higher rank military officer asked the allies; what are your problem?
We are now almost over from all the threats that are capable of totally ruining our
country. Is there any more problem? You wiped out almost all of the forces that are seen
as a threat to sabotage the political arena of the country. Eduardo replied the higher rank
officer; you know this! Mysterious forces are enveloped us after we destroyed Araneta.
The forces took Araneta as a host to INTENSIFY his nihilism and his troubled past. This
is not good! The forces are on the loose! They are on their way to find a new host to ruin
the country and restart the chaos. The bald brigadier told Eduardo to calm down. He
replied the allies; we are searching those alleged mysterious forces. Im sorry, they are
very dangerous. Thats why we quickly attended to your needs so we can solve the
problem as fast as possible. The colonel replied Eduardo; dont worry, you are assuming
that all of the chaos and the threats seemed to be endless. We will put an end to the
remnants of the chaos. Trust us! Point into the Palace. We will determine the
whereabouts of the energies! Bayani replied the colonel; I sincerely believe that you are
after for our welfare. I sincerely trusted your generosity and strength to back our
principles up. Please do us a final favor. Let us end this chaos together. Goodness will
always win in the end.

The monitor received unknown signal. It came not from mundane sources. It came from
inter dimensional sources. The signal spoke to the whole attendants in the meeting; I see
you are all beating each other up just to locate my whereabouts. Hi TFF, so we talked
with each other again. It is nice to possessing one of the most powerful black sheep in the
nation. Krisma replied the energies; respect the dead, get a life! Let Araneta rest in peace!
We will find you for sure! The signal replied to the allies; your mission is simply finding
my whereabouts. What about defeating me? You almost got obliterated in the hands of
Marcos. You cannot even defeat Araneta without Marcos help, what now my allies?
Patrick replied the energies; with our principles intact and the fire to change the country
is burning within us, we see no impossibility conquering any feats. We will snatch you
out from your dimension and set you straight. The energies replied Patrick; so persistent!

I love what you said but you are all too emotional. Now, my objectives are simple, to let
the country focus their attention to me. Pearl replied the energies; you said that you
waited for concern citizen to finally get your attention on you? Oh come on? You must
very lonely with no one to attend your needs. You are less than a crying baby! The
energies replied Pearl; silence! You commented things you are not putting into context.
Things you never understood before you took a ridiculous commentary. I just wanted to
get all your attentions. Three decades have passed, you always ignored me! People are
afraid to face their greatest problems. Thus, they resulted to short term insignificant
solutions. Now Im glad, people are taking me seriously to solve all the mess once and
for all. I sense in all of you unlike the previous administrations, you finally woke up to
see the real problem. People before you simply succumbed under my influence or took
the cost of proposing short term plans. Eduardo replied and asked the energies; who are
you? What do you want? The energies replied Eduardo; TFF, allies, you have wiped out
all the threats that will plagued the country. Now, it is the time to set all of this straight
for the greatest illumination the country will experience. For now, I will introduce myself
as someone who rode with all evil finally to have someone to defeat me and set this
country straight! Bayani replied the energies; it all seemed vague, gibberish and
contradictory. You wanted to dominate us yet wanted us to be defeated for the sake of the
country? Man! I just dont get all of this! The energies replied the chairman; chairman
Bayani Fernando! I admire you, my presence is not farfetched. You can see my activities
like intensifying and even bringing Araneta, Arroyos, cronies and oligarches into
degrading madness. You are not dumb. You are smart. You now see the subtlest of the
problem. It is like this, a teacher wanted all the students to pass the exam but she will not
easily give an A to them that easy. The students must earn it and endured all the
challenging questions to earn their worth to their teacher. Im calling the TFF for a
greater illumination, tonight at 10 p.m., bring them all into Malacanang and see whether
they deserved to end their quest or not. They will see the real state of the nation. If they
win, they deserved to be future reformers for good. If they lose, it is game over for the
quest for progress. Im waiting for all of you TFF. I admire you finally heeded my call
for real progress. It is time for the great illumination!

The monitor switched into the vicinity of the palace and revealed to the allies that there is
a secret dungeon leading to the final battle. The energies signal disappeared with the
people in the conference scratching their heads in confusion. The colonel told the allies
that they will be bringing them into Malacanang tonight and wished them for the best.

The officers present assured the allies that it will be the last part of their quest for
independence. The brigadier dismissed the allies except the TFF leader. The allies asked
the officer why but the brigadier just told them to leave. Eduardo asked the brigadier;
whats the matter? The colonel replied Eduardo; Bayani told us that you have some inner
struggle. You alleged that we are part of the super elites plan to dominate the country?
You must go with us. We will be having some tough discussions to make. The brigadier
told Bayani that everything will be fine. He can leave now. Bayani left the room as he
joined with the rest of the TFF members. The brigadier replied Eduardo; the reason why
we ordered you to remain because we have some issues to be clarified. The colonel and
the officers along with the TFF leader left the room. The brigadier told the colonel to
have the discussion in a more secluded room. They all went into the location of the more
secluded conference room where even people outside will not hear the discussion. As
they are on their way to the conference room, the allies pretended they are going down.

The chairman and the allies became a little suspicious of the officers walking with
Eduardo to the conference room. They agreed with each other to follow the TFF leader
into the meeting room. The colonel asked the brigadier; is it ok for them to follow us?
The brigadier replied the colonel; yes, no problem! By the way, we cannot be heard by
someone outside the room. They shall be limited only to the entrance leading to the
corridor leading to the room. That will be the farthest they can go trailing us. Eduardo
replied the allies; worry not! Everything will be fine and there is nothing to be feared.
Trust is the secret for a successful mission. You can wait just outside of the corridor
outside of the room. The brigadier, Eduardo and the other officers passed the corridor
into the conference room. After they entered the room, they activated security locks as
the allies waited for their leader by sitting on the benches outside the secured corridor.
Bayani said to the allies; Im mistaken. I should not tell the officers of Eduardos dreams.

Krisma replied Bayani; oh chairman! You are not mistaken. You are simply looking after
the welfare of our friend. In fact, it is better for Eduardo to be clarified than feel sorry in
the end. Pearl replied Bayani; we may have started to suspect these officers but feelings
do deceive. I just pray for the best outcome as possible. My mind told me that these
officers are the same ones whom we wholeheartedly trusted. They will not betray us.
They will help us to work for the best this country deserves. Bayani replied the allies; Im
just a bit worried about the super elites. Patrick replied Bayani; nothing to worry! These
super elites will have their same fates with our oligarchs if they misbehaved. Hope this is
all hypothetical, if the troops betrayed us in the favor of the extra dimensional elites, we
will still be steadfast to what we believed in. Like you and Gordon taught us, we will not
abandon our principles, which are the most cherished belongings of our lives. Bayani
replied Patrick; it is good to hear that from you. I saw great maturity from all of you.
From a simple socializing youngster to genuine freedom fighter, you will make the whole
country proud of you.

After waiting outside for almost an hour, Eduardo emerged from the secured corridors.
The allies asked him what they discussed inside. Eduardo replied the allies that they
talked very simple things. Krisma begged the question to the TFF leader. She asked what
simplicity. She asked Eduardo whether they have discussed inside has something to do
with the recurring nightmares. Eduardo replied the allies with an affirmative. Eduardo
told the allies not to worry. He narrated to the allies all the things they have talked about.
He said to the allies; they let me narrate the content of my dream. I narrated the content
of my dream like I was pressured by the super elites to join them and realize my true
objective. Of course, I did not agree with the super elites in the dream. Next, they
discussed with me the content and nature of the dream until I pleaded them not to turn
their back on the allies. I told them not to be blinded by bounties in exchange of good
ethics and principles. I constantly told them to fight for what is right. I told them to fulfill
their objective in helping us rebuilding the dying country unconditionally in a fair and
humane way even unto the extent of not tolerating evil to destroy our society in their own
gains. Finally, they told me and to the behalf of the TFF, we can count on their words.
They will serve us until everything is ok. I smiled back at them. The colonel told me that

it is ok for me to leave the room. The brigadier reminded me that he will give us better
toys to play with in our final battle. He told me that the troops will hand us all the
weapons as we arrived in Malacanang. They all wished all of us luck and victory. They
even saluted me. I thanked them for their sincerity and willingness to comfort me in
trying times. Krisma replied Eduardo; we will be praying for our victory and for these
soldiers to be loyal to us until the end. Eduardo replied Krisma and the allies; Im at your
side no matter what happen. TFF! We will be together until this country become
progressive once again. Mark my words my beloved allies! Chairman, I thank you, I have
learned a lot from you and your companions. Thank you very much. Let us go now!
Bayani replied Eduardo; thank you very much and you are welcome. Im happy and
stunned you all became something we did not expect, great Filipinos!

When the allies walked their way to leave the building, Gordon suddenly announced that
he will be meeting with the allies for a final briefing possibly preparations for their
homecoming back into Manila. He told the allies to go downstairs and proceed to the
nearby orientation room for a final briefing. The allies and the chairman followed what
they are told. They proceeded downstairs as Gordons staffs awaited them. They led the
allies to the orientation room. After they entered, Gordon turned on his front and
congratulated the allies. He said to the allies; you all impressed me. You have done a
great job. We do not expect that in your age, you managed to destroy all the oligarchs
alongside their evil companions. You are all deserved to be called heroes. I now see you
can possibly exceed Bonifacio, Rizal and other freedom fighters. Eduardo replied
Gordon; thank you for your inspiring interview! You awakened all our sentiments. I hope
you win the election. Krisma replied Gordon; thank you for all the supports you gave us.
You too, deserved to be called the hero of all ages. Your accomplishments are far greater
than all our freedom fighters. Mind Cory, Aguinaldo, Bonifacio and many more, they all
paled against your accomplishments. Pearl replied Gordon; I hope you will win the
presidency not the uncertain Aquino. Go Gordon!

Gordon thanked Pearl for her support. Gordon replied to the allies; you said that I have
something to do for your awakening? Of course a total no, dont think I made you

become nationalistic in an instant. I just planted a seed that led to the arising of your
conscience for the greater good. Please take a seat all of you. Bayani thanked Gordon for
his assistance and constant surveillance to the allies. Bayani said to Gordon; it is ok for
me to lose my vice presidential bid. The most important thing is that you win the election
because you deserved to be our next leader. Gordon replied to Bayani; the battle is not
yet over. You still have a big chance to hit the jackpot big time. You owned Binay in the
forum and you are certainly more hands on than Mar Roxas. You are always there in the
middle of life and death situations. Your rivals just hid from the midst of danger. You
will win because you showed us you are a true servant of the country. A real leader is
always present for his people in times of need. I salute you for that. You are more hard
edged than your rivals. Please let me first announce something to all of you. The Red
Cross medics and some troops came also to participate the briefing. Gordon said to all the
participants; we all congratulate the TFF and the chairman for a job well done. The chaos
in the country is almost over. Almost all of the threats that wanted to plunder the country
are now already in hiding or simply eliminated. We all wanted to award these brave
young men and women but we heard that there is a last threat awaiting the allies. The
country once again hangs in balance between the new unknown threat and our noble TFF
friends. Worry not, those who fight for what is right will be ultimately the victor. Being
united in principles and service will not allow powerful threats to ruin them. Before we
continue our next plans, we mourned the loss of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. He is a true hero.
He aspired to be a senator but what he did, helping to end the oligarchy shone brighter
than he can possibly do when he is elected as a senator. One person may be deemed as a
villain to some but is revealed to be a fellow promising young Marikinian who went
home to be with our Lord. We all express our deepest sorrow to the family of Manuel
Araneta. He lived a simple life became a nihilistic person but even in his last moments
shown redemption reconciling with our dear friends. Marcos and Araneta, wherever you
are, we know that you are happy wherever you are. We know that you already fulfilled
what must to be done. Troubled lives but redeeming ends for these great men. We are
thinking whether we are bringing back Marcos back to his hometown or simply give him
a heros burial in the Libingan Ng Mga Bayani. So far, we will be contacting his loved
ones for the final decision. If we are to follow, a heros burial dominated our thoughts for

the noble scion. TFF and all our troops, now, there is a last threat remaining, hiding in the
dungeons of Malacanang. It is confirmed that the threat wanted the allies to have an
appointment at 10 p.m; we are now proceeding into the last part of the briefing. I think
we are all hungry now. Its past lunch already. Ok! This will be brief before we can eat
our lunch.

After taking your lunch, TFF and chairman, you are all going to check out from your
hotel. After that as usual, you will hop into our convoy on your way back home. Before
meeting the last threat in the palace, we will first sending you back to your respective
homes in Marikina for a brief rest. Since, it will be just five or six in the evening the
estimated time of your arrival, so four hours more to have an appointment with that
threat. Gordon asked Eduardo; where are we sending you back home? Eduardo replied
Gordon; I have no permanent home here. Please send be back to Krismas home for a
brief rest since it is only a two hour rest. Gordon replied Eduardo with an affirmative. He
added the content of the briefing; after a 2 and a half hour rest, TFF, you all should be
meeting together in your main plaza for our convoy to fetch you on the road to
Malacanang. After that, we will be all ready for the final battle. Patrick asked Gordon; are
you going with us to the final battle? Gordon replied Patrick; I may have wanted to, to
know that threat but hectic schedules of work made me ineligible. However, I will be
placing a watchful eye to all of you. Good luck and God bless to the success of the final
battle. For the country and to the whole Filipino people! Tomorrow, it will be a new age
of change! Long term change!

Gordon eventually dismissed the participants. He told the allies that he firmly believed
that they can make it to the end ushering in an era of change. The allies thanked him and
wished him the best too. Gordon told the allies to wait for him outside because he will be
taking them for a healthy lunch. The allies thanked the presidential aspirant again. The
allies met the brigadier and his officers just outside the orientation room. They led the
allies into their weapon storage and gave them new weapons as he promised. The allies
obtained extra dimensional weapons from the secret storage and told the brigadier hoping
that there are more generous persons like him. The brigadier shook and embraced each of

the allies telling them that they will be fully supporting them for the success of their final
mission. The allies met Gordon as they walked around the conference building. Together,
along with some officers, troops and medics, the allies took a healthy lunch as a treat to
them by their superiors because of their victory and to condition them for the final battle.

After taking their lunch, they went back to their hotel and checked out. The staffs along
with the manager bade them goodbye and success for their quest for changing the nation.
The allies hopped into the convoy and went back home to Marikina where everything

The allies while on their way home noticed there are two hearses accompanying them.
They believed the hearses contained the body of two great men they encountered in the
depths of the Hacienda. Eduardo and Bayani saluted the hearses paying tribute the two
men who made them stronger and more inspired to work for the betterment of the

P57: Dungeon in the Palace.

The allies traveled for three hours until they reached Marikina City where they will be
taking decent rests to prepare themselves for the final battle. The convoy dropped Krisma
and Eduardo towards Krismas house. Pearl, Larry and Patrick told Krisma and Eduardo
that they will be meeting them after eight in the main plaza. They told Krisma and
Eduardo that they will not have a time for enjoyment until the final battle be won. Bayani
told Krisma and Eduardo to have their meet ups past eight in the main plaza. The rest of
the allies are being sent back to their respective homes by the convoy. While Larry is
disembarking from the van, he asked the chairman; where is your devastator, are you
going to bring it to the final battle? Bayani replied Larry; no, it is your own battle. The
robot needs to rest also. He is somehow damaged in the hacienda battle. See you all at
least eight thirty in the evening. We will begin the permanent change to our country.
Larry bade the chairman farewell and told him that they are anticipating for his presence
in the final battle. Bayani waved his hand to Larry as he is the one the last to be dropped
off. Larry entered his house and prepared to condition himself for the biggest battle of his

life. Pearl and Patrick went to their respective homes and also took a quick nap to
condition themselves. Krisma and Eduardo went to their place safe and sound. Krismas
father welcomed both of them. Krismas grandmother saw them arrived safely like
before. Happiness and sense of security are evident in her face. As Eduardo and Krisma
sat on the sofa to talk with her, Krismas grandmother said to the two; congratulations!
You all made it. Time is running so fast. Genuine change is almost assured to our nation.
I can now grow old and see the betterment of our nation for the next generations. My
prayers have been answered. You went home safe. Eduardo, you must be a dashing hero
to your friends. Eduardo replied grandmother; grandmother, no, Im not the hero you
believed me to be. It is Bong Bong Marcos. Krismas grandmother replied Eduardo;
what? That person, I voted for him for senator and he attacked Marikina. Shame on him!
You are out of your mind! Eduardo replied grandmother; grandmother, Marcos seemed
evil but he actually saved us from near death. Krisma replied her grandmother; yes, he
saved us from certain death. Our friend Manny Marinas at that time is so twisted; he
almost crumpled us all into bits. Thank God, Marcos saved us all from certain death.
However, he is now dead. Our friends are suggesting the relatives with a heros burial.
You see Marcos played a huge role to save us from death. If you say hero, Eduardo is a
hero no doubt. Eduardo, sorry, Im just getting objective here. Eduardo laughed at
Krisma at told her to go on. Krisma resumed what she said; all of us are heroes. Actually,
our superiors are more heroic than we are. They did all the planning and researching.
Gordon and Bayani are our commanders. Their skills are heroic and are ascending into
legendary status. Without them, we are nothing. In case, we are heroes, it is our superiors
and troops that served as our pioneers. Eduardo replied Krisma; dont degrade us too
much. The role we played made us heroes also. Ego play Eduardo, got ya! Krisma replied
Eduardo; oh! Whatever you wanted to believe, my leader!
Krismas older brother sat with the two as they are discussing their activities with
Krismas grandmother. Krismas grandmother replied the allies; it looked like you all had
an epic journey please tell me what went along your journey. Krismas older brother
asked Krisma; how about newfound love life? Krisma, I think you have many secrets that
we do not know. It is a long journey surely, there is a degree of bonding happened. How

about Eduardo? Krisma replied her older brother; enough of it! We journeyed not
because we are hunting for guys and gals. We journeyed to save the country. We received
a high calling from the depths of the nation. Eduardo is just my younger brother. Eduardo
promised Gerardo that he will be my younger brother. Krisma made faces to her older
brother by sticking out her tongue. She saw her nephew and niece are playing with the
TFF leader. Eduardo told Krisma that her nephew and niece are very sweet. Krisma
replied Eduardo; yes they are! They erased my stresses in my workplace. The time I
played with them, I forgot my toxic workplace. Eduardo replied Krisma; well I see! The
nephew asked Eduardo; is there something going between you and Krisma? Krisma got
annoyed and pulled her nephew from Eduardos presence. She told him to behave.

Eduardo began to narrate their journey to all who are present. Eduardo said to the
audiences present; our journey is not an easy one. Bayani took care all of us. He let us
stayed in one of Subics best resorts. Have a good bonding time with Krisma and friends
and went along with each other in good terms. We went into a large conference room
handled by Gordon and our allies. The twist started when Bong Bong is revealed to be
the one orchestrating our plans to the Hacienda. We listened to him despite that time, we
were in uneasy terms. We just followed what is told to us. We met a disowned Noy Noy
Aquino, beaten by his relatives because of his sentimental principles. We admitted him to
the hospital for a week. Of course, we are extended for a week due to the Cojuangcos
excitement seeing Noy in their party. Pearl took care of him. Krisma has some unwanted
rivalry with Kris Aquino. She stood tall against the spoiled sister of Noy Noy. I admired
her courage and principles very much. Krismas older brother said to Krisma; wow! You
must be something. Not even a heros daughter could hurt you. Krisma replied her older
brother; of course, ah joke! Well, she wanted to fight me. I just gave her what she
deserved. That time, she was too narcissist. I simply reminded Kris her limitations. She
realized she cannot stand toe to toe with me. She went away and promised to plan
revenge on me in the near future. Eduardo added his narration; we went inside the
hacienda a week from now. We are invited by the elites to do party with them. Of course,
intimidation and psychological warfare are their preliminary dishes for us. The main dish
course is to kill us in our trapped state. Of course, that did not work. The main elites

wanted to destroy us after we defied them like they have all predicted. They called their
slave masters to destroy us but our former friend, now an Araneta, destroyed all the elites
in no mercy. I saw Kris escaping to the bedroom to be away from room. Krismas older
brother remarked the journey is so impressive like an action adventure movie. Eduardo
continued the narration; after Araneta destroyed all the elites, we got our weapons sent by
our troops as we chased our former friend. Inside the cave, Marcos came into our rescue
and destroyed Araneta sacrificing himself. I got Aranetas weapon and shoved his
weapon into his near indestructible armor. After that, Araneta is revealed to be possessed
by strong dark energies that we are going to investigate within the dungeons of the
palace. Krismas grandmother remarked that the TFF have an epic journey. She asked the
Krisma and Eduardo; you mean it is not over yet? There is still one last threat to be
destroyed? Eduardo replied Krismas grandmother; Im afraid there is one last threat that
needed to be remove for the sake of long term progress. We just came here to rest for a
couple of hours and resume to the end of our journey. Dont lose your hope and
confidence, Krisma is more epic than you can think of her. She handled all the situations
well. As long we are united in principles and cooperation, there is nothing could cross our
path into oblivion. Krismas grandmother replied Eduardo; we will be counting for your
success in this final journey. I know like always, you will all make it alive. If God wills,
you will bring genuine change and be regarded not only as heroes but legends as well.
Eduardo replied Krismas grandmother; that is too much! We just do whatever what must
be done. It is not for our own gains. It is for this whole country to be revitalized once
again. We may die but our sacrifice will all worth it like Marcos Jr. Krismas older
brother replied Eduardo; thats Marcos Jr. in my mind, became a villain but he is one of
the real heroes in your epic quest. Condolence for his loved ones, may his soul be granted
eternal rest in Heaven. I cannot comprehend what will become of all of you if he did not
go in time to save you from Araneta thing. Krisma replied her older brother; we will still
win but it would be very hard and it will looked like we have passed the terrors of Hell.
Krismas father called Eduardo to talk with him. Eduardo excused himself to Krismas
older brother and grandmother that her father wanted to talk with him. He stood up and
went to where Krismas father stands for a conversation. Krismas grandmother reminded

Eduardo not to be over emotional because calling him does not mean that Krismas father
is angry with him. Eduardo approached Krismas father. They are both peeking at the
window facing the evening environment of Marikina City. Krismas father saw Eduardo
approaching and said to him; you have come. We have something important to talk about.
Eduardo replied Krismas father; what is that? If you have something to say please feel
free to take your time and go on. Krismas father replied Eduardo; this is a man to man
talk. Anything related to all things we have been through in the walk called life. I have
seen you sincerely fulfilling your promise to my son to make up their lost time with
Krisma. I saw you both are like siblings though not related. By the way, Im glad that I
saw you coming back alive with my daughter unharmed. Eduardo replied Krismas
father; of course sir, your daughters safety is my first concern along the journey.
Krismas father replied Eduardo; I see. Im well impressed you took care of her. By the
way, you are not mean as I assumed of you. Sorry that I misunderstood you and got over
emotional during Gerardos wake. I really loved my children. I did my best to provide
them the best quality of life they really deserved. Eduardo replied Krismas father; yes I
understand you. I now understand why you are so protective of your children. Krismas
father replied Eduardo; Hahahahahahahahaha! Protective to my children you said? You
gave me a good laugh. Im protective of them when they were all young. Of course, when
people mature they need to fight for themselves and the one they love. Gerardo is a great
guy. His life is ruined by the elites. I assume you already destroyed them. You went back
alive here right? So I assumed thats the case. Eduardo replied Krismas father; Gerardo
sacrificed his life for me. I promised him to avenge his employers and spend much time
with Krisma to make up their lost time. Krisma is like an older sister to me. She knew me
well and comforted me when troubles come. I can proudly say that the elites are all dead.
We can now assure that change is almost taking place. I will fulfill my promises to
Gerardo. He sacrificed his life for me. I will repay his sacrifice by changing the country
for the best. I will prove him that Im worth dying for. Krismas father replied Eduardo;
your sincerity ascended you to greater heights. Its so fortunate to talk people like you.
You are overly sincere but sensitive. Change the country huh? In the past, I tried my best
along with my wife to provide them the best quality of living possible but frankly, it isnt
enough. Insufficiency of our earnings forced my wife to work abroad in Japan where she

is continually helping me supporting the children. There is a time that I almost resigned
from life because of extreme hardship. Living in the Philippines in this condition is not
easy you know? Corrupt politicians, undisciplined people, oligarchs and lack of
innovation forced this country into downfall. While my retirement age is coming close, I
saw my children grew into smart and intelligent young adults that gave my heart full of
hope. I have seen them grow into people whom you can assure their futures stability.
Your quest is a noble one. You are a selfless man. I hope there are many people like you.
You resembled me in my trying years. A man who seemed weak to cope on life only
became stronger for he is sincere enough to change for the better. That is where the heart
of a champion burns brighter than any adversaries he encountered. Eduardo replied
Krismas father; its good to hear your story. Everybody wanted to have a father like you.
A man may not provide all the luxuries of the world to their children but sincerely
providing them the best life you can give them is sufficient enough to gain your
childrens respect. I have a great respect to you Mr. Marcelino. You showed me what a
real father is. You are someone whom everybody becomes strong just being influenced
by you. I have no hatred deep in my heart for you. You showed me the real Marcelino
trait, strong and persevering. No wonder your children are as tough as you. Even Krisma,
she is too tough for an ordinary male adult. She will always fight for what is right at all
cost which superbly impressed me. I can safety put her above her male friends. Krismas
father replied Eduardo; too much compliment. I hope you are telling the truth not simply
trying to impress all of us. I congratulate you that you all came here back alive.
Unfortunately, I heard you are leaving an hour or so. I wish you all the best for your final
obstacle. Please protect Krisma at all cost. Eduardo replied Krismas father; you can
count on me always. Krisma may not be my relative but I valued her more than anything
else. She can see my deepest yearnings in life. I find her a bit mysterious compared to
other women. Krismas father asked Eduardo; is there something going between you? I
find you both a bit suspicious. Eduardo replied Krismas father; we dont have any
relationships, couple per say or stage of courting. I just regarded her as my foster sister. It
cannot be denied we all became too close with each other as the journey progressed. We
thought of each other as real siblings. We learned a lot from each other as the days
passed. Krismas father replied Eduardo; you have my full support if you plan to court

her. Eduardo replied Krismas father; she is too tough for me. Krismas father replied
Eduardo; there, thats all the conversation is all about. To be clarified with each other and
clear out our misunderstanding. Hope you enjoyed it. I believe you loved Krisma so
much and you will be willing to risk your life for her. Eduardo replied Krismas father;
certainly, I wanted to have Gerardos sacrifice to be worth it. It is better for me to die
saving a person than seeing the person die while being helpless. Krismas father replied
Eduardo; ok! Hope you understand everything. I have nothing against you. Im just
protective of my children. You are going to a big battle tonight right? I pray that you all
will come out victorious against all odds. When you encountered that final threat that
hindered our countrys progress, please carry on my sentiments for him to understand
what is to live in a dying country. Eduardo replied Krismas father; we will be thinking
all the sentiments of the people that we met. Those who died in the chaos, those who are
oppressed by the politicians, by the oligarchs and those whose lives are ruined by
loathsome system this country ever produced. We will be empowering our weapons with
all the peoples sentiments that will shine brighter than any star pulverizing those who
refused to give our country genuine progress.
Krismas father tapped Eduardo on his back. He told the TFF leader that he regarded him
as member of their household. Also, he told him that he is a complete substitute for the
great Gerardo. He finally told Eduardo that he will be praying for the completion of the
allies noble goal. Eduardo thanked Krismas father and both men shook their hands.
Krismas grandmother called the two for dinner. The two heard the old ladys call for
dinner. They went into the dinner table to reunite with the rest of the household for a
hearty dinner.

The whole household enjoyed their dinner and had a nice conversation with each other
pertaining to anything under the sun. After taking their dinner, Eduardo and Krisma
prepared themselves to meet up with the rest of the allies in the main plaza. They
equipped their weapons, recharged their weapons and prepared the rest of the necessary
items needed for the final battle. Eduardo and Krisma went downstairs to the living room

to spend the rest of their break time. They both have a nice conversation with the rest of
the household about issues in life.

After a half hour rest, Krisma and Eduardo prepared to proceed into the main plaza where
the convoys will be fetching them along with the rest of the allies. As they went down of
the house, Krismas father and grandmother bade them farewell and wished them a
victorious outcome over their final obstacle. They wished for a successful completion of
their journey for the nation to be finally changed for the next generations to cherish it.
Krisma replied her father and grandmother that she and Eduardo will be making it alive
and will come back safe to their house. She told them not to worry much and simply pray
for their victory to change the nation for real. The allies bade their household goodbye as
they worked their way into the main plaza for the reunion. Krisma and Eduardo arrived
into the main plaza. They reflected the night sky and the riverbank surroundings as they
await their allies. Minutes later, the chairman arrived along with the rest of their friends.
The chairman told the allies that the convoy is now on their way to fetch them into
Malacanang. Krisma asked Bayani; why you do not fetch the two of us? Bayani replied
Krisma; you did not call me or you just went in your own. Eduardo replied Krisma; no ill
feeling for Bayani Fernando, what we have done is a lot more epic than riding vehicles
getting here. It will make your body fitter and stronger. Its a healthy exercise to walk
huge distances. Bayani replied Krisma; oh! You are smart but sensitive at times. Dont
worry, it does not mean forsaking you both. Reflect that Im always at your side when
tough times come standing your way.

The convoy that will bring the allies into the palace has arrived. The allies entered their
vehicles as the clock leading to the final battle begins. The allies while on their way to
Malacanang, they saw planes and other war machines protecting them as they make their
way into the palatial compound for the second time. Bayani cheered the allies not to be
nervous but to feel always protected. Eduardo comforted the allies telling them that what
they are facing right now will be the next thing of the past. The allies replied their leader
that they are not afraid of the final threat. Their mindsets are all focused for the
betterment of the country for long term run. Eduardo and Bayani were very impressed

how their friends prepared themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. As the
convoy reached Quezon Avenue, Eduardo and Bayani noticed the allies are all ready to
be disembarked into the Palace for the final showdown.

The allies reached the palatial compound after half of an hour time. The allies
disembarked from their convoy and told Bayani to assist them when trouble comes. They
all embraced Bayani with Eduardo shaking his hand, thanking him for his father like care
even in the midst of dangerous situations they all endured. The allies told Bayani not to
worry. Everything will be alright and run smooth. Bayani saluted the allies along with
some of the troops. He promised the allies that he will be waiting for them outside and to
keep any threats at bay in order not to distract the allies. Eduardo saluted Bayani back.
One soldier approached Larry and asked him whether he like to use Marcos weapon. He
led Larry into the back of the troops van. Larry saw Marcos remaining propellers and
his sword. Larry told the soldiers that he wanted the weapons to boost their chance of
toppling the threat and in case of dire trouble.
The soldier told him that it is okay to get Marcos weapons to boost the allies chance of
victory. Larry got the weapons and thanked the soldier for his generosity. The soldier
welcomed him and told him to fight for Bong Bong and the country. Larry saluted the
soldier and told him that giving him Marcos weapons will not let him forget this
awesome event. The soldier wished him to be victorious in the final quest along with his
allies. Larry told the soldier that he will always remember the generous troops who
wanted to change the country so as the heroic ideals of Bong Bong Marcos.

The allies proceeded inside the palace. Bayani and the troops started equipping their
weapons to assist the allies when needed. They also do it to protect themselves in case,
the opposing threats attempted to wipe them out. As the allies proceeded into the deeper
parts of the palace, the troops wished them the best and promised them to assist them
when troubles are beyond the TFFs control. The allies started to get deeper into the
palace grounds. They saw shadows that are trying to bar their path. The shadows seemed
enjoying to play with them eventually trying to catch them off guard. The allies shrugged

the shadows as they continued rushing where the dungeon is situated. The allies pressed
their way into the palace grounds. They are trying to locate where the hidden dungeon is
situated. The presence of the troops cannot be felt by the allies as they went even deeper
into the palace grounds. The allies moved even further but they felt they are being
watched by the shadows.

As they tried to ignore the shadows even more, the shadows started to attack them. One
shadow swooped down to Larry but Larry countered it with Marcoss sword. Another
shadow attempted to swoop down to Eduardo into halves. Eduardo countered it with a
powerful slash from his sword. The shadows seemed to multiply. They came out from
nowhere into all directions to corner the allies. Unfortunately, the allies are already used
in handling multiple enemies with no effort. The shadows manifested their forms. They
all looked like civil guards during the Spanish period. Krisma remarked that the shadows
are glorified yet demonized forms of the Spanish civil guards. The shadows started to
rush towards the allies. Krisma and Pearl started to equip their weapons to test their new
weapons against the shadows. They constantly shot the rushing shadows. They made
short work of the shadows that tried to overpower them. Krisma enjoyed destroying the
shadows with her flying discs. She made a short work of the shadows. There are shadows
that attempted to disband and destroy the allies. Eduardo countered them in an
effortlessly. Larry did the same thing to the shadows too. He used Marcos weapons to
counter the shadows ripe for a close quarter combat destruction. Patrick saw a set of
shadows wanting to rush towards them. He clawed the rushing shadows eventually saw a
set of shooting shadows. Krisma assisted him by throwing her discs to the projectile
shadows. The shadows attempted to shoot Patrick but Patrick leapt and overwhelmed the
projectile shadows. He went nearby clawing the shadows out. Pearl equipped her weapon
and unleashed blasts that easily destroyed the shadows that wanted to rush towards them.
Larry threw one of his propellers making short work of the projectile shadows nearby.
Eduardo unleashed waves from his swords easily dissolving the shadows out of

The shadows planned one last attempt to destroy the allies. The shadows did their pattern
again to attack the allies unpredictably from all angles. There are batches who rushed into
the allies horizontally. There are ones that came from above to split the allies into halves.
There are projectile ones to destroy the allies in case all have failed. The allies
demonstrated their matured expertise in disposing opponents. Eduardo empowered his
sword and unleashed blasts making short work of the rushing shadows. Larry did the
same thing. He started to harness the power of Marcos sword and unleashed blasts as
well. Not only did he damage huge numbers of shadows but also reaching some of the
projectile shadows. Eduardo used his rifle decimating the projectile shadows. Patrick
clawed the unpredictable shadows into halves. He unleashed his new dimensional rocket
launcher heavily damaging the shadow onslaughts. The shadows started to perform a
rushing downward slash to cut the allies into halves. Eduardo and Larry successfully
defended their lady allies by performing accurate counter slashes. Larry threw his homing
propellers into the shadows that attempted to rush towards the allies. He rushed unto the
projectile shadows and made short work of them. Pearl used her dagger to fatally damage
plunging shadows. Eduardo helped her by hacking the plunging shadows into
nothingness. Krisma used her camera and she found out her new camera is a lot more
powerful than her previous fighter camera. The camera flashes slowed down the
shadows. The allies proceeded to finish the remnants of the resilient shadows.

After they destroyed the shadows, they proceeded further into the palatial grounds. They
found a passageway which they havent explored yet the last time they came. They
entered the passageway etched on the walls of the palace grounds. As they strolled inside
the passageway, shadows started to appear to attack the allies. Krisma threw her discs
halting the rushing shadows. Eduardo slashed his way to the end of the passageway
destroying the shadows. Larry used Marcos sword damaging most of the hostile
shadows. Pearl shot a good number of the shadows as Patrick clawed all the shadows that
wanted to get near him. Eduardo and Larry helped the allies destroy plunging shadows by
countering them with precision.

The allies reached the end of the passageway. They explored the surrounding and at the
same time, proceeding further west. They found a part of the walls stands out unique to
the rest of the wall. Patrick told his allies that the unique part of the walls is capable of
accommodating decent number of human beings if converted into a passageway. Patrick
felt something disturbing about the unique part of the walls. He equipped his rocket and
blasted that unique part of the wall. The allies found out that the unique part of the walls
revealed a passageway. It seemed nobody noticed it not even past administrations. The
allies felt that the passageway will lead them to the threat they are going after. As they
prepared to enter the passageway, the allies found out that they are tailor made for a big
trap. Shadows appeared from all angles to halt their quest finding out the threat beneath
the dungeon. The allies did as usual. Eduardo and Larry effortlessly destroyed the
annoying shadows. They empowered their swords and unleashed devastating quantity of
energies that easily destroyed most of the shadows. Krisma used her camera to slow
down the shadows. Larry threw his propellers decimating another greater set of the
shadows. Pearl threw explosions which clearly distracted the shadows. Patrick clawed the
shadows into nothingness. He used his launcher blasting a good number of shadows.
Krisma threw some of her discs halting the resilient shadows. Larry eventually ended the
attempt the shadows to destroy the TFF by finishing them with his slashes and energy
blasts from his sword. The allies felt they are safe once more. They prepared to enter the
hollowed area which they believed it is a passageway to the dark energies.

The allies proceeded into the dark area to finally destroy the remnants of the chaos. The
allies proceeded deeper inside the hollowed area. They encountered a portal at the edge
of the little passageway. The allies are certain the portal will lead them where the dark
energies are awaiting them. The allies with confidence as their expressions entered the
portal and disappeared from the mundane background of the palace. The allies literally
traveled from one dimension into another. They landed into a place where people can
clearly equate the place with the netherworld. The place composed of two shores divided
by a great body of water connected by a straight forward passageway. Krisma asked
Eduardo; what is this place? Eduardo replied Krisma; I dont know. This place can be
similar to the netherworld depicted in mythology. Pearl replied Eduardo; huh? Oh, we

cannot come back to our world alive? Patrick replied Pearl; stay put my friend. Pearl
replied Patrick; what you have done to us? You messed our journey up! How we can go
back to where we should be going! We are now stucked inside this dark, horrible place.
Patrick replied Pearl; the portal does not appear simply by random ways. I believe and
confidently believed that there are some forces deep inside that is welcoming us for one
last encounter. Eduardo replied Patrick; I think so! The hollowed area for me is the one
that past administrations have always ignored. This place may serves as the hell of the
Philippines. Krisma replied Eduardo; you are full of assumption! How do you know?
You are just assuming there is something. But this place, we might be going to a place
where importance played no role. Eduardo replied Krisma; you know there are many
parts here that are left unexplored. We are in the middle of nowhere. There is no place in
this area or any secret passage that can pull us back to our ordinary world without
traversing the content of this place. The secret passage that can pull us back to our normal
world may only be located as we proceed further. Im sorry, we need to explore this place
to survive and go back alive. Larry replied Eduardo; ironically, we are now here but no
sign of a door going back. We must press forward to locate the passage that can pull us
back to our world. Worry not friends, our unity and confidence will help us overcome
any threats possible. Let us all trust in our abilities. As God knows we will be victorious
in the end. Krisma replied Larry; good encouragement, so Eduardo, you lead us where we
are supposed to go. You lead us where we can go back home alive. Eduardo replied
Krisma; you doubting me in sarcasm? Your safety is all my concern. Let us proceed! You
know we have endured the hazards of our journey. We are already tested against tough
situations. This time, it may seem a darker, more sinister situation we are facing but rest
assured, we will overcome through it all. Cheer up my allies! The allies believed in their
leader. Eduardo replied them that he can sense that the one they are looking for is
absolutely inside this middle of nowhere.

Eduardo started to cross the bridge that connects the shore they are standing. The allies
followed their leader. Eduardo looked back to check the confidence and obedience of his
friends. Larry said to Eduardo; Hahaha! You doubting us dont you? Hey! Just keep
going. You wont lose us. We will be at your side and be following you wherever you go.

Like we pledged each other, united in principles will shatter all adversaries advancing
towards us right? Eduardo replied Larry; ok! I see! Be at my side, we will be defeating
many monsters should they try to attack us. The allies affirmed Eduardo and secretly
nodded their heads.

The allies proceeded forward to cross the bridge leading into the other shore. They plan
to cross to the other shore entering a large cave in hope of finding a secret passageway
that can lead them back to where they are supposed to be. Eduardo while walking told his
allies to stop complaining about his mistakes. He told them to just proceed into the bulk
of the dark place to find what they are looking for. Krisma replied Eduardo that he is too
sensitive like before. She told Eduardo that doubt always dominated him assessing simple
misunderstandings. She told Eduardo to have confidence to his allies so everything will
run smoothly. She told Eduardo just to proceed forward as the rest of the TFF members
will follow him wherever he goes.

The allies made their way to the other shore. They prepared themselves even more to
advance themselves to the darker part of the place. As they started to make advance
towards the large cave, someone familiar interrupted their quest. The allies turned their
back and saw a vengeful familiar figure.

P58: Tanghangcos Vengeance.

The allies turned their back and saw Tanghangco threatening them. They thought that
Tanghangco died in the Hacienda battle. Tanghangco, now with a mechanical friend, is
ready to settle the score with one of the TFFs allies Patrick Zalderiagga. The allies may
have wanted to proceed deeper and ignore the desperate Filipino Chinese war machine
but they cannot help but to end Tanghangco who stood in their way. Tanghangco said to
the allies; are you ignoring me? If you wanted to ignore me and proceed deeper, you are
desperately wrong! You killed my friend Araneta. I will not forgive you of what you did
to him. You are not freedom fighters after all. You are just over ambitious youngsters
which your superiors overrated you just because you are their pawns! You have reached
this area, before reaching the deeper part of this structure; you have to get past my

vengeance! Eduardo replied Tanghangco; we all have no time playing with your antics.
We have a more important quest to straighten this terminally ill nation. We are very sorry
that if you wanted to play with us, let patience be your guide. After we are done with
bludgeoning the root of all evil, we will play with you anytime you want. Tanghangco
replied Eduardo; you bastard! You all have no right to deny me! You may have defeated
my friend but you cannot handle those who wanted to avenge him. You are cowardly
youngsters from those who wanted to avenge your victims! If you will be the leaders,
every threat you should face instead of escaping from them! Krisma asked Tanghangco;
sir! Is that you only wanted to do to travel insanely long distance to avenge your friend?
Or, there is an issue of ego you need to solve to secure yourself? Tanghangco replied
Krisma; you think Im stupid? Traveling all the way here to make up my ego? You asked
stupid questions for your information! Eduardo replied Tanghangco; you gave us a waste
of our time. If you wanted to settle the score with us, let us do it after we dealt with the
dark energies. Tanghangco replied Eduardo; dark energies? Hahahahaha! You cannot
defeat them without defeating me. I think you will all be getting obliterated dealing with
them. Only Araneta can harness its greatest powers. Patrick replied Tanghangco; we are
not here to harness its power or calm it down. We are going to pulverize until they are no
more! You came here to avenge your friend? Never had I known that you have concern to
your friend! Tanghangco replied Patrick; I saw fear creeping into your whole being.
Thats what the TFF always thought to their opponents, mere demons who inflicted terror
to their victims. Never had they known even the elites have their human sides in them.
Your superiors made you all narrow minded! Im not talking about you will harness the
dark energies or destroy it. So far I had known, only Araneta can deal with it. Krisma
replied Tanghangco; are you sure? What we saw is that Araneta became a slave to these
oppressive energies. Check your facts before you conclude! It sucks when people
conclude without checking the facts. Patrick replied Tanghangco; you remember me? I
hope so. I have nearly destroyed you twice. I hope your mentality and your sanity are still
with you. It would be troublesome if your sanity is not already with you. You wanted to
fight us? Dont underestimate us! I alone can deal with you. My allies can watch at a
distance of both of us fighting against each other. Tanghangco replied Patrick; arrogance
has already dominated you. You havent defeated me yet. You ran away even the battle is

not over yet. You did not end the battle by yourself. It is your own mistake. Eduardo
replied Tanghangco; a fact is a fact. You failed to defeat Patrick. If you accused us as
arrogant perhaps that works even better in your case. Frankly, we are about to ignore you.
We have no time to waste with your antics. Tanghangco replied Eduardo; you all have
destroyed my friend. You wanted to destroy everything that stood in your way but you do
not want to be destroyed. Not only Patrick is my enemy but all of you, you useless
pawns! You dont need to fuel your ego by watching in a distance of me and Patrick
fighting for the last time. You should join him or else, you will see that your friend is
bargaining more than he initially expected.

Patrick replied Tanghangco; is that what you want? To avenge Araneta you all wanted? I
dont think so! I think deep within you, you cant get over the two defeats I gave you. I
cannot say it is a draw because I hit you cleanly sending you across the room into your
tattered self. Not only I destroyed your ego, I proved you at your front that you are not
something threatening at all! Youre just a fodder to our quest for the real battle! Larry
replied Patrick; that hurts! Anyway it is a sharp feedback to the shattered ego! Patrick,
indeed, I dont see he wanted revenge. He just went here to have a decisive battle against
you! He just wanted to have his ego satisfied. I feel sorry for him if he ended up once
again into the grip of defeat! Or we should say six feet below to the ground? Tanghangco
replied Larry; your friend is not someone whom an opponent can have a worthy time
wasted to him. Pearl replied Tanghangco; concede my friend! You just lost big time. He
exposed your true capabilities as a mediocre military officer. Twice the defeat you
suffered from his hands you should get a life! Larry replied Tanghangco; combat sports
have colorful rivalries. If A won against B in a stunning fashion, it is expected for them
have a rematch. If B won then, a trilogy is plausible. In your case, it is just chasing the
superstar for the run of your money. Actually if you wanted to fight Patrick again, you
are out of the picture! Krisma replied Tanghangco; I see your fight in the Hacienda is
overtly one sided and reckless. You have no brains to dominate with him. He stripped
you of your military garbs. What can you expect to a mediocre, brainless fighter who got
owned big time by just an ordinary youngster?

Tanghangco replied Krisma; you think you can beat me? You just won because you are
protected by your male friends and your ambitious superiors! I can deal with you all
anytime I want! For the country and for Araneta, who will be righteously avenged!
Eduardo replied Tanghangco; it is not the right way to deal with a woman! You not only
lacked abilities but lacked decency as well. If Patrick is your aim here or to avenge
Araneta, please, make it clear ok? I just do not want to have our time wasted. You should
not ignore the target of your revenge. Deal with him man to man! Dont use a female
friend as a scapegoat! It stripped you of your masculinity. Patrick replied Tanghangco;
this is a form of a wounded ego. I cannot help but pity you! You wanted to destroy us all
for Araneta huh? I suggest you that you should be careful of what you are wishing for. I
will give you another chance to duel with me. Larry replied Patrick; What? Not now!
Time is running short man! Patrick replied Larry; we will give him what he wanted! We
can do it again. Tanghangco replied Patrick; very well, very well! No regret in the end!
Like before, you are like pigs entering the slaughterhouse! Pearl asked Tanghangco; how
you can destroy us if you have hard time dealing with Patrick? Like Pat said, you should
be careful of what you are wishing for. You can deal with him one on one so we can give
you an ego boost. Tanghangco replied Pearl; no thank you!

Tanghangco is not alone he sent shadows bent on distracting the allies even unto the
extent of exterminating them for his vengeance. Eduardo and his allies except Patrick
are being cornered by the relentless shadows. Patrick focused himself how to deal with
Tanghangco hopefully for the final time. Patrick said to Tanghangco; I gave you two
defeats, this time, I will end your suffering. Tanghangco replied Patrick; well! Ordinary
youngsters are proud yet gullible. Little you knew that you are already set for a big trap.
There is no real progress in this country only unending chaos while people like you exist!
Tanghangco told the allies may kill the shadows but will always regenerate until victory
favoring Tanghangco is won. Tanghangco as Patrick get near him, told that after he
decimated Patrick, he will avenge the death of Araneta by destroying all the TFF

The allies are surrounded by Tanghangcos new shadowy friends. Eduardo asked Krisma;
do you think Tanghangco has something to do with the shadow summoning? Krisma
replied Eduardo; maybe, I do not know. There is one thing we will all be certain. We will
eliminate all the shadows that stood in our way. To answer your question for goodness
sake, since Araneta is his friend too, I think the dark energies allowed him to possess the
darkened soldiers. By the way, let us fight the shadows so Tanghangco will be ultimately
so sorry for his mistakes. Eduardo smiled at Krisma as he equipped his sword and started
to slash the shadows into nothingness. Krisma used her discs chopping of the shadows
that tried to harm her. Pearl equipped her high powered rifle and relentlessly shot the
shadows back to void. Larry threw his propellers creating a series of electrical explosions
that greatly reduced the shadows. Eduardo told his allies to stick to the solid ground at all
times to have easier time to build their momentums. He added to the allies that the bridge
will be the final place of Patrick and Tanghangcos duel. Larry equipped his nunchaku.
He played with the shadows that wanted to destroy him. He equipped Marcoss sword
and finished the remnants of the shadows. Eduardo said to Larry; easy pickings man! Too
fast, too strong and too smart, Patrick will soon have his allies assisting him hoping for an
easy disposal of Tanghangco. The allies celebrated of their easy disposals of the shadows
but more shadows regenerated to keep the allies occupied. Eduardo started to fire his rifle
eliminating number of them. He equipped his sword and unleashed multiple energies
from all angles to eliminate the already multiplied shadows. Krisma used her camera to
slow the shadows down. She finished the shadows with her flying discs. Pearl stepped
back and fired her rifle eliminating a huge number of the black army. Larry threw his
propellers into the shadows. Not only it damaged the shadows, it created a series of huge
explosions that destroyed several of the shadow armies. Larry seemed showing off to his
female friends. He equipped Marcoss sword, empowered it and leapt to the heat of the
action. He destroyed a huge number of the shadows that assured the allies again a sweet
victory. The allies unlike before, they already knew how to dispose large mobs of

As the shadows prepared to perform downward strikes to Krisma, Larry successfully

countered the shadow killing all of them. Krisma thanked Larry of saving her. The allies

celebrated another set of victory again but the shadows like before, regenerated so the
allies are occupied and unable to save Patrick in case, he is in trouble. Eduardo said to the
allies; like Tanghangco said, we are occupied here unable to rush into Patricks rescue. I
hope he can easily dispose him like before so we can save a lot of energy for the final
battle. Pearl replied Eduardo; dont worry, he can handle him easier than before. Trust
Patrick, he is one of the bullies in our school years. Tanghangco will surely get what he
wished for. Patrick will bully him like crap. Eduardo replied Pearl; it would be a huge
distraction for him for us to go into his rescue without defeating the annoying shadows.
Let him deal with Tanghangco, we will assure him that no shadows can get near him
enabling Tanghangco getting the upper hand. Krisma replied Eduardo; you are right for
now. If we go into his rescue, the shadows will follow us causing the duelists huge
distractions. For now, I do not want to spoil the conclusion of their much awaited rubber
match. Their rubber match huh? Patrick will assure him a horrible beating which he will
never forget. Eduardo replied Krisma; let us concentrate to the shadows even more so
none of them can get to our friend. He is fighting the battle of his life.

Tanghangco blasted Patrick as he tried to approach him. Patrick threw grenades into
Tanghangco but Tanghangco easily evaded and deflected the grenades. Patrick equipped
his launcher and was about to blast Tanghangcos war machine. Tanghangco took
advantage of Patricks slow reflexes. He tried to counter Patrick with energy blasts.
Patrick managed to evade but was slightly damaged by the blasts. He reequipped his
launcher again. He caught Tanghangco off guard. He blasted Tanghangco hitting the
chest part of the robot he is riding. Tanghangco intimidated him that his vehicle is
invincible. Patrick was about to blast Tanghangco a second time but Tanghangco
countered Patrick by blasting his launcher. Patrick was damaged by the explosion of his
launcher. He was knocked down on the ground.

Tanghangco constantly blasted Patrick while he approached the temporarily damaged

Patrick. Patrick got back on his feet and started to dodge as fast as he can to evade
Tanghangcos dangerous blasts. Tanghangco fired a missile to Patrick but the latter

dodged the missile. Instead, the missile landed to the ground sent Patrick flying for an
Tanghangco fired lasers from his mechanical vehicles shoulder to intimidate and damage
Patrick. Patrick realized that Tanghangco is not all about avenging his friend. He is all
about to reclaim the honor he lost at the hands of him. Patrick equipped his new launcher
to fire at Tanghangco if the opportunity is right. Patrick got up and used the solid ground
as his advantage to dodge Tanghangcos projectiles. As Tanghangco approached him
firing more projectiles, Patrick used the wide solid ground constantly dodging
Tanghangco. While dodging, he is thinking of a way to damage Tanghangco and get him
out of his mechanical vehicle for a real showdown.

Shadows attempted to distract Patrick from Tanghangco. Patrick ruthlessly blasted some
of the shadows and countered the shadows by clawing them all. He performed an
uppercut ripping off the plunging shadows. As one of the projectiles tried to shoot him,
Patrick unleashed his launcher blasting the shadows into confusion eventually, their
destruction. Tanghangco fired more missiles as he saw Patrick is thoroughly distracted.
Patrick managed to dodge the missiles. Tanghangco resumed his energy blasts. Patrick
stepped back and used his launcher hoping to cancel Tanghangcos blasts. The missiles
hit the blasts of Tanghangco slightly damaging the robots hand. Patrick continued to
navigate the shoreline so Tanghangco cannot easily touch him in case he regained his
momentum for the blasts. Tanghangco resumed his energy blasts. He continued
attempting to blast Patrick into smithereens. Patrick timed himself wisely and ready to
blast Tanghangco as the latter started to blast Patrick.

As Tanghangco resumed his energy blasting session, Patrick dodged a little further and
countered the blasts with his rockets. Tanghangcos mechanical vehicles hands are
destroyed. Tanghangco followed it up with laser beams despite momentarily stunned.
Patrick jumped and dodged from the lasers. Tanghangco started to get nearer to Patrick
so he can impose his size and strength to the TFF member. While he is nearing where
Patrick is standing, he constantly fired his missiles and lasers to damage Patrick. Patrick

was forced to step back seeing the danger these fire powers can inflict him if he was hit
cleanly. Tanghangco started to impose his will into Patrick but Patrick is not intimidated.
He did not run literally. He circled around as Tanghangco started to go near him. He
equipped his launcher and hit the leg of Tanghangcos mechanical vehicle. He threw
some grenades to immobilize it. Tanghangco countered Patrick with laser beams but
Patrick barely escaped from death dodging the lasers.

Tanghangco proceeded to fire his missiles but Tanghangco used his launcher as he
deflected the missiles. He proceeded to rush into Tanghangco. Tanghangco attempted to
destroy Patrick by taking advantage the strength of his mechanical vehicle. Patrick like a
revolutionary, rushed into the mechanical fiend. He clawed first at the already partially
destroyed legs of Tanghangcos vehicle. Tanghangco attempted to unleash a hook punch
into Patrick, Patrick dodged the punch. Tanghangco unleashed a surprise left upper to
Patrick. Patrick was hit by the left upper. He was staggered but not knocked down.

Tanghangco fired some missiles to destroy the immobilized Patrick. Patrick simply
jumped into his right for safety measures. Tanghangco approached Patrick attempting to
overpower him. Patrick rushed into Tanghangco and clawed him tight. He clawed the
damaged legs of Tanghangcos mechanical vehicle. Tanghangcos vehicle knelt because
a leg of his vehicle was heavily damaged. Things do not stop here, despite, kneeling in
partial damage, Tanghangco unleashed combinations from his robots arm to damage
Patrick. Patrick stepped back and blasted Tanghangcos vehicle legs permanently
incapacitating the vehicle.

Tanghangco told Patrick that he will not stop until he avenged Araneta. Patrick threw
more grenades to make sure the robot is already paralyzed. Patrick equipped his claws as
Tanghangco fired laser beams and missiles to hurt him. Patrick does not care of the
blasts intensity. He just rushed into Tanghangco effectively successfully dodging the
blasts. Tanghangco attempted to overpower him but instead got the clawing from Patrick.
Patrick performed a right uppercut destroying Tanghangcos laser cannons. Tanghangco

countered Patrick by performing a left hook. Patrick stepped into the mechanical hand
and unleashed a left upper clawing destroying Tanghangcos launcher.

As Patrick arrived to the ground, Tanghangco bludgeoned him with a right hook though
without a fist. He connected with a left hook then a straight lunge to impale Patrick.
Patrick despite being hit cleanly, he dodged the devastating straight lunge or else, he will
be dying by now. Patrick grinned confidently whispered himself that Tanghangco had
done his homework. He was impressed that Tanghangco is too game to stand a chance
against him. Tanghangcos mechanical hand sprouted tentacles to damage Patrick.
Patrick got excited as he saw Tanghangco is getting stronger compared to their previous

Tanghangco started to use his tentacles to keep Patrick at bay. Patrick simply used his
launcher to blast the intimidation Tanghangco is imposing him. Tanghangco used his
tentacle infested right arm to damage Patrick. Patrick dodged to the other side and blasted
his right arm to bits. Tanghangco connected it with his left arm to damage Patrick.
Patrick got to the other side and blasted his arms into bits. Tanghangco said to Patrick;
you think you can defeat me? Not that easy! Tanghangcos vehicles chest opened and
unleashed a giant laser blast to destroy Patrick. Patrick replied Tanghangco that he will
not be wasting time with him anymore. He rushed into Tanghangco and continuously
clawed his mechanical body. He unleashed crazed combinations that ended with two
uppercuts. Tanghangcos vehicle looked like cracking because of the heavy damage.
Patrick eventually finished Tanghangcos vehicle by performing a downward strike.
Tanghangcos vehicle cracked violently and exploded but Tanghangco himself leapt into
Patrick attempting to slash him through his saber. Patrick dodged and said to
Tanghangco; just like the old times, I will give you what you deserved. If you are asking
to have your suffering ended, I will give it to you! Tanghangco replied Patrick; as if you
can defeat me that easy, if I were you, you should submit to the opponent or bring some
heartbreak to your constituents! Patrick replied Tanghangco; bitter people suffer defeat

more violently than the previous. Ok! Stop talking! Kill me to stop our trash talking
session! Tanghangco replied Patrick; my pleasure!

Tanghangco started to lunge his saber into Patrick. Patrick easily dodged his lunges.
Tanghangco tried even harder to hit Patrick. Patrick blocked of some his lunges. He
dodged the more pressured ones. Tanghangco told Patrick to feel easy because the fun
has not yet started. Patrick assured Tanghangco that he will anticipate all his tactics.
Tanghangco rushed into Patrick. He attempted to perform multiple combinations to
brutally damage Patrick. Patrick blocked most of his slashes. He used his claws and
engaged with Tanghangco. Instead of using a sword, Patrick used his claws to defend
himself from Tanghangcos onslaught. Tanghangco attempted to pressure Patrick and
overpower him. Patrick defended himself well and engaged a test of power with
Tanghangco. However, Tanghangco failed to impose his pressure on Patrick.

Patrick started to overpower Tanghangco with less effort. Patrick felt that shadows are
attempting to destroy him. Patrick is distracted. He lost his concentration overpowering
Tanghangco. Tanghangco used this opportunity to slash Patrick to the face. He attempted
to connect it with a lunge to the guts. Patrick barely escaped death and saw the shadows
rushing into him. Patrick rushed to the shadows and used his brawling proficiency easily
eliminating the shadows.

More shadows attempted to surprise the TFF member but all ended up getting brutally
countered. Patrick threw a grenade to the projectile shadows ending the distractions.

Tanghangco knowing Patrick is distracted that bad, he rushed into the TFF member to
capitalize the opportunity to finally destroy him. He rushed into Patrick and put up the
pressure on him. Patrick defended and dodged all Tanghangcos strikes. Tanghangco
leapt into Patrick and was about to perform a devastating attack. Patrick timed and caught
Tanghangco well. Both men are now trying to overpower each other. Tanghangco tried
his best only to see Patrick grinning on him. He pushed his efforts even more to
overpower Patrick. Patrick said to Tanghangco; you are expected to overpower me. You

are a lot older than me but it looks like you are not who you project yourself. Tanghangco
replied Patrick; it is unethical in this country to be arrogant at a younger age. You are
overestimating yourself. We will see what your face will be like if I overpowered you so
bad! Tanghangco and Patrick tested their strength with each other even more until
Tanghangco is starting to lose the grip in the power struggle. Patrick smiled as he already
sensed that Tanghangco will suffer another horrible defeat. He gathered all his strength
but Tanghangco tried harder to put the pressure on him.

Moments later, Patrick seeing Tanghangco getting horribly exhausted, he let go of the
struggle then he overpowered Tanghangco. Tanghangco was knocked down into the
ground. Tanghangco lost his patience realizing that Patrick is actually greater than him.
Patrick taunted him that he should not be a military officer at the first place. Tanghangco
rushed into Patrick. He tried to damage Patrick so bad but Patrick defended himself
eventually countered Tanghangco in the face. Patrick was about to be offensive but
Tanghangco will not allow himself to be brutally damaged; he pushed himself harder and
rushed into Patrick. He attempted to thrust Patrick into his guts but Patrick stepped back
and clogged Tanghangcos saber.

Tanghangco jumped over Patrick as he performed a downward slash to stun Patrick

eventually, connecting his devastating moves. Patrick moved around the place as he
started to read Tanghangcos moves. As Tanghangco went near him, he was about to stab
Patrick into the neck. Patrick blocked Tanghangcos attempt. Patrick was now about to be
offensive. He smashed Tanghangcos saber and it partially broke. Tanghangco seemed
not to surrender. His pride and revenge are all at stake. He tried a second attempt hoping
to hit Patricks neck. Patrick dodged the attack in an effortless manner. Tanghangco
remarked that he dodged the attack in an inhumane way. Patrick approached Tanghangco
with his claws on. He clawed Tanghangco repeatedly in the body. Tanghangco vomited
blood but he grinned to his opponent. He moved back and prepared to counter Patrick
when the time is right. Both men went into the bridge fighting to death.

Tanghangco attempted to strike Patrick diagonally instead he got countered in a brutal

way. Patrick unequipped his claws and repeatedly punched Tanghangco to the guts. After
he is through punching Tanghangco to the guts, he started to bludgeon Tanghangco
brutally in the face. Patrick is now handing Tanghangco the worst beating of his life.
There is no hope for Tanghangco to overcome his adversary. Tanghangco despite injured,
he jumped into Patrick only to have his legs broke by Patrick. Patrick punched the legs of
a leaping Tanghangco. He connected a devastating uppercut to a plunging Tanghangco.

While Tanghangco was about to land on the ground, he connected a right hook into
Tanghangcos face. Tanghangco brutally landed on the ground. Victory was already
leaning on Patrick as he visualized his defeated opponent. Tanghangco is not to be
underestimated. He rushed into Patrick hoping to stab him cleanly. Patrick equipped his
claws and disarmed Tanghangco. His saber fell into the murky waters. He stabbed
Tanghangco cleanly into the body. He eventually clawed Tanghangcos head.
Tanghangco crumpled into the ground as he started to look at his conqueror. Patrick
nearly decided that he is going to finish his opponent to end his suffering but chose not
to. Tanghangco was puzzled why Patrick chose not to finish him. Tanghangco said to
Patrick; now what? Victory is at your hand! You saw your opponent brutally conquered
by your own hands! What now? Kill me so you can end my misery like you told me!
Come on! Kill me! Kill me so the annoyances in your life will be decreased! You waited
for this moment dont you? Now, here is the moment, destroy me for good so I can join
my friend in the afterlife! You are all his false friends! Reconciliation is all about
sincerely talking with each other laying down their differences. What you did is that you
forced him to submit to your terms before reconciliation! You are pawns of your over
ambitious superiors! Kill me so I will not be witness to the sinking of your country
because of what you all have done or will be planning to do! Come on Patrick, end this
feud! Patrick replied Tanghangco; Araneta is our friend. We did not reconcile with him
by forcing him to submit to our terms. He chose the right way all by himself at the hour
of his death. We just defeated him because we needed to defend ourselves from his
dangerous self. He simply agreed to our terms because deep in his heart, he knew that our
principles are the right ones for the country. Sorry my friend, it will be a waste to finish

you. You are not too old. You have still many plans to do in life. I have some questions
for you. Why you are obsessed on dealing with us? You are thirty plus years old right? Of
course, there are a lot of things that already happened to you. We are just specks of your
life you know? We may have defeated you but that is not the end of your life. We are not
surely the only ones that impacted your life. In defeat, there is success. Get over it my
man! There are more things that you needed to work out after this saga to redeem
yourself. Surely, you can be successful though not with this chapter of your life, Im sure
the next chapters of your life will eclipse your failures. I must go now and help my
friends to deal with the remaining shadows. You can redeem yourself in many ways. Life
is not simply one dimensional. It hosts a lot of factors for success! Patrick turned on his
back to help the rest of the allies. Tanghangco whispered to himself; this is not over yet!
Im here to destroy anyone who tried to ruin this dying country! Araneta, like I vowed,
you will be avenged! You all brawn with no brains, you will regret your decision!

Tanghangco equipped his revolver. Patrick turned on his fallen adversary. Tanghangco
started attempting to shoot Patrick. Patrick blocked the shots with his heavy gauntlets
until the revolver is out of bullets. Tanghangco barely stood up. He equipped his knife
attempting to stab Patrick from nowhere. As Patrick rushed into him, he attempted to
lunge his knife into Patrick but he was easily disarmed. Patrick continued clawing him in
the body until he broke down and crumpled to the ground. Patrick grabbed Tanghangco.
He continued clawing him in the body eventually stabbing him in the cranium.
Tanghangco crawled into the ground in a disfigured state. Tanghangco said to Patrick;
Im still alive! You cannot easily kill me nor will I let you destroy what remained of me.
Ironically, you defeated me twice but failed to kill me. Goodbye Patrick! I will see you in
the afterlife laughing at your failure as you proceed into deeper parts of this hellish place
HAHAHAHAHA! Tanghangco crawled into the edge of the bridge. He barely stood up
and grinned towards Patrick. He eventually fell into the murky waters. Patrick replied
Tanghangco; born a failure died a failure! What you showed me sufficiently proved that
you have no place for success even at all circumstances! He proceeded to help his friends
fighting the shadows to the end. Krisma slowed down the shadows with Eduardo

unleashing torrent of energies that destroyed the shadows. Pearl threw some explosives
into the shadows. Larry assisted her by throwing some propellers to reduce huge numbers
of shadow warriors. He eventually finished the shadows by empowering his sword easily
cutting all the dark warriors. Patrick came in as he helped his friends destroy the
remnants of the shadows. He said to the allies; Tanghangco is dead! I did not kill him. I
prefer him to live, in order to make up his failures. I just found out that he has no place
for success. I gave him chance to live but he simply wasted his chance in life. Larry
blasted many of the shadows and replied Patrick; what a warrior you are! Though we can
say Tanghangco is a stupid minor military officer, you are always the first one to do an
accomplishment in any of the scenarios we took. Congratulations dude! We mindlessly
destroyed many shadows but you killed one of the elites toughest loyalists so as
Aranetas henchman. He may seem minor but I saw a warrior in you. Totally different
from our school days, you became too strong, too fast and too resilient for him. Krisma
replied Larry; what an accomplishment! Now the shadows stopped regenerating, it
solidified the secondary proof that our friend owned the arrogant officer big time! Like he
said, while he is alive and fighting Patrick, the shadows will not stop regenerating. Now,
we see peace hovering over this disturbing place. Eduardo said to Patrick; we almost
fought here like there is no tomorrow. We are not yet dealing whom we are supposed to
deal with. It is an exhausting experience. Thanks man! You silenced that arrogant officer
once and for all. Congratulations Patrick, you all gave us relief. Patrick replied Eduardo;
my pleasure sir Eduardo! Thank you that you helped all of us to be more mature warrior.
Eduardo replied Patrick; better thank God, Bayani and Gordon. Thats all. I thanked you
all because you stood with me as our journey drawing into final conclusion. Patrick
replied Krisma; you seemed all tired. Let us rest a little longer here. I thank you for your
sharp words assessing Tanghangco. May he find peace in the afterlife! No more fear of
failures and no more obsessions.

The allies approached Patrick and congratulated him. They rested for a while looking at
the tranquil yet mysterious environment. After the allies rested, they stood up and
prepared to advance to the conclusion of their quest for genuine independence. The allies
entered the large cave on the road to the dark energies lair.

P59: Final Reflections.

The allies proceeded to the large cave. They are expecting to either find the lair where the
dark energies are awaiting them or the portal that will lead them back to reality in case,
they traversed the wrong path. The allies while traveling the rugged terrain of the caves
are ambushed by the shadows again. This time, they have an easier time dealing with the
shadows. Eduardo unleashed barrage of energies that easily disposed the shadows.
Patrick rushed into the projectile shadows, he clawed them relentlessly. Krisma played
with her discs. She threw her discs destroying the creatures. Pearl equipped her rifle as
she blasted the shadows into void as the allies proceeded to the deeper part of the caves.
The allies pressed forward encountering more shadows. Like before, they easily disposed
the shadows through their new and improved weapons. Any shadows that stood their
way, they just simply passed through as if nothing sinister happened. After dealing with
the shadows that wanted to halt their quest, the allies proceeded even deeper inside the
cave. They rallied forward until they saw large and golden door at their front. Larry said
to Eduardo; we have traversed the correct path. We are destined to be sucked inside this
dark place to deal with our final opponent. Everything in the palace meant to happen for
us. Eduardo replied Larry; Im not sure but this place fits the lair of our dark opponent.
Krisma replied Larry; our government authorities are too narrow minded, if not, they are
cowardly officers. You can rip off the gold from the door and sell it. It would cost huge
sums of cash. Why should they rob their own countrymens money? Shame on them!
They just enter the portal proceed further and bang! Heres the gold. Pearl replied
Krisma; remember there are shadows lurking inside this cave. It would be too dangerous
for them. If we are equipped with normal weapons not even the weapons we acquired in
Cebu, we are toast! Absolutely fried beyond recognition! Krisma replied Pearl; oh well,
Im just making my point is that instead of robbing our countrymen, they just get the gold
here and maybe inside. It would be a lot even more valuable than our already poor
countrymen. They love cash but they took the lesser risk. To earn more, you should be
risking more Haha! Patrick replied Krisma; Haha! Lesser risks dont mean shit. The big
guns should be taking the riskier path like this to get what they want. Unfortunately, they
cannot defend themselves from the shadows. Larry replied Patrick; yeah, for the sake of

my countrymen, I rather ask the permission of the dark energies to give me the gold to
help my country. Eduardo replied Larry; hey hey hey! You are too young to think about
that. Whatever, dark energies, making pacts, corruptions and robbery are all nothing
speaking of righteous governance! Larry, if Im a government official, I rather help the
people through earning the right way. Instead of being Machiavellian in financial issues, I
rather stick to my principles serving my people for the betterment of the nation. Pearl
replied Eduardo; you are over dramatic. So emotional like before! Larry is just playing
sarcasm. Larry replied Eduardo; Haha! Got ya! Im just expressing my opinion of these
corrupt men. Instead of robbing the country that caused untold poverty, I rather ask
permission to the dark energies to empower me. Though, they will just be converting that
politician into a brutal machine. Look what happened to Araneta, he is unaware that he is
manipulated by the dark energies in most subtle way possible. By the way, Eduardo,
maybe, the politicians if they go here where we are, they are bargaining something more
than they ask. Krisma replied Larry; you have a mediocre sense of humor. Come on! Let
us follow Eduardo to end our quest once and for all.

The allies saw Eduardo stopped in the front of the large golden door. He inspected the
golden door of all its details. He started to feel something sinister beyond the door. He
sensed that the end of their quest is at hand right beyond the door. He confidently
believed that whoever they are going after is quite possibly residing beyond the door.
Pearl asked Eduardo; whats the matter? It seemed you are acting weird by now. This is
the first time I saw you acting very weird like this. Krisma asked Eduardo; let us proceed
inside if you felt that we are going in the right direction. Let us not waste our time. Larry
said to Eduardo; you ok dude? I do not know that you have a fetish to doors. You seemed
quite out of this world. Eduardo turned back to his allies. He wanted to say something to
his allies before they enter the golden door. Patrick asked Eduardo; whats the matter my
friend? Krisma said to Eduardo; dont be too dramatic like before. We do not want
dramas for now. Save this after we completed our journey ok? We do not want dramas in
the midst of difficult situations. Just say what you wanted to say. You can be
overdramatic as you want after we completed this freedom fighting. Eduardo faced his
allies and said to them; I sense that we are already reaching the final part of our journey.

The time we are sucked into the portal, it is not a mistake. Indeed, the portal led to
someone whom we are going after. We traveled the right direction. Beyond this door, we
are facing the true last test of the totality of our journey. I just wanted to say something to
all of you before we proceed beyond this door.

The allies told Eduardo to feel free of what he is going to say to them. Eduardo
continued; since the first part of our journey, you have been reliable allies. I once thought
that you are simply ordinary youngsters who can barely fight. I once thought that you
joined the quest but in the end will back out because you are all too young to take risks.
You have all proven me wrong. I admit, at times, I lost confidence on all of you but
impression became the adjective for me describing you. You all impressed me. From
being mere youngsters who are confused in the midst of the chaos to genuine freedom
fighters. Bayani and Gordon themselves are impressed by your deeds. I do not expect that
you all became reliable allies. You became someone whom everybody could rely on in
the midst of trouble. Not the least that you dedicated your whole being to serve the
country. I assumed you are all afraid to take more difficult risks but you showed me you
can fight. You tackled and endured the likes of Marcos Jr., Danding, Lucio Tan, Araneta,
Tanghangco, Marcos and too many to list. You all made me proud. You stood with me
till the end. We made a perfect chemistry going through all of the battles. We made a
great teamwork beyond expectations which at first, I thought you are all reluctant to join
the quest until, you are all touched by my sad and sorry state. I really must express my
gratitude to your dedication and valor to save this country from imminent destruction.
You all symbolized the fire within the dying nation. After this quest, this country will rise
like a phoenix and everything will be back where it should have been.

Now, I will be reflecting Patrick with awe. Patrick, you have been a great ally to me. I
thought you seemed ready to brawl with me in case, I fucked up my quest yet, you
remained loyal to me. I congratulate you again on what you did to Tanghangco. You
saved our energies reserved to the final battle. Judging you physically no offense, people
may see you as a large and hulking guy who is pure brawn but no brains. You showed me
that no authorities, not even the higher educated ones can fool you that easy. They cannot

mess with you with their line of reasoning. Im surprised you made them like amateur
adversaries. You may not be a business doctorate like them but you can respond sharper
words than they all can do. Patrick replied Eduardo; no problem Eduardo! We all enjoyed
being with you. From the Cebu saga until now, our bonding became stronger. We
actually worked as one. Im big but I dont bite. Nevertheless Eduardo, though you may
mess our quest, I will not beat you up. In fact, we will be helping you get it right in case
of mistakes but look at now, we did the math right. Eduardo replied Patrick; thank you
Patrick, the TFF has no leader. Im just a leader in a ceremonial fashion. We actually
worked as one with no one superior or inferior. Patrick replied Eduardo; about dealing
with authorities, Bayani and Gordon inspired us great principles thats why, we
Marikinians are not afraid of intimidating people who wanted to demoralize our country.
Eduardo continued; thanks Patricio, thats something few will apply it in their lives. Let
me describe my beautiful ally with healing properties.
Pearl, I once thought you are just an ordinary nurse who doesnt care except doing your
profession just to be paid. I do not know that until I witnessed the true spirit of your
profession. You rallied your workmates and your institution to save those who are in
distressed. You took care of me when I was down and beaten. You even volunteered to
nurse back our former enemy back to health. You are more than an ordinary nurse. You
should be St. Lukes poster girl. With you as the poster girl of that hospital, St. Lukes
will return to its true vision. Not only to heal the sick but also to proclaim Christ to the
dying world. Admittedly, many people graduated nursing only wanting to earn cash
abroad but you proved me wrong. Pearl, I thanked you for being loyal to me until the end.
You should be the model of all aspiring nurses. May you help many more people after
this quest! Long live Pearl and the institution you served! Larry, the first time I
encountered you, I thought you as my rival over your friends. Typical semi leader of a
group of Filipino friends all that I can describe you the first time I saw you. Again like
the rest of the TFF, you proved me wrong again. In the midst of the chaos, you proved
me that you can handle all adversaries. You brought your happy go lucky attitude
coupled with the love of adventure into battle. Not only that, I once lost confidence on
you along with your friends but you showed me you are all serious going further in this

epic struggle for genuine change. Pearl replied; Eduardo, we will not be leaving you.
Being a nurse, it is my job to save lives at all cost not save lives conditionally. By the
way thanks, to your impression of me. I will try to be a better nurse after this quest for the
betterment of the nation. Eduardo replied Pearl; I will be counting on it. The more mature
you are the more impressive you will be. Eduardo continued; now I will be thanking
Larry, Im impressed that you showed your loyalty to me until the end. I will not forget
our journey if we are to part after this quest. From a typical Filipino guy to one of the
most formidable freedom fighters of all time. Its nice to see you can handle Bong Bongs
weapons as well. You are someone that is calm even in the midst of storm. Thats one of
the secrets to a victorious quest. For the love of it per say! Before Eduardo was about to
express his gratitude to Krisma, Larry replied Eduardo; no problem sir Eduardo! I have
fun going along with you. Thank you for all the compliments! Me too, I will not forget
what we all have been through. It is both for us after this quest. The good news is that
the country is back to its right direction. The bad news is that we may be parting with
each other retuning to our sad and less epic lives. Hope you could join our fellowship of
friends after this quest. I have fun playing with Marcos weapons. One of my souvenirs
bound into my vault.

Eduardo continued; finally Krisma my older sister, whom I thought is just another typical
happy Filipina lady. Haha! The first time I met you, you reasoned with me. I expected
myself to have my will imposed on your line of thinking. Too late, I got owned at times.
You gave me some lessons in life that I will not forget. One of the most sarcastic TFF
members, in times where I was down and out, you responded me in a cold blooded way
only to be reciprocated with positive outcomes. As I observed, from a perception that
described you as a simple Filipina lass, all evolved as the journey progressed. You are
someone who is used handling tough situations in life. Oh yes, youre a pharmacist in a
prestigious hospital. What can you expect of someone used in handling pressures given
by doctors and customers right? Beautiful, strong fighting spirit, uncanny awareness of
our countrys events, reliable, sweet and caring all an epitome of a great Filipina. Pearl

said to Krisma; yiheee! Eduardo seems finally liking you. Finally! Please tell me of your
bonding moments when we, the other three are not present. Krisma replied Pearl; cut it
out! Our relationship is just between friends and siblings. Nothing beyond that! Eduardo
replied Krisma; you have my words woman! Eduardo continued what hes going to say to
Krisma; Krisma, in fact, compared to the others, in my opinion, you are my closest ally.
It all started when Gerardo told me to take care of you just like a brother protecting his
sister. Before that, you are just similar to the other four except reasoning against me.
Back to the Gerardo issue, throughout the journey, Krisma is someone who appreciated
me fully and knew the real me. Is it the curse of Gerardos pressure upon me to take care
of Krisma or simply I got a bit attached to her? I do not know but what Im sure, like the
other allies, she is a great freedom fighter. Not only that she is wise and adventurous, I
mistaken her for a psychic because she saw the real me. She knew how to respond when I
had nightmares. She even wiped out my perspiration. She treated me like a brother, a
younger brother. I thanked her for her concerns to me also the loyalty of the whole allies.
Krisma, you are the one that made me stronger in the face of adversary. Through your
ideas in life, I learned a lot from you. You are one of the persons that exposed the real
me. The first time I met you all, I was all about just showing off my skills and power.
Going with you all throughout the quest, especially Krisma, you reminded me that I have
more to learn in life. I have happy times to see you tackle the likes of Lopez not the least,
schooling me at times. What a feat for a young woman! Thank you for being a sister to
me. You saved me from a lot of embarrassing moments. Hopefully, after this quest, we
can still be distant siblings with each other. Krisma replied Eduardo; no problem! Thanks
for the compliments though I find the others too exaggerating. I just hate sugar coatings.
Pearl replied Krisma; admit it maam Krisma. Krisma replied Pearl; whatever you wanted
to happen, just put it in the realm of What ifs. Eduardo replied Krisma; my role is no
more than being a friend and sibling. After this quest, while living the rest of my life,
your bravery, your competence in handling tough situations, your schooling of me,
knowing the real me and your treatment of me as your brother. I will cherish all these
memories till I die. Peace Krisma! Gerardo will be smiling in heaven seeing us all
complete our quest. Long live TFF! True Freedom Fighters! Let us now proceed to the
depth of this netherworld. United our principles, our thirst for the greater good of this

nation and our cooperation in the toughest of the battles, these are the things that will
make us victorious against any scale of adversaries we may encounter. With these
equipped into our bonds, any adversaries even the most impossible to beat stand no
chance against us. My allies let us now proceed beyond the glittering door and set
everything straight. For the fun of it! United in principles, all adversaries will fall down
to us! Let the final battle begin! Patrick asked Eduardo; as we are going to the final battle,
are you expecting our compliments? Eduardo replied Patrick; oh! Im not after that. But
thanks, all thanks for all your loyalty. I felt not fear but extreme joy seeing you became
something beyond what ordinary can comprehend. Patrick replied Eduardo; your
pleasure! We will be with you until everything is all set for progress. Krisma said to
Eduardo; so far I knew you, you are someone who compliments others but wanted a
return of compliment to you. Thank you to what you told us. We will remember your
impressions on us. Eduardo replied Krisma; nah! As long you are with me, I gained more
energy more than enough to take down any of our adversaries. Pearl replied Eduardo;
whats that? You are in love with Krisma, dont you? We will promise you that we will
support you courting her after this quest. Eduardo replied Pearl; we are in the midst of a
delicate battle. If I were you, I should put all on hold to concentrate more what we are
sent here to do. Krisma is just my friend and sister. I hope Im clearer than that. You all
understand. Pearl replied Eduardo; okay, no problem, anyway it is Krisma herself that
your fate in courting her will all be decided. Eduardo replied Pearl; of course, she is a
human being. I do not want to impose my wills on anybody. Krisma replied Eduardo; be
sure of what you have said or else, we will become enemies if you do. Eduardo replied
Krisma; ok sister, here we go!

The allies entered beyond the golden door. They rushed into another long corridor until
they reached the door at the edge of the corridor. The allies opened the door and entered a
large room. There, they found themselves in a huge room specifically designed as a
venue for the day of reckoning. The allies felt a degree of fear as the doors of the room
shut locking all of them for an important sinister appointment.

P60: The Great Illumination.

The doors of the room locked up the allies once they were in. Effectively, the allies are
locked inside the large room for their important appointment with the unknown. The TFF
members felt a degree of fear but their leader told them to calm down. He reminded them
of what he told to the TFF members in case of trouble. The TFF members calmed down.
The allies looked around the room. Suddenly, the allies felt that the energies are already
awaiting their presence. As they entered the room, the room has all what it takes to be
described as a demon infested room. Dark energies like what the allies saw in the
Hacienda cave started to permeate the room. The energies effectively clouded the allies
vision of the rest of the room. The energies said to the allies; you have all reached the
pinnacle of your journey. So, we all meet again. We once met in the Hacienda right? This
time, we will have an important appointment that will either help you rebuild the country
or effectively end your journey right here in this place. Eduardo asked the energies; who
are you actually in the first place? Please show your form! All you gave us are vague
clues and that sickening portal. The energies replied Eduardo; you know the reason why.
The portal speaks for itself. It is one of the reasons why past leaders feared facing their
greatest problem. The reality of evil in the Philippines resided here. Fear stopped them
knowing the country as it really is. They gripped on their short term policies. They will
soon realize though the portal posed too many risks. There will be a time they all should
answer the national call. Krisma asked the energies; what is your role to Araneta? Are
you the one that made him insane than he can possibly be? You are such a destructive
individual! The energies replied Krisma; it is not my fault to consume Araneta. It is his
vulnerability that led him down to his downfall. The evil within him harboring for long
made him suggestive to my influences. I can say the evil within him is his choice why I
came to his life. You are not Araneta so you do not have control over his will. You
should be all thankful to your friend. He is the one that destroyed all the elites you all
loathed at! Krisma, it is Aranetas choice that made me influence his whole being. He has
a fascination to the mysterious that time. Pearl replied the energies; you wanted to solve
the ill of the country right but you made worst of our friend. He should not be like that
cold brutal and relentless. It is your own doing that plunged our country into dust.
Eduardo asked the energies; the end does not justify the means sir! Influencing people
and orchestrating chaos are not the final solution viable to this country! You orchestrated

the chaos right along with Marcos with his creatures? We will never forgive you all about
that! Past leaders fear you because what you are going to do will plunge this country
beyond the depths of the core! Instead of solving problems, you made everything worse
than ever imagined! The energies replied the allies; I said we will have an important
appointment right? Like in medical appointments, the doctor needed to prepare himself to
explain things in clearer ways. You are all rude! Im just preparing myself to illuminate
your narrow mindsets. As the energies permeated the room, it further enveloped the room
with its thick mists.

The allies can barely see the content of the room. They can only see each other in person
excluding the bulk of the room. They are all covered with thick dark energies. The allies
saw the energies moved from where it talked with them. The energies continued to be in
motion until it landed in the front of the allies. The energies started to form an outline of
a human being. The allies have no idea of what is happening because it is too dark. The
energies continued to form a human shaped apparition until it illuminated the whole
room. It dispelled the darkness enveloping the allies. This is only the time that the allies
knew what is happening in the room. The allies noticed that the energies are not mere
energies but it all have a sentient entity that was about to form in front of them. The allies
felt the energies exhibited a holy feeling but the holy feeling cannot make up the darkness
inherent within the energies. The allies saw the energies are becoming more humanlike
than mere scattered particles the time they met them back in the Hacienda. The energies
started to be solidified until it completed its transformation.

As the energies completed their transformation, it was revealed that they are none other
than Dr. Jose Rizal, the long dead Philippine national hero. The allies were shocked after
they witnessed the complete transformation. They are stunned to see the energies are
none other than Jose Rizals disembodied self. Patrick asked the energies; are you Jose
Rizal? What are you doing here? Krisma said to the energies; Rizal! We thought you rest
peacefully in Luneta Park or wherever you are destined to be after death. What
happened? I think after you death, your mission is still not over. Larry said to the
energies; Dr. Jose Rizal the harbinger or Armageddon in the Philippines? It may be hard

to believe what Im seeing but what can I do? Facts are happening straight in front of my
face! I can tolerate fiction but I cannot tolerate it breaking the fourth wall towards reality.
Eduardo said to the energies; so after all, Jose Rizal, you are the one that is behind all
these nasty happenings. I cannot believe reading you all the way in books portrayed you
as a noble hero! What Im seeing with my own eyes is the hero himself that is the
mastermind villain in this string of unfortunate events! Rizal replied to the allies; good
evening TFF! Nice meeting you all! I never noticed you are one of my huge fans. What
Im about to narrate to you is a long story too long to tell. After all, Im behind the
energies that plagued the nation to its downfall. I have been all waiting for this time to
happen my friends. Pearl asked Rizal; what is your real agenda to our country? We know
you are our hero but you are going too far. Can you tell me your story? We all know that
your heroic career is over after you were shot in Bagumbayan. You may have played a
subtle part but they are just historical fragments of memories. You are a hero right, what
are these sudden destructions you brought to our country? You should be helping us to
get better even beyond the grave. You totally dissected our country with us forced to deal
with you! Rizal replied the allies including the questions of Pearl; before answering it all,
I shall narrate you facts in which historians in our mundane world did not know. It all
started after my execution back in Bagumbayan, after I died, my desires for this country
to rise from its creed did not die with me. I anticipated that what Bonifacio along with the
rest of our heroes will do will all end in failure. Im not someone to be fooled. Yes, we
gained our independence but nonetheless it is not the natives who worked for it. All of
them failed badly. It is not fellow Filipinos who obtained our independence. It is simply
interplay of foreign powers that made it work.

Of course, I will be remembered as someone who died for my country. I anticipated it all
in the modern dying times of this country; they are all nothing but simply fragments of
my quotations in life. Those who always uttered but served no real purpose to the reforms
I intended to my countrymen, I felt pity for this country. After I died, it is not yet over for
me. I will rest until all systems go for genuine progress. The time of my death, death
himself wanted to bring me in the hands of the loving father above but I politely declined
his invitation. Death asked me about why I do not want to go with him into the afterlife. I

said to him that my mission for my country is not yet over. I knew that this country will
plunge even deeper than I imagined in my lifetime. Death patiently understood the
context of my reasons. He understood my deep love for this country. He told me that he
will deter my entrance to the afterlife but with some conditions. He told me that staying
here for long will taint my already sinful soul. He further told me that staying back in
Earth will pollute my already sinful soul even into the extent that my intention for the
country may go further than I envisioned. He disappeared without a trace as he told me
that he will be coming back for me after I made my reasons of why not to proceed into
the hands of the Loving Father above.

Days, I stayed isolated. I observed the corruptions rampant in our society especially
Malacanang. Spaniards in their last years of occupations in the country became even
more corrupt serving as a foreshadowing of native administrations to come. Days later
after my death, I observed my family lamented my death. My own people were oppressed
even more harshly than before. Authorities reached the pinnacle of corruption more than
my books portrayed them. That time, Im through with my decision to stay with all of
you to serve as your true guide for the ontology of the country. Im expecting the arrival
of death instead another angelic being is asking me to cross the other side or not. I
explained it to her that Im staying to observe my countrymen and act as a redeeming
figure when dire troubles come. Like death told me before, the angelic being told me that
the risk of staying here might corrupt me like the current authorities. My already sinful
soul might be tainted even more by the evils in the world, like pollution desecrating the
purity and beauty of motherland. She further told me that my pleas for the country may
even go even further beyond what I had originally envisioned. It meant that I may stretch
beyond the limitations of my sincere concern for the country. The angelic being told me
to go with her or take the risk of being polluted. We both stared with each other a little
longer until I shocked her with my decision. I decided to stay in the threshold of the
palace even unto the extent of absorbing all the iniquities this world can offer. I told her
in case of being tainted with all the countrys evils; I will use it to educate the
unsuspecting masses. The angelic being made a nod to me as she told me that if Im done
or my mission is accomplished, she will fetch my sorry soul to cross into the afterlife. I

have waited for this long! Allies! The time has come for the great illumination to come!
This is the only time I felt so free. Before the advent of the chaos, I felt really empty
except enjoying seeing Araneta pushing himself into a nation scale threat. Allies, this is
the day of reckoning, the most important appointment in which all Filipinos must attend
to be illuminated for greater change.

Past leaders like I said are devoid of true concerns for this dying country. They are all
about short term failure plans. Pearl replied Rizal; they did something great. It is not good
to discredit their accomplishments how minor these may be. Rizal replied Pearl; you are
right little girl. I credit your assessment on that. Genuine long term change like
eradicating corruption is all they failed of doing. Save also for the tyranny of creatures. I
chose to reside in the palace to have my presence felt by the most sincere president but
they all failed my call. They are nothing but self serving individuals. Ironically, Im
expecting the leader, as the peoples representative but you all came to be illuminated.
This is the end of your journey my brethrens, you are all about to know how to handle
your country well with my vision as your basis. Eduardo replied Rizal; Rizal, I know you
are sincere of your motives for this country. The angelic being you talked with knew you
are all set for our progress. She even warned you including old death that you will take
the risk being polluted by the system right? Ok, no offense my hero, no doubt, you are all
after the welfare of this nation. I commend that you are steadfast working after our
progress even beyond the grave but, it seemed you already gone too far. Rizal replied
Eduardo; why? Im doing the right thing for this nation. Past leaders ignored my call. I
need to do something to awake the country even more. My love of the country led me
doing this all even using Araneta to destroy those who are against the righteous system. I
need to do anything just to have this country rise out from the true meaning of its
objectives! For the country and for my people! Patrick replied Rizal; ok, ok, ok, but it is
not right to use the chaos and cooperate with the super elites to do you bidding right?
Rizal asked Patrick; what are you saying? I yearn for nothing except the progress of this
country out of the culture of tyranny. Add corruption to it if you like. This is for my love
of my country to do everything to instruct people as I can but they are blinded by what
they believed. Eduardo replied Rizal; that is not the point man! You may have cooperated

with the super elites but instead, you should heed the call of death. Instead of staying here
getting tainted with heavy transgressions, let us do what must to be done. You are not
alone sir! We all have principles for this country.
Rizal replied Eduardo; Im afraid your principles are not sufficient for genuine change.
The chaos, intensifying corrupt activities, the manifestations of this countrys Pandoras
box and many more, yes, Im aware that I will be tainted by something sinister should I
stay long. This all may come to passed but my love for my country is unchanging. It is
still there! I may intensify or subtly influenced the gravest events this country ever had,
using your common sense, it is justified for my love of the motherland like I used to, in
life! Krisma replied Rizal; sincerity does not mean innocence and objectivity! I knew you
are a patriot like one of us. I just dont agree that you told us our principles are futile.
Look at yourself, like those beings said, you absorbed all the iniquities this country had!
You have gone too far. Your sincerity might be considered but what you have done is
disgraceful Rizal! If I were you, I rather trust my constituents to do their best for their
country. Let your quotes uplift them in times of problem. You are great but you all lacked
trust and confidence to your countrymen. What you have done, I cannot express it merely
in words. If you are the harbinger of chaos as you claimed you did very heavy sins. You
not only destroyed the hopeful life of our friends, you literally plunged our country into
ruins by your renewed Machiavellian visions. Im sorry for you Dr. Rizal, if I were you
executed as a martyr, let the living do their thing. Let the dead watch above the livings
progress. Only God is the ultimate solution of this country. We are just simply humans
trying to help through our imperfections. Imperfect we may be, still we are human
beings, limited of what we can do. I do not believe we can be like gods like you
envisioned. We just do our best united in principles to work out for this countrys
progress. The end does not justify the means Pepe! Eduardo replied Rizal; she is right
Rizal. We are just doing our part though imperfect we are. We are just doing our best for
this country. Like your quotes told us, like Gordon, you believed in the capabilities of the
younger generations, your quotes alone are sufficient to uplift them in times of dire evil.
Your Machiavellian vision is not needed like the Armageddon you caused. It just added
to the already bulked up accounts of our problems. Let the younger generations think for

themselves. Let them have the capabilities to fix all their problems. Rizal, your
motivation is good, to awaken the Filipinos but instead, again Im telling you, you played
a part plunging us all deeper into a dying state. It is better to stay dead for your legacy to
be cherished. Your words alone can uplift our countrymen including us. You are not
alone of your vision. We are a lot here. We are all designed to help the country similar to
your vision not to include these destructive events. Let the dead rest in bliss. Let the
living do what must be done to uplift the country. Rizal, you can rest now! We finally
received your call. You gave us your instructions how to work out for this country. Let
the TFF with the help of the surviving politicians do whats the best for this country.

Pearl replied Rizal; you can trust us doctor. We will all live by your words. Your words
certainly are instrumental for our countrys progress. You can count on us doctor, here,
you will be very happy that the younger generations received your call, to realize their
responsibilities to this country. Larry replied Rizal; Doctor Jose, I appreciate your zeal
along with your efforts to work for the good of our country. Unfortunately, you already
fulfilled your objectives to your countrymen. It is time to rest. Like you do in your
quotes, you groomed the younger generations to follow your footsteps. It is absolutely a
commendable act. I just felt uncomfortable having you needed to do everything that
plunged our country into total destruction. Your principles along with Gordons
principles are all what the young needed to get forward. Ultimately, foreigners,
supernatural beings and others have no place in fixing the affairs of our country. In an
ultimate sense, it is the natives themselves who will be playing the ultimate role for long
term changes. Jesus Christ can do instant progression to our country but it will be in a
near future one thousand year old reign. What is important is that is the present times. We
will be helping each other to alleviate the sufferings our own countrymen are having this
time. Just my two cents Doctor! Eduardo replied Rizal; our journey is now complete. We
are back to our normal lives uplifting the state of the nation. Rizal, we will not be
condemning you of the atrocities you did. We will just fix it by our own. After all, it is
your love for the country right? So let the living fix what is needed to be fixed. Past
leaders are fearful of your presence. They do not feel the iniquities this country already
accumulating. Your presence echoed to their hearts yet, they didnt hear you. Now, we

took your challenge, it is all over. Doctor, I believe your mission is done already. We will
be carrying your vision to the younger generations to be followed. Rest in Peace our
national hero. We thanked you for your love of our country. Let God cleanse the taints of
your soul.

Rizal replied the allies; you are always assuming that things are always easy. Easy to said
but difficult to get it done. Eduardo asked Rizal; what do you mean? Rizal replied
Eduardo; of what you are doing of course. You heeded my call. You went here to receive
the greater teachings yet, I sensed defiance in all of you. Eduardo replied Rizal; dont
think about that. Your principles are not ordinary. These are principles to be cherished by
the younger generations. We will be spreading the message to the whole country to make
it genuinely on the road to progress. Rizal replied Eduardo; I do not trust all of you! You
just have the guts to have an appointment with me thats all. Krisma replied Rizal; what
does it all mean? You waited for a long time, despite, anxious elusive politicians. You are
all here within this palace complex just to wait whoever wanted to be instructed by your
sentiments. Now, we all knew the reality. I think you should rest. Your mission is already
completed. It is done! Rizal replied Krisma; Hahahahaha! Like always, no doubt you are
all intelligent but ambitions and thirst for power crept into your heart. I see my mission is
not yet over until you submitted to what I said to have you all illuminated. Eduardo
replied Rizal; what is this? Are you out of your mind? We accepted your sentiments
valuable for the future generations but you are not contented. I know deep inside you
have a hidden ambitions for this country! Let the living handle the affairs of the living. If
thats your sentiment for now, you betrayed what you used to believe. Rizal replied the
allies; it is not a simple appointment. Telling you these things are just half the picture.
Not only Im gonna tell you that corruption is evil; I will rearrange what you all believe
for the benefit of the country! I dont think so that you are taking my principles into the
right context. You will reform the society through your own deluded means. I used to
believe the Filipinos that they will do it right. Unfortunately, they all changed, they are
worst than the sins they committed. Krisma replied Rizal; what do you want to do? You
cannot impose your will to anybody! Your ideas are great but it is up the Filipinos
themselves to apply it to their daily lives. You cannot spoon feed them. It is through their

hearts to be opened for change. Eduardo replied Rizal; Dr. Rizal, like what you narrated,
you have gone too far from your noble intentions. I see you wanted to be a quasi savior
for the nation. Giving it total mess and trying to fix it through your quasi mystical
powers. Get a life sir! Cross the afterlife! Let God guide us of what we are doing. The
country is not yours to be a potential despot. We guide the people through your ideas and
it is up to them to be progressive. You have no place to dictate the people by using all the
means though admittedly it caused more destruction than hope. Let us do what must to be
done for the country. You must understand this. The gradual development of the nation
from its ill is alone sufficient for all heroes to sport a gentle smile.

Rizal replied Eduardo; Gordon, TFF, your allies and many more, you thought you alone
are the real saviors of the country. You discredited what we all have done to your
country. So far I see your intentions as your aspirations, those are not enough. You still
needed to be guided directly by me. I will not cross into the afterlife until you proved me
that you can make the country reach its true progress. Unfortunately, you all have egos.
You paraded yourselves as saviors. These kinds of mentalities are no different from the
traditional politicians. All I see in your future without me is mere resignation and
depression. You are not yet free from the tyranny of culture! Eduardo replied Rizal; your
soul is already tainted. You have succumbed to the risk of being alienated from your
noble aspiration. Im sorry to say this but you are not the Rizal that Filipinos used to love.
There are many ways to instruct the nation unfortunately, you turned into nothing more
than a Machiavellian hero. Look at it, instead you are treating the country from its
iniquities, you further its destruction. In the wake of the chaos, you laid waste to the
already hopeless country. You should not be doing that. You harmed the people even
more than instructing them how to do this or that! If you got too far from your supposed
aspiration, you made a great folly of it. Your love of your country became something of
an obsession. Youll do anything to make it happen even things are not already morally
right! If you brought destruction to this country perhaps, even influencing the corruption
within the elites, you are not doing any good. Logically, speaking, you are not instructing
the nation, you are hell bent destroying it. Effectively, let alone your principles guide us

but no to direct intervention. You now should be crossing the threshold. I pity you that
you lacked confidence on whom you used to believe.

Rizal replied Eduardo; did I say that this meeting is not an ordinary appointment? I need
to arrange your deluded egos into the great illumination. I absorbed all this countrys
iniquities as a sacrifice for the good of the nation. Pearl replied Rizal; pardon, thats
where morality has been undermined. Like what is happening now, it is through failure to
understand so as unite that made this country a failure. We came here to know what you
wanted to convey. The instructions are right no doubt but the means are very nauseating!
Rizal replied the allies; I see great defiance here! You do not want to accept the truth
because the truth hurts. There is no one in this country currently that is good enough to
save the country out of poverty. Therefore, intervention is needed more than usual. You
are great going through all the hardships of the journey but remember you are not yet in
the beginning of the real thing. Oh by the way, your egos are prohibiting it. Illuminating
people are not about telling them what to do. It is all about indoctrinating them with true
ideas that will serve them for the greater good. I see you are just pretending yourself to
receive my instructions but egos barred you from totally accepting it! Im here to
rearrange all your mindsets so as your egos for the greater good of the country. You are
not only undermining my instructions but love itself was mocked by your limited
intellects! You wanted everything to be in favor of your own terms but now prepare to
see what it means true patriotism to the country! Prepare to be enlightened TFF! If you
hardly beat my host Araneta, how can you defeat someone who is revealed to be the boss,
someone who has ample power genuinely to change the nature of the country! And
lastly, someone who carried all the iniquities of the country to show it to all to the

The allies equipped their weapons. Rizal asked the allies; is that the way how to repay
someone who expressed his concerns for your greater good? Eduardo replied Rizal; it is
over Rizal! Dont press yourself too hard or you will fall into our blades! What you have
done signified the terminus of your earth bound activities! Patrick replied Rizal; you
lacked confidence to your native countrymen! You are once a hero but not this time! I

will show you how when necessary to broaden your narrowed scope! Krisma replied
Rizal; as I said, you cannot pressure your principles to the countrymen. Doing what you
are doing now you are no difference from the friars you revolted against. It is a matter of
freewill. You are a reasonable person right? Then let us live and do it for the sake of the
country! Dictating too will lead to defiance. It is a matter of opening your heart for the
principles of progress. It is ultimately up to the Filipinos. You see even dictatorial states
cannot progress because people failed to cooperate with evil dictators so as coercion! Let
the Filipinos decide what is good for them. Change is possible at every moment. Larry
replied Rizal; your principles are great. Your death in Bagumbayan should be the end in
order to have your legacy intact. At least, the Marcos we faced is a manufactured one. If
that is the real one, his legacy is totally a waste. You must cross the afterlife my friend.
Let us all do it. Rizal replied Larry; Im not going until you get the right medicine to cope
on with life! Larry replied Rizal; you mean that you plan to bludgeon us with the
iniquities of the country to be enlightened? Hell no! We will fight if necessary especially
against the one who even intensified corruption and all evils for the sake of an obsessed
love for the dying nation! Rizal replied Larry; TFF, I will be willing to do all the means
to have you straightened! I will do everything to have you all redeemed!

Eduardo replied Rizal; the end does not justify the means my friend! You wanted to do
everything even unto the extent of doing nasty things to have us all enlightened for the
good of the country? I tell you this frankly, you are not doing any good if you are
pursuing that proposal! You are not the hero you used to be! If you plan us to torture us
with dark energies just to be illuminated, try us! We will be ready even to destroy you as
you already succumbed to the evil you used to hate! It is not you who will illuminate us.
Your point is over! It will be the other way around to have you realize that death is
waiting you for a long time! If you wanted to destroy us for the sake of illumination,
come on get us! Show us the darkness you already accumulated! We will be the ones to
correct you of your deluded aims beyond the grave! We will be the ones to destroy the
dark energies within you! If you wanted to rearrange us then fight us! Pearl said to
Eduardo; Eduardo? That is not the way. He will be too dangerous for us. We rather
convince him even more. Since he is a great individual, there is a huge possibility that

reasons can convince him to entrust us the country then cross the threshold. Eduardo
replied Pearl; we are united in principles right? We will fight everyone who stood against
us for we believed we are right! We believed in the righteousness of our principles, those
who are against it are evil people who bring destruction to the nation! You cannot be a
pacifist everytime. Being a peacemaker does not work against depraved individuals like
our fallen friend, you know this. If we cannot convince the elites, how can we convince
the one that is overpowered by the ills of the nation? You will be also forced to defend
yourself if necessary. Rizal replied Eduardo; your friend is all reluctant to fight against
me. Unlike all of you, she is more ethical than all of you. At least, she knew how to
respect someone who deserved respect in the real sense. You wanted to fight me? Bring it
on! For the first time in more than a hundred years, my pleas are no more to be ignored!
People like you ordinary youngsters knew the legitimacy of my influence! So be it! Im
all after for your own good perhaps my intentions is all about educating the masses out of
this countrys miseries. Whatever evil I have done, the sacrifice of my souls taint in
exchange for the love of my country will all worth it. Before I either rest in blessedness
so as making this country what it is originally aimed for, I will deliver you the main
content of the illumination! Not only for your own good also for the betterment of the
country! TFF, it is time to realize how small you are to answer the call of the great one, if
children like you wont heed my call, I will do it for them for the sake of illumination for
progress! You will all see the nature of my sacrifice to do the right thing! Krisma replied
Rizal; your souls taint degraded you from your hero status. You are someone to be
eliminated. If you are going to intimidate us from what you have become, we have no
choice but to turn our respect into a just war for the rebirth of the nation! Rizal, you know
we hate schemers, even out of love. What you are going to do to us? Unleash your
darkness within to intimidate us? Hell no! We will fight our best to complete our journey
out of your oppression to our motherland. The dead has no place for the living except its
past! Tell us and we will be ready for all!

Eduardo replied Rizal; there is nothing wrong of defying anyone. It is right to defy
someone who lost his confidence for his own countrymen, who sold his soul into the
decrepit system to use all the means to terrorize the nation instead saving it. Rizal! If you

are to plunder us with all the corruptions that you contained inside you, we will fight you
as the corruption within you will be forced to be plucked out from you! The chaos,
scheming, corruptions, oppressions, obsessions, the darkness and your depravity ends
now! It is time for change. Change will not tolerate even those who have good
motivations but exchange it all by being tainted to unleash untold sufferings that made ill
to the nation than progress! Patrick replied Rizal; like the darkness which destroyed
Araneta, we will be the one to avenge our friend whose emptiness you took advantage so
bad! This battle will put our nation into balance once again! There is no choice but to
fight a just war against the depraved defiance! Larry replied Rizal; like Marcos, you
already wasted your legacy! Those who cannot be reconciled by good principles must
have their ego shattered! It is a folly to play the fools own set of rules!

Rizal equipped his fencing sword and replied the allies; brave youngsters! Let us see if
you can challenge someone whose credentials are too far from where you are now. Like
fools, you tend to undermine a heros love for the country. It is not egoistic love as you
perceived. It is the ultimate love for the country that is not receptive for the true way to
the road to progress! I see you are unrepentant for now. There is a saying that whoever
constantly failed to see the light needs a harsh beating! This country lacked competent
decision makers. The ways you decide always lead to its downfall. The illumination will
not be complete until I placed you completely into deep submission! All these are
everything about a heros love for the country! I will make you all realistic. Prepare to
see the true nature of the country! Like my contemporaries, you are no different to them!
Eduardo replied Rizal; you embarrassed yourself! We do not care if you are a hero or not.
All we are sure is that you are not as justified as you portrayed yourself. We do not
tolerate people who used every means that destroyed the country even using corruption as
a tool for instruction. It is not us who you think are narrow minded but it is your already
darkened soul! Is that you all wanted? We will all give it humbly to you! We will remove
the darkness within you forcibly sending you into your eternal rest! We will make you
pay of all what you did to our country! Rizal replied Eduardo; what you are waiting for?
Let us see who has the truth! I expect more of you TFF! What you believed you all
should justify it. Dont make me disappointed! As you wanted to destroy the dark

energies within me, I expect you to try your best! Come on as your prove yourself that
you are not similar to the ones I used to criticize when I was alive!

P61: National Hero Gone Bad.

Rizal said to the allies; like before you, I used to criticize people who are ego driven to
seek their own ways rather than contribute to the progress of the nations. I must all teach
you lessons how to be independent than follow your superiors with an illusion to self
righteousness. Eduardo replied Rizal; if you can, we will prove to you that you are in the
wrong side. Your dark energies must be ended before we can force to you cross to the
place where you are supposed to be. Krisma replied Rizal; if a person knew more threats
than benefits, we will not be thinking twice to deal with him into what is right! Larry
replied Rizal; you chose this way. You wanted to taint your legacy then so be it. You
chose the ways of darkness that alienated you more from what you supposed to believe
and do. Rizal replied Larry; you are all too young. You pretended to understand
everything but knew nothing. You are not courageous enough to face the truth! I
expressed my concerns of what had become of the youngsters. Instead of living to the
horizon of the right ways, they lived in the shadow of illusion. Eduardo replied Rizal; or
should I think it is the other way around! It is you who lived within the shadows of
illusion! It is all over now! Lets get it done, you wanted to absorb us into illumination
then try your best to do it! We will be ready whatever onslaught you will unleash to us.
Patrick replied Rizal; whatever punishments you wanted to inflict us, we will be all sure
to reflect it all back to you breaking the illusion that is blinding you from reality! Rizal
replied the allies; very well! You all wanted punishment right? I shall give you not only
punishment but lessons to remember.

Rizal started to rush towards the allies. Eduardo told Patrick and Larry to cooperate with
him to prove Rizal his real capabilities. Rizal went into the male allies and tried to engage
the three guys into a sword fight. Eduardo equipped his sword empowered and started to
cross sword with the former hero. Rizal proved his superiority in fencing. He
overpowered Eduardo a couple of times and started intimidating him with his fencing

skills. Larry took Eduardos place. He clashed with Rizal. Rizal like what he did to the
TFF leader, he overpowered Larry with the latter barely dodging the fast slashes of Rizal.

Krisma used her camera to slow down Rizal. Rizal was partially susceptible by the
cameras slowing effect. He slightly slowed down. In retaliation, he used his dark energy
psychic skills similar to Araneta to slow down the female allies. He connected the
slowing down with weakening effects to the female allies. Rizal said to the male allies;
since they are not doing anything significant, I rather let them rest so they will not
succumb to boredom. At least I proportioned the significance of being weakened down to
idleness. Eduardo replied Rizal; you are just fearful enough that even our female allies
will catch you eventually contributing a large factor of your sending off to the other side!
Patrick replied Rizal; Rizal, your burden has not ended yet. You will see that youngsters
today have gotten more extraordinary than you originally presumed! Rizal replied the
allies that he is starting to see whether that the youngsters have gotten stronger or just
overrated. He said further that he is expecting his opponents to be beyond ordinary. Rizal
rushed into the allies and tried to overpower the three. Patrick tried to claw Rizal while
Eduardo and Larry struggled with him. Rizal with finesse, dodged Patricks clawing. He
may damage Rizal but the damages are insignificant enough to genuinely lose his

Pearl shot Rizal with her rifle but Rizal was hardly damaged compared to their former
opponents. Rizal damaged Pearl by unleashing a pillar of dark energy in retaliation.
Krisma threw her discs into the national hero but Rizal cancelled her discs through his
darkened powers. Rizal mentally unleashed his darkness by having Krisma flying off
literally from dark explosions. Patrick saw his allies being oppressed by Rizals already
tainted soul. He rushed into Rizal trying to overpower him. As he rushed into Rizal, Rizal
already overpowered the other two allies. He welcomed what Patrick is going to do to
him. Rizal stepped back as he unleashed dark energies to confuse Patrick. Patrick is
resilient. He dodged and endured the dark energies. He pressed his way until he went
near Rizal. As he went near Rizal, Rizal as usual planned to introduce him as his
superior. He slashed rapidly attempting to slice Patrick into multiple parts. As Rizal

attempted to damage Patrick, Patrick blocked himself from slashes he is unable to dodge.
With his left stand tailor made into an offense, he made his way into Rizals front. Rizal
saw that his left hand is ripe for a powerful counter attack. When he is about to slash
Patrick, Patrick faked his left hand and turned into his right hand for offense. As he
confused Rizal, Rizal was about to destroy Patricks right hand but Patrick tricked him
once more. Patrick switched into his left hand and disarmed Rizal of his fencing saber.

Eduardo and Larry continued to advance forward to damage Rizal. Patrick now saw that
it is the right time to teach the hero a lesson. Rizal knew that Patrick is about to dish him
some punishment but he did not retreat from where he is standing. In fact, he is all about
to time Patrick to have his mistakes capitalize. As Patrick in confidence was about to
damage Rizal, he is now starting an attempt to damage him badly. As he stroked his claw
into Rizal, Rizal proved Patrick that he too knew the basics of combat. Patrick started
clawing like mad into Rizal but the hero just repeatedly dodged his slashes without an
effort. Patrick tried his best to damage Rizal such as lunging into his guts but Rizal
blocked them with his unearthly hands. Patrick did not lose hope. He attempted to
connect the failed shots with a hit to the face. Rizal easily dodged the slashes made by
Patrick. Rizal voluntarily opened himself to Patrick for the latter to be unsuspecting.
Rizal saw that Patrick is followed by two of his allies. Rizal mentally slowed down
Eduardo and Larry with his dark energies. He connected the slowing down with
explosive dark energies to weaken the two allies down. Patrick told Rizal that he will
never lose hope despite his allies incapacitated. He will continue to damage him to set
everything right. Patrick saw Rizal opened for attacks. He rapidly tried to slash him
cleanly but Rizal easily dodged them all. Patrick was about to jump over Rizal to slash
his head cleanly. As he leapt toward Rizal, Rizal grinned and countered him with a right
uppercut. He punched Patricks guts empowered with dark energies while he is
suspended temporarily in the air. Krisma sneaked Rizal with discs that damaged the
heros face. Patrick used this opportunity composing himself. He suddenly leapt into
Rizal unexpectedly slashing him clean in the face. Rizal told him that his move is a nice

Rizal suddenly went offensive. He rapidly punched Patrick into the face eventually
kicking him into the guts. Patrick again is too resilient, despite damaged, he will not
accept defeat. He armed his claws hoping to fight fire with fire. Rizal anticipated what he
is going to do. He alternatively played defense and offense. As Patrick forced his way
into Rizal, Rizal kicked repeatedly to have Patrick more into confusion. Patrick leapt into
Rizal once again to have him hit in a vantage point. As Patricks claw is nearing Rizals
face, Rizal kicked Patricks legs sending him into the ground. He approached Patrick and
stomped him repeatedly. Eduardo and Larry in a helpless immobilized state witnessed
their ally being stomped ruthlessly. They vowed revenge to Rizal to set everything what
is right. After Patrick is brutally beaten, Rizal grabbed Patrick and punched him in the
guts throwing him to the edge of the room defeated.

Eduardo and Larry struggled from being slowed down to lay a hand to the former hero.
Rizal told the duo that they are next to being defeated eventually illuminated. Eduardo
replied Rizal; we will not allow ourselves to be defeated by someone who sold his soul to
evil just for an obsessed love for the country. Rizal replied Eduardo; how stubborn are
you all! You know that there is no competent individual for the country. Like always,
whoever sees the incompetence of a society, he should directly intervene for the greater
good. Larry replied Rizal; not for someone who will do anything that worsened the
country even before!
The allies broke free of Rizals occult powers. They empowered their sword and rushed
into Rizal. They unleashed huge energies coming from their swords. Rizal made a barrier
to protect himself also to fend off from tough attacks made by the duo. Larry and
Eduardo pressed themselves into Rizal for a swordfight once again. While he got nearer
to the national hero, Rizal picked up his saber for an eventual encounter. The duo clashed
their swords against Rizals saber. Rizal grinned as he struggled against the combined
force of the duo. Rizal unleashed some dark energy pillars cornering the duo for a
psychological impact upon them. The duo told themselves not to be affected by
psychological intimidations. They continued their struggle to disarm Rizal. Moments
later, Rizal proved himself to be too overpowering to the duo. Patrick in desperate mood,

he equipped his rocket blasting Rizal. Rizal countered Patrick with a dark energy
explosion sending him into unconsciousness. The duo thanked Patrick and saw Rizal is
off guard. They proceeded into him and finally damaged him genuinely with their
improved weapons. They repeatedly slashed the undead Rizal with the latter switching to
his nunchaku. Eduardo performed various techniques into Rizal. He crazily slashed Rizal
to have the latter finally rest in peace. He performed an uppercut that staggered Rizal.
Rizal is about to deliver a lethal attack but Larry disarmed him with a nunchaku. As
Eduardo is damaging Rizal heavily from multiple slashes, Larry did his job well. He
repeatedly beat Rizal with his nunchaku. As Rizal is thoroughly staggered, Larry added
some more beatings to his face. After some beatings, Eduardo told Larry to finish off
Rizal for good. Larry threw his weapons into Rizals front creating an explosion that
folded the national hero. Larry switched to his Marcos sword, empowered him and ready
for the finishing touches. The duo with their swords empowered, they repeatedly slashed
Rizal for the preliminary finishing touches. Rizal fought them back unleashing a series of
dark energies but only slightly damaged the duo. He used the bulk of his darkness to slow
the duo down. The allies are not affected by the slowing down as before. They continued
to damage Rizal with their empowered sword.

Larry tried to lunge into Rizal but seeing Rizal is an undead, the lunges did not kill him
immediately as it would to an ordinary mortal. A lunge will just add the damages as it
would have been to a single slash. The heroes realized that Rizal needed accumulated
damages to have him silenced. The duo thought that Rizal had already enough of the
damages. They proceeded to finish Rizal by unleashing huge energies from their swords.
The duo unleashed huge energy attacks that sent Rizal flying due to the powerful
explosions the blasts from their swords unleashed. The duo felt that Rizal already felt
how extraordinarily they have become seeing him in a critically damaged state. Rizal
wanted to get up and fight but collapsed due to the intensity of the damages he received
from the duo. Larry said to Eduardo; it is almost over! We have done a good job for our
country. I hope this will be the end of the chaos. Eduardo replied Larry; dont be so sure
TFF. As I see, the TFF have become more mature. Now Rizal received the greatest
beating he received from his heroic career. He should not leave Earth in a hard way if

only he understand how things should be. It is his folly to clash against us. Larry replied
Eduardo; I hope this is the end, the end of people who used demonic means in a guise of
patriotism. It would be refreshing to see the influence of darkness ceased in our
motherland. Eduardo replied Larry; sure! Should we finish him for good? Lets go for the
good of the country.

Suddenly, with the allies unaware, they are hit by huge pillars of dark energies. The allies
are slowed down once again. Rizal got up and replied to the duo; things are not easy as
you assumed. You are just ordinary kids my friends! You are just full of idealized
impressions of the country. You all lacked reality. This time, I will directly infuse reality
into your feeble brains! The stunning difference is that Im unearthly. You are just all
ordinary bound for deception so as destruction! Things are hard to understand right,
especially to people who blindly followed their ambitious leaders and being deluded so
bad to have their own impression of the country? You all are just good in beating smart
people! You knew nothing compared to what I have experienced. I can safely say that
Im the country and the country is me! There is no hope for the country without me
interfering it directly. We are all in the stage of purification where after all the
corruptions and iniquities, a new reign of heroic righteousness will prevail for good!

Krisma and Pearl went into the presence of their friends. Krisma replied Rizal; the battle
is not over yet! You still need to win against us to prove yourself! What you are saying
the country needs you and you are the country? You should go into the comfort room and
take a hot shower to have your delusions removed! This country is not all yours. This
country is the Filipinos nation. They are the ones who will dictate the pace of the
progress not your dictations! You are not a hero as you used to be. You reduced yourself
into an obsessed monster! Pearl replied Rizal; the old has long gone. It is time for the new
to take its change for genuine progress. Your ideas are no doubt inspiring but all these
dark energies, intensifying corruptions, using the elites and possessing our friends are not
justifiable for goodness sake! We may be damaged by your most intense attack but our
principles will unite us out in order to win the biggest battle of our lives. If you wanted to
have us illuminated in your own terms, you succeeded. Unfortunately, what you called

the latter part of illumination, we will not all tolerate it. Eduardo and Larry composed
themselves and got up to join the girls for the final battle. Larry replied to Rizal; this
country is yours? You may have a part but the country is not you. Everything does not
revolve around you. This country is for all the Filipinos! Rizal replied the allies; like
before, stubborn people will always bring their society down. Once upon a time, it is the
tale of colonizers plundering all of us. This time, it is no different except, it is the
countrys own peoples stubbornness that plundered their nation into a dying state! I must
do this for the sake of getting everything new just as I envisioned. Eduardo replied Rizal;
if thats you always wanted since your death then, try your best to wrest the country from
its inevitable road to progress! We will stop whatever occultism you will plan that will
destroy our country! Rizal replied Eduardo; submission of your ego is needed to have
everything run smoothly!

Rizal unequipped his sword as he planned to unleash the extent of his powers. He
unleashed large chunks of energies that permeated the room. The allies are again in the
dark. He pushed himself harder as he unleashed dark energies to slow the allies down.
Eduardo told his friends to be ready and equipped at all times. The allies may have
slowed down due to the dark energies but they did not stop moving from all over place to
get a piece of the national hero. Rizal unleashed many pillars of energies to catch the
allies for further damage. The allies dodged perfectly from all of Rizals tricks. Rizal
continued to unleash pillars of energies in the dark to catch the allies. The allies moved
themselves out from the energies while blocking against possible attacks from Rizal. The
allies felt Rizal is unleashing projectile attacks against them. The allies perfectly blocked
themselves from being hit by Rizals projectiles. Rizal unleashed dark explosive energies
to destroy the allies. Eduardo told his friends to move away from possible zones of
danger. Krisma replied Eduardo that every zone in the room is dangerous. Larry replied
Krisma that she should not be a sophist. It all means getting away from a corner that is
about to accommodate harm. Eduardo replied Krisma that the battle is all about moving
on in case trouble is being sensed where they are standing.

Rizal unleashed more dark explosions with some pillars to energy to catch the allies for
good. The allies, having endured numerous battles, they seemed mastered how to dodge
deadly attacks from enemies. Rizal continued to unleash projectiles into the allies. The
allies blocked themselves perfectly from the attacks. Rizal saw the whereabouts of the
allies but the allies are not aware the whereabouts of Rizal in the room. Rizal had another
plan for the allies. He slowed the allies down again. The allies were slowed down as the
attacks affected them. Rizal unleashed pillars to energies that damaged the allies while
barely moving. All the allies are knocked down in the ground but they composed
themselves and continued fighting as they anticipated more of Rizals tricks. The allies
barely went away from Rizals immobilization. They blocked more of Rizals projectiles
as they moved around the room to avoid Rizals dark energies. After they endured their
trying times from Rizals darkened soul, Rizal filled the room with obelisks in an attempt
to impale the allies and damage them if they get caught. The allies, as always, they
moved themselves out from danger zones. They plan to make Rizal in a desperate move.

While the allies are dodging the obelisks, they hoped that Rizal will get out from his
anxiousness eventually, will appear in front of them to play fire with fire. Eduardo said to
the allies; Rizal will soon realize that his darkened powers cannot fully harm us. He will
be soon desperate to destroy us. The worst case scenario, he will unexpectedly appear in
front of us. That time, we should be ready to equip ourselves for his sending off to the
afterlife. The allies agreed Eduardo as they plan to hang on against Rizals attacks.
Eduardo added to the allies; this is our opportunity! This is the final battle! We will set
everything right! We will be heroes to the new generations to rebuild this country! After
this final battle, we will do what everyone failed to do! Let us believe in our principles,
we will win this battle my friends! Pearl replied Eduardo; we will alright! Eduardo
replied Pearl; what? We will what? We will lose? Pearl laughed and replied Eduardo; you
dont get it? We will win of course! Basic logic sir! Krisma asked Eduardo; have you
noticed where Patrick has gone? Eduardo rubbed his forehead then he replied Krisma. He
said that because of many alarming attacks to avoid, they forgot their friend. He told the
allies that he is sleeping soundly. He will recover soon to dish some unfinished business.
The allies happily laughed about Patrick.

Rizal sensed that the allies let their guards down to have some fun in the midst of the
battle. Rizal attempted to slow the unsuspecting allies down through his dark energies.
Eduardo saw Rizals massive dark energies are about to hurt the allies. He told the allies
to jump as they can to avoid the attacks. The TFF members did what they were told.
Rizal unleashed projectiles to damage the allies cleanly. Eduardo and Larry blocked
Rizals projectiles to protect their female friends. The duo saw the ground darkened even
more than its usual color. The duo held the hands of their female friends respectively as
they moved out from the danger zone. The allies saw that the section of the room where
they stayed a while ago was enveloped by domes of dark explosions. Larry told his
friends that it is a close one.

Eduardo saw the ground they were standing sported a fiery color. Eduardo told his allies
to move out again from where they are standing. After they moved out, they saw the
ground where they used to stand generated a powerful obelisk. Eduardo told the allies
that they can avoid dangerous attacks by looking to the color of the ground changes,
shortly, before a powerful attack was about to take effect.
The allies moved themselves successfully safe from most of Rizals powerful attacks
until they saw Rizal illuminated hovering above them all. Rizal said to the allies; Im
tired of playing with you. You shall see my superiority over all of you! You will now be
illuminated by a noble ideal that will usher a new age of progress to the country! TFF,
you all lose! It is too late to defend yourself from someone far transcended you! The eye
of illumination! Rizal surrounded him with a large barrier as he is about to unleash
devastating blasts to the allies. Krisma equipped her camera as she slowed down Rizal.
Rizal said to Krisma; you thought you can defeat me with cheap tricks like that? I highly
doubt it! Krisma pressed her camera again to slow Rizal even more. Rizal replied
Krisma; too late! Whoever you are against is a lot more powerful than all of you
including your superiors! Things for you are inevitable prepare to be illuminated in the
wake of your submission! It is a pity for someone who already knew the truth yet, eluded
the reality! Eduardo replied Rizal; it is you who is the one that eluded reality! You broke
from your former principles! You did not trust your countrymen to do the work. It is clear

that you laid some of your ideas into their lesson plans. It is up to them to follow your
ideas that will help them to progress or will ruin them. Still, you have no place to act as a
monster plaguing them with all the countrys iniquities plunging them into deep
destruction! Rizal, let us finish this! What you have entered will ensure your downfall for

The allies saw the ground is glowing with light. They knew that the lights will serve as
Rizals pattern for his attacks against them. Rizal gazed into the TFF and grinned to
them. He said to the allies; it is all you that will accept reality in a harsh manner! You
wanted to shatter my ego right? I shall give you cold doses of reality. Die allies! Eduardo
told his allies to follow the lights pattern, also to be ready to strike Rizal if given the
opportunity. Eduardo told the allies to get ready for the big thing.

Rizal surrounded himself with a solar barrier. He started to project energy or solar blasts
to the allies. The allies moved around Rizal to evade the solar blasts. While the allies are
following the lights patterns to avoid secondary attacks, they also moved around Rizal to
evade the solar blasts. The light pattern eventually sped up as they transferred themselves
at the back of the allies. The allies knew that if they moved too slowly they will be
horribly damaged. The allies dodged Rizals solar blasts at the same time, moving fast
from the onslaughts of Rizals old pattern of darkened attacks. The allies moved away
from the secondary attacks as fast as they can. They circumnavigated around Rizal until
the latter stopped throwing solar blasts. After a pattern of moving away from harm and
dodging Rizals solar blasts, the allies saw Rizal hovered over them with his barrier
weakened. Krisma pressed her camera to stagger Rizal more. She threw her discs towards
Rizal to damage him if not, agitate him. Pearl while moving away, shot Rizal with good
rounds from her rifle. Eduardo and Larry prepared themselves to jump to the hero in
order to damage him. Larry told his female allies to move back. Krisma threw more discs
to distract or agitate Rizal since her weapons do not inflict much harm compared to their
previous opponents. Larry hurled his propellers to damage Rizal preliminarily as he
prepared to slash him down for good. After Larry threw his propellers into Rizal, Rizal
was distracted by the huge electrical explosions.

While the girls moved safely from the danger zone, Eduardo and Larry prepared
themselves for the final part of the conflict. Rizal equipped his saber but instead
prematurely attempted to destroy the duo through his solar blasts. The duo struggled as
they constantly blocked themselves against Rizals heavy attacks. After he failed blasting
the duo into smithereens, Krisma pressed her camera once again slowing Rizal
considerably down. Rizal attempted to blast Krisma but the duo simultaneously
performed uppercut to the national hero. They leapt towards Rizal and performed two
uppercuts for each of them. Rizal was seriously hit by the uppercuts. He equipped his
saber as he attempted to fend off the allies. The duo leapt again over Rizal and performed
a downward strike staggering him into the ground.

Rizal got up from the devastation inflicted upon him. He planned to engage with the
allies with a test of strength but realized the duo became too powerful for him. The duo
triply empowered their swords for the finishing strikes. Rizal rushed into the duos. One
hand blasting his usual blasts but the duo blocked it successfully. The other hand he
attempted to lunge his saber into one of the duo. The duo saw his mistakes and pressed on
their attacks into the national hero. They performed uppercuts to stun Rizal. Larry easily
disarmed Rizal. They went into Rizal and performed multiple slashes. Eduardo
repeatedly stabbed Rizal into the guts to damage him even more. He slashed him in all
angles hoping to put him on the road crossing into the afterlife. He performed another
uppercut to lose his focus for good.

While Eduardo is slashing Rizal, Larry equipped his nunchaku repeatedly beating Rizal
into near submission. After he is through playing with Rizal, he equipped Marcos sword
slashing him in a ruthless manner. He told Rizal that it is the TFF who will make him
realize the truth. Eduardo and Larry continued slashing at their best into Rizal to silence
the hero once and for all. They finally performed each an uppercut that sent Rizal flying.
Rizal unleashed dark pillars of energies. The duos are damaged by the pillars of dark

Rizal unleashed dark energies from his body to cripple the duo. He rushed into the allies
unleashing solar blasts that damaged the duo a lot. The duo despite damaged, they will
not stop until they completed their journey for genuine change. Rizal empowered his
sword as he leapt high to strike the damaged duo critically into destruction. The duo
watched as Rizal is about to strike them.

The duo gathered their all their fighting spirit so as their will to complete their journey
empowered their swords once more. As Rizal was about to perform a powerful
downward strike, the duo welcomed Rizal with each of their uppercuts. They leapt into
the air and performed downward strikes that cleaved Rizal into two. The duo saw that
inside of Rizals divided soul was full of energies enveloped in darkness which they
solidified their convictions that indeed, Rizals soul is more depraved with all of the
countrys iniquities than they have imagined.
The internal part of Rizals soul was full of the countrys iniquities. Larry remarked that
Rizal is like an evil Pandora box. The duo saw that all the iniquities of the country
through time that are being stored inside Rizals soul. They unleashed huge surges of
energies from their swords for the finish.
Unfortunately, Rizals soul though damaged, he will not allow himself to be killed that
easy once again. He unleashed all the darkness within him as a final attack to retaliate
against the duo and their female allies. As the duo were about to dodge the attacks, they
are engulfed within the darkness Rizal unleashed. They saw Pearl and Krisma being
caught up within the darkness he unleashed. Rizal angrily controlled the darkness he
unleashed. He commanded the darkness he unleashed to beat the allies into submission.

The allies while inside the darkness Rizal unleashed, they are beaten up by the energies
themselves. The energies continued to torture the allies into incapacitation until the dark
energies ended their ruthlessness by ending the engulfment by a series of dark explosions.
The allies are being thrown into the ground by the outgoing dark energies unconsciously.

The battle may seem as a draw in which the duo seemed to destroy Rizal point blank but
at the same time, Rizal seemed to have gotten the last laugh.

After the large clash of opposing energies, the room became as silent as the void in
infinite space. The allies while in the ground are subtly recovering themselves for a
possible next huge battle just in case, Rizal recovered himself from a beating he can
never forget.

P62: Still Alive?

After the clashing of principles, the room went back into its dark and solemn state. The
allies woke up a bit after being thoroughly damaged by Rizals desperation attacks.
Eduardo asked his friends; are you all ok? We are about to finish him for good but his
stubbornness to leave Earth made things complicated. Im sorry that you all got hurt in
this dangerous battle. Anyway, you all did a good job. I salute you all. Never had I
witnessed ordinary youngsters reaching the end part of their journey. You are all
awesome. Thank you for all the help. Larry replied Eduardo; thanks Eduardo for this
journey. We all have a hard time battling against the threats but enduring such hard times
were fun all worth it. Dont worry my friend. The damages are not that threatening. We
are almost on our road to full recovery. Eduardo replied Larry; nice to hear that. I hope
you we did destroyed him back where he should be. Well, Im fine. Im used to sustain
heavy damages. Krisma replied Eduardo; we are all okay. I enjoyed slowing the enemy
down. I now realize sometimes violence is needed to have peace. It is time for the nation
to experience the justice system which eluded her in her trying times. Pearl replied
Eduardo; Im ok friends. The dark energies are powerful but we are not that critically
wounded. It just incapacitated us for a while. It will be threatening if Rizal is still alive at
the same time drowning us into his darkened traps. Eduardo replied his friends; I hope we
did our best to get him away from this troubled world. May he find the peace he longed
for eternity. He cannot do anything for the country anymore. He just further plagued it
through his subtle influence. I do not know what to do in case, he is still alive. Larry
replied Eduardo; impossible! He is dead by now. We cleaved him into two. You see that
we repeatedly massacred him into submission. If he lives, he is nothing more than a

desperate individual. Krisma replied Larry; if logic must be served, the damages are all
accumulated into his darkened soul. There is no way that he can fight against us in full
condition. He will not be the same if he lives. Pearl replied Krisma; what a difficult
battle! It is simply our principles made us all survive this dangerous opponent. The battle
is not for the weak hearted. We will complete our journey. So far, I know this will be an
epic dawn for the new beginning. Eduardo replied Pearl; yes it is. it is not Rizal who will
halt our quest for change. Our last opponent will be rearranging the country for what it
should be. Rizal will just be one of our opponents who will be a candidate to be a thing of
the past.
Rizal asked the allies; says who? I see you are partially rejoicing your supposed victory
over me. There is nothing wrong to enjoy things especially being aware that it will not
last forever. Enjoy while it still last! You are all rejoicing that you defeated me?
Unfortunately, you are all wrong. You are all not yet in office while you already showed
arrogance! Eduardo replied Rizal; what? We are not arrogant! We just thought you are
nowhere to be found as here, you are still alive? It is quite a beating that you received.
Krisma replied Rizal; we do not need to be in office to serve the nation. We can do it in
our ordinary ways! We are just doing it because competence in our society betrayed those
who are in authority. We have no choice but to do the right thing as our nations future
hangs in balance in her citizens hands. Rizal replied the allies; you all seemed weak to
continue challenging me. Pearl replied Rizal; you too sir! It is impossible for you to fight
us in full condition. You already took the most brutal beating of your whole existence! If
you are going to fight us, we will send you back to the afterlife! Rizal replied Pearl; what
a concerned citizen you are! Me? Im incapacitated by the likes of you? I took the most
brutal beating in my whole career? Hell no! Actually, I recovered fully. You are just
ordinary youngsters. I already experienced being an ordinary individual so as the rules
beyond life. You though Im finally gone for good? I just went out and recovered myself.
After all, I have already gone beyond the ordinary unlike all of you. The beatings you
inflicted upon me are nothing compared to what Im going to do to you if, you are strong
enough to continue to battle against me. Like always, it is stubbornness and resisting
submitting to authorities like me that made you fell from grace. Eduardo replied Rizal;

we did not fall from grace, as long individuals like you existed to destroy our country
through evil means, we will definitely fight harder just to end your petty influence to the
already dying country! We are arrogant because we knew our beliefs so as we knew
what to do to our country. We do not need people to impose his or her will to what we
believed is right! Actually, it is us that are very concerned of where you have gone! We
thought you already crossed your way into Hell but you are still alive. Rizal replied
Eduardo; TFF, my friends, I will not leave this place until you are a hundred percent
illuminated. If I failed illuminating you, I will still continue to influence the country until
it became progressive for good. Your deaths will be insignificant for my plan for the
Larry replied Rizal; it is all over! Youre plans will definitely fail in our hands! We will
fight until it is over! We will complete our journey even unto the extent totally destroying
you! You totally wasted the peoples respect upon you! Rizal replied Larry; stubbornness
and lack of discipline like all of you will certainly make the country plunge into
nothingness. I do not care the respect of the people for they are now in the wrong
direction. All I cared is that to see the Philippines lived up to its potential. Ironically,
catastrophes, chaos, unrest, anarchy and social degeneration must all happen for the
people to know the value of taking care of the country into the right direction. People like
you will just contribute to the destruction of the country. Im not here to destroy you. Im
here to illuminate you into the true way to real progress. Why past leaders always ignored
me? It is because they are afraid of radical changes so as their lives will at stake just for
long term changes. They are afraid to face the real problem of the nation. They are just
good providing short term solutions. It is a waste of their educations! Krisma asked Rizal;
why should they encounter you? You are not the only great guy here! Rizal replied
Krisma; young woman, to understand everything, you see their depravity led them just to
focus short term solutions. I hate them mentioning my name. Instead they are being
motivated by my teachings to do the best for the country. Im just remembered through
my name, an amateur understanding of my works and nothing else. Hypocritical
conclusions my friends! Going deep within here will let them realize the real cause of the
countrys problems unfortunately like all of you; they will be stubborn and ended up

dead! The risks may be alarming but all worth it to see the real nature of the country.
Once they followed my teachings, they will result to long term solutions. Im totally sad
for this country and to people planning to run the country in your own image. What a
depraved world we have!

Eduardo replied Rizal; it is not only you who have great principles. There are a lot of
persons in and out of the country that are very influential for good governance. You are
just one of the choices. We went here so we can see the real state of the nation to set
everything right after we finished our journey! We do not need your presence to the
current state of the country. Our objectives here are number one, to find out the real
identity of the dark energies. Number two, to see the real state of the nation and last, to
end your perverse influences to this country once and for all! Pearl replied Rizal; things
should have been easier if you just illuminated us as we chose what is right for the
progress of the country. You have gone too far from your original mission. You become a
force to be feared among ordinary citizens. We are all here to end your reign of chaos
once and for all! It is a matter of setting everything right doctor! After this saga of our
journey, we are now empowered to be model citizens to a dying country. We already saw
the filth of your iniquities doctor! All we are going to do is to cleanse you from the evil
that further corrupted you. After this, we will be back to normal with new responsibilities
to do. Krisma replied Rizal; our mission is twofold, to deal with the real nature of the
darkness that is plaguing this country and to see the real nature of the nation to encourage
us to work harder for the country.
Rizal replied the allies; what Im holding right now is a container that holds all the tears
of the nation. You see that the tears symbolized the nations cry for real progress. She
will shed more tears until progress has not been granted to her. You see how sad she is
right now, all of you are all after is the quest that your superiors wanted you to do. You
do not care the sensitivity of the nation. She is like a damsel in distress waiting to be
freed from the grasp of evil raping her. Krisma replied to Rizal; she is sad because of
what you are doing to her. Rizal replied Krisma; Im just one of the factors. You along
with the elites are the ones that are hugely responsible to her sorrows! Eduardo replied

Rizal; oh yeah, not to mention, it is you who is like an evil son giving his mother real
anguish. It is actually you that allegedly intensified the ills of the nation for the sake of
her education. Rizal replied Eduardo; thats the point my friends. The nation wanted
justice and progress she deserved. She will continue to cry when those supposedly parts
of her real destiny continued to elude her. How fragile is she! How sorrowful is she right
now! At least she felt comfort at my side. I comforted her telling her that I will give the
desires of her heart. I told her the road for her emptiness to be resolved starts now. She is
like a damsel in distress waiting to be freed from all iniquities. I admit Im the one that is
one of the factors that hurt her. I will set everything straight in the light of this great
illumination! She must realize like all stories, after many catastrophes and bad events,
only real progress will be obtained! Only through tribulations for the sake of education,
will only let the nation be clothed into dignity! Larry replied Rizal; the nation will
continue to cry seeing what you are doing to her! We will be the one to free her from
your false promises. We will free her from your obsession to her! Like a woman that
should be set free, we will do it to our country at the cost of her realizing that you played
huge factors for the accumulation of her tears!

Eduardo replied Rizal; poetic it may be unfortunately as you claimed, the nation will only
stop crying if we defeated you to free her from your dark influences. We will assure her
that the likes of you will not trouble her anymore. Motherland, this is the time that you
will witness the eradication of your sorrow. We will free you like a damsel in distress.
Let the TFF be your knights in shining armor against a dragon that pretended to be knight
that he never really was.

Rizal dropped the container in front of the allies. After hitting the ground, the container
contained some incinedaries exploded, emitting bright light temporarily blinding and
separated both parties. Rizal said to the nation; as I drop this container, I assure you this
will be the genesis of the termination of your sorrow in the hands of these ambitious
people! Let me demonstrate you that I will defend you from all kinds of pretenders in
your threshold! Eduardo replied Rizal; dont fool the nation. She did not deserve to be

fooled like people always do to her. Let the nation witness the truth right in her very own

Rizal replied Eduardo; persistent are the pretenders! The nation will eventually realize
that it is through her iniquities that she will have her illumination. My greatest sacrifice
ends now! This is for the mother country! I will clothe her with honor through the wake
of her nakedness! I will assure her that Im the one that will deliver her the simple truth.
Let the nation be the witness so she can divide the sides of light and darkness.
Motherland, your sorrow ends now! If you cannot be illuminated in an easy way, you will
all learn it in a hard way! Now, Im convinced to make her happy, I shall let her witness
how I expressed my love to her. She will see how I destroy those who wanted to take
advantage of her. To the ones that used her name in a guise of a hidden agenda. Prepare
TFF! Let the nation cry no more! Eduardo replied Rizal; you are so hypocritical! You
should finally rest in peace because you are just fooling the nation as if she can be fooled
that easily! Krisma replied Rizal; no wonder that the nation is always crying because of
what you have done! You should get a life! You became something more than you
planned to do. It is sick! Larry replied Rizal; what a hero you are! You are blaming us of
the nations sorrow? Isnt you are the one that is wholly responsible for it? The nation is
very sick right now. Dark energies continued to ravage her. Now, it is the time for us to
pluck all the dark energies that continue to injure her! Rizal, you wanted us to be blamed
for being the ones that hurt the nation? It seemed looking yourself through a mirror
would not work because this time, you are beyond narcissism. If thats the case, we will
make it sure that we will be your mirror to realize how you personally ravaged our
nation! Eduardo replied Rizal; like always, it is nothing new that our enemies always
accused us the blame of handing the nation into her disintegration. This time, it is the
final time that we will prove to our accusers that it is the other way around. As the eyes of
the nation are all upon us, we will let her realize that it is her self styled savior that
actually gave her most of the heartaches! If you want to illuminate us, let the nation see
the truth of all behind it! Let us end this right now!

Rizal replied Eduardo; ready whenever you are! This battle is for the mother nation! Like
always, damsel in distress will be always freed by her knight in shining armor. Along
with the motherland, I will not only remove her sorrows, I will illuminate her along with
her pretenders to have an epic ending! You all wanted to be my mirror? Then, come on
prove yourself that you are the real deal for the nation! As you try to prove yourself, Ill
be ready to defend my motherland at all cost! She will see how darkness will turn into
light! If you do not want to be illuminated, prepare to be destroyed for the sake of non

Patrick got up and went towards his allies. His friends greeted him as he came into them.
Patrick said to Rizal; the longer we are with each others presence, the more we realized
that you became more deluded than you already are. It is a sickening sight to have you
pretending to have a special place in the heart of the nation. If you are the one trying to
educate the nation from all ills even using all her iniquities against her progress, we will
be there at her side to stop whoever wanted to take advantage of her! Rizal, you are not
who used to be. You are now a shell of your former self. You already corrupted yourself
as a huge threat to this countrys existence! If thats the case of you spreading contagious
diseases to our nation, you need to be stopped for good! We will not hesitate to destroy a
hero who will do anything to educate the nation even using evil means! Whoever
threatens the life of the country should be stopped for good! Redemption will only be
acquired when the offenders ego is shattered resulting into his downfall. His
disillusionment to his perverse quest for false progress! This battle will be dedicated to
the nation, to her people and to our dear friend whom you took advantage off too!

Rizal replied Patrick; same as here! Only shutting down your egos will have your
illumination at full force. TFF, like always, you are all designed to remove all the
nations threats. If thats how you think, I, as the final hindrance of your quests
completion, will make it all sure that you will have the run of your time and energy for
your journey. What Im going to do to you will result to your greater good! Dont
disappoint me my friends. You wanted to fight me, please make it sure that you can
stand up to my power. Feel the full extent of the growing darkness within my soul! You

will all see that the one you are facing with alone provided the blueprint for the countrys

P63: Our National Berserker.

Rizal said to the allies; this is what you always wanted. To discredit those who are a lot
greater than you. You always act as if this country is all yours. You wanted to prove that
you are true initiating a battle. Less you know that you are all about to suffer the
consequences. Let the nation sob no more from your stubborn deeds! This fight is for the
dying nation! This fight will give life to the dying nation! Your insignificant lives are
mine to be offered to the nation! Eduardo said to his allies; let us do this battle for the
final time. Just hang on guys. We are at the terminus of our journey. Bringing light to the
nation is already inevitable in our favor. Let the final battle ends now! Rizal unleashed
the full extent of his dark energy rapidly to slow the allies down. The allies slowed down
but unbowed. Despite, slowed down, the allies equipped themselves tightly as they
defend themselves from Rizals onslaughts. Rizal said to the allies; this is not enough for
your treacherous acts! Rizal unleashed dark energies from his body slowing the allies
more. Krisma pressed her camera to slow Rizal down too. Rizal equipped his saber as he
rushed into the allies with an angry stare. Eduardo told his friends to give Rizal false
sense of confidence.

Rizal pressed himself forward into the allies. He smiled seeing the allies cannot move
normally as they used to be. As Rizal is nearing the allies, he told himself that he is not to
be fooled. As he approached the allies, he unleashed his usual pattern of darkness to the
allies. He intensified the darkness within him. He unleashed a series of dark energy
pillars to weaken the immobilized allies. He intensified himself again to release dark
energies to slow the allies even more. As he saw the allies are helpless he leapt into the
allies. While jumping, he unleashed dark explosions to prevent the allies of a possible
desperate retaliation. As the area surrounded by massive dark explosions, Rizal saw the
allies literally flying off due to the impact of the explosions. He surrounded the area with
another series of pillars of dark energies. Rizal saw the allies flew off eventually, on their

way landing in the ground in a violent manner. Rizal planned to target the allies leader.
He unleashed more dark pillars around Eduardo.

As Eduardo being immersed in the dark pillars, Rizal empowered his sword and was
about to stab the TFF leader. Eduardo, despite injured due to the pressurized darkness
Rizal unleashed, tried his best and leapt over Rizal. Eduardo surprised Rizal and crossed
swords with him. Rizal seemed to get the upper hand until Eduardo tried his best almost
disarming the former hero. Eduardo said to Rizal; it is time to end the series of chaos
once and for all! You have no place in the countrys current affairs! It is better to stay
dead than having us forcibly evicting you from the world of the living! Eduardo signaled
his allies to do some follow up in case he failed further to damage Rizal into his end.

Eduardo empowered his sword and repeatedly stroked Rizal. At first, he slashed Rizal at
all angles to weaken him. As Rizal staggered, Eduardo unleashed an uppercut strike into
Rizal to weaken him more. Thus, ends his first battalion of retaliation against the national
hero. Krisma followed up what Eduardo has started by throwing many discs into the
national hero. Patrick went near Rizal but was blocked by his saber. Patrick struggled
with Rizal until Rizal easily overpowered him despite weakened. Pearl continuously shot
Rizal in order to be decently damaged. Larry threw his propellers into Rizal creating a
massive explosion.

Rizal saw Eduardo was about to approach him for the second time. He blasted him with
an eye beam hitting him point blank into the ground. Rizal landed into the ground to
balance himself. He told the allies that truth is on his side. He has no fear of being
overpowered from nowhere. Rizal attempted to blast the aggressive Larry with his eye
beam but the latter dodged the beam successfully. Krisma threw her discs into Rizal
again but was blocked by the hero. Krisma equipped her camera to slow Rizal down.
Krisma landed on the ground to continue throwing her discs against Rizal. Rizal surprised
her with a shot from his revolver. Thankfully, Krisma used her agility barely dodging the
deadly shot. Eduardo composed himself and got up to continue fighting against Rizal. As
he approached Rizal, Rizal attempted to blast him with his eye beam. Eduardo leapt from

where he is standing to evade the beam. He pressed forward to catch the hero into
submission. As he approached Rizal, Rizal surprised the TFF leader with another
devastating eyebeam that sent him crumpled into the ground. Larry continued throwing
propellers to stagger Rizal from the impacts of its explosions if the latter is not hit
cleanly. Pearl peppered Rizal with blasts from her rifle but Rizal shocked her with an
eyebeam that made her uncomfortable where is standing.

Patrick and Larry pressed themselves to catch Rizal in order to damage him. Krisma
calmed her friend down as both ladies composed their tempo to continue fighting to the
finish. As the duo approached Rizal, Rizal unleashed another set of huge dark energies to
slow the duo down. Krisma pressed her camera to slow Rizal down too. Pearl continued
blasting Rizal so he can be distracted for her allies to come near him without much
difficulty. Rizal didnt mind that his opponents became better than he expected. He just
unleashed more pillars of dark energies trying to catch the duo into submission. The duo
successfully went through all of the dark pillars. Rizal equipped his revolver. He fired a
couple of shots to halt the duo on their quest to end his menacing influence to the country
for good. The duo blocked themselves as they approaching the hero. Rizal fired more
shots from his revolver to keep the duo at bay. Krisma threw some follow up discs to stop
Rizal from tormenting her allies. The discs hit Rizals revolver. Rizal was almost
disarmed from Krismas attacks. The duo believed that it is their chance to hit Rizal
cleanly. Krisma moved around the place in a mocking mood. Krisma said to Rizal; this is
the first time I saw you being made uncomfortable by an ordinary youngster.

Rizal equipped his revolver and concentrated his sights to Krisma. He fired more shots
from his revolver to have her dead. Krisma pressed her camera as she created some
dimensional energy that protected her as she moved around the place. Rizal did not
neglect his focus to the more threatening duos. He unleashed more pillars to keep the duo
at bay. As the duo is already catching him, he unleashed domes of dark energy to capsize
the duo. The duo simply jumped their best to stay safe from the devastating explosions.

The duo was now about to concentrate their efforts getting near to the hero. Rizal
attempted to blast them through his eyebeam. The duo mastered the art of defending
themselves from the strongest threats possible. While they defended themselves as they
approached the hero, the duo sped their way into Rizal. Rizal equipped his saber once
again. He unleashed the full extent of his dark energies to immobilize the allies. The duo
despite slowed down, they did their best to reach Rizals front to damage him. Patrick
rushed into Rizal. He attempted to claw him in the body. Rizal blocked his advances
through his saber. Both men struggled as they wanted to overpower each other to dish
heavy punishments. Larry threw a propeller into Rizal. Rizal was staggered but he
retaliated by slashing Patrick in the torso. Larry rushed into his friend to take his place to
damage Rizal. Rizal unleashed dark pillars of energy to have Patrick ineligible to fight.
He connected it with an eye blast hoping to permanently damage him. Krisma and Pearl
went into their fallen friend. Pearl put some bandages into Patrick so it will stop the
bleeding. She put some ointment to the heavily damaged part of Patricks body. Krisma
asked Pearl to take care of Patrick as she is going to continue the battle.

Larry rushed into Rizal as both men crossed swords with each other. Larry struggled
difficultly as he wanted to dish more punishment to Rizal for him to realize his mistakes.
Rizal seemed relaxed crossing swords with Larry. He eventually overpowered Larry with
the latter losing his guard. Rizal attempted to stab Larry but the latter easily blocked the
advances of his saber. Rizal unorthodoxly attempted to slash Larry from all angles but
Larry stepped back and threw more propellers distracting the national hero. Krisma
helped Larry by throwing more discs to damage Rizal if necessary. She pressed her
camera to slow Rizal down. Rizal despite slowed down, he leapt over Larry to cut him
into halves. Larry dodged Rizals vertical cleaving strike and countered the raging hero.
He performed three uppercuts from his sword that staggered Rizal. Rizal despite
staggered, he tried his best attempting to cleave Larry into halves but he failed. He
proceeded to blast Larry with his eye beam but Larry went out from the danger zone.

Larry moved a bit far from Rizal. He told Rizal to catch him if he can. Rizal equipped his
revolver as he attempted to shoot Larry. Krisma used her discs disarming Rizal. Rizal

enraged went to focus on Krisma to get his revenge. He left dark pillars of energies for
Larry to suffer while he is on the way to destroy Krisma. As Rizal rushed into Krisma,
Larry raced his way to save his friend. He went through all of the devastating attacks
Rizal unleashed for him. He picked out Rizals revolver and shot Rizal at the back not
necessarily killing him but to hinder him from destroying Krisma. Krisma threw a couple
of discs into Rizals face. Rizal countered her unexpectedly with a devastating eye beam
that sent her into the ground. Larry saw Rizal is distracted. He threw a propeller to
damage Rizal if given a chance. After that, he rushed into Rizal and they crossed swords
once again. Larry tried his best to overpower Rizal but was overpowered once again.

Rizal then started to demonstrate his fighting skills in front of Larry. He attempted to
intimidate Larry as well slashing him in all angles. Larry leapt over Rizal to surprise him.
Rizals finesse caught Larry but Larry pressed a lot harder to overcome his opponent. The
two tried to overpower each other until Larry used his swords size advantage finally to
overpower Rizal. Rizal rushed into Larry with his pride destroyed as he attempted to
devastate his opponent. Larry anticipated Rizals attacks as he unleashed an uppercut that
stunned Rizal. He did not give Rizal a chance to attack. He did his best to damage Rizal.
He empowered his sword as slashed him in all angles. Rizal tried to struggle himself from
the onslaught but he realized his opponent did not gave him chance to fight back. He
attempted to surround the vicinity with pillars of dark energies but Larry still is
continuously damaging him. He attempted to envelop the place with dark explosions but
Larry held on continued to damage him more. He unleashed the darkness within him to
slow Larry down. He succeeded. He saw Larry immobilized by his attacks. He then
proceeded to rush into his slowed down opponent. As he was about to strike Larry, Larry
surprised him and fought him back. Larry gathered all his strength and disarmed Rizal.
He repeatedly slashed Rizal in all angles until he ended his onslaught with a powerful
uppercut sending Rizal flying into the air. He proceeded for the second part of dishing his
own brand of punishment to the former hero. He went forward into Rizal and repeatedly
stabbed him but the stab simply damaged him like ordinary attacks. Indeed it is a matter
of accumulating damages.

Rizal unexpectedly blasted Larry with his eyebeam with Larry knocked down into the
ground. Rizal picked his saber and was about to stab him. Eduardo got up and equipped
his rifle. He violently blasted Rizal to keep him out from Larry. He equipped his sword as
he rushed into the national hero. Rizal picked his revolver. He unleashed a couple of
shots to keep Eduardo at bay. Eduardo blocked all Rizals shots until Rizal realized that
his revolver cannot save him from the TFFs onslaught. As usual, he unleashed dark
pillars of energy to destroy Eduardos momentum. He unleashed more darkness within
him to slow Eduardo down but too late, Eduardo already leapt as high as he could landing
immediately into Rizals front. Rizal took advantage of Eduardos landing. He attempted
to lunge his weapon into the TFFs leaders body but Eduardo used his uncanny reflexes
to guard himself against his weapon. Rizal attempted to perform an uppercut into
Eduardo but the latter moved his head dodging the uppercut strike. Eduardo empowered
his sword and slashed Rizal in all angles. He performed various slashes into Rizals body.
He continued more slashes both diagonally and vertically until he started thrusting his
sword into Rizals body. Rizal saw his mistake and slashed him diagonally in the
shoulder. He managed to sneak a stab into Eduardos torso. Eduardo did not stop
punishing Rizal. He continued to slash Rizal in a frenzied manner until he finished the
assault with another uppercut. He landed a downward strike into Rizal. As he is about to
empowered his sword, Rizal made Eduardo uncomfortable by unleashing dark energies
into him pointblank to slow him down even more.

Larry got up and unleashed barrages of energies from his sword to damage Rizal.
Eduardo recovered from Rizals darkness. He continued to empower his sword as he
went into Rizal striking him in a ruthless manner. He told Rizal that the last battle he
survived but this time he will start his journey into the afterlife. He performed a
downward strike into Rizal. Larry equipped his nunchaku as he beat Rizal to inflict more
convincing damages into the hero. He equipped Eduardos smaller sword and threw it
into Rizals body. He equipped his Marcos sword and he blasted Rizal with all the best
energies his sword can unleash. Eduardo performed a downward strike into Rizal
cleaving him once more.

The time the duo felt that Rizals end is near, they planned to blast Rizal with all the
energies from their swords. As they are about to blast Rizal into smithereens, Rizal told
them that the battle is not over. It will last until the allies are finally illuminated into

Rizal surrounded himself with a huge fiery barrier. He unleashed all the iniquities within
him to dumb the duo. The duo got slowed down once again. He was about to unleash his
patterns of devastating attacks. Pearl distracted his concentration by rapidly firing back at
Rizal. She told him to rest in peace. She added that Rizals mission in life is already over.
He already did what he originally envisioned to do before departing into the afterlife.
Rizal replied her that he will stay until all is set in his image. He will be the one to revive
the country as he desired in life. Pearl replied him that the countrys affairs are to be left
in the hands her own countrymen.

Rizal intensified the barrier around him he is about to unleash solar blasts into the poor
TFF member. Eduardo and Larry got up and blocked Rizal from attempting to blast Pearl.
Krisma recovered from her injury caused by the eyebeam. She stood up in strong spirit as
she equipped her camera. She began to put battery into her new camera for the final part
of the battle. Rizal told the duo that it is the time for the great illumination. He added that
if the TFF wont willing to submit to his ideals, he will do it all by himself to have it all
to work. Eduardo replied Rizal; we do not need your principles alone as the basis of the
countrys blueprint for progress! There are other principles which can be helpful
exemplified by Gordon and Bayanis beliefs. Your principles will just be one of the more
intellectual opinions for the country. If you wanted to illuminate us, you are all after
failure! Rizal replied the allies; just like you did to Araneta, it is a matter of submission
before your egos are receptive to ideas you cannot comprehend. The country will be sad
in your presence. The country will cry no more. She will see how I put here enemies into
submission! I may have put some dirt into her body but ultimately, I will be the one to
heal her wounds! Your lives will be worthy sacrifice healing her wounds! Submit TFF!
For the motherland!

Rizal started to blast the duo with his solar blasts. Krisma rushed into the duo to be
reunited. Pearl dragged the injured Patrick into the edge of the room so they cannot be
harmed directly by Rizal. She brought Patrick into the edge of the room so the latter can
recover without interference. The duo waited for Krisma to join them. After Krisma
reunited with them, she pressed her camera with a large flash. The flash stunned Rizal for
a while. Rizal eventually recovered and unleashed obelisks to stop the allies. The allies
knew Rizals pattern and did what is needed to defend themselves well.
The allies went through Rizals dangerous obelisks at the same time, dodging all his solar
blasts. The allies found themselves again in the same pattern like in the previous battle
against the hero. While they are waiting for Rizal to empty his solar energies, the allies
went near his vicinity. They reminded each other to get away from the ground that
changes it colors. Eduardo said to the allies; you know the math right? In order to have
less difficulty coping with Rizal, please be aware to the ground that change color. When
it changes color dont forget to move out. Doing this, we are safe from his dark pattern
instead concentrating to avoid his solar blasts. Krisma replied Eduardo; yes sir! We will
do it once again to put him into eternal rest. Dont worry on us. We will do what must be
done to set everything right. Larry replied Eduardo; we felt more motivated by now. We
wanted to avenge what he had done to our tragic friend. We will not forget too what he
had done that plagued our nation instead of healing it. We will do what we can to win this
battle for our country and for our fallen friend. We will not disappoint those who
sacrificed their lives in the chaos. It is a matter of redemption that will make all worth it.
Eduardo replied his allies; let us finish this once and for all so we can see the light of our
countrys progress. God bless my friends!

The allies like before moved around Rizal. Rizal unleashed torrents of solar blasts to
destroy the allies. He coupled his solar blasts with his lethal eyebeam. The allies have a
problem with the secondary attacks but now, they knew what to do. They simply wait
Rizal to empty his lethal attacks. Eduardo told his friends once more to move quickly in
order to avoid Rizals dangerous secondary attacks. The allies moved quickly as possible
while concentrating dodging Rizals solar blasts. They moved around Rizal dodging the

beams as they anticipated the time Rizal needed to recharge. While dodging the
dangerous blasts, the allies at times, adjusted their movements in order not to be caught
by the secondary attacks. While Rizal is trying to blast the allies into dust, the allies tried
their best to avoid Rizals lethal beams. After Rizal emptied his solar blasts, with his
barrier slowly losing its power, Rizal changed the color of the ground around where the
allies are standing to hit them with his darkest attacks. Krisma pressed her camera once
again to slow Rizal down hoping to delay his dark attacks. She threw discs into Rizal to
distract him. Larry threw his propellers into Rizal to slow him down if not, to add

As Rizal being engulfed by electrical explosions, Eduardo told the allies to move a little
further. The allies followed what he asked them. The allies saw the ground they used to
avoid Rizals blasts is filled with dark energies. Rizal recovered from Larry and Krismas
attacks. He unleashed more dark energies within his soul to slow the allies once more and
trap them with his stronger attacks. The allies may be slowed down but they still can
move into the former hero.

Eduardo saw the ground where they are standing began to change color. He told his allies
to move as fast as they can. The allies moved as fast as they can despite slower. Rizal
grinned to the allies. While he is about to recharge his solar energy, his eye is ready for
another series of lethal eyebeams. The allies told Rizal that it is the last time that he will
use his solar energies against them. Rizal replied them that it is not his solar energy blasts
that are devastating. He added that he has a lot more in his sleeves to force the allies into

The allies equipped their weapons in tough battle stances to approach the former hero for
good. Krisma pressed her cameras special feature which temporarily blinded Rizal.
Eduardo told the allies to be quick because Rizal is starting to charge his solar energy. As
the allies approach the threshold of Rizal, they went through usual Rizalian traps. To
avoid tough roads to endure, the allies leapt as high as they can. Before that, Krisma told
Eduardo that she is not a superhuman to leap untold heights. Larry replied Krisma that

where they are right now are not actually for humans at the first place. He added that she
can perform better feats because they are inside an extra dimensional realm. Eduardo
replied Krisma that she doesnt need to fear doing greater things inside extra dimensional
realms. He added that actually, extra dimensional places are all tailor made for humans to
perform greater feats. Larry replied Krisma that she should try for survivals sake.
The allies went through all of Rizals traps. They leapt higher than normal rate to catch
Rizal more quickly. As they are about to reach Rizal, Eduardo told them to prepare to
damage him beyond recognition. Krisma threw her discs hoping to distract Rizal from
unleashing his menacing attacks. She used her camera again to slow him down. Eduardo
and Larry empowered their swords. They unleashed the best energies their swords can
offer. They saw Rizal was clearly hit by the energies. Rizal fought them back attempting
to blast them with his eyebeam. The allies equipped their swords and weapons to defend
themselves in case they failed to dodge Rizals deadly beams. The duo blasted Rizal from
their swords energies to crush him into the ground. The energies sent Rizal knocked
down into the ground.

Rizal equipped his saber ready to engage with the allies. Krisma threw more discs to
confuse Rizal. Larry threw some propellers to envelop Rizal with electrical explosions.
The allies rushed into the national hero. The duo attempted to perform cleaving strikes to
Rizal simultaneously. Unfortunately, Rizal defended himself by blocking the duos
attacks. The duo crossed swords with Rizal. At first, the duos are in the verge of
overpowering Rizal but they are again easily overpowered by the hero. The duo tried
again for a second time crossing swords with the hero. They tried the best they can to
overpower Rizal. Krisma pressed her camera and slowed Rizal down. Rizal told the duo
that even slowing him down will not help them defeat him. He added that they cannot
avoid being illuminated by the truth they cannot really accept. The duo struggled harder
against Rizals supernatural strength. The duo after some trying times, they are now on
their way to overpower Rizal. Rizal reversed the power struggle into his favor. Rizal
grinned to the duo and said; while Im overpowering you, I will destroy your lone friend
at the same time. He focused his sight into Krisma and lightened up his eye. As he was

about to blast Krisma, the duo gathered their total strength all together to surprise Rizal.
The duo eventually forced their sword into an uppercut overpowering Rizal. Rizal was
staggered due to the uppercut. He may not be cleanly hit because he moved his head
back. However, being overpowered, he is open for connecting attacks. The duo rushed
into Rizal. Rizal has nothing to do except to fight the allies back while pressured. He
empowered himself and acted as the aggressor to shock the allies.

Rizal engaged fire with fire against the steel willed TFF. He forced his aggressiveness
into the allies. As he is about to dictate his tempo by pointing his sword to one of the duo
for a succeeding attack, the duo eventually surprised him. They leapt over him and
quickly performed two downward strikes. Of course, Rizal was hit. He tried to defend
himself against the allies but the forces are overwhelming. Rizal was staggered and
resorted to his eyebeam blasts. The duo leapt again and performed two downward strikes
into the former hero. As they landed to the ground, they rushed into Rizal. After they
reached Rizals front, they sneaked him with two uppercuts each of the duo. They again
cleaved Rizal as they prepare to land on the ground. After they landed to the ground,
Rizal unleashed dark energies to slow the allies down also to remove the alarming
pressure. Rizal moved away from the allies. He again unleashed dark energies to
immobilize the allies. Krisma did her part by unleashing a flash from her camera stunning
Rizal. Both parties are slowed down. Rizal started to recharge his solar barrier. Instead of
hovering over them, he used the barrier to overpower the allies as they plan to pressure
him by pressing forward.

Eduardo saw Rizal is recharging his barrier. He told his friends that they must do
something to stop him. Seeing no choice except to rush into him, he told his friends that
they have no choice but to block his solar blasts back into him. He told Krisma to move
away from the danger zone. Krisma replied Eduardo that she will be fighting with them
until the end. She added that she will continue to help them until everything is set in the
right place. Eduardo replied Krisma that she is truly a loyal and a great friend. He told her
to be careful in her approach. Rizal started building up his barrier once again. The allies
rushed into him to finish things once and for all. Rizal told the allies that what they are

doing will result to their downfall. Eduardo replied Rizal that this time is the time where
the truth will be finally revealed.

The allies approached Rizal. Rizal secretly set traps for the allies as they rush into him.
Eduardo told Larry to block as tight as he can to endure Rizals solar blasts. As the allies
started their quest to go near Rizal, Rizal started to blast them with his solar blasts. The
allies approached him while blocking his blasts. As the allies advanced their way towards
Rizal, they are unaware that dark energies being unleashed slowed them down. Despite
slowed down, the allies continued to move towards Rizal. They defended themselves
tightly against the solar blasts. Eduardo told his friends to jump higher if needed in order
reach Rizal quicker or else they will all succumb to his succeeding traps. The allies
moved as fast as they can. Krisma assisted the duo to slow Rizal down for the sake of
minimizing the risks. Nonetheless, Rizal continued to blast the allies with his solar blasts.

The allies stood tall to withstand all the storms. The allies felt that huge darkness was all
set to destroy them for good. Eduardo told his friends to do another jumping in order to
preserve themselves towards the completion of their quest. The allies trusted their leader.
They did what they are told. Eduardo told them that unhealthy skepticism will have them
never to see the light of the day. Krisma doubted Eduardo whether he trusted her or not.
Eduardo replied Krisma that she has a healthy skepticism over his policies. He added that
if she has still her doubts along with her stubbornness to heed calls, she needed to trust
him even in this very single moment or else risk dying. Krisma replied Eduardo to stop
doubting her trust to him. She added that she may look stern to Eduardos policies but she
actually trusted him more than anyone. Larry told his friends that enough of all these non
sense. Just jump higher for the sake of returning alive.

As the allies proceeded to move, they literally sensed that the danger where they are
standing is about to erupt. The allies leapt as high as they can into the former hero. As
they leapt from the area they were in, they felt violent quantities of dark energies erupted
where they used to stand. Rizal continued blasting the leaping allies hoping to damage
them midair. Krisma leapt behind the duo for safety as the duo defended each other from

the devastating solar blasts. The allies instead of landing directly into Rizal, they landed a
little further from Rizal for the ultimate game plan. Rizal continued attempting to blast
the allies into smithereens as they landed on the ground for their final stretch. Rizal
continued blasting against the allies with his solar blasts. The allies defended themselves
well against the strong fiery blasts. Eduardo told Krisma to brace for a roller coaster ride.
Krisma replied him whenever he is ready to tell what they need to do, she will follow him
into victory. Eduardo told his friends to get ready.

The allies sped up into Rizal. Before reaching Rizal, Rizal instead of blasting individual
solar blasts, he intensified the rate of his blasts. As the allies moved into him while
defending themselves, Rizal attempted to incinerate the allies with his more improved
solar blasts. The blasts became faster and more powerful. For people who have ordinary
eyesight, the blasts seemed endless all out for pure destruction. Eduardo told Larry to get
ready override Rizals game plan. He told Larry to take risk that might result Rizals
permanent defeat. He added that he should help him protect Krisma at all cost. The duo
along with Krisma sped up into Rizals presence. Rizal continued to blast the allies even
they are blocking. He hoped to incinerate not only the allies defenses but to remove pests
known as the TFF. Rizal unleashed the most powerful of his blasts. The duo while
defending felt they caught Rizals blasts. Larry told Eduardo that he felt that he is holding
Rizals blasts. Krisma raised her arm up pressing her camera to slow down the rate of the
powerful blasts. Eduardo told Larry to hold on as they hold Rizals blasts. He added that
they will shove the blasts straight to Rizals face.

Rizal told the allies that not too long they will all give up into submission. The duo did
not lose hope. They gathered all their fighting will advancing towards Rizal while they
are holding his blasts. The duo moved closer to Rizal as Rizal intensified his solar blasts
for them to give up. The allies seemed giving up but thinking of their principles, they
kept on fighting. Rizal saw the allies were too persistent to be killed. He intensified his
blasts even more in order to incinerate the allies wholly. The allies still on their guards
are getting inches closer into Rizal while holding on. Rizal continued unleashing his
powers at his best to have the allies melted in front of his face.

As the allies got closer into the hero, the duo gathered all their strength shoving the blasts
into Rizals barrier. They all took the risks but it is all worth it. They gathered all Rizals
toughest blasts and reflected all of his powers back to him. The allies were pushed back
due to the explosions but the explosions harmed them less. They eventually saw Rizal
weakened for the first time. They saw as if Rizal was punished by the heavens. Eduardo
told his friends that now is their chance to finish him. Larry threw his propellers to
damage Rizal moderately. Krisma threw her discs to agitate Rizal. The duo empowered
their swords and rushed into Rizal. Each of the duos performed an uppercut to stun Rizal.
They started to slash Rizal in all angles. Larry switched to his nunchaku and beat Rizal.
Larry crazily beat Rizal with his nunchaku. After he finished beating Rizal with his
nunchaku, he threw his weapon for a decent damage. He switched to his Marcos sword.
Eduardo continuously stabbed Rizal into his body until he resumed slashing him at all
angles. After the duo finished slashing Rizal, they executed a pair of uppercut each of
them to have Rizal stumbled for good.

After the uppercuts, the duo empowered their sword beyond limitation as they prepared
to cleave Rizal for his exorcism. The duo leapt up over Rizal after that, each of them
performed vertical downward strikes to cleave Rizal exposing his darkness within him.
Krisma pressed her camera another more to slow Rizal down for him not to escape them.

The duo prepared for their assault for the finishing touch. Instead of blasting Rizal into
his demise, the duo decided to slash Rizal in an epic way to end their journey with an
exclamation mark. The duo empowered their swords in its maximum power. They felt
that the end is near. They sped their way up into Rizal with their swords empowered. As
they are about to perform the finishing touch, Eduardo horizontally went into Rizal
diagonally slashed him multiple times in all angles releasing all the iniquities within him.
He jumped at Rizals shoulder for the exit leaving him another rounds of devastating
melee damages. Larry performed an uppercut to Rizal. He went upward stabbing Rizal in
the head cleaving him into two for the finish. Larry left his sword in Rizals cleaved body
part. He told Rizal that it is for the country he messed up and also for his fallen friend.

The duo went back towards Krisma. Eduardo said to Krisma; it is over. We made our
country proud once again. Everything is back to normal by today since it is already dawn.
Krisma replied Eduardo; not that easy, the final part of our journey is not all about
eliminating threats but to pave a way for our country to recover from its tragedy. Eduardo
replied Krisma; you are right. We have a lot of work to do after this.

Patrick and Pearl went into the allies. They saw what their friends did to Rizal. Pearl said
to Eduardo; you destroyed him along with Larry? Fantastic! You are all beyond heroes!
Eduardo replied Pearl; for me, it is a good time to celebrate right now but not the
succeeding days. We have a lot to do for our country. The lasting victory we are going to
acquire is that to see the country in its progressive state. I think by now, this is just a step
for the greater event we are about to face. Larry replied Eduardo; thank you Eduardo!
Once again we won against a great threat. We destroyed the dark version of our national
hero. In fact, he is one of the highest ranked persons in our county. This is not only for
our country but to our friend whom Rizal manipulated for the sake of expanding his
means to educate us in an awkward manner. Patrick replied Larry; congratulations
friends! Again we did the impossible! It is time for the real thing to work for the best of
the country. Im sad that Im not involved in Rizals destruction. Eduardo replied Patrick;
you have done a huge part along our journey. Dont say you did nothing. If not because
of you, we are doomed in this netherworld or even unable to reach Rizal. In this battle,
you did a lot too. The most important thing is that this victory is not all about one person.
It is a nationwide victory. You are a part of the higher calling my friend. Pearl replied
Patrick; enough said you did a lot along our journey. It is not all about being blank in one
section of our journey. It is all about contributing a lot along the totality of our journey.
Smile my friend. Being alive is a great thing. You will witness greater things to come.
Krisma replied Larry; admittedly, Im a little scared but all worth for a lasting victory. I
just cannot believe what we have done. What an accomplishment! I think this is not a
normal chore of a citizen but a higher calling. Maybe Im the first lass in the history of
the Philippines to be in such very dangerous situation. It is more dangerous than all the
dangers our women have faced. If we got it wrong, you may not talk to us anymore.
Eduardo replied Krisma; you are a tough woman. You did not back down in the fight like

you always been in the tough chapters of your life. Im very proud of you all. Endurance
in battle secures victory. Thank you Krisma, you stood with me until the fighting is over.
It is quite a legendary feat for my elder sister right? Krisma replied Eduardo; nah! It is all
nothing. I just did what I must do. Larry replied Krisma; you are so unbelievable! If not
because of you, Rizal will continue to torment us longer. Now you see, he is about to
burst up in flames. Dont say the soul can be destroyed. I hope he will be cleansed and
bade us all farewell for retiring him. Patrick replied Larry; brash yet strong. At least, you
can walk your talk. Once upon a time, you are not someone but a good braggart, now, a
model citizen? Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction. Errrr Our lives simply completely
changed a 360 degree perspective. Pearl said to the allies; look at Rizal, it seems that all
the darkness within him are being released. It looks like he can be compared to a
metaphysical exhausting machine. Krisma replied Pearl; dont make fun of him. He may
be in a state of purification. He is a great opponent for us. He is also a smart person like
Gordon only turned evil by anxiety. Eduardo replied his allies; well let us have a moment
of silence and see his ultimate fate.

Rizal said to the allies; you all have done a great job defeating me but it is not all over.
You may have destroyed me for good but your sufferings will still continue. You may
enjoy the sweet moment of victory yet, you are all far from the completion of your quest.
You all have still a lot learn, too many more obstacles to get through to see your country
in a progressive way. The real irony is that please be careful of your ally. You will never
know that the person whom you trusted will eventually be an enemy of tomorrow. That
person will eventually repeat the cycle of plunging the country into misery. Im not the
final part of your quest. In fact, Im just one of the tests to advance you to the real thing.
You already knew what I told you. There is no reason for me to remain here especially in
the midst of defeat. Like you said, I already finished my mission in life. Farewell young
generation. Like one of you said, it is the living who will be the ones to fix the affairs of
the living. It is ultimately up to you to make the best for your country. I wish you all the
best to have you all complete the progress of your nation. After all, it is the younger
generations who will fix all the mess of their country with their accountability. Farewell
to the afterlife TFF! Adios!

The dark energies within Rizal came out of him as they vanished beyond the dark
ceilings. Shortly, Rizal was enveloped by a white light which illuminated the whole room
even unto the extent that the allies cannot gaze into the dying hero because of its extreme
brightness. The allies are blinded temporarily by the bright light until it disappeared. The
brightness disappeared leaving the allies all alone inside the cold dark room. They saw
nothing which remained of Rizal. All they saw is what is left of the incident. They did not
see Rizal vanished into the afterlife. They only saw Larrys sword left in the ground.

The allies instead of continuing celebrating their victory, they suddenly became puzzled
of what is happening to their country. The allies asked Eduardo of whether he knew that
an ally will one day become an enemy. Eduardo replied the allies that it is not that
important to waste much time just to know his identity. What is important is that they are
on their way to genuine progress more or less. He added that Rizal wanted someone to
replicate what he had done to educate the country even using evil means for the sake of
progress. He ended his point by saying that all the Filipinos have their own minds. Like
Gordon, he believed in the potential of the Filipinos. Filipinos knew how to run their
country. They all have principles to believe for the sake of decency. Of course, they will
do anything what is best for their country not necessarily adhering to Rizals twisted
ideas. The allies became silent as they contemplated to get out from the site back to

P64: Battered Nation.

The allies instead of celebrating the completion of their journey, they went pale hearing
what Eduardo told them. They seemed to be getting out of the building in an unhappy
mood. Eduardo asked his friends; is there anything wrong? Did I say something that
offended all of you? Im sorry if I said something bad to offend you all. Krisma replied
Eduardo; no, dont worry, everything will be alright. You did not say anything wrong to
us. We are just a bit disturbed what Rizal said. Someone in our side will eventually be
our enemy? Eduardo replied Krisma; dont take him too seriously. He is just a sore loser!
There is no enemy on our side. If there is, we will surely put him or her to justice! Let us
enjoy because we completed our journey already! Patrick replied Eduardo; we should!

Sorry for being silenced for a while. I know you will all help us make things right. We
trusted you so deeply. I hope we did not offend you by doubting you a bit. Eduardo
replied Patrick; it is a part of friendship sometimes, we doubt each other but rest assured
everything will be fine. Mark my words my friends. The saga of threats to be eliminated
is already over. It is time to move to the next part of our saga that is to rebuild the
country. Pearl replied Eduardo; sure. Time moves so fast. Our journey is over. The dark
energies are over. What a blessing, God moved us away from sudden death. He knew that
we are in the right side. It is his plan to use us as a vessel for this countrys change.
Eduardo replied Pearl; well said my friend. The dark energies are no more. They have
gone into.

A voice said to the allies; YOUR JOURNEY IS NOT OVER! YOU HAVE JUST
who are you? What do you want? Are you the disembodied state of the dark energies?
Why you cant just simply disappear? Give us a chance to change the country! Let us live
so we can help our country recover from her ill! Eduardo replied the voice; please reveal
yourself to us. We do not like enemies who taunt us but only good in hiding themselves
to face us personally. What do you need from us? Isnt losing badly took a toll on you?
You should rest instead of taunting us in your already decriept state. The voice replied the
THE ONCE NOBLE CLASS OF YOUNGSTERS! Larry replied the voice; we are not
arrogant. We just wanted to go back home. We have no business here anymore. The
HAVENT REACHED THE MAIN EVENT. Pearl replied the voice; not now! We all
wanted to go home. We already knew our mission for the country. The voice replied the

Krisma asked the voice; my children, who really are you? Dont put some mysticism to
our already exhausted self. Reveal yourself whoever you are!

The voice replied the allies; THE MOTHERLAND CANNOT STAND HER WOUNDS
BE RESPECTED. Eduardo replied the voice; please reveal yourself whoever you are.
Whatever you wish, we are here to help you. The voice replied Eduardo; I DO NOT GET
course, we need to understand each other, the context to resolve things. We just hate
people pretending they are good but in reality, darkness dominated their being! And by
the way, why you are full of hate? We are on the way of helping you. Pearl replied the

voice; are you one of us? We found someone who has same sentiments with us. We
will be gladly to answer your call to alleviate the countrys pain. We are on our way.
The voice replied the allies; FOR THE SAKE OF CONFIDENCE, IM THE
AGAIN! Krisma replied the voice; so you are the motherland personified? Pardon to all
who made you sad. We agreed with each other. Women must be respected and treated
with care. We are really sorry of your ambitious sons taking advantage of their beloved
mother. I share you with the same sentiment. Eduardo replied the voice; it is not too late
my country. There is still hope for us to heal your wounds. We are telling you in a sincere
manner so your heart will be softened. You can count on us promise! Larry replied the
voice; a mother nurtured his children for them to survive life. The children when grown
up must pay their respects and care to their mother especially assisting them in trying
times. We are all sad seeing our own countrymen betraying their own motherland.

Eduardo replied the voice; if you are the country being personified, wait and see we will
set everything right. We will kneel in your presence to demonstrate our sincerity. Im
sorry that Rizal did the opposite. We are all sorry for him failing you. I assure you that
we will not add your pain in fact, we will heal you in due time. We will be totally
different from those you distrust.

The voice replied the allies; FOR A LONG TIME, I HAVE WAITED FOR PEOPLE
TO NURTURE HER CHILDREN MORE. Eduardo replied the voice; my motherland,
dont think like that. Be optimistic! Yes, people across time pretended in front of you that
they can help you but they badly failed you. Not all your children are like that. There are
some great men who were not given the chance to help you. They helped you in their
own little ways possible but they just ended up all ignored. I promise you that you can
count on us. In fact, we will be setting ourselves as good examples for your progress. As

a mother, you just see your children repaying you their gratitude to how to raise them up.
I hope they can make you proud.
voice; yes, we came here to know the truth. We already knew the truth that Rizal
absorbed all the iniquities harming your well being so deeply that plunged you even
deeper beyond your pain. The voice replied Eduardo; YOU JUST REALIZED THE

The allies saw dark energies manifesting above them. The dark energies like before,
started to compress themselves forming an outline of a woman. The allies saw the
energies started to take its shape. They witnessed the dark energies turned into an obese
woman. The newly formed woman expanded even more into her current shape. The
obese woman did not look simply as a woman. The allies saw the woman hovering above
them manifested extreme state of leprosy, pain, anguish, obesity, wounds, suffering,
emptiness, despair and melancholy formed as one. Krisma asked the obese woman; is this
newly formed woman is none other than the real nature of our country? A woman
manifested herself clad with all forms of suffering? The country like we thought is
already at the state of near deterioration. Pearl said to the woman; if you are our
motherland, if you let yourself appeared to us in this form, no doubt, you need extreme

help. We will help you the best we can to alleviate the suffering of our mother. Larry said
to the woman; mother, you need extreme healing to return you back to normal. Im sorry
we allowed you to be in this way. We will repay you back by freeing you from your pain.
Patrick said to the woman; this is our country? How scarred are you from centuries of
pain! We need to do something to free you from all of your pain. You can trust us
motherland, we will do our best to set you straight. Eduardo said to the woman; how sad
our country has become. I lamented what our predecessors so as our fellow countrymen
did to you. Dont worry you will not wait for a long time to alleviate you from your

The woman replied the allies; IS THAT ALL YOU GOT? YOU ARE ALL GOOD
CARE FOR ME ANYMORE! Krisma replied the woman; no it is not true! Many
Filipinos absolutely loved their country. Not all Filipinos are ambitious. They will do
their best for their country. It is only because evil individuals overpowered what the good
people have done. If you wanted to be free from your pain, let us do it together. I believe
that it is a huge possibility for you to enjoy what you are centuries ago. The woman

Krisma replied the woman; stop being pessimistic! How can you be healed from your
pain? You do not believe in our capabilities! Additionally, you do not have an open mind

for a treatment! Im a medical staff at one of the countrys most prestigious hospitals!
Diagnosing your state, you need real treatment to free you from your pain. Eduardo
replied the woman; my friend is right. We should cooperate with each other so we can
free your from your suffering. Dont you believe us? We are not merely idealist. That is
why we took the pain enduring the content of our journey because we wanted to make
this country alive once more. You see, we took all the risks, ALL THE PAINS in order
for this country to bloom at her best once again. One of our countrys problems is the
lack of cooperation achieving the greater good. It is absolutely a sad reality to endure. We
even took the pain going down here to see the truth, to be illuminated as we went back to
our normal lives. This is not just for us. This is for our future! The woman replied
Eduardo replied the woman; is that you all wanted? Resignation is one of this countrys
trademarks. That is why it continued to degenerate in the hands of power hungry
individuals! Cleansing is not the only solution my friend. What we wanted to do to you is
for your recovery yet, you wont listen! We saw the real nature of our motherland and it

is our job to heal her out of her pain! You said that you will use the dark energies or the
iniquities that harmed you to destroy all of us? Im sorry. Dont let us force to make you
barren! The woman replied Eduardo; WHAT AN ARROGANT AND FOOLISH
woman; things are contradictory. It is not only Rizal that became obsessed of the dark but
our motherland as well. You want us all to die losing all promising hopes for the future? I
think you must change your mind. The woman replied Eduardo; FOOLISH CHILDREN!

Eduardo replied the woman; we cannot help but feel too sorry from what you become.
Resignation, stubbornness, pessimism and unable to cooperate are things that surely will
make a nation fall. You already lost your rationality. You already succumbed to the
power of darkness! If that is all you desired? Even this is a vision; we will prove to you
that we have the capability not only to clean you but set your sanity straight! You wanted
to destroy all of us? Come on! Do your best or else we will be the ones to make you
barren! The land still exist even the nation lost its life! We will set everything straight at
all cost! Allies! Let us let our mothercountry realize that we can forcibly clean her when
necessary! We will scrub all the dirt out of her body! The woman replied Eduardo; I
SUFFERINGS WE ALL SUSTAINED! Larry replied the woman; if you wanted to
destroy all of us, try your best, we will be all there to stop you! Pearl replied the woman;
like Rizal, you are all corrupted by the dark energies, it is not only a matter of cleansing
you from your problems. It is also a matter of setting you mentally straight! Patrick
replied the woman; how hopeless you become! If Im a doctor, I cant help but to nod my
head on behalf of my patients reluctance to seek medical help. Krisma replied the
woman; so pessimistic! If we are forced to fight you, all we are going to do is that to help
you realize that you should get a life. Eduardo replied his allies; prepare youself for
another huge showdown! Like always, we should put someone into submission before we
can talk to him in a decent manner. Let us teach the remnants of darkness again a hard
lesson to learn! She wanted to inflict darkness upon us? Let us show her that darkness
always failed against those who are united with their principles! The woman replied the



P65: Vengeful Mother.

The woman prepared herself for the great purification of the country. She said to the
Eduardo replied the woman; you wanted to destroy all of us? Dont regret if we are
forced to make you barren. The whole geology of the Philippines will still exist even a
dying nation lose her life. Be careful of what you wished for! The woman replied the
The woman built a barrier around her to protect herself from the allies retailiation. Her
hands generated talons to claw the unsuspecting allies. The woman said to the allies; I
expect that you can defend yourself well against my wrath. Looking into the totality of
your journey, being a beginner in battle is not an excuse. Defend yourselves well before I
deliver the final blast to our purification! The woman went into the ceiling surrounded
with her barrier. Patrick asked Eduardo; what we are going to do to hit her cleanly?
Eduardo asked the allies; do you all have your long range weapons with you? Do you still
possess ample ammunitions for your long range weapons? If not, we should read her
movements as we prepare ourselves to damage her if she gets close to us. Krisma replied
Eduardo; yes, I still have a moderate number of discs to keep this battle going. I will
assist you all to defeat her. My trusty camera will blind her into confusion. Pearl replied
Eduardo; I have still many magazines for my rifle. Larry replied Eduardo; my sword will
bring that corrupted motherland down! Eduardo replied the allies; if thats the case lets

go! For the short rangers, we will study her moves as we find a way to damage her into
defeat. The woman went up to the ceiling as she stared into the planning allies. She is
now all set to unleash her darkest attacks to prove the TFF that she cannot be freed from
her pain. Eduardo told his friends to be aware as they study the moves of the enemy in
order to defeat her. The allies are set for the biggest battle of their lives.

The woman anticipated the allies. Like Rizal, she unleashed dark pillars to damage the
allies. The allies told themselves that like Araneta and Rizal fused by the dark energies;
no doubt their skills are more likely the same. The allies equipped their weapons tight as
they dodged the dark attacks. The woman continued unleashing dark energies to damage
the allies. The allies started to heighten up their reflexes for the sake of survival. The
woman evily smiled as she unleashed more pressurized dark energies attempting to
damage the allies. She told the allies that they will feel that she have everything to
degenerate the country into nothingness. Krisma replied the woman that too much
pessimism will surely be her downfall. She added to the woman that they are going to
free her even against her will because they are all doing what is right. The woman replied
Krisma that it is all futile. They need to defeat her wrath before they can touch her. The
woman continued unleashing more dark pillars to confuse the allies eventually pushing
them into the brink of their destruction. Pearl and Larry started to shoot the woman in the
ceiling. Their bullets all bounced off from the womans barrier. The woman unleashed
some of her barriers to damage the allies. While the two tried their best blasting the
woman to damage her, they started to move away to be safe from the devastating attacks.

The woman crawled in the ceiling to position herself for her next series of attacks.
Krisma threw her discs into the woman to damage her but no avail. The woman
countered the allies with a series of more powerful dark electrical energies to damage the
allies. The allies moved away from the danger zone. She connected her attacks with earth
based attacks by elevating the ground where the allies are standing. The allies despite
thinking in a desperate mood, they stepped on to the safer ground as they continue to
fight out from harm.

The woman slightly went down from the ceiling. She positioned herself to the nearby
wall as she unleashed a series of dark pillars to damage the allies. The allies like before,
dodged the dark attacks moving away from the danger zone. Eduardo told the allies that
the woman like their enemies before will be frustrated of not hitting them cleanly. He told
the allies that the woman may be a bit easier than the evil Rizal. Krisma told Eduardo not
to be confident especially they have not yet find a way to damage the woman. The
woman released some barrier blasts to incapacitate the allies ripe for further damage.
Eduardo and Patrick blocked themselves to protect themselves from the attacks. Larry
threw some propellers into the woman to initiate some electrical intimidation in case of
not damaging her cleanly. Larry switched back to his rifle. He continued shooting the
woman only to have his bullets bounced off to the ground. Krisma pressed her camera to
blind the woman temporarily. The woman retaliated by unleashing more dark electrical
energies. The allies were forced to move away from where they are standing.

Larry and Pearl combined their shooting to damage the woman but no avail. Larry
equipped his sword and unleashed torrents of blasts still, he failed to damage the woman.
The woman started to unleashed her earth based attacks. The ground elevated but the
allies all stayed calm in the midst of trouble. They went to the safer ground and continued
to fire the woman to have her damaged. Krisma threw her discs to the woman but in no
avail. Eduardo started to unleash energy blasts from his sword but also failed to damage
the woman. He equipped his long range weapon to shoot the woman hoping to damage
her. Eduardo too failed to land the allies first damage to the woman. Eduardo told his
allies to stop using their weapons. They should instead study her moves to know her
strategy and use it against her if given the chance. The woman told the allies that they
cannot change their fates. They are all on their way to their destruction. She added that
the allies will feel untold sorrow before they are all going to be destroyed. Eduardo told
her to shut up. Instead, she should concentrate herself to damage the allies. The woman
unleashed dark pillars of energy to disorganize the allies. She leveled up the ground again
and shook it violently. The allies fell into the ground fortunately, they quickly composed
themselves or else, they will fail their quest. The allies as chunks of earth fell, they
moved away from the danger zone. As the larger pieces of earth seemed inevitable

landing to the allies, the allies blasted larger pieces of earth to defend themselves from
reckless destruction.

The woman connected her attacks with another series of dark electrical energies in her
attempt to hit the allies. The allies seemed more resilient than before, they did their best
dodging the womans toughest attacks. The woman increased the quantities of her dark
pillars attempting to damage the allies. Krisma pressed her camera temporarily blinding
her. Larry and Eduardo equipped their swords and unleashed their swords strongest
energies to damage the woman. Unfortunately, the woman left undamaged. The woman
changed her position. From the ceiling, she is now on one of the walls. Possibly, she is
contemplating to tear the allies apart. She released dark energies to slow the allies down.
Krisma countered her by pressing her camera to slow her down too. The woman
continued unleashing dark energies to slow the allies down. She leveled up the ground
again to have the allies into confusion. The allies did not easily give up to the violent
ground. They did their best by stepping on one of the safe grounds to position
themselves. The woman shook the ground with the allies falling into the ground above
the earthly wreckage.

The woman positioned herself as if she is going to tear her prey. Eduardo and Larry
stared back to the woman. They looked like they are going to time her attacks for a
powerful counter. The womans gaze attempted to intimidate the TFF. After moments,
she leapt off from the wall. She rushed towards the allies. As she is approaches the allies
with her animalistic tendencies, Eduardo and Larry unleashed huge chunks of energies
from their swords stunning her. After the energies went out, the allies saw that the
woman has no barrier to protect her. The woman seemed exhausted from the powers
from the swords energies. Krisma told her friends that the woman is ripe for a series of
attacks. Krisma pressed her camera which slowed the woman down. She threw her discs
into the woman. She saw the discs hit the woman cleanly. The duo wanted to make sure
that they convincingly hit the woman cleanly. They unleashed energies from their swords
which they realized they actually damaged the woman.

The woman fought the allies back by surrounding the area with dark energies
concentrated to the allies. The allies moved themselves towards the woman to damage
her more. Patrick started to stab her body eventually repeatedly clawing her in the chest.
He smacked the woman with his gauntlets. Krisma circled around the woman as she
continued to throw some of her discs which wounded her. Pearl stood in one place
shooting the woman. The duo rushed to the woman as they stabbed her in the body. They
slashed her in unorthodox fashion. They ended their series of onslaught with an uppercut
for each of the duo.

Eduardo seemed to be battering the woman in a ruthlessly. He unleashed energies from

his sword to damage the woman even more. Patrick snatched a slash to the womans face.
The woman despite damaged, she surrounded herself with her barrier and extended her
barrier stunning the allies from attacking her. After she stunned the allies, she unleashed a
series of dark explosions sending the allies flying off from the ground. She connected her
explosive attacks with some of her earth shattering attacks. The allies were carried off by
the violent ground. The woman told the allies despite they have damaged her, they cannot
go against her dictations for the fate of the nation. She shook the ground with the allies
falling back to the ground. The allies despite suffered heavy damages, they tried their best
to stay alive by moving out from the more dangerous zones. The woman went to the wall
eventually back to the ceiling. The allies, after recovering from their injuries, they
composed themselves along with their fighting will to keep going. They stood up as the
battle continued.

The allies composed themselves to continue the battle. The woman went back to the
ceiling. She started to unleash pillars of dark energies once again to harm the allies. The
allies dodged the dangerous pillars to safety. The woman saw her plans failed at the
hands of the allies resilience. She started intensify the nature of the battle to assure the
allies destruction. She unleashed dark explosions to set the allies into their immediate
fates. The allies were not intimidated by the womans darkest attacks. They went away
from the dangerous zones where the dark explosions are taking place. Larry and Pearl
equipped their rifles and opened fire to the woman. The woman fought back the shooting

allies. She unleashed blasts from her barrier to Pearl and Larry. The allies dodged not
only the womans dark energies but also her barrier blasts. Pearl and Larry dodged the
barrier blasts while they are shooting the woman. The woman suddenly unleashed dark
energies within her to slow down the allies. The allies slowed down a bit but they are still
moving to stay safe until the woman rushed into them. Eduardo started shooting the
woman but also no avail. Krisma pressed her camera to slow the woman down. The
woman unleashed dark energies from her body again to slow the allies down. The allies
became slower now.

The woman started to release pillars of dark energies that cleanly hit all the TFF. She
connected her attacks with a series of dark explosions. She sent the allies flying off the
ground. She connected her attacks through her psychic skills. As the allies started to land
off violently to the ground, the woman used her psychic skills to distort the allies. After
some distortion, she left the allies back to the ground again. She started to use her earth
based attacks to injure the allies. The allies showed off their fighting spirit, they
continued moving for the sake of safety. Eduardo was a bit shocked to see his friends
managed to carry on despite grievously injured. Larry replied his friend that it is a matter
of life and death to move on or not. Pearl replied her friend that simply not moving out
effectively ends their quest in failure. Eduardo was impressed of his friends words. He
told his friends to remember that they are on a quest to heal the country. He further told
them to think about the future of the country. Thinking that way will have motivate them
more for a sweet victory. His friends told him to move out too for safety. The woman
controlled the allies again using her psychic powers but failed. The allies like before have
an uncanny ability to shrug of psychic attacks through the strength of their will.

The woman violently shook the ground. The allies jumped from one earth to another for
safety. More likely, they went to the less violent parts of the shattering ground. As the
ground returned to normal, Larry threw his propellers into the woman to slow her down
since he knew that she cannot be damaged when in barrier. The woman started to unleash
a new attack. She used her dark energy to trigger a time stopping attack. The allies saw a
cluster of dark energies distorted a particular area of the room. Eduardo told his allies to

be careful not to be hit by the attack. The woman released more time distorting energies
in an attempt to stop the allies. There are occasions the allies are at the risk of being
distorted but they kept moving on. The woman released a couple more time distorting
energies to stop the allies as she went to the wall for a possible attack against the allies
physically. She connected her attacks with another series of dark explosions. Krisma
pressed her camera once again to slow her down. Larry threw a propeller to lose her
momentum. The allies nonetheless stayed safe from the attacks.

After the attacks, the allies almost compressed with each other. Larry switched to his
sword sensing physical encounter. The woman on the wall is on her way to tear the allies
apart. In fact, the time she saw the allies are almost compressed with each other, she
planned to tear them together apart. The allies prepared themselves to anticipate the
womans physical engagement. The woman first released dark pillars of energies to lose
the allies focus. She then went rushing to the allies. The allies were in fact in a bit of
confusion. The woman saw her chance to dismantle the allies sped her way into the TFF
faster than before. As she approaches the allies, Eduardo and Larry empowered their
swords and unleashed barrages of energies from their swords welcoming their nemesis.

The woman was caught by the huge quantities of energies the duo released. Eduardo
went into the woman. He slashed her ruthlessly to the torso in all angles. He performed
an uppercut to stun her in order to be temporarily defenseless. Larry followed up an
uppercut to stun her even more. He performed a downward strike to the woman. He
switched back to his nunchaku and started beating her. Pearl in a safe distance started
shooting the woman for additional damage. Patrick rushed his way into the woman as he
clawed her in different parts of her body. After he clawed her body, he stabbed her skull
hoping for a big damage. He connected his attack with another wicked right hand thrust
to the womans body. Eduardo empowered his sword and unleashed a barrage of energies
from his sword. Larry feasted the woman by beating her in the body. After that, he used
his nunchaku hacking her skull. Krisma threw some discs for another set of decent
damage. The woman used psychic force to defend herself from further onslaught. She

pushed all the allies at bay and connected her attacks with a series of dark pillars that
damaged the allies. All the allies are knocked down into the ground.

The woman restored her barrier as she went on the wall to climb back to the ceiling once
more. She unleashed dark explosions sending all the allies flying off back to the ground.
Even though the allies are incapacitated on the ground, the woman did not stop her
pattern of attacks. She unleashed time distorting energies that harmed the allies further
more. Krisma said to Eduardo; we cannot beat her. She is more powerful than Rizal and
Araneta! The dark energies took a toll on her mentality. What happened to our country!
Not only her ambitious sons became evil, darkness took toll on everything in this land!
The Philippines is in a near hopless state. Being too injured will further destroy us if we
keep fighting. Larry replied Krisma; no! We will not allow this land to be oppressed by
darkness even more! Darkness has taken its toll to our country. Are we going to let it be?
Of course not! We will not let darkness ruin our country even deeper. It is time for us to
end all our countrys chaos for goodness sake. This is the right time for genuine change!
We must fight to win. We must gamble everything for our quest to work. Not only that,
for our loved ones who perished in the chaos. We will not fail them all! Let us not fail
those who died and those who sacrificed their lives for us! Pearl replied Larry; we are too
weak and incapacitated to fight. We cannot force ourselves to win a battle which we
cannot win. Larry replied Pearl; of course you have some medicines that can lessen or
heal injuries for a while right? I hope you do.

Pearl gave Larry a medicine. She told Larry to take it for his injuries to lessen. Larry
asked Pearl; how about you? Pearl replied Larry; dont worry about me I have still four
medicines left. One for each of us excluding you since you already took one. Eduardo
replied his allies; I knew you are all heavily injured. You seemed cannot continue for a
while. Please rest for a while my friends. Let me handle her. If you felt you recovered
enough by the time of her physical attacks please dont hesitate to get a piece of her.
Larry replied Eduardo; we admit we are heavily injured by her occult attacks. Ok, we will
assist you in the right time. I hope you can handle her better without obstruction. Krisma
asked Eduardo; are you sure you can do it? You too are injured arent you? You barely

stood up. You need our help to get through. Eduardo replied Krisma; have confidence on
me. The best thing for all of you is to have a decent recovery. My lady, I will do this
despite my current state for the greater good of the country. It is either healing her by
submission or making this country barren. Just pray for me that I can tolerate her attacks
if I get hit cleanly. Pearl replied Eduardo; you can do it! We will assist you if we feel
better. Eduardo replied the allies; stay here! Be safe! I will dedicate this battle for all of
you if you cannot continue. Patrick replied Eduardo; I will claw that witch if you need
help. We will assist you in case of emergency. Dont hesitate to call us. We will force
ourselves just to help you. Eduardo replied Patrick; I appreciate it. Rest for a while my
friends. Everything will be fine. Eduardo said to the woman; fight the abled ones not the
defenseless ones. Let us resume the action! If you wanted to destroy the country through
your dark purifications, before that, you should destroy me first! The woman replied
Eduardo that he is suicidal and he will be destroyed in a short period of time.

The woman started unleashing time distorting energies to catch Eduardo off guard.
Eduardo saw time distorting energies towered in his way. He zigzagged his way out from
the large energies. The woman started to control him using her psychic powers. She
caught Eduardo to distort him. Eduardo used all his will to break from her influence. The
woman repeatedly attempted to control Eduardo through her psychic powers. Like
before, Eduardo showed his mastery how to get out from oppressive influences.

The woman unleashed dark pillars of energies to Eduardo but the TFF leader dodged his
way into safety. She started elevating the ground for Eduardo to lose his way and to be
damaged by the violent ground. Eduardo leapt from one ground to another for safety. He
equipped his rifle as he attempted to damage the woman while in barrier. The woman
countered him with a series of time distorting energies. Eduardo side stepped and moved
away from the danger zones. The woman unleashed a series of dark explosions to
damage Eduardo. Eduardo was hit cleanly by the dark explosions due to his weakned
state. The woman showered him with time distorting energies that frozed Eduardo

The woman now attempted to control the helpless TFF leader. Krisma pressed her
camera, momentarily blinding the woman, saving Eduardo from possible distortion.
Eduardo thanked Krisma of saving him. The woman unleashed electrical dark energies to
damage Eduardo even more. Eduardo instead of submitting to the power of the electrical
dark energies, he held himself tight to endure the pain. The woman went down to the
wall. She unleashed more dark explosions that sent Eduardo flying. She elevated the
ground hitting Eduardo clearly to the face. The TFF leader went down hard to the ground.

The woman stared at Eduardo like a predator ready to pounce on her prey. Eduardo in an
injured state seemed ripe and helpless for a violent attack. Eduardo equipped his sword to
defend himself in case the woman rushed into him. The woman prepared herself to tear
the helpless TFF leader apart. She rushed into the helpless TFF leader. As she approaches
the TFF leader, Eduardo unleashed barrages of energies from his sword as a desperation
attack. The woman countered Eduardo with a series of pillars of dark energies. Eduardo
despite in a damaged state, he held in his own trying to endure the pain to keep fighting.

The woman rushed into Eduardo. As she is ready to claw him with her long talons,
Eduardo gathered all his will and performed an upper slash to the woman. He performed
a downward slash to the woman. After he landed on the ground, he repeatedly stabbed
the woman into the body. He unleashed another melee combination to stun the woman
damaging her further more. Krisma got up and threw some discs into the woman. Pearl
equipped her rifle and assisted Eduardo by continuously shooting the woman. Patrick got
up and rushed into the woman.

As Eduardo slashed the woman in all angles, Patrick smacked the woman into the face.
He clawed the womans face a couple of times. He performed a downward strike slashing
the womans chest. He helped Eduardo to intensify the damage by slashing like hell in
the womans body. Larry equipped his nunchaku and started beating the womans face
howling like a martial artists legendary battle cry. Eduardo performed another vertical
upward slash connecting it with a powerful cleaving strike to assure her destruction.
Larry equipped Marcos sword. He empowered Marcos sword. After empowering his

sword, he leapt over the woman and stabbed her into the skull vertically. After the sword
pierced her skull, huge energies enveloped her.

The woman will not allow herself to be defeated. She used her psychic attacks to control
all the allies. As she controlled the allies, she unleashed her time distorting energies to
freeze all the TFF. Before the time distorting energies reached the allies, Krisma
managed to press her camera momentarily slowing down the woman hoping to delay her
attacks. The woman did not lose her grip of the allies. She continued holding them
bondage until she tried to distort them. Krisma despite frozen, she can barely move a
little. She used the last ounce of her strength as she aimed the camera to the head of the
woman. As the woman is trying to distort them into submission, she pressed her camera
stunning the woman, releasing them from further damage. The allies are released to the
ground where they hoped to have some time to recover. The woman said to the allies;

The allies were all helpless in the ground. The woman proceeded to give the allies a taste
before the great purification. Eduardo barely got up to defend his allies from the taste
before the great purification. The woman proceeded to her plan. She unleashed
devastating dark electrical attacks to blast the allies for a premature death. As the
electrical blasts made their way to the already incapacitated TFF, Eduardo sacrificed
himself to save his friends. He allowed himself to take all the intensity of the electrical
attacks. While he is being damaged by the attacks, he empowered his sword and prepared
to rush to the woman. After holding off the pain he suffered from the electrical attacks, he
rushed into the woman. As he approaches the woman, he performed a powerful strike to
stun the woman. As he landed on the ground, he leapt for a second time and slashed the
woman violently in her torso with the damage extending to her legs. He went up to the

shoulder of the woman to land behind her back to the solid ground sneaking up another
powerful strike.

After Eduardo finished slashing the woman, Krisma threw the last of her discs to amplify
the damages even more. Larry wanted to stand to deliver the final blow was unable to
stand due to all the heavy damages he and his friends all took. He simply raised his sword
and unleashed his swords toughest energies for the finish. He threw his nunchaku to the
woman for additional damage. Eduardo is not sure whether they can defeat the woman
for good. He barely got up as he rushed into the woman in a heavily damaged state. He
gathered the last of his will and rushed to the woman. He stabbed the woman behind with
the sword going through her chest hoping to finish her once and for all for the country.

After stabbing the woman, Eduardo went back to the ground to recover from his heavily
damaged state. The woman despite receiving the heaviest of the damages, she did not
want to accept defeat. She activated her damaged barrier and went to the wall. She
eventually climbed her way back to the ceiling. While in the ceiling, the woman went
forward with her plan to destroy all existence in the country.

As she prepared herself for her final attack, defeat and heavy injuries cancelled her final
attack. Instead, she combusted and eventually started to explode. The allies gazed at the
personification of the motherland having her pain alleviated. The allies proved their
motherland that after all, they are the ones who removed her suffering from centuries of
oppression. They gazed at their motherland as she started to be engulfed by a violent
explosion. After seconds of the womans violent explosion, the allies were temporarily
blinded due to the brightness of the explosion. Eduardo said to the allies; we won the
final battle. We told her that we are the ones to clean her up to do the right thing. After
all, we did what must be done not only for her good but also for the greater good. Change
is now absolutely possible. We are heading to genuine progress. Dark energies and her
sons iniquities within her were longer with her. The motherland has been freed from
centuries of her sorrow and pain! The nation may be devoid of motherly life but change
for genuine progress alone gives life to our country to be the mother to a genuine society

to be respected by all. Now we all endured the greatest threats this county offered. We
overcome all odds for change to be inevitable. Krisma replied Eduardo; we cannot move
like we do, but in time, we will recover and be back in normal once again. Thank you
Eduardo, you saved us from possible annihilation. I owe you one. My brother did not die
in vain. He is happily watching you from above. Eduardo replied Krisma; I just did the
right thing to do. If I did not allow myself to take all the damages designed for all of us,
we will not survive against her. Reality is this. There are a lot of risks in order for victory
to be achieved. Thank you too for saving me. I wont forget what you did to release us
from the womans grip. Krisma smiled back at Eduardo. Patrick replied Eduardo; my
body is in pain but sweet is our victory. We will all face a promising tomorrow. Larry
replied Eduardo; what an epic fight and an epic conclusion to our journey. I hope nothing
nasty will follow haha. Anyway, let us take a good rest and started making our way back
to reality. Pearl replied Larry; our nightmare is all over. This is how our journey ends.
When the sun rises, we are back to our normal lives but with a new purpose to serve the
country. This journey tested our toughness and bonds. We passed it all with flying colors.
Eduardo replied Pearl; indeed Pearl, from the bonds in Cebu until the end led us to
victory over darkness in our very land. Absolutely, as we make our way back to reality,
with little adjustments maybe, we are back to normal or. Krisma asked Eduardo;
A violent force interrupted the allies moment of relief. The allies found themselves
trapped in an endless cycle of threats once more. The allies asked themselves when will
all the threats for their simple quest for genuine progress stops. They believed that as long
they are in their quest for genuine progress, threats will haunt them until the grave.

The allies saw a newly formed dark being towering over them. The newly formed being
seemed a lot more threatening that the personification of the motherland. The allies think
of themselves that they may not get it out alive from the netherworld they are in. Patrick
said to Eduardo; I thought everything is over! I thought that after the death of the woman,
the dark energies will cease existing! Instead, they went into a new host like viruses! In
fact, they found a better host. What the Philippines had become? A place where darkness

cannot be eliminated due of its accumulation over time? Things are always that way! The
ancestors made the mess and the descendants will clean all the mess. What an irony!
Eduardo replied Patrick; I do not know how these dark energies came up with a new and
much larger host. All I can say is that everything is not yet over. We will face one more
calvary until we successfully make our way back to reality. This is the real truth, the real
enemy of the nation. This is like our nations iniquities dumpsite. Sadly, they ended up
to haunt our nations conscience. Larry replied Eduardo; damn it! Why cant these things
die? Krisma replied Larry; its like this. We went down so hard into the bowels of our
nation. Of course, what do we expect digging inside our nations underworld? Of course,
suprising things always anticipate us like this. Eduardo replied Krisma; enough said! Let
us gather all our will and end this battle for good. After all, we cannot do anything but to
destroy all the sources of dark energies to survive. Instead of escaping it, it will expand
and haunt us for later time right? So why not end every iniquities available for a smooth
long term change right? In fact, the objective of our quest is to set everything straight,
right my friends? Surely, that includes every threat available, anything under the sun! So
let us put a cap to our journey. Let us end all threats and start anew! Rise up my allies! I
dont see greater threat than this. It is the last stand of the dark energies. For all who died
and for the greater good of our nation!

P66: The End of Nobility.

The dark being that towered over the allies started to expand even more. The being is
composed of a large domical eye supported by large yet loose destroyed torso of a
woman. The dark energies surrounded the being became even more powerful. The being
which towered over the allies started to generate some violent tentacles. Interesting to be
mentioned, the being sprouted butterfly like beings in its torso part. The beings
generation of butterfly like wings probably signifies rebirth over its previous defeats at
the hands of the allies. The new being empowered by the persistent dark energies will
stop at nothing to get even more powerful to crush the dreams of the allies once and for
all. Eduardo said to the being; from Araneta, Rizal, our motherland and your new host,
you will stop at nothing to destroy us. This will be the final time for all of you to suffer
defeat at our hands. Even you grew larger; we will stop at nothing just to destroy the

remnants of the darkness you possessed! Never ever will all of you again perpetrate
untold chaos to our country! This will be the right time for genuine change! Let us fight
the being my allies!

The new monster empowered by dark energies or perhaps the greatest manifestation of
the dark energies grew even bigger. The being grew into the extent where it posed
genuine intimidation to demoralize all threats surrounding it. The eye portion of the being
unleashed an even darker presence inside the room fit for a redemptive battle.

Eduardo and his friends started stepping back towards to the entrance of the room. While
they moved away from the expanding creature, they peppered it with all they got
especially their long ranged weapons. Krisma pressed her cameras best features to slow
down the creature. She followed it up by throwing all her discs to the creature effectively
emptying her long range assets. She pressed her camera more consistently to delay the
devastation the creature may unleash to the TFF. Pearl like all the allies, while moving
back, she continued shooting the creature until she ran out of bullets. The creature
seemed irritated as it countered the allies with a more powerful version of a series of the
dark pillars. The allies are halted in their tracks but they kept going to the edge of the

Pearl reloaded her weapon with her putting the final magazine to her rifle. She
nonetheless continued shooting at the creature. Eduardo told the allies to aim at the eye
which seemed its weak point. Larry threw his propellers into the creature. Although his
propellers did not inflict some damages to the creature, at least, it created moderate
amount of electrical explosions to slow it down. Larry started to equip his Marcos sword
in case of a forced brutal encounter. Patrick did nothing but to step back since his rockets
ran out during his fateful encounter with Tanghangco. He just promised his friends to
assist them when needed. Eduardo while stepping back, he emptied his rifle shooting the
creature hoping to destroy the creature but to no avail. He too, has no more spare
magazines to keep them going fighting longer range battles. Eduardo equipped his sword.
He empowered his sword like Larry for a possible eventful encounter.

The creature unleashed the extent of its dark energies. The allies slowed down and
momentarily immobilized.

The creatures tentacles grew into a violent proportion with butterfly like wings
surrounding the upper portion of each of its tentacles. With the allies immobilized, the
creature unleashed its tentacles swipping the allies straight into the edge of the room. The
creature connected its tentacle swipe with a series of moderate electrical attacks. The
allies ended up all compressed in the edge of the room. As the allies lay nearly helpless in
the ground, Krisma asked Eduardo; what are we going to do? How can we sustain the
bulk of this battle? Even at the first part of the battle, we are no match against the
creature. Eduardo replied Krisma; yes, the creature is a lot tougher than our previous
opponent but it does not necessarily mean that we cannot overcome its growing darkness.
So far, as I know, we need the creature to approach us. There, after it approached us, we
will smack it with all our remaining weapons to its face. The creature may be the
toughest host of the dark energies. Truly, before we are going to bring genuine change to
the country, we should face the wrath of a wounded country! This will test all our
capabilities, competence even our bonds for days to come. Cheer up my friends, the
creature may be big but not impossible. Larry replied Krisma; dont worry my friend, we
will all be there to protect you in case, the creature wanted to destroy every inch of you.
A promise is a promise. Pearl replied Eduardo; we believed in your capabilities to lead us
in victory. May God help us triumph against this colossal darkness that disturbed our
country for a very long time. This will be the time where all accumulation of iniquities
that probably played major roles to feed the darkness within ends! Patrick replied Pearl;
we can do it! During the whole content of our journey, we all defeated this countrys
greatest threats in our own simple ways. Being defeated by this demonic creature will not
be an excuse! Like all our opponents, this will all be thing of the past. Larry replied
Eduardo; whenever you are ready, we shall all follow you to victory. Eduardo replied
Larry; thank you Larry. Our bond is greater than before. Despite being too ordinary, we
did not surrender ourselves to the mercy of these oppressive forces. Krisma replied
Eduardo; like you said, we will do it. For the country and for my fallen brother! Patrick
replied Eduardo; okay Eduardo, I will be ready whenever you make the first move. Let us

batter the creature into submission. We promise to each other that we will not fall into the
mercy of this colossal darkness. Eduardo replied Patrick; victory will be at your side
saying that.

The creature saw the allies are still talking to each other despite weakened by its attack.
The creature raised its tentacle as it grew into a more massive size. The tentacle extended
itself on its road to swipe the talkative allies. The creature empowered its massive
tentacle with electrical shocks to shut the allies up for good. The tentacle swiped the ever
persistent TFF in the edge the room where they are laying planning to win. While the
tentacle imposed its violence to the TFF, at the same time, the tentacle shocked the allies
upon contact. The allies suffered moderate electrical shocks as the tentacle took
advantage of their humanities. The tentacle unleashed moderate electrical explosions
almost similar to Marcos propellers sending all the TFF flying off from the ground and
back to where they are laying. The creature followed up the shocks by unleashing more
dark energies to the allies direction. The dark energies added insult to the allies injuries.
It slowed the allies even more to demoralize them at the brink of their potential defeat.
The creatures tentacles grew bigger heading into an oversize proportion. It started to
head to the direction where the helpless allies are laying. As the creature on the road to
approach the allies, it flooded the ground with its flavor of dark energies to damage the
allies even more. The creature eventually extended its tentacles swipping the allies like a
broom sweeping all the dust. Not only had the allies suffered damages from the sheer
physical force of the tentacles, the moderate shocks that accompanied the oversized
tentacles may took a toll on the allies even mental resignation due to the electrical
impacts. The allies helplessly lay on the ground. They cannot do anything that time
except to wait the judgment of the towering creature.

The allies as they lay on the ground helpless, Patrick said to Eduardo; the creature
unleashed simple yet a lot more destructive attacks compared to its predecessors. We are
like dirts that are going to be sweeped in no time. Only a miracle might help us change
the tide. Eduardo replied Patrick; to be frank; the creature is a lot stronger and more

violent than all of our previous opponents. Yes, the creature can possibly destroy us
instantly if it wants to. But, just like I said before, it is a matter of seeing genuine change
or fail miserably of all we worked hard for. You got two choices. It is either to succeed or
fail! Despite in our damaged state, we will still fight until everything is over! We should
not let excruciating pain stop us from completing our quest for genuine change. Despite
all the pains we all sustained, the fact is there, we have no choice but to engage ourselves
against this creature to get back alive! Krisma replied Eduardo; we may be weak for now
but we are not demoralized. We will not let the pain we sustained to contribute to our
failure. Like always Eduardo, we will all succeed. Larry replied Eduardo; I hope we can
gather the remnants of our will to turn the tables to topple this dark infested monstrous

The creature empowered itself with its strongest darkness within. It continued advancing
itself towards to defeated allies. For now, it did not use its tentacles to hurt the allies
even more. It simply wiggled its tentacles to intimidate the allies to submission. While it
pressed forward to the allies, though violence may not be present at the moment, it is all
set to crush the allies when it reaches them. As the creature got nearer to the allies,
despite its colossal form setting up an ominous presence to its little enemies, the allies
were not intimidated by the colossal size of the creature. The allies despite injured,
Eduardo told his friends to get up to prove their love for the dying country. The allies
may somehow disagree with their leader. Nonetheless, despite their injuries they are
convinced that they have no choice but to stand up to win this unconquerable battle.

The allies told themselves that remaining laying on the ground will surely have them all
defeated. They all have no choice but to gather their remaining energies just to turn the
tables against their massive conqueror. For the allies, it is a matter of succeeding to put
lasting change to the country or simply continue the cycle of darkness that plagued their
country resulted from their failure to heed all challenges that are being posed to them.

The allies equipped their weapons as they stood up to anticipate the incoming colossus
that is going to crush them. Krisma pressed her camera to slow the creature down. As the

creature slowed down due to Krismas camera, Krisma continued to press her camera
until it ran out of battery just to slow the creature down for an open onslaught from the
TFF. Pearl continued shooting the creature through her rifle until she almost emptied her
ammunition. Larry continued throwing propellers into the creatures eye hoping to
stagger it to delay its onslaught. Eduardo equipped his sword and unleashed barrages of
blasts towards the creature. Larry did the same thing too. He unleashed torrents of
energies from his sword for a decent damage. Eduardo saw the creature momentarily
stopped on its way to the allies. Eduardo rushed into the creature to dish out some heavy
damages that will bring the creatures downfall. The TFF leader went straight into the
creature. He slashed some of the tentacles enroute finishing it with an upward melee
attack to damage the creature. As he went up approaching the eye of the creature, one
tentacle caught the TFF leader into its grip. The rest of the allies rushed into the creature
too to save their leader so as to free him from the grip of the large tentacle.
As the allies rushed on their way to the creature, they are surprised by the creatures
relentless tentacles. The tentacles used its power and size to whip the allies sending them
again to the edge of the room. The allies stood up to save the TFF leader. As the allies
attempted again to save their leader, the tentacles whipped them again back to the edge of
the room again. The allies due to the damages they received from the swift yet powerful
tentacles, they all left their weapons near the tentacles. The creature with Eduardo in its
grip, started to electrocute the TFF leader. The TFF leader wrought in pain excruciatingly
adding the force of the tentacle where he is in.

The creature noticed all the dropped weapons of the allies. It moved forward to the
direction to crush the allies. While the creature is on its way to the allies, it stepped on the
allies weapons crushing all their weapons with its powerful tentacles. The allies started
to feel helpless because they are all weaponless to fight the massive creature. They also
saw their leader being helpless in the hands of the creatures unforgiving tentacles.

Shortly, the creature is nearing the TFF members. As it nears the TFF members, it
unleashed its other tentacles trying to intimidate the allies. The allies saw their leader

despite being tortured by the creature he tried to fight his way out from its grip but to no
avail. The allies have all nothing to do except to await their fates. As the TFF members
do not know what to do since their weapons are all gone, they simply helplessly stare at
the rampaging creature. Eduardo saw his allies started to show signs of resignation. He
said to his allies; we are in the pinnacle of our quest. It is all over after this fateful battle.
Indeed, after this whole mess ends, Im not ultimately needed. My functions are already
over after this.

The allies are being blocked by the massive tentacles. They cannot do anything except
watching their friend being held hostage by the massive creature. They cannot get near
the creature to save their leader because powerful tentacles blocked their way. They all
felt they are alienated from their leader. It is the first time that they felt they have gone
too far from their original mission. The allies hearing the words of their leader, they felt
that their leader uttered heavily cryptic words. Patrick asked Eduardo; what do you
mean? Larry replied Eduardo; after this journey you are not needed? We dont think so!
This country needs you even after the journey. We will do our best to free you! Krisma
replied Eduardo; oh no, you will not be idle after this journey. We will have a lot of work
to do together. What do you mean? Are you going to sacrifice yourself? We will not let
another ally to perish in this series of destruction! Come on Eduardo! Just be patient we
will help you out! Pearl replied Eduardo; it is all just in your mind! You are not useless
after this journey. Come on, live for this country! Dont show some signs of resignation!
We will all be alive even after this massive creature. Eduardo replied the allies; maybe it
is time for us to part. Great things should come to an end. Krisma replied Eduardo;
NIGHTMARE ALIVE! Eduardo replied his allies; after all, it is all because of me. What
I have done! I put all your lives into extreme peril. I started all the chaos in your life. You
all endured the chaos until beyond this time. You will all return back to normal. Patrick
replied Eduardo; you did not put our lives in chaos, in fact, you helped all of us to stand
up against this whole darkness. Come on man! We cannot celebrate without you in our
presence dude. Larry replied Eduardo; it is not true that you made our lives complicated.

In fact, like my friend said, you helped us stood against the dangers that plunged our
society into chaos.

The creature through its tentacle started to torture the TFF leader again for his allies to
see that they are helpless to save their leader. Eduardo replied the allies; damn! This is
the battle that sacrifice is needed in order for darkness to vanish! After all, because of my
involvement to your lives, many lives are lost. From Gerardo, the Marikinians, soldiers
who sacrificed their lives just to have us continue our journey, your friend Araneta, Bong
Bong Marcos and too many to list. This will be the end! I will do whatever I can even in
the last ounce of my life. I will set everything straight!

Eduardo continued punching the tentacles hoping to loosen it up. Krisma replied
Eduardo; Damn Eduardo! You did nothing bad that wasted many lives. It is not your fault
to have many lives lost during the chaos. It is the chaos itself and ambitious politicians
that laid waste to many lives especially, my beloved brother! Eduardo, whatever you are
planning, please live for me, my brother, our friends and to the whole country! He will
not be happy to see another person close to me perish like he did before! Larry replied
Eduardo; the soldiers and many people sacrificed their lives for all of us to live for the
change they wanted for the country. Please do not waste their deaths. Let their deaths
pave a noble way to the future of the country!

Eduardo desperately punched the tentacle to loosen a little bit of its grip on him.
Unfortunately, the creature blasted Eduardo from its eye further damaging the TFF
leader. Krisma replied Eduardo; we will do everything to free you from your pain. If we
cannot defeat the creature, after freeing you, let us get out alive back to reality. As the
creature chased us to the entrance of the palace, let our troops destroy it for good. We
will have no problem after that. Please Eduardo live for all of us! Eduardo replied Krisma
in a damaged state; Im sorry my friend, that will not happen. I started this whole mess. I
will be the one to finally end it myself! This is the battle which we can win but with a
heavy cost. To free me my friends, Im afraid that you should be more concerned on your
safety than concerning about me. Like I said, I will be the one to destroy this mess myself

even I die! Well, my allies, the best thing you could do is to go back to reality without
me. After all, Im someone to be always blamed. This is the time that I can finally redeem
myself for everyone! Larry replied Eduardo; we will be going out along with you! Damn!
The tentacles! Why cant they just get melt! Patrick replied Eduardo; we will stay here
dying with you if necessary. We will be together even in times of defeat! Pearl replied
Eduardo; Trust God! We will overcome this massive monstrosity! Who knows, there will
be a miracle. Eduardo replied the allies; DAMN! You are all stubborn! You should be
getting out from this nightmare by now. Let me deal with my destiny! If there will be a
miracle, it is my sacrifice that will end this darkness! That is! Please go back safe back to
civilization! Please start to concentrate to be model citizens for the future of the country!
It is unwise for all of you to die with me or risk getting further injured by this creature!
PLEASE GO NOW! Larry replied Eduardo; we admit we have nothing that we can do to
help you. I think we will just wait you outside the palace but please, dont die on us. We
wanted to see our leader make it alive back to civilization. We have a lot of work to do!
Krisma replied Larry; no! We will not leave Eduardo! We will stand by him until the end.
Real progress will be all of us alive vanquishing darkness for a new start. Eduardo replied

The creature became more aggressive. It became more obsessed to tear all the TFF apart.
It started banging its violent tentacles violently to the ground. The violent pounding of
the tentacles convinced the helpless allies to evacuate the area alive while they are still
able to get out from possible annihilation. The allies at last felt they have no choice but to
leave the area for the sake of their safety just as their leader said. As they went out of the

room from the violent tentacles, they all bade their leader goodbye and wished the best
for him.

As the allies left the room, Eduardo saluted his members for standing with him even in
the toughest times of their journey. After that, Eduardo continued punching the tentacle
rapidly loosening it up more. Unfortunately, the creature planned to consume Eduardo
into its dark body. The tentacle slowly went up with Eduardo in it to the creatures eye to
be consumed into the darkness. As Eduardo continued struggling his way out, the tentacle
that is gripping him electrocuted him even more to let its victim go with the flow.

Despite heavily injured, Eduardo did not allow himself to be a helpless victim of the
creature. He tried his best to struggle himself even just loosening the grip of the tentacle
on him. As he struggling for his freedom, the tentacle continued electrocuting him to
render him helpless to the hands of his fate. The TFF leader endured the pain he
sustained. While he is struggling from the grip of the tentacle, at the same time being
inflicted with untold pain, he reflected all the casualties of the chaos, the ones that gave
their lives to pave the way for the completion of the allies quest. And finally the future
of the country hanging in balance of what the TFF leader is going to do. After Eduardo
thought of all these things, he pushed harder struggling for his freedom as the nation is
hanging in balance of the battles outcome.
After some more complicated struggling, Eduardo managed to loosen up the creatures
grip giving him a little space. The tentacle that held Eduardo still ruthlessly force its way
into the creatures eye to be consumed into darkness. As the creature pushed its way into
the creatures eye, Eduardo felt that there is no chance that he will be freed from the
creature. The creature continued to torture him in an electrical manner to have him resign
to his incoming fate.

Like always, the TFF leader will not stop at nothing especially working for the greater
good of his nation. He remembered that back in the headquarters, someone gave him a
bomb that will be extremely handy in desperate situations. Eduardo, while the creatures

grip is already loosened giving him some space albeit is still in a tight situation, he
simply prepared the bomb from his pocket to destroy the creature and save the country
from darkness.

As the tentacle nearing the eye of the creature, Eduardo steadfastly held the bomb for the
final redemption. The tentacle continued reaching the threshold of the creatures eye for
Eduardo to be consumed into darkness in. The creatures eye started to blaze in hellish
red to roast the TFF leader first before consuming him. The TFF leader saw the hungry
eye of the monster blazing with fiery rage. He quickly punched the tentacle to loosen him
up giving him more space to do whats necessary. After he loosened up the tentacle that
is perpetually giving him tight space, he stretched himself a little upward as he reached
the angry eye of the monster. He eventually set the timer of the bomb possibly allowing
his allies ample time to leave the complex alive. He eventually put the bomb straight into
the eye of the monster. As the bomb already been put in its place, Eduardo said to the
creature; for a very long time you oppressed our country! You deceived a lot of people
that eventually led this country into its demise! Today will be the start of the new change
this country will soon experience! Im born as someone who will take the blames of all
this! This time, I will be the one to set everything straight springing into a new era of
change! The country will suffer no more! It is all about the final redemption!

The scene switched back to the TFF members. They reached the portal that leads them
back to reality. The TFF members felt that something sinister is going to happen in the
palace. They remarked with each other that they are very sorry for their leader who chose
to remain to resolve everything in place. The allies eventually returned back to where
they first entered, to the gates of the palace. As they ran as hard as they can into the
entrance gates of the palace, they heard a violent explosion. Deep inside the allies, they
knew that Eduardo sacrificed himself to set everything straight. He sacrificed his life to
have all the dark energies dispersed into nothingness, just to have this country clear out
from all its ill for genuine change to be possible.

The allies turned their backs on facing the explosion that took the life of their leader so as
their unconquerable enemy. They eventually kneeled to the ground because of extreme
sorrows of losing a friend. Krisma felt heavy deep inside her heart. She said to Pearl; look
at the situation. Im thoroughly humbled of our friend whom we knew less than our other
friends but inscribed a lasting bond deep inside our hearts. I cant help but feel so sorry of
what he had all gone through. He is a noble yet a tragic figure. He stood for what is right.
Although he seemed mysterious to all of us, this mystery is revealed to us through his
unconditional love to put the country in its place. Pearl replied Krisma; dont feel sad. It
is his choice probably he planned this even from the start to risk everything just for
genuine change. I admit that we are helpless facing our colossal enemy. If not because of
him, we failed our quest. He is such a person who faced all the blames but showed us
redemption for generations to come. Krisma, I felt sorrow too losing a friend whom we
knew less but is like an older brother to all of us. Larry replied Krisma; thats how things
must end. How depraved our country and its citizens had all become! I just hope his
sacrifice will not be as futile as our preceeding heroes. We will be looking forward to see
him alive. Patrick replied Krisma; I agree that Eduardo is mysterious since we knew him
just a couple of weeks but his undying love for the country and the urge to set everything
straight made us knew him into full extent. If he lives, we will rejoice. If he really died in
the explosion, well just work harder not to fail those who sacrificed their lives for the
country. Wherever he is right now, he is full redemption in the presence of God. He
didnt die in vain Pearl replied Patrick; the best thing we could do is to pray for him
and accept whatever Gods plan for this country. The sun is rising. I now see a great new
change for the country. Heroes may live for only a short time but their influence, their
ideas and their short span of presence among us will last multitude of legacies to come.
Krisma replied Pearl; thank you for these inspiring words! I felt I have lost a distant
brother. How innocent he is but at the same time, how youth made someone a real hero
more than his seniors! If Filipinos knew this painful truth that sacrifices are needed in
order to achieve genuine change, all the people will simply do their best in order to
prevent people sacrificing themselves just to fix up our countrys iniquities. Larry replied
Krisma; painfully said! If people knew what is right for their country, chaos, deceiving
dark energies and dictators are not needed to awaken them from their sins. They simply

had the initiative to set everything right. Unfortunately, this time, due to the depravity of
our society, people simply go with the flow. Few people alone can have the desire to fight
for what is right for the country. People like us were once like the ordinary people, afraid
to fight for what is right. It needed a heavy chaos just to awaken us from whats going on.
Anyway, our journey for the prerequisite for change ends effectively as of now. Patrick
said to the explosion; though we are on the next chapter of our journey to reform the
country, Eduardo, Bong Bong Marcos, Araneta and all those who died in the chaos, we
will always think of you. We will all remember you as we rebuild our country from the
ashes of its iniquities. We will always think of you to be more inspired to strive for long
lasting progress we cherishly desired.

Bayani along with troops heard and saw the violent explosion rising up from the palatial
complex. They stormed the palace to see if the allies are ok. They marched towards the
palace grounds only to see the allies reflecting of what they did inside the palace. Bayani
knew that Eduardo did not make it alive unlike the rest of his allies. He sat down and
embraced all the allies. He asked the allies; where is your leader? Patrick replied Bayani;
sorry sir, we didnt get out with him alive. He chose to sacrifice his life just to destroy the
dark creature which feasted on our countrys iniquities. We simply cannot help but feel
great uneasy sadness. Is his main purpose in our journey to sacrifice his life for the
greater good? We viewed him as someone who will accompany us until the ends of our
journey but he is simply a tragic figure. Bayani replied Patrick; Im shocked hearing from
you that your friend decided to redeem the country by sacrificing his life to destroy the
creature. Indeed, the first I saw him, I perceived him as a sad person yet full of hope for
the country. Hes very tragic, very very tragic. I saw him taking all the blames from his
oppressors. Only this time I knew that he took a step even further than we can ever
imagine. That is, to sacrifice his life for the greater good of our country. Krisma replied
Bayani; chairman, seeing Eduardos decision to sacrifice himself to the greater good of
the country pained us all despite its redemptive qualities. This time, I lost another distant
relative in the person of Eduardo. He regarded himself as my brother. Me too, I cannot
help but to act as a sister to him. I just cannot express anymore. It is all saddening to see
just because of the countrys depravity, even the strongest of friends, and the most solid

of all unknown relationships must all part and must all come to an end. Bayani replied
Krisma; TFF, if he indeed died inside. There is nothing we can do to save him. All we
can do is to reflect upon his sacrifice for all of us. Let us do what is best for our nation
even in our own humble ways. Im sad that Eduardo didnt make it alive. Im happy
because you are all safe. Did Eduardo save you from the risks of having your journey in
failure? Pearl replied Bayani; absolutely, the dark creature which we believed that carried
all our countrys iniquities in its own gain defeated us in a one sided manner. It even
destroyed our weapons that rendered all of us helpless. We simply realized that Eduardo
told us to escape from the nightmare we are facing that time. He told us to work for the
betterment of the nation as he will be the one to end it all. Technically, he helped us
survive the powerful storm we faced deep inside the complex. His altruistic means
dispelled our ignorance to be with him until the end. We initially wanted to be with him
to destroy the creature even though we are in the stage of conceding defeat. His wise
decision forced us to get out without him for us to initiate change that people have been
longing for. Without his help, you may not see us alive. Our journey simply ends in
nothing or in utter failure. We disappointed people who cannot fight for themselves for
this lasting change we commonly desired. Bayani replied Pearl; well said young lady. We
will just pray for his soul if he perished inside. What we will focus is the bright new
tomorrow. You completed your journey. The next chapter of your journey will be
rebuilding our country from dust.

The chairman patted the heads of the TFF members. Together they all stood up staring
back at the explosion. They promised Eduardo that they will not fail him. They will do
everything to rebuild the country just as they envisioned along with the TFF leader in the
early stages of their journey. They turned their back from the bright explosion. They
wished Eduardo that they will make his sacrifice worth everything for the good of the
country. They will continue to work harder until the real purpose of their journey has
been realized.

Bayani turned his back again and saluted the explosion. He told Eduardo that the allies
will not disappoint him. The allies, Bayani along with some of the troops went out of the

palace grounds. Despite the fate of the TFF leader, the allies saw the morning sun shines
above them. Instead of sadness, they are all full of hopes for the future of the country.
At last, in an ironic manner, the ones that will pave a way for the countrys lasting
progress is not a politician, who knew everything but humble young people who endured
the tribulation eventually, who all lived up to see hope of genuine change dawning upon
the whole archipelago. These humble young people are the ones who withstood all the
storms that their evil society can offer them. And the same people who lived up to see the
hopes of their heroes slowly turning into reality.

Back to the site where Eduardo sacrificed his life, the scene switched into the broken
carcass of the TFF leader. As the scene focused to the lifeless carcass of the TFF leader, a
voice said to his companion describing the carcass; as we accurately predicted, that
stubborn individual thought he has brought change to the country but ended up in failure.
Stubbornness in its extreme form leads to death. He should realize that whatever he
wanted to do. Even he tried his hardest to change the fate of the nation, he cannot actually
do any difference to topple all our plans. He will soon realize that he is all part of the plan
of our conquest of this country how disagreeing and revolutionary he can be. The
countrys people thought that they achieved genuine change. Unfortunately, they are all
wrong because it will take only a short time that they will realize that, they too are
literally part of our plans. They will soon realize that resignation and helplessness will be
their only choices! The companion replied the mysterious personage; sire! Little that
corpse know that he is using all our troops. How our once ally became so egoistic! He
lacked patience. He became too attached to the country that will witness its glory if hes
just that patient. That corpse is like a rebellious child. He does not know that along with
his allies, he is part of our grandest plans! Whatever he wanted to do from changing
everything even toppling our plan, I guess, he will find out that he is at the mercy of our
plans. He will soon find himself that he became something he is not willing to accept. He
will be the one that may destroy the country he foolishly cherished. I just do not know he
is like a child who foolishly claimed that he can live alone without his parents but reality
speaks for the opposite! The mysterious personage replied the companion; Hahahahaha!

Our plans despite the TFF screwing it all, we still totally manipulated the whole situation
under calculating control. Reality will soon be revealed unto them. They will realize that
the real solution is not on their hands! The mysterious personage pressured the medical
workers; Fix that corpse right now! He replied to his companion; we will let him realize
that disagreeing with us will not change the fact that he is still ultimately working in our
favor in disagreement or not! He shall realize that resignation is his only option. He
cannot do anything but to accept the reality of our plans to be completed in due time
whether he like it or not. In nobility or not, I repeat, he is still ultimately part of our plans.
Little by little, despite his disagreement among us, he will soon find out that he is at the
mercy of our plans completion. He, along with his cherished allies will be helpless to
witness that the cycle of their countrys destruction goes over and over again until our
plans have been completed for our own use. What are you doing now? FIX HIM UP! We
will soon be unfolding the next part of our ultimate plans for this country. FOR THE

The scene ended after it showed Eduardo is undergoing post mortem surger by the
mysterious medical team for future use!

P67: End of a Journey.

Back in the Zambales headquarter, Gordon roamed the area anxious of the allies
whereabouts in their journey. Suddenly, Gordon planned to talk with the allies superiors.
He went straight to the conference room. As he entered the conference room, he found
out that there is no one there in the conference room. One officer barged into the room
where Gordon is in. He told Gordon that a lot of their officers mysteriously vanished
without a trace. Gordon replied the officer that they are probably assiting the TFF for the
completion of their journey. The officer replied Gordon that many of these officers
remained in the compound to guard them all. He added that they saw the troops few
minutes ago but all vanished without a trace. The statement of the officer made Gordon
pondering about the mysterious fates of the soldiers!

Gordon eventually found some sort of recorder lying on the table. Gordon curiously
opened the recorder. What he saw along with the officer present with him surprised both
of them regarding the real origin of the TFF leader. Gordon made a cryptic statement that
the younger guy is not a hundred percent human and not of this world. The officer
replied Gordon that thats why the TFF leader has the complete guts to annihilate
everything that stood against the allies quest for progress. Gordon told the officer that
they should not tell what they saw in the recorder for now. He added that telling what
they saw in the recorder will demoralize everyone who hears it. The officer gave his word
to Gordon. He told Gordon that he will never tell everybody of what they saw in the

Gordon and his companion went out of the room to relieve themselves from the shocking
truth they had seen. The allies along with Bayani went back to their convoy as the other
troops remained to examine the content of the palace to investigate for clues. Bayani
while on board, congratulated the allies along with compliments from the drivers. Both
men told that the TFF accomplished a job well done. They told the TFF that since the day
they started their journey, they are on the road to become modern heroes. The TFF told
Bayani that they just did the right thing to do. Nothings more worthy to behold than to
see the country achieved genuine progress in the long run. Bayani told the allies that he is
sending them back home to rest all they can. He told them that they must be very tired of
the whole journey. Bayani advised the TFF to take a month long vacation to refresh them
back from the hazards of their journey. He advised the TFF to call their employers since
the latter party will understand what they had all gone through. He added that Araneta
and Marcos wakes were being held in Taguig. He told the allies that if they wanted to
pay their last respects to these great men, the allies should not hesitate to call him to fetch
them to attend the wake.

While on board, Gordon contacted Bayani to ask about the whereabouts of the allies.
Bayani replied Gordon that the allies have already completed their quest. They went out
of the palace alive except Eduardo. Gordon felt the allies are tired. He did not bother to
ask about the fate of the TFF leader. By the way, he congratulated the allies of what they

had done. He extended his best wishes to the triumphant young people. He asked the
allies to visit him the next day. He has something to show the allies. The allies replied
Gordon that they really missed him. They told Gordon that they wanted to see him but
they are too tired to push through. They assured the Red Cross chairman that they will
pay him a visit and discuss about the subject matters of their journey. Gordon replied the
allies that they need to rest for now. He added that he will be conducting them a heroes
welcome along with the presence of their loyal troops. He will be waiting for the allies
arrival. The allies promised the Red Cross chairman that they will see him the next day.
Gordon congratulated the allies again as he went off the phone.

The allies went back to their respective residences. They invited all their friends in their
usual hang out site for some victory party. While they socialized with their friends, they
did not forget their leaders noble deeds which made the completion of their quest a
reality. One of them remarked that without Eduardo, things are never the same again. It is
still a lot better if the TFF leader made it alive to join the other members to celebrate their
victory also, he can also make a lot of new friends since he is part of the Marikinian

Chairman Bayani visited the allies in the night and also celebrated with them. He told the
allies another time that they should drink moderately and not disappoint their heroes
welcome in Gordons hometown. Gordon will all be waiting for them. The other friends
of the allies roared intensely of their heroic friends newly found status. Krisma told the
others that they will still remain they used to be, simple, humble but full of dreams and
principles. The others simply complimented the victorious allies. They admired the allies
of their newfound discipline courtesy of Chairman Bayani Fernando. Bayani is left
laughing seeing these young people celebrated not only the victory of their friends but
also the victory of the nation.

The allies enjoyed their night eventually they went back to their respective homes to have
a good night rest. The allies may have enjoyed their local victory party but when they are
all alone, they cannot help but to contemplate the tragic yet redeeming quality of their

deceased leader. They cannot help but to feel the sorrow of losing their leader whom they
regarded as a genuine part of their family.
After the allies woke up, they prepared themselves to attend Gordons invitation.
Bayanis convoy fetched the allies to attend their victory party in Gordons hometown.
As they arrived at Zambales, the convoy received heroes welcome. People from all
walks of life happily received and celebrated the allies victory signifying that change is
imminent for the nation to propel into decent global standards. The allies opened their
vehicles window as they thanked the hospitable crowd. They told the crowd that it is not
only their victory. It is a nationwide victory for all Filipinos. The allies traveled a little
more eventually, they arrived at the headquarters to meet Gordon himself. As the convoy
reached the threshold of the base, they all received a heroes welcome with troops
positoning themselves as a sign of respect, playing some military instruments and
carrying banners acknowledging nationwide victory for the allies. When the allies
reached the entrance, they saw Gordon awaiting them for a victory party.

The allies proceeded into the larger conference room along with Gordon and Bayani.
After they warmed themselves inside the room, they discussed many things with the
Bagumbayan tandem. They told the tandem their story, the content of their second
palatial adventure and the fate of their leader. The tandem were saddened about the loss
of Eduardo but they assured the allies and everyone present that they will do their best
even unto the extent to persuade all the people in the country to work for the greater good
of the country. They further added that everyone will cooperate not to disappoint the
noble sacrifice of the hero which conquered the impossible and as someone who helped
the victors completed their journey. Gordon assured the allies that he will help everyone
not to fail the noble sacrifice of Eduardo. He hoped everyone present that after the chaos,
everyone will learn all their lessons and start anew for a bright tomorrow. The allies
along with all present celebrated their victory. They all took hearty luncheon as they
continued celebrating not only their victory but also victory for the nation as change was
even made more possible for the nation to rise up to achieve its true potential.

After the celebrants took their lunch, Gordon told the allies that he has something to
surprise the allies. The allies boarded their convoy along with Gordons convoy. They
went to a nearby mountainplace. The allies are puzzled because they have no idea what to
expect to a barren mountain place.

The convoys travelled even deeper exploring the bulk of the mountain place until the
convoys entered a large cave. The allies are shocked to see that it is not a simple cave
after all. The place can be likened to a base in a guise of a mountain range. Instead of
rugged terrains, they found themselves inside of a high technology base possibly an
evacuation center. As the convoys finished parking at the parking area, the allies went out
and reunited with Gordon. Along with many troops, the allies strolled inside the base. To
their shock, they saw a lot of people than they assumed survived the chaos. The place is
not an ordinary mountainplace at all! It is a convenient evacuation center which catered a
lot of people in the surrounding areas!

Gordon told the allies that before the violent chaos, he met troops along with their
officers concerned on preserving lives of the people. The friendly troops along with their
officers warned them that something sinister will befall in the country. At first, he does
not want to believe them but they all looked sincere. They are very serious in their
expressions. He convinced his own people and eventually cooperated with some officials
in the surrounding area to do the same thing. They along with the prophetic troops led
many people from different neighboring provinces into the mountainous base for refuge.
Gordons rationality betrayed him seeing equally great number of survivors despite
resigning himself to fate seeing the massive casualties plaguing the nation during that
fateful day. Thank God, he made a way to protect a great number of people. Although
many have died, at least, he spared a great number of people from the chaos. He wanted
to thank the generous troops along with their officers but they vanished without a trace.
Gordon added that the base contained portals leading to different points in the nation
which too contained a number of people hiding safe from the chaos.

Larry saw his girlfriend and embraced her. He told her that he is so happy so see her
alive. He thought that she might be one of the casualties of the chaos. Krisma told the
people that the chaos is over. They can return back to their normal lives. The people
congratulated the allies after Gordon told them that they are the ones that ended the

The allies told the people that now is the time for a new start. The journey towards
change will be dedicated to someone who sacrificed his life for his love of the country.
Now is the last chance that will determine the future of the country in the long run!
Back in Aquinos home, Noy received a telephone call. He is the one that answered the
phone call. Noy said to the caller; hello, Noy Noy Aquino speaking? Can I do something
for you? How can I serve you? The unknown voice replied; you are almost winning my
president! Noy replied the unknown voice; thank you! What do you need? By the way
who are you? The unknown voice replied; do you know me? By the way, can I serve you
in case, you win? Noy replied the unknown voice; please tell me your identity. I dont
want people making prank calls! The unknown voice replied Noy; how the mighty has
forgotten someone who saved him from the inevitable! All I need is to participate in your
democratic advocacies. You are winning right? Gordon, Erap and Villar, all have no
chance to turn the table against you. The people believe in you and your victory is
certain. I just wanted to serve someone who is full of hope and invigoration for the
countrys future. I believe that serving you will increase my knowledge how to do noble
acts to serve my own countrymen. I believe that you are the chosen one for this
country. Noy replied the unknown voice; thank you sir! Im not sure if I win or not. If
Im fortunate to win ok, Ill give you chance to serve in my government. Before that, I
need your resume. The job you wanted to apply needs constant investigations for security
measures so as indicate level of competencies. It will take a little longer to have you
accepted if you passed the requirements. We will be calling you when you meet the job
standards we set over other applicants. The unknown voice replied Noy; what do you
mean? How dare you do this to someone who saved your life from dying at the hands of
your uncle! How dare you do this to someone who awakened your parents principles to

work for the greater good of the country! Im pained to hear that even for someone who
saved your life so as helping you awaken the fire of democracy within you will not be
exempted to your meticulous scrunity. How that person will start to make changes to his
country? To be practical, doing service to the nation in your own small way is way too
idealistic. Let us be realistic here, someone who wanted to make changes for the progress
of the country must start NOW than too much red tape going on. That someone should be
ready to guide and be guided by those in power through great principles! Our country is
dying. Although the chaos is over, there is a lot of work for us to do to restore our
country eventually propelling it into decent standards. Whoever wanted to serve the
country does not need to endure investigations and competence examinations especially
if they do so much even with their lives to reform the country. As long that person is
sincere, he can work now. Mr. President-to-be, it is a matter of being initiative to start
working on all the challenges that continued to test our country and its people. Noy
replied the unknown caller; this sounds familiar! From the time of my injuries, these
words are still fresh in my mind. From what you have said, I thought you perished inside
the palace. From the manner of your sentiments along with your ideas, you must be none
other than. The unknown voice replied Noy; thats right! The new era for our
countrys progress starts now! We will help each other for the greater good of our
country. Im looking forward to see you Mr. President-to-be Aquino..

P68: Epilogue
After nearly a month from the completion of their journey, the allies returned back to
their normal lives. Krisma returned back to her place of work. She was celebrated and
welcomed much as she entered into her workplace. Although things went back to normal,
instead of her usual work routine, she is now equipped with a new purpose of serving as a
role model to her workmates. Her once always joyful attitude was enhanced with an
increased rate of wisdom living in great principles which made her a lot closer to her
colleagues than ever before.

Larry took a leave from his job to spend some time with his girlfriend. They both went
into the South to enjoy provincial sceneries. In the midst of their vacation, Larry saw

some people still being affected by the chaos. He temporarily joined a volunteer
organization to spend the rest of his month long vacation alleviating the suffering of the
affected people. He told his partner to help him enrich the lives of the people. His
girlfriend slightly worried about him at first for denying himself. She eventually started to
understand that after completing his noble quest for change, Larry found a new mission
in life that is to serve people as best as he can to bring progress to the country.

Pearl returned back to her place of work. Like Krisma, she is welcomed by her
workmates with a celebration of her heroic deeds. Instead of counting paydays and being
anxious of the shift times, Pearl dedicated her efforts in her professon that will inspire her
colleagues to do the same for the greater good of the country. Her energy and
invigoration caught the attention of the medical centers higher officials. She eventually
gained more respect from her colleagues even unto the extent that she literally became
the model employee of the hospital she is working in. In fact, she corrected the
hospitals critics of the misunderstanding they all had for her work place. St. Lukes
instead of being a hospital to the elites, it eventually became a medical center living up its
name. At times, Pearl traveled into different places joining a lot of medical missions
uplifting the lives of the poor and the affected.

Patrick returned to his workplace but eventually resigned. While he is still searching for a
new job, he went home back in Marikina and joined some organization dedicated to uplift
the lives of those who were affected in the chaos. He used his newfound purpose in life to
make him busy away from things he used to do. Instead of staying home, he ventured
outside and worked at his best not only to realize the value of his friends sacrifice but to
serve the people for the progress of the country. During weekends, he worked half a day
volunteering to uplift the lives of his compatriots. After he had done his work, he invited
the other TFF members to have a good time along with him. They went to different
places eventually discussing issues to work for the betterment of the country. All the
allies are on their way to their journeys ultimate completion for the long run.

The election results are being delayed for almost three months due to aftermath of the
chaos. Instead of continue counting the votes, the nation concentrated itself first to help
those who are in need. Most officials along with authorities put the results on hold.
Instead, they tried their best efforts to uplift those who are affected in the chaos. The
whole nation effectively focused itself to fix the casualties. That time, they solely
concentrated in rising from the mess they were in. Although there were still ongoing
electoral tallies, its not that exciting as it used to be since everyone is on the road to fix
their country so they can resume to the road of their progress.

After the nation returned back to normal, they continued with the tally. In the end, Noy
Noy Aquino was declared the winner of the presidential race. Jejomar Binay, which is
Bayanis rival was declared the winner for the vice presidential race. Gordon and Bayani
may have lost but they all took the results like a man. They both personally congratulated
the new president and his vice president. They told the victors that they will extend their
helping hand all ready to cooperate with them for the greater good of the country. The
allies acted as the personal witness of their leaders interaction with the victors. The allies
extended their compliments to the new leaders of the country. They too told the victors
that they will help them if necessary just for the progress of their country.
Noy told the allies that he will not fail them. He will not let their friends sacrifice down.
He added that the election results will assure the Filipinos that they will soon experience
the change they desperately need. Binay and Bayani had a stare down but the former told
the latter that they will be starting a new chapter of their rivalry. Instead of personal
dispute, they will battle their way to whoever is first to bring some impact to the country.
Bayani replied Binay that he will be expecting more from him. Binay replied Bayani that
he will be seeing his administrative prowess so the rate for progress will be tripled.

Bayani smiled at his legendary rival. The chairman shook the hands of his rival and
congratulated him one more time. Noy Noy told Gordon not to worry. He will fuel his
fire working for the progress of the nation. He will use his inspiration from his parents
and his dear friend also the trust he got from the people to do the right thing for the

country. Gordon replied Noy that he should not hesitate to ask help from him if things are
going worse. Noy replied Gordon that he is willing to cooperate with anyone just for the
country. He added that Gordons intelligence will play a huge role for future
development. Gordon eventually embraced Noy and wished him well. The allies shook
the hands of Noy telling him that the people trust in him. They wished the newly elected
president the best in his new administration. The epic ends as the allies along with their
leaders attended the SONA (State of the Nation Address) of the new president.

While Noy started to address some tough issues to be resolved. The allies saw a black
robed man sitting near the left edge of the room. Instead listening to the talks of the new
president, they are puzzled at the mans identity. After the end of the national address,
they saw the black robed man left the room along with the crowd. The allies told their
leaders that something is not right at the room. They planned to follow the black robed
man. After they lost trace of the black robed man, they just called it a day. They sensed
that their journey is not truly over.

After the TFF reflected a little, the black robed man literally passed behind Krisma and
vanished without a trace. Patrick told Krisma that maybe the man himself mixed up with
the large crowd in order not to be seen. Krisma replied Patrick that she felt something
familiar from the black robed man. After some time of searching, Gordon and Bayani
eventually came into the allies asking them where they have gone. Bayani added that they
searched the whole crowded place just to find them. Krisma replied the chairman that
they sensed someone familiar among the crowd. Some intimate connection. Bayani
replied Krisma that of course everyone in the session is familiar since they are all well
known people. Krisma replied Bayani that it is not like that. She saw some unknown
person in black. That unknown person is not a simple stranger. Whoever the unknown
person in black is, he is very mysterious yet, familiar at the same time, someone whom
they are with for the majority of their journey. She added that this person showed
something like he is unwilling to accept his fate. She concluded that the unknown person
in black is admittedly a mystery that needed to be solved as the days gone by.

The TFF went out of the congressional complex. Along with Gordon and Bayani, they
saw the black robed man accompany President Aquino into his convoy. All the allies
were left puzzled. Krisma said that the journey will not be over until all the countrys
haunting mysteries are left unsolved. THE END.

Cast of Characters:
Eduardo Chong Young Pizarras
Maria Kristina Krisma Marcelino
Pearl Caballeros
Patrick Zalderiagga
Larry Gonzaga
Bayani Fernando
Richard Gordon

Bong-Bong Marcos
Manuel Manny Marinas Araneta
Ferdinand Edralin Marcos
Fabian Ver
Lucio Tan
Eduardo Danding Cojuangco
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Juan Miguel Arroyo
Prospero Nograles
Eduardo Ermita
Daryl Tanghangco
Eugenio Gabriel Lopez
Ceferino Ayala
Manuel Pangilinan
Enrique Ponce Elizalde
Jose Peping Cojuangco
Manuel Bamba Villar

Benigno Simeon Aquino III

Maria Kristina Bernadette Aquino
Balsy Aquino
Pinky Aquino
Viel Aquino

Borgy Manotoc

Gerardo Marcelino
Zenaida Marcelino
Alberto Marcelino
Shereena So
Esther Chan
Altair Jose
Ehrick Guinoo

Jose Protacio Rizal/Crisostomo Simon Ibarra

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