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The Oleander Maw

A Dragon Age RPG Adventure for Characters Level 1-2

By John M. Shade
Twitter: @DystopianDream

Additional Material, Editing & Layout:

Daniel M. Perez
Twitter: @Highmoon
For more support for Dragon Age RPG and the AGE System, visit the Dragon Age Oracle at or on Twitter at @DragonAgeOracle

The Oleander Maw is a small wooden box, about a foot long and half as wide, ornately carved with
the design of a twisting vine featuring oleander flowers. When opened, it is empty, though it smells
strongly of oleander as well.
The box has served as the prison for a Desire Demon for unknown time. Udrik, once a rogue
maleficar, has been the owner of the box for years. The Desire Demon within tried to possess Udrik at
one point, promising him delights of the flesh unimaginable, but Udrik was able to withstand the
temptation and trap the demon within the box.
His son, Lord Casden, also possessing a small amount of magical talent, was not so successful.
Having seen that his son was madly in love with Fadella, the daughter of the Mayor of Terin, and his
inability for years to even show the least expression of that love to the (in his opinion, spoiled) girl,
Udrik made a deal with the Desire Demon in the Oleander Maw to give his son the power to achieve his
hearts desire.
After all, Udrik figured, Casden was mediocre enough of a mage that a demon from the Fade would
eventually possess him. So, better the demon you know

Part 1
The adventure begins in a tavern just north of Redcliffe along the Imperial Highway. The Frostback
Mountains loom in the distance, and the cool air coming off the peaks finds its way through the windows
and doors. There is a fireplace in the corner, and a group of human regulars next to it, laughing and
drunk. A surface dwarf sits alone at one of the tables, and there are twin barmaids serving everyone. The
adventurers are spread out across the bar.

Roleplaying Encounter
The adventurers hear a commotion outside (TN 7 Perception (Hearing) check), and then turn to
witness an elf burst through the doors of the tavern, winded and panting. The humans in the corner see
this as well and move to investigate. One of the humans is angry at having a servant barge into a tavern.
Knife-ears arent allowed in here! he yells whilst kicking the poor elf. The elf whines and coughs and is

beaten more. He says he seeks help. He begs the adventurers, who look like the sort that would take on
his task.
The adventurers can step in and help the elf, or watch him suffer some. The humans eventually get
tired and leave the elf to bleed.

The elf is asking for help. He tells the adventurers he comes from a village to the north, and that he
has been running all through the night. He breathes for a moment and then tells them of an attack on his
village. He does not know much, only that his master had come into the servants quarter bleeding, a
wound in his side from a claw or teeth. The wound was grave, and the last thing he told the servant was
to run and find help, gurgling attack as Lindel started on his way.
His master was the mayor of the village.
The elf pleads with them to help. He is loyal to a fault, and will not refuse help from anyone. He
assures the adventurers that there will be a reward from his masters considerable estate if they choose to
You take to the Imperial Highway. The banks of Lake Calenhad sit to your right, and the
wide Frostback Mountains still loom over the area. You head further north on the Highway
and eventually come to a bridge arching over one of the large rivers heading outward from
the lake. It is made of stone, and was constructed long, long ago, when the Tevinter
Imperium once ruled nearly all the world.

Combat Encounter
The bridge is wired with hidden tripwires connected to poison canisters (1d6 penetrating damage
anyone caught in the poison takes an additional 1d6 damage per round [TN 15 Constitution
(Stamina) ends]).

TN 9 Perception (Seeing) to notice

TN 11 Dexterity (Traps) to disarm

A group of bandits known as the Gray Daggers

have taken it upon themselves to protect this bridge
from marauding darkspawn. They do not do this for
free, though. Their tax can be viewed by the
adventurers as highwaymen and robbery, or simple
soldiers protecting the innocent and making their
skills of use after the war.
If the adventurers disarm the trap, a spokesman
from the clan of bandits is standing at the top of the
bridge. He tells them the clans intention and tries to
persuade them to the pay the tax, which is 2 sp.
If the adventurers refuse to pay, or spring the trap, the bandits come out of hiding, bows and blades
drawn, ready to fight.
There are (number of players) Ferelden Brigands blocking the pass, all fanned out in front of the party.
They fight until over half are dead or incapacitated.

Ferelden BrigandsA

Abilities (Focuses)
Communication (Deception, Gambling)
Constitution (Drinking)
Cunning (Evaluation)
Dexterity (Legerdemain, Light Blades, Stealth)
Perception (Searching)
Strength (Climbing)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Short Bow
Short Sword +4
Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack and Skirmish.
Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Dual Weapon Style (Journeyman), and Scouting (Novice)
Weapon Groups: Bows, Brawling, and Light Blades.
Equipment: Dagger, light leather, short bow with 10 arrows, short sword, 1d6 copper pieces.
If the brigands are all killed, a successful search of the area by the bridge (TN 10 Perception
(Searching) check) reveals a niche where the brigands were hiding their collections. There the party
finds a small sack with the contents described below.
If the brigands are defeated but not killed entirely, the remaining ones scatter and flee into the
surrounding land, leaving one behind who is too hurt to flee. He begs for his life to be spared, to be
shown mercy. From a backpack he pulls a small sack which he empties on the ground, offering the
contents in exchange for his life. The sack contains 75 silver pieces along with a collection of small
personal belongings from those travelers the brigands robbed before, including a pristine-looking
wedding invitation.

Part 2

Roleplaying Encounter
If the adventurers killed all the brigands and found the invitation inside the hidden sack, have Lindel
answer whatever questions he can from the information given below and move on to the next encounter.
Assuming, however, the adventurers let the brigand live, they can inquire further of him about the
The brigand says the travelers he had robbed were heading to a village called Terin. Lindel, the elf
servant, immediately pipes up and says that that is the village he is from. The elf calls the bandit a liar; the
bandit professes he is telling the truth, that he had just come from Terin and found nothing wrong.
The adventurers can choose to leave him on the road and take his money and the belongings, or kill
him, or both!
They can choose take the invitation as well. It looks unremarkable save for the dirt stains on the
corners. It reads, You are cordially invited to a wedding between Lady Fadella and Lord Casden.
Lindel can tell the party that Fadella is the mayors daughter, and that Lord Casden is the son of a
local shopkeeper and healer. Their wedding announcement took the village by storm when it happened.
But it was young love. With the village under attack, Lindel assumes the wedding was cancelled, or at
least postponed.
The adventurers press on.
Lindel leads you West along the rivers north bank. The weather has warmed a bit as you
inch closer to the borders of Orlais. You come to what seems to be an abandoned farm. The
crops have not been tended and grow rampant. Vines spread up the walls of a ramshackle
hut in the center of the farm.

Exploration Encounter
The adventurers can go inside the hut if they wish. The front door is off one of its hinges and hangs to
the ground. It seems that it was once bolted shut from the outside. A TN 7 Perception (Searching)
check lets them see that the door has been broken from the inside, and that there are dull scratch marks
running along its surface from what looks to be a humanoids fingernails. Consult the dragon die to find
out what other information the characters glean inside the hut:
1: The adventurers find a stash of 25 silver coins in a dresser drawer.
2-4: They find scribbles of paper with strange writing on it, written in what appears to be blood
(TN 10 Cunning (Heal) check to confirm). A TN 13 Cunning (Religious Lore) check is
needed to discern that it is a prayer, a plea to Andraste for mercy, ...For what I have done, and for
what I will do yet.
5-6: They find a weeks worth of rations half eaten, a bottle of cheap wine hidden in a cupboard,
and a lesser healing potion.
As you head out of the hut, one of you trips across something that wasnt there before.
It is an ornate box, strange in design, with flowers darting across its edges. The top is slid
off and there is a sickly sweet aroma coming from it. You do not have much time to inspect
it, however, for you start to hear barks and growls coming towards the hut, and the
stomping of several hounds.

An alpha blight wolf (elite blight wolf) plus (number of players + 1) blight wolves run towards the
adventurers. They bark menacingly for a few moments then attack. After 3 rounds of combat, 1d6/2
blight wolves break off and go after Lindel specifically.

Blight Wolf

Abilities (Focuses)
Constitution (Running)
Dexterity (Bite, Stealth)
Perception (Hearing, Smelling)
Strength (Jumping)

Combat Ratings
Speed Health

Defense Armor Rating



Attack Roll


Favored Stunts: Knocked Prone and Lightning Attack.

Tough Hide: The bony spines of a blight wolf give the creature an AR of 3.

Alpha Blight Wolf

Abilities (Focuses)
Constitution (Running)
Dexterity (Bite, Stealth)
Perception (Hearing, Seeing, Smelling)
Strength (Jumping, Might)

Combat Ratings
Speed Health

Defense Armor Rating



Attack Roll


Favored Stunts: Knocked Prone and Lightning Attack.

Tough Hide: The bony spines of a blight wolf give the creature an AR of 3.

Part 3
The Oleander Maw

Roleplaying Encounter
If Lindel lives, he insists the adventurers continue. His village is not far from the farm. They can choose
to bring the box with them. If they leave it behind, however, Lindel brings it along.
As you climb a steep hill, you begin to hear signs of music. When you get to the top, you
see the village of Terin below. It is nestled between two hills with the town hall in the
center, and houses and businesses fanning out in a circular design from there. It is the
afternoon now and candled lights have been strung up for the after-wedding party.
The bride and groom are dancing merrily on the dance floor stage, and their family and
friends are clapping along to the bards music. The bride is extremely beautiful, but instead
of a handsome, confident suitor, her husband is gangly and awkward.

When the adventurers start down the hill to investigate, they are confronted by the village warden
patrolling the perimeter and several town guards. Daeschel is a young warden, having recently taken over
his fathers responsibilities, because his father had been bed-ridden with sickness. He is untrusting of
outsiders and hot-headed, but means well. Lord Casden is his childhood friend.
Daeschel does not trust outsiders one bit. And for the adventurers to show up on their Mayors
daughters wedding day?! He is upset for his father and it only serves to add to the fire in him.
Who are you?
You werent invited here. If you dont have an invitation you can shove off.
If the adventurers took the invitation from the Gray Dagger spokesman, they can show it to
Daeschel. If they do, he grudgingly lets them by, but not before disarming their weapons. No weapons
allowed at a wedding.
If Lindel survived the encounter with the wolves, Daeschel notices him and he arrests Lindel for
leaving his duties at the mansion, and for cavorting with these strange travelers.
The adventurers can step in and help Lindel, or let him be arrested. If they oppose the guards in any
way, the guards fight back.

There are (number of players +4) guards in addition to Daeschel to deal with the upstart
adventurers. The guards pull any killing blow and only incapacitate in order to arrest the trespassers.
Daeschels dog, Reaux, runs down anyone trying to flee (use the Mabari War Dog stats on page 31 of the
Dragon Age Game Masters Guide). If the adventurers kill any of the guards, or if at least 3 guards are
incapacitated during the fight, one guard breaks off and runs to call for reinforcements (number of
players +4) which arrive 1d6+1 rounds later. It is possible for the adventurers to flee the fight but they
will be pursued heavily for at least a mile.
If the adventurers allow Lindel to be arrested, show the invitation and allow themselves to be
disarmed peacefully, Daeschel gruffly allows them into the wedding festivities.
If the adventurers somehow manage to slip past Daeschel and his guards into town, they find
themselves in the middle of the wedding festivities.
Everyone in Terin is in a joyous mood due to the wedding but it takes little time for everyone to
notice the foreigners in their midst (regardless of how they made their way into town). Lord Casden
comes off of the dance floor, winded and smiling. If the players have the Oleander Maw with them, they
can notice that something is off with Casden when he approaches them (TN 14 Perception (Empathy
required) ability test), but in reality, it is the boxs proximity to him. He can sense the Oleander Maw is
with them, but greets them with a genuine smile, shakes their hands and makes small talk designed to
keep the adventurers in one place long enough.
Whether the players have the Oleander Maw with them or not, Casden does not like the presence of
these foreigners that could threaten his plans and attempts to frame them. Casden tries to slip a small
dagger into one of the pockets of the adventurers (a Dexterity (Legerdemain) ability test opposed by the
target characters Perception (Seeing) ability test). If Casden wins, he immediately exposes the
adventurers as assassins. If Casden fails, he fumbles the dagger and bumps into the nearest adventurer,
shoving him or her aside, crying foul after he has offered hospitality. Either way, Daeschel arrives with at
least 6 guards in less than a minute. Casden accuses the newcomers of either being assassins or
troublemakers and, since Daeschel and Casden are childhood friends, Daeschel believes him. The
players are escorted to jail, forcefully if need be.
Whenever the adventurers end up in jail, proceed to the next encounter.


Terin Guard

Abilities (Focuses)
Constitution (Drinking, Stamina)
Dexterity (Light Blades)
Perception (Searching, Seeing)
Strength (Might)
Willpower (Morale, Faith)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Short Bow
Short Sword +4
Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack and Skirmish.
Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Dual Weapon Style (Journeyman) and Scouting (Novice)
Weapon Groups: Bows, Brawling, and Light Blades.
Equipment: Dagger, light leather, short bow.

Daeschel, the Village Warden


Abilities (Focuses)
Communication (Leadership)
Constitution (Drinking)
Dexterity (Riding, Light Blades)
Perception (Searching)
Strength (Climbing, Swords)
Willpower (Faith, Self-Discipline

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating


Attack Roll


Short Bow
Short Sword +6
Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack and Mighty Blow.
Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Sword and Shield Style (Journeyman), Handle Animal
Weapon Groups: Bows, Brawling and Light Blades.
Equipment: Dagger, Mail armor, short bow, medium shield.

Roleplaying Encounter
If the adventurers were arrested after a fight, they wake in the village jail near the town hall, their heads
throbbing. The windows are barred. The local healer was able to heal them up to character max HP -5
health. If the adventurers were arrested quietly, they are at maximum health. In any case, all of their
weapons and items have been taken and stored somewhere. The only thing they have left is their armor.
A guard is placed outside of the jail, whistling loudly to the beat of the music coming from the wedding
Shortly after the adventurers have been imprisoned (or after they wake up if they were taken in by
force), a man walks into the jail and walks straight up to them. He is in his late middle years, hair heavily
gray, but still seems to be in good health. Hes dressed in fine livery and he carries a small satchel along
with him. If the adventurers got to meet Lord Casden before being thrown in jail, they may make a TN
13 Cunning or Perception (Seeing) ability test to notice that this mans clothing seems to match the
style and decoration of those Casden was wearing as well.
The man asks the adventurers if they are feeling well. He was the one to heal the characters if they
needed it. If not, he tells them he is Terins healer and wanted to make sure that they were well treated.
He does not give his name unless directly asked, in which case he lies and gives his name as Bronlin (TN
19 Perception (Empathy) to notice a slight hesitancy when replying to that question, which he explains
simply as wondering momentarily about giving his name to strangers). Once he makes sure the
adventurers are in good condition, he turns to leave, throwing a sideways glance at the cell next to the
adventurers, where Lindel is sleeping, before exiting.
To the other side of the adventurers cell, facing away from the door, there is a dwarf sitting on the
flimsy bed. He speaks as soon as the man has left.
You start somethin too? he asks. Yeah that wardens got a head full of coal,f you ask me. Cant
even see whats going on, right under his nose.

The dwarfs name is Gorum, a surface

dwarf originally from Orzammar. He had
had enough of the politics and yearned
for something more than fighting the
endless battle of the deep roads. He tells
the adventurers that he was passing
through the village and liked the taverns
ale here so much that he decided to stay
for awhile. He had been in town about a
week before people started asking about Lord Casden; apparently the poor boy had gone missing, and
most suspected the darkspawn took him (for he liked to roam the outskirts of the village most nights).
But when he returned to the village suddenly after almost a week of being missing, the villagers rejoiced
and had a great festival. It was there that Casden courted the mayors daughter, and two days later, to the
shock of the village, they announced their marriage proposal.
Gorum tried to reason with the young new warden. The mayor had locked himself in his study, the
old warden was sick and bed-ridden; too many coincidences. Lady Fadella has been bewitched by
Casden, as he has done to the entire town. Gorum was then arrested for inciting a brawl in the tavern.
Gorum is sure that something is not right with Lord Casdenhe might even go as far as to say he
suspects some foul magic at play if prodded in that direction by the adventurersand feels nothing
good will come out of this all. If only we could get out of here
Escaping the jail is a challenging Advanced Ability Test with a Success Threshold of 15. The
players may use any ability focus at their disposal to achieve this as long as they give you a plausible
explanation as to how they are using it (average TN between 9-11). Any character may make an ability
test which represents 1 minute of time elapsed. The guard outside the jail checks in on the prisoners
when 5 minutes have elapsed, giving the adventurers a chance to engage the guard in a roleplaying
exchange or to try to grab him, etc. Once 15 minutes have elapsed, a guard brings in another prisoner, a
drunken reveler who was causing trouble. How this guard reacts depends on what have the adventurers
done to this point (if they have attacked the first guard, if they are trying to pry open the bars, etc.), and
if necessary he can call in a second guard as reinforcement.
Any player rogue with the Dexterity (Legerdemain) focus may make a TN 13 ability test to see if
they were able to smuggle in a small dagger unnoticed (or lockpicking tools if they also had the Dexterity
(Lock Picking) focus and/or had these tools listed as part of their equipment). In addition, some (1d6)
of the bars of the cells may be bent (TN 15 Strength (Might required) ability test) enough for a
character to slip by with a successful TN 11 Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability test. Each cell has a
ramshackle bed that can be broken apart and the wood used in any creative way the players decide.


Once free, the adventurers find their belongings in a chest near the door as well as one vial
containing a reddish liquid (a Lesser Healing Potion)but the box (the Oleander Maw) is not there.
They can either leave Lindel in his cell, if he is alive, or let him out. Gorum asks that you release him as
well, saying he is another strong arm and good in a fight. The adventurers can choose to let him out or
When they exit, it is night outside, and the remnants of the wedding party (servants cleaning up and
still-drunken party-goers around) are keeping most of the guards and servants occupied. The village is
going to sleep all around the adventurers. If Lindel is with the adventurers, he leads them to the Mayors
If the adventurers let Gorum out and Lindel is there, he follows along; if Lindel is not present,
however, Gorum wishes to confront the creature Casden immediately; he reasons Casden will be at the
Mayors estate.

Gorum, Dwarven Exile


Abilities (Focuses)
Communication (Bargaining)
Constitution (Drinking)
Dexterity (Brawling, Light Blades)
Perception (Searching)
Strength (Intimidation, axes)
Willpower (Courage, Morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Short Bow
2-Handed Axe +6
Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack and Mighty Blow.
Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Two-Hander Style (Journeyman), Brawling (Journeyman)
Weapon Groups: Axes, Bows, Brawling.
Equipment: Dagger, mail armor, short bow, two-handed axe.


Part 4
The Evil You Know

Exploration Encounter
The mayors estate is on the northern edge of the village. Two guards are at the front door guarding it.
They have swords, light shields and light armor. The guards will fight to the death to protect the
newlyweds from assassins (i.e. the adventurers). Either Lindel or Gorum (depending on who is with the
adventurers) can tell them of a back entrance. If neither is with the adventurers, a TN 13 Perception
(Searching) ability test reveals an open door on the back of the building.
Inside, the mansion is wide and vast, with hallways stretching out in either direction. There is a large
staircase in the center with a checkered floor design across the ornate foyer. You hear the familiar growls
and grunts of blight wolves echoing all throughout the mansion and ready your weapons.
There are (number of players +1, or +3 if Gorum is present) blight wolves wandering the lower floor
of the two-storey building, with at least two already by the central foyer.
The adventurers can try a Dexterity (Stealth) check to sneak past opposed by the hounds
Perception (Smell) or Perception (Hearing) score, whichever is most applicable (maybe one of the
party members doesnt believe in bathing!). If Gorum is around, stealth will not be an option, as the
dwarf charges the first wolf he spots.
Whether it is by stealth or by force, when the adventurers find their way up the stairs, proceed to the
next encounter.
Use the Blight Wolf stats in Part 2.

Combat Encounter
As the adventurers make their way upstairs, they hear the howl of another pack of blight wolves rushing
behind them. If present, Gorum plants himself at the top of the stairs, closes the doors to the quarters
behind the adventurers, staying on the other side to fight the wolves. If Gorum is not present, Lindel will
suggest they close the doors. If Lindel is not there either, the adventurers must figure out to shut the
doors on their own.


Closing the doors is an easy Advanced Ability Test with a Success Threshold of 5. The
adventurers must make a TN 9 Strength (Might) ability test to close the door. Every test made which
fails to meet the success threshold means one blight wolf slips past into the room.
The second floor is all one large and stately bedroom with an area for an ornate four-poster bed as
well as another area with a desk and chairs by a window. It is in this area that Lord Casden stands,
looking amused at the scene in front of him, sipping wine.
Once the adventurers have dispatched any blight wolf that slipped through, or simply once they
enter the room, they are free to confront Lord Casden directly. He has with him the box, the Oleander
Maw, in his hands.
Look at me, he says, I have everything Ive ever wanted.

Lord Casden is in reality a puppet for a desire demon that was imprisoned in the Oleander Maw.
Casden is willing to banter with the party in an arrogant and amused tone. However, the moment any of
the adventurers readies for a fight, Casden readies himself in response. Dark magic envelops him,
transforming him into the abomination.
She wont let you take that away from me!

Lord Casden (Desire Demon)

Abilities (Focuses)
Constitution (Stamina)
Dexterity (Stealth, Traps)
Perception (Seeing)
Strength (Claws, Intimidation)
Willpower (Morale)

Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

Attack Roll


Abomination Form: Lord Casdens transformed body gives him an AR of 5.
Favored Stunts: Lighting Attack and Mighty Blow.
The Fires of Lust: Casden can create a burst of flame as a special stunt for 3 SP. Anyone within 2 yards of
Casden takes 1d6 penetrating damage.

If the adventurers are having a tough time of it, and if he is present, Gorum can bust through the
door after having dealt with the wolves to offer help. If the adventurers are having too easy a fight against
Casden, however, and you wish to challenge them further, have a couple blight hounds break through
the door (past Gorum, if he was there).
Whenever Lord Casden uses his special stunt (and he does not hesitate to use it in the slightest),
things around him catch fire: the curtains, pillows, rugs, chairs, desk, the bed, etc. The fire spreads
slowly, though every time Casden uses his special stunt, it makes the fire grow larger. After Casden has
used his stunt five times, the burning room becomes in effect a minor hazard that deals 1d6 damage
every round. If Casden uses his stunt five more times, the burning room becomes a moderate hazard that
deals 2d6 damage and halves Speed due to the smoke (opening a window counters this effect at least).
When Casdens health has been reduced to various levels, he reveals the following bits of
At forty (40) health.
The abomination says, This shell was nothing before I was here. The poor boy loved
the girl until it hurt, and she didnt even give him the time of day! He still feels the pleasure
of her, you know, every day, even if he is not in control.


At twenty (20) health.

In its weakening state, the demon loosens its grip on the boy, though only for a
moment. He... opened the box... I will make this boy Mayor, Arl, King!

At five (5) health.

Fa... Fadella.

Once Casden is defeated, he reverts back to the young man he once was, but the demon is not
purged. His eyes still glow purple with the taint. Daeschel enters with several of his guard (and Gorum, if
he hadnt made his way into the room by now), splatters of blight wolf blood on them all.
I didnt want to believe it, Daeschel says, looking at his friend Casden on the ground, bloody, with
dark magic swirling around him.
Gorum sees the need to kill the demon, and quickly before it regains its strength.
Daeschel does not want to lose his friend so easily. There must be another way.
There is another way, says an old man in the doorway. The adventurers recognize him as the
healer that met them in jail. If the adventurers greet him by the name he gave them earlier (Bronlin),
Daeschel gives them a quizzical look and tells them this is Lord Udrik, Casdens father.
Udrik is visibly shaken by the scene before him, and especially by the condition of his son. He tells
the story of his sons love for Fadella and of the box, the Oleander Maw (see Background, above).
Above all, Udrik wants his son to be alright once more (whether that is as a demons puppet or as
himself again is unclear). He offers to take his son and leave Terin never to return as long as everyone
can look the other way and forget all that has transpired. Udrik offers the adventurers a reward of
(number of players +1) gold coins to end their involvement and leave Terin. If the characters accept,
Gorum objects and attacks the characters while Udrik takes Casden away. Gorum does not fight to the
death, however; after someone draws first blood or after four rounds of combat, he discovers Udrik has
fled and he calls it quit, berating the weak moral fiber of the adventurers as he leaves in a huff.
Afterwards, skip to the Epilogue.
If the adventurers wish to end the threat of the Desire Demon, Udrik offers to open a gateway to the
demons lair using blood magic. Udrik tells the characters that they will likely see the spirit of Casden by
the demons side, and asks that they tell his son that he is sorry for the pain he caused, that he only meant


well. If the adventurers accept Udriks offer to open the gateway, he does so without any problems and is
gone from Terin when (if?) they return from the Fade. Proceed to Part 5.
If the adventurers wish to confront Udrik about his actions and possibly in battle, see Appendix 1.
Daeschel, although wary to use blood magic, volunteers to go with the adventurers if theyll have
him, and urges them to make the right decision for his friend. Gorum decides to stay behind, but urges
the adventurers to kill this abomination before it does any more destruction.


Part 5
Into the Maw

Combat Encounter
You take a deep breath as Casdens father begins to cast the ritual spell. Blood spills
out of him and the box begins to hum louder and louder. Your vision shakes violently as the
gaping mouth of the box starts to glow with a white light on the inside of it; the light spills
out and spreads until it has consumed the floor beneath your feet. Then, after a seconds
hesitation, the light swallows you whole.

The Fade is a strange place for the adventurers. They feel they are in a dream, but the mages in the
party assure the others it is very real. The ground seems to fall away into nothingness at points. The
adventurers find themselves in a beautiful orchard, and beyond it is the cave where the demon resides.
The sky is cloudless and blue; soft petals fly on the wind everywhere. It is a scene right out of a
painting. At the edge of the orchard, the demons cave seems ugly and out of place. Something seems to
beckon the adventurers inward.
This is a great opportunity to use the players Goals and Ties against them (something that few
players ever believe will come back to haunt them). You can form illusions based on their characters
ambitions. You can also (and perhaps should) introduce the other players as phantoms in anothers
illusion. The Desire Demon will seek to use any and all personal information it can glean to tempt the
characters, and turning them against one another is an easy way to reduce the opposition.
You can target a specific, hot-blooded character, easy to manipulate, or you can have all them test
and see who loses (as a suggestion, no more than one-quarter of the party should be seduced, in order to
increase the feeling of paranoia among the adventurers). Have each character targeted by the demon
succeed make a TN 15 Willpower (Self-Discipline) ability test (see the Chains of Desire power, below).
If they make the test, they are unaffected by the demon; if they fail, they are under attack by the demons
charm powers. Any character with the Communication (Leadership) focus that succeeds their own
ability test can instruct the other characters that they are the targets of illusions, and can either grant one
fellow adventurer a +2 bonus to their own Willpower (Self-Discipline) test or have them re-roll a failed
Characters that fail their test are effectively immobilized due to the demons illusionary attacks on
their minds. See the Chains of Desire power below for information on how to handle this situation.

Whosesoever passes the test snaps out of the illusion finds themselves in a cave lit by torches along
walls. The Desire Demon is in the center, the manifest spirit of Lord Casden beside her.
While most Desire Demons are extremely dangerous enemies, this one has been weakened by its
long imprisonment in the Oleander Maw.
The demon wastes no time with banter and immediately goes on the offensive.

Desire Demon

Abilities (Focuses)
Communication (Deception, Seduction)
Cunning (Arcane Lore)
Dexterity (Initiative)
Magic (Primal)
Perception (Seeing)
Strength (Claws, Intimidation)
Willpower (Morale)

Mana Points: 23
Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Demon Skin: The demons tough skin gives it an
AR of 4.
Favored Stunts: Puissant Spellcasting and Mana
Fade Mastery: The demons Puissant Spellcasting
stunt level is effectively one (1) point higher than the
amount of stunt points spent (e.g. If 2 stunt points
are spent, +3 is added to the spellcasting roll).
Chains of Desire: As a major action, the demon
can use its magical power to tap into the targets
hopes and dreams, showing them visions of that
which they desire the most. The target must make a
TN 15 Willpower (Self-Discipline) test or become immobilized, lost in their own minds. The target can free
himself by taking a major action and making a successful TN 15 Willpower (Self-Discipline) test. This is the

only action the immobilized character can take until freed. An unaffected ally may assist the target by taking a
major action, thus granting the target a +2 bonus to their ability test. Any target that successfully makes the
ability test against this power is immune against further uses.
Spells (Spellpower): Flame Blast (15), Shock (15), Heroic Offense (13), Arcane Bolt (13).
If you want to be particularly nasty, you could have any character that falls prey to the Desire
Demons Chains of Desire power fall under the demons control instead of becoming immobilized, in
which case it sends these charmed adventurers to fight their comrades while it casts spells from the back.
Daeschel will fight the seduced players, trying to get them to snap out of it. If the seduced characters
make a successful ability test as noted in the powers description, lose twenty (-20) life, or are knocked
prone, they automatically snap out of the demons hypnosis.
Once the adventurers kill the Desire Demon, it withers like a sun-scorched flower into the floor of
the cave, letting loose the overwhelming scent of oleanders in bloom. The cave and all around begins to
shake as if in an earthquake, and the adventurers feel something pulling at them from within their chests,
pulling strongly backwards, as the lights go dark and they feel as if falling into infinity


Alls Well
If Lord Casden is dead/gone into exile with his father, and the adventurers did not fight the
Desire Demon:
The events transpired at the Mayors manor are hushed away in order to avoid scandal and unwanted
attention from outside forces like the Chantry or worse, the Templars. Daeschel apologizes for his prior
demeanor and thanks the adventurers for their help in exposing the demon in their midst. Daeschel takes
it hard that his friend is gone, but stomachs it, telling himself it was best for the village. If Lindel has
survived, he thanks the adventurers as well.
Eventually, hidden in the manors servants quarters, the body of the Mayor is found. Fadella is
devastated by the loss of both her father and lover.
Terin will hold elections for a new mayor soon, but for now Daeschel is reluctantly elected as acting
Mayor to lead the town in this dark time.
What was left of the demons persuasion aura was captured by the stone in Casdens necklace (treat
it as the Handmaidens Necklace, in pg. 40 of the Dragon Age Game Masters Guide). Daeschel gives
this to the adventurers in payment (he also simply wants to get it as far away from Terin as possible)
along with a modest reward of 1 gold coin per player character. He also asks that the adventurers never
speak of what happened in Terin.

If Lord Casden is dead, and the adventurers killed the Desire Demon:
The adventurers return to the bedroom at the Mayors manor, exiting the Oleander Maw just in time to
see it crumble to dust. The events transpired at the Mayors manor are hushed away in order to avoid
scandal and unwanted attention from outside forces like the Chantry or worse, the Templars. Daeschel
apologizes for his prior demeanor and thanks the adventurers for their help in exposing the demon in
their midst. Daeschel takes it hard that his friend is gone, but stomachs it, telling himself it was best for
the village. If Lindel has survived, he thanks the adventurers as well.
Eventually, hidden in the manors servants quarters, the body of the Mayor is found. Fadella is
devastated by the loss of both her father and lover.

Tarin will hold elections for a new mayor soon, but for now Daeschel is reluctantly elected as acting
Mayor to lead the town in this dark time.
What was left of the demons persuasion aura was captured by the stone in Casdens necklace (treat
it as the Handmaidens Necklace, in pg. 40 of the Dragon Age Game Masters Guide). Daeschel gives
this to the adventurers in payment (he also simply wants to get it as far away from Terin as possible). He
also gives the adventurers a pair of boots found in the apartments of Lord Udrik, believed to be magical
and instrumental in helping him avoid capture by the Templars in the past (Boots of the Outlaw, pg. 40
of the Dragon Age Game Masters Guide) along with a modest reward of 1 gold coin per player
character. He also asks that the adventurers never speak of what happened in Terin.

If Lord Casden is alive and remains in Terin, and the adventurers killed the Desire Demon:
After the adventurers slay the demon and break its hold over Lord Casden, they return to the bedroom
at the Mayors manor, exiting the Oleander Maw just in time to see it crumble to dust. There they find
Casden free of the demons possession; he is in bad shape after the battle, but alive and resting on the
mayors bed, Fadella by his side, holding his hand. He has no memory of what had happened.
The town will hold elections, and because of Daeschels bravery for his friend, he has been
nominated acting mayor. Fadella and Casden stay together (and whether it is from the residual influence
of the desire demon, or of their own free will, it is unknown and something no one who knows the truth
of what happened wishes to prod into). The one note of tragedy comes in the form of the discovery of
the body of the former Mayor, Fadellas father, hidden somewhere in the manors servants quarters.
The adventurers gain the gratitude of the town and of Casden, Fadella and Daeschel. They are
rewarded with 1 gold coin each, as well as given by Casden his fathers magical boots, which he found
back in his apartments where the old man left them as he fled (Boots of the Outlaw, pg. 40 of the Dragon
Age Game Masters Guide). Daeschel also awards his fathers necklace, The Luck of Terin (treat it as the
Smiths Targe, in pg. 40 of the Dragon Age Game Masters Guide), to the heroes of the town. They are
welcomed at any time as esteemed friends of the town.


Appendix 1
As much as Udrik is a distraught father when encountered, he is also a dangerous blood mage who is not
to be trifled with. The adventurers may have a strong reaction to learning he was a Maleficar once;
coupled with the callousness of his actions toward his son (allowing him to be possessed by a demon)
and offering money to the characters simply to walk away and ignore all the events happened, this may
lead some or all of them to attempt to fight Udrik in combat.
Udrik is uninterested in fighting, at least at the moment. He is honestly weighed down by the fate of
his son and regardless of his past, right now he only wishes to be a father. That does not mean he will go
down easily. Udrik attempts to disarm any possible conflict by talking first. He accepts that he was a
Maleficar but that he hasnt been one for a while now. He does not feel he has to justify his actions
regarding his son to a group of strangers beyond what he has done already, either. After all, none of the
characters are Templars of the Chantry to have any kind of authority over him. If necessary, he doubles
his monetary offer to the adventurers to get them to shut up and leave without further problems. If
attacked by the adventurers, however, Udrik does not remain passive.
Udrik is at a blood mage of at least 7th level, if not higher. Rather than present a full write-up of him
as an NPC to be fought, here are a couple of suggestions on how to handle this situation:

Assume Udrik has a Magic score of 5, a Spellpower of 18, enough Mana Points to cast any spell
needed and that he makes all Magic ability tests to cast spells. Roll 3d6+2 for his Initiative.

On the first round of combat, Udrik casts Force Field, a spell from the Dragon Age Set 2 Playtest
Force Field
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 5 MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 14
Test: None
Requirement: Mind Blast
You surround a subject within 25 yards with a protective field of magical force that absorbs
all damage.

The force field lasts a number of rounds equal to your Magic ability. During that time, the
subject is completely immune to damage, but also cannot move from the spot (the force
field is immobile), make attacks, or give or receive any items. Spells and other effects that do
not cause direct damage, such as daze, mana drain, or vulnerability hex, still affect the
subject. You can renew a force field when its duration expires for additional rounds equal to
your Magic by spending its mana cost again.
While protected he uses his next combat round to attempt to convince the adventurers to stop
their attacks, take the money he offers and leave. If they accept, he tosses them a purse with the
money, drops the force field, collects Casden and leaves. If the adventurers press on, he goes on
the offensive.
On the third round of combat, Udrik uses a dagger to slash his forearm and casts Blood Wound,
a spell from the Dragon Age Set 2 Playtest document:
Blood Wound
Magic School: Blood
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 6 MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 14
Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Requirement: Blood Mage specialization
You make the blood of all enemies within 12 yards of you boil, causing excruciating pain. All
targets take 1d6 + Magic penetrating damage and must make a Constitution (Stamina) test
vs. your Spellpower. Those that fail can only take a minor action on their next turns.
The Blood Wound affects Daeschel and Gorum and they fail their tests, dropping to the ground
in writhing pain. If at least half the adventurers fail their tests, Udrik uses the opportunity to drop
the force field and collect his son and leave.
Udrik continues to cast Blood Wound every round until he is able to leave with the body of his
son, which is all he wants. If a character would die from the magical attack, assume Udrik pulls
his punch and leaves them merely unconscious with very little Health instead.

Udrik will be back in future adventurers, so the characters will have an opportunity to face him in battle
once they are more on par with his level of experience.


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