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Macatiag, Kaizer T.

Reaction Paper
Disasters in the Philippine Context
Well, that long read was all about how we, the devastated people of
the Philippines, came here to this point in our countrys stature, still alive and
kicking. So what was the lesson there?
Ill divide what I read in parts, in order to; hopefully, explain briefly
those that really stayed in my head.
The first topic: Storm over San Isidro: Civic Community and Disaster
Risk Reduction in the Nineteenth Century Philippines by Gregory Bankoff.
This disgustingly long read that swayed my brain was summarized to this: a
topic wherein - some words are defined and how it was implied in history with
the constant reminder that what happened in the past is still happening in
the present, and how there are different perspective towards the approach on
this disasters.
So, heres my reaction.
I cant believe that present Filipinos still have the same problem of
flooding as the past. Damn, people really dont learn. Why is there so much
ignorance? Its already been written in so many scripts, thought in class, even
told by our families. We need education and discipline. Maybe because even
if the simplest of answers be served out, like the most delicious of foods, in
front of ignorance it would still not be eaten. You cannot force to feed
someone who doesnt want to eat. Sadly, were not only flooded by waters
but also by oblivion and, even most probably, stupidity.
Hazards as a Frequent Life Experience in the Philippines also by G.Bankoff.
This topic simply implied this: the Filipinos reaction towards natural
So again, heres my reaction.
This was a good one, a More Fun in the Philippines kind of expression,
an example of Filipino pride in its portrayal. Ill try to point out some ideas
and try to criticize them one by one.
This paper speaks of adaptation, on how the people adapted to survive
into then creating their own traits and characteristics.

Historical adaptation

This showed that there is an assumption wherein what has happened in the
past is likely to repeat itself. Here is where Filipino modernization came to be,
an adaptation to which we would live in a better life than what we have been
living before. Conclusion: Even if we have the same problems as before, it
sure is noticeable that we are living better lives than before.

Emotional and Psychological Adaptation

This practices identified by F. Landa Jocano prove how emotional Filipinos are
at dealing with problems. The concepts of Bahala na (disasters can occur
despite human and divine interventions), Bayanihan (common association),
Humor or Pagkamasayahin (staying happy during disasters); sounds good
sometimes but have some loopholes to be still found with.
Heres my take:
Bahala na a show of laziness that that acknowledges that all will fall
anyways. Therefore, renders a person with no determination or a sense of
accomplishing an objective.
Bayanihan this is a rare phenomenon in our modern times. Where, some
people are even ignorant towards the help for others.
Pagkamasayahin they say that the people who smile the most are the
saddest. This, in the end, shows how strong our hearts are, even capable of
letting our emotions adapt to the problems. This one is acceptable for me, as
long as I can no longer do something about the disaster.

Community Mobilization

People change location because of hazards. These hazards can be natural

or human. If natural then it would be common sense to go to a safer place
and as also with the human hazard, its safer to go to people whom you are
acquainted with. Conclusion: basic human survival.

Overall Conclusion:
Everything I read just sums up to showing that understanding the
problem, yourself, your community and how you interrelate all of these,
creates a better chance of you surviving during a disaster. Sadly still, as I said
before, we are not only flooded with waters

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