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Newsboy Hat with Zipper Flower

Crochet Pattern
And Tutorial
By CrocheTrend

3.5 oz or 100 g (4.5 oz or 125 g for large) Lion Brand Cotton
Ease or any worsted weight yarn, main color, color A
0.5 oz or 15 g contrasting color Lion Brand Cotton Ease or any
worsted weight yarn for the band, color B, same color as the
zipper color
One metal zipper, 18 long
USH8/5.00mm hook
Thread and needle for the zipper flower
Finished size of the hat:
Small-Medium-20, fits a teenager or a small, medium adult
(21-22) head
Large-23: fits a large adult (23-24) head
Gauge: 4 inches (10 cm): 14 dc-8 rows-H8/5.00 mm hook
Stitches used:

sl st-slip stitch
FPdc-front post double crochet
Dc2tog-2 double crochet finished together
Dc3tog-3 double crochet finished together
BPhdc-back post half double crochet
Reverse sc-reverse single crochet

Color change:

Start at the top with main color, round

1. Ch 4, join w/sl st to form a ring
2. Ch 3, 11 dc in ring, join w/sl st, 12 st total
3. Ch 3, FPdc in same st (to the base of the starting ch-3 bar),
*dc in next dc, FPdc in same st, rep around*, join w/sl st, 24
st total
4. Ch 3, dc in next FPdc, FPdc in same FPdc, *dc in next dc, dc
in next FPdc, FPdc in same FPdc, rep around*, join w/sl st, 36
st total
5. Ch 3, FPdc in next dc, dc in next FPdc, FPdc in same st, *dc in
next dc, FPdc in next dc, dc in next FPdc, FPdc in same st, rep
around*, join w/sl st, 48 st total
6. Ch 3, FPdc in next FPdc, *dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc,
rep around*, join w/sl st, 48 st total
7. Ch 3, FPdc in next FPdc, 2 dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc,
*dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc, 2 dc in next dc, FPdc in
next FPdc, rep around*, join w/sl st, 60 st total
8. Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 60 st
9. Ch 3, dc in same st (to the base of the starting ch-3 bar), FPdc
in next FPdc, dc in next 2 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, *2 dc in next
dc, FPdc in next FPdc, dc in next 2 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, rep
around*, join w/sl st, 72 st total
Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 72
st total
Ch 3, dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc, dc in next dc, 2
dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc, *dc in next 2 dc, FPdc in
next FPdc, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc,
rep around*, join w/sl st, 84 st total
Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 84
st total

Ch 3, 2 dc in next dc, FPdc in next FPdc, dc in next 3 dc,
FPdc in next FPdc, *dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, FPdc in
next FPdc, dc in next 3 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, rep around*,
join w/ sl st, 96 st total
Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 96
st total
Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 96
st total
Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 96
st total
Ch 3, FPdc in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 96
st total
For Small-Medium sizes skip this round. Ch 3, FPdc
in each FPdc, dc in each dc, join w/sl st, 96 st total
Small-Medium: Ch 3, dc2tog over next 2 dc, FPdc in
next FPdc, dc3tog over next 3 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, *dc in
next dc, dc2tog over next 2 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, dc3tog over
next 3 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, rep around*, join w/sl st, 60 st
total Large: ch 3, dc2tog over next 2 dc, FPdc in next FPdc,
*dc in next dc, dc2tog over next 2 dc, FPdc in next FPdc, rep
around*, join w/sl st, 72 st total
Band: Ch 2, sc in each st, swith to color B and join
w/sl st
Color B, ch 2, sc in each st, swith to color A and join
w/sl st
Color A, Ch 2, BPhdc in each st, join w/sl st
Ch 2, BPhdc in each st, swith to color B and join w/sl
Color B, ch 2, sc in each st, swith to color A and join
w/sl st
Visor, color A, ch 1, sc in next 28 sc, turn.
ch 1, skip the base of this ch, skip the next sc, sc in next
4 sc, 2 sc in next sc, *sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, rep 3
more times*, sc in next 5 sc, turn

ch 1, skip the base of this ch, skip the next sc, sc in next
29 sc, turn
ch 1, skip the base of this ch, skip the next sc, sc in next
5 sc, 2 sc in next sc, *sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, rep 3
more times*, sc in next 5 sc, turn
ch 1, skip the base of this ch, skip the next sc, sc in next
30 sc, turn
ch 1, skip the base of this ch, skip the next sc, sc in next
27 sc, sl st in last sc. Fasten off.

Finishing round:
Main color; attach the yarn to the back of the hat, work 1
reverse sc around, fasten off, weave in ends.

Zipper flower
Take the zipper apart, one side will be used for the petals, the other
side will be used for the middle.
For the petals cut 6 pieces, 3 long each. Melt the ends to prevent
fraying. Follow the pictures to make the 6 petals. Gather each
separately, and then sew them together to form a ring.

For the middle cut a 13-14 long piece, melt the ends again. At one
end fold the zipper down, secure it with few stitches; this is going to
be the middle. 3 away from this point gather the rest of the zipper
lightly. Roll it up and sew it together at the bottom.

Place the rolled middle part on the petal-ring and sew them together
at the bottom again.

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