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Exxon Valdez

Jose R. Perez
Daniel Bonivento
Juan Aguirre
Exxon Valdez Accident
The Exxon Valdez occurred in 1989. It spilled
approximately 10.9 million gallons of its 53
million gallons of oil.
The Exxon Valdez accident occurred
in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March
24 and cling to more than a thousand
miles of beaches in southern Alaska.
This accident affect many species
in the ecosystem, killing many

boiling out of the tanker” said
Kelsor, the head of Alaska’s
Department of environmental
Conservation at the time
Mexico oil accident
 The last month oil rig
explosion and subsequent
spill in the gulf of mexico
could leave oil giant BP with
the unfurtanate legacy as
the oil industry “biggest

Oil floats on top of water, less
sunlight penetrates into the water,
limiting the photosynthesis of
marine plants and phytoplankton
this, as well decrease the fauna
populations affecting the food
chain in the ecosystem
Effects in the ecosystem
 Ingestion of the oil causes to prevents the
atmospheric oxygen from the water so the oil
enters to the body of the organisms and
causes dehydration and digestions; another
effect in marine animals is reducing water
animals insulation and leading to body
temperature causing hypothermia ;in birds
the oil penetrates up the structure of
the plumage of birds, reducing its insulating
ability making the birds more vulnerable to
temperature fluctuations and less optimistic in
the water it also impairs birds flight abilities
making difficult to escape from predators;
dead also occurred in macro algae and
invertebrates because a combination of
chemical toxicity. Scientists estimate from
1000 to 2800 sea otters, 302 harbor seals, and
Video showing the castastrofy of
this incredible accident




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