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Concept/ Topic to teach: The Writing Process

Goals: A specific way of presenting essay writing, including brainstorming.
Grade: 11th grade
Objective: A review of essay writing including the famous writing process of prewriting,
drafting, revising, editing and publishing. To learn and review how to brainstorm effectively in
order to begin writing an introduction and body paragraph to an essay.
Required materials: Computer, internet connection, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, paper,
pencil, handout
Step-by-step procedures: The lecture will start off with an icebreaker. A couple of students will
share their good news or something positive they have gone through. The students will be
introduced to a PowerPoint Presentation. The presentation will review the writing process in
detail. The five steps of the writing process will be described. From the presentation, the class
will participate in an activity consisting of a creation of a bubble map together. The purpose of
this map is the beginning of their assignment. Through brainstorming, the students will create
ideas on essay writing. The class will conclude this bubble map with enough ideas on their
homework assignment. The class along with the teacher, will look over the assignment. This
concludes instruction time.
Closure: Students will be given a homework assignment which will be explained thoroughly.
Students will be asked if there are any questions or concerns.
Assessment based on objectives: Students will be assigned a homework assignment. This
assignment consists of writing a five paragraph essay on comparing and contrasting two forms of
transportation. Recalling the lecture on the writing process, the students will write based on a
form of sequence through brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
Possible connections to other subjects: This activity enhances the students writing abilities.
Following a simple format on writing improves their grammar, revision, editing, and drafting

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