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Irish Citizen’s Breast Implants Surgery In India.

I am Kate from Ireland, I came for my breast implant surgery in India though

Indianhealthguru in the best breast implant surgery hospital in Delhi India associated

with indianhealthguru and had always felt self-conscious because of my small A-B

breasts. I was bullied at school, because of it too, so I guess that always stayed at

the back of my mind, even until adulthood. I was thinking about Breast Implants for

several years, researching, and was always scared to do it because I was worried

that it would turn out wrong, or that it would be very painful. However, 3 weeks ago,

I decided to finally do it in India through Indianhealthguru, and I could not be

happier about the results so far. We discussed the size with the surgeon and although

he recommended 255cc, I decided to go for 275cc, because I thought that I would

not want to feel afterwards, that I went too small, which apparently is the most

common complaint after surgery. The surgery lasted 45 minutes, and when I woke

up I was feeling fine, little tired perhaps. They took me to my room in the hospital

which was the best breast implant surgery hospital in Delhi India Associated with

indianhealthguru, and I ate dinner, watched some TV and slept. When I woke up and

walked to the toilet, it felt very painful to move. I was worried that it would be like

that for the next 2 weeks or so. In the evening I took a painkiller they gave me and

when it didn't work much, they gave me a pain injection as well. I slept like a baby

whole night, and didn't wake up until the following morning when the nurse came

into the room. The nurse removed the bandages, and I could take a shower before

going home.
The craziest part is that the following day I had hardly any pain at all, only when

getting out of bed. I did take the painkillers they gave me in the morning just in

case, and the trip home when well. I went home alone, and took a shower and even

washed my hair myself. My friend brought my dog back the following day, and I went

on day 2 for 2 walks with her. On day 3 I went shopping for underwear, because I

was feeling totally fine, and that's when I got some sharp pain in the other breast.

Now, it's week 3 after surgery, I still have to wear the sports bra for another week.

The breasts look beautiful already, (they really looked from day 2), All in all, I an't

believe how pain free the whole operation was, I hardly had any bruises at all, and

the scars are hardly to be seen on week 3. I couldn't be happier, especially when it

comes to my decision of going with Indianhealthguru for my Breast implant Surgery

in India at the best breast implants surgery hospital In Delhi India.

I want to thank from Dr Dheeraj Bojwani and the whole team of indianhealthguru for

their help and support for my breast implants surgery in India at the best breast

implants surgery hospital in Delhi India

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