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I. Electric current
II. Ohm’s law
III. Resistivity
IV. Kirchhoff’s first law
V. Kirchhoff’s Second law
VI. Potential Difference and
electromotive force
VII. Wheatstone’s circuit
VIII. Electrical energy
Electric current

 The amount of charge flow per unit time.

 I= Q/t
 I: current (Ampere)
 Q: Charge (Coulomb)
 t: time (second)
Electron flow
 n= Q / e

 n: number of electron
 Q: charge (coulomb)
 e: charge of one electron (1.6x10-19Coulomb)
Worked example
 Grafik disamping
menunjukan kuat arus
yang mengalir dalam
suatu hambatan.
Banyaknya muatan
listrik yang mengalir
selama 5 detik adalah?
Dan berapa jumlah
elektron yang mengalir? 3 5
Ohm’s law
 V =I.R

 V: voltage (Volt)
 I: Electrical Current (Ampere)
 R: Resistance (Ohm)

 R = ρ.L/A
 Δ R= Ro.ά.Δt

 R:Hambatan (Ohm)
 ρ :Hambatan jenis
 L: panjang penghantar (meter)
 A:Luas penampang (m2)
 Rt: hambatan pada suhu To
 Ro: hambatan mula-mula
 ά : koefisien suhu hambatan
 Δt: perubahan suhu
 Resistor in series
 Rt = R1 + R2
 The common quantity = Curent

 Resistor in parallel
 1/ Rt = 1/ R1 + 1/ R2
 The common quantity = Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
 Iin + Iout = 0
 The algebraic sum of the changes in

potential encountered in a completed

traversal of the circuit must be zero
Kirchhoff’s Second law

 ΣE + Σ(I.R)=0
 The sum of the changes in potential
encountered in making complete loop is zero
 The rules:
 1. If a resistor is traversed in the direction of
the current, then iR is negative
 2. If a seat of emf is traversed in the direction
of emf, then E is negative
Potential Difference and
electromotive force
 Potential Difference
 A potential difference between two point with
current flows

 Electromotive force
 A potential difference between two point
without current flows
Asssume there are some batteries with the same emf

 Batteries in series
 Et= n.E current I = n.E / r + R

 Batteries in parallel
 Et=E current I= E
(r /n)+ R
Wheatstone’s circuit

R4 R4 R5

R3 R5

R1 R2

If R1.R5 = R2.R4 then the current at R3 is zero

Electical energy
 W=V.I.t
 W=I2.R.t
 W= P.t
 W= V2.t/R

 P2=(V2/V1)2.P1
Tentukan kuat arus yang mengalir pada R6!

R4 R1 : 2 Ohm
R2 : 1 Ohm

R5 R3 : 5 Ohm
R3 R6
R4 : 4 Ohm
R5 : 2 Ohm
R6 : 0.6 Ohm

18 volt,
0.2 Ohm

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