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53 N. Duke St.

, Suite 218, Lancaster, PA 17602

Phone: 717-299-5701 • Fax: 717-490-6617

May 21, 2010

The Honorable Edward G. Rendell

Governor of Pennsylvania
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Dear Governor Rendell:

The Executive Committee of the Lancaster County Democratic Committee has directed me to recommend
to you the appointment of Samuel M. Mecum to fill the vacancy on the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas.

We recognize that the Chief Justice has recommended against making appointments due to financial
considerations, you have acceded to that request, and the Senate would not likely move on any
appointments. Nevertheless, as a symbolic gesture in support of merit selection, a deserving and able
nominee, and the idea that 100,000 Lancaster Democrats should have representation on the court, we urge
you to forward Mr. Mecum’s name to the Senate.

Mr. Mecum, a practicing attorney for 37 years, is a graduate of Villanova Law School and a past
president of the Lancaster County Bar Association. He was rated “Highly Recommended” in 2005 when
he lost an election for County Judge by less than 5000 votes in highly Republican Lancaster County. (Full
resume available upon request).


Bruce Beardsley, Chairman

Lancaster County Democratic Committeee

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