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Raghad Saad
From: Atika"<>
To: Saaed"<>
Sent: c r . 1 : \ A \ . 1 . , _ . , 1 L\ .1 r . r , - i : ) l
Subject: Fw: NationalDevelopment& Trade Bank S.B.

----- ForwardedMessage----
From : reinsurance<reinsurance@muttahida.Eom
To: heshamelabani<>
Sent: Wed, May 5, 20109:46:38AM
Subject: RE: NationalDevelopment& TradeBankS.B.

Dear Hisham,,

Thefypeof coveris BBB.

Lossrecordsis asfollows:-

1-ClaimNo. 1220070001- Dateof loss02108/2007

-- Causeof loss Forgedcheck. estimatedloss 100%= LD 200,000.00

2- Claim No. 012007000212- Dateof loss 1211012008

- Causeof loss Embezzlement, estimatedloss 100% = LD

3- ClaimTBA - Date of Loss '15i06/2009

- Causeof Loss Embezzlement, = LD 351,195.00
estimatedloss 1O0oh

HoweverWe are only liablefor a limitof LD 300,000.00which was an agreementheld with this Bank and writtenin the
contractof lnsurance.

Moreoverthese kind of lossesare usuallysettled4romthe bank itselfsincethe suspectedare kept into custodyuntil now , the
same thing happenedto the nationaltradebank of Benghaziwhom recordsfor the past 5 yearswas plentyof losses( more
than 5 losses)where now all theselosseshas been settledby the bank and the mone! were returnedback.

Anywaywe 'll look forwardyour soon answeron this concern.

Best Regards

TaherArebi Much Regretwe are not interested
Head of Facultatiue Diuision due to uns atisf acto ry-losg{e cord'
Reinsurancedepartmertt Best Regards, /{*\t .t C}t
United Insurance Comparvy

Direct Tel:- 00218-2 1-335 I 162

Fax: -00218-2 1-335 I I 50 / 5I
E -mail : - reiqaur q.n,e@nq4ttahido,.co
Website: - www.muttahida .com


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