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The first step on the journey to becoming a more organized person seems very

difficult. Yes, admit you want to be organized is one big secret. But once you

take that step then the rest of the journey to becoming organized will be so

much easier. In order to be able to create your environment the way you

want it to be and to enjoy your surroundings, it is very important to

understand that you have played an active role in creating your “mess” as it is


What works for one person may not work successfully for another. As the

Law of Attraction says, “ I attract to my life whatever I give my energy, focus,

and attention, to whether it’s “wanted” or “unwanted.”

For example, if you walk into your current home and dislike your current

“mess” or “clutter” it is a matter of “time” before it becomes even more

intolerable. Do you worry about what your environment looks like in the

event that a friend, relative, or even family stops by? That is a signal that

something needs to change.


What does your current environment say about you? In order to “allow good

things to come to you” you need to “let go of the old” and allow the new to be

coming into your environment. If you do not “let go” of the old then you are

not open to receiving the new that wants to come to you.

Your environment is exactly how you have made it whether you realize that or

not. You can change it because you are the architect of your space whether it

is good or bad. The “other” people in your home are not the problem as we

like to claim it to be.

Is your life like the famous movie “Groundhog day?” Phil wakes up to find

that he is “reliving” the same day over and over again. Do you feel the exact

same way? It’s crazy but Phil is confused as to why he is reliving the day

before and he doesn’t seem to mind it at first. Did he fear the consequences?

I do not think so! What Phil’s friend Rita suggested to Phil is to take

advantage of the situation to “improve his own life.” This is a great story

because you can choose to keep things and items in your current setting or

you can choose to change them, the decision is all yours.

It is important to realize that nobody else is to blame for your environment

for the way it is but you. Blaming others for the current “mess” or “clutter”

is not going to get you anywhere. Do you want a better environment for

yourself? Then the possibilities are open to you as you now accept that fact

for your life.

So, what do you think about when it comes to keeping your home organized?

What thoughts come to you? Here are some that I have had:

 In order to have a clean and neat home, I just have to tell everyone to

help out more.

 If only I had the time to get organized!

 My family has always been this messy, so I guess it’s just suppose to stay

this way.

 If only I didn’t have to work so many hours outside the home, I could be

home more to organize and clean.

 Why should I have to organize it all?

Sound familiar?

All of those statements create an attitude of not wanting to improve your

home. Either you are pushing the possibility of getting a clean, neat, balanced

home into your current situation or you are not; or you are giving yourself

reasons why you don’t want or shouldn’t want your home to be organized.

The truth is that there is plenty of everything in the world to go around. Each

of us is entitled to receive however much of it we want. In the first part of the


20th century it was easy to acquire material possessions and not worry about

how to pay for them. We are always wanting more and that is what got me

into my “mess” and “clutter” to begin with. It’s a crazy thing to think that all

of those material possessions really did not improve my environment but

actually made more work for me to do. In reality it took up more of my time

to clean and organize than it did not to. Think about it, if you didn’t have to

mow the lawn, clean the garage, dust, mop and “do it all,” wouldn’t you

rather be doing something else for you, your family or for others? Most of us

today don’t have time to pay attention to what’s going on in our nation, much

less in our own environment. That is because we are so busy working just to

afford our survival.

So, what do you really want in your environment? It is now your decision to

take action and improve it. If you could imagine your ideal “room décor”

what would it look like? What I did was create a vision board for my ideal

room and cut out pictures and eventually make the room into what I wanted it

to be. Did it take longer than I wanted? Sure, but the end results were well

worth it! So, get rid of what items you do not want and then the rest comes


903 words

5 pages

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