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Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________


I Part. Identify the noun(s) in each sentence. Specify whether each noun is proper or common. (1pto c/u)

Ex. The ball was given to the coach. Common/Common

a. New York is my favorite city. __________________________

b. My aunt went to visit her mother. __________________________
c. Jim bought a new shirt for the Broadway show. __________________________
d. George lost his shoe on the subway. __________________________
e. The Sears Tower is 110 stories tall! __________________________

II. Part. Identify the adjective(s) in each sentence. (1pto c/u)

Ex. The peaceful waterfall relaxed my nerves.

a. The brown, shaggy dog lives three doors away.

b. The science book is difficult to understand.
c. The tiring practice lasted four hours.
d. He lives in the new development on the west side of town.
e. The white tailed deer raced through the densely wooded area.

III. Part. Identify the adverb(s) in each sentence. (1pto c/u)

Ex. The glass was carefully removed from the carpet.

a. The team played well in the championship even though the victory was not theirs.
b. Soon after the rainstorm, the flowers began to bloom.
c. He has never taken a standardized test before he came to this class.
d. She enthusiastically encouraged her students to attend the retreat.
e. The cat has lazily lain by the window all day.

IV. Part. Directions: Identify the underlined words as:

noun (n), pronoun (pn), verb (v), adjective (adj), adverb (adv), preposition (p), or conjunction (c).

a. Paul Anderson was proclaimed the world-champion weight lifter.

b. He established this record by lifting 1175 pounds.
c. The records indicate that the first fight with boxing gloves was fought in 1818 in France.
d. 6. Not wanting to be rude, he made his apologies to his host.
e. 7. "Ordinarily, I would not leave so soon, but I have so much to do," he told his host.
Good luck!!!

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