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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________

Teacher: __________________________________ Section: _____________________

TEST I. Directions: Analyze and identify the sound devices for each sentence. WRITE THE LETTER of the
correct answer on the space provided.
_____1. The phone rings inside the room.
a. hyperbole b. simile c. personification d. onomatopoeia
_____2. Why do you cry, Willie? Why do you cry? Why, Willie? Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
a. assonance b. alliteration c. hyperbole d. simile
_____3. It was cold I saw polar bears wearing jackets.
a. assonance b. hyperbole c. personification d. simile
_____4. The team leader moves as brave as a lion.
a. hyperbole b. simile c. personification d. onomatopoeia
_____5. The snow is a white blanket.
a. assonance b. alliteration c. hyperbole d. metaphor
_____6. The righteous shall flourish as the palm tree.
a. assonance b. hyperbole c. personification d. simile
_____7. The camel is the ship of the desert.
a. assonance b. alliteration c. hyperbole d. metaphor
_____8. 8. Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with tears.
a. assonance b. alliteration c. hyperbole d. metaphor
_____9. “Woosh, woosh” of the howling wind can be heard in darkness
a. hyperbole b. simile c. personification d. onomatopoeia
_____10. Hear the mellow wedding bells
a. assonance b. alliteration c. hyperbole d. simile

TEST II. Directions: Select the correct plural form of nouns in each sentence. WRITE THE LETTER of the
correct answer on the space provided.
_____11. Do you have freckles on one foot, or on both of your _____?
a. foot b. feet c. fit d. foots
_____12. One man is wearing blue, and two _____ are wearing green.
a. men b. man c. mens d. mans
_____13. Some _____ are really sharp, so you have to be careful when using them.
a. knove b. knife c. knives d. knifes
_____14. There are lots of _____ at the library today.
a. womans b. women c. womens d. woman
_____15. Santa Claus has hundreds of _____ working for him.
a. elves b. elv c. elf d. elfs
_____16. How many _____ are there in your family?
a. childs b. child c. children d. childrens
_____17. I saw a flock of white _____ at the lake yesterday.
a. gooses b. geese c. geeses d. goose
_____18. Look at all of the _____ waiting in line for the movie!
a. persons b. person c. people d. peoples
_____19. I hope we don’t run into a pack of _____ on our camping trip.
a. wolves b. wolf c. wolfs d. wolve
_____20. How many _____ of bread did your mom bake?
a. loafs b. loaf c. loave d. loaves

TEST III. Directions: Choose and WRITE THE LETTER of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____21. Which of the sentences is correct?
a. Last year I go to India. c. Last year I went to India.
b. Last year I am going to India. d. Last year I will go to India.
_____22. Which of the sentences is correct?
a. I usually getting the bus to work. c. I usually gets the bus to work.
b. I am usually getting the bus to work. d. I usually get the bus to work.
______23. Which of the sentences is correct?
a. Next week I am going to the cinema. c. Next week I will going to the cinema.
b. Next week I is going to the cinema. d. Next week I went to the cinema.
______24. Which verb is NOT in the past tense?
a. He walked. c. He went.
b. He works. d. He bought.
______25. Which verb is NOT in the present tense?
a. She listened. c. She talks.
b. She waits. d. She watches.

TEST IV. Directions: Analyze and identify if the sentences are in the PAST PERFECT TENSE, PRESENT PERFECT
TENSE or FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. Write it on the space provided.

______________________26. John had baked a cake before you arrived.

______________________27. They had painted the fence before I had a chance to speak to them.
______________________28. The board has decided to uphold the appeal.
______________________29. I have taken the wrong path.
________________________30. I hope that, when I leave this planet, I will have touched a few people in a positive way.

TEST V. Directions: Match the correct euphemism of each word. Write the LETTER ONLY on the space
_________31. Late a. correctional facility
_________32. Jail b. vertically challenged
_________33. Vomit c. physically challenged
_________34. Short d. thin on top
_________35. Fat e. unmotivated
_________36. Handicapped f. visually challenged
_________37. Liar g. creative with the truth
_________38. Bald h. horizontally challenged
_________39. Short-sighted i. blow chunks
_________40. Lazy j. chronologically challenged

A. Directions: Provide the correct pronoun for each sentence. Choose and WRITE THE LETTER of the correct
answer on the space provided.
_____41. Ryan is a tall player, ______ loves playing for her school.
a. he b. her c. his d. she
_____42. Sir Fernandez likes chocolate candies and ____ always brings these candies to his friends.
a. he b. her c. his d. she
_____43. Sachin and ______ went to the railway station.
a. I b. me c. we d. us
_____44. How do you know ________ are Italians?
a. us b. they c. we d. them
_____45. The bird can fly because _______ has wings.
a. she b. they c. his d. it

B. Encircle the correct pronoun to be use in each sentence.

46. Mother gave (we, us) more mangoes than she gave to Antony and Rosy.

47. My sister and (I, me) had a nice dinner.

48. Where is Diana? I want to see (she, her).

49. I looked for the book, but could not find (them, it).

50. Tell (they, them) to go away.

***************************************NOTHING FOLLOWS*******************************************



EN6RC-Ia-2.3.1 10 1-10 10%


Analyze sound devices (simile, metaphor,

personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia,
alliteration, assonance, consonance)

EN6G-Ia2.3.1 Compose clear and coherent 10 11-20 10%

sentences using appropriate grammatical

- Pluralization of regular nouns

EN6G-Ib2.3.2 Compose clear and coherent

sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: -

-Pluralization of irregular nouns

EN6G-Ic-3.2 Compose clear and coherent 5 21-25 10%

sentences using appropriate grammatical


-Tenses of verb (Past, Present and Future


ENG6G-Id-3.3 Compose clear and coherent 5 26-30 10%

sentences using appropriate grammatical

-Aspects of verbs

EN6RC-If- 6.12 Analyze figures of speech 10 31-40 10%

(culture-based euphemism)

EN6G-If4.4.1 10 41-50 10%


Compose clear and coherent sentences using

appropriate grammatical structures: -

Pronoun-reference agreement (number,

case, gender)

TOTAL 50 ITEMS 1-50 100%

Prepared by

Teacher I

Approved by:

Principal I

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