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Underground Tree Projects Presents:


comfortable atmosphere for the youth to explore their own self purpose
within this community and this project. They are set to create an installed
mural piece that is uplifting and embraces the very community they live in.

All workshops will take place at Mentoring Works 2, Inc. 2828 Georgia Avenue, NW, DC

Key Artists helping with the project: Joel Bergner, Serinity Knight, Meghan Taylor, Elizabeth Stewart, Quest
Skinner and Michael Diggs

Curriculum Outline:
WEEK 1-Self Purpose July 10 2-4 pm
Mural Plans
Underground Tree Projects, LLC
Mentoring Works 2 501(c)3
Reflections of what it means to create change through the youths own abilities will be had, while incorporating
that into the design piece we will create.

Interactive Activity centered around these questions:

What it means to make a change?
How to make a change?
How the youth can make change within their own personal lives?
Icebreaker Labels: Each person will receive a card, each identifying a different response to a community
problem. We will act out those responses and see how that overall affects the community. We will then discuss
how those responses affected the community, positively and/or negatively.

Artists: Mural techniques

Joel Bergner (slides, photos of murals, techniques)
Serinity Knight (self portrait technique)

Underground Tree Project Info, Application, Commitment paper

Expectations from the project, Discuss Grounded Visions Mural Project Schedule
6 Saturdays: 2-4pm 1st two Saturday's, 2-6pm following 3 Saturday's
July 10-Purpose: Draw design
July 17-Community: Complete design
July 24-Taking Action: Paint, wall located at Georgia and Columbia (3012 Georgia Avenue)
July 31-Taking Action: Paint
Aug 7-Taking Action: Paint
Aug 28- Celebration Ceremony, youth are honored and presenting of mural to family and community members,
Performances and food.

All workshops will take place at Mentoring Works 2, Inc. 2828 Georgia Avenue, NW, DC

WEEK 2-COMMUNITY July 17 2-4pm

The arts impact on the community (slide) effects on the future.

Success Activity: We define success, how it benefits the community and how community ultimately benefits
you. We’ll spend time talking about their environment and what it means to be successful. We want to
accentuate the importance of not accepting the negative ideas often played out in front of them. If they are
capable of identifying them, then it’s their responsibility as individuals to act against them. Part of being
successful is giving back to the community because that same community will support and give back to you. A
design workshop will follow. Artists will speak about progressing the youth designs and the framework of the
installed mural pieces.

Artists: Mural techniques

Serinity Knight (self portrait)
Mike Diggs

The collaboration of all the designs to make mural will take place after this session. Artists come together and
draft the final design together.

Artists help youth during their free time to draw!

WEEK 3-TAKING ACTION July 24, 2-6 pm

We will review and discuss the key factors to reflect hard work. We want to promote self-motivation, elevation
and growth. We will work on four 4X8 ft. plywood panels directly outside Mentoring Works 2.

Artist talk about the wall, Sketch out the design (Break for snacks, youth will do a community service project of
picking up trash)

WEEK 4-TAKING ACTION July 31, 2-6 pm

(future plans activity)
Paint all day

WEEK 5- TAKING ACTION Aug. 7, 2-6 pm

Paint all day


(Gift) Certificate
UTP, Artists/Muralists, key sponsors talk about the overall experience
Followed by hors d'oeuvres , Performances

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