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This rules pack contains a set of alternative game rules that have been developed in order to maintain game balance in leagues that last for long periods of time (e.g. for months or years rather than weeks), and for Use in tournaments where very precise play balance and exact wording of the rules are important. They have been heavily tested by Blood Bowl coaches around the world, to ensure the best lonq-terrn balance and minimum of confusion. However, by necessity this makes the competition rules longer and more complex than the standard rules, and because of this their use is entirely optional. League commissioners and tournament organisers should therefore feel free to use either the competition rules or the standard rules included with the Blood Bowl game, whichever they consider to be the most appropriate for the league or tournament they plan to run.

Note that the Competition Rules pack only includes the information and rules that you will need during play. All descriptions of game components, the history of Blood Bowl, and all illustrations and 'Did You Knows' have been removed, both in order to save repeating information already in the Blood Bowl Rulebook, and to save time and money when printing the document out. We recommend printing two pages to a sheet to save further paper. Also note that the original page numbering has been preserved as much as possible, to ensure that page references in the text remain correct, and this sometimes means that the page numbers 'jump forward' or that pages have a certain amount of empty space. In other words, the Competition Rules pack is a functional document, rather than an attractive one!




THE SEQ;IJENCE OF Pli..AY "" ,.,. 7


PLAYER ACirIONS .."",, 7



TACKLE ZONIES ""................. 8



BLITZ MOVES , ", "" " , 9

SlrRENGTH .. , ,....... .., , , .. , .. 9



SUBSTITIJTES , .. , .. ,,', .. , .. ,. "" " , 11






THROW-INS "."." " 13

TURNOVERS .. "."." " 13

IRE-RO!.ILS ... , ...... , .... ,......... .. .. , , 14

TEAM RIE-ROLLS "', .. ,. """ " "" .. , " 14

PLAYER RE·RO!.!.S . "" "" "" .. ,,, ,, 14

SK.lLLS 14





TURN " " """ _ 15



................. 15

.............. 15 ............... 1'6




TEAM RIE-ROLLS 8; FAN FACTOR , , , .. , .. 1'6

COACHIING STAFF .. ,. """ "" "" .. , " 1'6

APOTH-IECARY , .. , .. ,,', .. , .. ,. "" " , 17


TH-IE FANS........ 1'8



GOING FOB IITr .. " .. 20



IFOULS , , , .. ,,', .. ,. , , " .. , , , 2'3

SK.lLLS "... 2'3



TEAM IROSTER ""... 2'4

TREASUR'II , " 2'4·



IIN~URIES , .... ", ... "" ,,"" ", ", , ,,2'5

CASUALTY TABLE ., .. , "",, , " 2'5



STAR PiLAYEIR POINTS TABLE "" ........ ", ", 2'6



NIEW SKlILILS """... . 2'6






PRE-MATCH SEQ;UENCE ..... """",." , """.2'8

TH-IEWEATHER """"'" ,. "",,, .. 2'8



POST·MATCH SEQ;UENCE ,. "''''''''" , ,,,,,,,2'9'










AWAIRDING THE MVP, """""" , "",,,,,32









SPECIA!. TEAM PLAYS IDECK .. , .. """""" " ,,56








B~OODWEISER BABES ''''''''''" ".,69,

BRIBES .... """""" ....... """"" , """""" ,.,69,



IGOR ........ """""" ....... """"" ...... , ... """""" ",69'

MERCENARIES........ .. 69,

STAR PLAYEIRS........ .. 69,


W,IZAIRD.... ....,.......... . ,,70'





DARK E!.F TEAMS, """"" ,....... ",72

DWARFTEAMS , .. "''''''" ,....... ",72



H\o'\!.IFLINGTEAMS, ''''''''" ,....... ",]3

HIG!HI ELF TIEAMS....... .. 73

HUMAN TEAMS........ .. 78





........ 75

.. ,,75,

.. ,,75,

",76 ",76 ",76

.. 76

.. 78

......... 80,




SKAVEN TEAMS """"" , .

UNDEADTEAMS , .. ''''''''" , .

VAMPIIRIE TEAMS '"'''' '" , .

WOOD IELF TEAMS... ..... ..


Games Workshop and Blood Bow/are trademarks of Games- Workshop Ltd:

The copyright in the contents of Ihis' product am the excfusiv:e property of Games Workshop Ltd: © 20W .. Ai! rights reserved.




Before you start, It'S a 9iood idea to read through these rules at least once so you get some Idea ot what you are doing. Once you have done this, layout the board and assemble the players. The owner of the game always gets the rrirstohoice as to which team he' will playl Eaoh coach will also' need a DUigout, Ihe appropriate learn card and a set 01 counters. Each coach should place his or her Dugout behind one off the End ZOnes. This shows which half of lhe pitch belongs to each learn. You score a touchdown by getting the ball 'into the' opposing learn's End Zone.

Each coach should pleoe a Tum marker in the First Halt square on the tum tract and a S.core counter iii the Score, tracK on the board nearest their own End Zone. Finally, eaoh coach should reter to their team roster to see how many Re-roll counters their' learn is entilled to, and shoukl place that many counters on the He-roll track of the Dugout

Flip the Blood BOWl coin or roll a D6 to see which coach will choose who Will set up .tirnt The team that sets Lip firs) is called the kicking te,am, because they wili klck-off fhe ball. The other team is called !he receiving team, because they will receive the kio:k~off. Each ooaoh must set up 11 players, or if they cant field 11 then as many players as they have In Reserves, between their c;lno zone and the halfway line, and within the following resfricjions :

1. The kicking team always sets up first.

2. No more than two p.layers may be set up in each wide zone (l.e., a maximum of four players may he split'wicle,. tVI/O on each flank).

3. At least three players must O!? set up next to the halt way line, on the line of scrimmage.

If YOil cannot set up 3 players. on the Line OIT Scrimmage you must either concede the match (see page 15 (or page 29 If you ere usingt/le Extra' RUles», or carry on playing by plac.irigas many players on the line off scrimmage as possible.


After Iboth teams heve eet up, the coach of the kicking team places the ball In any square in the opponent's hal] of the pitch, inclUding fhe opponent's End Zone if he likes. The ball will then scatter in a random dlrecUon. Usingl theScattertemplate, roll the eig:ht-sidied dice oneetor the direction of scatter, and then roll a D610 see how many squares the ball will go.

ImlPortant note: The kick-off Is the only timelhaf you roll a D6 to see how many squares the ball moves When it scatters. This is because kicks are very Inaccurate. When rolling scatter for a missed pass, or when the ball bounces, the [ball only moves one squareper Scatter roll.

A kick-off must land in the opponent's half of the pitch. Assuming the ball lands in the receiving learn's half of the pitch, then it will either land in an empty sqUiare or a square occupied by a player. If the ball lands In an emply square It will bounce one more square (see Bouncing Balls on page 13). If the ball lands on a square occupied by a player, the player must try to catch the ball (see Catchingl the Ball on page 13). lIT the ball scatters or bounces oIT! the pitch or into the _kicking learn's halt, the receiving coaoh is awarded a 'touchback' and rnusi give the ball to any player in his team. Once the kidk-off' has been taken you are ready to proceed to the firsl turn of the game,


El)d Zone



- As ?ffJ? qOiic:n wfll tell you, B,ob, a t~am's 's.tarlfrfg formalkm ts vtJally fmportant. Here we eaD see an example GJl the Qml~nd fija.j:derS" iaJriou{> 5'-4~2 or "Deep Defelfee~ formaflOn. -ThiS fOrmafion ,S, tJ&Bd bj/ fhe_ Raiders aga#lst !",st l1"!ovir_:rg oragtle .. teams Ijke Skaven Or' Elves (some would aljIue with fimi,t.oo {;u:Cde's':;).

Bqb:' YOH saki It, J}m. Nqtk;e' hoW ·tJje FfaJders have tJlaqe su're that thtirecare no gap!i.Rin theJ:dine tar qpposing plaYerS to-run t1:u:olJgh ~ every sqliarft,{s·'covered by Gin Qrop/ayer or

000 (JfMs.ta9f<:le.,zo,i(j'~. . . .

Jim.: nat's a,bsoiu.teJy, ri{jh}, Bop, And !fS a,dded 1r15.urani;e The Oros- ha,.ve kepttWo ,Jiayets- ba.~i< ideerX -eJose tofheJr own End Zone, eo that'theK can ca.lch 'a'nx·enemy playm~S' 'qcky eholJgh tb 'ddi.ig~ thefF way tl!rfl)iJghtne ere fwtl~ line.,




Blood Bowl is split into two halves 01 sixteen turns each (l.e., sigihi turns per coach}. At the end of the second half the team with the most touchdowns is the winner. The game is played using a simple but strlet sequence off play, which runs as follows:

A. Receiving Team's Turn

B. Kicking Team's Tum

Repeat A ana 6, one after Ihe olher, until the end of '!he drive. NOllE: A drive is defined as playing until a touchdown is scored or the halt ends.

During a turn, fhelearn in p!ay may perform one Action WIth each player in the team .. .A coach is only allowed four minutes to complete his tum, The players. on the other team may not lake any Actions until their own turn comes around,


Each coach is responsible for keeping track off how many turns his team has used, andrnust: move the Turn marker one. space along the 1rac~ provIded on his Dugout .at the start of each and everyone of his turns. If' he forgets to move the counter before sfarling a play with one-or more QIT his' players, then the opposing coach is allowed to callior an 'illegal procedure' penalty as soon as he spots the mistake. A play is considered to be 'moving a player one or more squares, standing up a player or rolling the dlee during yoUr1urn.

A coach Who is called for an Illegal procedure must either end his turn or immediately lose one re-roll, which will count as the use oi a team re-roll for fhe.tum if one has not already been used. If ih~ coach chooses to not end his tum and has no re-rolls letl, then the opposing coach gains a re-roll. Iff a. ooach jorqets to move-the Turn marker, but redifies his· mistake before the opposing coach spots the error, then he cannot be called for an illegal procedure. Iff a coach incorrectly calls an illegal procedure then he must lose a re-roll lrnrnedlately, i~ he has no re-rolls remaining his opponent glalns are-roll.


Each player In a learn may pertorrn one Action per turn, The Actions I hat' may be performed are described below. When all of the players In a team have performed an Action Ihen the tum ends and 1I1e opposing coach Is allowed to take a turn.

You must declare which Action a player Is going to take be~ore carrying outlhe .Action. For example, you might say, "Tblsplayer is 9l0ing to take a. Block Action."

Players. perform Actions one at a time·. In other words, the coach may perform an Action with one player; and then perform all Action with anolher player, and so on. This oarrles on until all of the players have periformedi an Action, or the coach does not want to perform an. Action with any more players. Note that a player must finish his .Action before another player- can take one. Each player may only perform one Action per tu rn, Only one Hiltz: and one Pass Action may ~be, .taken in each tum. These Actions must be taken by separate players; a player cannot perform a Blitz Ac.ticm and aPass Action in the same turn.


Move: The player may move a number of squares equal to the'ir Movement Allowance (MAl (including moving zero squares).

Block: The player may make a single block ag:ainsi a player In an adjacent square, Players !hat are Prone may not perform this Action.

Bll!tz; The player may move a.number of squares. eqllal to thek MA. He rnay make one block during the. move. The. block m<;lY be made at any point during the move, and 'costs' one square off movement.

IMPORTANT: Thrs Action may not be declared by more !han one player per turn. However! any player may perform a Blitz - the player doesnt.have to be a.Biiizer (Blitzers ate just better at it than other players).

Pass: The player may move a number of squares equal to his MA. At the end of the move the player may pass the ball.

IMPOR TANT: This. Aotion may not be declared by more than one player per turn.

NOTE: The Extra Rules section adds MrO additional Actio.ns:

Hand-o.ff (see page 20) end Foul (see page 23). Neither ot tnese Actions may be. declamd by more men 0.00 player perJum.


Normally, a turn only ends When all of the players in the team have performed an Action. However, certain events cause the tum to end before all ctthe players. have taken an Action, These events are c.alled turnovers. The following events cause a turnover:

L A player on Ihemovlngrteamis~ Knocked Down (being injured by the crowd or Ibeing Placed Prone is nol a turnover unless it is a. player from the active team holding the ball; e.g. skills like DIVing. Tackle, Piling On and Wrestle count as being Placed Pronej or

.2. A passed ball, or hand-off, is not caught by any member of the moving team before the bail comes to rest or

3 .. A prayer 'from the movingl team attempts: to' pick up lhe ball and tatls (note: falling a catch roll, as opposed to a plok up, is by ilselff never a turnover) Or

4. A touchdown is scored or

5. Thetour-mirrutetime limit tor the tum runs out or

6. A pass attempt is . fumbled even if 11. player wom that team catches the fumbled ball or

7. A player withlhe bell is throWn or is atlempled 10 be thrown usIng Throw Team-Mate and [ails to land successfully (including bejnQl eaten or squlrmingl free from an Always HUngry roll) or

8. A playeris E1jecled Iby fhe referee tor a foul.

A coach that suffers a turnover is not allowed to take. any further Actions that turn, and any Action beingJ taken ends lrnrnediately liven if it was only partially completed, Make armour and! injl.l'ry rolls tor players that were knocked down, and 'if the !ball was dropped then roll to see where it bounces to normally. Stunned players should be, turned face up, and then the oppos.ingl coach may start 1:0 take his: turn.




A player may move a number of squares .equal 10 his Movement AI.lowance. Players, may move In any direction or comblnatlon of' directions, including' diagmudly, as long as they do not enter a. square that holds another player (from either team). Players do not have to use up aU of !heir Movement Allowance in their turn; they don't need to move at all if his coach does not want 'them to.


A standing player exerts indiv,idual tackle Zones on each of the eig;hl adjacent squares, as shown In the diagram below. A player who is Prone or Stunned does not exert any tackle' zones.

Tackle Zones

-, r-, ~~
"I ~
y TIre pklye:r s Iadll6'l'Q,!'''''' ara &ll'O~m ill In-esharJed sqll Elffffl.

In order to leave a square that is in one or more opposing tackle zones, a player must dodge out OIT the square The player only has to dodge once in order to leave the square, no matter how marry opposing Iacklee zones are on it. Note that you must always make a Dodge roll when you leave a tackle zone, even if there aren't any tackle zones on the square you are movingl to (s~e the slow-motion replay).

Look up the player's AQ'lIity on the .Agility table opposite to~ind the score required to successfully dodge out 01 the square. For example, if the player had an Agility of3 he would need to roll a 4 or more to dodge out Of the square. Roll a 06, and add or su biram any ot the modifiers thai apply to lhe D6 roll. A roN of 1 oefo.remodlflcatlon ALWAYS Jails and a rolf of 6 modfffcation .AlWA yg succeeds.

If Ihe 'ITinal modlhed score equals or beats the required roll, the player may carry on moving (and dodg,ing if required} unlil he has used up his full Movement Allowance. II the 06 roll is less than lhe rl;lquired .total, then the player is Knooked Dowri in If:l!l square he was dodging to and a roll must be made to see if he was injured (See Knock DownS & InjUries). iIT the player is Knocked Down then his team sutters a turnover and their tum ends. immediately.


Player s AG 1 2

D6 R.oUI Required 6+ 1#

:3 4-:r

4 3+

5 2+

6+ t+

Dodging Modlflors

Making a: Dodge Foil ." +1

Per oIPposT!Jg lackle zone 0 rn~e 'S'qUlllJe

'Unal tllte player is' dodging to -1


If a player move ... into a square in Which the ball is lying', they must attempt to pick it up, and - iff they wish and are able - carry on moving.

Players Ihai move lnte jhe squere with the ball at other times (e.g'., when pushed back, thrown by another player with Throw Team-Male, etc.) cannot pick up the ball, and instead it will bounce one square. This does not cause a turnover. See Bounclnq Balls on page 13.

Look up the player's Agility on the Agllily table to find the score requlred to successfully pick up the ball. Roll a D6, and add or Subtract any OIT the modifiers fhal apply to the D6 roll. A roll of t before modlflcatlon AL WA YS faits and a .f'Oll of 6

--_ .. __ ... ---- --------- -_ .. __ .. ---- - _. -- _.... --

modlflca:rIon ALWA YS succeed:s for any A!ll!Lty rorl made du.rlnq 8' game,

If the final modified score equals or beats the required roll, then the player succeeds in pickinQl up the ball. Place' the billion the player's base to show that he has picked it up and carry on with ·the player's, tum. If the 06 roll is less than the reqllired total, then the player drops the ball, which will bounce one square. If the player drops: the ball then his team suffers a. turnoverand Ihek tum ends immediately.

Play«s AG 1

D6 ROI'~ Required 6+

2 5+

6+ 1+

4 3+

5 2+

Pick-Up Modifiers

Picking ulplhe ball ; ",1

Per o!pposi!Jg Mickie zone 0 n t~e !prayer -1

IMPORTANT: The Agility table is used to work out the success or tail.ure of a nurnberot ditferent Actions in Blood Bowl including doclgingr, piciking up the ball, and throwing or catchinglhe ball to name but a few .. Each Action has its own set ot modifiers, and lt is only th.ese modifiers Which apply to the 06 roll (i.e .• do not Use any of 'the dodgin9lmodifiers when attempting to. pick up the ban).




8ob: J!oo r{fJht.! f:Jl~ter ml';rv~s to ,squar:e 1· and geddes to J<e,ep .01"1 go{ng. to square 2. DileteJ' mrist:.sjfJI maltii aabdg(f rdll, thofigh there alen"t anYJa,ek1eamnes"of'l sqL!a(e'~ .because: he flO Je<iyln{Ffh-e. t~ckJe,to:ne.s on~5quate 1.. There a,_re'ho taq}{Je zones

. ~ . ' \")

,on square,2. 'Wniah ffle£lns foat £:)leJel' gets a +1 modifier to; ,his

pa roll. ·QH NQI DIetel! (Qffs'a. 1 a.nd oomes·trasbing:doWn. NpW 'he 's-Jjting prbiie, In sguaJ(J.· 2 after qh tJnsUCG~rtsfui <1.'rnopf fQJI; and wl1at's more that ca,Dses a turnover tor theJ?eavel'S, 50 it's

'the GrGiMd R<ffijefs to_move itext! .


_ORCS ~Diete.r \.!!!!!V HI unt



Instead of moving, a player may lhrow a. block at an opposing player who is in an adjacent square. You may only make a bloc!k against a st&nding: player ~ you may not block a player who has already been Knocked Down. A block is a very rougb tackle, designoo to really stop an opponent In histracks! To see If a blOCk works you will need to use the special Block dloe induded with the game.


Once per turn a. player onlhe moving team ls allowed "to make a special Blitz move. A blitz allowathe player to move and make a block. The block may be made at any polntdurinqlhe move, but costs one square of movement for the player to make. The player may carry on moving after the effects of the block have been worked outi! be has any squares of movement left.


The number of dice that are rolled depends onlhe strengths of the two players involv.eq. OhViously. if one p!ayeris stronger than the other he is more likely to knoc:k down their opponent when he makes a block. To represent lhis, the number of Bloc~ dice that are rolled varies depending on the relative' strengths of the players. However, no matter how many dlee are rolled, only one of them is ever used to decide the result of the block. The coach of the stronger player chooses which off the dice Is used,

If the players' strengths are EQUAL. one dice is rolled.

If one player is STRONGER, two dice are rolled and thecoach of the stronger player may choose which one is used,

If one player is, MORE THAN TWICE AS STRONG, Ihree dice are rolled and the coach of the stronger player may choose which Is used.

Note that-the coach otlhe player "maij(ing"'lhe block always 'rolls the dice, but that the coach oflhe stronger. playe.r may choose which is, used.

NOTE: Extra rules on page 21 allow players not Involved in the block to assiit the blocking players which can alter the number of dice rolled.



The Re~ult

Roll the appropriate 'number of dice and look up the result on the table below. On the table, the player makiClg the block is referred to as the, attacker, while 'his target is, the defender.



ATTACKER DOWN: The attacking player is. Knocked Down.

BOTH DOWN: Both players are Knocked Down, ynless one or both of the players involved has the Block $kill. If one player uses the Blocks kill then he is not Knocked Down by this result, though his opponentwiil still go down If b oththa players use the Block skill then neither player is Knocked Down:

PUSHED: The defending playl)r is pushed back one square by: the blocking player The atta<:king player may follow up-the d8fender.

OEFE'NDEFI STUMBLES: Unless the defen der uses the Dodge '~kill he is pushed back and then Knocked Down. ~ he does use the Dodge skill then he is only pusho d back. T~e a):l:acking player may follow up theqmender

DEFI'ONDER DOWN: The defending player is pushed b ack and the n Knocked Down' in' the square .they are rnovsd W The attacking player may fol.lo,,< up.the defender


$Kllrf limbrende;


OrieBlotk Dice,


TWo BloQ~Dice"

Push aaeks: A player that is pushed back as a result ota block must be moved one square away from the player making the -block., as .shown in the diagrams. The coach oi the player who made the block may decide whichsquare the player is moved to. The player must be pushed back. into an empty square if possible. A square containing only the ball is considered empty ~and'a player pushedto itwill cause the ball to bounce (see page 13). If all such ·squares are occupied by other players, then the player is pushed into an occupied square, and the player that originally occupied the square is pushed back in turn. This .secondary push back is treated 'exactly like a normal push back as if the second player had been blocked by the flrstIpronearrd stunned players may be pushed this way as well). Tf')e coach of the rnovlndtaarri decides allpush back directions for secondary push backs unless the pushed player hasa skill that overrides this.

Players must be pushed off the pitch if there are 'no @Iigible emptvsquares on the pitch A'playerpushed off the pitch, even if Knocked Down, is beaten up only by the-crowd and receives one roll on the Injury table (see Injuries, opposite). The. crowd does not have any injury modifying skills.

Note that no Armourroil ls.rnade for a player that is pushed off the pitch, they are automatically injured. If a 'Stunned' result is rolled on the' InjUry table the player ishould be placed in the Reserves box of the DU'gClut, and must remain there uritil a tou c hdown is scored or the half ends, If the pi ayer who ls holding the ball isjrushed out ot bounds, then he is beaten up by the fans, who are more than happy to throw the. ball back into play! The Throw-in template is centredon the last squ are the pi ayer was in before he was pushed off the pitch.

Knock Downs: A player that is Knocked Down should be placed on their side in the square, taceu p. The pi ayer may be ·inju red (see lnlurles; 'page 11). Ii the. player who is Knocked Down comes from the moving team, then this caused a turnover and the moving team's tum ends immediately!

Foil ow Up Moves: A play erwho has made a block is allowed to make a special folloyv up mov¢land occupy a ~.ql,iarevacated by the player that he has pushed back. The player's coach must decide whether to follow up before any other dice rolls are made. This move lstree, and the. playercan ignore, ensrnytackle.zones when he makes the move (l.e., he does 'not have to dOdgE;! to .enter thesquare), A player that is blitzing ls-atlowed to make a follow up move! and the move does not cost him any additional movement (as he paid a square 'it:1 order to make the block, he has effectively already paid for the move).




Players. that are Knocked Down or Placed Prone for any reason should be placed face up on the pitch In !he square they were In when they fell over. While Prone, the player loses his tackle zones and may do nothing before standing up at a cost of three squares of his, movement when he next takes, an Action. Players, may stand up in an opposing. player's tackle zone wilhout having to malke a Dodge roll (they will have to docge if they subsequenlly leave}. Note that a player who stands up may not take a Block .Action, because you may not move when you lake a Block Action. The player may lake any Action other than a Block Action.

If a player carry·ing the ball is Knocked DoWn or Placed Probe, he will drop the ball in the square where he falls. The dropped bail will bounce- one square. in a random direction (see Bouncing Bails,. page 13) after the player's armour and injury rolls (if, any)

are fully resolved. .


Unless the rules state otherwise, any player that is Knocked Down may be injured. The opposing coach rolls two D6 and adds their scores together in an attempt to try 10 beat the Knocked Down player's Armour value. tff the roll succeeds, then the, opposing coach 15 allowed 10 roll on the' Injury table In the next column to see what injury the player has suffered.


The only time a player can stand up is at the beg:innlng of an Action at a cost oft three squares from his. movement. ltthe. player has less thanlhree squares of movement, he must roll 4+ to stand up - iff he stands up successfully, he may not move further squares unless he Goes For It (see. Extra Rules p~ge 20). Failure to stand successfully for any reason is nota turnover.


A coach may not SUbstitute fit players for injured players or players that have .been senl oft while a drive is in progress. The only time that a coach may add reserves is when setllng up after a louchdown has been scored, or When selling up after half time or for overtime.


2ib6 2-7


Stunnad ~ Leave the player on the piitch,. but turn him tace-cown, AU face-down am tumad face up 811 the enci ou their Isam's next turn, even iJ R turnover takas pl.oc8.. Not9 that a player may' not turn face up' onthe turn he is Stunnsd, Once face"up hs may stand up on any subseqjllel!Jt tum usingl the normal rules.

KO'd - Ti3!ke tile player off the pilch 8!Jnd placE! him in Ih.e Dllg:Cllll ilillns KO'd! PI<lysrs box .. At th,e next Ikic k=olf. be~ore you set up any players, roll I for each of your pliayGrs. that heave been KO'd. On a rell cf 1·3 he must remain ~h the KO'd box and .may not 00 Illsed,alitllough you may roll again for him at the next kick-oft. On '8: roll I of 4e6 you must ~9trmn the p:layer to tl19 Res'erVes box and can UIS,9 him as. normal from now c fl.

Casualty - Take lihe !player offtne piilcih and place h~m in the Dugout in tha.Dsad & Injured Players box. Tha IPlayer must miss trihe mat of the match. lin I!eaglle pl!ll.y ro.1I1 'on the Casua~ty table (see pag:s ,g5) to see exacttl1y whal has h.appened'to [l1e player.






Oroe per turn a player ('InlMe moving team is allowed to make a Pass Action. The playerls. allowed to make a normal mov.e, and after he has completed the move he may throw the bali even if the receiver is In an adjacent square. Note that the player does not have to [be holding the ban at the-start of the Action; he could use his move to ruin over and pick up a ban on the groUind and then·throw it, for example.


First ot all, the· coach must declare that the player is taKing. a. Pass Adion. The player can throw the ball to another player in his own team (or another player in the opposing team ·if he really wants to}, or simply to an emply square, though obviously the first of these options will be the most useful ~ and may keep him from being attacked by his own team rnernbersl The ball may on~y be passed once- per turn.

Next, the coach must measure the range using the range ruler, by placing the 0 at on end over the centre o~lhe square of the player throwing the ball, and the red line that rims up the centre of the ruler over the centre of tht:l square the ball is being throWn to. If the line between two passing ranges crosses any part of the receiving player's square, the higher range should be used. It is perfeclly acceptao.le to pre-measure the range to several players at any point during the 1hrowing player's. move before you declare 1he target of the pass. Once you have thrown the ball, however, you may not move the throwing player any farther that turn, even if he has spare MA left.






6+ 5-1'. 4+· 3+ 2+. 1+

T1liroVII~lng a. Q_ulck JPass l]:m!lwi{lf9 a SilDrH"J3sS TrirqwiDg a Ldi19 !'1)JSS TiHewio~ al;Oftg ~omb ·ReJ Bllemy JackJe;zon6 olll·the p[layHr·thcrowing_the ball

Look upIhe player's Agility on the Agility table to find the score re-quired to successffully pass the ball. Roll a 06, and add O~ subtract any of the modlflers that apply to ihe 06 roli.A roll of 1 before modiffication always. fails and a roll of' "6 before modification ·always succeeds.

If the linal modified SCOfe equals or beats the reqUired roll, fhe pass is accurate! and lands in the target square. ltlhe D6 roll is less th<\n the required total, then the pass is not accurate and will scatter. Ron ·for: scatter th ree umes. one after the other, to see where !he ball ends up. Note that eaehot the, Scatter rolls is made separately, so it .is possible for the ball to end up. back in the target square- {though it will be harder to catch). The ball can only be caught In the final squ;&re where It ends up ~ if it scatters through a. player's square then the player Is not allowed to try and catch the ball.

NOTE: Extra rules on page 22 allow (or throwers to fumble the pass end for opponents to' attempt- pass intercept/ons.

EXAMPLE OF PA~[NGAN.Q r,:>ATCHIN6: :_--P-~ C:;,[shnak GObI~~-1hrol~er


CATCHJIliI:G ROLL 6+ C,ATCHIN:G MOillFIERS · ·aD HCGu:raig pass-

Catch:in,g ·als~att9D'.ed· psss,

bouna;irw_b<l!IWor ttliFow-rll

PeJ &''lacJj;['azonlil'

mi the p[ayer-t:a.ft:ri'if)!l, ltJE> ba[1




Play«'s A.G 1 2 3 4 5' 6+
00 Rolli R9qllired 6+ 5+ 4+ 3* ,2* 1+ Passing Modifiers

T11rowfng a Qu[ck Pass "f1

Tihrowrng a Sli1oriPas:s , +0

T~lrow[nig a Long Pass : -11

Tllrow[ng a Long Bomb -2.

Per oppOsinlg lackle,zorie on \!M~ player· o~


If the ball lands in a square occupied by a standing player, then the player must attempt to catch the ball. Prone and S1llnnedi players may never attempt to Gatch the iball. Either team's players may attempt to catch the ball (If a player ffrom the other team manages to catch Ihe ball he can yell andjurnp around a lot).

Look up the player's Agility on the Agllity table to find the score required to sueoesefully catch 'the ball. Roll a D6, and add or subtract any of the modltlers jhat apply 10 the 06 roll. A roll of 1 before rnodificaflort always fails and a roll of 6 before modification always succeeds.

If !he final modified score equals or beals the required roll, then the player succeeds in Gatchingl the ball. Place the ball 00 the player's base to show that he has !laught it and Garry on with the tum. iff the player who ca,ught the ball has nol taken an Action yet, he may do so as normal. If the 06 roll is less than Ihe required total, then the player drops the ball and it will bounce (1'8e BoUncing' Balls, below}.

Player's A.G 1 2 3 4 5 6+
00 Rol~ HgqlJired 6+ 5+ 4+ 3-1f 2:+ 1+ C:atchlng Modiflers

Gatc~ing arl accorato pas,s, *"

Catc~ing a mlsssd pass, ~ic~-off,

bouncingl bailor tinrow"in ,,0

Pef opposing lacklei;o:ne on tine p.layer -1


If the ball is dropped or not caught, or the hall bounces 10 a, square with a Prone or Stunned player, or a player is pushed to or land's; in 'the ball's square, or the square Where a thrown ball lands is unoccupied (or is occupied by a Prone or Stunned player) then it will bounce. This is a Ieohnleal term for the thing jumping about all over the place while the players stumble about irying to grab it! To find out where the ball bounces to, roll for scatter one more time'. If the Iball bounces into an occupied square, then the player in the square rnust attempt to catch it, as described above. If the player fails to catchthe ball, then it wUI bounce again until it is either' caught or bounces into an empty square or off the pitch.


When a ball seatlers or bounces off the pitch it is immediately 1hrown back In by the eager spectators! Use the Throw-in template to work cUit where the ball goe·s, using the lasl square the ball crossed before going off as a starting point {see page 3 for how the Throw-in template is fhrow-ln the ball 2d6 squares}. If the ball is throwninio a square occupied Iby a standing player, that player must attempt to catch the ball as described earlier. If the ball lands in an empty .sqaare or a .square occupied by a Prone or Stunned player, then it will bounce, iff a throw-in results in the ball going off the pitch again, it will be thrown in again, centred on the last square it Was in before it left 'the pitch. Throw-ins cannot be intercepted.


If a ball thrown by a player isn't caught by a player from the moving team, this causes a turnover and the mOVing! team's tum ends. The turnover does not lake place until the bali finally comes to rest This means that ifthe ball misses the target but is still caught by a. player from the' movlngl team, then a turnover does not take place. The bali could even scatter or bounce out of bounds, be thrown back Into an empty square, and as long as it was caught by a player from the moving team then !he turnover would be avoided!




He-rolls are very Important in Blood Bowl, as you will. qUickly discover. There are two types otre-rclls: team re-rolls and player re-rolls. In eilher OCLSe, are-roll allows you .to re-rcll a,1I the dice that produced anyone result. So, for example, a re-roll could be used '"10 re-roll a dodge, in which case Ihe. singl.e dice rolled would be thrown again, or a three dice block, in which case all threeclce.would be rolled again ,and so on.

VERY IMPORTANT: No matter how many re-tells you have, or what Iypethey are, you may never re-roll a singie dice roll more than once.


Team re-rots represent how well trained a team is .. A coach may use a. team re-roll to re-roll a,ny dice roll (other than Scatter, Distance, Direction, Armour, Injury or Casualty rolls) made by a player on his own team arid Who is still on the pitch dl,lringi their own turn (even ii the dice roll was -suocessful). The result of the new roll must be accepted in place of the first, even if it Is worse. A coach may not use more Ihan one Ae-roll counter per tu rn, and may not use a Re-roli counter te.jorce !he opposing coach to reroll a dice. roll.

Each coach muet keep track of the number ou re-rolls he has, left on the' track provided on their Dugout. Every time' a coach uses up a team re-roll he' must remove a counter from [he trade When there are no markers left the coach may not use any more team re-rolls Ihat halt At half time the two teams get a chanceto rest and recUiperate, and so their 'team re-tells are restored to their starti ngl evel,


Some pl.ayers have skills that all.ow them 10 re-roll the dice under certain oirournstanoes. For exernple, a, thrower has the Pass skill which allows him 10 re-roll the' dice if he misses a pass. A coach may use any number of player re-rolls in the same tum, and) a single player may use a skill any number oi times in the same match.' However; as noted above, a single dice roll may not be re-rolled more than once.


Many players are described as having one or more skiJIs. These are special abilities that modiiy the player's performance: Some skills allow dice re-rolls as described above, while others allow a play~r to carry out a special Action. A full description 01 each skill is given opposite, and reproduced on the oaclk of the quick reference sheet. The complete list ()iff skill.s is given later on in tMis book, for now stick with the skills listed here. You'll need to refer ,to the sheetquile a.lot during yourflrst iew games - but don't worry, the effects aNhe skills wiU become very familiar.

Block: The Block skill, iff llfsed, affects !he results rojled with the Block dice, as explained in the Blod<ing rules.

Catch: A player tha,t has !he Catch skill is allowed to re-tell Ihe dice if he fails 10 catch the ball. II you are using the Exira Rules printed later, then the Catch skill also allows the player to re-rojl the dice [f he drops a hand-of or fails to make an i nte rceptlon,

Do 019 e: A player with the Dodge skill is allowed te re-roa the 06 iff he falls to dodge out off an opposing player's tackle .ZOI)8. However, the player may only re-roll one failed Dodge roll per tum. So, iff the player ke!pt on moving arid talleda second Dodge roll, he could not use the slkill again. The Dodge skill also, if used, affects the results rolled with the Blockdlce (see IIie rules for Blocks).

P·ass: A player with the Pass skill is allowed to re-roj the 06 iIT he misses a. pass.

Sure! Hands:: A player with the Sure Hands skill'is allowed! to re-roll the 06 it he ffail:s to pick up the ball. In addition, if you are using the Exira Rules. printed later, an opposing player who has the Strip Ball skill may not Use it ag1ainst a player who has Sure Hands.

Many players' have skills such as Catch, Passetc, Unless stated otherwise in the skill description you never have to use a skill [ust because the player's got it, and you can choose to use a skill that affects a dice roll after rolling the dice. For example, you could say YOUI were going! to use the Catch skill either before or atler malking a catch 06 roll.

Some. skill.s are also used in the oppenent'sturn, In thlsease you may choose to Lise the skill etter an opposing player carries, out an Aotlon or moves a. square. If both coaches want to use a skill to affect the same Adion or move, then the coach whose turn is laking place must Use hi,S skill first.

Note that you can't 'gio back' in time and Use a s:~iII or re-roll to affect an earlier Aetton. For example, Jf a player was blitzing, you couldn't have him throw a block, move a couple otsquares, and then say "Actually, I think I'll use my Pro skilUo re-roll fhat block." ~ 'the skill Of re-roll must be used directly before or after the event it w.ill affect or not at all.




Blood Bowl is split into two halves of sixteen turns each (eight turns. per coach, per hail). Each coach IS responsible War keeping trac~ of hoW many turns his team has used, and must move the marker one space along the track provided on his Dugout at the start of each 01 his turns, as explained earlier. I"Ii':\Y .steps when both coaches have had eight turns each, giving the players the chanceot a much needed rest, and for the coaches to replenish the team's full complement of re-roll counters on the team re-ron track. Play restarts with another kick-off at the start of the second hall.

The team with the most louchdowns at the end off the lastlum ot the second half is the winner; iff the match is tied at the end of the second half it is declared a draw unless oath coaches agree to go into 'sudden deajh overtime.' Flip the Blood Bowl coin to see which coach chooses whoikicks-off, and then playa third series of" eight turns per team. Any re-rells still remaining at the end of the second Mali (inclulding re-rolls earned from KicK-oft events, Inducements or Speclal Play cards) are carried over and may be used in 'Overtime, but teams do not receive new allocations of re-tells as they normally would at the start of a neW hall. Theffirst learn to score wins the match, Iff neither team scores, then the match is decided by a. penalty shoot-out; each coach rolls a D6, high score wins, re-roll ties! Each unused team re-roll adds 1 to-the D6 score.


A team scores a touchdown during their tum when one of their players is .standing in the opposing team's End Zone while holding the ball at the end 'Of a lily of your players' Actions. As soon as this happens, play slops, the crowd cheers and whistle,s and cheerleaders dance about waving pom-poms. The coaoh of the scoring team has our permission to leap about and cheer a bit too, While moving the score marker one . space along! the soaring track on the' Playing Pitch.

Any player may enter either End Zone at any time, even lu·he is not carryiligthe ball. If the ball lsthrown to him and he catches It, or he is able to piCK up the ball while in his opponent's End Zone, he scores a touchdown, Note, however, 1hat In order to score a. touchdown the player rnus] end his Action standing in the End Zone; if the player failed to make a Dodge roll, for example.iand thus Was Knocked Down in the End Zone then he would not score' a touchdown. Ii' a player from the moving team enters (Dr was already In) the opposing team's End Zone and has Or obtains the ball, !hen he may not vollJnla~ily leave Ihe End Zone for any reason -el.lJ.ring the same aelion nor may he hand-oft or pass the ball - he .isfar too intent on scoring !he touchdown himself!


In some rare cases a team will score a touchdown in the opponent's turn. For example" a player holding the ball could [be pushed Into the End Zone by a block. If one oIT·your players is hokling the ball in the opposingl team's End Zone at any point dUlring YOlllr opponent'sturn then your-team scores a touchdown immedi<:(tely, but rnus·f move their Tum marker one space aklog the Tum trao!k to represent the extra time the players spend celebrahnq this. unusual method of scoring!


After a touchdown has been scored, and at the start of the second half, play is restarted and the match contloues. Before the kick-off, however, each coach should roll one D6 for 'each KO'd player on his team. Ona roll of 4, 5 or 6 the player is Uit enough to return to play. but on any other result they must stay In the KO'cllboxin the Dugout.

Both coaches may then sel up anyfH players just as they did at the start ot the game. When play is restarted after a touchdown, the scoring team is alw~ys the one to kick OITf. At the start of the second helf.fhe Iklckingi team Is the one that did not kick off at the start of th efirst half.

In the rare event that one team has no players to.s!>t UlP after KO'd rolls, both teams' turn markers are moved forward along 'the tum track two spaces and if one learn couldfield at least one player then that team is awarded alouchdown {however no player receives Star Player points (see page 25) for this. lIT this takes the number oflumsto 8 or more .tor both tearns.dhen the h(d~ ends.lfthere are slill turns left In. the half, then continue playing as iIT a drive has jList ended (Le. olearjhe pitch and roll for KO'd players).


You may choose to concede a match at. the start of 'One' off your own turns, before mOVing: the Turn marker alonglthe track, .



All of the following extra. rules are optlonal. This means that both coaches must agree which extra rules {if any} they are going to use before the matoh starts. However, they are all highly recommended qnd you'll fi-nd thai them provides an even more excitIng and interesting g!ame without slowing down the mayhem and destruction much at all! Give 'em a try!


Apart from the teams you wiil read about ill this rulebook, there are many others playing in leagues all over the- Iknown world. There are many other Human and Ore teams, for example, which you can play using the plastic models from this set.

All the different races that play Blood Bowl (as well as speoiflo teams and Star Players} will receive detailed coverage in later sections. However, so you carr get started with your very own Blood Bowl team straight away, this section presents basic rules for the most popular Blood Bowl playing races. You can efther use the plasUc playing piece's provided the game to represent the players in your team, or collect the Citadel miniatures through Games Workshop's. Direct Sales service.


A team rosier is. used to record the playing characteristics of the team for both players to see while playing (l.e., you cannot hide your team's roster from your opponent) OwnerS of Blood Bowl are giver:l permission 10 photocopy team roster sheets for their person;"!1 use only. There are many other boxes onlhe roster sheet not covered in this section. Do not worry about those noW as they are needed for leC!gue-playwhieh ls covered later.






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In order to create your team you have a treasury of 1,000,000 gold pieces. This represents the cash you have managed to r~ise 'from sponsors or by other, mere underhanded means to hire the players for your team. The first step in actually creating the team is to study Ihe team lists (see pages 71 to 77) and decide which you wanl to use. All of the players in your team must be from the same team list. So, for example, a High EH team may not include. Human players because these players come from a different team list

HaVing decided on which team lis I you will use, you must noW hire the players for your team, Each of the players in your team wiD cost a number of gold pieces, as indicated onthe lists. ThE) team lisi also indicates the maximum number ou each type OIT player you are allowed to take for your team. For example, a Human team may not have more than two Throwers. In addition, your team must have at least 11 players and may not have more than 16. Withiri these Jestriclions you may have any number and type of player, just so long as you have the cash to hire them.


When you create a team you do not ge.t anyteam re-rolls or Fan Factor tortree - you have to pay for themlrom your treasury, Each re-tell costs the number of g:old pieces shown on the team list for 1Me learn 'that you have chosen, and allows you -to re-roll one dice roll per half. If you've played any games usinq the core rules you will know just how important team re-rolls are, and ifis a good idea to take at least one or two for your team.

Your team's Fan Factor represents how popular the Jearn Is, and can have important etteets on the results you roll on the Kick-Oft 'table. All teams start with a Fan Factor of o. When you create your team, YOIl may purchase up to :9 additional Fan Factor tor 10,000 gold pieces each. Each point of Fan Factor your team has adds 10,000 to the team's value.


A team's coaching staff provides vital back-up to the team's players. Coachingi staff are never allowed on the pitch. They must stay on the sidelines during the match. Anyfeam may include iheto.I!owingl coaching staff on their rosier:

Head Coach (AKA 'The Manager' or (Da bosa')

This model represents you, and so does not cost any gold to hire -for the team. DUiring a match your main Job is to yell and shoult qt the p!ayers in your learn in order to inspire !hem and, more importantly, to yell and shout at the referee iIT he. makes a call against your team. None -of these things' have any direct eHed on the game (though they may intimidate your opponent). You may, if you wish, use a suitably impressive looking model to represent the Bloodi Bowl version of yourself!



Assistant Coaches

Assistant ooachesinolude offensive and defensive coordinators, special team coaches, personal trainers for your iegJendary players' and numerous others. As a team becomes more successful the number of assistant coaches on its roster justseems to grow and grow. The more assistant coaches you have on your team; the more likely you' are to win the 'Brilliant Coa~hing' result on the Kick-Off table (see page 19}.

Eaoh assistant coach YOll add to the team cos Is 10,000 gold pieces and should be. given a different jobliile'. Assistant coaches do not neve to be represented by models, but it's much mom fun iflhey are:


Mosl" Blood BoWl. teams, have a troupe or two of cheerleaders both 10 inspire the team's players and their tans, It's lhe team's cheerleaders' job to whip the fans into a state of frenzy and lead the. chanting and singing as the' crowd's shouts and howls build up to a d,!afeningl orescendc, The more cheerleaders you have on your team, the more likely you are to win the 'Cheering Fans' result on the Kk:k-OfLfalble (see page HI).

Cheerleaders- cost 10,000 gold pieces each. Cheerleaders do not hal/eio be represented by cheerleader models, but it's rnuoh more fun if they are!


An Apothecary is a healer wise In the ways of medicine and the healing arts Who looks atter the Injured. player.s in a Blood BOWl team ~ andso has a strenuous. and full-time job! It costs 50,000 gold pieces to purchase an Apothecary to permanently look after your team during a match. He may be represented by an appropriate Citadel miriiatulre if you wish. A team may not have more than one purchased Apotheoery, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle and Undead learns may not purchase or Use a~ Apolhecary.

During a match, an Apothecary may attempt to cure a player who has suffered a Cas.ualty or been KO'd. An ApolheGary can be used onlyonoe per match. It the player was KO'd leave him on the pitch S'iu nned , Of, if: he Was not on the pitch, put him In the Reserves· box. Otherwise immediately after lhe player suffers the Casualty, you can use the Apothecary to make your opponent foil again on the Casualty table (see page 25) and then you choose which of the two results to apply. If the. player is only Badly Hurt after this; roll (even if it was; the original Casually roU) 'the Apothecary has managed to patch him up and pump him full of painkillers so that the player may be moved into the Reserves box.

Instead on purchasing an Apothecary, Necromantic and Undead ·teams use the services of a Necromancer: The N~cromancer is free to the team and allowslhe team once per a match to 'Raise the Dead'. lta player on the opposingl team with Strengrth 4 or less thaI does riot have Regenera1ion or Sturity ls killed during the match (after Apothecary attempt if any) then the team may immediately place. a new Zombie player in the)" Reserves. box OIT their du:gout (this may cause a team to have more than 16 players for the remaindier of the match). During Step 5 ot Updating Your Team Roster (see page29~, you maya,dd this player to your roster for free I! you have less, than 16 players 01'1 the team. A free Zombie s.tillcounts at full value 10ward:s the team value.




All kinds of things can happen dUring la Blood Bowl match: a team may make an inspired play, or raucous fans might throw a large heavy object (e.g., a rockl) at one of the opposing team's players, or even invade the pitoh!

The Kick-Orr:ftable is used 10 recreate these unforeseen but fairly common events. After both teams' have set up, follow this sequence In the order below:

• Place the ball on the pitch

• Scalier ball to determine where the ball is about to land

• Roll on the Klck-Ofttable

• Resolvelhe Kick-Off table result

• Bounce! ca'ichfor tcuohback the ball

, ,

Setlectlng a Random Pliayer

Many ofthe results, on the Kicik-Otf lable require that a coach 'select a random player', In order to help you do Ihis W6' have inclUided a set of 'Randomiser' counters numbered from 1 to 16. Each counter corresponds to the player with the same number on the team roster. To select one or more players at random, simply place the' counterstor any players who could be affected in a mug or similar opaque contalner, and then draw one or more counters from the mug. as required.

Team IRe-Ro,lIs and the IKilck-off Table

You may not re-roll the result on the Kick-Off fable with a team re-roll, In addltlon, subsequent rolls ffrom Kic:~-Oii events such as the D3 roll tor Brilliant Coaching or 06 for Riot may not [be reroiled. A team re-rojl may not be used for any catch roll Wh.en the ball lands': however, players may use the Catch or Pro skill to reroll the catch roll.

Tile Fans

A large number of spectators altend every game 01 Blood Bowl, some to support one team, some to support another. Oihers just come 10 enjoy the spectacle. The number supporting oneteam compared to the other can have a, [bIg effect onfhe outcome ou the game. To determine how many fans fum up to support you r team, roll,2D6 and add your Fan Factor to the total. Mil tuply the score by 1 ,000 to find the number of fans that have usrned up 10 support your team. For example, the Lowdown Ralz have a Fan Factor OIT 5, ,2D6 are rolled to see how many tans attend. The dice rolls are 2: and 6. Add' in the Fan Facloroi 5 ITor a iotal 0'1 13, which means that 13,000 rat tans have turned up for the match.

The number of fans supporting your team can easily affect which team Wins or' loses, Their cheers can encourage extraordinary efiortfrom your players or a well aimed rock'filled can of Bloodweiser from a tan can forever remove an opposing star. To represent the e·ffect the 'fans have on a, match, each team nasa Fan Advaniagie MbdiliEr (abbreviated 10 FAME) that can affect some off the results on the Kick-OIIT table and your winniilg,s'in the Post-9ame. If the. roll tor lhe total fans means that your learn is being supported by an equal number or fewer fans than the opposition,then your FAME forlhe match is zero. If you have' more fans attending the match than your opponent, your FAME is +1 for the match. In the exceptional case that your team has drawn in twice as many or more fans than your opponent, your FAME tor '!he match wUl be+2 instead.





206 Resull

2 Get tne Ref: The fans exact gru:esome revenge on the retereetor some OJ the dubious decisions he has made, either dUring! this match or in the past. His replacement is so intimidated that he can be more easily persuaded to look the other way. Each team receives 1 additional Bribe to use during this g~ame. A Bribe allows you to attempt to ignore one call by the referee for a player who has committed a foul to be sent ott, or a player armed with a secret weapon to be banned fromlhe match. Roll a 06: on a roll of 2-6 the bribe is effective (preventing a turnover if the player Was ejected forfoUlinQl), but on a roll of1 the bribe is wasted and the call still stands! Each bribe may be used once per match.

:3 Riot. The trash talk between two opposing players explodes and rapidly degenerates, involving the rest off the players. If the receiving team's tum marker is on turn 7 for the half, both teams move their turn marker [back one space as the referee resets the clock back to before the fight started. If the receiving team has not yet taken a turn this halt the reteree lets the dock run on duringl the fight and both teams' tum markers are moved forward one space. Otherwise roll a D6. On a 1-3, both teams' turn markers are moved forward one space. On a 4-6, both team's turn markers are moved back one space.


Perteot Detenoe: The kic~king team's coach may reorganize his players - in other words he can set them up again into another legal defence. The receiving team must remain in the set-up chosen by their coach.

5 High Kick: The ball is kicked very high, allowing a player on the receiving team time to move into the perfect posit jon to catch it. Anyone player on the receiving team who is not in an opposing player's tackle zone may be moved into the square where the ball will land no matter what their MA may be, as long as the square is unoccupied.


Cheering Fans: Each coach rolls a 03 and addis their team's FAME (see page 18) and the number of cheerleaders on their team to the score. The team with the highest score is inspired by their fans; cheering and gets an extra re-roll this half. If both teams have the same score, then lboth teams get are-roll.



Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table (see page 20). Apply the new Weather roll. Iff the neW Weather roll Was a 'Nice' result,then a gentle gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra square in a random direction before landi ng .


Brilliant CoachIng: Each coach rolls a 03 and adds their FAME {see page 18} and the number of assistant coaches on their team to the score. The team with the highest total gets an extra team re-roll this half thanks to the brilliant instruction provided by the coaching stan, In case OJ a lie both teams get an extra team re-roll.


Quick Snap! The offence start their drive a fraction of time before the defence is ready, catching the kicking team flat-tooted. All of the players on the receiving team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and may be made into any adjacent empty square, ignoring tackle zones. It may be used to enter the opposing halt OJ the pitch.


Blitz! The defence start their d rive a fraction of time before the offence is ready, catching the receiving team flat-tooted. The kicking team receives a free 'bonus' turn. However, players that are in an enemy tackle zone at the beginning off this free turn may not perform an Action. The lkicking team may use team re-rolls during a Blitz. If any player suffers a turnover then the bonus turn ends immediately.


Throw a Rock;' An enraged fan hurls a large rock at one of the players on the opposing team. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME (see page 18} to the roll. The fans of the team that rolls higher are the ones that threw the rock. In the case off a tie a rock is thrown at each team! Decide randomly which player in the other team was hit (only players on the pitch are eligible) and roll for the effects of the injury straight away. No Armour roll is required.


Pitch Invasion;' Both coaches roll a D6 for each opposing player on the pitch and add their FAME (see page 18} to the roll. Iff a roll is 6 or more after modiflcaflon then the player is Stunned (players with the Ball &. Chain skill are KO'd). A roll of 1 before adding FAME will always have no effect.



Blood Bowl players are a pretty hardy bunch, so it comes as no surprise that g~ames have been played in all types of weather conditions. From the ice floes off the farthest north to the steamy Jungles of l.usfria, arenas open their doors on match days, and the combatants go about their business heedless of the Glimate. At the start of the game each coach should roll a 06. Add the results together and refer to the Weather table to find out what the weather is like for the day.





Sweltering' He!;li: II's so hot and hu mid I~al some pl1ayers collapse fram Iheat exhaustlcn Roll a De for each playe" on the pitGlil atthe e:nd m a drlvs, On a roll of '~ ths player con apses ail d may InC! beset UJ p fa F th e n exft Iki ck -oft.


Very SunlW: A gloriou,s day, but the blin,ding sunshms causes a ·1 rnodlflar on all passlnc mHs.

Nice: P,eriecl Blood Bow;1 weath,er.


Pouring Rain: It's raiiling, makiing I~e ball slIppery and dltllcult In Iilold. A -1 modiifier applies to all eaten, in,lerD9p~ OJ ptck-up mils.

Buzzsrd: It's cotd aM snowmg I The ice on filile piWh means that any player attelllfnp!iingto move an extra square {OFI) will slip and Ibe Knocked Dowri! Oliil a roll of 1 ~2, wh,ile Ihe snow means that onl:Y quick or snort passes can De attempted.


A hand-ott is when the ball is simply handed to another player, friend or foe, in an adjacent square. The Hand-Off Action is added to the list OJ Actions like Move, Block, Blitz and Pass. A coach may only declare one Hand-Ott Action per tum. A player may move lbefore performing the hand-off, but once he attempts to hand-off the ball, the player pertonnmq the Hand-Off Action may not move any farther that tum, even iIT he has spare MA left. The ball may not be handed otf in the opponent's turn. Iff the ball is handed oW and comes to rest without being caught by any member of the moving team, it causes a turnover.

No dice roll is required to see if the player attempting the handofff is successnrl ~ it automatically hits the targetedl player. However, the player that the ball is handed oW to must roll to see iff he catches the ball (see Catching the Ball on page 13). Use these modifiers for the Catch roll:

Catching a hand-off ~ 1

Per opposing tackle zone on the player -1


When a player takes any Action apart trorn a Block, he may try to move one or two extra squares over and above the number that he is ormally allowed to move - this is called 'going tor it' or GFI. NOTE: if a rule refers to a player's 'normal movement' do not include the one or two 13FI squares.

Roll a 06 for the player after he has moved each extra square. On a roll of 1 the player trips up and is Knocked Down in the square that he moved to. Roll to see iIT he Was injured (see page 11). On any other roll the player moves without mishap. If the player is Knocked Down then his team suffers a turnover and their turn ends immediately.

A player that is taking a Blitz Action may 'go for it' in order to make a block, Roll a D6 for the player after declaring that he will make the block. On a roll of 1 the player is Knodked Down as described above. On any other roll the player makes the block without mishap. If the player is Knocked Down then his team suffers a turnover and the team's turn ends immediately.




After a block has been declared, the extra team players. ot the attac ker and the defender give "an'assi st.' This allows two or more attackers to. gang up on a single defender, or tor one or more detendersto aid a cornpaniorr.aqalrrst a block, These extra players each add +1 to. the Strehgthof the pi ayer they are assisting. Assisting a block does not Co.URt asan Action, -and a player can assist any number ot blocksper turn. A player is. allowed to. make an assisteven tt he has moved or taken an Action,

The attacking coach must declare iiany ot his. players will give an assist first, then the deiellding coach must add defensive assists with players from his team. In order to. make an assist,

the. pi ayer: .

1. Must be adjacent to. the·enemy player involved in the block, and ...

2. Mu st not be in the tackle zone ot anyother player from the opposlnq team, arid ...

3.Mustbe standing, and ...

4. Mu st have his tackl e zones,

The result ot the block only affects the two. players directly invo.lved. Any assisting players are not affected. Similarly, o.nly the skills belonging to. the two players directly involved in the block. may be used on the. result. Skills. belo.nging to. assisting players cannot be .taken advantage :of by either si de.

f1elmut hfeadreKa


"""_--f-SilailQa[)1 ~--~~.~~~~'_--~i

ROLL:' Qne~E:!!ock Dics; .ko·sl@ck D1c~F




When a, player throws the ball various -things cerrqc wrong. Usually the ball will be slightly off target or will be dropped by the intended receiver, arid these eVe fits: are handled by the normal throwing rules. Sometimes, however, fhe. thrower may completely tumble the throw, dropping !he ball .inth-eir own square, or the ball may be intercepted! by an opposing player before 'it reaches the target square. Both of the-s-e events are handted by the new rules below,


One player on the opposing team may attempt to' Intercept a. thrown ba.lI. To be able 10 make an interception, the player must:

• have !he plastic Range Ruler pass over at least part of the square-the intercepting play is standing in, and ...

• have a tackle zone, and ...

• be closer to the lhrower than the throWer is to the target player/square of the pass, and ...

• be closer to the target playerlsquare orr the pass than the thrower is -tolhe target player/equare of the pass.

Note Ihal only one player can attempt an Interception, no matter how many are eligible. See page Sffar rules on how to measure distance with the Range Ruler to determine who is closer,

The coach must declare that one of his players will ·try 10 intercept be·fore the thrower rolls to see H he is on tarqet, Look up the player's. Agilily on the Aglilily table toffind the score required to successnrlly intercept the ball. Roll a 06, and add or subtract any of the modifiers that apply tothe 06 roll. A roll of 1 before modlncaflon always fails and a roll of 6 before. modification alWaYS succeeds.

ltthe final modified score is less than the required loial, then the player fails to intercept the ball and the pass can carry on as normal. If ihe .D6 roll equals or [beats the required ro!I,lhen the player succeeds ininlercepting and calching!ihe ball, Place the ball on the player's base to shoW' that he has> caught it. A successful interception cau-ses a turnover, and the moving team's tum ends immediately.

Player's AG 2 3 4 5 6+
D6 Hoi:11 Required 6+ 5* 4+ 3+ 2* 1+ Interception Modifiers

Attempting al11 lntereeptl.DUI , , " -2

Per opposfng lackJe zone onti1e prayer A


Sometimes a player attempting to throw the ball will drop it iri his own square. This is more likely if the player has any opposing players brea:thing down his neokl To represent this, if the D6- roll for a pass is 1 or less before or after modification, then the thrower has fumbled and dropped the ball. The ball will bounce once' from the thrower's square, and the moving team will sutter ajumover and their turn ends immediately.

Designer's' Note: Many coaches argue over the realism of rolling to intercept before rolling to pass. Like many rules in Blood Bowl It is en absfraction to make the game work better:

Thin'l< instead of the Interception/passing rolls as a complete sene« of'rolls to de.termine the' outcome of a pass rather than sequentiaJ steps,

Jim; As we- return to the match (Efrfshnak G'qbiln.Throttier is abOut to :attempt Mother Qass. 1:hlS fime, nowever, Brift 'dberwa.ld is fA a pGsltk:m to make an interceptiOn attempt.

6+ 64 5+ 4+ 3+ ,2+1 +

..:2 -1

~ )
i =
- ,
~ L. -=
( -,)1
~ "
I ,
: L~ I ::. '
" ~.
~ 'i f
e_ ...... ";
b:; ~-
~ ~ ii) :.I
j ~-' ,
-4 _til
~ 1"\,

GrisMa* Gobl~.n"Thniltller


Grif! Goe ,O! I dl



Attacking opponents that have been Knocked Down is strictly against the rilles. However, despite the large number oi ways in which players can attack one another legally, many resort to the time-honoured tradition of kicking a man when he's down. The referee is supposed to spot and penalize players who Use such underhanded tactics but unfortunately, when something nasty happens on the pitch, the refs are often looking the other way andmiss the foul altog;ether. No wonder the referee is constantly harangued by the crowd!

Normally, players that are Prone or Stunned cannot be attacked. However, when you use this rule, one player per tum is allowed to take a Foul Action. This allows the player to move a number of squares equal to his MA and then make a i01i1 against an opposing player who is Prone or Stunned and in an adjacent square. The coach nominates the victim, and then makes an ArlnoUlr roll for him. Other players that are adjacent to the victim must assist the player making the ioul, and each extra player adds 1 to the Armour roll.

Defending players adjacent to the fouler must also give assists to a player that is being iouled. Each defensive assist modifies the Armour roll by -1 per assist. No player from either side may assist a foul if he is in the tackle zone off an opposing player, does not have their tackle zones, or is not standing. lt the score beats the victim's Armour value then he is injured and a roll is made on the Injury table to see what has happened to him.

The Referee

Referees do occasionally spot a player malking afoul and send him off the pitch, although this is quite a rare occurrence {how would you like to tell a flve-toot wide Black Ore Iblocker that he's out off the match?!?}.

To reflect this, ii the Armour and/or Injury roll is a doubles (l.e., two 1 s, or two 2s, etc), the referee has spotted the foul, and the player taking the Fouj Action is sent off to the dungeon that lies under every Blood Bowl pitch. In addition, his team suffers a turnover and their turn ends immediately. If the sent off player Was holdingl the ball, the ball bounces from the square he Was standingl in when sent off. A player who is sent to the dungeon is locked up and may not play for the rest of the match, even ii the referee is subsequently 'got' by the crowd as a result of a roll on the Kick-Oif table. A coach may not replace a player who has been sent off until after the drive ends.

This section oi the rules includes lots more skills for players to use. The specific rules for each skill can be fOlllnd on pages S3 to 68 .. Each entry also lists which category the skill belongs to (i.e. Passing, General, Mutation, etc). A skill's category affects which players can access it, as described later on in the rules for Blood Bowl leagues (see pages 26 and 27). Unless otherwise s1ated In ~he skill d:escrlptlon, the f·ollowlngl rules apply to all sklHs:

11. All bonusessrnodlflersfrorn skills can be combined.

2. Skills may be used an unlimited number of times per Action.

3. Some skills refer to pushing a player back in order to work. These skills will wonk as long as -you roll a result off 'Pushed', 'Defender Stumbles', or 'Defender Down' on the Block dice.

4. Skill use is not mandatory.

5. You can choose to use a skill that affects a dice roll after rolling the dice (e.QI., Diving Tackle does not need to be used until after seeing the result off the Dodge roll).

S. Only Extraordinary skills work When a player is Prone or Stunned.

7. A skill may only be taken once per player.




Any experienced Blood Bowl coach will tell you that while one-off games may betun, running a team over fhe course of a series of games is far more exciting. Not only do YOui have to worry about the tactics that your team will use in a sin~le game, but you can also watch your team develop and grow into a real powerhouse to rival even the mighty Reikland Reavers orthe. Gouged Eye. Running a Blood Bowl team in a, league does: create extra work and calls uor quite a 101 of commitment, but iff you wanl 10 have the gklfY au leading! your team through along season to the Blood Bowlflrral ifseiu, then the League rules are for you!

Games are played in stadiums, owned either by the Colleges of Magic or by Ia,rge lowns. or cities .. They are not normally owned by Blood Bowl teams mernselves, though 'Some teams do own their own stadiurns (il,g., the Heikland Reavers}. Instead, learns travel round the Old World, moving from stadium to stadium and playingl matches against· any teams. theymeet. The League rules are designed to recreate the way Blood Bowl learns travel round the Old World, movingl from venue to venueto play games. In a way, the teams are much more like a. travemng company OIT actors, or a mercenary regiment, than the Blood Bowl teams of' Nikk Three-hom's days~. Because off this anarchic setup, it is lip. to each team manager 10 organize matches, set dates for games, and so on.

In order to set lip Ihe league the' first thing you need to do is pick the' 'League Commissioner,' who' should ideally be fhe most experienced ooach in !he group. The Commissioner has the responsibility of making sure that Ihe league runs smoothly, ana, most imp.onantly, organising any teurnarnents thai are played. The Commissi.oner can also keep track of how well all the teams are doingi,arid can even Write a newsletter featllring match reports, leag,ue tables ,f<acts and stats, and anything else he, Can think of! The Commissioner can IDe a coach of a team in the league, too, jus! so long as he doesn't take advantage of the situation to help his team win any tournaments.

In a leaglue, the Commissioner's word is LA.W. He is allowed to change or rnodlty any of the Blood Bowl rules as he sees fit, inclu!ding any of the League Rules thatfoll9W. In the immortal words ot fellow !j'ame designer Tuornas Pirinen: If the league Commissioner saysltiat· DwarfS can now· fly, your 'reply must be 'Yes Sir! How high?' If you don't like !he way a commissioner runs his league, you have two cholees: put up with it, or leave the league. Arguingl with the commissioner is NOT an opUon. 'Nuff said, I hope.


A league consists of a. group off teams (preferably at least four] Who will play each other (and maybe other teams) over the course of a series of games. EXis1ing Leag:u€s set up under earlier versions of the Blood Bowl rules can easily change over to the: new league rules; coaches simply need to work out the value ot lhe team as described later, and start using lhe ne·w team lis.t presented on pages 71 to 77. Any team rosters that are not 'Iligal' under the new rules. can carryon using the players' that are in the team, but any replacements, should be purchased from the new rosters ..

You can start playing league matches as soon as all the coaches taking part in the league have created their teams. It is up to the teamf/coaches to organize any matches that Ihey play. A team can playas often as a coach likes, assuming thai he can find enouqh opponents, of course! The only restrictlon Is thai a team may not-play against·the same opponent more than two matches in a row. This meansthat a coach can play two games against the same opponent, (roughly a full evening's play), but the next match must be against a. different team.

Itthe· Commissioner decides; to allow it, coaches may run one or 'more teams al the sarne time, Obviously, this will mean that each individual team will play fewer games, as ·the coach's time will have to be split between the different teams he has in his stable, A coach may not swap gold, players or anything else between the teams that he runs. For example, he may not make a.tspeclal loan' from one of hi~ teams to another, or swap players between the teams, and so on. Note; that a coach can carry oul such acllons between one of his: learns and a learn rim by another coach (assuming me other coach AND the league commissioner agrees, of coursel), he jllSt can't do illb:etween two 01 his own teams.


Before you can start playing league matches, each coach must create a ·team as explained on page 16. This is where the columns thai were previously unused come in. They include a number of columns and rows for recording important information that yoU! will need to know when you are running a league team. How these extra rows and columns are used Is explained in the rules that-follow.


Each coach begins the league with a treasury off 1,000,000 gold pieces with which to buy his learn. Any gold that is not spent should Ibe .recorded in the team's treasury and may be spent after any futul'E;l match. A coaoh must keep track 01 how much gold his team has in its, treasury by the amount on his 1eam roster.



Team Value

In League matches the 'value' of a team affects whether 'it receives inducements for playIng, a match (see page 28) and if tI suffers from Spiralling Expenses (see page 29). The value of a team (often abbreviated to 'TV') is worked out: by adding! up the value of the players that will play for the team in its next match, inclulding extra value from improvements, to the cost of coaching staff, team re-rotls, and Fan Factor. Record the value of you:r team in the appropriate space onfhe team roster. Note, that gold in the treasury and any players that are missing the, game due to injury do not eount towardislhe Team Value.

Match R,ecords

On the back of the team roster sheet there is a Match Record Chari for recording inf:ormalion about the ga..mes that the team has played. Keep a record of the matches played by the team here. The coach should record the name' off the opposition, the score and number of casualties'inflioled by eaoh team, as wen as the total tans and match winnings, and any brief notes about the game.


Blood Bowl 'is. a rough and dangerous sport, and players are often injured Or killed while playing the game. Many Blood Bowl players' sport scars from old inju.ries, while some have lost eyes, ears, noses and even Whole limbs! Although most injuries can be reeoveredtrorn given a bit offirne, some are so serious. that they can permanently affecl a player. In one-off games this Is not important ~ all you need to know is thai the player is off the pitch for the rest of the game! ~ ibut ina, league it is vital to know exactly wha1 type of injury a player has suffered. This is where the Casualty table comes in.

If a player suffers a Casualty because a 10 or more Is rolledl on the lnjurytsble, then the opposing coach rolls on the Casualty table. The dice scores on the Casually table run from 11 through to 68. Assuming· that you don't have a 68-sided dice '(not many people do), you need to roll a normal six-sided dice and the eight"sided dice used to scatter the ball. The six-sided dice counts as tens, so a score 01"2=20,4=40 etc, and the eight-sided dice counts for the units, so a score oi 3=3, 5=5, etc. Then put the numbers together to get a score frornt l to 68. For example, iy you rolled a '2' on the six-sided dice and a '3' on ihe eightsided, dice, then you woulkl get a. score of 23.

Having made Ihe dice roll, look up the result on the Casualty table. The table lists eXactly what has happened to the player, and describes any special ,effects the iiljury may have. The majority of the results ,simply cause the player to miss the next match, though some, have more long-lasting effects, The coach of the player that sutfered the injury should make a note of the effect of the sertous injury on his leam roster.



11-38 41 42 43 44, its 46 47 48 5.1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

B u


Badly Hurt Brokel:lBips

Groin Strain Gouged Eye Broken JaW I"raGJmeiJ Ami Fractured Legl Sma$,~eltl=l and Pinched Nerve. DiJ"magei';!· BaPk S~a~h~d Knee ~!Jlas hed !"Ii p Smashed Ankle Se:riOUiS Goncussron Fractured Skull Broke;nNeo-k Smashed Collar Borie


No long term effed ,Mlss~next game Miss next game Miss'next game. Miss next "game MJ~.s nexj: !lame Miss next $lame Mj~~ 'nJ'lx1: g·am!} Miss next game Niggling IbjullY.

Niggling Injury

-1 MA

-1 MA

-1 AV

-1 AV

-1 AG

-1 ST

Dead I

MiSE! Next .ali'me; Wnw an 'M> inthe lnjrries to)( on ,ihe team roster, and rub it out at the end o! tile I!ex\ match

NiggliI1gln/ury"Miss next game as above. :In addition, write an 'iN," in the IInjurles box on the team rosier. Eacll N:lgg,ling Inlury .adds 1 to any

SUbsequent Inj~ry roll made against this pl8.!f€r. '

-1 M4c, ST, AGe, Elnd AV: MISS next qsrneas above. In additlon, record the chsrscterlstlc ohange on the team roster, However, no characteristic may be reduced ,by more than i paints or below ,8 valueol 1. Any injurie,.'lthat·could reduceitfurther Eire ignored,

Deadl- Take the' pls'Ieroff the pltch and place them in il1e Dugout in the Dead & Injured Pla,yers box. The player won't be playing Blood 80'1'11 anll more unlaas he lsralsed 10 loin anethertearnl


Players are able to earn Star Player pOints (SPPs.) in league matches. Star Player points are earned for scoring touchdowns, maMng 'Complete passes, lnterceptlons, J<.illing Or injuring opposing players,anc for earning 'Most Valuable Player' awards. Once a player has earned enough Star Player' pointE, he becomes enlilled to an improvement and may roll on the Improvement table. prayers, who survive long enough will progress 10 become leg:endary players, with apeclal characteristics and skills; that they have piclked up over the course of their long career on the Blood BOWl p,itch.

The team roster includes boxes so coaches can keep t(adk ol the number of Star Player points !heir players earn during a match. Each time a player does something 1hat earns him any Star Player points his ooach should pl)tati.o~ in the appropriate box on the msterffor each point they have earned. At the end orr the match count up the number orr new licks 'for each playee, and upqradeiheir total score of Star Playerpoints aocordingly.




Star Player points are- earned nor periorming the Following actions:

Comple!llons (COMIPl: A player who makes an accurate pass that is caug:ht bya. receiver from his own team in the targeted square of the pass when the ball comes to rest earns 1 . Star Player point. This is called a completion.

To'Uchdowns (TO):: A player who scores a,. touchdown earns 3 Star Player points.

Interceptions (liNT): lIT a player successfully makes. an Interception of the baH after maKing: an Interception roll then he e~arns2 Star Player points.

Casualties (CAS): Iff a player causes an opposing! player to be removed as a Casualty then they earn 2 Star Player points. The points are only earned if the player blocks; an opponent or is blocked by an opponent himself Casualties inIHcted in any other way (inciudingihjliJies inllicled by the crowd or from attacks wilh chalnsaws, bombs, or the Stab skill} do nol count for Star Player points.

Most Valuaibll'e Pilayer (MVP): One randomly selected player from eacri team who was elig.ible· to play during! this match, even iu he is now dead, IS awarded a Most Valuable· Player award at the end etthe match. A Most Valuable Player award earns the player 5 Star Player poil'lls .. Mercenaries and Star Players ARE elig,ible to receive the MVP, and'iithey receive it, it is lost to the team. IMPORTANT: A team that concedes a matchmust gilte Its MVP to the opposing team {Le., the winning! coach gets two MVPs and the losing coach geh none}.


Per Passing' Complatiorn 1 SPP

Per Casually 2:8PPs

Per Iiniercepiiion : 2·SPPs·

PerTnu:c'h,down 3SPPs

Per Most VoS111ll.alJle iPllayer award 5 _SPPs

Il' Experlem:ed Veteran gtn:9!gfr:1!l S,1a} S'tar Super-$ftgr legeml

16-3() ~l11~11 5~-75 76--'175




FOllif .Frve Six


As players earn more Star Player points they go up in levels OIT experience arid make lmprovement rolls. All playe'rs s.larl out as Rookie's With no Star Player points. Once a player has earned 6 points he becomes 'Experienced' and is entitled to his first Improvement roll. Each time that the player goes lip another level he Is entitled to another Improvement roll. The Star Plq:yer Points table lists the number of Star Player pointslhat are requited to reach each different level~ .. .

AI the end oHhe· ma1ch Work out how many Star Pla!{er points each of the players in your team has earned, and look up their scores on the Star Player Points. lable. If the player has earned enough points 10 go up a level, then imme.Oiately make a roll for him on the Improvement table. To make the Improvement roll, roll two 06, add the. scores together, and IOQ~ up the result on the Improvement table,



2-9 1Q

New sldll

Inq[:easfftl:i~ .playrq[!s MA Of AV char,acterisllc't;J.y ora Ne,w s.kiU Increase the player's Aid oharaclerisflo by 1 pojnt or a.New sHill

lnerease _he- player~B, sr cl:1araGteristtc by 1 P9int ola:;N!"w: ~'Kill


New Skills

On any Improvement roll you may choose to take a skill from the Nonnal skill categories permitted tor thai player. The Normal skill categories: allowed for each player areffound 01'1 pages 71 10 76. For example, a HUman Catcher could take a s~ill from Ihe list OIT General Skilis or Agility Skills. Remember to record the new skill on the team roster, Skills may never be removed from a. player.

Characteristic Increases

An Improvement table roll of. 10-12 will increase one of the player~s characteristics. The entry will list the characteristics "lhat may be improv.ed ~ s'imp~y pick one and record the new value on the learn roster, Alternatively, the coach may choose to 'teke a new skill instead, as described in the previous paragraph. N.o characteristic may ever be increased by more than 2 points over its startingr value. or to a value greater than 10. Any additional increases must be taken as new skills instead.



Rolling Doubles

If the Improvement Roll is a double (, 1,1 or 2,2 etc}, you may ignore the result OJ the Improvement table (even if it Was a characteristic increase) andtalke a skill from any skill category that this player can access from either the Normal or Double column (see pages 71 to 77}. For example, a Human Catcher could take a skill from the General, Agility, Strength or Passing skill categories on a double roll.

Improvements & Pls.yer Values

Every player has a value. This amount is recorded when they are hired. As they get better (gain skills or characteristic increases) their value increases. To reflect this, whenever a player rolls on the Improvement table, their value must be increased on the team roster by the amount shown on the table below, Note:

Injuries the player suffers that reduce a characteristic do not reduce the value of the player.

+20,000 +30,000 +30,000 +40,000 +50,000

New Skill

Sikilis that can only be taken on a dou ble +1 MAor+1 AV


+1 ST





League matches have their own sequences of' play, which involves some pre-match and post-match action, as well as the actual game. Follow this; sequence for each league match you play, including .anytownament matches.

1. Pre·Match Sequence

1 . Roil on Weather table

2. Transfer Go.ld from Treasuryto Petty Cash

3. Take Inducements

2. The Match

1. Work out the number of Fans and FAME (see page HI)

2. Receiving Team's Turn

3. Kld<ing Team's, TUrn Etc ...

3. Post-Match Sequence

1. Improvement Rolls

2. Update Team Rosier'


The pre-match sequence must be used before every league match that is played. The sequence Is split Into three separate steps Iha.l are described below:

1. The Wea.ther

Both coaches roll a 06 and add the results together and consult the' Weather table (see page 20) to see what the. weather will be like for the match.

2. Transfer Gold from Treasury to Petty Cash

Both teams at this point may transfer gold piece's trorn their team treasury inlo peUy cash. Petty cash may be used during the current match to purchase inducements and adds directly to the team value anhe team tor: Ihis: match. The team with the highest· team value must declare how much gold heJsfransterrinqjnto petty cash first.

3. Inducements

Teams thai are ala disadvantag,e'are often given 'inducements' to play that will help even the odds. Usually this fakes. Iheform of extra gold, offered by the stadium owner to help convince a team to take part in a match against a superior opponent (and thus allowin91 the stadlurn owner to recoup his losses arid more through tic.kets sales and rnerchandlsel).

To represent: this, an underdog in a match may be given a certain amount of gold that can be used to buy things for the ·Ieam to help them in the upcoming match. The. amount 01gol0 the receives is equal 10 the difference between the total value of the ulriderdo.g team and the total. value of the opposing team. For example, if one coach had a team worth 1,000,000 gold pieces while. his opponent had a learn worth 1 ;250,000 gold pieces, then the fir's:t coach wouldl be allowed to spend 250,000 gold pieces on Inducements: Any ot jhe g;old that Is not spent on Inducements is lost and may not be added to the team treasury, In addition, either coach may Use gold from their petty' cash to purchase Inducements. If fhe superior opponent wishes to purchase lnduoernents with gold from his Petty Cash, he must do so befo:re the underdog purchases any of his inducements. Inducements are selected from thl" foliowinQllist:

• Bloodweiser.Babes (0-2)'" 50,000 gold pieces

• Bribes (Q-3} - 100,000 gold pieces

• Exira. Team Training (O-4) - 100,000 g;oldl pieces

• Haifling Master Chef (0-1) - 300,000 giold pieces

• IQlor (0-1) -100,000 gold pieces

• Mercenaries (Unlimited} - Various prices'

• Star Players (0-2.) ... Various prices

• WanderingJ Apothecaries (0-2) - 100,000 gold pieces

• Wizards (O-1) - 150,000 gold pieces

Detailed descriptions of these inducements can beffollnd on pages 69 and 7Q. Note that limitations and special rules from the team !iffits apply. As, some coaches carilakea very 10l1g time deciding which Inducements; to take, there lsa uOllir-minute time limit onselecling them.

All inducements purchased are lost at the end OU the match. No inducement can ever become a permanent part of your team.




You must go thrQugh the following two steps after each and every league match thai you play:

1. Improvement Rolls

In league matches it is possible for players to eam Star Player points whioh may gilVe them Improvement rolls at the end of the match. This phase is usedby each coach to allocate MVPs, update the Star Player pointSithe players in his team have earned, and make any Improvement rolls,

2. Update 'Team Roster

This phase is used to make sure that both teams' rosters are up to date and filled In correctly. Players and coaching s:taff may be hired and Uireq, and any notes or points of speelalinterest can Ibe recorded on the team roster at this lime. There are spaces on the back of the roster that can be used to keep a record of the results ou the matches that a team has played. By the' way, although most Blood BOWl coaches will stoop to using almost any underhanded! tactic in order to win a game; falsifying a team rosier is such a heinous crime that no right-thinking coach should even consider doingl such a.thingi. Enough said, I hope. Carry oufthe fol!owing steps to. Update. the roster.

1. Delete any players that have. been killed fromlhe roster, and record .any changes 10 a. player's value for improvements.

2. Generate' winning_sfor the- match. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds. his team's FAME (see page 18). The team recelvesthls amount.x 10,000 gold pieces as winnings for the match. 1ft you Won or' tied the match you receive an additional 10,000 gokl pleoes, If you won the match you mayalso choose 10 re-roll your D6, but you must accept the second result even if it is worse thanlhefirst. Remember that teams that concede a match do not receive any winni ngs.

3 .. Any gold leIt In petty cash Is transferred back 10 treasury and then each coach Imust n0W pqy for spiralling expen.s'Bs (as described later}lhrough goldi inireasury. Note: at this point the team will nat yet have. updated the team value from the value calculated after step 2 oflMe Pre-Match Sequence (pagie 2S).

4. If a coach lost or tied the match he should roll 2D6. The winning coach should roll 3d6. If a coach won or tied the match and his roll is grreater than his team's current Fan Factor then hil> team's Fan Factor increases Iby one point If the' coach lost or tied the rnaioh and his roll is less than histeam's current Fan Factor'jhen his team's Fan Factor decreases by one point.

5. Eaoh coach must decide inhey wish 10 spend any 90!d in the team treasury to buy neW players and coaching staifil, andVor let go (t.e., tire) any team re-rolls , players, or coaohing staH who are no longer wanted. Howeve.r,the team does not get any gold back for leiting them go! In 'addition, each coach can choose to spend gokl 'ulUm their treasury to increase. hls team's re-rolls. Adding a re-roll costs double the amount shown on the team list, but only adds the basic (un-doublec) cost to the total value of the team.

6. If a team has any Joumeymen (see step 7 below) on the roster. .!h(l ooaeh must either rrire them from Ihe team or you may permanentiy hire them by paying their rookie cost, Note. that a team must have less than 16 players on its roster to hire

Journeymen. lIT hired, a. Joumeyman loses the Loner skill but may retain any Star Player points he earned or skills learned from Improvement table rolls.

7. If a team can only field to or less players, for the next match, the team may bring Journeymen onto the rostertor free until the team can field 11 players tor the next match. A Jo'umeyman Is alwavs a' player ft:om ,a 0-16' or 0'-12 allowed pos.ltl'On on .the team's roster . .He counts his normal rookie cost towards the total team '/larue, but has the« skill as .he is not usea to playing with rhe: team. .Joumeymen may lake the Iotal players on the team {inciudiMginjured players} to more than 16 at this point.

8. Work out the total va,lue of the team and record it on the roster. The value of a. team is worked out by a.doing up the value of the team's players (including] exira values for improvements), support sian, team re-rolls, and Fan Factor. Do not inclUde the value of gold in your treasury or any players that will be forced to miss their next match due fo injury.


Successful teams can be worth a Iorkme as their players improve and lhe squad grows. During the early days of Blood Bowl the Dar~ Elf team, Territying Anarchists of Nagglaroth, WeII'? reputed to be worth In excess o~ 7,000,000 gold pieces I However as wages and other team expenses lncrease, a bigger proportion of the team's winnings .glet devoted to just paying the bills rather than being avallable jor additional purchases.

Once a team's value equals or exceeds 1,750,000 gold pieces ·it must deduct the amount shown on the Spiralling Expense.s lable trom its treasury. Spiralling expenses are deducted at the end QIT the match during step 3 of updating the team rosier. Spiralling expenses can never reduee a team's treasury to less than zero.



J ,T,50,OIl0 tOI 1,!3'[G);QPP

1 .• 9:00,01l0 to. 2,040,IlOO ,2;OSO;Glilo tOI



20,000 3.0;.000-


A coach that concedes (see page 15) before setting up for a kick-off where he could only field 2 or less players suffers no addifional penalties. If one coach concedes the- match for any other reason then the Winner gains: all of the loser's winnings. and MVP .frorn this match. In addition, the loser automatically loses one Fan Fador and may not roll for Ii neW one, and any players in the loser's team that have 51 SPPs or more will leave the 'team on II. D6 roll of 1-3. Roll separately for each player with 51 or more SPPsto see il they leave,




For a short period [ollowing the collapse 01 the NAF there Were no tournaments or competitions at all. Teams simply played 'one-eft' games tor Whatever prize they Gould get: It Was nat long, however, before the Cabalvision networks and major Blood Bowl sponsors got together and started arrang'ingtaurnaments With largie prizes tor the teams that managed to battle their way through to the final. Four tournaments qu.!Cl<ly established themselves as the most important and eagerly anticipaled Blood BbWI events of the year, and Were soon Ibeing referred to as the. 'Major Tournaments' or simply the 'Majors.' These tournaments were the Chaos Cup, the Dungeonbowl, the Spike) Magazine Trophy tournament, and, OIT course, the Blood Bowliffielf.

The Majors are held at roughly three-month Intervals OVer the. year. The Chaos Cup is held in the spring, the Blood Bowl tournament is held in the summer, and then the Spike! Magazine tournament is held in the autumn. The Dungeonbowl is held dllring 1I1e dark winter rnonjhs, When most teams appreciate playingl in nlce.warrn underground stadiums rather than outln the iree.z:lng cold. There are exceptions Q1 course - most Norse teams acrually prefer sub-zero conditions, while the Ice Lord team of Frost Giants can't take part in the Dungeonbowl tournament at all because theywouid melt In the warm underground s,tad'ium!

At ·the end oi each season ·tearris gather to decide who wins the trophy. Each tournament is held at a different location. The Blood Bowl is held al the huge Emperor stadium at Altdorl, and the Spike! Maglal'ine tournament in the seaside' resort town of Magri1ta in Esta,lia. The DUngeonboW'1 Is held In the DWarf underground stadium at Baralk-Varr (the upkeep for which is paid, at huge expense and much 10 Ihe Dwarfs' delight, by the' Colleges of Mag:io). The location of !he. Chaos Cup tournament changes from year to year, and it is rare, for anyone to ~now where it will be heid until a Wee,k or two betore the event starts! Nol sUlrprisingly this Can make if very' difficult ior teams to attend the. Chaos Cup, because if '1he'y are hot inlhe right general vicinity when the ·tournament is announced then it may be impossible for them to gel there in time to take part!


To represent this schedule, all Blood Bowl leagues traditionally have. seasons that end ... lith a tournament. The League Commissioner has ihe responsibi.liiy of settlngi up and runnIng the seasons and tournaments for his league. He will need to let his coaches know how long the season will run for, and how al")Y ene-ot-season tournament will be run.

Ii coaches meet frequently and can play at leasl one-two ga,mes a week, a three month season based on the 'real" Blood Bowl wond system should work well. If your league meets less frequently, it should consider hal(ing a.longier season. As a rule oi thumb, a season needs to be long. enough 'for coaches to reasonably be expected to be able to play about a dozen matches.

At ·the end ou the season the LeaglJe Commissioner will need to decide which learns will compete. In any end-or-season

'tournament, how lies are to be broken, how the ·tournament will be run, and! what prize, the winner outhe tournament will receive. Typically there are two serni-flnal matchesfollowed by a iinal. rnducement and treasl:llry gold IIl1!ay not be used to induce Star Players or lMerce;na~les, for these metehes as the NAF, while not monitoring day to day giames on !he road to ·Ihefinals, enforces usingl your own team for these lrnpcrtarrt rnatchesl

There are a number off ways of deciding who will play in the semHinals. The simplest (though probably not the fairest) me·thod is to use the four teams: that nave the highest value in the leag,ue. A simple, variant of !his method is to use the four 'teams with 1I1e highest win ratio, or 'to multiply a team's value by 'lts win ratio and then pick the four highest rated teams. You can work out the Win-loss ratio by dividingl the number of games the team has won by the number lt has played. So, for example, a team that had a value of 1,800,000 gold pieces that had won 5 orr its 10 rnajches, giVing it a win ratio 0150%, WOUld! be 'worth' 50% of 1 ,8QO,000, which equals 900,000 gold pieces.

Another method is to have a 'play-olf' period at the end of the regular season. Any coach can enter the play-otts, but must agree to play matches, to a. schedule set by the League Commissioner. The commissioner must work out a schedule.ot matches, and a scoring or elimina.tion system thatwill reduce the starling teams down to four contenders fhat will 'then take part in the semi-finals. There are lots. and lois oi ways to orglanise the play-offs. from .stralqht knock-out events; to more complicated atiairs that have a group stage 'first, such as that used nor the soccer World Cup. There are many real-life tournaments thai a leag.ue's. play-off system Can be modelled aUer. Use the system that seems best for your Blood Bowl leaque, The League Commissioner will need to decide if inducements are allowed in the play·-otls or not.

Finally,. a League Commissioner can decide to run the regular season as a leaque with scheduled matches (like the FA Football League in England and Wales). Teams Score points depending on how well they do in matches (typically 3 for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss, thouigh 5 for a win, 3 for a draw, and 1 tor a loss is a popular allernatlve}. At the end of the season the four teams with the most league: points get to go to the semi-finals. Whatever method chosen, 1he four teams thai make it through to the semi-finals are matched into Iwo pairs Iby random draw. The two winners of. the semi-final match then. go through to the lDig iinal, and the Winner ot the' final will receive a trophy (see the Glittering Prizes section on thIs page).



League Challenges

It is possible for coaches to exclude powerful tearne from the seml-uinals by rl?,fusing to play any grames ag:ainst them during the league season or the play-offs. To stop this underhanded and quite despicable practice, any coach is allowed to issue a written challenge to an opposing coach to playa match. A coach may make a maximum of one written challenge per week. The challenge is given to the league ocrnrnlssloner, who passes it on to' the challenged coach and get5: his response. A challenged coach must make one ou the ~ollowing ·three responses within.a day of reoeiving the dialleng.e:

* Accept:.A challenged coach may ag:ree to play the match, and the two teams play the match as normal.

* Re~use: A challenged coach may refuse 1.0 play the match. This counts as a.2-0 win for th

e challenger. No Star Player points, cash or Fan Factor are gained or Iostfor·the malch.

* Substl1ute: A challeng

eo coach may ask any other coach that is willing 10 lake his place to play the match lnstead, The subeftute coach must be takingl par! In the' tournament, and must not have played. agla.inst fhe ohal! so far: If he does this then the must play the' substitute, or c

oUlnt as having lost the malch 0-2.


Although the glory of winning a major tournament trophy is considered by many learns reason enough to take part, most teams are motivated as much (iff not more) by the chanoe qIT winning the big cash prize that the sponsors of the tournament ofuer the winners. There are also ofrlen additional 'I ring:e , benefits lor the winners, of a major tournament, such as lucrative sponsorship deals or speolal prizes.

To represenl jhls ·the teams laking part in an end of season 'tournament receive the following benefits:

1} Thetotal fans and the winnings for a semi-final orfinal are doubled,

2} The winner off a Major Tournament always receives a speGiai 'trophy. So long as a. lea,m holds a trophy it has an additlonal team re-roll, The re-roll counts toward the team's value, as normal. A trophy Is held by a team until the next time IIial specific Major Tournament is completed at whloh point it is given to the new winner.

3} League commissioners may allow additional 'fringe benefits' for winning' a. particular trophy, if they see fit. It is up to the cornrnlssioner to determine what these benefits should. be.




N01 ~very league will find the same set-up as enjoyable as another league. The League Commissioners role is to find'the best match 01 rules tor the ooaohes in his league. Theffollowing are recommended changes, to the rulestor leagues presented in pages, 24 to 29 orr this handbook for commiss:ioners 10. consider using in their own leaglles.

Awardillilg the Most Valuablle Pliayer durling tl1!ePos't-Game Instead o.t using the rules lor Valuable Player on page 26, the following tw.o. options are oftered as replacement text for the first sentence:

1) One player from each team, chosen by his coach, is awarded a Most Valuable' Player award at the end of the match.

2) At the end of 1he match, one randornly selected player eligible to play during thiS match thai was not induoed and has not been removed from the learn by death by the end of the match is awarded a Mo~t Valu,able Player award.

Sp iraljl:ll1lgE:xpense tM:odlfic.atlons

There are lots otdltferent leagues" all of Which have dilferent cost bases endrevenue streams so a commissioner should 'feel 'free. both to alter the breakpoint {1,750,OOO g:old pieces} and the step size (150,000 gold pieces) for the Spiralling Expense rules on page 29 to suit his own league. For example, Ihe small Albion domestic leagl:le' has a breakpoint of 1,250,000 gold pieces and a step size ot 100,000 gold pieces, the' wealthy imperial Premiership has a breakpoint of a massive 2,500,000 gold pieces and step size of 250,000 gold, pieces, while the Naggaroth Open has a break point of 2,000,000 gold pieces and a .step size of 50,000 gold pieces.

E;xcludlng Ilndlilcements iln Leaglile P,l!ay

A commissioner is allowed to remove any specific inducement(s}, from the list orr allowed inducements on page 28 that he neels does not work tor his league environment. Common inducements thai might be exolucedlnolude disaUowing Star Players imdilor the Wizard.

Using Ill1Iducements iln On:e-ottlNol1l-leagllLle TOlilmamenrtPlay Commissioners ofr' one-off games can choose to alloW inducements to ibe purchased as a permanent part of each learn's roster. The .comrnlssioner shoulo be clear Which inducements are allowed and which are not. For example, a commissioner could! specify for an upcoming event thai the Inducements options for Star Players, Bloodweiser Babes, Wandering Apothecerles, Igor, the Wizardl and the Master Chef will be allowed as purchasable permanent co mpon ents of the team for an matches played dUTing !he event, but that no other inducements can be purchased as a permanent pari otihe.tearn.

Special PI:ay Ca!rds

The seven Special Play Card decks represented on pages 55 to 62 are for commissioners to use to add some unexpected and fun elements to the game to \iIIhatever degree Is desired.

Each OJ the seven decks has a purchase price to draVil one card at random from that deck, For example for 100,000 gold pieces a coach may draw at random one of the 26 cards fro.m the Good Karma deck. Once randomly drawn a card, the card's result may be concealed until played Ibut the card may not be exchanged or

traded for another card. Additional gold may be paid to draw another card from the same deck or troma different-one.

In order 10 make the. cards easiiy available to any league that chooses to use Ihem, the-card decks are o~af1ized so thai two decks of standard playing cards can be used 'to create all seven decks. Each card has 4 areas to explain iis eftect.

Name: The name ot the card and the playing card thai would represent this card.

Description: Describes the event the, card repre-sents.

liming: Specifics. as to exactly when, and only when, the card can be plaYed.

Effect: The eWed the card has on the game when played.

There are three methods recommended for a commissioner to choose tram tor using the Special Play Cards in his leaglJe'.

1) The Special Play Card decks are added 10 the list OIT Inducements Ihat each coach may purchase on page 28. Special Play Cards' should be limited to no more than 5 total draws from all the decks.

2)The Special Play Card decks are used in replacement of the Inducements listed on page .28. Special Play Cards should be limited to no rnor,e'lhan5 total draws from all the decks; '

3) Special Play Cards cannot be used as Inducement purchases. Each coach is instead g;iven beiween50,OOO and :201D,OOO gold pieces (cornrntsslcner's choice} useable solely for !he purchase of Special Play Cards at the start of each match. This gold cannot be carried over beyond the current match and 'is in addition to any Inducement gold received by the, learn for this game.

Note: If a league uses bolh the Special Play Cards and lhEl Inducement System on page 28, coaches should be allowed to purchase Special Play Cards and see which card{s) they draw before purchasing any other inducements.

free tFan !Fa.ctolr

Instead ot using the rules ~m purchasing Fan Factor on page 16, the league may have Fan Factor be free. All teams under this rule would start with a Fan Fac.tor ot 5 tor no cost. Fan Factor never 'adds 10 a, team's value and changes in Fan Fa.otor from Post-game rolls do not atteot team value.

,Addll::ional Cash for Short Term Leagrues

The league rules are designed! for long term development. If a leaque runs short seasons before resetting, it could consider giVing a 10,000 gold piece winning bonus for losing! and 20,000 for ties/winning or doubling the FAME rnodlfier for the winnings roll {or both of these depending on the rate of growth deslred.)



A goblin doom dlver who was too cheap to p~y For admlsslon is hit by the kIG~-off while flying over the'stadium. '

PIHY at any kick-off after all players have been set up and the ball placed, but before any scafter has boon rolled.

The ball scatters 2d6, instead of 1d6. on this kick-off.

Your team's ·f~ns start the match very willing to 11elp their favourite team by' tl1rowilig the ball to the perfect place for you.

Play duringthe'pre-g-8me aiter all inducements are purchased,

You may choose the direction the ball is thrown in enlheThrow-in Template ev€ry tlrne it goes out ,of bounds during the first half, During the second half, all tllrow-ins are done. as normal.



Somebody triggered tile sprinkler sy-stem, on 8ccidellt of course. )f11e Tile crowd received souvenlr balls today and has deGided to use them

ball becomes dilficultto handle and the mist' makesit difficult: to see as amm.n ltlon instead o+keepsakes. .

10 .. : INCOMING!

until itis shut off

'PI:8Y after your turn has ended or your kicK-off to an opponent is resolved, but berore your opponent'sturn begins.

Ali attempts to .pass, catch, or plck up thH ball have an addition ai -·1 nl0di,fierfor this drlve..

Play after your turn has ended or your kick-off to an opponent is resclved, but before your opponent's turn begin·~.

For tliis turri, any plil.yerfrom thH opposnp team must dtxlge'8ny time ih~y leave a. squarewlthln 2 squares of elther sideline, or en~ zone.

4 ,: ,ECLIPSE,

Sudd€llly all iight Is blocked out bys total €ciips€. Maybe It's the ~ompl~e darkness, or ma~be if's astrologicsl magic, but for one briet moment all players are equal.

Play at.the beginn ing of your turn before any' pla~er lakes an Action.

For your tum and your opponent's turn, all pl-ay€rs en ih€ pitch have only the characteristics and skllls of a rookie Goblin.


A wi,zand in the stands starts to get a little' bored and bombs' the pitch wFth 8: fireball I

Play after your turn has ended or your kick-elf to an opponent Is resolv'ed, bUt: b.efore: your opponent'sLrn begins,

Place a marker on ih€ pitch, scatter the marker 5 ]me.s,jf it does not scatter off the.pltch at any polnt, the fireball explodes. as 1he spell: tile

centre is where marker


A erazedgoblinfan talks an ogre IntoiOsslng hlrn onto the pitch!

PI,sy <lfter your turn hasended but before, your opponent's turn bagins You may not plsy this card aflers kic~-off is resolved,

PI.sce' a miniature' to represent the Goblin Fanatic into any empty square on the pitch .. He !18S ~le same state as a rookie Goblin Fanatic l!'he, coach pla!i1ng uus care may'!mm€d'iately move tile, Fanatic lEach coach can only take' a Mqve Acton with the f,8nalie ,afier, hJs tum has ended but bejbre his opponenrsj.rn. ThiS Fa:riatlc has no tsckle- zones and blocks wlthout any offensive assists, At the end of ~le drive ti'le ref al)tomatic-aJly ,eJects the Fanatic from the,


Tile random chaos of Tzeentch 118S affected the ball.

Play after your turn has ended or your kick-off to an opponent is resolved, but befo~ youropponent~s turn begins.

If~1e ball is on the ground, a 2nd ba.ll materializes in the'square and on" of them tsbounoed -rorn it Tile firsi player that crosses into the 'end zone, Witll one 6HI1e b'BIiS rolls B 06. 011 8 1-3" 'the Iial! vsnlshes and' a touclldown is rrot scored. This ·effect: ends when a driv€ e:nds Players niay not pick-up, catch, Cf intercept a ball if tlley already :8re carryin(J one, A. ball bouncing Into ths square with the other ball will boun ce agal n.

The crowd loves your team, End wouldn't ever eonetder ripping one of your players aparLwell, mit tl1is gameenyway. durl'ng the pre-game after all mcueements are purchased.

player on your team that is pushed inio 'tile' crowd this game'is Stunned, do not·roll


Your fans nave shown up today ano irs with an extra . .'evil gl,in! in their' ,eyes. 1rheywant sLOT of blood and arrei~ the moooto help see it.

Prosy during the pre-game atter all indueernents are purchased.

For '.thiS match, any block, or foul made by or agail1st an opposmg player adjacen'i to ihe s(delines is tr-eated Hshaving one extra assist from yoUr team, In addltlon, no oppostnq player adjacent to the

. I


'\four learn visits the tocat tavern the nigl1tbeiore tl1e game. One of the dancers Offers to bring some friends to help ·tll'8 cheerleader squad, an d some P BIron s to. hi'll P w ilh so me new play id€as an d to see thel r pertoirnanca at your match ..

PJay during tl1e pre-g'ame after all nducements are purchased.

'\fou automatically win all Cileering IF,an and Brilliant Coaching rolls 011 the'lKick-OfFtablefor this match. In addition, you get an additional +1 to ymlr FAME (S€H page 1'8) fur any other i<ick,Off 'lable resut for ~lis



vouhave read the klck.-off almost perfectly and are ready ·to receive it

Pla:y when you are recelvlnga·klck-of(atter all players have been set up and the ball has been scattered, but before any Ric~-oft. result is rolled.

MOlle one player hot on the I.ine of scn'mmage to the square where the ball will land.


Your pl.8)i'ers giv.e everything tlle~ have to deJend the. end zone', irying to trip ihe opposliion from ihe ground,.

Pisy afier your turn has ended or. your kick-off to an opponeni is resolved, but before your opponent's tum begins,

For ihis tum all your pl8yers thaI are. Prone [110t Stunned) exert tackle zones as if they werestandlhq, however they cannot assist OF cancel assists, catch, or take ,ahY other AcUon that r€qulres a I

You try and kick. the' balltojust the rightspotlo'llelp your defence.

Play atter all players have been setup For ,8 kick-Off, but before any kicK-oft r,esult is rolled.

Place the ball anywhere ill the line of sCrimma,ge. or the end zone ol the opponent's half e)(clud ing the wide, LOnes, To determine the, la.nding square for the ball, instead ofthe normal kick-off scatter, scatter tile bau for one square 3 times usrng the sideline, thrOWo'in lemplatefor eachsoatter, you ma choose 110W the template 'is on each

as it i . end

TI,i9 play is d.esigned 'so your ball carrier can chooseelmer to keep the ballhimself or' dump it off·to someone else.

PI.ay atthe beginning of you, turn before any pI8)i~er takes an Action,

A player of your choice gains the Dump-Off .snd Pass skill until the drl,'e- ends,

A Hick play is on .. You trick the, opponent into lIlillking one person 1'1111 run the ball. but he t09M's it to someone else who throws the bail ..

Play :Bt the of your turn before any player takes an Action,

vou may I@ke an extra Pass ACtion, however the firsr Pass A,ctJon you take must be a Quick Pass.


The players on your team intention ally fumble the ball to open up some funnysnd spectacelar plays,

Play a t the beginn'lng ofY'our turn before-any player takes an Actl.on. For this turri any failed pickup, catch, or Fumblild pass rojs do not csuse turnovers, Also B player can intentlon:ally -tail .to plok up or catch the ball, or fumble 8. pass. Any failed attempt to pick up or throw tile ball ends the player's Action. Any player tailing a catch mil counts as having taken an Action for the: turnas we", even if they

I '

A player on your team throws it info high gem to cover some extra

ground. '. '

Play :Bt the be~i.nnlng of y~urturn b'eib.r,e any player takes an Action,

A player of your choice may Gq !Oor ~t any nurnber of times this tum. Eacll Go For!t: atter the second has 8. cumul~tive modiFier of .. 1 to the roll (example, the, 4111 G'F! would have .a -2: modifier to lIle 06 roll). Iftl'le plaYll,r has 8printhe may add 1 to one Go FOr!t 1'011 made

. i I Ii il I .

Play at the beginning of your turn before any player bakes an Action. Choose a plsyer with strength four or less, Tblsturn the chosen plsyer nnay. leap, 8S the skill, with' s ;3+ to land' regardless of Ulat

player's agility or skills. .


A clever'b!ockitig play gives you a one-upon your opponents.. PI8.yl~t tile beginning of your turn befOre any player takes an Action. A player on your team that Ls III an opponents tackle zones and adjacent to .another player on yourte:an1fnay sl'iitch squares 'with the adjacent player from your team, unless eiiher one has the ball. This

be d ew!th one set of two I


Time to get rid of tile .bal! and pin the opponent deep!

Play after your 'tum has ended: but' before y'our opponent's tum be'gins,

A player puts himse·lfon the llne to liyfor an amazing catch

Play at tile beginning of your turn before any play'er takes, an Action. For this turn a player of your choice gains Catch and Diving estell.

A player gets a good [ump over tl,e Une of scrimmage and launches himself ai Ule opponents,

Play after a kick~oft to your opponent has be€n r€solved (including the

ball'landing), but beibr€ your opponents turn begins, .

A pla:yer of your choice not h.oldingthe ball rimy take B, Blilz .AclJbn Imme,diately. This player. sUfferS frorn tile No ~ands sk.ill for this Action only.

Oesper.ste'times call tor.desperate measures, Time to get some extra

players on the pltch, ready or not .

Play before. yow set up any players fera drive.

lnstsad of rollin9 for a player to come back; from being KO~d, you may h!W€ Ule p layer a utom8t1~ally rscove r by pla,ol ng the pi a yer on the pitch Stunned. You may do this I'jl~l any number of KO'd players .. Mer

i 8,S many pl,ayers from KO'd on the pitch as you de'sir,e, roll 8 D6



A player,has come, across the bracers of,Count Luther to use for the match, Tiley are sopooo that they ~ven distract \he player wearing them SOmetimes,

P18), atthe beginning of your turn before any player takes an Action. Choose one' player on your tearn. That player gajlls the skills Hypnotic Gaze, Side Step, ;Jtld Bone-head 'for the remainder of this game.

Tile player has .acqured some lucky charms irom a Haming in a green C08t pefore the game_

Play during the-prfr-g:8me after 811 inducements are purchased.

A player of your choice may 'ignore the first lime his armour is broken, and, just be Placed Prone, AllY roll that Ignores armour, such as tile crowd or'II1I'Dw a rook, is hot.affecteo by;8 lucky charm,


Your plsy,erTeally has-found a way to-become a man of s1eel.

Play after your turn has ended or, your kick-off to an opponent is resolved" but ~,efore your opponent's tum begins,

Armour rolls made against 8 player of your choice may not be modified or re-rcllsc by any positive',modi~ers ,for the remanoer of thls g8me. 1['his lncludes (butls not limited to) , I Blow,


One of tile g""81' passers of all time has loaned your play-er liis headband 'for this game, but ,~ou had better make sure you get it back before he notices it'missing!'

Play :8t the be~innlng of your turn b'efor,e any play-er takes, an Action,

A player of'lPur choice gains I'aq,s and Accurate tonhi!';turn, but an additional '1-1 modifier. on any interceptionrol!s against him is'applied

,as well, '

A scroll fou!l,d in tile lious€ of a retired legendary coach contains 8.spell of Bear strength,

Play:st tile beginning of your turn before any pla'!'"r takes an Action,

A, player of your oholce on your ,teamgslns +1 Stre,ngtll until the drive ends, After this the player has -1 Strengtll for the remainder 6f this game.


A pl.ay·er puts a hlag'ic salve, Girisnick's Stickum, onto his gloves

before tile drive,.' ',' ,

Pla.y at any kick-off after all players have been set up and the ball placed, butbetore any scatter h,8S been rolled.

A, player of your cholee on your team gains the CBtch and Sure, Hands, skills, but may not ta~e P,aS9 or Hand-off Acuons for the rem-ainder of:this


'\lour learn is featured In Spi~e! magazine and the rr'lagazine lJives you these glove.s'ior )lour upcoming game,

Play after your tum has ended or your kick-oft to an opponent is resolved, but before youropponenl's,turn begins,

A player of your choice gains -the Pass Block skill, and an addtuons: +1 modifier 1:0 all interception mils un~1 the drive' ends',


Mother 8lway~ said' "never play with'out your codpiece", After y'eers of being passed from one generation' to me next, tile magic is still working,

Pla~ during the pre-game after all inducements are purchased.

A player of 'four choice n"sy not be fouled ior this game and injury mils against this player cannot be rnodified or rfr-rolled by ~nvthi!1g i!1cluding (but not limit·ed to) Dirty PLayer, Mighty Blow, I'ili~g On, and

gB i ns the Pro skill for the


Where'd he go? The player uses 8 teleportatlcn ring to get out of a tigMt spot.

Play after your tum has ended (unlesS your turn ending would end the half-_)

One player on your Ie'am ofyour choice can be moved IDS squaresIn a single direction of your cholce (hOIEi, ;you must move the full 06 squares and must choose, th" .drracnon before rolling the IiJEl. Treat this movement as If the player hac been thrown with the Throw Team'Mate skill but without the 3 scatters to deternme tile landing square, The landing roll from !he teleportatlcn is automatically SUCBessFuI he has bounced off an at her

Stick.! Smash!

Play Blthe beginning of your turn before any, player takes an Action, choose one player on your 'team., 111a1 plaY,er gains +1- gti'englll and the Mi~hty Blowsklll forthis,turJ1


The player has come BCroSS a magiC amulet that slows the speed of any large Objects that happen to intersect'wi~lllis location,

Pls.Y after your turn has ended or your kick-off 10 an opponent is resolved, but b,efore your opponent's turn begins_

Ciloose one pla:yer on your-\eam., !'or!he rernalnder ofthls drive, any, opponent moving one square or more first and then bliEzingthis pl@yer suffers 8 -1 rnodifier 10 his Strength (minimum Sirengthof 1) for ihe block



A player on ~nUf team is determned to take out the opposition, no matter what.

Pla:y,M tile beginning of your turn tlefore any' player takes an Action"

These boots were made for stomping, and that Is Just what they will do~

Play after all players 118ve been setup For B klck-cff, but before aney klc~·off r·esult is rolled,

A player of your enoree on your' team gains the Kick, and Dirty Player skills anda-t MA fOrtl,e remainder ofttils game,

The armour roll ,for \four F'oul Action this turn autornatcally succeeds and 'Is conslderee '8 non-couoles roll, however' the in'jury roll fur the foul must be rolled as normal with the player 'sent Off on doubles ..


A plaljer throws a dirty block on me-opponent.

Play after your turn has ended but before your opponent's turn begins, vournay not play this,card afier.o klck-cff is resolved,

This csrd may only be played on one of ~our :Standing players that did not take an Muon during ,your last turn, Your player is PI@ced Pron!! and an opposing plsyerin a square adjacent to him is now considered $lunne~L

10,..: PIT TRAP

A devious groundsk.ooper 118S set upa pit trap for you,

Piay after your turn has ended or you; kick-off to an opponent resolved, but befOre youropponent~stlirn begins,

Choose a player; that player is Placed Prone, no Armour roll is mace, If the player had the ball, bounce ll asnormal.

One of your playe," thrusts a cleverly cbnceal!!d custard pie In the tace Of an oppostnqplayer,

A. Blccdthlrster is In tl1e" crowd todsy, 50 iri honour oj this event a spiked 'bal,l Is swapp.ed with the real ball, More blood' for the blood god

and the fans! ' "

Play after all players have been sei UP. for B kick-off, but before aney kick-off resuli is roll·ed,

Uniil the.driveends any tailed pick up or catchrcll (but notinterception 1'011) is treated as the play.,r being, attacked Wi.~l the Stab sk.ill by an opponent,

Pla.y at the b~ginriing of your turn beibr:e any, player takes an Action.

Choose one, player on the oppo~ing team mljac:;eni, to one of your Stand Ing or Prone players (nOI Stunn.edJ,That opposing pleyer ls so flabbergasted byUle pie, Ilit thai 118' loses his tackle' Wiles for the

remainder of this turn as a succassru Gaze roll,


Your play'er is very' good at distr'acting all those .srourrd him ..


You nabbed, 8 playbook from ~le opponent's coach! H-Ie sure will be surprised wh!!n you knOw exactly how to ruin his play.

Play after your turn has ended or your klck-cft to an opponent is resclved, but befOre your opponent's turn begilis,

A player oj your choice gai~s Pf'I,SS Block and Shadowing until, the drive ends,

Play after your turn has, ended or your .kick-off ttl an opponent is re),olve,d, but b,efore your opponent's turn begins,

The chosen pla\,~r ga.ins tlTe skill DisWrbing P~senc.e fur tliis tum and' all opposil]g p.layerss'tartirig tl,eir Aouon wiUlin 3 squares of th,e pl,ayer count as 118.\1ing Bone-head (lost tackle zones 'from i8.iled



The magiC grease appiled to your opponents' sroes has finally taken eftect.

Pla:y after your turn has ended or' y'OUF kick-off to an opponent is resolved, but before your opponent's tum begins.

This turn all opposing players need toroll a 5+'10 Go' For It instead of {hi! normal 2+,

Someone set up a deep pit trap.i.wlth a trampoline In i~

Play after your turn has ended or you, kick-off to an opponent Is resolved, bUt before your opponenrsvrn begins,

Choose ,any opposing player. Usrng all tile rules for the Throw TeamMaie skill, the player is ,auiorn.aHcally thro ..... n (l.e, cannot be fumbled) to 8 lBrgei sq uara th a t is IT) 6 sq uares away in a til nd om d irectlon from his own square (use, the scatter template). 111e player will need to make a landing mil as normal if ihey land on tile; pilch,



You've spiked the opponent's kroxorace bottle with a witch's concocilonl

Piay after ail players have been set up for ,8 kick-eft, but before anv klck-offr,e.sult is roll.ed,

Choose en opponent and roll onthls table,

1- \IIIIl00psi MadCap Mushroom potion! The player gains ~le Jump Up and. NQ Hands ~kill5 until the drlv€ ends

2- snake Oil! Blid taste, butno effect.

3-£ SedativeJ The player gains the R.,ally Stupl'd skil! unli'l~,e drive ends,

A play,erpurchased'some exp'loding runes from a dwslven runesrruh befOrejlle game, Althouqh they are llleqal, they.are highly eff~ctl\re.

Play before setting up For a drive, '

choose aile piay'er on your team, That piayer'gains the Bombardier, No Hands, and Secret Weapon skins fOr thls gam~. Because the Rune'can be very volatile, ,any P!lSS roll m!1de'wlth ~ Rune bomb is performed with .B-1 modifie'r.


A reserve sneaks onto the pltcn while the ref is cleanillg his gl8sses', Play;.i the beginning of your turn befo~e any player tak!lS,an Action,

You may place any from the; reserves boxIn an unoccupied square in Ihe end ZO~€ yo~ are ,de{enqing, This pLayer may only take a Move ACtion this turn This, nnay take your team to 12 players for

the remalnder ot the drive.' ,



if it works,

'{our fans start yelling so loudl'y lhatthe opposing team cannot hear the coach or ,any of the on pltch play signal~.

Play after ybur' turn has enced or your kick-oft to an opponent is resolved, but before your opponent's turn begins,

One of the 0Id.8'St tricks in the book, buta well-aimed peel silll is a great ec uajzer.

Play after your lurn has ended or your kick-off \0 an opponent is resolved, butbetcre your opponent's tum begins_

An opposing player of your choice 'In a tackle zone 01 one .of your pl,syers is automatic~lly Knock.ed, Down, Roll +or AiIT1Ourfl~~jury as normal, Ii hl player 'Was holding I~e ball, ltnoes not cause a turnover

Your team Is making all of lhe 8me that It has left count, trying to mount on e last scorl ng .d nve.

Play before moving y'our'\urn marker,


On,e player irom the, opposing learn knows he just is not himselt today and ball handllngior drive is Just out of the quesuon.

Pls,y after your turn has ended or your kick-off to an opponent Is

resolved, but b,efore your opponenrs tum begins_ '

For the remainder Of this drive, one selected opposing player not currenily holding the ball gai~s"the No Hands ski",

One player from yourteam is really' psychedfor this week.':s matchanc has been worki~g very long hours prepar1ng fur it.

PlaV at tllebeginriing ot yccrtum before allY play'er takes an Action.

For the remainder of lhi~ g"me, one player Of your choice from your team gains ens extra skill. This can be'sily skill that he can learn-rrom

'all roll without 8 [)oubles roll.




on his outfit sno the saw 011 his hip are not very comforting, but I,is, rnedlcal talents', are diff.cult to retute e\;-en on undead plsy.ers,

Play aller '8 drive has ended and KO'd recovery rolls hav-e been made.

A player from yout team that tras been KO'd or Badly' HLirt is moved'

to Rese[\les_ ' '

A group of cheerleaders wer!e hired to .dlslract the, coposluon. Tiley do such a gOOd job of it even your plElyers are not g.oing anywhere,

Play atthe beginning of your turn before any pla'l-er takas an Aciion.

Choose a w'lcje zone. Any player from erther team that is currently in that wid,e zona nlay tak.e no Action 'U,js turn Or on ,the opposlnq tum

that follows tum,


Your team has been w.ohking :all we'ek on playing better as 8 united squad,

Pia y during the pre-qarne aiter a II in d u cements .are. purchased,


A magiC pouon slipped into your opponent's dril1k makes someone in the stands complelelylrresisti,ble to him.

Play aiter a kick-off to your opponent has been resolved (IncludingUle b.alilanding), but be\ore your opponent's turn begins,

One randomly selected opposing player; in a wide zone of your eholce, is placed in the Reserve box If the pl:ayer was holding the b.BII,h boun CElS on ell fromth ei r ori gin al .sq ua re.

Your team receives one extra team re-roll forthlsrnatch ..



its 111'Bgi~' has stmost worn off, but~lis relic ~at once prote~teo older gener,atfon Blood Bowl players over their entire, career appears to have enougll magic left fur' one more game,

Play after your turn has ended or your kick-off to an opponent is resolved, but before y-our opponent's tum begins,

For the remainder of tilis game, one player of your choice From your

team gains +1 AV and the'irhick Skull.skill. .

Play after your tum has ended or your kick-oft to an opponent is resolved, but,before,youropponeni:'s turn begins,

Soalect 8 wea~er result The we ather will ihlmediately change to that result and remain tilere unol a Weatiler Change kick-elf roll is made.


Whether' ~i.s crazy manactually has B dtrect ltne to Nuffle or mit he gets r"sulis,' . .

Play 'Bfter a.drlve 118S ended before rolling fur KO':dplaY'ers,

One player on Y04r tearn 111110 118S suFfe,red a Casualty roll of 41 Or

hlgller is now considered io be KO·d. "


One pl'ayerfrom your team 1189 come armed I:Q even up tllis match,

Play ai the beginning ,of yourium before any pla~'er takes an Action, For the, remainder of this game, one player of your choice frorn ypur learn gains the Dirty Pl8ye~ and Stab skills.


ScimellOW one of your players sudden Iy can r"ead the mind ofthe opposing klcksrs and can almost alw~ys gel 10 where tile ball is going.

Pisy wh,en you are receiving' a kiCk-6fr'after all plal'llrs, 11S\fie been set up and the ball. has been scattered, bUI befur~ any kick-off result i;<;

~~. .

One plsyer on your team ga.lns Kick" Off l1:ewm and Diving Catch for the rernalnder of this gtlrrie_


Tile crowd tc:d ay' is 'really out in full fanstlc support.Thelr cheers arrc encouragement for', your team :and abuse lor the referees arid the opposing team really have set the sta;ge lOr your team 10 do their best (Including bribing the ref tor tile coin toss),

Play during 'ttie.pre-game alier sliinduceme-nis ere purchased.

'Cour team ,automatically wins Ihe coin \0SS to kick or receive Without flipping tile con. In addition, your team reCeives an addUional +,2 modifier·to your FAME (see paget'S) for a~y Kick-Off lable resultfer th is match but n at for the wi nn in TO I L


A tactical pla~ of great-effect", if it works.

PIS1/ 'SI·the' beginning of your turn before any piayer tskes an Aotlon.

For ·this turn, you mElY declare 'either El second Pass Action or 8 second Hand-off Action' ..


As.,your team takes the pitch, a crazed retired warMor runs out otlhe stands and asks to help you "smash those gitsl" Tile head coach decides to see if he can help"

Piay dwring~€ .. pre-game alier all inducements are purchased.

Add the fan to your tES m as. a pi ayer. even if th is takes you, team to more than 16 players_ The fan's stats are MA 6: ST 4, AG 2., AV 7, and h~ has the Loner and ",eniyskiUs. The fan leaves ~our tearil when tile 11alf €,nds.


The pitch· is made to be in perfeci pl@ying conchonsror your learn, either by removing some of 'the danqerous Objects, or by adding even morn, Once the ref'iswjse to ~is situation the state of the ptch

is ~a~tored to n orrna I., however. .

Play after BII. players have been set up for a kink-Off, but before Bny, kick-off res u It is roll ed.

Your head coach. had a, DW8rT rune fut-ged for hlrn before tile game ano has decided now is thetime 10 put itslimiled effect into Action.

Play after your turn has ended or your kick-off to an opponent is

resolved. but before your opponents tum begins. .

[luring only i,his tum of your opporent, ev'e,ry player on your leam is tre8'led~s the Foul Appearance and Disturbing presence skills.,


'\Ibur ieam has been prachctnq a new special play' and how is lhetlme

to try it out .

Play after your turn has ended but before your opponent's tum begins.

You may not play tilis card after B kick-off is resolved. .

During oilly lflis turn of your opponent, every player on yourlesm is treated as 118V!~g the Stand Firm skill.


Astray dog rurrs orne the pitch and runs offwlththe ball,

Play at the beginning of yourium before any play'er takes an Action,

The ball. rnusi be 011 i,he grourid for this card to have an E>ffecL Rqll fur Scatter direc~on with the Throw-ln template. The ball scatters ITJ6 squares inthat dreciion and is ""here the dog places it on the ground (no bounce roll). Ilf the· final .square is cccupied, scatter once more ill the same direcnon. I~"I any lime Ule scatter result lndlcates the dog ran into ·the crowd •. stop scatterirrg ano have the crowd throw-in the



Place a min iature, to represent the Groundsman' in any square 011 the pitch adjacent to the' sidelines but not in an end zone, Tile 'Groundsm@n has all the ststs and skills of a rookie Dwarf Desthraller. '{au may treat this playerHs a normal member of youFteam anc it may take you above '11 players,on the pltch ibr'hs drlve, The Ground~man will only play' this 'drive beforehe returns his equipment to the garage,


lile opposing team has picked up some really bad habits and it's stal'ting to ohangetheir ability to work together as a team.

Play duringthe,pre-gBme afler all inducements are purchased.

lile opposing i€am loses 1D3 Team Re-rolls forihtsg@meonly,

,3 ~:

Your team has cunn'ingly concealed 8 massive balli,sta along ihe sidelines,sllowil)g you iotir€' itat an unsuspecting opposing playerat just the right moment.

play after YOLir turn 11aS ended or your kick-of! to en opponent is resolved, but before your opponent's turn begins,

11le Ballista works e;.:actlj/ liKe a WiLBrd"S lightning Boltspell.

One player rom your learn 118S been waiting all season to show whst he can do - and h,e wants the ball NOW!

Play atthe beginning of your turn before any playertakes en Action,

For the remainder of this game, one player of YOUI- choice from your team-gains theDauntless, Juggern@ut. ano StMp Ball skills,

1 0 ~: IRON MAN

One play.,r from your team has dedieated the match to his recently departed mum and tsdeiermlneo to play for the whole gBme, no matter what the cost,

play ,sfter your iurn has end,e,d or your kick-off to an opponent ts resolved, but befone your opponent's tum be'gins,

For the remainder of this game, aoy event that results in an ~njury roll agains't a selected player from' ynur team' IS treated as if a Stunned result was roll'ed witll0ut actually rolling to see an injury result



4 to: B LA.CKMAI L

You have the goods on one of the opposing players, and you have chosen now to call In your favollr.

Play at tile beginning of your tum before any.playertakes an Aouon

You may treat achosen opposing pla,yer, other than the bR,1I carrier, as a member of your team fb';' thts tum only, Note iliat the r'ei,eree recoqnlzes the player as an opponent, so )iOU may not score' a

touchdown for team with tllis player' Hild tile' player cannot be

I i


One ,player from your taarn HGciden'iBII~' drank soma Mad-Dsp IMus.hl'Oom-lac,ed cOffee, before this drive,

Play at tile beginning of your tum before anyplayer takes an Aotlon. FOr the remainder of this, one player Of your cholceirorn your team mit holding the ball gain'S +1 to his A,G and the Jump Up, No

Hands and I' ' ills,


One player from the opposing team has the NAF quesDoning his tactics on how he hBS been racking up these injuries, He decige~ to go ~'8,8y this game to reduce tlie scrutiny on him,

PIs:y :sfter YOllr turn has ended or your klck .. Qff to an opponent ts resolved, but befere your opponent's tum be,gins,

For!h!! a selected oppas,ing player from fouling or blockjlig will be lreaiedas Stunned results withoutaQwaWy roillng'lp see an injury result.

A player from your team slips on a pair of magical one-shot knueklecusters to make sure that the opponent ITe has his ey-e on goes down thtsturn,

PIs:y mille beginning of youF'llJm before anyplsyertakes an Actlon.

FOr this turn, one player of your cholce from you!' team can convert any and aft Block dice he mils to 'Defender Down' results.

'6 to: DUH, WHERE AM 11

.one pl,ayer from the' opposjnp team was out all night 011 a bender Hndis r'eall~' not re.ady for this game.

Play after your turn has, ended or your kick-off to an opponent Is resolved, but before your opponent's turn begins,

For the rernalnder of this game, orre selected opposing player gains the Resl!y Stuprd sklL!,


The local wizard's gUild is a fan Qf your team and has provided your team with R rnaqlc.sponqs !hat plfers possible, healing magiC to one lucky pla'yer,

P,lay 'after a drive' has ended,

Roll a D6" On-a 1.-tlle sponqs's w8glc ,fslls, On a.2,+, you'may heal one player in the IDead and Injured boxio move htrn to!Rellerves,

7 to: EGO TR.IP

One player from the opposing team 118S developed a real §Wel,led head from his success and Is demanding- super star treatment,

Play after your turn has ended or your kick-Of! to an opponent Is resolved, but before your' opponent's' turn begin S',

Choose one opposing player, For the remainder of this game, th,gt player must. take hi.s AcUOIl fi~st every turn or not Ilake an ACI.iof) at ·all.

5+: MINE

Your team trapped the pilei, witll a disguised mlneand the opposing .tea m has I list setlt off"

PlayaHhe beginning ot yourturn before My playertakes an Action,

Mine works e~actly like ,8 Wizard"s Flreball spell axcsptthst the centre square rnusthave an opposing play,erin it for this cam to ba pl,ayed_

B~: .zAP!

An uncerhanoed mage yOL,J have bribed turns an opponent into a frog,

Play after your turn has. Hnd,Efd or yo~r kick-off t9 eri opponerit is resolved, put before your opponent's turn begins,

Roll a 06, on 81, the spell has FLZZLED and this card has no effect on a 2.+, one targeted player is treated as 118Ning 0 NL Y the following characteristics and skills for th.!l' remainder of the drive (MA:4; ST: 1; AG: 4,; AV' 4; lDodge,; Leap, No Hands, Stunt'!', Titchy) Ilf he was 'call)'ilJg tile ball ii will bounce once irom his square. His characterlsfics/skils will return to normal HI the end of the drive; but

he suffers as a I


YOL,J, bribe the:Ground,sman to drive,'I,is "other" rnacrme onto the pitch to help yourteanl OUL

Play at tile beginning of'~oLJr turn betore any playert@kes an Action,



One player from your team has been selected to help field-test the latest 'innovation In tBlood Bowl fooiw.esr. The air-elemental filled soles make the player especiallY light on iheir f€ei.

Pla~ at.the beginning of your um before any player takes an Action" Forthe remainder of this game. one pla~<l'r of your choice from ~uur team g,ains +'1 MA and the Sprin i and Sure Feet skills,

One player frornyour tesm has been told "'win or else by the' Qoblin bookies in make good on his gambling de-bts and he is dei:er:mined JO get his team the win even 'if he, needs to take down every opposing player hlrnself.

Play at the' beginning of your tum before any player takes an Action, For the remainder mthls game, one player ,of your choice from your team gains the Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Tackle, and Wresile skills.


Your team has bribed an old witch to curse one oftl1e opposing players',

10 ~: GET ',EM LADS!

Play after your ium has ended or your kick'off to an opponent is resolved, but befol'8'youropponent'g turn be9ir1s',

For the rernatnder of this gamEt, one sel,ec,l<!d opposing player may not re-roll any dlcerof eitiler througl1 team or _skill re-rolls.

Your team hire~ B trained assassin to dope a "liial player Will your opponent's team toforce him to miss the gsme"

play dUring the pre-game; after slllnducernents are purchased.

Pick a player on the oppostnqteam. He' must miss this game.


Due to some cunningly planied rumours snd smear campaigns, the opposing team comes in'tpthe game with some sertcusmorale is/lues,

play dLlring the pre-game after slllnducements are purchased,

Roll a G6 for e8t~h re-tell the opposmq team has; for each result other

than 1, the opposing team loses a re-roll for ~le match, '


You've bribed star Borg "~rei:gI1t Train' Gortl1ag and he Gomes fiying onto tne pitch to assiSI1/0Ur team.

Play at.the beginning of your turn before any playertakes an Action"

Place B mnlature to represent Borg ill any square adjacent to the sidelines but not in' an end zone. Borg's cnarB:cierisiics/skilis are MA 6;ST 5;AG 2;AV 9 with Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skuli, Break Tackle, J:uggernau~ and Strip 8,aiL You mliy mat this pl,ayer as II normal member oi your team, he may take, an Action as normal tile' turn he is placed on the. pitch, ano it may tBk:e you above 11 players on the pitch fodhis drive. Borg will leave your team at ille end of tile current half,


The opposingtearn's drinkshave been spiked with a powerful laxative, Which makes several playershav;e trouole getting out of the locker room

'fscilities for each dri\le, '

Pla~' during thepre-qarne after "II inducements are purchased, Randoml,Y' selent three opposing players, for the remander of' this game, each one must roll a !D6 before every kick-off, On a roll of 1-3, he may not take' part in IIi Is- drlve. On a roll of 4-·6-, he may be set up

normally. '

Your team makes a nlajor push to break through the opposing team after seeing oneol iheir own go down,

Play at the' beginning of your turn, before any player lakes an Action as lor19 as your team sLIffured ,sny injuries (includin9 stunned) during

U1e opposhon's previous turn. ..

For U1is tum, each of your players gains '1-1 Slf.

Egos on the opposlnqteam ere running Very high 'for ihis match and the head coach is unable to override hisie,ari1's primadonnas.

Pla~ during i,he pre-game after all inducements are purchased,

Fpr-eacll drive, only one 01 the two pl'lYers WlUl the highest Team Value or ~nducement Cost on theoppoetnq team ,eligible to be set-up that drii/e, (i', e. not Sen t Off or i i1 the, KO'd or IDeBd & lin jured bOK)

Your iear.n has employed 8 powerful telepsth 8n'd has chosen this moment in utilise her talent, Hermelltal scream lemporarily stuns ihe'

opposing team inio inaetlvlty, '

Play at the, beginning of yuur tum before anypiayef takes an Action, Roll a 06 for each opposing pl,sy-er on the plich, On 8 21', treat that player 8S iflle had failed a EJGme-llead roll previously. Tllis effect only' last until the end 01 your tum after which the, Bone-head erect is removed withou] the, player nee!Jing to. start his next ACDDn to cancel


Your' players show grceat discipline lnthe tace of misfortul1e ,against 8

tough opponent. " '

Play after ;your tum IlaS ended, bLit before your- opponent's tum begins,

If your turn just enoed irom a turnover, your team does not Emtu@lly' suffer a turirover frorn that failed roll, The Action olthe player causing U1e turnover is- ended, but ally' player on your team who has not yet ceclareo an Action may continue thair turn 8S if the, umover did riot occur, Ariy further turnovers this turn simply end the Action of the player committing the turnover msteao of ending the tum,


A, small, wrinkled, cackling man comes to 111e team 6ft;erlng them soma of his latest brewe'd snake oil which, he clalrns '1'1111 "cure all that ails \mu.''' S'urprisingly it works.. 100 bad he v,anislled witllout 8 trace after sel (in g it to you.

Play duriilg the pre-game after all inducements are purchased. Yourteam may subtract 1 from all InJury rolls 9,g8in8\ its plaliers'this game,: If this takes the result below 2, the player IS treated ss Prone 'notStunlled" Rolls 011 the' Casualty table against your team are not

affeClted by this ,effect. '




Accurate (Passing)

Tim p~ayer may add 1 to the D6 rol!1 whl:inl h!;! passes.

Always Hungry (Extraordinary)

Tl1e pliaye~ Is always ravenously htJllg~ry - and wl1at's more, h:e'll sat abso:llUtl'lly anyt~itngl Shoukl the player ever use the Throw Tearn-Maie s~ill, rolli:a DB afffir ha has: iiinis:hed mtwJng, bul Ibefme Ihe thfOWS, hls team=mate. On a 2~ oonHn~e wHh the U1 row. On a rol~ of 1 hG atlempts to ealtl1e unimlUinaie tsam-matst RoH,lhe 0'5 againl, a second 11 msans thai he sUlccessiu 11\1 scoffs ttihe team-mate dOW[lI, w:hichi kl.lls the jeam-male wi±hollloppmtuility tor reCOY!H')i' (Apolliecarie's; Reg.enera~iioil or anything else cannot be ussc), If· t'he taarn-msto hac ',h.eball Iii wi'!l scatlerom:a from tns te<lm-mate's square. Iff the second ron lis 2-6 t~e leani-mate squlrrns free alld tlim Pass Action is ;:!ut,omatically tmated as. a fumblsd pass. runnbl:e tWie playe" wlth IIM'a Rigiht Stufi skii.ll as normai

Animosity (EXtraordinary)

A. pLaye~ with this s~i!! does not ~ike players: fr'o!iT1 his I.eam that are a difislreJlt race than ileis' and wil~ oilen refUJse to play l!Iiitth tlmm daspite fhe coach's: erdcrs, lith!~s player at Ihe snc of his Hiilnd=oifor P@ssAction attempts 10 iland.,·off or pass tine bau to a le,<Im=mate tlhat'is. not the same racs as the AnimOSity playe~, roll a 06. On a 2+, .!he pass/hand-off is carried out as normal. On a 1, the jJ.layer retuses to' gillig 1I1:e bal:1 to any iIeam=mate except one 01 his own race .. Tile eoacn rnay cilobse ill cllang:e tile fa~get. of tha pas,s/h.a!nd~o,ft to aUlothe:r learn-mate. of ,the, same m,ce as Ihe Amimb!i~ty playe~, howe"'Hr no more movemenl is, alilowed tor

the,Ani'rnosily prayer, so the current A.ction may belos!'lor the IUlrn .

Ball & Chain (Extraordinary)

Players armed willl! a BaH & Cilaiin cam only ta~e MOil'£! Actions. To move or Go f'or It, p:lace the throw-In template evsr t!he pj,ayer facingJ up or down t!'le plteh or towards eiliher sideline, Then roll a 06. and move tl1e playe:r one square 1111 the indicated di'reCilion; no Doaga mil is: required ~I you leavEl a tackle, zone. "this movement takes tl1e.'pliayer olil Hne pitcln, l1e riS beaten up by the crowd rin ,the same malnrneras a player I!Yho !las been pusMd off the IPitch. Repeat this process for each an1d every square ol'normall movement tl19 Iplayer has, You may Ihan GIFI us':ing thie same process if you wi:sh. If during hds Move· ADfian he would move inill an occupied square t!hen tile player, will thmw a plocK !ollowing Inorma1 blockillg rUII'es agalnSot whoever is: in .1111 at square, Irie,nd or'loe [aila il even rgniliroo. Foull Appearanc·e'l). A Prnna or Stunned p~aye:r in sn occupied square is plished lJ'ac~ and an Armour roll is made to s&e iii he ~s injured, tnstsad Oflhe brock being tnrown at him. The player must lollow up if'l1e will pusn back anotlneJ player, and wi}1 Il1en carry on with his move as described above. IIHile player is ever KilOc~ed Down orPlacedProne, mll'l illil1meaialely for injury Iflo Armour roll is required). Stunrrned res![j~ls'io~ any InMy rous for 111e Ball & Chai'n plilver are always Ilreated as KO'd" A Ball & Cha~n player may use the Grab s~iI!1 {a.s il a Block Aclion was bellng used) wilWi h:~s O:locks,lil he has reamed [tI). A Balll.& Cha.inl !player may never luse tile Divi,ng Tacikle, Frmnzy, Kick=Off IRei'urn; Leap" Pass S'lock or Shadowingl s~iI18.

Big Hand (Ml,liation}

Orrneol.the pl.aye!'s hands !11as grown monstrouslylarg.e, ye.t fema~ned completeliy fum:luonaL The player [glno.res mod.iflerls) fo.renemy tackle zones or POLi~ing Ra~n we.ather wlle:n he attemplsto pk:k upthre ball.

Block (General)

A playet wilh the B~ock skilli.s p:rdiicien!t at II;nocking opponents dowri. THle moc!:: 8k~H, if ~sed, aHects tl19 resulits rmlled willh tile Block. dice, as exp:la1ned 1!l the BlloCiklhg,

Blood L.ust (Extraordina,ry)

Vamp[rns. must occaslonajy leed 011 line :blood of tha li,lIiing. Im'mediately afta:r decl.aJrin1g ani Aciion wlilih a vampirs, roll a d6: On a 2" 'lIle varnpno can CaITly C1~t t~e Aclion as normai On at ,. however~ the Vampi:re m,Ulst ,feed on a Thra~1 team-male or a spectator. Thee Vampire m.ay corulnue withl 111is dsctarad Action or il he 111 ad declmed a Block AcfiOJ1', ha may 'tal!ie a MOile Action instead. Eithe~ w.ay, at Ihe e:nd 01 Illle declared ActIon, bu11belore'ly passiing, handiUlg, off, 0" Scarin'gl, fthe vamp·ire musl food. if he is st.andiinllg adijacent to one or more Tlh'ralillaam-mates Isttand illg, prone or Shunned), then c~UJOS!l cneto !I.ite and make an IniulY mIl onthe Thrall treafiing ally casualty roll as Hurt. Ths ~nj:ufY willi not cause a himo",er~lnlIless the Thwa!11 was holding ftlhe· ball. On.ce the Vampirre has !bitten a Thralli he may complette his Actionl"ailUJre to bite a T~1ral.1I Is a turnover and requ.ilros l1im tof.ood 011 a spectator - maye th,e Vampiroto'ttllereserves boX il M was suu on tfile p.ilchl. II he was h.o~dijng "tl(ne ba~l, ~I bounces trorn th.e square he Qccupied when he was removed andhe will notseoie a io'u,clldown If he was in the opposing and zone.

Born ba.rdier {Extraord inary}

A coach may enoosa 10 ilave a Bombardiielr who. is not Prone or Slruimed tinrow a bomb i~steadof tak~ng a!ny other Actlon Witl1th9 player. Thlis doss not use the team's Pass Action fm the lur~ The bomo is thrown UJSiilgih:e rutos tor lhmwingl the baJll (includiing weat,h'er'8·fieets and USB: 01 HaiJ Mmy Pass:), except 1I11a1 tile pllaryer may net rnovs or stand 'up belore 't~rowi;ng :it (he needs time to I,Ig:llt'tlle fuse I). Intercepted bomb passes are nctturnocers . Fumbles or any bomb explosiio:ns that lead .10 a plaJy'e" on llieactive team beingiKnoc~ed Down am turnovers. All sr.:il[s that may be usee when a ball is HHOWin may be ~sed when a bomb liS tlJ,rown also. A bomb may be. intercepled orcaugb'f u!sillg, the same rulss tor catching t~e i}alil, tn whic!h case th~ player catching it must tnrow ~t again [mmnediately. This isa speclal bonus Acfton ~Ihatiakes·pllace 'out 01 the norrnatssquence 01 play. A player hQldifilglhe ball can eaten or lntsrcspt and tllirow a bomb. The bomb e)(p:lodes when It I"'nds lin anel!l'1!p'ty square or an OppMUll.bty 10 catch the bomb lalls 0." iis decliinred (L.e~, .bombsdO[J't 'boulnce'),. If the 'bomb. is TUlmb~ed iit explodes, ln tha 'pomb thrower's .square, If a bomb la~ds ln tile crowd, iit B:xpl~ode3 with no -effect Wh.en Hue !bomb Hnailly does explode any playe, in the sama:9ql:iare:'iS,Knoc~ed Down, and plqyers i'n adjacent squares aim K!nocked Down 0111 a ro'I,1 of 4+. Players' can be ~it by a bomb and-treacad as Knocked Down evon ~I 'tiney are already Prone or Shmned, Make Armou~ and InjUirY roilis lor any .players lKiloc~ed Down by ttlB bemb, Cas ua I:tres: Caused by .9. bornn do

no'! counttor star Prayer points. .

Bone~head (Ex'traordlnary)

I1he player iiS not J]OIe,d tor nts intel,lig.ence.l3ecaLilse of tnls youmost roll a 00 ~mmedilate~ly after decllarimg an ACiliio.nlo'~ the pliaYBF, but before 't~i!ng IlJeAction. On a roll of ~ ~m stands around tr.yiung; to r.emembl'!~ what it is Ine's be.doing, Theplayeu can't do anything lor tl19 tmn, and the player's tearnlose.s 1M dec la~ed Aclion fair the ,J-um. (So ila BOIlI&ihead playelF declares s Blitz Action and rolls a 1, then the team cannot decllare anolher Blliz ACliol1tha!,lulrn.) The player loses h~s 'tack!le zone's and .m a i' not catch" j ~lefCepii or pass, ass i st an 0 iI'lg~ P I:ayer on a blOCK orluul, Of volLmlari:ly mo",,g ~rW~ he,hlan:ages to roll a 2. mbetier at 'time start of a fulUre Action or ti1e dnve ends·.

BreakTackle (Strength)

11119 player may use Ih~s Slreng:\rn in·srtead of his Agility when making a Dodg,g rail. For ex amp 1!2l; a p~ay.e-r \I\Ii~h St.rengfih 4 and A,g~llity 2 \iliQ~ld c.ounl as .halil'n.g an Agility 014 wilen mak~ng q Dodge ro!l. This skill may o nllybe u,sed 0 n.ce per t u rnr.

Catch (Agility)

A'playe~f who has tha Catc.h! s!kiill is allowed 10 Ifecroll tine D6 iii ha iails a cattch· roll II' a~so allows the prayer ,10 re.-roll the 06 il he drops a hat,'la.-ofi

or fails to make at,'l inlerceplion,. .



Chainsaw (EXlraordinary)

A player armed wilh a chaiinsawniust sttack with it instead of making a bIOC!\ as paf'il 01 a 8loc'k or .a/Hz Actioll. Wh.en the chaOinsaw is' used to make ·aM attack, rolla 00 rllsttead 01 th.e Block dice. on aroi:! 01.2 or lriT10re the ehalnsaw .hlts the opposing player, but on a will of} it"klcks back' and ruts the wielde~ iinslead I MaKa ani Armour rollror ,he player hit by tiHl chalrnsaw, adding :3 to Ihe sears. If the roll Mats the v~cti;f]n's Annno'll" valUle than the. vicli!lln Is Knocked Down and t!)j,~red - roll en [he Injw<ry ftaDlle. lithe ro'il [ails 10 beat the victim's Armoujr valuelh.enlhe. attack has rrm·effect A p~ayer armed wiitl1. a cnamsaw may take a Foul.Action, and addsS to the Arrmou;~ rolli, b'ut must· roll lor k[ck, back as csscribadaoova. A running ehiaITnsaw Is a dallgerous thilng to carry arourrc, so' ~1·1! tplayer !lo~d~ng a Clla~nSaw is K)nocked Down tor any reason, tnaopposlnq coach i;8. allowed 10' add 3 to hi;s· Armour rol'l to see if the prayer was illJlJJed. However, blol:ki!ng a player wntll .~ cnarnsaw is equally dangemusl Ii an oppOnelntkl10CkS Ilim'seli over when blockirilg tile.cllaif):saw p'layer ±he.m add 3" tonts A~mou~ wl:1. This skill may omiy bs used ence per tLlwn (e.g., cannot be ussd w~llh IFrenzy or Mulltiple IEHock) and il used as pari of a Blitz Ac.fion, itH~ pflay'er cannot cennnuo mov~ng a,lIe·r using: it Casualties caused by a cthai rlS.'!W player do not counttor Star Player pO'inls.

Claw I Claws (Mutation)

A play!')" w[~~ thilsskiill is blle80sed Wfrtll a Illuge cra~Ii'ka claw or razor sharp talons that make armocr u'seless, When ani opponent us Krroekad Down by Ihls player dmingla b~ock, !l.l1Y A~mou:r ro:ll 01 8 or more afte" modiiicallolls o:jlJlomafically breaks armour,

Dauntless (General)

A player wlitllth~s skill is. capable of psycl1ing himse~lup sDIH~ can larke on even title very simngesl opponent. The skill. only wolikS when th.a playe:r attempts to black an op'ponent w~o is. stromgHr ,tihiljnJllinnsell. Wilem fhe *111'is used, tl18coaCil of tile. player wtlth ths.Daurrllasssklll wlWs S D6 and adds lt .to rns strength,. It tljs total is equal to or lower than t~e oppcnsnt's St~engfth, the player must b:lock u!sil1.g 11:is normal S"'9I1g111. If the total! Is 9reater, t~en Ithe pliayer with Ihe Dauntl9ss s~iill counts as havlimg a Strengt.h: equ·a~ to 111 is opponsnt's whenl1ie mal';9s ~he 'block. Tile s1rn:ng,lh of .blJlltfi players is cC\rcll~ated belore any defensive or offensive assists an~ addad but after al,1 other mod ifieis.

Decay (Extraordinary)

Slaying' om Ih~ pifch Is diilliicult when Y0nJf rol1iing bod'll is 'baml", ila.ld IDgetnm. WllHn thls player sUJiffe:rs a Casualty tesuJton fttlle.lnjuiy table, m~~llwice Oil fine Casual.1y table· Isee page .251 an d apply botih'resUiIK The playe:r wiH OITlly e"e~ miss onstuture maten asa re-su:1It ·of his inJ.u.~ies, even if he g.uffe:rs two results wilih this effect. A successful Regeneration m~.1 wililhealbofii! resullits.

Dirty Player (General)

A. player wlth thls skilli has trailled long"and hard to, learn every dirty triick. ~n Ihe book, Add 1 to any Anl10iUr roil or In,iiuryroli~ mads by tlI play,gr wittll this sklill wtlBn they make a IfOLUI as part eta Foul Action Note t~al you may' only modify unaot tlh.8 di:ce WI Is, so i!-you decide to· use D i:rtyl"l.aye~ ill ilnodii!'flhe Armour rolli, you may mot modily th,9 Injury rol~ as we.liL

Disturbing Presence (Mutation)

Tnls playm'sp:res8ilce is ver,y .disturbing, wli.ethe:r a is caused !Jy a mas,s~ve cl.oud OIT Hies, sprays of soporific irlusk, an aura .of random c~aos or ilntense COI;d, or apherorndhe tiJa! causes fear alld pahic, Regardless of the nature of Ihis. n1lutaftion,. any player must subtract 11 from the D6 \PII~en trJey pass, intercept m catch. tor each opposing plaY'e~ with Disfurblng Presence tll18t is withim th.ree squm1r9s 01 them, ev9l'n il tl1:e Disturrbiln,g Piresence playCl~ is IProne or Siunnied.

Diving Catch (Agility)

Illle is superb at di:viDlg to eaten Jbal1ls otners cannot ~e.ach 9ITld I;ump]ng 10 more easilly eaten perfect passes. T~le player may add 11 to 'amy cajch rou rrorn an accurate pass"a~geted to his square. !hl addiiiton, ·t~e player can aUempl 10 catch allY pass, kiick off or crowd throw-ill, Dlllt ITlO! Ib'ouncilng ball, that would land m-an empty square In ons of Il~S tacklle zones asn it had landed in! his own square wi'thout laaviing ~,~s current square, A-f<iile.d eaten wililbouince rrem ths D~vJng Catcll player's, squars, If Ih.em am two OIr more :pJayers attempting to use Ih:ls s,kiiU t~.8ri they get [n each ether's way and neirtiler ean , it

Diving Tackle (Agility) .

Tlile player may uss 1j1,is skill after an opposing pilayer allempts to dodge OLlt .01 any 01 his tackle zones, Ths OppOSiiBg :pllaym mllst suntract 2 l!rom nls Dod'ge mill fmleavung Ihe player's tackle zone, lIT a playelr Is atte:mptling 10 ~eave Ihe fackile zona of sevmal playelfS lhal navo the Divilngl Tackle SKiH, -tnsn onl,y (me of ttihe opposrnq players, m.ay uss DiviiITlg Tackla Difving Tackle rnaybs used on are-rolled d.odg;e if ITlQ1: declared for use on the J!ilr~t Dodge roll, Once. tile dodge is msO:lved but b.eior9. any armour rolm 1m Ihe. opponent (ni needed), the Divi'ITlg Tackl'e Player is Placed ProiBe iITl tile square vacated by thle dodgin:gl player but do not make am ArmouJr m Injury roll lor the Dhving Tackle player.

Dodge (Agility) .

A playelr with Ih.e Dodge skill is adept af sJ:ippiing .away trornoppcnents, and ~s aHowea to ~e-roll fhe 06 ~flle faHs 10 dodge out [Jj any rOf am op;posin.g] playe-r'g: tackle zonas, However, I.hg p~ayer may omly ra-mll one failed Dodge lrolil per fum ln add:~I~o'n,. tho Dodge skil.l, if used: <l.ffeclsthe ffisulls rolled on tin, Block dtos, as explained lin the Block.lingl ruiss (SM page 10.)

Dump- Off (Passl ng)

lilliS skill .arrows the playeir to make a Quick Pass when an opponent declares that M willi throw a blocK at him, aHowinig Ihe pllaye'r to g,et ~id 'of tine baH. before Ihe is hit Worlj. out the DUllT1p"Orff pass tiewre th:e op,pone!ll makes hli:s. block. Tile normat !hrawiITlg m:les app~y, Hxcep! that lletitl19r team's ·tum. ends as a msull of Ihe throw, whatteve-r it may be. AtttF~ the 1,lwow is worked out your opponent OOrlif1ptleles ,the bl:oQik, and 'tineln carries on: Witi! his turn, Dump-Off may Ilo:! 09 used OITl Ihe sseond bloc~ from anqpponmirt_ ,..iiilh ruhg· f~elJizy skiill or in conjllITlcHon wirth the Bombardie.r Dr T!llmw Team~Mate skil,ls.

Extra. AlTJIs (Mutation)

A playelr wifh OITl!} or Inlor,g; extra arms may add " to any attempt 10 p'icik up, Gatelll OIr inter,cept.

Fan Favourite (Extraordinary}

TM failS love seeinguhis p~ayer on the pitchJ so much lh'ai even tno 0PiPosin91 tails cheer 1m you,neam. Fo:r each. playa~ with Ifan favoulri(e on the iPitch your team receives ani addiitilonal +.1 FAME mod.ifier [see page 18) for any kick~OiHable· reslJlls,buli not fforthe Winnings mil.



Fend (General)

1111is play~r~s very skillad at 11101d.iITlg eTf' woul'd-be attackers. OPPosililg players may not followoup bloc~s made against tllis player even if the fend player is Knocked DO\Mn. T~e oppos1ng player may SITli,11 eonunus mov~ng aflEWblocki!lg if he-had decl:amd a Blitz Action

Foul Appearance (Mutation)

Tlhe p~8Jym's appearance is so horriblathat any oppos~ng player that Wafil!sto block tile player (or use 09;, spec~.~ ll1ttack: i.hla! takes !t1he,place of a bl~ock) rnusl ,irs!' roll :±\ D6; and score 2 or morH. If the opposing; player ro~'ls a lhe lstoo rBvolted to make t:he b,~oc~ and it ~s wastsd (II10Ug:il tn.e oppo"Si,llgl team d'oes not suffer aIUi.rilOverj'.

Froo.;zy (General}

A pllayer lI'Iill1 Ilhis s~jlll liS a slaV9"irng psycillOpath 1'1110 attackarss opponents ffn an urnconit~ol[a'b:le rag;e. Unless mhe:rwls,e :oveniddaITl, tmlis sklll must always be used. Wh,8n ma~jfilg a block, a play.m with this skill must always follow up if he can. If a 'Ptlsiled' er 'Defender Stumbjes" msultt was chosen, the player must limmelliafuely Illww 8! second block agalnst,llhe same oppone!lft so IO!lg asthsy am both still 's:larnding and adjacent. If posslblo, 1M player must aise folll~QW lip til is. second IbFoek. If the fHlnZued pllayer is pertO.rllliinga BJi~ AClion Ihe'n he must Ipay a square 01' Moveme!lTI and must maKe t!le sscond block unless he has 110 further normal movement and cannot Go f-or II aglailn.

Grab (Slrengtii)

A pJaye;r wiilih Inis skill ussshls g,mat s,tlr9llgtth aird Pfowess to gmib ilis opponelll alld tinrow ~im mound. To rep:resell,! this, andy wlll'lille makung a Block Action, II his block. results in a push back he may choose amy empty square adjacent to ,~lls opponent 10 push back ilis opponent. Wh,el'! makung '! Blockm Blitz ACliotJ, Gr'ab and Side Step willi eancst eacl] othsr out and the standard puSNlack ruiss apply. 13mb w~11 not wmlkif tiilere are 110 empty adjacent squares. A play\l-T wi,th, Ih'e G,rab sklill Can ne:ver learn or galin 1M Fr9111ZY skill HUOLigll arty means. ILikewise, a player with tile fWHrilZY sklll Call nev!er team or g,ai~. fthe Grab skilllhrougih any m".an.s.

Guard (StrengJh)

A player wi:th thlis s~illl assists all otfel1sive or defensive block aV9ITl uf Wle i:8: iil1 anotrer playe~'s tackle zono, Thils skill may mol De u:sed to assist a rou!.

Hail Mary Pass (Passinq)

TIle play,H may Illrow the ball to an¥ sqUJaTe on tho p!layiing pitc-h" no mailer wn;at the range: tim range mu_ler is not use-d. ,Roll a DB". On a iroll of 1 tha pliay'9r furnolas ,thethmw, and Ihe bal!! wililibounce one9· trorn lils !thrower's square. On a rol[1 of 2-6, Ihe player may make ,1111& pass, Tfls HaUl Mary pass may !nOt-De .inten:epted, !bUTI iit uS liievm aCcu~ate - the ball aulomaficaHy rmssos andscaltersthree .souaros. INotetl1al rri you are nuc[(y, :the ball wil!l scatter backinto th9 ta"ge:t sq!Ut!rel Tlhiis s'kil~ m'ay not be ussd i,n a Blizzard or w1tiltl19lihrow Team"Mate s~i1IL


Horns (Mutation}

A pllayer with, Hornis may use Illem to butt an opponent Hams aces 1 to t~e player'sSfrrengW for any block.{s) no makes dliFilng a BlifzAclfon

Hypnotic Gaze (Extraordinary)

l1heplayer has a powerful telepatlliic ability Ihat he can uso to stun an opponen~ l:nto ImnnobiUly. The player may use hYPf1lolic :g,aze altile end of nrs Move·Action on, one oppostnq pllayer w,I1Ci' iis fh an aojacsnt square, Make an Agimty routor the playelf wl~~ h,ypnollc gaze', wltn a -1 modtfi:ep lor each Opposiin'gl tackte zOlle 0!1th9 pliayair witih hypnotiG gaze cthsr 'tfrna!nt~e Victim's. 'If Ilile Aglilify mil is susoosstul, 11.lmn Itlhe opposiing playm 1:0800 nis tacK~e zones alnd may no! ca~Ch, Inrtercept O~ pass the bau, asslst anothsr p.layB~ on a bloc~ or foul; on- rnovs \lol'un~a~.ily !Un.til t~e start of h:is next. Action ortne dri;va ends. If the will f:ai~s, than Ilha hyp:notic g'&e

nas no eNact. '

Juggernaut (Strength}

A pl'ayer wlth tlus skm is vi:rtua~ly lmposslblsto stop once ha ls In motlon, If trl1;is player takes a 8lJiz Acllofl,t~e opposl ngi playm may no!' use his Fend, Sta'nd [Firm or Wrestle skLlls against the JUgg,eMaUlt player's blocf<;s. Tile J!llggg~1flau] p,~a:ygr may also cnoose 10 ~roo\ a 'Boilil Down' rnsull as iii a ;Pushed' N~sult nas.bssn roll!ed inst~ad for iblocks he ma~es dlliriingi a Blitz Act jon.

Jump Up (Agility)

A player wllh thls s~ilil ls ab!le to quiCk~y 'get back Into !tn,e !Jame. If the player declares, ariy Aclio:n othsr HTIaln, a. B"fock Actiol1lm rnav stand !JJpfb~ 'fme without p'ay~l1gI11:e Illwee squares of movemsns, The player Il1I1ay also dsclara a ./3/ock A:ation while [Prone wn[ch reCjUlires an Agil.ity ro:ti with a +2 mod ifier 10 see ff ne can complet~rftille Action A successtul rou means t~e ,player can stand up ffor free and btock all adjacent eppcnant, A lalled ml,i means the' Block Action ts w2sted and the player may not sland up.

Kic.k (General}

TJJe player I!s all exper.\! tM ball and can piscs the kick with .great _])JeGisLoITl, In mder to' usc.thls sknt th.e player mustbo set up on t~e pitcin wheo inis ftea[)1 ~iGks off. Ue pla'r'm may fila! be, sstup un eillher w[de zone m on the [line of scrimmage. OMyif all t~ese conditions: are mel ~s t~e player tnen .allowed to take ~Ile ~iG8:<off. Becallseh,is Ii[ck is so accurats, I{OUI may choose to halve tha number of squassstaat tile bam seattsrs on klick-off, wlll1din~g any fractions down (i.e., 1, '" 0,2-3", 1, 4c

5 =2,6 ~ 3). '

Kick~Off Return (General)

A, player on the rncehting team that is rrno! Oril !_he una of Sc~immage orin an oppos[ing tackle zone may USH Ihiis skill when Imlg ba~1 has boon kick.ed. ILalTows the player to move up 110 ,3, sq~lams after the- b1il~ has Dee:n scaMmd Qui oefore ro'lli[]"g 'dln the Kick,Otf lable. On~y 'one playeJ may lise tnls 8:kill each kick·olt This skill may 1101 be: used fOlf a .toucnnaek kiick"ofl and does mot allow tile playm 10 cross lnto tile

opponenI's lIlall,G! the, plteh, '



iii !!!!

Leader (Passing)

1111& p:!'ayer is, a natti:ral ~ead9, ane commands the resl 01 the team from the b'ack:"liie~d as hie prepares tothrow line ban, A team with one or more piayerswith the Lsadsr sklll may lake 8J single Leader IRe-roil eountar and add it to thelr team re-rcns al Ilhe start of the garrml and at .Ilalf time afler allY Masler Chef rojs, The Leader re-ron is usad exactly !hie same rll eve"y way as a normal Taarn re,-mll wli!lha'11 ths sa,:me rE)s1rlctions. in addltlon, the Leader re-mlll may only De used so long as al.least o!1le pllayer wifh the Leader -skilll is on the pEtell - even if th:ey -are Prnns orr Siunnedl R&m~~ls from Leader may Ibe carried over into Overtime iIT not used, b~t tine leam does not rec€!we a Inew Leader ~e-,rolll at the start 01 Overtnme.

t.ea p (Agii Ii ty)

A pllayer w~lhlha ILeap skI]]] Is aillowe.d to Jump to any empty square within 2 squares eve:n il u raqulrss Jumpirmg over a playelr from eith,m team. MaK~nga leap costs 'the player two squares of movennenlt. IVI erdsr to make Ih,e Ileap, move Ihe player'to a:ny empty square l' to ,2: squares trom hls eurrent sqllara and Uli,gnI msko an AgiUty roll tor liIll;! player. No modifiers ~pply 10 th:ITs 06 Irolil unless he has Very long !Legs. T.1le IplaY,er does- not Ih ave to dodge 10 leave tile square na starts m. If ~he pl.aye~ sllccessllully makes 1119 DB roll then he makes a periect lump and may carryon moving. If ihi9 player iaillsthe Agill.ty ~oll ,!llmn he ls Kn'oc~ed Down In 'u[je square tnatnc was ~9:aping to, and '~h,e oppos~ng coach maKes an Armour rolH to see if he was. irrljLJred. A player may o:nliyuse the wap s.f<iH onc!'). per t~rn.

Loner (Extraordinary)

lOiners, thorOUlgh ine'xperience, armgance, animal lerociity or jUst plain si~p:idJ'ty, do.' not wo:ri< wei!! wil~ th,e rest of fila team. As a rasult, a.Lener may useteam ~e-rolls but 1118,8 10 rom a OO·firsl. On a roll of 4+, he may uss tha team re~rolil as normai On a roll 01 1-3 111,e ori:gunlal result stands wi,tholJl'being re-rcllsd b:ut tile te-aml re-roll ~sl(Jsi (i.e., usad),

Mighty Blow {Streng;lh)

Add 1 .to arrly Armour or In~ury mil made by a playe~ wilh this skill wtmn an opponent ls KnockBd Down by this player durinlg a bl:odc Note thai you 'IXily mod if]' one allhe di,ce rolls, so il you decide-to use Mighly Bilow ttl modify the Arnt10w mil, 'IOU may nol modily tl1e Injury wll as weilL Mig!hty Blow cannot be Ulsed Wlith "hie Slab or G~ainsa\l'll skii:tls.

Multiple Block (Strength)

At Ille stahl oia Block Aclkm a player wno is adj.acenlt to at lieast two opponents may choose to fthmw blocks again.s·!iwo 011rmm .. Ma,ke each bloc~ lnturn as nm,mal e>;cept IhaLeach defender's slrellgth iiS ~m;re·ased by 2. nile pilayer cannct.toltow .up eithmblock when using tinis sKi JiI , so MuM~p!le Block can be ~ns!e-ad of Frenzy, bul boli:1 skHls cannot be UJsea togelhe~. To have ,the option 10 throw Iheseoorid btock the piaye~

must stU I be onhrs feel aile~ l!ile'fiirst-block. '

, ,

Nerves 6f Steel {Passing}

Tihe p:tayer ~gnores modifiers forc enemy ,1;9ckile zones wilen he attempts

to pass, eaten or ~nlle,cepl: '

No Hands (Extraordinary)

TI19 pllayer is ulI'nableto pick up, inlteFcep:! or calrry Itl.9 ball ail1d will falil any catch roll aLJlomalicallly" eililerbecausehe' liIerallly has no h,arnds 0" be-caluse. h1s-ihands a,:re fuiL If he ,attempts ~o pic~ up th!! !ball 'Il!m irt win bounce, and w.ll:1 a IUIr.nover i[f"iit is hlls te"m's tum.

Nurgl.e's Rot (Extramdinary}

Tllrs p1aye" has a llmrible' ~nfecfious diisease wilich, spr~ads wllenl he kills an oppon!!'\RiI duringl a. Block, BUfz or Foui AclioiT. Instead 01 tmlydyin:g, the ilnfected opponent Ibecomes a Inew rookne, RoHer. To do so, ,tine oppo'nerrll mUJsfi halle been ~emoved from tile roster durii:ng step 2~ 1 of Il1e Post~game sequ.ence, h,is S1r(,nglll! callina.t exceed 't and ine canino! halle the Decay"Reg,errnelratiiClI) m Sttun.ty skiHs:. nle new ROilter can be added ttl Ih:e NUfgle team·fm free dUJrJng siep 5 of Updating YOlUr Teqill Hasle" (see page 29) IUhe team ~as an open Roster sl'ot Th!is new Roller s1HI cotJ,n:ts at 1~111 va~:ue towa~ds the lotal valLie 'Of tile iN urg:le team,.

Pass (Passing)

A. player witth tbe Pass skill is allowed to rs-ron Ihe Deil he th,rows am rnacclirate, pass or ITumiJlas.

Pass Block (General)

A, player wifih thd'.s skill is allowed to move IUp to lhme squares when tl19 oPPosinglDo'acil announess Ih'a~ onre.-ol hrs p:layers is goil1l.g 10 pass the ball (but not abomb), Tll,e opposing coach may not cilang'e h~s: rnlnd about pas'sing once: Pass BlocK's, use iis' dedared. 'Tile move is made out of sequence, after the ranlge has been measured, but before any [nterception attempts Ilave been made. A pl'ayer may not make l~e rnnvs Ulnless able to reach, a leg:al desti!1at~o:n andma;,- rrlo! follow 0;1 route that WOUJld nctanow them to reac~ a l:eg.,.1 d,estinalion. A l.eg03,I destinati'om puiS th,e player in a, posirtu(Jnl to alt~mpt an i!nle'lCeplion, ani empty sq!uare 't~al iis t.1:1!e fargetollhe pass, or wl~h his tru:kle zone Oil 'fihe thrower or catcher, The play,et may 1101. stop h1ov~ng' urilIliilhe nas mached a rega~ deslllnat1onl, has been held fast by Toenrtacles.or has bee;nKnocked Doom. Tille spaclal moveisfroo, and in no way affects IlhB plaYBr'sablillity to move in a siUJbseq:lJel1ll action. The move iis'made usin.g a:tl Of Wle normal ~uiles aild skills (lor 9"xample, having! to dodge H~ order Ifo ~eave opposJlnlg players' tackle zcnss.] Players, wit hi Pass BlOCk may usa-mrs skill ag:aJns\ a Dump Oftf pass. lIT Pi p'layer pe:rlormin.g a Pass Block in tlleir ow n turn us Knocked Down'llhen Is a turnover" Ina ofile:r playe~s may perform Pass BlocK moves, and your tum ends as soon as ~he results 01 ~11e pass and Illie block are f!!solved.

Piling On (Strength)

1111e player iIIiIay use lihis sklll altair h.e has made a blocil: as pari! of, one of inis Block or Biilz Actions. bul ontiy ii fthe Plliing ani player ~s cUlrrel]l~y standing .adjiacerrlt'to the victim O'ln:d Ill!! vicliiri!1 WaS Knocked Down, You may re-ro!:1 the Armourr mill or Injl!IT)' ~om lor tim victiim.TiW Piliil1g On player iis Placed Pmne in hts awn sqilare ~ it lis assumed that ine rolls ilac~ there a,fiter flattening l1is 'oppornent {do not mralke an Armour rou for l1im as he has besn cushioned by th.e other p'layer!). Pil~n.91 Din dOBS not cause a turnover unless th,eP.iling On player is carrying. Ihie baili. Pilillg Onl esnnot be used wi.~h the Stab OJ Cn,alnS8W s'ki~Us.

Prehensile Tail (Mutation)

nile player has along, thick taiil ,wh~ch he can use to tr-ip up OppOS~nlg players. "fa. m,prese:rtt this, opposi!lg players must sui"llmc!1 lrom Ihe D6 wIlli 'tJley atlempt to dodge- o,ut 01 any 0if:1he p.layer's lal:kle zones.

Pro (General)

A, iP:tayer withl t,hils ,skill ITs ahardel')e~ vstsran. such playarsare called prd:fe-ssiona~ls or Pros ,by o:t~elr IBI:ood Bowl playBrsbecause"'~IIl9:y r'a"ely mai<e ,3 m~sfake. OnlCe psr TIilm, a Pro Is allowed to r&-:roli ally one diCe wll he has, made, Olllle,r than Air mou r, Injmy' or Cas u ally, e.ven if [he is PrOine or Stunlle,d. However, before the ~9·roll may be mads, !lis coach mus! roll, a 06'; On a rol~ of 4, 5 or 6 Ihe re-rol,~ may be made. On a w[ill 01 1,2 or3 the or~g~inal result stands and may not be HHolled wilil a skill nr tsam re-,roll;llOwever you can re-·ro:11 t:be Pro roll w~th a Team re-rou,

Really Stupid (Extraordinary)

Till' is piaye~ is wilhoul doubt one of the dtmmest ereatures to-ever \.ake 10 a 8100,d IBowlllpilchi {WlldcR, ,oonsideringllhe IQ of most o!he~ playe:rs, ~s mallly saying sOll]Jleth,irrlg I}. Bec,ause of tillS you must roll a DB immediately affe-Ir deC"la"ingr an Actiicm for the player, but'bBi'ore u~inlg the Acliion. if 't!iiem are one or more p'liayelfE from tl'le g:allifie ~e"m sia:ndilng adj~ace:nt-to tine IRe ally SI!upid pl!ayer's square, and wh.o aren't .Really Stupid, then add 2 10 tile D6 roll. Dna ~es!Lift 01"1-3 ile stands around Irying to remelmM, what it Is· ine;s meant to be doing. The playe~ can't do anything; lor Ihe 'tmn, and the pJayer's team 'loses ,tlhe declared Action nor '~Ilal ftUJrirl (1m 'ex'annple, il a Really Slu:pld player d]ecl'ares a Blitz Acfion andfailis th,e RBaHy Stupid .rQII, Ilhen Ihe team cannot deCf.<\ffi another Blii? Action that 't:um). T~B player loses, his tackle zones, and may not calc:h .. intercept o~ pass the ball, !'lssist another player oM, a blocker lou II, or vot:unla! m.ove UJl1IlliI h() Ilit1anages to Irolll asuocessf:ullr!}SLiI~ fm a RealIy Stupid] mll,al tile star:! 01 2\ iu:tme Action or lihe dr1ive ends.



Regeneration (Extraordinary)

II tihe p~ayer suffers <li Casualty resulton the Injury table" then toll a D6 fm Reg9neration afte:r th,e mlil on the Casuallt~' taNe and attor any Apot~ecary roll, ii' aillowed. On a ~e8C1it of 1-3, ,!file player-s,uflen; fhe reslliit of,111lis linjjury, Oil a 4-6, tlhe player will ilea:1 ih,e Il]jury ::llfler a short period of tlms "1.0 're·organise' hirnsell" .'lind is IPlaced Iln 'tillei'!eseNes box ~r:lstGad. Regeneration reus may lnot'be fG=roHed, NDta thai aln opposi,ng play,er still sarns SIa,r Player pO'iritts as, normal tor Int~ictingJ a Cas~a:l!y rnsultt on a playerwlitlhthls skill; eveni! tlhe result dQesnl't aiffeei tlhe play9" un tile norrnat way.

Right Sllllff(Extraordinary) ," , , " 'I

A. player witih ,th9 Hight.:stllff SK.m can be thrown by another player Irmrrn Ihis team: WIhD has the: Thmw Taam-Mata skill!. Se9 the Thmw Team-Mate stili entlry below for dstalls of. how 'Iihe playa~ is IhrowA. Whetil a playar with thisskl~:lls ,lhmwn,mt,umbl:lHj and ends' up In an unoccupled square, ile must make a lanldllng roll untssshs lamc;HBd on- anothsr player d u~r,in;g the Jlh row. A landilng roll is an Agiloi:ty roll Vliith a -1 mod ifderfm each opposingl p1ayer's ·taCkl9 zone on th,e squareh.9 tands Hll. If [he passe,s tIle. roll,i he tsnda on ffl.isfe·eil. if the .Iandlmg mil ls la,le.d or h,e Ilanded om anothe~ player dming the lli1row he is PI!acecJ Pralle and must passan Armour rorr to avold inJu,!'Y, If the player is not Injured duriITlg h~s Land~tilg ile may take an Action later this tumi!' he has not already done 'so, A failed [Iil:ndingl roll or landing in ~:rr;g crowd does not causo aturnover, UJn~es,s he was h.o:tOin 9 the bal'l.

Safe Throw (Passing>

Tnls playm i;S an 9xper:t altll:r-Dwingl Ihe ball ln a way that makes lt even more di,ffict.m fO.r an.y opponent to inte~cept ii, Iia pass mace oy tll~S playe:r ls ever ~nlercepled tl1en the Safe Tlmrw p'~ayar may n',ake, an u.mlnnodi,!ied Agiliity roll. If successfq~, the ilnte:rGeptiori Is c8nlcelled out aild the lP'assiing' sequence cDnti:nues as nornnal. In add itlDn,iff thls [player tumbles a pass Df a ball (not, a bomb or tearn~mattB) on any roll o.tll,mtham a n:ah.m,ll ~, he manages to keep hoid Of the ball instead of'suliering a ffurrnble and Ihe t~am does not sulieir a turnover.

Secret Weapon {Extraordinary}

SOme iP:tayers are armed wMh special pieces of equlipman:t that are called 'sec~e:l weapons.! AllhmJgh the mood Bowl mJes specificallV nan t:he u~e of any wsapors, the gairnil 'IU1S a ~o'ng ~[sto.ry of teams tryilng 110 get weapons Of some: sort onto the Pitch. INonetlleless,,1he use of secret waaponsisslmpv rrwl legal, and treter,ses have a nasty hablt ot sending 011 playe~s Inat usa IRem, onesa drive ends that pllayer ilas pl1a.yed in at aMly, pO~lnl, tile re:Jeree ordsss the- player to be sent off fo Ihe du:ngeon 10 join that ilave beencaughtcomml.tH[lg foulls duri[lg Ih;e malc!ii, rregard less of whether'tM pllayer iiS suu on th.G pitch or not.

Shadowing (General)

The playe:r may use this sklll when a player ''rm:ing an AdjOin on the opposlnq tea nil moves out of ,any oil hits tackle zonas for any reason, Tha opposlnp coach mils 206 addingl hiis OWIl playes's movemenfallowan?e and subtractinp Ilhe Sha:c!owing p~layeir's movement allowance from the SG!lrS'. If Uhe final result is 7 OF less, Ihe player with Si1adowing m'aY,move lntc trhe SqUaJHl vacated by fri'm O'pposilt:lg player, i'le dimis nlol: halve to make 8ilny 1D0dg;e m'lls wh,en he makes this move, and il hOI'S Ino elifecton· his own movement' In his own tum. If the final resu It ~s 8 or more, tile oplPos'ingl player stiJecessfully avoidst~e' Sh<lldow~ng pi'ay,e.rand the Sh:adowilng pl1ayer m.ay Inol move-into'the vacated sqllare, .A player may m<lke any ITllimber of'slladowing move,s pelr t'~rn. If <I player has left the i£ll;'kle zone of severallPlayers that have .the Shadowingl slkiU, ~hen onily oneoltheoppo:sing players ITlilay atlempt'to slhi<ldow hlini.

Side Step (Ag;ility)

A pllayer wlith tiTIis. skill[ is ,an expert ,at steppiITlg neatly out OIT the w~y ·01 am attaCker. To rept9sent thiis ability, his coach may c.l100ge whicl1 squ.ar9 the player ~s mDved to wilen h.e is pushed back. ra-thier than the oppOSi'ilg coach. Furthermo:re,th;9 coach !!Tn>!}' choose to move t~e playe'r to any adjace,nl sq:uare, ,nol jUlstt t1le Ih,me squmas 'shown on 't[l19 PUls:~_ Back diagmm. Note 'thaUlhe playeif may fthis sKUI 101 there are no opeln squares on the pj~ch adjacerit' to tll~S player. Note t~a~ t:l1e coach: may

choose w!nicill square ths pilayer is movad 10 evemi! 1119 p'lay-er us Knocked Down after tlhe pu s hi back.

Sneak.y Gil (Agility) .. T~Tis pliaye.r has the q~lick.ness and ifl:nesse 10 stick Ilhe bootto a downed 0PiPonenlIT wHh.oM <imwirng. a mlerea's a\lention unless h,B: hears rh,e armour crack. Du'~iITlg a Foul Aclfofl a player witl1 th!~s si!(il'll iis no~ ejected for roj iA-gl doublss on the Armour mill unl~ss- the A~mour roll was successtui,

Sprint (Agility)

Tille player may attempt to mnvs up to tthree extra squares rather than ,the' no~mal two whelll Golrng FOir It (see page 2Q). Hus coach must stili I rol,1 to. see if the player is Kmcked Down ln saC!l extra squ.iare' 11eB:nI91'S.

Stab (Extraor-dinary)

A pl;a)ler wilh thls skililis, Mmed with something veryg:ood at stabbiing, slashmg orh:ackiing up an opponent, like- sharp langs or a trusty dag'ger; T~Tis pl1ayer may attack an 0PPDnenLwith lhiis stabbingat!ack i'ristaad of t~rowing a block, Make an unmodflsd Arllflom mill (except tor Stakes) 1m tile victim. lithe score iiS less thanor ,gqual to Illle vicliim's Armour value t~eln -the attack has no effect. Il"Ihe scors beats tile victim's A!rmo'wf value 't!lein 118 has been wou.mded and air! Injiulr:Y ron mum! be made. Thus I.njjmy mIl .iglnorlBS Gill rnodiflera from any source - including Nlig:glli[lg lnjurlas, Ii Stab ts IUsed as part of a Blitz Aolion, tM player cannot contin-u:Q' movitilg aftelr us.ingl it ca8ua~tiesi:aused by a sWbb'in:glaliack do no! count tor Star Plaiyer.poT.nITIs,

Stakes ('Extraordinary)

T~Tis pllayer ~s armsd wi11~ special 9iakiils tllal am blessed Olio CaU!S9 extra to lile Undead and .those ,tha~ worK with them. Tltis !p1.aye~ may add 1 te the A"mour roll wlh.en tihey maka a Stab ~lIack, against any player playi~g for a Kllemri, Necromainlic< Undead, or Vampire team

Stand Firm (Strength}

A player wHh trris s~1I11 may choose to mot be pus.hed back as the result Qf a block, Me may cheese tolgn.ore beillg pusfjed by 'Pushed' results, and -te .I12ve !Knoc~~downl' results kilock tha p1layer down in Ihe square wihme ile started. If'a p'llayer is pushed baclfiinto a player using Stand [Firm them tileitller player Moves.

Strip Ball (General) .

Wh.eri? player with: ,Uh is skillblocks an oppon'9'fli, witt:h the b,alll, app Iyingl a 'Pushed' or 'Defertdm' result wiiill cause .lhH opposiing pl1ayer to drop the bam ~n tile square ihat they are p,ushe.d to, even in ft[ile D:ppOS~Ulg 11m Knocked Down.

Strong Arm (Strength)

Tille player may add 1 to tile 06 wh:e:n' He passes to Short, Long or l.!ong Bomb raOlg.e.

Stunty (Extraordinary}

Tille player ~s 'S() smau that they aTH ve:ry difltlCill~1 tetaekla bseausa tlhey can d~ck Ulndemeaflll oppos~ng players' ourtsimtched arlm-s and ruFil belween ihe1r ieg:s. On-fthg othe~ ,liand, 'Stunl". players are j:ust, a bit too small. to ftllrow tlhe ball very we!I,I, and am eas.i,ly iinjulred. To repr~'S9ITl! 't~esEI things a pfayer w'ith 1M Stunty s~m !rInay ignore any eITlelin)! t,,!ckle zones 0111 tile square [he is mDving lo w[heni he 'makes:a Dodge ~oll (ii.e, , 'tiney al:ways end UilP wilh a + 1 Dodge, mil modifie~J, but liTlust swbtra,cl 1 fmml the mill when Il,e passBs. In' ad dition, Ih:is player treats a rolll of? and ,9 on th,e I nj Ulry ftable after any modiffiers h,av9 been applied as a KO'd and Bad Iy Hurl result respecliive'ly, Irailherthmft 1118 normal resQJlts. Stuiilties 'tifnala1'<3 armed wit~ a Secret Weapcm are nol allowed to [glnore ,enemy 'tackl9 zones, .bul sil.l I su:flerthiB' othm penalaies.

Sure Feet {Agility)

111]e player may we-foil -1M D6 Ii 119 is Knocked Down to Go for II (see page 20). A. playe'r may only luse thjl Sure-Feel sk_il~ once pm 'tmn.



Sure Hands (General)

A pllayer wi.tll tine S'um Hanes skill is- allowed 10 rs-roll tile DBil ine faiils ill plck lip 1119 ball. In addi,tion, liK\ SfrUp Ballskilll wil!1 not work ag'ainsl a pi aye:r wlth this sklll,

Tackle (General)

Opposing play,e~s who am standilng tn ally orr this playels tacklezones are not al!loll'led 10 use t:hei r Dodge s-kill if they attempt 10 dodge out of any of tile pllayer's tacklazerrss, nor maytf:lay uso fi,heir Dodge skill il tl119 playe:r thmws a blloc~ al them and uses the TackJe skiJL

Take Root (Extraordinary)

ImltirHlduately after decla~illg an: Acti.Oil w~thlh;is player; roll a D6. QIi a 2 or more,. U-ne pi ayer may ial{e hrs Action as norrrai On a -, , _tile _p,1 ay9r "la~es mot", amd Illis MA is cOins~ljered [J ulntil a drive snds, orr 119 is Knocked Down or Placed Prone (and no,_playe.ffi trom 111~S owntsam may nolt~ and blockhlm ln order-to tryto k-nock ntm down I) . .A player that has I·ak.en root may not G,o IFor It, be pushed back for any reascn, or use any Sk.iH thai would allow him: to move auli of h~s cli:rrerntsqLlare or be Pl1aced Pron.e. Tile pllayer may bleek adjacenfi playsrs w~ihoul foHowillg"u:p as part of t.l Block AClion however if a pli~yflrfalilS Il~s Take Root roll as' pa-rt of a Hiltz Action he may not bllock.thal'tu.m (he C2!Jl slUll'OliI to stand up il ~e js Pmns).

Tentacles (Mutation)

The pliay-er may U'se this skilll whe!n an opposing playe~ attempts to dodge or leap, out of amy of his tac30:He zones. Tine 'OppOS~ti,g coach 'rolls 2DG addingl !his Iplayer's $1 arid subtractlnq the Tentacles player's ST from fhe SCOM. Ilf tJhe flnal result is Q orleas, then file moving[ [player' is neld flrrn, and his Action end's iimmediat(lI;Y. If a player alitempis to leave tile tackle zone of :severa!llplayen:S that have the Tentacles skll[l, onliy one iIilay attemptto .grab hlrn wilill,e.,tadles.

Thick Skull (Strength)

Till's pl;ilyenmats a rol~ Of 8 on IhH Injury 'tabla, q_ftm arlY iInoditreffl have been applied, as- a Stunned res·UJlfi rather than a KO'd res!uJl This skill may be useeeven if Ihe pllayer' ~s Prone or Sturrmed.

Throw Team-Mate (Extraordinary)

A. player wilh Ihrisskii:ll has t~e ability to _tlllrow a p:layer from the sarna teaminsteaa of the bam (This includes tim baIT :if the iPlayer thrown already has i:U) Tine thwll'ling player must end UI9 rnovornsnt of nts PassActioll slanding n:ext to, the intended tsam-mate fio be thtrown, wh,o must ~ave Ih!) Rig.!ll Stuff skJHand be statJd:ing. TIm pass is worked out exaclily the same ss if the pilaye[ witth TllUOW Tea.rJn-Male was Rassing 'a baill, except tbe player m ust subtract ~ trorn Ihe D6 roU whan Il:e passes _trie player, ~umb~es ars. not.automatcauy turnovers, and ILongl Pass QrLmlg Bomb ra:nge passes am not passibl:e. Irrn addiiliio:n, accurate: passes are treated ~nsie:eld as Inaccurate passes' ·th,us g,caUering the t~rown [player thr-ee limes as piay-ers are heavlier and hardsr to pass than a ball. T~e thmwn: pla~er cannot be Intercepted. A. 1iu.mlJled -team"mat£l w]11 land in the square- he or'lgin,aIlY QCculp:ied, II the thrown sCatters, offt~a pltch, he iis baaten lip bOy _lrie.crowd~n·the same rt18jnller asa player wrio has been pushad '011 AI1,e. pitch, If' t~e Iimll squam he' seattots ~Mtciis occupied by anomer player, tmat the player landed on as K:nockM Down and rol'l 1m ArmOuf!even il ,",I ready Prona o:r Stunned), ami then thg player being thrown willi scatter one more square. II iha tilrown playar wouldland on anotner p'layer, COJl!tinro.Je to scatter the th,mwn player unHI Ile ,Sunlls' UJp in an empty -sqUJar,e or off th.e pltcn (I.e" he; cannot land on more than orne pit""",). _see the Righ,! Stu,tf entry to soo ifr the player lands

on nts feat or iHlad-down in a crumplled heapl - .

TItchy (Extraordinary)

Tlitc:h;1I players 'land 10 -be even smallLe~ and m-ore [nimble tnan olilm Stum", players. To represent thiis, the player lJT1ay add" to an,¥ Dodge. rolll

119 attarnpts. On t[le athsr hand, while oppo:ne.nls do !have to dodge to I:eave any rna TirrellY pllaye!r~s Jac!kle zones, a TUtcl"lll player is so smaj 't!naline does nol exert a -1 rnodifieJ whEn opponents dodge [into alny Oil ~ i s tack~e zo nas,

Two Heads {Mutation}

H;;tlll'ng l\!Ito heads 'enabh3s thils playelr to wa~cih where h.e is go Ingl and the opponeITli. trying-Io [make sure he doe.s not 'ge1lf'Nem al tile Same time.

Add 1 to aH Dodge rolls the-playm makes. . .

Very Long Legs (Mutation)

111]e player I,g aillowed-io add 1 10 .Ih,e D6 will wllenever he ausmptsto iintercept or uses tile Leap skill. in addiitioll, tll:e Sale ThirDW skilll may not De usad to affeCt a:n.,. intelrception mil's made by tlh is player.

Wild Animal (Extraordinary)

Wild AITlim~s are uncontrollable creatures that rar.ely do. Erxactly wha,1 a eeacn wariils ortbem. In! fact, just' about all youcan ~a'lly rellyon tfr1em to do is lash- out at appos lin gl playerS that mOlle: too close to theml To mpresent fih~s, immediately aftar dec~a~ing an Action: w~tll a Wild An~mal, ron a 00, adding 2 to the roll II ta! a Blocker Bfilz·A.cfJon on a rol;1 ot 1,~3, the Wil'd Ar:nirna) dossnot rnovs and roars ill rage lnstoad, an:d the Actio n ils \!!/ asle d.

Wrestle (General)

111]e p:laye·r Is s,pecia!lly t~aiinedirn g~appl[:rng tec~niques. Tilisplayer may use wirestl.e when be b~c:iCK'S or is oloc(ked and a '80th Down' result om -tfine Block dice is Qhasen!Jy eitile:r coach lnsiaad of apply~ng 1111H '80th DOwh' r,esulrt, bOill playe':rs arB wrHstl[ad 1'0 tha g:fOund. Bulh players are Plac91d Pirone. Dnl .thejir ".espectiva squares even il ona or bOth: have tile Block skill!. Do mot Imaka Armour mils .tor e~lll.9r pllayer. Use of tilis ski;11 does not cause a tmnover unless IhH active playH~ was h-olding tile !Jaili.





Pass Blook Pro Shadowing Strip lBall Su're Hands lIackle· Wrestle



Side Step --s-ne.aky G it Sprint

Sur's Feet

.Divi ng Gatch Dilling lack[e Dodge

Jump Up

[l.aunt[ess - [lirty P[ayer Fend Frehz,Y


Kick-Off Heturn


STRE!NGTIHI Multip[e B[oo~ Pilit:1g0ri

Stand Firm Strong Ann ThickSkuli

Nerve~6t Steel P_8_$S

Safe Throw

Accurate [lump-Off

Ha.i[ Mary P8$S

!_eader .

Bree.k lr EtO ~[e Grab

GuaF,d Juggernau\ Mighty BIGW


Big Hand

Claw i Claws Dislurtlil1g iPres'enoe E~tra Arms

lFoul Appearance. iHloms

[Preh(lnsi[e lran


Two Heads Very Long Leg 9


Hy pnntle G,9z(!


[Nlo Hands IN'u rgle's Rot [Flea[! y Stu pi d iRegeneratlon IFlig[ltStuff

I'll ways H u rigry Animo8ii'j/ . san & Chain B[ood Lust Bombardier Bone-head Chains8w Decay[ 'Weapon smb



Take !Roat

Throw Team-Mate Titohy

Wild A~imEl[




0-2 BJoodwefser Babes: The team purchases a Keg of extraspecial Bloodweiser magic ale tor 50,000 gold pieces, and gels a lovely lady to serve players before .gioing out for each drive. The combinalkm of the ale and the young lady serving il means that for each purchase of this lneucement, players on the learn gain a oF 1 modttlerto recover trorn KO'd for this match.

O-S Bribes; Goblin teams may buy a bribe for 50,000 gold pieces; any other learn can buy a bribe for 100,000 gold pieces. Each bribe allows a team 10 attempt to ignore one call !Dy the' referee for a player who has commttled a loul to be sent oft, or a player armed with a secret weapon to be banned from the match, Aoll a D6: on a roll of 2-6 (he bribe Is effective (preventing a turnover if the player was ejected for [ouling), but on a roll of 1 the bribe is wasted and the call still stands! Each bribe may be used once per match,

0-4 Extra Team nalnlng: Each extra team training session costs 100,000 .gold pieces and ailows Ihet~am to take one. extra Team re-roll that may be used for this match only.

0-1 Halfllng Master Chef. Hatfling teams may hire a HalITling Master Chen for 100,000 gold pieces; any other team can hire the Chet for 300,000 gokl pieces. Roll 3D6 anhe start of each haH to see what eijeet the chefs cooking has on the team. For each dice that rolls 4 or more, 'the. team i:;; so inspired that they gain a Team He-roll, and in addition, the opposing team is so dlsfraeled by the fantastic cooking smells emanailng from their opponent's dug-out thalthey lose a Team Re-roll (but.only if they have any le'ft to lose).

0-1 Igor: Any team that cannot purchase a permanent Apolhecary can hire an Igor [or 100,000 90ld pieces to assist the team. An igor is a master off needle and thread on rotling! flesh, connecting hip bone to leg! bone, rewrapping funeral wraps and So on. He can really get the boys shambling back to the pitch. An Igor may only be used once per a game to re-ro] one failed Regeneration roll for a player.

UnllmJted Mercenaries: For every player sarre·!y ,employed by a team there are dozens of freelance players who play just one game with a team and then move on. These are !he stars who didn'l qulte make it and the cast-otts frorntearns that went bankrupt, A Mercenary costs 30,000 more than an ordinary player of his position. For example, a Mercenary Human lineman would cost 80,000 gold pieces to hire for a match.

The normal limits on the total number of players allowed on a team and in each position do apply to Mercenaries (so they aren't tru_ly unlimited). However, play-ers ·that are missing the gamc;l due to inJury do notoount towards the number ow players on the team, so Mercenaries. can be used to replace players that are a game.

All Mercenaries have the Loner skill as they are unused to playing] with the rest of the _team. In addillon, a Mercenary may be given one additional skill selected from those available 10 a player of thai position on a Normal ron, at an addihonal cost of

50,000 g;old pieces. For example, a Mercenary HUman lineman could be given Tackle for a total cost OIT 130,000 gold pieces to hire for a match. Mercenaries cannot earn Sfa,!' Player points other than the MVP for the game. Jylercenaries can nevergaln new skills.

0-2 Slar Players; Star Players are' the heroes of the Blood Bowl arena, the most resourceful and talented players in the sport. Each Star Player has his own set ol special skills and each is an indiVidual, standing outfrom the rest OJ the players In the league py virtue of the unique set off skills and talents Ihat:lhey possess (see the back cover for Star Player slats and skills}.

Star players act 'as tree ag.enls, playing single matches tor any team that can afford their high fees (and tha1 they are Willing to assist in the tlrst place), and then moving on to play for another team. A team may hire up to two Star Players that are allowed to play for the team, Unless the l~ague· Commissioner decides otherwise, deaths and serious injuries inflicted on Star !"Iayers are waived after the match.

Star Players may not take Ihe number OIT players in the team to more than 16. However, players that are missing the game due to injury do notoount towardsthenumber of players on the team, so a learn can use Star Players 10 replace pla,yers that are missing a g~ame. It is: possible (!hough unlikely) for both teams to induce !he same Star Player. Iff this happens then neither may use him and he keeps both setsof hiring fees!

Star Players can never earn Star Player points other than the MVP lor the game. Star PlayerS can never gain new skills. Finally, purcha.sedfinduced Apothecaries or an Igo~ may not be used' on Star Players ever, Star Players employ their own personal trainers- and apothecaries who travel wilh them to heal them-from almost any injury (including death} and to get in shape for their next match a,rid will not uselhe learn's amateur physicians,

0-2 Wandering Apo:fhecarJes; Any team may hire -a Wandering; Apolhecary or two to help duril'lgthe match for 100,000 gold pieces each, iIthe team can- normally purchase a_ permanent Apothecary. Often these Apothecaries are powerful priests -of the local deity. While they wou.ld never aliow themselves to be a permanent part of a.heathen Blood Bowl team, they have been known to assist for a single match for a generous donation to their taith, The rules [or Wandering Apothecaries are kienlical to the rules for purchased Apothecaries on page. 17. Only one Apothecary may be used to re-roll each Casualty roll.

0-1 Wizard: A team may hire a Wizard to help your team dUring' the match for 150,000 gold pieces. The rules for Wizams folloW on this pag:e.




Wizards, just like everybody else in the Old World, are keen sports fans and many are fanatically loyal in support of !heir chosen team. It is not surprising, then, that soon after the game was born, Wizards started 'helping out' the team they supported with carefully selected spells. Soon games were awash with magic as rival Wizards battled to give their team the edge. In the end, the Colleges OJ Magic were forced to insist that only teams that had bought a special license from the Colleges of Magic Were allowed to have magical assistance. They limited this assistance to one spell per match, and even this had to be chosen from a very limited selection and cast by an officially appointed Colleges of Magic team Wizard. Wizards ana fans alike soon realised that they really wanted to see a proper Blood Bowl match rather than a spellcasting contest, so the new rules Were soon universally accepted.

Any team is allowed to hire a Wizard for a match, as long as they can afford the whopping licensing fee charged Iby the College of Magic concerned. No team may hire more than one Wizard per match. Wizards can be represented in g~ames with one of the Wizard models from the range of Citadel miniatures for Warhammer. This isn't strictly necessary, but looks a lot better than representing a Wizard with a bottle top or tiddlywin'k!

Once per game, the Wizard is allowed to cast either a Fireba.l! spellor a Lightning Boitspell. Wizards may only cast spells at the start of his own turn before any player performs an Action or immediately after his own team's turn has ended even if it ended with a turnover.

Fireball, Choose a target square anywhere on the pitch. 1'1011 one dice to hit each standing player (ITrom either team) that is either in the target square or a square adjacent to it. If the 'to hit roll is a 4 or more then the target is Knocked Down. If it is a 3 or less he manages to dodge the fireball's blast. Make an Armour roll (and possible Injury as well) for any player that is Knocked Down as in they had been Knocked Down by a player with the Mighty Blow skill. If a player on the moving team is Knocked Down by a fireball, then the moving team does not SUffer a turnover unless the player was carrying the ball at the time.

Llghtn.lng Bol.t: Pick a standing player anywhere on the pitch, and roll one dice. If the score is a.2 or higher, then he has been hit by the lightning bolt. lIT the roll is a 1 then he manages to dodge out of the way. A player hit by a lightning bolt is Knocked Down and must make an Armour roll (and possible Injury as well) as iIT hit by a player with the Mighty Blow skill.




The following pages list the 21 official races for the game. Double indicates the additional skill categories to those in the Normal column available to choose a skill from on a double skill roll (see pages .26 and 27}. G = General skills, A = Agility skills, S = Strength skills, P = Passing skills, and M = Mutation skills.

Designer's Note: Some tesme are more challenging than the others to play either because of their skiiis requiring advanced strategies to be effective or because they have difflcuUy winning. These teams have been designed this way on purpose to give challenges to coaches who master the besice of Blood Bow'. These more challenging teams are: Chaos, Dark' Elf, Goblin, Halffing, Khemri, Nurgle, Ogre and Vampire. Coaches should be aware that these are considered teams for more advanced players and can be confusing or difficult to use if you are new to the game.

Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Nonnal Double
0-16 Linewomen 50,000 6 3 3 7 Dodge G ASP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 6 3 3 7 Dodge, Pass GP AS
0-2 Catchers 70,000 6 3 3 7 Dodge, Catch GA SP
0-4 Blitzers 90,000 6 3 3 7 Dodge, Bllock GS AP 0-8 Re-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Helmul Wulf {1 ill~J, Wilioll'lll'losebark (150k), I'lo:o;anna Dar~nail (.250~), zara tM Slayer 1270k), lBerth,a Brgfisi (290~), Morg 'In'Thorg (430~)


Qtv Title Cost MA ST AG AVSkilis Nonnal Double
0-16 Beastmen 60,000 6 3 3 8 Horns GSM AP
0-4 Chaos Warriors 100,000 5 4 3 9 None GSM AP
0-1 Minotaur 150,000 5 5 2 8 Lamer, Frenzy, Hams, 'Mighty SM GAP
IEHow, Thic:k Sk'ulI, WHd
Ai1inrnal 0-8 Re-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Ma:-; Spleenripper (1130k.J, ILewdgrip Whiparm (15Ilk),

Brick Far'tWi &. GwHv (290k), Lord Bmak the Despoiler (300~J, Grastnnak. Blacklhooff (310M, 'Morq 'nI' Thora (430~1


Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills
0-16 Hobgoblins 40,000 6 3 3 7 None
0-6 Chaos Dwarf 70,000 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, nic~ Skull
0-2 Bull Centaurs 130,000 6 4 2 9 Sprint, Sm,g Feet, Thick S~ulli
0-1 Minotaur 150,000 5 5 2 8 Lamer, Frenzy, Horns, 'M ig hty
Blow, Ttnlck Skull, Wild
Aninnal Nannal Double





0-8 He-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Zziharg Madeye (90~), Nobbla IBllac~warit (130k), BackstaiJ[)er (200k), GrasWirnak Blacklhooff 1310~J, Hlihark the Unstoppable (33IlkJ, 'Morg 'n' Tlhorg {430k)



Qly Title Cost MA ST AG AV'Skills Nonnal Double
0-16 Linemen 70,000 6 3 4 8 None GA SP
0-2 Runners 80,000 7 3 4 7 Dump-Off GAP S
0-2 Assassins 90,000 6 3 4 7 Shadowin9, Stab GA SP
0-4 Blitzers 100,000 7 3 4 8 Block GA SP
0-2 Witch Elves 110,000 7 3 4 7 Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up GA SP 0-8 He-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: E!ldril Sidewinde" (20llk), Horkon Heartrlpper {21 Ok), ithaca Benoin (220k), Roxanna Darknall (250k), Hsbrls Rak.arlih (260k), 'MorQ 'n' ThmQ (430k,



Qty Tille
0-16 Blockers
0-2 RUnners
0-2 Blitzers
0-2 Troll Slayers
0-1 Deathroller Cost MA Sf AG AV'Skills

Nonnal Double

4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, T~ic~ Skull
6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick S~(UIII
5 3 3 9 Block, Thlclk SI';u1l1
5 3 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy,
Thick Sku'!l
4 7 1 10 Loner, Break Tacklle, D~rty
Player, JUJggernaut, Mighty
Blow, No Hands, Seere!
Weapolfn, Stand Fi~m GS AP




70,000 80,000 80,000 90,000



0-8 Re-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Barik P,arolasl {60k), Boome~ Eziasson (60k}, Rliill Churnb:lade 1130k), Grim IJOilj'aw (2.2.0~), zara th,e Slayer (270k), Morg 'il' Tharg (430k)

Q'ly Title Cast MA Sf AG AV'Skills Nannal Double
0-16 Linemen 60,000 6 3 4 7 None GA SP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 6 3 4 7 Pass GAP S
0-4 Catchers 100,000 8 3 4 7 Catch, Nerves orr Steel GA SP
0-2 Blitzers 110,000 7 3 4 8 Block, Side Slep' GA SP 0-8 Re-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Dolfa~ Longstride 1150k.), IEI~dril Sidewinder 1200k),

Prince Mmaniolfn (230k), Hubrts lRakart~ (26Ilk), J'mrne·IIIFres'hbreeze· (260k), Mor9 'In' norgl (430k.)




Qty Title
0-16 Goblins
0-1 Bombardier
0-1 Looney
0-1 Fanatic
0-1 Pogoer
0-2 Trolls Cost MA ST AG AV'Skills
40,000 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stulf, Sfulm!y
40,000 6 2 3 7 Bombardier, Dodg:e,
Sem,et Weapon, S!unrty
40,000 6 2 3 7 Ch,ainsaw, Secret Weapo:n,
70,000 3 7 3 7 Ball & Chain, No Hands,
Sem,et Weapon, S!unrty
70,000 7 2 3 7 Dodge, Leap, Sillmly, Very
Long Legs
110,000 4 5 1 9 t.cner, AI:ways HUlngry,
Migh,ty BI:ow, Really Stupid,
Regerrneratrolll, Th.row
Tea:Ilt1-Male Nonnal Double
S GAP 0-8 He-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Bombe:r Dribblesnoi {60k}, Fungus lihe Loon (80k}, Nobbla Blackwan1t (i30k), Scrappa Sorehead lil50k), Riipper (27()~J, Morg 'n' Tlhorg (430kl



Qty Title


MA ST AG AV Skills

Nonnal Double



0-8 He-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: l"iUgg,y Bacombreath {14!Ok), Willow RoselJark {150k},

Zara tWie Slayer [270k), Beliitha B i!jiist (290k), Deepwol Stron!jorailcWi (300kJ, 'Mor!j 'n' Tlhof!j {430k)

3 1


6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stulmty 10 'Migh!y Bilow, Stand Fiirm, Stwnlg Arm, T~e Root, Thick Sku'!I, Throw Team= Mate

0-16 Halflings 0-2 Treemen

30,000 120,000 2

2 6

Q,ty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills
0-16 Linemen 70,000 6 3 4 8 None
0-2 Throwers 90,000 6 3 4 8 P,ass., Safe Tlhww
0-4 Catchers 90,000 8 3 4 7 Catch
0-2 Blitzers 100,000 7 3 4 8 Block 0-8 Re-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Dalla" Longstride 1150k.), SoarHIll HigWilower (1BO~), Eldril Sidewinder 1200k), 1I"riince Moran [0 III {230k), Zara tlhe Sllayer 1270k), IMoIg 'n' Thorg 14301k)

Nonnal Double






Q,ty Title
0-16 Linemen
0-4 Catchers
0-2 Throwers
0-4 Blitzers
0-1 Ogre Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Nonnal Double
50,000 6 3 3 8 None G ASP
70,000 8 2 3 7 Catch, Dodge GA SP
70,000 6 3 3 8 SlUre Hands, Pass GP AS
90,000 7 3 3 8 B'lock GS AP
140,000 5 5 2 9 Loner, Bone-head, lMig:hfiy S GAP
BI:ow, Thic:k S~uH, ThIOW
T,eam-Mate 0-8 Re-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieoes each

Star Players available for Inducement: Hel mUl Wuli {11 O~J, PugglY Bacorrnbreallh (440k), 'Mig'hty l:llgl (260k), Zara tha Slayer [270k), OJii!j OlJenwald (320k), 'Mor!j 'n' Thm!j [430k,




Q'Iy Title

Cost MA ST AG AV'Skills

Nonnal Double

0-16 Skeletons 0-2 Thro-Ras

3 2 7 Regeneration, Thick Skull
3 2 7 P.ass, Rege:neraiion, Sure
3 2 8 Block, Regeneration
5 1 9 Decay, lRegeneration, 40,000 5 70,000 6



0-2 Blitz-Has 90,000 6 0-4 Tomb Guardians 100,000 4



0-8 Re-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: S'inrnedIJad (SOk}, Hack Ensl:ash (120~), Hu msrus Carpal (130k), Ithaca Ben-min (220k}, Setelkh (221lk), R.amftlY! III (380k)


Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AVSkilis Nonnal Double
0-16 Skinks 60,000 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Stunty A GSP
0-6 Saurus 80,000 6 4 1 9 None GS AP
0-1 Kroxigor 140,000 6 5 1 9 Loner, Bone-head, Mig;hty S GAP
Blow, IPm!hensil'e Tail,
Thick Sku.!1 0-8 He-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Hel mutt Wulf {111l~), Hemloc~ (17Ilkl, Lottabotlol (22()~), Quetzal Leap (25.ok), snou (25.ok), Morg 'n' HlOrg (43.ok.)


Q'Iy Title Cost MA ST AG AV'Skills
0-16 Zombies 40,000 4 3 2 8 Regeneration
0-2 Ghouls 70,000 7 3 3 7 Dodge
0-2 Wights 90,000 6 3 3 8 Block, Regeneration
0-2 Flesh Golems 110,000 4 4 2 9 Regeneration, Siand Filrm,
Thick Sku.!1
0-2 Necromantic 120,000 8 3 3 8 Claws, fir.enzy, Regeneration!
Werewolves Nonnal






0-8 Re-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Hack. Enslash f~ 2.D1k),J Earllce {1S0k), Setek!h (220k), Wilhelm CMiley (240k), Ramlu! III (360kl, Count tuthor von Drakenbmg [390k)


QIy Title
0-16 Linemen
0-2 Throwers
0-2 Catchers
0-.2 Blitzers
0-2 Norse
0-1 Yhetee Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Nonnal Double
50,000 6 3 3 7 Bl'oclk G ASP
70,000 6 3 3 7 BI'o elk, Pass GP AS
90,000 7 3 3 7 BI'oclk, Dauntless GA SP
90,000 6 3 3 7 BI'oclk, frrenzy, Jump Up GS AP
110,000 6 4 2 8 Frenzy GS AP
140,000 5 5 8 Lone", Claws, DilstwlJing S GAP
Prresence, Frenrzy, Wild
IIInlmal 0.-8 Re-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available tor Inducement: Boomer IEziasson (60~), Hel'mUlt WlYlf {11 Ok), Wllhel'm Ch,aney (240k), zara Ihe S layer (27()~), Icepell Hammerblow (330k), Morg 'In' Thorg (430k)




Qty Title Cost
0-16 Ratters 40,000
0-4 Pestigors 80,000
0-4 Nurgle Warriors 110,000 MA ST AG AV Ski.s

Nonnal Double

5 3 3 8 Decay, rNurg~le's lRo! 6 3 3 8 Horns, NllJgle's Rot, Reg a nsrat io n

4 4 2 9 Dis!W'bimlg IPmsence, IFoUJI Appearance, Nurg'le's Roft, Regenmation

4 5 9 Loner, Disturbing IPmsemce,

FOUJII Appearance, Mig:hty Bl'ow, IN!u~gle'8 Rot, Reali¥" StUlpid, Regelleration, jHllfiacles



Beast of Nllrgle




0-8 !'Ie-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Max SpleenrippeJ (~30k.), ILewdgrip Whiparm (150k),

Brick Far'th & Gmtty {290k), Lord Borak tlhe Despoil~er {300k}, G~ashniaJk BI'ac~hooi (3~Ok" IMarC! 'm' Thorql (430k}


Qty Title



Nonnal Double

5 Dodge, lRig'hl SllUif, Side Step, Stunty, Tilc1hy

9 Bon~head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw TeamMate

0-16 8notlings 0-6 Ogres





1 5

3 2

140,000 5

0-8 Re-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Bomber Dribblesrnot (60k), Nobbla B~lackwarfi PSOI!(), Scrappa Smehgad {150k}, Bertha Bigfis! [290kt, Briel!( Far'fi~ & Gmlty (290k), Morg 'n' Thorg (430k)


Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Nonnal Double
0-16 Linemen 50,000 5 3 3 9 None G ASP
0-4 Goblins 40,000 6 2 3 7 Righ.1 Sfiu:ff, Dodg:e, StUJnty A GSP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 5 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass GP AS
0-4 Black Ore 80,000 4 4 2 9 None GS AP
0-4 Blitzers 80,000 6 3 3 9 Bloc1k GS AP
0-1 Troll 110,000 4 5 9 Loner, Always Hungry, S GAP
MTgWity Blow, Really
St,upid, Regeneral~on,
T~row Team-Mate 0-8 !'Ie-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Bomber Dribblesrnot (60k). Ugmthl Bol'gm! (100k). acrappa Smeh.ead {150k}, Ripper (270k)., Va~ag G h.oul-Chewe.r (290k), Morg 'n' Tlhorg {430k)




Qly Title Cosl MA ST AG AV Skills Nonnal DOllble
0-16 Linemen 50,000 7 3 3 7 Nlone G ASPM
0-2 Throwers 70,000 7 3 3 7 Pass, sure Hands GP ASM
0-4 Gutter Runners 80,000 9 2 4 7 Dodge GA SPM
0-2 Blitzers 90,000 7 3 3 8 BI'oc~ GS APM
0-1 Rat Ogre 150,000 6 5 2 8 tonsr, Hen"y, 'Mighty IBllow, S GAPM
Pmlilensile Tail, Wild
i'l'nimal 0.-8 Re-roll counters: 60,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: Pezglitc~ {1 ()Ok) , Skiitiler Stall-Stab (160k), Hakfile:r;n SklUttlespike 1200kl, Glla'rt Smash~ip Jr. (21 ()kl, Headspli:tler (340k), Marg 'in' Thor,g (430k)


Qly Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Nonnal Double
0-16 Skeletons 40,000 5 3 2 7 Regeneration, Thick Skull G ASP
0-16 Zombies 40,000 4 3 2 8 Regeneration G ASP
0-4 Ghouls 70,000 7 3 3 7 Dodge GA SP
0-2 Wights 90,000 6 3 3 8 Block, Regeneration GS AP
0-2 Mummies 120,000 3 5 1 9 'Mighty Bilow, IRegeneratiolil S GAP 0-8 He-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available for Inducement: S'innediJad (SOk}, Hac~ Ensl:ash (120~),J EarlicH PSO~), Seftekhl (220k}, Ramtut III (380k}, Count unnor von Draken~borg (390k)


Qty Title Cost MA Sf AG AVSkilis Nonnal Double
0-16 Thralls 40,000 6 3 3 7 None G ASP
0-6 Vampires 110,000 6 4 4 8 Blood l.ust, Hypnotic Gaze, GAS P
Regenlleratiolil 0.-8 Re-roll counters: 70,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available tor Inducement: Hslmut Wulf i1·~ Ok), Crazy Igor (120k), JI IEa~lice (180~), Wilhel'nn C~aney (240k), Count Lullhor von Dra~enborg {390k), Mmgl 'nlI' ThOI{l (4!30k)


Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AVSkilis Nonnal Double
0-16 Linemen 70,000 7 3 4 7 1N0nlie GA SP
0-4 Catchers 90,000 8 2 4 7 Catch, Dodg:e, sprtnt GA SP
0-2 Throwers 90,000 7 3 4 7 Pas's GAP S
0-2 Wardancers 120,000 8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap GA SP
0-1 Treeman 120,000 .2 6 1 10 loner, Mighty Blow, Stand S GAP
Pi~m, Strong Arm, TakH
Floot, 1ih ic:k Sk,u II, Thmw
TeaWMate 0-8 He-roll counters: 50,000 gold pieces each

Star Players available tor Inducement: DolrraJ Longstride {150k), Willow Rosebmk {150k),

Eldril Sidewinde~ (200k" J'mdell Preshbmeze (260~l, Zara the SI'ayer (270k" Mmgl 'n' Thmg (430k)




Q: Wi!"h the corrrpetitlen rules T s(Jm.times [l,,~dl tn roll ,n n~. Where-can I get such a dicc'l

A: Jus! roll a s wndard .06, clJ!mting C/ I or 2 as a score of], GI 3 111' 4 as' a score of2. and o 5 or 60.' a score dj't

Q: The standard game rules say thar tile [)8.hml.ld only b. used for scatter rolls, ""lin the compctkion Ol.l~es it is "sod foj" other tlrings [co''!. ls this c.0",,·eI7

A: Ye. it L •. Wh~n IJslng Hie competithsn rules Ihl< DB is IJSB.d [or Ihillgs.other thou jq,'1 scattering the ball.

Q: When [ usc the throw-in template, does the s,gu,",'c with the pictu re of th.e ".ll count as the :flrs~ squ""" o.f tb~ distance th a I. !h'c ~.a]~ IS. thrown - e. g. do IT count ~.lis.sqllnl''' too?

A: Yes it does and.yes yIII' <b.

Q: am yo u u sc Illc P •• ~ skill [0 re-rolln :fur",bbi H"lJ MaJfY Pas~? Do tnollo zones or Distmbing i'u'e.en.ce affect aHai] Mary Pass '011.7

A: V"",J/(Jil cati use PllSS to re-roll. .. No, twthIng J>,odljl'es a ffail Ma.fYP(Js., rail. ... itls always a 2+ rol}.

Q: Suppes .e my opponent pushes back on. pla,y,,' into .m ""COILa playor, Who decides where th.e.seeond player ends-up?

A: Tho coach oj'the moving team. decides all pIJshback. dlrections "J!/(Ws the p!'sn"d player ha .• · Side SIq;. l!the player n'H Side Slep, iris coach decides where lie is pH.·hed to. (M;r.,,; Grab cannot be j"sed oil secondary or. tnor«: pilsh backs 10 cancel out Side Step.]

Q: Do I hnve to make another Dauntless 01' rmLi Appearancemll on the second "lock of tu Frenzy, 0< do Lstick with whatovcr I TOlled before the flrst block? If I "'-TOI~ a block Ihat my player Ihmws, do I need] to re-roll Dauntless 01· Feu] Appearanc o as w ell?

A: Yes, 1'011 must make a seeond !'uN/or both a/these skilis, regardle .. s ,!(",hal yl)~ r01("d jor ~ilher· be/ore Ille jin;! block. No," re-ral] affecfs unly one r«s/J(I. The· Dauntless .,u FoulAppca,ra,1!ce ro/I is a separate-result from the block.

Q, If}"oLl b'litzor block ruJi opponent with Damp-Dff withe player ~b,"l has Pass Block C·Ol1. YOD use Pass Block 10 move after me declares his 'Use ef'Dump-Off? Can 1 Us" Slab [nstc •. ~ "f Il:lJlcow["!l a block after fu.lJhug· tu Dauntless .roll? Citro you use 8t.I> W,~, M>I[!lple mock? Wh." dlo rcilocla[~ the 2l1d opponent for a Multiple B'I"ck7'

A: No, once a Mo~k is declared CI5' part ~f' a BltJc.k ,IF Blitz. Actio". JOIl must a/tempi ttl complete il before movlngagoin. "lice you mil the dice I" "S'~ Dauntless, yO!! kav~ IIc'lually already declared you are throwing 11 bInd< and "armor swuch /0. !,""ng Stabinsteod. Yes, Y"" maY'JI,m Slab W replace ettherone or 'bulk oj'the bloc!,:. I,-ill; th« .iHldl/ple Bl"ck skll]. t:O'l may declare rho 2"d opponent aft&/" the lsrblock.

Q: [h player has MA 1 OJ' MA2, C"" he s.!ill rnove J "quare.s 011. ~ P~ss Block? CaJ] 1 Go "~r 1I (GF'I) ol'.st,ned u.p from being Pl"one, and! wh[cfu skill •. can I "se d.m":rng~lo mo\'emon! part ofa Pass Block?

,;\.: Yes. Pas., mock on.!y IIi/ow .• YOIl tc! move "p ta 3 .'Iq!lar.(3j', ""d ITO more, even l!J/Oil.r MA is !of,.". Iha';.l Y"IJ canllO! OF! d!!l'i<lg a Pass Blockwhkh ",i.-'iTn. fhul SlJf," Fee/' amI :'iprlnl camwl be used. In I1ddiliorJ. y<:IU can onl,v .Iand up {If the bBgil'Jlrit!g' oj'lIn Action. Since Po", Bluckis NOT lin Aclion. yau tannfJI,sllmd up fJf' use Am1p Up 11'IIh PIISS B'fock. Other ""we",,,n' skllls ,me/' a,' BrMk Tackfe, Vudg",f, .• "p. SfU,il]! and Tikhy caN be l!.>:d ill a;>>IjUnctlU/ll,Wh Pas .• mode,

Q: C~n ruse P, ... I:llo.ok wh.en my oppom.e.nL.ll:ks to throw a ~emll-"m[" h,,[d,ng ~.Ie ~Dm C •. m n t]'}' to it1m]'cepl,~ Dmllp-Off'/

A: No"nd Ye:... .

Q: Can E ,"se Pro dn.r1TUg my ciI'Poncn!,: .. [L1M? Con you ",~roll PraY A: Yes yo" C"". Ye .• · bul' only III Yi"" ,/111'''.

Q: W" ph'lye,- w,ih 'Sto'ip Boll PLU5:ho-.s m]' wi81 the boJll[1to hi,' e:rod zone i. ~:'J":a Toud,dcwri? Likewise wb~t h .• Pllens· if. ~ :l're!lZ}' player's Ernt "Jock I"~,"bes" 'Pt~ycr will,~, e brull,nto the En·d zon,,?

A.: No, II.\' slilled in the ",iM, "player has fa .be .,tllllding and holding Ii! ball 10 "C(lre. Tftli' .dtJ,e.,s" 'I' napP"'i ",rth Sirip Ball. As ji" FrerE}!, Ik", /otlchdolm is

scored os soon a .• / pushed into the.eod-sone. The Frenzy player doe,' ""j gd the 2'''' black.

Q: If ~ get 2 MA stat increases andfhen suffer a· serious injury 't!h"1 remove sn pejut ofNnA can ~ g-a[n MA "!lai,"?

A: Yes.

Q: Can IT intenticnally ~hl'Ow 01' hand-off th e 'ball into the crowd? Can iL.ikntitlJl](]JHy 11lJOVC jIl~O the: crowd?

A: No and M, (wde.,s,· tts random JIIov«meMfrmll.a BCd[ & Chain playet:)

Q: Doesan Injury rcll of 9 ag.ains! a Stunty player or" C:mmlly healed 'by an opposing Apothecary count as a Casualty .fOI' 810.1" Player Po ints,

A: Ye," to both:

Q, "'1)' big ~':Y (Og''''', Minotaur, noll, etc.) p~aytr's bas.!'. is .' I~:rgel' than fhc ",!'Ua,,, on :tbe board (]liteh) .. Does hetake LLp more than one squnre for the rules? A, NtJ, all playerS'.in III. game.}rm'ri a Stwtll"g to " Treemdsr "';;ly occupy one square-on the board (pitch),

Q: What is th e he s t W"Y 10 remember that a' player has tnken luis Act .. ion?

·A: Our best recommendation would be 10 startyour turn wlth. all your players j<wlng toward s your opponent's end zone. After taking an Actio" with" player .eiilier turn Ihe player 1'1 faG. your end zone or osse "Irk" rlde/;j",(E.~. "I' place ,,0.1'11. IYp"ojma,ker next 1(J·.Mm to s igit!fy thai he ,', rh,ne/or.this tum ..

Q: am you i]o Forlt (GF!) to Leap?

A: y;e.,-. Piace the player in th» square targeted by the Leap ",kill imd the« make !he CFtrc,1I (or "rolls," tjy,,1J, need tw,,).lj_yoiliail a Gn roil, knock the player down in' the IlO", square to which he ll'IJS leaping. The appm"ng mach makesan

ArlEta,,)' roll as !,s~at. .

Q: Is itt art I ~log·.I.Pt"eedurc: should you forger te FoIl foc Blood LtL~!, Bone-head, W.ild Animal, Tnlce Root or Roa.~ty Stupid before you move the plnycr?

A: No. h1Jpifidly Y<J'W"PP"'IU,'11 will remind you i/yam keep /a.rg,!uillg!

Q: Ifn SpecialPlny Cardsays It can be-played nl the beginning of my rum can I pby tlmt ".t the h.tginn~IUg of'a JaHnz "e.s"l~ o q ~'O Kick-Off Table? Ciuu Spe<;.j~l P!~:rC"!ld give a plnyer it skilla second time if'h.o a lready hasit?

A: Y" s and No,

Q: Uf" player hom your [earn falls to catch a ball from" kick-off, .•. rod the ".1.1 bounces over the ~iOle. of'scrirren •. g. is. it a touchback?

·A: Y&~, any event the: ""'",'RI' the ball 10 go out. 0/ bounds or liver theiiu« of scrimmage during a ktCk,.,jj'r/Osulf.y 'in a touchback

Q: Players under influcn cc of Bone-head, Really Sh'l' IdJ , or Hypnotic Gaze "","not U:"O-'skf~~s Inat allow tmern to move voliLmtarily, Whl~ch sltms. m'e []ot o_~n"wod to be u&cdas they .re cornsidercd mQvi"g' vo.]u"t .• l·il},?

AI SHIh, that all"w YDU 10 "tal'e yalJr'sql,are wilho,,1 bd1!g /I,reed 1.0 lea've you,. .'YJua re in the jirst plaa: Di\lm.1l TacUe, Pas .. Block, and Shadowing.

Q: Is,. th""w" Imn or kick-off that sca!ids off the p'kh. thaw" bock ~n by fhe c!'owdl'as soon .as it r~aves the "ifrel>?' 0,. do. YOIL ~md, [I all tl"rc:e'sq,mres ":rna only ~hww 11 back ifiH'i"lsh~s o!l'tlu. pitch?

A; y,;;, sit.fJ'IJd "!e;P tal/Mg !Qfi;uc"fter[ng ball a.,' ;'00', a.- i./l.i1ve.;·,he plich ..

Q: Wfu.ot is tho full Paning sequence wao]] Llsingol.l,ofth" fui!ra Ro.ies? A: j •. DL'C.I"r~ 11: .P~,"S Actlem, J,wve' (f de.'ih3C~ .. ond /'he" slart In. throw.

2. Vec/.a!'" I'argel'uj't;,e pas .. a),d c1~termit/l? ,ra;,ge "j<J.difi~·r<

3. Pa,s Bi,,·tlref~'· ~""" /fany a't~ .eli'gible Ie> .do .m_

4. Ch"c!i:!or inlercep/ot., .and .roll !Qr po .• sible ;ntercq;timt.

5. Ra// 06 ta IhtfJw{1!ul subtmu "umber [)ft~ckle Z'(Jncs,

DI!i'lurUng Presence' and .range "",dij'leF!w.n Thrower/rom mil. 6.1/1''''''< ll'a·,·!irmbl"d,.slop iteN. Ot~,",rll.'ii..., wit/ilWe ..

7. iflhe Ihr.,,.,.: i Acc[1rllte, go tQ step #8, oiher,.-ise ... eafl"r j time ..

(I" repl'e ml wh~r6l!,".ball ,,;iff land nollnG b"{1l:w,,,,ciJlg.)

8. l/Ihe .. ball lands in" O'q"ar" "oilh f1 prayer, .defermille madiper$ on Catch m,d roU/or Cqtch, flllier;,.1sc b{jmnce Ill<! ball OnD" from Ike empty .1''f'Hzre the bal.llallded in.



Gmlt'l S~ilJs'

aOm~b9~ pr!bbI9~not S~llll'l

aoerner Ezla.88on

E;ldrll Sld9WlndQf

Flint Churt;Jblade

Grashnak Blackhoof

Lone"~ HaillMary Pass, Pasa, Sec,et Weapon, S~rong Arm, Sme Hands, T!lllck SkUJU

Arnazo.~',· b(al~r(nrg Qr Ogre .2!10.o~0

lillner, BQ[ne~lme~d: Brea!< Tatkte! Dlld~,

M~g)ity IBlo~, Ttll(:k);kMW, T~'W(illV l)fRftll"Ma:j,e

CWiao.s, Nurglle; or Ogre 290,.000

(IN ole: yo~ rnusthavs 2 slots open on vour

roster to Hnd ucs Ihils duo, whtch counts. only as

one Star Plla",er unducemernl}

Lone", Bone~llead. IMighty ~Iow, iNH!Ves of S~el, Strong Arm, Thick S~liill, T11IWW TeamMaie



6 6









7 7







Lo[1e~, BIT(j!:~, Hyp.noJic·G,az9, IReg'QOeratioli.

Siae Stel" .

Vampire 120,000

Lone"~ pauntless, Regeneraiion\ Thick Skull

(Note: Crazy Igm Gain bsblttsn by a Vamplim on

yowt tsam as ifh.e was a Hlrall)

Harfc!(~g' ,ePQ,oop

'Lbne~ Blloc~"Miglilty l'!lt~w, Slalf1;~ I~irm. <stron:g A~m,.TI11_(l~<S!<IJ]J, nlirowl'Ga!Iirf.Ma~

Elf, High. Elf or Wood C!li 150,000

Lone", Diving Catch" Haii! Mary Pass" Kick,

Kick-off Return, PaSs, B-Iock

oal:R EIU;-Elf, Hrgil EI~. or Wood Elf -200,OOJ:l

LoJle~, ;t~tch,- [Joq9e.i H:YP~mijG-Gilz~, !';'{"!\Ies ,o~

StaeJ, Rass_ Bj(JGl¢

Skavall 100,000

Lohs~, Ba~l& cnatn, Di8t.urb~ng Pn~sen,c.a, FOLlII Appea,ance, No Ha!nds, secretWea;pon

[)wa'!il fso,if€lQ

twn{\~, BI)qe~, GhaiFts,aw"Sebmt Weaj;lon,-Tl1lo~


Gol;lliilr1 80,000

Lon e"~ BaH &. C ham, M igJllly Ell ow, No Hands..

scorst Weapon, StUI1t}'

,;s~:Vell - . .. 21 0,91')0

~ne"> B~.tJc~" Claw, ]~,gg.e®a~TI

C!'iaos, Chaos Dwatil, or NLUrgle 310,000

Lone~, Frenzy, Horns, Mig~ty Biow, Tlhick Skull

i1UJ!Tl;aJ) 3~b,otJO

wnBJ. Bt.G.GlI:"Dpqg~; Fend, 8_lIIri:IiIL Sura~Feel

















Icep'elt H~mmer:bl9W S~'IIS

Ithaca Benoln

Lord Borak the Despoiler

Ldn{)~, [lodge, Bd[-a Arms;, P(ahl)rrslJecTa]l, Two

Heads Ska-ven340,000 Lbn:e~, frenzy, Mi'gllty Blow, Pmh.ensite Ta,JI

Arm14Z0nj'l; Uzmdmall; INorse orVam.l"ire ftQ,OOO

Lon:e~, ytfa:fr1saW, Se13fe(lWe'a~~rrn; Sla[Jd·f~rffl!

Llz8irdman 170,000

Lon:e~, B!Jm:k, Dodge, ,SIde ,Step, Jump Up,.

SWb, Siunty

DaiR EIU :?10,OD.O

U:tne~, Dodge, Lfl'~p, Mu)tlpl,E)<B.lm:k;

S[ladowillg, Smt;)

Cilaos Dwarf 330,000

Lone~, BI:o!:~, Bmak.Tackile, JUig;gemau~, Sprinlt,

Sure fl)!l<l, Thick Sku:Ei

Dark Em Gf'Elt :2So,q_,op

L:tin'a~, e(od(" Oldy P!ayer,~~UJIlT1p'lJg M~g~11¥

Blow,. Str,!f;l:'EraJl

Khe:m:ri 130,000

Lone~, Catch, Dodge, Reg;,me:rallon, Nerves of



lOng~, Clawa, _Di$turbthgprese;n.c!l<, Fr'e'rizy,

R~g~nil~~'!lan,;rht[:K S~l!~1 .

DarkEluor KI'l.g;mri

Lone~, Accurate, Dump OH, Nerves ou Sfeel,

Pass, Reg,eneraUon, Sure, Hands NecromallrriG, Ulnaaad or v,ampJre

LOner, Catch, Drvjpgl Oaten, Dodge; Spr.i[lt; E.lf or Wood Ell

Lone~, B!]m:k, Divi'rrlg Catch\ Dodge,. Le.ap,Side Slep

. CI1~6s,:iln;d Nu"gJ 9.

I:illnet, Pass, Strong Arm, !iure Hands,


C~aDS or Nu:Jlr;gl·g

Lohe~, 131101*, Di"ly Player, Mig:llly.Blow lJIzaJ(jman

lOns[, G~tc:h, GIiV~hgl Tac~le,ju:J~p UjR,'Leap,

P5lS~ Bloc~, SiJai;lowing, V"'~ LOrljgJ.:egs

chaos m NUJlrgle ~ .

Lon!l<~, ChaihScaw, Sl}creft Weap0lfn H)tw1al)

Lone~, BI:oe~. Mi9h:ty BI[lw

Any team eKcepl Kt;temiii, Necmman:tic, and Undead




























© Games Workshop 2010, All rights reserved.



























Rashn~1(, SKijli~'



Skitter Stab-Stab

saaraI'! HI,ghtower :S~Hi;I

I.Jgroth Bolgrot Sk~:II8

\(8[ag Ghoul"Chewer, Sk~]ls

Wilhelm Chaney SkI],lls'

Haltlingl!lr Human 140,000

Loner, Block, Dodge, Nerves of s~e91, RlglhtiStuif,


~rili:;lrHmgil ~{),oe.o,

boner, ealcfil, ·Diving Catch,. Hmd, l'Iick-off'RgllJnn,

LeapJ Nerves, oI'$teeil, Ve:[!l LOrll!:i l&gs

KihNmi,l'Jecroma:ntic or undead 380,000

t.oner, Break Tackta, Mighty Blow, Reg9neretiio.n;


ehaos'Dwart .20'O.;Of)O

LQn~r;Dg4g~, .sTi'!e;s~p', s~~iirw Q1~;~I~i:)1

Goblin o:r~Orc 270,000

Loner, G.Hib, M~g!ITty Blow, .Regem:ratiloil, T~row


.Am:ifZtlrr't Of Da,k Ell' -Q§o!~Qe

Goner, £i.Gqge~f're:llzy, JUJlmj:l,(jp, Jygg~m:atJ~

L§<!Q' • ,. .. >

Gobli!i, Ogf9 or ore 150,000

Leiner, Dirty Player, Dodge, Leap, lRii!jlrtSIJ[Jff,

,sp~iint, SllUnty, Sure reel, V9'~. L!lln,g Legs

K'h8mn~l. Necromantic Of U,ndHa[i 4i2Q"eOO

bonef, ~1J;)6k, Break Thddi,)j Jugg,efnadl,.

R~ene~~tll'l~, St~ip IB:9-U .

Li'zardmial1 250,000

Loner, I,nock,. Gmp, Guard, Stand lr~rlifn

K1heJiifim ad' ED,OOO

Loner, B1ocI<' JllIiI)p Up, F$!io Block,

Re.9"T1Bratl'onJ, .Sec,el W'ooImn, S;ide·Slap, .Slab

Skaven 160,000

Loner, Dodge, Prelmerllsile Tail, S~adowiihg, Stab

HIg'h B:lf 180,000

Loner, Fl'lrld, KJek.:Cl,if !~:e1)Jfn, Pass., Sll.ieT.ijr0w,

§j,lffi.Hai\.d~, Sl[Ol±g ArlT}

Ore 100,000

Leiner, Chaiflsaw, SeCiret Weaponl

Ore i2'9"i:l,ifGQ

Loner, Blsck, Jump Up, MigllJt,y BIGw, nic~,skull Nt,cromanrUc, lNiorse or Vamp,ire240,000 Loner, Catcfr"i, Cla~s, f~9.nzy, Regeneratiion,


41U'1m;Of\. HarITllingo'~ Wood ~Ir 1"EO.,O~O

L.:on~r, U'aUJInf!lais, Slde_ Sl\i)p~ Tn-iek SRu:11

Amalzem, Dwarf, Halijlinig, Hi!jlh Elf, Human, Norse 270,000

or Wood !Elu

Loner, Block, Damilliless, Dodgie,J;un1Ip Up, Stab, stakes

















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