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“En este mismo caminar”

In this same walk…

I don’t know what I look for eternally

On land, in the air and in the sky;
I don’t know what I look for,
But it’s something that I lost
I don’t know when and I can’t find it.

Rosalia de Castro (spanish)

Caminando bajo una lluvia fina, de rutinas

asuencias y soledades”

Walking beneath a fine rain of routines,

Absences and loneliness.

“Andando mas alla del Sol”

Being beyond the Sun

I have been going around the world

hugging too many stars
and without realizing
I’ve been loosing them on the pathway.
When looking behind
on my route
I saw it filled with lights.
At sun down
the sun
hid slowly
in the violet and pinkish
of the horizon.
I began to soak myself
with a fine and unceasing rain

“ beyond the sun”.

“ La lluvia, mi alliada”
The rain, my partner

Where I go it accompanies me
the cold water,
that bathes my skin and face
like a baptism of energy
and an unfinished test.
She has left things to unaccomplished,
imagined lives.

Clothes trapped
on a black hanger,
in the air
waiting for answers
that will never come.

The rain, my partner

the one that has come with me
in my most transcendent things.
Turning pages
of my history
always there.

I see its always there,

a water that falls
a light in the sky,
a shriek of wind,
to always tell me
that there is something left unfinished.


In every corner of the house there is:

a sleeping peace,
a twister of lost passions,
a babies cry,
the bustle of a family reunion,
the pain of many goodbyes…
Going through
the rooms and its furniture,
silent and concealed
looks like they don’t keep

I see my food served

and I wander the house,
silently and alone.
Faced with so much mystery
the sea is in my hands,
the land slips away from me
and falls in the endless abyss.
I stay with the table served
looking at the patio of my house,
a backyard without flowers that wait
listening to a song by Sabine.
In the silence of the empty rooms
naked of laughters and cries,
the weak happiness colts up
and the gentle afternoon enervates me.

The acid pain between the furniture stays

and the food
gets cold by itself.

“Tejido Roto”
Broken Tissue

I had a light,
A bunch of children laughs
mini soccer courts,
broken bicycles
and scraped knees.
It was a light that would light up
every room in the house,
that made of winters, springs
and cries into laughters and chants.

I had a small light

that I played with all day long,
in between the dusk of midnight
and the tissues of robes and thin scarfs.

I sowed dreams looking outside

and I added “so much color”
to my hank.
One day I left my tissue alone
and a cat with sharp claws
undid the weft
and I was left without it.


Today I sat in the plaza

and saw a thousand mothers
walking their kids.
Now that everything turns
we are going to sing for a bit,
The kids are in their crib
and there are still mothers
sewing yarn.
I observe their tissues of dreams
and I tell myself, what shame!
if in between these shifts
we must leave the chants
The rotations of the Earth seem so slow!
But between each turn
the kids will be very tall.
Now that every thing turns
we are going to sing for a bit
because in this plaza the fruits
are too sweet,
and there inside the house
They have turned
too bitter.


I don’t put the table with time

The melted salts scare me,
the empty chairs,
the missing plates
and in between so much
the sadness freezes
inside the rooms.

Stripped off

The polished oranges,

the shiny red apples,
the big juicy pears,
the grapes that fall of the vine arbors,
I had all the fruits of the world,
Damn, it was so good!
Harvesting time came and I let them pick up all my
No more polished oranges,
shiny red apples,
big juicy pears,
not even the grapes that fell of the vine arbors.

They took it all,

my plate was left empty.


Every year,
birds would make their nest
in the deepest part of “Santa Rita”,
today, they don’t anymore.
Do they miss
the games,
the screams, the chants?
Can birds miss
the games,
the screams, the chants?

“Me Dolieron”
They Hurt Me
Today they hurt me
the games of kids,
the grandparents throwing bread crumbs
to the pigeons,
the couples that steal
kisses from the afternoon,
the faces of the people that
looked at me smiling…
Today they hurt me
the games,
the kisses,
the laughters,
the indifference…
Today the world hurt me.

“La Mascara”
“The Mask”

That mask
of laughter and fake appearances
that I put
on every day,
Is always waiting for me
on the sofa.
With her
I confront peoples faces.
With her
I smile and sing.
And when
I open the door
of mi house
I put it back on the sofa.
And the mirror gives me back
my naked face
with eyes of sadness
and loneliness.

“Un Pedazo de Sol”

A Piece of Sun

As I moved around the soil

in the back yard of my house
I found two small glass balls,
worn down and polished
by tiny hands.
I took them in my hand,
and a sun beam
went into them,
when I moved them I saw
that they kept
all the colors
of the solar spectrum.
I knew that in there
my kids childhood games
would stay locked up:
The Ringed Kingfisher,
The wheel-wheel,
The dolls,
The white school uniform,
The three kings…
I squeezed and put them
in my heart,
and I gently cried
when the sun hid itself
that night.


In between the empty waters

of the dry river bed
where once ran a river,
two thirsty eyes open up
that look up at the sky.
It’s a begging face expression,
a request,
Its speaking to you.

“Ruidos, Formas Y Perfumes”

“Noises, Shapes and Perfumes”

I’m missing the noise of a morning

that would make every tissue of my skin burn.

A bang of bells
to wake up my soul.

A movement that will shake off

my tree dressed up as a woman.

Like this recover

my forgotten shape
my essences and lost perfumes,
the real objective of my existence.

When the calm night falls

silent of games
I squeeze in my hands
my broken thoughts.

Come back to my surrounding

the sounds of my favorite musical piece.

It has no more tone,

they are suspended in the air.
They are gently escaping
through the infinite space
of curtain raised by the wind.

And my poor crumbs of love

fly with the silent
musical tones
of my beautiful favorite broken music.

“Versos Perdidos”
Lost Lines

Behind the door of my house

there was a poem,
I look for it but I can’t find it.
Suddenly I realized, I had lost it.
I looked for it
in an old pair of trainers,
in a coffin with old things
and in the opaque retina of your eyes.


How do you fill up a blank sheet of paper

with new illusions
on top of the ashes
of the dreams that have been wasted?
I start and I erase,
the white color paper hurts me
I filled with music the silence of my house,
I changed the things that were always
in the same place.

I felt my passion intact

on the electrical threads
that traveled through my skin.
The fear went through all my body
because on the paper
the first words
begun to decode.


The are ghosts

inside my childrens empty and silent bedrooms.
They are every where,
they watch me
when I come in and out.
At nigh they party
and at midnight
the music turns on by itself.
I can hear from my bed,
A sound of Rock and Bob Marley
but when I go in them
only silence
answers my curiosity.
Where are they? I asked,
I knew that they were my lost lines
that came back.


Sometime I remember the endless

walks by the sea shore,
the summer nights,
the noise of the waves
and the running dog.
Remember? The sad chant of the seagulls,
the water and the sky
kissing in the infinite.
We were the owners of the world,
it seemed as if we were the only inhabitants.
Remember? We would pick up sand
and in between our fingers
our dreams
were slowly slipping down.
Without realizing,
the sun
hid itself
in the horizon.

“Y Sigue”
And it continues

And the same water continues tu run

creating the rivers and streams.

And there are still springs, falls

And pigeons in the town plaza.

And there are still Juliet’s on the balconies

The rain continues to be
The tears of the sky’s heart.
And our roads continue
through parallel roads
with the same distances
and the same silences
slowly killing
the only thing left alive
that could have stayed in time.

The electronic threads
going around mi skin.

The heat of the sun beams,

inside my house.

The tiny flowers of “joy”,

that endure in the
frozen white mornings.

The browns and grays

holding onto the violets and pinks.

The music erasing

the silences.

The change of the things

that were always
in the same place.

It was the clue

that they gave me
the hope of having
a white sheet of paper.


“Caminando bajo la lluvia”

entre luz y sombra”

“ Walking under the rain

in between light and shade.


“Blanco Y Negro”
White and Black

Today I heard the silence

of the empty rooms.
They hurt me
all the things in there place, hurt me.
I felt the presence
of the “black heralds” of Vallejo,
they are always spying on me.
I opened the window
and let the light come in…
It was the light and the shade,
the good and the bad
In that long and straight line
of my life.
Between the arising of pigeons
that flap their wings on my tree
dressed as a woman
I need a bang of bells
to wake up my soul.
The sharp swords
Are still pointing
and I’m still walking
between the white and back,
the light and the shade.
“Entre Luz Y Sombra”
Between Light and Shade

In between the thick and dark hills of my

I see light.
They are behind the thick black tree trunks,
“she” shows her glimmers
between the leafs.
In my interior voyage filled of ghosts,
I feel the thirst
that makes me walk thirsty
in a permanent search.
Like this I go through paths of light and shade,
of life and death.
If everything was set together
and the conflict was solved.
If life seemed perfect,
why did the light of your smile slip from
between my hands
with that smooth sand?
I feel like I slip
between the empty waters
of a dry river.
On one side the good
and on the other the bad.
And in that zigzag of the water flow
I’m still searching.

“Buscando La Luz”
Looking for the light
In those opaque and gentle days
she is there
behind the door,
in the backyard…
She plays with me,
enlightens me and hides
I follow her game,
it’s the light it’s the shade.
It makes me feel safe
that it doesn’t leave me,
that in the dark moments
“she” gives me light.

“Entre Llantos y Risas”

Between Tears and smiles

Last night
they opened my window.
I saw them coming in my room,
I saw them come in black.
I though of a Chinese proverb:
“Everything will pass”.
I squeezed my lips,
there was tears and a cry.
Everything passed,
chants and laughters

“En el Ocaso”
On the decline
Today I saw a flower die,
the only one that gave warmth
to my pallid and withered
winter yard.
I felt that tiny death penetrate
inside the deepest part of my soul
to break the mirror
where your perfect face
reflected itself.
That face that was the love and the life
but was also the worry and the shout.
That love that was
the good and the bad,
today I saw it go
With that tiny death of that flower
which was the only thing that gave it warmth
to my sad days
in the decline of my existence.

“Vias sin Destino”

Rails without destiny

I have an enormous confusion

of rails and trains,
routes that cross each other,
endless paths.
I travel
on one of those paths
on trains that slip
between two worlds,
one of lights
and another of shadows.


There is rain
that collapses
and soaks you with memories.
There are unforgettable rains
In unique
and unrepeatable moments.
There are rains
that wash you,
Refresh you and renew you.
I have a rain
in the darkness of the night
with many noises
and many lights.
She was embodied
in a spider web
in the deep mazes of my memories.


The moon broken into pieces

goes around in the darkness of the night
making of all the things
objects with white stains.
The wind balances the stains
its the moon, the leafs, the wind?
Its just your image
that doges and in secret,
is an animal, vegetable or broken moon
in the darkness of the night.

“Mi refugio”
My shelter

This poem
is my shelter,
I go through my distances
without times
and my times
without distances.


In between the concerts

of the voices of the past
And the taste of sour laughs
walking through paths
filled with bags of memories.
I feel the need to create an Easter
of new feelings.
Tangled up

Today I’m tangled up

in strings of silence
like sticky Spider webs
that are hard to get off.
I try so that
my gray serenade
without sound
fills your pentagram
with colors and rhythms,
to fill me
with new music
that opens the curtain
of the scenario of my life
to a new morning.


In between the wave

of a calm sea
one hundred seagulls come
to name you.
I just engraved one word
into the sand.
And the word “forget”
is washed away by the water,
it disappears,
forgetting it.

The unstoppable drinking

of loneliness
My nude shame
slides behind the window,
and in the square of the ceiling of my room
there are two eyes that watch me
enjoying the victory.


I saw my dreams
hanging like the clothes
that the sun dries
the breeze rocked them back and forth
and the shine of the moon
would give them light…
a tremendous wind
unhooked them.
I saw them go
in the night
scared and tiered
of so much waiting.

The memory
scares me
because in it
are all the past experiences
squished together.
Experiences form the past,
the heaven and the hell,
the light and the shade.
The memory
scares me
Because even though
you are something old
I see you,
I touch you,
and I renew you.


That stranded boat

in a deserted beach
contains the deepest darkness
of my past feelings.
When I see it
slowly leaving
I feel the detachment
of my worries,
my fear,
I free myself and walk
in search
of new feelings.
I will see the horizon with fear
Where I see him
slowly appear again.

“Mis viejas manos”

My old Hands

What wonderful weapons

my hands
with its centennial gestures,
old, very old.
They are capable of kissing
with its soft touch,
to arouse your skin
with its smooth friction.
But also
get them up with strength
for the slap in the face.
What wonderful weapons
my hands
that today spins with care
every letter
to create the words
that forms the
plot of this poem.
And the green color of this tissue
drowns your soul.
“Mis Manos”
My hands

In the memory of my hands,

Exists the warmth and the tenderness
of your skin.

They have all the memories intact,

they miss your soft touch,
they leave my body
and feel you where ever you are.


Walking beneath the rain

In a permanent search


I don’t know what I look for

in the sky,
the ground,
the plazas,
the streets,
in the omni bus…
In this infinite search
I know its something
that I’ve lost
I don’t know when,
I don’t know how.
I get frustrated by the hours that go by,
the riverbed without water,
the empty trays,
the broken suns,
the black moons…
And me so lonely just searching.


As the thin unceasing rain fell,

wetting every corner of my distant fields.
My shiny particles
scattered like crystals
in every corner of the of my land.
in every single one shined your face
but when it splits in two,
“ they were eyes, noses
and lips”.
I searched for the way to rebuild your image
I fell asleep
catching shapes
and when I woke up in the night
your face was intact.
“Llueve palabras”
Rain words

Today the rain

came slowly and gentle
it penetrated through my soul
and it became a word,
in its gentle purr
It wrote your name
and with a thousand bubbles
it raised it in the air
cleaning out memories.
Speaking with my loneliness
In an unceasing search.

Wake Up

Like always in my surroundings

the same things are always near me:
the absences,
the routines
and the loneliness.
I search and search in between the grays
and my pallid environment,
the sweet break up
and the vital power of movement.
I’m trapped in the feverish search of light
to make my skin shine
to feel how all the colors rest on my forehead.
To find like this in a pentagram
the notes that give the exact sound
in the key point of my interior,
that can make possible for a green wind
to blow off the nudity of my body
to open up all the pores of my skin
to a soft, sweet and magical awakening.


Today I searched for my verses

and when I didn’t find them
I felt dead.
What would I do without them?
In what deep black abyss
could they have fallen in?
As I saw a bird
taking food to its nest,
that’s where I found them.
It had them in its peak,
Ow innocent bird
If today you haven’t fed your litter.
If you knew
that today you have brought me,
my tasty juicy fruits
to enrich my words
and be reborn again in verses.

“Puesta En Escena”
Put in Scene

From the setting of life

I saw a silhouette
in the plateau of the world.
I saw that woman
waiting to watch
another show,
comedy, drama ?
In the setting there was only
a plant with flowers
that slowly
letting there petals fall one by one.
I saw her get up and leave,
I knew that she was in search
of reconstructing the rose
and the complete structure
of its figure.
She searched another set scenario,
I knew it because that woman
was me.

“Ven, Entra”
Come, Enter”

Don’t try to look

for the worst threads put together
nor the most exact words.
In between my most simple words
and the total structure
of my writing
there is a message for you.

If only in this strange world

of lonely men
I’m still looking
for that one that understands it.
We’ve never been so alone,
It must be the century of loneliest souls.

And in between the intrepid noise

of electronic machines
I only keep between my hands
The sacred treasure of my stories.
That’s why I invite you,
Leave for one moment
the noises,
the jealousy
the watch,
the discouragement.
Come, there are no rushes here,
my backyard has no boundaries,
you will only find peace,
The tenderness
and endless ripe fruits
hanging from a magical tree
of all times.


after piling up the years
tons of years,
and having them cornered
in a corner of the room
the miracle was created.
Today I threw them up to the wind,
I knew how to look at you for the first time,
today I was your lover.


In the dark quadrilateral of the window

your face drew itself,
I saw you so young,
I made you come in.
Our bodies
drew themselves in the mirror,
it seemed like yesterday.
The next day
we recognized ourselves
we knew how to find the magic
that every night
was the first time.

“Aquel Dia”
That one-day

There was one day in my almanac

that wasn’t,
a Monday or Tuesday,
maybe it was a night
without hours or times
Without a past,
or future.
Just one day,
invisible in the times and spaces
but it stayed alive
in the touch of skin,
in a placid tremor,
one day
I don’t know when.

“Luna Rota”
Broken Moon

The night came today

with a broken moon.
My memories rested
in between the broken pieces and the cracks.

I Would Like To

I would like to be
an imitating animal,
to be able to change my formation and my color
to be at your side.
I would like to return
to my gentle and usual lethargy
that I used to be in
because the fear
is eating my soul.


It’s a relentless struggle

the one of my body and me,
I feel its living beating heart.
And I succumb
in the shadows
Of all the fears
and all the faults.


When I felt the weight of my body

collapsing on the bed
my struggle begins.
I don’t want to sleep,
I’m scared
Of dreaming with memories,
To see the future
So I listen to music,
I see your smile,
your eyes and your hands.
And holding onto your memory
comes the morning
Filled with you.

“Tu Presencia”
You Presence

When the wandering ghosts

that sometimes invade the house
feel like staying,
I front them,
Walking backwards
and they leave.
So then I look for you,
I touch you,
I know your always there
waiting for me.


The eyes look for

others that are around there.
I’ve see a thousand eyes,
black, brown, blue, green…
But one day
I saw yours,
the mutation became real,
They were colorless
and I would give them
the color that I wanted,
the ones
that I had always looked for.

Can just one expression, mutate the essence

of the matter and discover the true
meaning of my existence?

“El Recuerdo”
The memory

I saw you running

to my meeting place,
Talking to me with the eyes.
It was your hug
a chain of energy,
it was impossible to escape from you arms.
Today your eyes don’t tell me anything
and your hug
is just the memory
of another hug.


Walking among the people

this morning,
I felt like the loneliest woman
in the world.
I saw
thousands of robots
being controlled mechanically
by the consumption and the interests.
And I knew that I,
all spirit, slid down
without no one seeing me
and I also knew
that my profound words
coming directly from my bones
No one would understand them.


My soul swelled with happiness

that peaceful morning of spring
when I woke up
and felt your presence.
A fast flowing underground river
running through my veins
surprised me,
scaring me.
I knew that the fear
wasn’t death,
it was life.

“Palabras Presas”
Captured Words

I felt your eyes on me

and I was able to read in them
many words.
I saw them hide rapidly
in the moment
that you avoided my eyes.
Why don’t you let them come out?
Why do you keep them locked up?

“Hidratando tiempos”
Hydrating times

A vaporous morning
pushes the savage loneliness
of my times.
The rain moisturizes my dry skin
and hydrates it without stopping
to continue the search
of a place where
life always falls
with echoes of nests.
and in my solar fragment
I find that resonant abyss
that wakes up in chants
my sleeping seed.

“Extraño Universo”
Strange universe

Yesterday I sewed with sunbeams,

today the problem got darker
with the fog of night.
But I’m still sewing dreams
making of my poetry
sometimes laughs and sometimes tears.
In this strange universe that we think we know
every moment is a surprise.
Sometimes around the deserts
thirsty for water
to calms our anxiety,
refreshing our skin
to carry again
our cross.

You are

A surprise.
A dream.
A poison.
A God.
An invention of my mind.
A lie.
You are, just a man.

“El Puzzle”
The puzzle

Yesterday with the confusion of shapes

the moment the day dies
I was just able to see your beautiful face.
Today at day light
I was able to distinguish your soul.
I realized that your face
wasn’t that beautiful,
a thousand mirrors fell
and I saw it disfigured,
it just turned into
a thousand broken pieces.
I would like to pick them all up
and play with them as if it were a puzzle,
slowly without rushes
to find the exact shape.
That it gives me back at least
the smile of your soul
to be able to believe
that you were
like I though you were.

“Tu color”
Your color

Today I saw the color

that looks like you,
I knew that it was the same color
of my dreams,
those that are gone.
But when I looked into your eyes
I knew they came back,
maybe they were always intact
in the hard structure
of my bones.
You and my dreams
are of color white
simply the conjunction
of all the colors put together.

“Al Pasar”
Going by

I will stop
at your mouth
and I will graze your skin
by coincidence
and I will go by without stopping.

“Linea Quebrada”
Broken Line

In the rectilinear structure

of mi life
I saw points that want to break the line.
and in those transgressor points
I saw your eyes.


If only sacred you are

when your strengths are renewed
to face everything.
In the partial equilibrium
of the thread on the abyss
doubt the step forward.
Beneath the tide, mixes itself,
it waits for you to fall
and the enormous mouth of a reptile
opens and closes.
The soaped clouds from above,
make thousands of bubbles,
waiting for you.
And you standing on the thin shaking line
making a pact with death,
stretching your hand
towards its pale hand
creating you.
You touch it gently for one moment
and feel a cold shiver
traveling down your body.
And you scared but firm
Lifting up one foot,
you walk and stroll.

“Sacred you are”.

“Hacer brillar el tiempo”

Making time shine

Shine between the grays

the soft murmuring
barely pronounced,
old and repetitive
forgotten many times
in a pocket
for so many past years.
But still,
it shines between the sadness
Just for three words,
always renewed
only three, I love you.

“La Otra Cara de la Luna”

The other face of the Moon

Mi verse wants
to conquer the world
and be owner of it.
But in that desire
being owner of every thing
drag with him too
stinking rust of the black face
of the moon.


Today the day falls on me

and the rain purifies
the sweet desires to escape
of the unstoppable hours
of the time that runs
towards death.

When I feel my heart

like a bird in a cage
and sentenced chant,
I feel my feet
stuck to the ground
and my attempt to walk
is of no use.


When the love

crystal-clear and pure
new born sings
It dresses it self as poetry.
When it takes out its clothings
it just looks naked,
deformed and without poetry.


On the table
today I found
a bouquet of violets.
Suddenly I saw
in the mirror of the dinning room
a girl
gorgeous and in love,
so young, so fresh.
Do you remember that bouquet of violets?
Your eyes were
the light
in that moment.
Today you returned to me,
they were the same
that brought a rebirth
with hope
color violet.

“Nuestro leguaje”
Our language

The language of silence

is the only one that communicates us,
one look,
one gesture
or one soft touch.
The words
don’t sound
in our language,
because they would be
our enemies.
and even though we love them
“they” still suffer,
robed, drowned,
sad and without a sound
crying in the darkness.

“El Poema Que Nunca Fue”

The Poem That Never Was

My verse dies
before being born
and its voice barely whispers
in a low voice
like to the ear
of a butterfly.
Nobody will remember
its music
because its notes
flied away in a field of light
when it was barely morning.
It was that paper
in white
that one that barely touched
the skin of water,
and the deep flow
swallowed it
so that it never
saw the light..
They were just
words to the wind,
words of the night,
fiery words…,
words that never were,
whit sheets of paper,
history without history.
But I know that my verse
flying in the wind,
in one part of the world
where you hear orchestras of trills
and all the greens
conjugate themselves.
They will just be
a memory in the air,
a whisper to the ear,
but only you and me know
that it died
that night.

“Naufragio Onirico”
Shipwreck Oneiric

Suddenly I found myself

laying by the sea shore,
next to me was another body.
Where did we come from?
Who were we?
What shipwreck brought us together
to this adventure
Where only the stars observe us?
I saw your face
and recognized you by the instance.
Suddenly I felt the flapping of a seagulls
beneath my skin
then I knew how to taste your
salty tasting lips.
The birds flew in flocks
leaving us in loneliness.
the gallop of a white horse
that run and run
by the sea shore
made us tremble.
That white horse
made shreds the dreams to love
and in the place where it was
your body
there was just foam
from the waves of the sea.

“Hombre Solitario”
Solitaire man

A solitaire man
went by the yard of my dreams
thief of illusions.
He was going by with his pockets full,
the crumbs of love
were escaping
from the poor women
that loved him.
How sad!
The day will come
when his pockets will be empty.
And by the yards without flowers
a solitaire man
will cry.

I go around the world

faking that I can’t see
behind the window of time
your straight posture
behind the vitric.
The thousands of cat eyes
that watch me
In the darkness of the night.
The feeling of your breath
and your aroma
in the air of my room.
Today I will dress up to party,
I will watch the people
how they have fun.
And I will keep on faking
a smile
in the middle of the night.

“Huelo a ti”
I smell like you

has your smell
it invades the area
of my room,
It penetrates
through pores of my skin
and makes your presence
be felt.
Its only in October
and the year is long
to come and say,
today it smells like you!
“La carcel”
The Jail

When you feel

the sharpness of some teeth
that wonder around your dreams and times
making terrible insomnias
you are not owner of yourself anymore.
Your not free
because the jail
with just one look
made you prisoner
behind bars
of an invisible prison
more secure than any
visible lockup
by the matter.


As I opened the lock

of the door of my amazements
there is,
a rose to bloom
a sealed letter just delivered,
and an awakened image
at the wrong time
of my life.

“Mirando pasar el tiempo”

Watching time pass

Behind the opaque crystals of dawn

hope melts
and she dies with your look
in the last light of sundown.
Every minute that has passed
is barely a particle
that creates
the time that goes by.
That time
that takes you
and that will never
be forgotten.

“La Galeria”
The Gallery

There are moments in which

that gallery filled with mirrors
traps me.
And when walking searching
the exit
your image is everywhere.
So it stayed as a prisoner
of a thousand faces
and of a thousand images
all the same.

“Viviras en mi”
You will live in me

Today I found you

and today I let you go
but when you cross that door
you might never know
that you stayed here.

“La Invitacion”
The invitation

You entered mi life

inviting me to a long trip
to the past of time.
Today is late
we never arrived
and in that walk
raising up stories
we lost ours
without a beginning
or an end.

And if this were the last afternoon that I see?
I would let free
my unstoppable passions
to live them with you.


Today I wished
to tear up the roots of the Earth.
I’m there without spirit,
its just
to stretch your hand,
they are the decisions
they are the fears.
I know that the sun is
on the other side,
I smoothly touch the fabric,
I hold in tight,
And I sit there
watching how the rain drops
flooding the roads
To stop me from going by
and always tell me
that there is something not done.

“Ese Dia”
That Day
Like drop and drop
in my pentagram
is my language
silent from that day.
One day sometimes
is the only thing we remember.
Memories that come
like a fresh oasis
in summer times
like the sweet and juicy taste
of ripe grapes.
That day
that doesn’t take shape in the yesterday
because it’s still living
in the present,
around the corner,
in the drawer of the table of light,
in the whisper to the ear
of two lovers
in a small plaza from the hood.
That day
that made the miracle
to protect me from the rust of the world,
that gave me a short cut
to beat death.
Is there some one in the world
that hasn’t lived that day?
What shame! Is to die in life.
The power of the forgotten
can take everything
except that day
without a name and without time.

Your are the prohibited treasure

of my dreams
like golden apples
in far away islands.

Like the desperate water

in the middle of the desert.

Like a sea
that doesn’t open
to make way.

But you are still

the golden apple,
the water
and an open path.

“Lenguaje sin sonido”

Language without sound

Lets just play

and talk in silence.
language of the eyes,
don’t say a word
because just one of them
would break the enchantment.
Stay like this in silence,
if you are telling me so much,
I would dare to ask you
what you read in mine
because just one word
would put me to tears.

“Soy Palabra”
I’m word

This way of life

the one of words
that make possible
to stop time,
Walk through deserts
with bare feet,
take firm steps
on the skin of the water,
extinguish the fire
of incandescent forests,
shorten distances…
This way of life
only words
have returned to me.


When I step
for the last time on this land
just one body will leave,
with a mouth without laughters,
eyes without shine,
naked thoughts
and in their tight hands
there will be verses without words.
Here they will stay
my laughs and my dreams
the shine of the my eyes,
my thoughts dressed up
and all my verses
with words.






I’m in search of the hand crafted word

so that the rains of my times
Don’t cool off my soul
and so the world doesn’t hut as much.

My verses stroll
in search of that word
to calm the loneliness
of my nights
and make all the chants
return to my nest.


Leaving is to begin
a painful flight.
They will be the air of my land,
they will be the broken suns and moons,
the river from the coast,
they will be…
The ones that will cry
Silently in my departure.
And I wont have tears,
I will begin my trip.
and will swarm forever
an injured soul
of nostalgias.

“Cuando me valla”
“When I leave”

I know that one day

I will leave from here
and my plants will cry,
my dog will howl
and all the things
will miss my steps,
my perfume,
mi laugh and screams.
And me far away
I will begin to sow
my barefoot thoughts,
between other sceneries and other plants
I will be a different color graft
and of other music.
How sad! I will just be the memory,
a shadow
of someone that was.

“De suenos y profesias”

Of dreams and prophecies

“Me quede en un Sueño…”

I stayed in a dream…

It was November
when all the fields turned green again
and you could hear all the chants
of all the birds together.
The world was empty,
I was returning from a long voyage.
It was November
and I returned to that place
of light and color
to stay there fore ever.
I don’t know if my dream
resembles the one of the King of Babylonia,
the one of Jacob
or to the one of doctor Walter Franklin Prince,
dreams turned into reality.
I only know
but I saw from another dimension
my body dressed up in a white gauze
shaken by the wind
walking towards that place
where all the greens exist
beneath a fine and persistent rain
and there I decided to stay for ever.


- In this same walk

- I. Walking beneath a fine rain of routines,
absences and loneliness/ Being beyond the Sun
- The rain, mi partner
- Corners
- Melancholy
- Broken tissue
- Outside
- Fears
- Stripped off
- Missing
- They hurt me
- The mask
- A piece of sun
- Thirst
- Noises, shapes and perfumes
- Disintegration
- Los verses
- Mystery
- Absences
- Distance
- And it continues…
- II. Walking beneath the rain between the
light and shade./ white and black.
- Between light and shade
- Searching for light
- Between tears and smiles
- On the decline
- Rails without destiny
- Rains
- Disguise
- My shelter
- Walking
- Tangled up
- Forgotten
- Victory
- Tiredness
- Memory
- Phantom
- My old hands
- My hands
- III. walking beneath the rain in a permanent
search /Waking up
- Searching
- Put on scene
- Come, enter
- Miracle
- Relive
- That one day
- Broken moon
- I would like to
- Struggle
- Insomnia
- Your presence
- Mutation
- The memory
- Solitaire
- Trapped
- Captured words
- Strange universe
- You are
- The puzzle
- Your color
- Going by
- Broken line
- Resurrection
- Making time shine
- The other face of the moon
- Escape
- Trapped
- Clothing
- Violets
- Our language
- The poem that never was
- Shipwreck Oneiric
- Solitaire man
- Faking
- I smell like you
- The jail
- Amazement
- Watching time go by
- The gallery
- You will live in of me
- The invitation
- Apocalyptic
- Decisions
- That day
- impossible
- language without sound
- I’m word
- Farewell
- I wish I could be the artist of my life made
into a word/ Strolling
- Leaving
- When I leave
- Dreams and prophecies/ I stayed in a dream.

“Mas alla del Sol”

Beyond the Sun

When the human being is born into life, he is like a sun

that just begins to rise, like this, the childhood is like the
sunrise, it’s a light without strength but with a big
Maria del Carmen Borda de Kondraski

Is born and lives in Paysandú (Uruguay), she lived

almost seven years in Hamilton, Canada, married, with
three children that live in that country of the north.
She is a retired teacher, which now dedicates to
the specialization and works in literary work shops
She has three edited books in childrens narrative
and a monograph sponsored by MEC inside a cultural
project (“Opening roads to creativity”, won by
contest). She has texts in poetry, narrative,
newspapers, imprinted in anthologies, bulletins,
magazines and diaries. She has won literary contests
and honors in stories and poetry.
She currently is doing a major in literary work
shops ( four years long) in the Ministry of Education
and Culture, and works in the literary work shop of
MEC in the department of Paysandú; her writing is
completely dedicated to poetry.

Translated By: Pablo Mateo Martinez Fuentes

“En este mismo caminar”

In this same walk…

Walking beneath a fine rain of routines,

Absences and loneliness.

Under a Fine Rain

I have gone around the world
hugging too many stars
When looking behind
on my route
I saw it filled with lights.
At sundown
the sun
hid slowly
in the violet and pinkish
of the horizon.
I began to soak myself
with a fine and unceasing rain

“ Aliada”
Wherever I go it accompanies me
the cold water,
that bathes my skin and face
like a baptism

Memories trapped
on a black hanger,
in the air
waiting for answers
that will never come.

The rain, my partner

Turning pages
of my history
always there.

A water that falls

a light in the sky,
a shriek of wind,
something pending.


In every corner of the house there is:

a sleeping peace,
a twister of lost passions,
a baby’s cry,
the bustle of a family reunion,
the pain of too many goodbyes…
Walking through
the rooms and its furniture,
silent and concealed
looks like they don’t keep


I see my food served

and I wander the house,
silent and alone.
Faced with so much mystery
the sea is in my hands,
the land slips away from me
and falls in the endless abyss.
I stay with the table served
looking at the patio of my house,
a backyard without flowers that wait
listening to a song by Sabina.
In the silence of the empty rooms
naked of laughter and cries,
the weak happiness colts up
and the gentle afternoon enervates me.

The acid pain between the furniture stays

and the food
gets cold by itself.
“Tejido Roto”
Torn Fabric

I had a light,
A bunch of children laughs
mini soccer fields,
broken bicycles
and scraped knees.
It was a light that would light up
every room in the house,
that made springs out of winters
and cries into laughter and chants.

I had a small light

that I played with, all day long,
in between nursing bottles and midnight
and hand knitted robes and thin scarfs.

I wove dreams looking outside

and I added “so much color”
to my hank.

One day I left my knitting alone

and a cat with sharp claws
undid it
and I was left without.

Today I sat at the plaza
and saw a thousand mothers
walking their kids.
Now that everything turns
we are going to sing for a bit,
The kids are in their crib
and there are still mothers
knitting yarn.
I watch them weave their dreams
and I tell myself, what a pity!
if in between these turns
we must leave the chants
The rotation of the Earth seems so slow!
But between each turn
the kids will be very tall.
Now that every thing turns
we are going to sing a bit
because in this plaza the fruits
are too sweet,
and there, inside the house
They have turned
too bitter.


I don’t set the table on with time

The melted salts scare me,
the empty chairs,
the missing plates
and in between so much
the sadness freezes
inside the rooms.

Stripped off

The polished oranges,

the shiny red apples,
the big juicy pears,
the grapes that fell off the grapevines,
I had all the fruits of the world,
Ah, they tasted so good!
Harvest time came and I let others pick up all my
No more polished oranges,
shiny red apples,
big juicy pears,
not even the grapes that fell off the grapevines.

They took it all,

my tray was left empty.


Every year,
birds would make their nest
in the “Santa Rita” vine in the backyard ,
today, they don’t anymore.
Do they miss
the games,
the screams, the chants?
Can birds miss
the games,
the screams, the chants?

“Me Dolieron”
They Hurt Me

Today they hurt me,

the games of kids,
the grandparents throwing bread crumbs
to the pigeons,
the couples that stole
kisses from the afternoon,
the faces of the people that
looked at me smiling…
Today they hurt me,
the games,
the kisses,
the laughter,
the indifference…
Today the world hurt me.

“La Mascara”
“The Mask”

That mask
of laughter and fake appearances
that I put
on every day,
always waiting for me
on the sofa.
With her
I confront peoples faces.
With her
I smile and sing.
And when
I open the door
of mi house
I put it back on the sofa.
And the mirror gives me back
my naked face
with eyes of sadness
and loneliness.

“Un Pedazo de Sol”

A Piece of Sun

As I moved around the soil

in the back yard of my house
I found two small glass marbles,
worn out and polished
by gone tiny hands.
I took them in my hand,
and the sun beamed down on them,
when I moved them I saw
that they kept
all the colors
of the solar spectrum.
I knew that in there
my kids’ childhood games
would stay locked up:
Oranges and Lemons
The dolls,
The white school uniforms,
The Three Magi …
I squeezed them and put them
in my heart,
and I gently cried
when the sun hid
that sundown.


In between the empty waters

of dry river beds
where a river once ran for milleniums,
two thirsty eyes open up
that look up at the sky.
It’s a begging expression,
a request,
It’s speaking to you.

“Ruidos, Formas Y Perfumes”

“Noises, Shapes and Perfumes”

I’m missing the noise of a morning

that would make every tissue of my skin burn.

A bang of bells
to wake up my soul.

A movement that will shake off

my tree dressed up as a woman.

Thus recovering
my forgotten shape
my essences and lost perfumes,
the real objective of my existence.


When the calm night falls

silent of games
I squeeze in my hands
my broken thoughts.

Flying around me
the sounds of my favorite musical piece.

They have no tone

they are suspended in the air.
They are gently escaping
through the infinite space
of a curtain raised by the wind.

And my poor crumbs of love

fly with the silent
musical tones
of my beautiful favorite broken music.

“Versos Perdidos”
Lost Lines

Behind the door of my house

there was a poem,
I looked for it but I couldn’t find it.
Suddenly I realized, I had lost it.
I looked for it
in an old pair of sneakers,
in a trunk with old things
and in the opaque retina of your eyes.


How do you fill in a blank sheet of paper,

with new illusions
on top of the ashes
of dreams that have been wasted?
I start and I erase,
the white color of the paper hurts me
I filled with music the silences of my house,
I changed the things that were always
in the same place.
I felt my passion intact
on the electrical threads
that traveled through my skin.
The fear went through all my body
because on the paper
the first words
began to decode.


There are ghosts

inside my childrens’ empty and silent bedrooms.
They are everywhere,
they watch me
when I come in and out.
At night they party
and at midnight
the music turns on by itself.
I can hear from my bed,
a sound of Rock and Bob Marley
but when I go in them
only silence
answers my curiosity.
Where are they? I asked,
I knew that they were my lost verses
that came back.


Sometimes I remember the endless

walks by the sea shore,
the summer nights,
the noise of the waves
and the running dog.
Remember? The sad chant of seagulls,
the water and the sky
kissing each other in the infinite.
We were the owners of the world,
it seemed as if we were the only inhabitants.
Remember? We would pick up sand
and in between our fingers
our dreams
were slowly slipping down.
Without realizing,
the sun
hid itself
in the horizon.

“Y Sigue”
And it continues ...

And the same water continues tu run

inventing rivers and streams.

And there are still springs, falls

And pigeons in the town plaza.

And there are still Juliets on the balconies

The rain continues to be
The tears of the sky’s heart.
And our roads continue
Along parallel lines
with the same distances
and the same silences
slowly killing
the only thing left alive
that could have stayed in time.


The electronic threads

going around mi skin.

The heat of sun beams,

inside my house.

The tiny flowers of “joy”,

that endure in the
frozen white mornings.

The browns and grays

changing to violets and pinks.

The music erasing

the silences.

The change of the things

that were always
in the same place.

It was the clue

that they gave me
the hope of having
a white sheet of paper.


“Caminando bajo la lluvia”

entre luz y sombra”

“ Walking under the rain

in between light and shade.


“Blanco Y Negro”
White and Black

Today I heard the silence

of the empty rooms.
They hurt me
all the things in their place, hurt me.
I felt the presence
of the “Black Heralds” of Vallejo,
they are always stalking me.
I opened the window
and let the light come in…
It was the light and the shade,
the good and the bad
In that long and straight line
of my life.
Between the arising of pigeons
that flap their wings on my tree
dressed as a woman
I need a bang of bells
to wake up my soul.
The sharp swords
are still pointing
and I’m still walking
between the white and back,
between the light and the shade.

“Entre Luz Y Sombra”

Between Light and Shade

In between the thick and dark woods of my

I see light.
They are behind the thick black tree trunks,
“she” shows her glimmers
between the leaves.
In my inner voyage filled of ghosts,
I feel the thirst
that makes me walk thirsty
in a permanent search.
Like this I go through paths of light and shade,
of life and death.
If everything was set together
and the plot solved.
If life seemed so perfect,
why did the light of your smile slip away
between my hands
like that smooth sand?
I feel like I slip
between the empty waters
of a dry river bed.
On one side the good
and on the other the bad.
And in that zigzag of the water flowing
I keep searching.

“Buscando La Luz”
Looking for the light

In those opaque and gentle days

she is there
behind the door,
in the backyard…
She plays with me,
enlightens me up and hides
I follow her game,
it’s the light, it’s the shade.
It makes me feel safe
that it doesn’t leave me,
that in the dark moments
“she” gives me light.

“Entre Llantos y Risas”

Between Tears and smiles
Last night
they opened my window.
I saw them coming in my room,
I saw them come in black.
I though of a Chinese proverb:
“Everything will pass”.
I squeezed my lips,
there was tears and a cry.
Everything passed,
chants and laughters

“En el Ocaso”
On the decline

Today I saw a flower die,

the only one that gave warmth
to my pallid and withered
winter yard.
I felt that tiny death penetrate
inside the deepest part of my soul
to break the mirror
where your perfect face
reflected itself.
That face that was the love and the life
but also anguish and crying.
That love that was
the good and the bad,
today I saw it go
together with the tiny death of that flower
which was the only thing that gave warmth
to my sad days
in the decline of my existence.

“Vias sin Destino”

Rails without destiny

I have an enormous confusion

of rails and trains,
routes that intersect each other,
endless paths.
I travel
on one of those paths
on trains that slide
between two worlds,
one of lights
and another of shadows.


There is rain
that collapses
and soaks you with memories.
There are unforgettable rains
in unique
and unrepeatable moments.
There are rains
that wash you away,
Refresh you and renew you.
I have a rain
in the darkness of the night
with many noises
and many lights.
She was embodied
in a spider web
in the deep mazes of my memories.


The moon broken into pieces

goes walks around in the darkness of the night
turning making of all the things
objects with white stains.
The wind balances the stains
Is it the moon, the leaves leafs, the wind?
It’s just your image
that dogges doges and hides in secret,
It is an animal, vegetable or broken moon
in the darkness of the night.

“Mi refugio”
My shelter

This poem
is my shelter,
I go walk through my distances
without times
and my times
without distances.


In Between the concerts

of the voices of the past
And the taste of sour laughs
walking through paths
filled with bags of memories.
I feel the need to create an Easter
of new feelings.

Tangled up

Today I’m tangled up

in strings of silence
like sticky spider webs
that are hard to get off.
I try so that
my gray serenade
without sound
fills your pentagram
with colors and rhythms,
to be filled fill me
with new music
that will open opens the curtain
of the scenario of my life
to a new dawn morning.


In Between the quiet waves

of a calm sea
one hundred seagulls come
to name you.
I just engraved one word
into on the sand.
And the word “forget”
is washed away by the water,
it disappears,
forgetting it.


The unstoppable drinking

of loneliness
My memories nude shame
slides nude behind the window,
and in the square of the ceiling of my room
there are two eyes that watch me
enjoying the victory.


I saw my dreams
hanging like the clothes
that the sun dries
the breeze rocked them back and forth
and the shine of the moon
would give them light…
a tremendous wind
unhooked them.
I saw watched them go
in the night
scared and tiered tired
of so much waiting.


The memory
scares me
because in it
are all the past experiences
are squished together.
Experiences form the past,
the heaven and the hell,
the light and the shade.
The memory
scares me
Because even though
you are something old
I see you,
I touch you,
and I renew you.


That stranded boat

in a deserted beach
contains the deepest darkness
of my past feelings.
When I see it
slowly leaving
I feel the detachment
of my worries,
my fears,
and absences.
I free myself and walk
in search
of new feelings.
I will see the horizon with fear
Where I see him
slowly appear again.
“Mis viejas manos”
My old Hands

What wonderful weapons

my hands are
with their centennial gestures,
old, very old.
They are capable of kissing
with their soft touch,
to turn on your skin
with their caressing touch.
But also
capable of raising them up with strength
for the slap in the face.
What wonderful weapons,
my hands are
today they spin with care
every letter
to create the words
that forms the
plot of this poem.
And the green color of this fabric
drowns your soul.

“Mis Manos”
My hands

In the memory of my hands,

There exists the warmth and tenderness
of your skin.

They all have the memories intact,

they miss your soft touch,
they leave my body
and caress you wherever you are.


Walking beneath the rain

In a permanent search


I don’t know what I look for

in the sky,
the ground,
the plazas,
the streets,
in the omnibuses…
In this infinite search
I know it’s something
I’ve lost
I don’t know when,
I don’t know how.
I get frustrated by the hours that go by,
the river beds without water,
the empty trays,
the broken suns,
the black moons…
And me so lonely just searching.


As the thin unceasing rain fell,

wetting every corner of my distant fields.
A thousand shiny particles
scattered like crystals
in every corner of my land.
in every single one shined your face
but when it split in two,
“ they were eyes, noses
and lips”.
I searched for the way to rebuild your image
I fell asleep
catching shapes
when I woke up in the night
your face was intact.

“Llueve palabras”
Rain words

Today the rain

came slowly and gentle
it penetrated through my soul
and it became a word,
in its gentle purr
It wrote your name
and with a thousand bubbles
it raised it in the air
cleaning out memories.

Speaking with my loneliness

In an unceasing search.


As always in my surroundings
the same things, always near me:
the absences,
the routines
and the loneliness.
I search and search between the gray
and pale of my environment,
the sweet break up
and the vital power of movement.
I’m trapped in the feverish search of light
to make my skin shine
and feel the ease of having
all the colors on my forehead.
Thus finding in a pentagram
the notes that give the exact sound
in the key point of my interior,
making it possible for a green wind
to blow off the nudity of my body
and open up all the pores of my skin
to a soft, sweet and magical awakening.


Today I searched for my verses

and when I didn’t find them
I felt dead.
What would I do without them?
In what deep black abyss
could they have fallen in?
I saw a bird
taking food to its nest,
that’s where I found them.
It had them in its peak,
Oh, innocent bird
If today you haven’t fed your litter.
If only you knew
today you have brought me,
my tasty fruit juice
to sweeten my words,
and be reborn in verses.

“Puesta En Escena”

From the stage of life

I saw a silhouette
in the plateau of the world.
I saw that woman
waiting to see
another show,
comedy, drama ?
On stage In the setting only
a plant with flowers
that slowly
fade away died
their petals fall one by one.
I saw her get up and leave,
I knew she was in search
of reconstructing the rose
and the complete structure
of its figure.
She searched for another setting,
I knew it because that woman
was me.

“Ven, Entra”
Come on in

Don’t try to look

for the worst threads badly woven threads put
nor the most exact words.
Between my most simple words
and the total structure
of my writing
there is a message for you.

If only in this strange world

of lonely men
I’m still looking for
the one who understands it.
We’ve never been so lonely alone,
It must be the century of loneliest souls.

And in between the intrepid noise

of electronic machines
I only keep between my hands
The sacred treasure of my stories.
That’s why I invite you,
come on in enter,
Leave for a moment
the noises,
the jealousy
the watch,
the discouragement.
Come, there are no rushes here,
my backyard has no boundaries,
you will only find peace,
and endless ripe fruits
hanging from a magical tree
of all times.


after piling up the years
tons of years,
and having them cornered
in a corner of the room
the miracle was created.
Today I threw them up to the wind,
I learned how to look at you knew how to look at you
for the first time,
today I was your lover.


In the dark frame quadrilateral of the window

your face was drawn drew itself,
I saw you so young,
I let made you come in.
Our bodies
drew in the mirror,
it seemed like yesterday.
The next day
we recognized each other
we knew how to find that magic,
that every night
was the first time.

“Aquel Dia”
That one-day

There was one day in my almanac

that was
neither Monday nor Tuesday,
maybe it was a night
without hours or times
Without a past,
or future.
Just one day,
invisible in times and spaces
but it stayed alive
in the touch of skin,
in a placid tremor,
one day
I don’t know when.

“Luna Rota”
Broken Moon

The night came today

with a broken moon.
Among Between the broken pieces and cracks.
My memories rested

I Would Like To

I would like to be
an imitating animal,
to be able to change my shape and color
to be at your side.
I would like to return
to my peaceful gentle and usual lethargy
I used to be in,
because fear
is eating my soul.


It’s a relentless struggle

the one between my body and me,
I feel its living beating heart.
And I succumb
in the shadows
Of all the fears
and all the faults.


As I feel When I felt the weight of my body

collapse on the bed
my struggle begins.
I don’t want to sleep,
I’m scared
of dreaming with memories,
to see the future
Then I listen to music,
I see your smile,
your eyes and your hands.
And holding onto your memory
comes the morning
filled with you.
“Tu Presencia”
Your Presence

When the wandering ghosts

that sometimes invade the house
feel like staying,
I confront front them,
they back away Walking backwards
and they leave.
Then I look for you,
I touch you,
I know your always there
waiting for me.


The eyes look for

others that are around there.
I’ve seen a thousand eyes,
black, brown, blue, green…
But one day
I saw yours,
the mutation became real,
They were colorless
and I would give them
the color that I wanted,
the one
that I had always looked for.
Can just one expression, mutate the essence
of the matter and discover the true
meaning of my existence?

“El Recuerdo”

I saw you running

towards me to meet me,
Talking to me with the eyes.
It was your hug
a chain of energy,
it was impossible to escape from you arms.
Today your eyes don’t tell me anything
and your hug
is just the memory
of another hug.


Walking among the people

this morning,
I felt like the loneliest woman
in the world.
I saw
thousands of robots
being controlled mechanically
by consumption and interests.
And I knew that I,
all spirit, slid down
no one could see me
and I also knew
that my profound words
coming directly from my bones
No one would understand them.
Would not be understood


My soul swelled with happiness

that peaceful morning of spring
when I woke up
and felt your presence.
A fast flowing underground river
running through my veins
surprised me,
scaring me.
I knew that fear
wasn’t death,
it was life.

“Palabras Presas”
Captured Words

I felt your eyes on me

and I was able to read in them
many words.
I saw them hide rapidly
the moment
that you avoided my eyes.
Why don’t you let them come out?
Why do you keep them locked up?

“Hidratando tiempos”
Hydrating times

A vaporous morning
pushes the savage loneliness
of my times.
The rain moisturizes my dry skin
and hydrates it without stopping
to continue the search
of a place where
life always falls
with echoes of nests.
and in my fragmented ground solar fragment
I find that resonant abyss
that wakes up in chants
my sleeping seed.

“Extraño Universo”
Strange universe

Yesterday I wove sewed with sunbeams,

today the weft problem got darker
with night fogs.
But I’m still weaving sewing dreams
making of my poetry
sometimes laughs and sometimes tears.
In this strange universe
we think we know
every moment is a surprise.
Sometimes around deserts
thirsty for water
to calm our anxiety,
refreshing our skin
to carry again
our cross.

You are

A surprise.
A dream.
A poison.
A God.
An invention of my mind.
A lie.
You are, just a man.

“El Puzzle”
The puzzle

Yesterday with the confusion of shapes

brought by the moment the day dies
I was just able to see your beautiful face.
Today at day light
I was able to distinguish your soul.
I realized that your face
wasn’t that beautiful,
a thousand mirrors fell
and I saw it disfigured,
it just turned into
a thousand broken pieces.
I would like to pick them all up
and play with them as if it were a puzzle,
slowly without rushes
to find your exact shape.
That could give me back at least
the smile of your soul
to believe
that you were
as I thought you were.

“Tu color”
Your color

Today I saw the color

that looks like you,
I knew it was the same color
of my dreams,
those that are gone.
when I looked into your eyes
I knew they were came back,
maybe they were always intact
in the hard structure
of my bones.
You and my dreams
are color white
simply the conjunction
of all the colors together.

“Al Pasar”
Going by

I will stop
at your mouth
and I will graze your skin
by coincidence,
I will go by without stopping.

“Linea Quebrada”
Broken Line

In the rectilinear structure

of mi life
I saw points that want to break the line.
and in those transgressor points
I saw your eyes.

If only sacred you are
when your strengths are renewed
to face everything.
In the partial balance equilibrium
of the line(?)thread on the abyss
it doubts, the step forward.
Below Beneath the tide, mixes itself,
it waits for you to fall
and the enormous mouth of a reptile
opens and closes.
The soaped clouds from above,
make thousands of bubbles,
waiting for you.
And you are standing on the thin shaking line
making a pact with death,
stretching your hand
towards its pale hand
creating you.
You touch it gently for one moment
and feel a cold shiver
traveling down your body.
And shaking but strong
Lifting up one foot,
you walk and stroll.

“Sacred you are”.

“Hacer brillar el tiempo”

Making time shine

Shine between the grays

the soft murmuring
barely pronounced,
old and repetitive
forgotten many times
in a pocket
for so many past years.
But still,
it shines between the sadness
Just for three words,
always renewed
only three,
I love you.

“La Otra Cara de la Luna”

The other side face of the Moon

Mi verse wants
to conquer the world
and own it all.
But in that desire
of being the owner of every thing
it drags down with him,
the stinking rust of the black face
of the moon, too.

Today the day falls on me
and the rain purifies
the sweet desire to escape
of the unstoppable hours
of the time that runs
towards death.


When I feel my heart

like a bird in a cage
and sentenced chant,
I feel my feet
stuck to the ground
and my attempt to walk
is of no use.


When the love

crystal-clear and pure
new born sings
It dresses it self as poetry.
When it takes out its clothings
it just looks naked,
deformed and without poetry.

On the table
today I found
a bouquet of violets.
Suddenly I saw
in the mirror of the dinning room
a girl
gorgeous and in love,
so young, so fresh.
Do you remember that bouquet of violets?
Your eyes were
the light
in that moment.
Today you returned to me,
they were the same
that brought a rebirth
with hope
color violet.

“Nuestro leguaje”
Our language

The language of silence

is the only one that communicates us,
one look,
one gesture
or one soft touch.
The words
don’t sound
in our language,
because they would be
our enemies.
and even though we love them
“they” still suffer,
robed, drowned,
sad and without a sound
crying in the darkness.

“El Poema Que Nunca Fue”

The Poem That Never Was

My verse dies
before being born
and its voice barely whispers
in a low voice
like to the ear
of a butterfly.
Nobody will remember
its music
because its notes
flied away in a field of light
when it was barely morning.
It was that paper
in white
that one that barely touched
the skin of water,
and the deep flow
swallowed it
so that it never
saw the light..
They were just
words to the wind,
words of the night,
fiery words…,
words that never were,
whit sheets of paper,
history without history.
But I know that my verse
flying in the wind,
in one part of the world
where you hear orchestras of trills
and all the greens
conjugate themselves.
They will just be
a memory in the air,
a whisper to the ear,
but only you and me know
that it died
that night.

“Naufragio Onirico”
Shipwreck Oneiric

Suddenly I found myself

laying by the sea shore,
next to me was another body.
Where did we come from?
Who were we?
What shipwreck brought us together
to this adventure
Where only the stars observe us?
I saw your face
and recognized you by the instance.
Suddenly I felt the flapping of a seagulls
beneath my skin
then I knew how to taste your
salty tasting lips.
The birds flew in flocks
leaving us in loneliness.
the gallop of a white horse
that run and run
by the sea shore
made us tremble.
That white horse
made shreds the dreams to love
and in the place where it was
your body
there was just foam
from the waves of the sea.

“Hombre Solitario”
Solitaire man

A solitaire man
went by the yard of my dreams
thief of illusions.
He was going by with his pockets full,
the crumbs of love
were escaping
from the poor women
that loved him.
How sad!
The day will come
when his pockets will be empty.
And by the yards without flowers
a solitaire man
will cry.


I go around the world

faking that I can’t see
behind the window of time
your straight posture
behind the vitric.
The thousands of cat eyes
that watch me
In the darkness of the night.
The feeling of your breath
and your aroma
in the air of my room.
Today I will dress up to party,
I will watch the people
how they have fun.
And I will keep on faking
a smile
in the middle of the night.

“Huelo a ti”
I smell like you
has your smell
it invades the area
of my room,
It penetrates
through pores of my skin
and makes your presence
be felt.
Its only in October
and the year is long
to come and say,
today it smells like you!
“La carcel”
The Jail

When you feel

the sharpness of some teeth
that wonder around your dreams and times
making terrible insomnias
you are not owner of yourself anymore.
Your not free
because the jail
with just one look
made you prisoner
behind bars
of an invisible prison
more secure than any
visible lockup
by the matter.

As I opened the lock
of the door of my amazements
there is,
a rose to bloom
a sealed letter just delivered,
and an awakened image
at the wrong time
of my life.

“Mirando pasar el tiempo”

Watching time pass

Behind the opaque crystals of dawn

hope melts
and she dies with your look
in the last light of sundown.
Every minute that has passed
is barely a particle
that creates
the time that goes by.
That time
that takes you
and that will never
be forgotten.

“La Galeria”
The Gallery

There are moments in which

that gallery filled with mirrors
traps me.
And when walking searching
the exit
your image is everywhere.
So it stayed as a prisoner
of a thousand faces
and of a thousand images
all the same.

“Viviras en mi”
You will live in me

Today I found you

and today I let you go
but when you cross that door
you might never know
that you stayed here.

“La Invitacion”
The invitation

You entered mi life

inviting me to a long trip
to the past of time.
Today is late
we never arrived
and in that walk
raising up stories
we lost ours
without a beginning
or an end.


And if this were the last afternoon that I see?

I would let free
my unstoppable passions
to live them with you.


Today I wished
to tear up the roots of the Earth.
I’m there without spirit,
its just
to stretch your hand,
they are the decisions
they are the fears.
I know that the sun is
on the other side,
I smoothly touch the fabric,
I hold in tight,
And I sit there
watching how the rain drops
flooding the roads
To stop me from going by
and always tell me
that there is something not done.

“Ese Dia”
That Day

Like drop and drop

in my pentagram
is my language
silent from that day.
One day sometimes
is the only thing we remember.
Memories that come
like a fresh oasis
in summer times
like the sweet and juicy taste
of ripe grapes.
That day
that doesn’t take shape in the yesterday
because it’s still living
in the present,
around the corner,
in the drawer of the table of light,
in the whisper to the ear
of two lovers
in a small plaza from the hood.
That day
that made the miracle
to protect me from the rust of the world,
that gave me a short cut
to beat death.
Is there some one in the world
that hasn’t lived that day?
What shame! Is to die in life.
The power of the forgotten
can take everything
except that day
without a name and without time.


Your are the prohibited treasure

of my dreams
like golden apples
in far away islands.

Like the desperate water

in the middle of the desert.

Like a sea
that doesn’t open
to make way.

But you are still

the golden apple,
the water
and an open path.

“Lenguaje sin sonido”

Language without sound

Lets just play

and talk in silence.
language of the eyes,
don’t say a word
because just one of them
would break the enchantment.
Stay like this in silence,
if you are telling me so much,
I would dare to ask you
what you read in mine
because just one word
would put me to tears.

“Soy Palabra”
I’m word

This way of life

the one of words
that make possible
to stop time,
Walk through deserts
with bare feet,
take firm steps
on the skin of the water,
extinguish the fire
of incandescent forests,
shorten distances…
This way of life
only words
have returned to me.


When I step
for the last time on this land
just one body will leave,
with a mouth without laughters,
eyes without shine,
naked thoughts
and in their tight hands
there will be verses without words.
Here they will stay
my laughs and my dreams
the shine of the my eyes,
my thoughts dressed up
and all my verses
with words.






I’m in search of the hand crafted word

so that the rains of my times
Don’t cool off my soul
and so the world doesn’t hut as much.

My verses stroll
in search of that word
to calm the loneliness
of my nights
and make all the chants
return to my nest.


Leaving is to begin
a painful flight.
They will be the air of my land,
they will be the broken suns and moons,
the river from the coast,
they will be…
The ones that will cry
Silently in my departure.
And I wont have tears,
I will begin my trip.
and will swarm forever
an injured soul
of nostalgias.

“Cuando me valla”
“When I leave”
I know that one day
I will leave from here
and my plants will cry,
my dog will howl
and all the things
will miss my steps,
my perfume,
mi laugh and screams.
And me far away
I will begin to sow
my barefoot thoughts,
between other sceneries and other plants
I will be a different color graft
and of other music.
How sad! I will just be the memory,
a shadow
of someone that was.

“De suenos y profesias”

Of dreams and prophecies

“Me quede en un Sueño…”

I stayed in a dream…

It was November
when all the fields turned green again
and you could hear all the chants
of all the birds together.
The world was empty,
I was returning from a long voyage.
It was November
and I returned to that place
of light and color
to stay there fore ever.
I don’t know if my dream
resembles the one of the King of Babylonia,
the one of Jacob
or to the one of doctor Walter Franklin Prince,
dreams turned into reality.
I only know
but I saw from another dimension
my body dressed up in a white gauze
shaken by the wind
walking towards that place
where all the greens exist
beneath a fine and persistent rain
and there I decided to stay for ever.


- In this same walk

- I. Walking beneath a fine rain of routines,
absences and loneliness/ Being beyond the Sun
- The rain, mi partner
- Corners
- Melancholy
- Broken tissue
- Outside
- Fears
- Stripped off
- Missing
- They hurt me
- The mask
- A piece of sun
- Thirst
- Noises, shapes and perfumes
- Disintegration
- Los verses
- Mystery
- Absences
- Distance
- And it continues…
- II. Walking beneath the rain between the
light and shade./ white and black.
- Between light and shade
- Searching for light
- Between tears and smiles
- On the decline
- Rails without destiny
- Rains
- Disguise
- My shelter
- Walking
- Tangled up
- Forgotten
- Victory
- Tiredness
- Memory
- Phantom
- My old hands
- My hands
- III. walking beneath the rain in a permanent
search /Waking up
- Searching
- Put on scene
- Come, enter
- Miracle
- Relive
- That one day
- Broken moon
- I would like to
- Struggle
- Insomnia
- Your presence
- Mutation
- The memory
- Solitaire
- Trapped
- Captured words
- Strange universe
- You are
- The puzzle
- Your color
- Going by
- Broken line
- Resurrection
- Making time shine
- The other face of the moon
- Escape
- Trapped
- Clothing
- Violets
- Our language
- The poem that never was
- Shipwreck Oneiric
- Solitaire man
- Faking
- I smell like you
- The jail
- Amazement
- Watching time go by
- The gallery
- You will live in of me
- The invitation
- Apocalyptic
- Decisions
- That day
- impossible
- language without sound
- I’m word
- Farewell
- I wish I could be the artist of my life made
into a word/ Strolling
- Leaving
- When I leave
- Dreams and prophecies/ I stayed in a dream.

“Mas alla del Sol”

Beyond the Sun

When the human being is born into life, he is like a sun

that just begins to rise, like this, the childhood is like the
sunrise, it’s a light without strength but with a big
Maria del Carmen Borda de Kondraski

Is born and lives in Paysandú (Uruguay), she lived

almost seven years in Hamilton, Canada, married, with
three children that live in that country of the north.
She is a retired teacher, which now dedicates to
the specialization and works in literary work shops
She has three edited books in childrens narrative
and a monograph sponsored by MEC inside a cultural
project (“Opening roads to creativity”, won by
contest). She has texts in poetry, narrative,
newspapers, imprinted in anthologies, bulletins,
magazines and diaries. She has won literary contests
and honors in stories and poetry.
She currently is doing a major in literary work
shops ( four years long) in the Ministry of Education
and Culture, and works in the literary work shop of
MEC in the department of Paysandú; her writing is
completely dedicated to poetry.

Translated By: Pablo Mateo Martinez Fuentes

“En este mismo caminar”
In this same walk…

Walking beneath a fine rain of routines,

Absences and loneliness.

Under a Fine Rain

I have gone around the world
hugging too many stars
When looking behind
on my route
I saw it filled with lights.
At sundown
the sun
hid slowly
in the violet and pinkish
of the horizon.
I began to soak myself
with a fine and unceasing rain


Wherever I go it accompanies me
the cold water,
that bathes my skin and face
like a baptism

Memories trapped
on a black hanger,
in the air
waiting for answers
that will never come.

The rain, my partner

Turning pages
of my history
always there.

A water that falls

a light in the sky,
a shriek of wind,
something pending.


In every corner of the house there is:

a sleeping peace,
a twister of lost passions,
a baby’s cry,
the bustle of a family reunion,
the pain of too many goodbyes…
Walking through
the rooms and its furniture,
silent and concealed
looks like they don’t keep


I see my food served

and I wander the house,
silent and alone.
Faced with so much mystery
the sea is in my hands,
the land slips away from me
and falls in the endless abyss.
I stay with the table served
looking at the patio of my house,
a backyard without flowers that wait
listening to a song by Sabina.
In the silence of the empty rooms
naked of laughter and cries,
the weak happiness colts up
and the gentle afternoon enervates me.

The acid pain between the furniture stays

and the food
gets cold by itself.

“Tejido Roto”
Torn Fabric

I had a light,
A bunch of children laughs
mini soccer fields,
broken bicycles
and scraped knees.
It was a light that would light up
every room in the house,
that made springs out of winters
and cries into laughter and chants.

I had a small light

that I played with, all day long,
in between nursing bottles and midnight
and hand knitted robes and thin scarfs.

I wove dreams looking outside

and I added “so much color”
to my hank.

One day I left my knitting alone

and a cat with sharp claws
undid it
and I was left without.


Today I sat at the plaza

and saw a thousand mothers
walking their kids.
Now that everything turns
we are going to sing for a bit,
The kids are in their crib
and there are still mothers
knitting yarn.
I watch them weave their dreams
and I tell myself, what a pity!
if in between these turns
we must leave the chants
The rotation of the Earth seems so slow!
But between each turn
the kids will be very tall.
Now that every thing turns
we are going to sing a bit
because in this plaza the fruits
are too sweet,
and there, inside the house
They have turned
too bitter.

I don’t set the table on with time
The melted salts scare me,
the empty chairs,
the missing plates
and in between so much
the sadness freezes
inside the rooms.

Stripped off

The polished oranges,

the shiny red apples,
the big juicy pears,
the grapes that fell off the grapevines,
I had all the fruits of the world,
Ah, they tasted so good!
Harvest time came and I let others pick up all my
No more polished oranges,
shiny red apples,
big juicy pears,
not even the grapes that fell off the grapevines.

They took it all,

my tray was left empty.

Every year,
birds would make their nest
in the “Santa Rita” vine in the backyard ,
today, they don’t anymore.
Do they miss
the games,
the screams, the chants?
Can birds miss
the games,
the screams, the chants?

“Me Dolieron”
They Hurt Me

Today they hurt me,

the games of kids,
the grandparents throwing bread crumbs
to the pigeons,
the couples that stole
kisses from the afternoon,
the faces of the people that
looked at me smiling…
Today they hurt me,
the games,
the kisses,
the laughter,
the indifference…
Today the world hurt me.
“La Mascara”
“The Mask”

That mask
of laughter and fake appearances
that I put
on every day,
always waiting for me
on the sofa.
With her
I confront peoples faces.
With her
I smile and sing.
And when
I open the door
of mi house
I put it back on the sofa.
And the mirror gives me back
my naked face
with eyes of sadness
and loneliness.

“Un Pedazo de Sol”

A Piece of Sun

As I moved around the soil

in the back yard of my house
I found two small glass marbles,
worn out and polished
by gone tiny hands.
I took them in my hand,
and the sun beamed down on them,
when I moved them I saw
that they kept
all the colors
of the solar spectrum.
I knew that in there
my kids’ childhood games
would stay locked up:
Oranges and Lemons
The dolls,
The white school uniforms,
The Three Magi …
I squeezed them and put them
in my heart,
and I gently cried
when the sun hid
that sundown.


In between the empty waters

of dry river beds
where a river once ran for milleniums,
two thirsty eyes open up
that look up at the sky.
It’s a begging expression,
a request,
It’s speaking to you.
“Ruidos, Formas Y Perfumes”
“Noises, Shapes and Perfumes”

I’m missing the noise of a morning

that would make every tissue of my skin burn.

A bang of bells
to wake up my soul.

A movement that will shake off

my tree dressed up as a woman.

Thus recovering
my forgotten shape
my essences and lost perfumes,
the real objective of my existence.


When the calm night falls

silent of games
I squeeze in my hands
my broken thoughts.

Flying around me
the sounds of my favorite musical piece.
They have no tone
they are suspended in the air.
They are gently escaping
through the infinite space
of a curtain raised by the wind.

And my poor crumbs of love

fly with the silent
musical tones
of my beautiful favorite broken music.

“Versos Perdidos”
Lost Lines

Behind the door of my house

there was a poem,
I looked for it but I couldn’t find it.
Suddenly I realized, I had lost it.
I looked for it
in an old pair of sneakers,
in a trunk with old things
and in the opaque retina of your eyes.


How do you fill in a blank sheet of paper,

with new illusions
on top of the ashes
of dreams that have been wasted?
I start and I erase,
the white color of the paper hurts me
I filled with music the silences of my house,
I changed the things that were always
in the same place.

I felt my passion intact

on the electrical threads
that traveled through my skin.
The fear went through all my body
because on the paper
the first words
began to decode.


There are ghosts

inside my childrens’ empty and silent bedrooms.
They are everywhere,
they watch me
when I come in and out.
At night they party
and at midnight
the music turns on by itself.
I can hear from my bed,
a sound of Rock and Bob Marley
but when I go in them
only silence
answers my curiosity.
Where are they? I asked,
I knew that they were my lost verses
that came back.


Sometimes I remember the endless

walks by the sea shore,
the summer nights,
the noise of the waves
and the running dog.
Remember? The sad chant of seagulls,
the water and the sky
kissing each other in the infinite.
We were the owners of the world,
it seemed as if we were the only inhabitants.
Remember? We would pick up sand
and in between our fingers
our dreams
were slowly slipping down.
Without realizing,
the sun
hid itself
in the horizon.

“Y Sigue”
And it continues ...
And the same water continues tu run
inventing rivers and streams.

And there are still springs, falls

And pigeons in the town plaza.

And there are still Juliets on the balconies

The rain continues to be
The tears of the sky’s heart.
And our roads continue
Along parallel lines
with the same distances
and the same silences
slowly killing
the only thing left alive
that could have stayed in time.


The electronic threads

going around mi skin.

The heat of sun beams,

inside my house.

The tiny flowers of “joy”,

that endure in the
frozen white mornings.

The browns and grays

changing to violets and pinks.

The music erasing

the silences.

The change of the things

that were always
in the same place.

It was the clue

that they gave me
the hope of having
a white sheet of paper.


“Caminando bajo la lluvia”

entre luz y sombra”

“ Walking under the rain

in between light and shade.


“Blanco Y Negro”
White and Black

Today I heard the silence

of the empty rooms.
They hurt me
all the things in their place, hurt me.
I felt the presence
of the “Black Heralds” of Vallejo,
they are always stalking me.
I opened the window
and let the light come in…
It was the light and the shade,
the good and the bad
In that long and straight line
of my life.
Between the arising of pigeons
that flap their wings on my tree
dressed as a woman
I need a bang of bells
to wake up my soul.
The sharp swords
are still pointing
and I’m still walking
between the white and back,
between the light and the shade.

“Entre Luz Y Sombra”

Between Light and Shade

In between the thick and dark woods of my

I see light.
They are behind the thick black tree trunks,
“she” shows her glimmers
between the leaves.
In my inner voyage filled of ghosts,
I feel the thirst
that makes me walk thirsty
in a permanent search.
Like this I go through paths of light and shade,
of life and death.
If everything was set together
and the plot solved.
If life seemed so perfect,
why did the light of your smile slip away
between my hands
like that smooth sand?
I feel like I slip
between the empty waters
of a dry river bed.
On one side the good
and on the other the bad.
And in the zigzag of the water flowing
I keep searching.

“Buscando La Luz”
Searching for the light

In those opaque and gentle days

she is there
behind the door,
in the backyard…
She plays with me,
enlightens me up and hides
I follow her game,
it’s the light, it’s the shade.
It makes me feel safe
that it doesn’t leave me,
that in the dark moments
“she” gives me light.

“Entre Llantos y Risas”

Between Tears and smiles

Last night
they opened my window.
I saw them coming in my room,
I saw them come in black.
I though of a Chinese proverb:
“Everything will pass”.
I squeezed my lips,
there was tears and a cry.
Everything passed,
chants and laughters

“En el Ocaso”
On the decline

Today I saw a flower die,

the only one that gave warmth
to my pallid and withered
winter yard.
I felt that tiny death penetrate
inside the deepest part of my soul
to break the mirror
where your perfect face
reflected itself.
That face that was the love and the life
but also anguish and crying.
That love that was
the good and the bad,
today I saw it go
together with the tiny death of that flower
which was the only thing that gave warmth
to my sad days
in the decline of my existence.

“Vias sin Destino”

Rails without destiny

I have an enormous confusion

of rails and trains,
routes that intersect each other,
endless paths.
I travel
on one of those paths,
on trains that slide
between two worlds,
one of lights
and another of shadows.

There is rain
that collapses
and soaks you with memories.
There are unforgettable rains
in unique
and unrepeatable moments.
There are rains
that wash you away,
Refresh you and renew you.
I have a rain
in the darkness of the night
with many noises
and many lights.
She was embodied
in a spider web
in the deep mazes of my memories.


The moon broken into pieces

goes around in the darkness of the night,
turning all the things into
objects with white stains.
The wind balances the stains
Is it the moon, the leaves, the wind?
It’s just your image
that dogges and hides in secret,
It is an animal, vegetable or broken moon
in the darkness of the night.
“Mi refugio”
My shelter

This poem
is my shelter,
I walk through my distances
without times
and my times
without distances.


Between concerts
of voices from the past
and the taste of sour laughs,
walking through paths
filled with bags of memories,
I feel the need to create an Easter
of new feelings.

Tangled up
Today I’m tangled up
in strings of silence
like sticky spider webs
that are hard to get off.
I try that
my gray, soundless
fills up your pentagram
with colors and rhythms,
to be filled
with new music
that will open the curtain
of the scenario of my life
to a new dawn.


Among the quiet waves

of a calm sea
one hundred seagulls come
to name you.
I just engraved one word
on the sand.
And the word “forget”
is washed away by water,
it disappears,
forgetting it.

This unstoppable drinking
of loneliness.
My memories
slide nude behind the window,
and in the square of the ceiling of my room
there are two eyes that watch me
enjoying the victory.


I saw my dreams
hanging like clothes
the sun dries,
the breeze rocked them back and forth
and the shine of the moon
would give them light…
a tremendous wind
unhooked them.
I watched them go
in the night
scared and tired
of so much waiting.


The memories
scares me
they intersect and pile up
all my past experiences.
Experiences form the past,
heaven and hell,
the light and the shade.
The memories
scares me
Because even though
you are something old
I see you,
I touch you,
and I renew you.


That stranded boat

in a deserted beach
contains the deep darkness
of my past feelings.
When I see it
slowly sailing away
I feel the detachment
of my anguish,
my fears,
and absences.
I free myself and walk
in search
of new feelings
I always see the horizon with fear
Whenever I see it
slowly sailing back again.

“Mis viejas manos”

My Old Hands

What wonderful weapons

my hands are,
with their centennial gestures,
old, very old.
They are capable of kissing
with their soft touch,
to turn on your skin
with their caressing touch.
But also
capable of raising them up with strength
for the slap in the face.
What wonderful weapons,
my hands are
today they spin with care
every letter
to create the words
that forms the
plot of this poem.
And the green color of this fabric
drowns your soul.
“Mis Manos”
My hands

In the memory of my hands,

There exists the warmth and tenderness
of your skin.

They all have the memories intact,

they miss your soft touch,
they leave my body
and caress you wherever you are.


Walking beneath the rain

In a permanent search


I don’t know what I look for

in the sky,
the ground,
the plazas,
the streets,
in the omnibuses…
In this infinite search
I know it’s something
I’ve lost
I don’t know when,
I don’t know how.
I get frustrated by the hours that go by,
the river beds without water,
the empty trays,
the broken suns,
the black moons…
And me so lonely just searching.


As the thin unceasing rain fell,

wetting every corner of my distant fields.
A thousand shiny particles
scattered like crystals
in every corner of my land.
in every single one shined your face
but when it split in two,
“ they were eyes, noses
and lips”.
I searched for the way to rebuild your image
I fell asleep
catching shapes
when I woke up in the night
your face was intact.
“Llueve palabras”
Rain words

Today the rain

came slowly and gentle
it penetrated through my soul
and it became a word,
in its gentle purr
It wrote your name
and with a thousand bubbles
it raised it in the air
cleaning out memories.

Speaking with my loneliness

In an unceasing search.


As always in my surroundings
the same things, always near me:
the absences,
the routines
and the loneliness.
I search and search between the gray
and pale of my environment,
the sweet break up
and the vital power of movement.
I’m trapped in the feverish search of light
to make my skin shine
and feel the ease of having
all the colors on my forehead.
Thus finding in a pentagram
the notes that give the exact sound
in the key point of my interior,
making it possible for a green wind
to blow off the nudity of my body
and open up all the pores of my skin
to a soft, sweet and magical awakening.


Today I searched for my verses

and when I didn’t find them
I felt dead.
What would I do without them?
In what deep black abyss
could they have fallen in?
I saw a bird
taking food to its nest,
that’s where I found them.
It had them in its peak,
Oh, innocent bird
If today you haven’t fed your litter.
If only you knew
today you have brought me,
my tasty fruit juice
to sweeten my words,
and be reborn in verses.

“Puesta En Escena”
From the stage of life
I saw a silhouette
in the plateau of the world.
I saw that woman
waiting to see
another show,
comedy, drama ?
On stage only
a plant with flowers
that slowly
their petals fall one by one.
I saw her get up and leave,
I knew she was in search
of reconstructing the rose
and the complete structure
of its figure.
She searched for another setting,
I knew it because that woman
was me.

“Ven, Entra”
Come, enter

Don’t try to look

for the worst threads put together
nor the most exact words.
Between my most simple words
and the total structure
of my writing
there is a message for you.
If only in this strange world
of lonely men
I’m still looking for
the one who understands it.
We’ve never been so lonely,
It must be the century of loneliest souls.

And in between the intrepid noise

of electronic machines
I only keep between my hands
The sacred treasure of my stories.
That’s why I invite you,
Come, enter,
Leave for a moment
the noises,
the jealousy
the watch,
the discouragement.
Come, there are no rushes here,
my backyard has no boundaries,
you will only find peace,
and endless ripe fruits
hanging from a magical tree
of all times.


after piling up the years
tons of years,
and having them cornered
in the room
the miracle was created.
Today I threw them up to the wind,
I knew how to look at you for the first time,
today I was your lover.


In the dark quadrilateral of the window

your face was drawn,
I saw you so young,
I made you come in.
Our bodies
drew in the mirror,
it seemed like yesterday.
The next day
we recognized each other
we knew how to find that magic,
that every night
was the first time.

“Aquel Dia”
That one-day
There was one day in my almanac
that was
neither Monday nor Tuesday,
maybe it was a night
without hours or times
Without a past,
or future.
Just one day,
invisible in times and spaces
but it stayed alive
in the touch of skin,
in a placid tremor,
one day
I don’t know when.

“Luna Rota”
Broken Moon

The night came today

with a broken moon.
Among the broken pieces and cracks.
My memories rested

I Would Like To

I would like to be
an imitating animal,
to be able to change my shape and color
to be at your side.
I would like to return
to my peaceful and usual lethargy
I used to be in,
because fear
is eating my soul.


It’s a relentless struggle,

the one between my body and me,
I feel its living beating heart.
And I succumb
in the shadows
Of all the fears
and all the faults.


When I feel the weight of my body

collapse on the bed
my struggle begins.
I don’t want to sleep,
I’m scared
of dreaming with memories,
to see the future
Then I listen to music,
I see your smile,
your eyes and your hands.
And holding onto your memory
comes the morning
filled with you.

“Tu Presencia”
Your Presence

When the wandering ghosts

that sometimes invade the house
feel like staying,
I confront them,
they back away
and they leave.
Then I look for you,
I touch you,
I know your always there
waiting for me.


The eyes look for

others that are around there.
I’ve seen a thousand eyes,
black, brown, blue, green…
But one day
I saw yours,
the mutation became real,
They were colorless
and I would give them
the color that I wanted,
the one
that I had always looked for.

Can just one expression, mutate the essence

of the matter and discover the true
meaning of my existence?

“El Recuerdo”

I saw you running

towards me,
Talking to me with the eyes.
It was your hug
a chain of energy,
it was impossible to escape from you arms.
Today your eyes don’t tell me anything
and your hug
is just the memory
of another hug.


Walking among the people

this morning,
I felt like the loneliest woman
in the world.
I saw
thousands of robots
being controlled mechanically
by consumption and interests.
And I knew that I,
all spirit, slid down
no one could see me
and I also knew
that my profound words
coming directly from my bones
No one would understand them.


My soul swelled with happiness

that peaceful morning of spring
when I woke up
and felt your presence.
A fast flowing underground river
running through my veins
surprised me,
scaring me.
I knew that fear
wasn’t death,
it was life.

“Palabras Presas”
Captured Words
I felt your eyes on me
and I was able to read in them
many words.
I saw them hide rapidly
the moment
that you avoided my eyes.
Why don’t you let them come out?
Why do you keep them locked up?

“Hidratando tiempos”
Hydrating times

A vaporous morning
pushes the savage loneliness
of my times.
The rain moisturizes my dry skin
and hydrates it without stopping
to continue the search
of a place where
life always falls
with echoes of nests.
and in my fragmented ground
I find that resonant abyss
that wakes up in chants
my sleeping seed.

“Extraño Universo”
Strange universe
Yesterday I wove with sunbeams,
today the weft got darker
with night fogs.
But I’m still weaving dreams
making of my poetry
sometimes laughs and sometimes tears.
In this strange universe
we think we know,
every moment is a surprise.
Sometimes around deserts
thirsty for water
to calm our anxiety,
refreshing our skin
to carry again
our cross.

You are ...

A surprise.
A dream.
A poison.
A God.
An invention of my mind.
A lie.
You are, just a man.
“El Puzzle”
The puzzle

Yesterday with the confusion of shapes

brought by the moment the day dies,
I was just able to see your beautiful face.
Today at day light
I was able to distinguish your soul.
I realized that your face
wasn’t that beautiful,
a thousand mirrors fell
and I saw it disfigured,
it just turned into
a thousand broken pieces.
I would like to pick them all up
and play with them as if it were a puzzle,
slowly without rushes
to find your exact shape.
That could give me back, at least
the smile of your soul
to believe
that you were
as I thought you were.

“Tu color”
Your color

Today I saw the color

that looks like you,
I knew it was the same color
of my dreams,
those that are gone.
when I looked into your eyes
I knew they were back,
maybe they were always intact
in the hard structure
of my bones.
You and my dreams
are color white
simply the conjunction
of all the colors together.

“Al Pasar”

Going by

I will stop
at your mouth
and I will graze your skin
by coincidence,
I will go by without stopping.

“Linea Quebrada”
Broken Line

In the rectilinear structure

of mi life
I saw points that want to break the line.
and in those transgressor points
I saw your eyes.

If only sacred you are

when your strengths are renewed
to face everything.
In the partial equilibrium
of the thread on the abyss
it doubts, the step forward.
Below the tide, mixes itself,
it waits for you to fall
and the enormous mouth of a reptile
opens and closes.
The soaped clouds from above,
make thousands of bubbles,
waiting for you.
And you are standing on the thin shaking line
making a pact with death,
stretching your hand
towards its pale hand
creating you.
You touch it gently for one moment
and feel a cold shiver
traveling down your body.
And shaking but strong
lifting up one foot,
you walk and stroll.

“Sacred you are”.

“Hacer brillar el tiempo”
Making time shine

Shine between the grays

the soft murmuring
barely pronounced,
old and repetitive
forgotten many times
in a pocket
for so many past years.
But still,
it shines between the sadness
Just for three words,
always renewed
only three,
I love you.

“La Otra Cara de la Luna”

The other face of the Moon

My verse wants
to conquer the world
and own it all.
But in that desire
of being the owner of every thing
it drags down with him,
the stinking rust of the black face
of the moon, too.

Today the day falls on me

and the rain purifies
the sweet desire to escape
of the unstoppable hours
of the time that runs
towards death.


When I feel my heart

like a bird in a cage
and I sentenced chant,
I feel my feet
stuck to the ground
and my attempt to walk
is in vane.


When love
crystal-clear and pure
new born sings
It dresses up as poetry.
When it takes off its clothing
it just looks naked,
deformed and without poetry.


On the table
today I found
a bouquet of violets.
Suddenly I saw
in the dinning room mirror
a girl
gorgeous and in love,
so young, so fresh.
Do you remember that bouquet of violets?
If your eyes were
the light
in that moment.
Today you returned to me,
they were the same
that brought a rebirth
with a hopeful
violet color.

“Nuestro lenguaje”
Our language

The language of silence,

the only one that communicates us,
just one look,
one gesture
or a soft touch.
The words
don’t sound
in our language,
for they would be
our enemies.
and even though we love them
“they” still suffer,
stuck, drowned,
sad and without a sound
crying in the darkness.

“El Poema Que Nunca Fue”

The Poem That Never Was

My verses die
before being born
and their voices barely whisper
in a low voice,
as to the ear
of a butterfly.
Nobody will remember
their music
because their notes
flew away in a field of light
when it was barely morning.
It was that paper
in white
that one that barely touched
the skin of water,
and the deep flow
swallowed it in
so that it never
saw the light.
They were just
words to the wind,
words of the night,
fleeting words…,
words that never were,
white sheets of paper,
history without history.
But I know that my verses
flying in the wind,
in one part of the world
where you hear orchestras of trills
conjugating all the greens.
They will just be
a memory in the air,
a whisper to the ear,
but only you and me know
that it died
that night.

“Naufragio Onirico”
Oneiric Shipwreck

Suddenly I found myself

laying by the sea shore,
next to me there was a body.
Where did we come from?
Who were we?
What shipwreck brought us together
to this adventure
where only the stars observe us?
I saw your face
and recognized you that instant.
Suddenly I felt the flapping of a seagulls
beneath my skin
then I learned how to taste your
salty lips.

The birds flew away in flocks
leaving us in loneliness.
The gallop of a white horse
that run and run
by the sea shore
made us tremble.
That white horse
tore to pieces our desire to love
and in the place where
your body was
there was just foam
from the waves of the sea.

“Hombre Solitario”
Solitaire man

A solitaire man went by

the backyard yard of my dreams
thief of illusions.
He carried in his pockets full,
they were escaping,
the crumbs of love
from poor women
who loved him.
How sad!
The day will come
when his pockets will be empty.
And by the yards without flowers
a solitaire man
will cry.


I go around the world

faking that I can’t see
behind the window of time
your straight posture
behind the vitric.
The thousands of cat eyes
that watch me
in the darkness of the night.
The feeling of your breath
and your aroma
in the air of my room.
Today I will dress up to party,
I will watch the people
how they have fun.
And I will keep on faking
a smile
in the middle of the night.

“Huelo a ti”
I smell like you

has your smell
it invades the area
of my room,
It penetrates
through the pores of my skin
and makes your presence
be felt.
It’s only in October
and the year is long
to say again,
today it smells like you!

“La carcel”
The Jail

When you feel

the sharpness of some teeth
that wonder around your dreams and times
making terrible insomnias
you are not the owner of yourself anymore.
You are not free
because the jail
with just one look
made you prisoner
behind bars
of an invisible prison
more secure than any
visible lockup
by the matter.


As I opened the lock

of the door of my amazements
there is,
a rose to bloom
a sealed letter just delivered,
and an awakened image
at the wrong time
of my life.

“Mirando pasar el tiempo”

Watching time pass

Behind the opaque crystals of dawn

hope melts
and she dies with your look
in the last light of sundown.
Every minute that has passed
is barely a particle
that creates
the time that goes by.
That time
that takes you
and that will never
be forgotten.

“La Galeria”
The Gallery

There are moments in which

that gallery filled with mirrors
traps me.
And when walking, searching
the exit
your image is everywhere.
So it stayed as a prisoner
of a thousand faces
and of a thousand images
all the same.

“Viviras en mi”
You will live in me

Today I found you

today I let you go
but as you cross that door
you might never know
that you stayed here.
“La Invitacion”
The invitation

You entered mi life

inviting me to a long trip
to the past of time.
Today is late
we never made it there
and in that walk
raising up stories
we lost ours
without a beginning
or an end.


If this were the last afternoon that I see?

I would let free
my unstoppable passions
to live them with you.


Today I wished
to tear up the veils of the Earth.
I’m there without spirit,
it’s just
stretching your hand,
they are the decisions,
they are the fears.
I know the sun is
on the other side,
I smoothly touch the fabric,
I hold in tight,
And I sit there
watching how the rain falls
flooding the roads
preventing me from going by,
always telling me
there is something to be done.

“Ese Dia”
That Day

Like drop and drop

in my pentagram,
my language,
silent from that day.
One day, sometimes,
is all we remember.
Memories that come
like a fresh oasis
in summer times
like the sweet and juicy taste
of ripe grapes.
That day
Which doesn’t account in yesterday
because it’s still living
in the present,
around the corner,
in the drawer of the night table,
in the whisper to the ear
of two lovers
in a small plaza from the hood.
That day
which produced the miracle
of protecting me from the rust of the world,
gave me a short cut
to beat death.
Is there some one in the world
that hasn’t lived that day?
What a pity It’s like dying in life.
The power of forgetfulness
can take everything away
except that day
without a name and without time.


Your are the forbidden treasure

of my dreams
like golden apples
in far away islands.

Like desperate water

in the middle of the desert.

Like a sea
that doesn’t open
to make way.
But you are still
the golden apple,
the water,
and an open path.

“Lenguaje sin sonido”

Language without sound

Let’s just play

and talk in silence.
Language of the eyes,
don’t say a word,
for just one of them
would be enough
to break the enchantment.
Stay that way, in silence,
you are telling me so much.
I would not dare to ask you
what you read in mine,
because just one word
would make me
burst into tears.

“Soy Palabra”
I’m a word

This way of life,

the one of words
makes it possible
to stop time,
walk through deserts
with bare feet,
take firm steps
on the skin of the water,
extinguish the fire
of incandescent forests,
shorten distances…
This way of life
turned me into only words


When I step
for the last time on this land
just the body will be leaving,
with a mouth without laughter,
eyes without shine,
naked thoughts
and in their tightened hands
there will be verses without words.
Here they will stay
my laughs and my dreams
the shine of my eyes,
my thoughts dressed up
and all my verses
with words.






I’m in search of a hand crafted word

so that the rains of my times
don’t cool off my soul
so the world doesn’t hurt that much.

My verses pace
in search of the word
that would ease the loneliness
of my nights
and make all the chants
return to my nest.


Leaving is beginning,
a painful flight.
It will be the air of my land,
they will be the broken suns and moons,
the river from the coast,
they will be…
the ones that will cry
silently in my departure.
I will not have tears,
I will begin my trip.
And an injured soul
of nostalgias
will swarm forever.

“Cuando me vaya”
“When I leave”

I know that one day

I will leave from here
and my plants will cry,
my dog will howl
and all the things
will miss my steps,
my perfume,
mi laugh and screams.
And far away
I will begin to weave
my barefoot thoughts,
among other sceneries and other plants
I will be a different color graft
and other music.
How sad! I will just be a memory,
a shadow
of someone that was.
“De suenos y profesias”
Of dreams and prophecies

“Me quede en un Sueño…”

I stayed in a dream…

It was November
when all the fields turned green again
and you could hear the chants
of all the birds together.
The world was empty,
I was returning from a long voyage.
It was November
and I returned to that place
of light and color
to stay there, forever.
I don’t know if my dream
resembles the one of the King of Babylonia,
the one of Jacob
or the one of doctor Walter Franklin Prince,
dreams turned into reality.
I only know
that I saw from another dimension
my body dressed up in a white gauze
shaken by the wind,
walking towards that place
where all the greens exist
under a fine and persistent rain
and there I decided to stay for ever.

- In this same walk

- I. Walking beneath a fine rain of routines,
absences and loneliness/
- Drizzling
- Partner
- Corners
- Melancholy
- Torn Fabric
- Outside
- Fears
- Stripped off
- Missing
- They hurt me
- The mask
- A piece of sun
- Thirst
- Noises, shapes and perfumes
- Disintegration
- Lost lines
- Mystery
- Absences
- Distance
- And it continues…
- II. Walking beneath the rain between the
light and shade./ white and black.
- Between light and shade
- Searching for light
- Between tears and smiles
- On the decline
- Rails without destiny
- Rains
- Disguise
- My shelter
- Walking
- Tangled up
- Forgetfulness
- Victory
- Tiredness
- Memory
- Phantom
- My old hands
- My hands
- III. walking beneath the rain in a permanent
search /Waking up
- Searching
- Setting
- Come, enter
- Miracle
- Revive
- That one day
- Broken moon
- I would like to
- Struggle
- Insomnia
- Your presence
- Mutation
- The memory
- Solitaire
- Trapped
- Captured words
- Strange universe
- You are
- The puzzle
- Your color
- Going by
- Broken line
- Resurrection
- Making time shine
- The other face of the moon
- Escape
- Trapped
- Clothing
- Violets
- Our language
- The poem that never was
- Oneiric Shipwreck
- Solitaire man
- Faking
- I smell like you
- The jail
- Amazement
- Watching time go by
- The gallery
- You will live in of me
- The invitation
- Apocalyptic
- Decisions
- That day
- Impossible
- Language without sound
- I’m word
- Farewell

I wish I could be the artisan of my life made into

a word

- Pacing
- Leaving
- When I leave
- Dreams and prophecies/ I stayed in a dream.

Maria del Carmen Borda de Kondraski

Born in 1945, currently lives in Paysandú (Uruguay),

she lived almost seven years in Hamilton, Canada,
married, with three children that live in that country of
the north.
She is a retired teacher, which now dedicates to
the specialization and works in literary workshops
She has three edited books in childrens narrative
and a monograph sponsored by MEC inside a cultural
project (“Opening roads to creativity”, won by
contest). She has texts in poetry, narrative,
newspapers, imprinted in anthologies, bulletins,
magazines and diaries. She has won literary contests
and honors in stories and poetry.
She currently is doing a major in literary
workshops ( four years long) in the Ministry of
Education and Culture, and works in the literary
workshop of MEC in the department of Paysandú; her
writing is completely dedicated to poetry.

Translated By: Pablo Mateo Martinez Fuentes (Mexican)

Toronto, Canada.
Reviewed by Orlando Rodriguez – Paysandu, Uruguay.

“Esta deslumbrante colección de nuevos poemas de

Maria del Carmen Borda es una revelacion tan profunda
de la siquis femenina como jamas he leido antes.
Marcados por una dolorida articulacion y una profunda
conviccion de una artista con una vision completa. Estos
cortos poemas exploran un mundo interior fluido de
sentimientos y recuerdos. Revelan complejos climas de la
emocion y el sentimiento y, como en la mejor poesia de
nuestros tiempos, la luminosa calma en el centro de su
percepcion tambien registra la presion de lo oscuro que
soportamos en nuestras vidas. Casi intolerablemente
tristes, estos apasionantes, completamente
hermosos poemas tienen el poder de hacernos recordar
porque leemos poesia en primer lugar – como un acto de
comunicación, como meditacion o plegaria, una
apasionada comunicación de nuestra alma a otra. Esta
galeria de pequeñas obras de arte llegan con maduros
arrepentimientos y alegrias desde un nuevo angulo, y asi
sirven como recordatorio de que el mas asombroso
milagro es simplemente el de estar vivo.”

William Scoular es director de cine, actor y maestro

aclamado internacionalmente. Graduado en la
Universidad de Oxford, es ademas autor de dos
bestsellers: “Una cuestion de culpa” y “ Un lugar no
comun”. En el momento se encuentra dirijiendo su
proxima produccion de “Toyer” en Broadway y su ultima
pelicula “Muerte y vida de Nancy Eaton” sera lanzada
en otoño. Actualmente vive en Canada.

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