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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item. Strictly no
erasures allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only.

1. The Golden Triangle where 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate is located specifically in.
a. Burma-Thailand-China borders
b. Laos-Thailand-China borders
c. Thailand-Burma-China borders
d. *Thailand-Burma-Laos borders
2. Imposition of restriction on physical behavior:
a. Coercion c. Psychological
b. Duress d. *Constraint
3. Minute difference between similar objects made discernible under the microscope and whose existence is beyond
the control of man;
a. *Individual Characteristics c. Form Factor
b. Class characteristics d. Infallible
4. Anything having physical or material quality, a tangible article or matter however large or microscopic, which tend
to prove or disprove a point under investigation;
a. Tracing evidence c. Associative evidence
b. *Physical evidence d. Corpus delicti evidence
5. Questioning a person suspected of having committed an offense or of a person who is reluctant to make a full
disclosure pertinent information in his possession to the investigators.
a. *Interrogation c. Polygraph test
b. Interview d. Truth serum
6. Derivative of opium obtained by synthesis from morphine:
a. Morphine c. Cocaine
b. Codeine d. *Heroin
7. The following except one, are drugs of abuse:
a. *Narcotics c. Tranquilizers
b. Halogens d. Stimulants
8. Chronological accounting of the continuous possession of a single piece of evidence from the moment of its
discovery up to the time of its presentation in court:
a. Evidence custodian c. Proof of identity
b. *Chain of custody d. Corpus delicti evidence
9. A planned coordinated legal search by componer law enforce-officers to locate physical evidence or witnesses to a
crime investigation
a. Surveillance c. Infiltration
b. Confession d. * Crime scene
10. Principal alkaloid of opium consisting as much as 20% of opium;
a. *Codeine c. Cocaine
b. Heroin d. heroin
11. Psychological or mental condition resulting from repeated use of a drug marked by a desire or want but not a
compulsion or need is known as:
a. *Drug addiction c. Drug tolerance
b. Drug dependent d. Drug habit
12. Direct acknowledgement of guilt:
a. *Confession c. Deposition
b. Duress d. Retraction
13. Temerity:
a. Fear c. *Rashness
b. Arrogance d. Force
14. The fundamentals responsibility of the offense in charge of protecting the crime scene
a. Interrogating the witness
b. Engaging in the search for traces left by the search for traces left by the criminal
c. Removal of evidence which may prone important to the case
d. *Preserving the site of the crime in the same physical condition as it was left by the perpetrator
15. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights are used on some intersection is that
a. Motorists are discouraged from “jumping signals”
b. *Traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
c. Greater safety to pedestrians and motorists is effected
d. An officer can stop and start traffic as necessity demands
16. It is the coordinating machinery in the operation of the criminal justice system.
a. *Department of Justice c. peace and order
b. Court d. Municipal government
17. Any act that would remove or naturalized a fire hazard;
a. Allotment c. *Combustion
b. Distillation d. Abatement
18. Hypothetical;
a. Temporary c. Exaggerated
b. Provable d. * Assumed
19. A person undergoing criminal investigation on enjoy has three constitutional rights
a. The right to oppose on whatever accusation on him
b. The right to play guilty and not guilty
c. The right to oppose whatever accusation on lum based on his constitutional rights
d. *The right to remain silent, the right to counsel, and the right to be informed of the nature of the
20. Kind of dismissal whereby the description and characteristics maybe vague that identification is difficult.
a. Professional criminal c. Ordinary criminal
b. Known fugitives d. *Unknown fugitives
21. Which one DOES NOT belong to the type of detainees?
a. Undergoing investigation c. Awaiting final judgement
b. Awaiting or undergoing trial d. *For safe keeping
22. “A” stabbed “B”, “A” brought “B” to a hospital for medical treatment. Had it NOT been the timely medical treatment,
“B” would have died. The crime committed is
a. Physical injury c. Attempted felony
b. Consummated felony d. * Frustrated felony
23. The authority of the court to take cognizance of a case in the first instance is known as;
a. *Original jurisdiction c. Appellate jurisdiction
b. General jurisdiction d. Delegated jurisdiction
24. Any private person who shall enter th dwelling of another against the latter’s will:
a. None of this c. Light threats
b. *Trespass to dwelling d. Usurpation
25. Which of the following types of accidents is most decreased by the installation of traffic light?
a. Cross traffic accident
b. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
c. Accidents of confusion
d. *Accidents of decision of right of way
26. Which is NOT excluded by the law as tending to prove a fact in issue?
a. Material Evidence c. relevant evidence
b. Direct Evidence d. *competent evidence
27. Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is NOT excluded by these rules.
a. Real evidence c. secondary evidence
b. *Admissibility of evidence d. relevancy of evidence
28. The method of determining and finding the lost way to remedy the specific cause or causes of the complaint or
grievance to refer to:
a. Investigation procedure c. Cross examination
b. Grievance procedures d. Criminal procedure
29. When people are considered as source information, the experience officer,
a. *Recognize that persons from all walk of life represent potential investigative resources.
b. Develops his contact only with law abiding citizens
c. Restricts his efforts to members of the department
d. Concentrates all his efforts to acquire in formats only from criminal only from criminal types
30. Macho;
a. Assertive c. Heroic
b. Angry d. Stubborn
31.The adjudication by the court that the defendant is guilty or is not guilty of the offense charged and the imposition of
the penalty provided by the law on the defendant who pleads or is found guilty thereof:
a. Judgement c. confession
b. Information d. admission

32. A type of informant reveals information usually of no consequences of staff connected of thin air.
a. Mercenary informant c. *False informant
b. Frightened informant d. Double crosser informant
33. A One of the following is exempted from paying 0.01% of the assessed venue of the building.
a. *Single family dwellings c. Department stores
b. Hospitals d. Schools
34. A clandestine operation in a police parlance means;
a. *Covert intelligence c. Surveillance
b. Secret activity d. Overt intelligence
35. Which of the following is NOT among the rules to observed in questioning;
a. Simplicity of the question c. One question at a time
b. *accept implied answer d. saving faces
36. It is an offense which, under the law existing at the time of its commission and the time of the applicant to be
admitted to bail, may be punished with death is:
a. minor offense c. light offense
b. *Capital offense d. Serious offense
37. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal to one or more persons.
a. non-fatal injury accident c. traffic law enforcement
b. fatal accident d. property damage accident
38. A written order of the court or any other competent authority consigning an offender to a jail or prison for
confinement is termed as;
a. *Mittimus c. Contraband
b. Instrument of restraint d. Commitment to order
39. The following members of the pillars of the criminal justice system must effectively work. The law enforcers, the
prosecutors, the judges, the penologist and the;
a. Drug dependence c. *Citizenry
b. Merchant of death d. Band of addicts
40. As an act which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provides evidence of his guilt through
criminal proceedings;
a. Information c. Interrogation
b. Instruments d. * Criminal investigation
41. An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from floor to floor, as well as from the base to the top of the
a. Sprinkler system c. *Vertical shaft
b. Flash point d. Standpipe evidence
42. Special crime investigation is more concerned on
a. Testimonial evidence c. Tracing evidence
b. Associative evidence d. *Physical evidence
43. The dependent minor who wants to avail of treatment of rehabilitation must have a sworn petition
a. *By parents, guardian or relative
b. By the President of the Philippines
c. All of the above
d. By the addicts
44. A drug from the leaves of coca, A South American shrub. It is a central nervous system stimulant. What is it?
a. Opiates c. *Cocaine
b. Marijuana d. Shabu
45. A word of group of words that expresses a complete thought is known as;
a. Adverb c. Subject
b. Verb d. *Sentence
46. When an investigator finds a toll at the crime scene, he should first of all;
a. Pick it up for closer examination taking care not to jar it
b. Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the impressions to determine of this was the tool used in the
c. Immediately collect it and always send it to the crime laboratory for scientific examination
d. *Wait until the crime scene has been sketched or photographed and measurements taken before he
collects the evidence.
47. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead
trolley wires, but not operated upon rails.
a. Skating c. Bicycle
b. Tricycle d. *Motor vehicle
48. Canabis Sativa. It is commonly known as;
a. *Marijuana c. Coca plant
b. Opium poppy d. Peyote
49. A wall designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance rating of not less than four hours with
sufficient stability to remain standing even if construction on other side collapses under fire condition;
a. Firewood c. Post wall
b. *Fire wall d. Fire trap
50. Amphetamine is representative of good class of stimulants known as;
a. Stick c. Rafter
b. Knock-out d. *Pop pills
51. The purpose of bail is;
a. *To protect the accused rights under the fourth amendment
b. To keep the accused in jail until trial
c. To punish the accused for the crime
d. To release the accused until trial
52. A declaration made under a consciousness of an empeding death…
a. Res gestae c. *Dying declaration
b. Declaration against interest d. All of these
53. A police officer testifying to the fact that he observed the defendant assault the victim is presenting to the court
a. Circumstantial evidence c. *Direct evidence
b. Artificial evidence d. Real evidence
54. Prohibitive signs and restrictive signs shall have;
a. Blue background and white symbols
b. A red background with white symbols and black border
c. *White background with black symbols and red border
d. Green background with white and black symbols
55. The _________ shall be conducted as a pre-requisite to grant permits and/or license by local government or other
government agencies.
a. *Fire safety inspection c. Fire protection assembly
b. Fire alerting system d. Fire service
56. Fiscal related to;
a. *Finances c. Human values
b. Materialism d. Force
57. Developed in the case of weeks vs. U.S. in 1914, it works to exclude any evidence against an individual which
was seized in violation of the person’s constitutional rights.
a. Hammurabi law c. Laurels law
b. Miranda rule d. *Exclusionary rule
58. Papaver comniferum is also known as;
a. Marijuana c. Coca plant
b. *Opium poppy d. Peyote
59. A place of trial for a criminal action is called:
a. Territory c. *Jurisdiction
b. Action d. Venue
60. Every motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine shall be equipped with a ________ and said motor
vehicle passes through a street of any city, municipality or thickly populated district or barrio
a. Wiper c. Muffler
b. *Light d. Windshield
61. Investigator must be patient to obtain accurate and complete information, especially with uncooperative subjects.
a. Logical mind c. Perseverance
b. *Power of self-control d. integrity
62. Substance made of residous plant material pressed into a brick
a. Cocaine c. Hashis
b. LSD d. Heroin
63. Intervention of the offended party in the criminal action is NOT allowed in the following instances EXCEPT.
a. When he has not waived the civil action
b. *When he has filed the civil action ahead of the criminal action
c. When he has expressly reserved the right to institute the civil action separately
d. When he has waived the civil action
64. Articles and materials which are found in connection with the investigation and which aid in establishing the identity
of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which the crime was committed or which, in general in the
prosecution of the criminal.
a. Material or physical evidence c. *Associative evidence
b. Corpus delicti d. Tracing evidence
65. A traffic police officer stationed along the route of a parade has been ordered by his superior to allow no cars to
cross the route. While tha parade is n progress, an ambulance driver on an emergency run attempts to drive his
ambulance across the route while he parade is passing. Under these circumstances the traffic police officer
a. Ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact his superior and obtains a decisions
b. *Stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to cross the street
c. Hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior’s order
d. Direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour, which will add at least ten minutes to run.
66. Is one in which all the ingredients of the offense are committed in one place;
a. Local action c. Transitory crime
b. *Local crimes d. Transitory action
67. May cause fires from the heat accumulated from the rolling, sliding or friction in machinery or between two hard
surfaces at least one of which is usually a metal is called.
a. Static electricity c. Overheating of machinery
b. *Friction heat d. Heat from arching
68. The active powdering substance which, when mixed with air in the proper proportion and ignited will cause an
a. Fire lane c. Fire trap
b. *Dust d. Fire alarm
69. The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion;
a. *Fire c. Fire alarm
b. Electricity d. Finishes
70. Passageway from one building to another or through or around a wall in approximately the same floor level;
a. *Smelting c. Fulminate
b. Vestibule d. Horizontal exit
71. Heat transferred by direct contact from one body to another is known as;
a. Nuclear fission c. Convection
b. *Conduction d. Radiation
72. Subside;
a. *Decrease c. Descend upon
b. Undermine d. to yield
73. Uses his seeming desire to give information as an excuse to talk to the police in order to get more information from
them he gives;
a. Double crosser c. *Self aggrandizing informants
b. False informants d. Mercenary informants
74. The ____ supervises the enforcement of the law on prohibited and regulated drugs;
a. *DDB c. BJMP
b. PACC d. PNP
75. The place in Thailand-Burma-Lacs bordres where opium is cultivated and processes is known as:
a. Drug triangle c. Silver curtain
b. *Golden triangle d. Pyramid of Asia
76. The supervision of prohibited and regulated drugs in the country pursuant to R.A. 6425 is under the;
a. NARCOM c. *Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB)
b. Department of Justice d. PC/INP
77. The first action taken by a traffic to escape from a collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard;
a. *State of evasive action c. Point of escape
b. Point of no escape d. Final position
78. A famous drug syndicate that must be stopped is;
a. The red triangle c. All of these
b. Triangle “A” d. The civilian volunteers organization
79. In the drug world, all refers to “marijuana” except one:
a. “weed” c. *Mandamus
b. Mary Jane d. Texas tea
80. Are drugs which produce insensibility, stopper, melancholy in dullness of mind with delusions.
a. Stimulants b. *Depressant
81. Visitation of free will by treats and other methods of insisting fear
a. *Coercion c. Psychological constraint
b. Duress d. Immunity
82. Rescue:
a. Recur c. Repeat
b. *To withdraw d. Rest
83. The theory which asserts that man exhibit a constant variation of life energy and mood state:
a. Traffic situation c. Traffic lights
b. *Biorhythm d. Traffic island
84. A declaration made under a consciousness of an impending death.
a. Parts of regestae c. Statements
b. *Dying declaration d. Against personal interest
85. The primary job of an investigator is to determine whether a crime has been committed in order to determine such,
he must have knowledge of the so-called cardinal questions of investigation and there are ___ cardinals of
a. *Six c. Four
b. Three d. Two
86. The correct choice of word selecting the exact precise objective words to convey a meaning.
a. Exclamation point c. *Vocabulary
b. Punctuation d. Diction
87. Objects or substances which are an essential part of the body of the crime such as recovered stolen property.
a. tracing evidence c. associative evidence
b. physical evidence . *corpus delecti
88. Instrument used to one and close fire hydrant
a. *Hydrant key c. Key board
b. Kilowatts d. Bunch of key
89. A chemical substance which affects a persons in such away as to bring about physiological, emotional or behavior
a. Alcohol c. Marijuana
b. *Drug d. Coca leaf
90. A standard arrow to designate the North must be indicated to facilitate proper orientation is:
a. Map c. *Compass direction
b. Wind whirl d. Window
91. For offences falling under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit trial courts, prosecution
is instituted;
a. By filing a complaint with the Regional Trial Court
b. By filing a complaint directly with the court
c. By filing a complaint with the Chief of Police in the municipality
d. *By filing a complaint with the fiscal for preliminary investigation
92. Willful and malicious burning of a building
a. *Arson c. Fire
b. Frustrated arson d. Consummated arson
93. With respect to minor traffic violations, the traffic police officer should be guided foremost by the consideration that;
a. Some traffic violations are intended
b. The aim is to discourage violations
c. *Same traffic violations are caused by negligence
d. Violations must be punish
94. That profession and scientific discipline directed to the recognition, identification, individualization and evaluation of
physical science by application of natural sciences in matters of law and science.
a. Chemist c. Toxicologist
b. Scientist d. *Criminalistics
95. The number of person who handle he evidence from the scene of the crime and between the time of the
commission of the crime up to the final disposition of the case.
a. Time of the case c. *Chain of custody
b. Time of custody d. Time of disposal
96. Bilious:
a. Wealthy c. *Bad tempered
b. Puffed out d. Dreary
97. Any event that result in unintended injury of property damage attribute directly or indirectly to the action of motion
vehicle accident
a. Motor transportation accident
b. *Motor vehicle accident
c. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
d. Motor vehicle non traffic accident
98. A warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the signature of the judge, directing the jail or prison authorizes to
receive offenders for custody or service
a. letter c. Letter of invitation
b. Sub-poena d. *Mittimus
99. A wanted kill C for the former pointed his gun to the latter as “A” pressed the trigger of the gun jammed and “A”
managed to escape. This is an example of
a. Frustrated felony c. Consummated and frustrated felony
b. *Attempted felony d. Consummated felony
100. Graphic portrayed of the scene of a crime including items within that possess inventing value
a. *Sketch c. Drawing
b. Writing d. Printings

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