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(XBLA) Release Date: June 23, 2010

Wednesday, 14 July 2010 - Out of the three current generation consoles; indie styled
downloadable games don’t tend to be cheap or worth the usual price tag. However
between the PSN, WiiWare and XBLA services, XBLA is certainly the best, and got a lot
better with the board game RISK™. The game has two modes:
1.Original RISK
Out of the two, one mode is irrelevant, and funnily enough the weakest is the original RISK
version. As it uses the same game mechanics as you will; as the FACTIONS game. But with
different rules. Rules which you can use in factions, to make it like the original RISK. Hmm….
Pointless. However with the updated 2008 RISK rules, quirky graphics, hilarious campaign
(yes it has a story mode) and each faction has character. But the games selling point has to
be its longevity. In that the quickest game I’ve played, lasted roughly around 30-40 minutes,
the longest being two hours long. The single player is fun but it really kicks addiction on
multiplayer, whether that be local play or online over XBOX LIVE. With persistent stats and
leaderboards, achievements (200 potential achievements) and downloadable content there
is plenty to do. However there is currently no DLC dated by EA as off yet. When you start
the game you might not think there is a great deal of initial content available, that’s because
the game utilizes a progression unlocking system. The more you progress in campaign the
more content (maps) you unlock for multiplayer, this being said the campaign is
short….Very short. Then again I guess that’s where the DLC will come in.

This game has huge character, and I had a great time reviewing it, it was a very interesting
spin on the RISK franchise as well. Where lacking in content, longevity of its multiplayer (in
particular its, local multiplayer) really shows off the board games appeal.
Stainless was founded on the Isle of Wight (two hours travel time from London, UK) towards
the end of 1993 and incorporated in August 1994. The company was formed by Patrick
Buckland, an industry veteran with extensive games programming experience dating back to
1982, and Neil Barnden, a senior designer at Conran and The Body Shop. Following the
closure of the VIS IOW studio in July 2003, a number of the original team rejoined Stainless,
including its original co-founder, Neil Barnden.

Developer: Stainless Games Ltd.

Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc. ©

2010 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights

Genre: Card & Board

Game Rating: Ages 12+ OVERALL 8/10

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