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The Dark Rede (Longer Version)

By Chris Hicks

Awaken day upon thy night

Serpent speaks to whom is right
Thee who walks the path of dark
Be ye granted thou wisdom spark

An' ye who casts the powerful spell

Thy will know, these words ye shall
Blacken arts the witches way
Cast and sense the power we say

Time will speak, this humbled day

By all the powers of sky and ground
Be ye who suffers bound
This our sacred Rede, Shall ye hear and heed.

To thee our words be spoke

An' now our mind be awoke
Let thy be your darken art
An' for ye use this with thou heart

For only harm for what is need

Read and know thou darken Rede
Shall it be casted, So mote it be.

The Dark Rede (Shorter Version)

Awaken day upon thy night

Serpent speaks to whom is right
Thee who walks the path of dark
Be ye granted thou wisdom spark

An' ye who casts the powerful spell

Thy will know, these words ye shall
Blacken arts the witches way
Cast and sense the power we say

For only harm for what is need

Read and know thou darken Rede
Shall it be casted, So mote it be.

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