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In the Flower, My Rose is U.In the Diamond, My Kohinoor is U.

In the Sky,
My Moon is U.I’m only Body, My Heart is U.That’s Y I always Miss You!!

ll stop lovin u wen diamonds never sparkle nd flowers cease to grow.When thunder never echos
nd rivers don't flow.When hearts no longer wonder nd hands r never held.When smiles r only
memories nd hope is never felt.When trees no longer blossom nd stars refuse to shine.When god
alone commands me.When i'll stop loving u

love is like a bird, set it free, if it comes back its urs, if it dosnt, it was neva urs

♥ ì'll ônlý stöp cärìñg böût u thë däý å dùmb pèrsøn phønés å dèäf pèrsón tèllìng hìm thàt a blìnd män sáw á crìpplêd
mân rúnnìng áftër ä báld mân tryîng 2 cût his häir!! ;) :) :p.. ♥

every says lover hurts bt thetas nt true,loneliness hurts,rejection hurts,losing sum1

hurts.evry1 confuses these wit love bt in realty LOVE is da only thng that covers up all
pain n makes us feel wonderful again!!

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