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Toyota Production System

What is 5S and why do we want to do it?
 14 principles of TPS: 7th

 5S is the name of a workplace organization methodology that uses a list of

five Japanese words

 The list describes how the tools should be stored and how the new order
should be maintained

 Clear understanding between employees, of how work should be done

 Instills ownership of the process in each employee

 5S represents 5 disciplines for maintaining a visual workplace

 These are foundational to Kaizen and a manufacturing strategy based

"Lean Manufacturing" (waste removing) concepts
Seiri ( 整理 ) Sorting

 Going through all the tools, materials, etc., in the plant and
work area and keeping only essential items
 Identify items that may not be needed with Red Tag
Seiton ( 整頓 ) Set in Order
 Focuses on efficiency
 Arrange the tools, equipment and parts in a manner that
promotes work flow
 For every thing there should be place and every thing should
be in its place
5S Examples - Sort, Set in Order

See the difference?

Seisō ( 清掃 ) Shining

 Clean the empty target area and needed items: floors,

windows, benches, machinery, tools, etc.
 Eliminate sources of dirt
 Paint surfaces
5S Examples - Shine
Seiketsu ( 清潔 ) Standardizing

 Use planned Inspections to audit, maintain and improve

 Develop a standard:
i. Picture of what it should look like
ii. Description of what’s required

iii. Replace as the standard is raised

Shitsuke ( 躾 ) Sustaining

 Continuous improvement
 Maintain the focus on this new way of operating
Advantages of 5S
 Improve safety
 Decrease down time
 Raise employee morale
 Identify problems more quickly
 Develop control through visibility
 Establish convenient work practices

 Increase product and process quality

How to Achieve 5S

5S can be achieved very easily by every employee by having a close

look at his work place. He is to ensure that:
i. No rejected / unwanted items are lying at his work place
ii. All items are kept in proper locations/order
iii. Everybody should co-operate with each other in keeping his and
others areas and the machines clean
iv. All follow rules and regulations and maintain required standards
Thank You

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