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Presented to :- Maryam Ali

Presented by :- Syed Asghar Raza
Reg No :- 2093135
Programme :- BBA (HONS)
Oppurtunity Cost
Definition :-
The concept of an opportunity cost was first developed by John
stuart Mill.The next best alternative is know as oppurtunity cost or when
you choose one thing and let other go.

Example :-
If we have choice to make a school or hospital.We make school
instead of hospital due to Scarcity.The Hospital will be the Oppurtunity Cost

Production Possibility Curve

Definition :-
It shows the different combination of two products that the
country can produce using all the available resources .

Oppurtunity Cost with PPC :-

This graph represents that the country is making Food and Computers.If
the country produce less Food then the curve will shift inwards and if it is
producing more Food the Curve will shift outward.In this graph the
oppurtunity Cost between 5 and 6 is 1 food unit(Q and R) and Oppurtunity
cost between 9 and 10 Computer is 3 Food units(T and V)

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