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042310 ~ SA NA and St Germain speak on Energetic Responsibility~ Part 1

AC: So bringing the attention to the breath, breathing into the heart center,
bringing ourselves here and now, letting go of judgment or fear, letting go of
any thoughts, any worries, concerns, just letting go on the breath, feeling our
bodies, allowing them to relax and with every breath, allowing ourselves to
become more and more still inside as we recognize that still point within.
There’s a tiny spark of light. Allow it to expand, to fill the body with light,
to fill the energy field with light as it expands further and expanding further
to fill the room.

As we call now to the Angels to be present, to seal us in the light, creating a

sacred space here, a clear space of Divine Order and Divine Truth. Calling
upon Archangel Michael specifically, that he may stand guard with his fiery
sword of truth, maintaining this space as one that is in complete alignment
with the Law of One, that only the light may be present. And so also calling
upon the Angels of the Violet Flame, to create a Violet Flame of focus
within this space in which to gather any energies that are in need of being
transmuted back into the light of love and divinity, welcoming Mother
Earth’s Violet Flame, coming up from her heart, through our feet and the
base of our spines, up through our bodies and energy fields, filling us with
Violet Light, welcoming the Great White Brotherhood of Light and any of
the Ascended Master Realm who wish to be present, welcoming Kuthumi,
Djwal Khul, and Rami Nuri.

SN: And as this golden temple light is being formed, this sphere of golden
light expanding out to the forest containing all that is in alignment with the
Law of One, only Divine love and light present here now. I welcome the
presence of the Lady of the mountain, the Dalai Lama, the Lord of the forest,
the Elemental Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom within this space and on Mother
Earth, activating every cell, every atom within this space, with this golden
light, transmuting anything that is not in alignment with the Law of One. It
simply falls away now. Any tension or tightness within the bodies simply
just falls away, dissolving, bringing us into our highest form, our purest
form of light. Any thought forms just passing through, no attachments,
allowing the grip of the ego to soften, dissipate. I call in the Higher Realms,
the Celestial Kingdom of the Archangels, our space Brothers and Sisters,
and I call upon St. Germain and Lady Master Nada now.

AC: And so as we continue to breathe the golden light of spirit, filling

every part of our being with light, I simply call upon St. Germain and the
next words will be from him.

SG: Greetings of the Day

SN: Hmm

SG: We come once more to celebrate, hmm?

SN: Yes, and what are we celebrating today?

SG: We are celebrating life, that life is here, to be experienced, that it is

unfolding, so much to be experienced.

SN: Yes, can we talk about what was happening in the mountain last

SG: Yes

SN: Can you shed some light?

SG: It was a meeting of the higher realms that chose that particular night
to discuss how things are moving forward in Gaia’s transformation. You see
we keep coming back to that, for from our standpoint, we look upon it,
seeking to play our part, to serve as best we can, bearing witness to what is
occurring for the Earth and because it is intrinsically linked to that of
humanity, indeed it is humanity which continues to be the wild card, as it

SN: Yes indeed

SG: For the other influences are more or less going about their day, doing
their thing, yet those of humanity continue destructive ways, unpredictable
behavior, ways that often have no awareness around the greater oneness that
is in place, that cannot be escaped. One particular fact that was discussed
was that many upon this land, here in the United States, have what could be
described as dualistic thinking. Though this occurs in many of the western
cultures, there appears to be something of a crescendo happening as the
polarities are increasing. There are those experiencing great light and
equally those who are experiencing great darkness. Often this is occurring
within individuals, as there is a sense of flip flopping one to the other, back
and forth. The question becomes what to do in this grand experiment. The
intention always is for alignment with divinity and divine truth. The
dualistic mindset is but a part, though must be taken into consideration, for it
is present, it is not the whole picture and cannot be relied upon as such.

SN: Hmm

SG: Is there anything you would like to share at this time?

SN: The awareness around personal growth and the aspect of checking in
with oneself on a daily basis as to the climate of the particular essence in
which one is carrying. The vibratory frequency, making that a priority, and
anything that is not in alignment with the highest place within that needs to
be cleared and processed, so as to keep a clear vessel. This is imperative to
the mass expansion of awareness that is taking place on this planet right now
and becoming fully present in the oneness that is expanding and growing as
the duality increases and the separation appears to be prevalent and more
prominent than the oneness. And so really focusing on not just the oneness,
but the individualized expression of the oneness, and how that affects those
around each individual, and so each individual becoming aware of their part
in the grand whole, their aspect of the grand whole, their individuation of the
oneness. And coming into alignment with the oneness on a daily basis,
possibly five times a day if that is what it takes, to start to develop a habit of
being in the oneness, in a consistent manner. This is very important at this
time, as the light quotient has increased, the deposit of the light quotient
onto the planet has continually increased within the last year and will
continue to expand as more light becomes available and the magnetic grids
align themselves with the new blueprint for Earth. And so really getting into
alignment with the new magnetic frequencies that are existing within this
space and aligning ourselves with those things that make us as humans, (and
I speak from a place of Saralise and Lady Nada now). As a human,
incarnate on this planet, it is incredibly important to take heed or take note of
where we are at all times, and when we find ourselves falling out of
alignment, to pull ourselves back to center, to reign it back in, to come back
into alignment, and to find calm, serenity and peace and oneness again, and
to make it a constant practice to stay in alignment, to stay in balance, and to
keep that flow moving through our bodies, so that we do not become
stagnant or pent up, if you will. To continue breathing deeply into our
bodies, as we allow the light to expand in every cell. This is vital to our
ascension program, to the transition that we are going through at this time, to
becoming the new galactic human. This is something that everyone seeks to
practice, but that they do not actually apply in their everyday lives. They
talk about it, they ponder it, but they do not actually practice it. A lot of
people are talking about ascension and that they are going on the trip, but
they are not actually applying the vibratory frequency of Divine Love into
their daily lives. They are focused on what’s not working, instead of what
is. So this is something that needs to be addressed within each person’s
experience. “Am I aligned with oneness in this moment? Am I aligned with
love? Or am I aligned with separation or ego? Where am I in this moment?
Checking in deeply as to where we are in every moment. Also looking into
where we are going. Placing our attention not on the past or on the present
so much as to what is not working, the present moment of separation, but
centering and focusing on the present moment of awareness in the oneness
that is happening in this moment and placing our attention on expanding
that, bringing that further into the reality of the 3rd dimension and traversing
the dimensions, so that they start to blend and become one. This is a
practice that has never been implemented on Planet Earth before, this is
something new, this is an experiment. We are all in an experiment now. We
have lived in the 5th dimensional frequency on Planet Earth before, but we
have never needed to come from the 3rd to the 5th and so the 4th dimensional
frequency of the astral realm is very prevalent at this time. There are a lot of
energies that exist within that space. Knowing this and understanding this,
we can be conscious of what we attract into our reality and pay attention to
the energies that exist within a space, reaching deeper into the 5th
dimensional frequency of love in those moments. If we find that we are
attracting energies into this reality, into the 3rd dimensional frequency from
the astral plane, we simply do our job of releasing them back to the Cosmic
Ocean of Light, to be transmuted into Divine Light and Love so that they
may continue upon their journey as well. This is part of what we agreed to,
coming here during this time, as masters on the planet. We agreed to help
facilitate the release of any trapped energy upon Mother Gaia, of which there
is much and there are many energies that are trapped at this time. There are
energies trapped in walls, in furniture, in floors, in buildings that need to be
released, that are just waiting for the moment to reveal themselves, so that
they may have the opportunity to go into the light again. They know the
light when they see it. We do not have to be a carrier for these energies, but
we can be a facilitator for their ascension. This is clearly evident when we
come across an elemental, which has been trapped out of traumatic fear,
which wishes to be released and knows the light, and is only willing to
reveal itself in that moment, so that its freedom may be acquired. So let us
keep that in mind as we travel through our days, staying present to the light
within ourselves, within our nature, within our bodies, and we help assist
others whose time has come to return to the light once more. We, in human
form, are truly blessed to be able to facilitate these events, and with the help
of the higher realms, this will in fact raise the vibratory frequency of human
consciousness on this planet, the more that can be released, the better. So
this is a primary focus, although not the primary focus, it is a primary focus.
It is important to stay present to where we are in every moment, important to
stay present to that which is asking for it’s own ascension, it’s own
releasement back into the light from whence it came. These two ideals may
keep us very occupied at this time. And do know that this will facilitate the
expansion of awareness on the planet, of human awareness, of cognitive
awareness of the light of Divine Love. These practices are imperative and
will facilitate expansion, and so we ask you now to just please simply be
present to where you are in every moment. This has been my request of
humans, since I can remember. My message is always the same, it’s one of
truth, of finding the truth within you in every moment, being rigorously
honest in every moment and coming from a place of love to establish peace.

SG: And so thank you beloved one for sharing of your perspective, of your

SN: Your welcome dear one

SG: For this is a great co-creation and there is an opportunity for all of
humanity to wake up to this truth, that each one is co-creating in the reality
that they find themselves, that each one has chosen to incarnate into a
physical body to experience this already in motion as it can be perceived in
the linear time frame.

SN: Indeed

SG: Yet there is an energy that is the opposite of this truth that is rampant
within in this physical world, it is the one of fear.

SN: Indeed

SG: The energy that is not in awareness of where it has come from and
what it truly is. The gift that each human who chooses to focus their
awareness and intention is that of setting fear itself free by looking upon it
and all of the ways in which it affects different vibrational frequencies. That
of emotions, that of collective consciousness, to love it free by gazing upon
it with the eyes of truth, as if to say give me your eyes O divine oneness, and
allow me to pierce through the veil into the heart of truth itself. This be a
gift each one can offer if they choose it and the effect of this would be
widespread. It is not just limited to one’s own reality or one’s own personal
fears, but to all energies of fear that are misplaced, that are stuck, that are
fueled and powered by a collective sense of fear that has become it’s own
autonomous energy, yet still fed by each one choosing to feed it with their
attention in a way that confirms that fear exists. This not be the approach we
are talking of. Do not give fear your attention, believing it real; give it your
attention, with the intention of seeing the truth of it. This is all that we wish
to share at this time.

SN: Thank you dear one.

SG: You are welcome.

SN: I think that this is an important vessel at this time for awareness to be
spread and shall be posted accordingly.

SG: Indeed

SN: I think it’s time for a blog, to spread this awareness and to edit and
create files of information for people to receive audio recordings they can
hear, the words they can read, would you agree.
SG: Yes, the time for sharing information is at hand, for there is only so
much value in receiving for oneself. There is far greater value in sharing of
that which has been received, that others may benefit also.

SN: Yes

SG: And so let there be no sense of attachment, or personalization of these

things, simply the awareness of what is to be shared.

SN: Yes, a discerning eye will be used.

SG: Indeed

SN: And that which is prevalent for human consciousness will be shared
and all other information that is private or personal will stay as such. This
feels good, yes?

SG: Yes, except to say that where personal information is granted full
permission by all those involved, this too may be shared if there is a feeling
of benefit for that.

SN: Ah yes, I agree, and there will be some of that in what we have
already transpired.

SG: Indeed

SN: It will help to trigger memories in the mass consciousness I have a


SG: Yes, when each one is given the opportunity to be conscious of

another’s journey it brings great validation to both reader and sharer.

SN: And listener.

SG: Indeed.

SN: I do feel like the voices that we carry in our human form, when in the
process of channeling; the energy that is contained within that space is
highly relevant to the energetic frequency of expansion at this time.

SG: Yes, there is agreement here.

SN: There is something that can be shared.

SG: Indeed, for within words, is also the silence and space in which words
are manifest.

SN: And the light.

SG: Yes, the energy and the light ever-present.

SN: It can be felt, it’s palpable.

SG: Indeed.

SN: Such as now. You can feel this. The truth of oneness.

SG: Where there is only light.

SN: Bathing in this light every moment, every day, for at least 20 minutes,
is highly beneficial, twice a day if possible.

SG: As One, if that be available. Where two or more are gathered, to

experience the oneness and how it relates to the individualized expression of
the one and the relationships between each of these aspects.

SN: Allowing this practice to bring groundedness into our everyday reality
as humans, keeping our feet on the ground and our attention in front of us,
and our spirits connected to the oneness, our essence flowing with this
Divine Love in every moment. And just placing our attention here benefits
all beings. Within this stillness is the essence of truth. (55:00)

(6.5 minutes of meditation)

SN: (1:01:36) So gently coming into our bodies, remembering this gently
coming into this space, carrying within our it into our flesh body temples,
imbuing every cell with peace and oneness, filling ourselves with light,
bringing our attention back into the present moment with consciousness and
awareness of our bodies. St. Germain, do you have something to say?

SG: Indeed.

SN: To bring closure to this session.

SG: Yes. Simply then to allow life to unfold from this space of awareness,
for it is a great unfoldment, there is no need to force anything, just as one
cannot force a bud to bloom. Each one of humanity is blooming.

SN: A flower is unbridled in it’s blooming, sharing it’s beauty with

everyone and everything. No apologies, no explanation, simply being,
expressing Divine Love in every petal.

SG: And So It Is.

SN: And So It Is. May the Radiant Blessings Be.

SG: Divine Blessings of Light in all moments, in all ways, for all things.

SN: Namaste

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