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Chapter 6 : Permutations and Combinations

Paper 1 :

1. Diagram shows 6 letters and 4 digits.

A B C D E 6 7 8

A code is to be formed using those letters and digits. The code must consist of 3 letters
followed by 2 digits. How many codes can be formed if no letter or digits is repeated in each
code ? [ 3 marks ]

( SPM 2003 P1 No.22)

2. A table tennis team consists of 7 students. The team will be chosen from a group of 9 boys
and 6 girls. Find the number of teams that can be formed such that each team consists of
(a) 4 boys,
(b) not more than 2 girls. [4
marks ]
( SPM 2003 P1 No.23)

3. Diagram shows five cards of different letters .


(a) Find the number of possible arrangement, in a row, of all the cards.
(b) Find the number of these arrangements in which the letters E and a are side by side.
marks ]
( SPM 2004 P1 No.23)

4. A debating team consists of 5 students. These 5 students are chosen from 4 monitors, 2
assistant monitors and 6 prefects.
Calculate the number of different ways the committee can be formed if
(a) there is no restriction,
(b) the team contains only 1 monitor and exactly 3 prefects.
[ 4 marks ]
( SPM 2005 P1 No.22)
5. Diagram shows seven letter cards

A four-letter code is to be formed using four of these cards.


(a) the number of different four-letter codes that can be formed,

Permutations & Combinations 1

(b) the number of different four-letter codes which end with a consonant.

( SPM 2006 P1 No.22)

6. A coach wants to choose 5 players consisting of 2 boys and 3 girls to form a badminton team.
These 5 players are chosen from a group of 4 boys and 5 girls.
(a) the number of ways the team can be formed,
(b) the number of ways the team members can be arranged in arrow for a group photograph,
if the three girls sit next to each other.
[ 4 marks ]

( SPM 2007 P1 No.23)

7. Diagram shows six numbered cards

3 5 6 7 8 9

A four-digit number is to be formed by using four of these cards.

How many

(a) different numbers can be formed ?

(b) different odd numbers can be formed ? [ 4 marks ]

( SPM 2008 P1 No.23)

Permutations & Combinations 2

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