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Liver and kidney function as clean the blood by removing wastes and toxins

but they do it in different ways. These organs failures occur when a large part

of the organ is damaged. Over usage of medication is the cause for these

damages. Liver fails to function due of malnutrition, long term alcohol and

consumption. Kidney fails to function because of prerenal, post renal or renal

causes, medications, and chronic renal failure. These diseases usually show

some early stage symptoms before leading to the critical stage. Nausea, loss

of appetite, fatigue, diarrhoea, bleeding easily, swollen abdomen are the

symptoms showing liver failure meanwhile lethargy, weakness, shortness of

breath are the examples for kidney failure. The initial treatment for liver failure

is overdose of Acetaminophen. Treatments for kidney failure are diet,

medication, and dialysis. When it reaches the critical stage, they have to

perform transplantation. So, prevention is better than cure in order to live a

healthy life.

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