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(Language Fundamentals)
A simple program
Imports System

Public Module HelloModule

Public Sub Main()


End Sub

End Module
The Main() method
• A program's Main method can appear
within a Visual Basic .NET module
• Because Visual Basic .NET modules are
classes wherein everything is shared, the
Shared keyword is not used in such a
declaration as in the previous example.
Saving,Compiling and
Executing the Program
• Save the file with extension “.vb” .(Test.vb)
• Goto command window
• Compile the file :
• vbc Test.vb
• After successful compilation .EXE file is
• Execute the EXE file as “Test”
Compiling the code

Execution result
Creating your first VB windows
Solution Explorer

Properties Box


Tool box
Editing project settings
Writing the first windows application
On the button click write this
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Button1.Click

MessageBox.Show("Hello World", _
"A first look at vb", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
End Sub
Execution of the Program
ByVal and ByRef in
• The word ByVal is short for “By Value”
• This means passing a copy of a variable to
your Subroutine in which case changes that
are made are made to the copy and the
original will not be altered.
• ByRef is short for “By Reference”.
• This means that you are not handing over a
copy of the original variable but pointing to
the original variable.
• Let us consider the example
Dim Number1 As Integer
Number1 = 10
Call IncrementVariable(Number1)
Private Sub IncrementVariable(ByVal Number1 As
Number1 = Number1 + 1
End Sub

• Try the code with ByRef Number1 as

Integer as argument to the function
Fundamental Data Types in VB
VB type Range
Boolean True or false

Byte 0 to 255 ( unsigned 8 bit)

Short -32768 to 32767 (signed 16 bit )

Char Any Unicode value (new to

U0000 to Uffff (16 bit unicode character)
Date -The range of values is from midnight
on January 1, 0001 (0001-01-
01T00:00:00) through 1 second before
midnight on December
31, 9999 (9999-12-31T23:59:59).
VB type Range
Long 9223372036854775808 through
Float 1.5*10-45 to 3.4*1038 (32 bit floating point
Double 5.0*10-324 to 1.7*10308 (64 bit floating point
Decimal 100 to 1028(96-bit signed number)
String Limited by system memory (Represents a set
of unicode characters)
Single -3.40282347E38
through 3.40282347E38.(32 bit value)
Object Any type can be stored in an object
variable(Base class of all types in .NET)
The System Data Types
VB type System Type Range

Byte System.Byte 0 to 255 ( unsigned 8 bit)

Short System.Int16 -32768 to 32767 (signed 16 bit )

Char System. Char Any Unicode character

U0000 to Uffff (16 bit unicode character)

Date System.DateTime -The range of values is from midnight

on January 1, 0001 (0001-01-
01T00:00:00) through 1 second before
midnight on December

31, 9999 (9999-12-31T23:59:59 ).

VB type System Type Range

Long System.Int64 9223372036854775808 through

9223372036854775807 .
Float System.Single 1.5*10-45 to 3.4*1038 (32 bit floating point
Double System.Double 5.0*10-324 to 1.7*10308 (64 bit floating point
Boolean System.Boolean true or false
Decimal System.Decimal 100 to 1028(96-bit signed number)
String System.String Limited by system memory (Represents a set
of unicode characters)

Single System.Single -3.40282347E38

through 3.40282347E38.(32 bit value)
Object System.Object Any type can be stored in an object
variable(Base class of all types in .NET)
Type Conversion
Declaring and Initializing variables
• We declare variables like this:
Dim number1 As Integer
Dim number 2 As Integer
• We initialize the variables as:
number1 = 3
number2 = 5
• Variable identifiers may be suffixed with
type characters that serve to indicate the
variable's type. The declaration can be
rewritten as
Dim number1% and Dim number2%
List of type charecters
List of literal formats
Introducing Array Types
• Array declaration and initialization
– Dim a(4) As Integer;
– Dim a as String
={“first” ,”second”, “third”}
– Dim a(,) As Integer{{1,2},{3,4},
• The above declaration produces the following
a(0,0)=1 a(0,1)=2
a(1,0)=3 a(1,1)=4
a(2,0)=5 a(2,1)=6
• For Allocating arrays dynamically we use
the “New” keyword
Dim a() As Integer a=New Integer(4){1,2,3,4}
• If the array elements won't be initialized by
the allocation, it is still necessary to
include the curly brackets:
Dim a( ) As Integer a = New Integer(5) {}

Can you figure out what is the meaning of:

Dim a() As Integer?
Access Modifiers
Relational Operators
== <> < > >= <= Is Like
Logical Operators
&& || ! & | ^ ~
Arithmetic Operators
+ - / * ++ -- %
Shift Operators
>> <<
Assignment Operators

= >= <= *= /= &= |= ^= <<= >>= %=

Looping Statements
FOR Loop :
For variable = expression To expression [ Step
expression ]statements Next [ variable_list ]
• Eg:
Dim answer As Integer
Dim startNumber As Integer
answer = 0

For startNumber = 1 To 4

answer = answer + startNumber

Next startNumber

MsgBox answer
do loop
Do While [expression]
• Eg: Dim number as Integer
number = 1
Do While number < 5
MsgBox number
number = number + 1

Do…Until loop
Do Until [expression]
• Eg:
Do Until number < 5
MsgBox number
number = number + 1

For Each
For Each variable In expression
Next [ variable ]
• Eg
Dim a( ) As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim b As Integer
For Each b In a
Decision constructs
If/Else statement Condition must evaluate to bool
If expression Then
End If
If expression Then
End If
Select Case statements
Dim creamcake As String
Dim DietState As String creamcake= TextBox1.Text
Select Case creamcake
Case "Eaten"
DietState = "Diet Ruined"
Case "Not Eaten"
DietState = "Diet Not Ruined"
Case Else
DietState = "Didn't check"
End Select
MsgBox DietState

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