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Do Pets Go To Heaven?

By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

Do Pets Go To Heaven?

Do pets go to heaven? When our beloved animal friends pass from

this world, do they frolic around the throne of God or live again in some
other universe? Do pets just die and that is the end?
I am sure that these and other questions have crossed the minds of
pet owners all over the globe. Pets are so much a part of our lives. They
often will stay with their owner even if they are neglected or mistreated.
But when we lose a pet, what happens then? What are the answers that we
seek and where can we find them? There are many books and articles
written on the subject that both “support” and “debunk” the idea that there
is an afterlife for animals.
I first have to say that the Christian bible does not contain a section
called, “The Book Of Animals” where I can turn to “Pets” Chapter 3, verse 11
and read, “For a righteous man doeth love his pets and these follow him
into heaven and the glory of the Lord forever.”
There is no specific verse of scripture where it emphatically states in
plain simple words that: “animals go to heaven”―even though we would
like to find such a verse. However, the following scriptures, in my opinion,
are a group of verses that do address this very issue and they provide sound
evidence of what happens to pets when they die.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the

manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made
subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath
subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself also
shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the
glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the
whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until
now. (Rom 8:19-22 KJV)
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

Now here are those same verses with certain words that have been
expanded as defined by the Strong’s Concordance to the bible.

For the earnest expectation (in the sense of watching) of the creature
waiteth (with full expectation to receive) for the manifestation (to take off
the cover or discloser) of the sons of God. For the creature was made
subject (for a short or specific time period) to vanity (morally depravity),
not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
because the creature itself also shall be delivered (to liberate or to
make exempt from ceremonial or mortal liability, to deliver, make free)
from the bondage (slavery) of corruption (decay, that is, ruin - corruption,
destroy, perish) into the glorious (apparent) liberty (freedom) of the
children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth (to moan
jointly, that is, figuratively experience a common calamity: - groan
together) and travaileth (to have “parturition” or the action or process of
giving birth to offspring pangs in company, concert, simultaneously with,
that is, figuratively to sympathize “in expectation of relief from suffering” -
travail in pain together) in pain together until (up to or until) now (present
or immediate: - henceforth, + hereafter, of late, soon, present, this time).
(Rom 8:19-22 KJV)

Now here are those same verses paraphrased to include the expanded

The creature is watching with full expectation to receive liberation

from the slavery of decay. This will occur when the sons of God are
revealed. You see, the creature was subjected to an empty, morally
depraved condition but not willingly. They were required to obey in the
confidence that the creature itself also shall be delivered and will receive
liberation from this slavery of decay and perishing and will share in the very
apparent or glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the
entire creation is experiencing a common calamity and they all sympathize
with each other in expectation of relief from their collective suffering in
pain until this time comes.
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

If you are going to accept what the scripture says then you have to
clearly admit that the bible teaches that the creature itself also shall be
delivered when the sons of God are revealed. The scripture without a
doubt states that the “creature” is watching with full expectation to receive
their collective deliverance from their enslavement to decay and moral
depravity. These creatures at their own level sympathize with each other in
the expectation that they will all find relief from their suffering when the
sons of God are revealed.
Now there could be some discussion as to what the word “creature”
indicates but by definition of a “formation” (or creature or creation) it
most definitely would include our pets! By this definition “creature” would
include all creatures and creations and you would have to admit that the
bible unmistakably states that the creature itself also shall be
delivered when the sons of God are revealed.
Questions immediately arise as to the actual time that the sons of God
are to be revealed but the scripture is clear in that when this time occurs,
be it the white throne judgment, the millennial reign of Christ or some
other time; the creature itself also shall be delivered.
With this information in mind I can’t say if your lost and beloved pet
is in heaven now or if he or she is waiting on a kind of resurrection from the
dead but I can say with confidence that when the sons of God are revealed
these creatures (including your pets) will be delivered from the
enslavement of any corruption. I can say that all creatures watch with
expectation of this deliverance and relief from suffering and moral
depravity. If you are going to believe what the bible teaches then this is
what the scripture says.
There have been many articles written that state that the animals
cannot make moral decisions so therefore they cannot choose salvation or
go to heaven. The above verses address this very issue. These verses state
that the creature was subjected to moral depravity or a state where they
cannot choose between right and wrong. The verses also explain that they
were not willingly subjected to this state but that God made them obey in
the hope that they would be completely restored and delivered when the
sons of God are revealed.
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

What possible reason did God have that He would make all creatures
unwillingly obey and be subjected to a lack of ability to choose? I believe
the answer is, so that He could redeem every one of them! The scripture
clearly teaches that man and animals were created differently even though
they were fashioned from the same “dirt”.
Just before God created Eve, He said that it was not good that man
should be “alone” or separate. This makes a distinction between man and
animals and shows that they are different since God revealed that it was
“not good” that Adam was separate from the animals and the only one of
his kind. It also points out that “animals” (or “the creature” as described in
the above verses) are in a “class” by themselves. This “class” is both
separate from man and they are one collective group or body of beings in
the same way that angels are one group or body of creation. Mankind can
choose salvation but “animals” as a collective group did not willingly break
their connection to the Father God through disobedience. When Satan
acquired Adam’s authority in the earth God allowed this separate group of
beings to become morally depraved as an entire group of beings so that
they were incapable of choosing to obey God or to disobey Him. This act of
God prevented all of the animals from potentially becoming “evil”. This
undertaking also saved the animals from hell but opened the door to
predation and other morally depraved behaviors that are common among
all animals. Mankind “fell” from his place of authority through
disobedience but animals were forced to obey the will of God so that as a
group they could all be restored when the sons of God are revealed.
The book of Genesis states that the serpent spoke to Eve. Have you
ever thought about how Eve was not at all surprised or upset when the
serpent spoke to her? In Numbers 22:28, the bible states that God “opened
the donkey’s mouth”, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto
thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times? This animal
communicated and expressed her feelings. She had the intellectual capacity
to understand that Balaam should not strike her with his staff.
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

Could it be that in the beginning God intended for man and animals
to freely communicate by some means? We can only speculate but it seems
to be possible that when the sons of God are revealed and the plan of
salvation is made fully manifest that the creature will once again speak and
have a restored moral compass that does not depart from the Father God.
What does all of this mean to the pet owner?
It means that if you have a cat and the cat turns feral and “mean”, the
cat does not go to hell because it gave in to its “flesh”. It means that if
you have a dog and it attacks a child, the dog does not go to hell for this act
of aggression.
Animals had their moral capabilities purposely subdued so that when
the sons of God are revealed the creature (or collective body or class of
animals) itself also shall be delivered. Out of love for His creation,
God provided a plan where the animals (including your pets) would be
restored in their ability to make moral decisions. Since animals were
subjected in this manner the implication is that at the time of deliverance
they will have their intellects restored and be capable of making moral
decisions at some level. They in all probability will not be at the same level
as mankind but they could in fact have the reasoning of a young child or
even an adolescent!
God tells us that He will do this only after sin is no longer a
possibility. The collective class of animals did not have the choice to “fall”
and be separated from the Father. Once mankind’s authority had been
taken by Satan, God stepped in and purposely subdued every animal
because He loved them and did not want Satan to gain control over any of
them. God intentionally caused every animal to be obedient to Him and
rendered them incapable of doing wrong by subduing their intellectual
faculties. Animals cannot choose to be “saved” but all animals will be
“saved” because God intentionally subjected them in this life to a lack of
ability to understand moral behavior and thinking. If you cannot make a
conscious choice between “right” and “wrong” then you cannot be held
accountable for “right” or “wrong” doing. If you do not possess the ability
to comprehend the law that exposes “sin” then you in no way can be held
accountable for any violations of that law. No animal (including your pets)
will ever go to hell because God snatched them out of any possibility of
being separated from His life within creation. Animals cannot in this world
make moral decisions but God has prepared a plan so that they can be
delivered as a collective group of beings.
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

The verses that we are discussing do not specifically state that

“animals go to heaven” but it does say that they will be delivered into
the glorious liberty of the children of God.
We tend to think of heaven as the final destination of all who believe;
but our Father God is immensely creative! In The Revelation Of Jesus
Christ we are told by John, and I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for
the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no
more sea. (Rev 21:1 KJV) Since these scriptures teach us that God will
make a new heaven and earth it is possible that when animals are
“delivered” they go to some other “world” or place that God has prepared
for them. It stands to reason that since animals are delivered into the
glorious liberty of the children of God that the children of God would also
have access to these creatures wherever they may reside.
If you are a pet owner you know that you do not spend every waking
moment with your pet so what difference would it make if your pet was
somewhere else in the universe? When you are in heaven you will no
longer be bound by time and space and you will be able to go from place to
place at will. This may mean that you just “will” to be in a certain place and
you are there, or it could be that there are vehicles like what was described
as chariots of fire in the Old Testament. And Elisha prayed, and said,
LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened
the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was
full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2Ki 6:17 KJV)
Apparently, the unseen spiritual realm is teaming with animals, vehicles of
transport, and other unknown activity. We seem to be living in a world
where the earth is like the microcosm of a “zoo” that is located within the
middle of an enormous city of endless activity and which is the habitation
of many diverse beings of intention and intelligence.
You may not like the idea that “Fluffy” may not be in heaven but ask
yourself this question. Would you deny “Fluffy” her own planet? Think
about it! We serve a God Who has no limits on His resources or creativity.
What if God decides that “Fluffy” gets to live on her own planet with all
your other pets and He makes you their “overseer”? What if God’s plan for
“Fluffy” is that she begins to paint after her intellect is restored. Imagine
little “Fluffy” painting crude pictures that somehow bring glory to God for
all eternity. We have elephants and chimpanzees that paint here on this
earth so why not have them in the next life in order to bring glory to God?
Do Pets Go To Heaven?
By Jami Sell ©2010 All Rights Reserved

I realize that my examples are “speculative” in nature but based on

scripture, I would by no means consider them to be “far―fetched”. In any
case I believe that you will pretty much have access to your pet whenever
you desire and if you want to bring your pet to heaven to live there I don’t
imagine that God would object to this.
I just want to point out that we tend to get “small minded” when we
think of God and His creation. We think of a happy home with our pets and
God thinks of a happy boundless universe that is filled with all of His
creation. We think of being in heaven with family and friends while God
thinks about creating a new heaven and a new earth.
Have you ever pondered the idea that if God intends to create a new
earth―that this implies that this new earth will be in a new universe as
well? Scientists tell us that it is more correct to speak of the “multi-verse”
as opposed to just one single universe! We tend to think in terms of what
we can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell around us. We find it easy to lose
sight of the teaming world that is just beyond our five physical senses and
of the concept of something being truly limitless.
So do pets and other animals go to heaven? I can say beyond
any reasonable doubt that your pet will be delivered as described in the
above verses. That could mean that a pet which has died has gone to
heaven to be with the Lord or it could mean that the animal is just “dead”
and will be resurrected when the sons of God are revealed. Either way, your
favorite pets will live again for all eternity in the presence of the loving God
Who created them!
That brings us to the question of whether you will be in heaven when
you die. All animals (and your pets) were saved by God’s act of kindness
when He removed their intellectual ability to make moral decisions. They
will have this capacity restored when God’s plan of salvation is completed
and the sons of God are revealed.
The question at this point is, “Will you be among the sons of God?
Have you taken advantage of the plan of salvation through the work of
Christ? God has made a plan for your pets to be delivered and it will take
place when His plan of salvation is completed for mankind. Plan to be
there on that day and be reunited with your pets and your heavenly Father!

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