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Kathryn Gerber

Biosci 417
WebEx #1

Name: Dr. George F. Bond

Major Contribution to Marine Science: Dr. George F. Bond began performing

research for the U.S Navy in 1957 with the goal of discovering a way people could dive
deeper in the ocean for a longer period of time. He discovered that after a certain
exposure to inert gas, human and animal tissues would fill up, becoming saturated, and
unable to absorb more. Furthermore, at this point, the partial pressures of the gases inside
the body are at equilibrium with the partial pressures outside of body. Finally, in the
early 1960s, Dr. Bond used his theories about saturation to develop the concept of the
saturation dive.

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Name: Dr. Sylvia Earle

Major Contribution to Marine Science: Dr. Sylvia Earle has dived more than 2.5
miles down into the ocean waters. Se has also spent weeks at a time at the bottom of the
sea. In 1979, she dove 1250 feet down into the sea off the coast of Hawaii wearing a
pressurized 1 atmosphere suit and explored the ocean floor for two and a half hours. This
is still the world’s deepest solo dive ever made by man. Dr. Earle has also written several
books about the oceans.

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(Site II)

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