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Stewarding guides

Cleaning Hot Buffets

1. -Push the Buffet to the front, and clean underneath. After line up the buffet.

2. –If the water inside is dirty, remove the water and clean the entire buffet with D 1

3. –Two buckets of Hot Water are needed inside of the buffet.

4. –Clean the glass with glass cleaner and paper towel.

5. –Side plates, big clamps, consommé cups and soup ladles need to be in place

6. –Mop the floor around the buffet.

7. -Rinse the rag, pad and bucket and place them where they belong!

Cleaning Could Buffets

1. -Push the Buffet to the front, and clean underneath. After line up the buffet.

2. –If the ice has left over food, remove the left over food and clean the entire buffet
with D 1 solution.

3. – Clean the glass with glass cleaner and paper towel

4. –In the front buffet place a table cloth.

5. -Mop the floor around the buffet.

6. – Rinse the rag, pad and bucket and place them where they belong!

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